Christianity 101 中文

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Designed for anybody who wants to study English or Chinese and anybody who wants to learn more about Christianity Designed for anybody who wants to study English or Chinese and anybody who wants to learn more about Christianity Designed for anybody who wants to study English or Chinese and anybody who wants to learn more about Christianity

Christianity 101 基督教入門 Updated 17 July 2012

Written for anybody who wants to study English or Chinese or learn more about Christianity

This book is available in electronic form at ISSUU

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Table of Contents Article

Page Number


Birth of a Nation (一國之誕生)



Christianity Is Not a Religion (基督教不是一個宗教,而是一種關係)



The Christian Walk (基督徒生活)



Conform to his Image (效法祂的形象)



The Cost of Forgiveness (赦免的代價)



Dead, Blind, and Captive (死了,眼睛又瞎的俘虜)



Digging for Jewels (在聖經中挖寶)



Double Imputation (雙歸集)



Draw Near with Confidence (勇敢的親近)



Feeding the 5,000 (五餅二魚)



First Appearance of God's Plan of Salvation in the Bible (神的救恩計劃在聖經中第一次的出現)71


Fix your Eyes on Jesus (仰望耶穌)



Giving Over to Sin (放任墮落)



God's Dilemma (上帝的困境)



God's Grace (神的恩典)



God Reveals Himself Through his Word (神藉著祂的道顯現自己)



The Good Shepherd (好牧人)



The Great Potter (大陶匠)



Harden not your Heart (不可鐵石心腸)



Heart Transplant (心臟移植)



History over the Past 4000 Years (歷史四千年)



How God Reveals Himself to the World (神如何向世人顯現自己)



I Am (我是自有永有)



If There Is Only One Truth, Shouldn't There Only Be One Church? (假如真理只有一個,應該只有一個教會才對吧?)



If These Are the Last Days, How Should We Live? (如果末日將近,我們應該怎麼生活)



In the World, Not of the World (在這個世界裡,但是不屬於這個世界)



Investing in the Next World (投資來世)



Judging Others (論斷他人)



Love Kept Him on the Cross (愛讓祂留在十字架上面)



Me, Me, Me (我、我、我)



Milk of the Spirit Versus Meat of the Spirit (靈奶 Vs.靈糧)



Mixed Metaphors (混合比喻)



Our New Position in Christ (我們在主內的新身份)




Our Work Is to Believe (信就是做神的工)



Pain in Christianity (基督徒的痛苦)



Pearl of Great Price (無價珍珠)



Relationships—The Core Theme of the Bible (「關係」是聖經的核心題目)



The Scriptures Are an Interwoven Tapestry (神的話語就如同一張錯綜複雜的掛毯)



Serving Others (服事他人)



Seeking Happiness in the Wrong Things (追求快樂,找錯方向)



Self-Seeking Religious Leaders (追逐利益宗教領袖)



Transformation Not Substitution (轉化,而非替代)



Trilemma (三難—由 C.S.路易斯的理論改編)



Tumbling for Jesus (為耶穌滾落)



Walk in a Manner Worthy of your Calling (行事為人就當與蒙的恩相稱)



Walking in the Spirit (行在聖靈中)



We Cannot Change Others(我們無法改變別人)



Why do Bad Things Happen? (為什麼不好的事情會發生?)



Woman at the Well (井旁的婦人)



Word of God (English only)



Worthless Vs Not Worthy (毫無價值的相對於不配得)



You Shall Be Gods (你們要成為神)



Your Word Is a Lamp unto my Feet and a Light Unto My Path (你的話是我腳前的燈,是我路上的光)



Birth of a Nation 一國之誕生 1.

(V. 1) 1 Cor. 10:11 Now these things happened to them 1. (V. 1) 哥林多前書 10:11 這些事發生在 as an example, and they were written for our


instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have


come. 2.

2. 神掌管一切,而且對每個人的人生都

God is in control and has a plan for everybody, including you and me

3. 4.

3. 祂將 每一個人 的計劃, 如同壁毯 一

He weaves his plans together into one giant plan for


our world like a tapestry

The problem is, we only see a small part of the back side of the tapestry


To us, the tapestry is confusing and doesn‘t make any 5. 對我們而言,這條壁毯看起來雜亂無 章,毫無頭緒

This is because our view is limited and we don‘t see 6. 這是因為我們看到的非常有限,我們 the big picture


4. 問題是,我們只看得到壁毯背面的一 小部分

sense 6.



Someday, God will show us the front of the tapestry

7. 總有 一天,神 會給我們 看壁毯的 正

and I guarantee it will be beautiful beyond your


wildest dreams



For now, however, we just have to trust that God 8. 不過現在,我們只能相信神,信任祂 knows what he is doing



Let me share with you a wonderful story from the Bible that illustrates this point

9. 我來分享聖經一個很棒的故事,可以 讓你更了解這點

10. Abraham was the son of an idol maker, but he 10. 亞伯拉罕是偶像雕刻師傅的兒子,但 believed that one God created the universe



11. God tested him 10 times and the final test of his 11. 神曾 經試驗他 十次,而 最後一次 試 trust in God was the sacrifice of his son


12. Of course, God stopped him before he sacrificed his son

給祂,以證明他對神的信心 12. 當然,在亞伯拉罕動手犧牲他兒子之

13. Then God established a covenant with Abraham 14. (V. 2) Gen. 12:1-3



Now the LORD said to Abram, ―Go 13. 接下來,神跟亞伯拉罕立了約

forth from your country, And from your relatives 14. (V. 2) 創世記 12:1-3--耶和華對亞伯 And from your father‘s house, to the land which I will 2


show you; And I will make you a great nation, And I

到我指示你的地方去。 2 我必使你成

will bless you, And make your name great; And so you



shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless

你也必使別人得福, 3 給你祝福的,

you, And the one who curses you I will curse And in


you all the families of the earth will be blessed.‖


15. Now, I believe that the promised land, the land of 15. 我認為所謂的應許之地,也就是迦南 Canaan, does NOT represent heaven


16. I believe that the promised land represents the life of the believer, a life of trusting in God

16. 應許之地代表的是信徒的人生,也就 是依靠神的人生

17. Egypt, on the other hand, represents the world 17. 相反 的,埃及 代表的是 世界這個 體 system, trusting in the things of this world, like


money, power, and self


18. Because of Abraham‘s faith in God, God allowed him 18. 因為亞伯拉罕相信神,神讓他進入應 to enter the promised land—a life of faith



19. He had a son named Isaac and Isaac had a son 19. 他生了一個兒子名字叫以撒,而以撒生了 whose name was Jacob


20. Jacob had 12 sons, including Joseph

20. 雅各生了約瑟等十二個兒子

21. The Israelites lived in the promised land, but they 21. 以色列人住在應許之地,但是他們開始跟 started intermarrying with gentiles


22. Gentiles aren‘t bad in themselves; God loves 22. 外邦人本身沒有什麼不好,上帝也愛外邦 gentiles, too

23. Ruth was a gentile and an ancestor of Jesus

23. 路得是外邦人,也是耶穌的祖先

24. The problem is that the gentiles have their own 24. 問題是,這些外邦人有自己的神,而當以 gods and when the Israelites married the


gentiles, they accepted their gods, too


25. God wanted a people for himself that worshipped only 25. 神想要有一個自己的民族,可以專門 him


26. We all know the story of Jacob and his 12 sons, 26. 我們都知道雅各和他 12 個兒子的故事 right?


27. Joseph was Jacob‘s favorite son and the other 11 brothers hated him

27. 因為雅各最喜歡約瑟,但是約瑟的 11 個兄弟都討厭他


28. One day, Joseph dreamed that the other sons would 28. 有一天,約瑟做了一個夢,夢到他的 bow down to him, which made them hate him even



29. They sold him into slavery into Egypt where Joseph

29. 他們把約瑟賣到埃及當奴隸,在那裡

had many experiences


30. For example, he was a high government official‘s 30. 比方說,他當了政府高官的管家 steward

31. 接下來,他坐了很多年的牢

31. Then he spent many years in jail

32. 然後,他成為埃及的首相

32. Then he became the prime minister of Egypt

33. 我省略了很多細節,但是你可以自

33. I‘m leaving out a lot of details, but you can read the stories yourselves

己去看 34. 接著,迦南地鬧了饑荒,因此他父

34. Later, a famine happened in Canaan and his father Jacob, his brothers, and all their relatives went to Egypt

親雅各還有他的哥哥,以及他們所 有的親戚都來到埃及 35. 上帝先讓雅各來到埃及,好讓他能

35. God allowed Joseph to arrive there first to protect his people who would come later

夠照顧後來會來的人 36. 以色列人和埃及人都分開住,因為

36. The Israelites were kept separate from the Egyptians, because the Egyptians despised shepherds and refused to allow them to live in the cities

埃及人看不起牧羊人,也不讓他們 住在城市裡 37. 這樣他們就沒有跟當地人通婚或改

37. This kept them from intermarrying with the locals and accepting their gods

信他們的神 38. 雅各家人本來有 70 個人,但是 430

38. The 70 people of Jacob‘s family became a nation of 2-3 million in 430 years

年後,這變成兩、三百萬人的民族 39. 上帝興起摩西帶領祂的選民穿越紅

39. God raised Moses to take the people out of Egypt through the Red Sea



40. They went to Mount Sinai to receive the covenant

40. 他們去西奈山與神立約

41. but before Moses came down, the people were 41. 但是在摩西下山之前,民眾已經開始 worshiping other gods


42. They also complained constantly and said that life 42. 另外,他們也不斷地抱怨說,以前在 back in Egypt was so wonderful


43. When they arrived in Canaan, Moses sent out 12 spies 43. 當他們回到迦南地時,摩西派遣 12 探 to scout the land


44. When they came back, 10 of them recommended that 44. 其中 十個探子 回去以後 建議不要 進 they not attack Canaan, because it was full of giants


45. Only Joshua and Caleb recommended that they 45. 只有約書亞和迦勒建議要進攻搶奪該 attack and take the land because they trusted God to carry out his promises

地,因為他們相信神會履行承諾 46. 總之,民眾反而不斷地抱怨,改信其

46. In sum, the people complained, turned to other gods, and didn‘t trust God

他的神,也不相信上帝 47. 因此,上帝宣布,凡當時年齡超過 20

47. Therefore, God declared that nobody above the age of 20 would enter the promised land

歲的人,以後都無法進入應許之地 48. 只有約書亞和迦勒這兩個人例外

48. The only exceptions were Joshua and Caleb

49. 連摩西都進不去

49. Even Moses couldn‘t go in

50. 但是那是因為他代表的是律法,而律

50. but that was because he represented the law and the law has no place in the Christian life

法絕對跟基督徒生活沒有關係 51. 但是那是另一個研究題材

51. But that‘s another study

52. 因此,以色列人在曠野流浪了 37 年

52. So the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 37 53. 最後,所有本來 20 歲以上的人都死於 more years


53. In the end, the people made it into the promised land 54. 我們現在來分析這個故事 after all the people over age 20 died in the 55. 迦南地是應許之地,代表的是信心的 wilderness


54. Now, let‘s analyze this story

56. 在信心的生活當中,有很多我們需要 9

55. The land of Canaan, the promised land, is the life of faith

克服的敵人,但是如果我們信賴神, 我們一定會得勝

56. There are enemies to be defeated there, but by trusting in God, we can defeat them

57. 雅各的家人跟外邦人通婚,也改信他 們的神

57. Jacob‘s family was intermarrying with the gentiles and accepting their gods

58. 因此,上帝把雅各的家人送到埃及, 好讓他們遠離那些假神,也讓他們成

58. So God sent his family to Egypt to get them away


from the other gods and to make them a great nation 59. 以色列人和基督徒之間相同的地方頗 59. There are many similarities between the Israelites and Christians

多 60. 埃及相當於一個子宮,以色列人這個

60. Egypt was a womb in which the great nation of Israel grew

偉大的民族在那裡茁壯 61. (V. 3) 以賽亞書 46:3—雅各家啊,以

61. (V. 3) Isaiah 46:3—Listen to Me, O house of Jacob,


and all the remnant of the house of Israel, who have


been carried out from the womb and have been


carried out from the uterus;

62. 對基督徒來講,這個世界也是個子宮

62. The world is the womb for Christians

63. 摩西帶領以色列人出埃及

63. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt

64. 耶穌帶領信靠祂的人出這個世界的體

64. Jesus came to lead those who will believe in him out of the world system

系 65. 以色列人經過紅海的水才能進入他們

65. The Israelites went to their new life through the Red Sea

新的生命 66. 基督徒受洗進入新的生命

66. Christians are baptized into their new life

67. (V. 4) 哥林多前書 10:1-4 弟兄們,我

67. (V. 4) 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 For I do not want you to be


unaware, brethren, that our fathers were all under

經在雲下,都曾經從海中經過,2 都曾


the cloud and all passed through the sea; and all

經在雲裡在海裡受洗歸於摩西。3 他們

were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea;

都吃了一樣的靈糧,4 都喝了一樣的靈


and all ate the same spiritual food; and all drank the


same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a



spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was 68. 上帝希望我們在應許之地過著信靠祂 Christ.


68. God wants all to live a life us trust in him in the promised land

69. 在前往應許之地的路上,絕大部分的 以色列人和基督徒都因為各種慾望和

69. On their way to the promised land, the vast majority of Israelites and Christians are sidetracked by their lusts and other ―gods‖

這個世界上『其他的神』,而偏離神的 道 70. 所謂的『其他的神』指的是任何東西—

70. These ―other gods‖ can be anything—money, work, TV… anything that distracts from God

金錢、工作、電視… 任何讓人把神拋 到腦後的都有可能是


71. Remember the parable of the sower?

71. 記不記得撒種的比喻?

(Don‘t read in class: Matt. 13:20-23 "The one on whom seed was sown on the rocky places, this is the man who hears the wor d and i mmediately receives it with joy;


(課堂上不要唸:太 13:20-23 撒在石頭地上 的,就是人聽了道,當下歡喜領受,21 只因心

yet he has no firm root in himself, but is only


temporary, and when affliction or persecution arises because of the wor d,

或是受了逼迫,立刻就跌倒了;22 撒在荊棘裡

immediately he falls away.


"And the one on whom seed was sown among


the thorns, this is the man who hears the word, and the worry of the world

迷惑,把道擠住了,不能結實;23 撒在好地上

and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.



"And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who


hears the wor d and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.")

72. The seed represents the gospel and the soil the hearts of men 73. Many people hear the word and accept it with joy 74. but then the cares and distractions of the world prevent it from growing in their hearts

72. 種子代表的是福音;土壤代表的是 人的心 73. 許多人聽到福音當下歡喜領受 74. 但是世界的各種操心的事以及娛樂 會阻止福音在他們心中成長

75. Many of these people stay in the wilderness wandering 75. 其中很多人在曠野之中流浪一輩子 for the rest of their lives

76. 他們都沒有嚐到上帝的美妙

76. They never taste the wonder of God

77. 只有兩個 20 歲以上的以色列人真正 11

77. Only two Israelites out of the entire nation over age 20 actually made it into the promised land

進入應許之地 78. 我認為至少 80%的基督徒也沒有跟

78. I believe that at least 80% of Christians never really develop a relationship with Christ

耶穌建立關係 79. 他們可能一個禮拜去教會一兩次

79. They might go to church once or twice a week

80. 也可能在教會服事

80. They might serve in church

81. 很多也在教會當領導人或講道

81. Many even become leaders and preachers in churches

82. 但是他們從不與神建立關係

82. But they never have a relationship with God

83. 他們知道神,但是不認識神

83. They know of God, but they don‘t know him

84. 跟上帝建立關係是什麼意思呢?

84. What does having a relationship with God mean?

85. 我聽過最棒的定義是這樣:

85. I think the best definition I‘ve ever heard is this:

86. 所謂屬靈的生命就是基督的生命,因

86. The spiritual life is the life of Christ reproduced in the believer by the power of the Holy Spirit in obedient response to the Word of God

順服神的話語,而透過聖靈的力量在 信徒身上再現 87. 讓我在講一次

87. Let me say that again

88. 所謂屬靈的生命就是基督的生命,因

88. The spiritual life is the life of Christ reproduced in the believer by the power of the Holy Spirit in obedient response to the Word of God

順服神的話語,而透過聖靈的力量在 信徒身上再現 89. 你要了解沒有人能夠透過自己的力量

89. You have to understand that NOBODY can live the Christian life on his own. It‘s impossible.

活出基督的生命。這是不可能的 90. 登山寶訓就可以證明這點

90. Just look at the Sermon on the Mount

91. 沒有人能夠活出基督的生命

91. Nobody can live the Christian life

92. 耶穌是唯一的例外

92. Nobody but Christ

93. 上帝想要我們活出屬靈的生活,也就

93. God wants us to live the spiritual life which is the life of Christ reproduced in us

是耶穌的生命在我們身上再現 94. 但是我們無法自己做到

94. But we can‘t do it alone

95. 我們需要聖靈的幫助

95. We need the help of the Holy Spirit

96. 那麼,我們怎麼知道什麼是屬靈的生

96. Well, how do we know what the spiritual life is? 97. We read the Word of God AND respond to it

活? 97. 我們要閱讀神的話,並且回應神的話

98. So the spiritual life is the life of Christ reproduced in 98. 那麼,屬靈的生命就是基督的生命, the believer by the power of the Holy Spirit in


obedient response to the Word of God


99. I think that is worth meditating on

99. 我認為這句值得我們大家默想

100. (V. 6) Gal. 2:20—I have been crucified with Christ and 100. (V. 6) 加拉太書 2:20—我已經與基 I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in


the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved


me and gave himself for me.

身中活著的我,是因信 神的兒子而 活的;他愛我,為我捨己。 12

Christianity Is Not a Religion. It's a Relationship 基督教不是一個宗教,而是一種關係 1. Good afternoon—My topic today is Christianity is not 1. 大家午安,我今天的主題是:基督教不 a religion; it's a relationship.


2. ―Have you accepted Jesus as your personal savior?‖ 3. I heard this phrase or similar phrases many times, but I never really understood what ―personal‖ meant. 4. People in all religions, including most Christians, consider God a far off being, a judge, unfriendly, even scary.

2. 「你是否曾接受耶穌基督作為你的個 人救主?」 3. 我雖然聽過這句話或類似的話跟多 次,但是我卻從來沒有真正了解其中 「個人救主」是什麼意思 4. 包括許多基督徒在內,很多宗教把神想

5. But that‘s not how the Bible describes God.


6. The Bible describes him as our shepherd, counselor,


teacher, lover, groom, and friend

5. 但這並不是聖經所描述的神

7. We are even told to call him ―Abba‖ which is Greek for 6. 聖經所描述的神是我們的牧人、輔導、 ―daddy‖


8. Christianity is God seeking a relationship with each 7. 我們甚至可以叫祂「阿爸父」 ,也就是 individual.


9. We have all heard the phrase ―God is love,‖ but have we ever thought about what that means?

8. 基督教的核心思想是神想與我們每一 個人建立關係

10. God is the essence of love and obviously ―love‖ desires 9. 我們都聽過「神是愛」這句話,但是我 an object of love.


11. He created man to be an object of his love, for 10. 神既然是愛,而愛當然會想要有一個愛 fellowship,


12. but we broke off that relationship because of our 11. 神造人是想要我們成為祂愛的對象,想 rebellion, because of our sin


13. God wants to reestablish a relationship with you and 12. 但我們的悖逆和罪讓我們脫離了這段 with me.


14. Throughout the Bible, we find evidence of God seeking 13. 而神想要和你、和我重新建立關係 us, wanting us to have a relationship with him, wanting 14. 整個聖經,我們看到證據顯示神尋找我 us to walk with him, wanting us to be his lovers. 15. Here are a couple of sample verses—

們、想要與我們建立關係,好與祂同 行、成為祂愛人

16. (V. 1) Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O man, what is 15. 有幾段經文可以佐證: good; And what does the LORD require of you But to 16. (V. 1) 彌迦書 6:8 世人哪、耶和華已指 do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your




17. (V. 2) And you shall love the Lord your God with all 13

與你的 神同行。

your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your 17. (V. 2) 馬可 12:30 你要盡心、盡性、盡 mind, and with all your strength—Mark 12:30

意、盡力、愛主你的 神。

18. God wants us to be with him to be his lover, child, and 18. 神希望我們與祂同行,成為祂的愛人、 friend, the problem is no one seeks God.


19. (V. 3) Rom 3:11 There is none that understands, there 19. (V. 3) 羅馬書 3:11 沒有明白的、沒有 is none that seeks after God.

尋求 神的。

20. Let's go back to the Garden of Eden and Adam and 20. 讓我們來看看伊甸園亞當和夏娃的情 Eve.

21. He created man and woman in his image to be his 21. 神依照祂的形象造男人和女人,希望我 friends, to love him and be with him.


22. But God is the perfect gentleman and never forces 22. 但神是絕對的紳士,祂絕對不會強迫任 anybody to love him, because forced love isn‘t true



23. He could have created millions of robots to say I love

23. 神大可以創造成千上萬的機器人對祂

you! I love you! I love you! throughout eternity, but


that‘s not true love either


24. No, love is a decision, a choice and often the choice is 24. 愛是一個決定,一個選擇,而往往是要 between what you want and what God wants


25. Let me tell you a story

25. 讓我說個故事來說明這點

26. A man had a caged bird that he loved dearly

26. 有一個男人在籠子裡面養一隻他非常鍾

27. One day, he opened the door to the cage and let it go


28. His friend asked him, ―Why did you let your bird go? 27. 有一天,他打開鳥籠,放走小鳥 I thought you loved it.‖

28. 他的朋友好奇地問: 「你不是很愛那隻小

29. The man replied, ―Yes, I do. I love it with all my heart.

鳥嗎?為什麼要放牠走?」 29. 他回答: 「我就是因為愛牠,我才放牠走

30. In fact, I love it so much, I want it have the life that it wants to have

30. 事實上,我是如此愛牠,因此也希望牠 可以過牠自己想過的生活

31. I don‘t want to force it to be with me

31. 我不想逼牠跟我在一起

32. That would be selfish of me and unfair to the bird

32. 否則,我就太自私了,對小鳥也不公平

33. If, however, the bird decides to come back, I will 33. 但是如果牠決定回到我身邊,我就會知 14

know that it loves me,


34. Because it will have chosen to be with me, because it 34. 因為這代表牠真正愛我,選擇跟我在一 truly loves me

35. and we will live together forever happily

35. 我們也會永遠快樂地在一起」

36. The main point of this story is if you love something

36. 這個故事的主旨就是假使你真的愛某個

set it free


37. if it returns it‘s yours forever, if not it was never 37. 如果對方選擇回到你身邊,那他永遠都 meant to be.

是你的;但他選擇不回來,那麼他本來 就不屬於你

38. You see, love is a decision. Love is a choice.

38. 因為愛是一個決定,愛是一個選擇

39. You cannot force someone to love you and God knows that

39. 你無法強迫別人愛你,神很清楚這

better than anyone.


40. The story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit was 40. 亞當、夏娃在伊甸園的故事其實是 actually a story of choice


41. That is the meaning of the forbidden fruit.

41. 這也就是禁果所代表的意義

42. God opened the door to the cage, giving Adam and Eve the

42. 神打開了籠子,讓亞當和夏娃選擇

choice to fly away or stay with him


43. As we all know, they flew away and ever since God has been 43. 故事的結局我們都知道,亞當和夏 wooing us back


44. He sought us in many ways, including sending Christ to earth

地懇求我們回到祂身邊 44. 祂用了各種方式來尋找我們,包括

45. Jesus came to reconcile us to the father, to reestablish our relationship with God

讓耶穌來到世上 45. 耶穌來,是幫助我們和天父和好,

46. The Chinese say choose the one you love and love the one you choose

重新建立關係 46. 中文有一句話說: 「擇你所愛,愛

47. When we become Christians, we choose to love God and for the rest of our lives, our mission is to choose to continue to love him

你所擇」 47. 成為基督徒,代表我們選擇用一生 來愛主,不斷愛祂成了我們所選擇

48. The concrete expression of our love of God is obedience to his Word

的使命 48. 愛神的具體表現是遵守祂的話語

49. (V. 4) James 2:19-20 You believe that God is one. You do 49. (V. 4) 雅 2:19-20 你信神只有 15

well; the demons also believe, and shudder. But are you


willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without


works is useless?


50. A person who says he loves God, but does not obey him, needs to take stock of his beliefs.

50. 一個口口聲聲說愛主,但不順從祂 的人,需要好好檢視一下自己的信

51. Believe me, there will be times when you don‘t feel like loving him,

仰 51. 相信我,有時候愛主的感覺會不見

52. but you will need to overcome your feelings and decide to 52. 但你必須克服感覺,決定持續愛祂 continue to love him

53. 就像一個丈夫有時候也覺得自己

53. Just like sometimes a husband may feel that he no longer loves his wife,

不再愛自己的妻子 54. 這並不表示感覺不見,他就可以找

54. that doesn‘t mean he can go have an affair because the feelings are gone

別的女人 55. 感覺是稍縱即逝的,感覺是會消

55. feelings are fleeting, they will disappear and can‘t be trusted

失、不可靠的 56. 「跟著感覺走」 只出現在周華健的

56. follow your feelings is found in a song by Zhou Huajian, not in the Bible

歌裡,不在聖經裡 57. 整本聖經強調的服從、是信和愛

57. The Bible emphasizes throughout that we are to follow , 58. 很不幸的,今天世上大部分的基督 trust, and love


58. Unfortunately, most Christians today let feelings lead them around by the nose

59. 神希望跟我們建立愛的關係 60. 但是要真正愛一個人,你必須跟他

59. God wants a loving relationship with us.


60. But to truly love somebody, you must have a relationship 61. 要建立真正的關係,你必須要了解 with them,

61. to have a true relationship with them, you must understand 62. 要了解一個人,你必須要跟他溝通 them,

63. 神透過聖經與我們溝通,我們則透

62. to understand somebody, you need to communicate with them.

過禱告與神溝通 64. 神在聖經裡向我們顯現了祂自己

63. God communicates with us through the Bible and we 65. 有時候你會不會覺得你不了解 communicate with him through prayer


64. God reveals himself to us in the Bible.

66. 我們來看今天的第四段經文,或許

65. Do you sometimes feel that you don‘t know God that you find the Bible boring?

有我們可以找出答案 67. (V. 5) 約 14:21 有了我的命令又

66. Let‘s go back to verse four and maybe we can find an answer to that

遵守的,這人就是愛我的;愛我的 必蒙我父愛他, 我也要愛他,並

67. (V. 5) John 14:21 He who has My commandments and keeps


them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be

68. 有沒有注意到這句話怎麼說的?

loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose



Myself to him."


68. Did you notice what it said? If you love me, you will obey me, if you obey me, I will disclose myself to you

向你顯現 69. 只要我們愛神且順服祂,祂就會逐

69. As we love God and obey God, he gradually reveals himself to us

漸向我們顯現 70. 許多剛信主的人,一開始滿腔熱

70. Most new Christians are infatuated with God at first, but this feeling disappears very quickly

血,但是這種感覺很快就消失了 71. 基督告訴我們若要跟從祂,就要堅

71. Christ tells us and if you want to follow him, go all the way. Don't hold back.

持到底,走完全程,不要退縮 72. (V. 6) 路 14:27-30 凡不背著自

72. (V. 6) Luke 14:27-30—Whoever does not carry his own


cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. For which


one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first


sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to


complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and


is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him,


saying, ‗This man began to build and was not able to finish.‘ 73. The







non-Christians because they are all talk about their faith. They don‘t live it

73. 很多非基督徒取笑基督徒,正因為 他們只談論信仰,卻未活出信仰 74. 神希望我們與世人不同,部分原因 是希望我們吸引世人認識祂

74. Part of the reason God wants us to be different from the world is so that we can draw others to him

75. 但是不管我們的狀況如何,是與神 同行,還是早把神拋諸腦後,祂永

75. But no matter where we are in our walk with him, even when we give up on him, God never gives up on us

不放棄我們 76. 今天第一則故事談的是我們來到

76. The first story I told describes how God seeks us before we come to him

祂面前之前,祂就已經在尋求我們 77. 接下來這個故事講的是我們信主

77. this next story describes our relationship with God after we come to faith in him

以後與祂的關係 78. 這個故事叫沙灘上的腳印

78. It is called Footprints in the Sand

79. 某個夜晚有個男生做了一個夢

79. One night a man had a dream.

80. 夢見他和上帝肩併肩走在沙灘上

80. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

81. 天空閃過他人生的各個場景片斷

81. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.

82. 在每個場景,他留意到沙灘上有兩

82. For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand:

對腳印 : 83. 一對是他自己的,另一對是上帝的

83. one belonging to him, and the other to the LORD. 84. When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand.

84. 當人生的最後一幕在他面前閃 過,他回頭看著沙灘上的腳印 85. 發現他的人生路上很多次只有一

85. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there

對腳印 86. 同時他也留意到這都發生在他人

was only one set of footprints. 17

86. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.

生最低潮,或最難過的時候 87. 這非常困擾他,他也對上帝提出了

87. This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it:

質疑 88. 「主啊!,你曾經說過我決定跟隨

88. "LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way.

著你,你會從頭到尾陪著我一起走 89. 但我有注意到多次在我人生最顛

89. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints.

簸的時期,卻只有一對腳印 90. 我不懂為什麼在我最需要你的時

90. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."

候你卻離我而去?‖」 91. 上帝回答: 「我的兒子,我珍愛的

91. The LORD replied: "My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you.

孩子,我愛你,而且我絕對不會離 開你。

92. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only 92. 你在受苦的時候,只看見一對腳印 one set of footprints,

93. 那時是我背著你。」

93. it was then that I carried you."

94. Let‘s read our last verse for today

94. 我們來看看今天最後一段經文

95. (V. 7) Rom 8:38-39 For I am convinced that neither 95. (V. 7) 羅 8:38-39 因為我深信無論 death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor


things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor


height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be


able to separate us from the love of God, which is in

不能叫我們與 神的愛隔絕;這愛是在

Christ Jesus our Lord.


96. We will have ups and downs in our walk with Christ, but 96. 與主同行的路上有起有落,但切記,不 remember that no matter what happens, Christ will always be there

論發生什麼事,基督永遠與我們同在 97. 基督教不是一個宗教,是一種關係

97. Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship 98. God created us to be in relationship with him, but love is a choice

98. 神創造我們,是要我們與祂建立關係, 而愛是一種選擇 99. 你現在和神的關係如何呢?

99. Where are you in your relationship with God? 18

The Christian Walk (Where are you?) 基督徒生活(你現在在哪裡?) 1.

While drawing the picture for today‘s talk, I discovered that drawing babies in diapers is hard

1. 我畫這幅畫的時候,發現包尿片的 嬰兒非常難畫


Today, I‘d like to talk about the Christian walk

2. 我今天想談的是基督徒的生活


Everyone that accepts the gift of grace from God is a

3. 每一個接受神所白白賜予的恩典




but Christians grow at different rates

4. 但是基督徒成長的速度都不一樣


Most never grow at all

5. 大部分其實都不會成長


In the Bible, the Christian life is compared to a race

6. 聖經把基督徒的生活比喻成賽跑


(V. 1) 1 Cor. 9:24-27


Do you not know that those who

7. (V. 1) 林前 9:24 豈不知在場上賽

run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize?


Run in such a way that you may win.


Everyone who


competes in the games exercises self-control in all

賞。25 凡較力爭勝的,諸事都有

things They then do it to receive a perishable wreath,


but we an imperishable.


Therefore I run in such a


way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not

26 所以,我奔跑,不像無定向的;


beating the air; but I discipline my body and make it

我鬥拳,不像打空氣的。27 我是

my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I


myself will not be disqualified.



8. (V. 2) Phil. 3:12-14—Not that I have already 8. (V. 2) 腓 3:12-14 這不是說我已經得 obtained it or have already become perfect, but I 著了,已經完全了,我乃是竭力追求,或 press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I 者可以得著基督耶穌所以得著我的(註: was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.


Brethren, I do not

―所以得著我的‖或作―所要我得的‖) 。13 弟

regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one 兄們,我不是以為自己已經得著了,我只 thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead,


I press on toward the

有一件事,就是忘記背後,努力面前的 14 向著標竿直跑,要得 神在基督耶穌裡從上

goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ



9. 我這幅畫上面的一號是在觀眾席上

9. The number 1 on my drawing is over the audience

10. The audience represents the world… those who 10. 觀眾代表的是世人,也就是還沒有接受 haven‘t accepted Jesus as their Lord


11. They are not Christians, but they are watching 11. 他們並非基督徒,但是他們確實在觀察 the race


12. Number 2 is the gate into the race.

12. 二號是通往賽跑場地的大門

13. It is Christ and we enter the race by accepting him 13. 這位是耶穌,我們接受他之後,才能參 14. After we join the race, we are called to grow in Christ, but what does it mean to grow in Christ? 15. It means to increase in our knowledge of Christ, to love Him more, to obey Him more,

賽 14. 加入比賽後,我們被呼召在耶穌裡成 長,但是―在耶穌裡成長‖到底是什麼意 思?


16. To






become 15. 意思是越來越認識耶穌,越來越愛祂,

increasingly like him


17. How are we to grow in him? Let‘s read our next 16. 越來越信任祂,而且越來越像祂 verse

17. 那麼,我們要怎麼在耶穌裡成長?我們

18. (V. 3) 1 Pet. 2:2—like newborn babies, long for the


pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in 18. (V. 3) 彼得前書 2:2 像才生的嬰孩愛 respect to salvation


Other verses:


-Job 23:12—I have treasured the words of His mouth


more than my necessary food.

-約伯記 23:12 我看重他口中的言語,過於

-Jer. 15:16—Your words were found and I ate them,


and Your words became for me a joy and the delight of

-耶利米書 15:16 我得著你的言語,就當食

my heart


-Matt. 4:4—Man does not live on bread alone, but on 因我是稱為你名下的人。 every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. -馬太福音 4:4 人活著不是單靠食物,乃是 19. So one of the most important ways to grow in Christ is drink the pure milk of God‘s word

靠 神口裡所出的一切話。 19. 因此,在耶穌裡成長,最重要的,就是

20. But after a while, we have to drink more than milk 21. We have to grow up and eat meat to grow stronger 22. (V. 4) 1 Cor. 3:1, 2—And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of

喝屬靈的純奶,也就是看神的話語, 20. 但是很快的,我們就會需要其他的東 西,不能只喝奶 21. 我們需要成長,需要吃肉才能茁壯

flesh, as to infants in Christ. I gave you milk to 22. (V. 4) 哥林多前書 3:1,2 弟兄們,我 drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to


receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able


23. There‘s nothing more adorable than a baby in a


diaper drinking from a baby bottle and crawling


around on the floor


24. But if we see a man in his 30s or 40s wearing a diaper, crawling on the floor, and drinking from a baby bottle

23. 世上沒有比寶寶包著尿片、吸著奶瓶、 在地上爬來爬去更可愛的事情 24. 但是如果我們看到一個三,四十幾歲的

25. We would feel it is wrong; we would feel repulsed


26. Why don‘t we feel the same when we see Christians


who refuse to grow up?

25. 我們會覺得有這是反常的,會有反感

27. What does Hebrews say about Christians like this? 28. (V. 5) Heb. 5:12-6:1–For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for

26. 但是當我們看到一個一直拒絕長大的 基督徒,為什麼沒有這種感覺 27. 希伯來書怎麼說這種基督徒呢?

someone to teach you the elementary principles of 28. (V. 5) 希伯來書 5:12-6:1 看你們學 the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk 21


and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only

將 神聖言小學的開端另教導你們,並

of milk is not accustomed to the word of


righteousness, for he is an infant. But solid food is


for the mature, who because of practice have their


senses trained to discern good and evil. Therefore


leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ,


let us press on to maturity, not laying again a


foundation of repentance from dead works and of


faith toward God

神、各樣洗禮、按手之禮、死人復活, 以及永遠審判各等教訓。

29. Christians don‘t grow for many reasons

29. 基督徒不成長有很多原因

30. Some don‘t realize that Christianity is a relationship 30. 有的不了解基督教是一種關係,而上 and that God calls us to grow in that relationship


31. They think that it is a ―religion‖—a list of dos and 31. 他們認為基督教是一種宗教,告訴你 don‘ts


32. They think it makes God happy if they go to church, 32. 他們認為如果他們上教堂,幫助別 to help others, to not steal, and to don‘t kill 33. Sure, these things are important, but they are doing the right things for the wrong reasons

人,不偷東西,不殺人,上帝就會很 高興 33. 當然,這些事情很重要,但是這種人

34. but we do and don‘t do these things to please the one we love

的行為對,但是動機錯 34. 我們做或不做某些事,來討我們所愛

35. you give your girlfriend flowers, because you love her, not because you you have to

的人歡喜 35. 你送你女朋友花是因為你愛她,不是

36. parents take care of children out of love, not because it‘s the law

因為你需要這麼做 36. 父母親因為愛小孩才照顧他們,不是

37. Love is a much better basis for a relationship than law


38. That‘s why the New Testament is superior to the Old 37. 愛比律法更適合作為關係的基礎 Testament

38. 也因此新約比舊約更好 22

39. That is one of the main theme of the book of 39. 這是希伯來書的主題之一 Hebrews

40. 有人視教會為一種社團或認識異性

40. Some think of church as some kind of club or a place to meet nice girls or boys

的地方 41. 有人因金錢,愛情,家庭,或學業而

41. Some are distracted by other things, like money, love, family, studies

分心 42. 我不是說這些事不好,但是這些事情

42. I‘m not saying these things aren‘t good, but they aren‘t the best

並不是最好的 43. 我們不要因小失大

43. we don‘t want to seek only the good and miss the best

44. 假如我們只專心追求好的,我們不單

44. if we focus on the good, not only will we not get the


best, we will probably miss out on much of the good 45. but if we seek the best first, we will not only get the best, we will also get the good

好的 45. 但 是 如果 我們 一開 始 就追 求最 好 的,我們不僅會獲得最好的,我們也

46. (V. 6) Matt 6:33 But seek first His kingdom and His


righteousness, and all these things will be added to 46. (V. 6)太 6:33 你們要先求他的國和 you.


47. God knows what we need and if we seek him first, he will help us with what we need

47. 神了解我們需要什麼,如果我們先尋 求祂,祂也會幫助我們獲得我們所需

48. Another reason many Christians don‘t grow is they want to go back into the world

要的 48. 很多基督徒不成長的另一個原因,是

49. See the babies crawling up the wall? The things of the world are drawing them back

他們想要回到世界裡 49. 你看到嬰兒在爬牆嗎?世上有各種 誘惑在吸引他們回去

50. There‘s even a baby with one leg in the world and one 51. 甚至有一個嬰兒,一隻腳踩著世界, leg in Christianity


51. He wants to live in both worlds

52. 他想同時活在兩個世界裡

52. He wants to do as little as possible and still remain a

53. 他想做一個最低限度的基督徒


54. 這種基督徒最悲慘

53. This kind of Christian is the most miserable 50. Some are held back by pride, hate, sin in their lives 23

54. 有的因為傲慢,仇恨,和犯罪而裹足 不前

55. Unfortunately, another reason many Christians 55. 很可惜的是,還有很多基督徒無法成 never grow is their leaders don‘t give them meat


56. They tell them stories to make them feel good, 56. 他們告訴他們一些動聽的故事,但是關 but teach them little about their Lord


57. (V. 7) 1 Cor. 1:18 For the word of the cross is

57. (V. 7) 林前 1:18 因為十字架的道

foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who


are being saved it is the power of God.

救的人卻為 神的大能。

58. (V. 8) 1 Cor. 1:23 but we preach Christ crucified, to 58. (V. 8) 林前 1:23 我們卻是傳釘十字 Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness 59. (V. 9) 1 Cor. 2:2 For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. 60. Problem is what I often hear from ministers is so watered down

架的基督。在猶太人為絆腳石,在外 邦人為愚拙 59. (V. 9) 林前 2:2 因 為我曾 定了 主 意,在你們中間不知道別的,只知道 耶穌基督並他釘十字架。

61. I have heard many sermons where Jesus isn‘t even 60. 我常聽到牧師的講道,內容十分貧乏 mentioned

61. 我甚至聽過很多講道,裡頭根本沒有

62. I would guess that at least 85% of Christians never get past the milk stage

提到耶穌 62. 我估計至少百分之八十五的基督徒,

63. Very few Christians actually grow strong enough to eat meat

從未超越嬰兒階段 63. 少數基督徒長到可以吃肉的階段

64. they go from crawling to walking and eventually to 64. 他們從爬行進入到步行,最後還能奔 running

跑 24

65. they still have work, family, and other obligations

65. 他們一樣還是有工作和家庭等責任

66. They still experience temptations and trials

66. 他們一樣會經歷誘惑跟試煉

67. Actually, I think these stronger Christians 67. 其實,我認為這些比較成熟的基督徒, experience


interference from


because now they are considered a threat

會更常遇到撒旦的干擾,因為對撒旦來 說,他們是比較嚴重的威脅

68. By the way, I think that we should be more 68. 順便提一下,我認為我們應該對其他的 charitable with Christians


69. Because they are seen as a threat by Satan, so he 69. 因為,當撒旦把他們動作威脅時,他就 works harder to hurt them


70. Before, there was very little resistance by Satan 70. 在此之前,撒旦和他的魔鬼比較少阻撓 and his demons, because he is limited


71. As such, he must focus his resources on those he considers a threat

71. 因此,他必須轉移精力用來應付比較大 的威脅上

72. But if these stronger Christians keep their eyes fixed on Jesus, the race picks up speed

72. 但是如果成熟的基督徒緊盯著耶穌前進, 他們會越跑越快


73. (V. 10) Heb 12:1,2 Therefore, since we have so 73. (V. 10) 來 12:1,2 我們既有這許多的見 great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us


also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin


which so easily entangles us, and let us run with

心忍耐,奔那擺在我們前頭的路程,2 仰


endurance the race that is set before us, fixing


our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of


faith, who for the joy set before Him endured


the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down

受了十字架的苦難,便坐在 神寶座的右

at the right hand of the throne of God.


74. Mature Christians strive to continue to grow, to 74. 成熟的基督徒會努力繼續成長,裝備自 equip themselves, to encourage others, and to


finish well


75. (V. 11) 2 Timothy 4:7-8—7 I have fought the good 75. (V. 11) 提後 4:7,8 那美好的仗我已經打 fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the


faith; 8 in the future there is laid up for me the

道我已經守住了。8 從此以後,有公義

crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the


righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and


not only to me, but also to all who have loved His



76. 我希望耶穌來的時候,我們可以和使徒

76. I hope that at the coming of Christ, we will be able to say like Paul

保羅一樣說 77. 那美好的仗我已經打過了;當跑的路我

77. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith

已經跑盡了;所信的道我已經守住了。 78. 而且耶穌也會給我們冠冕

78. And that we, too, will receive crowns from Jesus 79. So where are you on this little picture?


79. 請問,在這幅畫上面,你目前在哪裡?

Conform to His Image 效法祂的形象 Eph 4:20-24 But you di d not learn Christ in this way, taught in Him, just as truth is in Jesus,



if indeed you have hear d Him and have been

that, in reference to your for mer manner of life, you lay

aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, renewed in the spirit of your mind,



and that you be

and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been

created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.


Today, I‘d like to talk about what basic Christianity 1. 我今天想談談最基本的基督教是什麼 is all about

2. 我們都知道,上帝以祂的形象創造了我


As we know, God created us in his image


(V. 1) Gen. 1: 27 God created man in His own image, in the

3. (V. 1) 創 1:27 神就照著自己的

image of God He created him; male and female He created





And we know that God is love

4. 而且我們都知道,神是愛


God is a community of beings

5. 作為三位一體,神也是一個群體


The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit

6. 聖父,聖子,聖靈


They are one God, yet they are individuals

7. 他們是一位神,但是也獨立的個


As such, he is a relational being


He created us for relationship to enjoy fellowship with 8. 因此,神很重視關係


9. 神造人是希望我們與他建立關係

10. To enjoy the relationship that the members of the Trinity already enjoyed with each other

10. 共享聖父、聖子、聖靈彼此之間 所享受的關系


11. But as I‘ve said before, love is a choice

11. 但是,就像我以前說過的,愛是個選擇

12. God gave us the opportunity to choose to be with him 12. 神給我們機會選擇是否要跟他在一起 or to leave him

13. That's what the forbidden fruit was all 13. 這就是禁果的意義—我們可以選擇走自己的路或 about—We could go your way or stay


14. Man chose to leave

14. 人類選擇離開

15. In Genesis 3, we have the fall of man

15. 這就是創世紀第三章所描述的人類的墮落

16. Our rebellion against God had a much bigger impact 16. 人反叛神所帶來的影響,比我們所想像 than most people realize


17. It impacted the whole of the universe

17. 這衝擊了整個宇宙

18. (V. 2) Romans 8:22 For we know that the whole 18. (V. 2) 羅 8:22 我們知道一切受造之 creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now.

物一同歎息、勞苦,直到如今。 19. 更重要的是,我們的叛逆扭曲了我們原

19. And most importantly, it distorted the image of God in us that we originally had

有的神的形象 20. 我們曾經完美無缺,但現在我們再也不

20. We were perfect, but now we were no longer perfect

完美了 21. 而瑕疵無法與神共存,也就是說我們把

21. Imperfection cannot abide with God, so we pushed God away

上帝推開了 22. 我們跟神的關係已經破壞了

22. Our relationship with God was damaged

23. 我們把上帝拋諸腦後,尋求其他的人事

23. We forget God and pursue other things


24. God, however, never forgot us

24. 但是神從來不曾忘記我們

25. We are still the object of his love and he wants 25. 我們還是祂愛的對象,祂希望我們回到祂身 us back

26. He wants us back, but on his terms

26. 祂要我們回來,但是祂不能放棄祂的標準

27. That is we must first be perfect

27. 我們必須先達到完美才行

28. Obviously, we can‘t do that on our own

28. 當然,我們沒有辦法透過自己的力量做到

29. So Christ came to earth to reconcile the world 29. 因此,耶穌來到世界上,使世人與神和好 to God

30. 祂把祂的生命給了我們,把祂的生命注入我

30. To give us his life, to put his life inside us

31. (V. 3) Col. 1:20 and through Him to reconcile all things 31. (V. 3) 西 1:20 既然藉著他在十字 to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His


cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or


things in heaven.


32. (V. 4) 2 Cor. 5:19-21—namely, that God was in Christ 32. (V. 4) 哥林多後書 5:19-21—就是 reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their


trespasses against them, and He has committed to us


the word of reconciliation. 20 Therefore, we are

理託付了我們。20 因此,我們就是

ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an

基督的使者, 神藉著我們勸告世

appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be

人。我們代替基督請求你們:跟 神

reconciled to God. 21 He made Him who knew no sin {to

和好吧!21 神使那無罪的替我們

be} sin on our behalf, so that we might become the


righteousness of God in Him.

神的義。 29

33. (V. 5) Rom. 4:3, 5 For what does the Scripture say? 33. (V. 5) 羅 4:3,5 3.經上說什麼呢? "ABRAHAM








義。5. 惟有不做工的,只信稱罪人

the one who does not work, but believes in Him who


justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as 34. 一旦我們接受耶穌的生命,神就看不 righteousness,"


34. Once we have received Christ‘s life in us THAT is what 35. 他只在我們裡面看到耶穌完美無缺 God sees


35. He sees Christ‘s perfect righteousness in us

36. (V. 6) 腓 3:9 並且得以在他裡面,

36. (V. 6) PHIL. 3:9 and be found in Him, not having my own


righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is

信基督的義,就是因信 神而來的義

through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is

37. (V. 7) 西 3:3 因為你們已經死了,

from God by faith;

你們的生命與基督一同藏在 神裡

37. (V. 7) Col. 3:3 For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

面。 38. (V. 8) 加 3:27 你們受洗歸入基督

38. (V. 8) Gal. 3:27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

的,都是披戴基督了。 39. 但是,現在艱難的部分來了

39. Now, comes the hard part

40. 上帝把我們看作完美無缺

40. God reckons us as perfect,

41. but as we all know, we are far from perfect in thought, 41. 但是我們每一個人都知道,我們所 word, and deed


42. (V. 9) Romans 8:28-29 And we know that God causes all 42. (V. 9) 羅 8:28-29 我們曉得萬事 things to work together for good to those who love God,

都互相效力,叫愛 神的人得益處,

to those who are called according to His purpose. For

就是按他旨意被召的人。29 因為他

those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to


become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He


would be the firstborn among many brethren


43. (V. 10) 1 Corinthians 15:49 "And as we have borne the

43. (V. 10) 林前 15:49 我們既有屬土

image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the



44. (V. 11) 西 3:10 穿上了新人。這新

44. (V. 11) Col. 3:10 have put on the new man, which is 30


renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him

的形像。 45. (V. 12) 西 2:6 你們既然接受了主

45. (V. 12) Col. 2:6 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him

基督耶穌,就當遵他而行 46. (V. 13) 林後 4:10 身上常帶著耶穌

46. (V. 13) 2 Cor. 4:10 …always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body

的死,使耶穌的生也顯明在我們身 上。 47. (V. 14) 以 4:24 並且穿上新人,這

47. (V. 14) Eph 4:24 and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.

新人是照著 神的形像造的,有真理 的仁義和聖潔。 48. 雖然神在我們身上看到的是耶穌的

48. Although God sees the perfection of Christ in us, in practice, we are still sinners

完美,但事實上,我們還是罪人 49. 但是上帝希望我們逐漸合乎他兒子

49. But God wants to gradually conform us into the image of his son

的形象 50. 也就是恢復我們原有的神的形象

50. In other words, regain the image of God we once had

51. Science says that we are formed by our DNA and our 51. 科學家說我們是由 DNA 和環境塑 surroundings


52. In other words, our personalities are already partially 52. 換言之,我們的個性部分是與生俱 determined when we are born

53. and partially decided by our experiences and the things 53. 部分是由我們周圍的人事物和各種 around us


54. That is true for people before they come to Christ

54. 在人們認識基督前,的確如此

55. After we come to Christ, a third factor starts 55. 但是在我們成為基督徒後,就有一 influencing us


56. That new factor is the Holy Spirit

56. 這新的因素就是聖靈

57. For the rest of our lives in this world after we become 57. 在我們成為基督徒以後,我們在這 Christians


58. the Holy Spirit works to transform us into the image of 58. 幫助我們活出耶穌的形象 Christ

59. 聖靈會使用各種工具達到這個目的

59. He uses a variety of tools to do this

60. 包括神的話語,以及我們在人生道 31

60. Including the Word of God, our experiences and trials on the road of life

路上的各種經驗和試煉 61. 讓我們愈來愈像耶穌

61. to make us more and more Christlike

62. 我剛說這是聖靈的工作

62. I said it‘s the job of the Holy Spirit.

63. 其實,那只不過說對了一半

63. That‘s only halfway true.

64. 我們也有責任配合聖靈

64. It is also our responsibility to work with him

65. 我們要先尋求神的國度

65. We need to seek God‘s kingdom first

66. 可惜的是,很多人在接受耶穌作為

66. Unfortunately, even after accepting Christ, many continue to pursue other things first

他們的救主之後,還是先尋求其他 的人事物

67. God is a gentleman and NEVER forces us

67. 但是上帝很紳士,祂絕不強迫我們

68. He doesn‘t force us to come to him

68. 祂不會強迫我們來到祂的面前

69. And He doesn‘t force us to walk ever closer with him

69. 信主以後,祂也不會強迫我們跟祂

70. And he doesn‘t force us to conform to Christ‘s image 71. He doesn‘t force, but he will reward in heaven those who seek his kingdom first

越走越近 70. 祂不勉強我們合乎耶穌的形象 71. 祂不勉強我們,但是在天上,祂絕

72. We must work with him. We must allow him.


73. We must take an active role

72. 我們必須與祂同工,讓祂動工

74. How? There are many ways

73. 我們要扮演一個積極的角色

75. Including reading the Bible and applying his word to our 74. 怎麼做呢?方法很多, lives

75. 包括閱讀聖經,把神的話語應用在

76. Fellowshipping with other Christians


77. Allowing others to experience God‘s love through our 76. 跟其他的基督徒建立團契 actions

77. 透過我們的行為讓別人經歷神的愛

78. We need to surrender our individual wills to that of God 78. 我們需要放下個人的意願,以神的 79. as we are gradually conformed to the full image of Christ.

旨意為旨意 79. 而我們會逐漸活出基督的完整形象

80. Let us turn to one of my favorite verses in the Bible 81. (V. 15) John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease

80. 最後,我們來看一段我很喜歡的經 文 81. (V. 15) 約 3:30 他必興旺,我必衰

82. May our will be that of John the Baptist as we strive to


leave ourselves behind and become more and more like 82. 願我們跟施洗約翰一樣,把自己拋 our savior

到腦後,讓自己越來越像我們的拯 救者


The Cost of Forgiveness 赦免的代價 1.

Jesus made many audacious claims

1. 耶穌做了很多很大膽的宣告


He claimed he had always existed

2. 祂宣稱自己從永恆的過去一直都存


He claimed that those who believe in him will live


3. 祂宣稱信祂的人得永生


He claimed that he will judge the world

4. 祂宣稱祂會審判這個世界


He also claimed to have the power to forgive sins

5. 祂也宣稱自己有權力赦免罪


What are the implications of the power to forgive 6. 擁有赦免罪的權力意味著什麼呢? sins?

7. 我們現在來思考這個問題


Stop and think about it

8. 假設有人傷害了你,羞辱了你,或偷


Suppose, for example, somebody injured you, maybe



insulted you, maybe stole something from you

9. 你有權原諒他或者不原諒他,對吧?

You have the power to forgive them, don't you?

10. 作為受害者的你,那是你的權利

10. That‘s your right as the victim

11. 但是假設比爾偷了你的愛車,或殺死

11. But suppose Bill steals your car or kills your brother 12. Only you have the right to forgive or not forgive him, right?

你的哥哥 12. 只 有 你 才有 權 原 諒他 或 者不 原 諒 他,是不是?

13. But suddenly, Tom walks over and says to Bill, ―I 13. 但是這時候,湯姆突然冒出來對比爾 forgive you‖


14. Wouldn‘t you think, ―Tom, who do you think you are to 14. 你是不是會想,『湯姆,你是什麼東 forgive Bill?‖


15. He offended me, not you

15. 『他得罪的是我,不是你』

16. Do you see how ridiculous it would be to do that?

16. 你看到這個情況有多麼的荒謬嗎?

17. It would be insane, but that‘s exactly what Jesus did

17. 這麼做會很無理,但是耶穌就是這麼

18. (V. 1) Luke 5:18-21 And some men were carrying on a


bed a man who was paralyzed; and they were trying to 18. (V. 1) 路 5:18-21 有人用褥子抬著 bring him in and to set him down in front of Him. 1 9 But


not finding any way to bring him in because of the

19 卻因人多,尋不出法子抬進去,

crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down


through the tiles with his stretcher, into the middle of

當中,正在耶穌面前。20 耶穌見他

the crowd, in front of Jesus.


Seeing their faith, He

said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven you."



The scribes

了。‖21 文士和法利賽人就議論說:

and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, "Who is this

― 這 說 僭妄 話 的是 誰 ?除 了 神 以

man who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins,


but God alone?"

19. 請注意一下第 21 節法利賽人怎麼說 33

19. Notice what the Pharisees say in verse 21 ―Who can forgive sins, but God alone?‖

『除了 神以外,誰能赦罪呢?』 20. 他們徹底了解,說你赦免罪相當於說

20. They grasped that to forgive sins was to claim to be the one offended by the sin

你是被得罪的一方 21. 換言之,就是宣稱自己是神

21. In other words, it was a claim to be God

22. 他們說得也沒有錯

22. And they were right

23. 祂也赦免行淫時被抓的婦人

23. He also forgave the woman caught in adultery

24. (V. 2) 約 8:8-11 於是又彎著腰用

24. (V. 2) John 8:8-11 ―Again He stooped down and wrote

指頭在地上畫字。9 他們聽見這話,

on the ground. When they heard this statement that


He made, they began to go out one by one, beginning


with the older ones, and He was left alone. He was left

當中。10 耶穌就直起腰來,對她說:

alone, and the woman, where she was, in the center of


the court. Straightening up, Jesus said to her,

你的罪嗎?‖11 她說:―主啊,沒有。‖

―Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?‖


She said, ―No one, Lord.‖ And Jesus said, ―I do not


condemn you either. Go and from now on sin no more.‖ 25. Jesus is not minimizing sin or sweeping it under the rug

25. 耶穌並沒有降低罪的嚴重性或掩蓋 她的罪

26. For him to forgive her was not a cheap thing at all

26. 對耶穌而言,原諒她的代價並不低

27. If we grasp the nature of Jesus‘ forgiveness

27. 假如我們真正了解耶穌赦免罪的本

28. we realize it means that he would have to pay for her sins himself in order for the Father to be satisfied 29. One of the main themes in Romans is that God must be just when he justifies sinners

質 28. 我們就會了解到,祂必須自己付出罪 的代價,才能夠滿足天父 29. 羅馬書的一個主題,就是神宣布罪人

30. How can he be just and at the same time declare sinners righteous?

無罪時,祂還是得維持自己的公義 30. 祂要如何維持公義,但同時宣布罪人

31. The only way he can do that is to take the cost upon himself

無罪? 31. 唯一的辦法是祂自己承擔罪的代價

32. So forgiveness is free, but it is not cheap

32. 因此我們的罪白白得到赦免,但代價

33. Someone must pay the price


34. 1 Peter 3:18 is a central passage on the terrible cost that was necessary

33. 必須有人付出代價 34. 彼得前書 3:18 這段經文說明了這可

35. (V. 3) 1 Peter 3:18 ―Christ also died for sins, once for


all; the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us 35. (V. 3) 彼前 3:18 因基督也曾一次為 to God, having been put to death in the flesh but made


alive in the spirit.‖

引我們到 神面前。按著肉體說,他

36. So, Peter also makes it very clear: the just died for the unjust, so that he could bring us to God

被治死;按著靈性說,他復活了。 36. 彼得解釋得非常清楚:是義的代替不

37. Otherwise, his offer of forgiveness really wouldn‘t be 34

義的,為要引我們到 神面前


37. 要不然,祂的赦免就沒有意義了

38. Then, in 2 Cor., there is this well known text,

38. 在哥林多後書有一段著名的經文

39. (V. 4) 2 Cor. 5:19-21 …God was in Christ reconciling the 39. (V. 4) 林後 5:19-21 這就是 神在基 world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against


them, and He has committed to us the word of


reconciliation. 20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for

道理託付了我們。20 所以,我們作

Christ, as though God were making an appeal through

基督的使者,就好像 神藉我們勸你

us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to


God. 21 He made Him who knew no sin {to be} sin on our

好。21 神使那無罪的,替我們成為

behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of

罪,好叫我們在他裡面成為 神的義。

God in Him.

40. 這是一個會計學的觀念—我們的罪

40. This is an accounting concept, our sins were ―credited to his account‖

算在祂的帳上 41. 但是不只這樣。我們來看一下羅馬書

41. But that‘s not all. Look at Romans 4


42. (V. 5) Rom. 4:3, 5 For what does the Scripture say? 42. (V. 5) 羅 4:3,5 經 上說 甚麼呢 ? "ABRAHAM






說:―亞伯拉罕信 神,這就算為他的


義。‖5 惟有不做工的,只信稱罪人

the one who does not work, but believes in Him who

為義的 神,他的信就算為義。

justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as 43. 因此我們的罪不僅歸於祂的帳,祂的 righteousness,"


43. So not only are our sins ―credited to his account,‖ his 44. 所以耶穌不只拿走你的罪,祂也賜給 righteousness is credited to our account


44. Not only does Jesus take your sins, he gives you his righteousness

45. Christ had to take upon himself the punishment for our 45. 耶穌必須承擔我們的罪所衍生的懲 sins to make it possible for us to receive forgiveness


46. Do you remember the story of King David and 46. 記不記得大衛王和拔示巴的故事? Bathsheba?

47. 大衛不但與拔示巴通姦,他還殺害拔

47. Not only does he commit adultery with Bathsheba but he also murders her husband

示巴的先生 48. 他在詩篇第 51 篇悔改,大衛說

48. When he repents in Psalm 51, David says

49. (V. 6) 詩 51:4 我向你犯罪,惟獨得 35

49. (V. 6) Psalm 51:4 "Against you and against you only, have I sinned in your sight."

罪了你,在你眼前行了這惡 50. 當他說『惟獨得罪了你』,意思是最

50. When he says, "Against you and you only," he is saying that God is the ultimate who he offended

終被得罪的是神 51. 而且最終只有神有權力原諒他的罪

51. And he is the ultimate one who has the authority to forgive his sin and all sin

以及所有的罪 52. (V. 7) 詩 51:1 (大衛與拔示巴同室

52. (V. 7) Psalm 51:1 ―For the choir director. A Psalm of


David, when Nathan the prophet came to him, after he


had gone in to Bathsheba. Be gracious to me, O God,


according to Your loving kindness; According to the








my 53. 大衛要求神赦免他,但是他憑藉著什



53. David is asking God to forgive him, but on what basis? 54. It is not on the basis of how good he is or his own works

54. 當然不是基於他正義的生活或他做 的工 55. 而是基於神的慈愛憐恤,是祂的慈悲

55. It is God‘s loving kindness, his mercy

56. (V. 8) 詩 51:2-4 求你將我的罪孽

56. (V. 8) Psalm 51:2-4 ―Because of the greatness of Your

洗除淨盡,並潔除我的罪!3 因為我

compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash me


thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my

4 我向你犯罪,惟獨得罪了你,在你

sin. For I know my transgressions and my sin is ever


before me. Against You, You only, I have sinned and


done what is evil in Your sight, So that You are 57. 很顯然,大衛非常了解自己的問題 justified when You speak and blameless when You 58. 他在想:如果有其他的辦法,我會去 judge.‖

57. Clearly, David is a man who grasps his problem

59. 如果神要的是祭物,我會獻給祂

58. He is thinking if there were an option for me, I would 60. 所以他在第 16 節這麼說 do it

61. (V. 9) 詩 51:16 你本不喜愛祭物,

59. If God wanted a sacrifice, I would offer it


60. That is why he says, in verse 16,


61. (V. 9) V. Psalm 51:16 ―You do not delight in sacrifice, 62. 神要的不是我們祭上牲畜 otherwise I would give it; You are not pleased with 63. 想要知道神真正要什麼祭品,請看第 burnt offering.

17 節

62. God doesn‘t want sacrificed animals

64. (V. 10) 詩 51:17 神所要的祭,就是

63. To know what kind of sacrifices God really wants, look at verse 17

憂傷的靈。 神啊,憂傷痛悔的心, 你必不輕看。

64. (V. 10) Psalm 51:17 The sacrifice pleasing to God is a 65. 聖經很多經文說明這一點,但是下面 broken spirit. O God, you do not despise a broken and sorrowful heart.

這一段是我特別喜歡的 66. (V. 11) 彌迦書 6:8 世人哪,耶和華


65. Many verses in the Bible tell us this, but one of my personal favorites is this

已指示你何為善,他向你所要的是甚 麼呢?只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙

66. (V. 11) Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?

卑的心,與你的 神同行。 67. 我們回到詩篇第 51 章 17 節大衛很謙 卑的來到神面前 68. (V. 12) 詩 51:17 神所要的祭,就是

67. So, in verse 17, David comes to God in humility

憂傷的靈。 神啊,憂傷痛悔的心,

68. (V. 12) V. 17 ―A broken and contrite heart, O God, you


will not despise.‖

69. 我們也是一樣

69. So it is with us as well

70. 沒有什麼事情,會比合理化或掩蓋我

70. The worst thing we can do is rationalize and cover up our sin

們的罪更糟糕的 71. 神了解我們的心

71. God knows our heart

72. 當我們來到祂面前時,我們必須了解

72. So when we come to him, we need to understand that God is righteous

神是公義的 73. 而且祂的公義必須得到滿足

73. and his righteousness must be satisfied

74. 人需要意識到自己的罪,才能真正來

74. A person must first become aware of their sin, before can truly come to Christ

到耶穌面前 75. 這就是律法的目的

75. That‘s the purpose of the law

76. 它給我們看上帝的在公義上的標準

76. It shows us God‘s standard of righteousness and shows us our sin

以及我們的罪 77. 我們信主前必須先了解自己是罪人

77. Conviction must always precede conversion

78. 因此,我們需要了解,沒有祂的恩

78. So we need to understand that it is impossible for us


to satisfy the demands of the law apart from his grace 79. 今天的經文針對律法與恩典做出對 79. Today‘s texts contrast law and grace

80. Grace does not eliminate the law; it satisfies the 80. 恩典並沒有除去律法,恩典是滿足了 requirements of the law


81. Do you see the difference?

81. 你看出這中間的差別嗎?

82. By fulfilling the law, Jesus makes it possible for us to 82. 耶穌透過滿足律法的要求,使我們得 enjoy the grace of God



Dead, Blind, and Captive 死了,眼睛又瞎的俘虜 1. 2.

The Bible describes people without Christ as being in a

1. 聖經描述非基督徒身陷絕境

very desperate condition

2. 我們有三個無法靠自己力量克服的問

We have three problems that are impossible for us to

overcome by ourselves

3. 第一個問題是,我們在屬靈上是死的


The first problem is that we are spiritually dead

4. (V. 1) 弗 2:1 你們死在過犯罪惡之


(V. 1) Eph 2:1 ―you were dead in your trespasses and


5. 第二個問題是,我們在屬靈上是瞎子


The second problem is that we were spiritually blind

6. (V. 2) 林後 4:4 此等不信之人,被這


(V. 2) 2 Cor 4.4 the god of this world has blinded the

世界的 神弄瞎了心眼,不叫基督榮耀

minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the

福音的光照著他們。基督本是 神的

light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the


image of God.

7. 除非神讓我們看到光,否則我們自己


We can‘t see that light unless God reveals it to us


The third problem is that we are held captive by the 8. 第三個是,我們被魔鬼俘虜,不得不 enemy to do his will


是看不到的 做他要我們做的事

(V. 3) 2 Tim 2:26 and they may come to their senses and 9. (V. 3) 提後 2:26 叫他們這已經被魔 escape from the snare of the devil, having been held


captive by him to do his will


10. Now, that‘s a pretty tough situation: We were dead, 10. 這是一個非常大的困境:我們不但死 blind, and slaves


11. As humans, it is impossible for us to overcome these 11. 身為人,我們無法自己克服這些問題 problems

12. 在耶穌被釘十字架之前的幾個小時,祂

12. Hours before he is crucified, Jesus warns his disciples that he is going to leave them

便警告門徒,說祂快要離開他們了 13. 但是祂還是鼓勵他們,說祂不會撇下他


13. He encourages them saying that he will not leave them as orphans; rather, he will send the Holy Spirit

們,讓他們成為孤兒。祂會差聖靈來 14. (V. 4) 約 16:7 然而我將真情告訴你

14. (V. 4) John 16:7 Jesus says, ―But I tell you the truth,


it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not


go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I


will send Him to you.‖

15. 『聖靈』的希臘文是『paraklet』 ,意

15. The Greek word for Holy Spirit is ―paraklet‖ and it means ―the one who comes alongside‖

思是『來到旁邊的那位』 16. 當耶穌在世界上的時候,祂教導、安

16. While Jesus was on the earth, he taught, comforted, helped, and showed the disciples the Father

慰,並協助門徒,而且祂顯現聖父給他 們看

17. But he only did so on a local level. He only did it in 17. 但是祂只在一個小地方這麼做;祂只有 Israel


18. When the Holy Spirit came, he would play the same 18. 當聖靈來臨的時候,祂會扮演跟耶穌在 role that Jesus did while he was on earth, only he


would be doing it throughout the world


19. He would teach, comfort, help, and encourage 19. 祂會教導、安慰、幫助以及鼓勵世界各 throughout the world


20. He would also convict the world concerning, three 20. 祂也會從罪,義,和審判這三件事來提 things: sin, righteousness, and judgment


21. Without the convicting of the Spirit and his renewing 21. 因為沒有聖靈提醒我們,沒有祂促使我 work, we would have no hope whatsoever


22. (V. 5) So Jesus says in John 16:8 ―And He, when He


comes, will convict the world concerning sin and 22. (V. 5) 約 16:8 他既來了,就要叫世人 righteousness and judgment.‖


23. The sin mentioned here is not the commitment of 23. 這裡的罪,與其說是個人犯的罪,不如 individual sins so much as refusing to believe; V. 9 shows us this

說是拒絕相信的罪;第九節說明這點 24. (V. 6) 約 16:9 為罪,是因他們不信我

24. (V. 6) John 16:9 concerning sin, because they do not 25. 因此,聖靈在罪上提醒我們 believe in Me

26. 但是我想在這裡先強調,這並不代表聖

25. And so, the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin


26. But let me emphasize that this does not mean that the 27. 很多人以為必須先洗心革面才能成為 Holy Spirit is telling us to clean up our act


27. A lot of people suppose that before they come to 28. 必須自己先重新做人,然後才能來到祂 Christ, they have to clean up their act


28. You have to become a better person and then you can 29. 但是,我想要強調,正因為我們無法自 come to him


29. My very point is that you need to come to Christ, because you cannot clean up your own act

前 30. 你懂這個差別嗎?那些人根本就是本


30. Do you see the difference? They‘re putting the cart before the horse

末倒置 31. 承認並且了解這一點以後,你才能夠真

31. Once you admit and understand that, then you really


are in a position to grasp your desperate need for God 32. 因此,聖靈告誡我們,讓我們了解我們 32. So the Holy Spirit convicts us of our need for God


33. Many people believe in God intellectually, but they 33. 另外,很多人理智上相信上帝的存在, don‘t have a personal relationship with him


34. And that‘s the issue: they never grasp that they are

34. 而這就是問題所在:他們從來不了



35. Let‘s be frank, most people tend to think they are pretty 35. 坦白說,大部分的人認為自己做人 good people


36. This is because they compare themselves with other 36. 這是因為他們把自己跟別人做比 people

37. They never compare themselves to Jesus

37. 他們從來不會把自己跟耶穌比較

38. The mistake is to compare yourself with other 38. 他們錯在把自己跟別人比較,而不跟上 people, rather than to compare yourself with God‘s standard, which is Christ

帝的標準,也就是耶穌比較 39. 一旦我們了解到這一點,我們就會發現

39. Once we realize that, we see how far we fall short of his standard

自己遠遠不及祂的標準 40. 因此,聖靈先提醒世人,說我們有罪

40. So, first of all, the Holy Spirit convicts the world of 41. 再來,祂也告誡世人,給我們看什麼才 sin

是義 40

41. Secondly, he convicts the world of righteousness

42. (V. 7) 約 16:10 為義,是因我往父那裡

42. (V. 7) John 16:10 ―Concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father and you no longer see Me.‖

去,你們就不再見我 43. 耶穌是神對義的標準,但是祂要回到天

43. Christ is God‘s standard of righteousness, but he is returning to his Father

父那裡 44. 因此,耶穌走了之後,聖靈要負責讓我

44. So after Christ leaves, it will be the Holy Spirit‘s job to convict us concerning the righteousness of Christ

們知道耶穌對於「義」的標準 45. 上帝透過耶穌,讓我們看到祂在義上的

45. God shows us his standard of righteousness in Jesus


46. Many people suppose they are better than most 46. 但是很多人認為他們比大部分的人好 people

47. 他們覺得,至少他們不偷不搶,也不殺

47. At least, I don‘t kill or steal. I‘m not a criminal 48. That is where religion comes into play

人放火;他們不是陳進興 48. 但正因為如此,宗教才派得上用場

49. Basically, the idea of religion is that God will grade 49. 基本上,宗教的原則就是神會放水(or on a curve


50. But the Bible teaches that there are only two ways to 50. 但是聖經教我們得救只有兩條路 achieve salvation

51. 第一,你一輩子必須在言論、思想,

51. One is to be perfect in thought, word, and deed all your life

52. 另一個是,你必須接受在言論、思想,

52. The other is receiving the righteousness of the One who was perfect in thought, word, and deed idea



和行為上完美無缺的人的生命 53. 你懂這個差別嗎?我現在想跟各位分

53. You see the difference? Now, let me share with you an important





享一個重要的原則,是有關神對義的 標準 54. 正因為神在本質上是公義的,因此這

54. God‘s standard of righteousness is the righteousness 41


that his righteousness requires Him to require


55. Let me say that again, God‘s standard of righteousness 55. 讓我來再重複一邊:神在本質上是公 is the righteousness that his righteousness requires


him to require


56. In other words, God cannot grade on a curve 57. His







of 56. 換言之,神不能給自己放水


57. 這個義的標準,是出自於祂自己本質

58. He cannot be intimate or have fellowship with that which is incompatible with his nature and character 59. And no one can reach his standard of perfection under their own efforts

的要求 58. 祂不能跟那些本質與祂不相容的人建 立密切關係 59. 況且,沒有人能夠憑著自己的努力達

60. What is the solution to this terrible dilemma? 61. The only solution is that for God to take the initiative

到祂完美的標準 60. 那麼,要如何解決這個兩難呢?

62. He reaches down to us and imputes our sin onto Christ‘s 61. 唯一的辦法是神要自己採取行動 account

62. 神從天上向我們伸出援手,祂將我們

63. And he imputes the perfect righteousness of Christ onto our account

的罪歸到耶穌的帳上 63. 然後,把耶穌的義歸到我們的帳上

64. This is actually an accounting concept

64. 其實,這是一個會計觀念

65. Person A might have lots of money in his account, while 65. 某甲可能家財萬貫,但是某乙則負債 person B might have a huge debt on his


66. You impute the debt from person B‘s account to the 66. 我們可以把某乙的債務歸到某甲的帳 account of another

67. Now, person B‘s account is at zero—no debt, but no 67. 現在某乙的帳戶已經沒有任何債務, money in his account, either


68. That‘s imputation, but you also have ―double imputation‖ 68. 這就是所謂『歸集』的觀念,但是也 69. Double imputation means the debt from person B‘s account is placed on the account of person A

有『雙向歸集』 69. 雙向歸集意思是指某乙的債務歸到某

70. And then person A‘s money is placed on person B‘s account

甲的帳上, 70. 然後,某甲的金錢也歸到某乙的帳上


71. This is a very basic principle of Christianity

71. 這是基督教一個非常基本的原則

72. Not only is our sin debt placed on Christ‘s account

72. 我們的罪不只是歸到耶穌的帳上

73. Christ‘s righteousness is put on our account

73. 耶穌的義也歸到我們的帳上

74. In other words, we don‘t just go from -100 to zero, 74. 換句話說,我們的帳戶不只是從-100 歸 we go to +100


75. So in God‘s eyes, not only are we without sin, we have 75. 因此,在天父的眼裡,我們不但沒有罪, the righteousness of Christ


76. The key verse for that is 2 Corinthians 5:21

76. 哥林多後書第五章第 21 節說明了這個觀

77. (V. 8) 2 Cor 5:21 ―He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.‖

念 77. (V. 8) 林後 5:21 神使那無罪的,替我們 成為罪,好叫我們在他裡面成為 神的

78. So this double imputation is what occurred on the cross

義。 78. 發生在十字架上面的事情,就是一種雙

79. So, even though we are not perfect in our behavior, we are now perfect in our new nature

向歸集 79. 因此,即使我們的行為並不完美,但是

80. You see the difference? So, now we are now participants of his divine nature

我們的新身份所帶來的新本質是完美的 80. 你知道那個差別嗎?我們現在是神性的

81. 2 Pet 1:4 illustrates that for us


82. (V. 9) 2 Pet 1:4 For by these He has granted to us His 81. 彼得後書第一章第 4 節也說明了這點 precious and magnificent promises, so that by them

82. (V. 9) 彼後 1:4 因此,他已將又寶貴、

you may become partakers of the divine nature,


having escaped the corruption that is in the world by

世上從情慾來的敗壞,就得與 神的性情



83. So, we have a new self that we didn‘t have before 84. That new self is holy and righteous, because it is the new self in Christ

83. 因此,我們現在有全新的自己,這是我 們之前所沒有的 84. 那個新的自己是神聖的,是公義的,因

85. Now, even though your practice is not perfect, your position is

為那是在耶穌裡的、新的自己 85. 因此,雖然你的行為不夠完美,但是你

86. This was the only way for God to embrace us as his children and still remaining just

在身份上是完美的 86. 這是神得以懷抱我們,但是同時維持公

87. So, the Holy Spirit would convict of sin and righteousness

義的唯一辦法 87. 我們剛剛說聖靈會告誡我們,讓我們知

88. The third thing is judgment


89. (V. 10) John 16:11 ―Because the ruler of this world 88. 第三件事情是審判 has been judged.‖

89. (V. 10) 約 16:11 為審判,是因這世界的

90. The point is that judgment will come and the only person who can rescue us is Christ

王受了審判。‖ 90. 意思是審判將會來臨,而唯一能夠拯救


91. But there can be no conversion without conviction


92. If you don‘t know your desperate need, it would 91. 但是如果不認罪,我們就沒有辦法歸神 impossible for you to come to Christ

92. 如果你不了解自己迫切的需求,你就無

93. That is where the Spirit of God comes in


94. Because there is no conviction apart from the Spirit of God

93. 這就是聖靈的工作 94. 因為,沒有聖靈,我們就不會知道自己

95. And the Holy Spirit most commonly uses the Word of God to convict of sin

有罪 95. 而聖靈往往透過神的話語來提醒我們,

96. (V. 11) Heb 4:12 For the word of God is living and


active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and 96. (V. 11) 來 4:12 神的道是活潑的,是有 piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of


both joints and marrow, and able to judge the


thoughts and intentions of the heart.



Digging for Jewels 在聖經中挖寶 1.


Today, I would just like to take you through a little 1. 我今天想帶各位看約翰福音第十五章的 bit of John 15 to show you how interesting reading


the Bible can be

Reading the Bible is like digging for jewels and the 2. 閱讀聖經就像挖寶,讀越多,挖到的寶 more you study it, the more jewels you‘ll find



First, a little background information

3. 首先,來談一點背景知識


John chapters 13 through 17 take place hours 4. 約翰福音第 13 到 17 章陳述發生在耶穌 before Jesus is to be crucified



Despite this, he remains other-centered as he 5. 雖然耶穌要被釘在十字架上了,但祂還 comforts the apostles




For example, in John 14:27 Jesus comforts his

6. 約翰福音 14:27,耶穌安慰祂的門徒:我

disciples saying, Peace I leave with you; My peace I


give to you

Now, if we skip ahead one chapter we read the 7. 現在我們再看下一章 following


8. (V. 1) 約 15:9-11 我愛你們,正如父愛

(V. 1) John 15:9-11, ―Just as the Father has loved

我一樣,你們要常在我的愛裡。10 你們

Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. If you


keep My commandments, you will abide in My love;


just as I have kept My Father‘s commandments and

裡。11 這些事我已經對你們說了,是要

abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you,


that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be


made full.‖ 9.

9. 祂在這裡談到什麼呢?祂談到愛和喜樂

What does He talk about in this text? He talks of 10. 耶穌在祂被釘十字架前的幾個小時,談 love and joy

到的竟然是愛、喜樂,與平安 45

10. So in the final hours before he is crucified, Jesus 11. 請問,你在哪裡看過這三個詞? talks of love, joy, and peace

12. 它們是九顆聖靈果子的頭三個

11. Where have you seen these three words before? 12. They are the first three of the nine-fold fruit of the Holy Spirit.

13. (V. 2) 加 5:22-23 聖靈所結的果子,就 是仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良 善、信實、溫柔、節制。這樣的事,沒

13. (V. 2) Gal 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is


love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, 14. 耶穌很清楚這是祂與使徒在一塊兒的最 faithfulness,


gentleness, self-control; against

such things there is no law.

後一個晚上 15. 而祂還是把別人放在第一位,跟他們討

14. Jesus knows this is his last night with the disciples


15. It is remarkable that he is still other-centered and 16. 在第 12-13 節,祂說 that he would talk with them about peace, love, and 17. (V. 3) 約 15:12 你們要彼此相愛,像我 joy


16. In verses 12-13, he goes on to say

18. 祂怎麼命令我們彼此相愛呢?

17. (V. 3) John 15:12 ―This is My commandment, that 19. 答案是,基督教的愛並非一種感覺,而 you love one another, just as I have loved you.‖ 18. How can He command us to love one another? 19. The answer is that Christian love is not a feeling; it is a choice

是一種選擇 20. 祂並沒有叫我們喜歡彼此,因為你喜歡 別人與否並非出於你的選擇,而是一種 感覺

20. He sure doesn‘t command us to like one another, 21. 坦白說,有的人你會喜歡,但有的人你 because liking someone is not a choice; it is a feeling


21. There are some people you like and, frankly, there 22. 但是沒有關係,即使你不喜歡他們,你 are some people you just don‘t like.


22. But that‘s okay, because you still can love them even though you don‘t like them

23. 為什麼呢?因為愛就是選擇做符合他人 最大利益的事

23. Why? Because love is a choice to seek their highest good

24. 因此我們愛別人與否的證據不在於我們 的感覺,而在我們的行動,在於我們如

24. The proof of our love, then, is not in our feelings, but in our actions in how we serve one another. 25. We are called to treat others the way God treats us

何服事別人 25. 神要我們以祂對待我們的方式來對待別 人 26. 神是我們要效法的對象

26. God is the example we are to follow

27. (V. 4) 約 15:14-15 你們若遵行我所吩

27. (V. 4) John 14:14-15, ―You are My friends if you do

咐的,就是我的朋友了。15 以後我不再

what I command you. No longer do I call you slaves,


for the slave does not know what his master is


doing; but I have called you friends, for all things


that I have heard from My Father I have made 28. 由此可知,我們不僅要認識祂,還要愛 known to you.‖

祂,更要服從祂 46

28. From this, we can see we have to have knowledge, 29. 三個都非常重要。我們需要認識祂,愛 love, and obedience


29. All three are critical. We know him, we love him, and 30. 你是否注意到那個順序?這個順序很重 we obey him.

30. Do you see the sequence? It is important

31. 你越認識祂,就會越愛祂

31. The better you know him, the more you will love him 32. 你越愛祂,你會越願意順服祂 32. and the more you love him, the more you are willing 33. 再者,在第 14 節,耶穌稱我們為祂的朋 to obey him


33. Furthermore, in verse 14, Jesus calls us his friends, 34. 亞伯拉罕是神的朋友,但同時也是祂的 but we are to obey his commands


34. Abraham was a friend of God, but he was also the 35. 因為祂服從神,所以他才會是神的朋友 servant of God

36. 我們現在來研究另一個很有意思的順

35. He was God‘s friend, because he obeyed God

序。我們回到第 8 節

36. Now let‘s look at another very interesting sequence; 37. (V. 5) 約 15:8 你們多結果子,我父就 go back to verse eight


37. (V. 5) John 15:8 ―My Father is glorified by this, 38. 我們可以說我們被呼召要來榮耀神 that you bear much fruit.‖

39. 因此,如果我們榮耀神,我們就會討祂

38. We can say that our call is to glorify the Father


39. So if we glorify the Father, it gives Him pleasure

40. 但是榮耀神的關鍵是什麼?

40. But what is the key to glorifying God?

41. 在第 8 節,耶穌說我們要榮耀祂,關鍵

41. In verse eight, Jesus says that we glorify him by bearing fruit

在於我們是不是「結果子」 42. 但是,我們現在要問的是: 「結果子」的

42. Now, the question you have to ask next is: what is the key to bearing fruit?

關鍵又是什麼呢? 43. 耶穌在第 5 節已經告訴過我們

43. Well, Jesus already told us in verse five

44. (V. 6) 常在我裡面的,我也常在他裡

44. (V. 6) he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit

面,這人就多結果子 45. 因此,常在祂裡面是結果子的關鍵,但

45. So abiding is the key to fruit-bearing, but what is the key to abiding? Look at verse ten,

是什麼是常在耶穌裡頭的關鍵?我們看 看第 10 節

46. (V. 7) John 15:10 ―If you keep My commandments, 46. (V. 7) 約 15:10 你們若遵守我的命 you will abide in My love.‖


47. Obedience, then, is the key to abiding

47. 因此,服從就是在耶穌裡面的關鍵

48. As you obey Him, you abide in Him

48. 如果你服從祂,你就會常在祂裡面

49. So, what is the key to obedience? The key to 49. 那麼,什麼是順服耶穌的關鍵?答案也 obedience is also in verse ten; it is love. 50. (V. 8) ―Just as I

在第 10 節;就是『愛』

have kept My Father‘s

commandments and abide in His love.‖

50. (V. 8) 約 15:8 你們多結果子,我父就 因此得榮耀,你們也就是我的門徒了。

51. So, love causes us to want to obey

51. 因此,愛就會使得我們順服 47

52. There is still one more key to discuss

52. 但是我們還要討論一個關鍵

53. It is the final key and this is critical. It is found in 53. 是這個順序的最後一個關鍵,它非常重 verse 15.

要。我們看第 15 節

54. (V. 9) John 15:15 No longer do I call you slaves, for 54. (V. 9) 約 15:15 以後我不再稱你們為 the slave does not know what his master is doing;


but I have called you friends, for all things that I


have heard from My Father I have made known to



55. 你認識神向你所揭露的事

55. You know what the Father has revealed

56. 因此,認識祂就會愛祂

56. So knowing him leads to loving him

57. 愛祂就會服從祂,

57. And loving him leads to obeying him

58. 服從祂就會常在祂裡面

58. And obeying him leads to abiding in him

59. 常在祂裡面就會讓我們結果子

59. And abiding in him leads to bearing fruit

60. 結果子就會讓我們可以榮耀神

60. And bearing fruit glorifies God

61. 這些程序全都連結在一起

61. These things all connect together.

62. 因此,我們必須認識祂才會愛祂,我們

62. So we must know him to love him, we must love him


to obey him, we must obey him to abide in him, we


must abide in him to bear fruit, we must bear fruit


to glorify him

63. It all begins with knowing him, but how do we get to 63. 所以一切都始於認識祂。但是「我要怎 know him?


64. The primary way is through his word

64. 主要的方式是透過祂的話語

65. If you do not spend time regularly in his word, you 65. 如果你不固定閱讀祂的話語,你便無法 won‘t know him like you should


66. As a result, you won‘t love him, obey him, abide in him, bear fruit, or glorify him like you should

66. 結果你就無法真正的愛祂、服從祂、常 在祂裡面、結果子或榮耀祂

67. So studying the word of God is the first and most 67. 因此閱讀神的話語是第一步,也是最重 important step


68. Let‘s do some more digging

68. 我們繼續挖吧

69. (V. 10) John 15:17 ―This I command you, that you 69. (V. 10) 約 15:17 我這樣吩咐你們,是 love one another.‖


70. The most important of the commands are that we 70. 最重要的命令,是我們要先愛神,然後 love God and then love one another


71. You are to love the people that God loves

71. 你要愛神所愛的人

72. How can we say that we love God who we cannot see, 72. 如果我們不愛我們看得到的人,我們怎 when we don‘t love the ones we can see?


73. You love the ones you can see and this proves that 73. 我們要愛我們看得到的人,證明我們會 you love the one that you cannot see

愛我們看不到的神 48

74. And we can only really do that if we abide in Him 75. because, frankly, Jesus asks us to do something that we don‘t have the power to do by ourselves 76. We do not have the power to live the Christian life; you have to understand this

74. 而且我們要常在祂裡面,才能夠真正的 愛祂以及愛他人 75. 因為,老實說,耶穌是在要求我們做我 們自己沒有能力做的事 76. 單憑自己的力量,我們沒有能力活出基

77. There is only one person who can live the Christian life and that is Jesus

督教徒的生活,這點你們一定要了解 77. 因為,只有一個人才有能力活出基督徒

78. He lives it in you and through you as you abide in Him and allow His Spirit to do his work

的生活;那個人就是耶穌 78. 祂在你裡面,透過你常在祂裡面及讓聖

79. That is why Christianity is not a list of dos and don‘ts; rather, it is the presence of God in you 80. He makes it possible for us to do what would otherwise be impossible to achieve

靈作工,你能把基督徒的生活活了出來 79. 因此基督教不是清規戒律,而是要讓神 常在你裡面 80. 祂讓我們可以做到那些沒有祂我們就做

81. That is to say, he not only calls us to a task, but also empowers us to do it

不到的事 81. 也就是說,祂不只是要求我們去做,祂

82. Reading those few verses from John was fun, wasn‘t it?

也給我們能力做好 82. 閱讀約翰福音的這幾段經文很有趣,不

83. If we had more time, I‘m sure we could dig up more jewels

是嗎? 83. 如果有更多時間,我們肯定可以挖出更

84. We‘ll let that be your homework

多寶 84. 這部份就留給你們當作功課吧

glorify bear fruit abide obey love know Knowloveobeyabidebear fruitglorify


Double Imputation 雙歸集 1.

Good afternoon. The Bible tells us that we are evil, sinners, enemies of God


1. 大家午安。聖經說我們不敬虔、是罪 人、是神的仇敵

(V. 1) Romans 5:6-10—For while we were still helpless, 2. (V. 1)羅馬書 5:6-10—當我們還軟弱 at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For


one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps

敬虔的人死了。7 為義人死,是少有

for the good man someone would dare even to die. 8

的;為好人死,或有敢作的;8 唯有

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that


while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much


more then, having now been justified by His blood, we


shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. 10

就更要藉著他免受神的忿怒。10 我們

For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to


God through the death of His Son, much more, having


been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.


(Note: the term ―helpless‖ in verse 6 means ―impotent‖ or (注:第 6 節的「軟弱」是「無能」或「無 ―powerless‖ and is used to describe the inability to reach


God‘s standards through your own efforts.)



Yet Jesus calls on us to be perfect

3. 雖然如此,耶穌呼籲我們要完美


(V. 2) Matthew 5:48—You shall be perfect, even as

4. (V. 2) 馬太 5:48—所以你們要完

your heavenly father is perfect



But then in other places, he tells us, ―You can‘t do it‖


Later in Matthew, for example, he says the following


(V. 3) Matthew 19:24—I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God

8. 9.

5. 但是在其他的地方,祂又告訴我們: 「你做不到」 6. 在馬太福音稍後面的文中,祂說了以 下經文: 7. (V. 3)馬太 19:24—我又告訴你們,駱

Back then, people felt that if you were rich, you were


blessed by God


So basically, Jesus was saying that no matter how

8. 那個時候的人認為有錢人是蒙福的

blessed you are in this life, you can‘t make it into

9. 所以基本上, 耶穌的意思是說不管你

heaven on your own


10. When his disciples heard this, they were very discouraged. Listen to their response in the next verse—

己上天堂去 10. 當門徒聽祂這麼說,他們就非常地氣 餒。來聽看看他們在下一節中是如何

11. (V. 4) 25 When the disciples heard this, they were very astonished and said, "Then who can be saved?" 50

回應祂的— 11. (V. 4) 25 門徒聽見了,十分驚奇,就

12. In a nutshell, the Bible says we can only be with God if we are righteous or perfect

問他:―這樣,誰可以得救呢?‖ 12. 總之,聖經說我們必須有公義,也就

13. God says that we are to be perfect but then says we are far from perfect

是說完美無缺,我們才能與神在一起 13. 神說我們要完美無缺,但又說我們離

14. In fact, he says that it‘s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for us to go to heaven

完美還差得遠呢 14. 事實上,祂說駱駝要穿過針眼比我們 要進天國還容易

15. This sounds contradictory, doesn‘t it?

15. 這聽起來很矛盾,不是嗎?

16. How do we reconcile statements like these in the

16. 我們如何使聖經這樣的句子沒有矛盾



17. Well, if we keep reading the passage in Matthew, we discover part of our answer

17. 那麼,如果我們繼續往下讀馬太福音 的話,我們會找到部份的答案

18. Jesus says that it‘s impossible for a rich man to get into heaven, but then he says in verse 26

18. 耶穌說有錢人要進天國是不可能的, 但是在 26 節祂繼續說

19. (V. 5) 26 And looking at them Jesus said to them, "With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

19. (V. 5) 26 耶穌看著他們說:―在人這 是不能的,在 神卻凡事都能。‖ 20. 耶穌的意思是: 「你自己做不到,但是

20. Jesus is saying, ―YOU can‘t do it, but GOD can‖


21. Today, I‘d like to talk about HOW God does it

21. 我今天想談論 神是如何做到的

22. Does he wave a wand over us and say, ―You‘re

22. 祂是不是對著我們邊揮一揮魔杖,邊



23. No, the answer is actually very ingenious and is a very important biblical concept called ―double imputation‖ 24. Before we discuss it in detail, however, I‘d like to discuss a couple of important concepts

23. 不不不,事實上,答案非常巧妙,是 聖經的一個非常重要的觀念,叫做「雙 歸集」 24. 但是在我們詳談這個觀念之前,我想

25. We hear lots of jargon in church and we often don‘t really know what they mean

先另外討論一,兩個重要觀念 25. 我們在教會常聽到很多「術語」 ,但我

26. Let‘s look at a few important terms and their definitions

們通常都不真得懂這些詞彙的意思 26. 我們來看看幾個重要的語彙以及它們

27. Let‘s start with the word righteous. Righteous means a ―standard‖

的定義 27. 我們從「公義」這兩個字開始。公義

28. The Bible says that God has righteous standards, that we must meet them to be with him, but that none of us does

有標準的意思 28. 聖經說神有祂對公義的標準,而且我 們需要達到這些標準才能與祂同在,

29. (V. 6) Rom 3:23 All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

但是沒有一個人達到這些標準 29. (V. 6) 羅馬書 3:23 因為人人都犯了

30. We mentioned before that this phrase is used in target practice to say that an arrow falls short of its 51

罪,虧缺了神的榮耀 30. 我們曾經提過這個說法是用在練習射



31. Another verse expresses this concept more directly

32. (V. 7) Isaiah 64:6—All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags

31. 另一段經文將這個觀念表達得更直接

32. (V. 7)以賽亞 64:6—我們眾人都像不潔淨 的人,我們所有的義,都像污穢的衣服 33. 其實,這裡的「污穢的衣服」 ,在希伯來文

33. The Hebrew term for ―filthy rags‖ is actually menstrual cloth

用的字是「月經用的布」 34. 因此,連我們的善行,對上帝而言,也只

34. So even our good deeds are like a menstrual cloth to God

不過相當於月經用的布一樣 35. 況且,你要知道祂這裡講的是我們的善行

35. And that‘s what he says about our good deeds

36. 祂又會怎麼說我們其他的行為呢?

36. What would he say about our other deeds?

37. 耶穌基督是唯一曾經達到神的公義標準的

37. Jesus Christ was the only person to ever have reached God‘s standard of righteousness

人 38. 接下來,我們也常聽到「稱義」 ;但這兩個

38. Next, we also often hear the term ―justification,‖ but what does it mean?

字到底是什麼意思? 39. 「稱義」簡單來說只不過是「宣稱是公義」

39. To be justified simply means to be ―declared righteous‖

的意思 40. 因此,如果「公義」指的是「標準」 ,那麼,

40. So if ―righteous‖ means a ―standard,‖ then


―declared righteous‖ simply means God declares that you have reached his standard

標準 41. 容我用一個故事來說明這個觀念

41. Let me use a story to clarify this idea

42. 想像一下,有一位女士在法院裡站在法官

42. Imagine a woman standing in court before a judge



43. A policeman points at her and says she was speeding and must pay a fine

43. 一位警員指著她說: 「她開車超速,她 必須付罰款」

44. But she has no money to pay the fine

44. 但是她沒有錢,無法繳罰款

45. Her lawyer steps forward, pulls out his wallet, and

45. 她的律師往前踏一步,掏出皮夾,並

says, ―I will pay for her‖


46. The judge asks the woman, ―Will you let him pay your fine?‖

46. 法官問女士: 「你願意讓他幫你交罰款 嗎?」

47. She could say ―No‖ and go to jail

47. 她可以說「不願意」,然後去坐牢

48. But she nods and the judge declares that the law is

48. 但是她點頭,然後法官一邊宣布法律

satisfied and sets her free


49. The same is true with us

49. 這和我們的情況很相似

50. We have broken God‘s Law and breaking the law, any

50. 我們觸犯上帝的律法,而不管是觸犯

law, has a price


51. But after we accept Christ‘s finished work, he steps

51. 但在我們接受耶穌為我們完成的事以

forward and says, ―I‘ve already paid the price for him

後,耶穌就站出來說了: 「我已經幫他

or her‖


52. The Holy Spirit asks each of us in our heart of hearts if we would like to accept Christ‘s offer

52. 聖靈在我們每一個人的內心深處問我 們:「你願意接受耶穌提出的幫助嗎」

53. Now we know that to meet God‘s standard, we need the righteousness of Christ

53. 我們知道,要達到 神的標準,我們需 要耶穌的公義

54. We also know that we have to accept Christ‘s righteous through faith

54. 我們同時也知道我們要透過信心來接 受耶穌的公義

55. But what exactly happens when we ask for God‘s free gift of salvation?

55. 但是當我們要求 神白白賜給我們救 贖,到底有什麼事會發生?

