June 2018
Summer FUN
Tales of a Princess:
Duck Dynasty’s Missy & Mia Robertson
Father’s Day
Can a special needs trust help you? Special Needs Trusts safeguard personal assets and provide for services or items that public benefits do not cover – all without jeopardizing eligibility for government benefits and public assistance programs. Vista Points is focused on helping people living with disabilities, their parents and caregivers, and the professionals who serve and guide them.
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Peace of mind does not have to cost a fortune.
Nashville Christian Family
Our Mission Publisher: Robert Stringfellow • 615-815-8765 publisher@christianfamilynashville.com Editor: Raymonda Jaggers Contributing Writers:
Bruce Ashford, Ph D Olivia Bane Anthony “Tony” Boquet Ben Davis Brenda Delgado Ben Graham Doug Griffin Brittney Griffy Dan Kalman
Darlene A. Kemp, MPH, MBA-HCM Greg Ketteman, Ph D Frank Odrobina Kenneth Oosting, Ph D Susan Reinfeldt Mark Simpson Mike Verble Kelley Rose Waller
Production and Art Direction: Wendy Satterwhite Website Development, Digital Marketing & SEO Services: The 5by5 Agency Printer: Franklin Web Printing Sales & Marketing: Brenda Delgado, Marketing Specialist Robert Stringfellow Cover: Missy and Mia Robertson
Nashville Christian Family is published monthly by Clarion Concepts, P.O. Box 463, Spring Hill, TN 37174. The phone number is 615-815-8765. E-mail ncfpublication@gmail.com. Reproduction of any part of Nashville Christian Family without permission of the Publisher is prohibited. Distribution of this paper does not constitute and endorsement of information, products or services. Views expressed in Nashville Christian Family do not necessarily represent those of the Publisher. Every effort has been made by Nashville Christian Family staff to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2018 by The Christian Family Publication, Inc. Unless otherwise noted, scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Use by permission of International Bible Society. Circulation and Distribution: Nashville Christian Family is free and available at targeted, high traffic locations throughout the Nashville Metro Area and surrounding counties, Williamson, Wilson, Sumner, Rutherford and Maury. 10,000 copies are printed each month. Copies are available by subscription, $25 for one year (12 issues). To subscribe, e-mail ncfpublication@gmail.com
– Nashville Christian Family is a part of The Christian Family Publication, Inc. celebrating 18 years of Good News! Visit www.ChristianFamilyNashville.com
Nashville Christian Family ® exists to provide Christians and the community at large with ways to strengthen and grow as a part of the Middle Tennessee Christian Family. This local monthly publication is designed to promote positive living by sharing with readers of all ages relevant and timely news and information related to health, faith, parenting, youth, finances, Christian entertainment, missions, church leaders, and much more.
From the Publisher Regarding Godly Fathers, Martin Luther said, “Keep an apple beside the rod to give the child when he does well.” Discipline must be exercised with watchful care and constant training with much prayer. Chastening, discipline, and counsel by the Word of God, giving both reproof and encouragement, is at the core of “admonition.” Joshua 24:15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, ………… But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." (NIV) Proverbs 14:26 He who fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge. (NIV) Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. (NIV) Psalm 103:13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him. Ephesians 6:4 Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord. (NLT) 1Timothy 3:2 - 5 Therefore an overseer (Father) must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church? There are many outstanding Scriptures that reference Fathers in one way or the other. The ones above are some that I have found valuable and helpful over the years. On this Father’s Day, we should not only our honor earthly Father’s, but our Heavenly Father as well.
Publisher, 615-815-8765 publisher@christianfamilynashville.com
June 2018
June 2018
Volume 9, Number 8
DEPARTMENTS 3 From the Publisher 6 Family Matters A Father’s Journey: Together Life 6 Christian Soldier Veterans Community Project Expands to Nashville
ON THE COVER 14 A behind the scenes look at what life was like on the set of Duck Dynasty from Missy and Mia Robertson- authors of the new book series, Princess in Camo. See page 14. 11, 18, 19
Summer Fun
6, 17
Father’s Day
Last One Standing
Special Needs Trusts
Attention Veterans
7 Healthy Living Swimming Up Stream 10 The Great Commission Nashville Missionary Plants Bible Schools In Faraway Places 11 Body & Soul Summertime!
12 The Home Front Crawl Space Vents’Foundation Vents 17 Mighty Men Father’s Day: To Anyone Who Thinks An Imperfect Man Can’t Be a Great Father 18 City Scene Local Summer Fun 19 Mission Makers Helping Others Helps All Of Us 19 Are We There Yet? Summer Fun – Family Camp 20 Hassle Free Zone How To Get Your Air Conditioning System Ready For Summer 22 Faith Under Fire Stormy Waters
24 God’s Plan For Salvation 25 Teachable Moments Vocational Discipleship – Part 2 26 Calendar 26 About Our Advertisers
The remarkable life journey of Dr. Ming Wang & MUCH MORE! 4
Nashville Christian Family
For More Good News, visit ChristianFamilyNashville.com
19 www.ChristianFamilyNashville.com
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F am i ly M at te r s
C h r i stian S oldi e r
A Father’s Journey: Together Life I am not sure how many of you know about the Law of Symbiosis. It is a very interesting law that happens all around us every day of our life. The word symbiosis actually means "together life". The law refers to the three types of relationships organisms share that live in close approximation to one another; often one cannot live without the other. In extreme cases, one organism actually lives inside the other organism. This law is the basis of ecology; the study of living organisms and their environment and it is powered by the wisdom of three. Relationship one is Parasitism: the parasite benefits and the host is harmed. Relationship two is Commensalism: one species benefits, the other is neither hurt nor helped. Relationship three is Mutualism: when both species benefit. In a family environment we see all three as an evolution from one to another. As we celebrate Father’s Day let’s examine each separately as they pertain to a father’s relationship to the children. Parasitism is often viewed as a negative way to live life because of the harm the parasite brings to the host organism. Many times in life the host organism knows the parasite is harming them but graciously allows the relationship to continue. I can site hundreds of cases where a father selflessly gave his all for his children. When the child is young this is understandable and is a very natural occurrence. It is only when the child becomes older and knowingly “feeds” off the father’s generosity does this affiliation become a negative situation.
As the child matures into adolescence the relationship should become one of Commensalism. The child should benefit from the father support and developmental guidance while the father is made whole through the results of these efforts. From the father’s perspective it is enriching to be able to be a part of the fulfillment of their child’s needs and the rewards are great on ne is more qualified to revolutionize veteran homelessness than us. many levels while the detriment is minimal.
n innovative startup company. We understand the unique challenges ran is one too many.
Once the child has matured into an adult, the relationship should have reached a healthy state of Mutualism. The child and the father both benefit from the others existence without harm to either. It is here that the father can observe the start of a new cycle of relationships and the continuation of his legacy. The child takes the lessons of the father, applying them in their lives while passing them along to the next generation. The one time parasite now becomes host to their children; the cycle of life continues and thrives.
