Nashville Christian Family magazine | October 2016 issue

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October 2016


the Drummer Helping others soar


Finding Balance


Nashville Christian Family

Our Mission Publisher: Robert Stringfellow • 615-815-8765 Editor: Raymonda Jaggers Contributing Writers: Anthony “Tony” Boquet Perry Coghlan Ben Davis, CSA Kingsley East Stephen French Ben Graham Ben Lawson Scott Lehman Jason Lindsey Tammy Merritt

Troy A. Miller Amy Moseley Sheila Moss Kenneth Oosting, PhD Dave Ramsey Trillion Small, MS Laurie Stroud Tom Toner Liane Worthington

Production and Art Direction: Wendy Satterwhite Website Development, Digital Marketing & SEO Services: Social Media: Kylie Odrabina Printer: Franklin Web Printing Sales & Marketing: Robert Stringfellow Cover: Zoro the drummer

Nashville Christian Family is published monthly by Clarion Concepts, P.O. Box 463, Spring Hill, TN 37174. The phone number is 615-815-8765. E-mail Reproduction of any part of Nashville Christian Family without permission of the Publisher is prohibited. Distribution of this paper does not constitute and endorsement of information, products or services. Views expressed in Nashville Christian Family do not necessarily represent those of the Publisher. Every effort has been made by Nashville Christian Family staff to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2016 by The Christian Family Publication, Inc. Unless otherwise noted, scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Use by permission of International Bible Society. Circulation and Distribution: Nashville Christian Family is free and available at targeted, high traffic locations throughout Williamson County. 10,000 copies are printed each month. Copies are available by subscription, $25 for one year (12 issues). To subscribe, e-mail ncfpublication@

– Nashville Christian Family is a part of The Christian Family Publication, Inc. celebrating 16 years of Good News! Visit

Nashville Christian Family ® exists to provide Christians and the community at large with ways to strengthen and grow as a part of the Middle Tennessee Christian Family. This local monthly publication is designed to promote positive living by sharing with readers of all ages relevant and timely news and information related to health, faith, parenting, youth, finances, Christian entertainment, missions, church leaders, and much more.

From the Publisher “Be still and know that I am God;”…… Psalm 46:10 (NKJV) Friends of mine moved their firm to a new location. The renovations done on the building created a beautiful new office environment for the folks that are employed by the company. One “benefit” that they didn’t really consider were the many geese that live around the pond just across the street from them. Apparently these geese came some time ago and decided to stay. If you work in the area, you might be familiar with them. More than once daily, in a normal routine, the geese begin to cross the street from the pond into the plant beds and parking lot of my friends building. Having seen this myself on more than one occasion, I can tell you that these creatures do not move swiftly when crossing the street. In fact, they seem to be intentionally taking their time. They don’t cross as one gaggle, but waddle across one, two, or three at a time. It seems that they could care less about the heavy traffic that is usually on the street which must come to a complete stop to avoid hitting them. Because the geese crossings take several minutes, some drivers who are in a hurry become, shall we say “frustrated”. In fact, my friends was telling me that they sometimes just watch the reactions of drivers. They laughed as they told me that they sees everything form drivers sitting on their horns (the geese are unfazed) to expressive hand gestures to screaming at them to pounding the dashboard. You know, we all seem to be in such a hurry in our day to day activities. We’ve just got important things to do, schedules to keep, and these darn geese get in our way!! “Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10: 38 – 42 (NKJV) Why can’t we just take Jesus’ advice to Martha and “chill out” for a few minutes? Whether its geese on the street, traffic jam or whatever, take the time to reflect, pray and just think about what is really important. Being a few minutes behind schedule certainly isn’t the end of the world. That will happen when Christ returns and what a time that will be, I can’t wait, how about you?

October 2016


Medicare Open Enrollment October 15th through December 7th (Effective coverage date 1-1-17)

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October 2016 DEPARTMENTS


Volume 7, Number 12

3 From the Publisher 6 Healthy Living Let Go Of Hurtful Childhood Memories 6 Faith Under Fire Help For Defending Your Christian Faith


11 Body & Soul Help For Dealing With the Loss Of a Child


11 Youth News Young People Need Personal Financial Education

World Renowned Drummer Zoro, spreading God’s message that He put each of us on earth for a specific reason. See page 14.



Senior Scene – Must read article for seniors during Medicare Open Enrollment


Mission Makers – It is important to learn to responsibly manage the resources God has given us


12 Cool Stuff With a Mighty Message Lessons From King Solomon For National Peace 12 Mighty Men Hometown Hero 16 The Home Front We Need a Game Plan When Purchasing a House 17 Parenting Points The Importance of Having Children Read Instead of Watching

20 Miracle Moments – Extracting young ladies and girls from slavery 22 Church of the Month – Music City Baptist Churc

17 Faith At Work What’s Your Story – Get Someone To Tell You Their Story


18 Teachable Moments As Believers, We All Have Worth in God’s Eyes

NEXT ISSUE God’s Not Dead 2

18 Hassle Free Zone Achieving “Balance” In Our Lives is Very Important

22 Kids Korner Kids Get Connected With the Bible Using Simple Science Experiments 23 In His Grip As Christians, It Is Our Duty to “Compete” 23 God’s Plan For Salvation and Eternal Life

Parenting Tips And MUCH MORE!

25 Best Books Holiday Cooking Fun For the Entire Family


26 Calendar 26 About Our Advertisers

October 2016


H ealthy L ivi ng

Is the Inner Child in You Decreasing Your Emotional Intelligence?

I am no statistician but simply from being an observer of people I am willing to guess that 80%, or more, of us still are operating from a childlike emotional and mental state. What I mean by that is some of us have grown and matured physically but there still remains some childhood experiences that have left us at the age we were when we were first hurt. You may not be aware if there is still that little child in you or not but I am pretty certain that some of the feelings that your heart feels today are the exact same feelings your heart felt when you were a child. The only difference is the new situation or person that caused the feeling. Let’s take Bill for example. Bill is a 45-year-old man who hates having his evaluation meetings with his boss. He stated that these meetings cause him much anxiety and stress for no apparent reason, especially considering that every evaluation has been positive; often times preceding a promotion. After taking a closer look at all of his experiences when he felt similarly he remembered that when he was 8 years old his dad scolded him for not drawing a picture of a house correctly. From that moment on, Bill has been overly anxious and stressed when his work has to be evaluated. I wonder how many of us are like Bill? How many of us are still relating to the adults in our life the same way we related to the adults in our childhood? Having unfinished childhood business can cause us to have low emotional intelligence (EQ) as adults just like Bill. Emotional intelligence simply is the ability to be self-aware of and effectively regulate one’s emotions. EQ surely does serve us well when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Not to make things more complicated, but you could very well be different ages with different people depending on if that current person brings out a certain part of your childhood or not. For example, a 40-year-old wife could be 10 years old with her husband, 21 with her siblings, and 40 with the other women in her bible study group. A few years ago I discovered that my EQ was very low. I only became aware of how low it was once I evaluated the health of my many relationships. After admitting that many of my relationships had been unhealthy I finally stopped to find the common denominator; which was me, myself, and my unruly emotions. Of course it is painful to admit that you still have some serious areas of growth but I took on the challenge to work on myself. This is a difficult daily choice that you have to make but I, still to this day, choose to continue to increase my EQ. Most of us will be unwilling to admit that we are immature emotionally in many ways but if you truly desire to increase your EQ and have healthier and more peaceful relationships then you will stop yourself long enough, look in the mirror, and ask yourself, “how old am I emotionally?”. — Trillion Small, MS is an author of two books, a mental health counselor, and a leadership development coach in the Brentwood, Tenn. and Greenhills area. For more information visit