56. Like I said earlier, God doesn‘t take out a magic wand 57. The MEANS to our salvation is justification through faith

56. 像我之前已經說過了,祂不會拿出一 支魔杖 57. 因信稱義是救贖我們的方式

58. But the BASIS of our justification is double imputation, the principle I mentioned earlier 59. Don‘t worry. You don‘t really need to memorize the word imputation

58. 但是我前面提到的「雙歸集」原則是 我們稱義的基礎 59. 別擔心,你不用背歸集這個詞 60. 但是其背後的觀念很重要,而且非

60. But the concept behind it is crucial and very, very interesting

常,非常有意思 61. 歸集是會計學的名詞,意思是「歸到

61. Imputation is an accounting term and means ―to credit to someone‘s account‖

別人的賬上」 62. 從下面的賬目可看出,耶穌完美無

62. As you can see from this ledger, Christ is perfect and we are anything but perfect

缺,而我們跟「完美無缺」這個詞扯 不上關係






63. Now, when Christ died on the cross, he took all of the

63. 當耶穌死在十字架上時,祂把整個世

sins of the world—past, present, and future, onto




(John 1:29 ―Behold, the lamb of God who takes away the

(約翰福音 1:29—看哪,神的羊羔,是除

sins of the world.‖)





+100 -100

64. Your sins were imputed to Christ‘s account

64. 你的罪就算到耶穌的帳

65. They were cancelled and you went from -100 to 0

65. 你的罪取消了,而你的帳從負 100 漲到 0

66. But that‘s only half of the story

66. 但這只是故事的一半

67. God doesn‘t just forgive you and put a big ―0‖ in

67. 上帝不只是赦免你的罪,然後在你的帳上

your column


68. No, he takes it one step further

68. 不,祂採取更進一步的措施

69. He puts the perfection of Christ into your account 69. 祂把耶穌的完美歸到你的賬上 你的帳




70. So not only were your sins credited to Christ‘s account 70. 因此不只是你的罪被算到耶穌的帳 71. Christ‘s perfection was also credited to your account 72. The imputation goes both ways. That‘s why it‘s called ―double imputation‖

上 71. 耶穌的完美也被歸到你的帳上 72. 歸集這個觀念是雙向的,所以才叫做

73. The following scripture explains this important principle

「雙歸集」 73. 下面的經文有說明這個原則

74. (V. 8) 2 Corinthians 5:21—He made Him who knew no sin 74. (V. 8)哥林多後書 5:21—神使那無罪 to become sin on our behalf, that we might have the


righteousness of God in Him


75. Now, God reckons you as perfect as Christ

75. 上帝現在當你是跟耶穌一樣完美

(Romans 4:4-8, 17, 21-22)

(羅 4:4-8, 17, 21-22) 54

76. Christ in you has satisfied God‘s demand for perfection 76. 耶穌在你裡面已經符合了上帝對完 77. God reckons you as being as righteousness as Christ, but we are anything but righteous in practice 78. So for the rest of your life on earth, the Holy Spirit helps gradually make you truly righteous in practice

美的需求 77. 上帝現在當你是跟耶穌一樣完美,但 實際上,我們做不到 78. 也因此,聖靈在你的後半生,會幫助 你逐步成為公義的

79. Let‘s review this important concept

79. 我們來複習這個重要的觀念

80. 1—the Bible says we that we are sinners

80. 第一,聖經說我們是罪人

81. 2—to be with God, we need to reach his perfect

81. 第二,要與神在一塊,你就必須達到祂



82. 3—God says, ―You can‘t do it on your own. I have to do it for you‖

82. 第三,上帝說:「你自己做不到。我需 要來幫你」

83. 4—Christ came to earth and reached God‘s perfect standards

83. 第四,耶穌來到世上也達到神的完美標 準

84. 5—we need his perfect life to save us from our sins 85. 6—we receive his life in us when we believe. This ―justifies‖ us

84. 第五,我們需要他完美的生命將我們從 自己的罪中拯救出來 85. 第六,當我們相信祂,我們就得到祂的

86. 7—justification simply means God‘s declares that we meet his standard of righteousness

生命,這麼做就會讓我們「稱義」 86. 第七,稱義簡單來說,意味著神宣稱我

87. 8—justification is the MEANS God uses to save us 88. 9—double imputation is the BASIS or principle God uses to save us

們達到祂在公義上的標準 87. 第八,稱義是神用來拯救我們的方法 88. 第九,雙歸集的原則是神用來拯救我們

89. He credits our sins to Christ and he credits Christ‘s righteousness to us

的基礎 89. 祂把我們的罪算為耶穌的,也把耶穌的

90. 10—we are regarded by God as righteous, but we are not righteous in practice

公義算為我們的義 90. 第十,神把我們當作是有公義的,但是

91. 11—the Holy Spirit gradually changes us so that we become more and more like Christ

我們並不會實踐到我們的生活當中 91. 第十一,聖靈逐漸改變我們,讓我們愈

92. Of course, we have to cooperate with the Holy Spirit if we are to become more like Christ

來愈像耶穌 92. 當然,如果要越來越像耶穌,我們必須


93. Because our free will is very important for a real relationship with God

配合聖靈的工作 93. 因為要跟上帝建立真正的關係,我們的

94. As such, he doesn‘t force us to come to Christ or to lead a spiritual life after we do come to Christ 95. That is why there are so few Christians and even fewer Christians who act like Christians

自由意志非常關鍵 94. 因為這樣,無論是成為基督徒或成為基 督徒之後活出屬靈的生活,祂都不會強 迫我們

96. As I said earlier, God imputes our sin to Jesus‘ account and imputes his righteousness to ours 97. As a result, he who deserved the love of God received the wrath of God

95. 就是因為這樣基督徒很少,而過著基督 徒該有的樣子的基督徒少之又少 96. 我之前已經提過,上帝把我們的罪算到 耶穌的帳上,也把祂的義算到我們的帳

98. And we who deserve the wrath of God receive the love of God

上 97. 結果,配得上帝的愛的那位,獲得了上

99. That is what happened on the cross and that is the best offer you‘ll ever get

帝的憤怒 98. 而配得上帝憤怒的我們,獲得了上帝的

100. But you cannot earn it

101. It is a gift you receive by believing

99. 這是發生在十字架上的事情; 對我們

102. (V. 9) John 6:29—Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent."

而言,是難能可貴的機會 100. 但是我們沒有辦法透過自己的努力獲 得它

103. (V. 10) John 3:16—For God so loved the world that he sent his only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life

101. 這是我們必須透過相信才能獲得的一 個禮物 102. (V. 9) 約翰福音 6:29—耶穌回答:―信

104. Double imputation is ingenious

神所差來的,就是作 神的工了。‖

105. It is a solution that allows God to bring us back to him without compromising his holiness

103. (V. 10) 約翰福音 3:16—神愛世人,甚 至把他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他

106. Before we close, however, there‘s one more aspect of imputation I would like to talk about

的,不至滅亡,反得永生 104. 雙歸集的原則非常巧妙

107. It might help answer some questions in some of your 105. 這個解決方案使得上帝能夠讓我們回 minds


108. There are many examples in the Bible of many people being punished for the sins of one person

質上讓步 106. 在我們結束之前,我想討論歸集的另

109. When the kings of Israel obeyed God, God blessed the whole nation

一個層面 107. 這麼做可能可以回答你們心中的一些

110. When the kings were evil, God punished the whole nation

疑慮 108. 聖經中,眾人因為一個人的罪,而受

111. When Adam sinned, his sin was credited to all of the human race

到處罰的例子很多 109. 當以色列的國王順服神時,全國的人

112. That is what is meant by original sin

民蒙受上帝的祝福 56

113. God created Adam in his image

110. 當以色列的國王不順服神,全國的人

114. When he rebelled against God, he was no longer in the image of God

民都受到上帝的處罰 111.當亞當犯了罪,他的罪歸給整個人類

115. The same is true of every human after him

112. 其實,這就是原罪的意思

116. We were no longer in the image of God

113. 當初 神以自己的形象創造亞當

117. We lost our perfection and we became children of

114. 當他叛離 神,他就失去了 神的形象

the first Adam

115. 在他之後的每一個人都是一樣的

118. The sin of one man was credited to all humans

116. 我們不再具有 神的形象

119. Some people might say that that‘s unfair

117. 我們失去我們的完美狀態,我們也成

120. But I would like to suggest that it is far from unfair


121. In fact, it is the very principle by which we are saved 118. 一個人的罪算到所有人類的帳上 122. Yes, God punishes the many for the deeds of the one 119. 有人可能會說這樣很不公平 123. He does this by crediting the evil of one to the accounts of many

120. 但是我認為完全不能說不公平 121. 事實上,剛好就是這個原則救贖了我

124. But he also uses this principle to save us

125. Christ‘s righteousness is credited to those who accept him

122. 是的,神因為一個人的行為懲罰眾人 123. 祂將犯罪的人的罪算到其他人的帳上

126. It‘s the same principle—the action of one is credited 124. 但是 祂也使用同一個原則拯救我們 to the account of many

125. 耶穌的義歸到相信他的人

127. This is how he saves us without lowering his

126. 同一個原理,也就是一個人的行為算

standards or changing his character


128. When we are born, we are born into the line of the first Adam

127. 這就是 祂可以在不降低自己的原則 或改變自己的本性的情況下借用這個

129. When we accept Christ, the last Adam, we die to the line of the first Adam

原則救贖我們 128. 我們出生時,我們屬於第一個亞當的

130. and are ―born again‖ into the line of God


131. The last Adam came to earth to transfer us into God‘s family

129. 當我們接受基督時,也就是末後的亞 當,我們死於第一個亞當的族系

132. That‘s what being ―born again‖ means

130. 同時,我們也重生到上帝的族系

133. You die as a member of Adam‘s family

131. 這末後的亞當來到世上把我們移轉到

134. And are born again into the family of God


135. (V. 11) Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as through one 132. 這就是所謂的「重生」的意思 man sin entered into the world, and death through 133. 你死於亞當的族系 sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned 134. 同時,你也重生成為 神的家庭的成員 - 13 for until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is 135. (V. 11) 羅馬書 5:12-19—正好像罪藉 not imputed when there is no law. 14 Nevertheless


death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over


those who had not sinned in the likeness of the

罪。13 沒有律法以前,罪已經在世界


offense of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to


come. 15 But the free gift is not like the

算罪。14 可是,從亞當到摩西,死就

transgression. For if by the transgression of the one


the many died, much more did the grace of God and


the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ,

一位的預表。15 但恩賞和過犯是截然

abound to the many. 16 The gift is not like that which


came through the one who sinned; for on the one


hand the judgment arose from one transgression


resulting in condemnation, but on the other hand the

16 這賞賜和那一人犯罪的後果也是不

free gift arose from many transgressions resulting in


justification. 17 For if by the transgression of the


one, death reigned through the one, much more

義。17 如果因著那一人的過犯,死就

those who receive the abundance of grace and of the


gift of righteousness will reign in life through the


One, Jesus Christ. 18 So then as through one

穌基督在生命中掌權了。18 這樣看來,

transgression there resulted condemnation to all


men, even so through one act of righteousness there


resulted justification of life to all men. 19 For as

生命了。19 因著那一人的悖逆,眾人

through the one man's disobedience the many were


made sinners, even so through the obedience of the


One the many will be made righteous.

136. 亞當與夏娃被趕出伊甸園

136. Adam and Eve were driven from the garden

137. 他們享受到與 神同在等等喜樂的事

137. They enjoyed the joys of being with God and so forth 138. But all that was lost. They were now separated from God.

情 138. 但一切都失去了。他們已經與 神分離 了

139. But in Christ, we don‘t just go back to the garden 140. We have something even better that we could ever have imagined

139. 但是在耶穌裡,我們不只是回到伊甸 園 140. 我們得到的東西比我們可以想像得到

141. We are imputed with the righteousness of Christ 142. Now our position is better than Adam‘s was before the Fall

的還要好太多 141. 我們被當作是有耶穌的義 142. 現在,我們的身份比墮落前的亞當還

143. Because Adam could not call God his Father

144. Adam wasn‘t a joint heir with Christ

143. 因為亞當不能叫 上帝為「父親」

145. (V. 12) Romans 8:14-17—For all who are being led by

144. 亞當並沒有跟耶穌做聯合的繼承人

the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15 For you

145. (V. 12)羅馬書 8-14-17 因為蒙神的靈

have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear

引導的,都是神的兒子。15 你們接受

again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as


sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!" 16 The



Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are

我們呼叫―阿爸、父‖。16 聖靈親自和我

children of God, 17 and if children, heirs also, heirs


of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we


suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with




146. (V. 13) Galatians 4:4-7—But when the fullness of the 146. (V. 13) 加拉太書 4:4-7 但到了時機 time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman,


born under the Law, 5 so that He might redeem

生,而且生在律法之下,5 要把律法之

those who were under the Law, that we might receive


the adoption as sons. 6 Because you are sons, God has

名分。6 你們既然是兒子,神就差遣他

sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts,


crying, "Abba! Father!" 7 Therefore you are no

父!‖7 這樣,你不再是奴僕,而是兒

longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir


through God.


147. When you come to Christ, you gain more than Adam lost

147. 當你來就近耶穌時,你所獲得的遠超 過亞當所失去的一切


Draw Near with Confidence 勇敢的親近 1.


(V. 1) Heb 4:14-16 Therefore, since we have a great high 1. (V. 1) 來 4:14-16 我們既然有一 priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the


Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do

是 神的兒子耶穌,便當持定所承認

not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our

的道。來 4:15 因我們的大祭司並

weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things


as we are, yet without sin. 16 Therefore let us draw near


with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may

沒有犯罪。16 所以我們只管坦然

receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.


In our text today we are exhorted to draw near with


confidence or boldly to the throne of grace

2. 今天的經文鼓勵我們―坦然無懼地


What does it mean to come boldly?


To understand today‘s text, we need to realize how God 3. 坦然無懼是什麼意思呢?


feels about sin 5.

4. 要了解今天的經文,我們得先了解

We can better understand this by seeing how dangerous


it was for a sinful person in Old Testament times to 5. 而要更清楚神對罪惡的看法,我們 6.

enter God‘s presence


In Old Testament times, only the high priest could


approach the throne of God in the Holy of Holies 7.

What‘s more, the high priest could only approach God once a year on the Day of Atonement


到至聖所裡頭神的寶座 7. 而且,大祭司只可以一年一次在贖

And he could only do so after having made sacrifices for his sin so he could enter clean


6. 在舊約時代,只有大祭司才能夠來

罪日那天來到神的面前 8. 他必須獻上動物使自己潔淨,然後

The high priest entered the Holy of Holies to come before God.

才可以進去 9. 大祭司進入至聖所,目的是來到神

10. There, at the mercy seat, the high priest interceded for the people and himself

的面前 10. 在施恩座前,大祭司替人民和他自

11. (V. 2) Lev. 16:1-2 Now the LORD spoke to Moses after


the death of the two sons of Aaron, when they had 11. (V. 2) 利 16:1 亞倫的兩個兒子近 approached the presence of the LORD and died. 2The


LORD said to Moses: "Tell your brother Aaron that he

和華曉諭摩西說:2 ―要告訴你哥哥

shall not enter at any time into the holy place inside the


veil, before the mercy seat which is on the ark, or he will


die; for I will appear in the cloud over the mercy seat.



12. Why do you think God called the covering on the ark ―the 12. 如果擅自進入至聖所所帶來的懲 mercy seat‖ if the penalty for unauthorized entry into the


Holy of Holies was so severe?


13. Just because God is merciful does not mean he is not 13. 因為,神是慈悲的並不代表祂不 righteous


14. Sin is a deadly serious matter to God,

14. 就神而言,罪惡是件致命的事情

15. It is so serious that it separates man from God.

15. 罪惡非常嚴重,導致人跟神分離

16. Sin is an issue that man must acknowledge about himself

16. 人必須承認自己的罪惡,並處理

and deal with 17. The


它 seat




were 17. 施恩座代表的是承認和饒恕罪惡

acknowledged and forgiven, not ignored and appeased 18. There is a legend about the high priests in the Old Testament

的地方,並不是忽視和姑息罪惡 的地方 18. 關於舊約的大祭司有個傳說

19. They would tie a rope around an ankle when they went into 19. 他們進至聖所之前,會先在腳踝 the Holy of Holies


20. Otherwise, if the high priest died in there, there would be 20. 否則,如果大祭司死在裡頭,就 no way to get him out


21. I don‘t know if this story is true or not, but I think it underscores the seriousness with which God views sin 22. Let me put it another way

21. 我 不 知 道這 個 故事 是 不是 真 的,但是它突顯了神是多麼重 視罪惡

23. The Holy of Holies was a restricted area, because God‘s 22. 讓我換個方式解釋 61

presence was there.

23. 至聖所是禁區,因為神在那裡

24. God‘s presence is one of holiness. Man‘s presence is one of unholiness.

24. 神是神聖的;人非神聖 25. 人要親近神,必須依照神的條

25. For man to approach God, it must take place on God‘s terms


26. Thus, the severe restrictions for entering into the 26. 因此,來到神的面前才有這麼 presence of God


27. Only through Christ was the way opened for man himself to approach God

27. 親近神的道路是耶穌開闢的 28. 這是耶穌死在十字架上面時完

28. This was accomplished when Christ died on the cross


29. (V. 3) Mark 15:37-38 And Jesus uttered a loud cry, and 29. (V. 3) 可 15:37 耶穌大聲喊 breathed His last. 38 And the veil of the temple was torn in

叫,氣就斷了。可 15:38 殿裡

two from top to bottom.


30. You have to remember the veil consisted of many layers of cloth.

30. 請記住,幔子是用好幾層布做 的

31. It was over three feet thick, so tearing it would be no easy 31. 幔子超過三英尺厚,因此人要 task for humans


32. The fact that this occurred from top to bottom signified that God is the One who ripped it

32. 而且幔子從上到下裂為兩半, 代表是神自己撕破的

33. It was not torn from bottom to top by men

33. 不是人從下到上撕為兩半

34. By splitting the veil "from top to bottom," the Father

34. 天父把幔子從上到下撕成兩半,

dramatically showed His complete satisfaction with the


Son's work on the cross.


35. God was showing that the way of access into His presence 35. 天父是要我們知道,每一個人都 was now available for everyone, not simply the Old


Testament high priest


36. This illustrates that God no longer dwells within the

36. 這意味著神不再住在人蓋的聖殿

confines of a temple made from hands, but rather inside


each and every believer 37. Hebrews 4:16 invites us to go boldly before God 38. The Greek word for ―boldly‖ or ―confidently‖ is 62

37. 希伯來書第四章第16 節邀請我們只管坦 然無懼地來到神面前

parresios and means ―freedom of speech‖

38. 希臘文的―坦然無懼‖是―parresios‖,意

39. It is used to describe the right of citizen to speak their minds on any subject in town assemblies 40. But only citizens had this right; slaves did not

思是―言論自由‖ 39. 是形容公民可以在市議會上針對所有的 事情暢所欲言。

41. In our text, it means we have freedom to approach 40. 但是只有公民才有這個權利;奴隸沒有 God, to come into his presence without hesitation 41. 本文的意思是,我們有權利親近神,來 or inhibitions


42. This is was made possible by the blood of Christ

42. 是耶穌的寶血讓這件事情成為可能

43. (V. 4) Hebrews 10:19-22 Therefore, brethren, 43. (V. 4) 來 10:19-22 弟兄們,我們既因耶 since we have confidence to enter the holy place by

穌的血,得以坦然進入至聖所,20 是藉

the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which


He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His

幔子經過,這幔子就是他的身體。21 又

flesh, 21 and since we have a great priest over the

有一位大祭司治理 神的家,22 並我們

house of God, 22 let us draw near with a sincere


heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts


sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our

到 神面前

bodies washed with pure water.

44. 因此作為基督徒,我們有一個很棒的權

44. So we as Christians have the marvelous privilege to approach God through prayer

利,就是透過禱告親近神 45. 我們可以很有信心,知道祂一定會聽見

45. And we can be fully confident that He hears our prayers

我們的禱告 46. 我們可以很有信心的親近祂,領取慈悲

46. We can approach God confidently for the mercy and grace that await us

跟恩典 47. 信主後,我們屬靈的生活還需要兩樣東

47. After we become Christians, we continue to need two things in our walk with Christ:

西 48. 第一,我們需要祂的慈悲,因為我們會

48. First, mercy because of our continuous struggle with sin in our lives

不斷的跟生活中的罪惡搏鬥 49. 第二,我們需要恩典,因為只有它才能

49. Second, grace because this alone is what saves us 50. Growing in knowledge of Christ our Lord enables us to understand the significance of coming boldly to the throne of Grace.

拯救我們 50. 我們越了解耶穌,我們就越能夠了解―坦 然無懼地來到施恩寶座前‖的意義 51. 我們來到施恩寶座前,不能抱持驕傲或

51. We should do so not arrogantly or selfishly


52. Rather, we should do so humbly, gratefully, and 52. 而是得抱持著謙卑、感恩,和尊敬的心 respectfully

53. 但是我可以很勇敢的親近神,這不是因

53. But we can do so with confidence not because of what we do, but because of who we are ―in Christ‖ 54. This point is worth repeating

為我們做了什麼,而是因為我們在耶穌 裡面 54. 這點值得我重複一遍

55. We can come to the throne of God boldly not 55. 我可以很勇敢地來到施恩寶座,不是因 63

because of what we do, but because of who we are


―in Christ‖


56. We certainly don‘t deserve nor can we earn the mercy and grace of God

56. 神的慈悲和恩典當然不是我們配得的, 也不是靠我們自己賺取來的

57. Mercy is extended to all people each day in that basic needs are given

57. 神賜給全世界的人每天的必需品,顯示 祂的慈悲

58. But grace is the gift of God that must be received 59. Have you received that gift?

58. 但是恩典是神要賜給我們的禮物,因此 我們必須接受

60. If you have, then you can and should boldly 59. 你曾經接受過祂的禮物嗎? approach the throne of grace

60. 如果是,你可以、也應該坦然無懼地來

61. The Word of God urges us to come to our Father boldly through Jesus to receive his mercy and grace

到施恩寶座前 61. 神的話語敦促我們勇敢的來到天父面 前,透過耶穌領取他的慈悲和恩典


Feeding the 5000 五餅二魚 1.

Today, we‘ll be talking about the feeding of the 5,000 1. 我們今天要討論五餅二魚的故事


This story is recorded in John chapter 6 verses 1-13


Let‘s start by reading the first two verses


(V. 1) John 6:1-4 After these things Jesus went away 3. 我們先念前兩節

2. 這個故事出現在約翰福音第 6 章 1-13 節

to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. 2 A large crowd 4. (V. 1) 約 6:1-4 這事以後,耶穌渡過加 followed Him, because they saw the signs which He

利利海,就是提比哩亞海。2 有許多人

was performing on those who were sick. Then Jesus


went up on the mountain, and there He sat down with

跟隨他。3 耶穌上了山,和門徒一同坐


His disciples. Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was near. 5.

5. 在約翰福音第六章裡,我們再次看到表

In John chapter 6, we once again have the issue of the surface needs versus the deepest needs of humanity


在那裡。4 那時猶太人的逾越節近了。 面需求跟人類內心最深處需要的對比 6. 在本章裡頭,我們看到人們只是想要滿 足表面的需要

We see in this chapter that people are just looking to 7. 約翰福音第四章那個井旁的婦人也是這 satisfy surface needs


Just like the woman at the well in chapter 4

8. 她向耶穌要什麼?


What was it that she wanted?

9. 她要的是看得到、摸得到的水


She wanted physical water

10. 第五章那位癱瘓者希望耶穌醫好他的身

10. The paralytic man wanted physical healing in chapter 5

體 11. 在這裡群眾要的是食物

11. The crowd here wants food

12. 我們在四本福音書裡看到很多例子,都

12. We see many examples of people in the gospels wanting Jesus to give them things

是人們希望耶穌給他們東西 13. 他們要的不是耶穌本人

13. Instead of wanting Jesus for himself


14. Many people view God as kind of a vending 14. 很多人把上帝當作是一台自動販賣機 machine

15. 我們用自動販賣機做什麼呢?

15. What do you do with a vending machine?

16. 你不會去抱它

16. You don‘t embrace it.

17. 你會把錢投進自動販賣機,然後再按一個按鈕

17. You put your money in and you push a button

18. 你得到你想要的東西以後,就會離開,然後慢

18. When you get whatever you want, you go off and enjoy it

慢的享用 19. 等到你又需要什麼東西的時候,才會回去找自

19. You only go back when you need some more


20. God is not a vending machine or a genie in a 20. 上帝不是自動販賣機或神燈,不可以這樣用祂 bottle to be used in that way

21. This is a contrast between pursuing the created rather 21. 這是追求創造物跟追尋創造者的對 than the creator

22. We think the blessing is better than a relationship with 22. 我們認為祂的祝福比祂的關係來得 him


23. But God‘s desire is for us to pursue relationship with him 23. 不過上帝要的是我們追求與祂的關 24. Returning to John chapter 6, we see in verse four that we are dealing with the Passover

係 24. 現在回到約翰福音第六章,我們在第

25. (V. 2) John 6:5-6 Therefore Jesus, lifting up His eyes


and seeing that a large crowd was coming to Him, said to 25. (V. 2) 約 6:5-6 耶穌舉目看見許多 Philip, "Where are we to buy bread, so that these may 6


eat?" This He was saying to test him, for He Himself

餅叫這些人吃呢?‖ 6 他說這話是要

knew what He was intending to do.


26. Jesus asks Philip what are we going to do?

26. 耶穌在這裡問了腓力,我們應該怎麼 辦? 66

27. Mark 6 also records the story of the feeding of the 27. 馬可福音第六章也記錄了五餅二魚 5,000


28. If we turn to Mark 6:35-36, we‘ll see the disciples‘ 28. 如果我們翻到馬可福音 6:35-36, solution to this problem


29. (V. 3) Mark 6:35-36 When it was already quite late, His

disciples came to Him and said, "This place is desolate 29. (V. 3) 可 6:35-36 天已經晚了,門 and it is already quite late; 36 send them away so that they


may go into the surrounding countryside and villages and

晚了,36 請叫眾人散開,他們好往

buy themselves something to eat."


30. The disciple‘s solution was simply to send the people 30. 使徒的解決方法只是打發群眾 away.

31. 這麼做可以解決問題,但是並不符

31. This would get rid of the problem, but it wouldn‘t be in their best interest

合他們的最大利益 32. 耶穌其實在考驗腓力,想看他會有

32. Jesus is kind of testing Phillip to see how he would respond

什麼反應 33. 第 7 節是腓力的回答

33. Phillip answers, in verse seven;

34. (V. 4) 約 6:7 腓力回答說:―就是

34. (V. 4) John 6:7 ―Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, for everyone to receive a little.‖ 35. The English version reads ―200 denarii‖

二十兩銀子的餅,叫他們各人吃一 點,也是不夠的。‖ 35. 英文版寫的是 200 古羅馬銀幣

36. Two hundred denarii was about eight months worth of 36. 兩百銀幣相當於當時大約八個月的 labor in those days.


37. Because a danarii is about a day‘s wages and 200 days is 37. 因為一枚古羅馬銀幣約等於一天的 about 8 months


38. He is testing the strength of Phillip‘s faith

38. 耶穌在測試腓力的信心

39. Many people think money is the answer to all their 39. 很多人認為錢是萬能的,可以解決 problems


40. If you have enough money, any problem can be solved


40. 只要有錢,一切問題都可迎刃而解

41. But we discover that money leaves us empty in the long 41. 但是我們會發現,到頭來,金錢帶給 run


42. It may make life more comfortable, but it is not the 42. 金錢可能會讓我們生活得更好,但是 answer to all things


43. (V. 5) John 6:8-9 One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon 43. (V. 5) 約 6:8-9 有一個門徒,就是 Peter's brother, said to Him, ―There is a lad here who


has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are those

9 ―在這裡有一個孩童,帶著五個大麥

for so many people?‖

餅、兩條魚,只是分給這許多人 ,還

44. Barley is a sign that these people were poor, because the poor ate barley bread

算甚麼呢?‖ 44. 從他們在吃大麥餅,可以看出這些人

45. They were shaped like pita bread and about three were enough for a person to get filled

是窮人,因為大麥餅是窮人吃的 45. 大麥餅的形狀跟口袋麵包很像,一個

46. They also had salted fish


47. (V. 6) John 6:10-11 ―Jesus said, ‗Have the people sit 46. 另外,他們還有鹹魚 down‘.‖ The number was about 5,000 and they gathered 47. (V. 6) 約 6:10 耶穌說:―你們叫眾人 around and sat down. ―Then Jesus took the loaves, and


having given thanks, He distributed to those who were

下,數目約有五千。11 耶穌拿起餅

seated; likewise also of the fish as much as they




48. Verse 10 says there were 5,000

48. 第十節寫的是有 5 千個人

49. actually, there were more, because they didn‘t count 49. 但是應該有更多,因為當時不把婦女 women and children back then


50. They were following Him around looking for miracles

50. 他們跟隨耶穌,因為他們想看神蹟

51. They weren‘t so interested in him, but in what he could 51. 與其說他們對祂有興趣,不如說他們 do


52. They were there for any number of reasons

52. 他們來到耶穌那裡的原因很多

53. They were probably more interested in being healed or

53. 他們可能想要被醫治或被娛樂

in the entertainment

54. 但大部分的人應該不是為了認識耶穌

54. But most probably weren‘t there for Jesus himself


55. In verse 11, what we see here is Jesus performing a 55. 在第 11 節,我們看到了行神蹟的是耶 miracle, not the disciples.

穌,不是使徒 68

56. He multiplied the food, but they had the privilege of 56. 是祂把五餅二魚變多的,但是門徒則 passing it out


57. This is an example, I believe, of the miracle of the Gospel being performed by God

57. 我認為我們在這裡看到的,是神行福 音的神蹟

58. But we are privileged to participate in his kingdom work 58. 但是祂給我們權利參與祂王國的事工 59. (V. 7) 1 Cor 3:6-9 I planted, Apollos watered, but God 59. (V. 7) 林前 3:6-9 我栽種了,亞波羅 was causing the growth. So then neither the one who

澆灌了,惟有 神叫他生長。7 可見

plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who


causes the growth. Now he who plants and he who

甚麼,只在那叫他生長的 神。8 栽

waters are one; but each will receive his own reward


according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow


workers; you are God's field, God's building.

因為我們是與 神同工的;你們是 神

60. Moving on


61. (V. 8) John 6:12-13 ―When they were filled, He said to 60. 我們再往下看 His disciples, ‗Gather up the leftover fragments so that 61. (V. 8) 約 6:12 他們吃飽了,耶穌對 nothing will be lost‘. So they gathered them up, and


filled twelve baskets with fragments from the five

得有糟蹋的。‖13 他們便將那五個大

barley loaves which were left over by those who had




62. Now, this is a very important picture here

62. 這個畫面非常重要

63. We see that in contrast to the ‗little‘, in verse seven, 63. 我們看到一個對比,第 7 節我們看到 the Lord gives with abundance.


64. I am reminded of a verse from Ephesians


65. (V. 9) Eph 3:20, Now to Him who is able to do far more 64. 這讓我想到以弗所書 abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to 65. (V. 9) 弗 3:20 神能照著運行在我 the power that works within us,


66. He gives you exceedingly and abundantly and beyond all that you ask for.

切,超過我們所求所想的。 66. 祂所給的遠超過我們向祂要的

67. Not only did He satisfy them, but also there was food 67. 耶穌不只是讓群眾吃得飽飽的,而且 left over.


68. There was a very large crowd of maybe 10,000 and 68. 群眾可能有一萬人,但東西多到讓他 there was more than they could even eat


69. It is interesting that it is still precious, so they gather it up and do not waste it

69. 有趣的是,剩下的還是很寶貴,因此 他們把它收起來,才不會浪費

70. I see a lesson in here:

70. 這裡有我們可以學的功課

71. Give all you have Jesus and let Him do the rest

71. 把你的一切給耶穌,剩下的就交給祂

72. You still have give Him something, though

去做吧! 69

73. Do you see the idea here?

72. 不過你還是要給祂

74. Give Him something to start with like the bread and 73. 懂了嗎? fish and then He can multiply that

74. 就像這裡的五餅二魚,你要給祂你能 給的,祂就可以把你所給的變多

75. There is a parallel miracle in 2 Kings

75. 列王記(下)有一個類似的神蹟

76. (V. 10) II Kings 4:42-44, Now a man came from 76. (V. 10) 王下 4:42-44 有一個人從 Baal-shalishah, and brought the man of God bread of


the first fruits, twenty loaves of barley and fresh ears


of grain in his sack. And he said, "Give them to the


people that they may eat."


His attendant said, "What,


will I set this before a hundred men?" But he said, "Give


them to the people that they may eat, for thus says the


LORD, 'They shall eat and have some left over.'"



了,還剩下。‘‖44 僕人就擺在眾人面

he set it before them, and they ate and had some left


over, according to the word of the LORD.


77. Elisha is a type of Christ in the Old Testament

77. 以利沙是舊約裡面基督的形式

78. He feeds 100 men with 20 barley loaves there was also 78. 他以 20 個大麥餅餵飽 100 個男人 food leftover



First Appearance of God‘s Plan of Salvation in the Bible 神的救恩計劃在聖經中第一次的出現 1.

Did you know when God‘s plan of salvation first



appears in the Bible? 2. 3. 4.


It first appears in Genesis 22 and 24 and I‘d like to


是出現在創世記第 22 章和第 24 章,

share that with you today


If you‘ll recall, God gave Abraham a son when he was 3.


very, very old


Abraham named his son Isaac and loved him very



much 5. 6. 7.


One day when Isaac was a young man, God told



Abraham to take his son to Mount Moriah to worship


He also instructed him to offer Isaac as a burnt





So Abraham and Isaac loaded firewood onto a



donkey and started off



After three days, they arrived at Mount Moriah and


Isaac asked his father where the lamb for the 9.

三天之後,他們來到摩利亞山,以撒 問起父親,獻祭的羔羊在哪裡?

sacrifice was


Abraham said that God would provide a lamb

10. 亞伯拉罕讓以撒背起柴火,前往獻祭

10. Abraham placed the firewood on Isaac‘s back to carry to the place of sacrifice

亞伯拉罕說,上帝會預備羔羊。 之處,

11. 在抵達之時,亞伯拉罕以繩綑綁自己

11. When they arrived, Abraham tied his son up with a rope and raised a knife to kill him

的兒子,舉起刀要殺他。 12. 然而,就在這瞬間,上帝吩咐他住

12. but suddenly, God told him to stop



13. God said that he was pleased that Abraham loved him

13. 上帝說,祂喜悅亞伯拉罕如此愛祂,

so much that he was willing to give him even his only


son whom he loved dearly

14. Abraham saw a ram whose head was caught in a thicket

14. 亞伯拉罕看見頭卡在樹叢中的羔羊, 15. 就將牠取來,代替兒子作為獻祭

15. He sacrificed it in his son‘s place

16. 第 22 章到此結束

16. That brings us to the end of chapter 22

17. 讓我們將目前的故事和上帝的救贖

17. Let‘s compare the story so far with God‘s plan of salvation

計畫作個比較: 18. 首先,與上帝相仿,亞伯拉罕獻上自

18. First of all, like God, Abraham offered his only beloved son (Gen. 22:2, 12, John 3:16)

己的獨生愛子(創 22:2, 12;約 3:16)。

19. Isaac carried the wood for his sacrifice (Gen. 22:5)

19. 以撒背起獻祭的柴火(創 22:5) ;耶

and Jesus carried the cross for his crucifixion (John




20. Isaac and Jesus both escaped death after three days (Gen. 22:4, Matthew 16:21, Mark 16:2-4, Luke 9:22) 21. Abraham told Isaac God would provide a lamb for the sacrifice (Gen 22:8)

20. 以撒和耶穌都在三天後脫離死亡的 威脅(創 22:4;太 16:21;可 16:2-4; 路 9:22)。 21. 亞伯拉罕對以撒說上帝會預備獻祭

22. The lamb that God provided was Jesus

的羔羊(創 22:8),

23. A ram died in place of Isaac (Gen. 22:13)

22. 而上帝所預備的羔羊就是耶穌。

24. The lamb Jesus was sacrificed in place of man (John

23. 一頭羔羊代替以撒而死(創 22:13) ;

1:29, 36)

24. 羔羊耶穌為人類犧牲而死(約

25. The ram‘s head was caught in a thicket (Gen. 22:13) 26. Jesus wore a crown of thorns on his head (Matthew 27:29)

1:29,36)。 25. 那羔羊的頭卡在樹叢裡(創 22:13) ; 26. 耶穌頭戴荊棘的冠冕(太 27:29) ,

27. It symbolized the sins he bore for us (Gen. 3:18)

27. 象徵祂為我們背負的罪(創 3:18)。

28. The ram was sacrificed on Mount Moriah (Gen. 22:2)

28. 羔羊被獻在摩利亞山上(創 22:2),

29. Mount Moriah was the same place that the first and

29. 摩利亞山是築起第一座和第二座聖

second Temples (1 Chronicles 3:1) were built 72

殿之地(歷上 3:1),

30. It was also where Jesus was crucified

30. 是耶穌被釘十字架之處,

31. It is also the place where the third Temple will be

31. 也就是築起第三座聖殿之處。


32. 另外,我認為以撒和耶穌一樣順服父

32. I also feel that like Jesus, Isaac submitted to his father‘s will

親的心意, 33. 以撒不明白父親所做的,卻必然順服

33. Although Isaac didn‘t understand what his father was doing, he must have submitted to him

他, 34. 否則,一位年逾百歲的老人如何捆綁

34. Otherwise, how could a man, who was over 100-years


old, tie up a young man?

35. So we see in Genesis chapter 22 that God was not only 35. 因此,從創世記第 22 章我們可以看 testing Abraham, he was showing his plan of salvation


to the world


36. Incidentally, this story also reminds me of another story—the story of Barabbas (Matthew 27:15-26) 37. Barabbas means ―son of the father‖ in Hebrew 38. ―Bar‖ means ―son‖ and ―abba‖ means ‖father― as in ―Abba Father‖

36. 順帶一提,這個故事讓我想起巴拉巴 的故事。(太 27:15-26) 37. 在希伯來文裡,巴拉巴就是「父親的 兒子」之意, 38. ―Bar‖指的是「兒子」 ,―abba‖指的是

39. Barabbas was arrested for rebellion and was condemned to death

「父親」 ,就和「阿爸父」是一樣的。 39. 巴拉巴因叛逆之罪受捕被判死刑,

40. So a ―son of the father‖ was scheduled to die on the same day as THE ―Son of the Father‖

40. 於是「一個父親的兒子」就跟「那位 天父的兒子」訂在同一天受死。

41. Barabbas represents man who rebelled against the Father in the Garden of Eden

41. 巴拉巴代表在伊甸園背離天父的人 類

42. and were condemned to be separated from him for

42. 永遠與上帝隔絕。(羅馬書 3:23-因

eternity (All have sinned and fallen short of the glory


of God‖ Romans 3:23; The wages of sin is death

耀;羅馬書 6:23-因為罪的工價乃

Romans 6:23


43. God‘s justice demands full payment for sin, which is 73

43. 罪的代價必須全數償還,乃是一死。



44. But in his mercy, he provided a substitute like he provided that day for Barabbas

44. 然而,卻因上帝的憐憫,祂賜下替代 者,正如祂為巴拉巴預備的那天一

45. Jesus did not only die in Barabbas‘ place that day, he died in the place of all sons and daughters of the Father

樣, 45. 耶穌不只是在那一天替巴拉巴受 死,祂也為天父所有的兒女受死。

46. Let us continue with the second part of God‘s plan of 46. 接下來,讓我們來看上帝救贖計畫的 salvation which is in Genesis 24

第二部份,記載在創世記第 24 章。

47. Abraham is very old at this time, but Isaac still isn‘t 47. 現在亞伯拉罕已老邁,而以撒仍未娶 married


48. So Abraham tells his servant to return to his homeland and find a wife for his son

48. 因此,亞伯拉罕對他的僕人說,回到 他的本族去,為他的兒子尋找妻子。

49. The servant travels to the land of Abraham‘s homeland

49. 這僕人回到亞伯拉罕的本族本家去, 50. 在一口井邊停下來,在那裡他遇見一

50. He stops by a spring where he meets a young woman 51. He asks her if she would be willing to marry his master‘s son

位女子。 51. 他問她,是否願意嫁給他主人的兒 子?


52. Chapter 24 has many details in it, but the point relevant to our topic today is in verses 57 and 58 53. The young girl is asked if she would be willing to marry the master‘s son whom she has never met 54. She says, ―I will go‖

52. 第二十四章記載許多細節,但是與今天 的主題相關的重點在於第 57 和 58 節。 53. 這位年輕的女子被問起:是否願意嫁給 那主人的兒子,一位素未謀面的人。 54. 她回答說:「我願意去。」

55. And that brings us to the end of chapter 24

55. 第 24 章到此結束。

56. Let‘s compare this story with God‘s plan of

56. 讓我們再次以故事與上帝的救贖計畫相



57. The father Abraham represents our Heavenly Father and the servant is the Holy Spirit

57. 這位父親,亞伯拉罕,代表著我們的天 父上帝;而僕人即代表聖靈;

58. The groom is a type of Jesus and the bride

58. 新郎是耶穌的預表,而新娘代表的是每

represents each Christian (John 3:29, Revelations

一位基督徒。(約 3:29;啟 22:17;啟

22:17, Revelations 21:21, Revelations 19:7)

21:21;啟 19:7)

59. Our Father sends the Holy Spirit to earth where

59. 我們的天父差遣聖靈來到世上,在每一

he asks each individual quietly in their heart of

個人內心深處輕聲的問: 「你是否願意嫁

hearts, ―Will you marry the Master‘s Son‖?


60. We are asked if we will marry the Son whom we have never met

60. 我們就好像被問及:是否願意嫁給那位 不曾謀面的兒子?


61. (V. 1 1 Peter 1:8) though you have not seen Him,

61. (V.1 彼得前書 1:8)你們雖然沒有見過

you love Him, and though you do not see Him now ,


but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy


inexpressible and full of glory,

62. (V2 哥林多前書 13:12)我們如今彷彿

62. (V. 2 1 Corinthians 13:12) For now we see in a


mirror dimly, but then face to face ; now I know in


part, but then I will know fully just as I also have


been fully known

63. 我認為上帝以創世記第 22 章及第 24 章

63. I think the story of God‘s plan of salvation in Genesis 22 and 24 is beautiful

來表達祂的救贖計畫是很美的, 64. 每一次讀到這裡,我都會起雞皮疙瘩。

64. Every time I read it, I get goose bumps

65. 在啟示錄 3:20,耶穌說:我站在門外叩

65. In Revelations 3:20, Jesus says, I stand at the door and knock

門, 66. 若有聽見我聲音就開門的,我要進到他

66. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him

那裡去,我與他,他與我一同坐席。 67. 祂在每個人的心門外敲門,問說:「你願

67. He knocks on the door of each person‘s heart and asks, ―Will you marry me?‖

意嫁給我嗎?」 68. 你是否已經打開心門,讓祂進入你的心

68. Have you opened the door to let him into your heart?




Fix Your Eyes on Jesus 仰望耶穌 1. (V.1) Heb. 12:1-3 Therefore, since we have so great a 1. (V.1)來 12:1-3 我們既有這許多的見證 cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay


aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily


entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race


that is set before us, 2. fixing our eyes on Jesus, the


author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set


before Him endured the cross, despising the shame,


and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of

架的苦難,便坐在 神寶座的右邊。那忍

God. 3. For consider Him who has endured such


hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will


not grow weary and lose heart.

2. 這個經文內容非常豐富,我建議大家把

2. This is a rich passage and I recommend that you try to memorize it

它背起來 3. 它把基督徒的生活比喻成一場賽跑

3. It describes the Christian life as a race

4. 而在這個比賽當中,我們要持續不斷地

4. we are to ―run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus‖

跑,同時仰望耶穌 5. Fix your eyes on Jesus 希臘文的意思

5. The Greek here means ―fixing our eyes Jesus‖ or ―look intently at Jesus‖

是仰望耶穌,盯著耶穌看,目不轉睛地 看著耶穌

6. We are not to look at the other runners

6. 我們不應該看其他的跑者

7. We are not to be distracted by work, 7. 我們不能因為工作、家庭、金錢、興趣、娛樂或 families, money, hobbies, or our studies



8. We are to ―fix our eyes on Jesus‖ and run toward him

8. 我們要目不轉睛地跑向耶穌

9. He is to be top priority in our lives

9. 祂應當是我們人生中最重要的事物

10. We are to ―lay aside every encumbrance‖

10. 我們還要放下各種重擔

11. These things in our lives are not in themselves bad

11. 這些生命中的人事物本身並不是不好

12. These things in our lives, such as our families, work, 12. 但是我們需要了解,它們通通都屬於 money, skills, and even yourself belong to God

13. Everything is his, but he lends them to us to use temporarily

13. 祂只是先暫時借給我們使用而已 14. 祂叫我們為了祂的榮耀暫時先管理,

14. He calls on us to steward them and use them to his glory

使用這些人事物 15. 如果把這些人事物放在第一順位,它

15. Once we put them ahead of God, that‘s when they become an encumbrance

們就成為我們要放下的重擔 16. 基督徒傾向於把人生隔成很多小格子

16. Christians have a tendency to compartmentalize their 17. 然後,把生活的每一個部分放進不同 lives


17. Then, we put the different parts of our lives into different compartments

19. 家庭、嗜好以及朋友等也放進其他的

18. Work is in one compartment 19. Our



18. 工作放在其中一個格子 格子裡




other 20. 上帝也放在一個格子裡


21. 我們給祂的時間可能是禮拜天早上

20. God is in another compartment

11:00 到 12:00 的敬拜

21. Our time for him is Sunday mornings from 11:00 to 12:00

22. 也許還有禮拜三晚上的團契及飯前禱 告

22. Maybe a fellowship on Wednesday evenings and grace 23. 聖經教導我們的方法是把上帝放在第 before meals


23. But the Bible teaches us is to put God first

24. (V.2)馬太福音 6:33—你們要先求他

24. (V.2) Matthew 6:33—But seek first His kingdom and


His righteousness, and all these things will be added to 25. 有些基督徒喜歡說上帝是他們生活中 you.


25. Some Christians say that God is first, family is second, and they are third or fourth

才是第三或第四優先 26. 我認為另一個比較恰當畫出基督徒生

26. I believe that a better way to illustrate the Christian life would be as follows



27. Christ should be the beginning and the end of 27. 耶穌應該是我們做的每一件事情的始 everything we do

28. When we make other things in life our priorities, we 28. 當我們把其他事情排在第一位,我們的 lose direction


29. We find that it‘s extremely difficult to obtain the 29. 我們常發現,要得到我們追求的東西是 goals that we are pursuing


30. But when we seek God first and obey him, we find that 30. 但是當我們先求上帝,也順服祂,我們 not only do we get him, we get everything else that we




31. Don‘t misunderstand me

31. 千萬不要誤會我的意思

32. God isn‘t Santa Claus and will give you whatever you 32. 神不是聖誕老公公,對你有求必應 ask for

33. 但是神真的愛你,也很想把一切好的都

33. But God loves you and wants the best for you


34. He made you and knows better than anybody what you 34. 祂是你的創造者,沒有人比祂更清楚你 need


35. But you need to seek him first, then he will give the 35. 但是你們要先尋求祂,你所需要的,祂 things that you need


36. Let‘s go back to our passage in Hebrews

36. 我們回到希伯來書的經文:

37. ―lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so

37. 放下各樣的重擔,脫去容易糾纏我們的

easily entangles us‖

38. God does not create sin or evil

38. 罪和惡不是神創造的

39. They were brought into the world by us, but he 39. 它們是我們人類帶到這個世界上的,但是 allows them to exist and he uses them for his glory 40. (V. 3) Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all

上帝允許它們存在,因為祂可以利用它們 榮耀自己

things to work together for good to those who love 40. (V. 3) 羅 8:28 我們曉得萬事都互相效 God, to those who are called according to His

力,叫愛 神的人得益處,就是按他旨意被



41. We can say ―I love you, God‖ all we like, but what 41. 我們可能會說:―神,我愛你,‖但光說有 does that mean?


42. God will do with you what he did with Abraham. He will want you to prove your love and faith for him


42. 神會要你跟亞伯拉罕一樣,證明你對祂的 愛和信心

43. We are drawn by sin and other things like money, 43. 我們很容易被各種誘惑,如金錢、異 power, and sex


44. He allows these other things to compete for our 44. 神允許這些誘惑存在,以引起我們的 attention


45. We have to choose every day between temptations and 45. 我們每天都在誘惑與上帝之間做選擇 him

46. 上帝希望我們會選擇祂,我們會常常

46. God wants us to choose him, but we will often make the wrong choices

做錯選擇 47. 但是隨著我們在基督裡成長,我們應

47. but as we progress in our Christian walk, we should


choose him more and more

48. 這段經文說罪很容易纏著我們

48. The scripture says that sin so easily entangles us

49. 我們每一個人都很清楚罪非常容易讓

49. We all know very clearly that sin trips us up so very


easily, don‘t we?

50. 上帝知道我們會犯罪,這是人類的天

50. God knows that we will sin. It‘s part of our natural


51. 祂很清楚罪很容意糾纏著我們

51. He knows that sin so easily entangles us

52. 而當我們犯罪的時候,神不會恨我

52. And when we sin, he doesn‘t hate us and isn‘t angry with us

們,也不會生我們的氣 53. 祂是我們的天父,我們是祂的子女

53. He is our father and we are his children

54. 祂不是在上面等著看我們跌倒,然後

54. He‘s not waiting for us to fall, so that he can punish us


55. He only wants us to stand up again and continue 55. 祂只想要我們重新站起來,繼續朝祂走去 trying to walk toward him

56. 千萬記得,不管你做什麼,神不會多愛你一

56. You have to understand that no matter what you 81


do, God couldn‘t love you any more or any less

57. 我認為我們的言行舉止和思想,可以討神歡

57. I believe that he can be pleased or not pleased by our words, thoughts, and actions

喜或不歡喜 58. 但是祂是我們天父,祂不會因為我們跌到而

58. But he is our heavenly Father. He doesn‘t hate us or get angry when we fall down

生氣或不喜歡我們 59. 但是跟任何一個父親一樣,祂當然會希望我

59. But like any father, he does want us to get better,


to grow, and to be more and more like him


60. Isn‘t that a good reason alone to keep ―our eyes

60. 光是這個理由就已經足夠讓我們目不轉睛

fixed on Jesus‖?


61. Let‘s go on to the phrase ―cloud of witnesses‖ 這 61. 我們回去看今天的經文:―這許多的見證 許多的見證人,如同雲彩圍著我們


62. I don‘t agree with the Chinese translation here

62. 原文的意思不全是圍著我們的意思

63. Clouds of witnesses means that there are

63. 雲彩還表示數量很多的意思,所以意思是說

tremendous amounts of witnesses, so many that


you can‘t count them


64. Who is in the ―cloud of witnesses‖? Angels surely, but 64. 這些證人是誰呢?當然有天使,除了 who else, I wonder.


65. Our planet is at the center of the universe

65. 我也不清楚,但是這個地球是宇宙的

66. And everybody in the universe is watching intently as God‘s plan unfolds on earth

中心 66. 而這些證人都在密切注意神在地球上

67. That‘s another great reason to keep our eyes on Jesus.


We don‘t want to bring shame to him because of our 67. 這麼多證人在看,我認為這是另一個 actions


68. Back to our verse: ―For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.‖

不要讓我們因不妥當的言行舉止而糟 蹋耶穌基督的名 68. 回到今天的經文:―那忍受罪人這樣頂

69. We need to frequently think on him or fix eyes on him, so as to not grow weary or lose heart

撞的你要常常思考,免得疲倦灰心‖ 69. 我們要經常默想耶穌,也就是仰望

70. If you are weary or have lost heart, you probably need 82


to look at him more, consider him more

70. 因此如果你疲倦灰心,很有可能,你

71. Another verse that says the same thing


72. (V. 4) Colossians 3:1-4 Therefore if you have been

71. 我們來看另一個經文

raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above,

72. (V. 4) 西 3:1 所以你們若真與基督

where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set


your mind on the things above, not on the things that


are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden


with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is


revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in

藏在 神裡面。基督是我們的生命,他



73. Let‘s go to our next verse


74. (V. 5) Luke 10:38-42 Now as they were traveling along, 73. 我們現在看瑪麗亞和馬大的故事 He entered a village; and a woman named Martha

74. (V. 5) 路加福音 10:38-42 他們走路

welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister called


Mary, who was seated at the Lord's feet, listening to


His word. But Martha was distracted with all her


preparations; and she came up to Him and said, "Lord,


do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the


serving alone? Then tell her to help me." But the Lord


answered and said to her, " Martha, Martha, you are


worried and bothered about so many things; but only


one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good


part, which shall not be taken away from her."


75. Mary chose the good part; she fixed her eyes on Jesus 76. Martha busied herself serving God, ―helping God,‖

75. 瑪麗亞選擇了那上好的分;她目不轉 睛地看著耶穌

77. so busy, in fact, that she forgot the most important 76. 馬大反而忙著服事神,幫助神 thing—seeking him and loving him

77. 她忙到忘記尋求神,愛神才是最重要

78. Let me tell you something. God doesn‘t need you to do anything for him… he‘s God after all

的 78. 我告訴你:神不需要你幫忙;祂是神

79. Our job is simple: Believe him, seek him, love him, trust him, obey him

79. 我們需要做的就是尋求祂,愛祂,信 祂,服從祂

80. Busying yourself with service can drown out that which 80. 太忙於服事或做其他的事會讓我們忽 is most important—your relationship with God 81. (V. 6) Psalm 27:8 When You said, "Seek My face," my heart said to You, "Your face, O LORD, I shall seek." 82. One problem keeping many people from Christ is the fact that they have their eyes on others.

略培養與神的關係才是最重要的 81. (V. 6) 詩 篇 27:8 你說:―你們要尋 求我的面!‖那時我的心對你說:―耶 和華啊!你的面我正要尋求。‖ 82. 很多人不尋求耶穌,是因為他們看的

83. They feel, ―Hey, I‘m not as bad as others. I‘m no Chen 83


Jinxing or Hitler.‖

83. 他們認為:―我不像某些人那麼壞;我

84. The problem is they are comparing themselves to the wrong one.

又不是陳進興或希特勒 84. 問題是我們和不對的人比較

85. If they compare themselves to Christ, they will realize just how far they fall short of God‘s standard 86. The more we understand how big the chasm between God and us is, the more we realize we need him 87. So take your eyes off of money, people, and yourself and fix them on Jesus

85. 如果我們把自己跟耶穌比較,我們會 知道我們離神的標準有多遠 86. 我們越了解我們與上帝之間的鴻溝有 多大,多寬,多深,我們就會更清楚 自己有多需要祂 87. 因此,不要再盯著金錢,別人或自己 看;我們要仰望耶穌


Giving over to Sin 放任墮落 1.

Written by Paul, the Book of Romans is the clearest 1. 保羅寫的羅馬書是聖經裡說明基督 explanation of Christianity in the Bible



Paul explains that we are sinners and as such, we are 2. 保羅說明我們是罪人,因此被宣判 condemned to an eternity without God



He starts with the bad news, because no one goes to a doctor unless they realize that they're sick


3. 他把醜話說在前頭,因為人要感受 到自己生病才會去看醫生

He shows us that our spiritual condition keeps us from 4. 他讓我們知道,我們的屬靈狀況使 God and says that the only cure is Jesus



Let‘s read Romans chapter 1 verses 16-32,



(V. 1) Rom. 1:16-32—For I am not ashamed of the 5. 我們來念羅馬書第一章16到32節 gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to

6. (V. 1) 羅 1:16-32—我不以福音為

everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the

恥;這福音本是 神的大能,要救一

Greek. 1 7 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed


from faith to faith; as it is written, "BUT THE

人。17 因為 神的義正在這福音上



For the


wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all


ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress

生。‖18 原來, 神的忿怒,從天上

the truth in unrighteousness,


because that which is


known about God is evident within them; for God made

是那些行不義阻擋真理的人。19 神

it evident to them.


For since the creation of the world


His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine

人心裡,因為 神已經給他們顯明。

nature, have been clearly seen, being understood

20 自從造天地以來, 神的永能和

through what has been made, so that they are without

神 性明明是 可知的, 雖是眼不 能



For even though they knew God, they did not


honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile

叫人無可推諉。21 因為他們雖然知

in their speculations, and their foolish heart was

道 神,卻不把祂當作 神榮耀他,



Professing to be wise, they became fools,

也 不感謝他 。他們的 思念變為 虛

and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for

妄,無知的心因此昏暗了。22 自以

an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds

為聰明,反成了愚拙;23 將不能朽

and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.

壞的 神的榮耀變為偶像,彷彿必朽


Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their


hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be

24 所以, 神任憑他們逞著心裡的


For they exchanged the


truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the

己的身體。25 他們將 神的真實變


dishonored among them.


creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.


For this reason God gave them over to

敬 奉那造物 的主。主 乃是可稱 頌

degrading passions; for their women exchanged the

的,直到永遠。阿們!26 因此, 神


natural function for that which is unnatural,

and in the


same way also the men abandoned the natural function

女 人把順性 的用處變 為逆性的 用

of the woman and burned in their desire toward one

處;27 男人也是如此,棄了女人順

another, men with men committing indecent acts and


receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their


error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge

上受這妄為當得的報應。28 他們既

God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind,

然故意不認識 神,神就任憑他們存

to do those things which are not proper,


being filled


with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of


envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips,





兇殺、爭競、詭詐、毒恨,30 又是

boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,



讒毀的、背後說人的、怨恨 神的











(註:或作―被 神所憎惡的‖)、侮

and although they know the ordinance of


God, that those who practice such things are worthy of

事的、違背父母的、31 無知的、背

death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty

約的、無親情的、不憐憫人的。32 他

approval to those who practice them.

們雖知道 神判定行這樣事的人是

Now, I know this is a lot of information and we could


talk about this for a long time, but I would like to point


out a few things 8.


7. 我知道剛剛這一段說了很多,而且

We see in verses 19 and 20 that everyone can know God,


because God reveals himself to them



( because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.


8. 在19和20節,他說人都可以認識

For since the


creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal

(19 神的事情,人所能知道的,原顯

power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being

明在人心裡,因為 神已經給他們顯明。

understood through what has been made, so that they are 20 自從造天地以來, 神的永能和神性 without excuse.) 9.


He reveals himself in four major ways—his creation, our 所造之物就可以曉得,叫人無可推諉。) conscience, Jesus, and the Bible, but we won‘t discuss 9. 神透過萬物、我們的良知、耶穌以 these in detail here today


10. People know in their heart of hearts that there is a God, but verses 21 and 28 show that they chose not to acknowledge God any longer

我們今天不會詳細討論這些 10. 人的內心深處都知道神的存在,但 是第21跟28節告訴我們,人選擇不

11. They chose to not honor Him or give him thanks (V. 21) 86

認識祂(V. 28)

( 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as 11. 他們選擇不榮耀祂,也不感謝祂(V. God or give thanks 28


And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any

(21 因為他們雖然知道 神,卻不當作



12. I find it especially interesting that God wants our 28 他們既然故意不認識 神) thanks

12. 神希望我們感謝祂,這點我覺得特

13. He doesn‘t just want us to remember him only when we need his help

別有意思 13. 祂不希望我們需要祂幫忙時,才尋

14. He wants to develop a relationship with each person, not to be an ATM that we only go to when we need him

求祂 14. 祂想要跟每一個人發展關係,祂不

15. They turn to philosophies and become foolish


( 21but they became futile in their speculations, and their


foolish heart was darkened. became fools)

Professing to be wise, they 15. 他們的思念變為虛妄,他們也變得愚 昧


16. Their hearts were darkened and they exchanged the (21他們的思念變為虛妄,無知的心就昏 truth of God for a lie

暗了。22 自稱為聰明,反成了愚拙)

17. They chose to worship and serve the creature rather 16. 他們的心變得黑暗,他們用謊言換 than the Creator

取真神 17. 他們選擇敬拜服事造物,而非造物 主

( 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and (25 他們將 神的真實變為虛謊,去敬拜事奉 worshiped and served the creature rather than the 受造之物,不敬奉那造物的主。) 18. 上帝給我們敬拜的慾望,不管我們喜不喜

Creator, who is blessed forever.) 18. God created us to worship and whether we like it or not, we will worship something

歡,我們都會找東西敬拜 19. 而如果敬拜的不是造物主,那麼你敬拜的

19. And if you don‘t worship the Creator, you are worshiping the created

就是受造物 20. 因為只有上帝不是被創造的

20. Because only God wasn‘t created

21. 而敬拜是什麼意思?敬拜就是愛慕、尊

21. And what does worship mean? It means adore, respect, honor

重、榮耀 22. 換言之,最貼近你心裡的人事物,就是你


22. In other words, you worship the thing that is closest to your heart

崇拜的對象 23. 比如,金錢,權力,工作,性愛,名譽,

23. It could be money, power, work, sex, fame, things, success… it can be just about anything

東西,成功都有可能 24. 那麼,我們來複習一下,請注意其中的順

24. So let‘s review and please notice the order

25. God made himself known to man

25. 神顯現自己給人看

26. Man knew God, but refused to acknowledge him or

26. 人也知道有神,但是不願意承認祂,不願

thank him


27. As a result, man‘s mind became dark and he turned to philosophies

27. 結果,人的心就變昏暗,意念變為虛妄 28. 接下來,他們尋求並敬拜其他的人事物,

28. Then he pursued and worshipped other things instead of God

不敬拜上帝 29. 再來這部分我覺得最有意思

29. Now, here‘s the part I find most interesting

30. 上帝做了什麼回應?

30. What did God do in response?

31. 保羅告訴我們三遍,上帝放任人去犯罪

31. Paul tells us three times that God gave them over

32. (V. 2) 1:24—神任憑他們逞著心裡的情慾

to sin


32. (V. 2)—1:24 God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts

33. (V. 3)—1:26神任憑他們放縱可羞恥的情 慾。

33. (V. 3)—1:26 God gave them over to degrading 34. (V. 4) 1:28—他們既然故意不認識 神,神 passions


34. (V. 4) 1:28—God gave them over to a depraved mind

事 35. 上帝創造人,目的是與我們建立關係,但

35. God created man for relationship, but he wants a relationship based on free will

是祂希望我們與祂的關係是奠定在自由意 志的基礎上

(God gave us a heart of worship)

(But free will lets us choose WHAT we worship) 36. If God let himself be seen physically, we would 36. 如果上帝讓我們親眼見到祂,我們會因恐懼 be forced out of fear to worship him


37. So God hid himself, but left just enough clues 37. 於是,上帝讓我們看不到祂,但是祂留下足 that anybody who wants him can find him



38. God never forces us to believe in him or to love him

38. 上帝從不強迫人信祂、愛祂

39. It would be pointless, because forced love is not love 39. 這不會有什麼意義,因為被強迫的 at all


40. Real love must be demonstrated; that is why he sent his Son

40. 真正的愛必須表現出來,也因此神派 了祂的兒子來

41. Everything Christ did was to show us his love 42. But God knows that we need to realize our need for him through our own experience

41. 耶穌做的一切都是為了顯現祂的愛給 我們看 42. 但是上帝知道我們需要透過自己的經

43. so he gave us over to sin and let us wallow in it 44. Verses 29 to 31 show us what happens to people when they rebel against God

驗來了解我們需要祂 43. 於是,祂放任我們犯罪,任由我們沉 迷其中

( 29being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice;

44. 29 到 31 節指出人離開神的時候會發 生那一些事

slanderers, haters of God, insolent, (29 裝滿了各樣不義、邪惡、貪婪、惡毒, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to 滿心是嫉妒、兇殺、爭競、詭詐、毒恨, they are gossips, parents,





unloving, unmerciful)

untrustworthy, 30 又是讒毀的、背後說人的、怨恨 神 的、侮慢人的、狂傲的、自誇的、捏造惡

45. This shows how bad we become when we turn our back on God

事的、違背父母的、31 無知的、背約的、 無親情的、不憐憫人的。)

46. But did you notice that in the final verse what happens 45. 當我們背離上帝,我們有可能做出什 when we become our worst?


( and although they know the ordinance of God, that 46. 你剛剛有沒有注意到最後一節,我們 到最墮落的地步時,會做出什麼行 those who practice such things are worthy of death, they 32

not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to

為? (32 他們雖知道 神判定行這樣事的人是

those who practice them.)

47. Not only do we do bad things, we approve when others 當死的,然而他們不但自己去行,還喜歡 do bad things


48. But if and when we eventually realize that these 47. 我們不只會做壞事,也鼓勵別人做壞 things are all empty, we can make one of two choices 89

49. We can continue to wallow or we can come back to the 48. 但一旦我們終於了解到(如果我們了 Father


50. Paul tells that although we do bad things, our Father is still waiting for us to come back to him

有兩個選擇 49. 我們可以繼續沉迷於犯罪之中,或者

51. Jesus used the story of the Prodigal Son to explain the same concept.

回到天父那兒 50. 保羅說即使我們會做壞事,但是我們

52. Let‘s read it and compare it to Romans chapter 1


53. (V. 5)—Luke 15:11-32 And He said, "A man had two 51. 耶穌也用浪子回頭的故事來說明同樣 sons.


"The younger of them said to his father,

'Father, give me the share of the estate that falls to me ' So he divided his wealth between them.



的道理 52. 我們來讀這個故事,然後拿它與羅馬 書第一章做個比較

not many days later, the younger son gathered

53. (V. 5)路 15:11—耶穌又說:―一個人

everything together and went on a journey into a

有兩個兒子。12 小兒子對父親說:‗父

distant country, and there he squandered his estate



with loose living. "Now when he had spent everything,

他父親就把產業分給他們。13 過了不

a severe famine occurred in that country, and he


began to be impoverished.


"So he went and hired


himself out to one of the citizens of that country, and

放蕩,浪費資財。14 既耗盡了一切所

he sent him into his fields to feed swine.


"And he


would have gladly filled his stomach with the pods that

苦起來。15 於是去投靠那地方的一個

the swine were eating, and no one was giving anything

人,那人打發他到田裡去放豬。16 他

to him.


"But when he came to his senses, he said,


'How many of my father's hired men have more than

人給他。17 他醒悟過來,就說:‗我

enough bread, but I am dying here with hunger!




will get up and go to my father, and will say to him,

在這裡餓死嗎?18 我要起來,到我父

"Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your




I am no longer worthy to be called your son;

make me as one of your hired men."'


天,又得罪了你;19 從今以後,我不

"So he got up


and came to his father. But while he was still a long

吧!‘20 於是起來,往他父親那裡

way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for



him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. "And


the son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against

親嘴。21 兒子說:‗父親!我得罪了

heaven and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be


called your son.'


"But the father said to his slaves,

稱為你的兒子。‘22 父親卻吩咐僕人

'Quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him, and


put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet;




bring the fattened calf, kill it, and let us eat and

他腳上,23 把那肥牛犢牽來宰了,



for this son of mine was dead and has 90

我們可以吃喝快樂。24 因為我這個

come to life again; he was lost and has been found.'


And they began to celebrate.


54. The son tells his father that he wants to leave and he 54. 兒子對父親說,他想離開,想要隨心 wants to live life his own way


55. The father is sad, but he allows him to go

55. 父親雖然傷心,但還是讓他走了

56. The father ―gives the son over to sin‖

56. 父親―放任兒子去犯罪‖

57. He does this to give his son the opportunity to realize 57. 他這麼做是為了給兒子機會,讓他透 his need for the father through personal experience


58. The son goes off and lives it up, but in verse 16, he 58. 兒子離開後就盡情享樂,但是第16節 eventually finds himself with the pigs


59. Did you notice what he is eating?

59. 你有沒有注意到他在吃什麼呢?

60. He‘s filling his belly with the pods that pigs eat

60. 他用豬吃的豆莢來填飽肚子

61. The pods are just shells. They are empty like the 61. 豆莢只是殼,如同這個世界的東西一般,空 things of this world


62. The son finally realizes his condition and he 62. 兒子最後理解到自己的處境,然後就想起他 remembers his father‘s house


63. I like the way Jesus describes this

63. 接下來耶穌用來描述這件事的那句話,我很

64. He says that he ―came to his senses‖


65. In other words, the son was out of his mind 64. 祂說兒子―醒悟過來‖ before

65. 換言之,兒子原本神智不清 91

66. When we are pursuing the things of this world, 66. 也就是說,當我們追求這個世界的事物時, we‘re actually out of our minds


67. Jesus said in Matthew 16:26—

67. 耶穌在馬太福音第16章第26節曾說過—

68. (V. 6)—"What will it do if you gain the whole world 68. (V. 6) 太 16:26—人若賺得全世界,賠 and lose your soul?"


69. Giving your life to something created instead of the Creator is empty and foolish

69. 奉獻你的生命給受造物而不給造物主, 是空虛和愚昧的

70. No thing, no achievement, no position can compare 70. 沒有任何東西、成就或身份能比得上祂 to what he offers


71. And what he offers is himself

71. 而祂要給我們的就是祂自己

72. The more we pursue him, the more we realize that 72. 我們越尋求祂,就越能發現只有祂可以 only he can satisfy our deepest wants


73. (V. 7)—John 14:21–"He who has My commandments 73. (V. 7) 約 14:21—有了我的命令又遵守 and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who


loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love

愛他, 我也要愛他,並且要向他顯現。‖

him and will disclose Myself to him."

74. 如果你這麼做,我會愛你,也會顯現我

74. If you do these things, I will love you and reveal myself to you

自己給你 75. 兒子醒悟過來之後說了什麼呢?

75. After the son came to his senses, what did he say?

76. 他說:―我要到我父親那裡去‖ (18節)

76. He said, "I will go to my father" (V. 18)

77. 注意,他先醒悟過來,接著說:我要回

77. Note that he first came to his senses and then he said, ―I‘ll return to my father‖



78. If you think about it, isn‘t that this central theme of the Bible?

78. 如果你仔細想這個問題,這不就是聖經的 中心主題嗎?

79. Our Father gave Adam and Eve and the whole 79. 我們的天父放任亞當跟夏娃以及全世界的 world over to sin


80. He let everyone pursue the empty things of this 80. 祂放任每一個人去追求這個世界空虛的東 world, hoping that some would come to their senses

西,希望有些人會醒悟過來 81. 希望有些人會了解到他們需要祂,而且跟

81. Hoping that some would realize their need for him and come back to him like the Prodigal Son

浪子回頭的故事裡面的兒子一樣,會回到 祂那邊

82. What's the thing that's closest to your heart?

82. 最貼近你心裡的東西是什麼?

83. Are you filling your belly with empty pods?

83. 你是否以空虛的豆莢充飢?

84. Isn‘t it time to come to your senses and return to

84. 你醒悟過來並回到父親家的時候是不是到

the Father‘s house?



God‘s Dilemma 上帝的困境 1.

Today, I‘d like to talk about God‘s dilemma

1. 我今天想談一談上帝面臨的難題


As Christians, we have to understand that God 2. 作為基督徒,我們需要了解上帝曾面臨左 faced a dilemma



On the one hand, God is perfect and just

3. 一方面,上帝既完美又公義


On the other, He created us for relationship with 4. 另一方面,祂為了和我們建立關係而創造 him



But because of the Fall, we are sinners

5. 但是因為人類的墮落,我們都成了罪人


As such, we are imperfect and cannot remain in his

6. 因此,我們不能與他同在


7. 羅馬書的頭七章就是在說明上帝所面臨的


The first seven chapters of Romans explain the

困境,比如,在羅馬書三章 25 節我們念

dilemma faced by God. For example, we read in

Romans 3:23 8.

8. (V. 1)羅 3:23—因為世人都犯了罪,虧缺

(V. 1) Romans 3:23—―All have fallen short of the glory of God.‖


了 神的榮耀 9. 「虧缺了」 ,在希臘文的意思是「沒有達到

In the Greek, the phrase is ―miss the mark or standard‖

目標或標準」 10. 就像射箭,箭還沒碰到箭靶,就掉到地上

10. As in an arrow falling short of a target or standard

11. In the same way, we fall short of the standard of God‘s 11. 同樣的,我們也達不到神完美的標 perfection

12. Imagine everyone on the planet trying to reach the moon by jumping

12. 想像世界上每一個人都試著用跳的 方式到月球


13. Obviously, we‘d never make it

13. 顯然的,沒有半個人做得到

14. Some might jump half a meter high

14. 有的人可能有辦法跳半公尺高

15. Others might jump really, really high… maybe two 15. 有的人可能可以跳得更高更高… 甚至跳到 meters


16. That may be impressive by human standards, but 16. 從人類的標準來看,那已經很厲害了,但是 compared to the height of the moon, it‘s nothing


17. In the same way, God‘s standard is totally out of 17. 同理,我們很難只靠我們自己的努力,就達 our reach using our own efforts


18. No matter how high we jump, we can never reach 18. 我們就算跳得再高,也無法只透過自己的努 it using our own efforts


19. Here is the dilemma with which God is faced:

19. 神因此面臨了這樣的兩難:

20. How can he justify the unjust, while remaining 20. 祂要如何使不義的稱義,卻又不違背自己的 just himself?


21. You have to remember, He cannot forgive sin and 21. 你要記得,祂無法赦免罪卻又同時維持公義 remain just

22. 這麼做相當於把靶子拉近一點,好讓我們擊

22. He would simply be moving the closer so that we


could hit it

23. That would be ―nice‖ by human standards, but it 23. 以人類的標準來看,祂這樣做是很善良 wouldn‘t be just


24. And justice, like love, is part of God‘s unchanging 24. 而正如同神就是愛,祂也是公義,這是 character


25. We have to remember that God forgives sinners, but 25. 我們也要記住,神所赦免的是罪人,但 he doesn't forgive sin


26. As sinners, he forgives us if we accept his gift of grace, but our sins still have to be paid for

26. 如果我們接受祂的恩典,祂就會赦免我 們這些罪人,但是我們罪還是要付出代

27. That‘s why the sinless Jesus had to die on the cross 28. He did it to satisfy the justice of God

價 27. 正因如此,從未犯罪的耶穌需要死在十

29. That‘s what it means when we say he ―paid for our sins‖

字架上 28. 祂這麼做就是要滿足神的公義

30. No religion solves this dilemma except Christianity 95

29. 這也就是所謂的「他為我們贖罪」

31. God‘s solution is explained starting in the eighth 30. 除了基督教以外,沒有一個宗教能夠突 chapter of Romans


32. The gospel of grace is amazing

31. 羅馬書從第八章就開始解釋神的解決

33. It allows God to maintain his perfection and holiness, while still offering grace and forgiveness to us

之道 32. 神恩典的福音真是偉大

34. You might ask, ―How can God be both just and justify 33. 它使得神能夠維持完美與神聖,同時, us?‖


35. The only solution is to make us perfect

34. 你可能會問:「祂如何在維持公義的情

36. Since we cannot perfect ourselves, he is the one who perfects us

形之下使不義的人稱義?」 35. 唯一的辦法就是讓我們變成完美無瑕

37. There are only two ways to get into heaven


38. First, living a perfect life in thought, word, and deed 39. And I think all of us can admit that we're not doing very well in that area

36. 但是我們無法透過自己的力量成為完 美無瑕的人,因此祂使我們完美無瑕 37. 進天國只有兩個辦法

40. We all ―miss the mark‖

38. 第一個方法是,無論在思想、言語或行

41. The other way is to receive the life of the one who did lead a perfect life in thought, word, and deed 42. (V. 2) If righteousness could be obtained through the law, then Christ died needlessly—Galatians 2:21 43. If religious work systems could do the job

動方面,都過著完美無缺的生活 39. 但我想我們都必須承認,自己在這方面 做得不太好 40. 我們都「虧缺了」 41. 另一個辦法,就是接受那位唯一在思

44. If we could make ourselves perfect somehow


45. Then why on earth would Christ need to come and die

on the cross?

42. (V. 2) 義若是藉著律法得的,基督就是

46. If we could do the job ourselves, then Christ died needlessly

徒然死了—加 2:21 43. 如果宗教可以使我們達到神的標準

47. If his death was not necessary, then we could say that 44. 如果我們有辦法讓自己完美無瑕 all ways lead to God

45. 那麼,耶穌到底為什麼要來到世間,然

48. but if it is not possible for us to earn our way into heaven

後釘死在十字架上呢? 46. 如果我們靠自己就可以功德圓滿,那

49. If it requires that somebody pay the price for sin


50. If it is not possible by our own efforts to achieve 47. 如果祂的死並不是必要的,我們就可以 God‘s standard of righteousness


51. then Christ is the only savior I know

48. 但是既然我們無法讓自己配得上天國

52. (V. 3) John 14:6: No One Comes To the Father, But

49. 既然必須有人付出罪的代價

Through Me

50. 既然我們無法靠自己的努力達到神公

53. The word justify means ―to declare righteous‖ 54. We are on trial before the judge of the universe

義的標準 51. 那麼,耶穌就是我所知道的唯一救世主

55. When asked, many Christians have no clear answer to 52. (V. 3) 約 14:6 耶穌說:我就是道路、 96

the question—Why did Jesus die?


56. They might say something like, ―Well, he died for me‖


or ―He died for my sins‖ or ―He died to pay for my

53. 『稱義』就是『宣布公義的』的意思


54. 我們在宇宙的審判者面前接受審判

57. But they have never really thought about why Jesus 55. 很 多基 督徒 被問 到『 耶穌 為什 麼要 had to die


58. When God sees that we are covered by the blood of Christ, he declares our sins paid for

56. 他們可能會說:『祂為我死』、『祂為我 的罪而死』或『祂為救贖我的罪而死』

59. and his demand for justice is satisfied

57. 但是他們並沒有好好的想清楚,耶穌為

60. (V. 4) Romans 4:1-8—What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, has 2

什麼需要死 58. 當神看到我們的罪已經由耶穌的寶血

found? For if Abraham was justified by works, he has


something to boast about, but not before God. 3 For


what does the Scripture say? ―ABRAHAM BELIEVED 59. 而祂所要求的正義也已經完滿 GOD, AND IT WAS CREDITED TO HIM AS 4

60. (V. 4) 羅 4:1—如此說來,我們的祖宗

RIGHTEOUSNESS.‖ Now to the one who works, his


wage is not credited as a favor, but as what is due.



But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him

只是在 神面前並無可誇。經上說甚麼

who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as

呢?說:―亞伯拉罕信 神,這就算為他

righteousness, blessing



just as David also speaks of the








為義的 神,他的信就算為義。正如大


衛稱那在行為以外蒙 神算為義的人是








righteousness apart from works:





61. He justified us with his death

61. 祂因著祂的死亡稱我們為義

62. He paid that price with his blood

62. 祂藉著祂的血付出罪的代價

63. Let me share with you a little story

63. 我在這裡跟各位分享一個故事

64. A little boy makes a boat

64. 一個小男孩做了一艘船

65. He loves the little boat with all his heart

65. 小男孩全心全意愛惜那艘船


66. He takes it to a river near his home and puts it in the water

66. 他走到家附近的河邊,把船放到水 裡

67. but the boat floats down river and the boy can't get it 67. 但是那艘船順流而下漂走了,他抓 out of the water


68. The boy goes home without the boat and with a broken heart

68. 小男孩帶著破碎的心,兩手空空的 回到家裡

69. Several months later, when the boy walks by a store 69. 幾個月後,小男孩經過一個模型玩具 that sells models, he sees his boat in the window 70. He tells the owner of the store, "Sir, that boat in the window is mine. I made it. Please give it back to me.‖ 71. The store owner says, ―I found that boat. It is mine. If you want it, you have to buy it."

店,他看到他的船在櫥窗裡 70. 於是他對老闆說: 『老闆,櫥窗裡的船 是我的,是我自己做的。請你還給我。』 71. 老闆對他說: 『船是我撿到的,是我的。 如果你想要,你就必須付錢買。』

72. The little boy ran home broke his piggy bank and 72. 於是,小男孩跑著回家,打破了他的小豬 bought all the money back to the store with him



73. He handed all his money to the store owner and said, 73. 他把所有的錢交給老闆,說: 『請你把船 "Please give me back my boat now."


74. He tells the boat, ―Now you are twice mine!‖

74. 他對船說:「你現在就加倍屬於我」

75. Once because I created you; once because I 75. 既因為是我造的,又因為是我買的 purchased you

76. In the same way we are twice Christ's

76. 同理,我們也加倍的屬於上帝

77. Once because he made us, once because he 77. 既因為祂創造了我們,又因為祂以祂的寶血贖 purchased us with his blood



God's Grace 神的恩典 1.

The story today was sent to me by my father




I thought it was interesting and thought I'd share it



with you in class



There once was a pastor in a small town




One Sunday morning, he came to church carrying a



rusty, old bird cage 5.


Setting it next to the pulpit, the pastor began to






I was walking through town yesterday when 6.


I saw a young boy swinging this bird cage


In the cage were three little wild birds cold and


frightened 8.

鳥籠裡有三隻小小的野鳥,又冷 又怕

I stopped the boy and asked, "What do you have there, Son?"


我攔住小孩,問他: 「小朋友,你 手裡拿的是什麼東西?」



"Just some old birds," came the reply


10. "What are you going to do with them?" I asked


10. 我問他:「你拿他們要幹嘛?」

11. He answered, "I'm going to take them home and have fun 11. 他回答: 「我要把牠們帶回家玩」 with them

12. 「我要戲弄牠們、把牠們的羽毛

12. "I'm going tease them and pull out their feathers and


make them fight

13. 「我一定會玩得很開心」

13. "I'm going to have a real good time"

14. 「但是你遲早會玩膩,那,鳥兒

14. "But you'll get tired of those birds sooner or later. What will you do then?"

怎麼辦?」 15. 男孩回答: 「喔,我們家養了幾隻

15. "Oh, I got some cats," said the little boy, "They like birds. I'll give the birds to them"

貓。牠們喜歡鳥。我會把鳥給牠 們」

16. The pastor was silent for a moment, then he asked,

16. 牧師沈默了一陣,接下來就問: 「小

"How much do you want for those birds, Son?"


17. "Huh??!!! Why, you don't want them, Mister. They're just plain old birds

17. 「咦?!先生,你不會想要這些鳥的 啦!牠們只是幾隻不起眼的老鳥。

18. They don't sing and they aren't even pretty!"

18. 「牠們不會叫,長得又醜!」

19. "How much?" the pastor asked again

19. 牧師又問:「要多少錢?」

20. The boy looked at the pastor as if he were crazy and

20. 小男孩看著牧師,彷彿他是個瘋子,

said, "$10?"

然後說:「10 元,好嗎?」

21. The pastor reached into his pocket and took out a ten dollar bill and placed it in the boy's hand

21. 牧師從口袋裡掏出十塊錢美金,放到 小男孩的手裡

22. In a flash, the boy was gone

22. 轉眼間,小男孩就不見了

23. The pastor picked up the cage and gently carried it to 23. 牧師輕輕地拿起鳥籠,然後走到附近 a nearby park


24. He set the cage down and opened the door

24. 他放下籠子,把門打開

25. He gently tapped on the bars to persuade the birds

25. 他輕輕地敲敲鐵欄,鼓勵鳥離開,讓

out and set them free

鳥獲得自由 101

26. Then the preacher began to tell this story:

26. 接下來,牧師又開始講下面的故事

27. One day Satan and Jesus were having a

27. 有一天,撒旦和耶穌在說話


28. 撒旦剛從伊甸園過來,他洋洋得意,自

28. Satan had just come from the Garden of Eden and he was gloating and boasting

吹自擂 29. 他說:「我剛獲得了整個人類

29. "I just caught a world full of people down there 30. "I set a trap, used bait I knew they couldn't resist, and I got them all!"

30. 「我設下陷阱,也用了我知道他們無法 抗拒的誘惑,他們現在都是我的!(or 把他們一網打盡!)」

31. "What are you going to do with them?" Jesus asked 31. 耶穌問他:「你拿他們要幹嘛?」 32. Satan replied, "Oh, I'm going to have fun!

32. 撒旦回答:「我會玩得很開心!」

33. "I'm going to teach them how to hate, to lie, to

33. 「我要教他們憎恨、說謊、偷竊、貪心...

steal, to be greedy...

34. 「我要教他們發明各種武器來互相殘

34. "I'm going to teach them how to invent all kinds of weapons to kill each other

殺 35. 「我會玩得很開心!」

35. "I'm really going to have fun!"

36. 「那,你玩膩了之後要拿他們怎麼辦

36. "And what will you do when you are done with them?" Jesus asked..

呢?」耶穌問他 37. 撒旦很自滿的瞪著祂說: 「殺了他們」

37. "Oh, I'll kill them," Satan glared proudly

38. 耶穌問他:「這些人你願意賣我多少

38. "How much do you want for them?" Jesus asked 39. "Oh, you don't want those people. They aren't any good

錢?」 39. 「喔,你不會要他們啦,他們不好」 40. 「如果你把他們買下來,他們也不會感

40. "Why, if you buy them, they won't be grateful


41. "They'll just hate you. They'll spit on you, curse you 41. 「他們會恨你、會吐你口水、詛咒你、 and kill you. You don't want those people!!"


42. "How much? He asked again

42. 耶穌又問他:「你要多少?」 102

43. Satan looked at Jesus and sneered, "All your blood, 43. 撒旦看著耶穌竊笑: 「你的血、你的淚, tears and your life"


44. Jesus said, "It's a deal!" Then he paid the price

44. 耶穌說:「成交!」然後付出代價

45. The pastor then picked up the cage and walked

45. 牧師拿起鳥籠,離開了講台

from the pulpit


God Reveals Himself through his Word 神藉著祂的道顯現自己 1. We‘ll be considering two questions today

1. 我們今天要討論兩個問題

(Write on board)

2. 第一,上帝為什麼不乾脆顯現自己給我們

2. 1. Why doesn‘t just God show himself?


3. 2. Why are both Jesus and the Bible called the Word?

3. 第二,為什麼耶穌和聖經都叫做「道」?

4. We mentioned before that God created us to have a 4. 我們之前說過神創造人,目的是跟我們建 relationship with us, to love and be loved by him


5. If he just showed himself to us, we could all love him and 5. 那麼,如果祂顯現自己給我們看,我們大 worship him


6. Wouldn‘t that be much easier?

6. 那不是簡單多了嗎?

7. Some atheists and agnostics say that if God just showed 7. 有的無神論者和不可知論者說,只要神顯 himself, they would believe


8. but is that true?

8. 但是真的是這樣嗎?

9. How many people witnessed the miracles performed by 9. 有多少人親眼目睹了摩西以及各個先知 Moses and other prophets and did not believe?


10. God led many Israelites out of Egypt, but they grumbled 10. 上帝帶領了多少以色列人出埃及,但是他 endlessly, and worshiped other gods


11. How many people heard Jesus speak but did not believe? 11. 有多少人曾經聆聽過耶穌的話語,但他們 12. (V. 1) John 7:5 For not even His brothers were believing in Him.

還是不信? 12. (V. 1) 約翰福音 7:5—因為連他的弟兄說

13. Even his brothers who grew up with him and knew him all


their lives and knew about his miracles did not believe in 13. 就連跟耶穌一起長大、認識祂也知道祂行 him


14. so seeing is not necessarily believing

14. 因此,眼見不一定為憑

15. Believing has more to do with our attitude and desire to 15. 重要的是我們的態度,我們是否想要尋求 seek him


16. God could simply appear in all his glory in front of all 16. 上帝當然可以在全人類面前顯現祂的榮 mankind


17. It would be a frightening experience for us

17. 祂如果這麼做,我們將會感到無比的恐懼


18. All humans would believe in him and worship him, but I 18. 這麼一來,人們都會信祂、崇拜祂,但是 believe we would do so, because we would have no choice 19. We would be worshiping him out of fear, not out of love

我認為我們會這麼做是因為我們沒有選 擇

20. but a relationship based on fear isn‘t a good 19. 我們的崇拜會出自於恐懼,而不是愛 relationship

20. 但是出自於恐懼的關係,並不是一種良好

21. So God was faced with a dilemma


22. He created humans to love him, but he doesn‘t want to force us to love him, because love that is forced is not true love

21. 因此,神就面臨了兩難 22. 祂創造人,目的是希望我們愛祂,但是祂 又不想強迫我們愛祂,因為被強迫的愛,

23. Here‘s how he resolved that dilemma


24. Although God hasn‘t shown himself to us in all his glory, he has revealed himself in many ways

23. 我現在告訴你祂怎麼化解這個兩難 24. 雖然神並沒有以滿是榮光的自己出現在

25. He has done so in a general way and in specific ways


26. Let‘s look at Romans


27. (V. 2) Romans 1:19-20 that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.

25. 祂透過一般的方式和特定的方式來顯現 自己

For since the creation of the world His invisible 26. 我們來看羅馬書 attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have

27. (V. 2) 羅馬書 1:19-20—神的事情,人所

been clearly seen, being understood through what has


been made,


28. So creation has enough evidence to show that he exists


29. In the plants, animals, in the stars, in humans


30. If you see a painting, you know there was a painter


31. If you see a watch, you know there was a watchmaker 32. If you look at the universe, you should know that there is a creator

28. 也就是說,萬物具有足夠的證據證明祂存 在 29. 例如植物、動物、星辰、人類

33. But many look at the universe, but refuse to acknowledge him

30. 假如你看到一幅畫,你便知道有畫家存在 31. 如果你看到手錶,你也知道有鐘錶匠

34. Many even worship the created rather than the creator 32. 當我們看宇宙時,我們就應該知道有創造 35. God has also shown himself in specific ways

者的存在 105

36. Let‘s read the first few verses of Hebrews

33. 但是很多人看著宇宙,卻還是拒絕承認祂

37. (V. 3) Hebrews 1:1 God, after He spoke long ago to the


fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many

34. 許多人甚至崇拜創造物而不崇拜創造者


35. 上帝也透過比較特殊的方式顯明自己

38. What were some of those ways?

36. 我們來看希伯來書的頭幾節

39. The columns of smoke, the columns of fire, visions, 37. (V. 3) 希伯來書 1:1—神既在古時藉著眾 miracles, his prophets


40. He has also revealed himself in two more ways

38. 祂藉由哪些方式呢?

41. Let‘s continue reading Hebrews

39. 煙柱、火燭、異象、神蹟、先知等

42. (V. 4) Hebrews 1:2-3a—God, after He spoke long ago to 40. 祂也透過另外兩種方式顯現自己 the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in 41. 我們繼續看希伯來書 many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His 42. (V. 4) 希伯來書 1:2-3a—1 神在古時候, Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through


whom also He made the world. And He is the radiance of


His glory and the exact representation of His nature


43. God has revealed himself in many ways, but most

受者,並且藉著他創造了宇宙。3 他是神

importantly he has revealed himself in his son


44. If you want to know what God is like, look at his son 45. (V. 5) Hebrews 1:3a—He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature

43. 神曾透過各種方式顯現自己,但最重要的 是,祂藉由祂的兒子顯現自己 44. 如果你想知道上帝是什麼樣子,看祂的兒

46. That is why Jesus said in John 14


47. (V. 6) John 14:7-9 "If you had known Me, you would 45. (V. 5) 希伯來書 1:2-3a—他是神榮耀的光 have known My Father also; from now on you know Him,


and have seen Him." Philip said to him, "Lord, show us 46. 這是為什麼耶穌在約翰福音第十四章說 the Father, and it is enough for us." 9 Jesus said to him,

"Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know

47. (V. 6) 約翰福音 14:7-9—如果你們認識

me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.


How can you say, 'Show us the Father'?

識他,並且看見了他。‖8 腓力說:―主啊,

48. From nature to his son Jesus, God has provided a great deal of the evidence

請把父顯示給我們,我們就滿足了。‖9 耶 穌說:―腓力,我跟你們在一起這麼久了,

49. He has provided us enough information to make an informed choice

你還不認識我嗎?那看見了我的就是看 見了父,你怎麼還說‗把父顯示給我們‘呢?

50. We can decide to seek him or not to seek him, to love him or not to love him

48. 從大自然到祂的兒子耶穌,神已經提供了 非常多的證據

51. Because love is a choice; it‘s a decision, it cannot be 49. 祂給我們足夠的資訊作出明智的抉擇 forced

50. 我們可以選擇尋求祂或不尋求祂,選擇愛

52. He gives us just enough evidence so that those who want to seek him will find him

祂或不愛祂 51. 因為愛是一種選擇;這樣的決定是勉強不


53. and those who don‘t want to seek him will not find him


54. Many people close their hearts and minds to the idea of 52. 祂給的證據正好足以讓那些想要尋求祂 God


55. So no amount of evidence will ever convince them

53. 而那些不想尋求祂的人就不會找到祂

56. For those seeking God, there is more than enough 54. 許多人打從心裡跟理智上迴避上帝 evidence out there and they will find Him.

55. 因此就算有再多的證據,也無法說服他們

57. God is pleased when we seek him and he rewards us 56. 而對尋求神的人來說,證據很夠,而且他 when we do


58. (V. 7) Deuteronomy 4:29 ―But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.

57. 我們尋求上帝會讓祂喜悅,而且祂會賞賜 尋求祂的人 58. (V. 7) 申命記 4:29—但你們在那裡必尋

59. (V. 8) Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that

求耶和華你的神;如果你一心一意尋找 他,就必尋見。

He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. 59. (V. 8) 希伯來書 11:6—沒有信,就不能得 60. God does not want robots to worship him; he wants true lovers

到神的喜悅;因為來到神面前的人,必須 信神存在,並且信他會賞賜那些尋求他的

61. That is why in the New Testament, Christians are


referred to as children, friends, lovers, and the bride 60. 上帝不要一個機器人崇拜祂,祂要的是真 of God


62. But now that Jesus has died, risen, and ascended into 61. 這是新約之所以使用神的子女、朋友、情 heaven,


63. He‘s no longer here for us to look at and see the Father 62. 但是既然耶穌已經死、復活,也上了天堂 64. So how can we see God today?

63. 祂已經不在世上,不再讓我們看見天父的

65. Of course through the Bible… the Word of God 66. You could say that Christ showed God in a limited time in a limited place—Israel, for 3 1/2 years

樣子 64. 今天的我們如何看到上帝呢? 65. 當然是透過看聖經,也就是神的話語

67. The Bible shows us God, but is less restricted by time 66. 上帝透過耶穌基督顯現自己給世人看,但 and space


68. So if you want to learn more about God, you can read his word

67. 聖經也讓我們看見上帝,而且較不受時空 限制

69. That‘s why he gave it to us

68. 因此如果你想多了解神,你可以閱讀祂的

70. Unfortunately, most Christians don‘t spend much time in his word

話語 69. 那是祂把它賞賜給我們的關係

71. It‘s like not reading love letters sent to you by your lover

70. 可惜的是,大部分的基督徒沒有花很多的 時間在讀神的話語

72. (V. 8) 1 Thes. 2:13 And we also thank God continually

71. 這就跟不看情人寄給你的情書很像

because, when you received the word of God, which you 72. (V. 8) 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:13—我們也為 這緣故不住感謝神,因為你們接受了我們 heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, 107

but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work


in you who believe.


73. The Bible is called the word of God in this verse, but Jesus is also called the word

的人裡面。 73. 在剛剛這段經文裡,聖經被稱為神的道,

74. (V. 9) John 1:1-3, 14 In the beginning was the Word, and


the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was 74. (V. 9) 約翰福音 1:1-3, 14—太初有道,道 in the beginning with God. All things came into being


through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into


being that has come into being… 14 And the Word

一樣不是藉著他造的...14 道成了肉身,住

became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory,


glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of


grace and truth.


