October 2017
Same Kind of Different As Me Honoring Veterans Fathers Impart Destiny
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Nashville Christian Family
OUR MISSION Publisher: Robert Stringfellow • 615-815-8765 publisher@christianfamilynashville.com Editor: Raymonda Jaggers Contributing Writers:
Anthony (“Tony”) Boquet Linda Carlson Lindsey Castleman Ben Davis Heather Hale Dan Kalman Onnie Kirk Benjamin Lawson Scott Lehman Jason Lindsey Jeff McKenzie
Frank Odrobina Regina Prude Susan Reinfeldt Mark Simpson Aron Strong Laurie Stroud Ashton Tate Jean Thomason Mike Towle Ralph Vaughn
Production and Art Direction: Wendy Satterwhite Website Development, Digital Marketing & SEO Services: Anthology Creative Printer: Franklin Web Printing Sales & Marketing: Brenda Delgado, Robert Stringfellow Cover Photo: Courtesy of Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved.
Nashville Christian Family ® exists to provide Christians and the community at large with ways to strengthen and grow as a part of the Middle Tennessee Christian Family. This local monthly publication is designed to promote positive living by sharing with readers of all ages relevant and timely news and information related to health, faith, parenting, youth, finances, Christian entertainment, missions, church leaders, and much more.
FROM THE PUBLISHER We are excited that Nashville Christian Family Magazine celebrated seven years of publishing earlier this summer. Thanks be to God for His many blessings that have enabled the publication to steadily grow in readership, coverage area, support through new advertisers and additional contributing writers. Because of this, we continue to spread Good News to an ever expanding area not only in Middle Tennessee but nationwide and around the world via our web site.
September 2017
February 2016
June 2015
Summer Family Trip Ideas
GOD’S LOVE is Enough
Franklin Graham
Februaryy 2017
Julyy 2016
Faith in the Workplace
Live in God’s Truth
Stress-free Valentine’s Day
Wisdom at the Polls
Allyson Felix
Jesus Calling
Going for Gold
Author Sarah Young
March 2015
Celebrate Father’s Day
A Family Legacy
Relies on Christ in Career & Life
August g 2016
October 2015
November 2016
March 2016
Nashville Christian Family is published monthly by Clarion Concepts, P.O. Box 463, Spring Hill, TN 37174. The phone number is 615-815-8765. E-mail ncfpublication@gmail.com. Reproduction of any part of Nashville Christian Family without permission of the Publisher is prohibited. Distribution of this paper does not constitute and endorsement of information, products or services. Views expressed in Nashville Christian Family do not necessarily represent those of the Publisher. Every effort has been made by Nashville Christian Family staff to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2017 by The Christian Family Publication, Inc. Unless otherwise noted, scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Use by permission of International Bible Society.
Thank You! to our ever growing number of businesses and non profit organizations that made the decision to utilize Nashville Christian Family in your marketing plans, your support is vital and certainly appreciated.
Choosing Gratitude
Family Bible Study Ideas
Better Together
Kay Arthur
Dabo Swinney Time to Spring Clean
Faith Trumps Adversity
June 2017 April p 2015
A Life Transformed Operation Christmas Child changes lives
July 2015
Golf Champ
Tom Lehman Who is Jesus? Preschoolers talk!
Hacksaw Ridge
August 2015
Matthew West
Hello, My Name Is _______
Powerful Parenting
The Importance of the Bible
DUCK DYNASTY’S Sadie Robertson
Mrs. America Madeline Gwin
October 2016
THE FLAG Celebrate Dad
Living the Great Commission
Keeping God’s Commandments
Parenting Tips
Giving Thanks
What the Bible Says about Creation
Pros of Reading to Your Child
God is NOT Dead
Findingg Balance
the Drum Drummer mmer meer m Helping Help He lppinng oot others thheers rs ssoar ooaar
Thank You! to our readers for your continued support by not only reading the monthly issues in print, at our web site or both and for paying attention to our advertisers and shopping with them whenever you can. Thank you also for the many kind phone calls and emails of encouragement, it means a lot. We are looking forward to what the Lord has in store in the future of the publication, after all, it is His platform. Thanks again!
Circulation and Distribution: Nashville Christian Family is free and available at targeted, high traffic locations throughout the Nashville Metro Area and surrounding counties, Williamson, Wilson, Sumner, Rutherford and Maury. 10,000 copies are printed each month. Copies are available by subscription, $25 for one year (12 issues). To subscribe, e-mail ncfpublication@gmail.com
– Nashville Christian Family is a part of The Christian Family Publication, Inc. celebrating 17 years of Good News! Visit www.ChristianFamilyNashville.com
Publisher, 615-815-8765 publisher@christianfamilynashville.com
October 2017
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Nashville Christian Family
October 2017
CONTENTS Volume 8, Number 12
DEPARTMENTS 3 From the Publisher 6 Money Matters College Athletic Scholarships May Not Be What You Think 6 The Home Front What Does Scripture Say About Marriage?
Read about the true love story the film Same Kind of Different as Me portrays and the actors who are bringing it to the big screen this month. See page 16.
Local Busines Honors Veterans
Become a Father for a Father-less Boy
Halloween Safety Tips
Do you have Writer’s Block?
7 Senior Scene What Is Medicare Open Enrollment? 10 In His Grip We Must Be Bold In Our Faith 11 Hassle Free Zone Don’t Get Caught In the Cold 11 Teachable Moments Stop, Look and Listen Before Responding
13 Family Matters Homeschool Families Are Financially Focused Families 14 Mission Makers She Could Be Your Neighbor’s Daughter 14 Faith at Work Our Journey With Christ Is a Step By Step Process of Growth In HIm 19 An Encouraging Word It’s Not To Late - Accomplish Your Goals Before the End Of 2017 21 Mighty Women A Local Woman’s Courageous Battle Against Cancer 22 Body & Soul We Are Created In God’s Own Image
For More Good News, visit ChristianFamilyNashville.com
22 Tech Talk Forget the Emails, What About the Books? 23 Kids Korner Have Fun Sharing About God With Your Children 25 Healthy Living Our Diet Is So Important To Our Health And Fitness 27 Youth News Did Your Father Finally “Wise Up?” 27 God’s Plan For Your Salvation and Eternal Life With Him
Holiday Prep Great Gifts & MUCH MORE!
28 Mighty Men Honoring God’s Call To Ministry For Decades 30 Calendar 30 About Our Advertisers
12 October 2017
m oN ey m aT Te r s
Your child is a star athlete, congratulations! I’m sure you are already counting the athletic scholarships you may be receiving from any number of colleges. But unfortunately, athletic scholarships aren’t nearly as plentiful or lucrative as many parents assume. About 2% of graduating high school athletes win scholarships each year at NCAA institutions.
The NCAA considers all other collegiate athletic programs equivalency sports. Unlike head-count sports, coaches in equivalency sports can divide up their scholarships to attract as many promising athletes as they can. Slicing and dicing scholarships often leads to meager awards. Small sports scholarships may only cover the cost of books!
There are six NCAA sports where athletes have the best chance of receiving a full-ride scholarship. These so-called head-count sports are found in Division I schools. Students competing in these sports either receive a full ride, or nothing at all. Here are the six sports and the total number of scholarships per team:
Students can only earn athletic scholarships at Division I and Division II institutions, but Division III schools can be an attractive alternative for athletes. Nearly 40% of NCAA athletes compete in Division III. These, mostly private schools, don’t give athletic scholarships, but do award financial aid and merit scholarships. Additionally, there are more that 250 schools that are a member of the NAIA, smaller private schools offering athletic scholarships. Over 65,000 students compete in NAIA athletics.
• • • • • •
Men’s Football (85 scholarships) Men’s Basketball (13 scholarships) Women’s Basketball (15 scholarships) Women’s Tennis (8 scholarships) Women’s Gymnastics (12 scholarships) Women’s Volleyball (12 scholarships)
The vast majority of these full ride scholarships must be renewed each year, at the coach’s discretion. Students interested in NCAA athletic scholarships must register with the NCAA eligibility center and meet the academic requirements to play.