Nashville Christian Family

F aith U n de r F i r e

Conference To Help Christians Reach Others and Defend Their Faith Fox’s Book of Martyrs tells the story of monk named Telemachus whose courage and martyrdom in the 5th century is credited with stopping Roman gladiatorial fights. Christian history is full of stories like this; men and women who bravely spoke out and stood against the cultural norms of their time with the hope, and often success of changing their communities for the better. From men who stood against pagan practices in Britain and Ireland in the 6th and 7th centuries, to Martian Luther’s stand against the heresies of his time, we have been called to defend the faith. In today’s society, we are inundated with worldly views on the definition of marriage, abortion, politics, and religious liberty, just to name a few. Our culture is becoming noticeably less accepting of Christian teachings and values. Too often our voices remain silent, stifled by uncertainty and doubt. What should our response as Christians be? Will we be ready as 1 Peter 3: 15 instructs us to “always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” Or, will stay silent and as and be destroyed Hosea 4:6 warns “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge.” Now it is more important than ever for Christians to know what we believe and to be able to effectively communicate our faith: learn to proclaim and defend the great truths of Christianity. Make plans to join us for our 4th annual Defending Truth Conference to learn how to reach others and defend your faith respectfully from leading Christian apologists including Norman Geisler (, David Geisler (, Erwin Lutzer (, Ed Stetzer ( , and J. Warner Wallace ( Presented by NRBTV and, the event will be held on Saturday, November 12 in Nashville, TN at Belmont University’s McAffee Concert Hall. This conference will help enable people in all stages of live to share their faith and give reasonable answers for what they believe to colleagues in the workplace, friends in the neighborhood, or family members. An event you won’t want to miss. Registration is now open! Take advantage of our early bird pricing (only $35 for adult tickets) until October 15. Additionally, we offer a student discount (tickets are only $15). Group rates are also available upon request. Contact Christy Roberts at or (615) 733-2960. Get your tickets today! For more information and to purchase tickets, visit To learn more about NRBTV or, visit and respectively. We hope to see you there! — Troy A. Miller is President and CEO of the NRBTV—a Christian TV channel headquartered in Nashville, Tenn., and seen nationwide on DIRECTV channel 378 and select broadcast affiliates. The channel is also streamed worldwide on Roku, Amazon Fire TV and Apple TV (4th gen) streaming players, via a free mobile app, and online at

National Christian Foundation Heartland is now a resource for the Middle Tennessee charitable giving community!


When it comes to your giving, you want to make the biggest impact possible. At National Christian Foundation Heartland (NCFH), our creative solutions will help you do just that. Let our team of experts help you simplify your giving while paying less taxes. Complete less paperwork, pay fewer taxes, and make a greater impact for your church or favorite charities through NCFH. Open a Giving FundÂŽ in just minutes at!

Stephen French, President Middle Tennessee Region I 615-424-2800

October 2016


S e n ior S ce n e

Medicare Open Enrollment - What’s next? Fall is in the air so you know what that means – yes it is Medicare open enrollment time. Starting Oct. 15th and ending Dec. 7th if you are on a Medicare Advantage (MA) Plan you have the option to make changes to your current carrier. This includes MAPD (Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug) plans or PDP (Prescription Drug Plan) or MA plans. Your current carrier’s plan is good through Dec. 31st and you should have received an ‘Annual Notice of Change’ (ANOC) letter stating the changes in your plan for 2017. If you have not had any issues with your plan and the changes for 2017 is acceptable to you, you need not do a thing – you will be renewed for the plan year 2017. “However” states Ben Davis, CSA (Certified Senior Advisor) who is the Director of Outreach for Select Pointe, LLC “this is a great time to look at the other options available in your county/area”. He has been in the Medicare arena since 2005 and has seen many changes since MA plans started being sold in the middle Tennessee market. “Drug formularies change, tier co-pays change, co-insurance amounts change, and providers may change”. “It can be a bit overwhelming for the over 65 age group especially for those folks that are new to Medicare”. There are 3 options when it comes to selecting Medicare plans. Which option is right for you? “That depends, says Davis, and that is why you should seek out professional help to guide you to the best decision as it relates to your current situation”. That is what he and the other agents at Select Pointe, LLC have done since 2012. Do you want to have original Medicare (Parts A, B,

and D), or add a Medicare Supplement (also known as Medi-gap), or is a MA/MAPD (parts A, B, C, and D) plan right for you? “We have been helping people for the last 4+ years by asking them questions they didn’t even know to ask and then make a decision based on that information”. Making sure Hospitals, Doctors, and providers accept a MA/MAPD plan is very important. Although Medicare Advantage plans have been in the Nashville area since 2006 there is still some confusion about what all is covered and what is not. There are 4 parts to Medicare: Part A is Hospital insurance coverage, Part B is Medical insurance coverage, Part C Medicare Advantage coverage, and Part D is Prescription Drug coverage. The types of Medicare Advantage plans are Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS), and Special Needs Plan (SNP). This information as well as other information can be found in the ‘Medicare & You 2017’ booklet that has just come out. So if you need help, have questions, or you are just getting started with Medicare coverage give Ben a call and let’s get the process started. See our ad on page 4. — Ben Davis, CSA, Director of Outreach, Select Pointe, LLC 615-584-4946

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Nashville Christian Family

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M i ss ion M ake r s

GENEROUS GIVING: God’s Investment Strategy They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Looking back over my life, I can now see that the Lord ordered and directed my steps to the very place where I am now serving. As the new President of the Middle Tennessee Region of National Christian Foundation, Heartland, my new role is giving me the opportunity and privilege to exercise the experience, gifts and talents accumulated over the last forty years. I believe there were three important steps along the way that specifically prepared me for this season of my life. ➢ Financial education ➢ Ministry opportunities ➢ Leading and owning several companies Starting my career at Merrill Lynch in 1976, I was a young man filled with passion, goals and excitement to learn the world of finance and how it could impact the lives of my clients. The hours were long and challenging but offered the opportunity for great reward. During my seven years at Merrill, I learned that hard work, earning the trust of my clients and God’s favor were a powerful investment strategy.

346 Main street franklin, tennessee

Over the last thirty years, God has provided me with many opportunities to be involved in local and international ministries. The privilege to serve in God’s Kingdom work has manifested itself as an Elder in a multi-cultural Church, Chairman and board member of a National Men’s Discipleship ministry and working with a school for young women in Ghana, West Africa. All of these have given me the chance to see first hand the importance of giving generously and investing God’s resources to further His plans and purposes on earth. Leading and owning several companies over my career has given me a great perspective on the importance and responsibility of managing God’s resources entrusted to us. After serving as Founder and CEO of a company for eighteen years, I know too well the emotions, questions and ultimate decisions required in selling a business. It can be overwhelming, but National Christian Foundation’s resources can help simplify this process. My journey of a thousand miles began with those three steps and ultimately brought me to this place of having a great desire to serve others through education, consulting and implementation of “generous, contagious giving.” Like the parable of the talents found in Matthew 25, we have an opportunity to multiply what has been entrusted to us and hear our Master say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” — Stephen (Steve) French is President of the Middle Tennessee region of National Christian Foundation Heartland. Steve’s primary focus revolves around meeting with advisors, attorneys, individuals, and business owners to develop strategies and solutions to minimize tax liability while maximizing charitable giving with specific emphasis in the area of non-liquid assets such as stock, real estate, mutual funds, and portions of closely held businesses.