Service Members put their lives on the line to serve their country and fellow citizens, however for some the struggle continues when they return home. Readjusting to society, finding employment, housing and medical support can be challenging for many upon returning to civilian life. These struggles often lead to homelessness . Statistics show that 11% of the adult homeless population is made up of Vets in the United States. This statistic motivated Veterans Chris Stout, Bryan Meyer and Brandonn Mixon to start an initiative to minimize, and ultimately eliminate homelessness in the Veteran community-thus the birth of Veterans Community Project. Veterans Community Project provides a community of transitional tinyhomes and onsite services that provide housing stability and addresses the underlying cause of the Veteran’s homelessness .In contrast to traditional homeless services, a tiny-home provides the Veteran with privacy, a sense of security, and the ability to reintegrate at a comfortable pace. Veteran services are facilitated through an on-site community center that provides the Veterans with mentoring, case management, counseling, and linkage to other programs and services. After a successful launch of the tiny-home community in Kansas City, Missouri, hundreds of communities have reached out to VCP to expand their services. After much consideration, Nashville, Tennessee was selected as the first expansion city. If you are an individual, corporation or organization that would like to join VCP in their mission to end Veteran homelessness in Nashville - please email Info@vcp-Nash.org — Brenda Delgado For 30 plus years, Brenda has created, developed and implemented successful media campaigns for local, regional and national businesses utilizing Faith Based Marketing outlets. www.delgadomediaserves.com
AN MEYER, BRANDONN MIXON, EF LEGAL OFFICER CHIEF PROJECT Science proves once more the Power of OFFICER the Wisdom of Three. It is our God,
ine Corps Helicopter Crew Chief
U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division; Helicopter
through the Wisdom of Three, gives us the blueprint we need to solve Crewwho Chief and Mechanic our problems. The term symbiosis, together life, is His explanation of the n was attached to Marine Medium copter Squadron 355Solutionaries (HMM 365) and was Brandonn spent four withothers the 82ndthe truth. Happy steps should take in order to years teach loyed to Iraq Father’s twice as wellDay as participated in Airborne Division during which he to everyone who selflessly leads anotherdeployed alongtotheir life’s journey embassy evacuation of Liberia. Following the Afghanistan in September 2011 and participatwith the motto; Together Life. ine Corps, Bryan returned home to Kansas ed in Operation Enduring Freedom. He medi-
attended the University of Missouri Kansas cally retired from the Army in 2013 and returned earning a Master’s in Public Administration homeauthor to Lee’s Summit, Brandonn — Anthony “Tony” Boquet, the of “TheMissouri. Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awaka Law Degree. Prior to co-founding VCP, he started and was CEO of Airborne Mechanical proening of a Modern Solutionary” ticed law in the greater Kansas City area and viding Veterans with low-cost/free heating and nded a nonprofit organization that provides cooling services. He left his business to co-found legal services to Veterans. Veterans Community Project.
Nashville Christian Family
www.ChristianFamilyNashville.com ONE HOMELESS VETERAN IS ONE TOO MANY.
H ealthy L ivi ng Less is more. Less of me is healthier. Less of me feels good. How has your weight loss journey been going? Right now, my wife and I are “neck and neck” on our weight loss totals. A little over a month into our weight loss with Cool Springs MD, and I’m down 13.2 pounds, my wife Sheryl is down 13.6 pounds. Exercise is a key part of losing weight and it seemed like the spring like temperatures flew by way too quickly. Heading into summer, getting in some exercise is another challenge. Too hot! Too humid! However, the mall is air conditioned and “when there’s a will, there’s a way”. This month our goal is to limit the excuses and just do it! Easier said than done, I kno, because losing weight is not easy for most of us. That’s why I call this column “Swimming Up Stream” – but thankfully we are not alone. My wife Sheryl and I have the support of the professionals at Cool Springs MD. Their wisdom and encouragement is a huge key to our success. I hope you are able to surround yourself with people that will encourage you and cheer you on.
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Continuing from last month’s column, here are a few more myths associated with maintaining your weight and what I have learned from Cool Springs MD. 1. Will I keep off the weight I lost? Yes! With accountability in journaling and monitoring calories and exercise, studies have shown that people can maintain their weight loss. A National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) study showed people maintained weight loss over 7 years. 2. If I was overweight as a child, can I lose weight as an adult? Yes! That same NWCR study showed that of the people who maintained their weight loss, 90% were overweight or obese by age 18. Keeping basic principles of dieting will maintain your weight loss.
Success. It’s attainable, it’s possible. Let’s lose this weight together. What will you commit to do this month that will contribute to your success next month? For me and my wife, we are putting aside the excuses and looking to walk more this month – plus – enjoy the fresh fruit and vegetables of the season and keep our portions small, especially when eating out. How about you? — Doug Griffin I very much welcome your feedback, thoughts and ideas – you can email me at Doug@94FMTheFish.net or feel free to call me during my live radio show – weekdays between 10am-2pm on 94 FM The Fish. (800) 826-3637
Brick • Block • Stone • Pavers Fence • Fireplace • Roof • Deck • Patio Walls • Paint • Concrete • Crack Repairs Pressure Washing • Driveway Sealing June 2018
S p ecial F eatu r e
Every day I hear “Mom can I have a cell phone?” or “Well I could do that (fill in the blank) if I had a cell phone.” I have gone so far as making a rule: Don’t ask for a cell phone. Seems silly right? My daughter is 13. She is quite literally the only person her age that she knows that does not have a cell phone, more specifically a smart phone. It is enough work to go behind her and check her computer that is required for school. Kids are always finding new places to chat, share pictures, post anonymously, and interact with people they have not met. I choose not to send her out with a mini computer (cell phone) in her pocket for additional screen time. Trying to make it easier for her to understand, I compared it to dropping her off in New York City with out an adult for 2 hours. Sure there are some really cool things to see but there are also some serious dangers. There is not much difference in being on the World Wide Web and Times Square. The dangers and content one is exposed to is the same. Who knows what she will see and she has no idea who is watching and paying attention to her or their intentions. Bullies now days are hitting a lot deeper than a side remark in the halls or a shove of the shoulder. Everyone is a bully now and they are hitting each other where it hurts, on a much deeper level of emotions, targeting one another’s’ insecurities. Because of the digital technologies they can do it consistently for long periods of time with no consequences. Sexuality is also a huge concern. I’m talking sexual preference, sexual identity, body image, provocative selfies, and all other sexual content. All ages are interacting with all ages. She is exposed to more at 13 than I was at 21. Add on a variety of “preferences” kids are expected to know, appreciate, and try all of them to find who they are. To add to that confusion we are obsessed with body image and followers. Kids use phones to take provocative selfies send them on all kinds of sites so others can rate, like, comment, etc. to find ways to justify their appearance or figure out what part to fix next. For the last 3 or 4 years when she would ask for a phone I would tell her she doesn’t need one. She would complain that everyone has a cell phone and there are not phone around for public use. My response: “if you are not with an adult you are wrong.” Now that she is 13 legally she can be home alone for a few hours by herself. And every so often she is home alone by herself but I have to trust she wont burn the house down and if she needs anything she can use an old disconnected phone to dial 911 or go to the neighbors. Every child is different; your decision has to be based on your child, his or her maturity level, and your family’s needs. So any other parents out there who have not let their child get a phone yet, you are not alone. You can tell him or her there are other kids out there.