75. Word means many things, but I think ―message‖ is a good translation

75. 「道」的意思很多,但是我認為是「信息」 76. 在這末後的日子,神已透過祂的道顯現自

76. In these last days, he shown himself to us in his word, including his son and the Bible

己,所謂「道」包括祂的兒子跟聖經 77. 我們再談論的深入一點吧

77. Let‘s take this discussion just a little bit further 78. Sometimes we try to express things, but words are not enough

78. 有的時候,我們想要表達一件事,但是卻 詞不達意 79. 神非常複雜、非常深奧

79. God is amazingly complex and profound

80. 雖然神把聖經賞賜給我們,但是聖經沒有

80. Although God has given us the Bible, it can never really truly tell us what God is like

辦法告訴我們神真正的樣子 81. 古時候,在有玻璃鏡子之前,大家用的是

81. Years ago, before people had glass mirrors, they had bronze ones

銅鏡 82. 雖然看得到自己,但是影像卻很模糊

82. You could see yourself, but only very vaguely

83. 保羅在哥林多前書把聖經稱之為銅鏡

83. Paul calls the Bible a bronze mirror in 1 Corinthians

84. (V. 10.) 哥林多前書 13:12—我們現在是

84. (V. 10) 1 Cor 13:12For now we see in a mirror dimly, but


then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will


know fully just as I also have been fully known.


85. So today, we can see God through the Bible, but the image isn‘t clear

樣。 85. 如今,我們可以透過聖經看神,但影像卻

86. But someday, we will no longer need the Bible, because we‘ll be able to see him face to face

不清楚 86. 但是總有一天,我們不再需要聖經,因為

87. I personally look forward to that day

我們可以當面見到神 87. 我滿心期待那一天的來臨


The Good Shepherd 好牧人 1.

In John 10, Jesus uses the marvelous image of sheep and shepherds


1. 在約翰福音第十章,耶穌用了一幅動 人的畫面來描述小羊和牧人的關係

Jesus calls Himself ‗the Good Shepherd‘ which 2. 耶穌稱自己為好牧人,牧人其實就是 represents his role as leader



In the Old Testament, God shepherded Israel

3. 在舊約裡上帝牧養以色列人


In Isaiah 40:11, for example, it says,

4. 好比以賽亞書第 40 章第 11 節所說的


(V. 1) Isa. 40:11—and He tends His flock like a 5. (V. 1) 賽 40:11—他必像牧人牧養自 shepherd. In His arms He will gather the lambs and


carries them in His bosom; He gently leads those who


have young.

6. 這是個非常親密美好的比喻,不是


It is a beautiful image of intimacy, isn‘t it?


It is an image of the personal attention that God gives 7. 比喻上帝親自照顧他的選民


to His people 8. 9.

8. 神照顧、保護、尋找他的選民,甚至

God is one who cares for, protects, pursues, and


sacrifices for his people

9. 我們現在來唸約翰福音第十章

Let‘s read John 10

10. (V. 2) 約 10:1-18 我實實在在地告

10. (V. 2) John 10:1-18 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who


does not enter by the door into the fold of the sheep,


but climbs up some other way, he is a thief and a



robber. "But he who enters by the door is a shepherd


of the sheep. 3 "To him the doorkeeper opens, and the


sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by


name and leads them out. 4 "When he puts forth all his


own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him



because they know his voice. "A stranger they simply


will not follow, but will flee from him, because they do


not know the voice of strangers."


This figure of


speech Jesus spoke to them, but they did not


understand what those things were which He had been



saying to them. So Jesus said to them again, "Truly, 8


truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. "All


who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the



sheep did not hear them. "I am the door; if anyone


enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and



out and find pasture.


"The thief comes only to steal


and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life,


and have it abundantly. 1 1 "I am the good shepherd; the


good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.




who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who is not the


owner of the sheep, sees the wolf coming, and leaves


the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and


scatters them.


"He flees because he is a hired hand


and is not concerned about the sheep. 1 4 "I am the good


shepherd, and know My own and My own know Me,




even as he Father knows Me and I know the Father;

and I lay down My life for the sheep.


"I have other


sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them


also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become


one flock with one shepherd.


"For this reason the

Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I

11. 以色列曾經擁有過好牧人,但是也有 過假牧人

may take it again. 18 "No one has taken it away from Me, 12. 以色列和基督教的歷史上,都曾經出 but I lay it down on My own initiative I have authority


to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again 13. 因此,耶穌以好牧人比喻自己,應該 This commandment I received from My Father." 11. There were good shepherds of the people of Israel, but there were also false shepherds

不令人意外 14. 這絕非偶然 15. 一個好牧人需要保護他的羊

12. There have been false shepherds throughout the histories of Israel and Christianity

16. 秋冬兩季的時候,只有平地才有草 17. 而春夏之際,山上會長出新的草

13. Therefore, it should be no surprise that Jesus used the metaphor of Him being the good shepherd 14. This is not accidental

18. 要在山上與平地之間來回,牧人必須 帶領小羊經過許多危險的地方 19. 事實上,要當一個誠摯的牧人並不簡

15. You see, a good shepherd would need to protect his sheep

單 20. 因為到處充斥著各種威脅,比如掠食

16. In the winter and fall, grass would be available only in the lowlands

的野生動物和盜賊,有時候也會面臨 飲水、食物匱乏的情形

17. In spring and summer, new grass would grow on the 21. 沒有牧人的帶領和保護,小羊就很危 mountains

18. To get back and forth, the shepherd would have to lead 22. 說實話,這個描述神與人關係的比喻 his sheep through dangerous places


19. In fact, it is no easy task to be a faithful shepherd. 20. There are all kinds of dangers, wild animals, thieves, lack of food and water

23. 在人生的道路上,他餵養我們、保護 我們、引領我們 24. 這讓我想到詩篇第 23 章,那是個非


21. It would be dangerous unless a shepherd guided and protected the sheep

常溫馨的畫面 25. (V. 3) 詩 23:1-6 耶和華是我的牧

22. These are wonderful images, really, of God and his relationship to us

者,我必不至缺乏。他使我躺臥在青 草地上,領我在可安歇的水邊。他使

23. He feeds us and protects us and guides us in our own journeys through life

我的靈魂甦醒,為自己的名引導我走 義路。我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷,也不

24. And I see the image of Psalm 23, which so beautifully illustrates this

怕遭害,因為你與我同在;你的杖, 你的竿,都安慰我。在我敵人面前,

25. (V. 3) Psalm 23:1-6—The LORD is my shepherd, I shall 2


not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He


leads me beside quiet waters. 3 He restores my soul; He


guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name's


sake. 4 Even though I walk through the valley of the 26. 直至今日,中東的牧人還是會搭起一 shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.



You 27. 上面放一些長滿荊棘的灌木叢來保

prepare a table before me in the presence of my


enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup 28. 晚上不同牧人的羊群會放在同一個 overflows. 6 Surely goodness and loving-kindness will


follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the 29. 圍牆中間只有一個門可以進出 house of the LORD forever.

30. 羊圈外有一個守門人,在晚上看守羊

26. Even today in the Middle East, shepherds make small stone walls

群 31. 早上,牧人會來羊圈呼喚自己的羊群

27. and then they put some thorny bushes on top of that to protect the sheep

32. 他的羊會抬起頭來,跟隨他的聲音 33. 其他的小羊會留在羊圈裡

28. several flocks belonging to different shepherds are put together in one pen at night

34. 認識牧人的聲音很重要 35. 一個好牧人會盡責照顧自己的羊

29. There is only one gate to allow you to come and go 30. and there is be a doorkeeper to watch the sheep at night

36. 他一出聲呼喚,他的羊就會跟上去, 不需要驅趕牠們 37. 因此,聖經說到綿羊跟山羊的差別

31. In the morning, a shepherd comes and calls his flock

38. 綿羊會跟著牧人,山羊則需要驅趕

32. His sheep raise up their heads and follow his voice

39. 作為一隻好的小羊,你必須學會分辨

33. The others will remain in the pen


34. Knowing the voice of that shepherd is very important.

40. 你最好學會聆聽正牌牧人的聲音,因

35. A good shepherd is takes care of his sheep faithfully


36. He calls and the sheep follow. He doesn‘t drive them


37. That is why the Bible talks of sheep and goats 38. Sheep follow, while goats need to be driven

41. 聖經裡頭形容我們是綿羊,這其實不 是一種稱讚

39. As a good sheep, you need to learn to listen and 42. 因為羊的依賴性很重 111

recognize the voice of the shepherd

43. 小羊很可愛,但不是很聰明

40. The best thing you can do is learn to listen to the true

44. 牠們常常迷路

voice, because false leaders can lead us down the 45. 而且,小羊吃草的時候,如果沒有偶 wrong paths


41. Being called sheep is not exactly a compliment in Scripture.

很容易越走越遠 46. 牠們很脆弱,無法保護自己

42. Sheep are really totally dependent

47. 牠們並沒有銳利的牙齒或爪子

43. They are cute little things, but they really aren‘t very 48. 牠們既不強壯,又跑不快 bright

49. 事實上,牠們胖嘟嘟的,肉質鮮美,

44. They constantly get lost


45. And if they eat without looking back for the shepherd

50. 假如掉到洞裡面,也沒辦法自己出來

occasionally, they might move away from him if they

51. 牠們笨到連自己的水都會弄髒

are not careful

52. 我也聽說,如果小羊會習慣性走丟

46. They are vulnerable, they can‘t defend themselves

53. 牧人為了牠好,只好打斷牠的腿

47. They don‘t have sharp teeth or claws

54. 牧人會把小羊背在自己的肩膀上,一

48. They don‘t run fast and they are not strong 49. In fact, they are fat, tasty, and easy to catch 50. They fall in holes and can‘t get out

直到小羊的腿痊癒 55. 在這段期間,小羊會跟牧者培養出一 種親密關系

51. They‘re so dumb that they dirty up their own water

56. 牠慢慢學會依賴牧人,信靠牧人

52. I‘ve also heard that if a sheep has a habit of wandering 57. 小羊的腿痊癒後,牧人會把牠放下, off


53. For it‘s own good, a shepherd might break its legs 54. then he carries it around on his shoulders as its legs heals

58. 小羊再也不會走遠,反而會緊跟著牧 人 59. 羊有很多種

55. As the shepherd carries it around on his shoulders, the sheep develops a bond with him

60. 不 聰 明 的可 能 只 會遠 遠 的跟 著 牧 人,但這樣很容易被攻擊、偷走,或

56. It learns to depend on him and trust him


57. After its legs heal, the shepherd puts it down and it 61. 還有一些羊不直接跟著牧人 follows him around naturally

62. 牠們跟隨其他的羊

58. It doesn‘t wander off any more, rather it follows him closely

63. 但是如果前面的羊走上歧路,牠們也 會跟著誤入歧途

59. There are different types of sheep

64. 如果領頭的羊走丟,牠們就會一起走

60. The unwise sheep follow from far away where they can easily be attacked, stolen, or get lost

丟 65. 聰明的羊都會緊跟著牧人

61. Some sheep don‘t follow the shepherd directly 62. They follow other sheep

66. 我們應該如何學會緊緊跟從好牧人 的聲音,學會聆聽他的聲音?

63. But if those sheep go astray, they go astray with them 67. 當然得從閱讀和聆聽神的話語開始 64. If the leading sheep get lost, the followers get lost, 68. 很多教師扭曲神的話語,帶領許多小 112



65. The wise ones follow closely behind the shepherd 66. How do we learn to follow the Good Shepherd more closely and learn the sound of his voice?

69. 有的這麼做是為了金錢,有的是為了 權力,有的則為了占異性便宜 70. 有的是出於驕傲,有的則因為無知

67. Obviously, from studying and listening to God‘s Word 68. Many teachers distort the word and lead many astray

71. 但是不管怎麼樣,我們都有責任學會 聆聽好牧人的聲音

69. Some will do it for money, some for power, some for 72. 你可以看聖經裡的幾段經文 sex

73. 我在這篇講稿的經文部分提供了幾

70. Some out of pride, some out of ignorance

段經文 (V. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

71. But in any case, we are all responsible to learn to listen 74. 有空自己看吧 to the voice of the Good Shepherd 72. You can read a few examples from the Bible 73. I have provided some several verses on the verses portion of this speech(V. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) 74. Please read them at your leisure


The Great Potter 大陶匠 1.

Our Lord uses various teaching aids to teach us


An example is the theme of the potter and the clay that 2. 譬如說,陶匠與陶土的主題出現在 is used throughout the Bible

1. 主喜歡用各種輔助教材來教導我們 聖經很多地方


Let‘s read Jeremiah 18

3. 我們來看耶利米書第十八章


(V. 1) Jer 18:1-6 The word which came to Jeremiah 4. (V. 1) 耶 18:1-6 18:1 耶和華的話臨 from the LORD saying, 2 ‖Arise and go down to the


potter‘s house, and there I will announce My words to



you.‖ Then I went down to the potter‘s house, and 4

there he was, making something on the wheel. But the

遇他轉輪做器皿。4 窯匠用泥做的

vessel that he was making of clay was spoiled in the


hand of the potter; so he remade it into another vessel,



as it pleased the potter to make. Then the word of the 6


話。‖:3 我就下到窯匠的家裡去,正

就怎樣做。5 耶和華的話就臨到我

LORD came to me saying, ‖Can I not, O house of Israel,

說,6 耶和華說:‖以色列家啊,我

deal with you as this potter does?‖ declares the LORD.


―Behold, like the clay in the potter‘s hand, so are you in

以 色列家啊 ,泥在 窯匠的手 中怎

My hand, O house of Israel.


God sent Jeremiah to the potter‘s house where he saw 5. 神派耶利米到陶匠的家,在那裡他 the potter, clay, and a wheel



The potter turns the wheel with his foot

6. 陶匠用腳轉動轉輪


Just as the potter shapes the clay, God shapes every 7. 如同陶匠塑造陶土,神也塑造每一 man



Jeremiah watched the potter shape the clay in into a 8. 耶利米看著陶匠將陶土塑造成器 vessel

皿 114


Because of imperfection in the clay, it couldn‘t be shaped 9. 只要陶土有瑕疵,就無法塑造成陶 into the vessel the potter wanted


10. So the potter smashed it and began again the process 10. 因此,陶匠就把它壓成一團重新再 again

11. Jeremiah watched as the wheel constantly spun and 11. 耶利米看到轉輪不斷地旋轉,把陶土 brought the clay against the potter‘s hands


12. That wheel symbolizes the constantly changing 12. 轉輪代表人生中不斷變化的境況 circumstances of life

13. 這些變化都在陶匠的掌控中

13. These changes are controlled by the potter

14. 這個故事的寓意很清楚

14. The lesson is clear

15. 我們生命中的景況會一而再、再而三

15. Circumstances in life bring us again and again under the potter‘s hand

把我們帶到陶匠的手中 16. 陶匠用手指的壓力把陶土塑造成合祂

16. The potter uses his fingers to shape clay into a vessel that pleases him

意的器皿 17. 主是大陶匠,祂有權利將陶土塑成合

17. Our Lord is the Great Potter and he has the right to shape the clay as he pleases

祂意的形狀 18. 在羅馬書第九章,保羅對這個論點的

18. Paul argues this point clearly in Romans 9


19. (V. 2) Romans 9:20-21 On the contrary, who are you, 19. (V. 2) 羅 9:20-21 你這個人哪,你是 O man, who answers back to God? The thing molded

誰,竟敢向 神強嘴呢?受造之物豈能

will not say to the molder, ―Why did you make me like

對 造 他 的說 : ‖你 為 甚麼 這 樣 造我

this,‖ will it?


Or does not the potter have a right

呢?‖21 窯匠難道沒有權柄從一團泥

over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel


for honorable use and another for common use?


20. Of course, the potter has the right to shape the clay 20. 陶匠當然有權利讓陶土變成合祂意的 as he pleases


21. And we are clay in the Great Potter‘s hands and he 21. 我們一樣都是大陶匠手中的陶土;祂 has the right to shape us as he pleases

有權利把我們塑造成祂要的樣子 115

22. And if there be some imperfection in the clay, the 22. 而如果陶土中有某種瑕疵,陶匠只需 potter simply smashes the clay and begins again


23. When the potter is successful in shaping the clay in 23. 當陶匠成功地把陶土塑成祂要的樣 the way he wants it, he relieves the pressure


24. But when an imperfection in the clay resists, he 24. 但是當陶土中有雜質阻擋,他就會把 smashes it and begins again


25. This is also true in our lives

25. 我們自己的生命也是一樣

26. Difficult circumstances in our lives bring us against 26. 我們生命當中艱難的情況,讓我們受 the pressure of the Potter‘s fingers


27. If you submit to the Potter, then you will become the 27. 如果你順服大陶匠,你會成為合祂神 vessel he wants you to be and he will relieve the pressure

心意的器皿,然後祂就不再施壓 28. 但是如果你反抗或因為抱怨,而破壞

28. But if you resist or if you spoil the work by grumbling, the Potter will have no choice but to smash the clay and start over

祂的工作,祂就不得不把陶土壓成一 團重新再做 29. 耶利米在陶匠家所學到重要的一課,

29. The important lesson that Jeremiah learned at the


potter‘s house was that God has sovereign control in 30. 祂是陶匠,我們是陶土 our lives

31. 神想要讓我們成為合祂心意的器皿

30. He is the Potter; we are the clay

32. 就像任何父親一樣,祂不喜歡管教我

31. He wants to shape us into vessels according to his will 32. Like any father, he does not enjoy disciplining us 33. In fact, in the book of Lamentations, Jeremiah says that God does not willingly discipline us

們 33. 事實上,耶利米哀歌 3:33 說神並不願 使人受苦、使人憂愁 34. 祂一點都不喜歡,但是我們的作為讓

34. He doesn‘t enjoy it, but we make it necessary 35. Love is behind the Potter‘s discipline

祂不得不管教我們 35. 陶匠的管教乃出於愛

36. He shapes and smashes the clay again and again until 36. 祂一次又一次地壓碎、塑造陶土,直 at last it is in the shape that he wants


37. That is the lesson that we can learn at the potter‘s 37. 這是我們可以在陶匠家學的重要功課 house

38. 在提摩太後書 2:20-21,保羅對提摩

38. In 2 Timothy, Paul says to Timothy


39. (V. 3) 2 Tim 2:20-21 Now in a large house there are 39. (V. 3) 提後 2:20 在大戶人家,不但 not only gold and silver vessels, but also vessels of


wood and of earthenware, and some to honor and some

貴重的,有作為卑賤的。21 人若自

to dishonor.


Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself


from these things, he will be a vessel for honor,


sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every


good work.

40. 當我們在陶匠手中,感受祂的壓力,

40. When we are in the Potter‘s hands and we feel the 116


pressure and the shaping of his fingers, we can relax and trust him

任祂 41. 因為我們知道陶匠已經下定決心,要

41. This is because we know that this Potter is


determined to make us into a useful vessel

42. As long as we‘re discussing pottery, let‘s look at another 42. 既然我們已經在討論陶器,我們 great lesson we can learn in the book of Matthew 43. (V. 4) Matthew 27:3-10 Then when Judas, who had

順便談談另一個重要功課—是在 馬太福音

betrayed Him, saw that He had been condemned, he felt 43. (V. 4) 太 27:3-10 這時候,賣 remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,



saying, ―I have sinned by


betraying innocent blood.‖ But they said, ―What is that to

來給祭司長和長老,說:4 ―我賣

us? See to that yourself!‖ 5 And he threw the pieces of


silver into the temple sanctuary and departed; and he went


away and hanged himself. 6 The chief priests took the

己承當吧!‖5 猶大就把那銀錢

pieces of silver and said, ―It is not lawful to put them into

丟在殿裡,出去吊死了。6 祭司

the temple treasury, since it is the price of blood.‖ 7 And


they conferred together and with the money bought the

可放在庫裡。‖7 他們商議,就用

Potter‘s Field as a burial place for strangers. 8 For this


reason that field has been called the Field of Blood to this

埋葬外鄉人。8 所以那塊田直到

day. 9 Then that which was spoken through Jeremiah the

今日還叫作‖血田‖。9 這就應了

prophet was fulfilled: ―AND THEY TOOK THE THIRTY





PRICE HAD BEEN SET by the sons of Israel; AND THEY






44. Judas brought back the thirty pieces of silver he received 44. 在猶大背叛主以後,他把那三十 for betraying Jesus and threw them down at the feet of the priests 117


45. The priests picked up the money and talked about 45. 祭司把錢撿起來,然後討論了要怎麼處 what to do with it


46. It was ―blood money,‖ so they couldn‘t return it to the treasury

46. 他們不能把它放回金庫,因為是‖血腥 錢‖(也就是付給殺手的錢)

47. So they decided to buy a potter‘s field with it 48. After that, it was called ―the field of blood,‖ (Matt 27:8)

47. 於是,他們決定使用那筆金錢購買一塊 陶匠的地 48. 從此以後,那塊地叫做―血田‖(馬 27:8)

49. Now, there‘s a prophecy about that event in 49. 撒迦利亞書有一段有關這個事件的預言 Zechariah

50. (V. 5) 亞 11:12-13 我對他們說:‖你們

50. (V. 5) Zechariah 11:12-13 Then I said to them, ―If it


is agreeable to you, give me my wages; and if not,


refrain.‖ So they weighed out for my wages thirty

價。13 耶和華吩咐我說:‖要把眾人所

pieces of silver. 13 And the Lord said to me, ―Throw


it to the potter‖--that princely price they set on me.


So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them 51. 撒迦利亞把預言表演出來 into the house of the Lord for the potter.

52. 他飼養代表神選民的綿羊

51. Zechariah acts out the prophecy

53. 撒迦利亞是牧者,他代表主

52. He feeds the sheep who symbolize God‘s people

54. 在這個故事裡,神已經決定要管教這群

53. Zechariah is the shepherd and represents the Lord


54. God decides to discipline these sheep for awhile

55. 從第 12 節開始,故事就很有意思

55. From V. 12 the story becomes interesting.

56. 三十塊錢是奴隸的價格

56. Thirty pieces of silver was the price for a slave


57. (V. 6) Exodus 21:32 ―If the ox gores a male or 57. (V. 6) 出 21:32 牛若觸了奴僕或是婢 female slave, the owner shall give his or her


master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox shall be



58. 這是有關耶穌的預言;猶大以三十塊錢背

58. This is a prophecy about Jesus who was betrayed for thirty pieces of silver—the price of a slave 59. V. 13 shows us exactly what Judas did with his thirty pieces of silver in Matthew 27

叛耶穌—也就奴隸的價格 59. 在第 13 節中所發生的事,正確地預表在 馬太福音第 27 章中猶大用那三十塊錢做 了什麼

60. A potter‘s field is useless, because that is where a 60. 陶匠會把殘破、有瑕疵,被淘汰的陶器丟 potter





rejected pots


在他的田裡,所以陶匠的地是一塊毫無價 值的地

61. Jesus purchased the potter‘s field

61. 耶穌真的買了陶匠的地

62. He bought the broken, rejected, and useless 62. 祂以祂的寶血買下田地裡頭,像你我,那 people in it, like you and me, with his blood


63. So no matter how broken or you are, the Potter 63. 所以不管你有多麼破碎與殘缺,陶匠在你 has a purpose for you in mind



Extra Verses Job 10:9 ‗Remember now, that You have made me as clay; And would You turn me into dust again? 伯 10:9 求你記念,製造我如摶泥一般;你還要使我歸於塵土嗎? Job 33:6 ―Behold, I belong to God like you; I too have been formed out of the clay. 伯 33:6 我在 神面前與你一樣,也是用土造成。 Isaiah 64:8 But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand. 賽 64:8 耶和華啊,現在你仍是我們的父!我們是泥,你是窯匠,我們都是你手的工作。 Lamentations 4:2 The precious sons of Zion, Weighed against fine gold, How they are regarded as earthen jars, The work of a potter‘s hands! 哀 4:2 錫安寶貴的眾子好比精金,現在何竟算為窯匠手所做的瓦瓶? Rom. 9:20–21—But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? ―Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, ‗Why did you make me like this?‘‖ Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use? 羅馬書 9:20–21 你這個人哪,你是誰,竟敢向 神強嘴呢?受造之物豈能對造他的說: 「你為甚麼這樣造我呢?」窯匠難道沒有權柄從一團泥裡拿一塊作成貴重的器皿,又拿 一塊作成卑賤的器皿麼? 2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves; 林後 4:7 我們有這寶貝放在瓦器裡,要顯明這莫大的能力,是出於 神,不是出於我們。 2 Timothy 2:20 Now in a large house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also vessels of wood and of earthenware, and some to honor and some to dishonor. 提後 2:20 在大戶人家,不但有金器銀器,也有木器瓦器;有作為貴重的,有作為卑賤 的。


Harden Not Your Heart 不可鐵石心腸 1.

Today, I would like to talk about God convicting our 1. 我今天想討論,神喚起我們的良知以及 heart and how we should respond



First, I would like to discuss the word ―convict‖

2. 首先,我想先討論 convict 這個字


Chinese Bibles often translate the term as ―remind,‖ 3. 中文聖經經常把這個字翻譯成―提醒‖、 ―illuminate,‖ ―prick our hearts,‖ and ―cut our hearts‖



These words are all good, because they show different 4. 這些字眼都很好,因為它們給我們看 aspects of the word ―convict‖



But why does God convict us?


He convicts us to show us that we have sin and we need 6. 神提醒我們,我們有罪,而且我們需

5. 但是神為什麼要喚起我們的良知呢?

him 7.


He has to get our attention, because we often get 7. 祂需要引起我們的注意,因為我們的 distracted by the people and things in the world around us




Like little children having fun on the playground, we 8. 我們就像在操場上玩瘋的小孩,當媽媽 can‘t hear our mothers calling us to come home



So the Holy Spirit pricks our hearts to remind us of 9. 因此聖靈會刺我們的心,提醒我們,我 our need for Jesus


10. Now, let‘s go on to the main part of my talk today

10. 現在讓我們言歸正傳

11. In Exodus, we read that God hardened pharaoh‘s 11. 出埃及記裡,我們讀到―耶和華使法老的 heart


12. Many people have a problem with the fact that God 12. 許多人不能接受上帝使法老的心堅硬這 hardened Pharaoh‘s heart


13. They think God is unfair to do so

13. 他們認為神這樣做並不公平

14. But I believe there is a misunderstanding here. Let

14. 但是我覺得他們誤會了,讓我來解釋一

me explain.


15. I believe that when God hardens people‘s hearts, it‘s

15. 我認為神使人的心變得堅硬、冷漠,這

not necessarily his intention


16. Rather, the nature of our heart determines how we 16. 事實上,我們的回應取決於我們心的本 respond

17. The sun shines on both flowers and clay

17. 太陽同樣照在花朵與泥土上

18. When it shines on flowers, the flowers turn to it, 18. 當太陽照著花朵,花會轉向太陽,會盛 open up to it, reach for it


19. When the sun shines on clay, the clay hardens

19. 但是當太陽照著泥土,泥土會變硬

20. It‘s not the sun‘s fault.

20. 太陽並沒有做錯什麼。

21. It is the nature of the thing being shined on that 21. 是被照的東西的本質,決定了它的回 determines its response

22. When Moses performed miracles in Egypt, all the people who saw them were convicted

22. 當摩西在埃及創造奇蹟的時候,看到 奇蹟的人都被提醒了


23. Some responded by glorifying God, but some, like the 23. 有的人以榮耀神來回應上帝,但是有 pharaoh, responded by hardening their hearts 24. People respond to God‘s conviction with a hardened heart for various reasons

的人,像是法老王,則以剛硬的心回 應 24. 基於各種原因,人會以剛硬的心回應

25. Sometimes, it‘s because they are proud


26. Sometimes, it‘s because they have a sin in their lives that they are unwilling to let go of

25. 有的時候是因為傲慢 26. 有時是因為他們生命中的罪,他們不

27. But whatever the reason, I don‘t believe that God wants to harden our hearts

願意放手 27. 但是無論什麼原因,我不認為神想要

28. We are the ones who decide whether or not to harden our hearts

使我們的心變堅硬 28. 是我們自己決定是否要使我們的心剛

29. (V. 1) Eph. 4:17-18 just as the Gentiles also walk, in the

futility of their mind, being darkened in their 29. (V. 1) 弗 4:17-18 所以我說,且在主 understanding, excluded from the life of God because


of the ignorance that is in them, because of the

邦人存虛妄的心行事。18 他們心地昏

hardness of their heart

昧,與 神所賜的生命隔絕了,都因自

30. Another example is in the Book of Acts


31. Peter is preaching to the people after Jesus‘ death

30. 使徒行傳有另一個例子

32. (V. 2) Acts 2:36-38 Let all the house of Israel 31. 耶穌死了以後,彼得對大眾講道 therefore know for certain that God has made him both 32. (V. 2) 徒 2:36-38 因此,以色列全 Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified." 37


Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart,


and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles,

了。" 他們聽了以後,覺得椎心,就

"Brothers, what shall we do?" 38 And Peter said to


them, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the

們應當作什麼呢?" 彼得說:"你們應

name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins,


and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.


33. In verse 36, Peter says, ―this Jesus whom you crucified‖

領受所賜的聖靈。 33. 在第 36 節,彼得說道:你們釘在十

34. In other words, ―Hey, you killed Jesus‖


35. He doesn‘t pull any punches

34. 換言之:―你們殺了耶穌‖

36. In the next verse, we see that they are cut to the heart 35. 彼得說話毫無保留 and respond

36. 在下一節,我們看到眾人覺得被聖靈

37. (V. 3) Acts 2:37 Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, "Brethren, what shall we do?" 38. If we look at verse 41, we see that 3,000 people were saved that day

刺到痛楚(錐心)也有所回應 37. (V. 3) 徒 2:37 眾人聽見這話,覺得 椎心,就對彼得和其餘的使徒說:―弟 兄們,我們當怎樣行?‖ 38. 如果我們跳到第 41 節,我們就看到


39. Now, let‘s turn to chapter three of Acts


40. The story is long, so we‘ll skip a little

39. 現在我們翻到使徒行傳第三章

41. Peter is explaining to the religious leaders how the lame 40. 這個故事很長,因此我們會跳過一些 man was healed

41. 彼得對宗教領袖解釋跛腳的人是怎麼

42. He says that he was healed in the name of Jesus


43. (V. 4) Acts 3:15—and you killed the Author of life, 42. 彼得說他是以耶穌的名被醫治的 whom God raised from the dead. To this we are 43. (V. 4) 徒 3:15—你們殺了那'生命的 witnesses.


Acts 3:19 Repent therefore, and turn again, that your


sins may be blotted out,

徒 3:19 所以你們應當改邪歸正,使

Acts 5:33 When they heard that, they were cut to the


heart, and took counsel to slay them.

徒 5:33 公議會的人聽了,非常惱

44. Peter says that they killed Jesus and the leaders, too, are cut to the heart

怒,就想要殺他們。 44. 彼得說耶穌是他們殺的,而英文寫的

45. But how do they respond?


46. They respond by wanting to kill Peter and John

45. 但是他們怎麼回應呢?

47. In the Gospel of John, we read that Jesus was followed 46. 他們想要殺掉彼得與約翰 by many people

47. 在約翰福音裡,我們讀到很多人跟隨

48. (V. 5) John 6:66-68 As a result of this many of His


disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him 48. (V. 5) 約 6:66-68 從此,他門徒中 anymore.


So Jesus said to the twelve, "You do not

want to go away also, do you?"


多有退去的,不再和他同行。67 耶

Simon Peter answered


Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of

嗎?‖68 西門彼得回答說:―主啊,你

eternal life.‖


49. When Jesus preached some things that were difficult 49. 耶穌講了讓他們難以接受的話之後, for them to accept, many of them hardened their hearts and left

很多人使自己的心剛硬,而離開了 50. 於是耶穌就問十二個門徒:―你們也要

50. Jesus asked the disciples, ―Will you leave, too?‖


51. Peter replied, ―Where would we go? You have the words 51. 西門彼得回答說:―主啊,你有永生之 of life?‖


52. Everybody heard Jesus say the same thing

52. 大家同樣都聽到耶穌講的話

53. The crowds hardened their hearts, but the 12 disciples 53. 但大家使自己的心剛硬,而十二個門 did not


54. Finally, let‘s look at 2 Peter

54. 最後,我們看彼得後書

55. (V. 6) 2 Peter 3:7-9 But by His word the present 55. (V. 6) 彼後 3:7 但現在的天地還是 heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for


the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.



3:8 親愛的弟兄啊,有一件事你們不

But do not let this one fact escape your notice, 124

beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand 9


years, and a thousand years like one day. The Lord is

如一日。彼後 3:9 主所應許的尚未成

not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but


is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but


for all to come to repentance.


56. I feel that this verse drives the point home that God 56. 我認為這個經文把話說得不能再清楚 doesn‘t want to harden hearts


57. He is patient with us and he wants none to perish

57. 祂對我們很有耐心,不願有一人沉淪

58. When people hear the Word of God, they make one of 58. 當人們聽見神的話語時,會有三種可 three possible responses


59. Accept it, reject it, or continue to listen

59. 接受,拒絕,或繼續聆聽

60. It is my hope, however, that you don‘t harden your 60. 我希望你不會使自己的心剛硬 heart

61. (V. 7) 來 3:15 經上說:―你們今日若聽他

61. (V. 7) Hebrews 3:15 Today, if you hear his voice, harden not your hearts

的話,就不可硬著心,像惹他發怒的日子 一樣。‖


Heart Transplant 心臟移植 1.

The Christian view is man has a problem, a very serious problem

1. 從基督教的角度來看,人類有一個問 題,一個十分嚴重的問題


We are evil

2. 我們是邪惡的


God gave the law in the OT to show that we couldn‘t 3. 神給我們舊約律法,讓我們了解到人 reach his standard of righteousness on our own



We need his help



And it‘s not just a little change here and a little change 4. 因此我們需要祂的幫助 there

5. 而且這不是只靠小小的調整就可以


We need a complete overhaul


He wouldn‘t try to reform our hearts, because he 6. 我們需要全面翻修


knows our hearts are evil 8.

7. 神知道我們的心很邪惡,所以不會嘗

(V. 1) Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is more deceitful than


all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it? 8. (V. 1) 耶 17:9 人心比萬物都詭 9.

Christ said something similar later

10. (V. 2) Mark 7:14-23,



After He called the crowd to 9. 耶穌也曾經說過類似的話

Him again, He began saying to them, "Listen to Me, all 10. (V. 2) 可 7:14-23 耶穌又叫眾人 of you, and understand:


there is nothing outside the


man which can defile him if it goes into him; but the


things which proceed out of the man are what defile


the man. 17


["If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear."]

When he had left the crowd and entered the house,

His disciples questioned Him about the parable.



人。‖(註:有古卷在此有 ―有耳可 聽的,就應當聽。‖)耶穌離開眾人, 進了屋子,門徒就問他這比喻的意

He said to them, "Are you so lacking in understanding


also? Do you not understand that whatever goes into


the man from outside cannot defile him,


because it


does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, and is


eliminated?" (Thus He declared all foods clean.)



He was saying, "That which proceeds out of the man, 21

裡。這是說,各樣的食物都是潔淨 的。‖又說:―從人裡面出來的,那才

that is what defiles the man. "For from within, out of


the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts,


fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries,


deeds of


coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality,


envy, slander, pride and foolishness.


"All these evil

things proceed from within and defile the man." 126

從裡面出來,且能污穢人。‖ 11. 祂說不是從外面進入的使人污穢,而

11. He‘s saying it‘s not what you put in that defiles but what is inside you that defiles

是人心裡的使人污穢 12. 耶穌對人性的看法跟現代心理學不

12. Jesus‘ view of human nature is different from that of modern psychology

同 13. 他認為我們的問題是起於內在,而非

13. He feels that our problem is internal, not external


14. If our problem were external, then we could clean up 14. 如果是外在的問題,我們只需要做某 our act by doing certain things and everything would be




15. He‘s saying we have focused so much on the dos and 15. 耶穌的意思是我們過於重視該做與 don‘ts of the law that we‘ve forgotten that the law is


just a light to show us how bad our heart is

了律法只是一盞燈,讓我們看到自己 內心的污穢

16. That‘s why Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount 16. 因此,耶穌在登山寶訓曾說過,恨弟 that it‘s just as bad to hate your brother as murder him

兄如同殺害弟兄 17. 其重點不只在於你做什麼或沒做什

17. It‘s not just what you‘ve done or not done that‘s important; it‘s what you think and the attitude of your heart

麼,而是在於你想什麼,以及你內心 的態度 18. 這意味著,我們的內心比我們原先想

18. This means that the heart is a lot worse than we thought

的還要糟糕許多 19. 改變我們的心不夠;我們需要一顆新

19. Changing our hearts isn‘t enough; we need a new heart: we need a heart transplant

心;我們需要進行心臟移植 20. 這也是基督教才有的獨特觀念,而舊

20. This is uniquely a Christian idea and the OT predicts that heart transplant

約也曾經預言我們會有一顆新心 21. (V.3) 結 36:25-26 我必用清水灑在

21. (V. 3) Ezekiel 36:25-26. Then I will sprinkle clean


water on you, and you will be clean; I will remove the


heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of


flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to


walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe



My ordinances.

22. 作為基督徒,我們必需明白上帝非常

22. As Christians, we need to understand that God loves us

愛我們 23. 而他之所以愛我們,跟我們做什麼,

23. And the reason he loves us has nothing to do with what we do or don‘t do or because of how good we are 24. He loves us because he chooses to love us

不做什麼,或我們多麼優秀一點關係 都沒有 24. 他愛我們,是因為他選擇愛我們

25. As such, there‘s absolutely nothing you can do that will 25. 因此,他對你的愛,絕對不會因為你 make him love you any more or any less than he already does

的作為而增減一分 26. 事實上,神無法愛你更多,祂也不願

26. The truth is, God COULDN‘T love you any more and he REFUSES to love you any less

意減少對你的愛 27. 因此,你不必對你的表現斤斤計較

27. So stop tracking your performance

28. Stop trying to earn God‘s love (there‘s no need),

28. 不需試著爭取神的愛

29. or trying to prove how much you deserve God‘s love, 29. 也不要嘗試證明你配得神的愛(其實 (you don‘t),


30. And just accept the fact that Father God is crazy 30. 只要接受上帝就是愛你愛到極點的事 about you beyond all reason or understanding.


31. God does not love us because we are good

31. 神愛我們,不是因為我們是好人

32. He makes us good because he loves us

32. 神愛我們,所以他要讓我們變成好人

33. You see, the former is religion

33. 前面那句是宗教的核心思想

34. The latter is relationship

34. 後面那句則是描述一種關係

35. God does not love us because we are good

35. 我們是好人神才愛我們

36. That is what religions teach

36. 這是各種宗教所教導的

37. They teach that you can do it on your own

37. 他們教導我們可以靠自己的力量

38. Most religions suppose that if we do good, God will love 38. 多數宗教假設,如果我們做好事,神 us


39. I have to tell you, this is true even in a lot of Christian 39. 事實上,很多教會也是這樣教導的 128


40. 世界上許多宗教所教導的,就是神還

40. The religions of the world basically teach that God is pretty good and you are pretty good

不錯,你也還不錯 41. 因此,你可以藉由自己的力量消除與

41. so you can bridge the gap on your own


42. He is not absolutely holy and perfect in all respects

42. 祂並不是絕對地完美與神聖

43. He‘s just pretty good and you are also pretty good

43. 祂只是還不錯,你也還不錯

44. They suppose that we can somehow earn God's 44. 他們認為我們可以獲得神的認同或喜 approval or God's love

45. Work hard, go to church enough, give money away perhaps

45. 如果我們努力工作,常上教堂,也許 捐一點錢

46. Doing this should get you into heaven

46. 這樣你就可以進天國

47. But that is completely unscriptural and it misses the 47. 聖經並不是這樣教的,完全失去基督 entire point of Christianity


48. (V. 4) Gal. 2:21 if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly

48. (V. 4) 加 2:21 義若是藉著律法得 的,基督就是徒然死了。

49. In other words, if we could do it on our own, if we 49. 換句話說,如果我們可以透過自己的 could get to heaven on our own efforts, then there


was no need for Christ to die

50. The point here is that if we have a fundamental flaw in 50. 重點是,如果我們人性有著根本的瑕 our character

51. If, in fact, the problem is internal, then there is no way we can overcome that problem

51. 如果我們的問題來自內在,那麼,我 們是無法自己克服它

52. We need some kind of external righteousness to save 52. 我們需要某種外在的公義來拯救我們 us

53. 也就是說,所有的邪念,傲慢,貪婪,

53. That is to say, all the evil thoughts, pride, greed, adultery

姦淫等 54. 和各種肉體和心靈上的罪都來自我們

54. all kinds sins of the flesh and sins of the spirit come from within us and condemn us

的心,宣告了我們的罪 55. 我們都知道我們無法克服這些罪以達

55. Each one of us knows that we can‘t overcome these and reach God‘s standard of righteousness

到上帝對義的標準 56. 因為真正的問題是我們的心不好,因

56. Our problem is we have a bad heart, so the solution is not in working harder

此它無法靠努力來解決 57. 我們需要換一顆新的心才能解決這個

57. The solution is we need a heart transplant



58. No amount of social change and conditioning will change 58. 再多的社會變化和熏陶也無法醫 the human heart


59. I am not opposed to social justice. You have to 59. 我希望各位了解,我並不是反對社 understand that


60. I am simply not putting my hope in it

60. 我只是不把希望寄托在社會正義

61. It works on the symptoms, but it can‘t fix the root of the 61. 因為它治標不治本 problem

62. 我了解到除非有神的恩典,神的力

62. I recognize that without the grace and power of God, the heart will not change

量,否則人心無法改變 63. 屬靈的生命是從裡到外,不是嗎?

63. The spiritual life is always inside-out, isn‘t it? 64. That is a fact, but the world is always telling us that it is only outside-in

64. 這是一個事實,但是這個世界總是 告訴我們它只是由外到裡 65. 那麼,這個世界又如何解決社會問

65. How does the world try to solve the problems in society?


66. It points to education, healthcare, government policies, 66. 它指向教育,健康,各種政策等 and so forth and there is nothing wrong with these 67. but you can‘t think that by giving people better educations that they will be better people

等,這些也沒有什麼不對 67. 但是,不要以為教育會讓人變好人 68. 這些只是在治標

68. These things just deal with external symptoms

69. 但是根本問題是出於心靈問題

69. The fundamental issue is the spiritual issue underlying it

70. 也就是說,我們在社會上所看到的

70. That is to say, when there is injustice on a social level, it is because of a deeper issue on a spiritual level 71. It is naïve to suppose that by educating a man and giving him money that he will become a good man

各種不公義來自於心靈深處 71. 因此認為教育或金錢會使人變成 好人的假設,實在太天真 72. 相信這種信念的人,基本上也得同

72. The only way you can buy into that notion is to agree with Mencius that people are basically good

意孟子「人性本善」的說法 73. 但聖經不同意這樣的觀點

73. The scriptures don‘t agree with that

74. 但是聖經教的是人性本惡,這個教

74. Today, this is a very unpopular teaching, but the Bible says, no, we are not basically good

義在今天的世界上非常不受歡迎 75. 如果我們畫一個光譜,然後,耶穌

75. If we had a spectrum with Adolf Hitler on the one end 130


and Jesus Christ on the other

76. 那麼,根據聖經,我們會在光譜的

76. According to the Bible, where would we stand on that spectrum?

哪裡呢? 77. 我提示一下,其實我們比較接近希

77. I‘ll give you a hint: It‘s a lot closer to Hitler than it is to



78. The standard of Christ is so high that we can‘t even hope to approach him

78. 耶穌的標準太高了,以至於要達到這 個標準簡直難如登天

79. Thus, the only solution is an inside-out one: God needs 79. 因此,唯一的解決之道是由裡到外的 to give us a heart transplant


80. In Jesus, he reaches down and lifts us up

80. 透過耶穌,上帝下來,把我們舉起來

81. He became one of us so that, we could become one of 81. 祂在我們之中,好讓我們能在祂之中 his

82. 神之子之所以成為人之子,為的是使

82. The Son of God became the Son of Man, so that the sons of man could become sons of God

人之子也能夠成為神之子 83. 重點是,祂付出極大的代價,給我們

83. The point here is that he paid a great expense to make it possible for us to receive new hearts

機會換一顆新的心 84. 因為我們自己做不到

84. We cannot do it on our own


History Over the Past 4000 years 歷史四千年 1. The Lord‘s supper connects us with 4,000 years of human history

1. 聖餐將我們與過去四千年的人類歷史 連在一起

2. Let‘s take a quick look at the last 4,000 years of history

2. 我們來稍微回顧過去四千年的歷史 3. 故事要從亞伯拉罕開始,他是在公元前

3. The story starts with Abraham who was born in 1950 BC

1950 年出生的 4. 他父親是製作偶像的人,他原本住在伊

4. He was the son of an idol maker and originally lived Ur in southern Iraq

拉克南部的烏爾 5. 上帝跟他說,祂決定與他立約

5. God tells him that he has decided to make a covenant with him

6. 上帝叫他離開他父親的家,開始旅行 7. 祂說:到了,我就會跟你說

6. God tells him to leave his father‘s house and to start walking

8. 於是亞伯拉罕就出發了,因為他相信神 9. 陪他走的有太太撒拉、他的侄兒羅得,

7. He says I‘ll let you know when you get there


8. So trusting God, Abraham sets off

10. 過了一段時間以後,上帝對他說,就是

9. Accompanying him are his wife Sarah, his nephew Lot, and their animals

這裡 11. 祂吩咐亞伯拉罕上一座山,然後對他

10. After a while, God says this is it


11. He tells Abraham to go up on a hill and says everything


you can see, I will give to you and your descendents 12. Then he says you will have as countless descendents

12. 接著,祂說,你會有多得數不清的子孫 13. 但是有一個問題:亞伯拉罕 沒有小孩

13. But there was one big problem: Abraham had no kids

14. God tells Abraham that you will have a child with Sarah 14. 上帝告訴亞伯拉罕,你跟撒拉會生一 15. But Sarah is already very old, so Abraham takes it into his own hands

個兒子 15. 但是撒拉年紀已經非常大了,所以亞

16. So Abraham has a child with Sarah‘s servant—this is a 132


big mistake

16. 他跟撒拉的女傭生了一個小孩-這是

17. Her descendants became the peoples that hate Israel today

嚴重的錯誤 17. 她的後裔成了至今仍痛恨以色列的人

18. But God told Abraham that he would have a son and

18. 但上帝跟亞伯拉罕說,他跟撒拉會生

Abraham believed God it was counted to him as




19. (V. 1) Genesis 15:6 Then he believed in the LORD; and He reckoned it to him as righteousness.

19. (V. 1)創 15:6 亞伯蘭信耶和華,耶和 華就以此為他的義。

20. This is the first time in the Bible that we see the concept of justification by faith

20. 這是聖經中第一次提到因信稱義的觀 念

21. Abraham asks God how will I know that this land will be 21. 亞伯拉罕問上帝,我怎麼知道這塊土 given to my descendants?


22. God causes Abraham to sleep and shows him a vision 23. In the vision, Abraham sees two figures walking through the bodies of split animals

22. 於是上帝使亞伯拉罕入睡,然後讓他 看到異象 23. 在異象中,亞伯拉罕看到兩個影像從

24. God says to Abraham: I‘m going to take your descendants into a land where they are not known 25. And they are going to serve there as slaves for 400 years

被劈成兩半的動物屍體之間走過 24. 神對亞伯拉罕說:―我要帶你的後代到 一個未知之地 25. 他們會在那邊當奴隸 400 年

26. After that, I am going to take them out

26. 然後我會帶他們出來

27. And I will bring them to this very land that I have

27. 我會帶他們去這塊應許之地

promised you

28. 亞伯拉罕問 「我怎麼知道這個土地會

28. To answer Abraham‘s question ―How will I know?‖ God shows him the next 600 years of history

給我的後裔?‖,神為了回答這個問 題,就給他看接下來 600 年的歷史

29. God says: You‘re going to die, but your descendants are 29. 上帝說, 「你會死,但是你的子孫會回 going to come back here


30. They will look back on everything and say: Here is the land that was promised us

30. 他們會回顧一切,然後說這塊地是神 答應賜給我們

31. So then Abraham has a child—a child of promise 32. His name is Isaac

31. 接著,亞伯拉罕就生了一個兒子,也 就是應許之子

33. Isaac was Abraham‘s only son and he had him very late 32. 他的名字是以撒 in life

33. 以撒是亞伯拉罕的獨生子,而且他高

34. So Abraham loved him tremendously


35. One day, when Isaac was older, God tests Abraham‘s 34. 因此亞伯拉罕十分地愛他 faith in and love for him

35. 有一天,以撒年紀比較大的時候,上

36. He told him to sacrifice his only son Isaac


37. Abraham was about to kill Isaac when God told him to stop and told him to kill a ram instead

36. 神叫他獻獨生子以撒為祭 37. 亞伯拉罕準備殺以撒時,神叫他住


38. God said that I know that you love and obey me


39. The world will be blessed through you 40. Abraham




38. 上帝說,我知道你愛我也順服我 Father,

Isaac 39. 世界會因為你而蒙受我的祝福

represented Jesus the Son

40. 亞伯拉罕代表天父,以撒代表神子耶

41. The sacrifice of Isaac represented the sacrifice of Jesus

穌 41. 以撒的獻祭代表耶穌的獻祭

42. From the pain felt by Abraham, we can understand a

42. 透過亞伯拉罕感受到的痛苦,我們可

little the pain felt by God when his son, who had done no


wrong, died on the cross


43. Then Isaac had twins—Jacob and Esau

43. 後來以撒生了一對雙胞胎—雅各和以

44. Jacob has 12 sons who were the fathers of the 12 tribes of Israel

掃 44. 雅各生了 12 個兒子,是以色列 12 個

45. And they became as numerous as God predicted they would be

支派的始祖 45. 他們果然生養眾多,一如神的預言

46. The earth has seen many peoples

46. 世上曾經有過各種民族

47. Some are here for awhile and then they disappear

47. 有些出現了一段時間後,便銷聲匿跡

48. but no other people has been as persecuted as the 48. 但沒有一個民族如以色列人般地受迫 Israelites

49. But every nation on earth has descendants of Abraham 49. 但是地球上每一個民族都有亞伯拉罕 in it


50. We can see that God keeps his promises

50. 可見,上帝守祂的承諾

51. Next, God explains the next 600 years of history to

51. 接著,上帝對亞伯拉罕陳述接下來六



52. 11 of Israel‘s sons don‘t like Joseph, because he was 52. 以色列有 11 個兒子不喜歡約瑟,因為 dad‘s favorite


53. And Joseph said that he dreamed and that his father and brothers would bow down to him

53. 而且約瑟說,他夢到父親跟哥哥們都 會向他下拜

54. Dad gave him a coat of many colors, so that they hated him even more

54. 父親還送他一件彩衣,這使得他哥哥 更討厭他


55. Joseph‘s brothers sell him into slavery into Egypt

55. 約瑟的哥哥把他賣到埃及當奴隸

56. He ends up working in an Egyptian official‘s house

56. 後來他在一位埃及官員的家裡工作

57. The governor‘s wife likes Joseph

57. 官員的太太喜歡約瑟

58. She tries to seduce Joseph, but he refuses

58. 她試著勾引約瑟,但是約瑟拒絕了她

59. He runs out of the house, she grabs his robe

59. 他從家裡面跑出去,但是太太抓住他的袍子

60. She says he tried to rape her

60. 她後來說他企圖強姦她

61. He ends up in prison again

61. 因此,約瑟再度坐牢

62. By now, Joseph is probably thinking about his dream 62. 坐牢的約瑟大概想著他當年的夢,就是 and others bowing down to him


63. He‘s in prison and he meets two people who work for 63. 他在牢裡的時候,認識了兩個人—一個 the pharaoh—a cupbearer and a baker


64. They have dreams and he interprets them

64. 兩個人都做了夢,而約瑟幫他們解夢

65. He says one will get his job back and the other will 65. 他說其中一個會回去做他之前的工作, die


66. And he is correct

66. 他說的話後來都實現了

67. When the cupbearer gets his job back, he says that

67. 斟酒人回去做他以前的工作後,他對法

a guy back in jail can interpret dreams


68. Pharaoh has been dreaming that seven fat cows will 68. 法老王一直夢到七隻肥牛從尼羅河走出 come out of the Nile

69. and then seven skinny cows come out of the Nile 70. Then the skinny cows eat the fat cows

69. 接下來是七隻骨瘦如柴的牛從尼羅河走 出來

71. Pharaoh asks Joseph what the dream means

70. 然後七隻瘦牛把七隻肥牛給吃掉

72. Joseph says you will have seven years of good 71. 法老王問約瑟夢的意思 harvests and lots of food,

72. 約瑟說,你將有七年的豐收跟很多食物

73. then you will have seven years of famine

73. 但接下來會鬧七年的飢荒

74. The pharaoh says: what are we going to do?

74. 法老王問他,那麽我們該怎麼辦?

75. Joseph says: You should build large barns to store 75. 約瑟說:你應該蓋大穀倉,把七年豐收 the excess food from the seven years of good crops


76. Then you‘ll have enough food for the seven years of 76. 這麼一來,鬧飢荒的那七年當中,會有 135



77. Pharaoh says: good idea. You do it.

77. 法老王說:這個點子不錯,你去辦吧

78. Joseph is now second only to pharaoh in all of Egypt

78. 於是,約瑟成為全埃及一人之下、萬人

79. During the seven years of famine, people start coming to pharaoh asking for food

之上的首相 79. 在七年的飢荒當中,很多人來跟法老王

80. Joseph starts selling the food for money, then for their animals

要食物 80. 剛開始,約瑟要求他們以金錢換取食

81. Then in the end, they are selling themselves to the pharaoh for food

物,後來,則是以家畜換取食物 81. 最後,來的人以自己換取食物

82. As a result, pharaoh becomes the strongest leader in

82. 結果,法老王便成為中東權力最大的國

the Middle East and Joseph is the second powerful


83. During that time, even Joseph‘s brothers come to 83. 在那個時候,連約瑟的哥哥也都為了食 Egypt for food


84. They come and they bow down to Joseph

84. 他們來到約瑟面前下拜

85. Of course, they didn‘t recognize him

85. 當然,他們沒有認出他

86. He spoke like an Egyptian and dressed like and Egyptian 86. 因為他說話、穿著,都像埃及人 87. To make a long story short, Joseph forgives them

87. 長話短說,總之約瑟原諒了他們

88. He ends up giving his brothers and father portions of

88. 約瑟後來把歌珊一部分肥沃的地送給

the rich land of Goshen


89. But as he is dying, Israel makes his sons promise to 89. 但是以色列臨死的時候,要求他的兒 bring his bones back to the promised land


90. They still remembered the promised land


91. They still want to go back and live in the land that w as 90. 可見,他們還記得應許之地 promised to Abraham, to Isaac, to Israel

91. 他們還想回到神答應賜給亞伯拉罕、

92. Over the years, they were blessed by God and had many children

以撒和以色列的土地 92. 隨著時間的過去,他們蒙受上帝的祝

93. but a later pharaoh became worried, because there were so many of them

福,生養眾多 93. 但是繼任的法老王很擔心,因為他們

94. He was concerned that if an enemy came to attack Egypt, these foreigners might fight on their side 136

人數非常多 94. 他害怕如果敵人侵略埃及,這些外國

against pharaoh


95. So he makes them slaves

95. 於是,他讓他們做奴隸

96. They served as slaves for 400 years

96. 他們當了四百年的奴隸

97. The amount of time that God told Abraham it would be

97. 這也是上帝跟亞伯拉罕所說的時間

98. After 400 years, God raises up Moses

98. 四百年後,神讓摩西興起

99. At the time, the prophecy was well known and everyone 99. 當時,神的預言已眾所周知,大家都 knew that 400 years had passed


100. And the Israelites were expecting more and more 100. 以色列人也越來越期待有人來解放 someone to deliver them


101. So the pharaoh orders all Israelite children must be killed

101. 因此,法老王下令殺死所有的以色列 小孩

102. They must be drowned in the Nile

102. 他們必須被丟到尼羅河裡淹死

103. To save Moses, his mother put him in a basket and let 103. 摩西的母親為了拯救摩西,就把摩西 him float down the Nile River


104. The baby floated up to where pharaoh‘s daughter was 104. 他漂到法老王的女兒洗澡的地方 bathing

105. 她看到嬰兒以後,便把他抱回家,當

105. She sees the baby and takes him as her own son


106. God raises up the deliverer of Israel in pharaoh‘s 106. 神在法老的家中興起以色列人的解 house, eating pharaoh‘s food


107. Again showing how God is in complete control of human 107. 這再一次證明了人類的歷史是在上 history


108. When Moses becomes 40, he learns that he is an Israelite and brother to the Israeli slaves

108. 摩西 40 歲的時候,發現自己是以色 列人,是那些以色列奴隸的弟兄

109. Moses has a bad temper and kills a slave driver and 109. 摩西的脾氣不好,他殺了一個管奴隸 tries to hide the body in the sand


110. When he realizes that others will find out, he flees 110. 後來他了解別人會發現他的罪行,於 into the wilderness


111.In the wilderness, he sees a burning bush



112. God says through the bush, ―Moses, I‘m going to send you to pharaoh‖

112. 神透過樹叢跟他說,「摩西,我要派 遣你去法老王那邊。」

113. You will tell him to let my people go so that they can come worship me

113. 你要叫他讓我的選民走,讓他們出來 敬拜我

114. Moses asks who should I say sent me?

114. 摩西問祂,「我要跟他說是誰派我來

115. Because the Egyptians had many gods


116. God says, ―Tell pharaoh, I am that I am, the 115. 這是因為埃及的神祗頗多 self-existent God sent you‖

116. 上帝說, 「跟法老王說我就是我,是

117. In other words, the other gods aren‘t


118. God sends 10 plagues to Egypt, but they don‘t affect 117. 換言之,其他的神祗並不存在 the Israelites

118. 上帝在埃及降下十種災害,但是以色

119. Then God says to Moses, I‘m going to send the Angel of Death

列人沒有受到影響 119. 接著,神對摩西說,「我要派死亡天

120. The Angel of Death will be looking for one thing—blood

使」 120. 死亡天使將會尋找一樣東西—就是

121. If it sees the blood of a perfect lamb on the door frame of your house, it will pass over your house 122. That is the beginning of Passover

血 121. 如果他看到你家門框上面塗抹完美 羔羊的血,他會越過你的房子

123. It was so important that God said that this would be 122. 那是逾越節的開始 the first month of your calendar

123. 這個節慶非常重要,因此上帝說,這

124. At the beginning of each year, the Israelites would


commemorate God delivering them out of slavery in 124. 每一年的年初,以色列人會紀念神將 Egypt


125. And God spared them because he saw the blood

125. 神因為看到了血,就保存了他們

126. And whenever he sees that blood, he will pass over

126. 只要祂看到那個血,祂就會越過

127. God instructed that when the Angel of Death came, 127. 上帝指示以色列人,死亡天使來臨的 the Israelites were to be inside eating the Passover



128. Eating bitter herbs to remember the bitterness of their slavery

128. 你們要吃苦草,記得當奴隸之苦 129. 要吃整隻羊,但是骨頭不可以弄斷

129. Eat the entire lamb, but do not break any of its bones 130. 你們要選完美純潔的小羊 130. It has to be a young, perfect, innocent lamb 131. Even worse, you are to bring the lamb up into your house and let it live with you for the week before Passover

131. 更糟的是,在逾越節之前一個禮拜, 你們要先把小羊帶到家裡面讓它跟 你一起住 132. 小孩子一定會把它當作寵物

132. Your kids are going to love it like a pet

133. 你大概也會幫它取名字,而且會跟牠

133. You‘ll probably name it and have a relationship with it


134. It‘s brutal, but this is God saying that if you want to 134. 這麼做很殘忍,但是這是神用的一種 138

avoid judgment, something has to die


135. Because sin leads to death

135. 因為罪的代價是死亡

136. So because we are all sinners either you or a

136. 而我們都是罪人,不是你死,就是別

substitute has to die


137. So the Passover lamb dies for the family

137. 因此逾越節的羔羊替整個家庭死

138. So that night, the Angel of Death came and killed the 138. 因此當天晚上,死亡天使到來,殺死 first born animal and son of everyone


139. There was crying a lot of crying that night, but inside

139. 當晚有許多人哀嚎,但是在某些房子

certain homes, people were eating the Passover lamb


and the bitter herbs

140. 神指示說,你們吃飯的時候,要穿好

140. God instructed them to eat it fully clothed wearing their shoes, with their walking sticks in hand 141. Be ready to go, because tonight, I‘m delivering you 142. Just like God had told Abraham

衣服跟鞋子,手上要拿好手杖 141. 要準備出發,因為今晚我要解放你們 142. 這就跟當時上帝跟亞伯拉罕講的一 樣

143. Now, remember we talked about Abraham and God‘s 143. 還記得神跟亞伯拉罕立約的事嗎? covenant with him?

144. 在當時的異象中,亞伯拉罕看到兩個

144. Abraham saw two figures walking through the split animals as God formed a covenant with Abraham

影像從劈成兩半的動物屍體之間走 過

145. Who were these figures?

145. 這兩個影像是誰呢?

146. They were a pillar of fire and a pillar of smoke

146. 祂們是火柱跟煙柱

147. Hebrews says that that was God showing how his

147. 希伯來書說,神用這個方法來顯示祂

covenant could not be changed


148. Because that was making a covenant with himself

148. 這是因為祂跟自己立約

149. God promised Abraham without any condition that he 149. 神毫無條件地答應亞伯拉罕祂會做 was going to do these things


150. So when it was time to deliver his descendants, who showed up to protect them?

150. 因此,當要解放亞伯拉罕的後代時, 是誰來保護他們?

151. It was that same pillar of fire and pillar of smoke 151. 是當初立約的火柱跟煙柱 139

that made the covenant in the beginning

152. 也因此,上帝劈開紅海,讓以色列人

152. So God splits the Red Sea, the Israelites go, and God closes it on the Egyptian army

穿過。但是埃及軍隊來的時候,神讓 紅海回復原樣

153. Then they walk to Mount Sinai where God makes a 153. 接下來,以色列人走到西奈山與神立 covenant with them

154. It is the Moses covenant, the covenant of law

154. 這是摩西之約,律法之約

155. It is a completely conditional covenant

155. 這個約完全是有條件的約

156. Do this and live; don‘t do this and you will die

156. 照這麼做,你就可以活,不這麼做,

157. In Galatians, Paul says that this covenant came 430 years after the covenant with Abraham

你就會死 157. 保羅在加拉太書曾說過,這個約在神

158. (V. 2) Galatians 3:17-19 the Law, which came four

與亞伯拉罕立約之後的 430 年才出現

hundred and thirty years later, does not invalidate a

158. (V. 2)加 3:17 我是這麼說: 神預先

covenant previously ratified by God, so as to nullify


the promise. 18For if the inheritance is based on law,

的律法廢掉,叫應許歸於虛空。18 因

it is no longer based on a promise; but God has


granted it to Abraham by means of a promise. 19Why

應許;但 神是憑著應許,把產業賜給



亞伯拉罕。19 這樣說來,律法是為甚

transgressions, having been ordained through angels


by the agency of a mediator, until the seed would


come to whom the promise had been made.








159. It did not cancel the covenant Abraham, because the Abrahamic covenant was an unconditional covenant that God made with himself

159. 它 並 沒 有 廢 掉 神 與 亞 伯 拉罕 立 的 約,因為那是神與自己毫無條件的約 160. 我們今天活在新約之下

160. We are now under the New Testament

161. 新約基於上帝與亞伯拉罕、以撒與約

161. It is a covenant based on the promises God made to Abraham, Isaac, and Joseph

瑟所立的約 162. 在西奈之約以後 1400 年間的每個一

162. For the next 1400 years after Sinai on the 14th day of the first month, the Israelites were required get rid of all of the leaven in their house

月 14 日,以色列人必須把家裡頭的所 有酵母丟掉 163. 酵母代表罪

163. Leaven was a symbol of sin

164. 另外,他們要吃苦草,喝葡萄酒,也

164. They were also told to eat the bitter herbs, drink the wine, and eat the Passover lamb

要吃逾越節的羔羊 165. 在此同時,他們要紀念神將他們從埃

165. They did this to commemorate God delivering them from slavery in Egypt

及的奴役中拯救出來 166. 他們這麼一做就做了 1,400 年,但他

166. They did it for 1,400 years not knowing that it was a shadow of things to come

們不知道這些事情是未來的事情的陰 影

167. The night that Jesus was betrayed, he sat down with 167. 耶穌被背叛的那一夜,祂跟門徒一起 his apostles

坐下 140

168. He says, I have longed for a long time to eat this 168.耶穌對他們說:我一直很期待與各位 Passover with you


169. The apostles thought they were going to eat the Passover meal

169.使徒以為他們要吃逾越節的筵席 170.他們以為他們要再次討論神如何將以

170. That they were going to talk again about how God took them out of Egypt and took them back to the promised land

色列人從埃及拯救出來,然後帶他們 到應許之地 171. 但是耶穌竟然完全改變了焦點

171. But Jesus completely changed their focus


172. He picks up the bread and broke it and said this is my body broken for you

們,說: 「這是我的身體,為你們捨的 173.這不是為我自己做的,而是為了你們

173. I‘m not doing this for me, I‘m doing it for you


174. This had to be a shock for them


175. And whenever you do this, remember…


176. Remember what? The apostles were probably thinking ―remember Egypt, remember your deliverance‖ 177. Jesus say, ―Remember me‖

念埃及,紀念被拯救」 177.但耶穌卻說「紀念我」 178.接著,祂拿起酒杯,又說了一件令人

178. Then He picks up the wine and says something shocking

感到很震撼的事情 179.祂說,這杯是我的血,為你們而流的

179. He says this is my blood shed for you


180. That had to wake everybody up

181. 祂完全改變了他們的焦點

181. He changed their focus


182. So whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, remember me

杯酒,就要記念我 183.早年的教會還是繼續紀念逾越節,但

183. So the early church continued to observe Passover, but the focus was different

是焦點已經不一樣了 184.他們不再紀念神將他們從埃及拯救出

184. Instead of remembering their deliverance from Egypt, they remembered their deliverance from sin and death and their deliverance into the promise of heaven

來,而是紀念祂將他們從罪與死亡中 拯救出來,以及進入祂應許的天堂 185.因此每當我們拿起餅跟杯,我們就跟 4000 年以來神的選民相連在一起

185. So taking the bread and drinking the wine connects us 186.最後,有一件事非常重要,四個福音 to the people of God over the past 4000 years


186. Finally, one thing that all four gospels record because 187.耶穌說,從今以後我不再喝這葡萄 it is very important


187. Jesus says that he will not drink again of the wine until we drink it with him in heaven

的那杯 188.這樣很棒吧

188. Isn‘t that great?!


189. Our Lord is waiting for us, so that we can eat and drink with him 141

How God Reveals Himself to the World 神如何向世人顯現自己 1.

In John chapter one, John talks of the Word

1. 在約翰福音第一章,使徒約翰說到


(V. 1) John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the 2. (V. 1) 約 1:1-3 太初有道,道與 Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God.

3. 4.



All things came into being

與 神同在。3 萬物是藉著他造

through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being


that has come into being.


Now let‘s skip down to verse fourteen of the same

3. 我們現在跳到這章的第十四節


4. (V. 2) 約 1:14 道成了肉身,住在


(V. 2) And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us,


and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from


the Father, full of grace and truth.


This famous chapter is often used to help show that Jesus is God


Because we see the ―Word was God‖ and the ―Word 6. 因為我們看到『道就是 神』以及 『道成了肉身』,證明耶穌是神

But today, I want to approach this chapter from a different angle


7. 但是我今天想要換一個角度來看 這段經文

Why are both Jesus and the Bible called the ―Word of 8. 為什麼在聖經裡面,耶穌和聖經都 God‖


5. 這段著名的經文常用來說明耶穌 是神

became flesh,‖ showing that Jesus is God 7.

神同在,道就是 神。2 這道太初








and 9. 這個問題非常有意思,而且答案不僅可以

understanding the answer helps us better


understand the roles of not only Jesus and the


Bible, but our role in the world


10. God created us for relationship with him, but he was faced with a couple of problems

10. 上帝為了讓我們與祂建立關係而創造我 們,但是祂同時也面臨兩個問題


11. First, he wants us to love him of our own free will, 11. 首先,祂希望我們對祂的愛是出於自由意 because love without free will is not love at all


12. He could have created millions of robots to say, ―I love you‖ all day long, but that‘s not true love,

愛 12. 祂當初大可創造幾百萬個機器人,整天對

is it?

祂說―我愛你‖,但是這不是真正的愛,對 吧?

13. Second, he also wants us to love him for who he is

13. 再者,祂也希望我們愛的是祂本身

14. Let‘s face it, if he showed himself to us directly, 14. 咱們實話實說吧,如果上帝直接顯現自己 it would influence our decision to love him or not

給我們看,絕對會影響我們是否要愛祂的 決定

15. We would not love him for the right

15. 我們絕對會因為錯誤的原因愛祂。讓我用一則故事

reasons. Let me explain with a story


16. A king sees a poor waitress from a 16. 一個國王遠遠看到一個餐廳的女服務生,他立刻愛 distance and falls in love with her



17. He wants her to love him back and marry him, but 17. 國王很希望女服務生也會愛他並且跟他 he is faced with a problem


18. If he goes to see her dressed as a king and with all 18. 要是他以國王的裝扮出現,而且還帶著一 of his attendants, it will influence her decision to


love him or not


19. She might love him for his power or his wealth

20. She might be so afraid that she cannot love him 21. She might even enter their relationship with him out of fear, feeling she has no choice

19. 她可能會愛上國王的權力或金錢

20. 她也可能很害怕,以至於無法真正的愛 他 21. 她甚至有可能會出於恐懼而跟國王在一

22. None of these is based on love for the king himself and it is not what he wants

起,因為她覺得自己沒有其他選擇 22. 這些都不是基於對國王的愛,也不是他

23. He wants the woman to come to know him and then choose to love him or not to love him

所要的 23. 他希望這個女生可以了解他,然後決定

24. It has to be her choice made free of any outside influence

是否要愛他 24. 必須是女生自己透過自己的自由意志才

25. So he decides to go to the restaurant where she

works without his attendants and wearing humble 25. 於是,國王決定穿著普通的衣服,不帶 clothes



26. That is exactly what God did

26. 上帝就是這麼做的

27. (V. 3) Phil 2:6-8 who, although He existed in the form 27. (V. 3) 腓 2:6-8 本有 神的形像,不 of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be 7

以自己與 神同等為強奪的,7 反倒

grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a


bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.

式。8 既有人的樣子,就自己卑微,


Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled

Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

存心順服,以至於死,且死在十字架 上。 28. 上帝脫下祂―國王般的服裝‖和權柄,

28. God shed his kingly garments and power and came to earth in the form of a humble man

以謙卑的人的樣子來到世上 29. 為的是給我們機會自由決定是否愛祂

29. To give us the opportunity to choose love him for who he is

30. 耶穌是神,祂也向我們顯現上帝的品 格

30. Jesus is God and he shows us the character of God

31. (V. 4) 約 14:7-9 你們若認識我,也

31. (V. 4) John 14:7-9 "If you had known Me, you would


have known My Father also; from now on you know Him,

他,並且已經看見他。‖8 腓力對他


and have seen Him." Philip said to Him, "Lord, show us 9


the Father, and it is enough for us." Jesus said to

足了。‖9 耶穌對他說:―腓力,我與

him, "Have I been so long with you, and yet you have


not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has


seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the



32. 因此,耶穌是上帝,祂脫下了上帝的

32. So Jesus is God and he set aside the likeness and power of God to come to earth as a man to show us the character of God

形象和權柄,以人的樣子來到世上, 顯現上帝的品格給我們看 33. 但是,你知道嗎?在耶穌來到世上之

33. But did you know that before Jesus came to earth, God used many other ways to show himself to humans?

前,上帝已經用過各種方式向世人顯 現自己?

34. (V. 5) Heb. 1:1-3 God, after He spoke long ago to the 34. (V. 5) 來 1:1-4 神既在古時藉著眾 fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many 2

ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, 145

先知多次多方地曉諭列祖,2 就在這 末世,藉著他兒子曉諭我們,又早已

whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom 3


also He made the world. And He is the radiance of His

諸世 界。 3 他是 神榮 耀所發的 光

glory and the exact representation of His nature, and

輝,是 神本體的真像,常用他權能的

upholds all things by the word of His power


35. What are some of the ways that God made himself known to us before Jesus?

坐在高天至大者的右邊。 35. 在耶穌之前,神透過哪一些方式顯現

36. He shows us himself through nature and through our hearts

祂自己呢? 36. 祂透過自然界以及我們的心

Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God

詩:46:10 你們要休息,要知道我是 神!

37. He showed himself through many miracles, such as the 37. 以及許多神蹟,例如出埃及記裡燃燒 burning bush, the pillar of smoke and the pillar of fire in Exodus

的樹叢,煙柱及火柱等 出 13:21 日間,耶和華在雲柱中領他們的

Exodus 13:21 The LORD was going before them in a pillar of


cloud by day to lead them on the way, and in a pillar of fire 夜都可以行走。 by night to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night.

38. 祂也透過異象、先知以及舊約顯現自 己

38. He revealed himself through visions, prophets, and the 39. 在耶穌之後呢,祂透過使徒的教誨顯 Old Testament

39. After Christ, he revealed himself to us through teachings of the apostles

使徒行傳 2:41-42 於是領受他話的人就 受了洗。那一天,門徒約添了三千人,都

Acts 2:41-42—Those who accepted his message were 恒心遵守使徒的教訓 baptized, and about three thousand were added to their 40. 聖經,也就是神之道,是神透過人寫 number that day. They devoted themselves to the apostles‘ teaching and to the fellowship

的 提摩太後書 3:16 聖經都是


40. The Bible—the Word of God, was written by God 的。 through humans

彼得後書 1:21 因為預言從來沒有出於人

2 Tim 3:16—All Scripture is God-breathed…


2 Pet 1:21—for no prophecy was ever made by an act of



human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from 41. 聖經包含耶穌、使徒及早期教會領導 God


41. It contains the teachings of Jesus, the apostles, and 42. 聖經完成後,也成為神向世人顯現自 the early church leaders


42. When it was ready, it became an another important 43. 因此,神透過各種方式,包括異象、 way for God to reveal himself to the world


43. So God revealed himself to the world in many ways,


including through visions, prophets, miracles, the

44. 但是祂現在還利用另外一個方式

Bible, and in his Son

45. (V. 6) 徒 11:26 找著了,就帶他到安

44. But now he uses another way

提阿去。他們足有一年的工夫和教會 146

45. (V. 6) Acts 11:26 …the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.

一同聚集,教訓了許多人。門徒稱為 基督徒是從安提阿起首。

46. In Greek, the term Christians means ―little Christs‖ 47. You and I are ―little Christs‖ and part of our mission as little Christs is to reveal God to the world

46. 在希臘文,基督徒就是―小基督‖的意 思 47. 你我都是―小基督‖,而身為―小基督‖

48. (V. 7) Rom. 8:29 For those whom He foreknew, He also


predestined to become conformed to the image of His 48. (V. 7) 羅 8:29 因為他預先所知道 Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many




49. God created us in his image, but the image of God in us 49. 神以祂的形象造我們,但是在我們裡 was distorted at the Fall and with sin


50. Now that we are Christ‘s little brothers and sisters, the Holy Spirit is gradually conforming us into the image of Christ

扭曲了 50. 我們現在是耶穌的弟弟跟妹們,而聖 靈要逐漸將我們塑造成耶穌的樣子

51. And as we become increasingly Christ-like, our job is 51. 隨著我們越來越像耶穌的樣子,我們 to reflect God to the world


52. But how do we do that?

52. 但是怎麼做到呢?

53. We do that by obeying God‘s Word and allowing the 53. 我們要遵守神的話語以及順服聖靈, Holy Spirit to conform us increasingly into the image of Jesus

這樣我們才會越來越像耶穌 54. 我們是上帝在世界上的代表

54. We are God‘s representatives on earth

55. 對非常多非信徒而言,我們是他們唯

55. We are the only ―scripture‖ that many non-believers will ever ―read‖

一會閱讀的「經文」 56. 這是個非常重大的責任,但是我們不

56. That‘s a tremendous responsibility and we will never perfectly reflect him

可能完全的反映祂 57. 我相信在今天結束之前,你我一定會

57. I‘m sure before the day is over, you and I will do many un-Christ-like things

做出很多不像耶穌的行為 58. 沒關係,在耶穌裡,我們的罪,包括

58. That‘s ok. In Christ, we are already forgiven for all our sins—past, present, and future

過去、現在及未來的罪,都已經被赦 免

59. Our goal in this life, however, is to come closer to that 59. 我們在世上的目標,是變得更像耶穌 goal of becoming more like Christ

60. 施洗約翰曾說過―祂必興旺,我必衰

60. John the Baptist said, ―He must increase, but I must decrease.‖ (John 3:30)

微。‖ (約 3:30) 61. 結論是,今天世人可以透過三種方式

61. In conclusion, the world today has three primary ways of seeing God: nature, the Bible, and you

看到上帝:自然界、聖經以及你 62. 而與自然界、耶穌以及聖經一樣,我

62. And like the natural world, Jesus, and the Bible, we should point like road signs to God



I Am 我是自有永有 Matthew 26:47-56—While He was still speaking, behold, Judas, one 馬太福音 26:47-56—耶穌還在說話的時候,十 of the twelve, came up accompanied by a large crowd with swords and


clubs, who came from the chief priests and elders of the people. 48

到,他們是祭司長和民間的長老派來的。48 出

Now he who was betraying Him gave them a sign, saying, "Whomever I


kiss, He is the one; seize Him." 49 Immediately Judas went to Jesus 誰就是他;你們可以抓住他。‖49 他立刻前來對 and said, "Hail, Rabbi !" and kissed Him. 50 And Jesus said to him,


"Friend, do what you have come for." Then they came and laid hands on


Jesus and seized Him. 51 And behold, one of those who were with


Jesus reached and drew out his sword, and struck the slave of the

他。 51 有一個與耶穌在一起的人,伸手拔出刀

high priest and cut off his ear. 52 Then Jesus said to him, "Put your 來,砍了大祭司的僕人一刀,削掉他的一隻耳 sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword shall

朵。 52 耶穌對他說:―把你的刀收回原處!凡

perish by the sword. 53 "Or do you think that I cannot appeal to My

動刀的必死在刀下。 53 你以為我不能求我的

Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve 父,他就馬上給我派十二營以上的天使下來 legions of angels? 54 "How then will the Scriptures be fulfilled, which 嗎? 54 如果這樣,經上預言這事必須發生,怎 say that i t must happen this way?" 55 At tha t time Jesus said to the

能應驗呢?‖ 55 那時,耶穌對眾人說:―你們帶

crowds, "Have you come out with swords and clubs to arrest Me as you


would against a robber? Every day I used to sit in the temple teaching

殿裡教導人,你們卻沒有逮捕我。 56 但這整件

and you did not seize Me. 56 "But all this has taken place to fulfill the


Scriptures of the prophets." Then all the disciples left Him and fled.


Mark 14:43-52—Immediately while He was still speaking, Judas, one 馬可福音 14:43-52—耶穌還在說話的時候,十 of the twelve, came up accompanied by a crowd with swords and clubs,


who were from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders. 44

們是祭司長、經學家和長老派來的。 44 出賣耶

Now he who was betraying Him had given them a signal, saying,


"Whomever I kiss, He is the one; seize Him and lead Him away under 就是他。你們把他逮捕,小心帶去。‖ 45 猶大 guard." 45 After coming, Judas immediately went to Him, saying,


"Rabbi!" and kissed Him. 46 They laid hands on Him and seized Him. 47

嘴。 46 他們就動手拿住耶穌,逮捕了他。 47 站

But one of those who stood by drew his sword, and struck the slave of


the high priest and cut off his ear. 48 And Jesus said to them, "Have 人一刀,削掉了他的一隻耳朵。 48 耶穌對他們 you come out with swords and clubs to arrest Me, as you would against 說:―你們帶著刀棒出來,把我當作強盜捉拿 a robber? 49 "Every day I was with you in the temple teaching, and

嗎? 49 我天天在殿裡教導人,跟你們在一起,

you did not seize Me; but this has taken place to fulfill the


Scriptures." 50 And they all left Him and fled. 51 A young man was 話。‖ 50 門徒都離開他逃跑了。 51 有一個青 following Him, wearing nothing but a linen sheet over his naked body; 148


and they seized him. 52 But he pulled free of the linen sheet and

的時候, 52 他就丟掉麻布,赤身逃跑了。

escaped naked. Luke 22:47-53—While He was still speaking, behold, a crowd came,

路加福音 22:47-53—耶穌還在說話的時候,來

and the one called Judas, one of the twelve, was preceding them; and


he approached Jesus to kiss Him. 48 But Jesus said to him, "Judas,

穌跟前要用嘴親他。 48 耶穌對他說:―猶大,

are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?" 49 When those who

你用親嘴作暗號出賣人子嗎?‖ 49 左右的人見

were around Him saw what was going to happen, they said, "Lord, shall

了,就說:―主啊,我們用刀砍好嗎?‖ 50 他們

we strike with the sword?" 50 And one of them struck the slave of


the high priest and cut off his right ear. 51 But Jesus answered and

右耳。 51 耶穌說:―由他們吧!‖就摸那人的耳

said, "Stop! No more of this." And He touched his ear and healed him.

朵,醫好了他。 52 耶穌對那些前來捉拿他的祭

52 Then Jesus said to the chief priests and officers of the temple


and elders who had come against Him, "Have you come out with swords 把我當作強盜捉拿嗎? 53 我天天跟你們在殿 and clubs as you would against a robber? 53 "While I was with you


daily in the temple, you did not lay hands on Me; but this hour and the


power of darkness are yours." John 18:1-11—When Jesus had spoken these words, He went forth

約翰福音 18:1-11—耶穌說完了這些話,就和門

with His disciples over the ravine of the Kidron, where there was a


garden, in which He entered with His disciples. 2 Now Judas also, who

和門徒進去了。2 出賣耶穌的猶大也知道那地

was betraying Him, knew the place, for Jesus had often met there

方,因為耶穌和門徒常常在那裡聚集。 3 那時,

with His disciples. 3 Judas then, having received the Roman cohort


and officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees, came there

役,拿著燈籠、火把、武器,來到園子裡。 4 耶

with lanterns and torches and weapons. 4 So Jesus, knowing all the


things that were coming upon Him, went forth and said to them,

說:―你們找誰?‖ 5 他們回答:―拿撒勒人耶

"Whom do you seek?" 5 They answered Him, "Jesus the Nazarene." He 穌!‖耶穌說:―我就是。‖出賣耶穌的猶大和他 said to them, "I am He." And Judas also, who was betraying Him, was 們站在那裡。 6 耶穌一說―我就是‖,他們就往後 standing with them. 6 So when He said to them, "I am He," they drew

退,倒在地上。 7 他再問他們:―你們找誰?‖

back and fell to the ground. 7 Therefore He again asked them, "Whom 他們說:―拿撒勒人耶穌!‖ 8 耶穌回答:―我已 do you seek?" And they said, "Jesus the Nazarene." 8 Jesus answered,


"I told you that I am He; so if you seek Me, let these go their way," 9

這些人走吧。‖ 9 這應驗了耶穌說過的話:―你賜

to fulfill the word which He spoke, "Of those whom You have given Me 給我的人,我一個也沒有失落。‖ 10 西門.彼 I lost not one." 10 Simon Peter then, having a sword, drew it and


struck the high priest's slave, and cut off his right ear; and the

古砍去,削掉他的右耳。 11 耶穌對彼得說:―把

slave's name was Malchus. 11 So Jesus said to Peter, "Put the sword


into the sheath; the cup which the Father has given Me, shall I not drink it?"



The Bible consists of 66 books written by dozens of 1. 聖經由數十位作者所寫的 66 卷書所 writers



Despite this, it is consistent from beginning to end

2. 儘管如此,聖經內容卻前後連貫


The writers of the gospels sometimes discuss the same

3. 福音書的作者有時候會討論同樣的事

event, but there are often differences in their accounts 4. 5.

4. 批評家說這就證明聖經有瑕疵

Critics of the Bible say that this proves that the Bible 5. 但是大部分的基督徒相信,這是因作 has flaws in it


Most Christians believe that the differences are due to


the different perspectives of the writers and the 6.


6. 相反地,若是四位作者都寫完全相同

points they want to emphasize


On the contrary, if all four writers wrote the same


things, you would have cause to suspect that they 7. 關鍵是當你在閱讀不同的敘述時,它 7.

collaborated on their writings


The key is when you read the various accounts, can they


be pieced together logically like a puzzle? 8. 9.

8. 今天,我要用一個故事來顯明給你

Today, I would like to take one story and show you how


these stories can be pieced together


There are differences in the details of the four 9. 我們剛剛所讀四篇關於耶穌被逮捕的 accounts of Jesus‘ arrest that we just read


10. All four of them mention that a disciple or Peter cut off 10. 首先,四篇敘述都有提到有位門徒或 a slave‘s ear with a sword


11. I‘ve heard Bible critics say, ―How can you chop off an 11. 我曾聽聖經評論家說過:「用刀削掉 ear with a sword and not hit the shoulder or neck?‖

耳朵怎麼可能不會傷到肩膀或是脖子 呢?」


12. This is a good question. Let‘s try to piece these stories 12. 這是個好問題。我們來試著拼湊這幾篇 together in a way that logically answers it


13. We read the following in John

14. (V. 1) 2 Now Judas also, who was betraying Him, knew 13. 約翰福音中是這樣寫的 the place, for Jesus had often met there with His 14. (V. 1) 賣耶穌的猶大也知道那地方,因 disciples. 3 Judas then, having received the Roman

為耶穌和門徒屢次上那裡去聚集。 3

cohort and officers from the chief priests and the


Pharisees, came there with lanterns and torches and


weapons. 4 So Jesus, knowing all the things that were

到園裡。 4 耶穌知道將要臨到自己的

coming upon Him, went forth and said to them, "Whom


do you seek?" 5 They answered Him, "Jesus the

5 他們回答說:找拿撒勒人耶穌。耶穌

Nazarene." He said to them, "I am He." And Judas


also, who was betraying Him, was standing with them.


15. In verse three, it says Judas came with a ―Roman 15. 在第三節這裡說道:猶大領了一隊兵。 cohort‖


16. A cohort consisted of 600 soldiers

16. 一隊 cohort 的羅馬士兵有 600 人

17. There were also the officers and other people like 17. 在那裡有官長以及其他像是祭司長的差 the servant of the high priest, so there were well over 600 people there to arrest Jesus

役,所以是超過 600 人要來捉拿耶穌 18. 你們還記得梅爾吉勃遜的電影「受難記」

18. Remember Mel Gibson‘s movie ―The Passion‖?


19. It was a great movie, but there were nowhere near 19. 這是一部好片,但是在捉拿耶穌那一幕中 this many people in that scene


20. In verse five, they say they are looking for Jesus 20. 在第五節中,他們說他們要找拿撒勒人耶 and Jesus replies, ―I am He‖


21. Actually, Jesus didn‘t say, ―I am He‖; he said ―I am‖

21. 事實上,耶穌並不是說:「我就是祂。」 而是說:「我就是」

22. When you read the Bible in English, whenever you 22. 讀英文聖經時如果你看到斜體字,表示那 151

see a word in italics, it means that word was added


23. The word ―He‖ here is in italics, so it is not in the 23. 我就是祂的「祂」是斜體字,所以表示原 original


24. The translators added the word ―He‖ here, 24. 譯者加上「祂」字,可能是因為他們認為 probably because they thought it would make the story clearer

這樣會讓故事更清楚 25. 耶穌說―ego ami‖,在希臘文中代表「我是」

25. Jesus said ―ego ami‖ which is Greek for ―I am‖


26. He was saying ―I am that I am‖ which is the name 26. 祂是在說:「我是自有永有」,這是上帝 of God


27. I want us pause for a moment and review the fact 27. 我們先暫停一下,來回顧故事的真相,當 that Jesus knew what was going to happen


28. Jesus says a number of times in the Book of John 28. 在約翰福音中,耶穌說了好幾次,「祂的 that ―my hour has not come‖ (John 2:4, 7:30, 8:20)

時候還沒到」(約 2:4, 7:30, 8:20)

29. But then on the eve of his crucifixion, he makes it 29. 但當祂要被釘十字架的前一個晚上,祂很 clear that his hour has come (12:23, 13:1, 16:19) 30. Jesus wasn‘t caught off guard by the arrival of Judas and the Roman soldiers

清楚地說「人子得榮耀的時候到了」(12:23, 13:1, 16:19) 30. 耶穌對於猶大與羅馬士兵的到來,並非毫

31. He knew that they were coming for him


32. On the contrary, Judas and the soldiers were 31. 祂知道他們要來抓祂 probably caught off guard, because Jesus stepped 32. 相反的,猶大和那些士兵大概沒有心理準 forward boldly


33. He did this to show that no one was taking his life 33. 祂這麼做是為要表明沒有人可以奪走祂的 from him (Read Matthew 26:54-54)

生命(參考馬太福音 26:53~54)

34. Rather, he was willingly laying it down for his 34. 而是祂自己甘心為祂的羊群犧牲 sheep

35. 祂大可選擇不讓他們捉拿祂,就像前幾次祂

35. He could have chosen not to let them arrest him, just he did so many times before

所做的那樣 36. 比如,之前他們想要用石頭打祂的時候,發

36. For example, what happened when they wanted to stone him earlier?

生了什麼事? 37. 聖經說「耶穌走開了」

37. The Bible says that ―Jesus went his way‖

38. 當有一群暴民想要殺你的時候,你不會只是 152

38. You don‘t just ―go your way‖ when a mob wants to kill you, yet the Bible says he did

走開,但是聖經說耶穌就這麼做 39. 天父上帝一直保護著耶穌直到祂的時候到

39. The Father was protecting him until his hour had come

了 40. 聖經以陳述保守著稱

40. The Bible is well known for understatement

41. 祂的時間還沒到,而且在那之前沒有人能傷

41. His hour had not yet come and he was invincible until it came

得了祂 42. 在我們現在這則故事當中,祂知道祂的時候

42. In our current story, he knows the hour has come and willingly steps forward

到了並且甘心挺身而出 43. 注意在第六節耶穌說「我就是。」之後發生

43. Notice what happens in verse six after Jesus said, ―I am‖

了什麼事 44. 他們就往後退,倒在地上

44. When he said, ‗―I am He‘, they drew back and fell 45. 當耶穌說我是「自有永有」的時候,發生了 to the ground‖


45. When Jesus said, ―Ego ami,‖ something big


happened, but unfortunately, we didn‘t see that in 46. 「自有永有」是影射出埃及記的故事,大家 the movie, either


46. The words ‗ego ami‘ are from the story in Exodus. 47. (V. 2) 出 3:14 神對摩西說:我是自有永有 Remember that?


47. (V. 2) Ex 3:14 God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I


AM"; and He said, "Thus you shall say to the sons 48. 神對摩西說:「去告訴法老,那自有的派我 of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"


48. God tells Moses to tell Pharaoh ‗I am‘ sent you 49. The ―I am‖ is God who appeared to Moses in the burning bush

49. 自有永有的神就是在荊棘火焰中向摩西顯 現的那位 50. 在約翰福音這裡,耶穌也說祂是自有永有的

50. Here in John, Jesus says that he is the ―I am‖

51. 也就是說,耶穌是說祂就是神

51. He is saying that he is God

52. 大家注意,當祂說「我是」的時候,發生了

52. Notice what happens when he says ―I am‖


53. They drew back and fell to the ground

53. 他們就往後退,倒在地上

54. In the Greek, the word that is used means that 54. 希臘文中,這個字代表他們是被壓倒在地上 they were pinned down



55. Again, we didn‘t see that in the movie

55. 同樣,我們並沒有在電影中看到這一幕

56. If Jesus had wanted to escape, he could have quietly 56. 如果耶穌想要逃走的話,祂大可安靜地 walked away


57. But he came for a purpose and that purpose was to die 57. 但祂降世是有目的的,這目的就是要為 for his sheep


58. In verse eight, Jesus says you‘ve come for me, leave 58. 在第八節,耶穌說,你們是為了我而來 these others alone


59. He didn‘t want to lose any of his sheep in a battle

59. 祂不想在戰鬥中失落任何一隻羊

60. The situation was hanging by a thread

60. 當時現場的情況可說是千鈞一髮

61. Violence could have broken out, but Jesus didn‘t want 61. 暴力衝突可能一觸及發,但耶穌不想讓 anything to keep him from his mission


62. So he pinned over 600 men to the ground, but how did 62. 祂把 600 個以上的男人壓倒在地上且 he do it?


63. Again, John is a master of understatement.

63. 像之前所說的,約翰很擅長低調的描述

64. Let me tell you what many Christians think happened

64. 讓我來告訴你很多基督徒是怎麼認為

65. Remember the story of the transfiguration?


66. (V. 3) Mark 9:1-8 And Jesus was saying to them, "Truly 65. 你們還記得耶穌變像的故事嗎? I say to you, there are some of those who are standing 66. (V. 3)可 9:1~8 耶穌又對他們說:我實 here who will not taste death until they see the 2


kingdom of God after it has come with power." Six


days later, Jesus took with Him Peter and James and


John, and brought them up on a high mountain by


themselves. And He was transfigured before them;

了形像, 衣服放光,極其潔白,地上


and His garments became radiant and exceedingly

漂布的,沒有一個能漂得那樣白。 忽

white, as no launderer on earth can whiten them.



Elijah appeared to them along with Moses; and they

和耶穌說話。 彼得對耶穌說:拉比(就

were talking with Jesus. 5 Peter said to Jesus, "Rabbi,


it is good for us to be here; let us make three


tabernacles, one for You, and one for Moses, and one

以利亞。 彼得不知道說什麼才好,因


for Elijah." For he did not know what to answer; for they became terrified.


為他們甚是懼怕。 有一朵雲彩來遮蓋

Then a cloud formed,


overshadowing them, and a voice came out of the

是我的愛子,你們要聽他。 門徒忽然


cloud, "This is My beloved Son, listen to Him!" All at


once they looked around and saw no one with them


anymore, except Jesus alone.

67. 門徒看見了甚麼?

67. What did the disciples see? 68. The veil was removed

68. 當眼前的帕子被揭開後,有一瞬間的時 and




pre-incarnate glory for a moment

刻,他們看見祂道成肉身之前的榮耀 69. 門徒們目眩神迷,因為耶穌比太陽還更


69. They were dazzled, because he was brighter than the sun

耀眼 70. 我想大概有非常短的時間,可能只是一

70. I think for a very small moment, maybe just a second,


Jesus showed the Roman soldiers his glory


71. But it was enough to cause them to fall backwards 71. 但這一秒就足以讓他們往後倒地、害怕 trembling in fear


72. Jesus did this to show that his power was so 72. 耶穌這麼做是要告訴眾人,祂的能力是令 awesome that no one could take his life from him 73. Remember what he said in chapter 10:18,

人敬畏的,沒有人可以奪走祂的性命 73. 回想祂在第十章第十八節所說的

74. (V. 4) John 10:18 ―No one takes My life from Me, I 74. (V.4 約 10:18 )沒有人奪我的命去,是我自 lay it down on My own initiative. I have the


authority to take it up again. This authority I


received from the Father.‖

75. 沒有人奪他的命,祂是自己捨下自己的生

75. No one killed him. He laid down his life


76. So if you ask who killed Jesus, I would have to 76. 所以如果你問我是誰殺了耶穌,就某種意 answer that in one sense, we are all responsible 77. but in another sense, no one killed him, because he willingly laid down his life

義來說,我必須回答你,我們每個人都有 責任 77. 但從另外一個角度也可以說,沒有人殺了

78. If you really understand what is going on here, you


will see that the nails did not hold him to the cross 78. 如果你真的了解耶穌在做什麼,你會知道 79. No, it was his love that kept him on the cross


80. He stayed on the cross knowing that was the 79. 不是,而是祂的愛使祂願意被釘在十字架 reason he came

81. That this was the only way to reconcile sinful 80. 祂留在十字架上,祂知道這就是祂來到世 humans to a holy God


82. Somebody might say, ―But wasn‘t Jesus afraid?‖ 155

81. 這也是讓罪人與聖潔的神和好的唯一方法

83. Well, the Bible says he was so anxious that he 82. 有人可能會問說,難道耶穌不怕嗎? sweat blood (Luke 22:44)

83. 聖經說:耶穌極其傷痛,禱告更加懇切,

84. Now, Jesus wasn‘t looking forward to the cross

汗珠如大血點滴在地上(路 22:44)

85. It is one of the cruelest forms of torture ever 84. 耶穌當然並不期待上十字架 invented

85. 這是人類發明極其殘忍的酷刑之一

86. But I believe that he was more anxious about being 86. 但我相信比起被釘十字架,和天父上帝分 separated from the Father


87. You have to remember that throughout eternity, 87. 你要知道在永恆裡,上帝和聖子耶穌總是 the Father and the Son had always been together


88. But when our sins were placed onto him, the Father 88. 而當耶穌擔當了我們的罪,上帝就別無選 had no choice but to leave Jesus


89. This would be the first and only time that the Father 89. 這將是第一次也是唯一一次父與子會分 and Son would be separated

90. And it was done for our sake

90. 而這是因為我們的緣故

91. Matthew even tells us the exact time that this

91. 馬太福音中甚至告訴我們這件事發生的



92. (V. 5) Matthew 27:46—About the ninth hour Jesus 92. (V. 5 太 27:46) 約在申初,耶穌大聲喊 cried out with a loud voice, saying, "ELI, ELI, LAMA






93. Christ was anxious about being separated from the 93. 沒有什麼事情比和天父分開更令基督耶 Father more than anything


94. Continuing, in John 18:7, ―He again asked them, 94. 接下來,在約翰福音 18:7,祂又問他 ‗Whom do you seek‘? And they said, ‗Jesus the




95. Next we come to the part of our story that I wanted 95. 然後,就來到了我想要和大家討論的部 to talk about

96. (V. 6) Simon Peter then, having a sword, drew it and 96. (V. 6 約 18:10) 西門彼得帶著一把刀, 156

struck the high priest's slave, and cut off his right


ear; and the slave's name was Malchus.