T h e h om e F roNT
There is a lot of confusion about how scripture views marriage. Generally, it has to do with the cultural differences. The problem with cultural norms is that they seem normal at the time we experience them. “Might makes right” may have been the standard for millennia but it has never been God’s way. However, though scripture was written within the context of the time, it gave new perspectives that challenged those norms. Today, men and women have never been more equal and our context is much different than two thousand years ago, but the message remains the same. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together… she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered. (1 Peter 3:7) Husbands, your wife is your equal partner. Says so right there in verse 7. Peter says to treat her with understanding. Not authority or dominance, not absence or silence, but with a heart that seeks to understand her heart. Her needs are not trivial, or selfish, or demanding. They are as real to her as her need to breathe. When you understand the heart of your wife, meeting her needs becomes easy. (There is research to prove it.) In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands. Then, even if some refuse to obey the Good News, your godly lives will speak to them without any words. (1 Peter 3:1) Wives, men typically are taught less about their emotions and more about their strength. Work hard. Play hard.
Nashville Christian Family
For additional resources, check out NCAA.org/student-athletes and ScholarshipStats.com – a free resource packed with athletic scholarship statistics for individuals schools as well as each sport. For more information about how athletic scholarships fit into your overall college planning picture, and how finding a good academic fit for your student athlete can be accomplished, contact Heather Hale, CFP, with Peak College Planning at 615-485-2280 or info@PeakPlanningTN.com.
Don’t cry. Is it any wonder they go to those old messages when times get tough? Men need their wives to see beneath their mask, make it safe to take it off, and help them put words to the emotions they would rather ignore. If their deep selves are not safe with their wife whom they love and need more than anyone else in the world, who else is there to reveal it to? Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will grant you his blessing. (1 Peter 3:9) Marriage is not supposed to be a conflict between super-powers. We don’t learn how to show up for each other when we’re dressed in battle armor or living separate lives. We don’t learn we are important, valued, loved, and chosen from words that cut like knives and leave us bleeding on the floor. We don’t remember the greater story of our love and, instead, create false stories that justify our hurt and angry feelings. Instead, someone has to go first. Someone has to love first, serve first, and die to themselves first. Someone has to put the needs of the other person over their own. Someone has to repay curses with blessings and speak hard truths in compassion and love instead of anger and frustration. Know who that is? It’s the one who can, and that changes all the time. If you can, it’s your job. If neither of you can, the first one that can goes first. Why? Because it is your responsibility to show up for your spouse when they are stuck, hurting, or lost. You are partners. It’s what you signed up for. Love goes first. If you can’t do it for the one you to whom you pledged your life to, how can you do it for anyone else? — Aron Strong, LMFT, is the director of Pathways Counseling in Murfreesboro (www.findyourpathway.com), writes daily devotionals at www.BibleBreakfast. club and co-leads a marriage workshop (7ConversationsNashville.com) several times a year.
s e N ior s ce N e It’s Medicare Open Enrollment Season! Fall is in the air so you know what that means – yes it is Medicare open enrollment time. Starting Oct. 15th and ending Dec. 7th if you are on a Medicare Advantage (MA) Plan you have the option to make changes to your current carrier. This includes MAPD (Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug) plans or PDP (Prescription Drug Plan) or MA plans. Your current carrier’s plan is good through Dec. 31st and you should have received an ‘Annual Notice of Change’ (ANOC) letter stating the changes in your plan for 2018. If you have not had any issues with your plan and the changes for 2018 is acceptable to you, you need not do a thing – you will be renewed for the plan year 2018. “However” states Ben Davis, CSA (Certified Senior Advisor) who is the Director of Outreach for Select Pointe, LLC “this is a great time to look at the other options available in your county/area”. He has been in the Medicare arena since 2005 and has seen many changes since MA plans started being sold in the middle Tennessee market. “Drug formularies change, tier co-pays change, co-insurance amounts change, and providers may change”. “It can be a bit overwhelming for the over 65 age group especially for those folks that are new to Medicare”. There are 3 options when it comes to selecting Medicare plans. Which option is right for you? “That depends, says Davis, and that is why you should seek out professional help to guide you to the best decision as it relates to your current situation”. That is what he and the other agents at Select Pointe, LLC have done since 2012. Do you want to have original Medicare (Parts A, B, and D), or add a Medicare Supplement (also known as Medi-gap), or is a MA/MAPD (parts A, B, C, and D) plan right for you? “We have been helping people for the last 5+ years by asking them questions they didn’t even know to ask and then make a decision based on that information”. Making sure Hospitals, Doctors, and providers accept a MA/MAPD plan is very important. Although Medicare Advantage plans have been in the Nashville area since 2006 there is still some confusion about what all is covered and what is not. There are 4 parts to Medicare: Part A is Hospital insurance coverage, Part B is Medical insurance coverage, Part C Medicare Advantage coverage, and Part D is Prescription Drug coverage. The types of Medicare Advantage plans are Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Private Fee-forService (PFFS), and Special Needs Plan (SNP). This information as well as other information can be found in the ‘Medicare & You 2018’ booklet that has just come out. So if you need help, have questions, or you are just getting started with Medicare coverage give Ben a call and let’s get the process started. See our ad on page 13.
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— Ben Davis, CSA, Director of Outreach, Select Pointe, LLC 615-584-4946, ben.davis@selectpointe.com, www.selectpointe.com
October 2017
s p ecial F eaTu r e
Honoring Our Veterans We hope that you will be able to attend this meaningful event.
Veterans Day Spring Hill Memorial Funeral Home and Cremation Services takes pride in honoring our veterans. This years Veterans Day service will be Sunday, November 12 at 2:00 PM with a celebration in taking place in the chapel of the facility. This service has been well attended throughout the years. Various groups of veterans are invited to attend along with the general public. Names are announced of any family member that has a loved one that is currently serving in the military. The oldest veteran that is in attendance is always honored. Guest speakers and special music is provided. The Keynote Speaker this year will be Travis Murphy. Mr. Murphy joined the Tennessee Department of Veterans Services in September of 2015 and currently serves as Assistant Commissioner for the Middle Region and Appeals Division. Mr. Murphy is a veteran with seven years of military service including a deployment to Iraq in March of 2003 with the 3rd Battalion, 18th Field Artillery in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and National Guard service with units in Massachusetts and Virginia.
Memorial Day Partner facility, Williamson Memorial Funeral Home and Cremation Services also takes pride in honoring our Veterans that have served our great country to defend our freedom. Williamson Memorial knows the true meaning of Memorial Day and has honored that sacred ground for many years on this particular day. Each Memorial Day the Stephens family and staff along with local VFW Post 4839 and the Franklin Elks Lodge #72 have placed flags on every veteran’s grave in the cemetery. — The Stephens Family, Williamson and Spring Hill Memorial have been owned and operated by three generations of the Stephens family for over 30 years and are still going strong. Named by Toast of Music City 2017 Best Funeral Home In Middle Tennessee
Travis, his wife Meghan and three children currently reside in Nashville, Tennessee.
