July 2017
Planning for College
Trusting God
Bloom Today
New TV Show Shines Light into the Darkness
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Nashville Christian Family
OUR MISSION Publisher: Robert Stringfellow • 615-815-8765 publisher@christianfamilynashville.com Editor: Raymonda Jaggers Contributing Writers: Anthony “Tony” Boquet Lindsey Castleman Amber Smith Dash Lou Feagles Alyssa Fernandez Cole Gray Dr. Ben Graham Heather Hale Courtney Keen Benjamin Lawson Scott Lehman Jason Lindsey Frank Odrobina Kenneth Oosting, PhD
Amanda Page Ginny Priz Regina Prude Dawn Rae Dave Ramsey Anna Rometi Mark Simpson Pamela Stephens Aron Strong Laurie Stroud Jean Thomason Paula Wallace Riley Wampler
Production and Art Direction: Wendy Satterwhite Website Development, Digital Marketing & SEO Services: Anthology Creative Social Media: Kylie Odrobina Printer: Franklin Web Printing Sales & Marketing: Robert Stringfellow Cover Photo: New Day Photography Nashville Christian Family is published monthly by Clarion Concepts, P.O. Box 463, Spring Hill, TN 37174. The phone number is 615-815-8765. E-mail ncfpublication@gmail.com. Reproduction of any part of Nashville Christian Family without permission of the Publisher is prohibited. Distribution of this paper does not constitute and endorsement of information, products or services. Views expressed in Nashville Christian Family do not necessarily represent those of the Publisher. Every effort has been made by Nashville Christian Family staff to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2017 by The Christian Family Publication, Inc. Unless otherwise noted, scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Use by permission of International Bible Society. Circulation and Distribution: Nashville Christian Family is free and available at targeted, high traffic locations throughout the Nashville Metro Area and surrounding counties, Williamson, Wilson, Sumner, Rutherford and Maury. 10,000 copies are printed each month. Copies are available by subscription, $25 for one year (12 issues). To subscribe, e-mail ncfpublication@gmail.com
– Nashville Christian Family is a part of The Christian Family Publication, Inc. celebrating 17 years of Good News! Visit www.ChristianFamilyNashville.com
Nashville Christian Family ® exists to provide Christians and the community at large with ways to strengthen and grow as a part of the Middle Tennessee Christian Family. This local monthly publication is designed to promote positive living by sharing with readers of all ages relevant and timely news and information related to health, faith, parenting, youth, finances, Christian entertainment, missions, church leaders, and much more.
FROM THE PUBLISHER As we celebrate the birth of our country on Independence Day, please take a few minutes to reflect on how God has so richly blessed the United States of America since our founding fathers declared our freedom from England. So many sacrifices by countless individuals were made and are still being made to ensure that our nation remains free to worship God, a democracy, and the greatest nation on earth. At the same time that we thank God for the many freedoms that we are able to enjoy, we should also thank God for the more important eternal freedom from our sins and eternal life with Him that is available to anyone by His ultimate sacrifice of the death of His son Jesus and His resurrection. Something to add to your July 4th celebrations and activities: at some point when everyone is together, take a few minutes and discuss the freedoms and liberties that we are so blessed to enjoy as Americans. Make sure to get children involved with this. With things that have occurred are happening now in our country, we absolutely cannot take for granted that we and our children will always be able to enjoy Liberty and religious freedom as we have known it. May God in His mercy continue to bless America.
Publisher, 615-815-8765 publisher@christianfamilynashville.com
July 2017
July 2017
CONTENTS Volume 8, Number 9
3 From the Publisher 6 The Great Commission People Of All Nations Want and Need Bibles 6 Hassle Free Zone Does Your Church Have Conflict Driven Members?
The new CTN/WHTN TV show, Bloom Today, hosted by Paula Mosher Wallace (left) and Ginny Priz covers
topics that are traditionally swept under the carpet rather than discussed on Christian TV. Bloom Today is unique in its blend of humor, pain, and healing. See page 16. 10
Hope For Parents of College Bound Students
Can You Trust God With Your Life?
Parent With A Purpose – Teaching Children the Importance Of Finances
Need Help Planning For Your Children’s College Costs?
Independence Day – Senior Scene
Remembering a Loved One Should Be a Celebration of Life
We Might Be a Bully and Not Realize It
7 Best Books Several People’s Real and Raw Stories Of Hurt and Healing 8 Parent With A Purpose It Is Vital For Children To Be Taught About “Money” 9 Under the Hood Having a Safe and Enjoyable Vacation Road Trip Begins With Your Vehicle
10 Youth News Hope for Parents of College Bound Students 11 Tech Talk Another Angle On the Hippocratic Oath 11 In His Grip Have a Daily Tee Time With God 12 Family Matters Local Foster Care Services Agency Celebrates 20 Years 12 Faith At Work Moody Radio Encourages Your Journey With Christ 13 Healthy Living The YMCA Offers 5 “Shape Up” Fitness Classes 14 Senior Scene Are Your Elderly Family Members “Independent?” 14 Music Notes Terrible Family Tragedy Inspires a Wonderful Hymn 19 Faith Under Fire Trust God, Even If He Doesn’t Give Us the Answer That We Want
NEXT ISSUE Celebrating our 7th Anniversary!
19 Teachable Moments Don’t Get Caught In This Marriage Ruining Trap
24 Mission Makers • Help Prevent Human Trafficking By Gardening • Hometown Hero – Local Resident Gives Back To The Community 26 Kid’s Korner • Have Summer Celebrations With Your Children • Kids Get Connected With the Bible Using Simple Science Experiments 27 Body & Soul Don’t Wait Until a New Year – Do a Mid-Year Review Of Yourself 27 God’s Plan For Salvation and Eternal Life
Back to School Tips And MUCH MORE! 4
Nashville Christian Family
28 Money Matters From the Desk Of Dave Ramsey 30 Calendar
30 About Our Advertisers
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T h e G r eaT C om m i s s ioN
Psalm 119:89 “Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. “
had seen a Bible for the first time when she was seven years old. She said that she had prayed every day that she would be able to have her own copy one day, but at 92 years old she was beginning to give up hope that day would ever come. I will never forget as she grabbed that Bible hugged it and kissed it and then in broken English she said “God bless America”!
What’s the big deal about that Bible sitting on your shelf collecting dust? So often the most important book you and I poses is the one we neglect the most. Inside the covers we find Words to give us direction, to build our faith, to comfort us and to give us hope. We find the truth about salvation as Jesus declares in scripture “I am the way, the truth and the life.” The Bible shows us how to be good parents, obedient children, loving neighbors and faithful Christians. So why do we so often forget to open up the pages of God’s word and read it? In 1992 I made my first mission trip with my dad to Russia. It was such an amazing trip as we traveled around the country ministering in public schools, city buildings and in former underground
That day forever changed my life, as I realized how blessed I had been to have my own copy of the Bible.
churches. We would stand on the street corner and pass out Bibles. People would stop their car and run up to us just to get a copy of the Bible. Most of them had not only never owned a Bible, but they had never even held a Bible. One lady we gave a Bible to who was 92 years old, began telling us through an interpreter that she
Let’s stop leaving the Bible on the shelf collecting dust and lets open it up, read it remember it’s still relevant for us today. — Dr. Ben Graham, Senior Pastor, Music City Baptist Church, Mt. Juliet, Tenn.
h as s le F r e e Z oN e
As a missionary, my main purpose is training pastors and church leaders in many nations around the world. They ask me a lot of questions about the following challenge – dealing with the difficult. One question sent along by a fellow frustrated pastor: is there some Greek word that would give me permission to slap a couple of people around? I want to assure this inquiring pastor, and all others, that no such word exists in the original New Testament, because I have searched for such a word myself. Were I to find it, I am sure that such a discovery would become very popular. Every local church is a marvel and a display of God’s grace, to be sure. Without the Holy Spirit present, a fight would break out rather quickly due to the great diversity of people and opinions that God seems disposed to put in each flock. The potential sadly exists for fatal, divisive disruptions, since each church is a unique combination of mature, sweet, older saints and newer members and attenders that still have many rough edges to work on. We are all from different economic, social and ethnic backgrounds, and it would seem that a percentage was literally raised by wolves. Sin bondages and addictions and personality quirks have to be overcome. Easygoing givers and perfectionist nit-pickers sit side by side in Sunday School. It is
Nashville Christian Family
a lot of work, as any true discipler of souls will tell you. Recently to my surprise I discovered an underground Christian magazine (these are some of the best!) called MOLE. It includes several fascinating ads about parachurch organizations that will help local churches in many troublesome situations—to do unpleasant “people work” and get the church through truly thorny times. One group stood out among the ads: it goes by the name WHACK, which stands for Warriors Helping Abolish Church Kooks. Incredible! For a fee, they will handle your enigma by actually dealing directly with the people involved! The cost seems high, but it appears to be worth it because they guarantee they will save the church from any ugly split or decrease in offerings or excessive use of antacids by the board members. One promise that intrigued me was that no one will even be aware of how the problem(s) was solved, or whatever happened to the problem people, and that the local church leaders cannot be implicated, and no further disruptions will occur. Wow.