97. How did Peter cut off the servant‘s ear with a sword 97. 彼得拔劍怎麼可能削掉奴隸的耳朵,但 without hitting his shoulder or neck?


98. Well, if he had been standing up, I think it would have 98. 我想,如果他當時是站著的,不傷到是 been nearly impossible


99. But you have to remember, the soldiers were all 99. 不過,你要記得,那些士兵們當時全都 pinned to the ground


100. So Peter hit the servant‘s ear and without hitting any 100. 所以彼得將劍往下揮,只削掉他的耳朵 other part of his body


101. While we‘re at it, let‘s talk about why Peter would 101. 既然我們講到這裡,我們來討論一下為 do something like that


102. During the 3 1/2 years that they were with Jesus, 102. 在門徒與耶穌相處的三年半裡,他們以 the disciples thought that Jesus was a political leader

為耶穌是政治領袖 103. 他們認為耶穌是要來帶領以色列脫離羅

103. They thought that he had come to free Israel from the Roman empire

馬帝國統治的 104. 彼得並不知道發生什麼事,但他應該意

104. Peter didn‘t understand what was happening, but he


probably realized that things were coming to a head 105. 他可能把劍帶在身上,想著戰鬥的時候 105. He probably brought the sword with him thinking that the time to fight was coming

快到了! 106. 當士兵來到的時候,門徒們可能因為太

106. Jesus‘ disciples were probably too afraid to fight when the soldiers came

害怕而不敢戰鬥 107. 但當耶穌將他們壓倒在地時,彼得很可

107. But when Jesus pinned them to the ground, Peter probably saw it as the beginning of the fight 108. It probably emboldened him

能將此視為戰鬥的開始 108. 這樣的景象讓他變得大膽了起來 109. 那位僕人可能是四腳著地趴著的,彼得

109. The servant could have been on all fours and Peter 157


was aiming for his head, but missed, cutting off his ear instead

朵 110. 然而耶穌叫他住手,並且醫治了那位奴

110. But Jesus tells him to stop and heals the servant 111. He tells them to not stop the soldiers and that this

隸 111.祂另外告訴他們不要阻擋這些士兵捉拿

is the reason that he came


112. Isn‘t it interesting how the different versions of the 112. 不同版本的故事,卻能如此精確地拼 same story fit together so nicely?


113. In the future, I would like to use the same technique 113. 以後,我想用同樣的方法來拼湊聖經 to piece together different versions of other Bible stories

裡面其他不同版本的故事。 114. 法院裡的法官,聽到不同版本的故事

114. This is what judges do in court when they hear different versions of the same story

時,也是這麼拼湊的。 115. 這麼做很有挑戰性也很有趣,不是

115. It‘s both challenging and fun, isn‘t it?


116. You can do the same thing in your studies of God‘s 116. 你也可以在研讀神的話語時,做同樣 Word



If There Is Only One Truth, Shouldn't There Only Be One Church? (Well, yes and no)

假如真理只有一個,應該只有一個教會才對吧? (是非兩者都成立) 1. Most Christians say there is only one truth

1. 大部分的基督徒都會說真理只有一個

2. But there are many Christian denominations and 2. 但是基督教的教派又那麼多,而且每一個教派 each says that it has the truth


3. Critics of Christianity say they can't all be

3. 基督教的批評者說,不可能每個教派都是對

right, so they must all be wrong


4. I don‘t agree. In fact, the fact that there are so many 4. 我不同意。事實上,有這麼多教派,對 denominations encourages me


5. It means that there are people who consider the truth 5. 這意味著有很多人認為真理很重要 important

6. 大多數的基督徒都說只有一個真理;這

6. Now, most Christians say there is only one truth and I agree with that

句話我同意 7. 神的話語或道是真理

7. The Word of God, or the Word, are the truth 8. The "Word" is the "message" that God uses to reveal himself to the world

8. 「道」是神用來顯現自己給世人看的「信 息」 9. 換言之,如果你想要了解神是怎麼樣

9. In other words, if you want to know about God, look to his Word

的,你就要看祂的道 10. 神創造我們是為了與我們建立關係,而

10. God created us for relationship and he wants us to come to him of our own free will

我們與祂的關係必須出於自願的才行 11. 祂並沒有以榮耀與能力來到世上,因為

11. He doesn't come in all his power and glory, because we would all come to him or run from him out of fear 12. He prefers that we come to him out of love, so he reveals himself in more subtle ways

這樣一來,無論我們來到祂面前或對祂 敬而遠之,都會是出自懼怕 12. 祂希望我們因為愛祂才尋求祂,因此祂 使用比較微妙的方式顯現自己給世人


(Read article How God Reveals himself to the World)


13. Now, both Jesus and the Bible are referred to in the

13. 那麼,在聖經裡,耶穌和聖經都被稱為

Bible as the Word of God

14. (V. 1) John 1:1, 14--1 In the beginning was the Word,

14. (V. 1)約翰福音 1:1, 14--1 太初有道,道

and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...

14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us,


and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten


from the Father, full of grace and truth.


15. (V. 2) Mark 7:8,13—―…you have a fine way of setting

神同在,道就是 神。14 道成了肉

15. (V. 2)馬可福音 7:8, 13 ―…你有個不理會

aside the commands of God in order to observe you


own traditions you nullify the Word of God by your

注意您自己有的傳統思想習慣, 而這是


您承接了人的遺傳、廢了 神的道… ‖

(John 17:17—Jesus praying to the Father for the

(約翰福音 17:17--求你用真理使他們成

apostles--Sanctify them by the truth; your Word is




(Read article Word of God)

16. 別擔心,要了解為什麼耶穌和聖經都叫

16. Don't worry. It's very easy to understand why both Jesus and the Bible are called the Word

做道其實很簡單 17. 如果有人問:「你看過 Chris 嗎?」

17. If somebody asks, "Have you ever seen Chris?"

18. 路人甲說:「是的,我看過他本人」

18. Person A says, "Yes, I have seen him in person"

19. 路人乙說:「是的,我看過他的照片」

19. Person B says, "Yes, I have seen him in a photograph"

20. 兩個人都對

20. Both are correct

21. The relationship between Jesus and the Bible are similar

21. 耶穌和聖經之間的關係很類似

22. Jesus is the Word--he is God's message to mankind

22. 耶穌是道--祂是神給人類的信息

23. If you want to know what God is like, look at Jesus, because

23. 假如你要了解神是怎麼樣的,只

he is God


24. But when he came to earth, he was only here for some 33 160


24. 但是祂在世上只有 33 年左右

25. He spent most of his time in a small area, so very few people

25. 大部分的時間祂都在一個小小的

actually saw him in person


26. Those of us today who want to know about him look to the

26. 今天的人想要了解祂,就需要依



27. So Jesus is the Word and the Bible is like a photograph of

27. 因此耶穌是道,而聖經就像道的

the Word


28. Of course, the Bible doesn't call itself a photograph. It 28. 當然,聖經不會稱自己是相片。它使 actually uses the term "mirror"


29. (V. 3) 1 Cor. 13:12--For now we see in a mirror dimly, but 29. (V. 3) 歌林多前書 13:12--我們現在 then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will


know fully just as I also have been fully known.


30. It is what we today use to see God, but someday we will no longer need it, because we will see him face to face 31. Now, back to our topic

一部分,到那時就完全知道了,好像 主完全知道我一樣。 30. 如今,我們透過聖經來看神,但是總

32. The Chinese say "wealth begins to decline in the third generation"

有一天,我們不會再需要它,因為我 們會跟神面對面

33. This is because when a family is poor, the parents work hard to give their kids a better life

31. 我們現在繼續談今天的主題 32. 華人說:「富不過三代」

34. The kids see how hard they work and appreciate how hard it was for them to make money, so the kids also work relatively hard

33. 這是因為當一個家庭窮時,父母希望孩 子過得比他們會,因此工作很勤勞 34. 孩子親眼看到父母工作很勤勞,所以也

35. The kids' kids, however, have never known poverty, so they take money for granted

知道賺錢很幸苦,因此他們工作也相對 勤勞

36. They often spend the money carelessly as a result 37. The same is true of countries

35. 但是第三代沒有窮過,因此對自己擁有 金錢保持著一種理所當然的態度

38. People of a country work hard to get out of poverty

36. 他們也因此經常會把錢亂花掉

39. Once a country becomes wealthy, the next generation

37. 這個道理也可以應用在國家上


knows that their parents worked hard to make money, so they, too, work relatively hard

38. 一個國家的人們會為讓自己脫離貧 窮,而努力工作

40. The third generation, however, never knew poverty, so it starts to get lazy and demands all kinds of free things

39. 國家一旦有錢,下一代親眼看過家人辛 苦工作,所以相對的會勤勞工作 40. 但是第三代,因為沒有窮過,所以會開

41. As a result, the country begins to decline


42. Some countries decline sooner, some later

41. 結果,國家就開始衰退

43. But every country eventually declines

42. 有的國家衰退的速度比較快,有的比較

44. It's true of families, it's true of nations, and it's also true of churches

慢 43. 但是每一個國家到頭來會衰退

45. Leaders and members of a church might work hard studying the Bible and keeping their eyes on Christ 46. The next generation of believers starts focusing on other things, but still remembers what the church was like

44. 家庭是這樣,國家是這樣,教會也是這 樣 45. 一個教會的領導人和一般會員,在研究 聖經和注視於耶穌,可能很勤勞 46. 第二代的信徒開始轉移注意力,但是他

47. Christ is A priority, but not THE priority


48. By the third generation, Christ is an afterthought 49. Church members start playing lip service to

47. 耶穌還是很重要,但是已經不是重中之 重


48. 到了第三代,多數人的眼睛已經變得一

50. Traditions start creeping in as substitutes to actually living a Christian life

個後來才想到的東西 49. 會友開始對基督教口惠而實不至

51. Let's pause for a second

50. 傳統會逐漸伺機而入作為真正過著門

52. I want to explain that I am not including cults in our discussion

徒的生活的代替品 51. 我們稍微停一下

53. There is an important difference between a church and 52. 我想說明一下,我們沒有要討論宗教 a cult


54. As I see it, a church is either currently rooted in the truth

53. 教派跟邪派有個主要的差別 54. 在我看來,一個教會的教條是以真理

55. Or it was originally rooted in the truth, but it has drifted

為基礎 55. 或以前以真理為基礎,但是現在已經

56. A cult, on the other hand, has never been rooted in the Word of God

慢慢的偏離了 56. 但是邪派從來沒有以神的話語作為基

57. I define a cult as a group that bases its beliefs on

writings other than the Bible or on their own distorted 57. 根據我個人下的定義,邪派的教條以 translation of the Bible


58. Two examples of cults are the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses

經版本為信仰的基礎 58. 舉例來說,摩門教和耶和華見證人都

59. The Mormons have other books in addition to the Bible 162


that are considered authorities

59. 摩門教除了聖經以外,也有其他的著

60. Jehovah's Witnesses retranslated the Bible to fit their beliefs

作當權威 60. 耶和華見證人重新翻譯聖經,讓它合

61. The Bible warns against things like this


62. (V. 4) Rev 22:18-19—I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds

61. 聖經警告不能做這種事 62. (V. 4)啟示錄 22:18--我向一切聽見

anything to them, God will add to him the plagues


described in this book. And if anyone takes words away


from this book of prophecy, God will take away from


him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city,


which are described in this book.


63. Now, back to our topic: Why are there so many denominations today?

63. 我們現在言歸正傳:為什麼今天的教 派那麼多?

64. This is a very important question and I think it needs to 64. 這個問題非常重要,我認為需要好好 be answered


65. Let me explain what I think happens

65. 讓我來說明我認為會發生什麼事

66. Churches generally start off well with their beliefs

66. 一般來說,很多教會剛開始都以聖經

rooted in the Bible


67. They view the Bible as God's Word and it is their standard for all doctrines

67. 他們把聖經看作是神的話語,也是他 們所有教條的標準

68. At first, leaders of these churches are sincere seekers 68. 最初,這些教會的領導都很認真尋求 of God

69. They teach from the Bible and encourage other Christians to seek God by studying it

69. 他們的教導是出自聖經,他們也鼓勵 信徒透過閱讀聖經來尋求神

70. Over time, however, the church gradually attracts other 70. 但是這個教會會逐漸吸引其他人 people

71. 這些新的人對尋求神比較不感興

71. These new people are less interested in seeking God and more interested in seeking other things, like power and 163

趣,對追求權力地位等等東西比較有 興趣


72. 他們把注意力從耶穌和聖經轉移到

72. They shift the emphasis from Christ and the Bible and place it on other things, most often, traditions

其他的人事物,最常見的代替品是傳 統

73. Now, these traditions build up over time and as they build 73. 傳統會逐漸累積,而隨著傳統的累 up, the church gradually strays from the truth 74. Now, traditions are generally created with good intentions

積,教會會逐漸偏離真理 74. 一般而言,建立傳統的出發點是好 的

75. but they eventually become more important than the true 75. 但是久而久之,傳統會變得比更親 meaning of Christianity--growing closer to Jesus in


relationship and likeness


76. Unfortunately, like billboards pointing to a scenic spot,

76. 不幸的是,就如同指向風景名勝的

they can easily cover up the thing they were supposed to


point to


77. There are many examples of traditions

77. 各種傳統的例子比比皆是

78. Some churches only allow certain kinds of music in church 78. 有的教會只允許教堂裡演奏某些特 79. Some churches don't allow members to listen to certain types of music outside of church

定種類的音樂 79. 有的教會根本不允許信徒在教會以

80. Some churches don't allow musical instruments in church 164


at all

80. 有的教會根本不允許在教會裡使用

81. Some churches say you cannot eat certain foods


82. Some churches require that church leaders wear certain garments in church

81. 有的教會規定成員不能吃某些食物 82. 有的教會規定教會領導人要在教會

83. Some churches require that certain church members can't marry

穿戴某些特定的服裝 83. 有的教會規定成員不能結婚

84. The list goes on and on

84. 我可以一直講下去

85. Over time, the church attaches more and more

85. 隨著時間過去,教會越來越重視傳

importance to the traditions and less and less on the



86. It should be a warning to us that when Jesus came to

86. 這是耶穌來到世上時,對猶太領導人感

earth, he was most angry with the Jewish leaders


because they had done just that


87. They had removed the emphasis from God and placed it on their traditions

87. 他們當時已把重點從神的身上轉移到 自己的傳統上

88. That's a major reason that they killed him

88. 這也就是他們之所以殺了祂的重要原

89. He was teaching things against their traditions and people were following him

因 89. 耶穌的教導違背了他們的傳統,但卻有

90. Now that the people were following him, they were no longer following the Jewish leaders

人跟隨祂 90. 那些跟隨耶穌的人已經不跟隨猶太領

91. As a result, the leaders felt threatened


92. He was threatening their jobs, power, and status, so they killed him

91. 因此領導人感到威脅 92. 耶穌威脅了他們的工作、權力和地位,

93. Now, this example is extreme I admit, but the mentality among leaders is still there among leaders today

因此他們殺了祂 93. 我承認這個例子比較極端,但是今天的 領導還是有這種心態

94. When somebody points out that a tradition is not 165

94. 當有人指出某個傳統不符合聖經教

biblical or that the tradition is being emphasized over



95. The inevitable response is "We've always done it that

95. 總是有人會說:「但是我們一直都是這



96. As a rule of thumb, the older a church is, the more time there is for traditions and false teachings to creep in 97. So generally the older a church is, the further it has probably strayed from the truth

96. 一般來講,一個教會越老,傳統與 錯誤的教導越可以伺機而入 97. 因此教會越是古老,越可能遠離真 理

98. Now, here's my point

98. 現在重點來了

99. Eventually, someone studies the Bible and notices the

99. 最後,會有人研究聖經,然後發現

differences between the Bible and their church's beliefs


and traditions


100. They are faced with several choices

100. 結果,他就面臨了幾個選擇

101. They can ignore the differences

101. 他可以不加以理會這些差別

102. They can try to reform the church

102. 他可以試圖從裡面進行改革

103. They can change churches

103. 他可以換教會

104. They can leave the church

104. 他可以離開教會

105. Or they can establish a new church

105. 或他可以成立新的教會


106. Let's go through the choices one by one

106. 我們來一一討論這些選擇

107. First, the most common thing to do is ignore the

107. 首先,最常見到的是不理會這些差

differences or explain them away in your mind 108. This is most common, because people become accustomed to their church

別或自圓其說 108. 這個方法最常見,因為大家很容易 習慣自己的教會

109. They may have grown up in it

109. 他們可能是在教會裡長大的

110. They may have friends and family there

110. 教會裡可能有他們的親朋好友

111.They may be afraid of offending them or making waves

111. 他們可能害怕得罪他們或製造麻煩

112. They might be afraid of angering them or being pushed

112. 他們可能害怕讓他們生氣或被他們

away by them


113. But Jesus said that if you don't put him first, you're not 113. 但是耶穌曾經說過,如果你不把我 worthy of him


114. (V. 5) Matthew 10:34-37--Do not think that I came to

114. (V. 5) 馬太福音 10:34-37--「你們

bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace,


but a sword. 35 For I came to set a man against his


father, and a daughter against her mother, and a


daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; 36 and a


man's enemies will be the members of his household.


37― He who loves father or mother more than Me is not


worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more


than Me is not worthy of Me.


115. They might ask themselves, "Who am I to judge what my church teaches?"

115. 他們可能會問自己:「我哪裡有資 格懷疑教會的教導?」

116. But the Bible actually teaches that it is each Christian's 116. 但是聖經又教導說,每一個基督徒 duty to make sure that what is being taught is the truth


117. (V. 6) Acts 17:11--Now these were more noble-minded

117. (V. 6) 使徒行傳 17:11--這裡的人,

than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word


with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to


see whether these things were so.


118. The apostles not only didn't feel threatened that believers wanted to make sure that they were preaching the truth

118. 使徒並沒有因為這些信徒想要確認 使徒講道內容合乎真理而受到威脅 119. 他們反而還稱讚這些信徒會查看聖

119. They praised them for comparing what the apostles said with the Bible

經,比較使徒講道內容是否合乎聖 經教導

120. Unfortunately, many Christians shirk this responsibility

120. 可惜,很多信徒都會推卸這個責任

121. They prefer to be led

121. 他們喜歡別人帶領

122. But we have to remember, each person is responsible for 122. 但是千萬不要忘記,我們每一個人 his or her soul

都得為自己的靈魂負責 167

123. Next, reforming a church is very difficult in part because the leadership resists

123. 接下來,教會的改革非常困難,部分 原因是教會的領導人會抵抗

124. Change threatens their jobs, income, power, and status 124. 變化會威脅到他們的工作、收入、權 125. Imagine that you are an expert on Big Foot


126. You've spent many years studying Big Foot and writing books on him

125. 假設你是大腳野人的專家 126. 你已花很多年的時間研究大腳野

127. You teach about Big Foot in a prestigious university


128. Whenever anybody has a question about Big Foot, they 127. 你在一所有聲望的大學教授大腳野 come to you


129. Now, imagine someone tells you that Big Foot is actually a hoax

128. 當有人想要問有關大腳野人的問 題,他們一定會找你

130. That the photographs of Big Foot were taken by him as 129. 現在呢,假設有人告訴你大腳野人是 a hoax


131. He says that he is going to publish a book to reveal the 130. 他說大腳野人的照片都是他自己拍 hoax to the world


132. You would probably feel threatened

131. 然後他說他要出一本書揭開這個騙

133. You would probably worry that you will lose your job, power, and status

局 132. 這時,你大概會感到威脅

134. You would probably be afraid that everyone would laugh at you

133. 你可能會擔心你會失去你的工作、權 力和地位

135. You would probably do everything in your power to prevent him from publishing his book

134. 你可能還會怕被恥笑 135. 你很有可能會盡你所能來阻止他出

136. You might try to bribe him, mock him as ignorant, threaten him, even have him killed

書 136. 你也許會試圖賄賂他、罵他無知、威 脅他,甚至請人殺他


137. Situations like these are actually not uncommon in both universities and churches

137. 其實,這種情況在大學與教會還蠻常 見

138. Remember the Jewish leaders we mentioned earlier?

138. 記不記得我們前面說的猶太領導人?

139. Many religious leaders are aware that their traditions 139. 很多宗教領導者很清楚教會的傳統違 contradict the Bible


140. but they don't want church members to know that, because it could cause people to leave their church 141. That would threaten their jobs, income, power, and status

140. 但是他們不希望教會的信徒知道,因 為這樣一來可能會導致信徒離開教會 141. 而這會威脅到領導人的工作、收入、 權力和地位

142. To prevent this, many don't encourage reading the

142. 為了避免這種事情發生,他們並不鼓

Bible, only read "safe" parts, or say that the Bible is


"just a book"



143. My family is Catholic and when I was around 14-years 143. 我們家信天主教,在我差不多十四歲的 old, I wanted to be a priest


144. I wanted to prepare myself to be a priest, so I read the Bible

144. 我為了準備日後成為神父,就開始研讀 聖經

145. I had never read it before and as I read it, I couldn't 145. 我之前沒有看過聖經。而我讀經的過程 believe how much it differed from what the Catholic


Church taught


146. After I finished reading the Bible, I left the Catholic 146. 我讀完聖經就離開了天主教的教會 Church

147. 我這麼做讓我父母很不高興,但是我覺

147. It angered my parents, but I felt I had no choice


148. But then again, Christ didn't give us a choice, did he? 148. 但話又說回來,耶穌也沒有給我們選擇 149. Now, generally speaking, Catholics play down the importance of the Bible

的餘地,不是嗎? 149. 一般而言,天主教徒會淡化聖經的重要

150. In fact, many actually criticize or mock people that take the Bible literally

性 150. 事實上,許多天主教徒會批評或取笑針

151. I've pointed out to Catholics how beliefs of the Catholic Church contradict the Bible

對聖經望文生義的人 151. 我曾經跟我的天主教朋友指出天主教

152. The most common reply I've heard is, "Don't take the Bible so literally"

的教條違背聖經的地方 152. 我最常聽到的回答是:「聖經不能望文

153. This is interesting, because Catholics believe that the bread used in the Lord's supper is actually Christ's body

生義」 153. 這點還蠻有意思,因為天主教徒認為主 餐用的餅是耶穌的身體

154. It doesn't just represent Christ's body, it is Christ's 154. 它並不代表耶穌的身體,它就是耶穌真 body


155. I've told Catholics that I believe that it only represents Christ's body

155. 我跟我的天主教徒朋友說,我認為那個 餅只是代表耶穌的身體而已

156. They tell me, "But Jesus says in the Bible 'This IS my 156. 接下來,他們會跟我說:「但是耶穌在 body' not 'This represents my body'"


157. I point out that Jesus also says, "I am the door, " "I am the bread, " "I am the light," "I am living water" 158. Obviously, he's not a literal door, bread, light, or water

有說『這代表我的身體』」 157. 接著我指出耶穌也說過「我是門」 、 「我 是生命的糧」、「我是光」、「我是活 水」

159. These are metaphors

158. 顯然的,祂不是真正的門、糧、光或水

160. It's strange that people take the Bible very literally

159. 這些都是比喻

when it suits their needs

160. 奇怪是,符合他們需求時,大家就會對

161. but say, "Don't take it too literally" when it threatens their beliefs

聖經望文生義 161. 但是當聖經的教導威脅到他們的信仰

162. So I believe the Catholic Church doesn't encourage 170


church members to read the Bible, because it

162. 因此我認為天主教的教會不鼓勵信徒

threatens the church


163. The next choice for people who discover

163. 一旦發現自己教會的教條跟聖經的教

contradictions between their church and the Bible is


they can find another church

164. When I left the Catholic Church, I did that for awhile

164. 我離開天主教之後,就曾經這麼做 165. 我從一個教派跑到另一個教派,最後來

165. I went from church to church and eventually ended up in the Baptist Church

到了浸信會聚會 166. 我從來沒有說過我是浸信會的信徒;我

166. Now, I have never called myself a Baptist; I call myself a Christian

只會說自己是基督徒 167. 但是我在浸信會的教會聚會,因為浸信

167. That said, I worship with Baptists, because they stick very close to the Bible

會的教條還蠻貼近聖經的教導 168. 我認為每一個教派都有問題,連浸信會

168. Now, I believe that every denomination has its problems, even the Baptists

也有 169. 但是沒關係,聖經並沒有指明哪一個教

169. But that's ok. The Bible doesn't say that "the church" is a particular denomination

派說「這個就是真正的教會」 170. 教會是由各個教派中個別的基督徒所

170. The church consists of individual Christians in various denominations

構成的 171. 我認為大部分的教派裡都有基督徒,但

171. I believe most denominations have Christians in them,


but not all people in a denomination are Christians

172. 因此教會是由真正的信徒構成的,而信

172. So true believers are the church and true believers meet with other believers in various denominations 173. The question is are you dedicated to Christ or the denomination?


徒在各個教會當中跟其他的信徒聚會 173. 問題來了:你獻身於耶穌還是你的教 派?

174. We now are left with our last two choices

174. 我們現在剩下兩個選擇

175. Some are simply disillusioned with Christianity and

175. 有的人對基督教感到失望,因而離開了

leave the church


176. This situation is very common and very sad

176. 這種情況很常見,也很悲哀

177. Other people, however, leave their church and

177. 但是其他的人離開教會後,會成立新的

establish new churches


178. They return to the path of truth and teach others to do the same

178. 他們回到真理之道,也會鼓勵別人回到 真理之道

179. Then the cycle starts all over again

179. 接著,上面的循環又重新開始

180. Meanwhile, their old church continues to stray

180. 在此同時,他們舊的教派會繼續添加越

further from the truth as it adds more and more




181. As to the new church, new people come who are more interested in power and status than God 182. They add traditions and the new church eventually strays from God's truth

181. 至於新的教會,有新的人來,他們對神 比較不感興趣,對權力和地位比較感興 趣 182. 他們增加新的傳統,導致新的教會也慢

183. Fortunately, there are always people out there that are eager to seek God and his truth

慢地偏離神的真理 183. 幸好,總是有人渴望尋求神與祂的真理

184. That is why I don't find it discouraging that there are so many churches

184. 就是因為這樣,我並不覺得教派那麼多 是一件令人沮喪的事


If These Are the Last Days, How Should We Live? 如果末日將近,我們應該怎麼生活 1.

Many believe that we are living in the last days

1. 很多人相信我們來日無多。


If we are, how should we live?

2. 如果是這樣,我們應該怎麼過日子?


(V. 1) 2 Pet. 3:3-4 Know this first of all, that in the last 3. (V. 1) 彼後 3:3 第一要緊的,該知道 days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts,



and saying, "Where is the


promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell


asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning


of creation."

4. 他們覺得耶穌再降臨是一件可笑的


They laugh at the idea of Christ coming


They say that nothing has changed since the beginning 5. 他們說萬物從開始至今,未曾改變

of time 6.

6. 但是在接下來的經文,彼得就用大洪

But Peter refutes this in the next verses, using the example of the flood


水這件事來反駁 7. (V. 2) 彼後 3:5 他們故意忘記,從

(V. 2) 2 Pet. 3:5-7 For when they maintain this, it

太古憑 神的命有了天,並從水而出

escapes their notice that by the word of God the

藉水而成的地。6 故此,當時的世界

heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out

被水淹沒就消滅了。7 但現在的天地


of water and by water, through which the world at


that time was destroyed, being flooded with water.



But by His word the present heavens and earth are 8. 接下來的經文很有名

being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment 9. (V. 3) 彼後 3:8 親愛的弟兄啊,有 and destruction of ungodly men.



The next verse after that is very well known



(V. 3) 2 Pet. 3:8 But do not let this one fact escape 10. 這節其實是取自詩篇第 90 篇 your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like 11. 這是最古老的詩篇,也是摩西所寫的 a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.

10. This verse actually refers to Psalm 90

唯一詩篇 12. 這其實是摩西快要離開人世所寫的

11. This is the oldest psalm and the only one written by Moses

禱告文 13. 摩西在其中思考人生在世宛如曇花

12. It‘s a prayer written by Moses near the end of his life


13. In it, he reflects upon the brevity of our lives on earth. 14. (V. 4) 詩 90:4 在你看來,千年如已 He says


14. (V. 4) Psalm 90:4 For a thousand years in Your sight Are like yesterday when it passes by,

15. 接下來,摩西用了另外三種比喻來形 容人生短暫

Or as a watch in the night.

16. 然後,在第 12 節他教導我們如何應 173

15. In the psalm, Moses uses three other metaphors to describe the brevity of our lives on earth

用這個知識 17. 這是聖經中一個常見的做法

16. Then in verse 12, he teaches us to apply this knowledge 18. 首先,作者會教導我們新的知識,然 17. This is a common practice in the Bible


18. First, writers teach us some new knowledge, then they


tell us how to apply it to our lives

19. (V. 5) 詩 90:12 求你指教我們怎樣

19. (V. 5) Psalm 90:12 So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.

數算自己的日子,好叫我們得著智慧 的心。

20. Since our days on this earth are limited, how should we 20. 既然人生有限,我們應該怎麼生活 live?


21. We should live with a sense of urgency

21. 我們的生活應該有某種急迫感

22. And the more we see the signs of the end, the more 22. 而且,隨著末日的先兆愈發頻繁,我 urgently we should live our lives


23. Don‘t misunderstand me. I don‘t mean live with a sense of anxiety;

23. 請不要誤會我的意思。我不是說我們 應該生活得很焦慮

24. rather, we should live with a sense of urgency that 24. 不過,我們應該有急迫感,想著耶穌 today could be the day that Christ comes


25. So Moses calls on us to be wise and to always keep in mind that the days are few

25. 因此摩西呼籲我們要有智慧,要常常 提醒自己離死不遠了

26. And never assume that we have tomorrow to do the things we should do today

26. 而且,也不要以為今日事可以明日畢 27. 這讓我想到雅各書第四章

27. This reminds me of a passage in James 4

28. (V. 6) 雅 4:14 其實明天如何,你們

28. (V. 6) James 4:13-16 Come now, you who say, "Today or


tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend


a year there and engage in business and make a profit."

了。15 你們只當說:―主若願意,我


Yet you do not know what your life will be like


tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little

那事。‖16 現今你們竟以張狂誇口;

while and then vanishes away.


Instead, you ought to

say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that."


But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all

such boasting is evil.

凡這樣誇口都是惡的。 29. 我們不應該假定一年後、一個月後、 一個禮拜後甚至明天還在這個世界 上

29. We shouldn‘t assume that we will be here next year, 30. 在下一段經文裡,我們就看到雅各教 next month, next week, or even tomorrow


30. We find it in the next verse James‘ application of this teaching to our lives

生活當中 31. (V. 7) 雅 4:17 人若知道行善,卻不

31. (V. 7) James 4:17 Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin. 32. This is interesting, he is saying that it is wrong to put 174

去行,這就是他的罪了。 32. 這很有意思,他的意思是把神現在給 你的機會拖延到以後,這是不對的

off the opportunities that God gives us in the present 33. We read something similar in 2 Corinthians

33. 我們在哥林多後書讀到類似的情景 34. (V. 8) 林後 6:2 因為他說:―在悅納

34. (V. 8) 2 Corinthians 6:2 Behold, now is "THE


ACCEPTABLE TIME," behold, now is "THE DAY OF




35. If you know in your heart what to do, do it. Don‘t put it 35. 如果你內心知道你應該做什麼,那麼 off


36. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible calls on us to 36. 從創世紀到啟示錄,整本聖經都呼籲 understand the brevity of our lives on earth


37. We need to respond immediately to opportunities that 37. 神將機會放在我們面前時,我們必須 God sets before us


38. Don‘t assume that you have tomorrow

38. 不要假設你明天還在世上

39. So if you know that there is something that needs to

39. 因 此 假 如你 知 道 還有 事 情需 要 處

be done, some unfinished business


40. For example, mending a broken relationship

40. 例如,修補破裂的關係

41. Deal with it now. Don‘t put it off

41. 那麼,現在就去處理,不要拖延

42. Going back to Psalm 90, Moses asks God to teach us to 42. 回到詩篇第 90 篇,摩西請求上帝教 number our days


43. Peter takes that and adds another thing to that

43. 針對這件事,彼得另外加了一點

44. He says that with the Lord one day is like a thousand 44. 他說:主看一日如千年,千年如一日 years, and then he adds that a thousand years are like 45. 時間是神所創造的萬物之一 one day

46. 在神創造萬物之前,時間、物質以及

45. Time is part of God‘s creation


46. Time, matter, and energy did not exist prior to 47. 而神不受祂所創造的萬物所限 creation

48. 祂可以在時間內活動,但是並不受時

47. And God is not restricted by what he created 48. He can work within time, but he is not restricted by it 49. He sees all people and things throughout all time in a glance

間限制 49. 所有時間內的人、事、物,祂都一目 了然 50. 想像把一卷膠卷放在海裡

50. Imagine placing a reel of film in an ocean


51. God is the ocean and the film is his creation

51. 上帝是海,而膠卷是上帝創造的萬物

52. The start of the film represents the beginning of

52. 膠卷的開端代表時間的開始,膠卷的

time and the end of the film the end of time


53. The ocean touches the film at every point

53. 海洋的水同時接觸到膠卷的每個部分

54. In the same way, God is present at every point of

54. 同理,神就同時存在於創造物的每一



55. He is present at every moment of time

55. 時間的每一個點都有祂的存在

56. But he is also completely separate from and outside 56. 但是祂與受造物是完全分開的;祂存 of creation


57. Therefore, before the movie started, he knew the 57. 因此,在電影開始以前,祂就已經知 beginning, middle, and end


58. This is not because he planned these things in advance

58. 這不是因為祂事先安排好所有事情, 59. 而是因為祂一眼就可以看見每一個現

59. rather, it is because he can see every moment in time at a glance

在 60. 你可以以後再慢慢思考,現在我們言

60. Think about that later, but for now, let‘s go back to our text

歸正傳 61. 我們可以說主看一日如永遠,永遠如

61. So we could say, for God, each moment is an eternity in time, but each moment is like an eternity 62. So every now, is like an eternity to him

一日 62. 因此,對祂而言,每一個現在就如同 永遠


63. Let me just say that this is very interesting, but also incomprehensible to you and me

63. 這點很有意思,但是,你我無法真正 了解

64. Going back to 1 Peter, we read

64. 回到彼得前書,我們讀到

65. (V. 9) 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow about His 65. (V. 9) 彼後 3:9 主所應許的尚未成 promise, as some count slowness, but is patient


toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all


to come to repentance.


66. So in effect, the last 2,000 years have only been two 66. 因此,對神而言,過去兩千年就跟兩 days for God


67. But when the end does happen, it will be quite sudden 67. 但是末日來臨時,它會來得很突然 68. (V. 10) 2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come 68. (V. 10) 彼後 3:10 但主的日子要像賊 like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a


roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense


heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.


69. He‘s saying that God is waiting for the right time

69. 彼得說神在等待最適當的時機

70. He‘s patient and doesn‘t want anyone to perish

70. 祂很有耐心,不願有一人沉淪

71. Peter‘s application starts in verse 11

71. 彼得在第 11 節討論如何應用這個觀念

72. (V. 11) 2 Peter 3:11-12 Since all these things are to be 72. (V. 11) 彼後 3:11 這一切既然都要如 destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,



looking for and

樣敬虔,彼後 3:12 切切仰望 神的日

hastening the coming of the day of God, because of


which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and


the elements will melt with intense heat!

73. 因此,我們對耶穌即將回來的回應,

73. So our response to Christ‘s imminent return shouldn‘t just be to speculate about the end times

不應該只是推測末日會發生什麼事情 74. 我們應該捫心自問:『既然祂即將再

74. Rather, we should ask ourselves, ―How should I live in light of his imminent return?‖

來,我應該過什麼樣的生活?』 75. 最有智慧的生活方式,就是每天都過

75. The wise way of living is to live like Jesus is going to come today

得彷彿耶穌當天就要回來一般 76. (V. 12) 約一 2:28-29 小子們哪,你

76. (V. 12) 1 John 2:28-29 Now, little children, abide in


Him, so that when He appears, we may have

我們就可以坦然無 懼;當他來的時

confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at

候,在他面前也不至於慚愧。29 你們

His coming.


If you know that He is righteous, you

know that everyone also who practices righteousness is born of Him.

若知道他是公義的,就知道凡行公義 之人都是他所生的。 77. 針對剛才的問題:如果世界末日快到

77. So here we have the answer to our question: If these are the last days, how should we live

了,我們應該怎麼生活?我們在這裡 就找到了答案

78. We want to live in such a way that if Jesus arrived 78. 如果耶穌今天顯現,希望我們的生活 177

today, we wouldn‘t be ashamed

方式不至於會讓我們在祂面前感到慚 愧


In the World, Not of the World 在這個世界裡,但是不屬於這個世界 Purpose of this paper—When the things of t his world start getting you down, remember, t his isn‘t your home. As Christians, we should gradually develop a new perspective in life with Christ at the center. We should strive to view all other things in that l ight. 寫本文章的目的:當這個世界讓你難過,生氣的時候,切記這裡不是你的家。作為基督徒的我們,耶穌應 該逐漸地成為我們生活中心,從而變我們的對人生的觀點。我們應該努力透過這個新的角度來觀看世界上 的所有人事物。

English Verses

Chinese Verses




Explanati on





the 詩 115:16 天,是耶和華 Heaven belongs to 天 屬 於 上

heavens, are the Lord‘s; but the earth

的天;地,他卻給了世人。 the

He has given to the children of men.


Lord. has



been 世人。(這

given to man (This


is because of the

類 的 墮


Man‘s 落。人的叛


pushed 逆 把 上 帝

God away)


1 John 5:19 We know that we are 約一 5:19 我們知道我們 The world is under 這 個 世 界 children of God, and that the whole

是屬 神的,全世界都臥在 the influence of 是 受 到 撒

world is under the control of the evil



Satan. He is its


prince and ruler 目 前 是 這 for now.


John 12:31 Now is the time for 約 12:31 現 在這世 界受


judgment on this world; now the prince 審判,這世界的王要被趕 of this world will be driven out.


John 16:11 in regard to judgment, 約 16:11 為審判,是因這 because the prince of this world now


stands condemned. Jn 12:46 I have come into the world as

約 12:46 我到世上來,乃 Christ is the light.


a light, so that no one who believes in 是光,叫凡信我的,不住 He came into the 界之光。祂 me should stay in darkness.


world to bring us 來 到 世 界 out



the 為 了 救 我

darkness and into 們 脫 離 黑 the light—into his



明 —進 入 祂的國。

Jn 18:36 Jesus answered, "My kingdom 約 18:36 耶穌回答說: Jesus is not of this world."


His 耶 穌 說 祂

―我的國不屬這世界… 我 Kingdom is not of 的 國 不 屬 的國不屬這世界。‖

this were


We 這世界。我


in 們 曾 經 在


We 黑暗中,屬

were of this world. 於這世界。 Jn 17:14-17 "I have given them Your 約 17:14 我 已將你 的道 But now, we are no 但 是 現 在 word; and the world has hated them

賜 給 他 們 。世 界 又 恨他 longer


this 我 們 不 再

because they are not of the world, just 們,因為他們不屬世界, world.


as I am not of the world. I do not pray 正如我不屬世界一樣。15


that You should take them out of the

我 不 求 你 叫他 們 離 開世

world, but that You should keep them 界,只求你保守他們脫離 from the evil one. They are not of the


world, just as I am not of the world."

惡‖)。16 他們不屬世界, 正如我不屬世界一樣。

John 14:1-4 ―Let not your heart be

約 14:1 你們心裡不要憂 Jesus will come to 耶 穌 將 必

troubled; you believe in God, believe 愁,你們信 神,也當信 receive us so that 再 來 接 我 also in Me. In My Father‘s house are

我。2 在我父的家裡有許 we will be with 們 到 祂 那

many mansions; if it were not so, I 多住處;若是沒有,我就 Him. would have told you. I go to prepare a



place for you. And if I go and prepare a 是為你們預備地方去。3 place for you, I will come again and 我 若 去 為 你們 預 備 了地 receive you to Myself; that where I am, 方,就必再來接你們到我 there you may be also. And where I go 那裡去;我在哪裡,叫你 you know, and the way you know.‖

們也在那裡。4 我往哪裡 去,你們知道;那條路, 你們也知道(註:有古卷 作―我往哪裡去,你們知道 那條路‖)。‖

Col 1:13 For He rescued us from the

西 1:13 他救了我們脫離 Although we are 雖 然 我 們

domain of darkness, and transferred us 黑暗的權勢,把我們遷到 still in this world 還 在 這 世 to the kingdom of His beloved Son


we are not of this



不屬於這 世界。


Eph 5:8-10 for you were formerly 弗 5:8 從前你們是暗昧 As such we should darkness, but now you are Light in the


的,但如今在主裡面是光 no longer pursue 不 要 再 尋

Lord; walk as children of Light 9(for 明的,行事為人就當像光 the things of this


the fruit of the Light consists in all 明的子女。9 光明所結的 world; rather, we 事物;我們 goodness and righteousness and truth), 果 子 就 是 一切 良 善 、公 should pursue the


10trying to learn what is pleasing to the 義、誠實。10 總要察驗何 things of the next 尋 求 屬 於 Lord.



下一個世 界的事物。

Matt. 6:31-33 "Do not worry then, 太 6:31 所以,不要憂慮 saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What 說,‗吃甚麼?喝甚麼?穿 will we drink?' or 'What will we wear 甚麼?‘32 這都是外邦人 for clothing?' 32"For the Gentiles 所求的。你們需用的這一 eagerly seek all these things; for your


heavenly Father knows that you need all

道的。33 你們要先求他的

these things. 33"But seek first His 國和他的義,這些東西都 kingdom and His righteousness, and all 要加給你們了。 these things will be added to you. Philippians 3:13-21 Brethren, I do not 腓 3:13 弟兄們,我不是 Although we are 雖 然 我 們 regard myself as having laid hold of it

以為自己已經得著了,我 saved


yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what 只有一件事,就是忘記背 believe, lies behind and reaching forward to 後,努力面前的,14 向著 the

we 因 信 得

pursuing 救,但尋求


what lies ahead, 14I press on toward 標竿直跑,要得 神在基督 Christ‘s



kingdom 和 效 法 基

the goal for the prize of the upward 耶穌裡從上面召我來得的 and

being 督 的 樣 式

call of God in Christ Jesus. 15Let us 獎賞。15 所以我們中間凡 conformed to the 是 持 續 一 therefore, as many as are perfect, have

是完全人,總要存這樣的 image of Christ is

生 的 過

this attitude; and if in anything you 心;若在甚麼事上存別樣 a process that will 程。我們應 have a different attitude, God will 的心, 神也必以此指示你 last our entire life


reveal that also to you; 16however, let


們。16 然而我們到了甚麼 here on earth. We

us keep living by that same standard to 地步,就當照著甚麼地步 should which we have attained. 17Brethren,


our 於 下 一 個

行。17 弟兄們,你們要一 eyes on Jesus, on 世界。

join in following my example, and 同效法我,也當留意看那 the next world. observe those who walk according to 些照我們榜樣行的人。18 the pattern you have in us. 18For many 因為有許多人行事是基督 walk, of whom I often told you, and now


tell you even weeping, that they are


enemies of

訴你們 19 他們的結局就


cross of


19whose end is destruction, whose god 是沉淪,他們的神就是自 is their appetite, and whose glory is in

己的肚腹,他們以自己的 181

their shame, who set their minds on


earthly things. 20For our citizenship is 事為念。20 我們卻是天上 in heaven, from which also we eagerly 的國民,並且等候救主, wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus


Christ; 21who will transform the body 臨。21 他要按著那能叫萬 of our humble state into conformity 有歸服自己的大能,將我 with the body of His glory, by the

們 這 卑 賤 的身 體 改 變形

exertion of the power that He has even 狀,和他自己榮耀的身體 to subject all things to Himself


Col. 1:1-3 Therefore if you have been 西 3:1 所以你們若 真與 raised up with Christ, keep seeking the


things above, where Christ is, seated at 上面的事;那裡有基督坐 the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind

在神的右邊。2 你們要思

on the things above, not on the things 念上面的事,不要思念地 that are on earth. 3For you have died 上的事。3 因為你們已經 and your life is hidden with Christ in



一同藏在 神裡面。

2 Cor 5:1-11 For we know that if our 林後 5:1 我們原知道,我 We will have an earthly house, this tent, is destroyed,

們 這 地 上 的帳 棚 若 拆毀 eternal


heavenly 有 一 個 永

we have a building from God, a house 了,必得 神所造,不是 body, and we will 恆 的 屬 天 not made with hands, eternal in the 人手所造,在天上永存的 be present with 身 體 也 會 heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly 房屋。2 我們在這帳棚裏 the Lord.








our 歎息,深想得那從天上來

habitation which is from heaven, if


indeed, having been clothed, we shall 倘若穿上,被遇見的時候 not be found naked. For we who are in

就不至於赤身了。4 我們

this tent groan, being burdened, not 在這帳棚裏歎息勞苦,並 because we want to be unclothed, but 非願意脫下這個,乃是願 further clothed, that mortality may be 意穿上那個,好叫這必死 swallowed up by life. Now He who has 的 被 生命 吞滅 了。 5 為 prepared us for this very thing is God,

此 , 培 植 我 們 的 就是

who also has given us the Spirit as a


guarantee. So we are always confident, 憑據(原文是質)。6 所 knowing that while we are at home in 以,我們時常坦然無懼, the body we are absent from the Lord. 並且曉得我們住在身內, For we walk by faith, not by sight. We

便與主相離。7 因我們行

are confident, yes, well pleased rather 事為人是憑著信心,不是 182

to be absent from the body and to be

憑著眼見。8 我們坦然無

present with the Lord. Therefore we


make it our aim, whether present or

主同住。9 所以,無論是

absent, to be well pleasing to Him. For


we must all appear before the judgment


seat of Christ, that each one may 悅。10 因為我們眾人必要 receive the things done in the body, 在基督臺前顯露出來,叫 according to what he has done, whether


good or bad. Knowing, therefore, the 善或惡受報。11 我們既知 terror of the Lord, we persuade men;

道 主 是 可 畏的 , 所 以勸

but we are well known to God, and I also 人。但我們在 神面前是 trust





your 顯明的,盼望在你們的良



Phil 3:20-4:1 For our citizenship is in

腓 3:20 我們卻是天上的 For our citizenship


heaven, from which we also eagerly wait 國民,並且等候救主,就 is in heaven, and 上 的 國 for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,

是 主 耶 穌 基督 從 天 上降 we eagerly

wait 民,並且深

who will transform our lowly body that 臨。21 他要按著那能叫萬 for Jesus.


it may be conformed to His glorious 有歸服自己的大能,將我


body, according to the working by 們 這 卑 賤 的身 體 改 變形 which He is able even to subdue all 狀,和他自己榮耀的身體 things to Himself.

Therefore, my

相似。4:1 我所親愛、所

beloved and longed-for brethren, my 想念的弟兄們,你們就是 joy and crown, so stand fast in the 我的喜樂,我的冠冕!我 Lord, beloved.

親愛的弟兄,你們應 當靠主站立得穩。

1 Pet 1:1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus

彼前 1:1 耶穌基督的使徒 Currently,

Christ, To God's elect, strangers in the

彼得,寫信給那分散在本 however, we are 前,我們是

world, scattered throughout Pontus, 都、加拉太、加帕多家、 strangers, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia.


1 Pet 2:11-12 Dear friends, I urge you, 彼 前 2:11 親 愛 的 弟 兄 earth. abstain from sinful desires, which war 的。我勸你們要禁戒肉體 against your soul. Live such good lives


among the pagans that, though they

爭戰的。12 你們在外邦人

accuse you of doing wrong, they may 中,應當品行端正,叫那 see your good deeds and glorify God on 些毀謗你們是作惡的,因 the day he visits us.

看見你們的好行為,便在 183


pilgrims, aliens and 世 界 的 外 sojourners

as aliens and strangers in the world, to 啊,你們是客旅,是寄居

然 而 目

on 地 人 和 客 旅。

鑒察的日子(註:―鑒察‖ 或 作 ― 眷 顧 ‖ ) 歸 榮 耀給 神。 Heb. 11:13-16 All these died in faith,

來 11:13 這些 人都 是存

without receiving the promises, but 著信心死的,並沒有得著 having seen them and having welcomed 所 應 許 的 ,卻 從 遠 處望 them from a distance, and having 見,且歡喜迎接,又承認 confessed that they were strangers 自己在世上是客旅,是寄 and exiles on the earth. 14For those 居的。14 說這樣話的人, who say such things make it clear that 是 表 明 自 己要 找 一 個家 they are seeking a country of their own. 鄉。15 他們若想念所離開 15And indeed if they had been thinking 的家鄉,還有可以回去的 of that country from which they went 機會。16 他們卻羨慕一個 out, they would have had opportunity to 更美的家鄉,就是在天上 return. 16But as it is, they desire a

的。所以 神被稱為他們的

better country, that is, a heavenly one.


Therefore God is not ashamed to be 已 經 給 他 們預 備 了 一座 called their God; for He has prepared a 城。 city for them. James 4:4 Do you not know that 雅 4:4 豈不知與世俗為友 And

friendship 與 這 個 俗

friendship with the world is enmity 就是與 神為敵嗎?所以 with the world is 世 為 友 就 with God? Whoever therefore wants to 凡想要與世俗為友的,就 hatred be a friend of the world makes himself


toward 是 與 神 為



Remember, we are


still to love others


in the world


an enemy of God.

Jn 15:18-19 "If the world hates you,

15:18 世 人 若 恨 你 Because we do not 因 為 我 們

you know that it hated Me before it

們,你們知道(註:或作―該 belong


the 不 屬 於 這

hated you. If you were of the world, 知道‖)恨你們以先,已經 world, the world 世界,這世 the world would love its own. Yet 恨我了。19 你們若屬世 will hate us.


because you are not of the world, but I 界,世界必愛屬自己的;


chose you out of the world, therefore 只因你們不屬世界,乃是 the world hates you."

我從世界中揀選了你們, 所以世界就恨你們。

Gal 1:3-5 To the churches of Galatia: 加 1:3 願恩惠、平安從父 Christ will deliver


Grace to you and peace from God the


神與我們的主耶穌基督歸 us 184



Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who 與你們。4 基督照我們父 present evil age.


gave Himself for our sins, that He 神 的 旨 意 為我 們 的 罪捨


might deliver us from this present evil


age, according to the will of our God 的世代。5 但願榮耀歸於 and Father, to whom be glory forever 神,直到永永遠遠。阿們! and ever. Amen. Rom 8:35-39 Who shall separate us

羅 8:35 誰能使我們與基 Nothing


督的愛隔絕呢?難道是患 separate us from 事 物 能 使






can 沒 有 任 何

tribulation, or distress, or persecution, 難嗎?是困苦嗎?是逼迫 God‘s eternal love.


or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or



sword? As it is written: "For Your sake 體嗎?是危險嗎?是刀劍 we are killed all day long; We are

嗎?36 如經上所記:―我

accounted as sheep for the slaughter."



Yet in all these things we are more than 人看我們如將宰的羊。‖ conquerors through Him who loved us.

37 然而,靠著愛我們的

For I am persuaded that neither death 主,在這一切的事上已經 nor life, nor angels nor principalities

得勝有餘了。38 因為我深

nor powers, nor things present nor 信無論是死、是生,是天 things to come, nor height nor depth,


nor any other created thing, shall be

是 現 在 的 事、 是 將 來的

able to separate us from the love of

事,39 是高處的、是低處

God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

的,是別的受造之物,都 不能叫我們與 神的愛隔 絕;這愛是在我們的主基 督耶穌裡的。

Rom 8:15-25 For you have not received 羅 8:15 你們所受的不是 We are children 我 們 是 神 a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, 奴僕的心,仍舊害怕;所 of God, heirs with 的子女,和 but you have received a spirit of 受的乃是兒子的心,因此 Christ. Therefore,


adoption as sons by which we cry out, 我們呼叫:―阿爸,父!‖16 the sufferings of 神 的 後 "Abba! Father!" 16The Spirit Himself 聖靈與我們的心同證我們 this present earth 嗣。因此現 testifies with our spirit that we are 是 神的兒女;17 既是兒 are not worthy to 在 的 苦 楚 children of God, 17and if children, heirs

女,便是後嗣,就是 神的 be compared with 若 比 起 將

also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with 後嗣,和基督同作後嗣。 the future glory 來 要 顯 於 Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so

如果我們和他一同受苦, (in our real home). 我 們 的 榮

that we may also be glorified with Him.

也必和他一同得榮耀。18 Even


of 耀,就不足

18For I consider that the sufferings of 我想,現在的苦楚若比起 creation groans as 介意了。一 this present time are not worthy to be 將來要顯於我們的榮耀, it compared with the glory that is to be


就不足介意了。19 受造之 Christ‘s return. 185

for 切 受 造 之 物一同歎

revealed to us. 19For the anxious 物切望等候 神的眾子顯


longing of the creation waits eagerly 出來。20 因為受造之物服


for the revealing of the sons of God. 在虛空之下,不是自己願 20For the creation was subjected to 意 , 乃 是 因那 叫 他 如此 futility, not willingly, but because of 的。21 但受造之物仍然指 Him who subjected it, in hope 21that 望脫離敗壞的轄制,得享 the creation itself also will be set free


from its slavery to corruption into the

―享‖原文作―入‖)。22 我

freedom of the glory of the children of 們知道一切受造之物一同 God. 22For we know that the whole 歎息、勞苦,直到如今。 creation groans and suffers the pains 23 不但如此,就是我們這 of childbirth together until now. 23And 有聖靈初結果子的,也是 not only this, but also we ourselves, 自己心裡歎息,等候得著 having the first fruits of the Spirit, 兒子的名分,乃是我們的 even




within 身體得贖。24 我們得救是

ourselves, waiting eagerly for our 在乎盼望;只是所見的盼 adoption as sons, the redemption of our 望不是盼望,誰還盼望他 body. 24For in hope we have been 所見的呢?(註:有古卷 saved, but hope that is seen is not hope;


for who hopes for what he already 望呢?‖)25 但我們若盼 sees? 25But if we hope for what we do


not see, with perseverance we wait 等候。 eagerly for it. Is 43:17-19 Who brings forth the

賽 43:16 耶和華在滄海 The things of this

chariot and horse, the army and the

中開道,在大水中開路, earthly


life will 世 的 事 物

power (they shall lie down together, 17 使車輛、馬匹、軍兵、 pass. They are not 都 將 會 過 they






勇士都出來,一同躺下, important in the


extinguished, they are quenched like a

不再起來,他們滅沒,好 long run. Have a 來看,它們

wick): "Do not remember the former

像熄滅的燈火。18 耶和華 correct

things, nor consider the things of old. 如此說:―你們不要記念從 perspective

都 不 重 of 要。這是我

Behold, I will do a new thing, now it 前的事,也不要思想古時 life.


shall spring forth; shall you not know it? 的事。19 看哪!我要做一


I will even make a road in the 件新事,如今要發現,你


wilderness and rivers in the desert."

們豈不知道嗎?我必在曠 野 開 道 路 ,在 沙 漠 開江 河。

John 17:14–15 I have given them your

約 17:14 我 已將你 的道 I am NOT saying 我 並 不 是

word and the world has hated them, for 賜 給 他 們 。世 界 又 恨他 we 186


be 說 我 們 應

they are not of the world any more than

們,因為他們不屬世界, hermits or live in


I am of the world. 15 My prayer is not 正如我不屬世界一樣。15 high on a mountain 上 當 隱 that you take them out of the world but 我 不 求 你 叫他 們 離 開世 away




that you protect them from the evil

界,只求你保守他們脫離 rest of the world. 世界;而是


那惡者(註:或作― 脫離 But we are IN the 說 我 們 活 罪惡‖)。

world but we are 在 這 世 not OF the world.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer 羅 12:2 不要效法這個世

界,但卻不 屬於它。

to the pattern of this world, but be 界 , 只 要 心意 更 新 而變 transformed by the renewing of your 化, mind. Col. 3:23-24 Whatever you do, do your 西 3:23 無論做甚麼,都 We




work heartily, as for the Lord rather 要從心裡做,像是給主做 neglect the things 該 忽 視 這 than for men, 24knowing that from the

的,不是給人做的,24 因 of the world, like 個 世 界 的

Lord you will receive the reward of the

你們知道從主那裡必得著 work and family. 事情,如工

inheritance It is the Lord Christ whom 基業為賞賜。你們所事奉 If fact, we are to 作 跟 家 you serve.


do a better job. 庭 。 事 實 It‘s a question of 上,我們應

1 Cor 6:20 For you have been bought 林前 6:20 因為你們是重 attitude, realizing 該 盡 力 做 with a price: therefore glorify God in

價買來的,所以要在你們 who your master is 好。這是態

your body.

的身子上榮耀 神。



to 度 的 問






is 要 了 解 誰

why we call him 是 我 們 的 Lord.

主,努力討 祂歡喜,而 不是討人 喜好。這是 我們之所 以稱呼祂 ―主‖。

Rom 12:1-2 Therefore I urge you,

羅 12:1 所以弟兄們,我 The issue at hand 重 點 是 你

brethren, by the mercies of God, to

以 神的慈悲勸你們,將身 is


present your bodies a living and holy 體獻上,當作活祭,是聖 yourself sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is

allow 不 要 效 法 to

be 這 個 世

潔的,是 神所喜悅的;你 conformed to this

your spiritual service of worship. 2And 們如此事奉,乃是理所當 world;


界,反而要 效法耶穌

do not be conformed to this world, but 然的。2 不要效法這個世 allow yourself to 的樣式。 be transformed by the renewing of 界 , 只 要 心意 更 新 而變 be conformed to 187

your mind, so that you may prove what 化,叫你們察驗何為 神的 the



the will of God is, that which is good 善良、純全、可喜悅的旨 Christ. and acceptable and perfect.


Rom 8:29 For those whom He foreknew, 羅 8:29 因為他預先所知 He






conformed to the image of His Son, so 他兒子的模樣,使他兒子 that He would be the firstborn among 在許多弟兄中作長子。 many brethren Heb 12:1,2 1Therefore, since we have 來 12:1 我們既有這許多 Keep your eyes on 定 睛 於 耶 so





witnesses 的見證人,如同雲彩圍著 Christ, strive in


surrounding us, let us also lay aside 我們,就當放下各樣的重 the field to work

勤 奮 工

every encumbrance and the sin which so


擔,脫去容易纏累我們的 hard, and strive

easily entangles us, and let us run with 罪,存心忍耐,奔那擺在 not to grow weary. 要 讓 自 己 endurance the race that is set before 我們前頭的路程,2 仰望 us, 2fixing our eyes on Jesus, the 為我們信心創始成終的耶 author and perfecter of faith, who for 穌(註:或作―仰望那將真 the joy set before Him endured the 道創始成終的耶穌‖)。他 cross, despising the shame, and has sat


down at the right hand of the throne of 輕看羞辱,忍受了十字架 God. 3For consider Him who has 的苦難,便坐在 神寶座的 endured

such hostility


sinners 右邊。3 那忍受罪人這樣

against Himself, so that you will not 頂撞的,你們要思想,免 grow weary and lose heart.


John 4:35 Do you not say, 'There are 約 4:35 你 們 豈不說 ‗到 yet four months, and then comes the

收 割的時候 還有四個 月‘

harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up 嗎?我告訴你們:舉目向 your eyes and look on the fields, that

田 觀 看 , 莊稼 已 經 熟了

they are white for harvest.

(註:原文作―發白‖), 可以收割了。

Gal 6:9-10 Let us not lose heart in doing 加 6:9 我們行善,不可喪 good, for in due time we will reap if we 志;若不灰心,到了時候 do not grow weary. 10So then, while we

就要收成。10 所以,有了

have opportunity, let us do good to all 機會,就當向眾人行善, people, and especially to those who are 向 信 徒 一 家的 人 更 當這 of the household of the faith.

樣。 188


Conclusion English


We are in the world, but we are not of the world.


We need to be in the world for now.


We have our areas of influence given to us by God.


Our work. Our family. Our friends.  


These are ―fields‖ that God has given to us to work




We are in this world, but we are to be spiritually separate.


interests, etc, but our values are to change, the

值觀,生活重心要改變 

Everyone and everything should be considered from the perspective of Christ.

 


still in darkness, pointing the way to Christ.


We are to live in such a way that those outside the

我們生活方式跟態度,會使未信主 的人知道我們―與眾不同‖


Our time on this planet is very limited and it will be


over before we know it, so we should work in the


fields while we still can


We are to be a light to those still of the world, those

that there is something ―different‖ about us.

每一個人事物都該從耶穌的眼光 來看

faith see our good deeds and our manner and know 


We are to continue in our relationships, our work, our focus of our lives are to change.



We might find ourselves tired in this world by work


and relationships. But if we endure to the end, there


will be a crown for us.

And there will be rest—Christ is our rest

而且可以休息—耶穌就是我們的 安息


Investing in the Next World 投資來世 1.

Today, I‘d like to talk about investing in the next life


Let's start off by talking a little bit about the Bema 2.








As Christians, this is a very important topic for us,


because all of us will appear there before Christ at the


Bema 4.




so we had better learn as much about it as possible 5.




As we all know, Christians do not appear before the 6.


throne of God for judgment



That is where nonbelievers go for final judgment


(V. 1) John 5:24 says "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who


hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has


eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has


passed out of death into life. 8.


(V. 1) 約 5:24 我實實在在的告訴

(V. 2) 羅 5:1 我們既因信稱義,

(V. 2) Romans 5:1 says: Therefore, since we have been


declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God


through our Lord Jesus Christ, 9.



(V. 3) Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus

10. We will not be judged at the Judgment Seat, because Christ paid for our sins

(V. 3) 羅 8:1 如今,那些在基督 耶穌裡的就不定罪了。

10. 我們不會站在審判台接受審判,因 為基督已經為我們償還我們的罪 了

11. But we will appear before something called the Bema

11. 但是我們會站在基督台前面

12. It's mentioned in both Romans 14:10 and 2 Corinthians 12. 羅馬書 14:10 和哥林多後書 5:10 5:10


13. (V. 4) Romans 14:10 But you, why do you judge your 13. (V. 4) 羅 14:10 你這個人,為甚 brother? Or you again, why do you regard your brother


with contempt? For we will all stand before the


judgment seat of God.

14. (V. 5) 林後 5:10 因為我們眾人

14. (V. 5) 2 Corinthians 5:10: For we must all appear before


the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be


recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to 15. 順帶一提:這可以再次證明耶穌就 what he has done, whether good or bad.


15. Parenthetically, this is another proof that Jesus is God 16. 第一個經文提到的是『神的審判 190

16. The first verse says the judgment seat of God 17. The second verse says the judgment seat of Christ 18. So Jesus and God are one and the same

台』 17. 第二個經文提到的是『基督的審判 台』

19. The English translation is ―judgment seat‖

18. 因此耶穌與神是完全一樣

20. The Chinese translation is the ―platform of God‖

19. 英文的翻譯是『審判台』

21. The Chinese is actually more accurate

20. 中文的翻譯是『神的台』

22. Now, the Bema is actually more like the platform at the 21. 其實,中文還比較準確 Olympics

22. 基督台就很像奧運會用的頒獎台

23. Athletes stand before it to receive a wreath after 23. 運動選手贏得比賽後,會站在台前 winning a competition


24. Paul likes to compare the Christian life to a boxing 24. 保羅喜歡把基督徒的生活比喻成 match and a marathon


25. He encourages each Christian to strive to win the 25. 他鼓勵每一個基督徒全力以赴以 rewards and to never give up


26. Christ says in Revelations 22:12

26. 基督在啟示錄 22:12 說:

27. (V. 6) Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is

27. (V. 6) 啟 22:12 ―看哪,我必快

with Me, to render to every man according to what he


has done.


28. Therefore, even though salvation is a gift from God and 28. 因此,雖然救贖是來自神的禮物, all Christians pass through judgment, all Christians will


stand before Christ


29. We will have to tell him what we did with what he gave us

前 29. 我們要告訴祂,我們用祂所賜給我 們的東西做了什麼


30. As a Christian, we are assured eternal life, but what are 30. 作為基督徒,我們都確信有永生, we supposed to do with the rest of our time here on




31. Let's see what the Bible says

31. 我們來看看聖經怎麼說

32. (V. 7) Matthew 6:19-21 says "Do not store up for 32. (V. 7) 太 6:19-21 不要為自己積 yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.




銹壞,也有賊挖窟窿來偷;20 只

store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where


neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do


not break in or steal;


for where your treasure is,

there your heart will be also.

偷。21 因為你的財寶在哪裡,你 的心也在那裡。

33. It's okay to want to accumulate treasures

33. 累積財寶沒什麼不好

34. God put the desire to accumulate treasures in our 34. 神已將累積財寶的渴望植入我們 hearts


35. The question is are you trying to accumulate the fleeting treasures of this world?

35. 問題是,你努力累積的是這個世界 上轉瞬即逝的財寶嗎?

36. or are you accumulating treasures in heaven that can 36. 或者你累積的是屬於天上不會消 never perish or be stolen?


37. How do we get treasures in heaven?

37. 我們怎麼儲存天上的財寶呢?

38. We gain them by being faithful to God

38. 我們藉由對上帝的忠實來儲存天上

39. by seeking him first


40. by becoming more and more like his son

39. 先求他的國

41. by using our talents, wealth, and time to help others

40. 效法祂的兒子

42. by sharing the gospel and edifying others

41. 用我們的才華、財富和時間來幫助他

43. Another Christian concept we have to understand is the fact that we are stewards in this world

人 42. 傳福音和教導別人

44. (V. 8) Matthew 25:14-30 Therefore stay alert, 43. 我 們要 了解的 另一 個基督 教觀 念 because you do not know the day or the hour. 14 For it


is like a man going on a journey, who summoned his 44. (V. 8) 太 25:14-30 天國又好比一 192

slaves and entrusted his property to them. 15 To one


he gave five talents, to another two, and to another


one, each according to his ability. Then he went on his


journey. 16 The one who had received five talents


went off right away and put his money to work and


gained five more. 17 In the same way, the one who had


two gained two more. 18 But the one who had received


one talent went out and dug a hole in the ground and


hid his master‘s money in it. 19 After a long time, the


master of those slaves came and settled his accounts


with them. 20 The one who had received the five


talents came and brought five more, saying, ‗Sir, you


entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five


more.‘ 21 His master answered, ‗Well done, good and


faithful slave! You have been faithful in a few things. I


will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the


joy of your master.‘ 22 The one with the two talents


also came and said, ‗Sir, you entrusted two talents to


me. See, I have gained two more.‘ 23 His master


answered, ‗Well done, good and faithful slave! You


have been faithful with a few things. I will put you in


charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your


master.‘ 24 Then the one who had received the one


talent came and said, ‗Sir, I knew that you were a hard


man, harvesting where you did not sow, and gathering


where you did not scatter seed, 25 so I was afraid,


and I went and hid your talent in the ground. See, you


have what is yours.‘ 26 But his master answered, ‗Evil


and lazy slave! So you knew that I harvest where I


didn‘t sow and gather where I didn‘t scatter? 27 Then


you should have deposited my money with the bankers,


and on my return I would have received my money back


with interest! 28 Therefore take the talent from him


and give it to the one who has ten. 29 For the one who


has will be given more, and he will have more than


enough. But the one who does not have, even what he 45. 總之,沒有什麼是屬於我們的 has will be taken from him. 30 And throw that 46. 我們只是看管神所給我們的一切 worthless slave into the outer darkness, where there 193

47. 沒有一樣是我們的;所有的東西都屬

will be weeping and gnashing of teeth‘‖


45. In short, we don't own anything

48. 祂將這些人事物交給我們,要我們管

46. We are stewards of what God has given us


47. We own nothing; God owns all

49. 祂交給我們的包括親朋好友、才華、

48. He gives us things and calls us to manage them


49. He gives us friends, family, talents, money, and other 50. 甚至我們的身體也是祂賜給我們的 things


50. Even our bodies are gifts from God

51. 而且,我們要為這些祂給我們的人事

51. God will hold us accountable for what we do with what he has given us

物負責 52. 這 不是 說我們 不可 以享受 這些 東

52. This is not to say that we cannot enjoy these things, but we shouldn't hold on to them too tightly 53. Many times, people become bitter with God because he allows their toys to be taken

西,但是我們不能抓得太緊 53. 很多時候,人會因為神允許這些『玩 具』被拿走,而感到憤憤不平 54. 不應該這樣,畢竟這些玩具都是祂的

54. That shouldn't be, after all, they are his toys

55. (V. 9) 林前 3:11-15 因為那已經立

55. (V. 9) 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 For no one can lay any


foundation other than what is being laid, which is


Jesus Christ. 12 If anyone builds on the foundation


with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw,


13 each builder‘s work will be plainly seen, for the Day


will make it clear, because it will be revealed by fire.


And the fire will test what kind of work each has done.


14 If what someone has built survives, he will receive a


reward. 15 If someone‘s work is burned up, he will


suffer loss. He himself will be saved, but only as


through fire.

56. 請記得,只有兩個『東西』是永久的—

56. Remember, only two things are eternal—people and the word of God

那就是人跟神的話語 57. 因此,聰明的話,我們就會投資這兩

57. so if we are smart, we will invest in these two things


58. Jim Elliot said, ―He is no fool to give what he cannot 58. Jim Elliot 曾經說過:最聰明的人會 keep to gain what he cannot lose‖


59. God gives us many things, but we are called to hold them very loosely

財寶 59. 上帝給我們非常多東西,但是也呼籲

60. They will pass away, but we can use the things of this world for eternal gain

我們不要抓得太緊 60. 它們終將消逝,但是我們可以借用它

61. We are to be grateful to God for what he has given to us

們來累積永恆的財寶 61. 我們要感激上帝所賜給我們的一切

62. but we are also to invest it in something which will 62. 但是我們也把這些東西拿去投資,來 194

endure forever


63. If you really believed you couldn‘t take it with you, you 63. 如果你真的相信這些東西是帶不走 would be more shrewd in how you used it


64. Suppose that it was announced that Taiwan would soon 64. 假設政府宣布台灣以後不再使用台 stop using the NT dollar and start using US dollars 65. They don‘t tell you the day this will happen, but when they switch over, your current money will be worthless 66. So you‘re sure your NT dollars will be worthless; you just don't know when

幣,會開始用美元 65. 他們沒說什麼時候會執行,但是一旦 生效,你現在的金錢就一文不值了 66. 因此,你確定你的台幣以後就不值錢 了,只是不曉得是什麼時候

67. What would you do?

67. 那麼,你會怎麼做呢?

68. If you are smart, you would only keep the amount of NT 68. 聰明的話,你只會保留足夠的台幣 you need to live


69. And you would convert the rest to US dollars

69. 你會將剩餘的錢換成美金

70. In the same way, the currency of this world will soon be 70. 同理,這個世界的貨幣在不久的未 worthless


71. and the currency of the next world will be very, very valuable

71. 而來世的貨幣會非常,非常值錢 72. 因此,如果你夠聰明,你會用現世

72. So if we are smart, we will use the currency of this world to increase our currency in the next

的貨幣來增加來世的貨幣 73. 聰明的管家會用他在這個世界的

73. The smart steward will use his resources in this world to build up treasures in heaven

資源來累積天上的財寶 74. 耶穌經常論及獎賞

74. Jesus often talked about reward

75. 祂從來不叫我們犧牲自己或背起

75. He never asks us to sacrifice or take up our cross, without saying that he will give us something better

我們的十字架,而不先說祂會給我 們更好的東西

76. God knows we like to accumulate treasures

76. 上帝知道我們喜歡累積財寶

77. He made us that way on purpose

77. 祂故意這樣創造我們

78. There's nothing wrong with pursuing treasure

78. 追求財富沒有什麼不好

79. Just make sure that it's a treasure that won't 79. 但是要確定你追求的財寶最後不 disappoint you in the end


80. That's the point of Matthew 6

80. 那正是馬太福音第六章的重點 195

Investing in the Next World—Extra Verses 投資來世 

Matthew 6:19-24—"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.


"But store up for yourselves treasures in

heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; 21

for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


"The eye is the lamp of the body;

so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light.


"But if your eye is bad,

your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!


"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the

other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other You cannot serve God and wealth. 

太 6:19-24 不要為自己積攢財寶在地上,地上有蟲子咬,能銹壞,也有賊挖窟窿來偷;20 只要積攢 財寶在天上,天上沒有蟲子咬,不能銹壞,也沒有賊挖窟窿來偷。21 因為你的財寶在哪裡,你的心也 在那裡。22 眼睛就是身上的燈。你的眼睛若瞭亮,全身就光明; 23 你的眼睛若昏花,全身就黑暗。 你裡頭的光若黑暗了,那黑暗是何等大呢! 24 一個人不能事奉兩個主。不是惡這個愛那個,就是重這 個輕那個。你們不能又事奉神,又事奉瑪門(註:―瑪門‖是―財利‖的意思)。

1 Pet 1:3-7 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, 5who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 6In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, 7so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

彼前 1:3-7 願頌讚歸與我們主耶穌基督的父 神。他曾照自己的大憐憫,藉耶穌基督從死裡復活,重 生了我們,叫我們有活潑的盼望, 4 可以得著不能朽壞、不能玷污、不能衰殘、為你們存留在天上的 基業。5 你們這因信蒙 神能力保守的人,必能得著所預備、到末世要顯現的救恩。6 因此,你們是大 有喜樂。但如今在百般的試煉中暫時憂愁, 7 叫你們的信心既被試驗,就比那被火試驗仍然能壞的金 子更顯寶貴,可以在耶穌基督顯現的時候,得著稱讚、榮耀、尊貴。

Col. 3:23-24 Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.

西 3:23-24 無論做甚麼,都要從心裡做,像是給主做的,不是給人做的, 24 因你們知道從主那裡必 得著基業為賞賜。你們所事奉的乃是主基督。

1 Cor. 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.

林前 15:58 所以,我親愛的弟兄們,你們務要堅固,不可搖動,常常竭力多做主工,因為知道你們的 勞苦,在主裡面不是徒然的。


Judging Others 論斷他人 1.

The Bible often compares sin to leprosy

1. 聖經常常將罪惡比喻成痲瘋病


We could say that sin is a type of spiritual leprosy

2. 我們可以這麼說,罪惡就像是一種心靈痲


There are some similarities between leprosy and sin


瘋病 3. 痲瘋病與罪之間有一些相似之處

Leprosy gradually deforms the victim, damaging 4. 痲瘋病會逐漸破壞患者的外貌,毀壞皮 skin, nerves, arms, legs, fingers, toes, and eyes



In serious cases, it can actually cause blindness


In the same way, sin gradually deforms the soul 6. 同樣的,罪也會使心靈漸漸扭曲,並且會導 and causes spiritual blindness



We can say doctors do not hate lepers; they hate the disease of leprosy


7. 可以說醫生並不痛恨痲瘋病患;他們厭惡的 是痲瘋病

In the same way, God does not hate sinners; he hates the disease of sin


5. 嚴重者,可能會導致失明

8. 同樣的,神不是討厭罪人;祂憎惡的是如瘟 疫般的罪惡

He hates it for what it does to his children—it 9. 祂不喜歡罪惡,因為罪惡會傷害祂的孩子— deforms, blinds, destroys, and kills us, and


keeps us from him


10. When God sees us, he sees our ugly and 10. 當上帝看到我們的時候,祂看見我們醜陋、 deformed souls, but I am amazed that he still loves us



11. In ancient times, when a person had leprosy, they 11. 古時候,一個得了痲瘋病的人會被視為 were considered unclean and were driven away


12. In the same way, sinful humans are unclean and 12. 同樣的,有罪的人是不潔的,不能與聖 cannot be with the holy God


13. If a leper was healed, he was considered clean and 13. 如果痲瘋病人被醫治,他便被視為是潔 could return


14. The same is true of us. Once we are healed of the 14. 我們也是一樣。一旦我們罪惡的疾病被 disease of sin, we can return to God


15. I want to stress, however, that sin is a symptom of a 15. 不過我想在此強調,罪是由一個深層的 deeper problem—our rebellion against God


16. The root of our disease is rebellion and sin is the symptom

神 16. 叛逆是我們疾病的根源,而罪則是病狀

17. Let‘s say a student is always late to class and talks 17. 打個比方,一個學生常上課遲到,也會 back to his teacher


18. Talking back and being late are bad, but they are not 18. 頂嘴與遲到是不好的,但不是問題的根 the root problem

19. The root problem might be rebellion or lack of 19. 根源可能是叛逆或不尊重老師 respect for the teacher

20. 因此,要改正這個學生的行為,就必須

20. Therefore, if you want to correct the student‘s behavior, you need to fix the root of the problem 21. Problems like these need to be fixed from the inside out, not for the outside in

先從問題的根本開始 21. 要改善這種問題必須從裡到外,不是從 外到裡 22. 在沒有針對最根本的問題下,想要醫治

22. Trying to cure the symptoms without trying to fix the cause is useless

症狀是沒有用的 23. 事實上這比不做還糟,反而使得情況變

23. It‘s actually worse than useless; it makes the situation worse

本加厲 24. 你想要幫助的人會感到挫折也會生氣

24. The person you‘re trying to help will become 25. 到最後,他會抗拒你的好意相助,也會 frustrated and angry


25. In the end, they will resist your help and resent you

26. 另外有一個更可怕的可能性

26. There is another even worse possibility

27. 如果你治療病人的病狀,然後跟他說他

27. If you treat a sick person‘s symptoms and tell him that he is cured, he won‘t seek a real cure

已經治好了,他就不會尋找真正的治療 28. 同理可證罪惡也是如此

28. The same is true with sin

29. 罪惡是個更深層問題的症狀---人與神

29. Sin is a symptom of a deeper problem—a broken relationship with God



30. As humans, this is a problem we cannot fix

30. 作為人,這是我們無法解決的問題

31. The root problem of sin must be dealt with by God

31. 罪這個根本的問題,必須有神來處

32. First, Christ saves us from the punishment we deserve for our sins

理 32. 首先,耶穌救贖我們,使得我們不

33. After we are saved, the Holy Spirit works with us for


the rest of our lives to root the remnants of sin out of 33. 救贖後,我們平生聖靈會幫助我們 our lives


34. As the Holy Spirit works on a person from the inside,

34. 隨著聖靈從人內在的心靈動工,人

that person‘s outside behavior will hopefully gradually




35. Whether it changes or not, however, is between that 35. 但是無論他的行為有沒有改變,那 person and the Holy Spirit. You can do nothing


36. Your job is to love, to encourage, and to act as a role 36. 你的任務是愛他,鼓勵他,當他的 model for that person


37. Your job is not to nag, judge, or talk behind that 37. 你的本分不是碎碎念,論斷或在他 person‘s back


38. We are called to be Christians as individuals, but God 38. 我們以個人的身份成為基督徒,但是 wants us to grow as Christians in community 39. He wants us to encourage and love each other

神要我們以手足的關係在耶穌裡成 長

40. I was talking to a good friend of mine the other day

39. 祂要我們彼此相愛跟互相支持鼓勵

41. She said that she had just come back from a

40. 我前幾天跟一個好朋友聊天


41. 她說她剛參加完團契回來

42. and that the young woman leading the fellowship was 42. 帶領團契的女孩穿著像女同志 dressed like a lesbian

43. 我朋友認為那位年輕女孩不夠格帶 199

43. She felt that the young woman was not qualified to


lead the fellowship, because she would make the 44. 她覺得應該有人要求她不要那樣穿 church look bad

44. She felt somebody should ask her not to dress like 45. 她問我,換作是我,在這種情況下我 that


45. She asked me what I would do if I were in that situation

46. 我回答:『我什麼都不會做,因為不 關我的事,而且,也不關你的事。』

46. I said, ―Nothing, because it‘s none of my business and 47. 作為基督徒,我們的任務是愛跟鼓勵 it‘s none of yours


47. Our job as Christians is to love and encourage others, 48. 那個年輕女孩可能是同志,也可能不 not judge them

48. The young woman might be gay and she might not be

49. 她也許只是喜歡那樣的穿著打扮

49. She might just like dressing like that

50. 我還跟她說:「不論如何都不關你的

50. I said, ―Whatever the situation, it‘s not your problem‖


51. I also predict that others in church will point fingers 51. 我也預期教會有其他人會指責她,也 at her and talk behind her back


52. They will make her feel uncomfortable and eventually 52. 他們會讓她覺得不舒服,最後會使她 drive her away


53. This happens a lot in churches today

53. 這種事情在今天的教會時有所聞

54. Therefore, you need to work harder to be a friend 54. 因此,你必須要更努力的跟她做朋友, to her and to love her even more


55. You need to encourage her and support her before 55. 在教會中其他人非難迫使她離開之前, others in the church drive her away


56. because they will… it‘s only a matter of time‖

56. 因為他們一定會… 只是遲早的問題

57. This conversation made me think of a topic that is 57. 這段對話讓我聯想到一個問題,這個問 very sensitive in the church today—homosexuality 58. Many people say that the Bible says that homosexual acts are an abomination to God

題在今天很多教會很敏感,就是關於同 性戀的問題 58. 許多人說聖經說同性戀的行為是『可憎

59. They are right. It says so in Leviticus 18:22 60. The Bible uses the term ―abomination‖ 152 times 200

的事』 59. 他們說的沒有錯,利未記 18:22 就是這

61. But it is used to describe all kinds of sin, including


pride and lying as well as looking down on and 60. 『可憎的事』 這個形容在聖經上出現 152 mistreating people

次 61. 但它用來講各種罪惡,包括傲慢、說謊、

(Do not read in class) Pride, lying, killing innocent people, people who devise


wicked plans, people that run to evil, a false witness, (課堂上不要念出來) people who spread strife (Proverbs 6:16-19) scoffers 高傲的眼、說謊的舌頭、流無辜人血的手、 (Proverbs 24:9)


62. I think we can say that all of us are guilty of some 布紛爭的人(箴言 6:16-19) 譏笑人(箴言 of these sins


63. So why do we love to point fingers at gays?

62. 我想我們或多或少都曾犯過這些罪

64. I think it is because if we pointed fingers at people 63. 那麼,我們為什麼那麼愛指責同性戀 who lie or who are proud, we would also have to point at ourselves

呢? 64. 我認為這是因為如果我們指責說謊或驕

65. I believe when many people point fingers at others, they are actually saying, ―Well, at least I‘m not as bad as him‖

傲的人,我們自身也就必須同受責難 65. 我相信很多人在指責別人的同時,他們 其實是在說: 「我起碼沒有那個人糟糕」

66. It‘s a way to make them feel superior to others

66. 這麼做會讓他們覺得自己比別人優越

67. And there are two ways to make yourself feel 67. 要讓自己覺得在屬靈上比別人優越有兩 spiritually superior


68. You can actually seek God and his righteousness

68. 你可以真正尋求神的國和神的義

69. or you can push others down so that you look better 69. 或者,你可以把別人壓在下面,這樣相 in comparison


70. When climbing a mountain, there are two ways to 70. 登山時,有兩種方式可以讓你覺得你有 feel like you are making progress


71. You can actually climb the mountain or you can kick 71. 你可以真正爬山或你可以把別人從山上 others down the mountain


72. Climbing requires hard work and dedication

72. 登山需要努力,需要你很投入

73. Kicking others down is much easier

73. 踢別人下去簡單多了

74. It makes you feel good about yourself, because 74. 這麼做會讓你自我感覺良好,因為當你往 when you look down, you feel like you are higher up


than those people you kicked down

還要高 201

75. But it causes a great deal of damage to the church 75. 但是無論是對教會內部或教會對外的形 internally and to the image of the church



76. Let‘s read how Jesus handled a similar situation

76. 我們看一下耶穌是怎麼處理類似的情

77. (V. 1) Luke 18:9-14—He also told this parable to some

people who trusted in themselves that they were 77. (V. 1) 路加福音 18:9-14—耶穌向那些 10

righteous, and viewed others with contempt:



men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee


and the other a tax collector. 1 1 "The Pharisee stood

是法利賽人,一個是稅吏。11 法利賽人

and was praying this to himself: 'God, I thank You


that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust,


adulterers, or even like this tax collector.


'I fast

twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.'


姦淫,也不像這個稅吏。12 我一個禮



the tax collector, standing some distance away, was

之一。‘13 稅吏卻遠遠站著,連舉目望

even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was


beating his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me,

這個罪人!‘14 我告訴你們,這個人回

the sinner!'


"I tell you, this man went to his house


justified rather than the other; for everyone who


exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles

78. 論斷同性戀不就等於在說:『神啊,我

himself will be exalted."


78. Aren‘t people who point at homosexuals saying, ―God, 79. 我們再看耶穌還說過什麼 I thank you that I am not like them‖?

80. (V. 2) 馬太福音 7:1-5—不可判斷人,

79. Let‘s see something else that Jesus said

免得你們被判斷。2 你們怎樣判斷人,

80. (V. 2) Matt 7:1-5 Do not judge so that you will not be


judged. 2 "For in the way you judge, you will be

人,也必照樣被衡量。3 為甚麼看見你

judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be


measured to you. 3 "Why do you look at the speck that

梁木呢?4 你自己眼中有梁木,怎能對

is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log


that is in your own eye? 4 "Or how can you say to your



brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and



behold, the log is in your own eye? "You hypocrite, 81. 有一個講者曾經在美國一個小教會演 first take the log out of your own eye, and then you

will see clearly to take the speck out of your 82. 他說:―我今天想談論三點 brother's eye.

83. 首先,有數以百萬的人將會死掉下地獄

81. A speaker once spoke before a small church in the 84. 第二,你們才不在乎 United States

85. 第三,你們當中有一些人比較介意我剛

82. He said, ―I have three points for you today


83. First, millions are dying and going to hell


84. Second, you people don‘t give a damn

86. 天父派祂的兒子來找尋、拯救失落的人

85. Third, some of you are more concerned that I said 87. 我們應該服侍祂,但是我們往往比較重 ‗damn‘ than that millions are dying and going to hell‖ 86. God sent his son to seek and save the lost

視問題的枝節部份,而不是貼近天父心 裡的事

87. We are supposed to serve him, but we are often 88. 我不是在說同性戀的行為不是罪惡 more concerned with side issues than what is close to 89. 它確實是,而且所有的罪都不好,但是 the Father‘s heart


88. I‘m not saying that homosexual acts aren‘t sin 89. They are and sins are all bad, but they are only the

90. 問題是我們叛離神,而叛離神使我們不 能與神在一起

symptoms of the problem, they are not the problem 91. 你可以說同性戀行為是次要問題 itself

92. 穿著像同志更是枝微末節的問題

90. The problem is our rebellion and the separation from 93. 不管是什麼罪都會使人遠離神 God that it causes

94. 我們的任務不是叫人洗心革面,改變生

91. You could say that homosexuality is a side issue 92. And dressing like a gay is even more a side issue 93. All sins keep people from God

活方式 95. 我們的任務是帶領人認識那位唯一可 以由內而外改變他們的上帝

94. Our mission is not to get people to clean up their acts 96. 在使徒行傳,彼得對著民眾說,你們殺 95. Our job is lead them to the only one who can change them from the inside out

了耶穌(使徒行傳 3:15-19),但是上帝 已經準備好原諒他們

96. In Acts, Peter told the people that they killed Jesus 97. 我想不到比殺害神的兒子還嚴重的 (Acts 3:15-19), but God was ready to forgive them


97. I can‘t think of a sin that could be worse than killing 98. 我認為我們可以從彼得和約翰所沒有 the son of God, but God was willing to forgive them 98. I think we can learn a lot from what Peter and John didn‘t do or say

做的事情跟他們所沒沒有說的話學到 很多 99. 他們並沒有舉起糾察標誌。他們也沒有

99. They didn‘t hold up picket signs. They didn‘t protest


100. They didn‘t say that God hated them. They didn‘t say 100. 他們也沒有說上帝恨他們,也沒有說 that they were all going to hell


101. I think if God can forgive people for killing his son, 101. 我想如果上帝可以原諒殺祂兒子的 203

he can forgive people for being gay


102. If we were to draw a line and put Hitler on one side 102. 假如我們畫一條線,然後把希特勒放 and put Jesus on the other side


103. and then we put everybody that ever lived on it 103. 再將曾經活在這個世界上的每一個 depending on how good or bad they were


104. we would have MUCH more in common with Hitler 104. 大部份的人都會被擺在希特勒那邊, than with Jesus


105. Pointing fingers at others does no good at all. In fact, it only does harm

105. 指責別人有百害而無一益 106. 或許這會讓某些教會的人覺得自己比

106. It might make some people in church feel superior, but it drives others away

別人好,但卻會使別人離開 107. 那麼,我們應該做什麼才好?我們也

107. So what are we supposed to do? We can‘t just ignore the sin, can we?

不能對這些罪視而不見,是吧? 108. 我們看看聖經怎麼說

108. Let‘s see what the Bible says

109. (V. 3)你們也應當彼此洗腳(約

109. (V. 3) wash one another‘s feet (John 13:14), Love one


another (John 13:34), Be devoted to one another in


love. Honor one another above yourselves (Romans

敬的心互相禮讓(羅 12:10)、你們應該

12:10), encourage one another and build up one


another (1 Thess. 5:11), serve one another humbly in


love (Gal. 5:13), Be kind and compassionate to one

書 5:13)、要互相友愛,存溫柔的心,

another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God


forgave you (Eph. 4:32), In your relationships with

一樣(以弗所書 4:32)、你們應當有這樣

one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus

的意念,這也是基督耶穌的意念 (腓立

(Philippians 2:5), let us consider how we may spur one

比書 2:5)、我們又應該彼此關心,激發

another on toward love and good deeds (Heb. 10:24),

愛心,勉勵行善(希 10:24)、不要互相

do not slander one another (James 4:11), Offer

毀謗 (雅各書 4:11)、你們要互相接待,

hospitality to one another without grumbling (1 Pet

不發怨言(彼前 4:9)


110. 還有我個人最喜歡的—你們要用聖潔

110. And my personal favorite—Greet one another with a holy kiss (2 Cor. 13:12)

的親嘴彼此問安(哥後 13:12) 111.我看到很多我們本來就應該做的事,像

111. I see a lot of things we are supposed to do, like love, serve, encourage one another

是彼此相愛、互相服侍和彼此勸慰 112. 但是我沒看到任何經文叫我們互相指

112. but I don‘t see any verses that say ―point your


fingers at one another‖ or ―judge one another‖

113. 事實上,下面的經文說的剛好相反

113. In fact, the following verses say just the opposite

114. (V. 4) 我們不要再彼此批評了(羅

114. (V. 4) stop passing judgment on one another (Romans


14:13), Accept one another (Romans 15:7), be

接納了你們一樣(羅 15:7)、凡事謙虛、

patient, bearing with one another in love (Eph. 4:2),



Don‘t grumble against one another, brothers and

書 4:2)、不要彼此抱怨,免得你們受審

sisters, or you will be judged (James 5:9)

判(雅各書 5:9)

115. James is saying that it‘s actually dangerous to 115. 雅各的意思是,判斷指責別人其實是 criticize and judge others


116. Our job is to live by example, encourage and love 116. 我們的任務是要以身作則,鼓勵與愛 others, and be ready to answer their questions


117. Remember earlier when we talked about our position 117. 記得我們之前談過我們在耶穌的身份 in Christ?


118. When we come to Christ, our position changes, but 118. 當我們接受耶穌基督的時候,我們的 our nature remains the same


119. This is the same idea here

119. 這裡的意思是一樣的

120. Coming to Christ heals our disease and allows us to 120. 接受耶穌會醫治我們的疾病,使我們 have a relationship with God


121. But the scars caused by our leprosy persist

121. 但是痲瘋病造成的疤痕還在

122. The Holy Spirit gradually removes the scars left by 122. 聖靈會逐漸幫我們除去痲瘋病所造成 the leprosy to make us more and more like Jesus


123. We need to work with the Holy Spirit as he gradually 123. 我們需要配合聖靈,讓祂漸漸刮除痲 scrapes away the leprosy



124. The Holy Spirit uses the word of God and 124. 聖靈會用神的話語以及生活當中各種情 situations in our life to gradually achieve this goal


125. It can be a painful process and the more we fight 125. 整個過程有時候很痛苦,而且我們越掙 it, the more painful it can be


126. The Christian life is already tough enough without 126. 基督徒的生活本身已經夠艱難了,實在 other Christians criticizing and pointing fingers 127. We really need to love and encourage each other and stop tripping one another

不需要其他基督徒的論斷和指責 127. 我們真的需要彼此相愛,需要互相鼓 勵,不要再扯別人的後腿了

128. Let‘s fix our eyes on Jesus, run our own race, and 128. 我們定睛於耶穌,自己跟自己比賽,而 encourage others as they run their own races


129. Before finishing this article, I want to add an 129. 在完成這篇文章之前,我想補充一個重 important point


130. Although we are told not to judge others, we ARE 130. 我們雖然不可以論斷他人,但是我們的 told to correct


131. (V. 5) James 5:19-20—My brethren, if any among 131. (V. 5) 雅各書 5:19-20—我的弟兄們, you strays from the truth and one turns him back,


20 let him know that he who turns a sinner from the

有人使他回頭, 20 你們應該知道,那使

error of his way will save his soul from death and


will cover a multitude of sins.


132. (V. 6) Galatians 6:1-2—Brethren, even if anyone is 132. (V. 6)加拉太書 6:1-2—弟兄們,如果有 caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual,


restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each


one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be

心,免得也被引誘。2 你們各人的重擔

tempted. 2 Bear one another's burdens, and


thereby fulfill the law of Christ.

133. 我應該矯正偏離真理和沉迷於罪裡的

133. We are to correct those that stray from the truth and those that continue to sin

人 134. 但是我們要用溫柔謙虛的心

134. But we are to do so gently and humbly

135. 不是舉牌抗議,用風涼話,也不是要竊

135. Not with picket signs, not with sarcasm and sneers, or pointing fingers

笑或指責 136. 論斷和矯正之間的差異很微妙


136. There is a subtle difference between judging 137. 我認為差別在於態度;我來用一個比喻 others and correcting others


137. I believe the difference is in the attitude. Let me use an analogy to explain

138. 在跑馬拉松時,一個跑者跌到,然後兩 個跑者跑過去

138. During a marathon, a runner falls down and two 139. 其中一個既對他竊笑,罵他,踢他,也 runners run over

大聲喊著: 「大家看!他跌到了,但是我

139. One sneers at him, scolds him, kicks him, and yells loudly, ―Look! He fell down, but I didn‘t!‖

並沒有!」 140. 另一個跑者卻伸出手,幫助他站立來,

140. The other holds out his hand, helps him up, and runs


beside him

141. Which one do you think is the kind of Christian that 141. 你認為神希望我們當哪一種基督徒 God wants us to be?


142. Let me close with a few verses advising us not to judge others

142. 讓我來引用幾段勸人不要批評別人的 經文,並且以此做結

143. (V. 7) Romans 14:4--―Who are you to judge the

143. (V. 7) 羅馬書 14:4--你是誰,竟然評

servant of another? To his own master he stands or


falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make


him stand.‖


144. Note that Paul says, ―Who are you to judge the servant of another?‖

144. 請注意,保羅說:「你是誰,竟然評斷 別人的家僕?」

145. The verse before this verse says, "God has accepted him"

145. 這此之前的經文寫的是 「神已經接納他 了」

146. If God has already accepted him, who are you to criticize him?

146. 假如神都已經接納他了,你又有什麼資 格評斷他?