“Treasure every single moment in life Annual Veterans Day Service
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12 2:00 PM Spring Hill Memorial
Williamson Memorial Funeral Home and Cremation Services 3009 Columbia Pike Franklin, TN 37064 (615) 794-2289 www.williamsonmemorial.com Plan ahead: www.preplanning.info/williamsonmemorial
Spring Hill Memorial Park, Funeral Home and Cremation Services 5239 Main St. Spring Hill, TN 37174 (931) 486-0059 www.springhill-memorial.com Plan ahead: www.preplanning.info/springhillmemorial
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Nashville Christian Family
s p ecial F eaTu r e
When Wm. Paul Young was a little boy, he suffered severe abuse at the hands of villagers while his parents served on the mission field. And it affected the way he saw God. How could a God that was all powerful allow such pain? After years of wrestling with the emotional wounds of abandonment, anger and rejection, he found the strength to forgive. And it inspired him to write The Shack, a New York Times multi-million copy bestseller which also became a major Hollywood motion picture. Forgiveness Nashville, A Night at the Shack, is a premier music event hosted by the Family Foundation Fund, whose mission for the past 25 years, is to help young men whose fathers are absent from their lives and restore fatherhood and family. In the book of Matthew, chapter six, as Jesus is teaching his disciples to pray, he starts out by saying “Our Father.” His desire was for mankind to understand that their Father was God, and that he (Jesus) was their elder brother, born for the purpose of reconciling all of mankind back to their Father and their original status as sons of God. In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me.” Jesus lived to do the will of the Father. Throughout the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, he consistently references his Father over 140 times. When Jesus departed after completing his earthly mission, he said to his disciples, “I am going to my Father and your Father.” (John 20:17) When a child grows up fatherless, it is difficult for him or her to relate to the love of a heavenly Father. Fatherless children have no concept of the provision, protection, and security that a father provides for his family, therefore, they cannot readily relate to the love, care, and provision that comes from the heavenly Father. When a child has never known the loving devotion and caring protection of a father or father figure, there are emotional and psychological breaches in the child’s soul. The child’s soul becomes an open wound often infected emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. We don’t have to look far to see the effects of fatherlessness. • Boys born to teen mothers are more than 2 1/2 times likely to father a child between ages 14-26. • 54% of female high school seniors say they believe that having a child outside of marriage is a worthwhile lifestyle. • 63% of black children, 35% of Latino children and 28% of Caucasian children are living in homes where their biological father is absent. (1)
Family Foundation Fund surrogate fathers and their sons
The Fatherless represent: • 90% of homeless and runaway children • 85% of children with behavioral disorders • 85% of youth incarcerated • 80% of rapists • 75% of children in Chemical Abuse Centers • 63% of teen suicides (2) (1) Father Facts 5th edition- National Fatherhood Initiative- www.fatherhood.org (2) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services- www.childrensjustice.org/fatherlessness2. htm
God our Father has a plan Malachi 4:6, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” The heavenly Father has made it clear that His original plan for the family order must be restored. Fatherhood must be restored. How do we begin? We ask Father to forgive us for our allowing the culture to dictate our morals. We ask Him to forgive us for abandoning His word and His ways. We ask Him to forgive us for allowing the business of life to drown out His voice and erode the peace He purchased with His life. We hope you will join us October 12, 2017 at Lipscomb’s Allen Arena for Forgiveness Nashville. For more information on the event and tickets visit www.foregivenessnashville.com. — Onnie Kirk is the Founder and Executive Director of The Family Foundation Fund, a faith based organization in Middle Tennessee that mentors young men whose fathers are absent from their lives. For the last 25 years Onnie has labored to impact the lives of youth, single mothers, and fathers in the community through mentoring and training.
October 2017
iN his Grip
Be Bold in the Face of Adversity It was an incredible shot. PGA golfer Ricky Fowler stood in the fairway during the third round at the 2017 BMW Classic looking across a lake and an array of deep bunkers guarding a narrow, slightly uphill, green. He was 274 yards out, ball resting in the fairway and had a decision to make. Go for it and risk all kinds of negative possibilities or play it safe and layup then chip into the green. Fowler’s caddie pulled a driver – a driver – and handed it to him. He confidently got his line, addressed the ball and cranked a perfectly struck shot that carried everything and dropped softly on the green like it had parachuted to the perfect landing spot. It reminded of something Arnold Palmer said. “You must play boldly to win.” I believe the people of God must muster mental and moral boldness if they are to embrace adversity and lead others through it. Boldness and courage are closely related. Consider the courage it requires to fight sin. Let’s face it, the trappings of this life circle us like sharks in a tank. Like God said to Cain in Genesis, “Sin is In His Grip Tournament in Tuscaloosa, AL where the message was “I can do ALL things through Christ who crouching at [our] doorstep and it desires to strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 have [us].” However, the Apostle Paul challenges us to "be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing and perfect will of God" (Romans 12:2). A renewed mind (mental) results in spiritual transformation (moral). If you are struggling with sin, you know it is most certainly a war for the mind, emotions and the heart. It takes incredible courage to fight for purity and holiness. The battles are constant. But it isn't just in sin where boldness and courage in the face of adversity are required in the Christian life. There is so much injustice around us every day. Sometimes the Bible calls us to be bold and have the courage to stand in the gap for those who can’t stand for themselves. Living the Christian life isn’t for the faint of heart. Ultimately courage exists because adversity exists. But live boldly because courage rooted in the promise of Jesus to strengthen you (Philippians 4:13). It is that confidence in Him that is the foundation of our courage to live boldly in this life. — Scott Lehman is President of In His Grip Golf Ministry and author of the popular book, “More than a Game.” Scott and his family live in Thompson Station, Tenn.
Nashville Christian Family
h as s le F r e e Z oN e Once the kids go back to school, it seems like fall is right around the corner. In Tennessee, the change of seasons means it will soon be time to turn the air conditioner off and the heater on! You might think the change is as simple as throwing a switch on your thermostat. However, there are smart steps you can take now to help ensure you’re heating your home as safely and cost-efficiently as possible. The first thing to do is schedule the annual maintenance appointment for your heating system; don’t wait until the last minute. These yearly check-ups do more than protect your heater. They protect your family. Gas heating systems have many components that can be very dangerous to your health and your home if not properly serviced. For example, if there’s a problem with ventilation, carbon monoxide might leak from the heat exchanger area, where the combustible gases ignite to produce the fire that produces heat. A professional heating, air conditioning and ventilation (HVAC) technician will check to be sure the heat exchanger and other parts are in safe working condition. www.leecompany.com/hvac/ If your home has a heat pump keep in mind they consume extra energy if there are leaks in the refrigerant circuit. The leaks lead to low refrigerant pressure which can become a real energy drain as they kick your emergency heat on to maintain temperature. In addition to checking the circuit, the HVAC technician will inspect the coils
T eachable m om e NTs
Responding Instead of Reacting Often people will say or do something in conversation and then sit back and wonder, “why did I just do that?” And it makes sense. We are running at 90 miles an hour in our culture and never stopping, and when we do stop, we more than likely will be in front of a screen. There is no time to stop and be curious about why we do the things we do. The good news is that by studying human behavior and how we are created, researchers have found that we can slow ourselves down and learn how to respond by following these steps: 1) Look for the cue: This is the thing that we saw or heard that caused our brains to say, “I don’t like that” or “something is wrong.” It could be the laundry left out on the floor or it could be a certain look or sigh that your spouse does. 2) Once you recognize the cue, realize what your body does in response to the cue. Do you find yourself tensing up? Hands clenching? Heart beating fast? What you do here starts to tell you more than you know. Becoming familiar with what our body does in response to what we see is key to becoming fully aware of what we do: mind, body and spirit. 3) Now that you know the cue and what your body does, start listening to the thoughts that come in your head next. They might sound like this: • Here we go again • I can’t ever win, so what is the point? • Why don’t they consider me? Your thoughts shape your experience and they let you know how you make meaning from your cue/signal.