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October 2016


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B ody & S ou l

Throughout my many years of working with families who have grieved the loss of a child, I have learned so much about the power of healing in the midst of great pain and personal loss. There are three lessons that have repeated themselves over and over again, and I think they are worth sharing with others who have experienced similar losses. The first lesson is the importance of connecting with others – something that is always risky. When a loss is involved, there is the added risk that the person you are talking to will say the wrong thing, not understand your experience, or simply not know what to say at all. However great that hurt from a well-meaning loved-one is, it is not nearly as painful as the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can come from shutting others out. Risking connection is the first step to experiencing encouragement in the midst of loss and finding support to cope with the pain of grief. The second lesson is the importance of grieving and remembering. This can be a challenge, especially when there are few, if any, physical reminders of the person you have lost. However, finding ways to memorialize and remember are important steps in the grieving process. Creating memorials, naming the child, or finding ways to celebrate their life can be meaningful and helpful steps towards healing. Grieving may seem like a scary concept, but it is necessary for finding health and healing after the loss of a child. The third lesson is the importance of moving forward. Notice I didn’t say

Y outh N ews

moving on or moving past. You should not be made to feel that you have to leave your child in the past. They will always be a part of you. The experience will always be there. But, you can find ways to move forward and bring the experience with you in healthy ways. This may include thinking about significant ways to give back to others or finding ways to set goals and aspirations for the life you have before you. Although there will always be pain from the loss of a child, there are ways to create connection, participate in remembrance, and look to the future that can bring healing in the midst of painful loss. Hope Clinic for Women is participating in the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day Event on October 15 in honor and memory of babies who never reached their first birthday. This event takes place at Centennial Park Main Event Shelter from 4-5:30 p.m. and is free and open to anyone interested in participating. — Amy Moseley is the Clinical and Outreach Director at Hope Clinic for Women. She is trained in treating trauma and traumatic grief with a background in treating survivors of sexual assault and past abortions, individuals dealing with pregnancy loss and infertility, and women and men dealing with relationship difficulties and mood disorders.

Students With Personal Finance Education Exhibit Strong Money Knowledge And Habits

A new study by Ramsey Solutions, a leading company in financial education, finds that students who are taught personal finance lessons in the classroom have a better understanding and more confidence when it comes to managing their money. Of high school students who have taken a personal finance course, 94 percent report understanding how student loans work and 79 percent report understanding how a 401(k) works. Students who have taken a personal finance course are also more than three times as likely to say they would rather have $500 in the bank instead of a smartphone. Ramsey Solutions surveyed more than 76,000 high school students across the country for its Students and Money National Research Study. This report is the first in a series on the impact of financial literacy on the next generation. Students who have taken a personal finance course are 23 percent less likely to say they plan to use student loans to pay for college. Instead of student loans, 69 percent of students plan to utilize scholarships, 53 percent plan to have help from their parents, and 51 percent plan to personally fund their college expenses. “It’s promising that so many students are leaving high school with a solid

foundation in handling money,” said Anthony ONeal, youth and money expert and speaker with Ramsey Solutions. “But what’s even better is that the students are putting into practice what they’re learning. And by doing so, they’re creating good money habits that will pay off over their lifetimes.” The survey also found that students who have completed a personal finance course: • Report confidence in budgeting (95 percent), investing (87 percent) and saving money (94 percent). • Bring in an average monthly income of $243, or $3,000 per year. Almost two-thirds of students surveyed say they are earning money. • Create a budget monthly (nearly eight in 10). • Say they have a car they paid for by themselves (20 percent). Additional survey results can be found at — Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business, and CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven best-selling books. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 12 million listeners each week on 575 radio stations and multiple digital platforms. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web

October 2016


C ool S tu ff

Peace through Diversity, Employment, and Might King Solomon reigned over the unified Judah and Israel for 40 years. To date this is the longest period of continuous peace and prosperity in the country’s entire history. How did this man of great wisdom also become known as the King of Peace? Not surprisingly, he did so using the power found in the Wisdom of Three; designing a three pronged strategy with each being executed through three areas of focus. The first strategy was to be able to demonstrate power and might to any adversary foolish enough to attack. The focused objectives: 1. He used his knowledge of people to develop strong talents as a trustworthy leader. The soldiers put their lives on the line with each battle; they needed to have the highest level of trust in their leader. 2. Leveraged the experience of his predecessor and warrior father to gauge the weaknesses of his enemies. Though his father refused to use chariots in battle, Solomon embraced the strength they gave to the foot soldiers. 3. Finally he relied on the natural resources; what he referred to as the precepts given to him by his God. The second strategy was to build alliances with as many of the surrounding nations as possible. Objectives: 1. As a young and intelligent King of a thriving kingdom he once more used his natural resources, in this case, his body and position to attract other kings and emperor as allies. It did not take much convincing for them to offer their daughter’s hands in marriage. Once the two were wed, the kingdoms were united in peace. This is one reason King Solomon had 700 wives. 2. From that point, he routinely arranged for the “In Laws” to visit his kingdom, he would stage war games; flexing his army’s might in a non-threatening manner. This in turn brought more immigrants to the growing communities in need of worker; allowing the citizens to mingle with new cultures leading to more diversity. 3. As a man who married women of other cultures, he encouraged open communication and supported a society that desired cultural understanding. The third strategy was to build a thriving work force capable of bringing wealth to the citizens. Solomon was a master of business and he knew that if the citizen were wealthy, the kingdom would be wealthy. Objectives: 1. He hired all able-bodied people who did not already have a job. You had to work to eat. He used these people to assist in the building of the great Temple dedicated to his Father as well as the walls surrounding Jerusalem, Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer. The walls built around those smaller outlying villages brought the residents a higher sense of security which in turn spurred on additional private construction; revitalizing these once poor communities. 2. Next, using one of the alliances he formed with King Hiram, ruler of Tyre; he brought in the Phoenician craftsmen to assist his people. 3. Finally, he taught the local business people how to handle their wealth. As a leader well respected for his wisdom, he used his court and his writings to publically instruct the Jewish people on financial planning. Can these three thousand year old lessons teach our current leaders the Power of the Wisdom of Three? — Anthony “Tony” Boquet, the author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary”


Nashville Christian Family

M ig ht y M e n

Breaking Chains

“The only thing you’ve got to do is keep getting up; the rest will work itself out.” Ndume Olatushani woke up to this belief every day for twenty-eight years of a prison sentence on Death Row. Falsely accused and falsely convicted, Ndume spent nearly half of his life behind bars for a murder-robbery that occurred in Tennessee. Before his trial, Ndume had never even been to Tennessee. Then, at age twenty-seven, he was sentenced to death. One can hardly imagine this life, yet many Christians and founders of the faith lived it- false accusations, imprisonment, and even death. However, the Apostle Paul, the disciples, and Christ Himself never lost sight of the hope they have in the midst of all trials. Like them, Ndume held onto hope every day for twenty-eight years in jail, and he still has hope today for himself, the people on Death Row, and youth who are subject to follow the “cradle to prison pipeline.” Beyond his false imprisonment, Ndume has a unique story in that he found purpose behind bars. Ndume’s mom raised him with the perspective that there are always people less fortunate than him, and he is responsible to use his gifts to bless others. Therefore, Ndume helped his fellow inmates read and write. He also adopted the hobby of painting in jail. This outlet became a way for Ndume to use his own gifts to bring joy to himself and those around him. Not only did Ndume find a way to use his passions in jail, but after twenty-eight years of looking at a death sentence, Ndume was freed from his prison cell. This didn’t come easily, and it took many sacrifices to bring this work to completion. One person who gave years of time and energy to Ndume’s case is a woman named Anne-Marie. She met Ndume while he was in prison through an art exhibit at the jail. From there, she became obsessed with making Ndume’s record right and fighting for justice. Her dedication and research, along with other lawyers’ efforts, ultimately paid off as it gave Ndume a new life. Now Ndume volunteers with many organizations that reach out to the imprisoned population and the demographic of people who are most subject to follow a pathway to jail. Ndume sees the goodness in people and believes that they can find the best in themselves when they are supported. A few of the organizations that he partners with are Hope Exchange, the Martha O’Bryan Center, Project Return, and local high schools. In each of these places, Ndume strives to bring hope to underserved people.Like the Gospel itself, good news cannot be contained. Ndume chose to find life in broken, chainedup circumstances. Now he is living proof that anything can happen - a death sentence can be appealed, a man can learn to read, a child can grow up anywhere and rise out of his predicted circumstances. Hope is everywhere, but we must hold onto it if our lives are to have meaning. Ndume’s story proves that having this hope can turn any place, even Death Row, into an opportunity to use one’s gifts to bless others. Nashville’s Volunteer of the Month is a program of Doing Good, a 501c3, non-profit organization which educates and inspires people by celebrating the real stories of real people who volunteer. For additional information about Ndume, Doing Good, or other volunteers, visit the website www.DoingGood. tv or @DoingGoodTV on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, or YouTube. — Kingsley East