147. That's not your job

147. 這不是你的任務

148. Each of us Christians is a servant of the same

148. 我們每一個基督徒都是同一個主人的



149. And a servant is responsible to his master

149. 僕人要對自己的主人負責

150. Paul says to his own master he stands or falls and he 150. 保羅寫的是:「他或站穩或跌倒,都只 will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. 207


151. His walk with Christ is between him and Christ. It's none of your business

因為主能夠使他站穩。」 151. 他與耶穌同行,是他與基督之間的事,

152. Whether or not he stands is between him and Christ 153. And he will stand, because the Lord is able to make him stand

根本不關你的事 152. 而且他會站穩或跌倒,是他與基督之間 的事,與你不相干

154. And we are able to stand before God because we are 153. 而且,他一定可以站穩,因為主能夠使 all washed in the blood of Christ


155. Some of us will grow more in Christ and some will grow less in Christ

154. 我們也都可以站穩,因為我們都受過耶 穌寶血的洗禮

156. But we will all stand, because by the grace of God, we are each perfect in Christ

155. 有人在耶穌裡成長較多,有的較少 156. 但是我們都可以站穩,因為透過神的恩

157. I love that phrase: "and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand‖

典,我們在耶穌裡都是至善治美的 157. 我很喜歡那句話:「而且,他一定可以

158. Romans 14:4 reminds me of John 21:22 where Peter is asking Jesus what are you going to do with this guy?

站穩,因為主能夠使他站穩。」 158. 羅馬書 14:4 讓我聯想到約翰福音 21:22,在這裡彼得在問耶穌,你要跟

159. Jesus then says to Peter, ―…what is that to you? You follow Me!‖

這個人做什麼呢? 159. 耶穌對彼得說「...跟你有甚麼關係呢?

160. Jesus is pretty blunt--what business is it of yours?


161. Your job is to focus on your own spiritual life and 160. 耶穌講話相當直率-關你什麼事? follow me

161. 你的工作是將注意力集中在自己屬靈

162. And finally, let's look at Hebrews 12:1b


163. (V. 8) ―…let us run the race with endurance that is 162. 最後,我們來看希伯來書 12:1b set before us.‖

163. (V. 8) 「以堅忍的心跑那擺在我們前

164. What is the next sentence?


165. (V. 9) ―…fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of faith.‖

164. 下一句寫什麼? 165. (V. 9)「注目於那位信心的創始者和完

166. Don't look at the other runners. That is a very big mistake.

成者耶穌。」 166. 不要觀看其他跑著,這麼做大錯特錯

167. Don't compare yourself to others

167. 不要把自己跟別人比較

168. Just focus on the goal that is before you

168. 你只要注目於你眼前的目標就好


Love Kept him on the Cross 愛讓祂留在十字架上面 1.

Let‘s read John 10:17


(V. 1) John 10:17 Jesus says, ―For this reason the 2. (V. 1) 約 10:17 我父愛我,因我將命捨

3. 4.

1. 耶穌在約翰福音 10:17

Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I

去,好再取回來。18 沒有人奪我的命

may take it again.‖


There is something very important here that we


must understand


Jesus stresses here, I lay down My life and I will 3. 這裡有一件重要的事情,我們必須了解 take it again

4. 耶穌在這裡強調,我將命捨去,好再取


He is the one laying down his life


That is to say, Jesus is not a victim of human 5. 是祂要捨去自己的生命



6. 也就是說耶穌不是人類陰謀下的被害


He was not a martyr


We must understand that this was something that 7. 祂不是殉道者

was planned even before the world was created 9.

Let‘s look at what Jesus says in verse 18

8. 我們要記得,祂早在創造世界之前就已 經有了這個計劃

10. (V. 2) John 10:18 No one has taken it away from Me, 9. 我們來看第十八節耶穌說了什麼。 but I lay it down on My own initiative I have 10. (V. 2) 約 10:18 沒有人奪我的命去, authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take


it up again. This commandment I received from My



11. 這是耶穌對於自己最強有力的聲稱,你

11. This is one of his strongest claims and you must remember it

應該要記住這句話 12. 你記不記得祂在十字架上的時候,下面

12. Remember when they taunted him on the cross? 13. What did they say to him? ―Save yourself‖

的人都在辱罵祂? 13. 他們對祂說什麼呢?他們說:「救救祢

14. Come down and then we will believe you


15. He says that he has countless angels that he could 14. 你下來我們就相信祢! call at his disposal

15. 祂說祂有數不盡的天使讓祂使喚,祂隨

16. But He does not choose to do that, because it was not the nails that held him to the cross, it was love. 17. His love for us kept him on the cross

時可以叫他們下來幫祂 16. 但是耶穌並不願意這麼做,因為讓祂留 在十字架上面的,不是釘子,而是愛

18. He could have come down anytime, but he chose not 17. 祂對我們的愛讓祂留在十字架上 to

18. 其實,祂隨時都可以下來,但是祂不願

19. Was it not for this purpose that the Son of Man came?

意這麼做 19. 人子不正是為了這個原因而來的嗎?


20. (V. 3) Matt. 20:28 just as the Son of Man did not 20. (V. 3)太 20:28 正如人子來,不是要 come to be served, but to serve, and to give is life a


ransom for many.


21. The cross was the first step in his glorification

21. 十字架是榮耀祂的第一步

22. In America, we like to say to the ones we love,

22. 我們在美國,尤其是小孩子,常對所愛

especially little children, ―I love you THIS much‖ 23. Then we stretch our arms out to our sides

的人說:「我愛你這麼多」 23. 然後邊說邊把手臂展開

24. I heard the following story when I was a child

24. 我小時候聽過這麼一則故事

25. I think it helps us to better understand Jesus‘ 25. 我認為可能可以幫助我們更加理解耶穌 death


26. One day, somebody asked Jesus, ―How much do you 26. 一天,有一個人問耶穌: 「你有多愛我?」 love me?‖

27. 耶穌一邊展開雙臂一邊回答: 「我愛你這

27. Jesus replied, ―I love you this much‖


28. Then he stretched out his arms and died

28. 然後耶穌就死了

29. Jesus‘ arms were stretched out willingly on the 29. 耶穌心甘情願的在十字架上面把雙臂展 cross

30. Nobody forced him to stay on the cross; love held him there

30. 沒有人強迫他待在十字架上面,是愛讓 祂留在上面

31. It was his way of telling us, ―I love you this much‖

31. 祂用這個方法告訴我們:「我愛你這麼 多」


Me, Me, Me 我、我、我 1.

(V. 1) Matt 25:34-40 "Then the King will say to those 1. (V. 1)馬太福音 25:34-40 那時,王要 on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father,


inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the

世以來為你們預備好的國吧。 35 因為

foundation of the world.


'For I was hungry, and you


gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave

我喝;我作旅客,你們接待我; 36 我

Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you


invited Me in; 36 naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick,


and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to

我。‘ 37 義人就回答:‗主啊,我們甚麼



"Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord,

when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?


'And when did we

see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You?


'When did we see You sick, or in prison,

and come to You?'


時候見你餓了就給你吃,渴了就給你喝 呢? 38 又甚麼時候見你作旅客就接 待你,赤身露體就給你衣服穿 呢? 39 或者甚麼時候見你病了,或在 監裡就來看你呢?‘ 40 王要回答他

"The King will answer and say to


them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it


to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of


them, you did it to Me.'

2. 中國人說:『人之初,性本善』


The Chinese say: People are born basically good

3. 美國人說:『我好,你好』


Americans say: I‘m ok; you‘re ok

4. 根據這個世界,人基本上是好的,但是


The world says that people are basically good, but this


is the opposite of what the Word of God says

5. 聖經說我們是邪惡的,只有上帝是好的


The Bible says that we are evil and only God is good

6. 而且,因為我們有罪,我們不能跟神在


and because of our sin, we cannot be with God




We need somebody to save us from our sinful nature 7. 因為我們具有罪性,我們需要人拯救我們


Many people don‘t realize they are sinful, because 8. 許多人把自己與別人比較,所以不了解自 they compare themselves with other people



They don‘t compare themselves to Jesus who is God‘s standard of perfection

9. 他們不把自己與耶穌做比較,而耶穌就是 神對完美的標準

10. This is also one of the major reasons many people 10. 這也是很多人不歸附神的一個重要原因 don‘t come to God

11. 有的人無法接受他們是邪惡的

11. Some cannot accept that they are evil

12. 對中國人來說,這點就更難了,因為中文

12. It‘s even more difficult with the Chinese, because the character for sin, pronounced "zui," also means crime

的「罪」字,有「罪孽」的意思,但也有 「罪行」的意思 13. 「罪人」可以翻成「sinner」 ,也可以翻成

13. And the word sinner can also be translated criminal 14. So when some Chinese hear that God views them as ―sinners,‖

「criminal」 14. 因此有一些華人聽說神把人視為「罪人」 時,

15. they think to themselves, ―What!? I‘ve never killed 15. 他們就會想:「什麼!?我又沒有殺人放 anybody or committed arson!‖


16. ―Christianity sounds like it‘s for the really bad 16. 「基督教聽起來像是很十惡不赦的人才需 people.

要的東西」 212

17. I obviously don‘t need it, because I‘m not a criminal 17. 「我顯然不需要,因為我不是 criminal」 18. But in other languages, the difference is very clear 18. 但是在其他的語言裡,這兩個字之間的差 19. A criminal violates the laws of man


20. A sinner violates the law of God

19. 「Criminal」是違反人定的法律 20. 「sinner」違反的是神的律法

21. It is unfortunate that these two concepts can be 21. 很不幸的,中文裡這兩個觀念有點不清 unclear in Chinese

22. Because we have to realize that we are sinners and 22. 因為我們必須了解到我們是罪人,只有 that only God can save us from our sin


23. There can be no conversion without conviction

23. 人不知道自己是罪人,就不會皈依

24. A sick person won't ask for a doctor's help unless he 24. 人需要了解到自己生病了才會去求醫 realizes he is sick

25. 不了解到自己是罪人,讓很多人無法理

25. Not realizing that we are sinners keeps many people from realizing their desperate need for God

解自己非常需要神 26. 這是保羅為什麼在羅馬書的頭幾章一直

26. That's why Paul spends the first few chapters of Romans explaining how desperate our situation is 27. He wants us to understand, truly understand, that we are sinners and that we cannot save ourselves 28. But that God can and is willing to save us and he is offering us the gift of salvation

強調我們的情況非常絕望 27. 他希望我們了解,真正了解,我們是罪 人,而且無法透過自己的努力拯救自己 28. 但是神能夠,而且也很願意拯救我們, 況且祂也伸出手來想要送我們就熟的禮 物

29. The problem is we need to know we have a problem before we'll accept God's solution

29. 問題是我們需要知道我們有問題我們才 會接受神的解決方法


30. Let me kind of shift gears here

30. 講到這裡,我想講一個題外話

31. The opposite of ―cold‖ is ―hot‖; the opposite of ―up‖ is

31. 「冷」的相反是「熱」;「上」的相反是



32. What is the opposite of God?

32. 那麼,「神」的相反是什麼呢?

33. Let me give you a hint: it isn‘t Satan

33. 讓我來提示一下:答案並不是「撒旦」

34. The opposite of God is ―me‖

34. 「神」的相反是「我」

35. Although Satan isn‘t the opposite of God, wanting 35. 雖然撒旦不是神的相反,但是想要成為神 to be like God put him in opposition to God


36. The worst sin is pride, because pride says, ―I‘m the most important. It‘s all about me.‖

36. 傲慢是最糟的罪,因為傲慢的意思是: 「我 最重要,世界以我為中心。」

37. I think people today increasingly believe, ―It‘s all 37. 我認為越來越多人相信:「世界以我為中 about me‖


38. In fact, we are known as the ―Me Generation‖

38. 事實上,我們被稱為「自我為中心的一代」

39. Let‘s look at a warning from Jesus in Matthew

39. 我們來讀耶穌在馬太福音的警告

40. (V. 2) Matt. 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to Me, 40. (V. 2)馬太 7:21-23 ―不是每一個對我說: 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but


he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven

遵行我天父旨意的人,才能進去。22 到那

will enter.


"Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord,


Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your


name cast out demons, and in Your name perform

鬼,奉你的名行過許多神蹟嗎?‘23 但我

many miracles?' 23 "And then I will declare to them,


'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO



41. 有趣的是,第 22 節裡頭,很多人在審判

41. It is interesting to note that in verse 22 many will

寶座前會說: 「我做過這個,我也做過那個」

say at the judgment seat, ―I did this and I did that‖ 42. 又是「我、我、我」 42. Again, It‘s ―me, me, me‖

43. 進入天堂只有一方法,那就是接受耶穌基

43. There is only one way into heaven and that is 214


accepting the blood of Christ

44. 基督的寶血代表基督在十字架上為我們完

44. The blood of Christ represents the accomplished work of Jesus made on our behalf on the cross 45. God doesn‘t care what you did even if your motives are pure

成的工 45. 即使你的動機是純良的,上帝根本不在乎 你做了什麼 46. (V. 3)以賽亞書 64:6 我們眾人都像不潔

46. (V. 3) Isaiah 64:6 For all of us have become like one


who is unclean, And all our righteous deeds are like


a filthy garment


47. The Bible says that in God‘s eyes, even the best 47. 聖經說,即使我們做的好事再好,在神的 things that we do are like a ―filthy garment‖


48. In the Hebrew, the term ―filthy garment‖ is 48. 希伯來文的「污穢的衣服」其實就是月經 actually ―menstrual rag‖


49. When you are standing before the throne of God 49. 當你站在神的寶座前,而神問你: 「我為什 and God asks you why you should be let in


50. I truly hope that you don‘t say, ―Because I did this for you and I did that for you‖

50. 我希望你不會說: 「因為我為你做了這個; 也為你做了那個」

51. He doesn‘t want to hear it

51. 祂根本不想聽

52. The only thing he wants to hear you say is that you are trusting in the blood of Jesus to save you

52. 祂唯一想聽你說的,是你相信耶穌的寶 血,相信它會拯救你

53. Nothing else will do

53. 其他的都不行

54. God doesn‘t care what you do ―for him‖

54. 神不在乎你「為祂」做了什麼

55. God is God. He doesn‘t ―need‖ us to do anything for 55. 神是神,祂不「需要」我們幫祂做任何 him


56. He created us for fellowship and he wants us to 56. 祂創造我們是希望和我們往來,與我們 enter relationship with him


57. In verse 23 of the passage above, Jesus says, ―I 57. 在剛剛那段經文裡頭的第 23 節,耶穌說 never knew you‖



58. He wants a relationship with you and that comes from 58. 祂要的是與你建立關係,而這個關係是 seeking him and trusting him


59. The only thing that you can ―do‖ is trust in him

59. 我們唯一能夠「做」的事就是相信祂

60. After he feeds the 5,000 in John 6, the crowds ask 60. 在約翰福音五餅二魚的故事中,群眾吃 Jesus what they can do for God. Let‘s listen to his




61. (V. 4) John 6:29 Jesus answered and said to them, 61. (V. 4) 約翰 6:29 耶穌回答:―信神所差 "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent."

來的,就是作神的工了。‖ 62. 我們唯一能夠做的就是信耶穌

62. The only thing we can do is believe in Jesus

63. 不過,你不要誤會我的意思

63. Now, don‘t get me wrong

64. 行善很重要,原因起碼有兩個

64. Good works are very important for at least two 65. 首先,它們證明你愛基督徒 reasons

66. (V. 5) 約翰 14:15--你們若愛我,就必就

65. First, they prove that you love Jesus


66. (V. 5) John 14:15--If you love Me, you will keep My 67. 善舉,尤其是愛他人,是證明你是真正 commandments.


67. Good works, especially love, are the litmus test of 68. 信仰是個動詞。假如你的信仰是真的, true Christians


68. Faith is a verb. If you have true faith, it will lead to 69. (V. 6) 雅各書 2:14-20 我的弟兄們,人 action


69. (V. 6) James 2:14-20 What use is it, my brethren, if

處呢?這信心能救他嗎? 15 如果有弟

someone says he has faith but he has no works ? Can

兄或姊妹缺衣少食, 16 而你們中間有

that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is


without clothing and in need of daily food, 16 and one


of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and be

用的,那有甚麼用處呢? 17 照樣,如

filled," and yet you do not give them what is


necessary for their body, what use is that? 17 Even

的。 18 也許有人要說,你有信心,我

so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself. 18


But someone may well say, "You have faith and I have



works; show me your faith without the works, and I

給你看。 19 你信神只有一位,你信的

will show you my faith by my works." 19 You believe

不錯;就連鬼魔也信,卻是戰兢。 20 愚

that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe,


and shudder. 20 But are you willing to recognize, you


foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless? 70. James 2:19 is one of the verses that had a huge impact on me

70. 雅各書第二章第 19 節對我的影響非常 大 71. (V. 7)雅各書 2:19--你信神只有一位,

71. (V. 7) James 2:19--You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder

你信的不錯;就連鬼魔也信,卻是戰兢 72. 魔鬼相信有神,他們深信不移,以至於

72. The demons believe in God so much that they shudder 73. But their faith is utterly useless

他們還顫抖 73. 但是他們的信仰一點用都沒有

74. In the same way, if our faith doesn‘t produce works, 74. 同理,如果你的信仰無法促使你行善, then it‘s useless


75. The difference between the faith of demons and our 75. 魔鬼的信仰不同於我們的信仰,差別是 faith must be that our faith should cause us to do good works

我們的信仰應該促使我們行善 76. 說自己是基督徒,但是不順服神、不愛

76. People who say they are Christians but who don‘t obey God and don't love others really need to take stock 77. because there is reason to believe that they never really were Christians

他人的人,真的要自我檢討 77. 因為有充分理由顯示他們從來不是真正 的基督徒 78. (V. 8) 約翰福音 13:35 如果你們彼此相

78. (V. 8) John 13:35 By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another 79. (V. 9) Matt 7:16 You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?

愛,眾人就會認出你們是我的門徒了。 79. (V. 9) 馬太福音 7:16 憑著他們的果子 就可以認出他們來:荊棘裡怎能摘到葡 萄?蒺藜裡怎能摘到無花果呢? 80. 第二,我們應該行善,因為我們將來的

80. Secondly, we should do good works, because we will be rewarded for the good works we do here on earth 81. God has made us so that we want to make profit 82. There is nothing wrong with that

獎賞要看我們在這個世界上做了什麼慈 善的行為 81. 上帝創造我們時,祂讓我們想要得到財 富

83. Just make sure that the profits that you build up are 82. 這沒什麼不好 not only here on earth

83. 但是你要確定你累積的不僅是這個世界

84. Make sure that you try to build up treasures in heaven where you will enjoy them forever

上的財富而已 84. 要確定你累積的是可以在天堂永永遠遠

85. (V. 10) Matt 6:19-21 "Do not store up for yourselves


treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and 85. (V. 10) 馬太福音 6:19-21 ―不可為自己 where thieves break in and steal.


"But store up for


yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth

鏽侵蝕,也有賊挖洞來偷。 20 要為自

nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in



or steal;


for where your treasure is, there your

heart will be also.

蝕,也沒有賊挖洞來偷。 21 你的財寶 在哪裡,你的心也在哪裡。

86. I guarantee that if you do this, you don‘t have to 86. 如果你這麼做,我敢保證你不需要擔心 worry about Jesus saying to you, ―I never knew you.

耶穌對你說: 「我從來不認識你們。離開

Depart from me!‖


87. Rather, you can look forward to him saying the 87. 相反的,你可以期待祂對你說祂在馬太 sweetest words a person can ever hear said in




88. (V. 11) Matthew 25:23—"His master said to him, 'Well

88. (V. 11) 馬太福音 25:23—主人對他說:

done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a


few things, I will put you in charge of many things;


enter into the joy of your master.'

許多的事。進來,享受你主人的快樂 吧!‘


Milk of the Spirit Versus Meat of the Spirit 靈奶 Vs.靈糧 1. (V. 1) 1 Peter 2:1-3 "Therefore, laying aside all 1.

(V. 1) 彼前 2:1-3 所以,你們既除去一切的

malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil

惡毒(註:或作―陰毒‖) 、詭詐並假善、嫉妒

speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk


of the word, that you may grow thereby, if


indeed you have tasted that the Lord is




2. People need food to grow, stay strong, and fight 2. off disease

人需要食物才能夠成長茁壯、維持健壯的身 體以及抵抗疾病

3. We also eat because we enjoy it


4. Meals are the best times of the day for many of 4. us

我們也因為喜歡吃飯而吃飯 對很多人而言,每天吃飯的時間是他們最快 樂的時光

5. They are times to rest, to strengthen our 5. bodies, to spend time with others, to reflect on

我們利用這個時間休息、強健體魄、花時間 跟別人一起,以及檢討自己的生活

our lives

6. In much the same way, Christians need spiritual 6. food


7. We need spiritual food to grow in Christ, to fight

們度過試煉 8.

8. Just like babies that are physically young need milk

也就是神的話語,他們才能成長 9.

9. As they become stronger and more mature, they come to be able to accept solid food

就如同生理上很年幼的嬰孩需要奶汁才 會成長,在屬靈上的小嬰孩也需要靈奶,

to grow, spiritually young babies need the milk of the word to help them grow

我們需要屬靈的糧食,才能在耶穌裡成 長、抵禦邪惡、罪惡以及誘惑,也幫助我

off the evil, sins, temptations, and to help us in trials


隨著他們越來越健壯成熟,他們也越來越 能夠接受固體的食物

10. 他們逐漸能夠吃屬靈的糧食

10. They gradually are able to eat the meat of the spirit

11. 當我們看到一個包著尿片的嬰兒喝著母

11. When we see a little baby wearing a diaper and



drinking mother‘s milk or crying, we think the baby 12. 因為嬰兒沒有辦法照顧自己,需要依靠別 is cute


12. When a baby is helpless and totally dependent on others, we think nothing of it

事 13. 但是如果你看到一個三十歲的男人包著

13. But if you saw a 30-year-old man wearing a diaper, drinking mother's milk and crying, you wouldn‘t think

尿片,一邊喝母奶一邊哭泣,你不會認為 正常或可愛

it was normal or cute

14. You would think that it was disgusting and strange

14. 你會覺得很噁心,很奇怪

15. You would think that something was wrong with him 15. 你會認為他有問題 16. It‘s not cute to see someone who should be mature 16. 一個應該很成熟的人沒有辦法照顧自己, totally helpless and totally dependent on others


17. But the fact of the matter is we often see people 17. 但是實際上,我們經常看到當了 10 年、15 who have been Christians for 10, 15, 20, even 30

年、20 年,甚至 30 年的基督徒,但是他

years, but they still need spiritual milk


18. They can't accept spiritual meat

18. 他們不能接受靈糧

19. This is because they don't feed on God‘s word

19. 這是因為他們不把神的話語當成食糧

20. They don‘t understand the word of God like they 20. 他們應該要了解神的話語,但其實他們並 should


21. God wants to feed his sheep and he has prepared 21. 上帝想要餵養祂的綿羊,也已經準備非常 wonderful food for us to eat


22. But God is a gentleman and he never forces 22. 但是神是個真君子,從不強迫任何人做任 anybody to do anything


23. If somebody refuses to eat, he will encourage 23. 假如有人不願意吃,祂會鼓勵他們,但是 220

them, but he won‘t force them


24. But like any father, God is sad when his children do 24. 但是就像任何一個父親一樣,我們不吃祂 not eat what he puts down in front of us


25. because he knows that we will not mature like we 25. 因為祂知道這麼一來,我們就沒辦法達到 should


26. (V. 2) Hebrews 5:12-14;6:1 "For though by this time you 26. (V. 2) 來 5:12-14;6:1 看你們學習的 ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you


again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you


have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone


who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of


righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs


to those who are of full age, that is, those who by


reason of use have their senses exercised to discern


both good and evil. Therefore leaving the elementary


teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity,


not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead

悔死行、信靠 神

works and of faith toward God.‖

27. (V. 3) 林前 3:1-3 弟兄們,我從前對

27. (V. 3) 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 And I, brethren, could not


speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh,


as to infants in Christ. I gave you milk to drink, not solid


food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed,


even now you are not yet able, for you are still fleshly.


For since there is jealousy and strife among you, are


you not fleshly, and are you not walking like mere men?


28. So where do we find this milk we need, this meat we 28. 那麼,我們要在耶穌裡成長所需要的 need to grow in Christ?


29. (V. 4) John 6:35 Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of 29. (V. 4) 約 6:35 耶穌說:―我就是生命 life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who


believes in Me will never thirst.


30. Jesus is the bread and he is the word of God

30. 耶穌就是糧;祂也是神的話語 221

31. Wait a minute! I thought the Bible was the word of God 31. 等一下!我以為聖經才是神的話語 32. Well, actually, they both are. Allow me to explain

32. 其實,兩個都是。我來解釋一下

33. When Christ was on the earth, he was only seen by a 33. 耶穌在世時,有些人在某一個小區域 small number of people in a small area for about three


and a half years

34. But now, he is in heaven and we learn about him 34. 但是祂現在在天國,所以我們透過聖經來學習 and grow closer to him through the Bible


35. (V. 5) 1 Cor. 13:12 For now we see in a mirror

35. (V. 5) 林前 13:12 我們如今彷彿對著鏡子觀

dimly, but then face to face; now I know in


part, but then I will know fully just as I also


have been fully known.


36. Jesus is the perfect word, but for now, we view 36. 耶穌是完美的話語,但是我們暫時要透過鏡子 him through a mirror


37. That mirror is the Bible

37. 這裡提的鏡子就是聖經

38. Someday, we will see him face to face

38. 總有一天,我們就要面對面了

39. Until then, the best way to see our Lord is through his 39. 直到那個時候,我們觀看我們的主的 word


40. So I encourage everyone to read the Bible as much as 40. 因此我要鼓勵各位盡量多閱讀聖經 possible

41. 這樣,我們才能夠認識這一位我們所

41. So that we can get to know the one who we believe in



Milk of the Spirit Verses—Additional verses:  Job 23:12—I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.  伯 23:12 他嘴唇的命令我未曾背棄;我看重他口中的言語,過於我需用的飲 食。  Jer. 15:16—Your words were found and I ate them, and Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart.  耶 15:16 耶和華萬軍之 神啊,我得著你的言語,就當食物吃了,你的言語是我 心中的歡喜快樂,因我是稱為你名下的人。  Matt. 4:4, Deut. 8:6, Luke 4:4—Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.  太 4:4 耶穌卻回答說:―經上記著說:‗人活著,不是單靠食物,乃是靠 神口裡 所出的一切話。‘‖  John 6:48-51—I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. "This is the bread which comes down out of heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread also which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh."  約 6:48-51 我就是生命的糧。你們的祖宗在曠野吃過嗎哪,還是死了。這是從 天上降下來的糧,叫人吃了就不死。我是從天上降下來生命的糧;人若吃這糧, 就必永遠活著。我所要賜的糧,就是我的肉,為世人之生命所賜的。‖  Eph 4:14-15 As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; 15but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ,  弗 4:14-15 使我們不再作小孩子,中了人的詭計和欺騙的法術,被一切異教之 風搖動,飄來飄去,就隨從各樣的異端。15 惟用愛心說誠實話,凡事長進,連 於元首基督。


Mixed Metaphors 混合比喻 1.

The Bible is big on metaphors




This is because spiritual things are hard to explain



using human language 3.


Today, I'd like to explain some core ideas of the


gospel using various metaphors 4.

我今天想借用各種比喻來解釋福音裡 的一些核心觀念

When God first created humans, they were perfect


and sinless, but they became proud

上帝剛創造人時,人是完美又沒有罪 的,但後來變得驕傲了

(Satan tempted Eve by saying if you eat the fruit, "you

(撒旦在創世紀 3:5 對夏娃說,如果你們吃

will be like God"--Genesis 3:5)



As a result, they disobeyed God




Disobedience to our Creator resulted in the Fall




With the Fall, sin and death entered the world


Now, here's our first metaphor


Humans are born with a disease

墮落 7.

隨著墮落的到來,罪與死亡也進入了 世界

10. The disease is disobedience and pride is the pathogen that causes the disease





11. Sin is the symptom and death is the prognosis

10. 該疾病是不順服,而傲慢則是病原體

12. (V. 1) Eph. 2:1-7--And you were dead in your

11. 罪是這個疾病的症狀,死亡則是預後


trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked

12. (V. 1) 你們死在過犯罪惡之中,他叫

according to the course of this world, according to

你們活過來。2 那時,你們在其中行

the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that



is now working in the sons of disobedience. Among


them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our

心中運行的邪靈。3 我們從前也都在

flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the


mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as



the rest. But God, being rich in mercy, because of 5

子,和別人一樣。4 然而,神既有豐

His great love with which He loved us, even when we

富的憐憫,因他愛我們的大愛,5 當

were dead in our transgressions, made us alive


together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),



and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in

恩。6 他又叫我們與基督耶穌一同復

the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the

活,一同坐在天上,7 要將他極豐富

ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of


His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.




13. The disease of leprosy represented the problem of sin 13. 在聖經裡,麻風病代表罪的問題 in the Bible

14. 麻風病人不見容於社會

14. Lepers were not allowed in society, because of their disease

15. 就如同患了不順服疾病的人類不與 神同在,這是同樣的道理

15. Much like humans with the disease of disobedience cannot be with God

16. 麻風病人需要先醫治好,才能夠回 到社會

16. Lepers had to be cured before they would be allowed back into society

17. 人也需要先獲得醫治,才能夠與神 同在

17. And we humans have to be cured of our disease before 18. 麻風病人的病醫好以後,麻風病原 we can be allowed in God's presence


18. When somebody was cured of leprosy, the damage caused by the disease remained

19. 因病失去的手指或腳趾不會再長回 來

19. If somebody lost fingers and toes because of the disease, their fingers and toes didn't grow back 20. If somebody's faced was damaged because of the disease, it remained damaged

20. 因病毀容的話,臉也不會變正常 21. 當我們信耶穌時,我們罪的疾病就 醫好了 22. 但是罪所造成的傷害依然存在

21. When we come to Jesus, we are cured of the disease of sin

23. 如果你決志以前很驕傲,你決志以 後也大概會很驕傲

22. But the damage that the sin caused remains 23. If somebody was proud before he came to Christ, he will probably be proud after he comes to Christ

24. 如果你決志以前很自私,你決志以 後也大概會很自私 25. 如果你決志以前滿腦子都是性,決

24. If somebody was selfish before he came to Christ, he


will probably be selfish after he comes to Christ

26. 我們的疾病醫治了,但是所造成的

25. If somebody thought a lot about sex before he came to Christ, he will probably think a lot about sex after he comes to Christ

傷害還在 27. 在我們接下來的人生,聖靈會慢慢 把壞掉的地方刮掉

26. We are cured of our disease, but the damage it caused 28. 祂使用的器具包括神的話語,以及 remains

我們人生的各種經歷 225

27. For the rest of our lives, the Holy Spirit works to slowly scrape off the damaged parts

29. 很顯然的,祂這樣刮有時候會很 痛,但是祂不會強迫我們接受刮除

28. The tools he uses include the Word of God and experiences in life

這個動作 30. 我們必須順服祂

29. Obviously, the scraping can be very painful, but he won't force us to undergo it

31. 這就是所謂行在聖靈中或定睛耶穌 32. 接下來就是第二個比喻

30. We have to submit to it

33. 聖經中,屬靈的死亡就是與神分離

31. This is known walking in the Spirit and keeping our eye on Christ

的意思 34. 如果你好好思考這個比喻,他還蠻

32. Let's go to our second metaphor


33. Spiritual death in the Bible means separation from God 35. 神是我們的創造者,我們生命的源 34. If you think about it, this makes perfect sense 35. God is our Creator, our source of our life

頭 36. 當人類與生命的源頭分開,我們就

36. When humans separated from the source of life, we died like light bulbs removed from their sockets 37. What's more, at birth, we are light bulbs that are not connected to the light socket

如同插座被拔掉的燈泡般地失去生 命 37. 更何況,我們出生到這個世界時, 是沒有插到插座上的燈泡

38. In other words, we are all born into this world physically alive, but spiritually dead

38. 也就是說,出生時我們的肉體是活 的,但屬靈上是死的

39. This is another symbol for original sin--being separate from our power source

39. 與電源分離,也是原罪的另一個象 徵

40. So when we are born, we light bulbs are not connected to the power source

40. 出生時,我們這些燈泡都沒有接到電 源上

41. and as we go through life, we light bulbs get dirtier 42. Note that being disconnected from the power source and getting dirtier are two different things 43. All children of Adam are cut off from God from birth

41. 而在生活中,我們這些燈泡會越來越 骯髒 42. 請注意,沒跟電源相連接和越來越骯 髒是兩碼子事 43. 亞當所有的後代與生俱來都與神隔離


(See comparison below)

(參考下面的比較) Romans 羅馬書 5:15-19


Sin and death enter world through one

Gift of grace and life offered to world as


the result of one man





For if by the transgression of the one

much more did the grace of God and the

the many died, 若因一人的過犯,眾人都 gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many. 何況神的恩


典,與那因耶穌基督一人恩典中的賞賜,豈不 更加倍地臨到眾人嗎? 16

...judgment arose from one

but on the other hand the free gift arose

transgression resulting in

from many transgressions resulting in

condemnation, 因一人犯罪就定罪,也不

justification. 恩賜乃是由許多過犯而稱義。

如恩賜,原來審判是由一人而定罪 17

For if by the transgression of the one,

much more those who receive the

death reigned through the one, 若因一

abundance of grace and of the gift of


righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. 何況那些受洪恩又蒙所 賜之義的,豈不更要因耶穌基督一人在生命中 作王嗎?


So then as through one transgression

even so through one act of righteousness

there resulted condemnation to all men, there resulted justification of life to all 如此說來,因一次的過犯,眾人都被定罪; men. 照樣,因一次的義行,眾人也就被稱義 得生命了。 19

For as through the one man‘s

even so through the obedience of the One

disobedience the many were made

the many will be made righteous. 照樣,因

sinners, 因一人的悖逆,眾人成為罪人


44. As we go through life, however, the sins we commit also 44. 在生活中,我們因為犯罪而越來越 make us dirtier

45. When we accept Jesus as the Lord of our lives, we are connected to the power source

45. 當我們接受耶穌為救主時,我們就 跟電源連接了起來

46. For the rest of our lives after that, the Holy Spirit works to clean us

46. 在我們接下來的餘生,聖靈會將我 們擦拭乾淨

47. As he does so, Christ who is now in us, becomes more and more visible to people around us

47. 讓周圍的人更能清楚地看到現在 居住在我們裡頭的耶穌


48. This brings us to our next metaphor which is a bit more 48. 接下來要討論下一個比喻,這個比 difficult to understand


49. Let's talk first about the term "sacrament"

49. 我們先討論「聖禮」這個詞

50. Sacraments are visible symbols showing us invisible

50. 聖禮指的是看得見的象徵,它們讓



51. Examples of sacraments include baptism and communion 51. 比方說浸禮和主餐都是聖禮 52. Baptism, for example, is a visible symbol of something

52. 以浸禮來說,它是看得見的象徵,

invisible that happens inside of you when you accept




53. It symbolizes our death, burial, and resurrection with Christ

53. 它代象徵的是我們與耶穌一起 死、一起埋葬及一起復活

54. What do sacraments have to do with death?

54. 聖禮跟死亡有什麼關係呢?

55. Physical death can be regarded as a "negative

55. 生理上的死亡可以被視為「負的聖



56. It is a visible symbol of an invisible truth--our spiritual death

56. 它是看得見的象徵,讓我們了解一 個看不見的真理--我們屬靈上的死 亡


57. As I mentioned earlier, spiritual death in the Bible means separation from God

57. 我前面提過,聖經對屬靈死亡的定義就 是與神分離

58. Physical death did not exist before the fall 59. It entered the world at the same time as spiritual death

58. 在人類墮落之前,生理上的死亡並不存 在 59. 它跟屬靈的死亡同時進入這個世界

60. Most people can go through this life never knowing 60. 大部分的人一輩子都不了解,他們在屬 that they are spiritually dead


61. In much the same way, a person can have cancer and never know it until it's too late

61. 同理,有人可能一輩子不知道自己罹患 癌症,一直到來不及了才明白

62. A person with cancer won't go to see a doctor unless he knows he is sick

62. 除非知道自己病了,否則罹患癌症的人 是不會去看醫生的

63. Knowing that you are sick is the first step to

63. 知道自己有病是尋求幫助的第一步

seeking help

64. In the Book of Romans, Paul tells us that we have a disease

64. 在羅馬書,保羅告訴我們,說我們罹患 了一種疾病

65. In the first three chapters of Romans, he lists the symptoms

65. 在羅馬書的頭三章,他列出疾病的症狀 66. 他說,無論是猶太人還是外邦人,每一

66. He tells us that everybody has the disease, both Jews and gentiles

個人都罹患這個病 67. (V. 2) 羅馬書 3:23--因為世人都犯了

67. (V. 2) Romans 3:23--for all have fallen short of the glory of God

罪,虧缺了神的榮耀 68. 他在第四章告訴我們,神在舊約當中已

68. In chapter 4, he explains that God planned in the Old Testament to provide a cure for our disease 229

經打算提供醫治我們疾病的方法 69. 第五章裡,他告訴我們疾病是從哪裡來

69. In chapter 5, he tells us where the disease came from--Adam's disobedience to God

的--亞當不服從上帝 70. 以及療法是從哪裡來的--耶穌

70. And where the cure comes from--Jesus

71. 第六章裡,他告訴我們這個疾病的預後

71. In chapter 6, he tells us the prognosis--death 72. (V. 3) Romans 6:23a--For the wages of sin is death 73. Then, in the same verse, he tells us the cure 74. (V. 4) Romans 6:23b--but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

是什麼--死亡 72. (V. 3) 羅馬書 6:23a--因為罪的工價乃 是死 73. 緊接著,他告訴我們如何醫治這個疾病 74. (V. 4) 羅馬書 6:23b--惟有神的恩賜,

75. When we are born into this world, we are physically alive but spiritually dead

在我們的主基督耶穌裏,乃是永生。 75. 當我們出生這個世界上,我們生理上是

76. Now, it's interesting that Jesus said, "I am the life"

活著的,但是屬靈上是死的 76. 耶穌曾經說,「我是生命」。這點很有

77. What does that mean? I'll try to explain that in the third metaphor

意思 77. 是什麼意思呢?讓我試著用第三個比喻

78. Babies are born into this world physically alive, but spiritually stillborn

來回答這個問題 78. 嬰兒在這個世界上出生時,生理上是活

79. We go through our lives not knowing that we are spiritually dead unless the Holy Spirit can get through to us

著的,但在屬靈方面是死胎 79. 我們一輩子都不知道自己沒有屬靈的 生命,除非聖靈讓我們明白

80. He does that using the Word of God to prick our hearts


80. 祂借用神的話語喚醒我們的心

81. He lets us know that Jesus is the defibrillator

81. 祂讓我們知道耶穌是電擊器,也問我們要

and he asks us if we want to be spiritually born

82. Let's conclude with a fourth metaphor


82. 最後,我們要討論第四個比喻

83. We were beautiful pieces of pottery created by 83. 神創造我們時,我們是很美麗的陶器,裡 God and filled with his image


84. At the Fall, we shattered and the image of God 84. 人類墮落時,我們破碎了,而神的形象也 flowed out


85. We became little worthless shards of pottery, 85. 我們就成為毫無用處的陶片,一無是處 good for nothing

86. Do you remember that Judas received 30 pieces of silver for betraying Jesus?

86. 你記不記得,猶大為了 30 枚銀幣而 出賣了耶穌?

87. Do you remember that the 30 pieces of silver were used to purchase the Potter's Field?

87. 你是否記得 30枚銀幣是用來購買陶 人之田?


88. A potter's field was where a potter threw broken and 88. 陶人之田是陶工用來丟棄破碎和毫 worthless pottery


89. (They didn't have garbage dumps back then)

89. (古時候沒有垃圾場)

90. A potter's field was useless for anything else

90. 陶人之田沒有其他的用處

91. You couldn't plant crops in it

91. 不能用來種田

92. You couldn't walk in it because the shards were sharp

92. 不方便走在裡頭,因為陶片又利又危

and dangerous

93. Jesus purchased the Potter's Field with his blood

93. 耶穌以祂的寶血買下陶人之田

94. The Potter's Field represented our world filled with 94. 陶人之田代表的是滿佈我們這些無 worthless shards of pottery--us


95. We are worthless shards of pottery useless for 95. 我們這些陶片本身毫無價值,毫無用 anything

96. But in hands of the Master of the Universe, we can 96. 但是在宇宙之主的手中,我們可以成 be instruments to perform his work


97. When somebody looks at a beautiful painting by Michaelangelo, they don't praise his brush, saying it's a genius


97. 大家看到米開朗基羅的畫時,沒有人 會稱讚他的畫筆是個天才

98. The brushes are useless without the touch of the 98. 沒有大師的手感,筆是沒有用的 master's hand

99. 我們來複習一下,當我們出生時,我們已

99. So in review, we are born separated from God and plummeting toward an eternity with God

經與神分離,而且我們朝著與神分離的永 恆墜落

100. Some people ask, "Why doesn't God just save 100. 有人問:「如果神是愛,祂為什麼不乾脆 everyone?"


101. My answer is a question

101. 我的答案其實是一個問題

102. Why does he even bother to save anyone?

102. 為什麼祂要費心救任何一個人?

103. We're



broken, 103. 我們是損壞的貨物--不順服、破碎、傲

proud, good for nothing


104. Tell me, what good does it do God to save us?

104. 請告訴我,神拯救我們對祂有什麼好處?

105. The answer is nothing

105. 答案是「都沒有」

106. He saves us, because he chooses to save us, 106. 祂救我們,因為衪選擇這麼做,因為救我 because it pleases him to save us


107. I find it amazing that God would love us enough to 107. 神那麼愛我們,甚至願意拯救我們,我覺 save us


108. He offers us a way to be with him, but we must 108. 祂提供一個辦法跟祂在一起,但是我們必 ask for it


109. We only have a short time, however, to make our decision before it's too late

109. 但是可以決定的時間很有限,等太久就會 來不及

110. And believe me, the time is shorter than you think 110. 相信我,時間比你想像中還要短


Our New Position in Christ and how it should affect the way we live

我們在主內的新身份 這個身份又將如何影響我們的生活 1.


When I became a Christian, I expected to 1. 我成為基督徒的時候,我以為當我接受基督 suddenly feel different when I accepted Christ


into my heart


Maybe, I would feel holy or I would find being a 2. 或許我應該覺得自己很聖潔,或者認為當個 good Christian easy



Perhaps, I would feel Christ in my heart or the Holy Spirit working on my heart



3. 我可能也應該感覺到耶穌在我的內心,或者 聖靈在我心裡做工

I expected some kind of feeling, so it was 4. 總之,我在期待某種感覺;因此當我沒有感 really weird for me when I felt nothing…


nothing at all


I thought maybe I hadn‘t prayed hard enough 5. 我以為是我在禱告時不夠認真,或者是我的 or maybe I didn‘t have enough faith





The same thing happened when I got baptized… I 6. 同樣的情況也發生在我受洗的時候… 我 expected that when I came out of the water, I


would feel different


When it didn‘t, I got baptized again in another 7. 可是,我沒有任何感覺,所以我就到另外 church… again nothing



For the first three years that I was a Christian, I 8. 在我當基督徒的頭三年,我一直期待著某 kept expecting to experience some feeling



When I didn‘t, I was confused

9. 但我什麼都感覺不到,因此我覺得很困惑

10. I felt again that I must be doing something wrong 10. 我又開始覺得,一定是我做錯了什麼 11. or maybe God was so angry at me for some reason 11. 或者神因為某種原因而生我的氣,以至於 that he was ignoring me


12. I occasionally felt happy, but the feeling usually passed 12. 我偶爾會覺得很開心,但是那種感 away very quickly


13. When I had those feelings, I felt God was especially 13. 當我有這種感覺的時候,我覺得神 close to me and that he loved me more during those




14. When I didn‘t have those feelings, I felt the 14. 當我沒有那些感覺時,我的感受剛 opposite—I felt he was far from me and didn‘t love me as much

好相反—祂離我很遠,也比較不愛我 15. 這時候我會想像祂在天上看著我,

15. I imagined him up in heaven looking down at me shaking his head in disappointment

一邊很失望地搖頭 16. 我剛成為基督徒的頭幾年,心裡充

16. My first few years as a Christian were filled with emotional ups and downs



17. I asked older Christians why I didn‘t feel 17. 我問過許多在主內比我久的人,為什麼我沒有經 God in my heart


18. I asked them why I was still sinning as 18. 我問他們,為什麼我成為基督徒之後,所犯的罪 much as before I became a Christian 19. Nobody could answer my questions

跟之前不相上下 19. 沒人能夠回答我的問題

20. In the end, I was emotionally exhausted 20. 最後,我因為情緒的起伏而筋疲力盡,並且失望 and disappointed 21. I joined the army and left the church

透頂 21. 後來,我去當兵,也離開了教會

22. I eventually came back to church almost three 22. 將近三十年後,我終究還是回到教 decades later, but I still had the same questions


23. It wasn‘t until almost another decade after that that 23. 直到又過了十年的時間,我才終於找 I finally began to find the answers to my questions


24. Some of you might have similar questions, so today, I 24. 在座的可能有些人有類似的問題,因 would like to talk about what happens when we


become Christians


25. Then I would like to talk about how that knowledge 25. 接著,我想討論這個知識如何影響我 should affect us

26. When you become a Christian, your position changes, 26. 你成為基督徒後,你的身份就改變 but your nature stays the same


27. Let me explain this very important concept

27. 讓我來解釋這個非常重要的觀念

28. God created Adam and Eve; they were his children

28. 上帝創造亞當跟夏娃;他們是祂的子

29. Being God‘s children was their position

女 29. 作為神的子女是他們的身份


30. If they had not sinned, they would have continued to have 30. 如果他們後來沒有犯罪,他們 this position


31. As Adam and Eve‘s children, we, too, would have enjoyed 31. 而作為亞當跟夏娃子女的我 similar positions


32. Our position would be ―children of God‖

32. 我們的身份就會是神的子女

33. But unfortunately, Adam and Eve did sin, so they and we lost 33. 很可惜,亞當跟夏娃確實犯了 our position as children of God


34. We became children of rebellion, children of transgression, children of the devil, children of disobedience…

作神的子女的身份 34. 我們成為悖逆的兒女、魔鬼的

(Don‘t read in class)


Isaiah 30:1 rebellious children


Isaiah 57:4 children of transgression

賽 30:1,賽 57:4 悖逆的兒女

Matthew 13:38 children of the wicked one

太 13:38 惡者之子

Ephesians 2:2, Ephesians 5:6 children of disobedience

弗 2:2,弗 5:6,西 3:6 悖逆之

Ephesians 2:3 children of wrath

Colossians 3:6 children of disobedience

弗 2:3 可怒之子

2 Peter 2:14 cursed children

彼後 2:14 被咒詛的種類

1 John 3:10 children of the devil

約一 3:10 魔鬼的兒女

35. Another way of saying this is we are born into the first

35. 換言之,我們出生於第一個亞

Adam‘s family


36. By the way, that‘s what it means to be born with ―original 36. 順便解釋一下,所謂的『原罪』就 sin‖


37. ―Original sin‖ doesn‘t mean that a baby is born with a sin 37. 『原罪』不是說你出生時就已經有 38. It simply means that the child born to the line of the first Adam and is not a child of God

罪 38. 這個意思是只不過是在說小孩是第

39. A ―child of Adam‖ is the baby‘s position


40. And because that is its position, it isn‘t a child of God 39. 『亞當的後裔』是小孩子的身份 and can‘t be with God

40. 而由於這是他的身份,所以他不是 237

41. Only children of God can be with God


42. To be with God, we have to first become children of God 41. 只有神的子女才可以與神同在 43. To become children of God, we must first be born again 44. Being born again means that you die as a child of Adam and are born again into God‘s family

42. 要與神同在,我們首先必須成為神 的子女 43. 要成為神子女,我們必須先重生

45. But the only way to become a child of God is to be perfect in what we think, do, and say

44. 重生的意思是身為亞當後裔的你要 先死,然後重新誕生於上帝的家庭

46. Or to accept the life of the only person who was ever 45. 但是成為神子女的唯一方式是,無 perfect in what he thought, did, and said


47. (V. 1) Hebrews 10:14—For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified. (Don‘t read in class)

著完美無缺的生活 46. 或接受那位唯一在思想、言語和行 動上都完美無缺的人的生命

Hebrews 10:10—By this will we have been sanctified through t he offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

47. (V. 1) 來 10:14 因為他一次獻 祭,便叫那得以成聖的人永遠完全。

Act 26:18—to open t heir eyes so that they may turn from dar kness to light


and from t he dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness

來 10:10 我們憑這旨意,靠耶穌基督只一次獻

of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in



徒 26:18 我差你到他們那裡去,要叫他們的眼

2 Tim 2:11 ―This is a faithful saying: For if we died with Him, we shall also


live with Him. If we endure, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Hi m,


He also will deny us‖

得基業。‘ 提後 2:11 有可信的話說:―我們若與基督同死,

Rom. 6:3-11 ―Or do you not know that as many of us as wer e baptized into


Christ Jesus were baptized into His deat h? Therefor e we wer e buried with

羅 6:3 豈不知我們 這受洗 歸入基 督耶穌的

Him through baptism into deat h, that just as Christ was raised from the

人,是受洗歸入他的死嗎?4 所以我們藉著洗

dead by the glory of the Fat her, even so we also shoul d walk in newness of


life. For if we have been united together in the likeness of His deat h,


certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this,

復活一樣。5 我們若在他死的形狀上與他聯

that our ol d man was crucified with Hi m, t hat the body of sin might be

合,也要在他復活的形狀上與他聯合。6 因為

done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. For he who has


died has been fr eed fr om sin. Now if we died with Christ, we believe that

絕,叫我們不再作罪的奴僕,7 因為已死的人

we shall also live with Him, knowing that Christ, having been raised from

是脫離了罪。8 我們若是與基督同死,就信必

the dead, dies no more. D eath no longer has dominion over Hi m. For the

與他同活,9 因為知道基督既從死裡復活,就

death t hat He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives,

不再死,死也不再作他的主了。10 他死是向罪

He lives to God. Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indee d to

死了,只有一次;他活是向 神活著。11 這樣,

sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord‖

你們向罪也當看自己是死的;向 神在基督耶穌

Col. 2:12―Buried with Hi m in baptism, in which you also were raised with

Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.


裡,卻當看自己是活的。 西 2:12 你們既受洗與他一同埋葬,也就在此

And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your

與他一同復活,都因信那叫他從死裡復活 神的

flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all



48. 當我們接受耶穌的生命,我們的舊

48. When we receive the life of Christ, we die to our old selves and we are born again into the line of God

49. Our position changes and we are now children of God

我就必須死去,然後我們就重生 了,這次是身為神的後裔

49. 我們的身份也跟著改變,我們現在是神的 子女了

50. You don‘t feel anything, but that doesn‘t matter

50. 你什麼感覺都沒有,但這其實沒有關係

51. God sees the blood of Jesus on you and considers 51. 神在你身上看到耶穌的寶血,也認為你的 your sins paid for


52. Now, God considers you his sinless child

52. 神現在把你當作祂無罪的小孩

53. Your sins, past, present, and future, are forgiven 53. 你過去、現在和未來的罪,通通都被赦免 54. We are perfected forever in our position in Christ

了 54. 我們在耶穌內的身份永遠都是完美的

55. (V. 2) Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as through 55. (V. 2) 羅 5:12… 15 這就如罪是從一人入 one man sin entered into the world, and death


through sin, and so death spread to all men,

眾人,因為眾人都犯了罪 … 羅 5:15 只是

because all sinned… Romans 5:15 But the free


gift is not like the transgression. For if by the

死了,何況 神的恩典,與那因耶穌基督一

transgression of the one the many died, much


more did the grace of God and the gift by the


grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to 56. 罪與死亡透過一個人—第一個亞當—進入 the many.


56. Sin and death entered the world through one 57. (V. 3) 林前 15:45 經上也是這樣記著說, man—the first Adam


57. (V. 3) 1 Cor 15:45-49—So also it is written, "The 239



靈。46 但屬靈的不在先,屬血氣的在先,

The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.

以後才有屬靈的。47 頭一個人是出於地,


However, the spiritual is not first, but the

natural; then the spiritual.


乃屬土;第二個人是出於天。48 那屬土的

The first man is


from the earth, earthy; the second man is from

凡屬天的也就怎樣。49 我們既有屬土的形



As is the earthy, so also are those who


are earthy; and as is the heavenly, so also are 58. 第二個亞當就是耶穌,祂成了叫人活的靈 those who are heavenly.


Just as we have borne 59. 第一個亞當帶給我們死亡,而耶穌則給了

the image of the earthy, we will also bear the image of the heavenly.

我們祂的生命,祂賜給我們永生 60. 當我們接受新的身分成為神的子女時,我

58. The last Adam Christ became a life-giving spirit


59. Just as the first Adam gave us death, Jesus 61. 聖經說的是,我們是神的養子 gives us his life; he gives us eternal life

62. 可惜,有些中文本聖經不用『領養』這個

60. This life is given when we receive the position of child of God

詞 63. 顯然地,譯者認為領養不是一件好事

61. The Bible says that you are an adopted child of 64. 下面,我提供一些經文給你們參考,是關 God.


62. Unfortunately, some Chinese versions of the Bible don‘t use the term ―adopted.‖

會念出來 (上課不要念出來)

63. Evidently, the translators thought that being adopted wasn‘t a good thing.

新譯本︰羅馬書 8:15 你們接受的,不是奴僕的靈,使你 們仍舊懼怕;你們接受的,是使人成為嗣子的靈,使我

64. I have included a number of verses from the


Bible about our adoption as children of God, but

和合本︰羅 8:15 你們所受的不是奴僕的心,仍舊害怕;

we won‘t read them out loud today


(Don‘t read in class)

新譯本︰羅馬書 8:23 不但這樣,連我們這些有聖靈作為

Romans 8:15—For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading


to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by


which we cry out, " Abba! Father!"

和合本︰羅 8:23 不但如此,就是我們這有聖靈初結果

Romans 8:23—And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the


first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within


ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, t he

新譯本︰加拉太書 4:5 要把律法之下的人救贖出來,好

redemption of our body.


Galatians 4:5—so that He might r edeem t hose who were under t he

和合本︰加 4:5 要把律法以下的人贖出來,叫我們得著

Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.


Ephesians 1:5—He predestined us to adoption as sons through

新譯本︰以弗所書 1:5 他又按著自己旨意所喜悅的,預定

Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His



和合本︰弗 1:5 又因愛我們,就按著自己意旨所喜悅

65. We are no longer children of the first Adam; we



are children or brothers and sisters of the 65. 我們不再是亞當的後代;我們是第二個亞 second Adam


66. We can say that the Son of God became a son of 66. 我們可以說神之子成為人之子,為的是人 man, so that the sons of men could become sons


of God

67. Let‘s say that again

67. 我們再講一遍

68. The Son of God became a son of man, so that the

68. 神之子,也就是耶穌,成為人之子,為

sons of men could become sons of God


69. This brings us to the second part of our topic today


70. Now that our position has changed, how should that 69. 從這裡可以引入今天主題的第二部份 affect our lives?

70. 我們的身份改變了以後,將如何影響我

71. Now that we are children of God, we should do our


best to change our behavior to match our new 71. 既然我們現在已經是神的子女,我們應 position


72. Let me tell you, though, you couldn‘t reach God‘s standard by yourself before you were a Christian 73. and you won‘t be able to do it alone after you become a Christian

身分更名副其實 72. 但是我告訴你,你成為基督徒之前,沒 有辦法透過自己的努力達到神的標準 73. 而成為基督徒之後,你還是不可能只靠

74. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit helps us, but we must cooperate with his work

自己的力量 74. 幸好,聖靈會幫助我們,但是我們必須

75. This is because, like I said before, you have a new position, but your nature is the same

配合祂所作的工 75. 原因就像我先前說的,因為雖然你有新

76. So how do we match our behavior to our new position?

的身份,但是你的本性還是一樣 76. 那麼,怎麼讓我們的行為配得上我們的

77. We do it by dying to our old self daily


78. Let me tell a story that might help explain this concept

77. 我們要每天釘死自己的老我 78. 我用一個故事來說明這個觀念


79. A king has a baby, but during the confusion of war, 79. 某一位國王有一個小孩,但是在一次戰 the baby is stolen by an evil beggar

亂中,這個嬰兒被一個邪惡的乞丐偷走 了

80. The evil beggar raises the boy as a beggar, 80. 邪惡的乞丐把小孩當作乞丐養育他;他教他偷 teaching him to steal, lie, and do other bad things

竊、說謊以及其他的壞事 81. 小孩變成一個骯髒,沒有受教育,又沒有教養

81. The child grows up dirty, uneducated, crude


82. When he is older, the king finds him and takes 82. 他年紀比較大了之後,國王找到他,把他帶回 him home

83. He is now the king‘s son, but he is still dirty, 83. 他現在是國王的兒子,但是他還是骯髒,沒有 uneducated, crude, and does bad things,


84. His position has changed, but his nature remains the same

84. 他的身份變了,但是他的本性還是一 樣

85. He is no longer the son of a beggar; he is the son of the king

85. 他現在已經不是乞丐的兒子,他是國 王的兒子

86. He now needs to change his behavior to match his new position

86. 如今他必須改變他的行為來搭配新的 身份


87. He will fail a great deal, because he is used to being a

87. 他會經常失敗,因為他習慣做乞丐,

beggar and doing bad things


88. That‘s his nature, but that‘s not his position 89. Fortunately,






88. 那是他的本性,但不是他的身份 and 89. 還好,國王非常友善,有耐心,也能



90. As long as the child continues to try to change, the 90. 只要孩子繼續努力改變,父親就會很 father will be happy and will help him change 91. He will provide him all the resources he needs to

開心,而且也會協助他改變 91. 他會賜給他所需要的所有資源,包括

become a good prince, including a teacher and a book

老師和書,來教導他如何當一個好王 子

92. He will not, however, force his new son to change

92. 但是他不會強迫兒子改變

93. The willingness to change must come from within

93. 改變的意願必須發自內心

94. And the son should want to change for many reasons

94. 讓兒子想要改變的理由很多

95. For example, gratitude for being adopted by the king

95. 比如,感激國王領養他

96. A desire not to embarrass the king

96. 不想讓國王尷尬

97. The desire for rewards

97. 希望獲得獎賞

98. The desire to bring other ―lost sons and daughters‖ to the 98. 帶領其他迷失的子女認識國王 king

99. 以及害怕國王的管教

99. Fear of discipline from the king

100. 畢竟,國王是一位父親,跟任何

100. After all, he is a father and like any good father, he disciplines his children

好父親一樣,也會管教孩子 (上課不要念出來)

(Don‘t read in class)

來 12:4-11 你們與罪惡相爭,還沒有抵擋到

Hebrews 12:4-11 You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in 5

流血的地步。5 你們又忘了那勸你們如同勸

your striving against sin; and you have forgotten t he exhortation which is


addr essed to you as sons, "MY SON, DO NOT REGARD LIGHTLY THE

被他責備的時候,也不可灰心。6 因為主所




你們所忍受的,是 神管教你們,待你們如同


SCOURGES EVERY SON WHOM HE RECEIVES." It is for discipline that

待兒子。焉有兒子不被父親管教的呢?8 管

you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his



father does not discipline? 8But if you are without discipline, of which all have

是私子,不是兒子了。9 再者,我們曾有生

become partakers, then you are illegitimate childr en and not sons.



Further more, we had eart hly fathers to discipline us, and we respected

靈的父,我們豈不更當順服他得生嗎?10 生

them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of spirits, and live?




For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He

disciplines us for our good, so that we may share His holiness.


All discipline

的聖潔上有分。11 凡管教的事,當時不覺得

for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have


been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.


101. We are not only sons and daughters of the King, we are 101. 我們不只是國王的子女,我們也 ambassadors of Christ


102. If an ambassador doesn‘t act like an ambassador, it makes 102. 如果一位大使的行為沒有他該 his king look bad


103. We represent Christ on earth

103. 我們是基督世上的代表

104. We need to act like it

104. 我們的行為需要符合這個身份

105. A few years ago, I told a friend, ―I‘m going to 105. 幾年前,我跟一位朋友說:『我要去教 church‖


106. He said in surprise, ―Huh?! You‘re a Christian? I 106. 他很驚訝地說: 『喔!你是基督徒?我看 couldn‘t tell‖


107. Needless to say, his response really hurt. It really 107. 不用說,他的話讓我感到很痛苦,像刀 cut me to the heart


108. I‘ve tried harder since, but I know that I still have a long way to go

108. 從此,我更加努力地嘗試改進,但我知 道我還有很長的路要走

109. (V. 4) 2 Cor. 3:2-3—You are our letter, written in 109. (V. 4)林後 3:2-3—你們就是我們的薦 our hearts, known and read by all men; 3 being


manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared

讀的,3 顯明你們自己是基督的書信,是

for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit


of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on


tablets of human hearts.

心版上。 244

110. Our lives should be our message

110. 我們的生命應該是我們帶給他人的信息

111. Our lives are the only gospel that some people will


ever see


Our Work Is To Believe 信就是做神的工 1.

Let‘s start off today by reading the following verse


(V. 1) Mark 10:25 ―It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

1. 我們以下面這段經文開啟今天的討 論。 2. (V. 1) 可 10:25 駱駝穿過針的眼,比 財主進神的國還容易呢。‖


I think many of you have heard this verse before

3. 你們當中很多人應該聽過這段話


To many, it is a scary verse

4. 很多人覺得這段經文很恐怖


Is it saying that if you have money, you can‘t get into

5. 它是說如果你有錢,你就不能上天堂




If it is, then how much money is too much?

6. 如果是,那多少錢才算太多呢?


Where does God draw the line?

7. 上帝設的界限在哪裡?


Do we all have to live in poverty on this earth if we 8. 我們必須在這個世界上過貧窮的日 want to go to heaven?



I don‘t believe that is what it is saying

9. 我不認為這段經文是這個意思

10. Let‘s read the next two verses to see how God 10. 我們來讀接下來的兩段經文,看神如 answers this question


11. (V. 2) Mark 10:26-27 They were even more astonished 11. (V. 2) 可 10:26 門徒就分外稀奇, and said to Him, "Then who can be saved?" 27 Looking at

對他說:―這樣,誰能得救呢?‖27 耶

them, Jesus said, "With people it is impossible, but


not with God; for all things are possible with God."


12. In other words, no amount of money or power will get you into heaven

12. 換言之,再多的金錢和再大的權力, 也不能讓你上天堂

13. Let‘s read a couple of other verses to understand this 13. 我們再看另外兩段經文,來更深入了 concept better

解這個觀念 246

14. (V. 3) 1 Cor. 1:25-26 Because the foolishness of God is 14. (V. 3) 林前 1:25 因神的愚拙總比人 wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.


智慧,神的軟弱總比人強壯。26 弟

For consider your calling, brethren, that


there were not many wise according to the flesh, not


many mighty, not many noble


15. In 18th century there was a famous Christian lady in 15. 18 世紀,英國有一位著名的基督徒女 Britain

16. She was Selina, the Countess of Huntingdon

16. 她叫 Selina,是亨廷頓伯爵的夫人

17. When she was converted she wanted to witness to her 17. 信主之後,她為了向其他的貴族朋友 fellow members of the aristocracy


18. So she used to say that she was saved by an 'm'

18. 因此她常說是一個'm'拯救了她

19. because in 1 Corinthians 1:25, it says ―not many‖

19. 因為哥林多前書第一章 25 節的英文

rather than ―not any‖

寫的是 not many,不是 not any

20. So she was saved by an ‗m‘

20. 所以是一個'm'拯救了她

21. The reason ‗many‘ rich and powerful people don‘t come 21. 很多有錢有勢的人不接受耶穌的原 to Christ isn‘t because God doesn‘t want them


22. Rather, it‘s because they tend to feel they don‘t need 22. 而是因為他們會覺得他們不需要別人 anybody‘s help


23. They place their faith in their power and money

23. 他們信仰他們的金錢跟權力

24. They think the gospel is foolish

24. 他們認為十字架的道理是愚蠢的

25. It is only when you finally realize that you can‘t do it 25. 只有當你終於了解到你自己做不到, alone, that you need God, that you will come to him 26. Oftentimes, it is the poor and the people who are truly bad by society‘s standards that come to Christ 27. This is because the poor realize every day that they need help

你需要神的時候,你才會來到祂面前 26. 通常是窮人和根據社會標準算很墮落 的人,才會找尋耶穌 27. 這是因為窮人們很清楚他們每天都需 要幫助


28. And they are generally less proud and more willing to 28. 他們通常比較不驕傲,願意接受別人 accept help from others


29. This is part of the reason that the gospel tends to spread like wildfire in poor countries

29. 這也是為什麼福音在貧窮的國家裡如 野火般迅速傳播的部分原因

30. But once the countries are blessed by God and become 30. 但是一旦蒙了神的祝福,而且變得富 rich, the people in that country become proud 31. They think they can rely on their money to solve problems

有以後,人民就會變得傲慢 31. 他們認為可以依靠金錢來解決問題 32. 這使我想到中文有句俗話說: 「富不過

32. This reminds me of the Chinese expression ―riches last no more than three generations‖

三代」 33. 這句話是用來描述家庭的狀態,但是

33. The expression is used to describe families, but it is also true for nations

對於國家來說也是這樣 34. 我認為這也就是窮人為什麼通常比有

34. I believe that that is why the poor often come to Christ more easily than the rich

錢人更容易接受耶穌的原因 35. 我剛剛也說過,根據社會標準算很墮

35. I also said that people who are really bad by society‘s standards come to Christ more easily

落的人也很容易信耶穌 36. 這是因為當他們跟身邊的人比較後,

36. This is because when they compare themselves with


those around them, they realize just how bad they are 37. 而且,社會也不斷地提醒他們 37. What‘s more, society keeps reminding them 38. But when a person is good or powerful by society‘s standards, they also tend to compare themselves with those around them

38. 但是一個人如果以社會的標準來看還 算良善或有權力,他們也會把自己跟 周圍的人比較 39. 當他們這麼做的時候,當然會覺得自

39. When they do that, of course, they look good


40. But we need to compare ourselves with Christ because 40. 但是我們應該把自己跟耶穌比較,因 he is God‘s standard


41. And believe me, none of us can reach his standard of 41. 相信我,我們沒有一個人能夠透過自己 holiness on our own


42. What‘s more, riches and power don‘t impress God

42. 更何況,神不會對財富跟勢力動心

43. Why should they? The entire universe belongs to him 43. 為何這樣呢?因為整個宇宙都是祂的 248

44. And he had the power to create and destroy it

44. 祂有能力創造宇宙,也有能力摧毀它

45. So what is it that God wants of us?

45. 那麽,神要我們怎麼做呢?

46. After Jesus had fed the 5000, we see the following 46. 當耶穌以五餅二魚餵飽五千人後,出現 conversation


47. (V. 4) John 6:28-29 Then they asked him, "What 47. (V. 4) 約 6:28 眾人問他說:―我們當 must we do to do the works God requires?" 29 Jesus

行甚麼,才算做神的工呢?‖29 耶穌回

answered and said to them, "This is the work of God,

答說:―信 神所差來的,這就是做 神

that you believe in Him whom He has sent."


48. Your job is to believe—that‘s it

48. 你的工就是信祂—這樣而已

49. The only thing you need to do is trust in the 49. 你唯一需要做的,就是相信耶穌為你完 accomplished work of Jesus on your part


50. Of course, true belief in God will lead to good works, 50. 當然,真正的信心會促使人做好的事 but the works don‘t save you


51. They are the result of your gratitude for what God 51. 你是因為感激神為你做的種種事情,才 has done to you


52. If a Christian doesn‘t obey God and perform good 52. 如果基督徒不順服神,不做好事,我們 works, there is reason to doubt that he ever was a



53. Many put the cart before the horse

53. 但是很多人會本末倒置

54. They try to please God through works

54. 他們想透過事工來贏得神的歡心

55. They think that God will be happy if they follow their

55. 他們認為如果遵守他們的各種傳統,



56. Many in our world try very hard to be religious

56. 世上很多人很努力地要信仰虔誠

57. But in verses like Matt 7:21-23, Jesus is very clear

57. 但是在馬太福音 7:21-23 等許多經文

58. (V. 5) Matt 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to Me,


'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he

58. (V. 5) 馬 7:21-23 凡稱呼我‗主啊,

who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will


enter. 22 "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord,

我天父旨意的人,才能進去。22 當


did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name


cast out demons, and in Your name perform many


miracles?' 23 "And then I will declare to them, 'I never






59. Did you notice what he said in verse 23? ―I never knew you‖

去吧!' 59. 你們剛剛注意到第 23 節嗎?祂說―我

60. What God wants from each one of us is a relationship


61. He doesn‘t need anything from us.

60. 神要的是與我們每一個人建立關係

62. He‘s God. He owns everything

61. 祂不需要我們的任何東西

63. The one thing he wants from us is a loving relationship 62. 祂是神。祂擁有萬物 with him

63. 祂唯一向我們要的,是一種親密關係

64. After all, that‘s why he created us in the first place

64. 畢竟這也是祂當初創造我們的原因

65. In short, the only work you can do to please God is to

65. 總之,唯一可以討神歡喜的工,就是

believe him


66. and if you truly believe in him, your words, thoughts, 66. 如果你真的信祂,你的言行舉止會反 and deeds will reflect your belief


67. In other words, the way you lead your life should be

67. 換言之,你的生活方式會像是石蕊試

the litmus paper showing that you truly trust him


68. It is my sincere hope that all of lives will truly reflect 68. 我由衷地希望我們的生活可以證明我 our belief in God



Pain in Christianity 基督徒的痛苦 1.

God often uses pain to achieve his goals in the lives of Christians


1. 神常常利用痛來達成祂在每一個基督徒 人生中的目標

Many denominations try to persuade people to come 2. 很多教派以「當你信主以後,你的人生 to Christ by saying, ―After you become a Christian,


you will live happily every after‖



They like to say: God will give you anything you want


He will heal any illness you have


If you ask, he give you anything your heart desires


They‘re trying to upgrade the Trinity to version 4.0: 5. 甚至,你心裡想要什麼,只要開口,神


the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and Santa Claus 7.

一定會給你 為 4.0 版—聖父,聖子,聖靈及聖誕老人

When they the ―promises‖ mentioned above aren‘t 7. 對不起,這種說法,不僅狗屁倒灶,而 realized, many new Christians leave the church because they are disappointed and resentful


4. 你患了疾病,神必定會醫治你

I‘m sorry, but this is not only a bunch of baloney, it‘s 6. 這種說法不外乎是把三位一體的神升級 very dangerous


3. 他們喜歡說︰「你需要什麼,神就會給

且還非常危險 8. 所以,很多新的基督徒才會因為得不到

There is not one verse in the Bible that promises


that believers will be happy


10. On the contrary, many places in the Word of God say 9. 聖經中沒有任何一個經文應許信徒會快 that Christians will experience hardships, will be hated, and will undergo all kinds of trials

樂 10. 剛好相反,神的話語大部份寫著基督徒

11. In John 16:33, Jesus said ―In the world you will have tribulation.‖

必定會受苦,備受他人憎恨,而且會經 歷許許多多的試煉

12. He didn‘t say, You might have tribulation; he said you 11. 在約翰福音 16:33,耶穌曾經說過︰「你 will have tribulation


13. God uses unhappy situations like these to achieve various goals

12. 祂並沒有說︰你們可能會有苦難;祂說 的是你們會有苦難

14. He uses it to bring us closer to him, to make us 13. 神是透過這些不愉快的情況來達成各種 depend more on him, and to obey him more to make us


conform more and more to the image of his son

14. 包括讓我們更親近祂,更依賴祂,更服

15. (V. 1) Romans 8:29 For those whom He foreknew, He


also predestined to become conformed to the image 15. (V. 1) 羅 8:29 為了這些祂預先知道的 of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among


many brethren.


16. C. S. Lewis once used a great metaphor to describe 16. C. S. Lewis 曾經用了一個很貼切的比喻 251

this process


17. Lewis compared Christians to painting canvasses with 17. Lewis 把基督徒比喻成有神經末梢的一 nerve endings


18. As the painter, God is dissatisfied with many parts 18. 作為畫家的神對油畫中的許多地方不滿 of the painting,


19. so he frequently uses a painting knife to scrape away 19. 因此祂經常用畫刀刮除祂對畫中不滿意 the parts that he‘s not satisfied with to repaint



20. Obviously, the scraping is going to be extremely painful 20. 很顯然的,這樣子「動刀」對有神經 to the nerve endings on the canvas


21. So much that the canvas begs the painter, ―Don‘t scrape 21. 因此,油畫自己會拜託畫家︰「不要 anymore! I‘m fine the way I am!‖


22. But the painter frowns, shakes his head and says to the canvas,

22. 但是畫家卻皺著眉頭,搖搖頭對油畫 說︰

23. ―Be patient a little while longer. I‘m doing this for your 23. 「再忍耐一下,我這麼做是為你好」 own good

24. 我要讓你成為我的傑作。‖

24. I want to make you into a masterpiece‖

25. 聖經從來沒有答應過基督徒會「快

25. The Bible never promises Christians will be happy, but it does promise that the children of God will have joy


26. Happiness and joy are different 27. Happiness




樂」(happy),但是確實應許神的子 26. 而快樂與喜樂不同


and 27. 快樂取決於外在的因素跟環境;


28. 喜樂是由內而發的,是基督徒因神在

28. While joy is the result of fruits that we produce, because of God‘s work in our lives or ―scraping our canvases‖

他生命中動工(即所謂的「動刀」)而 結出果子才有的東西 29. 因此,可以說基督徒因為有了痛苦才

29. So you could say that the pain eventually produces joy 252


Pearl of Great Price 無價珍珠 1.

(V. 1) Matt 13:44-46 The kingdom of heaven is like 1. (V. 1) 馬太 13:44-46 天國好像寶 treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid;


then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys


that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a


merchant seeking fine pearls and upon finding one pearl


of great value, he went and sold all that he had and


bought it.

2. 一位男人走進一家珠寶店,看見一顆


A man enters a jewelry store and sees a beautiful pearl


He says, I want this pearl. How much is it?


The seller replies, it‘s very expensive

4. 店員回答,非常貴喔


But how much? Can I buy it?

5. 要多少錢呢?我可以買嗎?


Yes, anyone can buy it

6. 當然,任何人都可以買


How much will it cost?

7. 到底需要多少?


Everything you have

8. 你所有的一切


The man thinks about it then makes up his mind, 9. 男人想了想,然後他下定決心說:―好,我

美麗的珍珠 3. 他說,我想要這顆珍珠,它要多少錢?

―Ok, I‘ll buy it‖


10. Well, what do you have? The shop owner asks. 10. 店員就問他:―你有什麼呢?我們寫下來吧‖ Let‘s write it down


11. I have NT$500,000 in the bank

11. 我銀行裡有 500,000 元

12. Is that all?

12. 只有這些嗎

13. Well, I have NT$2,000 in my pocket

13. 我口袋還有 2,000 元

14. You have to give that to me, too. Anything else?

14. 這個也要給我。你還有沒有其他東西

15. No, that‘s all


16. Where do you live?

15. 沒有了。只有這些。

17. In a house

16. 你住哪裡?

18. The seller says, well, that‘s mine, too, and writes it 17. 一間房子裡 down

18. 店員就說,那麼,房子也是我的,然後

19. You mean I have to sleep in my car?


20. You have a car?

19. 你是說,我得睡在車上?

21. I have two

20. 你有車喔?

22. You have to give me those, too. What else do you 21. 我有兩部 have?

22. 你的車子也必須給我。你還有什麼?

23. Well, you already have my money, my house, and my cars

23. 你已經有我的錢,我房子以及我的車了 24. 你是一個人活在這個世界上嗎

24. Are you alone in this world?

25. 不是,我有太太和兩個小孩

25. No, I have a wife and two children

26. 他們也要給我。你還有什麼?

26. You have to give me those too. What else do you have? 27. 我沒有別的東西了,現在我只剩自己一 27. I have nothing else. I am left alone now


28. Oh, I almost forgot. You become mine.

28. 喔,差一點忘記了。你也是我的。

29. Everything becomes mine, your wife, children, money, 29. 你的一切都是我的,你的太太,孩子, house, and cars and you too. Everything becomes mine 30. Then he writes it down

金錢,房子,車子,以及你自己。你所 有的東西都是我的

31. Now listen, I will allow you to use all of these things 30. 然後,他把這些都記錄下來 for the time being, but don‘t forget that they are 31. 現在你仔細聽著,我會讓你暫時使用這 mine, just as you are


32. Any time I need any of these things, you must give it up, because now I am the owner

於我的,包括你在內 32. 如果有一天我需要這些東西,你就必須

33. This is an accurate perspective of true surrender to Jesus

放棄他們,因為現在我是擁有者 33. 這個故事說明真心降服於基督的正確

34. It doesn‘t just cost us all that we have, the price is all that we are

觀念 34. 降服於基督的代價,不只是我們所擁有

35. And in return, God promises to fill the deepest longings of our soul

的一切,也是我們自己本身 35. 神應允滿足我們內心最深的盼望作為

36. In fact, he promises to satisfy us with something 254


which is far greater than any earthbound treasure 36. 事實上,祂允諾給我們一個比地球上任 could ever begin to be—himself


37. As Christians, this a perspective we must embrace 38. The







37. 作為基督徒,這是一個我們必須抱持的 觀點 38. 下面這段經文可以進一步解釋這個觀

39. (V. 2) Luke 14:25-33 Now large crowds were going

along with Him; and He turned and said to them, If

39. (V. 2) 路加 14:25-33 有極多的人和

anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father


and mother and wife and children and brothers and


sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My


disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and


come after Me cannot be My disciple. For which one of


you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit


down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to


complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation


and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to


ridicule him, saying, ‗This man began to build and was


not able to finish.‘ Or what king, when he sets out to


meet another king in battle, will not first sit down and


consider whether he is strong enough with ten


thousand men to encounter the one coming against him


with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is still


far away, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of


peace. So then, none of you can be My disciple who 40. 在我們人生中,不應該有任何人事物比 does not give up all his own possessions.


40. Nothing in our lives should be more important than 41. 因此神要我們完全降服於祂,為的是我 God


41. So the point is this, God wants us to surrender 42. 但是這是一個循序漸進的過程,並非一 everything about us, so that we can gain everything about him

蹴可及 43. 神會指出你生活中一些需要降服的事

42. But it‘s a gradual process, not a single event

44. 然後祂會一直幫助你,直到你降服

43. He‘ll point out something in your life

45. 這是一個持續一生的過程

44. And he‘ll keep working with you until you surrender it

46. 記不記得故事中的男人覺得珍珠非常

45. So it‘s a lifelong process


46. Remember the man that was buying the pearl felt it was awfully expensive

47. 但是在他買了這顆珍珠之後,才了解到 他以前所所擁有的一切都黯然失色

47. but after he buys it, he realizes that the stuff he had 48. 在兩相比較之下,那些物品有如俗塵 paled in comparison to what he received

49. 耶穌要求我們降服的時候,總是會回報 255

48. In comparison, it was as so much dirt


49. Christ never calls on us to surrender without a 50. 我們放棄一些俗塵之物為了能得到更 corresponding gain


50. He always says you give up this to get something 51. 如果你執迷不悟,祂可能會用更強烈的 better—him


51. If you hold on stubbornly, he may have to use more 52. 一旦你跨出降服的第一步,它會領你陸 drastic measures


52. Once you surrender, that leads to the next degree 53. 這裡有一個比喻,可以讓你更了解神如 and so forth


53. Here‘s an analogy of how God gets us to give up things 54. 當你緊握某種事物,不願意放手 54. You‘re holding onto something very tightly and you 55. 神會用力掰開你的一根手指,你會感到 don‘t want to let it go


55. God pries open one finger and it‘s very painful

56. 然後,祂會掰開另外一隻手指,過程也

56. Then another finger and again it‘s very painful

31. He does this to all your fingers until your hand is completely open


31. 祂會一根接著一根地掰開,直到你的手完 全打開

32. Because only when your hand is finally open can he 32. 因為惟有當你的手完全展開,祂才能將你 replace the piece of glass that you treasured so


much with a diamond


33. You were holding onto a piece of cheap jewelry, a 33. 你手上拿的是一塊廉價的首飾,是一個垃 piece of junk

34. God says let me give you the real thing, a real 34. 神說:讓我給你真品吧!一顆真的鑽石 diamond


35. Now that you have given up all of these things, God lends 35. 在你放棄這些東西之後,神會把 them to you


36. He makes you a steward of his things

36. 祂讓你成為祂的財產管理人

37. Your money, your possessions, your family, your friends, 37. 你的金錢、財產、家人、朋友、 your talents, your gifts, your hobbies


38. Are all his and he lends them to you for a short while

38. 都是祂的,祂只是暫時借你使用

39. And you invest them, you use them to the advantage of your 39. 你要投資這些人事物,做對神有 master


40. A steward doesn‘t possess things; he invests and uses the resources of another

40. 財產管理人並不擁有財產,他使 用別人的資源做投資

41. (V. 3) Matthew 25:14-30 "For it is just like a man about to 41. (V. 3) 太 25:15 按著各人的才 go on a journey, who called his own slaves and entrusted his


possessions to them. "To one he gave five talents, to


another, two, and to another, one, each according to his own


ability; and he went on his journey. "Immediately the one


who had received the five talents went and traded with


them, and gained five more talents. "In the same manner


the one who had received the two talents gained two more.


"But he who received the one talent went away, and dug a


hole in the ground and hid his master's money. "Now after a


long time the master of those slaves came and settled


accounts with them. "The one who had received the five


talents came up and brought five more talents, saying,


'Master, you entrusted five talents to me. See, I have


gained five more talents.' "His master said to him, 'Well


done, good and faithful slave You were faithful with a few


things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into


the joy of your master.' "Also the one who had received the


two talents came up and said, 'Master, you entrusted two


talents to me. See, I have gained two more talents.' "His


master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful slave. You


were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of


many things; enter into the joy of your master.' "And the


one also who had received the one talent came up and said,


'Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did


not sow and gathering where you scattered no seed. 'And I


was afraid, and went away and hid your talent in the ground.


See, you have what is yours.' "But his master answered and



said to him, 'You wicked, lazy slave, you knew that I reap


where I did not sow and gather where I scattered no seed.


'Then you ought to have put my money in the bank, and on


my arrival I would have received my money back with


interest. 'Therefore take away the talent from him, and


give it to the one who has the ten talents.' "For to everyone


who has, more shall be given, and he will have an abundance;


but from the one who does not have, even what he does


have shall be taken away. "Throw out the worthless slave


into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping


and gnashing of teeth.

42. 將來有一天,耶穌會問你,你是

42. Remember, Jesus will ask you some day what you did with the things he entrusted you with

如何處理祂所託管給你的事物 43. 因此要記得,你現在是祂的財產

43. You are now the steward of the things that he has entrusted to you

代理人 44. 好好地投資他們,祂就會以你所

44. Invest them well and he will reward you beyond your wildest dreams



Relationships—The Core Theme of the Bible 「關係」是聖經的核心題目 1.

A friend of mine and I were having a conversation the other day and the subject of Christianity came up


He told me that he didn‘t believe in any religion, because religion was one of the main causes of evil in

1. 我前幾天跟一個朋友聊天時,談及基督 教 2. 他說他不信任何宗教,因為宗教是世界 一個重大的禍源

the world

3. 我完全同意他的看法


I completely agree with him

4. 人利用宗教來合理化很多不好的事


People use religion to legitimize everything from hate


and self-righteousness to prejudice and war



You might be surprised that I agree with him

5. 你可能很驚訝,我怎麼會同意他的看法


But I agree because I believe Christianity, biblical

6. 但是我同意是因為我認為基督教---我這


Christianity, is not a religion, it‘s a relationship


The problem is most people, including most Christians,


don‘t understand this 8.

7. 問題是大部分的人,包括大部分的基督

In fact, if you asked me to use one word to summarize the entire Bible, I‘d use the word ―relationship‖


The God of the Bible is a relational God

徒,不了解這一點 8. 事實上,假如你要我用一個詞來總結整 個聖經,我會用「關係」一詞

10. This can be seen in that the God of the Bible is one God in three persons

9. 聖經的神是個重視關係的神 10. 我們可以從聖經的神是三位一體的神看

11. They have lived in relationship since before the beginning of time

出這一點 11. 三位一體的神自從創世以前就活在關係

12. Being relational, God created man for relationship, but man broke that relationship

中 12. 因為上帝重視關係,祂創造人來與他建

13. The Bible can actually be divided into four parts based on the theme of relationship

立關係,但是人破壞了那個關係 13. 其實,聖經可以以關係這個主題分為四 大部份


14. From before Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 1:26, there is one 14. 從創世紀 1:1 之前到創世紀 1:26 有三位一 God in three persons in relationship with each other 15. From Genesis 1:27 to the end of Genesis 2, God and

體的神,三位之間彼此有關係 15. 從創世紀 1:27 一直到創世紀第二章結

man enjoy relationship


16. In Genesis 3, man breaks relationship with God

16. 在創世紀第三章,人中斷他與神之間的關

17. The rest of the Bible, from Genesis 4 to Revelations, is a record of God seeking to bring man back into

係 17. 從創世紀第四章一直到啟示錄,聖經剩下

relationship with him


18. Next, the record in the Bible of God reconciling with man can also be divided into two main parts

係 18. 接下來,聖經中神與人和好的記錄,也可

19. How to and how not to reconcile with God

以分成兩大部分 19. 與神和好可以使用的方法,跟不能使用的 方法

20. First, the experience of the Israelites shows us how NOT to have a relationship with God

20. 首先,以色列人的經驗說明如何不 跟神建立關係

21. Second, the New Testament explains how to have a relationship with God

21. 接著,新約教導我們如何與神建立 關係

22. In a nutshell, the Old Testament shows that a relationship 22. 簡而言之,舊約告訴我們,與神的 with God cannot be based on our own performance


23. In other words, it can‘t be based on what we do or don‘t do 23. 換言之,不能基於我們做什麼或不 24. Rather, we need to trust in his performance, that is, what he has done for us

做什麼 24. 相反的,我們需要相信祂的表現,

25. The experience of the Israelites shows that if you depend 260


on external things and your own efforts

25. 以色列人的經歷說明當你依靠外在

26. you can never meet God‘s standards and straying from him is inevitable

的東西以及自己的努力時 26. 你永遠都達不到祂的標準,而且遠

27. Israel left God many times and God kept accepting her back

離上帝是遲早的事 27. 以色列一而再再而三地離開神,而

28. Explaining this truth is one of the purposes of the Book of Hosea

神再三地接受它回來 28. 說明這個真理是何西阿書的一個目

29. God commanded the prophet Hosea to marry a prostitute

30. Hosea loved her with all his heart, but she had many other 29. 上帝命令先知何西阿娶一個蕩婦 lovers

30. 何西阿非常愛他的老婆,但是他的 老婆有很多情人

31. In the same way, God loved the Israelites, but they kept running to other so-called gods, breaking his heart in the process

31. 同樣的,神愛以色列人,但是他們也不 斷地跑去找其他的神明,使得神很傷心 32. 神借用以色列人的故事來說明,不管我

32. God used the story of the Israelites to show us that nothing that we do can reconcile our relationship with him

們做什麼,都沒有辦法修復我們與神之 間的關係 33. 神不需要我們為祂做任何事情

33. There is nothing we can do for God

34. 祂畢竟是神,祂什麼都不需要

34. After all, he‘s God. He doesn‘t need anything

35. 如果祂想要蠟燭或香,要多少祂就可以

35. If he wanted candles or incense, he could make as much as he wanted



36. He doesn‘t NEED anything from us, but he does desire one thing from us

36. 祂不需要我們任何東西,但是有一件事 是祂想要的

37. That one thing is, again, relationship

37. 那就是與我們建立關係

38. And that relationship must be based on love and trust 38. 而且那個關係必須是出於我們的自由意 given to him of our own free will


39. But you might ask, ―Didn‘t God tell the Israelites to do 39. 你可能會問:「在舊約時代,神曾經吩 a lot of things in the Old Testament?‖


40. ―Don‘t doing those things please him and reconcile our 40. 「做那些事情不是要取悅祂,不是會使 relationship with him?‖


41. ―Otherwise, why would he tell them to do all those things?‖

41. 「要不然,祂為什麼會叫他們做那些事 呢?」

42. Yes, God did command the Israelites to do many things

42. 沒有錯,神曾經吩咐以色列人做很多事 情

43. He established many institutions, including the priesthood, sacrifices, circumcision, and festivals

43. 祂建立祭司體系、祭獻、割禮和節慶等 多種制度

44. But they were symbols God used to educate man about 44. 但這些是神用來教導人有關屬靈方面的 spiritual things


45. The New Testament calls them ―shadows of things to come‖ (Hebrews 10)

45. 新約描述這些事情為「以後要來的美好 事物的影子」(希伯來書 10)

46. They were not pleasing to God in themselves, because 46. 這些東西本身不會讓神喜悅,因為神要 what God wants is your heart (Psalm 51)


47. They were imperfect symbols showing how he planned 47. 祂使用這些不完美的象徵,讓我們瞭解 to save us


48. The author of Hebrews tells Christians that now that

48. 希伯來書的作者告訴基督徒,既然耶穌

Christ has come, we don‘t need circumcision, priests,


or sacrifices


49. These symbols all pointed to the Messiah

49. 這些符號統統都指向彌賽亞

50. Sacrifices symbolized Christ‘s sacrificial death, so after he came, they were no longer needed (Hebrews 10)

50. 獻祭象徵基督的獻祭,所以祂來了之後 就不再需要了(希伯來書10) 51. 祭司也再也不需要了,因為耶穌是我們


51. Priests are also no longer needed, because Christ is our new High Priest (Hebrews 5 and 7)

新的大祭司(希伯來書第5章、第7章) 52. 割禮也不需要了,因為它代表的是神應

52. Circumcision is no longer needed because it symbolized the new heart that God promised to give us

許以後會給我們新的心 —腓立比書3:3—其實我們這些靠


—Philippians 3:3—for we are the true circumcision, who worship in the


Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh

—Romans 2:28-29—For he is not a Jew who is one outwar dly, nor is

— 羅馬書2:28-29— 因為表面上作猶太人的並不是

circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. 29 But he is a Jew who is

猶太人,在肉身上表面的割禮也不是割禮。 29唯有

one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit,


not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.





—Hebrews 10:16—主說:‗在那些日子以後,我要與



53. The list of symbols goes on and on, but my point is that


when the perfect came, the imperfect was no longer

53. 這種符號多如牛毛,但是我的重點是,



54. In World War 2, US soldiers trained with broomsticks, because there weren‘t enough rifles

需要了 54. 二次大戰期間,美國大兵受訓時用的是

55. But after they were deployed to Europe or Asia to fight, they were given real rifles

掃把柄,因為槍枝不夠 55. 但是調到歐洲或亞洲打仗時,軍隊配了

56. It would have been silly for them to fight the enemy with broomsticks

真的槍支給他們 56. 用掃把柄攻打敵人是很愚蠢的

57. The broomsticks were just shadows of things to come

57. 掃把柄只不過是以後要來的事物的影子 58. 我們現在有基督,因此我們當然不需要那

58. We now have Christ, so we don‘t need the symbols


59. That‘s one of the main points of the Book of Hebrews 59. 這就是希伯來書的一個重點 60. Well, you might ask, ―What about good deeds?‖

60. 或許你會問:「行善呢?」

61. ―Helping others and giving money must surely 61. 「幫助別人和奉獻金錢一定可以讓我們與 reconcile our relationship with God‖

神的關係和好」 263

62. Sorry, wrong again. You‘re putting the cart before 62. 不好意思,你又錯了。這個叫做「本末倒 the horse


63. Let‘s see how God views the human condition

63. 我們來看看神是如何看人類的景況

64. (V. 1) Isaiah 64:6—For all of us have become like one 64. (V. 1) 以賽亞書64:6—我們眾人都像不潔 who is unclean, And all our righteous deeds are like a


filthy garment; And all of us wither like a leaf, And


our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.


65. The filthy garment in the verse is actually menstrual 65. 在這裡所謂污穢的衣服,原文其實指的是 rags and represents uncleanness


66. So even our righteous deeds fall short of God's glory 66. 因此連我們行的一切好事都虧欠神的榮耀 67. By the way, he is talking about our righteous deeds

67. 對了,這裡談的是我們做的好事

68. What would he say about our unrighteous deeds?

68. 神會怎麼形容我們做的壞事呢?

69. No, good deeds don‘t make us acceptable to God

69. 神不會因我們行善而接受我們

70. After we have relationship with him, however, they 70. 但是在我們與神建立關係之後,做好事情 show that we are in relationship with him


71. They are kind of a litmus paper, showing whether or 71. 可以說我們做的好事是一種石蕊試紙,證 not you are a true Christian or are just a Christian in




(James 2:14-20—14 What use is it, my brethren, if someone says

(雅各書 2:14-20—我的弟兄們,人若說他有信心,卻

he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a

沒有行為,有甚麼益處呢?這信心能救他嗎? 15 如果

brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, 16 and

有弟兄或姊妹缺衣少食, 16 而你們中間有人對他們

one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and be filled," and

說:―平平安安地去吧!願你們穿得暖,吃得飽。 ‖卻不

yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use

給他們身體所需用的,那有甚麼用處呢? 17 照樣,如

is that? 17 Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.

果只有信心,沒有行為,這信心就是死的。 18 也許有

18 But someone may well say, "You have faith and I have works ; show


me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my


works." 19 You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also

19 你信神只有一位,你信的不錯;就連鬼魔也信,卻是

believe, and shudder. 20 But are you willing to recognize, you foolish

戰兢。20 愚昧的人哪,你願意知道沒有行為的信心是沒


fellow, that faith without works is useless?)


72. Remember the verse from Isaiah that we read

72. 你們記不記得我們之前念的那段以賽亞書



73. (V. 2) Isaiah 64:6—For all of us have become like one 73. (V. 2) 以賽亞書 64:6—我們眾人都像不 who is unclean, And all our righteous deeds are like a


filthy garment; And all of us wither like a leaf, And


our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.


74. Did you notice the second part of the verse?

74. 你有沒有注意經文的後半部?

75. We are dry leaves blown about by the wind

75. 我們像枯乾的葉子,被風吹來吹去

76. When I read this verse, an image of lush green

76. 當我看這段經文時,我的腦海浮現了春天

leaves on a vine in the middle of spring came to mind


77. The vine and the leaves were one and enjoyed harmony

77. 葡萄藤與葉子合而為一,和睦共處

78. But then the leaves decided to leave the vine

78. 但是當葉子決定離開葡萄藤

79. Then an image of dark winter came to mind

79. 黯淡冬天的畫面就浮上了我的腦海

80. I saw dried dead leaves blown around by the wind

80. 我看到枯乾的葉子被風吹散

81. I think this is a very good analogy of our relationship 81. 我認為我們與神的關係,用這個比喻相當 with God


82. Man was in joyful relationship with God

82. 人曾經與神有密切,喜樂的關係

83. Then we left him in the Fall and fell into darkness

83. 然後我們墮落背離祂,掉進黑暗當中


84. Our sins, like the wind, take us away

84. 我們的罪孽如同風一般,把我們吹走

85. Without God, we can‘t help being led around by the

85. 在沒有神的情況下,我們不由自主的被罪

nose by sin


86. You might ask, ―What about the Ten

86. 你可能會問:「十誡呢?」


87. 「十誡是上帝給的」

87. ―God gave the Ten Commandments.