Everything is communicated through an anonymous Post Office box number in Carthage, Tennessee, and no personal contact needs to be made. For first time users, so that they can prove their mettle, a two-for-one special is offered. They can be found on the internet, in case YOU might be interested, at www.WeWhackUm.com. I might add in closing that all the above is just a joke. But we can dream, can’t we? — Mark Simpson began his ministry as a missionary to Mexico, Guatemala, and Peru's Amazon jungles, followed by 15 years of pastoring churches, returned to world missions almost 20 years ago. www.RiverOfLifeMinistries.com
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Have you ever experienced a hurt that didn't qualify for a sympathy card? Did embarrassment or shame keep you from getting help or support? Do you have a loved one who's been abused? Many women face trauma and abuse. In the pages of Bloom in the Dark: True Stories of Hope and Healing, you will read 30 stories, poems, and letters that tell these testimonies. Without sugarcoating her situation, each woman shares her pain, how she made it through, and how God met her. The warning on the back cover reads: best when read with tissues and a box of chocolates. This book began at the prompting of the Lord with the heart to meet a need for healing. Paula Mosher Wallace collected stories from people from different states, ages, ethnic backgrounds, socio economic levels, and education levels. Often, God miraculously orchestrated connections and opportunities with ex-victims who were ready to share their stories. Those stories are shared in writing, through interviews, or verbal processing with Wallace. She then wrote or edited the story to reflect the voice and heart of each individual. Identifying factors were changed to protect everyPaula Mosher Wallace one involved and to highlight the universality of the message. To ensure anonymity, while still honoring the authors, flowers and herb names per The Old Farmers Almanac were assigned to each story. Each story then went through a rigorous editing, vetting, and review process with a panel that included counselors, pastors, lawyers and lay people from diverse backgrounds. This panel reviewed the book to ensure the content was safe, theologically sound, and impactful. Stories that you’ll read include: • The rollercoaster of shame over a food addiction. • A woman who struggles with losing her husband to her best friend. • The child raped at gunpoint by her principal. • A girl who leaves her life as a lesbian behind. Our journeys to healing are different. Your story may not be reflected in the pages of this book, but you will see that you are not alone. We can all reach out to the same God who helped each of these women. Christ will meet you, carry you, hold you, and heal you, too! A free digital download of the book is available at www.bloominthedark.org/free-book. You may purchase a paperback copy through the website www.bloominthedark.org, or on Amazon as well. Wallace’s mission is to donate as many books as possible to women in need – jails, shelters, recovery programs, halfway houses, etc. – as well as and high-achieving women who are struggling underneath the mask of performance. Last year, through donations and purchases, Wallace was able to donate six thousand copies across the country. One reader said, “These stories are absolutely real, raw, and heartbreaking…this book gave me hope in God’s perfect love and healing for anyone in any situation. I now have renewed faith that I too, can find true healing in Jesus.”
— Ginny Priz, author of Ditch The Drama. Connect with her at www.ginnypriz.com
July 2017
P ar e NT W iTh a P u r Pos e
What Kids Should Know about Money at Every Age
Although there are more than 2,000 Bible verses about money, Ecclesiastes 3:1 stands out for its simplicity in determining when to teach kids about financial stewardship: “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Home is the best place for kids to learn about money. After all, parents are responsible for teaching children about the Kingdom of God and how to steward resources given to us. Plus, most youth don’t learn the basics of financial responsibility at school. “Just five states scored an A on a recent report measuring efforts to improve financial literacy in high schools and 12 states scored an F, meaning there are minimal or no requirements for personal finance education,” as MarketWatch reported in December 2015. But what should you teach them about personal finance – and when? At every stage of a child’s life, there are teachable moments just ripe to translate into lessons about money – something most parents believe is their responsibility. DoughMain’s 2012 survey of U.S. parents revealed that 81 percent of parents feel it is their responsibility to teach their kids about money and savings. Except that doesn’t happen always – or even frequently. According to the 2012 Global Financial Literacy Barometer, American families talked to their kids about finances less than half of the year: only 25.8 weeks annually. This year, you can help your children become Christ-like stewards of money by broaching age-appropriate conversations. By the time they’re adults, you’ll have raised financially literate consumers ready to spend their money – and time – on what matters most. Plenty of online resources help break out lessons by age, including Mycreditunion.gov Pocket Cents games, activities and resources for kids, parents and adults. Plus, Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze teach parents how to raise money-smart kids in a debt-filled world in their book, “Smart Money Smart Kids.” We’ve pulled a compilation of these ideas to help you get started and create a process that works best for your family:
Preschoolers And Kindergartners
Even kids at this young age know about money and have questions. They’ve observed you paying for items – and probably try to convince to buy things for them every time you’re at a store together. You can tap into their natural curiosity and desire for stuff, according Money As You Grow, part of the President's Advisory Council on Financial Capability. They can learn basic concepts, such as: • They need money to buy things. This idea is demonstrated easily while
Nashville Christian Family
grocery shopping, for example. • People earn money by working. You may want to offer them an allowance for performing tasks around the house. • Wants and needs are different. You can help them understand the difference and identify it on their own. • Wants can wait. They should delay buying “wants” until they’ve saved enough money. Plus, every conversation about money can incorporate lessons about generosity.
Grade School-Age Youth
According to CFPB, kids in elementary school are ready to learn about the financial world. They can grasp the basics of saving, spending, investing and borrowing. This is a good time to help them set up and manage a basic savings account and practice the lost art of piggy bank savings.
Middle School or Junior High School Students
It’s time for advanced concepts about budgeting, such as maintaining separate accounts for spending, saving and giving. StewardshipCentral.org says kids can start out spending 50 percent of what they earn through allowances or receive as gifts, saving 40 percent and tithing 10 percent. At this age, they can use their savings accounts to set and achieve goals, such as buying a bike or going to an amusement park. Older students can be introduced to advanced concepts, such as budgeting, compound interest and insurance.
High School Students
Let’s get them prepared to transition to adulthood successfully. They’re ready to dive deeper into advanced concepts and gain real-world experience. Money Talk News advices having discussions about the stock market and, if possible, even gifting them with some stocks so they can follow the ups and downs. The financial site also recommends encouraging them to get a part-time or seasonal job: “Getting a job not only fosters a strong work ethic, it gives teens a serious source of cash to manage. It also introduces them to the world of payroll and income taxes.” To do this, they’ll need a checking account and develop the proficiency to manage it. This step can teach them a tandem lesson about the responsible use of debit cards, how to protect themselves against fraud and avoid service fees. Also before leaving the nest, you’ll want to explore how loans work. A college-bound child applying for student loans will need this lesson especially. When your kids are ready for a bank account of their own, ECCU offers checking accounts and a variety of savings options, including a basic savings account for those just getting started and a money market account for older kids. — ECCU is a credit union for you, your family, your business, your ministry and your church. We are a cooperative of Evangelical Christian individuals and organizations sharing our resources to grow and support ministry.
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mostat is relatively affordable and it could save you a lot of heartache on your summer vacation.