Nashville Christian Family
I’m not trying to be lazy about managing her digital-technology use but if I can find ways to minimize the screen time and what she is exposed to I’m all for it. There is enough time for the digital world in her future; for now, let them be little. Force them to look out the windows and have conversations with people. Benefits of no cell Look out car windows: sense of directions and see the sights. When teens start driving they have no idea how to get home because they have been staring at their phone in the cars not getting familiar with surroundings. They do not appreciate the beauty of Gods creation around them because they have never paid attention. Conversations/Communication Don’t have your own cell just to text. You have to borrow moms to call people. Calling people is super uncomfortable for kids. Especially to resolve conflict. Imagine how crappy that is in the adult professional world or for personal relationships. Kids communicate so much in short hand (text) they struggle with actual sentences or full thoughts to express themselves. They then get frustrated that you don’t understand when they ask for help and they have only given you partial information to the situation. Inner Peace Kids cannot be bored for one second. They need constant entertainment, and immediate everything. They find no peace in being still. It is so uncomfortable it is almost painful for them. — Brittney Griffy, Clarksville, Tenn.
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S p ecial F eatu r e
The Value of Special Needs Trusts Imagine that your loved one, or you, is living with a physical, mental or intellectual disability. You discover that your assets you have worked so hard to accumulate, an inheritance, or a financial settlement from a lawsuit could jeopardize your eligibility to receive government benefits for your basic care. Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common for people living with disabilities. Thanks to the advocacy of Vista Points, Inc., many people of any age with special needs are becoming aware of various legal venues they may be able to use to protect their assets and potentially qualify or maintain needed government benefits. Vista Points serves as the nation’s only Special Needs Trusts & Resource Center. Everything the organization does is focused on helping people, of any age, who are living with a disability, their parents and caregivers, and the professionals who serve and guide them. The organization helps people become aware and learn about the benefits of Special Needs Trusts while guiding them to qualified professionals who can assist in their time of need. These resources and referrals help individuals plan for the future while maximizing today’s qualify of life. Determining who to manage a Special Needs Trust is an important part of the trust procedure. At times, a family member may not be the best choice to serve as trustee over your loved one’s (the beneficiary) financial assets. Many people do not have the needed knowledge or competency required to protect the beneficiary’s eligibility for public benefits while using the trust money for items or services these benefits do not cover. Vista Points can serve as the beneficiary’s professional trustee, thus relieving the burden from a family member or friend.
Vista Points serves attorneys and other professionals, who support people living with disabilities, by offering expert guidance in the highly specialized field of Special Needs Trusts. Attorneys, accountants, financial planners, case managers and other professionals refer potential clients to Vista Points for referrals to other professionals who can aid in the establishment of Special Needs Trusts. Giving back to the community is part of Vista Points’ mission, with the goal being to help people who are living with a disability. This is accomplished in various ways, such as recently a grant was given to a person who needed nonmedical care services. Now, this person has someone to help him dress, prepare meals, do light housekeeping, and travel to doctor appointments. Vista Points also works one-on-one with many organizations that help people living with a disability, such as Mental Health America of Middle Tennessee, the Council on Aging, the Multiple Sclerosis Society, the Alzheimer’s Association, the Tennessee Special Olympics, and the Paralyzed Veterans Association. — Darlene Kemp, MPH, MBA-HCM - Executive Director, Vista Points, Inc. For more information on how Vista Points may be able to help your loved one or a family member living with a physical, mental or intellectual disability, please call: 615-758-4660 or 888-422-4076. Email: info@vistapoints.org. Facebook: www.facebook.com/VistaPointsInc. Website: www.vistapoints.org
T h e G r eat C omm i s s ion Nashville Missionary Plants Bible Schools In Faraway Places Just over three years ago, Mark and Lois Simpson relocated their missionary outreach ministry to the poor and unreached in many nations, called River of Life Revival Ministries, from the Chicago suburbs to Old Hickory. The 48 Bible school students and teachers, Maypuco,
has been ministering in Latin America for over 43 years, and sees the vivid need in his travels all the time.
One of River of Life’s most ambitious (and difficult) projects has just been started, in the Peruvian Amazon Maranon River, Peruvian Amazon. jungles. Instituto Biblico La Amazonia was just opened, in the village of Maypuco, on the Maranon River tributary of the Amazon River. On May 4, Mark’s team, participating with “Missions to the Amazon” of Kansas City, Mo. and “Living Waters Missions” of Atlanta, Ga., began the first class for 48 hungry, ready workers from 12 different Amazon-region villages. An eight-hour intensive course will be held in the jungle every three months for the next three years, Mark and Lois Simpson 13 courses altogether.
One of River of Life’s main purposes is to train and raise up pastors and church leaders in many places in the world where there is no training or help for them. It is estimated that up to 80% of all Latin American pastors do not have one hour of Bible school training, a need that exists for two million plus church workers worldwide. Mark is fluent in Spanish and
1010 Nashville NashvilleChristian ChristianFamily Family
There is nothing else like this school in the jungle. There are no hospitals, grocery stores, none of the infrastructure that surrounds us every day. It is a
two hour drive, followed by a seven hour speedboat ride, from the city with the closest airport. No one goes on these rivers without a skilled pilot and mechanic, and no one has thought of getting a Bible School diploma there --- until now. This group of ministries not only ministers the Word of God to almost 60 of the region’s villages. Bread bakeries, rice cleaning machines, water purification systems, mobile medical/dental clinics and other helps are also provided, to rise the health and economic level of a huge, long-neglected people. Mark goes every year. His next project is training at two more Bible schools, in underground locations somewhere in Asia, where the same desperate need exists for the next generation of church leaders. — Mark and Lois attend Joy Church in Mount Juliet, and two of their four children and four of their eight grandchildren reside near them. If you would like to learn more about River of Life, e-mail at mark_simpson53@hotmail.com.
www.ChristianFamilyNashville.com www.ChristianFamilyNashville.com
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Genesis 2:3 – And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he rested from all his work which God created and made. It’s summer time and as the old song declared, “summertime, and the livin’ is easy” no doubt was written when life was so much different than it is now. If you’re like most people, you are hoping that summer will be a time to kick back and relax a little, but maybe you’re afraid that it will end up like most other summers with lots to do and flying past far too quickly. But while we may bemoan the fast pace of summer with all of its chores, the packing and unpacking for vacations, and repeated trips to the kids ball games, it would be good to stop and think about “easy living.” So, let’s get some perspective from God’s Word about the importance of rest. It can’t go unnoticed that God Himself rested after six days of assembling the universe. Knowing that time to kick back was important for the people He created, God showed us the importance of rest, so that we would get the point that no one can work without a break along the way.
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People that run on “weary” all the time soon lack the stamina to do well spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and relationally. Even Jesus, with more sermons to preach, more people to heal, and more tasks to accomplish for His Father, often went apart to rest a while. I am not sure why it is that some of us feel guilty or unfulfilled if we are not busy all the time. It’s important to realize that not everything needs to be done—at least not done right now. It may be more important to sit back with a tall glass of iced tea and contemplate the beauty of nature and the greatness of our God who is as faithful to us as the dependability of the seasons. As the hymn says, in “summer and winter and springtime and harvest . . . join with all nature in manifold witness to Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.” So carve out a little easy livin’ time this week and refresh your heart and spirit with blessedness instead of business. And don’t worry; the chores will still be there. They aren’t going anywhere!