88. 如果我們遵守十誡,不是會使得我們與祂

88. ―Won‘t following them reconcile our relationship with him?‖

的關係和好嗎?」 89. 如果你能奉行不悖,那當然可以

89. Sure, if you could follow them perfectly

90. 想像上帝在一個懸崖上面

90. Imagine God is on top of a cliff

91. 為了跟祂在一塊兒,你試著用鐵鍊爬上懸

91. You are climbing up the cliff on a chain to be with him

92. Now, let me ask: How many links would need to break 92. 我請問你,鐵鍊的環節要拉斷幾個,你才 before you fell?


93. The answer, of course, is ―one‖

93. 答案當然是一個環而已


94. The law is like a chain and each law is like a link in that

94. 律法就如同鐵鍊,每個鐵環就是一條條



95. If you want to climb up the chain and obtain salvation on 95. 假如你要自己爬上去拯救自己,你必須 your own, you have to make sure that none of the links



96. 換言之,你必須在思想、言辭和行為等

96. In other words, you have to follow the law perfectly in


thought, word, and deed

97. 違犯一條律法,就是違犯所有律法

97. If you break one law, you break them all

98. (V. 3) 雅各書 2:10—因為凡是遵守全

98. (V. 3) James 2:10—For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all.

部律法的,只要在一條上失足,就違犯 所有的了

99. You might ask, ―If we can‘t follow the law, why did God

99. 你可能會問:「如果我們無法遵守,神

give it to us?‖


100. Good question. I believe that he gave the law for three main reasons

100. 問得好。我認為神將律法給我們,主 要有三個原因

101. First, to show us his standards for having a relationship 101. 第一,讓我們知道與祂建立關係必須 with him


102. Second, to show us that no matter how hard we try, we can never reach those standards

102. 接著,是要給我們看到,不管我們有多 努力,絕對無法達到祂的標準

(Romans 3:23—all have fallen short of the glory of God.) (羅馬書 3:23—因為人人都犯了罪,虧缺了神 的榮耀)


103. Third, to show us that our situation is desperate and

103. 第三,要讓我們知道情況有多麼急迫,

to drive us to the only way to reconcile with


God—accepting the work that Christ did on our behalf


104. The Book of Romans is the clearest explanation of Christianity in the Bible

104. 羅馬書是整本聖經中,基督教義解釋 的最清楚的

105. For the first two and a half chapters, Paul gives us bad news

105. 在頭兩章之中,保羅向我們報憂 106. 說我們都是罪人,而且因為良知的提

106. He says we are all sinners and each of us knows that this is true because of our conscience

醒,所以我們每一個人都知道這是事 實

107. He says before the Law, we were all in darkness without 107. 他說在神賜予律法之前,我們都在黑 hope


108. We were condemned to eternity without God

108. 我們注定永遠跟神分開

109. After God gave the Law, we continued to be without

109. 在神賜給我們律法之後,我們一樣還

hope, condemned to eternity without God


110. But the Law serves as a spotlight to show us our situation

110. 但是律法作為表明我們景況的鎂光 燈

111. Imagine many people sitting in a dark movie theater watching a movie

111.想像一下,很多人坐在黑暗的電影院 裡看電影


112. They hear strange sounds and smell strange

112. 他們聽到一些奇怪的聲音,聞到奇怪的味道


113. 他們知道有什麼不對勁,但是沒有人尖叫,

113. They know something‘s wrong, but nobody is


screaming or running toward the emergency exit 114. So they just forget it, relax, and watch the movie 115. But then, an usher turns on a flashlight

114. 因此他們把這個想法拋到腦後,放輕鬆,繼 續看電影 115. 但是突然間,一個引座員打開手電筒

116. After pointing to the fire, he shines the flashlight 116. 他先用手電筒指向大火的來源,然後照著唯 on only emergency exit


117. The analogy is pretty clear

117. 這個比喻相當清楚

118. God is the usher, the light is the Law,

118. 引座員是上帝,燈是律法

119. The fire is our desperate situation, and the

119. 火焰指的是迫在眉睫的狀況,緊急出口

emergency exit is Jesus Christ


120. The Law is a light that shows us our sins and points to 120. 律法指出我們的罪,以及唯一可以拯救 the only one who can save us


121. But once we realize our situation and accept God‘s

121. 但是一旦我們了解到自己的狀況,而且

solution to the problem, we are no longer under the




122. We no longer need the flashlight

122. 我們已經不需要手電筒了


123. (V. 4) Galatians 3:24-26 Therefore the Law has

123. (V. 4) 加拉太書 3:24-26 這樣,律法成了

become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we


may be justified by faith. 25 But now that faith has

們可以因信稱義。25 但信的道理既然來

come, we are no longer under a tutor. 26 For you

到,我們就不再在啟蒙教師之下了 26 你們

are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.


(Romans 4:14-15—For if those who are of the Law are heirs, faith

(羅馬書 4:14-15—如果屬於律法的人才能成為後嗣,信

is made void and the promise is nullified 15 for the Law brings about

就沒有作用,應許也就落空了。 15 因為律法帶來刑罰,

wrath, but where there is no law, there also is no violation)


124. In sum, God created us for relationship

124. 總而言之,神為了跟我們建立關係而創造

125. But we can‘t be in relationship with him because of our condition

我們 125. 但是我們的狀況使得我們無法跟祂在一塊

126. He shows us our condition with the law

126. 祂透過律法讓我們看清楚自己的狀況

127. He shows us his plan of salvation in Jesus Christ

127. 祂透過舊約的符號來給我們看耶穌裡的救

with symbols in the Old Testament

128. After Jesus Christ completed the work of

128. 耶穌完成救贖的工作以後,律法和那些象

salvation, the law and the symbols were no longer



129. It‘s plain to see that the Bible is a record of how God 129. 很顯然,聖經是神如何跟我們每一個人 pursues relationship with each one of us


130. Have you accepted his invitation to enter into relationship with him?

130. 祂邀請每一個人與祂建立關係,請問你 是否已經接受祂的邀請,與祂建立關係?

131. My friend is right. Religion is one of the roots of evil in the world

131. 我朋友說的沒有錯:宗教是世界一個重 大的罪惡根源

132. Let us turn our backs on religion and give our hearts to God


132. 讓我們拋開宗教,把心交給上帝

The Scriptures Are an Interwoven Tapestry 神的話語就如同一張錯綜複雜的掛毯 1.

I find the Bible very interesting

1. 我認為聖經很有意思


Despite being written by many writers, it is very

2. 即使出自多位作者之手,內容論調仍然

consistent from beginning to end 3.


Themes can appear and disappear and appear again numerous times throughout the Bible



Like a tapestry, a thread appears first in one place, but 4. 就像一張掛毯,繡線會在某一處出現, then disappears only to reappear later on



You‘ll better understand what I mean if I give you a few 5. 看看下面的例子,你就會明白我的意思 examples


6. 你可能記得約翰福音曾提及,耶穌說過

Do you remember in the Gospel of John, Jesus said that he must be lifted up like the bronze snake in the desert?

7. 8.

祂必須像曠野中的銅蛇被舉起的事 7. (V. 1) 約翰福音 3:14—摩西在曠野怎 樣把銅蛇舉起,人子也必照樣被舉起來

(V. 1) John 3:14. Just as Moses lifted up the snake in

8. 我可以了解「被舉起」指的是死在十字

the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up


I understood that ―lifting up‖ referred to dying on the


cross, but I‘d always wondered why he would say ―like a snake‖ 9.

3. 在聖經中,有些主題出現之後,可能稍

9. 蛇不是很壞嗎?難道蛇不是代表邪 惡?

Aren‘t snakes bad? Don‘t they represent evil?

10. So I did a little reading to better understand this concept

10. 於是,我針對這個問題,做了一點點研 究 11. 耶穌的這句話涉及以色列的一段歷

11. Jesus‘ statement refers to a particular time in Israel‘s history

史,那是一段特殊的年代 12. 當時的以色列人很愛發牢騷

12. The Israelites were complaining… They did that a lot 271

13. 民數記記載:

13. In the book of Numbers, we read the following story

14. (V. 2)民數記 21:4-9—他們從何珥山沿

14. (V. 2) Numbers 21:4-9—and the people became


impatient because of the journey. 5 The people spoke

民因為這條路,心裡煩躁,5 就反抗

against God and Moses, "Why have you brought us up


out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no


food and no water, and we loathe this miserable food." 6


The LORD sent fiery serpents among the people and

淡薄的食物。‖ 6 於是耶和華打發火蛇

they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died.


7 So the people came to Moses and said, "We have

人就死了。7 人民來見摩西,說:―我

sinned, because we have spoken against the LORD and


you; intercede with the LORD, that He may remove the


serpents from us." And Moses interceded for the

開我們。‖於是摩西為眾人禱告。8 耶

people. 8 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Make a fiery


serpent, and set it on a standard; and it shall come


about, that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it,

活。‖9 摩西就做了一條銅蛇,掛在杆

he will live." 9 And Moses made a bronze serpent and


set it on the standard; and it came about, that if a


serpent bit any man, when he looked to the bronze 15. 在曠野待了 40 年之後,以色列人再也 serpent, he lived.


15. After 40 years in the desert, the Israelites were tired

of the heat, the sand, and the long marches

16. God heard the people complain and sent poisonous 16. 上帝聽見他們的怨言,於是派毒蛇竄入以色 snakes among them


17. Many were bitten and many died

17. 毒蛇咬了很多人,許多人死了

18. By the way, you need to realize God wasn‘t being

18. 順便一提,你要了解,神不是要對他們下毒


19. He saw an educational opportunity to teach about sin and death and his solution to them

19. 祂是將這件事當作是機會教育,要教導我們 認識罪、死亡以及神自己的解決之道

20. Next, the people went to Moses and said, ―We 272

20. 後來,民眾前去求告摩西,對他說: 「我們不

shouldn‘t have complained.


21. God has done a great deal for us. Please ask him to

21. 神已經為我們做了許多事,這回願祂將毒蛇

get rid of these snakes‖


22. So Moses prayed and God instructed him to make

22. 於是,摩西祈求神,神便吩咐他造一條銅蛇,

a bronze snake and put it on a tall pole


23. Anyone who was bitten could look at it and live

23. 被蛇咬的人看了銅蛇就得以存活

24. So that‘s what he did and everyone who looked, lived 24. 摩西遵照神的吩咐造銅蛇,看見銅蛇的人 and those who didn‘t, died


25. But what is the significance of the snake?

25. 但是蛇到底代表什麼呢?

26. Do you recall that sin entered the human race

26. 你記不記得,蛇欺騙夏娃之後,人類才犯

through the snake that deceived Eve (Genesis 3:1-6)

27. Lifting up a snake on a pole would be repulsive to anybody

了原罪?(創世紀 3:1-6)

27. 將蛇高掛在杆子上一定使以色列人退避 三舍

28. but it represented the very thing that had poisoned and was killing the Israelites

28. 不過蛇正是當初毒害他們靈命,後來又 使以色列身亡的匪類

29. I think a verse in 2 Corinthians will help answer our 273

29. 哥林多後書有一段經文有助釐清盲點


30. (V. 3) 哥林多後書 5:21—神使那無罪的

30. (V. 3) 2 Corinthians 5:21—He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

替我們成為有罪的,使我們在他裡面成 為神的義

31. The Greek says that ―he became sin‖

31. 這一段經文,希臘文聖經寫成:祂成為 罪

(Also see Galatians 3:13—Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law

(另見加拉太書 3:13—基督替我們受了咒詛,就救贖

by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who


is hung on a tree.")


32. So when Jesus was on the cross, he literally became

32. 也就是說,字面上的意思是當耶穌被掛

the very thing that was poisoning and killing mankind 33. We can even follow another thread that tells us when he became sin

毒、死亡的東西 33. 依循另一條線索,我們一樣可以看出耶

34. (V. 4) Matthew 27:45-46—Now from the sixth hour darkness fell upon all the land until the ninth hour. 46


穌何時承擔我們的罪 34. (V. 4) 馬太福音 27:45-46—從正午到

And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud

下午三點鐘,遍地都黑暗了。46 大約三

voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My


God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"


35. He was quoting Psalm 22, but due to time constraints,


that‘s a thread that I‘ll let you follow on your own later 35. 耶穌引用的是詩篇第 22 篇,不過基於 時間的關係,在這裡我先就此打住,以 Psalm 22:11-18—Be not far from me, for trouble is near; For there is none to help.



Many bulls have surrounded me; Strong bulls of Bashan

have encircled me.


and a roaring lion.


They open wide their mouth at me, As a ravening

詩篇 22:11-18—求你不要遠離我,因為災難臨近

I am poured out like water, And all my bones are

了,卻沒有人幫助我。12 有許多公牛圍著我,巴珊

out of joint; My heart is like wax; It is melted within me. 15My strength

強壯的公牛困住了我。13 他們向我大大地張嘴,像

is dried up like a potsherd, And my tongue cleaves to my jaws; And Thou

抓撕吼叫的獅子。14 我好像水被傾倒出去,我全身

dost lay me in the dust of death.


For dogs have surrounded me; A

band of evildoers has encompassed me; They pierced my hands and my feet.


I can count all my bones. They look, they stare at me;


的骨頭都散脫了,我的心在我裡面像蠟融化。15 我 的精力像瓦片一樣枯乾,我的舌頭緊黏著上顎,你把


我放在死亡的塵土中。16 犬類圍著我,惡黨環繞我,

divide my garments among them, And for my clothing they cast lots.

他們扎了我的手我的腳。17 我能數算我全身的骨頭, 他們卻瞪著眼看我。18 他們彼此分了我的外衣,又

36. As humans, we had the poison of sin flowing through


our veins 37. As such, our destiny was death… eternal separation from God

36. 我們人類血液裡流的是罪的毒液 37. 正因為如此,我們必須面對死亡的宿

38. There was nothing we could do to save ourselves from this destiny, so God came to earth and became the 274

命,也就是永遠與神隔絕 38. 我們沒有辦法靠自己擺脫這個宿命,因

very thing that was killing us


39. Let‘s reread the first verse followed by the next two verses

的死罪 39. 我們再念一遍第一節經文,接著再讀下

40. (V. 5) John 3:14-16—Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up

面兩節 40. (V. 5)約翰福音 3:14-16—摩西在曠野怎

When Jesus was lifted on the cross, he became the


very thing that was had poisoned and was killing

來,15 使所有信他的人都得永生。16―神

mankind 16 That everyone who believes in him may have


eternal life


41. Verse 16 is probably the most well known verse in the Bible

41. 第 16 節大概是整本聖經中最有名的經 文了

42. If you look up at and believe in Christ, you will be saved 42. 如果你抬起頭仰望耶穌,相信祂,你就 43. That‘s the core message of the gospel


44. God has no other plan of salvation

43. 這就是福音的核心訊息

45. It couldn‘t be any simpler

44. 除此之外,上帝沒有準備其他的拯救計

46. Parenthetically, this particular thread appears in the Bible one other time

劃, 45. 但這個做法再簡單不過了

47. (V. 6) 2 Kings 18:1-4—Now it came about in the third year of Hoshea, the son of Elah king of Israel, that

46. 順便提一下,這條「線索」在另一處經 文也出現過一次:

Hezekiah the son of Ahaz king of Judah became king. 2 47. (V. 6) 列王紀下 18:1-4—以色列王以拉 He was twenty-five years old when he became king, and


he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem; and his

斯的兒子希西家登基作王。2 他登基的

mother's name was Abi the daughter of Zechariah. 3


He did right in the sight of the LORD, according to all


that his father David had done. 4 He removed the high

的女兒。3 他行耶和華看為正的事,效

places and broke down the sacred pillars and cut down

法他的祖宗大衛一切所行的。4 他廢去

the Asherah. He also broke in pieces the bronze


serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the


sons of Israel burned incense to it; and it was called




48. This behavior was actually typical of the Israelites

48. 這就是以色列人的習性

49. God would use something to help them, but later they

49. 神藉著某個事物來幫助他們,此後,他 們就敬拜那個東西,不敬拜神

would turn around and worship the very thing he gave them instead of him


50. This is why God commands us to not have any icons 50. 這也是神之所以命令我們不要有任何聖像的 51. He knows how easy it is for us to worship the created instead of the Creator (Romans 1:25) 52. That ends our study of that thread in the

原因, 51. 因為祂知道我們很容易敬拜事奉受造之物, 而不敬拜事奉造物的主(羅 1:25)

tapestry of the Bible. Let‘s look at another

52. 這條線索的研究就到這裡先告一段落。現在

53. (V. 7) Genesis 14:18-20—And Melchizedek king of


Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was a 53. (V. 7) 創世紀 14:18-20—撒冷王麥基洗德也 priest of God Most High. 19 He blessed him and

帶著餅和酒出來;他是至高神的祭司。19 他

said, "Blessed be Abram of God Most High,


Possessor of heaven and earth; 20 And blessed be

的神,賜福給亞伯蘭。20 把敵人交在你手裡

God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies


into your hand." He gave him a tenth of all.


54. What






about 54. 這段經文透露多少麥基洗德的事?


55. 首先,第 55 節告訴我們,麥基洗德是撒冷的

55. First, verse 18 tells us Melchizedek was the king of Salem

王 56. 希伯來文中,「撒冷」是「平安」或「和平」

56. Salem means ―peace‖ and was an early name for Jerusalem

的意思,也是耶路撒冷的古名 57. 因此,麥基洗德是「和平之王」

57. So Melchizedek was the ―King of Peace‖

58. 其次,希伯來文中,「麥基洗德」也是指「公

58. Next, the Hebrew name ―Melchizedek‖ means ―King of Righteousness‖

義的王」 59. 我們還知道他是神的祭司

59. We also know that he was a priest of God

60. 此外,他也給亞伯拉罕餅和酒,給亞伯拉罕

60. He gave Abraham bread and wine and blessed him 61. Abraham gave him a tithe of everything

祝福 61. 亞伯拉罕拿出所得的十分之一給麥基洗德


62. These two actions showed that Melchizedek had a 62. 由這兩件事情,我們可以看出麥基洗德的 higher position than Abraham


63. Let‘s sum up what we know about him so far

63. 到目前為止,我們對麥基洗德的認識有多

64. Melchizedek was king of righteousness, king of peace, and a priest

少? 64. 麥基洗德既是公義之王,又是和平之王,

65. He was greater than Abraham, he gave bread and wine, and he gave blessings

他也是祭司, 65. 他的地位比亞伯拉罕高,他給人祝福,他

66. Do these clues remind you of anybody? They should


67. Jesus is the king of righteousness, king of peace, and 66. 從這些線索,你是否想起某個人?應該有 our High Priest

68. Aren‘t bread and wine the symbols of communion? 69. It sounds to me like Melchizedek represents Jesus

67. 耶穌是公義之王,和平之君,以及我們的 大祭司

70. There is much more here, but due to time restraints, 68. 餅跟酒不是代表聖餐嗎? I‘ll let you look at them on your own later

69. 在我看來,麥基洗德代表耶穌

71. The thread of Melchizedek doesn‘t reappear until we 70. 這段經文還有很多可以挖掘的寶藏,但是 get to Psalms


72. (V. 8) Psalm 110:4—The LORD has sworn and will not


change His mind, "You are a priest forever according 71. 麥基洗德這條線索一直到詩篇才會再次 to the order of Melchizedek."


73. David mentions him here, but frankly, we have no idea 72. (V. 8) 詩篇 110:4—耶和華起了誓,就決 what he is talking about


74. It doesn't make sense until Hebrews tells us that Jesus is our great high priest

麥基洗德的體系。 73. 大衛王在這一句經文提到麥基洗德,但

75. I encourage you to read the passage later on your own


76. It is a bit long, but it is very interesting

的意思。 74. 到了希伯來書,作者告訴我們耶穌是我們

(Hebrews 7—1 For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the


Most High God, who met Abraham as he was returning from the

75. 我鼓勵各位回去自己重讀這段經文

slaughter of the kings and blessed him, 2 to whom also Abraham

76. 有點長,但是也很有意思

apportioned a tenth part of all the spoils, was first of all, by the


translation of his name, king of r ighteousness, and then also king of

(希伯來書第七章—1 這麥基洗德就是撒冷王,又是至高

Salem, which is king of peace. 3 Without father, without mother,


without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life,

接他,並且給他祝福。2 亞伯拉罕也把自己得來的一

but made like the Son of God, he remains a priest perpetually. 4 Now


observe how great this man was to whom Abraham, the patriarch,


gave a tenth of the choicest spoils. 5 And those indeed of the sons

安的王‖的意思。3 他沒有父親,沒有母親,沒有族譜,

of Levi who receive the priest's office have commandment in the Law


to collect a tenth from the people, that is, from their brethren,

司。麥基洗德的祭司職分 4 你們想一想這人是多麼偉大

although these are descended from Abraham. 6 But the one whose


genealogy is not traced from them collected a tenth from Abraham

來給了他。5 那些領受祭司職分的利未子孫,奉命按照

and blessed the one who had the promises. 7 But without any dispute


the lesser is blessed by the greater. 8 In this case mortal men receive

們都是出於亞伯拉罕的。6 可是那不與他們同譜系的麥

tithes, but in that case one receives them, of whom it is witnessed


that he lives on. 9 And, so to speak, through Abraham even Levi, who

受應許的人祝福。7 向來都是位分大的給位分小的祝

received tithes, paid tithes, 10 for he was still in the loins of his

福,這是毫無疑問的。8 在這裡,收取十分之一的,都

father when Melchizedek met him. 11 Now if perfection was through


the Levitical priesthood (for on the basis of it the people received the

位活著的。9 並且可以這樣說,連那收取十分之一的利

Law), what further need was there for another priest to arise

未,也透過亞伯拉罕繳納了十分之一。 10 因為麥基洗

according to the order of Melchizedek, and not be designated


according to the order of Aaron? 12 For when the priesthood is

耶穌按麥基洗德體系作祭司 11 這樣看來,如果藉著利

changed, of necessity there takes place a change of law also. 13 For


the one concerning whom these things are spoken belongs to another


tribe, from which no one has officiated at the altar. 14 For it is

外興起一位祭司,而不照著亞倫的體系呢? 12 祭司的

evident that our Lord was descended from Judah, a tribe with

制度既然更改了,律法也必須更改。 13 因為這些話所

reference to which Moses spoke nothing concerning priests. 15 And


this is clearer still, if another priest arises according to the likeness

人在祭壇前供職。14 我們的主明明是從猶大支派出來

of Melchizedek, 16 who has become such not on the basis of a law of

的,關於這個支派,摩西並沒有提及祭司的事。 15 如

physical requirement, but according to the power of an indestructible


life. 17 For it is attested of Him, "YOU ARE A PRIEST FOREVER

所說的就更明顯了。16 他成了祭司,不是按著律法上


肉身的條例,卻是按著不能毀壞的生命的大能。 17 因

hand, there is a setting aside of a former commandment because of


its weakness and uselessness 19 (for the Law made nothing perfect),

的體系。‖18 一方面,從前的條例因為軟弱,沒有用處,

and on the other hand there is a br inging in of a better hope, through


which we draw near to God. 20 And inasmuch as it was not without


an oath 21 (for they indeed became priests without an oath, but He

就可以親近神。20 此外,還有關於誓言的事。其他成

with an oath through the One who said to Him, "THE LORD HAS

為祭司的,並不是用誓言立的; 21 只有耶穌是用誓言


立的,因為那立他的對他說: ―主已經起了誓,決不改

FOREVER'"); 22 so much the more also Jesus has become the

變,你永遠作祭司。‖22 耶穌既然是用誓言立的,就成


guarantee of a better covenant. 23 The former priests, on the one

了更美好的約的保證。23 一方面,從前那些作祭司的,

hand, existed in greater numbers because they were prevented by

因為受死亡的限制,不能長久留任,所以人數眾多。 24

death from continuing, 24 but Jesus, on the other hand, because He


continues forever, holds His priesthood permanently. 25 Therefore

的祭司職位。25 因此,那些靠著他進到

He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through

他都能拯救到底;因為他長遠活著,為他們代求。 26

Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. 26 For it


was fitting for us to have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled,


separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens; 27 who does

27 他不必像那些大祭司,天天先為自己的罪獻祭,然

not need daily, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first


for His own sins and then for the sins of the people, because this He

而永遠的成全了。28 律法所立的大祭司,都是軟弱的

did once for all when He offered up Himself. 28 For the Law appoints


men as high priests who are weak, but the word of the oath, which



came after the Law, appoints a Son, made perfect forever.

77. 耶穌來自猷大支派,祂是正義之王,也是 77. Jesus is from the tribe of Judah and is the King of Righteousness and the King of Peace

和平之君。 78. 祂是大祭司,但祂不屬於利未支派。

78. He is the High Priest, but he‘s not from the tribe of 79. 這一段經文有趣之處在於指出基督以大 Levi


79. Now, it is interesting that he refers to Christ as 80. (V. 9) 約翰一書 2:1 在父的面前,有一位 making intercession for us as our great high priest


80. (V. 9) 1 John 2:1—Wherefore we have a great high 81. 你有沒有發現,上帝的話是如此巧妙地前 priest, even Jesus Christ the righteous


81. Do you see how the word of God is so beautifully tied 82. 總結以上我們查看的線索,我認為麥基洗 together


82. I believe that Melchizedek was none other than 83. 接下來,我們來看看另一條相關的線索 Jesus Christ

84. 還記得耶穌曾對法利賽人說什麼嗎?

83. Let‘s check out a related thread

85. (V. 10) John 8:56-58—你們的祖宗亞伯

84. Remember what Jesus said to the Pharisees?


85. (V. 10)

8:56-58—"Your father Abraham

然看見了,他就很快樂。‖57 猶太人對他

rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad."


57 So the Jews said to Him, "You are not yet fifty

罕呢?‖58 耶穌說:―我實實在在告訴你

years old, and have You seen Abraham ?" 58 Jesus



said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before 86. 第 56 節這樣寫:你們的祖宗亞伯拉罕, Abraham was born, I am.


86. Verse 56 says, ―Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.‖

了,他就很快樂 87. 亞伯拉罕在耶穌出生 2000多年前就死了

87. Abraham died over 2000 years before Jesus was 88. 耶穌怎麼會說:亞伯拉罕看過我,他就很 born

快樂? 279

88. Why would Jesus say, ―Abraham saw me and was 89. 很多基督徒認為耶穌指的是麥基洗德 glad‖? 89. Many Christians believe that Jesus was referring to the story of Melchizedek

90. Isn‘t it interesting how these threads appear and 90. 這些線索不斷浮現,不是很有意思嗎? reappear?

91. 再來看看聖經的另一條線索

91. Let‘s look at another thread in the Bible

92. (V. 11) 出埃及記 21:2-6—如果你買希伯

92. (V. 11) Exodus 21:2-6—If you buy a Hebrew slave, he


shall serve for six years; but on the seventh he shall

他可以自由出去,不必補償甚麼。3 他若

go out as a free man without payment. 3 "If he comes


alone, he shall go out alone; if he is the husband of a

之夫,他的妻子就可以和他同去。4 他的

wife, then his wife shall go out with him. 4 "If his


master gives him a wife, and she bears him sons or


daughters, the wife and her children shall belong to

己要單獨出去。5 如果那奴僕明明說:‗我

her master, and he shall go out alone. 5 "But if the


slave plainly says, 'I love my master, my wife and my

出去。‘6 他的主人就要把他帶到審判官

children; I will not go out as a free man,' 6 then his


master shall bring him to God, then he shall bring him


to the door or the doorpost. And his master shall


pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him



93. 在舊約時代,僕役服事七年之後,主人會

93. In the Old Testament, after seven years, a master would tell his slave, ―It's time for you to go free‖


94. 但是僕人也可以說:「我愛我的主人,他 對我很好,我不想要自由,我想服事他」 94. But you could say, "But I love my master. He treats me well. I don't want to go free. I want to serve him."


95. Your master could then bring you before the judges

95. 主人就會將僕人帶到審判官面前

96. By the way, the Hebrew word here is ―elohim‖ which is 96. 這裡的「審判官」的希伯來文原文是 the word for ―gods‖


97. We talked about this before. It is correctly translated 97. 我們之前討論過這個問題。這裡把這個 here as ―judges‖


98. So in front of judges, your master takes an awl and 98. 主人會在審判官面前拿一隻鑽子穿過僕 人的耳垂 runs it through your earlobe

99. Generally speaking, he would put a gold ring in your 99. 一般而言,他會把黃金做的耳環穿進 pierced ear, indicating that you were now a slave by




100. This is the first time that this thread appears, but 100. 這是這條線索第一次出現,後來又有 there is an interesting prophecy concerning Jesus



101. (V. 12) Psalm 40:6—My ears you have pierced 102. In a figurative sense, Christ had a pierced ear

101. (V. 12) 詩篇 40:6—你開通了我的耳 朵

103. That is to say, by choice he submitted to the will of the 102. 就比喻的層面來說,耶穌有穿耳洞 Father

103. 也就是說,祂自己選擇順服天父的旨

104. (V. 13) Philippians 2:6-7—Who, being in the form of

God, and thought it not robbery to be equal with God, 104. (V. 13) 腓立比書 2:6-7—他本來有神 yet emptied Himself, became of no reputation, humbled


Himself and became as a servant

位, 7 反而倒空自己,取了奴僕的形

105. He willingly submitted himself to the Father's will, to serve the Father

象,成為人的樣式 105. 祂自願順服天父的旨意,甘願服事祂

106. Now, in a figurative sense, I think that having a pierced 106. 那麼,就某種意義而言,我認為「穿 281

ear is the highest goal that we can strive for


107. It is slavery by choice

107. 意思就是自願作為僕人

108. We don't have to serve him; we don't have to be his

108. 我們不一定要服事神,不是非得要當

slave, but we should want to be his slaves


109. We should really want everything that we are and own to belong to him

的僕人 109. 我們真的應該認定我們自己以及所擁

110. New Testament writers liked to begin their letters with Paul, Peter, or Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ…

有的一切都屬於祂 110. 新約的作者寫那些書信時,喜歡以自

111. They loved the title


112. There is nothing better than being a servant of Jesus




113. We should desire that he bring us to the post and 112. 最喜樂的事莫過於自己選擇作耶穌基 pierce our ear with an awl to show that we are servants by choice

督的僕人。 113. 我們應當期盼祂帶我們走向那個門

114. It isn't forced upon us, but we love him and want to serve him

柱,用錐子穿過我們的耳朵,讓人知道 我們是自願作僕人

115. The choice of being a slave was irrevocable

114. 祂從來沒有強迫我們,但是我們愛

116. Once your ear was pierced, you were a servant for life 117. Isn‘t it interesting how threads appear and disappear and reappear?

祂,想要服事祂 115. 一旦自願作僕人,就不能反悔 116. 一旦穿了耳洞,你就一生作僕人了

118. Do you see why I say the Bible is like a huge tapestry? 119. By the way, many new Christians try to read the Bible all the way through from beginning to end

117. 這一條條線索出現,消失,後來又再 出現,是不是很有趣? 118. 你現在了解我說聖經像一張巨大掛毯

120. Although I commend them for their enthusiasm, I can‘t think of anything more painful

的意思了吧? 119. 順便再提一下,很多新的基督徒都會

121. If you have insomnia, try reading the Old Testament, you‘ll fall asleep in no time

想要把聖經從頭到尾讀過一遍 120. 雖然熱忱可嘉,實行起來卻是相當痛

122. I recommend reading the New Testament three or four times first before reading the Old Testament 123. This is because the New Testament is the key for understanding the Old Testament

苦 121. 如果你有失眠的問題,你不妨讀一讀 舊約,很快就會睡著 122. 我建議你先把新約看個三、四遍,再

124. Once you are familiar with symbols and concepts in the


New Testament, when you go back to the Old

123. 因為新約是理解舊約的鑰匙

Testament, you‘ll recognize them

124. 你一旦熟悉新約的種種象徵與觀念,

125. That will help you recognize the threads much easier and the Bible will be much more interesting

再讀舊約就比較能掌握文內的意義 125. 這樣會幫助你也看出聖經裡的線索, 讀起聖經來才更容易體會箇中滋味


Seeking Happiness in the Wrong Things 追求快樂,找錯方向 1.

Pascal observed that ―all men seek happiness‖


This is without exception in everything they do


Whether they go to war or try to avoid war

2. 不管他們做什麼都不例外


It is the motive of every action of every man

3. 不論是上戰場,或迴避戰爭


Even those who hang themselves

4. 追求快樂是每一個人每一個行動的動機


The problem is people turn to the wrong things in 5. 即使上吊自殺的人,也是如此 their search for happiness


They think happiness can be found in possessions,

得他們想要的快樂 7. 他們誤以為財物、聲望或權力,會帶來

That is why ads don‘t try to sell you products directly



6. 問題是,人往往追求錯誤的事物,來獲

popularity, or power 8.

1. 法國哲學家巴斯卡曾經說過:所有的人

快樂 8. 也因此廣告往往不會直接推銷產品

They try to associate happiness with the products 9. 它們會試著將所推銷的產品跟快樂連結 they are selling


10. ―Buy our car and you will be happy‖

10. 如;買我們的車子,你就會快樂

11. ―Drink our beer and you‘ll have fun‖

11. 喝我們的啤酒,保證你玩得開心

12. ―Wear our cologne and women will love you‖

12. 擦我們的古龍水,女人都會愛你

13. George Wilder said that men desire, but they don‘t 13. George Wilder 曾經說過,人都有欲 know what they desire


14. They run, but they forget what their goal is

14. 他們會跑,但是忘記了目標是什麼

15. They compete, but they forget what the prize is

15. 他們會競爭,但是卻不記得獎品是什麼

16. They seek power and glory, but they miss the 16. 他們追求權力與榮耀,卻錯失了人生的 meaning of life


17. Life without meaning is a tragedy

17. 人生沒有意義會很悲慘

18. In the book Don Quixote, Quixote tells his friend 18. 在唐吉趷德一書中,唐吉坷德跟他朋友 about holding in his arms soldiers who were dying


19. He said, ―Their eyes seemed to be asking a question‖ 19. 他說:―他們的眼睛似乎在問一個問題。‖ 20. His friend asked, ―Were they asking, Why am I 20. 朋友問他:―他們是不是在問:我為什麼 dying?


21. Quixote replied, ―No, it was the question, ―Why was 21. 唐吉坷德回答:―不是,他們問的是:我 I living?‖ 22. Perhaps, Shakespeare said it best

本來是為什麼而活的?‖ in Macbeth 22. 或許莎士比亞在馬克白的描述最一針見

when he was describing life without meaning 23. (V. 1) Tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow

血 23. (V. 1)明天、明天、再一個明天,

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day

一天接著一天地躡腳前進, 283

To the last syllable of recorded time;


And all our yesterdays have lighted fools


The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle


Life‘s but a walking shadow, a poor player


That struts and frets his hour upon the stage


And then is heard no more.


It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury


Signifying nothing


24. This is the logical conclusion to life without higher meaning

狂怒,毫無意義。 24. 如果人生中沒有找到真正的意義,這種

25. But few people find higher meaning. Why is that?


26. One reason is that most people without Christ don‘t 25. 但是卻很少人能夠找到人生真正的意 look inward


27. They avoid ultimate questions by focusing their 26. 其中一個原因是,生命裡沒有耶穌的 attention on their hour on stage


28. Another reason is we as humans love to pursue 27. 他們把注意力集中在世界舞臺上短短的 escape and amusement, rather than think


29. It is interesting that in Greek, the word ―muse‖ 28. 另一個原因是,人喜歡逃避現實,追求 means ―to think‖


30. And ―a‖ means ―not‖

29. 有趣的是,―muse‖在希臘文的意思是―思

31. So ―amusement‖ means to not think


32. Isn‘t it interesting that amusement is the opposite 30. 而且―A‖是―不‖的意思 of thinking?

31. 也就是說,―amusement‖的意思就是―不

33. I believe this increasingly true in today‘s world with TV and Hollywood movies

思考‖ 32. 因此娛樂和思考的意義是相反的,有意

34. In many cases, people only confront questions like


the meaning of life when they are faced with 33. 我認為在充斥著好萊塢電影和電視節目 tragedy and loss


35. But they only do so for short periods of time 36. After that, they go back to seeking other things

34. 人們通常只會在經歷悲痛和失落的時 候,才會去思考人生的意義

37. That is why I believe that God doesn‘t cause bad 35. 但是他們只是做短暫地思考 things in our world

36. 很快的,他們會回頭繼續追求其他事物

38. But he does use tragedy and loss to cause us to stop 37. 因此我認為不是上帝造成世界上的壞事 and think about the meaning of life

38. 但是祂會藉由各種悲劇,或讓我們失去

39. And he is the meaning of life


40. He wants us to look to him, to trust in him

39. 而祂就是人生的意義

41. I also believe that as we get closer to Christ‘s

40. 祂希望我們仰望祂,信賴祂

second coming, we will see more and more bad things 41. 我也相信隨著耶穌即將再來,我們會看 284

happen in the world


42. God is trying to get our attention before it‘s too 42. 因此,上帝想要引起我們的注意,以免 late


43. We must ask ourselves

43. 我們不得不捫心自問

44. If an infinite and personal God created the universe 44. 如果一個無限且關心你個人的神創造了 45. and he offers us the wonderful privilege of enjoying an endless relationship with him

宇宙 45. 而且祂也給我們特權享受與祂永恆的關

46. and that is the meaning of life

47. then any other things that we pursue in life cannot 46. 這就是人生的意義 compare

47. 沒有一件我們所追求的東西可以比得上

48. Pascal also said that man once had true happiness 49. Now, all that remains is a dark empty hole

祂 48. 巴斯卡也曾說過,人類曾經有過真正的

50. We try to fill it with things around us, but they are


all inadequate, because the hole can only be filled by 49. 但是現在我們心裡只剩下一個黑洞 God himself

50. 我們試圖用周圍的各種人事物來填補那

51. And we won‘t be satisfied until it is filled by him


52. God created us that way


53. (V. 2) Ecclesiastes 3:11—He has made everything 51. 沒有祂的填補,我們永遠都無法滿足 appropriate in its time He has also set eternity in 52. 因為神是這樣創造我們 their heart, yet so that man will not find out the 53. (V. 2) 傳 3:11 神造萬物,各按其時成 work which God has done from the beginning even to


the end.

―永生‖原文作―永遠‖)。然而 神從始至終

54. St. Augustine wrote, ―You have made us for yourself, O Lord

的作為,人不能參透。 54. 聖奧古斯丁寫到:主啊,你為了自己而

55. And our hearts are restless until they rest in you‖


56. That was the meaning of the Sabbath in the Old 55. 我們的心一直無法感到滿足,直到安息 Testament


57. Christ is our Sabbath; He is our rest

56. 這就是聖經舊約中的安息日的意思

58. (V. 3) John 6:67-68 So Jesus said to the twelve, 57. 安息日代表耶穌基督;祂就是我們的安 "You do not want to go away also, do you?"



Peter answered Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? 58. (V. 3)約 6:67-68 耶穌就對那十二個 You have words of eternal life.‖

門徒說:―你們也要去嗎?‖68 西門彼得

59. Jesus asked the disciples, ―Do you want to leave me, too?‖

回答說:―主啊,你有永生之道,我們還 歸從誰呢?

60. But Peter answered "Lord, to whom shall we go? You 59. 當耶穌問門徒:―你們也要離開我嗎?‖ have words of eternal life

60. 彼得回答說:―主啊,你有永生之道,我

61. He understood that without Christ, there are no other options

們還能歸從誰呢? 61. 他明白除了耶穌,沒有其他的選擇


62. This is the truth that every believer must come to admit

62. 這是一個每個信徒必須承認的真理 63. 有時候我們會感到氣餒,想要離開神

63. In times when we are tempted to despair and to 64. 但其實我們別無去處,我們只能依靠祂 abandon our walk with God 64. But there is in fact no where else to turn but to him


Self-seeking Religious Leaders 追逐利益宗教領袖 1.

Today, I‘d like to talk about two things that affect the 1. 我們今天要討論兩件影響很多人宗 religious beliefs of many people



First, many people consider their traditions more 2. 首先,很多人認為他們的傳統比神 important than the Word of God



Second, many people, especially religious leaders, have a 3. 第二,很多人,尤其是宗教領袖, vested interest in the status quo



As such, they don‘t want to see the status quo changed


Our first example takes place after Jesus‘ death and 5. 我們第一個例子,發生在耶穌的死 resurrection

6. 7.


In Acts 3, 4, and 5, we read about Peter and John 6. 在使徒行傳第三、四以及第五章, healing a man who had been lame all his life


The story is long, so we will only read the Chinese and


we will do some skipping 8.

4. 因此,他們並不希望改變現狀

7. 故事太長了,所以我們只看中文,

(V. 1) Acts 3:1-10 Now Peter and John were going up to


the temple at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer. 2 And a 8. (V. 1) 徒 3:1-10 申初禱告的時 man who had been lame from his mother's womb was

候,彼得、約翰上聖殿去。2 有一

being carried along, whom they used to set down every


day at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful,


in order to beg alms of those who were entering the

美門) ,要求進殿的人賙濟。3 他看


temple. When he saw Peter and John about to go into


the temple, he began asking to receive alms. 4 But Peter,

賙濟。4 彼得、約翰定睛看他。彼

along with John, fixed his gaze on him and said, "Look at

得說:―你看我們!‖5 那人就留意看


us!" And he began to give them his attention, expecting 6

他們,指望得著甚麼。6 彼得說:―金

to receive something from them. But Peter said, "I do


not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to


you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene--walk!"

起來行走!‖7 於是拉著他的右


And seizing him by the right hand, he raised him up;


immediately his feet and

his ankles were


手,扶他起來。他的腳和踝子骨立 刻健壯了,8 就跳起來,站著,又

strengthened. With a leap he stood upright and began


to walk; and he entered the temple with them, walking

讚美 神。9 百姓都看見他行走,讚


and leaping and praising God. And all the people saw him 10

美 神,10 認得他是那素常坐在殿

walking and praising God; and they were taking note of


him as being the one who used to sit at the Beautiful


Gate of the temple to beg alms, and they were filled 9. (V. 2) 徒 4:1-22 使徒對百姓說話 287


with wonder and amazement at what had happened to



人忽然來了。2 因他們教訓百姓,

(V. 2) Acts 4:1-22 As they were speaking to the people,


the priests and the captain of the temple guard and the

惱,3 於是下手拿住他們。因為天


Sadducees came up to them, being greatly disturbed


because they were teaching the people and proclaiming


in Jesus the resurrection from the dead. 3 And they laid

約到五千。5 第二天,官府、長老

hands on them and put them in jail until the next day,

和文士在耶路撒冷聚會,6 又有大


for it was already evening. But many of those who had


heard the message believed; and the number of the men

大,並大祭司的親族都在那裡;7 叫

came to be about five thousand. On the next day, their


rulers and elders and scribes were gathered together in


Jerusalem; 6 and Annas the high priest was there, and

呢?‖8 那時,彼得被聖靈充滿,對

Caiaphas and John and Alexander, and all who were of

他們說:9 ―治民的官府和長老啊,



high-priestly descent. When they had placed them in


the center, they began to inquire, "By what power, or in


what name, have you done this?" 8 Then Peter, filled with

愈,10 你們眾人和以色列百姓都當

the Holy Spirit, said to them, "Rulers and elders of the


people, 9 if we are on trial today for a benefit done to a

愈,是因你們所釘十字架、 神叫他


sick man, as to how this man has been made well,

let it


be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel,

名。11 他是你們‗匠人所棄的石頭,

that by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom

已成了房角的頭塊石頭。‘12 除他以

you crucified, whom God raised from the dead--by this


name this man stands here before you in good health.




救。‖13 他們見彼得、約翰的膽量,



CORNER stone. 1 2 "And there is salvation in no one else;


for there is no other name under heaven that has been

14 又看見那治好了的人和他們一

given among men by which we must be saved."


Now as

同站著,就無話可駁。15 於是吩咐

they observed the confidence of Peter and John and


understood that they were uneducated and untrained

16 ―我們當怎樣辦這兩個人呢?因

men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as


having been with Jesus.


And seeing the man who had


been healed standing with them, they had nothing to say

不能說沒有。17 惟恐這事越發傳揚

in reply. But when they had ordered them to leave the




Council, they began to confer with one another, saying,

們不再奉這名對人講論。‖18 於是

"What shall we do with these men? For the fact that a


noteworthy miracle has taken place through them is

耶穌的名講論、教訓人。19 彼得、


apparent to all who live in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it.


約翰說:―聽從你們,不聽從 神,這

"But so that it will not spread any further

在 神面前合理不合理,你們自己酌

among the people, let us warn them to speak no longer

量吧!20 我們所看見、所聽見的,

to any man in this name."


And when they had

summoned them, they commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus.


不能不說。‖21 官長為百姓的緣 故,想不出法子刑罰他們,又恐嚇

But Peter and John


answered and said to them, "Whether it is right in the

為所行的奇事,都歸榮耀與 神。22

sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you


be the judge; 20 for we cannot stop speaking about what


we have seen and heard."


When they had threatened 10. 故事一直持續到第五章,那個部份

them further, they let them go (finding no basis on


which to punish them) on account of the people, because 11. 在我們剛剛看的經文裡,彼得與約 they were all glorifying God for what had happened;




for the man was more than forty years old on whom

this miracle of healing had been performed. 10. The story continues in chapter five and we will read a verse from there in a minute

12. 結果,大家都開開心心地讚美主, 除了猶太的領導人 13. 他們並不是因為彼得做了什麼壞事

11. In what we just read, Peter and John did a good thing—they healed a lame man

才不高興 14. 猶太領導人無法否認神蹟的發生

12. As a result, everybody was happy and praised God, 15. 而且彼得說他們殺了耶穌,他們也 everybody except the Jewish leaders


13. They were unhappy, not because Peter did or said 16. 第十四節,彼得說我們以耶穌的名 something wrong


14. The Jewish leaders couldn‘t deny that the miracle took 17. 第十六節,他們承認有神蹟發生, place


15. And they couldn‘t deny it when he said that they killed 18. 然後在第二十一節,領導人放走了 Jesus


16. In verse 14, after Peter said we did these things in Jesus name, the leaders ―had nothing to say in reply‖ 17. In verse 16, they admit that a miracle had taken place, saying ―we cannot deny it‖

可以處罰他們‖ 19. 你剛剛注意到在第四章第一節是誰 盤問彼得與約翰嗎?是撒都該人 20. 當時,猶太領導人有兩個派別—法利

18. Then in verse 21, they let them go, because they could find ―no basis on which to punish them‖

賽人和撒都該人 21. 法利賽人與撒都該人有什麼不同

19. Did you notice in verse one who it was that questioned Peter and John? It was the Sadducees

呢? 22. 撒都該人不相信人會復活

20. There were two main factions among the Jewish 23. 那麼,為什麼那些猶太領導會那麼 leaders—the Pharisees and Sadducees


21. How did… the Pharisees differ from… the Sadducees? 289

24. 他們不高興的原因是彼得與約翰以

22. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection 23. So why were the Jewish leaders so upset?

耶穌的名行神蹟 25. 彼得說他所行的神蹟,證明耶穌已

24. They were upset because Peter and John had performed miracles in the name of Jesus

經復活,而且在天上坐在天父身邊 26. 如果他說的沒錯,那麼撒都該人所

25. Peter says that the miracle he performed is evidence


that Jesus has risen again and is seated next to the

27. 而且,真的有復活這件事

Father in heaven

28. 你可能會以為,身為宗教領導人,

26. If this was true, then what the Sadducees was teaching was wrong

他們會想知道真理,而且會願意承 認自己的錯

27. And there really is a resurrection

29. 但是未必是這樣,尤其是領導人,

28. They were religious leaders, so you would think that they would want to know the truth and would be the first to admit they were wrong

因為,他們可能會覺得如果民眾發 現他們錯了,他們的損失就大了 30. 如果使徒說得對,這就意味著他們

29. but that‘s not necessarily the case, especially among leaders, because they feel they have a lot to lose if people find out that they are wrong

所教的錯了,而這會威脅到他們的 身份與地位 31. 但是與其改變他們自己錯誤的觀

30. If what the apostles said was right, that would mean that what they had been teaching was wrong and that would threaten their position and status

念,他們寧願強迫彼得與約翰不要 再提起關於耶穌的事了 32. 可是,彼得與約翰不理會他們並繼

31. But instead of changing their incorrect teachings, they threatened Peter and John and told them to not talk about Jesus any more

續勇敢地講道,所以猶太領導人將 他們逮捕並且關在牢裡 33. 一位天使把他們放了出來,而且叫

32. When Peter and John ignored them and continued to


preach boldly, the Jewish leaders arrested them and 34. 然後,領導人又叫人帶他們進來; put them in jail

使徒行傳第五章第 28 節裡提到,這

33. An angel let them out of jail and told them to continue preaching

些領導說,我們不是嚴禁你們奉耶 穌的名講道嗎?

34. Then the Jewish leaders had them brought in again and 35. 你們不只繼續教導耶穌的事情,還 Acts 5:28 says that they said, ―we commanded you to stop preaching about Jesus‖

說是我們殺了祂 36. 彼得對他們說,但的確是你們殺了

35. And not only are you preaching about Jesus, you are saying that we killed him

祂 37. 先前很懦弱的彼得,怎麼會變得這

36. Peter says, you did kill him


37. How did cowardly Peter become so courageous? Now, he


is even criticizing the leaders to their faces 38. Let‘s compare the reactions of the leaders and those of the common people to Peter‘s preaching

38. 我們來比較領導人以及一般民眾對 彼得講道的反應 39. 在使徒行傳前面的部分,彼得對猶

39. Earlier in Acts, Peter says the same thing to the people 290


of Israel

40. (V. 3) 徒 3:14-16 你們棄絕了那

40. (V. 3) Acts 3:14-16 "But you disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked for a murderer to be granted to you,


but put to death the Prince of life, the one

whom God raised from the dead, a fact to which we are 16

聖潔公義者,反求著釋放一個兇手 給你們。15 你們殺了那生命的主, 神卻叫他從死裡復活了,我們都是 為這事作見證。16 我們因信他的

witnesses. "And on the basis of faith in His name, it is


the name of Jesus which has strengthened this man


whom you see and know; and the faith which comes


through Him has given him this perfect health in the


presence of you all.

41. 他們的反應如何呢?答案在使徒行

41. How did they react? Let‘s look at Acts 4:4 for the answer

傳第四章第 4 節 42. (V. 4) 徒 4:4 但聽道之人有許多

42. (V. 4) Acts 4:4 But many of those who had heard the


message believed; and the number of the men came to 43. 根據四章第 4 節,很多人的反應就 be about five thousand


43. According to Acts 4:4, many responded by believing

44. 但是,當彼得對領導人說了同樣的

44. But when Peter says the same thing to the leaders,


they, too, are touched in their hearts, but how do they



45. 答案就在五章第 33 節

45. Let‘s look at Acts 5:33 for the answer

46. (V. 5) 徒 5:33 公會的人聽見就極

46. (V. 5) Acts 5:33 But when they heard this, they were cut to the quick and intended to kill them.

惱羞成怒,想要殺掉他們。 47. 他們聽到的訊息是一樣的,但是他

47. They heard the same message, but instead of believing in Jesus, they wanted to kill them

們不但不信耶穌,反而想要殺死彼 得與約翰

48. The gospel either convicts or enrages

48. 福音使某些人悔改,也使另一些人

49. The Jewish leaders were more concerned about


maintaining the status quo, more interested in their 49. 猶太領導人想要維持現況,他們在 income, position, and status than in God and in the truth 50. There are many other examples in the Bible of leaders

意的是自己的收入、身份以及地 位,而非上帝與真理

being more concerned with their own interests than in 50. 聖經裡還有很多其他的例子,顯示 the truth


51. The most obvious is the ongoing conflict between Jesus 51. 最明顯的例子就是耶穌以及猶太領 and the Jewish leaders


52. The four gospels show that throughout his three and a 52. 四部福音書都顯示,在耶穌三年半 half year ministry, the Jewish leaders opposed him and


increasingly hated him


53. In the end, they hated him so much that they killed him 53. 最終,他們如此地憎恨耶穌,以至 54. He did nothing bad; rather, he healed the sick and 291


taught people to seek and love God and to love others 55. You would think that these are good things and anybody would be happy to see him do them, but the Jewish leaders didn‘t like them

54. 祂並沒有做任何壞事,而是醫治了 病人,也教導眾人要追求神,愛神, 還要愛他人 55. 大家應該會認為這些都是好事,任

56. Why? He threatened their livelihoods, status, and positions

何人會樂觀其成,但是猶太領導人 並不喜歡

57. When Jesus cleansed the Temple, for example, he drove away sellers and money changers

56. 為什麼呢?因為祂威脅到他們的生 計,身份以及地位

58. The Jewish leaders allowed the sellers and money 57. 比如,耶穌潔淨聖殿的時候,祂趕 changers in the Temple, because they made a commission

58. 猶太領導人允許這些人在聖殿從事

59. So when Jesus drove out the sellers and money changers, he threatened their livelihoods

交易,因為他們可以從中賺取佣金 59. 因此,當耶穌趕走了商人的同時,

60. They also depended on their traditions for their position

也威脅到領導人的收入 60. 另外,領導人的身份跟他們的傳統

61. They told the crowds that they were the only ones qualified to interpret the traditions 62. When






也有非常大的關係 61. 他們跟民眾說,只有他們才有資格



unimportant, he threatened their position

詮釋傳統 62. 所以,耶穌說他們的傳統不重要的

63. What‘s more, a leader depends on followers for status 64. A leader without followers is no leader at all

時候,祂便威脅到他們的身份 63. 再者,領導人需要追隨者才有地位

65. The gospels say that the people stopped following the 64. 沒有追隨者的領導人根本算不上領 Jewish leaders and started following Jesus 66. This threatened the status of the Jewish leaders 67. So we can see, that the Jewish leaders felt that Jesus‘

導人 65. 福音書說,民眾開始追隨耶穌,不 再追隨猶太領導人

very existence threatened their livelihoods, positions, 66. 這威脅猶太領導人的地位 and status

67. 因此,我們可以發現,耶穌的存在

68. In the end, the Jewish leader hated him so much that they had him crucified

威脅了他們的生計、身份與地位 68. 到最後,他們對耶穌恨之入骨,以

69. They did all of this, not because he was a bad man or because he did anything wrong

至於將祂釘在十字架上 69. 他們做了這些,不是因為祂是壞人

70. The Roman leader Pontius Pilate even said ―I find nothing wrong with this man‖

或祂做錯什麼事 70. 羅馬帝國的本丟彼拉多甚至說過

71. They did it because they were afraid that he would change the status quo

『我查不出他有什麼罪來』 71. 他們做這些事,是因為害怕祂會改

72. and they had a vested interest in maintaining the status quo

變現狀 72. 而他們是現狀的既得利益者

73. If Jesus changed everything, they were afraid that 73. 如果耶穌改變了現狀,他們害怕他 292

would not only lose their positions and status, they


would have to go look for jobs


74. How do we apply this lesson to our lives?

74. 我們應該如何將這個功課應用在自

75. We have to realize that there have been false teachers and leaders since the beginning of the church 76. Jesus, Paul, Peter, and John all warn us in the Bible about these evil men and women

己的生活中呢? 75. 首先,我們必須了解,從一開始教 會就有假的老師和領導人 76. 耶穌、保羅、彼得和約翰都在聖經

77. They tell us to stay vigilant and watch out for these snakes

裡警告我們有這些邪惡的男人與女 人

78. In Acts, we read about the Bereans

77. 他們也叫我們要提高警覺,要小心

79. (V. 6) Acts 17:10-11 The brethren immediately sent Paul


and Silas away by night to Berea, and when they arrived, 78. 在使徒行傳,我們看到帖撒羅尼迦 they went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 Now these


were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for 79. (V. 6) 徒 17:10-11 弟兄們隨即在夜 they received the word with great eagerness, examining


the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were

人到了,就進入猶太人的會堂。11 這



80. Paul praises the Bereans here for two reasons


81. First, because they received the word with great



80. 保羅在這裡讚揚庇哩亞人,原因有

82. Secondly, because they didn‘t just accept what the teachers said without thinking

二 81. 第一個原因是,他們甘心領受這道

83. rather, they went home and compared what teachers 82. 第二個原因是,他們並非未經思考 said to what the Bible says


84. They were very wise in this regard and we should learn 83. 他們回到自己的家,把老師講的話 from them


85. Remember, if somebody teaches something that 84. 他們這點非常明智也值得我們學習 contradicts the Bible, run fast and far

85. 切記,如果有人教的東西跟聖經背

86. You are still responsible for your own soul


87. So stay vigilant and read your Bibles

86. 你還是要替自己的靈魂負責 87. 因此,要提高警覺,並閱讀聖經


Serving Others 服事他人 1.

Matt. 25:14-29 "For it is just like a man about to go on a

1. 太 25:14-30 天國又好比一個

journey, who called his own slaves and entrusted his


possessions to them.


"To one he gave five talents, to

把他的家業交給他們,15 按著

another, two, and to another, one, each according to his


own ability; and he went on his journey. 1 6 "Immediately the


one who had received the five talents went and traded with

給了一千,就往外國去了。16 那


them, and gained five more talents. "In the same manner


the one who had received the two talents gained two more.

賺了五千;17 那領二千的也照


"But he who received the one talent went away, and dug a 19

樣另賺了二千;18 但那領一千

hole in the ground and hid his master's money. "Now after


a long time the master of those slaves came and settled

了。19 過了許久,那些僕人的

accounts with them.


"The one who had received the five

主人來了,和他們算賬。20 那

talents came up and brought five more talents, saying,


'Master, you entrusted five talents to me. See, I have


gained five more talents.'


"His master said to him, 'Well


done, good and faithful slave You were faithful with a few


things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into


the joy of your master.'


"Also the one who had received


the two talents came up and said, 'Master, you entrusted


two talents to me. See, I have gained two more talents.'



"His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful


slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in

了二千。‘23 主人說:‗好!你這

charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.'



"And the one also who had received the one talent came


up and said, 'Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping


where you did not sow and gathering where you scattered

快樂。‘24 那領一千的也來,

no seed.


'And I was afraid, and went away and hid your

talent in the ground. See, you have what is yours.'





his master answered and said to him, 'You wicked, lazy

散的 地方要聚 斂, 25 我就 害

slave, you knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather



'Then you ought to have put

裡。 請看,你的 原銀子在 這

my money in the bank, and on my arrival I would have

裡。‘26 主人回答說:‗你這又惡

where I scattered no seed.

received my money back with interest.


'Therefore take


away the talent from him, and give it to the one who has



the ten talents.' 29 "For to everyone who has, more shall be

要聚斂,27 就當把我的銀子放

given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who


does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away.

候,可以連本帶利收回。28 奪


2. 3.

"Throw out the worthless slave into the outer darkness;

in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

29 因為凡有的,還要加給他,

We all know that God calls each of us to serve him and to


serve others

也要奪過來。30 把這無用的僕

Have you ever thought, however, about what he wants you


to do?



I did for many years


Not long after becoming a Christian, I wondered what my

2. 我們每個人都知道上帝呼召我

―ministry‖ was supposed to be 6.


們服事祂以及其他的人 3. 但是你是否曾經想過祂要你做

I had heard that I was supposed to have one, but I had no


idea what God wanted me to do and no idea how to find out 4. 我想這個問題想了很多年了 what it was 7.

5. 我成為基督徒之後不久,就很好

I don‘t know why, but I had always thought that a person‘s


ministry had to be painful in some way

6. 我聽過我是應該有一個服事,但


We had to wash dishes or scrub floors



I thought maybe God used our ministries to help us build


character or something

7. 我不知道為什麼,但是我一直以

10. I wasn‘t sure what we were supposed to do, but I was pretty sure it was supposed to be uncomfortable

為,一個人的服事在某種程度 上,會讓那個人痛苦

11. Until one day, I was translating a sermon for a pastor at 8. 就像我們需要洗碗或刷地板之 church


12. He talked about his love for music and how he had used 9. 我以為神透過祂賜給我們的服 music to serve others over the years


13. I was taken aback and I thought to myself,

10. 我不知道我們要做什麼,但是我

14. ―What?! We‘re actually allowed to enjoy serving others?


15. ―Is that allowed?! Isn‘t serving supposed to hurt?‖


16. That was a very eye-opening sermon for me 17. I think I got more out of it than anyone in church that day 18. I later read a definition of ministry put this way: 19. ―The place where your passions meet the needs of the world is your ministry‖

11. 直到有一天,我在教會幫一個牧 師做口譯 12. 他談到他愛音樂,而且這麼多年 來,他一直透過音樂來服事別人 13. 我吃了一驚,然後問自己 14. 『什麼?!我們可以享受服事 別人嗎?』 15. 『這是被允許的嗎?服事別人 不是應該不舒服嗎?』


16. 對我而言,那天的講道真是大開 眼界 17. 我想那一天,我學到的東西比教 會任何人都還要多 18. 後來,我聽到另一個牧師解釋什 麼是服事 19. 他說: 我可能會說,你的服事, Needs of the world (hunger, loneliness, widows, people in jail…)

就是你熱愛的事情,以及世上需 求的交會點 20. 我認為這是神之為什麼賜給我 們每一個人才華和興趣 21. 祂另外也賜給我們各種人際關 係,像是親朋好友、同事,以及 教會的弟兄姐妹 22. 祂要我們用我們的才華與興趣 來服事我們人命中的人 23. 你可能很愛搖滾樂 24. 這個興趣可能會讓你認識其他

Your passions (singing, caring for children, teaching, art…)

喜愛搖滾音樂的人 25. 這就給你機會服事他們

20. I believe that this is why God gives each of us talents and interests

26. 我也相信,如果我們真的要用我 們的才華與興趣服事神,祂會幫

21. He also places us in various relationships—with family, friends, workmates, people in our church

我們開門,好讓我們有效的利用 它們

22. He expects us to use the talents and passions that he gives 27. 我拿我自己當例子 us to serve the people in our lives

28. 神讓我熱愛語言,也給了我一點

23. You might love rock and roll, for example


24. Your interest might bring you in contact with other people who also love rock and roll

29. 我相信神帶領我,以我對語言的 熱情來服事別人

25. This gives you an opportunity to serve them 26. I also believe that if we truly want to serve God with our

30. 我禮拜六早上用中文帶領查經 班

talents and passions, he will open doors for us to use them 31. 我禮拜天也帶這個口譯班 effectively

32. 我 有 時 候 在 教 會 也 幫 忙 做 口

27. Let me use myself as an example


28. God gave me a passion and talent for languages 29. I believe that God has led me to serve others using my passion for languages

33. 顯然的,神認為就服事來說,我 教口譯比做口譯來的重要 34. 你們記不記得銀子的故事?

30. I teach a Bible study in Chinese on Saturday mornings 296

35. 神對一些僕人說,你在不多的事

31. I also lead this interpretation class at church on Sundays


32. I sometimes interpret for speakers in church, but not



36. 但是銀子不是他們的,是神的

33. Evidently, God thinks that I can serve others better by teaching interpretation rather than actually interpreting 34. Remember our story about the servants and the silver?

37. 你的金錢、物質、才華,以及親 朋好友都不不屬於你;它們屬於 神

35. Some slaves used their silver faithfully, so God gave them 38. 上帝將它們交給你委託給你替 more silver


36. But the silver was not theirs, it was God‘s

39. 你可以借用和享受它們,但是你

37. Your money, things, skills, friends, and family don‘t actually belong to you. They belong to God

這麼做的時候,你應該有一顆充 滿感激的心,也不應該浪費

38. God has entrusted them to you to manage on his behalf 39. You can use and enjoy what you need, but do so thankfully, without wasting

40. 同時,我們應該隨時隨地尋找機 會利用它們來是服事上帝以及 別人

40. We should also always watch for opportunities to us them 41. 你可能很好奇自己的服事是什 to serve God and to serve others


41. You might be wondering what your ministry is supposed to 42. 我建議你不要太過擔心,勞神費 be


42. I suggest that you not worry too much about trying to 43. 我建議你先好好的集中精神追 discover what it is


43. I suggest that you focus your energies on seeking God 44. 當神認為你準備好了,你的信仰 first, learning more about him, and becoming closer to him 44. When God feels that you are ready and mature enough in

已經夠成熟了,你就不用尋找機 會服事上帝和別人

your faith, you won‘t have to seek opportunities to serve 45. 神會把機會帶到你面前 God and others

46. 現在,我想聽聽你們的看法,你

45. He will bring the opportunities to you


46. I would love to hear what ideas you have about how you


think God wants you to serve others


Transformation Not Substitution 轉化,而非替代 1. 2.

In John chapters 14 through 17, Jesus is preparing 1. 約翰福音第十四章到第十七章中,耶 the disciples for his imminent departure


They have spent the last 3 1/2 years of their lives


with Jesus day in and day out 3.

2. 他們花了三年半的時間,時時刻刻陪

They‘ve invested their lives in him and now he says he is leaving them

著耶穌 3. 他們已將自己的一切交給耶穌,但是


They are afraid and confused


In John 16:16-22, we find a life-changing principle

4. 他們既害怕又迷惑


Let‘s listen to what Jesus says to His disciples

5. 在約翰福音第十六章第 16-22 節,有


(V. 1) John 16:16-18 ‗―A little while and you will no



longer see Me; and again a little while, and you will see 6. 讓我們聽聽看耶穌對他的門徒說了什 Me‘. Some of His disciples then said to one another, ‗What is this thing he is telling us, ‗A little while and

7. (V. 1) 約 16:16-18 等不多時,你們

you will not see Me; and again a little while, and you will


see Me‘; and, ‗Because I go to the Father‘?‖ 1 8 So they

見我。17 有幾個門徒就彼此說:―他

were saying, "What is this that He says, 'A little


while'? We do not know what He is talking about."




Jesus knew that they wished to question Him, and He


said to them, "Are you deliberating together about

呢?18 門徒彼此說:―他說‗等不多時‘

this, that I said, 'A little while, and you will not see


Me, and again a little while, and you will see Me'?


They are totally mixed up. They don‘t know what is he 8. 他們被弄糊塗了。他們不懂祂在說什 talking about


The reality is that they should have figured it out by 9. 事實上,他們應該早就清楚這點,但 now, but they had not


10. We are actually all that way. We are all dense, unless 10. 我們通常都是這樣。我們很遲鈍,除 the Spirit of God breaks through


11. They aren‘t saying these things directly to Jesus. Next, we read

法了解 11. 他們沒有直接跟耶穌說這些事情。接

12. (V. 2) John 16:19-20 Jesus knew that they wished to


question Him, and He said to them, "Are you 12. (V. 2) 約 16:19-20 耶穌看出他們要 deliberating together about this, that I said, 'A little


while, and you will not see Me, and again a little while,


and you will see Me'?


"Truly, truly, I say to you, that 298


you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice;


you will grieve, but your grief will be turned into joy.


13. Next, he uses a very powerful image


14. (V. 3) John 16:21 Whenever a woman is in labor she has

13. 接下來,祂用了一個強而有力的比喻

pain, because her hour has come; but when she gives

14. (V. 3) 約 16:21 婦人生產的時候就憂

birth to the child, she no longer remembers the


anguish because of the joy that a child has been born


into the world.


15. Now, he applies that image

15. 現在,祂運用這個比喻

16. (V. 4) John 16:22 Therefore, you too have grief now; 16. (V. 4) 約 16:22 你 們現在 也是 憂 but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and


no one will take your joy away from you.


17. Here is the important principle I want to share with 17. 現在,我要跟各位分享我所說的重要 you


18. God brings joy into your life, not by substitution, but 18. 上帝給我們喜樂,但祂不是用替代的 by transformation


19. Let me say that again. Joy comes not by substitution, 19. 我再講一遍:喜樂來自變化,不是替 but by transformation

20. The illustration of a woman giving birth really makes it 20. 女人生孩子的比喻,可以把這個原則 clear


21. The same baby that causes the pain also causes 21. 帶來痛苦的嬰兒,同時也是喜樂的泉源 great joy

22. 上帝並沒有減輕母親的痛苦,而是改變

22. Instead of relieving the mother‘s pain, what does God do? He transforms it

了她的痛苦 23. 神並沒有用喜樂來取代母親的痛苦;祂

23. God doesn‘t replace the mother‘s pain with joy; he transforms it into joy

讓母親的痛苦轉化為喜樂 24. 你了解這個差別嗎?

24. You see the difference?

25. 上帝讓我們經歷痛苦來改變我們 299

25. God uses pain in our lives to transform us

26. 當我們見到祂時,我們只會感到喜樂,

26. When we are in his presence, we will only experience joy and we will forget all of the pain of this world 27. If mother always gives a child a new toy each time his toy is broken, what will happen to that child?

並忘記這個世界的一切苦痛 27. 如果每一次小孩子弄壞了玩具,他的媽 媽就送他一個新的,那這個小孩會怎麼 樣?

28. If every time something goes wrong in the kid‘s life, 28. 如果小孩子每次遇到問題,媽媽都會 his mother fixes it for him


29. That child will grow up expecting every problem to be solved by substitution

29. 長大後,小孩子會認為遇到問題,只 要找個替代品解決就好

30. We see this kind of thinking all of the time

30. 我們經常抱持這種心態

31. We suppose that once they achieve a certain goal, all 31. 我們以為達成某一個目標後,所有的 our problems will be solved


32. People often think: Once I finish high school, or university, life will be easy

32. 大家常常想,『一旦我高中或大學畢 業,人生會變得簡單』

33. Or once I find a boyfriend or girlfriend, life will be 33. 或一旦我找到男朋友或女朋友,人生 wonderful


34. Or once I get married, I will be happy

34. 或一旦我結婚,我會很開心

35. Or once I have a lot of money, all of my problems will 35. 或一旦我有了錢,所有的問題就會解 be solved


36. I admit that these are wonderful things, but 36. 我承認這些事情本身並沒有什麼不好,但是 isn‘t it true that each of them simply opens a new


can of worms?


37. Each new situation in our lives merely presents a new set of problems for us to face, doesn‘t it?

37. 人生中每一個新的情況,都迫使我們去面對 一些新的問題,不是嗎?

38. The point is God doesn‘t solve our problems by 38. 重點是,神並不是用取代的方式來解決我們 substitution, because it doesn‘t help us mature 39. Transformation helps mature us

的問題,因為這種方式不會讓我們成熟 39. 但,改變讓我們成熟

40. You cannot mature emotionally or spiritually, if 40. 如果每次都是別人幫你解決問題,那麼你無 someone is always solving your problems for you


41. If someone is always replacing your broken toys, 41. 如果你的玩具每次壞掉,就有人送你新的, you‘ll never grow up


42. We typically think of God as Santa Claus

42. 我們往往把神視為聖誕老公公

43. We want him to replace our broken toys and give 43. 我們希望祂把我們壞掉的玩具換掉,送我們 us new ones


44. The sad thing is that most Christians desire 44. 可悲的是,很多基督徒渴望上帝的禮物勝過 God‘s presents more than God‘s presence


45. They are more concerned with his blessings than a 45. 他們重視祂的祝福更勝於與祂的關 relationship with him

46. The blessings they want from God can be anything

46. 他們想要的祝福有很多種

47. Better health, better career, or more wealth

47. 更健康、更美好的生活或更多的財

48. While these things are not bad in themselves, they are not what God is primarily concerned with

富 48. 雖然這些事物本身沒有什麼不好,

49. He is more concerned with transforming us to be more like his son

但是它們並非神最關心的 49. 祂更想讓我們更像祂的兒子


50. And oftentimes, God will use poor health, a bad 50. 而神往往讓我們遭遇身體虛弱,生活困 career, or less money to obtain his goals in our lives 51. In addition, left alone, people gravitate toward ruts 52. We like the status quo, we avoid change

頓,金錢減少等狀況,來達成祂在我們 人生中的目標 51. 況且,人如果沒有受到外在影響,自然

53. We say, ―A leopard can‘t change its spots‖


54. That is our natural tendency

52. 我們喜歡維持現狀,避免改變

55. But God wants us to change, so he uses outside 53. 我們會說:「江山易改 本性難移」 situations to cause us to change

54. 這是我們自然的傾向

56. This world is an anvil and God uses our situations to 55. 但是上帝希望我們改變,因此祂會運用 hammer us into the people he wants us to become 57.

We see it again and again

外在的情況來改變我們 56. 這個世界是一個鐵砧,而神用外在的情

58. People‘s lives are changed by upheavals in their lives


59. God uses these situations to cause them to stop and

think about what matters in life

57. 這種情形一而再,再而三地發生

60. The Bible clearly states that it is a good thing to 58. 人的生命因遭遇動盪而改變 reflect on these things

59. 神用這些情況,讓人停下來思考人生的

61. (V. 5) Ecc. 7:2-4 It is better to go to a house of


mourning Than to go to a house of feasting, Because 60. 聖經上寫得很清楚,思考這些事情很重 that is the end of every man, And the living takes it


to heart. Sorrow is better than laughter, For when 61. (V. 5) 傳 7:2 往遭喪的家去,強如往宴 a face is sad a heart may be happy. 4 The mind of the


wise is in the house of mourning, While the mind of

也必將這事放在心上。3 憂愁強如喜

fools is in the house of pleasure.

笑,因為面帶愁容,終必使心喜樂。4 智

62. Oftentimes, during these periods, people turn to God, call on him to help them, depend on him more

慧人的心,在遭喪之家;愚昧人的心, 在快樂之家。 62. 通常,這個時候人會轉向上帝,祈求祂 的保佑,更加依賴祂


63. The problem is these upheavals are generally 63. 問題是,這些人生的破折通常是暫時 temporary and once they are over, people usually


forget God and return to their old ways


64. We see examples of God using situations to 64. 我們可以看到聖經中上帝用各種情況 transform his children in the Bible. Let me give you


four examples


65. Remember Joseph‘s brothers sold him into slavery and he was later put into prison

65. 約瑟的哥哥們把他賣到埃及當奴隸, 後來他被關進牢裡

66. And what does God do?

66. 上帝做了什麼呢?

67. He transforms his tribulations into joy, but not by 67. 祂讓他的試煉變成喜樂,但不是用替 substitution


68. The pain that Joseph experienced prepared him to 68. 約瑟所經歷的痛苦,為他成為中東權 become the second most powerful man in the Middle


East, so that God could use him to protect his people


69. (V. 6) Deut 23:5 The Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing


70. Second, Egypt‘s persecution of Israel just caused them to multiply and prosper more a man of God

反而使得他們人丁興旺且繁榮 71. 第三個例子,掃羅王追殺大衛,使得

72. And finally, what is the ultimate example of joy transformation,

祝福的話,因為耶和華你的 神愛你。 70. 第二個例子,埃及對以色列的迫害,

71. Third, King Saul‘s pursuit of David made him even


69. (V. 6) 申 23:5 然而耶和華你的神不




through 72. 最後,什麼是透過改變而非替代來獲



73. Is it not the death, burial, and resurrection of 73. 不就是耶穌的死亡、埋葬以及復活 Christ?


74. The cross was the symbol of defeat and shame 303

74. 在當時,十字架是失敗和恥辱的象徵

75. He transformed it into a symbol of glory and victory

75. 祂把它變成榮耀與勝利的象徵

76. Jesus told his disciples that he had to suffer first to 76. 耶穌曾經告訴祂的門徒,祂需要先受 enter his glory


77. (V. 7) Luke 24:26 ―Wasn‘t it necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into His glory?‖ 78. That is why the author Hebrews says the following 79. (V. 8) Hebrews 12:2 Jesus… who for the joy set

77. (V. 7) 路 24:26 基督這樣受害,又進 入祂的榮耀,豈不是應當的嗎?‖ 78. 因此,希伯來書的作者說過下面這句 話

before Him endured the cross, despising the shame,

79. (V. 8) 來 12:2 耶穌…因那擺在前面

and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of




80. He did not look at the cross as an end, but as a means 80. 祂並沒有把十字架視為一個目的,而 to a greater end


81. So if Christ had to undergo suffering to enter glory, 81. 因此,如果耶穌需要受苦才能進入榮 as his followers, we, too, will need to endure suffering 82. This is a principle we must embrace

耀,身為「小耶穌」的我們也需要經 歷苦難

83. Suffering is necessary, but it is the means, not the 82. 這是我們需要接受的原則 end

83. 受苦無法避免,但這只是手段,不是

84. It is a doorway to joy


85. Whenever a woman is in labor, she has pain

84. 它是通往喜樂的門

86. But then she no longer remembers the pain after the 85. 當一個女人分娩時,她會經歷痛苦 child is born

86. 但是,小孩生出來之後,她就不再記

87. Her pain is forgotten and transformed into joy 88. Life can be that way sometimes, but we need to try to see life through God‘s eyes

得那些疼痛 87. 她的疼痛不見了,它轉變成喜樂 88. 人生有的時候就是這樣,但是我們必

89. There is light at the end of the tunnel—the light of his glory

須透過上帝的眼睛來觀看人生 89. 黑暗盡頭終有光明,那是上帝的榮耀 之光


Trilemma—Adapted from C. S. Lewis 三難—由 C.S.路易斯的理論改編 1.

(V. 1) Matthew 16:13-15 Now when Jesus came into the

1. (V. 1) 太 16:13-15 耶穌到了凱撒

district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His


disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?"


And they said, "Some say John the Baptist; and others,


Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the


prophets." He said to them, "But who do you say that I


am?" 2.

2. 我們每個人都得回答耶穌問的這個

At the end of the day, the most important question for


all of us will always have to be the question, ―Who do you


say I am?‖ 3.

3. 你不可能跟耶穌在一起很久,卻不

You cannot spend much time with Jesus and not make a


decision 4. 5.


4. 你無法不理會耶穌問的這個問題,

You cannot ignore this question asked by Jesus, because


by ignoring him, you have already made a decision


You can say he was deceiving himself or you can say he 5. 你可以說,祂在欺騙祂自己,也可 was deceiving others or you can say that what He said


was true


This is the old liar, lunatic or Lord trilemma was 6. 這就是 C. S. Lewis 所發展出來的騙 developed by C. S. Lewis

子,瘋子,和神的「進退三難」理 論


He said, a man who said the sort of thing Jesus said 7. 他說,如果一個人傳講耶穌所教導的 would not be a great moral teacher



He would either be crazy or else he would be the devil



or he was and is the Son of God

8. 這種人不是瘋子就是魔鬼

10. You must make your choice

9. 要不然,祂就是神子,以前是,現在 305

11. But let‘s not say such nonsense as he was a great moral teacher

也是 10. 你必須做出決定

12. He did not give us this option. He did not intend to 13. Let‘s look at this logically: Jesus said he was the son of God. He was right or he was wrong

11. 但是不要亂說祂是一個偉大的道德導 師 12. 祂並沒有給我們這樣的選項,祂也從

14. If He was wrong and he knew it that would mean he was a liar

來沒有要給我們這樣的選擇。 13. 這個道理是這樣的:耶穌說自己是神

15. If he was wrong and he didn‘t know it, he was a lunatic


16. Think about it. The things he claimed about himself 14. 如果祂錯了,而且祂知道祂錯了,這 were extreme


17. If he isn‘t the Son of God, he‘d have to be a complete 15. 如果祂錯了,但是 祂卻不知道祂錯 madman


18. The third option is that he wasn‘t wrong; he was right 16. 仔細想想,祂所說有關於自己的話是 19. In which case, he is who he claims to be, the Lord of all

這麼的極端 17. 如果祂不是神子,那麼祂鐵定是個不

20. A fourth option is that Jesus was a legend


21. But historical scholarship dismisses that alternative 22. With the quantity and quality of primary and secondary historical narratives available,

18. 第三個選擇是,祂並沒有錯;祂說的 是對的 19. 那麼,祂就是祂自 己所宣稱的那個

23. There‘s no warrant for saying He was some kind of a legend.


20. (上課時,不要念出來:另外,還有

24. The dates of these writings including the epistles are


just too near to the fact for them to have been 21. 但是歷史研究可以立刻排除這個選擇 legendary. 25. At the end of the day, you can accept Jesus or you

22. 目前我們可以從許多的歷史資料研究 及考證獲得證實

23. 因此,宣稱祂是某種神話的論點,實 在說不過去 26. If he is indeed the one that he claims he is, then we can deny him, but he cannot be ignored.

24. 包括新約聖經在內的這些書卷,作者 和被書寫的對象的時間距離太近,因

had better listen up 27. The Christian says, I believe in God 28. I accept that he has revealed himself through Jesus Christ.

此,耶穌不可能是傳說中的人物) 25. 到頭來,你可以接受耶穌,你也可以

29. If I am right, my life is now enhanced by my relationship with God and I will enjoy heaven forever 30. If I am wrong, my life now is enhanced and then I die

拒絕祂,但是不能不理會祂 26. 如果祂真的是祂自 己所宣稱的那個 神,那我們最好洗耳恭聽

31. This is a win/win situation

27. 基督徒說,―我相信神‖

32. The atheist says that he doesn‘t believe in God

28. 我相信神透過耶穌顯現自己

33. If he is right, he lives a happy and successful life and 29. 如果我是對的,透過與神的關係,會 dies

讓我的生活更美好,而且以後我可以 306

34. If he is wrong, he lives a happy and successful life and spends eternity separated from God

進天國 30. 如果我錯了,我的生活更美好,然後

35. This is a win/lose situation


36. Let‘s go on to a different topic

31. 結果是先贏後贏的局面

37. C. S. Lewis discussed an idea he called ―behind enemy

32. 無神論者說他不相信有神


33. 如果他是對的,他可以過著快樂而成

38. (v. 2) 2 Pet 3:3:13 Know this first of all, that in the


last days mockers will come with their mocking, 34. 如果他錯了,他的生活也會過得快樂 following after their own lusts, and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the

而成功,但他永遠與神隔絕 35. 結果是先贏後輸的局面

fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from 36. 我們換一個題目 the beginning of creation." For when they maintain

37. C. S. 路易斯曾討論過一個觀念:敵後

this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God 38. 彼後 3:3-13 第一要緊的,該知道在末 the heavens existed long ago and the earth was


formed out of water and by water, through which the


world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with


water. But by His word the present heavens and earth


are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of

記,從太古憑 神的命有了天,並從水

judgment and destruction of ungodly men. But do not


let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that


with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a


thousand years like one day. The Lord is not slow


about His promise, as some count slowness, but is


patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but


for all to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord


will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass


away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed


with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be


burned up. Since all these things are to be destroyed


in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in


holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening


the coming of the day of God, because of which the


heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the

切切仰望 神的日子來到。在那日,天

elements will melt with intense heat! But according to


His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new


earth, in which righteousness dwells.


39. Why did God arrive in this enemy occupied world in 39. 上帝為什麼要喬裝來到這個由敵人所 disguise?

佔領的世界呢? 307

40. Why did he start a kind of secret society to 40. 來了之後,為何還要創立一個類似秘密團體 undermine the devil?


41. Why doesn‘t he just invade? Is he not strong 41. 祂為什麼不直接全面進攻? 是祂不夠強大 enough?


42. Well, Christians think that he is going to invade 42. 事實上,基督徒認為祂總有一天會帶領著軍 43. We do not know when, but we can guess why he is delaying

隊登陸 43. 我們不知道是什麼時候,但是我們可以猜到

44. He wants to give us the chance to join his side freely

祂為什麼遲遲不進攻 44. 祂是想給我們機會,自由地選擇加入祂的軍

45. Think of a Frenchman in World War II who

waited until the Allies beat Germany, before 45. 試想,在第二次世界大戰期間,一個法國人 declaring he was on their side


46. What do you think the Allies would think about such a man?

入同盟國的行列 46. 你認為同盟國的人會怎麼想呢?

47. Obviously, they wouldn‘t be happy with him

47. 他們當然會不高興了

48. God will invade

48. 上帝會大舉進攻

49. But I wonder if people who want God to deal 49. 但是我很好奇,那些希望神直接且公開的干 openly and directly in this world realize what


they are asking


50. When it happens, it will be the end of the world 50. 到那時候就是世界末日了 51. When the author walks onto the stage, the play 51. 當劇作家走上舞臺的時候,就表示舞臺劇已 is over


52. It will be too late then to choose your side...

52. 但如果到時候你才要選邊站,將會為時已晚。

53. When the last bus drives away, there is no point 53. 當最後一班公車開走之候,你才說你決定要 in saying you choose to walk



54. That will not be the time for choosing

54. 那時已經不是選擇要或是不要的時候了

55. It will be the time when we discover which side we 55. 不管我們事先知不知道,到時候,我們就 really have chosen, whether we realized it or not.


56. Today is your chance to choose the right side

56. 你今,你天就可以選擇加入神的行列

57. God is holding back to give us that chance.

57. 神在包容我們,給我們機會加入祂

58. It will not last forever. We must take it or leave it

58. 這個機會稍縱即逝,我們要不接受,要不 就放棄


Tumbling for Jesus 為耶穌滾落 1. A relative recently sent me an email recommending

1. 我一個親戚最近寄了一封電子郵件給我,

that I go to a certain motivational speaker‘s




2. So I went to the website and read it

2. 所以我就到他的網站,並且把內容讀一遍

3. He talks about fulfilling your wishes through

3. 演講大師主張透過正向思考以及意志來實

positive thinking and willing things to happen 4. In my relative‘s email, she said that the

現心願 4. 在信中,我的親戚說演講大師主張的東西

motivational speaker talks about everything that Christians believe

跟基督徒的信仰不約而同 5. 很不幸,她說的沒錯

5. Unfortunately, she is correct

6. 我說「很不幸」 ,因為雖然很多基督徒確實

6. I say ―unfortunately,‖ because many Christians do believe these things, but they are not biblical 7. Many people come to Christ for stuff—a better life, a better marriage, a better job, better health

相信這些東西,但這些東西並不符合聖經 的教導 7. 許多人信主,為的是要更好的生活、更好 的婚姻、更好的工作或更健康

8. The list goes on and on, but these people come to

8. 這種例子不勝枚舉,但是重點是,這些人

God for his ―presents‖ rather than his ―presence‖


9. They believe that when they ask God for


something, he is obligated to give it

9. 他們認為只要他們向上帝要什麼,上帝就

10. That‘s why I often say that they consider him a vending machine

得有求必應 10. 這是我之所以常說,他們把神視為一架販

11. ―Hey, I did my part. Now, you are obligated to do your part!‖

賣機 11. 「我該做的已經做了。現在,你的部分,

12. In doing so, aren‘t they making the master the servant and the servant the master?

你要去做!」 12. 這麼做不是意味著主人已經成為僕人,而

13. Today, I would like to explain what the Bible says about this topic and use drawings to help drive the point home

僕人變成了主人嗎? 13. 我今天想要說明聖經是如何討論這個話 題,順便用插圖來進一步解釋

14. God created man and woman to enjoy relationship with him

14. 神創造男人跟女人來享受與祂的關係 15. 祂以自己的形象創造他們,因此他們就跟

15. He created them in his image, so they were perfect and holy like him



16. But, as I said before, love is a choice, so God let

16. 但是跟我之前說的一樣,愛是一種選擇,

them decide between being with him or going their


own way


17. Between saying ―Your will be done‖ or ―My will be done‖

17. 選擇說「願你的旨意奉行在人間」或「願 我的旨意奉行在人間」

18. They chose to go their own way, resulting in the Fall 18. 他們選擇了走自己的路,導致所謂的大墮 落

19. And mankind has been falling ever since

19. 從此以後,人類也一直墮落下去

20. To make matters worse, we took the world with us

20. 更糟的是,我們也使得我們的世界跟著沈

(Rom. 8:20-22—For the creation was subjected to futility, not

willingly, but because of Hi m who subjected it, in hope 21 that the

(羅馬書 8:20-22—因為被造的萬物服在虛空之下,不是

creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption

自己願意這樣,而是由於使它屈服的那一位; 21 被造

into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we


know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of

兒女榮耀的自由。 22 我們知道被造的萬物直到現在都

childbirth together until now.)



21. The perfect King created a perfect world for perfect man

21. 完美的王創造了完美的世界,給完美 的人居住

22. Now, this fallen world is inhabited by fallen man and ruled by an evil king

22. 如今,墮落的人住在這個由邪惡的王 所統治的墮落世界

23. I say ―evil king,‖ because God is no longer the king of this world

23. 我這裡說「邪惡的王」 ,因為上帝已經 不再是這個世界的王

(John 12:31--Now is the time for judgment on this world; (約 12:31--現在這世界受審判,這世界的 now the prince of this world will be driven out.)


(John 16:11--the ruler of this world has been judged.)

(約 16:11--為審判,是因這世界的王受了

(2 Corinthians 4:4--in whose case the god of this world has


blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might

(林後 4:4--此等不信之人,被這世界的 神

not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who


is the image of God.)

他們。基督本是 神的像。)

24. We pushed God away and Satan filled the vacuum

24. 我們把神推開,而撒旦乘隙而入

25. He is the king of this world and we were his captives

25. 他是這個世界的王,而我們是他的俘

26. (V. 1) 2 Tim 2:26—and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will

虜 26. (V. 1) 提後 2:26 叫他們這已經被魔 鬼任意擄去的,可以醒悟,脫離他的

27. Not only were we his captives, we were also slaves to sin

網羅。 27. 我們不僅是他的俘虜,也是罪的奴僕

(Rom. 6:20—For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to

(羅馬書 6:20—你們作罪的奴僕的時候,就不受義



(John 8:34—Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone

(約 8:34—耶穌說:―我實實在在告訴你們,凡犯罪

who commits sin is the slave of sin.)


28. Therefore, we are in a fallen world ruled by an evil king 28. 因此,我們在邪惡國王統治的墮落世 as we tumble toward an eternity without God



29. Sounds pretty grim, but God saved us

29. 聽起來很糟糕,但是神救了我們

30. He saved us from our sin and death

30. 祂從罪與死裡救了我們

31. He saved us from the evil king and eternal separation

31. 祂從邪惡王的手中和與神永久隔絕的

from him


32. That said, we are still in the world and we are still tumbling

32. 但是話說回來,我們還在這個世界裡, 我們還在墜落

33. But while we are in the world, we should not belong to the world

33. 但是我們雖然在這世界裡,卻不應該讓 自己屬於這個世界

(John 17:11-16—"I am no longer in the world; and yet they themselves

(約 17:11-16—我不再在這世上,他們卻在這世上,

are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep them in Your


name, the name which You have given Me, that they may be one even as

保守他們,使他們合而為一,好像我們一樣。 12 我

We are. 12 "While I was with them, I was keeping them in Your name


which You have given Me; and I guarded them and not one of them


perished but the son of perdition, so that the Scripture would be

外,沒有一個是滅亡的,這就應驗了經上的話。 13 現

fulfilled. 13 "But now I come to You; and these things I speak in the


world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves. 14 "I have

裡充滿我的喜樂。 14 我把你的道賜給了他們;世人

given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are


not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 15 "I do not ask You to

界一樣。 15 我不求你使他們離開世界,只求你保守

take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. 16

他們脫離那惡者。 16 他們不屬於這世界,像我不屬

"They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.)


34. Telling a new Christian that the Christian life is easy

34. 對新的基督徒說基督徒的生活很輕

is setting them up for disappointment


35. Now, everybody, Christian and non-Christian alike, tumbles through life

35. 無論是基督徒或非基督徒,每一個人在 人生中都在翻滾

36. and everybody, Christian and non-Christian alike, experiences the pain, hardships, and sorrows of life 313

36. 而無論是基督徒或非基督徒,每一個人 都會經歷人生的痛苦、苦難和悲哀

37. The main difference is that the tumble of the non-Christian is meaningless

37. 最大的差別是,非基督徒在人生中的墜落是 沒有意義的

38. They are tumbling in a meaningless world toward a 38. 他們在一個沒有意義的世界,向一個毫無意 meaningless death


39. Many people are aware of this concept which is

39. 很多人對這個觀念很了解,像這句話就說的

expressed very clearly in the phrase ―Eat, drink,


and be merry for tomorrow we die‖


40. Non-Christians deal with this reality in many ways 40. 非基督徒使用各種方式來應付這個現實問 41. Some pursue money to soften the pain and

sorrows of this life

41. 有的用金錢來減緩人生中的痛苦和悲哀

42. Some pursue love, hoping that it will take away some of the pain

42. 有人追求愛情,以期減輕痛苦 43. 問題是,他們所找到的愛常常會使滾落的經

43. The problem is that the ―love‖ they find often 314


makes the tumbling more painful

44. 還有很多、很多人試著用工作、電動、電影、

44. While many, many people prefer to ignore the


elephant in the room through diversions like


work, video games, movies, TV, and sports


45. None of these is bad unless they prevent us from coming to Christ

45. 這沒有什麼不好,除非它們阻止我們認 識耶穌

46. Others try to explain it away philosophically, by doing good, or through religion

46. 有人企圖借用哲學、行善或宗教來圓謊?or 掩 飾過去? or 自圓其說?


47. Unfortunately, none of this stops us from

47. 不幸的是,這些都沒有辦法讓我們停止往下



48. Now, I said both Christians and non-Christians tumble throughout life in this world

48. 我已經說過,無論是基督徒或非基督徒,每 一個人的一生都在滾落

49. And the tumbling of non-Christians is meaningless 49. 而非基督徒的滾落是沒有意義的,除非這樣 unless it turns them to God


50. The tumbling of Christians, on the other hand, can be used by the Holy Spirit to help sanctify us 51. Remember sanctify means to bring us closer to Jesus in both character and relationship

50. 但是基督徒的翻滾不同,聖靈可以借以讓我 們成聖 51. 提醒你一下,成聖的意思是讓我們更像耶 穌,更親近耶穌

52. In the beginning, God allowed man to choose to leave him, to fall, to tumble

52. 起初,神允許人離開祂,允許他墮落,允許 他翻滾

53. He gave us over to sin, so that we would hopefully 53. 祂這樣放任我們去犯罪,目的是希望我們最 eventually come to our senses and return to him 54. He didn‘t cause these things to happen, but he uses bad things to our advantage

後會醒悟過來,回到祂身邊 54. 祂並沒有主動讓這些事情發生,但是會借用 壞的東西來幫忙我們

55. So the tumbling of Christians can be used by the Holy Spirit for our good

55. 因此聖靈可以借用基督徒的翻滾幫我們做 好事

56. In fact, it‘s a major tool of the Holy Spirit

56. 事實上,我們的翻滾是聖靈的主要工具之一

57. If we are walking in the Spirit, our experiences in 57. 如果我們行在聖靈中,那麼我們人生中的經 life can knock away the parts that don‘t resemble Christ

歷就可以幫我們敲打掉不像耶穌的部分敲 58. 像是驕傲、不沒耐性、憎恨以及不願意原諒

58. Our pride, impatience, hate, unwillingness to


forgive others


59. Knowing that the Holy Spirit is using our experiences 59. 知道聖靈會借用我們的經歷來為我們做 for our good doesn‘t make them less painful


60. But if we try to figure out what the Holy Spirit is

60. 但是如果我們試著了解聖靈想要教我們

trying to teach us, we can cooperate with him and


hopefully end the current tribulation faster


61. If we cooperate, he doesn‘t have to keep trying to

61. 如果我們順服祂,祂就不需要不斷地教

teach us the same lessons over and over


62. There are many reasons that God might allow us to

62. 神讓我們經歷各種試煉與苦難的原因很

experience trials and tribulations in our lives

63. Two immediately come to mind

63. 我馬上就想到兩種原因

64. First, he might allow things to happen to make us

64. 首先,祂可能會讓事情發生,好讓我們

more Christ-like


65. For example, Paul had a problem with pride and God

65. 例如,保羅有驕傲的問題,而神借用保

used Paul‘s sickness to help him with his problem 66. Another reason God allows things to happen is once

羅的病痛來解決這個問題 66. 神讓我們經歷這些試煉與困難的另一個

we‘ve been through a problem, we can better help


others who experience similar situations


67. After you‘ve experienced death of a loved one, you can better help others in the same situation

67. 經歷過摯愛的人死亡,你就更能幫助 經歷類似情況的人


68. A woman who has been abused by her husband can help other women who are being abused by their husbands 69. I‘m sure there are many, many other reasons for God allowing bad things to happen

68. 被先生虐待過的女性能有效幫助其他 被先生虐待的婦女 69. 我相信神允許壞事發生的原因非常、 非常多

70. Just remember, however, tumbling is a required course in life; it is not an elective

70. 但是我在這裡想要提醒大家,翻滾是 人生中的必修課,不是選修課

71. (V. 2) John 16:33--"These things I have spoken to you,

71. (V. 2) 約 16:33—我把這些事告訴你

so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have


tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the




72. Jesus did not say that you might have tribulation. He said, ―You have tribulation.‖

72. 耶穌並沒有說你可能會有患難,祂說 你會有患難

73. Now, there are many reasons for me talking on this subject today

73. 我今天討論這個話題的原因很多 74. 之前提的電子郵件只不過是最後一根

74. The email I mentioned earlier was only the final straw


75. Another reason happened a couple of years ago

75. 另一個原因發生在兩年前

76. A very dear friend of mine wrote me a letter in which

76. 我一個好朋友曾經寫信給我,她跟我

she said that we are God‘s children and the world is our




77. I couldn‘t disagree more

77. 我完全不同意

78. You could say that the Garden of Eden was a playground

78. 如果你說以前伊甸園是遊樂場,而以

and heaven will be a playground


79. But we are currently in a battleground and we are at war with Satan

79. 但是現在呢,我們處在一個戰場,而 且我們正與撒旦打仗

80. Now, don‘t get upset and feel that you didn‘t sign up to fight

80. 不要覺得沮喪,說你當初不知道要打 仗

81. Your primary work in this battle are to keep your eyes on Jesus and point others to him

81. 在這場戰爭中,你的主要工作是仰望 耶穌,並且帶領別人認識祂

82. The battle is between him and the devil and it‘s a battle 82. 這個戰役是耶穌與撒旦之間的事,而 that he has, in fact, already won


83. He won it at the cross

83. 祂在十字架上打贏了

84. Below I‘m putting in an illustration that I used in an

84. 下面的插圖我用過了,但是我覺得這

earlier handout, because I think it explains what I‘m


trying to say very clearly



85. Something else that made me want to write this happened a couple of weeks ago


86. A few friends from church were sitting around and one of them said that she hoped to find a good man to marry

86. 我們教會幾個朋友坐在一起,其中一個女的 就說,她希望能夠找到一個結婚的好對象 87. 另一個女的說, 「別擔心,我確定神會幫你找

87. Another woman said, ―Don‘t worry. I‘m sure God will give you a good man to marry‖

到一個好男人嫁」 88. 我很孬種,當場不敢說什麼,

88. Being the coward that I am, I didn‘t say

89. 但是我心想:你不可以這麼說!你怎麼知



89. but in my heart, I was thinking, ―Don‘t say that! You don‘t know that!