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July 2017
Y ouTh N eWs
Parents should start planning NOW if they have college-bound children and plan to play any role in funding their education. College planning is NOT just saving for college. It is implementing a variety of college cost REDUCING strategies that may end up saving you on your college costs. Other than possibly your home, education costs could be the greatest expenses you’ll incur. The average cost of a four-year college education is $80,000-250,000 – for one child. Think about it: for any large expenditure, you’ll probably look for ways to reduce your cost through a variety of cost-reducing strategies. The same approach SHOULD be applied to college costs – or you may end up paying more than you need to. Deferring college planning will just increase your college costs latter, and potential diminish funds set aside for other future needs. College planning is NOT just for middle-income earners. The higher your income, the more important effective college planning might be, since college is often paid for with after-tax dollars. Some professionals subscribe to an approach that addresses college planning as essentially a savings
Nashville Christian Family
issue. I do much more. Beyond savings strategies, I focus on identifying strategies that leverage your unique situation to help you save ON college costs. I take into consideration topics like, specialized college-planning strategies for business owners, planning for financial aid, school-specific scholarships, coordinating college planning with grandparents, cashflow strategies and options for covering shortfalls, just to name a few. Today, parents of college-bound children should be able to expect more than just simplistic, onesize-fits-all saving strategies. With our help, vitally important questions will be answered such as: do you qualify for financial aid, how do schools determine financial aid eligibility, what do you need to do to qualify for merit-based scholarships, what is the most efficient way to save for college, which education tax credits should you use, AND MANY MORE. With me, you can expect more and I’ll deliver more! It’s all about being empowered so that you can
make smart, informed decisions at every step of the way to achieve the best outcome. Peak College Planning can empower you with actionable information – based you your particular circumstances – that will help you achieve a best outcome. To learn what college planning strategies look like for your family, access your FREE college funding report at: www.PeakCollegePlanningReport.com — Heather Hale, CFP® is principal at Peak Financial Planning, LLC, a TN Registered Investment Advisor. She specializes in college planning and college funding strategies. For more information visit www.PeakPlanningTN.com
T eCh T alk What a novel idea and a worthy ideal to live by. Upon hearing these words, one probably immediately thinks of our health care professionals but shouldn’t these words apply to each and every one of us, regardless of our profession? Though written over two thousand years ago, The Hippocratic Oath was born as a vow from a dedicated professional to those whom he served. It is a timeless creation because it speaks to the heart of all ethical truths. It is a fact that when you have the knowledge, skills and abilities to be of help to someone, by proxy you also possess the means to commit unspeakable harm. The world has changed tremendously since 400 BC and will continue to change yet we must acknowledge that the truth then remains the truth today. All truths are eternal and indisputable; a fact that we, as a race, have tremendous trouble accepting. Let’s ponder some relevant situations and some questions that they give rise to. In the case of health care; the practitioners of today are using computers and robots in addition to their own personal God-given skills. The same can be said of almost every professional. To whom should society hold responsible for the ethical oath “to do no harm”? Would it be the health care practitioner, the computer, the technology company that makes the computer or robot or possibly the software manufacture of the programs being used? To complicate things further; we are approaching an era where computers are able to “think and act” independent of the operators. Will man’s truth apply to them? How shall we, the consumer or patient, be able to discern to whom responsibility rests? Can an “artificial intelligence” be held to the same human ethical truths? As you can see, our lives are getting much more complicated than our ancestors could have ever imagined. Even so, we must never lose sight of the fact that one thing remains constant and simple…The Truth! There will always be just one true solution to every problem and many non-truths or acceptable concessions. We must teach the truth every chance that we get, live our lives in adherence of the truth and speak out when the acceptable concessions begin to replace the “truth” in society’s perception. For when perceptions are viewed as reality the truth no longer matters. — Anthony “Tony” Boquet, the author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary”, your source for additional information about the Power of the Wisdom of Three.
iN his GriP
Do You Have A Tee Time With God? Pick your favorite professional golfer or other star personality. Phil Mickelson is one of mine. What if you’re favorite star sent you signed books and autographed photos, and wrote you regular letters and emails? That’d be pretty cool, wouldn’t it? But what if that person invited you to spend a week just hanging out and going to all his or her favorite places? That would blow your mind! The reality is that will never happen. That level of access just isn’t available to most of us. But unbelievably, and by God’s grace, Jesus grants to us that level of access. In every instance He welcomes us into His presence so that together we can stroll life’s fairways. Think about that. The Creator of the universe grants you unlimited personal access. However, you have to accept the invitation. He doesn’t force you it on you. He wants you to come because you want to be with Him. That is really what a daily quiet time or devotional time is with the Lord; access. People call it several things, but the bottom line is that it is time you set aside to connect with God on an intimate level. Reading your Bible is obviously important, but a devotional time is where your Bible intake begins to work itself out in the actions of your life. It is a significant cornerstone to the foundation of being one of Jesus’ disciples. I love this verse. “In the morning, O Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation” (Psalm 5:3). Here’s my approach to golf. I love early morning rounds and being that first group off the tee. I’m focused, everything is pristine and fresh and often that early morning dew still blankets the course. It is just beautiful. But what if I didn’t show or was late? I’d miss the enjoyment and the fellowship the game brings to my life. It is the same with God. I set a daily “tee time” with God and I strive to always show and to never be late. I wouldn’t intentionally do that to my playing partners and I certainly don’t want to do it to God. With the expectation of that daily tee time already set, I can look forward to hitting the fairways of life with Him first thing, when the day is beautiful and fresh and when His spiritual “dew” can settle on my soul and refresh my spirit. So go ahead, book that daily “tee time” with God…then lock it in permanently. — Scott Lehman is President of In His Grip Golf Ministry and author of the popular book, “More than a Game.” Scott and his family live in Thompson Station, Tenn.
July 2017
F am i lY m aT Te r s
Celebrating 20 Years of Nurturing Children and Families in Tennessee Therapeutic Interventions, Inc. (TII) is managers, therapists and foster parents serve in celebrating 20 successful years of foster cooperation with the Department of Children’s care services since first opening our doors Services through attending required meetings, adin June of 1997! Based in Nashville, with vocating for the child’s best interest, and providing offices also in Jackson and Cookeville, for the child’s physical, emotional and educational TN, TII has served over 2000 children needs. TII understands the importance of nurturing children and families and found adoptive homes for over 100 during their foster care experience. This leads to greater, positive outcomes children over the past 20 years. Michael for children, families and society as a whole. Hullett, Founder & Co-CEO and Dr. Richard Call, Co-CEO celebrated these Samantha is one of our youth that has benefitted accomplishments on June 23rd, 2017 at from these services and now wants to experience the Adventure Science Center in Nashwhat a forever family feels like. She is a sweet and ville, TN with children, foster families and joyful 16-year-old who often tends to go with the staff. Hullett highlighted TII’s longstandflow of life and remains optimistic despite expeing and new foster parents and the amazriencing a lot of changes in her life. She enjoys ing staff that help support them. They also Joseph Johnson, HR Generalist Thera- reading, singing and dancing, as well as being shared heartwarming memories from the peutic Interventions, Inc and family at outdoors and animals, especially horses! Samantha Samantha, age 16 the 20 Year Celebration. past 20 years and had everyone looking does prefer to be the oldest child in the home and forward to more great work in the coming can be a great mentor for younger youth. She will do great with a family years. Afterwards, everyone was free to enjoy the science museum and enjoy that can help her reach her goals. Can you open your heart and home to this the day as one big family. wonderful girl? If you or someone you know are interested in learning more about Samantha TII lives up to our mission of ‘Nurturing Children and Families’ by proor how to become a foster parent, you can contact our agency at 615-457viding not only intensive in-home case management but also therapeutic 2334, or feel free to take a look at our website www.tiicares.com. support to help children and families adjust to the foster care process. TII takes in youth with specified needs and provides training and continuing — Alyssa Fernandez, Intensive In-Home Case Manager, education to build confident and competent foster/adoptive parents. TII case Therapeutic Interventions, Inc.
F aiTh @ W or k If I said Nashville, what would you say? This year, you might say, “Go Preds!” Some might say, “country music.” In the world of real estate and business, the word might be “booming.” When it comes to traffic, crazy. All of these words come to my mind when someone says Nashville, but my mind also thinks of all of the wonderful communities around our city that together make up Middle Tennessee. I also think of the faces that make this great area the very personal place that it is. Those faces, our faces, represent lives that daily encounter their own personal headlines, from celebrations to disasters, and every day in between. Real life. Moody Radio in Nashville helps you take the next step in your journey with Jesus Christ by creating and delivering practical and life-changing content. We proclaim the Word to all cultures and generations by addressing today's issues from a biblical worldview. Dawn in Nashville, which I have the privilege to host, is on 91.7 FM, 98.7 FM and AM 1200 as well as online MoodyRadio.org/Nashville from 6 to 9
Nashville Christian Family
a.m. My goal is to help encourage you as we pray, seek, laugh, love and remain faithful until the joy of our Savior returns. We also provide Nashville traffic and weather — to keep your morning on the move! Equipped with Chris Brooks, airing weekdays at noon, helps you to grow spiritually, think critically, and live compassionately in our communities. Chris Fabry Live, airing from 2 to 4 p.m., builds up the spiritual immune system of Christian men and women, challenging and encouraging you in your journey of faith. From 4 to 6 p.m., In the Market with Janet Parshall will challenge you to examine major issues being debated in the marketplace of ideas. At Moody Radio Nashville, our heart is to engage with yours and to point us both toward Christ. Together, we continue to press on toward the prize, and some days we’re there because we just need someone in our corner reminding us that we can do it! — Dawn Rae
h ealThY l iVi NG
5 Fitness Classes You Need to Try at the YMCA Before you decide you’ve tried every group exercise class the Y has offer, check out the five fun options below. From drumming with weighted sticks to downward dog on a floating mat, these challenging workouts will help you grow stronger and enjoy the journey to better health. 1. POUND Channel your inner rock star with this full-body jam session. Using lightly weighted drumsticks, POUND transforms drumming into an effective way of exercising. This exhilarating workout combines cardio, conditioning, and strength with yoga and pilates-inspired movements. POUND provides an atmosphere for letting loose, toning up and rockin’ out! The workout is modifiable, and the alternative vibe and welcoming philosophy appeals to men and women of all ages. 2. Glide FIT Take your training to the next level with our new Glide FIT classes in the pool. You’ll balance on a floating fitness mat for yoga poses, core exercises and cardio training. It’s a low-impact method with great results! Glide FIT helps you improve balance and coordination, strengthen muscles, and burn calories. Our classes are geared toward a variety of fitness levels. Don’t miss out on the fun! 3. Hooping Hula hooping’s not just for kids anymore! Our hooping classes use weighted hoops that anyone can pick up and learn to use. Hooping is a fullbody workout that’ll get your heart pumping. You’ll build core strength, burn calories, increase balance and flexibility—while having some fun to You’re never too old to get a fullboot. body workout with hula-hooping.
