Christmas Blessings & Prayers from the Pure Religion Project
A Christmas Blessing for Foster
& Adoptive Families
As you read the Christmas story, may you be encouraged by the ready obedience of the mother of Jesus. May God grant you the same courage to follow Him faithfully, even as He calls you into the unknown.
As you leave the comfortable and the conventional behind, may you be reminded that God did the same when He took on flesh. May you remember that in every place where your family sets aside comfort and ease for the sake of love, He’s already gone before you.
When your home’s dynamic changes as new members enter your family, may you feel the same love and joy that the Father felt when welcoming you into His.
As you remember and miss children who were in your home in years past, may you be filled with comfort and peace, knowing that their lives are held by the Lord still.
When your family is faced with challenges and daunting odds, may you remember that you serve a God who defies expectations, a God of miracles. May you not see setbacks, but only opportunities for His power to be displayed.
May you remember that for all the love you have for your family, God loves them infinitely more. May you be given faith to wait on the fulfillment of His promises.
A Christmas Blessing
for Biological Parents
This Christmas season, may you be reminded that we serve a God who takes the first step, drawing near to us in our pain and heartache.
May you experience His closeness this Christmas and in the year ahead.
When life looks differently than expected, may you have faith in the One who is the master of working in unexpected ways.
May the Lord remind you that the same creativity and power at work in the Christmas story is at work in your story too.
Like the shepherds, may you find joy in the invitation to come and see the Lord, and know that those who seek Him will find Him.
May you remember that before your child was born, God knew them, loved them and had plans for them. And that the same is true for you; may you be reminded that He knows you, loves you and has good plans for you as you walk in step with Him.
A Christmas Blessing
for Foster + Adopted Children
Whether this is your first Christmas away from your birth family or your twenty-first, may you find that you’re not alone in holding the many tensions that often come this time of year.
May you sense the presence of Immanuel –God with Us – in your joy and gratitude, in your grief and disappointment.
May you find comfort in the knowledge that when God Himself took on flesh He wrapped Himself up in the folds of both beauty and brokenness. May you remember that He knows your story fully, and that He carries it with you.
In seasons of uncertainty and instability, may He grant you the peace that surpasses understanding.
May you not fear the unknown, but look forward to it with hopeful expectation, knowing that the Lord who works miracles is the One writing your story.
May you feel the depths of the love of your Heavenly Father. May you remember that you are precious in His sight and that He delights in you.
A Christmas Blessing
for Those Serving Vulnerable Children & Families
through Work, Ministry or Wraparound
As the end of the year approaches, may you resist the temptation to let busyness and the challenges of daily ministry become a distraction from noticing the Lord’s faithfulness.
May you be given fresh eyes to see God’s restorative work.
When results take longer than you’d like and you wonder how much of your work matters, may you have enduring hope and holy patience that trusts in God’s timing.
May you treasure in your heart all that the Lord has done, and may your joy overflow to others, drawing them further into the work of the Lord.
May you, like the mother of our Lord, experience awed humility and gratitude as you feel deeply the undeserved privilege of being used by God.