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June 2018
S p ecial F eatu r e
Attention Veterans & Surviving Spouses of WWII, Korea and Vietnam.... “Did You Know...” I heard an expression the other day from a client’s daughter… “SHOCK and AWE” …whenever I tell folks like you and me about the best kept secret in the military. Title #38, better known as the AID & ATTENDENT NON-SERVICE CONNECTION BENEFIT that reimburses veterans & surviving spouses when they start paying for long term care services in the home, assisted living and even in the nursing home. 1. Did you know about this benefit? Don’t feel bad, as very few did. 2. Did you know it has been available since 1952 but Tennessee didn’t get the first nickel until 1986? Why you ask? Nobody knew that it existed! 3. How do you qualify? What am I talking about you ask? I am talking about getting benefits for your loved ones that 90% of the population doesn’t know exist and 70% of those over the age of 65 qualify for. The benefit known as Title 38 of the Veterans Administration commonly referred to as Aid & Attendance that provides up to $21,960.00 for a single veteran, $26,040.00 for a married veteran and even $14,112.00 for the surviving spouse of a veteran. You can receive this amount annually for the rest of your lives as long as you continue to pay for some form of Long Term Care. It may not be the Lottery, but I assure you,
it seems like it to a lot of families we’ve helped over the past 15 years and sure comes in handy when it comes time to making our income & assets last longer as defined by the level of care many of us over the age of 65 will face one day. Some of you were told about this benefit at one time or another but were told you would not qualify due to making too much income or having to many assets. My grandfather had a saying to that…HOGWASH! If you work through a true professional that will work for you AT NO COST as your Advocate, since it is against the law to charge a veteran and his family any fees at all, (and this includes all attorneys), you would know that these excuses are incorrect. Take time to find out what your options really are and to what steps you need to take so you will know WHAT to do…How to do it and most importantly…THEN DO IT! — Ben Davis & Mike Verble with Verble Estate Preservation, VA Advocate Volunteers Ben@verbleseniorsolutions.com Mike@verbleseniorsolutions.com 615-373-2733 -OR- 423-752-6000
T h e H om e F ront
What Are Those “Vents” For? Most people are familiar with crawl space vents or maybe you call them foundation vents. We see them on most every home with a crawl space. But why are they there? Do you open or close for different seasons? Why does code require them if they are not needed? Should you cover and block them? The information is conflicting and confusing. Expectations of the crawl space vent: The original intention of the crawl space or foundation vent was to control moisture. However, in areas with all four seasons or extremes homes were very uncomfortable. In areas of high humidity summer brought its own problems especially to home owners with wood floors. The moisture in the air was absorbed by porous materials like wood; damaging flooring, and making doors and windows swell and stick. During cold winters there were problems with pipes freezing. Easy fixes began to emerge. Old rumors say to open the vents when the temperature is above 60 degrees and close before winter. The idea for these vents is to allow air in to the crawl space and circulate air hoping to help the crawl space dry out, in theory if air was flowing
Nashville Christian Family
there were fewer concerns with humidity. And closing the vents was enough to protect plumbing under the house or drafty floors in the winter. To better understand it is important to study how a home breathes. This is called the house stack effect. The home breathes from the bottom to the top, air is sucked in from the bottom or these crawl space vents the home pulls the air up through the home and out the attic. A home literally pulls unconditioned air in from the bottom and pushes it up through the living areas. 50% of the air in our home comes from the air in the crawlspace below, some through leaky air ducts, holes drilled for wires or pipes, poorly insulated floors, etc. Foundation vents and basement windows are essentially the same thing, if you would not leave you basement window open you should not leave your foundation vents open. Open foundation vents provide the perfect habitat for mold growth. Temperature above 60 degrees, moisture humidity above 55%, and dead organic material (like the wood of our floor joists). Open vents also allow for bugs to get in the crawl space.
Spiders, snakes, and rodents follow hunting the bugs or for refuge from the conditions outside. When you think of it like that, do you really want to open the door and provide an ideal habitat with food and water to multiple creatures, so they can live comfortably only a couple inches below you and your family. Reality of foundation vents: • Allow for humid air • Bugs, Rodents, other pests The Best Solution: Encapsulate your crawl space with a proper vapor barrier, insulated and sealed, close and block those foundation vents permanently, and install the appropriate dehumidifier. The area will be protected from the environment, pests, and control the comfort level of the home. Controlling the environment will also cut cost on utility bills. Each home is a little different and not every solution is the same. Closing vents and encapsulation should be done by experts who will provide you with the best permanent solution. You work hard for your home and to keep your family comfortable and safe. Don’t let the unknown below steal the peace from your home life. — Brittney Griffy, Marketing Manager, Frontier Basement Systems
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Saint Thomas Medical Partners Bellevue will also offer walkin and same day care at our Express Care Walk-in Clinic. Our new clinic will be open Monday–Friday from 7a.m.-7p.m. and Saturday from 8a.m.-2p.m. Schedule a visit at saintthomasdoctors.com/bellevue. June 2018
Princess[es] in Camo:
Duck Dynasty’s Missy & Mia Robertson Duck Dynasty may have aired its final episode on A&E Network last spring, but 14-year-old Mia Robertson and her mother, Missy, have found a way for the playful antics among young cousins to live on in a new book series. A fictional take on what it was like filming reality television with family, Princess in Camo (Zonderkidz, $8.99) launched earlier this year with its first two titles, Allie’s Bayou Rescue and Running from Reality. Intended for girls age 8-12, they offer the same blend of relationship building, silliness, family values, leaning on Scripture, and the great outdoors found in Duck Dynasty—but with messages fit for pre-teens and parents as well. In the series, protagonist Allie Carroway is 12 years old and dealing with the challenges of severe allergies and the embarrassment of fame. In the first book, rumors among producers and family suggest if she has another serious asthma attack, her parents may sell their home and move from the Louisiana Bayou to Arizona, far from the homes and property where they film their reality television show, Carried Away with the Carroways. This was an ailment specifically chosen by Mia to reflect the physical and emotional struggles that she has shared with audiences nationwide. Mia was born in 2003 with a bilateral cleft lip and palate and had her first corrective surgery at three months old. Since, she has also had palate correction surgery (7 months old) and a second lip correction surgery with additional correction to nasal passages (5 years old). In 2014, Mia underwent a major bone graft surgery, in which her physician took bone from her left hip and placed it in the cleft of her upper jaw. Missy explains that the Christian faith the Robertsons vocally cling to on screen has carried the family through it all. As Allie’s health challenges follow her through the book series—which will expand to four titles in early September—so do glimpses into the Robertsons’ lives among camera crews. Missy says that while the characters and basic plot of each book were dreamed up by cousins Mia, Bella, Lily, Merrit and Rowdy, there are plenty of nonfiction glimpses sprinkled throughout that give a behind-the-scenes look at what it was like to film Duck Dynasty. While
Advice I’ve been given lately, having a middle school daughter for the first time, is this too shall pass,” Missy Robertson says with a laugh of raising daughter Mia, now 14. “God is ultimately in charge but he’s given us the responsibility of leading our children, and as long as we take that seriously, we have fun with them, we’re open, [we’re going to be okay]. Basically, I think the No. 1 thing in raising kids is being honest. Letting them know when you fail. Letting them know when you mess up and apologizing for it, and then they can understand that they can do that too.”