4. Boot Camp From beginner-level in an exercise studio, to a circuit in the gym, to a pop-up class at Capitol Hill, our innovative range of boot camps offer creative drills that will push you to higher levels of fitness. Sweat through a series of bodyweight exercises and cardio bursts designed to challenge both your heart and all major muscle groups. Come set new goals at one of our boot camps, and see what you’re made of. 5. Hydrorider Spin your wheels in the water in this unique aqua cycling class. Perfect for all fitness levels, Hydrorider combines the best of cycling with the many benefits Boot camp on the roof of the Downtown YMCA of exercising in the water. Hydrorider has become popular with many exercisers due to benefits like high caloric burn, lean muscle-building and increased circulation—combined with low impact on joints. Visit ymcamidtn.org to find a class near you! — Courtney Keen, content producer, YMCA of Middle Tennessee
July 2017
s e N ior s Ce N e
Independence Day July 4th, Independence Day, commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress and “Marks the Birth of the United States of America.” The second paragraph of the document begins“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Liberty and freedom are concepts that are at the forefront of many people”s minds today. One cannot read more than a news article or two without encountering these concepts in some form. What constitutes individual freedom and at what point does a person’s freedom impinge on others’ rights? As Christians, we know that God holds us accountable for how we conduct our lives. But we are blessed with a sense of freedom unlike anything the world offers. II Corinthians 3:17- Now the Lord is the spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom However, with the pressures and stress of everyday living, it is easy to get bogged down with negative thoughts and feel like our glass is half empty. On many fronts, it feels like our liberties lessen. This is especially true in the geriatric population. As mental and physical faculties diminish, choices need to be made to ensure the safety of the elderly. The ability to live alone without assistance, drive a car, and even perform the simple acts of personal hygiene
may no longer be possible. Losing the freedom to easily navigate thru life can cause fear and depression in the aging person. But as we draw comparisons to that freedom our forefathers fought for, we have a gift that far surpasses that. Whatever stage of life, financial status, illness or health, we can choose to focus on the wonderful assurances our Lord has given us. Psalms 119:45- I will walk in freedom for I have sought out your precepts. — Lou Feagles, President/CEO of Simple Solutions for Home Care, LLC, 2201 Murphy Ave. Suite 303, Nashville, TN 37203, Phone 615-647-0700, Fax 615647-0701 www.ss4hc.com
m u s iC N oTe s When writing a column about music, there are many aspects that can be covered. There are songs to talk about, artists to interview and scriptures that can be examined. This month, in a short and sweet way, I want to tell you the story behind one of my all-time favorite hymns. Horatio Spafford was a wealthy Lawyer in the city of Chicago in the mid-1800s. He had a wife, five children and was a member of the inner circle of many of the Christian leaders of that day (including Dwight L. Moody). Everything seemed to be the best it could be for the Spafford family but in 1871, the Spafford’s lost their youngest child (their only son) as well as almost every investment Mr. Spafford had in the Great Chicago Fire. In 1873, Mr. Spafford sent his wife and four daughters ahead of him on a family vacation when a boat collision took the lives of all four of his daughters – only his wife survived the accident. It was his boat trip to meet with his grieving wife in England, that he penned the now famous lyrics, “When sorrow like sea billows roll; it is well, it is well with my soul.” Be encouraged in your sorrows and please, do not lose your praise! Let it be well with your soul! “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” – James 1:2-4 (ESV) — Amber Smith Dash, Amber lives in Hendersonville with her husband, Austin. She writes not only for Nashville Christian Family, but also Anniston Gadsden Christian Family and The Odyssey Online.
Nashville Christian Family
Soccer leagues available in Brentwood, Donelson, East Nashville, Mt. Juliet, Smyrna and Spring Hill. Soccer and NFL Flag Football leagues available in Franklin, Murfreesboro and Springfield.
Our Mission: A worldwide charitable fellowship united by a common loyalty to Jesus Christ for the purpose of helping people grow in spirit mind and body.
he power went out as I stepped off the porch and into the garden. Something stabbed my leg. Ouch! That really hurt. I leaned down to feel for blood and hit my head on something concrete. As I fell, I grabbed at anything to break my fall. My hand caught on some material. I was glad until I heard someone scream, “let go of me!!” Before I realized what was happening, I was sprawled halfway between drowning in the lake and lost in stabbing thorns and weeds. Disoriented in a place I’d never seen, I started crying. I hurt everywhere. I had no idea how to get help. Who knew what other dangers surrounded me. And I was too embarrassed to ask for help. Suddenly, the lights turned back on. I started laughing hysterically. I looked like a mess, but there was no blood. The lake was just a puddle. The thorns were just rose bushes. I would have some swelling and bruises, but I was fine. The porch was only five feet away. In a few weeks, I would be laughing as I told this story. Light has the ability to help us see things for what they are, not what we feel like they could be. The new CTN/WHTN TV show, Bloom Today, is about shining light into the darkness of brokenness and abuse. “Once you know what the damage is, how it’s caused, how to get help, and how to heal, you have so much more hope,” says Ginny Priz, the anchor for the show. “Bloom Today is based on Ephesians 5:8-13 which tells us to shine light into the darkness so people will see darkness for what it is and know that the light brings good fruit.” Priz continued. Ginny Priz and her co-host, Paula Mosher Wallace, have a lot of personal experience in the areas of external and internal brokenness. They believe everyone should be a part of shining light into the darkness for the safety and healing of the hurting men and women that hide in plain sight. “The more we understand about brokenness and abuse in our neighborhoods and churches, the more we can help everyone recognize it, heal from it, and
Nashville Christian Family
The new CTN/WHTN TV show, Bloom Today, is hosted by Paula Mosher Wallace (left) and Ginny Priz.
Photo Credit: New Day Photography
start preventing it,” said Priz. “When I realized that my pain was valid and I wasn’t the only one hurting, I started being more honest about my pain. Then, others were able to begin helping me with the long journey to healing.” Priz admitted that being born with only part of her right arm was an obvious sign of external brokenness. Because her parents had always told her that God had specifically designed her that way, she was comfortable with her unique appearance. The internal brokenness took much longer to identify and begin to process for healing. As Priz worked through much of her healing through Celebrate Recovery (CR), a Christian 12 step program, she learned that codependence and fear were the roots of her struggles with addictions and dysfunctional relationships. Using her recovery to help others, through being a sponsor and leader in CR, Priz realized the power of telling her story to help others find hope and healing. Priz, in addition to being the anchor for Bloom Today, is a Certified Professional Life Coach, instructor for several online courses, a public speaker, and the author of Ditch the Drama: How to Access God’s Promises of Joy and Freedom no Matter What the World Throws at You. Even though she isn’t being paid for most of the work she does, Priz has built her life around her calling from God to minister to the broken. “I’m living by faith,” Priz said. “God has told me to use my skills to help those who feel alone and hopeless instead of building a platform to make money. This can feel scary in a culture that is built around finding security in money and success, but I know that God will provide everything I need to do what He’s asked me to do.” When asked why others ignore the issues of addictions, abuse, and dysfunction that affect more that half the population around us, Priz said, “It’s uncomfortable to face our own brokenness, much less feel the pain of those around us. We’d rather live in a bubble of denial, distract ourselves with success, and complain about our stress levels. Anything is better than facing the
Despite having been raised as a Christian, Wallace had grown up believing she deserved the abuse. “Even though I was born in Peru on the mission field, and grew up in a Christian community, I never understood that God didn’t want me being the victim of abuse. I thought everyone else was just better at coping with the pain in their lives. It started so young, that I thought it was normal.” “My parents never deliberately hurt us, but growing up in a cult made me more vulnerable to abusive people around me.” Wallace said. “Of course, as a perpetual victim, I learned that abuse can be found anywhere. No ethnic group, socioeconomic group, educational level or religious belief prevents abusers from hurting victims they have control over.” After Wallace moved to Franklin, God started prompting her to help others in ways she wished she had been helped. An avid reader, Wallace wanted to write a book that would tell true stories like hers. Despite not having written creatively in decades, Wallace began to interview women who had been healed from horrific damage.
With a bachelor’s in communications, Priz, had already been interviewed on Nashville Alive, TCT’s television show, when Schmelter also asked her to be a guest on Bridges. Having seen the talent and heart both Wallace and Priz showed on television through these interviews, Schmelter asked them to consider starting individual shows that would reflect their unique ministries: Bloom in the Dark, Inc. (a 501c3 charity) and Serenity Journey Ministries. After much prayer and discussion, Priz and Wallace decided to work with Schmelter and WHTN channel 39, to produce Bloom Today as an extension of Bloom In The Dark, Inc. A weekly show, Bloom Today will air on Tuesday evenings at 9:30p.m. beginning July 4th.
Photo Credit: New Day Photography
Afraid of what others would think, Wallace hid inside a shell of performance. A successful business owner and manager in a variety of industries, Wallace began to develop increasingly more severe health issues, anxiety and depression. As God began to heal her spirit, soul, and body, she realized that shame, guilt and fear had contributed to her illnesses.
