CAFO Partnership Brochure

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Let every child experience God’s unfailing love

Christian Alliance for Orphans

It is beautiful to see what happens when God’s people join in a vision larger than any one organization could achieve alone. Today, more than 190 Christian organizations and 650+ churches work together through CAFO. Our shared initiatives both inspire and equip the church to be the first answer for orphans and foster youth, across America and around the world. Government systems can play a critical role to protect children from harm. But most of all, children need love, nurture and belonging. That’s why the church simply can’t outsource James 1:27. We must play the central role — one loving home and relationship at a time. We’d love for you to be a part of this vision, too — working together to see every child experience God’s unfailing love through His people.


“The field of orphan care, foster care and adoption enjoys a rare unity and strategic leadership – led by the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO). CAFO facilitates shared initiatives involving many of the best organizations in the field, all working together to inspire and equip Christians for effective response for vulnerable children. Unified efforts like that bring far greater impact than when organizations work in isolation or competition.” From article of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, titled “Christian Investment in Orphan Care and Adoption Continues to Climb Dramatically.”

We’d like to invite you to participate in some of the most strategic initiatives coordinated by CAFO in 2018, described ahead. CAFO’s total budget for 2018 is

$1,465,000 Each investment will be highly leveraged with significant support committed by foundations, sponsors, and other funders. The critical support that helps unlock it all comes from people like you!


National Foster Care Initiative The National Foster Care Initiative (NFCI) works to see the church help provide “more than enough” for every child and family in foster care — so every single one can experience God’s love through the hospitality and care of His people. NFCI helps create and grow networks of churches engaging foster care together – growing Christian care for children and families until there is “more than enough” in every U.S. state.

Help fuel this initiative $75,000 will help build and launch the new Foster Movement Teams App. We believe this new app will be a game-changer, enabling every church member to play a part. The app will coordinate the roles of small support teams wrapping around adoptive, foster and bio families as well as kids waiting for adoption — from meals and childcare to transportation, mentoring and prayer. It will also provide learning content customized for each team member to help them understand and engage their role in foster care better over time.

Our Goal: $75,000 Our Goal: $75,000 7

“As someone who is exploring foster care, this podcast has been an amazing find. It’s concise, thoughtful, heartfelt and very accessible. It’s very honest and empowering. I highly recommend it.” Foster Movement Podcast Listener

“I haven’t encountered better for foster parents and advocates than the NFCI’s videos, books and other resources” Foster Parent

Orphan Sunday This vision began in a small church in Zambia, and with CAFO’s stewardship, is now a major catalyst for changing children’s lives across the U.S. and in more than 85 countries worldwide. This year, more than 1100 registered Orphan Sunday events helped spark awareness and action for vulnerable children in local churches around the globe. We operate with a team of over 200 committed volunteers who make this possible.

Help fuel this initiative $30,000 will enable translation and development of the 2018 Orphan Sunday website and other resources in ten languages, including Russian, French, Spanish, Arabic and more. $43,000 will fund further expansion of Orphan Sunday in America, with special attention to foster care — including a part-time coordinator for our 75+ volunteers.

Our Goal: $73,000


“It was one of the Orphan Sundays that got us talking about expanding our family through adoption. We saw the hand of God in this. And we started falling in love with this little person we had not yet met. Now, our daughter is so much a part of us, we can’t imagine her coming to our family any other way.” Kuteesa Gweshe, Zimbabwe

CAFO Summit The annual Summit has become a global hub of connection, learning and action for what Christianity Today called “the burgeoning orphan care movement.” The CAFO2017 Summit in Nashville equipped 2,100+ leaders, advocates, pastors and parents, sending them back to every U.S. state and 30+ countries. Over 96% reported they were better equipped and connected to serve children well. Join us for CAFO2018 in Dallas — May 9-11, 2018!

Help fuel this initiative $25,000 will help fund development of more than 75 excellent workshops at CAFO2018, each taught by experts in the field — keeping registration costs low for adoptive and foster parents and others who’ll benefit immensely!

Our Goal: $25,000 The CAFO Summit receives key underwriting from business sponsors. If you know a business that would be interested in supporting CAFO through Summit sponsorship, write to Elizabeth Wiebe at


“There is tremendous value to a Summit like this, as people gather together to say, ‘How can we best show God’s love to orphans here and around the world through our lives, our families and our churches.’” David Platt

National Church Ministry Initiative The National Church Ministry Initiative (NCMI) helps local churches start and grow effective and sustainable foster care, adoption and orphan care ministries. In 2017, more than 675 churches have been equipped to launch and lead ministries through webinars, resources, workshops and personal coaching sessions.