filming Carried Away with the Calloways, for example, Allie and her cousins hint at required wardrobe changes and mandatory gun safety training. The Diva Duck Blind, a glittered-duck decorated fort in Allie’s Bayou Rescue, is based on a real hideout Mia and her cousins decided to remodel to help Rowdy Robertson feel welcome after his adoption in 2016. And in Chapter 7, the cousins communicate covertly behind producers’ backs by drawing in the dirt. Missy says that detail was added as an accurate portrayal of the family bond that made Duck Dynasty so appealing to begin with. “Oh, they can read each other’s minds. They understand each other’s looks,” she says. “That’s what happens in real relationships. You can almost finish each other’s sentences. Even though that gave more of a visual—writing in the dirt and things like that—they are very close in real life, and I hope it came across that way in the book. I think it did.” Ultimately, Missy says the books reflect lessons that are vital to the pre-teen years, including perseverance, family bonds, and sacrificing for those you love. As Birmingham Christian Family parents and youth head into summer and plan for a new school year in the fall, Missy shares four of the lessons found in the book series:
Missy and Mia Robertson will release books three and four of the Princess in Camo series in early September. Dog Show Disaster features famous lap dog Hazel Mae, seen here on a bike ride with Missy.
Nashville Christian Family
In 2015, Duck Dynasty’s Missy Robertson authored the book Blessed, Blessed…Blessed chronicling her family’s journey of raising a child born with a cleft lip and palate. Now she and daughter Mia are co-authoring a series of fiction chapter books for young girls with seasoned Faithgirlz author Jill Osborne. Pictured here are Mia, Cole, Missy, Jase, Reed, and Brighton Robertson.
1. Speak Up. In Allie’s Bayou Rescue, Allie’s father tells her not to worry so much, but Allie is quick to inform him that 12 years olds do, in fact, worry quite a bit. It’s a moment that represents a child learning to lean on her parent and a parent realizing his daughter can listen to her own instincts and build her own faith. For Missy, it’s this slow growth toward independence that should make a parent proud. “They are going to have to start making decisions on their own as individuals and not just lean on their parents to make every decision for them. They are going to have to step out on their own and have their own faith,” she says. “That sometimes is hard for parents, especially if it’s your firstborn.” 2. Trust in God’s Love. It’s a matter of bravery to pray for God to remove a specific challenge from your life and know it may not happen. “God has his reasons for doing and not doing what he does and doesn’t do, but you have to trust that God loves us more than anything else on earth and wants that relationship with us,” Missy says. “Sometimes he allows us to go through things to draw us closer to him, to lean more on him, to understand that we need him. The will of God is for his kingdom to grow…. so even though we may not have all the answers figured out, we need to learn that God loves us more than anything. More than the sparrows. More than the trees. He loves us individually.” 3. Resist Poor Influences. Each Princess in Camo book touches on being yourself in the face of peer pressure. In Finding Cabin Six, the cousins are praying and sleuthing to save their favorite Christian summer camp from getting sold to a resort developer. A character named Madison seems to bring out the worst in Allie, who has to decide whether or not to give in and “join
that negative club” or show mercy and “extend that olive branch,” Missy says. “A lot of that has to do with the people around you, especially with girls in that age group influencing each other in what to say and how to say it. Each one of those books hit on that a little bit.” 4. Stay Put. As Allie and her cousins dream of a life away from the cameras in Running from Reality, sometimes we’re all tempted to completely rewrite our lives. However, it’s possible God has given us opportunities we shouldn’t miss right where we are. When what used to excite us about life becomes mundane, count your blessings. Finally, Missy hopes parents and girls invested in the Princess in Camo series will look to Romans 5:30 for encouragement—as Mia has done with her cleft lip and palate, and as fictional Allie does in the face of her own health challenges. Faith nurtured in youth builds character, and Missy is proud that her daughter can speak (and write) so freely in a way that credits God for her blessings and perseverance. “She is the epitome of that verse because she is able to rejoice in her sufferings. The world just laughs at that,” Missy says. “Yet Paul was writing a lot of his books in the Bible sitting in a prison cell, saying you should rejoice. That is such an oxymoron to the world. Yet it’s so true…. That suffering produces perseverance that makes you either choose ‘I’m gonna give up’ or ‘I’m gonna trod on through.’ Perseverance of course produces character, and that character gives us all hope.” — Camille Smith Platt
June 2018
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M ig ht y M e n
To Anybody Who Thinks An Imperfect Man Can't Be A Great Father One of the saddest trends in American life is the demotion of fatherhood to secondary status. While a mother’s love is rightly acknowledged as one of the strongest and most mysterious forces in the world, a father’s love is often treated as weaker and less significant. While mothers are rightly praised for their virtues, fathers tend to be the butt of jokes. Think about it. If you were to form your opinion of fatherhood through the examples presented on television, you would think fathers are pathetic characters who play a relatively insignificant role and deserve to be the butts of endless jokes. About the best treatment fathers get is to play the role of a likeable dimwit (think Homer Simpson, or Phil Dunphy from "Modern Family"); other times they’re sex-obsessed derelicts (Charlie in "Two and a Half Men"); perhaps most often they’re simply mulish idiots (think Larry David in "Curb Your Enthusiasm," Peter Griffin from "Family Guy," or Frank from "Shameless"). There are some exceptions, but it is a good generalization: as a culture, we seem to want to roll our eyes at dad. Even in the church the difference between Mother’s Day sermons and Father’s Day sermons can be amusing. On Mother’s Day, we appreciate the mothers and tell them how amazing they are, and rightly so. But on Father’s Day, we often poke fun at dads and tell them how much room they’ve got for improvement. Little boys and girls don’t know or care how important their daddy is in his career or social life. As far as they are concerned, he is at the center of the universe. I’m glad that, from a young age, my mother taught me to view things differently than that. Of course my father had flaws and imperfections. Of course, there were things about him I didn’t appreciate. But he was my father, and he was a pretty good one. Now that I am a father myself, I understand that any dad worth his salt is already acutely aware of his own flaws and failures, even if he doesn’t always let on. But I also understand that God chose me, and imperfect men like me, to play indispensable roles in the lives of our families. A man can be the least influential man in the world in his career or social life, but the day he becomes a father, he becomes the most important man in the world for that child. Little boys and girls don’t know or care how important their daddy is in his career or social life. As far as they are concerned, he is at the center of the universe.