on your heating system. Dirty coils can cause the system to freeze up outside, once the weather turns really cold. If that happens, the system goes into continual defrost mode: It runs air-conditioning for defrosting, along with electric heat to keep the house warm. Does it matter? Absolutely. Most people don't like leaving a 40-watt lightbulb on because it burns too much power – and mom always says to turn the lights off! Running the heater in emergency mode continually is like leaving a 9600watt lightbulb burning eight-to-10 hours per day. Imagine what mom would say about that! As you get your house ready for the cooler temperatures, don’t forget to check the fireplace. Some people use it for heat, others like the ambience of a crackling fire. Either way, if your fireplace isn’t clean, it can create too much carbon monoxide inside the home. Vented fireplaces should have professional maintenance at least once every two years. Ventless fireplaces should be cleaned at least once a year, and twice if you leave the pilot light burning. Learn your lessons before we go back to cool! Get your home ready for the Tennessee fall and winter now. Lee Company has friendly, experienced, professional technicians ready to inspect your heater, make repairs, and handle all your HVAC needs. Check out www.leecompany.com/promotions for special offers on tune-ups and financing. — Dan Kalman, Vice President of Home Services Lee Company 4) Finally, pay attention to what you do in response. We usually move in one of three ways: Fight, flight or freeze. Flight can be physically leaving the room or trying to change the subject by dismissing what you experienced. Freezing can look like shutting down and not doing anything. Fight can look like accusations, blaming or passive aggressive comments. These are all reactions that do not lead to a place of resolution or understanding in relationship. Why is noticing this important? It is because once we know what we are doing and why, we can slow it down and begin to respond instead of react. We will be able to say to our spouse, “I saw the laundry on the floor and I started to feel my body tense up in anger. I started to think that you just don’t consider what I want and I wanted to lash out at you. I don’t want to do that anymore. Can you help me with the laundry?” This is moving towards the one you love instead of pushing them away. This is responding and not reacting. It is harder than it sounds, but it is worth it. — Lindsey Castleman, marriage and family counselor Attend her next marriage workshop in Franklin, TN. Visit 7ConversationsNashville.com
October 2017
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F am i ly m aT Te r s Financially Focused Families Create Richer Homeschooling Environments As home-based education becomes more popular, and students test higher, connections are being recognized between financial education and financial success. In the past 40 years, home-based education has grown from near extinction in the US during the 1970s to America’s fastest-growing educational trend at just over 2 million students, according to National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI). And, along with the increase in popularity, homeschool families have also seen higher academic performance from their students. “The SAT 2014 test scores of college-bound homeschool students were higher than the national average of all college-bound seniors that same year,” wrote Brian D. Ray, Ph.D., in a blog for NHERI. Commenting on the NHERI study, Andrew Mullins, federal relations deputy director at Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), wrote, “While there is definitely more to successful academics than standardized test performances, 2014’s SAT scores demonstrate that today’s homeschooled students are among the best and brightest students in the United States. It is little wonder, then, that the popularity of homeschooling has exploded in recent years.” While this is great news for home-based educators, can a similar connec-
tion be made between family finances and the general profiles of homeschooling families? Homeschooling families also recognize the ability to instill financial literacy in their children, a subject largely ignored by traditional public school environments. As CNBC headlined last year, U.S. schools are getting failing grades for financial literacy education. According to biennial Survey of the States by the Council for Economic Education, the number of states that require high school students to complete a course in economics dropped over the previous two years, and mandates for personal finance education in the upper grades remain stagnant. The connection between homeschooling and financial stability is compelling for many families and supporters. After all, a commitment to rearing children in an academically enriching environment includes the ability to teach them Christian values, including financial responsibility.
nancial principles has long been promoted by organizations such as HSLDA, stating that, with it’s life-long benefits, money management is one of the most important things you will ever teach your children. If you are looking for resources to help keep your homeschooled students financially on track, Teach Them Diligently, has guides for beginners as well as for high-school students. You can also sign up for resources specifically for homeschool families at eccu.org/homeschool, including banking options ECCU offers to help homeschooling families align their faith with their finances. For many ECCU member families, homeschooling offers plenty of return on investment: educationally, financially and spiritually. Weigh in below with your comments and questions so our community can explore the benefits of financial stability together. — Linda Carlson
The importance of teaching students basic fi-
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m i s s ioN m ake r s
Your Next Step With Christ
Our mission at Moody Radio is to “help you take the next step in your journey with Jesus Christ.” What is the next step for you? As a teen, I went to camp one summer and experienced something that still impacts me today. “Who thinks I can get this fire started without a match?” All of us kids quietly laughed at our camp counselor when he asked the question, seeing the remains of the fire from the previous night. What provided us warmth and light after a day-long canoe excursion was now a pile of gray ash and discarded candy wrappers and twigs. He got on his knees, dug into the ashes, and began to breath life back into those small yet glowing embers. In a matter of minutes, the fire was roaring once again. Twenty-five years later, as I read Revelation 2:1-7, that image reminds me that when my love grows cold for Christ, it too can be rekindled. Perhaps this is your next step with Christ. No matter how long we’ve followed Christ, our love can grow cold if not attended to. While our Lord commended the Ephesian church for their service, steadfastness, separation from error, and suffering, He said in verse 4 that they “abandoned the love” they had at first. Ironically, almost 40 years earlier, they were commended by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 1 for their love. Has your love grown cold, too? Our Savior in verse 5 tells us how to rekindle the embers. Remember from where you’ve fallen. That is, look back and remember what drew you to the Lord in the first place and take stock of where you are right now. We would do well to reflect daily on passages such as Eph. 2:1-10 and all that He has accomplished for us on the cross. As the Holy Spirit breaths life into the embers of our soul through the words of Scripture, we are to repent, Jesus says, and return to the deeds that marked our “first love.” What deeds marked our love in the beginning of our journey with Jesus Christ? While there is much that can and should mark our love for Christ, I believe based on biblical evidence that at the heart of Jesus’ words is that they lost their love for one another. Remember what Jesus said in John 13:35? Our love for another tells the world that we are His. If we say we love God, yet hate our brother or sister in Christ, John says in his first letter we are a liar. If our love for Christ is rekindled, it must spill over into our love for one another. How can we at Moody Radio help you rekindle your love for Christ? Our prayer is that through uplifting music, sound biblical teaching, and trusted voices we will continue to help you remember all the Lord has done for you and promised in Christ, and discover ways to serve those around you. What is your next step with Jesus Christ? — Moody Radio Nashville
Nashville Christian Family
Not So Safe
Her head and chest pounded as she stared at the scene before her. A moment of clarity begged for an answer to the question, “How did I get here?” Sensory overload drove her near panic. “Haley” made some wrong choices but she had never planned the trajectory that ensnared her with people who cared nothing for her or anyone other than themselves, their drugs, and their money. No one would have guessed that a minister’s daughter would work in the sex industry, but here she was, a galaxy from Sunday School. Traffickers care little for race, education, or socio-economic status. While certain groups are especially vulnerable no demographic is free from risk. “Haley’s” family lived in an upscale neighborhood outside Atlanta. Her siblings excelled in sports but she preferred more social excitement. Efforts to establish her uniqueness involved disruptive and sometimes destructive behaviors that strained her relationship with her family. Unresponsive to discipline, she finally walked away from her family to join her friends in an unrestrained, unending party. Clouded by drinking and drugs, she tired of the incessant drone of school. She failed classes that would have been easy A’s for the sober version of “Haley.” Nothing there interested her any more. On the day she met Terrance, a new world of promise pleaded for her attention. Lost in his smile, she laughed, loved, and felt beautiful. They dared new adventures with each other aided by a pill, a syringe, or a freshly cut line. He was suave. She was special. Together they were invincible. The first day he pimped her out was two weeks into the new year. Needing more money for the next fix, he smiled and suggested an idea. More than enough money would be theirs if she would do it just this once. She did and later that night they were high. That one time evolved into every night. Her freedom had become slavery. It was not what she planned, but her drugdulled mind didn’t notice. Five months later she woke up in an unfamiliar house, surrounded by people she didn’t recognize. Off the most recent high, she reflected on where she was from and what she was now doing. Something akin to fear grabbed her, and she knew she needed help. Desperation provided a substitute for courage, and she walked to a police precinct. This became the first step of a journey that led her to Rescue One Global. Rescue One provided the only safe house for minor victims of human trafficking in Tennessee, along with counselling, educational assistance, and job training. Surrounding her with an atmosphere of friends that felt similar to a family, Rescue One walks an extended path to restoration with young ladies like “Paula.” Article provided by Rescue 1 Global. The story above is a true story but certain details have been changed to protect the innocent. For more information visit Rescue1Global.org request coat email at info@Rescue1Global.org
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Always See The Good In Others… Children seem to resonate with this adage but in an adult-size world, execution proves difficult. Judgment and bias cloud perception, ultimately blurring the heart. Perhaps no other story of this century better supports this premise than the New York Times bestseller, Same Kind of Different As Me. Written ten years ago, the book took the world by storm. Published in over 14 languages with nearly a half million copies sold, Same Kind of Different As Me became a beloved novel for children and adults. Now, its author, Ron Hall, has joined a powerhouse team of actors and producers to bring this tale of friendship, forgiveness, and love to the big screen.