Photo Credit: New Day Photography
reality of our pain.” Wallace agrees. “When I admitted to having been raped at the age of five by a man in my church, the female pastor I was talking to, told me ‘Don’t ever say that again. By admitting it, you are glorifying Satan.’” Wallace continued to explain how she had been abused in different ways from the age of two--by men and women who were in and out of her church. “I was abused sexually, physically, emotionally, verbally, and spiritually by a variety of people over a forty year span. Yes, all those types of abuse. By both men and women.”
When asked why the show is set in a kitchen with discussions happening around a bistro table, Wallace said, “I’ve always had my deepest conversations in my kitchen. That’s where I’ve laughed, cried, and connected with my sisters and friends most often.”
With episodes covering topics that are traditionally swept under the carpet rather than discussed on Christian TV, Bloom Today is unique in its blend of humor, pain, and healing. “When I give someone a hand (literally) on the show, or we celebrate a meaningful charity, or laugh with our current ‘Ex-Victim of the Week’, our intent is to have fun helping hurting women understand they are not alone. Hope and healing are available.” Priz tells us. “We and our guests tell our deepest hurts, hidden brokenness, worst mistakes, and how we found hope and healing in a personal relationship with Christ.”
“After prompting her to share her story, God connected me to each woman in a unique way. I got to write or edit stories from girls and women who represented different ages, ethnicities, cultures and educational levels,” Wallace stated. “Evidently, as victims, we’re all broken until God heals us in our own unique journeys.”
“We go first in admitting the most shameful or embarrassing things so that the viewers will know they aren’t alone. Our hope is that this will encourage others to be honest about their own stories and reach out to God and trusted family or friends to ask for help on their journey to healing. We wish churches were better at addressing these issues that are so rampant. God has heard the cry of hurting women everywhere and has asked us to reach them through this show.” Priz continued.
Bloom in the Dark: True Stories of Hope and Redemption, made its debut in 2015, a year before Priz’s book, Ditch the Drama. On their own unique journeys of healing, Priz and Wallace had no clue how their hearts for hurting women would lead them to work together. Through the Christian Women in Media Association (CWIMA), God connected Wallace and Priz to each other and to Monica Schmelter, General Manager for WHTN (Christian Television Network’s Nashville affiliate). After reading Bloom in the Dark, Schmelter asked Wallace to be a guest on her show, Bridges, which, in its nineteenth year, is available in over fifty million homes across the country every day.
Wallace agreed. “Even though I didn’t even have a TV in my house until I was 24, I recognize that television is the best way to reach hurting women where they are. In their bedrooms, kitchens, living rooms—in the safety of their own homes. Many don’t recognize that I’m still a missionary even though my mission field is in American homes. Bloom Today is shining light in the darkest areas of brokenness and abuse so that we can see the realities of our situations and look to God for healing. It’s never too late to ask God to heal us.” Priz and Wallace laughed as they told us that they end each show saying “use the fertilizer of your past to Bloom Today!” — Eli Moses
July 2017
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Nashville Christian Family
F aiTh u N de r F i r e
T eaChable m om e NTs
Can You Trust God With Your Life?
Looking Outside your Marriage for Comfort
We can’t help it. We believe there should be a kind of spiritual math that grants us good things for being good. It’s easy enough to see where we get itwork hard and you’ll get ahead. Treat others well, they tend to do the same to you. But there are times that math simply doesn’t add up. When Hezekiah heard [he would not recover], he turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord, “Remember, O Lord, how I have always been faithful to you and have served you single-mindedly, always doing what pleases you.” Then he broke down and wept bitterly. (v2-3) In Hezekiah’s time, it was believed that suffering, disease, and death was directly related to sin. Yet, despite following God all his life, here Hezekiah was lying in bed, dying. It was confusing, crushing, and bitter-tasting. But then a miracle happened. God heard his cry and intervened. God healed him and gave him fifteen more years.
She sat in my office and began to tell me about how her marriage unfolded. One day, out of the blue, he told her that there were these things he found wrong with her. They were silly things. I braced myself because I knew it was coming…… I have heard it all before. It starts with “I’m not attracted to you. You don’t do __________ right or you never do ___________.” It then goes to “I’m just not in love with you anymore.” As though love just ups and walks away one day. I am going to give you a hint: It doesn’t. Love is a choice. Next confusion starts to enter in on the part of the one who is being told these things. They wonder what is wrong with them. Are they no longer lovable? What can they do to make themselves loveable?
Sometimes God intervenes and other times he doesn’t. When he moves, we feel a unique connection to him. We feel honored and chosen that he saved us from our distress. When he doesn’t, we feel abandoned and rejected. We feel God has turned his back on us and moved away. We believe that he if God cared about us he would do something. But the truth is as confusing as our distress. Maturity is able to comprehend complexity. Immaturity demands simplicity. God is incredibly complex, even far beyond our comprehension. There are times he honors our faithfulness with earthly blessing and miracles, and there are times he saves our reward for heaven. There are times he saves us to teach us something about the power of faith. And there are the times he does not save us – when he allows us to suffer the consequences of our choices, when he teaches us about faith and servanthood through our suffering, and even for reasons we may never see. Sometimes, the strength of our testimony is in how God saved us. Sometimes, the strength of our testimony arrives after we are gone and it lives in the story of how we followed him well even in suffering. Ultimately, we either trust God with our lives or we don’t. When you became a believer, did you give your life to him? Did you never think he might ask for it? Whether in service or sacrifice, life or death, God loves you more than you know. To receive the fullness of his love, to grow in maturity in our faith, we must trust him no matter the circumstance and believe he is faithful and trustworthy with the life we have given him. And that takes a mature faith indeed. — Aron Strong, LMFT, was a pastor for more than a decade and is the director of Pathways Counseling in Murfreesboro. He also writes daily devotionals at www.biblebreakfast.club.
Finally, the bomb drops. I braced myself because I knew it all along: there is an affair. It can be physical or it can be emotional. Either way—they have handed over their heart from their spouse to someone else outside of the marriage. Here is where deception begins to enter in. Deception starts to say, “It’s okay— you don’t love them anymore. It’s okay—they are not right for you any way. You were too young when you married them. You made a mistake. You can’t live life to the fullest with them….they just drag you down.” So many lies coupled with a chemical imbalance. You see, when you meet and start to flirt with someone new—dopamine levels in your brain begin to surge. It gives you a craving to want to be around them. And guess what?!?—over time those levels drop and you learn how to be in a committed relationship with a human. A messy human. A relationship that is not butterflies and thrills, but an actual relationship where you must face hard things and grow together. Hopefully at this point, you can see how important it is to guard your relationship from outside distractions and enticements. They will always be there—I guarantee it. Recognize what those deceptions starts to sound like, because the lies do not sound any different no matter what the relationship is. Do not be deceived. And if you feel as though you are not happy with the hard things of life in the marriage you are in---go and get help. Being open to help and trusting the counseling process actually helps deepen the bond between you and your spouse in such a satisfying and connecting way that cannot even touch the superficial feelings you first have when you are flirting with someone for the first time. That bond is not easy to get to---it takes work and it is worth it. — Lindsey Castleman, marriage and family counselor and co-creator of the marriage workshop “7 Conversations to Enrich Your Marriage.” Connect Lindsey at findyourpathway.com and 7ConversationsNashville.com
July July 2017 2017
19 19
s P eCial F eaTu r e We all have heard the story about “The Dash”... it’s not the dates that matter but how you live your dash! There is a lot said for that story. On a day to day basis our life is a gift from God. As funeral directors, we see how true this statement is on a regular basis with our profession. Your gift from God should be celebrated everyday but when the time comes when you transition to Heaven, that is when your family should celebrate how you lived your dash. Today we are seeing more and more families refer to funerals as a “Celebration of Life”. There are various ways that we adapt to families as they request ways to celebrate their loved ones service. We as professionals encourage families to bring memorabilia to the funeral home so that during the visitation times it will give people that are visiting things to talk about. Our meeting with a family whose loved one was a farmer was encouraged to bring in things that reminded them of him. This family was so creative and brought hay bales, corn stalks, gardening tools, vegetables in a barrel, cow pail where he milked cows and toy tractors. The visitation room was transferred into a friendly reminder of how their husband, father & grandfather loved the soil, the vegetables he produced, the cows he took care of and his love for his tractors. So many people
were more at comfort just knowing that this family was celebrating his life.
STANDING: Casey, Gary, David, and Chris Stephens SEATED: Pam Stephens and Mandi Marlin
We met with a family whose mother loved life to its fullest. She dressed up every holiday and had made sure her children and grandchildren had the best memories from her dash. Wow, did she have a dash...several memories of her surrounded her casket as well. We had some of her costumes on display but several pictures that showed her creativity. She was an avid bridge player, so a card table was set up in her memory with the cards ready for a competitive bridge game with her friends in their red hats!!! There are some families that we meet with that their loved one did not have time to fulfill their dash. Young people that pass away before they experience a lifetime of memories still have opportunities to celebrate a life that was lived. We had an experience with parents whose son was a chef. He had been to culinary school and was living his dream of becoming a chef when his life ended way too soon. The family allowed us to set up a table for two just as if it was in a restaurant and had his chef hat & coat in the display. The young adults that attended the service focused more on the life that was lived and knew that his life was being celebrated.