That is why sociological studies show that a father’s presence leads to better academic performance, makes them more likely to graduate from college and experience fulfilling romantic relationships. When a father is present, a child is less likely to exhibit anti-social behavior, experience depression, succumb to peer pressure in relation to drug use, become incarcerated, or live in poverty. In other words, fathers really matter. Given the fact of a father’s influence, how can fathers be good stewards of that influence? There are three especially significant ways that a man—no matter how imperfect he is, regardless of how many failures he has tucked into his belt—can be a great father. A father can protect his children. He can protect them from bodily harm through his physical presence. He can help protect them from psychological harm by affirming them during their moments of fear, anxiety, and insecurity. He can protect them from relational harm by guiding and overseeing their relationships and dating habits. He can, and he should. A father can provide for his children. Even though most of us are not wealthy and cannot provide extravagantly for our children, we can provide food for the table and clothes for the closet. But we can provide other things also, that are often neglected. We can teach our children how to work, instill in them a sense of responsibility, help them with their schoolwork, and play with them during their downtime. The greatest wealth we give to our children is intangible. A father can point his children to God, who is the prototype for fatherhood (Ephesians 3:14-15). Unlike earthly fathers, God the Father has no flaws or imperfections. So the best thing a father can do is to point his children back to him continually as the Good Father who will never fail them or let them down. (In fact, my four year old son’s favorite song is entitled, “Good Good Father”.) So, on this Father’s day, let’s thank our own fathers for the good we’ve seen in their lives. And for those of us who are fathers, let’s thank God for the opportunity to play a significant and irreplaceable role in the lives of our children. Let’s do our best to create a shelter of protection and provision within which our wives and children can live freely and happily under our care. Most importantly of all, let’s point our children to God, the only Father who has no imperfections and who will never let them down. — Bruce Ashford is the Provost and Dean of Faculty at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he also serves as Professor of Theology and Culture. Follow him on Twitter @BruceAshford.
June 2018
C it y S ce n e
June is here, and with it the beginning of Summer in Franklin. June 2nd is Kids Construction Day at Lucky Ladd farms. Tennessee’s largest petting farm will let kids operate real heavy equipment at a site set up just for them! Kids can help Digger Dan operate a real excavator, move sand, climb on a bull dozer and explore other farm and construction equipment. Required hard hats and safety goggles provided on-site. Closed-toe shoes are REQUIRED for participation. More at luckyladdfarms.com.
Fest, a music and art festival from 3:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. at the Westhaven community in West Franklin. PorchFest will include over 75 performers playing on front porches in the Westhaven community from 3:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., followed by a concert on the lake featuring Vinyl Radio. The entire event is family friendly, open to the public and FREE of charge. Parking is also free and food trucks and a makers market will be conveniently located in the Town Center.
If horses are more your thing, don’t miss the 30th Annual Music Country Grand Prix at Brownland Farm in Franklin, also on June 2nd. This premiere equestrian jumping competition features top riders and horses from across the Nation and benefits Saddle up!
June 24th is breakFEST at the Factory in Franklin. This Festival will combine local breakfast foods and coffee from restaurants around Franklin with an incredible musical line-up from around the globe with New Found Glory headlining.
Batter up! What better way to celebrate Summer than with Vintage baseball June 3rd at Carnton. This family friendly event is free and open to the public.
So as you can see June is great time for all our friends and neighbors to come together and enjoy all the wonderful sights and sounds that Franklin has to offer. If your hot and thirsty in your travels, come have a cool drink and cool off in the air conditioning of Hyundai of Cool Springs. Never hesitate to stop in and say Hi!
June 9th is the Franklin Farmers Market at the Factory. Where you’ll always find fresh produce, cheeses, herbs, flowers and crafts! Take a Historic Franklin Trolley tour on June 16th aboard Hello Trolley’s climate controlled Classic red trolley. Also on Saturday, June 16th is the return of the Annual Westhaven Porch-
Nashville Christian Family
— Frank Odrobina, Owner of Hyundai and Genesis of Cool Springs 1.877.886.8448, HyundaiOfCoolSprings.com, GenesisOfCoolSprings.net
M i s s ion M ake r s
Helping Others Helps Us All Special needs employment at the Nashville area Taziki’s Cafes comes with endless insight: our employees grow and evolve over time, we mature as operators and influencers, community is made, and families invest into the mission. However, the greatest thing that has happened over our stent of time with our special needs employees is the realization of the exponential similarities amongst us all. It is apparent the moment that they walk in on the first day of work at one of our café’s they have joined the team. There is nothing but ambition in their eyes. There isn’t a moment of self-doubt. They know why they are here. They see no difference in themselves and their fellow workers because there is none. We at Taziki’s are all here purposefully. A few of our special team members from Our team embraces them with friendship. We are all involved and in- various Taziki’s Cafe’s locations vested in the growth of each of our adults. We have a vision of serving To say that we have found pure fresh food daily, while investing in the lives of those who we serve. joy and value in each interaction You begin to notice a change in the customers. They develop patterns of visiting on the days our special needs employees are scheduled to work. In return, their days are made with the affirmation of their great work as all of our employees search for as well. We see a sense of delight in all of our team’s eyes, when our employees are in the building that we didn't see before. Something magical happens when you become selfless versus selfish.
with our special needs folks is an understatement, we have found the ability to see the endless similarities amongst us all. — Olivia Bane, Director of Marketing, Taziki’s Nashville “Create an environment that combines extraordinary food with meaningful human connection”. Taziki’s.com
A r e W e T h e r e Y et
Are You Ready for Family Camp?