90. 那位姐妹現在不結婚或永遠不結婚,可能是 神的旨意

90. It might be God‘s will that she not get married at this time or ever 91. Don‘t give her false hope, because if

85. 另一件讓我想要寫這篇文章的事情就發生在

91. 你不該給她假的盼望,因為如果你說的話沒 有實現,她可能就會心碎,思慮混亂

what you

say doesn‘t happen, she will be heartbroken and confused‖

92. 我知道你是好心,或許你也相信你講的是真 實的 93. 但是你給她的假盼望,可能會導致她遠離我

92. I know you are trying to be nice or you might even believe what you are saying

們真實的盼望 94. 我來試著說明這種情形應該怎麼處理

93. But the false hope you give could cause her to leave our true hope

95. 我有一個侄女,我非常愛她 96. 她一年半前發生意外,現在需要坐輪椅

94. Let me explain how I think we should handle

97. 當時她才 19 歲

situations like this

98. 意外發生之前,她非常好動

95. I have a niece that I love with all my heart

99. 她非常喜歡爬山跟打排球 319

96. She had an accident a year and a half ago and now she is in a wheelchair

100. 我常為她禱告,禱告的內容大致是這樣 101. 「天父,如果符合你的旨意,請讓我侄女完

97. At the time, she was only 19


98. Before her accident, she was very active

102. 但不論她完全康復是不是你的旨意,請借用

99. She loved to climb mountains and play volleyball


100. I pray for her often and here is how I pray


101. ―Father, if it is your will, please return her to full health

103. 我認為這樣禱告比較符合聖經的教導 104. 耶穌教門徒禱告時,祂教他們說

102. But whether or not complete recovery is your

105. (V. 3) 但你祈禱的時候,要進到密室裡去,

will, please use her situation to glorify yourself


and bring her and those around her closer to

中察看,必定報答你。 7 你們祈禱的時候,



103. I think this is a more biblical way to pray

以為話多了就蒙垂聽。 8 你們不可像他們,

104. When Jesus was teaching the disciples to pray,


he taught them to say

們的需要了。 9 所以你們要這樣祈禱:‗我們

105. (V. 3) "Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who


is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. 10 'Your


kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it

一樣。 11 我們每天所需的食物,求你今天賜

is in heaven. 11 'Give us this day our daily bread.

給我們; 12 赦免我們的罪,好像我們饒恕了

12 'And forgive us our debts, as we also have

得罪我們的人; 13 不要讓我們陷入試探,救

forgiven our debtors. 13 'And do not lead us into


temptation, but deliver us from evil.

106. 我認為禱告的主要作用之一,是逐漸使得我

106. Now, I believe that one of the major purposes of prayer is to align our wills with God‘s will, not align his will with ours


們的意念符合天父的旨意,而不是使祂的旨 意符合我們的意念

107. God doesn‘t necessarily cause these bad things to happen, but he can and does use them to make us better

107. 神未必會主動讓這些事情發生,但是祂 有能力、也會利用這些事讓我們更好 108. 有很多牧師自稱有醫治人的能力

108. A lot of preachers that claim to heal people 109. But if they can‘t heal someone, they turn around and say to them, ―You didn‘t have enough faith‖ 110. Not only do they not heal these people, they put the blame on them for not being healed

109. 但是如果醫治不了,他們居然會說: 「你 的信心不夠」 110. 他們不但沒有醫治這些人,反而責備他 們信心不夠,因此才得不到醫治 111.這樣做不僅很邪惡,也非常的殘忍

111.That is not only evil, it‘s cruel

112. 我們來看看有關保羅的一則故事

112. Let‘s read a story about Paul

113. (V. 4) 哥林多後書 12: 7-9—又因為我

113. (V. 4) 2 Cor. 12: 7-9—Because of the surpassing


greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to


keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a

的差役來攻擊我,免得我高抬自己。 8 為

thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment


me-to keep me from exalting myself! 8 Concerning

開我。 9 他卻對我說:―我的恩典是夠你

this I implored the Lord three times that it might


leave me. 9 And He has said to me, "My grace is


sufficient for you, for power is perfected in


weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.

114. 保羅禱告要求神醫治他,但是他並沒有 得到醫治。你認為保羅信心不夠嗎? 115. 當然不會。上帝沒有造成保羅的問題,

114. Paul prayed to be healed, but he wasn‘t healed. Do you think Paul lacked faith?

但是神把他的困境視為機會教育,可以 教導保羅謙虛

115. Of course not. God didn‘t cause the problem Paul was experiencing, but God saw as a teaching

116. 我並不認為是神主動讓我侄女發生意 外,而且我也知道祂有能力醫治她

opportunity to teach Paul about humility

117. 問題是:祂願意嗎?

116. I don‘t think God caused my niece to have the accident and I know that he CAN heal her

118. 祂是神,假如祂把我侄女所處的情況視 為一個機會,讓她和她周圍的人更親近

117. The question is: will he?


118. He is God and if he sees it as an opportunity to


bring her and those around her closer to him, who are we to say he can‘t?

119. 我當然可以禱告,祈求神醫治我的侄 女!

119. By all means pray for her healing!

120. 但是結果如何是掌握在祂手中

120. But leave the outcome in his hands

121. 你要相信我,神可以行神蹟,但是我們

121. Believe me, he can work wonders if we let him


122. Many years ago, I read the story of Joni Eareckson 122. 許多年前,我看了 Joni Eareckson 的 123. When she was a teenager, she dived into the water and accidently broke her neck

故事 123. 她還是青少年時,有一次跳水發生意


124. She became a quadriplegic, fighting depression 125. Later, she became a strong Christian touching the lives of others through her paintings, books, lectures, and life

外,結果頸部骨折了 124. 她因而全身癱瘓,還得跟憂鬱症搏鬥 125. 後來,她成為信仰堅定的基督徒,透過 她的繪畫、書籍、演講,以及生活深深

126. She was asked, ―If you could go back in time, would you ask God to not be a paraplegic. She said, ―No‖

的影響別人 126. 有人問她:「如果時間可以倒流,你會

127. I was totally stunned by her answer

不會求神不要讓你癱瘓?」她回答: 「不

128. My niece is the most courageous person I know, bar



127. 她的回答讓我感到震驚

129. I have never heard her complain about her situation 128. 我侄女是我認識的人裡面最勇敢的一 130. I‘m sure it bothers her, but she has maintained her


sunny personality which has helped those around her 129. 我從來沒有聽過她抱怨她的處境 131. It‘s actually kind of funny

130. 我確定她不喜歡這個處境,但是她還是

132. She's the one who experienced the accident and cannot walk

維持她陽光的個性,而這點對她周圍的 人幫助非常大

133. But she consoles and encourages those around her with her beaming smiles

131. 事實上,這個狀況有點弔詭 132. 發生意外的人是她,不會走路的人是她

134. I think that one of the most important things that the passage in 2 Corinthians above can teach us is in verse nine

133. 但是透過燦爛的笑容來安慰和鼓勵周 圍的人也是她 134. 我認為上面哥林多後書這段經文裡,最

135. And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness."

重要的教導是第 9 節 135. 他卻對我說:我的恩典是夠你用的,因

136. And I would like to offer that verse as a present to my niece

為我的能力在人的軟弱上顯得完全 136. 我要把這個經文送給我的侄女

137. As you tumble, parts of you not like Jesus will be knocked away

137. 隨著你滾落下來,你那些不像耶穌的 部分會被磨掉

138. Those around you will see glimpses of his glory in you 138. 周圍的人會有機會從你身上瞥見耶穌 139. Pray, submit, try not to complain, and keep your eye 322


on Jesus who is your prize at the end

139. 禱告、順服、盡量不要發牢騷,而且

140. Although we can experience joy and happiness in this world, it is not a playground

要不斷地仰望耶穌,因為祂就是你最終 的獎賞

141. It is a battleground that God uses to prepare us for the next world

140. 雖然我們可以經歷到喜悅與快樂,但 是這個世界並不是一個遊樂場

142. I would like to close with two thoughts

141. 它是神用來預備我們進入來世的戰場

143. First, no matter how bad things get, we will only have 142. 結束這篇之前,我想先提兩件事 to suffer in this world for at most six or seven more decades

143. 首先,人生再糟,我們在這個世界上 頂多也只要受六、七十年的苦

144. When we look back on our time here on earth from

144. 當我們在永恆的未來與耶穌同在,並

eternity in the presence of Jesus, it will be seem so




145. Like a Band-Aid torn off of little boo boo when we

145. 這就像我們小時候媽媽把 OK 繃從小

were a little child, we will wonder why we were so


scared, so unhappy


146. Second, I would like us to remember what God told Paul in 2 Corinthians

146. 再來,我希望我們要記得神在哥林多後書跟 保羅說了什麼

147. "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness."

147. 「我的恩典是夠你用的,因為我的能力在人 的軟弱上顯得完全」


Walk in a Manner Worthy of Your Calling 行事為人就當與蒙的恩相稱 1. If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there 1. 如果你因身為基督徒而被逮捕,會不 be enough evidence to convict you?


2. (V. 1) Eph 4:1-3 walk in a manner worthy of the calling 2. (V. 1) 以 4:1 既然蒙召,行事為人就 with which you have been called


3. How do we walk in a manner worthy of our calling? Well, 3. 我們如何讓自己的言行舉止與蒙召的 we bear fruit


4. If we read the next two verses, we‘ll see some of the 4. 繼續唸下面兩段經文,我們就會看到 fruit that a committed Christian should bear


5. (V. 2) 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, 5. (V. 2) 以 4:2 凡事謙虛、溫柔、忍耐, showing tolerance for one another in love, 3 being

用愛心互相寬容,3 用和平彼此聯

diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of



6. 有一天,一位員警看到一部車在路上

6. One day, a policeman sees a car weaving down the street


7. He follows the car for a while and notices that it has 7. 他就跟在那輛車子後面一段時間,他 Christian bumper stickers on the back


8. And there is a cross hanging from the mirror

8. 並且後視鏡也掛著一個十字架

9. The car stops at a stoplight and the policeman stops next 9. 那台車子在紅綠燈前停了下來,員警 to it


10. He looks in the car and sees a woman

10. 他往車子裡一看,看見裡面是一位女

11. He asks her, ―Are you alright?‖

12. The woman swears at him and gives him the middle finger 11. 他就問她:―你沒事吧‖ 12. 那個女人卻咒罵他,還向他比中指


13. When the light turns green, she drives off very quickly 13. 在交通號誌變為綠燈以後,那個女的就很 14. The policeman turns on his siren and pulls her over 15. She is very drunk and continues to swear at him

快的開走了 14. 員警打開警笛,叫那個女的路邊停車

16. The policeman arrests her and takes her to the police 15. 她喝的醉爛,並且也繼續向他罵髒話 station

16. 於是,員警就逮捕她,然後帶她到派出所

17. She calls her father to come pick her up

17. 這個女的打電話給她的父親,請他來接她

18. When the father arrives, he is very angry at the 18. 當父親到達,對員警非常生氣 policeman

19. 他問:你為什麼逮捕我的女兒?

19. He asks, ―Why did you arrest my daughter?‖

20. 先生,我注意到車尾貼著幾張基督教貼

20. Well, Sir, I saw the Christian bumper stickers on the


back of the car and the cross hanging from the mirror 21. 後來,我看到她開車的方式,她的行為, 21. Then I saw the way she drove, the way she behaved and heard the things she said

及聽到她說的話 22. 我很自然地認為這輛車子不是她的車,可

22. Naturally, I thought the car wasn‘t hers and she had stolen it

能是她偷的 23. 我想問各位這個問題

23. Here is my question for you

24. 如果你因身為基督徒而被逮捕,會不會有

24. If today you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? 25. I‘m afraid most Christians today would never spend a day in jail for being a Christian

足夠的證據讓你定罪? 25. 恐怕今天大部分的基督徒,根本不會因為 自己是基督徒而坐牢 26. 相反的,很多人很可能因為其他的原因而

26. On the contrary, many would probably spend a lot of time behind bars for other reasons

長期吃牢飯 27. 可悲的是,今天很難看出來誰是基督徒,

27. Unfortunately, it is very difficult today to tell Christians from non-Christians

誰不是基督徒 28. 因為他們言行不一

28. They talk the talk, but they don‘t walk the walk

29. 基督在馬太福音裡面說:

29. Christ says in Matt 7:20

30. (V. 3) 太 7:20 憑著他們的果子,就可以

30. (V. 3) you will know them by their fruits


31. So what are other fruits? Galatians 5:22-23 mentions 31. 那麼,還有哪些屬靈的果實?加拉太書也 some of them


32. (V. 4) Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is 32. (V. 4)加 5:22 聖靈所結的果子,就是仁 love,







faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such

實、5:23 溫柔、節制。這樣的事,沒有

things there is no law.


33. These things should be visible in a Christian's life

33. 這些特質應該在基督徒的生命中看得到

34. Are you producing fruit? Or is the opposite true?

34. 你正在結屬靈的果嗎? 或是剛好相反?

35. Instead of love, is there hatred in your life?

35. 你的人生中是不是沒有愛,反而有恨意?

36. Instead of joy, is there constant despair?

36. 你是不是沒有喜樂,反而常常沮喪?

37. Instead of peace, is there discord?

37. 你是不是沒有平安,反而充滿不和諧? 325

38. Instead of gentleness, are you short tempered?

38. 你是不是不溫柔,反而脾氣很壞?

39. Instead of faith, is there endless worry?

39. 你是不是沒有信心,反而不斷的在操心?

40. Instead of meekness, is there pride?

40. 你是不是不謙虛,反而很傲慢?

41. Instead of self-control, are you led around by your 41. 你是不是沒有節制,反而被私欲牽著鼻子 own passions?


42. If so, then either you don't know God or you need 42. 如果是這樣,你要不是不認識神,就是需要 to recommit your life to Christ


43. If you are a Christian, then people should be able to

43. 如果你是基督徒,別人應該可以看到你生命

see fruit in your life, because a committed


Christian will produce spiritual fruit


44. Jesus said in John 15:8:

44. 耶穌在約翰福音 15:8 曾說過

45. (V. 5) My true disciples produce much fruit. This

45. (V. 5) 你們多結果子,我父就因此得榮耀,

brings great glory to my Father


46. The metaphor of bearing fruit is used quite often in the 46. 聖經常出現結果子這個比喻 Bible.

47. 在講撒種的比喻時,耶穌談到種子會

47. In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus spoke of seed that falls on different types of ground

落在各種不同的土壤 48. 最後一種土壤是好的

48. The final kind of ground was good

49. (V. 6) 可 4:20 那撒在好地上的, 326

49. (V. 6) Mark 4:20 And those are the ones on whom seed was


sown on the good soil; and they hear the word and accept it


and bear fruit, thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.


50. In other words, those who embrace this truth will produce 50. 也就是說,懷抱真理的人必定會結出 fruit


51. The Bible tells us that we should bear fruit worthy of 51. 聖經也說我們要結出與悔改的心相稱的果 repentance


52. (V. 7) Matt 3:8 Therefore bear fruit in keeping with 52. (V. 7) 太 3:8 你們要結出果子來,與悔 repentance;


53. What other types of fruits should we bear in our 53. 我們在生命中應該還要結出哪一些果實 lives?


54. (V. 8) Hebrews 13:15-16 says, Through Him then, let 54. (V. 8) 來 13:15 我們應當靠著耶穌,常常 us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God,

以頌讚為祭獻給 神,這就是那承認主名之

that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.

人嘴唇的果子。13:16 只是不可忘記行善

16 And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for

和捐輸的事,因為這樣的祭是 神所喜悅

with such sacrifices God is pleased.


55. So praising God is bearing fruit

55. 因此頌讚上帝也是一種果實

56. But we shouldn't praise God only when we are ―in the 56. 但是我們不應該只在心情好的時候才頌贊 mood‖

57. We should praise God because he deserves our praise 57. 我們頌贊神因為祂配得我們頌贊 58. When we do this, we are bearing fruit

58. 當我們這樣做,我們就是在結出果實

59. What we say is also a type of fruit in our lives

59. 我們所說的話也是一種果實

60. (V. 9) Jesus said in Luke 6:45 The good man out of 60. (V. 9) 路 6:45 善人從他心裡所存的善就 the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is


good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings


forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that 61. 我們所說的話,也會反映出我們是不是真 which fills his heart.

正的基督徒 327

61. When you are a true Christian, it will be reflected in 62. 這也是一種果實 what you say

63. 別人能夠從你生命中看到屬靈的果實嗎?

62. This is bearing fruit as well

64. 切記,有人在看著你,在聽你講話

63. Can others see spiritual fruit in your life?

65. 盼望你的一言一行都像路標一般,指向耶

64. Remember, people are watching and listening to you

65. I hope that you are pointing them to Jesus

Extra Verse Eph 5:8-10 for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light 9 (for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), 10 trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. 以 5:8 從前你們是暗昧的,但如今在主裡面是光明的,行事為人就當像光明的子女。9 光明所結的果子就是一切良善、公義、誠實。10 總要察驗何為主所喜悅的事。


Walking in the Spirit 行在聖靈中 1.

Today, I would like to talk about walking in the Spirit


First, we will first discuss the importance of walking in 2. 首先,我們要討論行在聖靈中的重要 the Spirit

1. 我今天想談「行在聖靈中」 性


Second, we will talk about walking in the Spirit in depth 3. 接著,我們要深入討論行在聖靈中


Third, we will look at other terms the Bible uses that 4. 然後,我們會看聖經中還有那些說法 mean more or less the same thing as walking in the Spirit


5. 再來,我們會看幾個比喻,好讓我們

Fourth, we will look at some analogies to help us better understand the concept


跟行在聖靈中的意思很相似 更了解這個概念 6. 最後,我會說明行在聖靈中如何在人

Finally, I will point out some practical applications in our


lives of walking in the Spirit

7. 首先,為什麼行在聖靈中很重要?


First, why is walking in the Spirit important?

8. 行在聖靈中是聖經裡最重要的課題


Walking in the Spirit is actually one of the most


important topics in the Bible, yet it is also one of the 9. 讓我問你們一個問題,對不信主的人 least understood 9.


Let me ask you a question, ―What is most important for 10. 答案當然是投靠耶穌 unbelievers?‖

11. 對已經信主的人來說,什麼才是最重

10. The answer is obviously coming to Jesus


11. What is most important for people after they come to 12. 答案是成聖 Christ?

13. 成聖主要有兩個部分—更親近耶穌和

12. The answer is sanctification


13. Sanctification has two main parts—coming closer to 14. 這兩個剛好也是我們因大墮落而失 Christ in relationship and becoming more like Christ 14. These are also the two things we lost at the Fall 15. We lost our relationship with God and we lost the image of God in which we were created

去的東西 15. 我們失去與神的關係,也失去祂當時 給我們的形象 16. 當我們得救時,神把我們當作是已經

16. When we are saved, God reckons us as having regained that relationship and image

恢復那個關係與形象的 17. 但成聖的過程是神用來使我們恢復

17. But the process of sanctification is how God actually returns us to that original state

原來狀態 18. 了解這點的基督徒都會逐漸朝這兩

18. Christians who understand this gradually strive toward these two goals, but will never attain them in this life 19. Attaining sanctification is where walking in the Spirit comes in

個目標邁進,但是我們這輩子永遠無 法完全做到 19. 行在聖靈中就在成聖的目的上派上 用場


20. Sanctification is the end and walking in the Spirit is the 20. 成聖是目的,行在聖靈中是達成該目 means to that end


21. The Holy Spirit can bring us closer to Christ and make 21. 聖靈可以讓我們更親近耶穌並且讓 us become more like Christ


22. Conversely, If we are not walking in the power of the 22. 相反地,假如我們不走在聖靈的能力 Spirit, we can‘t become more like Christ or grow closer


to him


23. The concept of walking in the Spirit sounds very abstract, but it‘s actually not difficult to understand 24. If you‘re not sure what walking in the Spirit means,

23. 行在聖靈中這個觀念聽起來很抽象,但 其實不難了解 24. 如果你不確定行在聖靈中的意思,不要

don‘t feel too bad, because many churches don‘t teach


the idea clearly


25. Most churches understand and teach that God is 25. 大部分的教會都理解並且教導神是公 righteous and we are unrighteous


26. As that as a result, we cannot be in his presence and 26. 所以我們無法與祂同在,注定要跟祂永 are destined for eternal separation from him


27. They also agree that Christ came to earth to take 27. 他們也同意,耶穌來到世上除去世人的 away the sins of the world and we are saved when we


repent and call on his name


28. So far so good, but then many turn around and say that 28. 截至目前為止都很好,但是接下來他們 after you are saved, you obtain sanctification through


your own efforts


29. After you are baptized, they give you a list of dos and 29. 受洗後,他們會列出一堆你可以做跟不 don‘ts


30. They say if you do the dos and don‘t do the don‘ts, you 30. 他們還說,如果該做的都做了,而不該 330

will grow more like Christ and grow closer to him 31. But saying that you obtain either salvation or sanctification through your own efforts is not biblical 32. I believe that part of the problem is that many churches today don‘t understand the concept of walking in the Spirit

做的都沒做,你就會更像耶穌,也會更 親近耶穌 31. 但是,不管是說我們要透過自己的努力 得到救贖還是成聖,這都違背聖經的教 導 32. 我認為這個問題的部分起因,來自於今

33. Some say that it means having the gifts of the Spirit


34. These churches tend to emphasize feelings over faith

33. 有的說這指的是擁有聖靈恩賜

35. You could actually say many of them confuse feelings

34. 這些教會常常強調感覺,忽略信心

for faith

35. 更確切的說法應該是,他們以為感覺就

36. Many Christians in these churches tend to be


passionate at first, but then leave when the feelings disappear

36. 這些教會中許多基督徒一開始很熱 心,但是當感覺沒有了之後,他們就會

37. Other churches tend to be cold and unfriendly


38. They emphasize studying God‘s Word, but lack passion 37. 還有其他的教會,既冷淡又不友善 39. They tend to ignore the Holy Spirit or only mention him in passing

38. 他們往往強調要研讀神的話語,但是缺 乏熱情

40. I, personally, believe that some of the latter churches 39. 他們常常忽略聖靈,或者輕描淡寫提到 actually do this, BECAUSE of the former churches

41. They feel that the beliefs of the former churches are 40. 我個人認為後面那種教會會這麼做,一 too extreme


42. Unfortunately, they go to other extreme, almost

41. 他們認為前面那些教會的信念太極端,

totally ignoring the Holy Spirit in the process

42. 可惜的是,他們走到了另一個極端,幾

43. I think the latter churches do this to set themselves apart from the former

乎完全忽略聖靈的存在 43. 我認為後者這麼做是為了將自己與前

44. This is a very unfortunate situation and I believe that a balance between heart and mind is needed

者區別開來 44. 這個情況很可惜,我認為我們需要在感

45. After all, God tells us to love him with both our hearts and our minds

覺與理智之間找到一個平衡 45. 畢竟,神叫我們全心全意愛祂

46. (V. 1) Matthew 22:37—YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND. 47. To love God with our hearts and our minds, we need to better understand the Holy Spirit and his role in the life of the believer

46. (V. 1) 馬太福音 22:37—你要全心、全 性、全意愛主你的 神 47. 為了全心、全意愛神,我們需要更了解 聖靈以及聖靈在信徒的生命中所扮演 的角色 48. 聖靈所扮演的角色頗多,但是今天我們

48. The Holy Spirit has many roles, but today, we will only talk about a few

只會談到兩、三個 49. 首先,祂喚醒罪人他們有罪

49. First, he convicts sinners of sin

50. 再來,祂會引領他們到耶穌面前 331

50. Secondly, he draws them to Christ

51. 第三,祂使我們效法耶穌,也引導我們

51. Thirdly, he conforms us to the image of Christ and brings us closer in relationship to him

更親近祂 52. 顯然的,祂在我們認識神之前跟之後的

52. He‘s obviously very important in our lives before and


after we come to Christ

53. Today, we are focusing on his third role—conforming 53. 我們今天討論的是第三個角色—使我們 us to the image of Christ and bringing us closer in relationship to him

效法耶穌的形象,也引導我們更親近祂 54. 現在,我們就要進入我們話題的第二部

54. This brings us to the second part of our


talk—discussing walking in the Spirit in depth 55. The two most important chapters in the Bible on this subject are Romans 8 and Galatians 5

55. 關於這個主題,聖經中最重要的兩章是 羅馬書第八章跟加拉太書第五章 56. 我們今天不會深入討論這兩段,但是我

56. We won‘t discuss them in depth today, but I hope you study them later

希望你們以後自己針對這兩段加以研究 57. (V. 2) 羅馬書 8:2—因為生命之靈的律

57. (V. 2) Romans 8:2—For the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.

在基督耶穌裡使我自由,脫離了罪和死 的律。 58. 這裡有兩個原理:靈的律以及罪和死的

58. There are two principles here: the law of the Spirit of life, and the law of sin and of death

律 59. 在你成為基督徒之後,這兩個原理也會

59. Now, both of these principles continue to exist even after you become a Christian

繼續存在 60. 這兩個原理繼續存在於我們裡面,使得

60. The fact that they continue to exist together and are a source of constant struggle in us causes many Christians a great deal of confusion and pain 61. They ask themselves, ―If I am saved, why do I still sin?‖

我們持續不斷的掙扎,並帶給很多基督 徒許多困惑與痛苦 61. 他們會問自己:「如果我都已經得救了, 為什麼還會繼續犯罪?」 62. 他們會想:「我再怎麼努力,還是無法

62. They think, ―No matter how hard I try, I can‘t stop‖ 332


63. They can‘t understand why they continue to struggle 63. 他們無法了解為什麼他們會繼續跟罪搏 with sin and many even stop going to church


64. You don‘t need to feel bad. Even the Apostle Paul had 64. 你不需要難過,因為連使徒保羅都面臨 to face this struggle


65. This is the battle that Paul describes in Romans 7 66. (V. 3) Romans 7:14-25—For we know that the Law is spiritual, but I am of flesh, sold into bondage to sin.

65. 這就是保羅在羅馬書第七章描述的那個 爭戰 66. (V. 3)羅馬書 7:14-25—我們知道律法是

15 For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I


am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am

了。15 因為我所作的,我不明白;我所

doing the very thing I hate. 16 But if I do the very


thing I do not want to do, I agree with the Law,

倒去作。16 如果我所不願意的,我倒去

confessing that the Law is good. 17 So now, no longer

作,我就不得不承認律法是好的。17 既

am I the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me. 18


For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in

裡面的罪作的。18 我知道在我裡面,就

my flesh ; for the willing is present in me, but the


doing of the good is not. 19 For the good that I want,

行善由得我,行出來卻由不得我。 19 所

I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not


want. 20 But if I am doing the very thing I do not

意作的惡,我倒去作了。20 我若作自己

want, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which


dwells in me. 21 I find then the principle that evil is

住在我裡面的罪作的。21 因此,我發現

present in me, the one who wants to do good. 22 For


I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner

在我裡面出現。22 按著我裡面的人來

man, 23 but I see a different law in the members of

說,我是喜歡 神的律,23 但我發覺肢

my body, waging war against the law of my mind and


making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my

把我擄去附從肢體中的罪律。24 我這個

members. 24 Wretched man that I am! Who will set


me free from the body of this death? 25 Thanks be

的身體呢?25 感謝

to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, on


the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the

自己心裡服事 神的律,另一方面我的

law of God, but on the other, with my flesh the law of




67. 這兩個原理同時存在,也是很多非基督

67. The co-existence of these two principles is also the major reason some non-Christians look down on Christians

徒看不起基督徒的主要原因 68. 他們會想:「大部分基督徒的行為跟非 基督徒一樣,那麼,信他們的神有什麼

68. They think, ―Most Christians behave the same way as non-Christians. What use is believing in their God?‖ 69. Unfortunately, they are correct about our behavior, but they don‘t understand why

用呢?」 69. 很不幸,針對許多基督徒行為的評價, 他們說的沒有錯,但是他們並不了解為 什麼


70. I hope that our talk today will help explain that very question

70. 我希望今天的話題可以回答他們這個問 題

71. Let me share an analogy with you that I think will help

71. 我先跟各位分享一個比喻,希望有幫助 72. 我們都知道地心引力是什麼,但是我們

72. We all know what gravity is, but we tend to take it for granted

通常會把這個原理視為理所當然 73. 但是如果你突然從飛機上摔下來,地心

73. But if you suddenly fell out of a plane, gravity would suddenly become a very important principle in your life

引力會突然在你的人生中變成非常重要 的原理 74. 無論我們做什麼,都沒有辦法讓地心引

74. Now, nothing you do can stop gravity from existing 75. but aerodynamics is a higher principle that can overcome gravity

力不存在 75. 但是航空動力學是個更高的原理,可以 克服地心引力

76. Gravity still exists, but the higher principle of aerodynamics can overcome gravity‘s downward pull 77. Like gravity, the law of sin and of death constantly pulls you down and like gravity, you cannot overcome it by yourself

76. 地心引力還是存在,但航空動力學那個 更高的原理,可以對抗地心引力往下拉 的力量 77. 跟地心引力一樣,罪和死的律也不斷地 將你往下拉,而且跟地心引力一樣,你 也沒有辦法透過自己的努力克服它

78. You need another principle to overcome it

78. 你需要另一個原理才能克服它

79. That principle is walking in the Spirit

79. 那個原理就是行在聖靈中

80. In the Garden of Eden, God said to Adam, ―You can eat 80. 在伊甸園裡,上帝曾經對亞當說:「你 anything you want, but don‘t eat the forbidden fruit‖ 81. Let‘s change that for now to ―You can do anything you want on the plane, but don‘t go near the door‖ 82. This might help us better understand what God was saying

吃什麼都可以,但是禁果不准吃」 81. 我們現在暫時把這句改成:「你在飛機 上面做什麼都可以,但是不要接近那扇 門」 82. 這麼做或許可以幫我們更了解神的意

83. As we all know, Adam ignored God‘s instructions 84. He pushed God away, jumped from the plane, and 334

思 83. 我們都知道,亞當把神所吩咐的事當作

began plummeting toward eternal separation from God


85. This analogy gives new meaning to the term ―The Fall,‖ 84. 他把神推開,跳出飛機,開始墜入與神 doesn‘t it?


86. Ever since, every child has been born into the line of Adam and is plummeting toward eternal separation from God

85. 這個比喻給人類的墮落加了一層新的 意義,你說是吧 86. 從此以後,每一個小孩都出生於亞當的

87. This is another way of looking at original sin


88. Now, eternal separation from God is another way of saying death

87. 這也是看原罪的另一個比喻 88. 與神永久隔絕的另一個說法是死亡

89. Remember Jesus came to the world to conquer death, 89. 記不記得耶穌來到世界的目的是征服 to bring us back into relationship with God


(See Isaiah 25:8, 2 Timothy 1:10, 1 Cor. 15:55-57, Hosea

(見賽 25:8、提後 1:10、哥前 15:55-57、何



90. Jesus paid the price for each of us and anybody who

90. 耶穌為我們每一個人付代價,任何人只

asks God to save him receives a seal


91. (V. 4) Ephesians 4:30 And do not grieve the Holy

91. (V. 4) 以弗所書 4:30 不可讓 神的

Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of




(Read Ephesians 1:13-14—In Him, you also, after listening

以弗所書 1:13-14—你們既然聽了真理的

to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation


-having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy 就在他裡面受了所應許的聖靈作為印 Spirit of promise, 14 who is given as a pledge of our

記。 14 這聖靈是我們得基業的憑據,直到

inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God's own


possession, to the praise of His glory.

哥林多後書 1:21—那在基督裡堅定我們和

2 Corinthians 1:21—Now He who establishes us with you in

你們,又膏抹我們的,就是 神。

Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us

哥林多後書 5:5—那在我們身上完成了工


and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a deposit.

作,使我們達成這目標的,就是 神。他

2 Corinthians 5:5—Now He who has prepared us for this


very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a

92. 我們來繼續用這個比喻,該印記就是我



92. To continue our analogy, that seal is our airplane ticket

93. 當你要求神救你時,聖靈會「給你印 記,等候得贖的日子」,但是否繼續待

93. When you ask God to save you, the Holy Spirit ―seals


you for that day,‖ but you decide for yourself whether 94. 如果你真心懺悔也真心接受耶穌基督 or not you will stay on the plane


94. Whether or not you stay on the plane, however, if you


truly repent and truly accept Christ in your heart, you 95. 我們來看羅馬書 8:7-8 are saved

96. (V. 5) 羅馬書 8:7-8—因為以肉體為念

95. Let‘s go to Romans 8:7-8


96. (V. 5) Romans 8:7-8—because the mind set on the

的確不能夠服從;8 屬肉體的人不能得

flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so, 8 and those who are in the flesh cannot please God 97. Before you were a Christian, you could not please God 98. Even if you had wanted to, you couldn‘t, because you were in the line of Adam

神的喜悅。 97. 在你成為基督徒之前,你不能得神的喜 悅 98. 就算你想要也沒辦法,因為你屬於亞當 的族系 99. 在你信靠耶穌之前,不管我們做什麼,

99. Before we come to Christ, nothing we do can please God

都無法得神的喜悅 100. 下面的插圖可能可以讓這個重要的原

100. The following drawings might help make this important principle clearer

則更清楚 101. 先看插圖 A—亞當和夏娃是可以選擇

101. Look at drawing A—Adam and Eve had a choice 102. They could have chosen to sin or not sin, to stay onboard or leave

的 102. 他們可以選擇犯罪或不犯罪,繼續待 在飛機上或離開

103. They could stay with God or leave him—they had a choice

103. 他們可以繼續跟神同在或離開祂—由 他們自己決定



104. They chose to leave and fell as a result

104. 他們選擇了離開,結果墮落了

105. We see that in drawing B below

105. 我們在下面插圖 B 就可以看到這點


106. All of Adam‘s descendents are born into the line of Adam and those in the line of Adam have no choice— 107. They cannot please God, they cannot stop falling, because sinning is their nature

106. 亞當後代都屬於亞當的族系,而亞當 族系的人沒有選擇的餘地: 107. 他們無法討神喜悅,也就是說,他們 沒有辦法停止往下摔,因為犯罪就是

108. They can flap their arms as hard as they want, but everything they do falls short of the glory of God 109. They continue to plummet toward eternal separation from God

他們的本性 108. 他們再怎麼努力揮動手臂也沒有 用,因為他們做的一切都虧欠神的榮 耀

(Read also Isaiah 64:4)

109. 他們還是繼續墜入與神永世隔絕的

110. Look at drawing C—Christ offers the only way back into the line of God

深淵 (另見以賽亞書 64:4) 110. 看插圖 C—基督是回到神的族系的 唯一道路



111. By the way, if there were another way, why on earth 111. 順便問一下,如果有其他的方法,那祂 would he die in our place?


112. (V. 6) Galatians 2:21—if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly.

112. (V. 6) 另見加拉太書 2:21—如果義是藉 著律法而來的,基督就白白地死了

113. Desperate situations require desperate measures

113. 非常情況需要的是非常手段

114. Look at drawing D—Those in the line of Christ have

114. 看插圖 D—耶穌族系的人有所選擇—他

a choice—they can choose to sin or not sin, to fall or


not fall


115. Despite our new position in Christ, however, we often sin

115. 但是即使我們擁有在耶穌裡的新身份, 我們還是常常犯罪

116. Now, we learned before that once you become a Christian, you have a new identity

116. 我們之前學過,一旦你成為基督徒,你 就有了新的身份

117. You are no longer a child of the devil

117. 你不再是魔鬼的子女

(Read 2 Tim 2:26, Act 26:18, John 8:44, 1 John 5:19,

(見提後 2:26、使徒行傳 26:18、約翰福音

John 12:31, John 16:11)

8:44、約翰一書 5:19、約翰福音 12:31、約

118. You have died to the line of Adam and have been

翰福音 16:11)

reborn into the line of God

118. 你已死於亞當的族系,並重生於神的族

119. This alone is a good reason to obey God

120. As a child of the King, you should want to lead a life 119. 光是這個就足以構成你順服神的理由 that corresponds to your new position

120. 作為國王的子女,你應該想要過一個符

121. Not only do you have good reasons to obey, God now gives you power to do so

合你新身份的生活 121. 你不但有各種順服神的理由,現在神也

122. The power of the Holy Spirit allows us to obey the Father, because we cannot do it on our own

給你力量這麼做 122. 聖靈的力量使我們能夠順服天父,因為

123. We couldn‘t rely on our own efforts not to sin


before we were Christians and we cannot rely on our 123. 成為基督徒之前,我們無法靠自己的努 own efforts to not sin after we become Christians 338


124. Our situation is the same as it was before—gravity is still there and we are still powerless against it 125. But now God offers the power of the Holy Spirit to us to overcome the pull of sin on our flesh

無法靠自己的努力不犯罪 124. 我們的情況跟以前一樣—地心引力還是 存在,而我們依然無計可施 125. 但是現在上帝提供聖靈的力量,幫我們

126. The question is ―will we accept his offer?‖


127. In reality, we often spend more time outside of the plane than inside the plane

126. 問題是:我們願意接受祂的幫助嗎? 127. 實際上,我們在飛機外的時間往往比在

128. Hopefully, however, as we mature in Christ, we will spend more and more time inside of the plane 129. Whatever the case, if we are true believers, we are still saved

飛機上的時間還多 128. 但是,隨著我們在耶穌裡成長,希望我 們也會花越來越多時間在飛機上 129. 不論如何,如果我們是真的投靠耶穌,

(Read Romans 8:35-39)


130. By the way, when we get to heaven, the choice to sin (見羅馬書 8:35-39) will be forever removed—the downward pull will be gone

130. 順便一提,當我們到天堂時,犯罪的選 擇會永遠被移除—罪的向下拉力就不復

131. There will be no more sin or desire to sin


132. Does that make sense?

131. 罪不再存在,連犯罪的慾望都不會存在

133. Drawing D represents what it means to walk in the

132. 這樣可以理解嗎?

Spirit and is what we are focusing on today

133. 插圖 D 代表的是行在聖靈中的意思,也

134. We need to understand that the power of sin is in each of us and will be for the rest of your life, but it is not the core you

是我們今天的主題 134. 我們需要了解,罪的力量在我們有生之 年會一直存在,但那不是最核心的你

135. The core you, the part that God sees, is the blood of his Son

135. 最核心的你,也就是神所看到的,是祂 兒子的寶血

136. It is the perfect new creation, but it is surrounded by the old creation

136. 是完美的新受造物,只是它被舊的受造 物包圍著

137. These ―two creations‖—the old you and the new you, 137. 這兩個受造物—也就是舊我跟新我—在 will continue to battle within you for the rest of your life



138. God allows this battle to continue, because it forces you to

138. 神之所以允許這個戰爭繼續下

choose daily between relying on yourself or relying on the


Holy Spirit


139. And that is what walking in the Spirit means

140. Relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to live your life

139. 行在聖靈中就是這個意思

141. Submitting to the Holy Spirit to become more like Christ

140. 過著依靠聖靈力量的日子

142. Allowing the Holy Spirit to bring you closer in relationship to 141. 順服聖靈,讓祂幫你更像耶穌 Christ

142. 讓祂幫你更親近耶穌

143. I hope that gives you a basic understanding of what walking in the Spirit means

143. 我希望我的解釋讓你對行在聖靈中有一 個基本的認識

144. Now, let‘s talk about what happens when we choose to walk in the Spirit?

144. 現在,我們來討論當你選擇行在聖靈中 會發生什麼事

145. Paul explains in Galatians chapter 5

145. 保羅在加拉太書第五章解釋

146. (V. 7) Galatians 5:16-21 But I say, walk by the Spirit,

146. (V. 7) 加拉太書 5:16-21—我是說,你

and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh,


For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and

去滿足肉體的私慾了。17 因為肉體的私

the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in


opposition to one another, so that you may not do


the things that you please. But if you are led by the

作的。18 但你們若被聖靈引導,就不在

Spirit, you are not under the Law. Now the deeds of

律法以下了。19 肉體所行的都是顯而易

the flesh are evident, which are: immorality,

見的,就如淫亂、污穢、邪蕩、20 拜偶

impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities,


strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes,

自私、分黨、結派、21 嫉妒、醉酒、荒

dissensions, factions, drunkenness, carousing, and


things like these of which I forewarn you, just as I


have forewarned you, that those who practice such

人,必定不能承受 神的國。

things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

147. 請注意,他將肉體的工跟屬靈的果實做

147. Notice that he contrasts the works of the flesh with the fruits of the Spirit

對比 148. 工沒有生命,但是果實有


148. Works are not alive, but fruit is

149. 東西是可以製作的,但是果實不能自己

149. You can make things, but you can‘t make fruit

150. You can grow fruit, but you can‘t make fruit

150. 你可以種果子,但是不能自己製作果實

151. Let‘s go to Galatians 2

151. 我們來看加拉太書第二章

152. (V. 8) Gal. 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ;

152. (V. 8) 加拉太書 2:20—我已經與基督同

and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me;


and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by


faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave

的我,是因信 神的兒子而活的;他愛

Himself up for me.


153. It is no longer you who lives, but Christ in you 154. As we walk in the Spirit, we grow in Christ‘s image

153. 現在活著的,不再是你,而是基督活在 你裡面

155. The image of God that we lost as a result of the Fall 154. 只要我們行在聖靈中,我們就會效法基 gradually grows within us


156. Let‘s return to Galatians 5

155. 我們當初因大墮落而失去的神的形象,

157. (V. 9) Gal. 5:22-23—The fruit of the Spirit is love,


joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

156. 讓我們回到加拉太書第五章

faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against

157. (V. 9) 加拉太書 5:22-23—但聖靈的果

such things there is no law.


158. Good works don‘t please God

良善、信實、23 溫柔、節制;這樣的事,

159. Good works are the result of pleasing God, of


choosing Christ over the world, of choosing Christ 158. 行善不會討神歡喜 over self

159. 行善是討神歡喜的結果,是因為我們選

160. Good works are the result of choosing to walk in the Spirit

擇基督,不選擇這個世界,是因為我們 選擇基督,不選擇自己

161. So when we walk in the Spirit, we are not just not sinning, we are producing fruit

160. 善行是選擇行在聖靈中的結果 161. 因此當我們行在聖靈中,我們不只不會

162. By the way, I think producing fruit is a wonderful analogy for two reasons

犯罪,我們還會結果實 162. 順便一提,我們認為結果實這個比喻非

163. First, we are only branches on the vine, so we cannot produce fruit

常棒,原因有二 163. 第一,我們只是葡萄樹上的樹枝,所以

164. We are only conduits


165. The vine produces fruit through us, if we let it

164. 我們只不過是管道

166. Second, fruit contains two parts—the seed and the

165. 如果我們願意的話,葡萄樹會透過我們

edible part


167. The seed is used for reproduction

166. 第二,果實是由兩個部分所構成的:籽

168. And spiritual reproduction means bringing


non-Christians to Christ

167. 籽是繁殖用的

169. The edible part is used for nourishing others 341

168. 而屬靈的繁殖指的是帶領尚未信主的人

170. Spiritual nourishment means edifying Christians, helping them grow in Christ

來信主 169. 可以吃的部分是用來滋養他人

171. When others see you live out your faith, it is the best possible testimony

170. 屬靈的滋養指的是餵養基督徒,帶領他 們在耶穌裡成長

172. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are meant to be your testimony before others

171. 當別人看到你活出你的信仰,這是最好 不過的見證 172. 仁愛、喜樂、平安、忍耐、恩慈、良善、

173. Christ said something very similar in the Gospel of John

信實、溫柔、節制本來就應該是你在別 人面前的見證

174. (V. 10) John 13:35—By this all men will know that you 173. 耶穌在約翰福音講過類似的話 are My disciples, if you have love for one another. 175. Now, notice the first three fruits of the Holy Spirit—love, joy, and peace

174. (V. 10)約翰福音 13:35—如果你們彼此 相愛,眾人就會認出你們是我的門徒了。 175. 我們先看一下聖靈果子裡面的頭三個:

176. People think they want more money, possessions, power, status

仁愛、喜樂、平安 176. 人們以為他們所要的是金錢、東西、權

177. But I don‘t think anybody lying on their death bed says, ―I wish I had made more money‖ or ―I wish I had more stuff‖

利和地位 177. 但是沒有人在臨終前會說:「可惜,我 沒有賺更多金錢」,或說「我很後悔沒

178. What people really want are love, joy, and peace 179. Paradoxically, you don‘t get love, joy, and peace by trying to obtain them on your own

有累積更多的東西」 178. 人們真正要的只不過是仁愛、喜樂、平 安

180. They are the result of walking in the Spirit as you seek Christ

179. 弔詭的是,當你想透過自己的努力尋求 仁愛、喜樂和平安時,你偏偏得不到

181. Now, let me ask you a question

180. 它們是行在聖靈中時尋求耶穌所獲得的

182. We are forgiven of all of our sins past, present, and future when we accept Christ

結果 181. 容我現在問各位一個問題

183. If that is true, why not sin with impunity?

182. 當我們接受耶穌作為我們的救主,我們

184. Well, there are several reasons


185. For example, now that God has saved you, you should

want to live a life pleasing to him out of gratitude 186. Also, you are a child of the king, so you should strive to live a life corresponding to your new position 187. Furthermore, you shouldn‘t want to sin, because it could prevent non-believers from coming to Christ and could trip up Christians and even cause them to leave God

183. 如果真的是這樣,我們為何不肆無忌憚 的犯罪呢? 184. 原因有很多 185. 比方說,神已經救了你,你應該會為了 感激而想要討祂歡喜 186. 另外,你是國王的兒女,因此你應該盡 你所能,活出與新身份相稱的生活

188. But the reason I want to stress is this

187. 況且,你不應該想要犯罪,因為這麼做

189. Sin and Fruits of the Spirit are now indicators of 342


whether or not you are walking in the Spirit


190. Sin is a negative indicator and the Fruits of the

188. 但是我想特別強調的是

Spirit are a positive indicator

189. 罪和屬靈的果子已變成你是否真正行在

191. When you are sinning and when you are not growing


the Fruits of the Spirit, you are probably not

190. 罪是負面的指標,而屬靈的果子是正面

walking in the Spirit


192. Like I said earlier, many churches stress feelings as 191. 當你犯罪或沒有結出屬靈的果子,你大 an indicator of whether or not a Christian is walking


in the Spirit

192. 就像我稍早說的,很多教會喜歡強調感

193. But feelings are a poor indicator, because they come and go

覺,把感覺當作基督徒是否行在聖靈中 的指標

194. Sin and the Fruits of the Spirit are much better indicators

193. 但是感覺不是好指標,因為感覺來得 快,去得也快 194. 罪和屬靈的果子是比較好的指標

195. Now, a key principle about walking in this Spirit is

195. 那麼,我現在就要介紹行在聖靈中的關鍵

this—it‘s a cooperative relationship between you


and the Holy Spirit


196. We need to realize that without God, we can‘t and 196. 我們需要了解一點:沒有神的配合,我們 without us, God won‘t


197. In other words, we cannot stop sinning and we cannot grow the Fruits of the Spirit on our own 198. But the Holy Spirit isn‘t going to stop you from

意做 197. 換言之,我們無法透過自己的努力停止犯 罪或長出屬靈的果子

sinning or help you grow Fruits of the Spirit if you 198. 話也說回來,沒有我們配合,聖靈也不會 don‘t cooperate


199. He‘s not willing to do it without you

199. 沒有你配合,祂也不願意做

200. I think of it as a three-legged race


201. Once you receive Christ, one of your legs is tied to 201. 一旦你接受耶穌以後,你的腿跟聖靈的腿 343

one of the Holy Spirit‘s legs


202. He takes the first step, but then you have to


respond in faith


203. If you don‘t respond, he doesn‘t take the next



204. You could say that we grow in our faith one step at 204.可以說,我們的信心就是這樣逐步踏實 a time

205.So let‘s review what walking in the Spirit means

205. 我們來複習一下行在聖靈中的意思

206.In our analogy, the principle of gravity represents the 206. 在剛剛的比喻裡,地心引力的原理代表 pull of sin


207.The principle of aerodynamics that overcomes gravity 207. 而克服地心引力的航空動力學原理,則 represents walking in the Spirit


208.After we become Christians, we choose everyday

208. 我們成為基督徒以後,每天都在選擇往

between falling and staying on the plane—between


submitting to the Holy Spirit and going our own way


209.We learned that submitting allows the Holy Spirit to

209. 我們學到順服讓聖靈得以完成 祂的任

accomplish his mission—that is, make us more like


Christ and closer to him in relationship


210. We saw that choosing to walk in the Spirit allows you to develop the Fruits of the Spirit

210. 我們看到,當你選擇行在聖靈中,你會 長出屬靈的果子

211. And that the Fruits of the Spirit can‘t be obtained

211. 而要行在聖靈中才能長出屬靈的果

without walking in the Spirit, because they are a


result of walking in the Spirit

212. We learned that the Fruit of the Spirit consists of two parts

212. 我們也學到屬靈的果子是由兩個部分 構成的

213. Spiritual seeds to bring non-believers to Christ and the edible part to help Christians grow in Christ 214. We learned that although God doesn‘t force us to 344

213. 屬靈的籽可以帶領非基督徒來到耶穌 面前,屬靈可以吃的部分可以幫助基督 徒在耶穌裡成長

walk in the Spirit, it is the method God chose for us to grow spiritually

214. 我們現在也了解,神不會強迫我們行在 聖靈中,但是祂選擇用這個方式讓我們

215. And if a person doesn‘t try to walk in the Spirit, we have reason to doubt that they ever were a Christian 216. We learned that sin and the Fruits of the Spirit are indicators showing whether or not you are walking in the Spirit

在屬靈上成長 215. 如果有人不試著行在聖靈中,我們有充 分理由懷疑他從來都不是基督徒 216. 我們現在也了解到,罪和屬靈的果子是 我們是否行在聖靈中的指標

217. We learned that walking in this Spirit is a cooperative 217. 我們也知道,行在聖靈中是你跟聖靈之 relationship between you and the Holy Spirit


218. It‘s like a three-legged race designed to bring you closer to Christ in faith, in relationship, and in likeness

218. 它就像兩人三腳賽跑,設計的目的是讓 你在信仰、關係與相似度上更親近耶穌 219. 但是這兩人三腳的賽跑你無法一個人

219. But you can‘t run this three-legged race alone nor is the Holy Spirit willing to do it without you

跑,而沒有你,聖靈也不願意跑 220. 一個關鍵原則是:沒有神的配合,我們

220.A key principle is that without God, we can‘t and without us, God won‘t

自己做不到;沒有我們的配合,神不願 意做

221. That would defeat the purpose of walking in the Spirit A.


221. 這樣就會讓行在聖靈中失去意義


222. This brings us to the third part of our speech


223. Now, I would like to show you several verses in the


Bible that can give you a deeper understanding of this very important concept

理解這個非常重要的觀念 224.新約各個作者使用各種說法,但是意思

224. New Testament writers use many terms that mean more or less the same thing. Here are a few

都大同小異。我在這裡介紹幾個 225.居在耶穌裡(約翰福音 15:1, 5;約翰福音

225. Abide in Christ, (John 15:1, 5; John 8:31-32) 226. Set your mind on things above (Colossians 3:2) 227. Rejoice in the Lord always (Philippians 4:4)

8:31-32) 226.你們要思念的,是天上的事(歌羅西書 3:2)

228. Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

227.靠著主常常喜樂(腓立比書 4:4)

229. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all his

228.不住禱告(帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:17)

righteousness (Matthew 6:33)


230. Fix your eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2)

必加給你們(馬太福音 6:33)

231. I would like to read the text for this last one

230.專一注視耶穌(希伯來書 12:2)

232. (V. 11) Hebrews 12:1-3—Therefore, since we have so 231. 我希望念一下最後這段經文 great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also 232.(V. 11)希伯來書 12:1-3—所以,我們既 lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so


easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance


the race that is set before us, 2 fixing our eyes on


Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for

們面前的賽程;2 專一注視耶穌,就是

the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising


the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the


throne of God. 3 For consider Him who has endured

看了羞辱,現在就坐在 神寶座的右

such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you

邊。3 這位忍受罪人那樣頂撞的耶穌,

will not grow weary and lose heart.


233. All these are progressive concepts, not single events

233.這些都是循序漸進的觀念,並不是單一 事件


234. Coming to Christ is a single event, a single decision


235. But becoming more like Christ and coming closer to


him in relationship is a progressive concept


236. It‘s a series of decisions that we make for the rest of our lives

236.是我們有生之年都需要持續做的一系列 決定

237. Each day, we choose to live by our own efforts or by 237.我們每天要決定依靠自己的力量過日 the power of the Holy Spirit


238. We choose to say, ―My will be done‖ or ―Your will be done‖

238.我們決定說:「願我自己的旨意成就」 或「願你的旨意成就」

239.This brings us to the fourth part of our speech

239. 我們現在要進入演講的第四段

240.Now, let me give you a few analogies to drive home

240. 接下來,我想提供幾個比喻,讓各位徹

the concept of walking in the Spirit


241. First, when mountain climbing, experienced climbers

241. 第一個,登山時,經驗老道的登山者會

tell you, ―Don‘t look down, because looking down pulls


you down‖


242.The rope of salvation will save you, so you won‘t crash 242. 救贖的繩子會救你,因此你不會墜毀在 on the rocks below,


243.but falling is the opposite of maturing in Christ, so it‘s not something we want

243. 但是往下掉跟在耶穌裡成長背道而 馳,所以不是我們所要的


244.Another analogy is those baby races we‘ve all seen on TV 244. 另一個比喻是我們大家在電視上看 245.There are generally three types of babies in those



245. 這種遊戲裡通常有三種嬰兒

246.Some babies sit there and cry

246. 有的嬰兒只會坐在那裡哭

247.They might be scared, confused, tired, or hungry

247. 他們可能感到害怕、困惑、疲累或

248.But the point is that their focus is on themselves


249.The second kind of babies heads toward things that

248. 但重點是他們只專注在自己

catch their attention, like colorful toys and other

249. 第二種嬰兒會朝著引起他們注意的



250.Finally, some babies focus on their mothers


251. They ignore things around them and crawl straight for their mothers

250. 最後,有的嬰兒會注視他們母親 251. 他們不理會周圍的人事物,直接爬向

252.We need to be more like the babies that keep their eye on their mothers

媽媽 252. 我們需要更像那些注視母親的嬰兒

253.My final analogy is a boat in a stormy sea

253. 我最後的比喻是在狂風巨浪裡的船隻

254.In this world, we are surrounded by waves of trials, 254. 在這個世界裡,我們被試煉、困難及誘 tribulations, and temptations


255.Before us is the lighthouse of Christ

255. 而在我們前面是如同燈塔般的基督

256.We need to keep our eyes off of the huge waves

256. 我們需要學會不看巨大的浪頭,而只看

and on the lighthouse


257.The Holy Spirit is the wind in our sails blowing us toward Christ, but we are at the wheel of the boat 258.We can work with him or work against him

257. 聖靈是風,將我們吹向耶穌,但是船的 舵掌握在我們手中 258. 我們可以配合祂或反抗祂


259. If we choose to work with him, we will continue to get closer to the lighthouse, but we will never reach it in this lifetime

259.如果我們配合祂,我們會越來越接近燈 塔,但是我們這輩子永遠無法抵達 260.我們這輩子的任務是要訓練自己,每天

260. Our mission in this life is to train ourselves to choose to focus our eyes on Jesus every day

選擇目不轉睛的專注於耶穌 261. 我們需要決定依靠聖靈,而不是依靠自

261. We do that by deciding to rely on the Holy Spirit and not on our own efforts

己,才做得到 262.那麼,我們目前已經解釋行在聖靈中的

262. Now, we‘ve defined walking in the Spirit, looked at


some verses in the Bible, and we‘ve looked at some


verses and analogies to drive the idea home


263. In this last part, I would like to look at three ways in 263.在最後這一段,我想看看行在聖靈中如 which walking in the Spirit affects our lives


264. Struggling with sin, evangelizing, and church leaders 265. First, let‘s talk about how walking in the Spirit can help you in your struggles with sin

264.面對罪的掙扎、傳福音以及教會的領導 人 265.首先,我們來討論行在聖靈中如何幫我

266. Like Paul, we all have our battles with sin and when we try to fight the battles on our own, the results can be very depressing

們克服我們與罪的掙扎 266.跟保羅一樣,我們都在跟罪搏鬥,當我 們試著以自己的力量跟罪奮戰,結果會

267. But rather than trying not to sin through your own efforts, the Bible suggests something better—walk in the Spirit

令人相當沮喪 267.但是與其自己與罪鬥爭,不如聽取聖經 的建議:行在聖靈中




268.This is God‘s way of training you to choose to pursue what God wants you to pursue—him

268. 這是上帝訓練的方法,讓我們選擇 追 尋祂要我們追尋的對象—也就是祂自

269.When you are tempted, you choose him or you choose the person, thing, or feeling that is tempting you—ingenious, isn‘t it?!

己 269. 當你受到誘惑時,你要選擇祂或選擇 誘惑你的人、東西或感覺—很妙吧!

270.When you are faced with temptations, choose to walk by the Spirit by fixing your eyes on Christ

270. 當你面對誘惑,選擇行在聖靈中,專 心注視耶穌

271. Pray, read the Bible, praise God, sing spiritual songs, fellowship with other Christians…

271. 禱告、讀聖經、讚美神、唱詩歌、參 加團契與其他的基督徒同在…

272.At first, you‘ll probably fail more often than you

272. 剛開始,你失敗的機率大概會比你成

succeed, but, hopefully, as you grow in Christ, you‘ll


succeed more and more


273.So don‘t get depressed and beat yourself up when you 273. 因此,當你失敗時,不要沮喪,不要 fail


274.When you fall down, hurry up and get back up, brush

274. 當你跌倒時,趕快站起來、撣去身上

yourself off, ask and thank God for his forgiveness,


and get your eyes back on Christ


275.This process that God chose to draw us closer to him can be painful, but it is also very effective

275. 神選擇用來使我們更親近祂的方式有 時候會帶來痛苦,但是也很有效果


276. Paul says in Galatians


277. (V. 11) Galatians 5:16-18—But I say, walk by the

277.(V. 11) 加拉太書 5:16-18—我是說,你

Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the


flesh. 17 For the flesh sets its desire against the

去滿足肉體的私慾了。 17 因為肉體的

Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are


in opposition to one another, so that you may not do


the things that you please. 18 But if you are led by

意作的。 18 但你們若被聖靈引導,就

the Spirit, you are not under the Law.


278. Then he says in verse 25

278.在 25 節,他又說

279. (V. 12) Gal. 5:25—If we live by the Spirit, let us also

279.(V. 12) 加拉太書 5:25—如果我們靠聖

walk by the Spirit.


280. In Romans 13, we read

280.在羅馬書第 13 章,我們看到

281. (V. 13) Rom. 13:11-14—Do this, knowing the time, that 281. (V. 13) 羅馬書 13:11-14—還有,你們知 it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep;


for now salvation is nearer to us than when we


believed. 12 The night is almost gone, and the day is

信的時候更加接近了。 12 黑夜已深,

near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of


darkness and put on the armor of light. 13 Let us

為,帶上光明的武器。 13 行事為人要

behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and


drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and


sensuality, not in strife and jealousy. 14 But put on

妒。 14 總要披戴主耶穌基督,不要為

the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the


flesh in regard to its lusts.

282.我想特別指出第 14 節,「總要披戴主

282. I want to point out V. 14 which tells us, to ―put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.‖

耶穌基督,不要為肉體安排,去放縱私 慾。」 283.行在聖靈中可以這麼簡單

283. That‘s how simple walking in the Spirit can be 284. If I put on Christ then I have the power to not sin 285. You can‘t do it on your own

284.如果我披戴主耶穌基督,我就有能力不 犯罪 285.你沒有辦法透過自己的努力做到

286. Each day, you are faced with many situations in which 286.我們每天面對各種狀況,都需要你做決 you have to make decisions

287. You have to decide who is going to be in control—your 287.你必須決定誰作主—你的肉體還是聖 flesh or the Holy Spirit

288. I picture these daily decisions as forks in the road

288.我們每天要面臨的選擇,我把他們想像 成岔路


289.Each time you choose to walk in the Spirit, it brings you 289. 你每次選擇行在聖靈中,會讓你 在 closer to Christ in both character and relationship


290.Now, let‘s talk about evangelizing

290. 我們現在把話題轉到傳福音上

291. When you walk in the Spirit, evangelizing is easy

291. 當你行在聖靈中,傳福音就簡單了

292.This is because when you are walking in the Spirit, when 292. 這是因為當你行在聖靈中,當你定 you have your eyes fixed on Jesus, when you are living


out your faith, you yourself are a sign pointing to Jesus


293.Thing about it. What happens when a person is standing 293. 想像一下,當一個人站在高樓前面 in front of a building looking up?


294.Don‘t other people stop and look up, too?

294. 別人不是也會停下來一起看嗎?

295. You become a sign pointing to whatever is on the


building and people want to see what you‘re looking




296. You don‘t have to twist their heads, because your 296.你不需要扭他們的脖子強迫他們看,因為 looking causes them to want to look at what you‘re looking at



297.When you have your eyes on Jesus, people see it in you 297. 如果你專心注視耶穌,別人就會注意 and they will take it upon themselves to ask you about


your hope in Jesus

298.And believe me, they will. The Holy Spirit will make 298. 你可以相信我,一定會有人跑來問, sure of that


299.Your job is to be ready to explain to them the hope of your salvation when they do ask

299. 你的任務是要隨時作好準備,有人詢 問時可以向他們解釋你為什麼懷有盼

300.(V. 14) 1 Peter 3:15—Always be prepared to give an

answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason 300. (V. 14) 彼得前書 3:15—只要心裡尊 for the hope that you have


301. This is so much easier, enjoyable, and effective than confrontational evangelizing

去回答那些問你們為甚麼懷有盼望的 人

302.In other words, beating people over the head with a 301. 這麼做比「衝突式」的傳福音簡單、 Bible won‘t bring them to Christ and will probably scare them away

快樂而且有效多了 302. 換言之,用聖經敲人家的頭不但不能

303.This reminds me of a statement by Saint Francis of Assisi

讓他們信靠耶穌,反而會讓他們退避 三舍

304.Preach the gospel at all times—If necessary, use words

303. 這讓我聯想到聖法蘭西說的一句話 304. 要隨時傳福音,有必要時使用話語

305.The Fruit of the Spirit that you produce in your life is 305. 你生活中所結的聖靈果子,是你為基 the best possible testimony for Christ


306.If the Fruit of the Spirit is evident in your life, people 306. 如果聖靈的果子在你生命中顯而易 will come to you and ask you why you are so different 307.Do you know what that does?

見,大家會主動來問你,為什麼你如 此與眾不同

308.You no longer feel pressure to meet some sales target 307. 這麼做還會有什麼效果,你知道嗎? 353

309.It also frees you up to seek first the Kingdom of God 308. 你就不會再覺得有某種「業績」壓力 and his righteousness

309. 這樣做也給你更多的時間,好好地求

310. What‘s more, others aren‘t afraid to talk to you, because they don‘t feel pressured by you

神的國和祂的義 310. 況且,別人也不會害怕跟你說話,因

311. It frees you up to just love and serve family, friends,


workmates, classmates, other Christians, and even 311. 你可以好好地愛和服侍你的家人、親 strangers


312. But just be ready, because I promise you that the Holy


Spirit will draw them to you to ask you what your hope 312. 但是你一定要做好準備,因為我可以 is

向你保證,聖靈一定會帶領人到你身 邊,問你為什麼懷有盼望

313. Finally, I would like to talk about how walking in the Spirit should affect church leaders

313. 最後,我想討論行在聖靈中會如何影 響教會的領導人

314. Many leaders today don‘t really explain walking in the 314. 今天,很多領導不會好好地對信徒解 Spirit to their congregations


315. It might be because some of them don‘t really 315. 有的可能是因為自己也不是很懂 understand what it means themselves

316. 我認為這是因為很多領導人成為基

316. I think this is because many go to seminary soon after becoming a Christian

督徒不久之後,就去念神學院了 317. 剛開始念的時候,他們充滿熱誠,而

317. When they go to seminary, they are filled with passion and Christ is the object of their love

耶穌是他們愛的對象 318. 但是在神學院裡,耶穌會被放到顯微

318. In seminary, however, Christ is placed under a microscope and gradually changes from the object of their love to an object of study

鏡下面,逐漸從愛的對象成為研究的 對象 319. 不幸的,很多人並沒有更親近耶穌,

319. Unfortunately, instead of growing closer to Christ, the love of many simply dries up

剛好相反,他們的愛蒸發了 320.我的意思不是說神學院不好,我也不

320. I am not saying that seminary is bad and I‘m not saying 354


that it affects everyone the same way

321. 但我的意思是,它確實對某些學生有

321. I am saying, however, that it does adversely affect many students

負面的影響 322.結果,行在聖靈中的真正意義,許多

322. As a result, many never truly understand what walking in the Spirit really means

人一知半解 323.接下來,當他們領導自己的教會時,

323. Then when they lead their own churches, they find themselves very busy

就非常忙碌 324.他們主要忙於三方面:金錢、教會的

324. They are busy with three main areas—money, the church building, and administration

建築和行政 325.事實上,由於他們太過忙碌,以至於

325. They are so busy, in fact, that many don‘t actually have


time or energy to do what they are supposed to


do—seek God first and shepherd his flock


326. So they give their congregations lists of dos and don‘ts 327. It‘s easier, more concrete, and more measurable than teaching people to walk in the Spirit

326.因此他們就乾脆列出行為守則給信 徒 327.這樣比教大家行在聖靈中還容易、更

328. Walking in the Spirit can be an abstract concept


329. It takes time to teach well and is best taught by 328.行在聖靈中或許是個比較抽象的觀 example

330. Church leaders should be, above all, lovers of Christ, 329.要教需要時間,也需要以身作則 seeking first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness 331. Secondly, they should be lovers of the church and live out their faith in front of others

330.身為教會的領導人,最重要是要愛耶 穌,也要先求神的國和他的義 331. 再來,他們應該要愛教會,並且在別

332. They need to lead by example by fixing their eyes on Christ

人面前活出信仰 332.他們需要以身作則,定睛耶穌

333. Let me finish this little talk with drawings that show 333.最後,我想分享幾個插圖,來說明今 different leadership models we see in churches today 334. I will finish with what I consider to be the ideal model


天教會有哪幾種不同的領導類型 334.我會用我認為最理想的典型作結

Some church leaders smack the flock with a stick and say, 有些教會領導用棒子―抽打‖羊群,說: 「不 ―Do this! Don‘t do that!‖ These leaders possibly don‘t 可以那樣!要那樣!」這種領導可能自己 understand what ―walking in the Spirit‖ means, don‘t have 都不知道「行在聖靈中」是什麼意思,或 the time or energy to teach it, or are control freaks.

沒有時間或精神去教羊群如何行在聖靈 中,或者他們是控制狂

The next leaders hijack their church for their own reasons.



The following leaders are too busy with things that not 這種領導過於忙碌,無法做自己真正應該做 related to their true pastoral duties and simply give their 的事,也就是帶領羊群,因此會給羊群一張 flocks a list of do‘s and don‘ts.


More like PR, these leaders are so busy trying to 這種領導比較像教會的公關代表,他們忙於拍重要 suck up to VIPs that they don‘t have time or the desire to lead.



The next leaders hijack the church for monetary reasons 這種領導人,因金錢或權力之故劫持教會。 or power and refuse to talk about sin, because it might 他們盡量不提「罪惡」,因為這可能會冒犯 ―offend‖ big donors. Their sermons emphasize feeling 金主。他們講道內容都比較像心靈雞湯,只 good about yourself and how God can make this life good.


Leaders in these churches emphasize rites and rituals over a 這種教會的領導強調儀式,不強調尋找神 seeking God and having a relationship with him.



This next one is my own personal pet peeve. These types of 下一種是我自己最受不了的領導種類。這 church leaders honestly believe that most members of the


church can‘t handle too much truth. There are two problems 的成員無法接受太多真理。問題來了。第 with this. First, these leaders are actually sincere that we 一,這些領導人很誠實的認為資訊來的太 can‘t handle too much, too quickly. Second, they don‘t realize 多,太快時,我們無法吸收。再來,他們 that the Holy Spirit teaches us what he feels we are ready 不了解是聖靈教導我們祂認為我們可以 to learn. Their job is just to put the information out there. 接受的東西。領導人的任務是把資訊交出 The Holy Spirit does the teaching.


These leaders are passionate for the Lord and keep their 這種領導熱愛主,也仰望基督。他們保持 eyes on Christ. They lead by example and in love.


These are just a few types of church leaders, 這些只是某幾類的教會領導,但是你應該了解我的意 but you get the idea.



We Cannot Change Others 我們無法改變別人 (You can‘t make anybody believe in God. That‘s the Holy Spirit‘s job. So why even try?)


I have a good Christian friend whose mother is not a 1. 我有一個基督徒好朋友,她的媽媽不是 Christian



Her mother had heart surgery two or three years 2. 她媽媽兩三年前動過心臟手術 ago


3. 我的朋友很關心她母親的健康,因此非

My friend is concerned about her health, so she really wants to bring her to Christ

常想帶領她認識基督 4. 但是她因為催她媽媽催得太急就把母親


But she pushed too hard and scared her mother away


Sometimes, our intentions are good, but our methods 5. 有時候,我們的出發點是好的,但是我 aren‘t ideal



We want so much to bring the ones we love to God, 6. 我們會非常想帶領親朋好友認識神,但 but we often push too hard



I believe you can‘t change people… we can‘t even 7. 我認為我們無法改變別人,我們甚至無 change ourselves



And if we can‘t change ourselves, how are we going to 8. 如果我們連自己都無法改變,又怎麼可 change others?




We see evidence of this all around us

9. 我們可以從身邊的例子了解這個事實

10. Men and women in relationships try to change each 10. 當男女生在談戀愛的時候,他們常常想 other


11. At first, they may use all kinds of methods to change 11. 最初,可能會用各種方式來改變對方, them, but when they discover that they don‘t work,


they just nag


12. That‘s what nagging is, isn‘t it? It‘s one person 12. 碎碎念不就是一個人想要強迫另外一個 trying to change another


13. Wives nag husbands, fathers and mothers nag 13. 太太會叨念先生,父母會叨念小孩,老闆 children, bosses nag employees


14. But it doesn‘t work at all

14. 但是一點用處都沒有,不是嗎?

15. Ask anybody who has been nagged

15. 你去問任何被叨念過的人

16. They will tell you that it usually has the opposite 16. 他們會告訴你,這樣的行為通常會適得其 effect

17. In the end, nagging makes people grow tired of you, 17. 到最後,碎碎念只會讓別人感到厭煩,讓 dislike you, even try to avoid you


18. Nagging is a way of trying to force somebody to 18. 碎碎念是一種企圖強迫人改變的方式, change, but I believe that we can‘t change people‘s


thinking by pushing them


19. So why do we try to force people to believe in God?

19. 那麼,我們為什麼會想強迫人信神呢?

20. You can‘t force people to believe in God and the Bible 20. 你沒辦法強迫人信神,而且聖經也沒有 doesn‘t tell us to force others to come to Christ


21. But there are three things we can do to bring others 21. 但是有三件事情可以讓我們帶領別人認 to Christ


22. First, we can live out our faith

22. 首先,我們可以活出信仰 361

23. But how do we live out our faith? That‘s easy.

23. 但是這要怎麼做呢?其實很簡單

24. Love God and love others

24. 愛神以及愛其他人

25. But remember biblical love is not a feeling, it‘s an 25. 但切記,聖經式的愛不是感覺,而是行 action

26. People like to say that they love God, but God says, 26. 有人說他愛神,但是神說: 「你證明給我 ―Prove it‖


27. Let‘s look at James 2. I want you to pay particular 27. 我們來看雅各書第二章;我希望各位特 attention to verse 19

別注意第 19 節

28. (V. 1) James 2:15-20 If a brother or sister is without 28. (V. 1)雅 2:15-20 若是弟兄或是姐妹, clothing and in need of daily food,


and one of you

赤身露體,又缺了日用的飲食,16 你們

says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,"


and yet you do not give them what is necessary for



their body, what use is that? Even so faith, if it has 18

所需用的,這有甚麼益處呢?17 這樣,

no works, is dead, being by itself. But someone may

信心若沒有行為就是死的。18 必有人

well say, "You have faith and I have works; show me


your faith without the works, and I will show you my


faith by my works." 1 9 You believe that God is one You

為,將我的信心指給你看。‖19 你信 神

do well; the demons also believe, and shudder.




are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that

是戰驚。20 虛浮的人哪,你願意知道沒

faith without works is useless?


29. We are saved by faith, but true faith leads to action 29. 是信心拯救了我們,但是真正的信心會 30. How can you say you love God who you can‘t see and not love his other children who you can see?

導致行動 30. 你怎麼能說你愛你看不到的神,但是你 卻不愛你看得到的祂的其他子女?

31. That is, in fact, how we show our love for God

31. 這其實是我們愛上帝的一種表現

32. We show our love for the Father by loving his other

32. 我們透過愛神的其他子女,以及其他

children and loving others who could become his




33. (V. 2) John 13:34-35 "A new command I give you: Love

33. (V. 2) 約 13:34-35 我賜給你們一條

one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one




By this all men will know that you are my

disciples, if you love one another."

樣愛你們,你們也要怎樣相愛。35 你 們若有彼此相愛的心,眾人因此就認

34. How do you love others?


35. You love others by serving them

34. 那,我們怎麼去愛別人呢?

36. Unfortunately, the church today falls short in this 35. 你要透過服務來愛他們 area

36. 可惜,現今的教會在這方面還有待改

37. It is too busy pretending it‘s a business, rather than the bride of Christ

進 37. 它們誤以為自己是公司行號,而忘記

38. It‘s more concerned with raising money, building buildings, and bringing in large numbers of people

它是耶穌的新娘 38. 它們太重視募款、蓋大樓以及吸引很 多教友

39. So the first thing we can do is live out our faith and 39. 因此,我們要做的第一件事就是活出信 the second thing we can do is pray for others


40. Prayer is very important in spreading the gospel, 40. 禱告對傳福音來說很重要,這個原因我 because, like I said before, you can‘t change people


41. Change comes from within… a person needs to want to 41. 改變是從內而發的,人必須真心想要改 change


42. We need to pray to God to convict others of their 42. 我們需要禱告,請神使人們覺悟到他們 need for him



43. Third, we need to read the Bible

43. 第三,我們需要讀神的話語

44. (V. 3) 1 Pet. 3:15 Always be prepared to give an answer to 44. (V. 3) 彼得前書 3:15 有人問你們 everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope


that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.


45. There are many reasons to read the Bible

45. 要基督徒讀聖經的理由有很多

46. One is to be ready to answer questions when people ask us 46. 其中一個是當別人問你有關你的 about our faith


47. This is a dark world and we live in dark times 48. People are looking for answers, because their lives are empty

47. 這是一個黑暗的世界,我們生活在一個黑暗 的時期 48. 大家因為生活得很空虛,因此都在尋找答案

49. They turn to many things to fill that emptiness, 49. 他們尋求許多的人、事、物來填補心中的空 but they discover that nothing can satisfy that emptiness



50. I believe that when you are ready, God will lead others

50. 我相信當你已經準備好之後,神會帶領

to you and give you the opportunity to lead them to



51. 當我們的行為像基督徒,並且愛神,服

51. When we behave like Christians and love and serve God and others, we become lights drawing others to

事神;愛別人,服事別人,我們就會成 為那道光,吸引人接近神


52. I suggest, however, that you remember that you are 52. 但是你一定要記得,你要當那道光吸引 a light drawing people and not a fire pushing them, scaring them



53. So you don‘t necessarily need to go out looking for 53. 因此,你未必需要找人傳福音 people to evangelize

54. 神會引領他們接近你,這點我可以向你

54. God will send them to you; I guarantee it


55. I would like to mention one more thing

55. 接著,我還想再談一件事

56. God doesn‘t need our help to spread the gospel, but 56. 神不需要我們幫忙傳福音,但是祂給我 he gives us the privilege to participate in his work


57. (V. 4) 1 Cor 3:5-9 Servants through whom you 57. (V. 4) 林前 3:5-9 亞波羅算甚麼?保羅 believed, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each


one. 6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing

各人的,引導你們相信。6 我栽種了,


the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor

亞波羅澆灌了,惟有 神叫他生長。7 可

the one who waters is anything, but God who causes



the growth. Now he who plants and he who waters

甚麼,只在那叫他生長的 神。8 栽種的

are one; but each will receive his own reward



according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow

自己的工夫得自己的賞賜。9 因為我們


是與 神同工的

58. A farmer can plant and water seeds, but only God can make a plant grow

58. 農夫可以播種,可以澆水,但是只有神 能夠使得作物生長

59. The same is true with spreading the gospel

59. 傳福音也是一樣

60. We can plant and water by living out your faith, 60. 我們可以用活出信仰、禱告、服事來種 praying, and answering questions, but we can‘t make


the seed grow

61. That‘s God‘s job

61. 因為那是神的工作

62. But doesn‘t this take the pressure off?

62. 如此一來,我們的壓力不就減輕了嗎?

63. God doesn‘t give us performance goals

63. 神不會要求業績


64. He doesn‘t say, ―You have to save so many souls every 64. 祂不會要求你必須每一個月拯救多少靈 month‖

65. This means that we don‘t have to go around forcing 65. 這意味著我們不需要強迫別人信神 people to believe in God

66. 我們不需要叨唸他們或跟他們辯論讓他

66. We don‘t need to nag them or debate with them until they believe

們信神 67. 我們只需要活出信仰、愛他們、為他們

67. All we need to do is live out our faith, love them, pray for them, and read our Bibles

禱告以及閱讀聖經 68. 聖靈會從中提醒他們的心

68. The Holy Spirit will work on their hearts from within 69. 而當他們準備好的時候,祂會帶領他們 69. And when they are ready, he will lead them to you or to somebody else to lead to Christ

到你面前,為的是讓你帶領他們認識耶 穌

70. That‘s wonderful, because now we are free to be a 70. 這是非常棒的,因為這讓我們自由的去 good friend, a good neighbor, a good employee, a


good daughter or son

71. You cannot change others

71. 你不能改變別人

72. You are a light pointing to God, but they have to 72. 你只是一道引領他們接近上帝的光,但 decide if they will follow or not


73. He allows us to work in the field, but only he can 73. 祂允許我們在田裡工作,但是只有祂能 make plants grow



Why Do Bad Things Happen? 為什麼不好的事情會發生? 1. 2.

I watched a program about a rabbi whose 14-year 1. 看了一個電視節目,內容是關於一位拉 old son died of cancer

比,他 14-歲的兒子罹患癌症而喪生的故

He blamed God, saying, ―How could a good and loving

God allow such terrible things to happen to innocent 2. 這位拉比指責上帝:一個又好又慈愛的 3.



He said, ―Either God isn‘t powerful enough or he


doesn‘t care enough to stop bad things from 3. 他說:要不是上帝的力量不夠強大到足以 happening.‖



I think this is a question that many people struggle with 4. 我認為這個問題,是許多人在生命的 at some point in their lives, so I have decided to discuss


it here in class today



How do we account for tragedies in our lives?

5. 我們怎麼解釋人生中的各種悲劇?


What is the Christian response to evil in this world?

6. 基督教對這個世界的邪惡怎麼回


To answer questions like these, I believe that we should


reflect on the risk God took in giving mankind genuine 7. 要回答這類問題,我認為我們得先思 8.

free will


God created humans to enjoy fellowship with him and a


world for us to live in 9.

8. 神創造人,讓人享受與祂的交通,也

Both humans and our planet were perfect


10. (V. 1) Genesis 1:31—God saw all that He had made, and 9. 當時人類和我們的地球都是完美的 behold, it was very good. And there was evening and 10. (V. 1) 創 1:31 神看著一切所造的都 there was morning, the sixth day.



11. But as I‘ve said many times before, love is a choice

11. 但是就像我先前常說的,愛是一種選擇

12. Otherwise, God could have created countless robots 12. 要不然,神當初創造無數的機器人去愛 to ―love‖ him


13. But love without choice is not really love, is it?

13. 但是沒有選擇的愛不是愛,對不對?

14. Making real choices requires having free will, so God 14. 要做真正的選擇要先有自由意志,因此 gave us free will


15. God can be involved in the process

15. 神可以影響這個過程

16. He can call us; he can draw us

16. 祂可以呼喚我們,可以吸引我們

17. but he does not force love and demand that you love 17. 但是祂不會強迫我們愛祂,也不會要求 Him.


18. God gave us free will, so we could decide for 18. 神給我們自由意志,好讓我們自己決定 ourselves to love or not to love him


19. But there is a risk with free will, isn't there?

19. 但是有自由意志就有風險,不是嗎?

20. The problem in creating beings with free will is that 20. 上帝創造了具有自由意志的人,這些人 we can respond to his loving call


21. But there is also the risk that we will choose not to 22. We can say yes to him, but we can also say no to him

21. 但問題是,我們也有可能選擇不要回應 祂愛的呼叫

23. He was taking a big risk, since we had the potential 22. 我們可能接受他,也可能拒絕他 for doing either good or bad

23. 祂冒的險可大了,因為有了自由意志,

24. So why did God give us free will?


25. Although free will makes evil possible


26. It is also the only thing that makes possible any love 24. 那麼,神為什麼要給我們自由意志呢? or goodness or joy worth having

25. 雖然自由意志的確使得邪惡變得有可能

27. So this is part of the answer to why is there evil in the world

26. 但是自由意志也是,讓我們所值得擁有 的愛、良善與喜樂成真唯一的辦法

28. That is if humanity had not been given true free will, 27. 所以這可以部份解釋為什麼世界上有邪 bad things in the world would never have happened 29. Second, during the Fall of creation in Genesis 3 369

惡存在 28. 如果人未曾被賦予自由意志,世界上也

30. Not only was Adam and Eve‘s relationship with God tainted,

就不會有壞事發生 29. 第二,在創世紀第三章中,萬物的墮落

31. the virus of sin also spread to the entire human race, 30. 不但亞當夏娃兩人與上帝之間的關係受 infecting generation after generation


32. It tainted our planet as well

31. 罪的病毒也擴散到整個人類,感染世世

33. (V. 2) Romans 8:18-22—For I consider that the


sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be 32. 甚至毀壞了我們的地球 compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 33. (V. 2) 羅 8:18-22—我想,現在的苦楚若 19

For the anxious longing of the creation waits 20

eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.



意了。19 受造之物切望等候 神的眾子顯

the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly,

出來。20 因為受造之物服在虛空之下,

but because of Him who subjected it, in hope




the creation itself also will be set free from its

21 但受造之物仍然指望脫離敗壞的轄

slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory

制,得享 神兒女自由的榮耀(註:―享‖

of the children of God.


For we know that the whole

creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth

原文作―入‖) 。22 我們知道一切受造之物 一同歎息、勞苦,直到如今。

together until now.

34. There were no natural disasters, there was no death

34. 當初沒天然災難,也沒有死亡

35. We are the ones who changed the world in a very real 35. 這是因為是我們改變了這個世界 way

36. 因此,我們的地球瀰漫疾病和死亡,

36. So God is not responsible for the diseased and death-filled world in which we live

這並非上帝的錯 37. 我們原來是完美的,我們的地球是完

37. We were created perfect and our world was perfect, but we have distorted that,

美的,但這一切被我們扭曲了 38. 當然,神知道如果我們誤用了自由,

38. Of course, God knew that evil could spread into the world if we used our freedom the wrong way

邪惡會蔓延到整個世界 39. 顯然的,祂認為冒這個險是值得的

39. Apparently, he thought it was worth the risk

40. 因此,邪惡不是上帝創造的

40. Evil, therefore, is far from coming from God

41. 相反的,從實際層面來看,邪惡是人


41. In reality, it is a manifestation of man‘s defiance of God.


42. Furthermore, our willful choice to go our own way in 42. 我們選擇我行我素,背叛上帝,因而 defiance of God had catastrophic results


43. We rebelled against God; we pushed him away

43. 我們反抗神,我們把祂推開了

44. And according to the Bible, Satan is now the ruler of this 44. 根據聖經,撒旦現在是這個世界的王 world

45. (V. 3) 約 12:31 現在這世界受審

45. (V. 3) John 12:31 Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out.

判,這世界的王要被趕出去。 46. (V. 4) 約 16:11 為審判,是因這世

46. (V. 4) John 16:11 the ruler of this world has been judged.


47. (V. 5) 2 Corinthians 4:4 in whose case the god of this

47. (V. 5) 林後 4:4 此等不信之人,被

world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that

這世界的 神弄瞎了心眼,不叫基督

they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of


Christ, who is the image of God.


48. So another reason that there is evil in the world is 48. 因此,這個世界當中有邪惡,部分原因 Satan is the prince and god of this world


49. In the face of tragedies, the Christian walks by faith, not sight

神,這個世界的 49. 因此,面對悲劇時,基督徒要憑著信

50. knowing that one day God‘s love will ultimately triumph


51. (V. 6) 2 Peter 3:10-13—The day of the Lord will come 50. 因為我們知道總有一天神的愛會獲得 like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a


roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense 51. (V. 6) 彼後 3:10-13—但主的日子要 heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.


Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way,


what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct

上的物都要燒盡了。11 這一切既然都要

and godliness, looking for and hastening the day of


God. . . but according to His promise, we are looking

樣敬虔,12 切切仰望 神的日子來到。

for new heavens and a new earth, in which


righteousness dwells.

都要被烈火熔化。13 但我們照他的應 371

52. Further, we are promised that he will bring good out


of evil

52. 另外,祂應許我們祂將化邪惡為良善

53. He will wipe every tear from our eyes

53. 祂將會擦拭我們的眼淚

54. and there shall no longer be any death, mourning, 54. 以後不再有死亡、悲傷、哭泣、或痛苦 crying, or pain.

55. 萬事都互相效力,叫愛 神的人得益處

55. We know that in all things God works for the good of 56. (V. 7) 羅 8:28 我們曉得萬事都互相 those who love him

效力,叫愛 神的人得益處,就是按他

56. (V. 7) Romans 8:28—And we know that God causes all


things to work together for good to those who love 57. 當我們了解到自己的脆弱,而且人生只 God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 57. When we sense our own frailty, and the brevity of

不過曇花一現,我們才會思考屬靈的事 情

human life, we become more open to the spiritual 58. 因此神不會讓壞事發生 issues of life

59. 但是祂能夠,也會利用壞事叫愛 神的

58. So God doesn‘t cause bad things to happen,


59. but he can and does use them bring all things to good 60. 我們可能會禱告,請求神把我們人生中 to those that love the lord


60. We might pray that he take bad things out of our


lives, but he may not take them away like we ask

61. That might because he wants to use tragedy in our 61. 或許祂想藉這些悲劇來教導我們,塑造我 lives to teach us, to mold us, to draw us closer to him


62. God cares for us, but his is not a pampering love; it is 62. 神關心我們,但是祂的愛不是溺愛,祂的 a perfecting love


63. He wants to make us more and more like his son

63. 祂要我們越來越像祂的兒子

64. He wants to prepare us for our citizenship in heaven 64. 祂想要我們準備成為天國的公民 65. God doesn‘t cause evil, but he can use it for his glory 65. 神並沒有創造邪惡,但是祂可以借由邪惡 66. (V. 8) Genesis 50:20—As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good

榮耀自己 66. (V. 8) 創 50:20 從前你們的意思是要

67. I don‘t believe that God caused Lazarus‘ death in 372

害我,但 神的意思原是好的

John 11

67. 我不認為約翰福音第 11 章中,拉薩路的

68. But when Christ heard of his illness, he waited a couple of days, before going to see him

死亡是神引起的 68. 但是基督聽說拉薩路病了,祂過了兩天才

69. He did this so that he could resurrect him

去看他 69. 祂這麼做是因為想要使他復活

70. He didn‘t cause Lazarus‘ death, but he used it for a good purpose—to strengthen our faith

70. 祂並未造成的拉薩路死,但祂利用他的死 達到一個美好的目的,即堅定我們的信心

71. Stephen was the first martyr

71. 死提反是基督教的第一個殉教者

72. God didn‘t cause him to be killed, but he used his 72. 他的死也不是神造成的,但是神借用了他 death to spread Christianity


73. Prior to his death, Christians stayed mainly in 73. 在使提凡死之前,大部分的基督徒都待在 Jerusalem where they were comfortable


74. After his death, they fled in fear of their lives

74. 使提凡死了後,他們因為害怕死亡而逃跑

75. But they also brought with them the gospel which

75. 但是這也給他們機會把福音傳開來

they spread


76. The best example of God using bad for good is Christ‘s 76. 其實,最好的例子就是耶穌基督的死 death

77. 祂的死是歷史上最悲慘的事情,同時

77. It was at the same time, the most terrible event and


the greatest victory in history

78. God is sovereign and he is also the God of love and 78. 神是最高的統治者,而在我們的痛苦當 mercy in the midst of suffering.


79. My prayer today is that we will feel the loving arms of God wrapped around us

79. 我今天禱告我們會感覺到神愛的懷抱 80. 而且在我們心裡面知道祂永遠不會離棄我

80. and know in our heart that He will never forsake us


Woman at the Well 井旁的婦人 1. 2.

(V. 1) John 4:3-4—He left Judea and went away into 1. (V. 1) 約翰福音 4:3-4—就離開了猶 Galilee, and He had to pass through Samaria

太,再往加利利去。4 他必須經過撒

Jesus probably just planned to pass through, but the


Holy Spirit had his own plans

2. 耶穌有可能只是想經過,但是聖靈另


We need to keep that in mind for ourselves


You don‘t know what plans the Holy Spirit has for you


You never know how the Holy Spirit will want you to 4. 你不知道聖靈要怎麼用你

有自己的計劃 3. 我們自己也需要牢記這點

minister to others

5. 你不知道聖靈要你怎麼服事別人


You don‘t know how you will impact others

6. 你不知道你會怎麼影響別人


Very often, your most important work might be 7. 通常,你最重要的任務根本不是計劃 something that was not planned



You never know what impact things you say or do will 8. 你不知道你的一言一行會有什麼樣的 have



When something happens unexpectedly or someone 9. 有突發事件或有人突然間來找你時, 你可能會把這視為干擾或浪費時間 visits unannounced, we often think of it as an interruption or a waste of time

10. Remember, however, that we‘re all called to serve 10. 但是你一定要牢記,我們被呼籲來服事 others, but the Holy Spirit decides who, when, and


how we will serve


11. We all have our area of influence that includes 11. 我們都有自己的影響範圍,可以影響的 family, friends, workmates, classmates, and people


you don‘t even know


12. We are called to manifest the life of Christ for them 12. 我們被呼籲要顯現基督的生命給他們看 375

to see

13. 耶穌在撒瑪利亞的故事就是一個很好的

13. This story of Jesus in a Samaria is an example of how a simple act can influence many people

例子,讓我們看到一個簡單的行為可以 如何影響許多人

14. (V. 2) John 4:5-6—So He came to a city of Samaria 14. (V. 2) 約翰福音 4:5-6—於是到了撒瑪 called Sychar, near the parcel of ground that Jacob


gave to his son Joseph; and Jacob‘s well was there.

各給他兒子約瑟的那塊地。 6 在那裡有

So Jesus, being wearied from His journey, was


sitting thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour.


15. The sixth hour is about 12 o‘clock noon

15. 時間大約是中午十二點

16. This tells us a lot, because this is when the woman 16. 這點就透漏很多訊息,因為這位婦人就 comes out to draw water


17. I also want you to notice that Jesus is the Son of 17. 你有注意到嗎?耶穌是神的兒子,但是 God, but he is also a true man


18. John tells us here that Jesus was weary, hungry, and 18. 約翰告訴我們,耶穌感到疲倦、飢餓和 thirsty


19. He can identify with us, because he came to earth as 19. 祂可以認同我們,因為祂來到世界時, a real man


20. Here it says he was weary, so he sat by a well 21. (V. 3) John 4:7-8—There came a woman of Samaria

20. 這裡寫到耶穌因為疲倦了,於是就坐在 井旁

to draw water. Jesus said to her, ‗Give Me a drink.‘

21. (V. 3) 約翰福音 4:7-8—有一個撒瑪利

For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy



喝。‖ 8 那時,他的門徒都進城買食物去

22. So Jesus was sitting alone on the well, because his disciples went to get something to eat

了。 22. 耶穌獨自坐在井旁,因為門徒去買吃的

23. (V. 4) John 4:9—Therefore the Samaritan woman 23. (V. 4) 約翰福音 4:9—撒瑪利亞婦人對 said to Him, ‗How is it that You, being a Jew, ask me


for a drink since I am a Samaritan woman?‘ (For the


Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.)


24. Like most people, she‘s mainly concerned with 24. 跟大多數的人一樣,她重視滿足生理上 satisfying physical needs, not spiritual needs


25. In those days, satisfying physical needs required a 25. 在那個時候,要滿足生理上的需求需要 good deal of time and energy


26. You didn‘t simply turn on a water faucet if you were 26. 如果你口渴的話,沒有水龍頭可以開; thirsty or go to a supermarket to buy food if you were hungry

如果肚子餓,你沒有超市可以去買食物 27. 因此,這位婦人關心的是生理上的需

27. So she is really more concerned for her physical needs than her spiritual needs

求,而比較不重視屬靈上的需求 28. 其實,今天的我們也差不到那裡去

28. We‘re actually not all that different today

29. 我們到底花多少時間做各種事來滿足我 376

29. How much time do we spend doing things to satisfy our physical needs?

們生理上的需求? 30. 耶穌不只跟這位婦女說話,祂也跟她要

30. Jesus not only speaks to her, he asks her for a drink


31. Notice how her knowledge of Jesus increases during 31. 請注意,她對耶穌的了解在對話過程中 this conversation


32. In John 3, Jesus had a conversation with Nicodemus 32. 在約翰福音第三章,耶穌與尼哥底母談 33. Nicodemus was a religious leader who came to Jesus at night

話 33. 尼哥底母是一個宗教領袖,他於夜間來

34. In contrast, here we have an immoral, Samaritan woman who comes in the middle of the day.

尋找耶穌 34. 相對的,這裡的撒瑪利亞婦女是個不道

35. We do not see how Nicodemus responds in John 3, but here we do see her response

德的女人,她在大白天見到耶穌 35. 我們並不知道尼哥底母在約翰福音第三

36. This woman is actually more responsive than Nicodemus was

章是如何回應耶穌,但是我們這邊確實 看到婦女的回應

37. I want you to notice that there are at least three 36. 實際上,她的回應比尼哥底母還強烈 barriers that Jesus has to overcome just to speak to 37. 請注意一下,耶穌需要先克服至少三個 her


38. First of all, it was improper for a rabbi to speak in 38. 首先,那個時候拉比在公共場合跟年輕 public to a young woman


39. In fact, even if you were married, you often wouldn‘t 39. 事實上,結過婚的男人在出門時,也常 even speak to your wife in public


40. Secondly, there is the barrier of lifestyle

40. 再來,是生活方式上的障礙

41. Generally, women would go to wells early in the 41. 一般來說,婦女會在天氣比較涼爽的清 morning or in the evening when it was cool


42. Drawing water took a lot of time, so women would 42. 因為打水相當耗時,所以婦女都會在井 meet and chat at wells


43. Why was this woman here during the hottest part of 43. 那麼,這位婦女為什麼會在一天最熱的 377

the day?