So many ideas of celebrating lives are discussed during the time of an arrangement. We pride ourselves in trying to focus more on the story of your loved one. We encourage you now to talk about these memories with your family. Have that talk of a lifetime on how your loved one wants to be remembered. As a funeral director, I encourage you to know that part of the closure of death is to have a service. The service is not for the dead but for the living. The best way to do that is to celebrate “the dash” of a life. Celebrate the life that had a tremendous impact on yours and others around you. It is for the co-workers, neighbors, church family and more importantly...your family. For more information on how to plan...contact our experienced professionals at Williamson Memorial (615) 794-2289 or Spring Hill Memorial (931) 486-0059. — Pamela Stephens
“Treasure every single moment in life
Williamson Memorial Funeral Home and Cremation Services 3009 Columbia Pike Franklin, TN 37064 (615) 794-2289 www.williamsonmemorial.com Plan ahead: www.preplanning.info/williamsonmemorial
Spring Hill Memorial Park, Funeral Home and Cremation Services 5239 Main St. Spring Hill, TN 37174 (931) 486-0059 www.springhill-memorial.com Plan ahead: www.preplanning.info/springhillmemorial
“Both are family owned and operated”
We are here to serve your family and honor the treasured memories of your loved one.” 20
Nashville Christian Family
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s P eCial F eaTu r e
Are you a bully? Probably few people who act as a bully would admit to being one and would explain their behavior in some way that they think makes it acceptable. The dictionary defines bully “as the use of force, threat or coercion to abuse, intimidate or aggressively dominate others.” We tend to think of a bully as some kid at school who is bigger than the others who threatens and intimidates other kids. But probably most bullies are adults. Anger has the capacity to cause us to behave as a bully. Examples of ways an adult acts as a bully is when a person: 1) rushes in to take a parking place ahead of another person heading for it, 2) cuts in line (often with a car), 3) tailgates another car to intimidate the other driver to go faster, 4) dominates a conversation in order to draw attention to self, 5) ignores or snubs people they consider inferior, and 6) puts down others in a conversation and other instances. You can think of other situations in which someone being a bully is frustrating to you or maybe what you have done. There is a difference between being a bully, being aggressive, being assertive and being self-confident. There is never a time when being a bully is appropriate. A bully acts without regard for the rights of others. There are times when being aggressive might be appropriate such in the defense of our rights. Being assertive means acting proactively but within the bounds of the rights of others. Proactive or assertive people are those who get things done. All of us should be self-confident meaning that we are confident without being arrogant and with a high regard for others. A confident person is capable of being other person centered. A bully, on the other hand, is likely to be acting from a lack of self-confidence.
If you have been the victim of a bully, think about your response and how you might respond the next time ii might happen. You should pray for this individual or group. By being self confident (and assertive where appropriate), you might stand up to a bully and thus discourage that behavior in the future. God is with you. Be steadfast, as you understand God would have you live, so that a bully will have little effect on you. Be very conscious of the human tendency to bully others. Instead, find ways to make life for those around you more pleasant for them and pleasing to God. — Kenneth Oosting, PhD
There is no positive reference to being a bully in the Bible. There are references in which being a bully is looked down upon such as John 9:28, 18:26 and Mt 9:24. The ultimate case of bullying was the stoning of Stephen (Acts 7:54-60). When you see a person being a bully or a bully attacks you, do you have the courage to confront the bully? Have you ever acted like any of the bully examples above? Or maybe your conscience tells you that you have been a bully in some other situation. Pray that you will be able to say no to being a bully. ARE YOU A BULLY? These study questions are intended for use with God’s Plan for Service. Study questions are provided to help the reader to more fully grasp the significance and implications of the topic. Readers may correspond with God’s Plan for Service by email to info@godsplanforservice.org or mail to GPS, 1226 Knox Valley Drive, Brentwood, TN 37027. 1. How often do you see an adult acting as a bully when driving? 2. The more self-confident you are, the less likely someone will attempt to bully you. Are you likely to be bullied? 3. Read the Scriptures that are cited above. Are Christians likely to be bullied today?
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Nashville Christian Family
5am –10am Good Clean Fun with Kevin & Taylor
10am – 2pm Middays with Doug Griffin
2pm – 7pm Afternoons with Caryn Cruise
7pm –12am Night Light with Andrea TM
12am – 5am Keep the Faith with Penny TM
July 2017
m i s s ioN m ake r s
How Can Gardening Prevent Human Trafficking? Up the hill from The Brach, a small non-profit in Antioch, TN, sits a quaint garden. In many ways, this garden is just like any other garden. There’s corn, and green beans, my mom’s favorite yellow squash and of course there’s tomatoes, cucumbers, and coming soon, watermelons. So… why this garden? As any good farmer will tell you, it’s not what the garden grows it’s the one tending the garden that makes the bounty so good!!!
And so it is with this garden, for in this garden you find the members of Rescue 1 Global’s Mentor 1 program. Mentor 1 is a program designed by Rescue 1 Global to prevent future human trafficking by serving the most likely future victims, children. Mentor 1 provides mentors for children that have experienced the traumatic “Stepping Stones” of abandonment, abuse, addiction, and adversity that so often lead to people either becoming a trafficking victim or a future trafficker.
So how does Mentor 1 work and why a garden?
The Mentor 1 program seeks to provide holistic mentoring to its participants. To that end, each participate receive a Spiritual Mentor, a Tutor, and, you guessed it, a Garden Buddy. It’s no wonder that Rescue 1 Global has called this oasis of fruits and vegetables “Sprouts Urban Farm”. On the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month the Garden Buddy will pick their child up and bring them to the Sprouts Urban Farm. Each child learns about what it takes to have and keep a garden healthy and vibrant. Of course, the day wouldn’t be complete, without time working the soil and tending the garden. Afterwards the kids and mentors head inside at for a nutritious lunch where the child’s Spiritual Mentor takes over. After lunch, Mentor 1 staff will lead in a craft or game and then give a brief talk that introduces the “Life Topic” for the day. The child and their Spiritual Mentor will end the day with a conversational Bible study on the “Life Topic”. The Spiritual Mentor
will drive their child back home after the day concludes. The child’s time with their mentoring team finishes as their tutor picks them up from home generally one night per week to work on homework and solidify the lessons taught. Afterwards, the Tutor will take their child back home. Since 2008 Daniel and Lacy Tolar, Founders of Rescue 1 Global, have made it their life’s mission to teach and equip the church in the fight against human trafficking. Programs like Mentor 1 are so vital to this fight because they allow the youngest and most vulnerable to be shown a different way out of the frustrations that come with being at risk. However, this fight is far from over and the need for volunteers for Mentor 1 and programs like it is great. Consider this… on average 750 children run away from home each month in TN. One in six of those children will be victims of human trafficking, many within 72 hours of being away from home. That means, each month TN has 125 new human trafficking victims. But you can help. Visit www.rescue1global.org to find out how you can volunteer or donate. — Ben Lawson is the VP of Business Operations for Rescue 1 Global. He can be reached at ben@rescue1gobal.org
Franklin Resident Makes a Difference in North Nashville Keith McLean is the Doing Good Volunteer of the Month for his multifaceted advocacy work in the North Nashville neighborhood of Jefferson Street. The Franklin resident is involved in serving with Jefferson Street United Merchants’ Partnership (JUMP), Elam Mental Health Center at Meharry Medical College and The SONS Organization (Solving Our Negative Stereotypes), all of which focus on different aspects of advocacy and community development in North Nashville. After graduating from Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) with a bachelor’s in mass communications and returning for his MBA in finance, McLean—who was raised on Air Force bases across the world—tried the music business, healthcare and finance sectors before finding his way to volunteer work. Part of his inspiration was his mother, a longtime social worker who created a backpack program for impoverished students that enabled them to eat on weekends. But it was his attendance at North Nashville’s Temple Church—which is heavily involved in mission work around North Nashville—that ultimately led the Shelbyville native to connect with the predominantly black Jefferson Street neighborhood. “I was looking for something to be involved in in Nashville that spoke to people that looked like myself,” McLean said. “Me,
24 Nashville Christian Family 24 Nashville Christian Family
myself, I am black. I wanted to speak to something that spoke to the black community.”
He also volunteers with Open Table, another affordable housing group that announced in March itsplans for 20 micro-homes for homeless people in South Nashville. Last year, Open Table moved 113 people into permanent housing.