A Life-changing Vacation with a Purpose Awaits You at Deer Run Ahhh…just thinking about summer vacation gets me excited about warmer weather, longer days, and meaningful family time together. The options of where to go and what to do are countless, and trying to please my crew had become more of a dreadful chore than an enthusiastic adventure…until a couple of years ago when we had the opportunity to experience family camp. Our days were preplanned, the variety of activities engaged each personality type, and everyone agreed it was our best vacation ever! So, what’s at the heart of choosing to spend time together in the woods at Deer Run Family Camp? In the words of my sixteen-year-old, she loves being removed from technology and enjoys “real time, not screen time.” My fourteen-year-old agrees wholeheartedly that communicating “with our mouths not our thumbs” is refreshing. There’s just something about being in nature… where the stillness draws you closer to Christ. This paradox is something many have not been exposed to in their chaotic, noisy lives. The scriptures remind us in Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know I am God.” Nothing is more powerful than being secluded together, to have purposeful quiet time, in order to truly sense the presence of the Lord. For numerous people, vacation is simply a break from the daily stress and overloaded schedules throughout the year. While this is great, wouldn’t it be better to come back rejuvenated with a stronger sense of direction and purpose than when you left? At Deer Run Family Camps, one of our biggest goals is for parents and children to grow spiritually as they recommit to what is most important in the overall picture of life. Making memories are at the center of family camp. Whether it’s at the lake,
on the zip line adventures, playing cornhole, on a hike, square dancing, or building a cardboard boat for the regatta — the possibilities are endless to create special moments together! Relationships are naturally strengthened as family members bond by participating in relaxation and recreational interests. Friendly (and sometimes fierce) competition allows for teamwork to emerge and for parents and siblings to see and appreciate different perspectives of each other. Although stopping by the camp store to purchase memorabilia and apparel is always a favorite, families are sure to leave with unforgettable “souvenirs” that can’t be purchased — the priceless benefits of mom and dad reigniting their marriage, new and deeper friendships, a mindset to value people over things, and a sincere desire to cherish the gift of family. Register now for a weeklong Family Camp on June 3-9 or July 1-7 — or for a 3-night Labor Day Weekend Family Camp, August 31-September 3. Overall, your experience includes recreation, relaxation, upscale lodging and delicious meals! Plus, your family also has a personal college-age assistant to help with your kids as needed. Learn valuable marriage and parenting tips during couple time — while children ages 4 and under are cared for by assistants and ages 5 and up participate as a group in recreation and sessions. Visit DeerRun.camp/ncf to save 5% off a new registration. — Jada Daves, Deer Run Family Camp Director
June 2018
H as s le F r e e Z on e How to Get Your Air Conditioning System Ready for Summer One of the worst feelings for a homeowner is turning on the AC during the first heat wave of the year only to feel hot air blowing from the vents. Regular maintenance is the best way to make sure your AC unit doesn’t let you down when you need it most. Here are five things you can do this spring to keep your unit operating at its best. 1. CLEAR DEBRIS — LEAVES, STICKS, ETC. — AND TRIM PLANTS Winter and spring storms can toss debris around your yard. Clean up any sticks or branches that may have fallen around your outdoor unit. Once that’s done, trim back any trees or plants that are encroaching on the space around your unit. 2. SCHEDULE AN AC INSPECTION Contact a trusted HVAC professional to complete an annual inspection and tune-up on your unit before you turn it on for the season. A good tuneup will include cleaning the condenser and coils, testing wiring and capacitors, and checking both interior and exterior units. Lee Company technicians complete a 22+ point inspection on every visit, detailing all maintenance they perform. Pro tip: For extra peace of mind, schedule next year’s
inspection when your technician is still on site. 3. CLEAN OR REPLACE FILTERS Your heating and air conditioning systems both use the same air filters. Spring is a great time to replace your HVAC filters, especially if you neglected to check on it over the winter. We recommend checking your filters once a month and changing every three months to keep your units running efficiently. 4. CHECK INTERIOR VENTS AND DUCTS Check all of your air vents to make sure they’re open; closed vents will reduce airflow and make your system work harder than necessary. Make sure there is nothing blocking any vents — curtains, furniture, etc. If you suspect your ducts may have leaks, contact your HVAC company to perform a leakage test in your home. 5. PROGRAM YOUR COOL SETTINGS FOR THE SEASON Your HVAC professional should test your unit with you after they complete a tune-up. Once you know things are ready, check your programmable thermostat to ensure the schedule and tempera-
tures are set correctly for warmer weather. That way, when things get hot you’re already set and won’t waste money. How Can We Help? Keeping your AC unit in working shape requires a little extra planning every summer but it’s worth the effort. To save even more time and money, Lee Company’s Home Maintenance Plan helps keep all of your home’s critical systems — heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical — in tip-top shape. As a member, you’ll receive an air conditioning tuneup and 22+ point inspection every year, starting at $99 a year. Visit www.leecompany.com to learn more. — Dan Kalman, Senior Vice President of Home Services, Lee Company
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My children's morning Bible lessons are a ministry to me, too. Countless times, I've found myself weeping at the table as my three little boys eat their breakfast cereal. Somehow, just the right story is always on the next page. God reaches down and shakes my shoulders with His truth before my morning mug is even empty. We read "Jesus Stills the Storm" this morning. I choked up as I read the line, "Master, don't you care that we are about to drown?" How impertinent to speak to Jesus... in the exact way I speak to Jesus in my prayers. “Don't you care? Do you even see this?” I shout to the Lord about my challenges, pounding my chest as the stormy waters soak my hair and threaten to sweep me overboard. It's an ugly picture, and Jesus in moments will rebuke his disciples’ lack of faith. Because there was one thing they didn’t have to yell. They never had to yell, "Where are you?" because he was in the boat. The Creator of the universe was in their boat. What a reminder to me! I am not alone. When it's stormy, when it's pouring rain, when the wind is so strong I can't take a deep breath... I am not alone. He is in the boat with me. Today I will cling to the truth that my Savior is in this boat with me. And in His perfect timing, the storm will be calmed. "They had never before heard of anyone who could command the wind and waves like this. It was almost like Creation week, when God said 'Let there be light!' ... and the world was made at His command. Now the Creator had spoken again and creation recognized His voice." — Quote from Life of Christ, by Beka Horton and Fannelle Shepperson, A Beka Book
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— Kelley Rose Waller and her husband Matt are Pennsylvania foster parents and have two biological sons. Kelley lives and writes to uplift and glorify the name of Jesus Christ. Read more at www.kelleyrosewaller.com.
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June 2018
P l an
Has something in the magazine or something you have discussed with someone or some thoughts that you have had or something that you have heard, brought you to a point of realizing that you want and need to know Christ in the truest and personal sense?
S alvation
If so, below is a simple outline for someone of any age who is not a Believer to act on their desire to accept Jesus Christ into their heart as their Savior. God’s Plan of Salvation God created us to honor and serve Him Revelation 4:11: “You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power;For You created all things, And by Your will they exist[b] and were created Each of us has sinned against God Romans 3:10: As it is written, “There is none righteous, no, not one” Romans3:23: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Jesus Christ died on the cross in our place, paying the penalty for our sin Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. We each must accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior Romans 10:9: that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:13: For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”
The penalty for sin is eternal separation from God and Heaven Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Good works cannot ever earn God’s forgiveness and Salvation Titus 3:5: not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us. God loves each of us John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
To accept Christ into your heart and life, pray a simple prayer along these lines - “Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sins. I know that Jesus died for my sins and the sins of the world. Right now, I ask Jesus into my heart and receive Him as my personal Savior. Forgive me of my sins, thank you for saving me through the blood of Jesus. Please Lord, help me live for you. In Jesus name, amen.” All scriptures are taken from The New King James Version of the Holy Bible.
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T eachab le M om e nts
Vocational Discipleship (Part 2) Vocational discipleship is living out Christian obedience, commitment to excellence, and diligence in our vocation. It is connecting faith and work, “… stewarding our vocations for the common good” (Tom Nelson, of Made to Flourish). Stewardship of our vocation is not a separate category of life; rather, it is integral. We must view our vocation in the same way that the scripture teaches us to think about God-given time, talents, and treasure (i.e. Matt. 25). Our vocation requires stewardship just as do our families and the Gospel. (I Tim. 5:8, II Cor. 4:7) Vocational discipleship leads us to understand Gods desire for us to be whole, resisting the temptation to compartmentalize our lives and our faith. It affirms the reality of the god given sacredness and dignity of every human life. It highlights our calling as a way God equips believers to take part in His kingdom work of redeeming a fallen world. Perhaps the greatest unacknowledged challenge of this century is to understand how God’s Word transforms and gives meaning to all human experience, including our vocations. Our failure to emphasize the sacredness of vocation has fueled privatization of authentic Christian faith, giving tacit assent to the widespread and detrimental notion that Christianity is irrelevant. Vocational discipleship is the way individuals can understand the significance of every Christians’ calling. It entails thoughtful examination of the truth that God gives us work as a part of His plan so that we can glorify Him. Therefore, work has deep meaning. We should ask: • How does my Christian faith speak into my job as a carpenter, short-order cook, bank teller, police officer, architect, elected official, business owner, or schoolteacher? • How am I to live as Jesus lived in the work I do each day? • What difference does my job make in the world? • Am I living a truthful, faithful Christian life every day of the week in my home and in my workplace? • What kind of mentor am I to others with whom I worship and work? These questions have no pat answers delivered in Sunday School, although they should be integral in the Sunday School curriculum. They are not answers found in merely reading a book, although Christians should be reading books about vocational discipleship. Internships in which mentors and mentees work together as fellow learners are valuable; but as good as an internship may be, it will lack the multi-dimensional depth of decades of living and working together.