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Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016 @ 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. (Doors open @ 6:00) Zanies Comedy Club 2025 8th Ave. South Nashville, TN 37024 HCFW_July2016AD_NashvilleChristianFamily.indd 1

7/28/16 8:54 AM

A special thank you to the evening’s sponsor:

Tickets: $30, purchased at *A minimum of 2 food/drink items is required per person.

Featured Comedian Bone Hampton, named “Comedian of the Year” by Dove Awards & Urban Gospel Alliance.

Doing Good celebrates those o`g \g _gg\ lg Ú_`l `ge]d]kkf]kk throughout Nashville! Enjoy a family-friendly night of humor & []d]ZjYl] dg[Yd ngdmfl]]jk o`g Ú_`l `ge]d]kkf]kk throughout Nashville! Support Nashville Rescue Mission, Oasis Center, Safe Haven Family Shelter, and Metropolitan Homelessness Commission by cheering their volunteers between comedy sets! This evening celebrates all local volunteers who Ú_`l `ge]d]kkf]kk& Tickets are limited for this one-time celebration. To purchase tickets, visit For additional information, contact Doing Good at 615-934-5087 or This event is a fundraiser for Doing Good, a 501c3 fgfhjgÚl o`a[` []d]ZjYl]k l`gk] o`g \g _gg\& Join Comedian Bone Hampton for a night of homespun humor & sharp wit!

October 2016


Photos by Matthew Fried and David Di Padova.

Watering a Heart’s Desire

Speaking of people who “water his soul,” Zoro unfolds his story: My greatest early influence was Mom because of everything I saw in her life. Without her and my older sister Patricia, I could not have climbed mountains or soared beyond circumstances. When I received the Lord Jesus as my Savior as an 11-year-old boy at a Baptist summer church camp, God became chief influencer. I vividly remember that encounter with God and the song "Just as I Am" of Billy Graham Crusade fame. Adding Reneé—my wife of 22 years—brought an incredible set of three influential women working with God in my life. I saw my mother’s faith lived out as she stood up against every form of discouragement and disappointment. I saw people trying to take advantage of a Hispanic single mom with seven children. However, she was a high-hopes tough cookie who defended us with her life. We lived in abject poverty, but we were never without hope. Growing up in that fatherless home spawned my heart’s desire to become a great dad.

We often wonder how folks get from there to here regardless of where there and here is. World renowned drummer, Zoro, is a prime example—that’s Zoro with a single “r” rather than double “rr” superhero Zorro. The following narrative stems from a most delightful interview with the master drummer himself. world, but the most important is being father to my kids. I’ve poured time into their lives ever since their birth—maybe more than most working dads because I’ve been self-employed with more flexible scheduling. Among my greatest blessings are 17-year old Jarod and 15-year old Jordan who are thriving in purpose, gifts, and talents. Career is wonderful, but it means nothing if family isn’t happening. I’ve been around successful billionaires with broken and destroyed families, but of higher value than dollars and success is family that loves and believes in God. Ultimately, earthly life will be over, and as a father, the only thing that will matter is whether I taught my family about the Lord. Did I lead, mentor, and love them? Did I love my wife and church? Did God have first place? I don’t want to live with regrets that I didn’t spend more time with my family. I want to live from an eternal perspective with eternal values.

Nowadays, career involves shorter stints. I used to take the red-eye, work all day, take the earliest flight home, and see my family at the airport. I would drive them to school and pick them up to spend time with them. Car time is vital life-sharing time—time to pour into their lives. When they Marrying Reneé changed the direction of my life. She grew were three-years old, I taught them the importance of prinup in a strong Christian home and continually blesses my Zoro’s newest book, Soar, is available ciples and reading. I would make simple-to-understand kid life. Her faith, prayers, and belief make it possible for me at, and sentences: wisdom means to make the right choice; compasto do what I’m called to do. I’ve had lots of gigs around the Barnes & sion means to feel for others in need. Many simple principles


Nashville Christian Family

UPCOMING APPEARANCES October 25: Hear Zoro live on Chris Brown’s “True Stewardship” radio show, part of Dave Ramsey’s Solutions Network. Sunday, October 30, 2:00 PM: Zoro book signing, Cool Springs Barnes & Noble, 1701 Mallory Lane, Brentwood, TN

evolved into the teaching principles in my book Soar long before it became a book. The principles came from Scripture I taught them to memorize. When they were five and six years old, they could quote long passages for young adults I mentored in our home. Why? I knew that if they learned Scripture while they were little, they could draw on it all their lives. I’m not a perfect person, but nobody can honestly accuse me of not doing my absolute best for my wife and children. I will die knowing that I gave them all I have, holding nothing back. In my life as a father, I’ve learned to compensate for what I didn’t have in my young life. I believe that a person can write great books and win all kinds of awards and even be a great doctor, but if family life is crud, then “success” is pointless. My children are people who “water me.” Everybody should bring something to the other person—reciprocity. My kids teach me how God loves me. Just as I love them when they displease me, so does God love me. People in Nashville watered me, too: Zoro International Ministries (ZIM) began during my full-time teaching at Belmont University. Through mentoring hundreds of young adults, the Lord showed me I was to build up the 18-29 year-old generation that may have fathers but maybe not fathers who could speak in ways their kids could hear. Plus, they liked the music. I poured my heart and soul into those students for nine years, and when we had nine days to move back to Los Angeles, 21 students worked around the clock: they were reciprocating—a bit like the movie It’s a Wonderful Life when the townspeople came together to support George Bailey. The Lord definitely orchestrated nine years in Nashville through people who helped me know ministry infrastructure. Otherwise, there would be no ZIM, no Soar, and no Big Gig. That fruitful God-season birthed a new season—maybe to impact people in Hollywood who normally would never go to church or be seen with anyone who looks “churchy.” So, having given us life-long friends and ministry vision, God sent us back to CA to another divine appointment.

Watering a Worldview

Years ago after seeing my first bullfight in Mexico City, I bought two souvenir hats and tacked them on my wall with other memorabilia. Later, when I was going to a gig, I grabbed one of the hats. Mom began calling me Zoro, using a phrase that she thought described my worldview—always fighting for the underdog. She thought I was like the real Zorro, and the hat highlighted the phrase. So, I started wearing it everywhere. When I went to the studio or on stage, people called me Zoro, and I realized God was renaming me—sort of like the Saul/Paul thing: a new name no one would forget, maybe even a secret agent. God’s humor is ironic: the name actually ties my Hispanic heritage through my mom to the hero’s fighting for the common person and back to my love of superheroes when I was a kid. Because I grew up as an underdog, I know what people need to hear. Most are broken and battered and feel like they can’t make it and that life has no

purpose. I’m a voice that says, “No, you’re not that; God sees you as an incredible person with lots of potential.” The heart of my ministry is to lift people up. Since every day can be another discouraging day, I try to use my platform to impact people for God. Sometimes it’s thousands of people at an event. Sometimes it’s one-on-one in LA or Uganda where I stop and pray with a total stranger. Other times it’s teaching people what it takes to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives, to understand that God offers structure and a plan. I developed the Soar curriculum long before writing the book. Teaching it in my home for years helped refine its principles of lifting up people who think they have no talent or gift or purpose. Soar has principles—not steps— because people never finish surrendering or discovering or strategizing or impacting. God’s principles are circular, emphasize earning respect through excellence, require humility before Him, and bring blessing to others.