The star studded cast of Greg Kinnear, Jon Voight, Djimon Hounsou and Renee Zellweger share the true story of God’s love lived out in a miraculous way. All photos courtesy of Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved
Due in theaters October 20, 2017, Same Kind of Different As Me tells the true-life story of an international art dealer, Ron Hall (Academy Award® Nominee, Greg Kinnear, As Good As It Gets, Heaven Is For Real) whose life is crumbling under the pressure of pretense and appearance. Marital infidelity strains his relationship with his wife, Debbie (Academy Award® Winner, Reneé
Zellweger, Chicago) and he is estranged from his alcoholic father (Academy Award® Winner, Jon Voight, Coming Home, Ray Donovan). Debbie digs deep to forgive Ron under the condition they put shared purpose back into their marriage. She encourages Ron to volunteer with her at a local homeless shelter where Ron encounters Denver (Academy Award® Nominee, Djimon Hounsou, Blood Diamond, Amistad), the most unlikely friend he’d ever meet. The narrative follows the lives of these characters as they discover how to risk loving, how to loose life and give till it sometimes hurts. “This is a story about what love can do,” said Hall. Debbie’s forgiveness of my infidelity required love, and that Christ-like love not only transformed my life but millions of other lives as well.” The repercussions of Ron’s infidelity and Debbie’s subsequent forgiveness served as a model for Ron as he found himself face to face with individuals he normally would dismiss. “At that time in my marriage, I didn’t attend to the fact that we’d started going different directions. Debbie was chasing after God and I was chasing after money. I was not looking for a friend, certainly not one in the form of a big, black, angry
Nashville Christian Family
homeless man,” recalls Hall. “Denver wasn’t looking for a friend either, especially a privileged white, rich man. In all honesty, I was not rich until I met Denver.” The beautifully written screenplay by Hall, Alexander Foard, and Michael Carney certainly reflects this truth. At one point in the movie, Denver says, “God don’t give us credit for loving the folks we want to love anyway. No, He gives us credit for loving the unlovable.”
Moviegoers see the payout a simple act of kindness and an open heart can have. “The relationship between Ron and Denver has a lot of different layers,” Kinnear explains. “There’s suspicion, there’s distrust, but over time there’s honesty, and ultimately there is love. In the end, they believe in one another.” Viewers see this same sequence unfold between Ron and Debbie, and Ron and his father.
“It’s a rare opportunity for an actor to be blessed with a role so soulful. To embody Denver’s spirit was at once an emotional challenge and an extreme privilege, learning the story of a man who came from so little and gave so much.” Silence mixed with well-placed words— often grammatically incorrect but always life-altering—made Denver bigger than life. Those who had an opportunity to meet Denver before he passed recall a gentle giant filled with wisdom that seemed to flow from Christ. As one woman recalls, “Everything about my life, how I viewed myself and others, changed when I encountered Denver.” Hall concurs, “I marveled at Denver’s counsel and sought him out for advice time and again. I tell you, he was always spot-on with a fresh message from God. He spent countless hours behind a dumpster, in solitude talking with God.”
The film challenges viewers to question the notion that people are forever products of their environment. It is said that the past molds a person, but Same Kind of Different As Me shows how grace can melt a mold and provide an opportunity for new life and new relationships. And it all starts with Debbie. “She believed that kindness begets kindness and her mission was to make a change within the community,” said Zellweger. “Change begins when one person makes a decision to put their hands on something, or into something that needs fixing, and recognizing their own ability to have an effect.” Debbie’s impact on Denver is powerfully depicted in the film. Viewers first encounter an intimidating, loud homeless man wielding a baseball bat and threatening others. Debbie looks past Denver’s callousness, into a tender spot in his heart. “Denver suffered at the hands of other people all his life,” said Hall. “How he came to trust Debbie and subsequently me, can only be explained by the power of love.” Zellweger echoes, “What an exceptional person that she’s able to see people in their best light. She looks past whatever damage causes them to be fearful in the world and act out. It’s inspiring.” The unique fabric of this story is that there is no central character. All four main actors interact to unfold a tale that at onset seems unbelievable. Perhaps the finest cinematic moments come when Denver shares dollops of wisdom or “Denverisms” as they’ve come to be known. Things like, “Our limitation is God’s opportunity.” Or, “When you get all the way to the end of your rope and there ain’t nothin you can do, that’s when God takes over.” Hounsou is simply dynamic in the film. Having his own brush with homelessness at a young age, the actor draws from personal experiences to give a compelling performance. “Denver is not talkative but when he opens his mouth, he seems to say a lot,” reflects Hounsou.
“Denverisms…” • “I found out everybody’s different – the same kind of different as me. We’re all just regular folks walkin down the road God done set in front of us. The truth about it is, whether we is rich or poor or something in between, this earth ain’t no final restin place. So in a way, we is all homeless – just workin our way toward home” • “Just tell em I'm a nobody that's tryin to tell everybody 'bout Somebody that can save anybody.” • “Most people want to be circled by safety, not by the unexpected. The unexpected can take you out. But the unexpected can also take you over and change your life. Put a heart in your body where a stone used to be.” • “If you really serious ’bout helpin’ somebody, crawl down in the ditch with ’em, bandage up their wounds, and stick with ’em until they is strong enough to crawl up on your back and get out”
From Script to Screen The movie, Same Kind of Different As Me, was seven years in the making and nearly bankrupt Hall in the process. When asked why he didn’t just abandon the project and enjoy the success of his best-selling novel, Hall explains, “I made Debbie a promise that I’d never abandon Denver and I’d champion the homeless. In fact, Debbie and Denver inspired me to make a movie that would keep our message alive.” Since launching the movie, Hall and his family have set up, www.samekindofdifferentasme.org., a nonprofit organization that serves as a sort of 911 call center for underfunded missions and homeless endeavors. Their mission is to raise money, goods and services for organizations that serve the homeless, abused, addicted and hungry. “It’s not the color that divides us. It’s the condition of our hearts. If we get our hearts right we can cause a rising tide and bring hope to those who’ve lost it,” says Hall. — Susan Reinfeldt, Author & Owner of The Write Word Five years ago, Susan had the honor of working alongside Denver and Hall to raise money for The Nashville Rescue Mission, an organization she continues to passionately serve.
• “You never know whose eyes God is watching you through.”
October 2017
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Nashville Christian Family
a N e Ncou r aG i NG W or d
s p ecial F eaTu r e
Accomplish the Astonishing!
Welcome to the Club
The Next 90 Days.
October is here. Check the calendar. We have about 90 days until 2017 comes to an end. Whatever was on your list of things to accomplish this year may need a quick review. Unfortunately, the first thought that comes to mind is this: Oh, well. It won’t work. Never happen. Too late. I hear that deep sigh of regret; the silent lament that there is nowhere near enough time left in the year to do the impossible. To expect the unexpected. To believe that you can still accomplish something astonishing. I have news for you. It’s not too late. You’re not yet finished with your accomplishments for this year. I’m giving you a mantra for the next 90 days. Get Busy! Take a seat. Stand up straight. Get in the car. Do whatever you must to turn lack and negatives from the last 265 days into positives, plenty. Today is your day. It is plump and fresh with a flood of God’s promises, blessings, and favor. Starting right now, expect more. God has spoken a charge over your life, an instruction. And, I must be completely honest. I know this from personal experience—some of it learned through raw, first-hand thumps on the head. Here’s how God works. He often does not give you all the crucial details until you commence. Think Gideon, for example. Since I have lived in Nashville, I’ve encountered a truly incredible person. But I do not mean “good” incredible. I am convinced that she (let’s call her Miss Missy) is undoubtedly the meanest Christian I have encountered in my life. She doesn’t like anybody. She scowls or ignores you; she glares and turns on her heels to walk away before you can greet her. Male or female, you sometimes meet people like that.
Got Writer’s Block? If you haven’t visited a certain dark place yet, there’s still time. If you write enough things intended for publication, eventually you are going to run into writer’s block. Everybody does; I’d bet on it. There are different kinds of writer’s block. I know – I’ve got remnants of emotional scars to prove it. Proudly, I can now say I know how to work through it. When I was a sports writer for a daily newspaper, writer’s block for me was covering a Monday Night Football game between the Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers. It was rushing down to the locker rooms as the game was ending to get a few players’ quotes. It was stopping to chat for a few brief minutes with 49ers quarterback Joe Montana, a friend of mine from Notre Dame. It was then rushing back up to the press room, plopping back down in front of my laptop out of breath and sweating, looking at my watch with the stark realization I had 30 minutes to write 400 words.