He began his volunteer work through Hands On Nashville (HON), an organization that aims to meet community needs through volunteerism. HON first led McLean to JUMP, a Most recently, McLean has become Keith McLean partnership between the merchants on involved with SONS, a mentoring Jefferson Street, which has historically program for underprivileged black been a hub of minority-owned small businesses youths that teaches financial literacy, career skills in North Nashville. At JUMP, McLean’s advocacy and promotes better relationships between law is focused on convincing those business owners enforcement and African American youths. SONS and other longtime residents of the area to create a was started by Raymond Arceneaux, a grad school “land trust” with their assets. This will allow them colleague of McLean’s at MTSU. McLean’s multito mutually benefit from the rapid gentrification faceted approach to developing Jefferson Street is coming to Nashville, instead of being pushed out quickly turning him into a pillar of his adopted without compensation. The land trust would also North Nashville community. “I knew I wanted to help to conserve the history and culture of the give my time to make someone else’s life better,” Jefferson Street area. McLean said. “I truly believe if you are not doing something to make someone else’s life better, then His advocacy with JUMP led to a spot on the you’re wasting your time.” advisory board at the Elam Mental Health Center — Cole Gray at Meharry Medical College, only a couple blocks Nashville’s Volunteer of the Month is a program of Doing from Jefferson Street. The Center provides rehaGood, a 501(c)3, nonprofit organization which educates and bilitation services and mental health treatment re- inspires people by celebrating the real stories of real people who gardless of a patient’s ability to pay and, therefore, volunteer. For additional information about Keith, Doing Good, provides many homeless and incarcerated people or other volunteers, visit the websitewww.DoingGood.tv or @ DoingGoodTV on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, or with necessary medical attention. YouTube.
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k i ds k or N e r
It’s summer and if you have little ones you are probably looking for some fun things to do. So, have a party! People love parties! Celebrating is a BIG deal and it is a big deal to God. Just think about the times He commanded His people to take vacations and have big dinners together. In the Bible, they are called “feasts” or “festivals,” and there were seven of them during one calendar year. Jesus’s first miracle was at a wedding party. He made sure they had plenty of wine for celebrating. Celebrating is a good and healthy thing to do. It is especially effective in little lives.
So don’t wait until their birthdays or Christmas—find a reason now to CELEBRATE! • Potty-training • A new baby in the family • School is out • Grew an inch • Learned to ride a bike • Learned to tie shoes • Caught a ball ten times • Learned a song • Memorized a Bible verse • Memorized the books of the Bible (They can do it! Use music.) • Told someone about Jesus Have you heard these words, “Look, Mommy, I DID IT ALL BY MYSELF!” YAHOO! Have a PARTY. There is no end of creative ideas for celebrating. Here are some fun party/celebration ideas from my family life: • Make cupcakes with a favorite color icing. • Have a spur-of-the-moment parade.
• Dance and make up a silly song: “You tied your shoes, good for you! You tied your shoes, something new! YAY! Good for you!” • Draw a picture of the event. • Make a memory box and put in a token or scrap of something from the event/day/anwered prayer so you will remember. • Make a T-shirt. • Plant a tree or a flower. • Establish a tradition. • Create a proclamation: “Hear ye, hear ye, may it be known by all that ___________ rode his bicycle all by himself today.” • When my daughter was five, she broke her arm so we had a cast party! Friends and family came to our house to sign her cast. • Show your children how you celebrated them before they were born. Show pictures of a baby shower, gifts, preparing their room, baptism, etc.
Make some FUN memories this summer – a picnic, playground at the park, sit outside and listen to birds. Let them dig and get hands dirty, go to the library, READ to them. Don’t forget to reward them for good things—obedience and achievement. God rewards our obedience both here and in eternity (See Matthew 5:12; Hebrews 11:6). LAUGH A LOT (Record your giggles before you forget!) Our daughter was sitting in my husband’s lap as he read a Bible story to her. She was looking at his face intently. He paused and said, “Isn’t that a wonderful story? And God loves you just like He loved Daniel and took care of him in the lions’ den. ”Marilyn was gazing up and nodding. She said, “Daddy?” “Yes, sweetheart.” “Why do you have hair in your nose?” Come on – that’s funny! Thankfully I took the time to write that one in my journal. Our children are God’s gifts; chose to have laugh, have fun, celebrate them, and CELEBRATE GOD with your little ones! “They (the people) shall eagerly celebrate Your abundant goodness, and joyfully sing of Your righteousness.” Psalm 145:7 — Jean Thomason, aka “Miss PattyCake”, is an author, speaker, singer, with a new book, Sharing God’s BIG LOVE with Little Lives. (Worthy Publishing Group). Find out more here: www.jeanthomason. com
God’s Cleaning Power BIBLE TRUTH No matter how dirty our heart gets with sin, God will remove the dirt and give us a pure heart. WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS Ezekiel 36:26 New International Version I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. HANDS-ON EXPERIMENT
Baby Powder Sand INGREDIENTS • Sand • Baby Powder • Water
26 Nashville NashvilleChristian ChristianFamily Family 26
INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1: Wet your feet and then dip your feet into the sand. Using your hands, attempt to remove the sand from your feet. Describe the sand by using its observable properties. STEP 2: Sprinkle baby powder on your feet. Using your hands, attempt to remove the sand from your feet. Describe the sand and baby powder by their observable properties. Was the sand easier to remove before or after adding the baby powder to your feet? EXPLANATION The baby powder absorbs the moisture from your feet, allowing you to easily remove the sand from your feet.
BIBLE CONNECTION God acts as the baby powder, removing the sand or sin, making our heart squeaky clean. — Jason Lindsey - Executive Director/Founder/K-12 Science Educator Hooked on Science – www.hookedonscience.org E-Mail: jlindsey@hookedonscience.org
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b odY & s ou l
Can A Mid-Year Review Help Define Your Life’s Work? Suddenly, it’s July! This month marks the year’s halfway point. And the probing question churning deep in my soul is this: Exactly what have I done with these first glorious, joyful six months? Often, it is the hard questions in life that linger, unanswered, much longer than we anticipate. If you are like me, there is a confidence that you were created…no, chosen…to pursue a distinct work. A work that defines you. A work that matters. Still, the puzzling questions linger: Have I started it yet? Am I on the right path? The great God of the universe created you for a specific purpose. You have an assignment to accomplish a work that only you can do. If you fail in that assignment, it will create a void in God’s will for your life. Even more important, that failure annihilates the benefit you are meant to bring to others. I have created four questions for you to ask yourself. The answers may help you draw closer to your purpose. You can still launch your incredible breakout year, even halfway through. 1.) Who has been divinely placed in your path? Ultimately, our life’s work is accomplished with and through others. We encounter pivotal people in surprising ways. Do not take lightly those who suddenly appear or reappear in your life. They are often a significant key to accomplishing your divine purpose.
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2.) What strength, skill or talent has risen to the top? Often, a specific ability resonates. You may be particularly accomplished at a certain talent. Despite setbacks, challenges, or obstacles, your heart will tell you when the “it” of your destiny has found you. 3.) What passion are you afraid to follow? There are many ways in which God directs our paths. Fear is the single greatest threat. I have known people who rejected their passion out of fear. Fear of risk. Fear of failure, embarrassment, or making a mistake. Fear of the criticism of others. It is fear that paralyzes us into indecision or makes us choose a direction in exact opposition to the will of God. Resist it with all of your strength. 4.) Have you taken time to pause and listen for God’s voice? God still speaks. Sometimes the noises of life prevent us from hearing. Concentrate on increasing your capacity to listen. God can break through the cacophony of noise and clutter surrounding us. Don’t make Him do that. Find your quiet place; listen! Now the Lord came and stood there, calling as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” —1 Samuel 3:10 NRSV — Regina M. Prude is an inspirational speaker, SiriusXM radio host, syndicated columnist and author. regina@reginaprude.com. Facebook (www.facebook. com/reginaprude) and Twitter (http://twitter.com/rprude)
Has something in the magazine or something you have discussed with someone or some thoughts that you have had or something that you have heard, brought you to a point of realizing that you want and need to know Christ in the truest and personal sense?
If so, below is a simple outline for someone of any age who is not a Believer to act on their desire to accept Jesus Christ into their heart as their Savior. God’s Plan of Salvation God created us to honor and serve Him Revelation 4:11: “You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power;For You created all things, And by Your will they exist[b] and were created Each of us has sinned against God Romans 3:10: As it is written, “There is none righteous, no, not one” Romans3:23: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Jesus Christ died on the cross in our place, paying the penalty for our sin Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. We each must accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior Romans 10:9: that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:13: For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”
The penalty for sin is eternal separation from God and Heaven Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Good works cannot ever earn God’s forgiveness and Salvation Titus 3:5: not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us. God loves each of us John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
To accept Christ into your heart and life, pray a simple prayer along these lines - “Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sins. I know that Jesus died for my sins and the sins of the world. Right now, I ask Jesus into my heart and receive Him as my personal Savior. Forgive me of my sins, thank you for saving me through the blood of Jesus. Please Lord, help me live for you. In Jesus name, amen.” All scriptures are taken from The New King James Version of the Holy Bible.