Watering a World

Memorizing words when I was little brought me comfort and direction. Occasionally, God brought encouraging males into my life, but, of course, they never lived with me. Since they weren’t my father and since I’m a serious reader, I clung to the power of words and positive phrases in the Bible. Those words changed my life, becoming an inspirational, motivational tool. The “sayings” hung on my walls, representing life. Because I understood the power of words, I actually started praying, “Lord, give me words that will inspire and empower others. Flow through me with the power of words.” He started downloading words and phrases into me which have now become “Sharable Quotes” on my Website and Facebook and quotations in my books. Words are what I have to give; they’re important to God; otherwise, He wouldn’t have given us His Word, the Bible. One message for every audience, even a segment of the Nashville Christian Family who may have never heard of Zoro, is that God puts each of us on earth for specific reasons. Ask Him, “Why have You created me? Show me what that is for this season of my life.” Make that your heart’s cry. He knows you; He likes you. — Sheila Moss, teacher, speaker, and author of Living to Matter: Mothers, Singles, and the Weary and Broken, leads a 9:45 AM Sunday Bible study at Forest Hills Baptist Church. Come!

October 2016


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It’s football time in Tennessee! Whether your favorite team is UT, Vanderbilt, or any other team, there is one thing for sure and that is; every team develops and executes a game plan in order to win the game. In the world of real estate, you too need a game plan in order to buy your first house or buy the house of your dreams. Where do you get started? The first plan is to get prequalified (preapproved) with a lender that you feel comfortable with. A good lender will discuss all of the loan options and rates with you. Second, make a list of what is important to you in a house. Is a garage more important to park your car from the weather elements, or is it important to have a large deck to entertain guests, or maybe even both. Whatever you decide will help guide you to the house that will make you happy.

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Third, decide what part of town you want to live in. Whether it is being convenient to restaurants and shopping, or being in the outskirts or the countryside. Fourth, think about the holidays coming up. Now is the perfect time to look for a new house to spend the holidays. And, when your family and friends ask you what you want for Christmas, you can tell them gift cards to use on your new house. So, if you are ready for a game plan, and would like to score big on finding your new home, give me a call and I will be glad to help you reach your goal in your new home.

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Nashville Christian Family


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P ar e nti ng P oi nts

Words, Words, Words “In the Beginning was the Word…” John 1:1

Recently Ravi Zacharias, one of the most able defenders of the christian faith alive today, observed that God did not say that in the beginning was video! He went on to speak about the power of the written and spoken word to shape and change individuals and cultures. He echoed the words of Rudyard Kipling who wrote “words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.” Of course Kipling existed before the time of Hollywood, the internet, and video. Ravi goes on to mention a book I would recommend all of you dear readers find, purchase, and read…ASAP! The book is titled “Christ and The Media” by the late Malcom Muggeridge. It was “the most important book I ever wrote” said Muggeridge (in a private conversation he had with Ravi). Muggeridge was a brilliant user of words! He was a radio and TV commentator, a lecturer, journalist, author, and social commentator who often provoked and even infuriated his audience. He wrote, “future historians will surely see us as having created in the (visual) media a Frankenstein monster which no one knows how to control or direct, and marvel that we should so meekly subjected ourselves to its destructive and often malign influence.” This need not be the case. Creating a love for words and a love of story, good stories, need not lead to the devolution and degradation that CAN come. Along with giving children a love for the written and spoken word you MUST then give them the tools that equip them to know what to do with words, their own and those of others, so they will never be at the mercy of the words, or imagery, of others. The late British writer, Dorothy Sayers, observed in her magnificent essay “The Lost Tools of Learning,” For we let our young men and women go out unarmed, in a day when armor was never so necessary. By teaching them all to read, we have left them at the mercy of the printed word. By the invention of the film and the radio, we have made certain that no aversion to reading

shall secure them from the incessant battery of words, words, words. They do not know what the words mean; they do not know how to ward them off or blunt their edge or fling them back; they are a prey to words in their emotions instead of being the masters of them in their intellects. We who were scandalized in 1940 when men were sent to fight armored tanks with rifles, are not scandalized when young men and women are sent into the world to fight massed propaganda with a smattering of "subjects"; and when whole classes and whole nations become hypnotized by the arts of the spell binder, we have the impudence to be astonished. Words and stories have power. Word and stories have weight. Words and stories carry authority. Words and stories exercise authority. Stories (written and spoken) have the power of imagination. Words and stories can lead and mislead. Words and stories can direct and misdirect. The power of words and stories to influence, inspire, motivate, direct and redirect the course of one's mind and life (as well as entire societies) is immense. Give your children exposure to good words and stories. Start them early. Monitor their intake. Use the power of words and stories to your advantage. Let them “…influence, inspire, motivate, direct, and redirect…” the course of your child’s life. Instill in them a love for words and stories that are “…true… noble…just…pure…lovely…of good report…virtuous… (and) worthy of praise….” (Phil. 4:8). — Perry Coghlan

F aith @ W or k

What’s your Story?

A very large bearded man named Benny, exited his 53-foot tractor trailer and proceeded into the terminal to check in. As the new chaplain for the company I had not yet met this intimidating looking man. I was Benny’s chaplain. First things first, meet Benny. It didn’t look like he needed help, especially from me. I just walked up to him as stuck out my hand. He welcomed my handshake as a vice grip would grasp a tool. He introduced himself as I asked nervously, “tell me your story”? He did just that: he was a professional football player for a number of years before getting entangled in hard times. His life changed dramatically over the last five years. He told me he was a Christian 5 minutes into the conversation. I was pleasantly surprised at his willingness to get deeper quickly. We tell and hear thousands of stories over our lifetime. It is amazing to learn about people from all backgrounds. Each one brings unmatched uniqueness and fascination. Your story is just that, your story. Psalm 139:13-14 “God formed your inward parts; He wove you in your mother’s womb, we are to give thanks because we are fearfully and wonderfully made”, by Him. Your history is told through your unique lens. Parents, friends, and circumstances mold your characteristics and personality. Your Story is something that can add life to others, tell

it to someone. More importantly ask someone about their story. You will be surprised what you will hear when you intimately listen with care. Jesus was a master at asking questions to the people He encountered. He usually answered questions with questions. His objective is simple; he wants His creation to know Him more intimately. “The more we expose to Him who we think we are, the more He can tell and show us who we really are in Him or who we really can be if our hearts are right”. That’s a mouthful! The workplace is full of people that hunger to tell their story. Ask your co-workers genuine questions about them. Ask them to share their personal journey with you. You may ask; What led up to taking the job you have? What challenges did you experience growing up? How did you communicate with your parents in conflicting situations? Go deeper as they allow you to know them. We have to earn trust so people will share the most intimate parts of their lives. These are some of the questions Jesus asked people: Why are you thinking such things in your heart? Mark 2:8 Who do you say that I am? Matt 16:15 If you greet your brethren only, what is unusual about that? Do not the unbelievers do the same? Matt 5:47 — Tom Toner, tomt@ourcompanychaplain.