I said to God: “Lord, how is it possible that Miss Missy can love You but hate everyone else?” Actually, I was thinking a little too proudly about how genuinely nice I try to be to everyone.
The cursor looks back blinking (or winking?), counting down the minutes and seconds. I don’t think – I just start writing what pops into my head as a “lede” to my game story, and I just keep pecking away. I stop a dozen or so times to go back a couple of paragraphs and add something in, or move this to there, polishing every step of the way. I do a final proof to check for spelling, typos, redundancies, and missing key information (the score, please?), and then hit send as the clock strikes midnight, literally. What a rush! Writer’s block is a deadline killer for newspaper and digital writers. If you can’t bust through it in a matter of minutes, your career is in jeopardy. Writer’s block for book authors is the same, only different. Let me explain. A book author with writer’s block can sit there staring at a blank screen or even a half-finished page, literally frozen, unable to pull the trigger on the next keystroke. The screen is blank, and so is your head.
There is a funny thing about practicing the presence of God and having real, intimate conversations with Him. Sometimes, God’s responses are unexpected. His answer was immediate. “Yes, I know. But what do you think hurts Me most? Her attitude and actions? Or the things I have charged you to do that you have left undone? Actions that could touch a thousand souls, turn a million to believe in Me, or just make one family’s life better?” Things that make you go Hmmm!
In my experience, there are three reasons for this: 1. You have a personal problem, probably a relationship issue, you need to resolve – with a happy ending, or at least a conclusion; 2. You are tired or otherwise fried and need to take a break and steer clear of the keyboard as long as it takes for the urge or itch to write overwhelms you; or 3. You failed to complete the first step of the book-writing process – to create an outline that maps out the whole book, even if it ends up getting tweaked 100 times.
And so, in the next 90 days, I invite you to join me in expecting these days to be beyond belief, as we accomplish the astonishing. God is doing something spectacular in the world with our hands, hearts, and works. All He designed for you is happening. And He doesn’t really need 90 days to unfold it.
With an outline, you just follow the map. Writer’s block? Look at your outline. Now write! Good grief. It’s not rocket surgery. That’s the first order of business in writing ANY book – the outline. I don’t need to tell you how; there’s no magic formula. You know your book’s subject. You tell me.
In a private conversation with the Lord recently, Miss Missy’s image popped into my head. And I decided to tell (as in tattle tale) the Lord on her—just in case He had not noticed.
— Regina M. Prude is an inspirational speaker, SiriusXM radio host, syndicated columnist and author. E-mail comments to regina@reginaprude.com. Follow her on Facebook (www.facebook.com/reginaprude) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/rprude)
— Mike Towle, a Middle Tennessee resident, is the published author or ghostwriter of more than 25 books and founder of Win-Win Words LLC, through which he offers writing, editing, consulting and other book-publishing services. Contact him at 615-293-5771 or miketowle2013@gmail.com.
October 2017
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Nashville Christian Family
s p ecial F eaTu r e Halloween is one of the nights that kids (and many adults) look forward to all year. Who doesn’t remember picking out the perfect costume whether silly or scary, getting dressed up and going around the neighborhood with friends engaging in the time-honored tradition of trick-or-treating? Even though the evening is all about scary fun the only real frights should come from the costumes and decorations. To make sure your children have a fun and safe Halloween night Hyundai of Cool Springs has put together this list of Halloween safety tips along with a list of safe extra-safe locations to go trick or treating. Walking · Be sure to cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks while looking left, right and left again when crossing and keep looking as you cross. Put electronic devices down and keep heads up and walk, don’t run, across the street. · Teach children to make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them. · Always walk on sidewalks or paths. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible. Children should walk on direct routes with the fewest street crossings. · Watch for cars that are turning or backing up. · Teach children to never dart out into the street or cross between parked cars
· Children under the age of 12 should not be alone at night without adult supervision. If kids are mature enough to be out without supervision, they should stick to familiar areas that are well lit and trick-ortreat in groups. Costumes · Decorate costumes and bags with reflective tape or stickers and, if possible, choose light colors. · Choose face paint and makeup whenever possible instead of masks, which can obstruct a child’s vision. · Have kids carry glow sticks or flashlights to help them see and be seen by drivers. · When selecting a costume, make sure it is the right size to prevent trips and falls. Driving · If you’re driving on Halloween make sure it is at a reduced speed, especially in residential neighborhoods. · Take extra time to look for kids at intersections, on medians and on curbs. · Enter and exit driveways and alleys slowly and carefully. · Eliminate any distractions inside your car so you can concentrate on the road and your surroundings. · Popular trick-or-treating hours are 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. so be on-the-alert alert for kids during those
hours. Treats · Check all candy to make sure the wrappers are intact. · In the event you receive fruit, baked goods or anything else that doesn’t come prewrapped be sure to inspect it thoroughly and taste it yourself before allowing your children access. Places to go Trick-Or-Treating Goblins in the Gardens at Cheekwood Estate & Gardens Trick Or Treat At Murfreesboro Square Trick-or-Treating at the "Old Maney Mansion" Fall Hayride and Celebration at Cannonburgh Village Trick Or Treat On The Square In Watertown Malloween at Stones River Mall Trick Or Treat At The Cool Springs Galleria Hyundai of Cool Springs (of course!) We wish all our little wizards, witches, princesses, pirates, ghosts and goblins a fun and safe Halloween! — Frank(enstein) Odrobina, owner Hyundai and Genesis of Cool Springs, www.hyundaiofcoolsprings.com, www.genesisofcoolsprings.net
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October 2017
b ody & s ou l
The Trinity of Mankind “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27
This passage from the Bible has been a topic of discussion for millenniums. How could God have created us in His image when He is considered a spirit not a flesh and blood being? Was the image He was referring to not the way we look as much as the essence of who we are? Through His intimate knowledge of us, could He have sought an effort to create a union of relationship; the oneness found in our acceptance of the human condition? The God of the Torah, in the passage from the Book of Genesis is found, used centuries of writings to describe Himself as having three separate “personas” while remaining one unified entity. The first persona of the eternal God is the creator; the speaker of the Book of Genesis, the One who started it all. The second persona is the Messiah, the God made flesh to save His people. Finally, the third persona is the Spirit that is sent to guide us. There you have it, three distinct Gods yet the same one God; the Holy Trinity of the New Testament.