Help fuel this initiative $50,000 will enable publication of a full-length “field-guide” for leaders with practical strategies, ideas and models to help churches form and execute actionable ministry plans. There is no other book out there like this, and it is needed! These funds will also contribute to hands-on consulting with at least 100 churches using the guide, helping them launch new ministries or expand existing ones.

Our Goal: $50,000


“There is unspeakable benefit for a church like ours to be connected to CAFO. We’ve already felt ourselves take steps that I think save us years of mistakes and years of exploration…[F]or a church that longs to be marked by orphan care and adoption ministry, it’s been amazing.” Kondo Simfukwe Pastor, Indiana

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Advocacy & Education CAFO unites its members in a powerful combined voice. From social media to radio and print, CAFO champions children the world often forgets. This year, when Congress moved to end the adoption tax credit, CAFO worked with a broad coalition to help save it. CAFO’s new podcast series, Justice and the Inner Life, also helps Christians root their ministry deep in the Gospel – featuring leaders from Francis Chan to Ruth Haley Barton to Gary Haugen.

Help fuel this initiative $42,000 will help fund CAFO’s advocacy work in 2018, including the release of a new “Branding Guide” to grow the quality and impact of the communications and advocacy of CAFO’s 190 member organizations.

Our Goal: $42,000


Applied Research & Best Practice Initiative The Applied Research and Best Practice Initiative helps improve the quality of care for orphans around the globe. The initiative helps child-serving organizations to integrate current research and best practice models into their programs that aid children and families in more than 100 countries.

Help fuel this initiative $27,000 will help expand this work significantly in 2018. This will include issuing new quality standards for CAFO member organizations— and helping each organization grow to meet those standards. It will also include $50,000 in small “challenge grants” (funded by a foundation) competitively awarded through CAFO to help ministries build innovative programs that prioritize family-based care.

Our Goal: $27,000


“Because of our engagement with CAFO, which kind of knocked us back a couple steps at first…it gave us confidence to move further into orphan care excellence and we kept moving further. We’re now doing more home based care… and transitional care. Because of CAFO and the challenges we’ve received here, and the help and the resources, we’ve become a better organization. We look different, but we’re still at heart the same people with a passion to care for orphans. We’re just dedicated to doing it better. Mark Stuart, E.D., Hands & Feet Project

Global Network The Global Network connects and equips local churches, NGO’s and advocates in developing nations toward wise and effective care for vulnerable children in their communities. By offering essential tools and resources, the Global Network equips local churches to provide wrap-around support to adoptive/foster families and to effectively and wisely care for vulnerable children.

Help fuel this initiative Collaborate, a forum for global leaders, is a 2-day experience immediately before Summit for international Christian leaders to learn best practices, share expertise, build connections, and gather resources key to vibrant, locally-led orphan care networks. While each leader must cover their own travel costs, most would not be able to attend without a scholarship and the host homes provided by American families. $50,000 will provide scholarships for 125 global leaders to attend a total of four inspiring, connecting and equipping days at both Collaborate and the CAFO2018 Summit next May in Dallas.

Our Goal: $50,000


“The vision and support of CAFO has helped fuel movement across the continent, powerfully. African churches and families are saying, ‘We will welcome these children God loves so much — even those that aren’t our relatives!’” George Ndhawa, Kenya

Student Initiative The new Student Initiative helps to prepare young leaders for a lifetime of effective, God-honoring service to orphans. This initiative is currently piloting the new “OVC Essentials” course. Students and recent graduates can participate in this 10-week online course as they intern with frontline organizations or study in school. This multi-media learning experience guides students through vital foundational topics that prepare them for lifelong service in the field. It features articles, videos, books and podcasts — alongside interaction with both fellow learners and veterans in the field.

Help fuel this initiative $34,000 will help fund Phase II of the Student Initiative, which will include expanding “OVC Essentials” as an offering for interns in all 190 CAFO member organizations, as well as offering the course even more broadly. Phase II will also lay the groundwork for engaging more than 44,000 students directly at CIY camps in the summer of 2019 — using film, messages and print materials to help young Christians grasp God’s deep love for vulnerable children...and how they can be part of the response even as young people.

Our Goal: $34,000


“This course continues to make my head and heart hurt in the best way possible, and what I appreciate most is how all of this material brings me to my knees in desperate need of God’s truth and guidance to reign supreme for all of us involved in this painful blessing of OVC care.” Current OVC Essentials Participant


The need of our world can be overwhelming. But a single number matters more than any other.

It only takes one loving person to change the life of a child forever! God’s people are rising for orphaned children and foster youth around the world. Will you join us?

Every gift doubled up to $150,000 through December 31! Online By Mail Christian Alliance for Orphans 6723 Whittier Avenue, Ste 202 Mclean, VA 22101


All CAFO administration costs are covered by sponsors, so 100% of your donations go to fuel CAFO initiatives that grow and guide effective care for children.


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