October 2016


T eachable M om e nts

H ass le F r e e Z on e

God Forgave You,

The Need for

Forgive Yourself

BALANCE There is a general assumption in our society that more is better. We want to make more money, have more toys, have more friends, and have more of everything else that we enjoy and think is important. However, we should be seeking balance instead. Examples of where we need balance are in our blood pressure, the amount we eat, the speed of our car, amount of sleep we get or amount of time at work. The place where we should probably seek balance by greatly increasing our effort is in our love of God assuming it is real and not as the Pharisees did for show.

How many times have we thought, “Well, I blew that one all to pieces or I should’ve never offered to make peace with my coworker, or better yet, I had a big piece of “Devil’s Food Cake” (no pun intended)? There goes another attempt to shed some pounds that I have now royally messed up! Sometimes I think it’s just a velleity, a mere wish to get into those good old size seven blue jeans again. Friends and neighbors, let’s back and punt for a moment. Don’t you see what’s going on here? One of Satan’s familiar tactics is he wants you and I to feel worthless. Beaten down. Feel disgusted with ourselves. He growls,“Now look what you’ve done. You can’t do anything right. You might as well go to Red Lobster and order the two for one seafood platter and don’t forget to upsize your soda, you’ll be so parched, you’ll need it!” Now, here comes the wonderful grace and mercy of our loving Heavenly Father. He already knows what we do before we do it. He also knows that when we lose our footing, we feel authentically crummy. Pretty much second rate rotten! Psalm 103:12 (NIV) Says clearly, ”He wipes out our transgressions and He remembers them no more.” The key phrases in delivering this passage is to keep reminding ourselves that it’s ok to start over, recount your blessings, friends and lastly, sincerely take it to heart, get still in your spirit and LISTEN when He whispers, “I have forgiven you. It’s forgotten! Now my child, forgive yourself.” — Tammy Leigh Merritt resides in Columbia, Tenn., with her kitty, Egypt, studying and writing for His glory, and has a degree in Communications.

In most other things, balance is the key. More is often a poor decision. Less is often a poor decision. We need to seek balance. Wisdom helps us to seek that balance but finding the balance is not easy. The behavior of others is one key when we consider what they think is balance. We can also see the ill effects that come to those who do not seek balance and learn from it. Others evaluate us each day as to how well we have achieved balance. Do we talk too much or too little? Do we drive too fast or too slow? Do we dress appropriately for where we are and who we are with? Do we eat too much or not enough? For each activity there is a range of acceptable behavior but there are extremes where we should not travel. Finding balance in one part of our lives helps us to achieve balance in others. For example, if we spend most of our time on one activity, we do not have enough time to spend on other important aspects of our lives. Thus, while one is too much, other parts get too little of our time. Seeking balance in our relationship with God needs balance as well. Most of us spend very little time with God. Balance requires more time in prayer, devotions, worship with others and in Christian fellowship. Consider the amount of time you devote to these activities over the period of a week. When you think about the things you do each day, consider what the extremes might be for that activity. Where do you fit on that spectrum of too much or too little? Is some correction needed? Seeking balance in your life will help bring happiness and time for the worship of God and seeking His will through prayer. STUDY QUESTIONS: THE NEED FOR BALANCE These study questions are intended for use with God’s Plan for Service, The Need for Balance. The primary purpose of the study questions is to help the reader to more fully grasp the significance and implications of the topic. Recipients have the option of sending your responses, questions or comments to God’s Plan for Service for comment by Dr. Oosting (by email to info@ or mail to GPS, 1226 Knox Valley Drive, Brentwood, TN 37027). 1. In what part of your life do you find it the hardest to maintain balance? What you done about it? 2. Our love of God and obedience to God should permeate our lives. Is there sufficient time in your life for this? 3. What have other people told you that you do too much or too little? Are you out of balance in those areas? — Kenneth Oosting, PhD


Nashville Christian Family

9 Proven Keys for Unlocking Your Limitless Potential


“Zoro reminds us of the potential for greatness that lies inside each of us and shows you step-by-step what it actually takes to achieve excellence in all areas of your life.” –Kathie Lee Gifford Cohost of NBC’s Today Show “Zoro has a tremendous passion for ministry and sharing the gospel. When we had him as a guest on our program, I immediately connected with his desire to communicate God’s truths in a real and down to earth way.” –Joyce Meyer Christian Author and Speaker

BOOK SIGNING WITH Pick up a copy of Soar! and meet the worldrenowned drummer, author, and inspirational speaker at his only Nashville appearance!


Sunday, October 30th at 2:00 P.M. Cool Springs Barnes & Noble 1701 Mallory Lane Brentwood TN 37027 (615) 377-9979 WHY: To be inspired, ignited, and equipped with the tools needed to reach your full potential and live out God’s dream for your life!

“Soar! is filled with practical wisdom that will enable you to discover, develop, and deploy your gifts. If you’re wondering why you’re here, and what your purpose is, read this book!” –Kevin Sorbo, Actor, Director, Producer and Author (God’s Not Dead, Hercules)

When you think of your life, what are your biggest dreams?

“Zoro’s heart, discipline and passion are what propelled him to greatness. …His music and life lessons are about using your God-given talents to the maximum.” –Lenny Kravitz Singer-Songwriter, Record Producer, Actor & Arranger

Winning an Academy Award? Discovering a cure for cancer? Flying a fighter jet? Winning an Olympic gold medal? Ultimately doing something significant, meaningful, and lasting?

“Zoro’s latest book is what millions in today’s ever-changing world are asking for.” –Michael W. Smith Grammy Award-Winning Recording Artist

Your dreams are far more than wishful thinking. As worldrenowned musician, master storyteller, and motivational speaker Zoro shows, your dreams are a very special gift from God, designed to help you soar!

Soar! has skyrocketed to the top of the Christian book charts in many categories!

In this powerful book, Zoro shares nine vital life principles that will help you unlock your limitless potential and guide you into a life of impact, intention, and adventure regardless of your age or what you’ve accomplished so far. This book will provide the master keys to accomplishment. Are you ready to be launched into the true success that awaits you? Published by Emerge Publishing

World-renowned drummer Zoro has toured and recorded with music legends such as Lenny Kravitz, Bobby Brown, New Edition, and Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. He is also a critically acclaimed author, life coach, ordained minister, and founder of Zoro International Ministries who speaks to audiences worldwide on the topics of personal excellence and life purpose. and

SUBSCRIBE AND SOAR! Soar with Zoro’s latest words of wisdom and inspiration, subscribe to his blog at and his YouTube channel at

Sign up for a FREE chapter of SOAR!

9 Proven Keys for Unlocking Your Limitless Potential


Soar with Zoro: Practical Wisdom for Life

October 2016


M i r acle M om e nts Sadly, many girls, as they fall asleep at night, are forced to lay their heads on pillows bathed in hopelessness and heartache. Human trafficking is a problem that for far too long has been mislabeled and even worse swept under the rug. With more than 21 million people enslaved in the world today, the problem of human slavery has gotten worse not better. Consider This: • 40% of those trafficked will end up in the USA • 1 out of 5 runaways in the US will fall victim to child sex trafficking • The US is the number 1 consumer of human trafficking • 60% of pornography being consumed features someone being trafficked There is no official estimate of the total number of human trafficking victims in the U.S. The Polaris Project estimates that the total number of victims nationally reaches into the hundreds of thousands when estimates of both adults and minors and sex trafficking and labor trafficking are aggregated. Yet, in the USA, there are less than 2000 beds available in safe homes where intentional, specific care is given to girls who are survivors of sex trafficking. The Rescue 1 Global Dream Rescue 1 Global is a 21st-century abolitionist movement combatting slavery and human trafficking on a global scale by educating and mobilizing communities towards the prevention, rescue, and restoration of the vulnerable, vagabond, and victimized. Our dream is the give these girls a space where their hearts can heal, all while being wrapped up in the warm embrace of the love

of Jesus Christ. With rooms ready, renovated, and waiting, we dream of seeing the living spaces of Grace Oasis enveloped in the sounds of girls enjoying a life of freedom. We dream of an oasis where the people these girls come in contact with want nothing from them but that they enjoy the life of a child rather than a slave. When this home opens, it will be the very first safe home of its kind in Tennessee for girls ages 12-17, who have come out of sex slavery. Grace Oasis: An Aftercare and Recovery Program Our aftercare recovery program will provide the counseling, therapy, education, and spiritual guidance these girls need to heal mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually. Almost all of the girls coming out of the trauma of slavery experience PTSD. Grace Oasis will provide round the clock care and encouragement for these young ladies as they pursue healing. Fulfilling the Dream We are so close to accomplishing this dream! The rooms are ready, but there is still work to be done. This home can only become a reality through partners like you, who are passionate about seeing survivors fully restored. Together, we can make a life-changing impact. For more information on how you can fulfill this dream go to — Ben Lawson is the Vice President of Business Operations for Rescue 1 Global. He is married to Serena and has 5 beautiful daughters.