thought begins and it is our thoughts that begin the process that leads us totake any action. Nothing is created without first a thought. Our body is the exact same physical likeness to that of Jesus when He walked the earth. And our soul is the essence of the Holy Spirit; our inheritance of God’s eternal nature. Just as with the Holy Trinity, we are three unique parts yet one unified body. The exact image of God explained through the Power of the Wisdom of Three. If this is my last post, I want all to know there was only one purpose for all that I have written; to have made a positive difference in the lives of others. — Anthony “Tony” Boquet, Author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary”
The human race is created in the exact same manner, sharing the personas of God. From birth we are given a mind, body and soul. Our mind is where all
T ech T alk
The Emails & The Books It seems that every day, multitudes wait to see what Wikileaks will expose next. Julian Assange, still there in the Ecuador embassy where he lives and peeks out the window at London every day, has been busy. What salacious, scandalous, criminal material will appear in the newest series of hacked e-mails? Will this next batch really bring down another world-famous icon? You may be one of those curious readers who watch to see what leak will be next. But I wonder . . . how would YOU feel if the tables were turned? What if someone was standing at the ready with your hacked texts, e-mails, Facebook posts and personal messages, about to put them in worldwide public view? Does the prospect make you squirm a little? Jesus did tell us, the way you want it done to others is the way it will be done to you. Actually I wouldn’t worry; Wikileaks thinks they have bigger fish to fry than you and me. In reality I think my e-mails are the least of my worries. My concern is those Books. What books? John wrote about them: “I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged from
Nashville Christian Family
the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds.” (Revelation 20:12) Mr. Assange can release stuff—that has become rather obvious. But he can’t do anything with it. God has those books, with better and more thorough evidence than our Wikileaks man, and He has the capacity to exercise thorough, righteous and eternal judgment with his material! Good news: you can bleach and delete e-mails and smash the memory-laden cellphone to bits. You can purge books. By receiving the forgiveness of the blood of Jesus Christ, and making restitution for what you said and did and owe, you can repair and actually delete the records in those books that are currently held in trust about your life. Then you will have your name in that book of Life, and no one will be able to delete that! You’ll never fear the release or exposure of those books for eternity. We are all fragile, just a heartbeat away from a horrendous, eternal, all-encompassing scandal that we can completely avoid through faith and obedience to Christ. I would take a lesson from this dirty, sad election and its stormy aftermath almost a year later, and would come to Jesus for a cleansing of the books, and my conscience, right now if I were you. You can then have peace, no matter what Julian Assange or others want to expose. “Christ has taken my sin on Himself; no one can find my sins in any ledger or book. Neither in heaven nor on earth. They’re written on the Son of God as He died and rose for me, there I must see them and nowhere else.” (Martin Luther, Easter Sunday sermon, c. 1530) —Mark Simpson
k i ds k or N e r
Don’t you love finding fun in your life? I hope you do. I look for it regularly because I believe “the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” In every job that must be done There is an element of fun You find the fun and snap! The job’s a game. Did you picture Mary Poppins? Did you hear Julie Andrews’s voice in your head? She was my childhood hero. I wanted to be her—mostly just to sing all those songs in the film and jump inside the sidewalk picture. Oh, and ride those carousel horses, dance with Bert, and sit upside down on the ceiling singing, “I Love to Laugh”! Then I wanted to “Feed the Birds” and fall asleep to the song “Stay Awake.” Then I’d sing “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” and “Let’s Go Fly a Kite”! You know what I love about that movie? There is variety in the music and the story—fast, slow, sweet, silly, a little scary, working songs, love songs. We are multifacted, emotional creatures and we can be touched by and learn from all sorts of experiences. God our Creator, in whose image we are made, is also multifaceted. Miss PattyCake (that’s me) sings this song called “Colors, Numbers, ABCs”: Everywhere we look we see In colors, numbers, ABCs. Everywhere we look we see God loves you and God loves me. We look, we smell, we taste, we touch, we hear, and we experience the varied experience of God’s creativity. And there are so many ways to point these out to our little ones, and have FUN doing it! Sometime in my early thirties BC (Before Children), I attended a beach retreat and happened to be hanging out with the speaker, who was a pastor. We were having a nice conversation when he spotted his kids and sternly yelled, “Hey, come here!” I was shocked this man would speak to his children that way, and right in front of me and others. They ran over and he grabbed each by one arm and angrily said, “Now you two listen to me! You are going to be in big trouble, BIG TROUBLE. Do you hear me?” The two children nodded and were smiling. I was confused. “We are leaving right now and going home IF you do not have the BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE! Now go out there and have FUN OR ELSE!” They laughed and ran off to play. I have never forgotten that moment. That guy was just plain silly. He knew how to make things fun. He practiced enthusiastic enjoyment! Did you know the English word enthusiasm is rooted in God? It comes from entheos: en meaning “in” + theos meaning “god.” So being enthusiastic literally means being “in god”. We see this also in 1 Timothy 6:17 (NLT), “Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment”. The Bible is full of these refreshing words: joy, gladness, rejoicing, and celebration. In God we can have enthusiastic enjoyment! “For who can eat and who can have enjoyment without Him?” Ecclesiastes 2:25 (NASB)
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— Jean Thomason, aka “Miss PattyCake”, is an author, speaker, singer, with a new book, Sharing God’s BIG LOVE with Little Lives. (Worthy Publishing Group). Find out more here: www.jeanthomason.com
October 2017
5am –10am Good Clean Fun with Kevin & Taylor
10am – 2pm Middays with Doug Griffin
Nashville Christian Family
2pm – 7pm Afternoons with Caryn Cruise
7pm –12am
12am – 5am
Night Light with Andrea TM
Keep the Faith with Penny TM
h ealThy l iVi NG
Results That Last So many people work so hard in the gym for so many hours to see mediocre results. Honestly, most people actually do some kind of exercise… you can ask people that you wouldn’t even think workout and they will tell you all about how they train with a trainer or they go on a jog a couple times a week, some may even train pretty hard several times a week but they still aren’t seeing results. Why is this? Well, a lot of it has to do with genetics and body type. I believe that being fit and overall healthy throughout life is 75% what we eat. The other 25% exercise and rest. We must learn to eat for our body type and the stage of life that we are in. When I became certified as a personal trainer, the first half of the text book was about nutrition, most of my classes in college are nutrition and how to eat in your stage of life for what you are doing. There are formulas that health professionals use to determine the caloric intake of a particular individual. One formula that I particularly like is called the basal energy expenditure (BEE) formula. This formula takes into account weight, height, age, and the activity level of the individual. Everyone’s needs are different, we must know what our body needs and fulfill those needs. The
problem is that we are more than fulfilling our caloric needs but not fulfilling our nutrient needs with nutrient dense foods. I have said before that we need to fit as many “micros” into your “macros” as we can. What I mean by that is we need to fit as many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (micronutrients) into our proteins, carbohydrates, and fats (macronutrients). The macronutrients are what give us energy or calories, we need these is larger amounts, thus the use for “macro”. Most have heard the term “empty calories” … this term is used for foods like white bread, candy, and soda because they have plenty of calories but no nutrients. We only have a certain amount of calories per day to get all of the micronutrients
PLAN AHEAD by prepping all your meals for the week ahead of time.
Ground turkey is a good protein paired with steamed fresh broccoli. Add some brown rice for a healthy carb option. that our body needs, so if we are eating calories that do not have micronutrients then we are wasting those calories. So next time you are wanting a snack maybe try having a nutrient dense food like an apple (throw a little of peanut butter on there too for those peanut butter lovers) instead of those cheez-its you love so much. If we are giving our body what it needs then we will be able to live cleaner, fuller and more focused lives. — Ashton Tate, Personal Trainer, Franklin, Tenn. Helping people live a balanced and healthy lifestyle is the heartbeat of what I do. glorytogloryfitness.com glorytogloryfitness@gmail.com
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Nashville Christian Family
m iG hT y W om e N
I want to share a story with you about a very Columbia State Community College. Tia courageous lady, Tia Kready, who has been always has a smile and her spirits and fighting Hodgkin Lymphoma and breast canfaith are amazing. Her daughter, Jenn cer. In July, she had a double mastectomy and Kready, describes her mother as a “warriremoval of lymph nodes. For a couple of weeks, or” in the fight against cancer. she believed she was cured “no cancer”. Then the test showed that the Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is still Tia is also an 18-year survivor of stage 4 very active. The doctors started her on a powbrain cancer, and the Hodgkin Lymphoerful experimental drug which they felt would ma is headed toward the brain, which zap the cancer. They increased the dosage twice, makes these treatments an urgent life but her body could not handle the drug. They saving matter. reduced the strength of the drug and extended it for a longer period of time. One of the cancers Due to the large amount of cost not that she had in her breast is a very rare cancovered by insurance, a GO FUND ME cer. They were able to remove this cancer with account has been setup for her and an the mastectomy, but feel that there are strong account has been set up her name at First chances it will reappear. It was discussed whethBank in downtown Franklin. To give by er she should go out of state to a cancer clinic check contact First Bank: ATTN: Amy for additional treatment, but with only having Maxey, 510 Columbia Ave, Suite 106, TENN CARE insurance the cost would be too Franklin, TN 37064. Make check out to great. The drugs are being shipped to Franklin. Sandi Inman / Tia Kready GOFUNDME. Tia with her daughter Jenn and her close friend Jennifer Parrish The cost is unbelievable and insurance is not You can access the GO FUND ME online covering them. account through her mother’s Facebook, Sandi Inman. Tia’s family appreciates your help. Tia is a Franklin, Tenn. native. She is a Franklin High School graduate and O’More College of Design graduate. She attended Belmont University and — Jeff McKenzie, Tia’s friend
p l aN
s alVaTioN
Has something in the magazine or something you have discussed with someone or some thoughts that you have had or something that you have heard, brought you to a point of realizing that you want and need to know Christ in the truest and personal sense?