The best vocational discipleship is a lifetime pursuit. The King of Babylon made Daniel ruler over Babylon and chief of Babylon’s governors (Daniel 2:48). Daniel purposed not to defile himself (Daniel 1:8) and studied, learned, and worked with diligence and excellence. He was a distinctively Christian leader in a godless system. Daniel spent a lifetime glorifying God as salt and light, highlighting the depth of commitment necessary in vocational discipleship. The next question is, how can the church come to value the truth that all of life is sacred? How do we come to understand that work done Christianly, with diligence and excellence, serves the common good and makes a difference in the world? Those who genuinely make a life commitment to vocational discipleship will be the salt and light of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:13-16). They will profoundly impact those in the pews. Everyone in the church, starting with the pastor, will experience the transformed life of those committed to vocational discipleship. More importantly, those outside of the church will observe the transformed lives of men and women who work with diligence and excellence as unto the Lord. Believers who purpose not to defile themselves will interact with unbelievers in day-to-day work that contributes to the common good. The Gospel will be displayed in their words, deeds, and honest, hard work. Christ’s church will be blessed and God will be glorified. — Greg Ketteman PhD. Dr. Ketteman is Vice President For Strategic Initiatives, Dean of Graduate and Adult Studies and Distinguished Professor of Education with Welch College
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June 2018 Calendar List Your Event!
If you have an event you would like listed in the Nashville Christian Family Community Calendar e-mail us at: NCFPublication@gmail.com subject line - Calendar HELP WANTED Summer Jobs With Williamson County Parks And Recreation Department The Williamson County Parks and Recreation Department is now accepting applications for temporary/seasonal jobs for summer 2018. Temporary, part-time positions are available in several divisions. Williamson County Parks and Recreation offers a fun working environment and can provide an excellent opportunity for real life experience. If you are interested in working in the field of recreation, please apply!
(#11689); and July 16-20 (#11751) or at the Performing Arts Center at Academy Park, 112 Everbright Ave. Camps meet Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. daily. $200 per child. Register now at www. wcparksandrec.com.
Summer Tiny Tots Soccer Camps Register now for June or July sessions - The Athletics Division of the Williamson County Parks and Recreation Department is now accepting registration for six Tiny Tots soccer summer clinics to be held June 18-22 and July 23-27 at the Indoor Arena at Crockett Park, 1485 Volunteer Pkwy. Disney Favorites Performing Arts in Brentwood. Ages 2-6. For more Camps information, contact Daniele StewKids ages 3 to 6 will be singing and dancing their way through the Disney art at DanieleS@williamson-tn.org. Favorites Performing Arts camp. With Registration is on-line at catchy tunes and dances from movies www.wcparksandrec.com. like Mary Poppins, Snow White, and The Jungle Book to new favorites like Summer Tennis Activities For Youth Camps & team play Moana and Frozen, this show has it Brentwood Quick Start Beginner all! Daily instruction will include singing, dancing and acting in prepa- Tennis Camps (ages 5-9) The 4-day camps are held at the Inration for a show on the last day for parents. Offered June 4-8 at the Wil- door Sports Complex, 920 Heritage liamson County Recreation Complex Way in Brentwood from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Camp start dates: 6/4, at Nolensville, 7250 Nolensville Rd.
A bout O u r A dve rti s e r s
6/11, 7/9, 7/16 and 8/6. Register online at www.wcparksandrec.com. Junior Team Tennis-Brentwood (through age 15) Young juniors will learn the game of tennis through weekly practices at the Indoor Sports Complex, 920 Heritage Way in Brentwood and a weekly match on area outdoor courts. The 8-week program (June 4-August 3) is $225 per junior (age groups: 10 & under, 11-15). For more information and registration information, go to www.wcparksandrec. com. Franklin Youth Tennis Camps (ages 7-14) Two summer tennis camps will be offered at the Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Rd. Camps are for ages 7 to 14 and meet 9:00 a.m. to noon for five days. The camps are scheduled for: June 18-22; and July 23-27. $65 per camper. Register on-line at www.wcparksandrec.com. Nolensville Tennis Camp A youth summer tennis camp for Middle and High schoolers will be
held at the Nolensville High School courts, 1600 Summerlyn Dr. June 25-28 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. This advanced beginner/intermediate camp is $72 per student. For more information and registration, go to www.wcparksandrec.com. Crockett Park Tennis Camp Join the fun at a 5th-8th grade summer tennis camp in Crockett Park, 1485 Volunteer Pkwy. in Brentwood, June 26-28. This camp is for beginners and intermediate players and meets from 9:00 a.m. to noon. For more information and registration, go to www.wcparksandrec.com. ONGOING Tennessee Christian Chamber of Commerce – Monthly Luncheon Last Tuesday of every month except December. E-Groups - Networking/ Leads Meetings held in these locations: Brentwood, Cool Springs/ Franklin, Downtown, Hendersonville, Mt. Juliet, Murfreesboro. For more information, visit www.tnchristianchamber.org or email rstringfellow@yahoo.com.
Please support these local businesses that support Nashville Christian Family with their advertising. Support us by patronizing them.
Ben Davis – www.selectpointe.com, 615-584-4946
Molly Maid – www.mollymaid.com, 615-794-0200
Bott Radio Network – www.bottradionetwork.com, 615-871-1160
P.E.S.T., Inc. – www.pestinc.net, 615-382-9774
Cool Springs MD – www.coolspringsmd.com, 615-283-7291
Saint Thomas Health – www.sths.com, 615-284-LIFE,
Deer Run Camps and Retreats – www.DeerRun.camp, 615-794-2918
Taziki’s Café – www.tazikiscafe.com, 615-823-3941
Frontier Basement Systems – www.christianbasement.com, 615-547-8701
The Fish 94FM – www.94fmthefish.net, 615-367-2210
Genesis of Cool Springs – www.genesisofcoolsprings.net, 877-886-8448
TN Christian Chamber of Commerce – www.tnchristianchamber.org 615-815-8765
Hyundai of Cool Springs – www.hyundaiofcoolsprings.com, 877-8868448
Veterans Community Project – www.veteranscommunityproject.org, 816-876-6594
Landscaping By Joel – 615-642-4492 Lee Company – www.leecompany.com, 615-567-1000
Vista Points – www.vistapoints.org, 615-758-4660, 888-422-4076 WayFm – www.wayfm.com, 615-261-9293
Miller Masonry – www.millermasonry.net , 615-294-6124
26 Family 26 Nashville NashvilleChristian Christian Family
www.ChristianFamilyNashville.com www.ChristianFamilyNashville. com
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veteranscommunityproject.org info@vcp-kc.org
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