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F eatu r e

In 2012 Ben Graham and his family along with the Huffman family came to the Nashville area to start a church! Pastor Ben Graham was saved at the age of fourteen and surrendered to preach less than a year later. He is a pastor's son and comes from a long line of preachers. Pastor Graham has been in full time ministry since he was 19 years old serving as an evangelist and pastor. He has travelled and preached in all 50 states, as well as having travelled and preached in 24 foreign countries. Pastor Graham has a radio show, he is an actor and producer and has been in several Christian films and commercials, he serves on several ministries boards and is very involved in local and state politics. He is a Chaplin with the Tennessee State Guard and he serves in the leadership of the Tennessee Pastors Network! During the middle of 2012 when he felt the Lord calling him to Nashville, TN. He resigned from the church he was at and moved to Nashville to plant the Music City Baptist Church. Ben and his wife Candice have four boys, Jordan, Zachary, Carson and Cooper. Pastor Graham has recently wrote a book "Bring back the Glory" and also wrote and directed a new political documentary film called "I will Stand"! Some might ask why plant a church in America, aren’t there enough churches? I read a statistic that said in 1900 there were 27 churches for every 10,000 Americans, in 1950 there were 17 churches for 3 every 10,000 Americans, in 1996 there were 11 churches for every 10,000 Americans and there are now less than 10 churches for every 10,000 Americans. Then some might ask why Nashville, isn’t this right in the heart of the Bible belt? The Tennessean, which a secular news paper in the Nashville area had an article that said while Nashville is right in the center of the Bible belt, that less than 49 percent of the over 1.4 million people living in the Nashville metro area attend church at least once a month. That statistic included ever kind of church.

Pastor Ben Graham with his wife Candice and children; Jordan, 16, Zach, 13, Cooper, 6, Carson, 7.

Music City Baptist Church is a Church that is about lifting up Jesus. At Music City, we believe that God's Word provides the only solid foundation for life. We believe God has a purpose for every person. That is why we make no apology for preaching and teaching the Bible. MCBC was started in February 2013 with the goal of observing and upholding the pure Word of God. We desire to be found loving, honoring, and serving the Lord Jesus Christ when He returns. In reality our church is all about Jesus Christ. We believe that He is Lord and He alone is to have the preeminence in His church, just as the Bible teaches. At Music City we preach and teach the Bible in a setting and manner intended to please the Lord Himself, convict and help those who need Christ, as well as encourage and help God's people to grow. Its our desire is to honor the Lord and have worship services that give glory and praise to His name. As such, you’ll find our services full of uplifting music including hymns, choruses, songs, choir specials, soloists and special groups. There’s a time of announcements, an offering, plus special times of recognition. Everything is done to prepare hearts for the preaching of God’s Word. In these three plus years the Lord has blessed Music City with people who attend from Nashville and almost all the surrounding suburbs! They are in the process of buying a permanent building in the Mt. Juliet area and should be meeting their the beginning of October. They would love for anyone looking for a church home to come visit them and check out the different ministries they have in reaching both the community and around the world with the message of hope that comes through Jesus Christ and the Word of God! — Ben Graham, Pastor

K i ds K or n e r Spiritual Buoyancy

GOD’S POWER: God’s power is amazing! WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 (NIV) HANDS-ON EXPERIMENT

Pop a Balloon with an Orange INGREDIENTS

• • •


Balloon Orange Flexible Measuring Tape

Nashville Christian Family


STEP 1: Inflate the balloon. Describe the inflated balloon by using its observable properties. Using the flexible measuring tape, measure the distance around the fattest part of the balloon. Using this data, identify the balloon based on its properties. STEP 2: Remove the peeling from the orange. Describe the orange peeling by using its observable properties.

STEP 3: Holding the shiny part of the orange peeling toward the inflated balloon, squeeze the peeling, so the oil in the orange sprays on the balloon, and observe. Describe the oil from the orange peeling by using its observable properties. EXPLANATION The peeling of the orange contains limonene oil, which dissolves the rubber balloon, causing the balloon to quickly pop. BIBLE CONNECTION

While an orange has the ability to surprisingly pop a balloon, never underestimate the power of God. Nothing is impossible with God!

In His Grip

Are You Competing for the Christian Life? Have you ever considered the Christian life to be a competition? That may sound like an odd question but maybe we should look at it like it is. The Apostle Paul sure did. He was stoned in the city of Lystra, tossed outside the city and left for dead. Once resuscitated, Acts 14 says, "He got up and went back into the city." He wasn't going to let a stoning keep him down!

was confident he could pass to glory having competed well in this life. "I fought the good fight, I finished the race, I kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7).

Another time (Acts 16), Paul and Silas were beaten with rods by the authorities and thrown into prison. The next day it was reported that Paul and Silas were actually Roman citizens. The magistrates released them and asked that they quietly leave the city. Not Paul. "They beat us publicly without a trial, even though we are Roman citizens, and threw us into prison. And now do they want to get rid of us quietly? No! Let them come themselves and escort us out."

Too often I think people expect Christians to roll over and lay down when challenged and even Christians themselves will equate the call to be meek with being wimpy or passive. I'm sorry, Jesus called us to contend for the faith. To contend means to compete, not against each other but against the things of this world that we might become strong in the Lord.

Paul reveals his fight to win his battle with his own sin in Romans 7. Then, in 1 Corinthians 9, he likens the competition for a disciplined Christian life to that of Olympic competition. “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.”

Scott, his lovely wife Leslie, and son Micah live just outside of Nashville, Tenn. Connect with Scott at his blog: and on twitter/inhisgripgolf.

So, are you ready to compete? — Scott Lehman is President of In His Grip Golf Ministry and author of the popular book, “More than a Game.” Scott and his family live in Thompson Station, Tenn.

Ultimately, Paul knew the time had come for him to suffer earthly death and

P l an


S alvation

Has something in the magazine or something you have discussed with someone or some thoughts that you have had or something that you have heard, brought you to a point of realizing that you want and need to know Christ in the truest and personal sense?

If so, below is a simple outline for someone of any age who is not a Believer to act on their desire to accept Jesus Christ into their heart as their Savior. God’s Plan of Salvation God created us to honor and serve Him Revelation 4:11: “You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power;For You created all things, And by Your will they exist[b] and were created Each of us has sinned against God Romans 3:10: As it is written, “There is none righteous, no, not one” Romans3:23: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

Jesus Christ died on the cross in our place, paying the penalty for our sin Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. We each must accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior Romans 10:9: that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:13: For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”

The penalty for sin is eternal separation from God and Heaven Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Good works cannot ever earn God’s forgiveness and Salvation Titus 3:5: not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us. God loves each of us John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

To accept Christ into your heart and life, pray a simple prayer along these lines - “Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sins. I know that Jesus died for my sins and the sins of the world. Right now, I ask Jesus into my heart and receive Him as my personal Savior. Forgive me of my sins, thank you for saving me through the blood of Jesus. Please Lord, help me live for you. In Jesus name, amen.” All scriptures are taken from The New King James Version of the Holy Bible.