July 2017
m oN eY m aT Te r s The Family Nightmare
Dear Dave, My fiancé told me the other day he’s going to buy a failing restaurant with his mom, sister, and a family friend. None of them have any food service or business experience, and he has never said anything about wanting to own a restaurant. When I questioned him about it, he said it was his mother’s idea. I don’t want to be part of this, and it wouldn’t be his first big surprise decision, so I told him I would walk away from the marriage if he pursues this. I feel bad about it, because he didn’t really do anything wrong. Do you think I’m making a wise decision? - Carla
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Dear Carla, Yes, he did do something wrong. He put his controlling mommy ahead of his brideto-be, and it sounds like it’s not the first time he’s made big decisions without consulting you. Any man who doesn’t consider the feelings of his wife or fiancée in an important decision-making process is not marriage material. I think your decision was heartbreaking, but wise. Going into a partnership with family like this is unwise. There’s a lot of messed up stuff in his family dynamic. And it’s not like you won’t support your man and his dreams and decisions, but those dreams need to contain wisdom and consideration for you. Otherwise, any dream will fast become a nightmare. I know it hurts, Carla, but this was not the right guy for you. Money problems are one of the biggest causes of divorce in America today. Trouble with in-laws is another, and you almost signed up for both. I’m sorry you had to make such a tough call. If you want to salvage this, you could explain to him that he needs to make better decisions to win your hand again. In this case, making better decisions means involving you in the process, and giving your thoughts, feelings, and opinions the respect they deserve.
To File, Or Not To File? Dear Dave, How do you know when you should file an insurance claim on a homeowner’s issue, versus just dealing with it and paying cash? -Ben Dear Ben, Basically, it’s when you begin to feel the pain financially. Let’s say you have a $1,000 deductible on your homeowner’s policy. If you have an $1,100 issue, just pay the $100 out of pocket and don’t mess with it. But let’s say you have the same deductible and a $2,000 problem. Depending on things like your overall financial situation, the value of the house, and the cost of the insurance policy, that might just get you to file a claim. Somehow, lots of people get the idea they can make money on insurance process. You don’t. Insurance companies make money, and consumers pay insurance companies. You don’t make money on insurance in the long-term. You may have a situation, once in a blue moon, where you come out ahead on a transaction versus what you paid in. But over the scope of your life, you don’t make money on insurance companies. The point is this: If you turn in the claim, you’re going to experience a rate increase or cancellation somewhere — at some point — that offsets it. I only turn in substantial claims, meaning claims that are far above the deductible.
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Dave Ramsey is CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 13 million listeners each week on 585 radio stations and multiple digital platforms. Follow Dave on the web at daveramsey.com and on Twitter at @DaveRamsey.
Nashville Christian Family
If something in this month’s issue of
has awakened in you a desire to learn more about the Freedom and Eternal Life that Jesus Christ offers, we encourage you to seek out a Bible-based church in our community.
We believe this is the MOST IMPORTANT DECISION you can make for yourself and your family. God Bless You!
July 2017
July 2017 Calendar List Your Event!
If you have an event you would like listed in the Nashville Christian Family Community Calendar e-mail us at: NCFPublication@gmail.com subject line - Calendar Goodwill Will Pickup Your Donation “If you can’t get it to us, we’ll come get it from you.” That’s the gist of Goodwill’s new Home Donation Pickup Program, which in just a few months has grown to serve communities in more than 16 Middle Tennessee Middle and West Tennessee counties (Davidson, Montgomery, Robertson, Sumner, Wilson, Rutherford, Dickson, Cheatham, Maury, Dekalb, Bedford and Perry, Madison, Henderson, Gibson and Decatur). www.giveit2goodwill. org/pickups Summer Jobs With Williamson County Parks And Recreation Department The Williamson County Parks and Recreation Department is now accepting applications for temporary/ seasonal jobs for summer 2017. Temporary, part-time positions are available in several divisions. Williamson County Parks and Recreation offers a fun working environment and can provide an excellent opportunity for real life experience. If you are interested in working in the field of recreation, please apply! The Aquatics division is seeking lifeguards (certified) for all pool locations and pool cashiers (age 16 or older) for outdoor pool locations in Franklin, Spring Hill and Fairview. To apply for a summer job, contact the Williamson County Government Human Resources Department at (615) 591-8504 or visit /www.williamsoncounty-tn.gov/jobs.aspx.
July 4 – Independence Day July 21 Annual Bethlehem Umc Fish Fry 4:30 Pm – 8 Pm, With live music, all-you-can-eat farm-raised catfish and an incredible free children’s play area, the Bethlehem UMC Fish Fry is Friday, July 21 on the shaded grounds of the church off Old Hillsboro Road in the Grassland Area from 4:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Tickets for adults are $10 in advance at the church and $13 the day of the event. Children 10 and under are always $6 and children under three are free! Hot dogs are available for children and a separate carryout serving area is provided. 2419 Bethlehem Loop Road, Franklin, Tn. More info at 615-794-6721 - www.bethlehemumc.com. June 4 to July 28 Deer Run Camps & Retreats — Extraordinary, life-changing age-graded overnight summer camp experience for your preteen or teen
a bouT o u r a dVe rTi s e r s
Nashville Christian Family
ONGOING Summer Coed Soccer League Indoor Arena at Crockett Park-Brentwood - The Athletics Division of the Williamson County Parks and Recreation Department announces on-line registration for a summer coed indoor soccer league in Brentwood. The Indoor Arena at Crockett Park will host a coed soccer division on Monday nights, July 10-August 28. The team registration fee is $425. A maximum of 8 teams will be accepted, and the season will be a round
robin format concluding with a single elimination tournament. Registration is open through June 19 or until the league is full at www.wcparksandrec. com. (#7197). For more information, contact Daniele Stewart at (615) 3776530, ext. 2, or DanieleS@williamson-tn.org. 1st Thursday Monthly Tennessee Right to Life Chapter 7 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church, 2640 Buckner Road, Thompson’s Station, Tn Tennessee Right to Life is committed to effectively advocating the protection of human life through educational outreach, passage of protective legislation and the development of an informed, active grassroots movement statewide. www.tennesseerighttolife.org info@tnrtl.org - 615-298-LIFE(5433) Last Tuesday of every month except December Tennessee Christian Chamber of Commerce – Monthly Luncheon EGroups - Networking/Leads For meeting locations, times and dates or for more information about the Chamber and events, visit www.tnchristianchamber.org or email rstringfellow@yahoo.com.
Please support these local businesses that support Nashville Christian Family with their advertising. Support us by patronizing them.
Bott Radio Network – www.bottradionetwork.com, 615-871-1160 David W. Harr, DMD – www.docharr.com, 615-776-2565 Deer Run Camps and Retreats – www.DeerRun.camp, 615-794-2918 Evangelical Christian Credit Union – www.eccu.org, 800-634-3228 Genesis of Cool Springs – www.genesisofcoolsprings.net, 877-886-8448 Hyundai of Cool Springs – www.hyundaiofcoolsprings.com, 877-886-8448 Lee Company – www.leecompany.com, 615-567-1000 Mattress Inn – www.mattressinn.com. 931-489-1993 Midwest Capital Mortgage – www.forwardandreversemortgagerates.com, 615-970-2216 Molly Maid – www.mollymaid.com, 615-794-0200 Moody Radio – www.moodyradio.org, 312-329-4300 Peak College Planning – www.peakplanningtn.com, 615-516-0290
— completed grades 3–12! Life-long memories and friendships. Campers discover their strengths, explore exciting adventures, forge friendships and complete challenges. Registration includes ALL activities, a themed camp shirt and a video of your camper’s week. Deer Run is a traditional camp where everyday distractions are removed. Passionate and engaged staff and counselors lead your child to authentically grow in faith, character, confidence, respect and leadership. The staff-to-camper ratio is higher than required standards allowing for closer supervision, deeper relationships with the counselors and other campers, plus a more powerful camper experience. Visit DeerRun.camp for more information.
P.E.S.T., Inc. – www.pestinc.net, 615-382-9774 Rescue 1 Global – www.rescue1global.org, 615-379-8399 Saint Thomas Health – www.sths.com, 615-284-LIFE Simple Solutions 4 Home Care – www.ss4hc.com Spring Hill Memorial Park, Funeral Home & Cremation Services – www.springhill-memorial.com, 931-486-0059 The Fish 94FM – www.94fmthefish.net, 615-367-2210 Therapeutic Interventions – www.tiicares.com, 615-840-8943 TN Christian Chamber of Commerce – www.tnchristianchamber.org, 615-815-8765 University of Alabama – www.boonecabin.ua.edu, 205-348-4090 Williamson Memorial Funeral Home & Cremation Services – www.williamsonmemorial.com, 615-794-228 YMCA of Middle TN – www.ymcamidtn.org, 615-259-9622
Newly Renovated Saint Thomas Midtown Women’s Care
Saint Thomas Women’s Care at Midtown Hospital has been busy making exciting renovations to
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enhance the experience of the many families we serve each year. The project started last summer and is expected to be complete early fall. We want you to be the first to see a sneak peek of the new space!