If so, below is a simple outline for someone of any age who is not a Believer to act on their desire to accept Jesus Christ into their heart as their Savior. God’s Plan of Salvation God created us to honor and serve Him Revelation 4:11: “You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power;For You created all things, And by Your will they exist[b] and were created Each of us has sinned against God Romans 3:10: As it is written, “There is none righteous, no, not one” Romans3:23: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Jesus Christ died on the cross in our place, paying the penalty for our sin Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. We each must accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior Romans 10:9: that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:13: For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”
The penalty for sin is eternal separation from God and Heaven Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Good works cannot ever earn God’s forgiveness and Salvation Titus 3:5: not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us. God loves each of us John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
To accept Christ into your heart and life, pray a simple prayer along these lines - “Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sins. I know that Jesus died for my sins and the sins of the world. Right now, I ask Jesus into my heart and receive Him as my personal Savior. Forgive me of my sins, thank you for saving me through the blood of Jesus. Please Lord, help me live for you. In Jesus name, amen.” All scriptures are taken from The New King James Version of the Holy Bible.
October 2017
m iG hT y m e N
Still Honoring God’s Call Dr. F. Murray Mathis of Murfreesboro, like most in ministry, has seen and experienced mountaintops and valleys in his nearly 60 years of preaching the Gospel. His eyes well up with tears when describing how a country boy from Fayetteville has made friends throughout American and in foreign countries. I recently sat down with the distinguished minister to reminisce, and to especially talk about what could have been a fatal traffic accident in Atlanta involving him and Loretta, his beloved wife of 54 years. The couple was broadsided at an intersection on a busy thoroughfare on May 18th of this year.
Dr. F. Murray Mathis has been preaching the Gospel for nearly 60 years.
Nashville Christian Family
After being treated in a trauma center in Atlanta for two-weeks, they were given extensive physical therapy at a facility in Murfreesboro. The couple returned home on July 4th to further recover and get their lives back in order. Almost at top of his list was returning to the pulpit at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church near Murfreesboro, which was founded back in 1875. He has been pastor there for the past three years.
Besides preaching and introducing others to the Lord, he recently had two interesting experiences. A father and son wanted to be baptized by immersion, but there was one challenge. The wife and mother of the two, respectively, was in a local hospital; seriously ill. She wanted to witness it. Dr. Mathis made arrangements with the hospital for him to bring a cattle tub, normally used for watering livestock, to a private room on the seventh floor for the ceremony. A few days later, the lady passed from this life. Pastor Mathis also recently participated in another baptism with some degree of uniqueness. A member of Mt. Carmel, who is a grandfather and fourth generation member of the Church, was joined by his son to help immerse a grandson in the Stones River as the pastor officiated. “I am a man most richly blessed,” Brother Mathis observed. — Ralph Vaughn
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October 2017 Calendar List Your Event!
If you have an event you would like listed in the Nashville Christian Family Community Calendar e-mail us at: NCFPublication@gmail.com subject line - Calendar emy Park, 112 Everbright Ave. On Wednesday, October 4, at 6:30 p.m. an obnoxious ghost “helps” a newly departed couple terrorize the family that’s moved into their old house in this 1988 classic. On Monday, October 23, at 6:30 p.m. join everybody’s favorite paranormal scientists as they try to save New York City from an Spring Hill have immediate openings other-wordly, evil entity intent on destroy the world. Then on Sunday, for part-time lifeguards. Schedules are flexible, and wages are competi- October 29, enjoy a 2:30 p.m. matinee featuring a 90’s classic in which three tive. Early morning, mid-day afterwitch sisters return to Salem, Massanoon and evening hours are availchusetts to wreak havoc on Hallowable. Anyone age 15 or older may apply. The positions require current een night. For more information and Red Cross Lifeguard and CPR/AED movie titles, call (615) 786-0186, ext. 2510. certification. To apply, visit www. williamsoncounty-tn.gov/jobs.aspx, or apply in person at the Williamson County Administrative Complex, 1320 West Main St., Franklin, TN November 23 – Thanksgiving 37064. For more information about employment as a lifeguard, contact Kristin Pitts at (615) 370-3471, ext. 2122.
Goodwill Will Pickup Your Donation “If you can’t get it to us, we’ll come get it from you.” That’s the gist of Goodwill’s new Home Donation Pickup Program, which in just a few months has grown to serve communities in more than 16 Middle Tennessee Middle and West Tennessee counties (Davidson, Montgomery, Robertson, Sumner, Wilson, Rutherford, Dickson, Cheatham, Maury, Dekalb, Bedford and Perry, Madison, Henderson, Gibson and Decatur). www.giveit2goodwill. org/pickups October 28 - 29 - Art for Inspiration Fine Art Show and Sale – Come join us for a weekend of Art and Celebration! The 12th Annual Fine Art Show and Sale is October 28, 6-9 p.m. and October 29, 9:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., hosted by the Art & Environment Committee. Make plans now to attend this free event, full of live music, great gift ideas and good food. St. Matthew Catholic Church; 535 Sneed Road West; Franklin, TN 37069. Additional information is available at www.stmatthewtn.org and at www.facebook. com/stmatthewchurchandschool. Hope to see you there! October 1 - 31 – Immediate Job Openings For Lifeguards – Flexible Schedules and Competitive Wages Offered - Apply now to join the Aquatics team at the Williamson County Parks and Recreation Department (WCPR). The three indoor pools operated by WCPR in Franklin, Brentwood and
Coming in
ONGOING Last Tuesday of every month except December Tennessee Christian Chamber of Commerce – Monthly Luncheon EGroups - Networking/Leads Meetings held in these locations: Brentwood, Cool Springs/Franklin, Downtown, Hendersonville, Mt. Juliet, Murfreesboro. For meeting locations, times and dates or for more information about the Chamber and events, visit www.tnchristianchamber.org or email rstringfellow@yahoo.com.
October 4, 23, 29 – Free “Spooky” Movies - Performing Arts Center at Academy Park
Williamson County Parks and Recreation is pleased to announce a series of free “spooky” movies in October at the new Williamson County Performing Arts Center at Acad-
a bouT o u r a dVe rTi s e r s
Please support these local businesses that support Nashville Christian Family with their advertising. Support us by patronizing them.
Ben Davis – www.selectpointe.com, 615-584-4946 Bloom Today – www.ctntv.org/livestream Bott Radio Network – www.bottradionetwork.com, 615-871-1160 David W. Harr, DMD – www.docharr.com, 615-776-2565 Deer Run Camps and Retreats – www.DeerRun.camp, 615-794-2918 Evangelical Christian Credit Union – www.eccu.org, 800-634-3228 Family Foundation Fund – www.forgivenessnashville.com, 615-876-7170 Genesis of Cool Springs – www.genesisofcoolsprings.net, 877-886-8448 Glory To Glory Fitness – www.glorytogloryfitness.com Hyundai of Cool Springs – www.hyundaiofcoolsprings.com, 877-886-8448 Lee Company – www.leecompany.com, 615-567-1000 Midwest Capital Mortgage – www.forwardandreversemortgagerates.com, 615-970-2216 Molly Maid – www.mollymaid.com, 615-794-0200 Moody Radio – www.moodyradio.org, 312-329-4300
NashvilleChristian ChristianFamily Family 3030 Nashville
Peak College Planning – www.peakplanningtn.com, 615-516-0290 P.E.S.T., Inc. – www.pestinc.net, 615-382-9774 Rescue 1 Global – www.rescue1global.org, 615-379-8399 Saint Thomas Health – www.sths.com, 615-284-LIFE Simple Solutions 4 Home Care – www.ss4hc.com, 615-647-0700 Spring Hill Memorial Park, Funeral Home & Cremation Services – www.springhill-memorial.com, 931-486-0059 The Fish 94FM – www.94fmthefish.net, 615-367-2210 Therapeutic Interventions – www.tiicares.com, 615-457-2334 TN Christian Chamber of Commerce – www.tnchristianchamber.org 615-815-8765 University of Alabama – Boone Cabin - www.boonecabin.ua.edu, 205-348-4090 Williamson Memorial Funeral Home & Cremation Services – www.williamsonmemorial.com, 615-794-228 Win-Win Words, LLC – www.winwinwords.net, 615-293-5771 YMCA of Middle TN – www.ymcamidtn.org, 615-259-9622
www.ChristianFamilyNashville.com www.ChristianFamilyNashville.com
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