October 2016


Curb Event Center, Nashville Friday, October 28th at 7pm Ticket Prices: Premium ­ $45, GA ­ $25, Family 4­pack ­ $18 per ticket Tickets available at 24

Nashville Christian Family

B e st B ooks

Make Festive Meals and Memories


The Berenstain Bears’ Holiday Cookbook 40 holiday-themed recipes for families to make together Kids love to help out in the kitchen, especially around the holidays. Many favorite holiday family recipes might be too complicated for little chefs, however, now children can help prepare special kid-friendly recipes with the latest Berenstain Bear family cookbook. In The Berenstain Bears’ Holiday Cookbook, Mama, Papa, Sister, Brother, and little Honey, have gathered some of their favorite holiday recipes to celebrate the year’s most important occasions. Filled with traditional holiday favorites like Pumpkin Pie, Hot Apple Cider Punch, Cranberry Stuffing—and some unique and fun recipes like Papa Bear’s Paw-Licking Good Chicken Wings—this kid-friendly cookbook will help Bear Country families, and families and friends everywhere, have the most wonderful season of holiday treats and meals ever. Some of the recipes included come from beloved author and illustrator Jan Berenstain’s own personal collection. With each holiday, The Berenstain Bears’ Holiday Cookbook also features a Bible verse, a Bear family moment and a special blessing for the occasion, prompting parents and kids to discuss the reason for the season as they whip up yummy food and drinks. This fun family cookbook encourages adult and child interaction, and has fun, creative seasonal meal ideas spanning holiday season. Families can make these recipes as part of their holiday menus or use them for inspiring fun seasonal meals and treats any day of the week! Included in The Berenstain Bears’ Holiday Cookbook, are 40 recipes for fun kid-friendly meals and treats. With kid-friendly cooking tips and simple food and measurement conversions, The Berenstain Bears’ Holiday Cookbook will surely become a holiday tradition with delicious and festive recipes kids can cook with adults.

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The Berenstain Bears’ Holiday Cookbook is part of the popular Living Lights series, which has sold over 5 million units world wide since it’s launch in 2008. The Berenstain Bears’ Holiday Cookbook is available in hardcover for $12.99 from Amazon. — Liane Worthington, Senior Manager, Public Relations, Zonderkidz HarperCollins Christian Publishing

October 2016


October 2016 Calendar List Your Event!

If you have an event you would like listed in the Nashville Christian Family Community Calendar e-mail us at: subject line - Calendar Goodwill Will Pickup Your Donation “If you can’t get it to us, we’ll come get it from you.” That’s the gist of Goodwill’s new Home Donation Pickup Program, which in just a few months has grown to serve communities in more than 16 Middle Tennessee Middle and West Tennessee counties (Davidson, Montgomery, Robertson, Sumner, Wilson, Rutherford, Dickson, Cheatham, Maury, Dekalb, Bedford and Perry, Madison, Henderson, Gibson and Decatur). www.giveit2goodwill. org/pickups October 17, 24 & Nov. 2 Self Defense Class 6:00 - 9:00 pm PM - The ‘Equalizer’ women’s self-defense course offered - The Williamson County Parks and Recreation Department (WCPRD) is pleased to announce a women’s self-defense program called ‘The Equalizer’ at the Public Safety Center, 304 Beasley Dr. in Franklin. The course is for women and teens, age 15 or older. Teens age 15-17 must have a parent-signed release. Registration is required in advance at (#8113). For more information, go to October 1-24 Winter Tennis Clinic Registration

The Athletics Division of the Williamson County Parks and Recreation Department announces open registration for winter sessions of indoor and outdoor tennis clinics. Clinics start the week of October 24. Indoor clinics will be offered at the Indoor Sports Complex in

month. First Monday, Cool Springs/ Franklin/Spring Hill at King University, 113 Seaboard Lane. For more information about the Chamber and events, visit www.tnchristianchamber. org or email rstringfellow@yahoo. com.

cord Rd, Brentwood, TN. For more information please visit our website at or email us at A.R.M.S. (Abuse Recovery Ministries and Services) WEDNESDAYS 6:30-8p.m. This is a 15-week faith-based class for victims of domestic abuse. Begin the healing process and start to live again. Child care provided. Call for location and directions. 866.262.9284

Every Friday Morning CBL Roundtable – 6:45 AM – 8:15 Brentwood; outdoor clinics will be at AM – CEO Fellowship is a non-profit, Crockett Park, 1500 Volunteer Pkwy. in Brentwood. Adult and junior clinics non-denominational organization (age 5 and older) in beginner through of local Christian business leaders. advanced skill levels are offered Mon- Meetings are held at Brentwood Baptist Church, Wilson Hall, 7777 Conday(s) through Saturday(s). Prices vary depending on the duration of clinic. A full class schedule, fees and registration are available at www. All fees must be November 18 - 20 paid in order to secure placement in a Deer Run Married Couples Fall Romance Weekend class. Space is limited! Contact Mike Spend an intentional intimate weekend focusing on each other without inMartin, ext. 2116 or Ann Marie Flynn, terruptions and without to-do lists! For couples in all seasons of marriage ext. 2113 at (615) 370-3471 for more — relaxing couple time, valuable speaker sessions, relationship-building information. activities and delicious meals prepared on site by Deer Run’s chefs including a romantic candlelit dinner. Bruce and Marlina Martin lead the ONGOING weekend sessions — Lord of the Rings: Fighting for Your Marriage. Call Tennessee Right to Life Chapter 615.794.2918 or for more info and registration go to 1st Thursday Monthly events. 7 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church, 2640

Coming in

Buckner Road, Thompson’s Station, - info@ - 615-298-LIFE(5433)

Tennessee Christian Chamber of Commerce 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM - Networking/ Leads Group Meetings held each

A bout O u r A dve rti s e r s

November 1 Comedian Bone Hampton for Hilarity for Charity, a night of homespun humor & sharp wit! Named “Comedian of the Year” by Dove Awards & Urban Gospel Alliance. Tuesday, November 1 at Zanies Comedy Club. Doors open at 6:00, & the show begins at 7:30. Purchase tickets on www. Event is produced by Doing Good, a 501c3 non-profit celebrating those who do good!

Please support these local businesses that support Nashville Christian Family with their advertising. Support us by patronizing them.

Ben Davis -, 615-584-4946 Bott Radio Network –, 615-871-1160 David W. Harr, DMD -, 615-776-2565 Deer Run Camps and Retreats -, 615-794-2918 Experimac –, 615-457-8000 Hope Clinic For Women –, 615-321-0005 Hyundai of Cool Springs –, 615-550-7330 Judy Ester – Mullins Realty Group, LLC,, 615-814-1226 Lee Company -, 615-567-1000 Legendary Computers –, 615-472-8134 Lucky Ladd Farms –, 615-274-3786

26 Nashville NashvilleChristian ChristianFamily Family 26


Molly Maid –, 615-656-4334 National Christian Foundation – Heartland –, 615-567-1016, ext.3135 P.E.S.T., Inc.-, 615-382-9774 Pieology -, 615-716-8414 Resuce 1 Global – , 1-615-379-8399 Saint Thomas Health -, 615-284-LIFE, 931-486-0059 The Fish 94FM -, 615-367-2210 TN Christian Chamber of Commerce – 615-815-8765 YMCA -, 615-259-9622 ZORO –

October 2016



Nashville Christian Family

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