44. It was because the women did not accept her

44. 是因為其他的婦人不能接受她

45. We discover later she doesn‘t have a good reputation 45. 我們之後會發現她的名聲不佳 46. Finally, there was the barrier of religion

46. 最後,耶穌跟她之間有宗教上的障礙

47. So Jesus had to overcome different barriers just to 47. 因此,光是要跟這位婦女講話,耶穌必 talk to her


48. Notice the woman‘s surprise in verse nine, ―How is it you are talking to me?‖

48. 注意一下,婦人在第 9 節很驚訝的對耶 穌說:「你怎麼會跟我說話?」

49. She‘s confused, because Jews and Samaritans didn‘t 49. 她很迷惑,因為猶太人和撒瑪利亞人不 interact


50. (V. 5) John 4:10—Jesus answered and said to her, ‗If 50. (V. 5) 約翰福音 4:10—耶穌回答她:―你 you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to


you, ‗Give Me a drink,‘ you would have asked Him, and


He would have given you living water.



51. He is saying, I have asked you for physical water, but 51. 耶穌的意思是,我跟你要的是具體的 if you knew who I was you would ask me for living




52. Now, she doesn‘t really understand what Jesus is saying

52. 但是婦女不是很清楚耶穌在說什麼 53. 「活水」指的是流動的水,也就是來自

53. ―Living water‖ was a term for moving water—water from a stream or river

小溪或河流的水 54. 但是附近並沒有任何溪流

54. But there weren‘t any streams in this area

55. (V. 6) 約翰福音 4:11—婦人說:―先生,

55. (V. 6) John 4:11—She said to Him, ‗Sir, You have nothing to draw with and the well is deep; where then do You get that living water?

你沒有打水的器具,井又深,你從哪裡 得活水呢? 56. 她認為耶穌知道哪裡有溪流

56. Notice she thinks he knows where there is a stream 57. She‘s probably thinking getting water at a stream 378

57. 她可能是在想,從溪流打水應該會比在 這裡用水桶汲水輕鬆多了

would be a lot easier than drawing water with this 58. 我好想知道那條溪流在哪裡,這樣,我 bucket


58. I‘d sure like to know where that stream is, so I don‘t 59. (V. 7) 約翰福音 4:12—我們的祖先雅各 have to keep coming here every day in the middle of


the day


59. (V. 7) John 4:12—You are not greater than our


father Jacob, are You, who gave us the well, and

60. 她是在問他:「你是誰?」

drank of it himself and his sons and this cattle?

61. (V. 8) 約翰福音 4:13-14—耶穌回答:―凡

60. She‘s asking him, ―Who are you?‖

喝這水的,還要再渴; 14 人若喝我所賜

61. (V. 8) John 4:13-14—Jesus answered and said to her,


‗Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him

裡面成為湧流的泉源,直湧到永生。‖ 62. 這個美麗的比喻是描述將來會降臨的聖 靈

will become in him a well of water springing up to 63. 耶穌在約翰福音第 7 章談到聖靈時,用 的就是這個比喻 eternal life. 62. It‘s a beautiful metaphor of the Holy Spirit who would soon be given 63. We see in John 7 when Jesus speaks about the

約翰福音 7:37b-38, ― 人若渴了,可以到我這裡來 喝! 38 信我的人,就像聖經所說的,從他的腹中要 湧流出活水的江河來。‖

Spirit, he uses this very metaphor John 7:37b-38, If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in me, as the Scripture said, ‗From his inner most being will flow rivers of living water.‘

64. 在第 13 節,耶穌說這具體的水不會使人 滿足 65. 回頭看第 10 節,你會發現這位婦女對三 件很重要的事情一無所知

64. In verse 13, he says that this physical water will not 66. 她不知道耶穌是誰 satisfy

67. 她不知道耶穌想要送她的是什麼

65. Notice that back in verse 10, she was ignorant of 68. 她也不知道如何接受耶穌要送她的東西 three important facts

69. 如果你靜下來想一想,這就是福音的核

66. She was ignorant of who he was

67. She was ignorant of what he had to offer

70. 耶穌是誰?

68. She was ignorant of how she could receive it

71. 祂想要給我們的是什麼?

69. When you stop to think about it, that‘s the gospel

72. 以及我們怎麼接受祂?

70. Who is this Jesus?

73. 這就是福音的精髓

71. What does He have to offer?

74. 在第 13 和 14 節,耶穌說具體的水無法

72. How do you receive Him?


73. That‘s the essence of the good news

75. 這個世界上的其他人事物也都是這樣

74. In verses 13 and 14, he says that if you drink physical 76. 金錢、權力、愛、性愛等,世上的東西 water, it will not satisfy forever


75. The same is true with anything of this world 379

77. 你只會欲求不滿,直到你發現這一切都

76. Money, power, love, sex—nothing in this world truly satisfies

毫無意義 78. 這些人事物本身沒有什麼不好

77. You always want more and more until you realize that 79. 但是神創造我們時,在我們的心靈中留 it‘s pointless


78. In themselves, these things are not necessarily bad 79. But God created in each of us a hole that only he can fill

80. 當我們試著用這個世界上的事物來填 滿,我們會發現自己永遠無法感到滿足 81. (V. 9) 約翰福音 4:15—婦人說:―先生,

80. When we try to fill it with the things of this world, we find that we are never satisfied

請把這水賜給我,使我不渴,也不用來 這裡打水。‖

81. (V. 9) John 4:15—The woman said to Him, ‗Sir, give 82. 她的意思是,我想要這種水,這樣我再 me this water, so I will not be thirsty nor come all the way here to draw.

也不會口渴,也不用再來這裡打水 83. 她還是不了解耶穌的意思

82. She is saying I want to get this kind of water so I 84. 婦人以為耶穌指的是某種取之不盡的 won‘t be thirsty or have to come here to draw 83. She still doesn‘t understand Jesus

水,但還是普通的水而已 85. 突然間,耶穌就切入對方的防線,刺破

84. She thinks Jesus means an endless amount of regular water

她的內心 86. (V. 10) 約翰福音 4:16 耶穌說:―你去,

85. Suddenly, Jesus penetrates her defenses and cuts her to the quick

叫你的丈夫,然後回到這裡來。‖ 87. 婦人要的是水,但耶穌改變了話題

86. (V. 10) John 4:16, He said to her, ‗Go, call your 88. 祂喚醒了婦人的良知 husband and come here.

89. 她等一下也不會再找藉口

87. She wants water and he‘s changing the topic

90. (V. 11) 約翰福音 4:17-19—婦人對他

88. He wakes up her conscience


89. In a minute, she‘s going to stop looking for excuses

丈夫‘是不錯的。 18 你以前有五個丈夫,

90. (V. 11) John 4:17-19—The woman answered and said,


‗I have no husband.‘ Jesus said to her, ‗You have

真的。‖ 19 婦人說:―先生,我看出你是

correctly said, ‗I have no husband‘; for you have had


five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not 91. 我認為這個婦人不想談她自己;她想換 your husband; this you have said truly.‖ She says him, ‗Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet

個話題,談論宗教 92. 她知道耶穌是先知,因為耶穌對她十分

91. I think she‘s doesn‘t want to talk about herself and is trying to change the subject and talk about religion 92. She knows he is a prophet, because he knows her through and through

了解 93. 她很欽佩耶穌,但是祂說得太準,讓婦 人心裡不舒服 94. 因此,她就更換話題,談起宗教

93. She is impressed her but it‘s a little bit too close to 95. (V. 12) 約翰福音 4:20—我們的祖先在 home


94. So she changes the subject to religion



95. (V. 12) John 4:20—Our fathers worshiped in this 96. 她想講別的 380

mountain, and you people say that in Jerusalem is the 97. 但是沒有用,因為耶穌告訴她這個話題 place where men ought to worship.


96. She‘s trying to change the subject

98. (V. 13) 約翰福音 4:21—耶穌說:―婦人,

97. It doesn‘t work, because he tells her that it‘s no longer a relevant topic

你應當信我,時候將到,那時你們敬拜 父,不在這山上,也不在耶路撒冷。

98. (V. 13) John 4:21—Jesus said to her, ―Woman, 99. 將來,你在哪裡敬拜也不重要了 believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this

100. (V. 14) 約翰福音 4:22—你們敬拜你們

mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the




99. Where you worship won‘t matter in the future

101. 祂雖然說,在聖殿敬拜無法真正取悅

100. (V. 14) John 4:22—You worship what you do not know;


we worship what we know, for salvation is from the

102. 但還是比撒瑪利亞人的敬拜好


103. 猶太比撒瑪利亞人還痛恨偶像崇拜

101. Although he says that worship in the temple is not 104. (V. 15) 約翰福音 4:23-24—然而時候 truly pleasing to God,


102. it was still better than the worship of the Samaritans

拜父的,才是真正敬拜的人;因為父在 尋找這樣敬拜他的人。 24

103. The Jews hated idolatry more than the Samaritans



104. (V. 15) John 4:23-24—But an hour is coming, and now 105. 將來,敬拜不再限於猶太人的聖殿 is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. the Jewish temple

消逝 108. 希伯來書的主題,就是這些制度被耶穌

106. It would cease in 70 A.D. with the destruction of the temple destruction

就要停止 107. 聖殿的破壞代表獻祭和祭司等制度的

105. In the future, worship would no longer be limited to

107. The

106. 當聖殿在公元 70 年被摧毀,這種敬拜

消除並且替代了 109. 公元 33 年那一次的獻祭,終止了所有






elimination of the sacrifices and the priesthood 108. The main theme of Hebrews is that all of these things have been eliminated and replaced by Jesus 109. That one sacrifice in 33 A.D. ended all sacrifices

的獻祭 110. 這就是為什麼聖殿的幔子撕裂時,是從 上到下,而不是從下而上 111. 這事代表神從上面伸手下來,開啓一個 使得我們能夠與祂和好的方法

110. That‘s why it says the veil of the temple was torn, 112. 耶穌的寶血足夠為我們所有的罪付出 not from bottom to top, but top to bottom.


111. It‘s a symbol of God reaching down to us and opening 113. 因此,再也不用什麼其他的獻祭 up the way for reconciliation between God and 114. 希伯來書指出這些都是未來事件的先 ourselves


112. The blood of Jesus is sufficient to pay for all of our 115. (V. 16) 希伯來書 9:11; 10:4—因為公牛 sins

和山羊的血不能把罪除去。 381

113. So there is no need for another sacrifice

116. 公牛和山羊的血不能把罪除去;只能延

114. Hebrews says that these were shadows of things to come, but could never make atonement for sins

後直到祂的來臨 117. 我們來把這個跟約翰福音裡頭稍早之

115. (V. 16) Heb 9:11; 10:4—because the blood of bulls and goats can never pay for sins

處的經文做個比較 118. (V. 17) 約翰福音 1:29—看哪,神的羊

116. Bulls and goats could never pay for sins; they only put it off until he came

羔,是除去世人的罪孽的! 119. 那麼,我們目前在約翰福音裡已經有新

117. Compare that to this verse earlier in John


118. (V. 17) John 1:29—Behold, the Lamb of God who 120. 看哪,神的羊羔,是除去世人的罪孽 takes away the sins of the world.

的!(約翰福音 1:29)

119. So what we have in John so far is a new sacrifice

121. 新的聖殿(約翰福音 2:19-21)

120. the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the

122. 新的生命(約翰福音 3:1-7)

world (John 1:29)

123. 以及新的活水(約翰福音 4:11)

121. a new temple (John 2:19-21)

124. 我們有一個新的制度,將要取代舊制度

122. a new birth (John 3:1-7)

125. 神是靈,因此我們必須由聖靈重生

123. and new and living water (John 4:11)

126. 如此一來我們才能夠成為祂的子女,也

124. We have a new system that will replace the old


125. Since God is spirit, we must be born again of the 127. 耶穌說神是靈,敬拜他的必須用心靈按 Spirit


126. By doing so, we become his children and can worship 128. 請注意,神不只希望我們用心靈敬拜 him as Father


127. Jesus says that God is spirit and those who worship 129. 上帝要的是我們的心和愛,不是空虛的 him must worship in spirit and truth


128. Notice that God wants to be worshipped not only in spirit but also in truth

6:7, 7:8) 130. 祂也要我們按照一個標準敬拜祂—那

129. God wants our hearts and love, not empty rituals and traditions and repetitive prayers (Matthew 6:7, 7:8) 130. But he also want us to worship him according to a certain standard—a truth

個標準就是真理 131. 是什麼真理呢?耶穌自己跟本身重複 了 132. (V. 18)約翰福音 17:17—求你用真理使

131. What is that truth? Well, Jesus himself tells us


132. (V. 18) John 17:17—Sanctify them in the truth; Your 133. (V. 19) 約翰福音 4:25-26—婦人說: word is truth


133. (V. 19) John 4:25-26—The woman said to Him, ―I know that Messiah is coming (He who is called

了,要把一切都告訴我們。‖ 26 耶穌說: ―我這現在跟你說話的就是他。‖

Christ); when that One comes, He will declare all 134. 其實,祂這裡講的是 ego eime—我是的 things to us. Jesus said to her, ―I who speak to you am He.‖ 134. What he

意思。你們還記得嗎? 135. 我們在這裡所看到的是一種―漸進式的


says is


eime—I 382




136. 剛開始,婦女把耶穌視為一個猶太人

135. What we‘ve seen is a progressive revelation

137. 再來,婦人了解耶穌比雅各偉大

136. First, she sees him as a Jew

138. 然後,她理解祂是先知

137. Then, she sees him as greater than Jacob

139. 接下來,婦人知道祂是彌賽亞

138. Then, she sees him as a prophet

140. ego eime,我是自有永有,這句話就是

139. Then, she sees him as Messiah


140. The ego eime statement, ―I am that I am,‖ is the 141. 耶穌很有耐心的帶領她了解他自己真 culmination


141. Jesus patiently leads her to understand his true 142. 婦人接受他的啟示,而且願意回去告訴 identity


142. She accepts his revelation as true and is eager to 143. (V. 20) 約 翰福 音 4:27— 正在 這 時 return and tell her people about Jesus


143. (V. 20) John 4:27—At this point His disciples came, and they were amazed that He had been speaking

話,就很希奇;但是沒有人問:―你要甚 麼?‖或說:―你為甚麼跟她說話?‖

with a woman, yet no one said, ‗What do You seek?‘ 144. 這個時候,門徒們回來了,他們非常驚 or, ‗Why do You speak with her?‖


144. The disciples come back and they were amazed that 145. 但是他們很不好意思,說不出話來 he had been speaking to a woman

146. 當婦女看到他們時,她便趁這個機會去

145. They were so embarrassed that they couldn‘t actually say anything

跟自己的村民講 147. (V. 21) 約翰福音 4:28—那婦人撇下

146. When she saw them come, it was her opportunity to go to her own people

了她的水罐,進到城裡去,對眾人說: 148. 她留下她的水罐,這告訴我們一個訊息

147. (V. 21) John 4:28—She left her water pot and went 149. 現在,婦人對活水感興趣,不再關心具 into the city and said to the men


148. She left her water pot. This is a sign

150. (V. 22)約翰福音 4:29-30—―你們來,

149. Now, she‘s interested in the living water and no longer in the physical water.

看看一個人,他把我所作的一切都說出 來,難道這人就是基督嗎?‖30 眾人就

150. (V. 22) John 4:29-30—Come, see a man who told me


all the things that I have done; this is not the Christ, 151. 她的人生想必很精彩,因為每一個人都 is it?‖ They went out of the city, and were coming to Him

跑出去看這個人 152. 耶穌知道婦人做的每一件事,因此整個

151. She must‘ve had an interesting life, because everybody left to see this guy

城市的人都出來想要了解祂 153. 在此同時,在 31 到 38 節,耶穌和祂的

152. He knows everything she has done, so the whole city left to find out about him

門徒有下面這段話 154. (V. 23) 約翰福音 4:31-34—當時,門

153. Meanwhile, we have this little conversation between Jesus and the disciples in verses 31-38.

徒對耶穌說:―拉比,請吃。‖ 32 耶穌說: ―我有食物吃,是你們所不知道

154. (V. 23) John 4:31-34—Meanwhile the disciples were 383

的。‖ 33 門徒就彼此說:―難道有人拿東

urging Him saying, ‗Rabbi, eat.‘ But He said to them, ‗I

西給他吃了嗎?‖ 34 耶穌說:―我的食物

have food to eat that you do not know about.‘ So the


disciples were saying to one another, ‗No one brought


Him anything to eat, did he?‘ Jesus said to them, ‗My 155. 他們又誤解祂了 food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to 156. 祂說的是屬靈的糧食,不是具體的 accomplish His work.

157. 這不代表耶穌不需要具體的食物,但是

155. They misunderstand him again


156. He‘s talking about spiritual food, not physical

158. 實踐天父的旨意可以在屬靈上滋養你

157. It‘s not that he doesn‘t need physical food, but he‘s 159. (V. 24) 約翰福音 4:35—你們不是說 talking about food that is even more important


158. Doing the Father‘s will nourishes you spiritually


159. (V. 24) John 4:35—Do you not say, ‗There are yet


four months, and then comes the harvest? Behold, I

160. 有可能在這個時候,他們抬頭一看,就

say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields,


that they are white for harvest. 160. It‘s possible that they look up and they see the Samaritans coming in the distance

161. That‘s the harvest he‘s talking about

161. 耶穌是談到他們,說他們是豐收

162. (V. 25) John 4:36-38—Already he who reaps is 162. (V. 25) 約翰福音 4:36-38—收割的 receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal;


so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice

使撒種的和收割的一同快樂。 37‗這人

together. For in this case the saying is true, ‗One sows

撒種,那人收割‘,這話是真的。 38 我

and another reaps. I sent you to reap that for which


you have not labored; others have labored and you have



entered into their labor.


163. This reminds me of I Corinthians 3

163. 這讓我聯想到哥林多前書第三章

164. (V. 26) I Corinthians 3:6-9—I planted, Apollos watered, 164. (V. 26) 哥林多前書 3:6-9—我栽種 but God was causing the growth.‖ 7 So then neither the


one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but

長。 7 所以,栽種的算不得甚麼,澆


God who causes the growth. Now he who plants and he


who waters are one; but each will receive his own

長的神。 8 栽種的和澆灌的都是一


reward according to his own labor. For we are God's


fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building.

自己的報酬。 9 我們是神的同工,你

165. Paul is showing us that evangelism is a process


166. You sow the seed and you cultivate the soil by love and 165. 保羅是在教我們傳福音是個過程 prayer

166. 你透過愛和禱告播種以及耕田

167. I‘m very big on this method of evangelism

167. 我非常贊成這種傳福音的方式

168. Evangelism should not confrontation

168. 傳福音不應該是對峙

169. Many Christians approach evangelism like they have 169. 許多基督徒傳福音時,好像在趕業績 some kind of target quota to meet

170. 你並不是在向別人拉保險

170. You are not trying to get people to buy insurance 171. Frankly, Christians and

non-Christians alike are

terrified of evangelizing because they think it‘s so confrontational

171. 坦白說,無論是基督徒或非基督徒, 大家都很害怕傳福音,因為他們認為 傳福音是一種衝突性的行為 172. 我知道有一些人可以帶領陌生人到

172. I know there are a few people who can lead a complete stranger to Christ, but that‘s rare

耶穌面前,但是這種例子少之又少 173. 我主張一種關係性的傳福音模示,而

173. I suggest that we embrace a relational model of evangelism, rather than a confrontational model 174. We might pray for a person

非衝突性的傳福音模示 174. 我們可能要為某人禱告 175. 其他人則為他耕田


175. Someone else might people prepare the soil

176. 還有人可能會實際分享福音,為他種

176. Other people might plant the seed of the word and actually share the gospel

下福音的種子 177. 播種可能得播很多次

177. There may even be several plantings

178. 在他信基督之後,可能還有別人來栽

178. After the person believes, other people might be involved in the cultivation

培 179. 其實,最多的時間都花在培養的過程

179. Most time is actually spent in the process is cultivation 180. 很多人會聽到福音,但是要很久以後 180. Many people hear the gospel, but only later on do they begin to understand it

181. 可能還有別人收割

181. Someone else might do the reaping

182. 重點是,只要你愛和服事一個不認識

182. My point is if you are loving and serving a person who does not know Christ 183. whether




主的人 183. 無論你是幫忙準備土壤、播種、栽培




cultivating or reaping, you‘re involved in evangelism

或收割,你都在參加傳福音的過程 184. 傳福音是個過程,而使它生長的是神

184. Evangelism is a process and God‘s the one who is causes 185. 當你了解到讓人來到耶穌面前不是 the growth


185. When you realize that it‘s not your job to cause a 186. 當你了解到那是神的工作,你就可以 person to come to Christ


186. when you realize it‘s God‘s job, it‘s very liberating 187. You don‘t have to badger, pressure, or trick the person

187. 你不需要糾纏、壓迫或拐騙別人來信 主

into believing

188. You can just be yourself and be available to that person 188. 你可以做你自己,可以服事他、隨時 189. The Holy Spirit leads us to Christ, but he lets us participate in the process

準備回答他的問題 189. 聖靈帶領我們認識耶穌,但是祂讓我

190. I find it to be very liberating to realize that we are part of a larger process

們參與這個過程 190. 了解到我們只是大過程的一部分,其

191. Now, the Samaritans arrive

實會讓我鬆一口氣 386

192. (V. 27) John 4:39-42—From that city many of the 191. 接著,撒瑪利亞人到了 Samaritans believed in Him because of the word of the 192. (V. 27) 約翰福音 4:39-42—因著那 woman who testified, ‗He told me all the things that I


have done. So when the Samaritans came to Jesus,


they were asking Him to stay with them; and He stayed

亞人信了耶穌。 40 於是他們來到耶

there two days. Many more believed because of His


word; and they were saying to the woman, ‗It is no

那裡住了兩天。 41 因著耶穌的話,信

longer because of what you said that we believe, for we

他的人就更多了。 42 他們就對那婦

have heard for ourselves and know that this One is


indeed the Savior of the world.


193. This is a powerful text here


194. These people came, they saw him, and they ultimately 193. 這段經文強而有力 believed

194. 這些人來了,看到耶穌,而且最後信

195. There‘s an expression that God has no grandchildren


196. You cannot have a relationship with God through 195. 有一句話說,神沒有孫子 another person

196. 意思是,你不能透過別人跟神建立關

197. You can share the gospel with your child, but eventually your child must come to their own faith

係 197. 你可以跟你小孩分享福音,但是到頭

198. What‘s more, you don‘t become a Christian simply by going to church

來,他必須自己信耶穌 198. 另外,來教會並不代表你就是基督徒

199. Just like you don‘t become a baseball player by going to 199. 就像你去棒球場並不代表你是棒球 a baseball stadium


200. Just being an observer doesn‘t work

200. 只當旁觀者沒有用

201. A choice has to be made

201. 你必須做出決定


The Word of God If you find that this has helped you in any way, I encourage you to edit, translate, copy, or give away any part or all of this and pass it around.

No name arouses passion, both positive and negative, more than Jesus Christ and the book that many claims is His special revelation to man—the Bible. On the one extreme are the fundamentalists that claim that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God—a message written by the Creator of the universe to man. On the other, are those who say it‘s a bunch of poppycock or a collection of myths. With no further ado, let‘s try to make some sense of it all. Let‘s see what Jesus, the central figure of the Bible, says… Matt. 4:4

―…every Word that comes from the mouth of the Lord…‖

Matt. 13:1-23

―…the message about the kingdom…‖

Matt. 13:31-43

―…the good seed…‖

Matt. 22:40

―…the Law and the Prophets…commandments…‖

Matt. 24

―…the gospel…‖

Matt. 24:35

―…my words will never pass away…‖

Mark 1:1

―The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ…‖

Mark 4:13-20

―…others hear the Word, accept it, and produce a crop…‖

Mark 7:8,13

―…you have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe you own traditions you nullify the Word of God by your tradition…‖

Mark 12:24

―Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God?‖

Mark 14:9

―…wherever the Gospel is preached…‖

Mark 14:49

―…but the Scriptures must be fulfilled…‖

Mark 16:15

―…Go into all the world and preach the good news…‖

Luke 1:3

―preached the good news…‖

Luke 4:4,8,10,12.17 ―…It is written…‖ or ―…it says…‖ Luke 4:21

―Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.‖

Luke 4:32

―…they were amazed at his teaching, because his message had 388

authority…‖ Luke 4:43

―…I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God…‖

Luke 5:2

―…listening to the Word of God…‖

Luke 7:46

―…hears my words and puts them into practice…‖

Luke 7:22

―…the good news is preached…‖

Luke 8:11-15

―…The seed is the Word of God…the seed on good soil stands or those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.‖

Luke 8:21

―…My mother and brothers are those who hear God‘s Word and put it into practice…‖

Luke 9:2

―…He sent them out to preach the kingdom…‖

Luke 11:28

―…Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and obey it…‖

Luke 16:16

―…since that time (of John the Baptist), the good news of the Kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law.‖

John 4:41-42

―And because of His words, many more became believers. They said to the woman, ―We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.‖

John 8:32

Jesus said, ―You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.‖

John 10:35

―…and the Scripture cannot be broken…‖

John 14:23

―…If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching…He who does not love me will not obey my teaching…‖

John 17:6

―They are Yours (the Father‘s); You gave them to Me (Jesus) and they have obeyed your Word…‖

The above verses are the result of a very quick sampling of the four gospels. There are so many similar verses, it makes your head spin. Jesus talks a great deal about ―the Gospel,‖ ―the Good News,‖ ―the Word,‖ ―the Scriptures,‖ ―my teachings,‖ and ―the Truth.‖ What the Bible Claims about Itself… What is the word of God?


Of this church I was made a minister according to the stewardship from God bestowed on me for your benefit, so that I might fully carry out the preaching of the word of God, that is, the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations, but has now been manifested to His saints—Col. 1:25-26

He tells us hear them and to obey them. Obviously, Jesus Christ considers the Word of God extremely important… The Bible was written by men, but inspired by the Holy Spirit And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe.—1 Thes. 2:13 …at His appointed season he brought his word to light through the preaching entrusted to me by the command of God our Savior.—Titus 1:3 All Scripture is God-breathed…–2 Tim 3:16 First of all, they (the Jews) have been entrusted with the very words of God.—Rom. 3:2b for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.—2 Pet 1:21 Christ refers to it constantly, evidently, He thought it was important He said to them, ―How foolish you are and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?‖ And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself…were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us? –Luke 24:25-27,32 390

It is perfect The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple…—Psalm 19:7 (read the whole psalm, also Ps. 119) It cannot be broken The Scripture cannot be broken—John 10:35 the word spoken through angels proved unalterable—Heb 2:2 God has a purpose for it So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.—Isa 55:11 Some believe because they can‘t understand God or his purposes that he must not exist

―For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,‖ declares the Lord. ―As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.‖—Isaiah 55:8–9

That‘s faulty logic. Just because a 3-year old doesn‘t understand quantum mechanics doesn‘t mean that quantum mechanics isn‘t true. It simply means that the 3-year old doesn‘t have the capacity yet to understand it. How much more our brains and understanding of God and his way?

Another passage is


But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? ―Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, ‗Why did you make me like this?‘‖ Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?—Rom. 9:20–21

It will never pass away Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.—Luke 21:33, Matt 24:35 The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.–Isa 40:8 It is truth Sanctify them in the truth, your word is truth.—John 17:17 Jesus Christ uses it to sustain all things The Son is the radiance of God‘s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.—Heb 1:3 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.—Col 1:17 Faith comes from hearing it Faith comes from hearing and hearing (understanding) through the Word of God.—Rom. 10:17 It saves us and gives us spiritual rebirth He chose to give us birth through the word of truth—Jam 1:18 in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls—Jam 1:21 392

But hearing the Word is not enough Therefore consider carefully how you listen.—Luke 8:18 Read the entire section. It talks about hearing the Word of God and responding to it. You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder. But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?—James 2:19, 20 It is written so that we may believe in Jesus and therefore receive salvation Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.—John 20:30 ―Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.—John 5:24 We should not harden our heart to it The one who despises the word will be in debt to it, But the one who fears the commandment will be rewarded.—Prov 13:13 They made their hearts as hard as flint and would not listen to the law or to the words that the LORD Almighty had sent by his Spirit through the earlier prophets. So the LORD Almighty was very angry.—Zech 7:12 but they continually mocked the messengers of God, despised His words and scoffed at His prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against His people—2 Chr 36:16 Jesus lifts Himself far about the level of any mere man. Think of it: ―Hear My word and have everlasting life.‖ This is either the babbling of an insane man, a liar, or the words of God Himself. There is no neutral ground to be found here. 393

The Scriptures testify of Jesus (Jesus said) You diligently study the Scriptures because you believe that by them you have eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify of me.—John 5:39 The Greek word translated ‗search‘ is ‗ereunao‘, which means ‗to track the scent‘—like a lion, or a bloodhound. That‘s the way to study Scripture: Follow the scent of the blood. Sniff out the scarlet thread of the Cross. Look for Jesus. ―...if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?‖—John 5:46, 47 We are called through it and are to hold to it. He called you to this through our gospel that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.–2 Thes. 2:14-15 If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.—John 8:31-32 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise you have believed in vain.—1 Cor. 15:2 It teaches and encourages For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.—Rom.15:4 We are to let it dwell in us Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing 394

with grace in your hearts to the Lord.—Col 3:16 We are commanded to study it But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.—James 1:22-25 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.—2 Tim. 2:15 The original Greek text of the verse above uses the command form as if speaking to a soldier and should read something like: ―Correctly divide (i.e., dissect) the word of God.‖ We are to live and feed on it for it is spiritual food I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.—Job 23:12 Your words were found and I ate them, and Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart—Jer. 15:16 Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.—Matt. 4:4, Deut. 8:6, Luke 4:4 like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation—1 Pet. 2:2 For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant. But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.—Heb. 5:13, 14 And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to infants in Christ. I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet 395

able—1 Cor. 3:1, 2 And it will bring us to maturity.

For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant. But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God–Heb. 5:12-6:1

Not knowing the Scriptures causes error Jesus answered, ―You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.‖—Matt. 22:29 We are warned of being led astray Do not be carried away by varied and strange teachings—Heb 13:9 The ―Bereans‖ were considered ―more noble‖ because they searched it daily Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.–Acts 17:11 We should be ready to explain to others what you believe. (How would you do this other than reading the Bible?) So I will have an answer for him who reproaches me, for I trust in your word.—Psa 119:42 holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those 396

who contradict.—Titus 1:19

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.—1 Pet. 3:15

The Greek word translated ‗answer‘ is (apología). This term is derived from the Greek words meaning ‗out of logic/reason‘, so refers to a reasoned defense that would be given in a court of law. We are to obey it Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.—James 1:22-25 Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him…If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my Teaching.—John 14:21,23 We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. The man who says, ‗I know him‘, but does not do what he commands is a liar and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God‘s love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.—1 John 1:3-6 For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.—Heb 2:1 Obeying and keeping the word proves we know and love Jesus 397

If ye continue in My Word, then are ye My disciples indeed—Jn.8:31 If you love Me, keep My commandments—John 14:15 If a man love Me, he will keep My Words—John 14:21,23 Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only—Jam.1:22-24 Hereby we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments—1 John 2:3 This is the love of God...keep His commandments—1 John 5:3 This is love, that we walk after His commandments—2 John 6 By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. The one who says, ―I have come to know Him,‖ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him, but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him—1 John 2:3-5 It is able to make us wise for salvation But you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.—2 Tim 3:13-15 It is used for teaching, correcting, training, and maturing believers All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.–2 Tim 3:16 And now I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up—Acts 20:32 It guides us on our path 398

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path—Psalm 119:105 It is written so that we may know with certainty what to believe So that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.—Luke 1:4 It sanctifies (i.e., ―sets apart for service‖)

(Jesus praying to the Father for the apostles) Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. For their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth. I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for tho se also who believe in Me through their word—John 17:17-21

Incidentally, in this verse, Jesus, who never put pen to paper, is showing that they (the apostles) are to spread His message. This they did through their preaching and by writing the Bible. It makes us holy and cleanses us …Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word—Eph. 5:25-26 How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your word.—Psa. 119:9 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.—John 15:3 It helps us to not sin Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin—Psa. 119:11 It has power 399

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.—John 6:63 By the word of the LORD the heavens were made… For He spoke, and it was done—Psa. 33:6, 9 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.—Heb 11:3 It is a sword For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart…—Heb. 4:12 Read also The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.—2 Cor 10:4 Continually read, it will point out to you where sin still hides in your life. …Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.–Eph. 6:17 In his letters, Paul constantly shows that true, functional faith is always built on knowledge which comes from knowing the Word of God. Conversely, deficient faith is traced back to its unmistakable cause—deficient knowledge. Paul repeatedly asks the question ‗Don‘t you know ...‘ (Rom. 6:3, 16; 11:2; 1 Cor. 3:16; 1 Cor. 5:6; 1 Cor. 6:2, 3, 9, 15, 16, 19; 1 Cor. 9:13, 27) Philip asked the Ethiopian eunuch: 400

‗Do you understand what you are reading?‘ (Acts 8:30). Jesus urges us not to let the devil take it from our hearts or let the worries of life smother it. He tells us to let it take root and to obey it. How can you obey it if you don‘t know what it says? How can you know what it says if you don‘t read it? This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away. The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life‘s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.–Luke 8:11-15 Note above that the devil does what he can to take away the word from those who hear it. He does it again below. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.—2 Cor 4:4 We are to treasure it and love it Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds—Deut. 11:18 The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of His words fall to the ground.—1 Sam. 3:19 I chose to include the verse above, because I really like the way that it‘s expressed. And devote ourselves to it Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand 401

were added to their number that day. They devoted themselves to the apostles‘ teaching and to the fellowship…—Acts 2:41-42 We are to hear it in faith or it will do us no good For indeed we have had good news preached to us, just as they also; but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard.—Heb 4:2 You do not have His word abiding in you because you do not believe Him who He sent.—John 5:37 Yet we cannot understand the Word of God unless we are genuinely willing to obey it because it is spiritually discerned and revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. It is foolishness to those who do not wish to accept it. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.—1 Cor. 2:13-14 If there are still any doubts as to what God thinks about the Bible read the following: For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For, ―All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever.‖ And this is the word that was preached to you.—1 Pet. 1:23-25 It doesn‘t get much clearer than the verses above— *

Through the Word of God we are born again


The Word of God is living and enduring… it stands forever


And this is the word that was preached to you. 402

Finally, we will one day no longer need the Bible.

So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.—2 Pet. 1:19

Our knowledge of God is currently derived primarily from His word the Bible. Although it is God‘s word, as a book, it is able to only show us a hint of God‘s glory like ―a lamp shining in a dark place.‖ We should ―pay attention to it, until what it represents comes… that is when our Lord comes like a morning star, we will no longer need the Bible.

Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.—1 Cor. 13:8-12

Viewing God through the Bible is like seeing Him in an old bronze mirror—you only get a vague idea of what He‘s like, but once the perfect comes, i.e., God, we won‘t need the bronze mirror any more, because we will have the real thing. Now let‘s look at scriptural warnings for straying from what is laid out in the Word of God— Those who teach the Word are to handle it accurately 403

but let the one who has my word speak it faithfully—Jer. 23:28 We are to accept no other ―gospel‖ I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned.—Gal 1:6-9 Paul is not simply waxing poetic here. He is warning us of a grave danger. We are not to stray from it either to the ―left or to the right‖ Therefore you shall be careful to do as the Lord your God has commanded you; you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left—Deu 5:32 According to the sentence of the law in which they instruct you, according to the judgment which they tell you, you shall do; you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left from the sentence which they pronounce upon you.—Deu 17:11 …that his heart may not be lifted above his brethren, that he may not turn aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the left, and that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he and his children in the midst of Israel.—De 17:20 So you shall not turn aside from any of the words which I command you this day, to the right or the left, to go after other gods to serve them.—De 28:14 Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.—Jos 1:7 Therefore be very courageous to keep and to do all that is written in the 404

Book of the Law of Moses, lest you turn aside from it to the right hand or to the left,—Jos 23:6 And he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in all the ways of his father David; he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left.—2 Kings 22:2 Do not turn to the right or the left; Remove your foot from evil.—Pr 4:27 Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ―This is the way, walk in it,‖ Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.—Isa 30:21 We are not to go beyond what is written ―Now, brothers, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, ―Do not go beyond what is written.‖ Then you will not take pride in one man over against another.‖—1 Cor 4:6 Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things—1 Tim 4:16 Anyone who adds to or takes away from…. Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you.—Deut 4:2 See that you do all I command you; do not add to it or take away from it.—Deut. 12:32 Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.–Prov. 30:5-6 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, 405

God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.–Rev 22:18-19 …or distorts it, does so to his own destruction …out dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.–2 Pet 3:15-16 Note that Peter calls Paul‘s letters ―Scripture‖ in the verse above. Read also: Eph 4:14-19, Rom 16:17-27 God is angry with those who suppress the truth

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.—Rom 1:18, 19

Many scoff at it Yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals—these are the very things that destroy them.—Jude 10 Many commercialize it for their own gain At least we are not commercializing God‘s word like so many others. Instead, we speak with sincerity in the Messiah‘s name, like people who are sent from God and are accountable to God.—2 Cor 2:17 teaching things they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain—Titus 1:11 If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound 406

instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions teaching things they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain—1 Tim 6:3-5 Those who do not speak according to it have no light When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn.–Isa 8:19-20 They bring in destructive heresies I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves men will arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them.—Acts 20:29, 30 there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, Many people will follow their immoral ways, and because of them the way of truth will be maligned.—2 Pet 2:1,2 Note that because of these false teachers and their false doctrine, Christianity will be reviled Despite these warnings, many will turn away from the Word preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.—2 Tim 4:2-4 Cult leaders are out to dominate, whereas true ministers of the Gospel desire only to serve. ‗Submit to me,‘ says the cult leader. ‗I will tell you what to read, where to go, who to marry.‘ Whenever someone tries to do this to you — run! 407

Paul said, ―We do not seek to have authority over you, but are helpers of your joy,‘ 2 Cor 1:24 Many leave the doctrines of the Word But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons—1 Tim 4:1 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness—Rom 1:18 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires—2 Tim. 4:3 Those who do not obey it will be judged by it (Jesus speaking) As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I do not come to judge the world, but to save it. There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day.–John 12:47-48 Finally, Jesus says that only those who are willing to obey his Word will understand it Jesus answered, ―My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me. If anyone chooses to do God‘s will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.‖—John 7:16,17 If you ask me, these are some pretty big claims from both the Bible and Jesus. Anybody who thinks that the Bible that we have is not the Word of God, that the Bible is ―A good book‖ as opposed to ―The Good Book,‖ i.e., that the Bible is what is ―left of the Word of God‖ after many years of distortion, etc., underestimates 408

God‘s ability to preserve His Word. He wouldn‘t be much of a God if He couldn‘t preserve His own Word. Yet, there are millions of people who call themselves Christians who have never seriously read the Bible. Jesus says to these people There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day. John 13:48 Sobering words from a man who never put pen to paper.


The Word of God 神的話語 中英文對照版

(This article is the same as the previous one, only with a Chinese translation.) (這篇跟上一篇是一樣的,只不過是中英對照而已) The Word of God


If you find that this has helped you in any way, I encourage 如果您發現這篇文章對你有任何的幫助, you to edit, translate, copy, or give away any part or all of


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No name arouses passion, both positive and negative, more 沒有一個名字比基督耶穌喚起人更多積極 than Jesus Christ and the book that many claims is His 和消極的熱情,在聖經裡有許多祂對人特 special revelation to man—the Bible.


On the one extreme are the fundamentalists that claim 從基本原教主義者的一端來看,他們聲稱 that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God—a message 聖經是上帝無誤的真理,由宇宙的創造者 written by the Creator of the universe to man. On the 寫給人的訊息;從另一端的人來說,他們 other, are those who say it‘s a bunch of poppycock or a 則認為聖經是一堆廢話或神話的集合。 collection of myths. With no further ado, let‘s try to make some sense of it all. 閒話少說,讓我們試著去對它有些了解。 Let‘s see what Jesus, the central figure of the Bible, 讓我們看看,聖經裡的中心人物,耶穌怎 says…


Matt. 4:4—―…every Word that comes from the mouth

馬太福音 4:4 ―神口裡所出的一切話‖

of the Lord…‖ Matt. 13:1-23—―…the message about the kingdom…‖

馬太福音 13:1-23 (v.19)― …天國道理…‖

Matt. 13:31-43—―…the good seed…‖

馬太福音 13:37 ―…好種籽…‖






馬太福音 22: 40 ―律法和先知…道理…‖

Prophets…commandments…‖ 馬太福音第 24 章 ―…福音…‖

Matt. 24—―…the gospel…‖


Matt. 24:35—―…my words will never pass away…‖

馬 太福 音 24:35 ―…我 的 話 卻不能廢 去…‖

Mark 1:1—―The beginning of the gospel about Jesus

馬可福音 1:1 ―耶穌基督福音的起頭…‖

Christ…‖ Mark 4:13-20—―…others hear the Word, accept it, and

馬可福音 4:20 那撒在好地上的,就是

produce a crop…‖

人聽道,又領受,並且結實,有三十倍 的,有六十倍的,有一百倍的。‖

Mark 7:8,13—―…you have a fine way of setting aside the

馬可福音 7:8, 13 ―…你有個不理會神的

commands of God in order to observe you own


traditions you nullify the Word of God by your

您自己有的傳統思想習慣, 而這是您承


接了人的遺傳、廢了 神的道… ‖

Mark 12:24—―Are you not in error because you do not

馬可福音 12:24 ―你們所以錯了、豈不是

know the Scriptures or the power of God?‖

因為不明白聖經 、不曉得


麼?‖ Mark 14:9—―…wherever the Gospel is preached…‖

馬可福音 14:9 ―無論在甚麼地方傳這福 音‖

Mark 14:49—―…but the Scriptures must be fulfilled…‖

馬可福音 14:49 ―這事成就、為要應驗經 上的話‖

Mark 16:15—―…Go into all the world and preach the

馬可福音 16:15 ―你們往普天下去、傳福

good news…‖


Luke 4:4,8,10,12.17—―…It is written…‖ or ―…it says…‖

路加福音 4: 4,8,10,12.17 節 ―…經上記 著…‖或是‖…經上說…‖

Luke 4:21—―Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your

路加福音 4:21 ―今天這經應驗在你們耳



Luke 4:32—―…they were amazed at his teaching,

路加福音 4:32 ―他們很希奇他的教訓、

because his message had authority…‖


Luke 4:43—―…I must preach the good news of the

路加福音 4:43 「我也必須傳 神國的福

kingdom of God…‖


Luke 5:1—―…listening to the Word of God…‖

路加福音 5:1 「要聽 神的道」


Luke 7:46—―…hears my words and puts them into

路加福音 6:49 「聽見我的話就去行的」

practice…‖ Luke 7:22—―…the good news is preached…‖

路加福音 7:22 「有福音傳給他們」

Luke 8:11-15—―…The seed is the Word of God…the seed

路加福音 8:11-15 「種子就是神的道。

on good soil stands or those with a noble and good


heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering


produce a crop.‖ Luke 8:21—―…My mother and brothers are those who

路加福音 8:21 「聽了 神之道而遵行

hear God‘s Word and put it into practice…‖


Luke 9:2—―…He sent them out to preach the kingdom…‖

路加福音 9:2 「…又差遣他們去宣傳 神國的道…」

Luke 11:28—―…Blessed are those who hear the Word of

路加福音 11:28 「…聽 神之道而遵守

God and obey it…‖


Luke 16:16—―…since that time (of John the Baptist),

路加福音 16:16 「律法和先知到約翰為

the good news of the Kingdom of God is being preached,

止,從此 神國的福音傳開了,人人努

and everyone is forcing his way into it. It is easier for


heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke


of a pen to drop out of the Law.‖ John 4:41-42—―And because of His words, many more

約翰福音 4:41-42 「因耶穌的話,信的

became believers. They said to the woman, ―We no


longer believe just because of what you said; now we


have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man


really is the Savior of the world.‖ John 8:32—Jesus said, ―You shall know the truth and

約翰福音 8:32 「你們必曉得真理,真

the truth shall set you free.‖


John 10:35—―…and the Scripture cannot be broken…‖

約翰福音 10:35 「…經上的話是不能廢 的…」

John 14:23—―…If anyone loves me, he will obey my

約翰福音 14:23 「…人若愛我,就必遵

teaching…He who does not love me will not obey my

守我 的道 …不愛我的人就不遵守我的


道…」 412

John 17:6—―They are Yours (the Father‘s); You gave

約翰福音 17:6 「他們本是你的,你將

them to Me (Jesus) and they have obeyed your Word…‖


The above verses are the result of a very quick sampling of 以上的經文是從四福音中很快地摘錄,類 the four gospels. There are so many similar verses, it 似的經文非常多。 makes your head spin. Jesus talks a great deal about ―the Gospel,‖ ―the Good 耶穌常常提到「福音」、「好消息」、「神的 、「我的道」以及「真理」 News,‖ ―the Word,‖ ―the Scriptures,‖ ―my teachings,‖ and 話語」、「經文」 ―the Truth.‖ He tells us hear and obey it.


Obviously, Jesus Christ considers the Word of God 可見,耶穌認為神的話語極為重要 extremely important… What the Bible Claims about Itself…


What is the Word of God?


Col. 1:25-26—Of this church I was made a minister

歌羅西書 1:25-26 「我照

according to the stewardship from God bestowed on me


for your benefit, so that I might fully carry out the


preaching of the word of God, that is, the mystery


which has been hidden from the past ages and



generations, but has now been manifested to His saints The Bible was written by men, but inspired by the Holy 聖經是人受聖靈的感動而寫的 Spirit 1 Thes. 2:13—And we also thank God continually

帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:13 為此,我們也不

because, when you received the word of God, which you


heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men,


but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work

以為是 神的道。這道實在是 神的,

in you who believe.


Titus 1:3—…at His appointed season he brought his

提多書 1:3 到了日期,藉著傳揚的工夫

word to light through the preaching entrusted to me by


the command of God our Savior.




2 Tim 3:16—All Scripture is God-breathed…

提摩太後書 3:16 聖經都是 神所默示 的。

Rom. 3:2b—First of all, they (the Jews) have been

羅馬書 3:2b 第一是 神的聖言交託他

entrusted with the very words of God.


2 Pet 1:21—for no prophecy was ever made by an act of

彼得後書 1:21 因為豫言從來沒有出於

human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke

人意的,乃是人被聖靈感動說出 神的

from God.


It is perfect


Psalm 19:7 (read the whole psalm, also Ps. 119)—The law

詩篇 19:7 耶和華的律法全備,能甦醒

of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes


of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple…


It cannot be broken


John 10:35—The Scripture cannot be broken

約翰福音 10:35 經上的話是不能廢的。

Heb 2:2—the word spoken through angels proved

希伯來書 2:2 那藉著天使所傳的話是確



God has a purpose for it


Isa 55:11—So will My word be which goes forth from

以賽亞書 55:11 我口所出的話也必如

My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without


accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in


the matter for which I sent it.


Some believe because they can‘t understand God or his 有人因為無法了解上帝或祂的旨意,就認 purposes that he must not exist Isaiah 55:8–9—―For my

為祂就不存在 thoughts are not your

以賽亞書 55:8–9 耶和華說 我的意念非

thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,‖ declares the


Lord. ―As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are


my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than


your thoughts.‖


That‘s faulty logic. Just because a 3-year old doesn‘t 這個邏輯有問題。一個三歲小孩不了解微 understand algebra doesn‘t mean that algebra isn‘t true. It 積分並不表示微積分不對。只表示三歲小 simply means that the 3-year old doesn‘t have the capacity 孩還沒有能力了解它。 yet to understand it. 414

Another passage is


Rom. 9:20–21—But who are you, O man, to talk back to

羅馬書 9:20–21 你這個人哪,你是誰,

God? ―Shall what is formed say to him who formed it,

竟敢向 神強嘴呢?受造之物豈能對造

‗Why did you make me like this?‘‖ Does not the potter

他的說: 「你為甚麼這樣造我呢?」窯匠

have the right to make out of the same lump of clay


some pottery for noble purposes and some for common




It will never pass away


Luke 21:33, Matt 24:35—Heaven and earth will pass

路加福音 21:33、馬太福音 24:35 天地

away, but my words will never pass away.


Isa 40:8—The grass withers and the flowers fall, but

以賽亞書 40:8 草必枯乾,花必凋殘,

the word of our God stands forever.


It is truth


John 17:17—Sanctify them in the truth, your word is

約翰福音 17:17 求你用真理使他們成



Jesus Christ uses it to sustain all things


Heb 1:3—The Son is the radiance of God‘s glory and the

希伯來書 1:3 他是神榮耀所發的光輝,

exact representation of his being, sustaining all things


by his powerful word. After he had provided


purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of


the Majesty in heaven. Col 1:17—He is before all things, and in Him all things

歌羅西書 1:17 他在萬有之先;萬有也靠

hold together.


Faith comes from hearing it


Rom. 10:17—Faith comes from hearing and hearing

羅馬書 10:17 信心來自於聽道,聽道來

(understanding) through the Word of God.


It saves us and gives us spiritual rebirth


Jam 1:18—He chose to give us birth through the word

雅各書 1:18 他按自己的旨意,用真道生

of truth

了我們 415

Jam 1:21—in humility receive the word implanted, which

雅各書 1:21 存溫柔的心領受那所栽種

is able to save your souls


But hearing the Word is not enough


Luke 8:18—Therefore consider carefully how you listen.

路加福音 8:18 所以,你們應當小心怎 樣聽。

Read the entire section. It talks about hearing the Word 閱讀整個章節。此談到關於聽神的話語, of God and responding to it.


Jam 2:19, 20—You believe that God is one. You do well;

雅各書 2:19, 20 你信神只有一位,你信

the demons also believe, and shudder. But are you


willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith


without works is useless?


It is written so that we may believe in Jesus and therefore 聖經使我們相信耶穌是基督,並因此得到 receive salvation


John 20:30-31—Jesus did many other miraculous signs

約翰福音 20:30–31 耶穌在門徒面前另

in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded


in this book. But these are written that you may


believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and


that by believing you may have life in his name.


John 5:24—―Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My

約翰福音 5:24 我實實在在的告訴你

word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life,


and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of


death into life. We should not harden our heart to it


Prov 13:13—The one who despises the word will be in

箴言 13:13 藐視訓言的,自取滅亡;敬

debt to it, But the one who fears the commandment will


be rewarded. Zech 7:12—They made their hearts as hard as flint and

撒迦利亞 7:12 使心硬如金鋼石,不聽律

would not listen to the law or to the words that the



LORD Almighty had sent by his Spirit through the


earlier prophets. So the LORD Almighty was very angry. 2 Chr 36:16—but they




歷代志下 36:16 他們卻嘻笑 神的使

messengers of God, despised His words and scoffed at


His prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose


against His people


The Scriptures testify of Jesus


John 5:39—(Jesus said) You diligently study the

約翰福音 5:39 你們查考聖經(或作:應

Scriptures because you believe that by them you have

當查考聖經) ,因你們以為內中有永生;

eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify of


me. Luke 24:25-27,32—He said to them, ―How foolish you

路 加 福 音 24:25-27,32 耶 穌 對 他們

are and how slow of heart to believe all that the

說: 「無知的人哪,先知所說的一切話,

prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer


these things and then enter his glory?‖ And beginning


with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them


what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself…


were not our hearts burning within us while he talked

他們彼此說: 「在路上,他和我們說話,

with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?

給我們講解聖經的時候,我們的心豈不 是火熱的麼?」

We are to stand firm in them


2 Thes. 2:14-15—He called you to this through our

帖撒羅尼迦後書 2:14-15 神藉我們所傳

gospel that you might share in the glory of our Lord


Jesus Christ. So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to


the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word


of mouth or by letter.


John 8:31-32—If you hold to my teaching, you are

約翰福音 8:31-32 耶穌對信他的猶太

really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and


the truth will set you free.

我的門徒;你們必曉得真理,真理必叫 你們得以自由。 417

1 Cor. 15:2—By this gospel you are saved, if you hold

歌林多前書 15:2 並且你們若不是徒然

firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise you


have believed in vain.


It teaches and encourages


Rom.15:4—For everything that was written in the past

羅馬書 15:4 從前所寫的聖經都是為教

was written to teach us, so that through endurance and


the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have


hope. We are to let it dwell in us


Col 3:16—Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in

歌羅西書 3:16 當用各樣的智慧,把基

all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in

督的道理豐豐富富的存在心裏, (或作:

psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace


in your hearts to the Lord.

以各樣的智慧) ,用詩章、頌詞、靈歌, 彼此教導,互相勸戒,心被恩感,歌頌 神。

We are commanded to study it


James 1:25—But the man who looks intently into the

雅 1:25 惟有詳細察看那全備、使人自

perfect law that gives freedom and continues to do


this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing


it—he will be blessed in what he does.


We are to handle it correctly


2 Tim. 2:15—Do your best to present yourself to God as

提摩太後書 2:15 你當竭力在神 面前得

one approved, a workman who does not need to be


ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.


We are to live and feed on it for it is spiritual food


Job 23:12—I have treasured the words of His mouth

約伯記 23:12 我看重他口中的言語,過

more than my necessary food.

於我需用的飲食。 418

Jer. 15:16—Your words were found and I ate them, and

耶利米書 15:16 我得著你的言語,就當

Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my




Matt. 4:4, Deut. 8:6, Luke 4:4—Man does not live on

馬太福音 4:4,申命記 8:6,路加福音

bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the

4:4 人活著不是單靠食物,乃是靠 神口

mouth of the Lord.


1 Pet. 2:2—like newborn babies, long for the pure milk

彼得前書 2:2 像才生的嬰孩愛慕奶一

of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to


salvation Heb. 5:13, 14—For everyone who partakes only of milk

希伯來書 5:13,14 凡只能吃奶的,都

is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he


is an infant. But solid food is for the mature, who


because of practice have their senses trained to


discern good and evil. And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual

哥林多前書 3:1,2 弟兄們,我從前對

men, but as to men of flesh, as to infants in Christ. I


gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not


yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet


able—1 Cor. 3:1, 2


And it will bring us to maturity.


Heb. 5:12-6:1—For though by this time you ought to be

希 伯 來 書 5:12-6:1 看你 們 學習 的工

teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you

夫,本該作師傅,誰知還得有人將 神聖

the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and


you have come to need milk and not solid food. For


everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed


to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant. But


solid food is for the mature, who because of practice


have their senses trained to discern good and evil.


Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the


Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a

基,就如那懊悔死行、信靠 神、各樣洗

foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith


toward God

判各等教訓。 419

Not knowing the Scriptures causes error


Matt. 22:29—Jesus answered, ―You are in error

馬太福音 22:29 耶穌回答說:―你們錯

because you do not know the Scriptures or the power

了,因為不明白聖經,也不曉得 神的大

of God.‖


We are warned of being led astray


Heb 13:9—Do not be carried away by varied and

希伯來書 13:9 你們不要被那諸般怪異

strange teachings


The ―Bereans‖ were considered ―more noble‖ because they


searched it daily


Acts 17:11—Now the Bereans were of more noble

使徒行傳 17:11 這地方的人賢於帖撒羅

character than the Thessalonians, for they received


the message with great eagerness and examined the


Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. We should be ready to explain to others what you believe. 我們應做好萬全準備向他人解釋我們所相 (How would you do this other than reading the Bible?)


Psa 119:42—So I will have an answer for him who

詩篇 119:42 我就有話回答那羞辱我

reproaches me, For I trust in Your word.


Titus 1:9—holding fast the faithful word which is in

提多書 1:9 堅守所教真實的道理,就能

accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able


both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those


who contradict. 1 Pet. 3:15—Always be prepared to give an answer to

彼得前書 3:15 有人問你們心中盼望的

everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope


that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.


The Greek word translated ‗answer‘ is (apología). This term 「答覆」這個希臘字被翻譯成(辯解),它是 is derived from the Greek words meaning ‗out of 由希臘字「出於邏輯、理由」衍生出來, logic/reason‘, so refers to a reasoned defense that would 因而引申為在法庭裡的理性辯護。 be given in a court of law. 420

We are to obey it


Jam 1:22-25—Do not merely listen to the word and so

雅各書 1:22-25 只是你們要行道,不

deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens


to the word but does not do what it says is like a man


who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at


himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he


looks like. But the man who looks intently into the


perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do


this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he


will be blessed in what he does. John 14:21, 23—Whoever has my commands and obeys

約翰福音 14:21 有了我的命令又遵守

them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will


be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show


myself to him…If anyone loves me, he will obey my


teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to


him and make our home with him. He who does not love


me will not obey my Teaching. 1 John 2:3-6—We know that we have come to know him

約 翰 一書 2:3-6 我 們 若 遵守 他 的誡

if we obey his commands. The man who says, ‗I know


him‘, but does not do what he commands is a liar and the


truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God‘s


love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know


we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk


as Jesus did.

的,愛 神的心在他裡面實在是完全的, 從此我們知道我們是在主裡面。人若說 他住在主裡面,就該自己照主所行的去 行。

Heb 2:1—For this reason we must pay much closer

希伯來書 2:1 所以,我們當越發鄭重所

attention to what we have heard, so that we do not


drift away from it. Obeying and keeping the word proves we know and love 遵守並銘記這道證明我們知道且愛耶穌。 Jesus


John 8:31—If ye continue in My Word, then are ye My

約翰福音 8:31 你們若常常遵守我的

disciples indeed.


John 14:15—If you love Me, keep My commandments

約翰福音 14:15 你們若愛我,就必遵守 我的命令。

John 14:21,23—If a man love Me, he will keep My

約翰福音 14:23 人若愛我,就必遵守我



Jam.1:22-24—Be doers of the Word, and not hearers

雅各書 1:22 只是你們要行道,不要單



1 John 2:3—Hereby we know that we know Him, if we

約翰一書 2:3 我們若遵守他的誡命,就

keep His commandments


1 John 5:3—This is the love of God...keep His

約翰一書 5:3 我們遵守 神的誡命,這



2 John 6—This is love, that we walk after His

約翰二書 1:6 我們若照他的命令行,這



1 John 2:3-5—By this we know that we have come to

約翰一書 2:3 我們若遵守他的誡命,就

know Him, if we keep His commandments. The one who


says, ―I have come to know Him,‖ and does not keep His


commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him, but

也不在他心裡了。凡遵守主道的,愛 神

whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has


truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in


Him. It is able to make us wise for salvation


2 Tim 3:13-15—But you, continue in what you have

提摩太後書 3:13-15 但你所學習的、所

learned and have become convinced of, because you


know those from whom you learned it, and how from


infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are


able to make you wise for salvation through faith in


Christ Jesus.


It is used for teaching, correcting, training, and maturing 聖經於教訓,使人歸正,教導人學義,和 believers


2 Tim 3:16-17—All Scripture is God-breathed and is

提摩太後書 3:16-17 聖經都是神所默示

useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training


in righteousness, so that the man of God may be


thoroughly equipped for every good work.

益的。叫屬神的人得以完全,預備行各 樣的善事。

Acts 20:32—And now I commend you to God and to the

使 徒行 傳 20:32 如今 我把 你們 交託

word of His grace, which is able to build you up


It guides us on our path


Psalm 119:105—Your word is a lamp to my feet and a

詩篇 119:105 你的話是我腳前的燈,是

light to my path


It is written so that we may know with certainty what to 它也使我們知道所學之道都是確實的 believe Luke 1:4—So that you may know the certainty of the

路加福音 1:4 使你知道所學之道都是確

things you have been taught.


It sanctifies (i.e., ―sets apart for service‖)


John 17:17-20—(Jesus praying to the Father for the

約翰福音 17:17-20 求你用真理使他們

apostles) Sanctify them by the truth; you Word is


truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them


into the world. For them I sanctify myself, they too


may be truly sanctified. My prayer is not for them


alone, I pray also for those who will believe in me


through their message In this verse, Jesus is showing that the apostles are to


spread His message. This they did through their preaching 聖經來傳達祂的信息。 and by writing the Bible. It makes us holy and cleanses us

它洗淨我們,使我們成為聖潔 423

Eph. 5:25-26—…Christ loved the church and gave

以弗所書 5:25-26 基督愛教會,為教會

himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by


the washing with water through the word


Psa. 119:9—How can a young man keep his way pure? By

詩篇 119:9 少年人用什麼潔淨他的行為

keeping it according to Your word.


John 15:3—You are already clean because of the word

約翰福音 15:3 現在你們因我講給你們

which I have spoken to you.


It helps us to not sin


Psa. 119:11—Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might

詩篇 119:11 我將你的話藏在心裡,免得

not sin


It has power


John 6:63—It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh

約翰福音 6:63 叫人活著的乃是靈,肉

profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you


are spirit and are life.


Psa. 33:6, 9—By the word of the LORD the heavens

詩篇 33:6,9 諸天藉耶和華的命而造…

were made… For He spoke, and it was done


Heb 11:3—By faith we understand that the worlds were

希伯來書 11:3 我們因著信,就知道諸世

prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was


not made out of things which are visible.


It is a sword


For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than

希伯來書 4:12 神的道是活潑的,是有

any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing


soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the


thoughts and attitudes of the heart…—Heb. 4:12


Read also


2 Cor 10:4-5—The weapons we fight with are not the 424

歌林多後書 10:4-5 我們爭戰的兵器,

weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine


power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments


and every pretension that sets itself up against the


knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to


make it obedient to Christ.


Continually read, it will point out to you where sin still hides 經常閱讀神的話,它會指出你生活中仍然 in your life.


Eph. 6:17—…Take the helmet of salvation and the sword

以弗所書 6:17 戴上救恩的頭盔,拿著

of the Spirit, which is the word of God.


In his letters, Paul constantly shows that true, functional 在保羅撰寫的書信當中,他不斷地指出真 faith is always built on knowledge which comes from 正有用的信仰一定基於神的話語所傳達的 knowing the Word of God. Conversely, deficient faith is 知識。相反的,對神的道不夠了解一定會 traced





cause—deficient 導致信心薄弱。保羅常問讀者:

knowledge. Paul repeatedly asks the question ‗Don‘t you know ...‘ (Rom. 6:3, 16; 11:2; 1 Cor. 3:16; 1 Cor.

你們豈不知…(羅馬書歌 6:3,16;11:2;歌

5:6; 1 Cor. 6:2, 3, 9, 15, 16, 19; 1 Cor. 9:13, 27)

林多前書 3:16;歌林多前書 5:6;歌林多 前 書 6:2,3,9,15,16,19; 歌 林 多 前 書 9:13,27)

Philip asked the Ethiopian eunuch:


Acts 8:30—‗Do you understand what you are reading?‘

使徒行傳 8:30 你所念的,你明白麽?

Jesus urges us not to let the devil take it from our hearts 耶穌鼓勵我們不要讓魔鬼把神的話語從我 or let the worries of life smother it. He tells us to let it 們的內心搶走或讓生活中的憂慮熄滅它。 take root and to obey it. How can you obey it if you don‘t 祂叫我們讓它紮根以及服從它。如果你不 know what it says? How can you know what it says if you 知道裡面寫什麼,你怎麼會有辦法服從它 don‘t read it?



Luke 8:11-15—This is the meaning of the parable: The

路加福音 8:11-1511 這比喻乃是這樣:種

seed is the word of God. Those along the path are the

子就是神的道。12 那些在路旁的,就是

ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away


the word from their hearts, so that they may not

道奪去,恐怕他們信了得救.13 那些在磐

believe and be saved. Those on the rock are the ones


who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but


they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the

煉就退後了。14 那落在荊棘裏的,就是

time of testing they fall away. The seed that fell among


thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on


their way they are choked by life‘s worries, riches and

粒來。15 那落在好土裏的,就是人聽了

pleasures, and they do not mature. But the seed on


good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart,


who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. Note above that the devil does what he can to take away 注意,魔鬼會想盡辦法將神的道拿走。下 the word from those who hear it. He does it again below.


2 Cor 4:4—The god of this age has blinded the minds of

歌林多後書 4:4 此等不信之人被這世界

unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the


gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.


We are to treasure it and love it


Deut. 11:18—Fix these words of mine in your hearts and

申命記 11:18 你們要將我這話存在心



1 Sam. 3:19—The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up,

撒母耳記上 3:19 撒母耳長大了,耶和華

and he let none of His words fall to the ground.


I chose to include the verse above, because I really like 我喜歡上面的描述才選擇它 the way that it‘s expressed. And devote ourselves to it


Acts 2:41-42—Those who accepted his message were

使徒行傳 2:41-42 於是領受他話的人就

baptized, and about three thousand were added to


their number that day. They devoted themselves to the



apostles‘ teaching and to the fellowship… We are to hear it in faith or it will do us no good


Heb 4:2—For indeed we have had good news preached

希伯來書 4:2 因為有福音傳給我們,像

to us, just as they also; but the word they heard did not


profit them, because it was not united by faith in those


who heard.


John 5:37—You do not have His word abiding in you

約 5:37 差我來的父也為我作過見證。

because you do not believe Him who He sent.

你們從來沒有聽見他的聲音,也沒有看 見他的形像。

Yet we cannot understand the Word of God unless we are 除非我們真心願意服從神,要不然我們無 genuinely willing to obey it because it is spiritually 法理解它,因為要透過聖靈的執教才能夠 discerned and revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. It is 懂。不想接受它的人認為它是愚拙的。 foolishness to those who do not wish to accept it. 1 Cor. 2:13-14—This is what we speak, not in words

歌林多前書 2:13-14 並且我們講說這些

taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the


Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.


The man without the Spirit does not accept the things

靈的事。 (或作:將屬靈的事講與屬靈的

that come from the Spirit of God, for they are

人)14 然而,屬血氣的人不領會神聖靈

foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them,


because they are spiritually discerned.


John 7:16,17—Jesus answered, ―My teaching is not my

約 7:16 耶穌說:―我的教訓不是我自己

own. It comes from him who sent me. If anyone chooses

的,乃是那差我來者的。17 人若立志遵

to do God‘s will, he will find out whether my teaching


comes from God or whether I speak on my own.‖

於 神,或是我憑著自己說的。

If there are still any doubts as to what God thinks about 如果還懷疑上帝對聖經有何看法,請閱讀 the Bible read the following:


1 Pet. 1:23-25—For you have been born again, not of

彼得前書 1:23-25 你們蒙了重生,不是

perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living


and enduring word of God. For, ―All men are like grass,

子,是藉著神活潑常存的道。24 因為凡

and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the


grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the

上的花。草必枯乾,花必凋謝;25 惟有

Lord stands forever.‖ And this is the word that was



preached to you.


It doesn‘t get much clearer than the verses above—


Through the Word of God we are born again


The Word of God is living and enduring… it stands




And this is the word that was preached to you.

Our knowledge of God is currently derived primarily from 目前我們對上帝的了解主要是來自聖經, His word the Bible. Although it is God‘s word, as a book, it 雖然這是神的話語,但是從書中我們只能 is able to only show us a hint of God‘s glory like ―a lamp 夠看到神的榮耀的一小部分,有如―燈照在 shining in a dark place.‖ We should ―pay attention to it, until 暗處‖。我們要―留意,直等到天發亮‖,也 what it represents comes… that is when our Lord comes 就是說,它所代表的主親自到來。到時候, like a morning star, we will no longer need the Bible.


1 Cor. 13:8-12—Love never fails; but if there are gifts

歌林多前書 13:8-128 愛是永不止息。先

of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are


tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be

終必停止;知識也終必歸於無有。9 我

done away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part;


but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done

限,10 等那完全的來到,這有限的必歸

away. When I was a child, I used to speak like a child,

於無有了。11 我作孩子的時候,話語像

think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a


man, I did away with childish things. For now we see in a

了人,就把孩子的事丟棄了。12 我們如

mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part,


but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully

作:如同猜謎) ;到那時就要面對面了。


我如今所知道的有限,到那時就全知 道,如同主知道我一樣。

Viewing God through the Bible is like seeing Him in an old 透過聖經來觀看上帝,就如同從古銅鏡看 bronze mirror—you only get a vague idea of what He‘s like, 祂—你只能夠看到一個模糊的影像,但是 but once the perfect comes, i.e., God, we won‘t need the 當那完全的來到時,我們就不再需要銅鏡 bronze mirror any more, because we will have the real 了,因為已經有了本尊。 thing. Now let‘s look at scriptural warnings for straying from 我們現在讀一下聖經關於脫離神的話語的 what is laid out in the Word of God—

警告— 428

Those who teach the Word are to handle it accurately


Jer. 23:28—but let the one who has my word speak it

耶利米書 23:28 得我話的人可以誠實講



We are to accept no other ―gospel‖


Gal 1:6-8—I am astonished that you are so quickly

加拉太書 1:6-86 我希奇你們這麽快離

deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ


and are turning to a different gospel—which is really no

福音。7 那並不是福音,不過有些人攪

gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you

擾你們,要把基督的福音更改了。8 但

into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of


Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should


preach a gospel other than the one we preached to


you, let him be eternally condemned. Paul is not simply waxing poetic here. He is warning us of a 保羅在這裡是在提出很嚴厲的警告。 grave danger. We are not to stray from it either to the ―left or to the 我們應該不可偏離左右 right‖ Deu 5:32—Therefore you shall be careful to do as the

申命記 5:32 所以,你們要照耶和華─你

Lord your God has commanded you; you shall not turn

aside to the right hand or to the left


Deu 17:11—According to the sentence of the law in

申命記 17:11 要按他們所指教你的律

which they instruct you, according to the judgment


which they tell you, you shall do; you shall not turn



aside to the right hand or to the left from the sentence which they pronounce upon you. Deu 17:20—…that his heart may not be lifted above his

申 17:20 免得他向弟兄心高氣傲,偏左

brethren, that he may not turn aside from the


commandment to the right hand or to the left, and that


he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he and his


children in the midst of Israel.


Deu 28:14—So you shall not turn aside from any of the

申 28:13,14 你若聽從耶和華你 神的

words which I command you this day, to the right or


the left, to go after other gods to serve them.

行,不偏左右,也不隨從事奉別神,耶 和華就必使你作首不作尾,但居上不居 下。

Jos 1:7—Only be strong and very courageous, that you

書 1:7 只要剛強,大大壯膽,謹守遵行

may observe to do according to all the law which Moses


My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the


right hand or to the left, that you may prosper


wherever you go. Jos 23:6—Therefore be very courageous to keep and to

約書亞記 23:6 所以,你們要大大壯膽,

do all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses,


lest you turn aside from it to the right hand or to the


left 2 Kings 22:2—And he did what was right in the sight of

列王紀下 22:2 約西亞行耶和華眼中看

the Lord, and walked in all the ways of his father David;


he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left.


Pr 4:27—Do not turn to the right or the left; Remove

箴言 4:27 不可偏向左右;要使你的腳離

your foot from evil.


Isa 30:21—Your ears shall hear a word behind you,

以賽亞書 30:21 你或向左或向右,你必

saying, ―This is the way, walk in it,‖ Whenever you turn


to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.


We are not to go beyond what is written


1 Cor 4:6—―Now, brothers, I have applied these things

哥林多前書 4:6 弟兄們,我為你們的緣

to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may


learn from us the meaning of the saying, ―Do not go


beyond what is written.‖ Then you will not take pride in


one man over against another.‖ 1 Tim 4:16—Pay close attention to yourself and to your

提摩太前書 4:16 你要謹慎自己和自己

teaching; persevere in these things

的教訓,要在這些事上恆心。 430

Anyone who adds to or takes away from….


Deut 4:2—Do not add to what I command you and do

申命記 4:2 所吩咐你們的話,你們不可

not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the


Lord your God that I give you.

吩咐的,就是耶和華你們 神的命令。

Deut. 12:32—See that you do all I command you; do not

申命記 12:32 凡我所吩咐的,你們都要

add to it or take away from it.


Prov. 30:5-6—Every word of God is flawless; he is a

箴言 30:5-6 神 的言語句句都是煉淨

shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to


his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.

的言語,你不可加添,恐怕他責備你, 你就顯為說謊言的。

Rev 22:18-19—I warn everyone who hears the words of

啟示錄 22:18 我向一切聽見這書上預

the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to


them, God will add to him the plagues described in this

麼 ,神必將寫在這書的災禍加在他身

book. And if anyone takes words away from this book

上;這書上的預言,若有人刪去甚麼, 神

of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in


the tree of life and in the holy city, which are


described in this book. …or distorts it, does so to his own destruction


2 Pet 3:15-16—…out dear brother Paul also wrote you

彼得後書 3:15-16 就如我們所親愛的

with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same


way in all his letters, speaking in them of these


matters. His letters contain some things that are hard


to understand, which ignorant and unstable people


distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own


destruction. Note that Peter calls Paul‘s letters ―Scripture‖ in the verse 注意彼得在上面詩節中稱保羅的信為經 above. Read also: Eph 4:14-19, Rom 16:17-27

書。也要讀:以所佛書 4:14-19,羅馬書 16:17-27

God is angry with those who suppress the truth



Rom 1:18, 19—For the wrath of God is revealed from

羅馬書 1:18 原來, 神的忿怒,從天上

heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of


men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,


because that which is known about God is evident within

所能知道的,原顯明在人心裡,因為 神

them; for God made it evident to them.


Many scoff at it


Jude 1:10—Yet these men speak abusively against

猶大書 1:10 但這些人毀謗他們所不知

whatever they do not understand; and what things they









animals—these are the very things that destroy them. Many commercialize it for their own gain


2 Cor 2:17—At least we are not commercializing God‘s

哥林多後書 2:17 我們不像那許多人,

word like so many others. Instead, we speak with

為利混亂 神的道,乃是由於誠實、由於

sincerity in the Messiah‘s name, like people who are

神,在 神面前憑著基督講道。

sent from God and are accountable to God. Titus 1:11—teaching things they should not teach for

提多書 1:11 他們因貪不義之財,將不該

the sake of sordid gain


1 Tim 6:3-5—If anyone teaches false doctrines and

提摩太前書 6:3 若有人傳異教,不服從

does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord


Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is conceited and


understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in


controversies and quarrels about words that result in


envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions teaching


things they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain Those who do not speak according to it have no light

那些人所說的若不與訓誨和法度為標準, 必不得見晨光

Isa 8:19-20—When men tell you to consult mediums and

以賽亞書 8:19 有人對你們說:―當求問

spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people


inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf


of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they

姓不當求問自己的 神嗎?豈可為活人


do not speak according to this word, they have no light


of dawn.

準,他們所說的若不與此相符,必不得 見晨光。

They bring in destructive heresies


Acts 20:29, 30—I know that after my departure

使徒行傳 20:29 我知道我去之後,必

savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the


flock; and from among your own selves men will arise,


speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples


after them. 2 Pet 2:1,2—there will also be false teachers among

彼後 2:1 從前在百姓中有假先知起來,

you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies,


Many people will follow their immoral ways, and because


of them the way of truth will be maligned.

不承認,自取速速的滅亡。2 將有許多 人隨從他們邪淫的行為,便叫真道因他 們的緣故被毀謗。

Note that because of these false teachers and their false 注意真道因這些假老師和假教義的緣故被 doctrine, Christianity will be reviled


Despite these warnings, many will turn away from the Word 即使有這麼多的警告,很多人還是會離開 真道 2 Tim 4:2-4—preach the word; be ready in season and

提後 4:2 務要傳道!無論得時不得時,

out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great


patience and instruction. For the time will come when

訓,責備人,警戒人,勸勉人。3 因為

they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have


their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves


teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will

傅;4 並且掩耳不聽真道,偏向荒渺的

turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside


to myths.


Cult leaders are out to dominate, whereas true ministers of


the Gospel desire only to serve. ‗Submit to me,‘ says the 牧者只想要服事。邪道的領導人可能會 cult leader. ‗I will tell you what to read, where to go, who to


marry.‘ Whenever someone tries to do this to you — run!

去的地方,娶我叫你娶的對象。‖當你聽到 人這麼說,拔腿就跑!

2 Cor 1:24—Paul said, ―We do not seek to have

林後 1:24 我們並不是轄 管你們的信

authority over you, but are helpers of your joy‘

心,乃是幫助你們的快樂,因為你們憑 信才站立得住。

Many leave the doctrines of the Word


1 Tim 4:1—But the Spirit explicitly says that in later

提前4:1 聖靈明說:在後來的時候,必

times some will fall away from the faith, paying


attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons


Rom 1:18—For the wrath of God is revealed from

羅 1:18 原來, 神的忿怒,從天上顯明

heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of


men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness


2 Tim. 4:3—For the time will come when they will not

提後 4:3 因為時候要到,人必厭煩純正

endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears


tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in


accordance to their own desires Those who do not obey it will be judged by it


John 12:47-48—(Jesus speaking) As for the person

約 12:47 若有人聽見我的話不遵守,我

who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not


judge him. For I do not come to judge the world, but to

是要拯救世界。48 棄絕我、不領受我

save it. There is a judge for the one who rejects me


and does not accept my words; that very word which


I spoke will condemn him at the last day. If you ask me, these are some pretty big claims from both 我個人認為,耶穌和聖經的宣稱都很慎重。 the Bible and Jesus. The Bible is truth or it is not. There is no middle ground 聖經是真理或者不是真理—二選一。聖經 with the Bible and with Jesus. God didn‘t give us that 跟耶穌都沒有灰色地帶。上帝沒有給我們 option.

其他的選項。 434

Yet, there are millions of people who call themselves 但是如今世上有非常多自稱自己是基督徒 Christians who have never seriously read the Bible. Jesus 的人沒有認真看過聖經。耶穌對這些人這 says to these people:


John 12:48—There is a judge for the one who rejects

約 12:48 棄絕我、不領受我話的人,有

me and does not accept my words; that very word which


I spoke will condemn him at the last day.


Sobering words from a man who never put pen to paper.

對一個從來沒有寫過書的人來說,這是很 重大的話。


Worthless Vs. Not Worthy 毫無價值的相對於不配得 1.

There was a class in a seminary in which a different 1. 某神學院的一門課上,同學會在每 student was asked to pray at the beginning of each class



One day, a student was asked to pray

2. 有天,老師請一位同學帶領禱告


He said, ―I thank you for dying for me, Jesus even though

3. 他說,―耶穌,感謝你,即使我毫

I'm so worthless‖ 4.


And the professor stopped him right in the middle of his 4. 在他還沒禱告完,老師便打斷他的 prayer, saying ―Wait a minute! Wait a minute!‖


You're not worthless. Christ loved you enough to die for 5. 你不是沒有價值,耶穌為你而死, you



You are not worthless. You are unworthy. Understand 6. 你並非沒有價值。而是你不配獲 the difference?




You are not worthy to receive that grace, but that is 7. 你不配獲得神的恩典,但是恩典就 what grace is, isn‘t it?



If you could deserve grace, it wouldn‘t be grace


It would be something you earned because of your work.

8. 如果你值得獲得恩典,那這就不是 恩典

10. You'd just be getting what you deserve, but it wouldn‘t 9. 而是你自己努力所得來的東西 be grace

10. 你所獲得的是你應得的,但這就不

11. Worth is decided by the market


12. It is decided by how much a buyer is willing to pay for 11. 價值是由市場決定的 something

12. 就看買方願意付出多少

13. When Europeans first came to the New World, they 13. 歐洲人剛到新大陸時,發現了大量 436

discovered lots of gold


14. The Indians didn‘t place much value on gold

14. 但是,印第安人反而不太重視黃金

15. And they couldn‘t understand why Europeans were so 15. 因此他們不了解為什麼歐洲人那麼 eager to obtain it, even kill for it


16. It made no sense, because the Indians didn‘t place 16. 印第安人搞不懂,因為他們並未賦予黃 much value on it, but the Europeans did


17. God is your buyer and he was willing to pay the ultimate price to purchase you

很寶貴 17. 神是你的買方,而且祂願意用天價把你

18. He paid for you with the most precious thing in the universe

買下來 18. 祂用宇宙最具有價值的東西把你買下來

19. The life of his son

19. 也就是祂兒子的生命

20. We aren‘t worthy of the cost that our buyer paid, 20. 我們不配得到買方所付出的價格,但我 but we are not worthless


21. Let me say that again: We aren‘t worthy of the cost that God paid, but we are not worthless

21. 讓我再說一遍:我們不配得到神所付出 的價格,但我們不能說我們沒有價值

22. None of us is worthy to be purchased by Christ‘s 22. 雖然說我們不值得神用耶穌的生命把我 life, but our worth is incalculable


23. Consequently, we should strive to spend the rest of 23. 因此,我們應該用剩下的人生,試著讓 our lives showing our appreciation to God by trying


to be worthy of his sacrifice


24. In the movie Saving Private Ryan, the captain said 24. 在―搶救雷恩大兵‖電影中,少校臨死前對 to Private Ryan as he was dying, ―Earn this‖


25. We never will accomplish that fully in this life, but 437

it pleases God to see us try

25. 雖然我們這輩子不可能完全做到,但是

26. We have incalculable worth in God‘s eyes


27. So let us work hard to show our appreciation by 26. 在祂的眼裡我們是無價的 trying to make ourselves more and more worthy of 27. 因此,我們應該讓自己更值得讓神賜予 God‘s free gift of grace


28. (V. 1) 1 Pet 1:18-19 knowing that you were not


redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold 28. (V. 1) 彼前 1:18-19 知道你們得贖、脫去 from your futile way of life inherited from your


forefathers but with precious blood, as of a lamb


unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ.


29. Grace is a free gift given to us by God and we‘ll 29. 恩典是神免費賜予我們的禮物,但我認 never truly understand it


30. And it is one of the most wonderful things about 30. 它也是基督教一個最棒的一部分 Christianity

31. 恩典使我們變得謙虛,同時並不會降低

31. Grace humbles us without degrading us


and elevates us without inflating us


32. Let me say that again

32. 讓我再講一遍

33. Grace humbles us without degrading us and 33. 恩典使我們變得謙虛,同時不會降低我們的品 elevates us without inflating us


34. The person who tries to be humble will never be humble

我們變得驕傲 34. 想要透過自己努力變得謙虛的人,永遠不會謙

35. In fact, sometimes, this kind of humility can be a kind of distorted pride

虛 35. 事實上,這種謙虛有時候是一種扭曲的自以為

36. ―I‘m the humblest person I know‖

是 438

37. Once you say that you‘re humble, you‘re not humble

36. 我是我見過最謙虛的

38. Do you see that?

37. 一旦你認為自己很謙虛,那你就不是謙

39. With this kind of humility, your eyes are on yourself

虛了 38. 你懂我意思嗎?

40. True humility is achieved not when we have our eyes on ourselves

39. 這種謙虛的人,其實是眼裡只有自己沒 有別人

41. Rather we achieve true humility by fixing our eyes 40. 真正謙虛的人,不是將目光放在自己身 on Jesus

42. When you realize how wonderful he is, you ask yourself,

41. 相反地,我們要仰望耶穌,才是真正的 謙虛

43. How could such a perfect person love me? How 42. 當你了解到祂有多麼的美好,你會不禁 could he die for me?



44. Imagine a very rich king inviting a 43. 祂如此的完美,怎麼會愛我?怎麼會替我死? homeless orphan to his home

44. 想像一個非常有錢的國王邀請一個流浪街頭的孤兒

45. The king gives the child wonderful clothes to wear and good food to eat

到他家 45. 國王給他漂亮的衣服以及好吃的東西

46. He loves him like his own son

46. 國王愛他像自己的兒子一樣

47. One day, he asks him if he would be 47. 有一天,國王告訴他,想要領養他,問他:要不要做 willing to be adopted, to be his son


48. The orphan didn‘t do anything to deserve 48. 雖然孤兒沒有做任何事,以符合資格成為國王的 to be the king‘s son


49. But the king still wants him to be his son

49. 不過國王還是希望他成為他的兒子

50. So grace humbles us without degrading us

50. 恩典使我們變得謙虛,但又不至於降低我們的品

51. Grace humbles us, but we are not worms or cockroaches

格 51. 恩典使我們變得謙虛,但我們不是卑鄙的蟲子,

52. We are humbled by God‘s greatness and his undeserved goodness to us

也不是骯髒的蟑螂 52. 神是如此的偉大,他對我們的好是我們不配獲得

53. The second part of that statement is grace elevates us without inflating us

的,而這使我們變得謙虛 53. 這句話的第二部分是恩典提高了我們的地位,但

54. When we are born again, God gives us new position

54. 我們重生的時候,上帝給我們新的地位

55. (V. 2) Eph 1:7-8 redemption





Him we have 55. (v. 2) 以弗所書 1:7-8 我們藉這愛子的血得蒙救




贖,過犯得以赦免,乃是照他豐富的恩典。1:8 這

forgiveness of our trespasses, according to



the riches of His grace which He lavished

56. 祂的恩典是充充實實賞賜給我們的 He lavishes

on us. 56. He lavishes his grace on us

his grace on us 57. 我們重生到耶穌的族系裡頭

57. We are reborn into Christ‘s line 440

58. We become God‘s adopted sons and daughters

58. 我們成為神領養的子女

59. We become his ambassadors while here on earth 59. 我們成為祂在這個世界上的大使 60. We become Christ‘s body, we become his bride

60. 我們成為耶穌的身體,我們成為祂的新娘

61. God gives us new position, but it‘s position we 61. 上帝給我們新的地位,但這不是我們應得的 don‘t deserve

62. 恩典賜給我們新的地位和尊嚴

62. Grace gives us new position and dignity

63. 但是它不會讓我們變得自大,因為我們知道

63. But it doesn‘t inflate us because we know that we did nothing to deserve it

我們不配獲得這個地位和尊嚴 64. 這是神賜給我們的禮物

64. It is a gift from God

65. 恩典使我們變得謙虛,但不會降低我們的品

65. Therefore, grace humbles us without degrading us

格 66. 而且它提高了我們的地位,卻不至於讓我們

66. and it elevates us without inflating us



You Shall Be Gods 你們要成為神 1. In Acts, Paul warns the church of Ephesus to be 1. 保羅在使徒行傳中曾經警告以弗所教 careful, because many people would teach strange things

會要小心,因為許多人會起來講異端 使徒行傳 20:29, 30—我知道在我離開之後,必有

Acts 20:29, 30—I know t hat after my departure, savage wolves will

兇暴的豺狼進入你們中間,不顧惜羊群。30 你們

come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own


selves men will arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the


disciples after them.

2. 彼得也警告假教師將會出現

2. Peter also warned that there would be false teachers

彼得後書 3:15-16—我們所親愛的弟兄保羅,按照

2 Pet 3:15-16– …our dear br other Paul also wrote you with t he wisdom

所賜給他的智慧,寫給你們的一樣;16 他在一切

that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in


them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to


understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the


other Scriptures, to their own destruction.

彼得後書 2:1,2 從前在人民中,曾有假先知出來;

2 Pet 2:1,2—there will also be false teachers among you,


who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, Many


people will follow their immoral ways, and because of them

贖他們的主,迅速地自取滅亡。2 許多人會隨從他

the way of truth will be maligned.


3. Worst of all, these people make Christianity look bad


4. The situation will only get worse as we approach the end

3. 最糟的是,因他們的緣故,基督教被

of the world


1 Tim 4:1—But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines

4. 這個情況只會隨著末日接近而每況愈 下

of demons

提前 4:1—聖靈明明地說,日後必有人離棄信仰,

5. I think that in recent years, people predicting the end


of the world is a good example of this

5. 舉例來說,最近幾年很多人都會預測

6. Christ said that even HE didn‘t know when the end of the world would be.

世界末日 6. 耶穌曾經說過連他自己都不知道世界

7. Why do all of these people think they know when it will happen?

末日在什麼時候 7. 這些人為什麼會認為他們知道呢?

8. As Christians, we are not only supposed to believe, we 8. 作為基督徒,我們不只要相信,我們 are supposed to think


9. We can‘t just believe everything we hear

9. 我們不能聽什麼就信什麼

10. Our Lord called on his followers to love God not just 10. 我們的主呼籲祂的跟隨者愛神,但不 with all their hearts, but with all their minds, too 442


Luke 10:27—"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all

路加福音 10:27—―你要全心、全性、全力、全意愛

your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love


your neighbor as yourself.'"

11. 我們不該對我們聽到的一切全盤接受

11. We shouldn‘t believe everything that we are told

12. 不幸的是,很多基督徒不研究神的話

12. Unfortunately, many Christians don‘t study the word and believe everything people tell them

語,卻相信他人所說的一切 13. 不久前,我走在馬路上,看到兩個摩

13. Not long ago, I was walking down the street and I saw two Mormon missionaries talking to a man and a woman 14. They said that Joseph Smith, the founder of the

門教的傳教士,對著一男一女 14. 他們說,摩門經是摩門教的創辦人約 瑟夫史密斯從一位天使那裡得來的

Mormon Church, received the Book of Mormon from an 15. 當我聽到這句話時,我腦海裡浮現了 angel


15. When I heard this, a verse popped into my mind

16. (V. 1) 加拉太 1:8 但無論是我們,或

16. (V. 1) Galatians 1:8 if we, or an angel from heaven,


should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have


preached to you, he is to be accursed!


17. Another verse that should wake us up is this one

17. 另一段可以提醒我們的經文是

18. (V. 2) 2 Cor 11:13-14 For such men are false apostles, 18. (V. 2) 2 Corinthians 11:13-14 這樣的 deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of


Christ. 14 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself


as an angel of light.


19. So whenever I hear stories of angels or dead saints 19. 因此,當我聽見人說有天使或往生的 coming to earth to make some announcement, I‘m not



20. Because even Satan can disguise himself as an angel or, 20. 因為撒旦可以偽裝成天使,或任何他 frankly, anybody else he wants to look like


21. Think about it. If you were Satan and you wanted to 21. 想像一下,如果你是撒旦,而且你想散播 spread lies to lead people astray


22. Would you appear to others as a terrible monster or 22. 你會以一隻恐怖的怪獸,還是以被人容易 would you come as somebody that people trusted? 443


23. The Bible also warns of adding or taking from the 23. 另外,聖經也警告我們誤入歧途不能任意 Word of God


Revelation 22:18-19—I warn everyone who hears the wor ds of the

啟 22:18-19—我警告所有聽見這書上預言的人:如果

prophecy of t his book: If anyone adds anyt hing to them, God will add


to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words

加在他身上。19 如果有人從這書上的預言刪減甚麼,

away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from hi m his


share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are descri bed in

24. 我今天想給大家看看,讓不替自己思考的

this book.


24. Today, I want to show how easy it is to lead astray 25. 摩門教的一個重要教條,是來自對一段小 people who don‘t think for themselves


25. An important doctrine of the Mormon religion comes 26. 在新約的一個故事裡,法利賽人跟耶穌辯 from the misunderstanding of one small text

26. In the New Testament, the Pharisees were arguing 27. (V. 3) 約 10:31-34-- 猶太人又拿起石頭 with Jesus

要打他。32 耶穌對他們說:―我把許多從

27. (V. 3) John 10:31-34-- The Jews picked up stones again to stone Him.



Jesus answered them, "I

件 要用石頭 打我呢? ‖33 猶 太人對 他

showed you many good works from the Father; for


which of them are you stoning Me?"


The Jews


answered Him, "For a good work we do not stone

人,竟然把自己當作 神。‖34 耶穌說:

You, but for blasphemy; and because You, being a


man, make Yourself out to be God."




answered them, "Has it not been written in your 28. 耶穌是在引用詩篇第八十二篇 Law, 'I SAID, YOU ARE GODS'?...‖

29. (V. 4) 詩 82:6-7 我曾說過:―你們都是

28. Jesus was quoting Psalm 82

神,是至高者的兒子。7 然而,你們要像

29. (V. 4) Psalm 82:6-7 "I said, "You are gods, And all of


you are sons of the Most High. Nevertheless you will die like men and fall like any one of the princes. 30. It says, ―You are gods.‖ What does that mean?

倒斃。‖. 30. 上面寫著:―你們都是神。‖但這是什麼意 思?

31. Let‘s do a little research and let the Bible speak for 31. 我們來研究一下,而聖經的解釋便不言自 itself


32. The word used in this Psalm is ―Elohim‖

32. 詩篇使用的字眼是 ―Elohim‖

33. It is a Hebrew word for the God of the Bible, but it 33. 這是希伯來文,指的是聖經裡面那位神, is also a name for other gods


34. But the word ―Elohim‖ has another use in the Bible 35. If we look in Exodus 21, we read that Moses was

34. 不過,在聖經中的―Elohim‖有另外一個意 思

very busy serving as a judge for the millions of 35. 出埃及記第二十一章裡面,我們看到摩西 Israelites after they left Egypt


36. He set up thousands of judges to judge in smaller 444


matters, so he would have more time to handle 36. 他指定幾千個審判官來審理比較小的事 bigger matters


37. Exodus 21 and 22 list the guidelines for the judges 38. Here in Exodus 21:6 and then in Exodus 22:8-9, the word "judges" is the Hebrew word "Elohim"

37. 出埃及記第 21 章和 22 章是給審判官的 指導方針 38. 在出埃及記 21:6 和出埃及記 22:8-9 當

39. The judges are called gods because they were acting in the place of God

中,將希伯來文"Elohim"翻譯為審判官 39. 審判官被稱為―神‖,因為他們代替上帝做

40. "Elohim" is correctly translated ―judges‖ here

41. Jesus said to the Pharisees, ―You are gods,‖ meaning 40. "Elohim"在這裡被翻譯成 審判官,一點 you are ―judges‖


42. I believe Jesus was saying, ―judge for yourself‖ 43. Like the men in Exodus, the Pharisees were leaders that were supposed to judge on God's behalf

41. 耶穌對法利賽人說:―你們是神‖,意思是 你們是 ―審判官‖ 42. 我認為耶穌只是在說: 「你們自己斷定吧」

44. It doesn't mean that they were the Creator of 43. 因為就像出埃及記的領導人一樣,法利賽 heaven and earth.


45. It just meant that they were acting as judges in the 44. 這裡不是在說他們是天地的造物主 place of God

45. 這裡的意思只是他們代替上帝扮演審判

46. They had been given the responsibility of judging men

官的角色 46. 他們被賦予審判人的責任

47. The lives of people were in their hands

47. 人們的生命在他們的手中

48. From that one statement in the gospel of John, "You 48. 摩門教就依據約翰福音中―你們是神‖的 are gods," the Mormons created the doctrine of


man's progression into gods

49. The Mormons say that if you are a faithful Mormon, 49. 摩門教徒說,如果你是忠實的摩門教徒, you can be a god when you die


50. When you die, you and your spouse will go to a planet 50. 當你死的時候,你和你的配偶會到另一個 and you can start your own world



51. Other Mormons who weren‘t as faithful and good people who 51. 比較沒那麼虔誠的摩門教 weren't Mormons will be your angels


52. You will be god of that planet and they will serve you


53. That is the recognized goal of the Mormons


(Don‘t read in class)

52. 你要當那個星球的神,而他

Parenthetically, Brigham Young did something that upset a lot of


Mormons. He carried this particular concept back one step. He said 53. 這是摩門教徒公認的目標 that Adam was a good Mormon who became a god. Adam brought to 54. 這個教條的基礎就是耶穌 the earth one of his wives Eve. They began to have children and

說的那句話: 「你們是神」

began to populate the earth. Young said that Adam is our god. Now


Mormons get very upset about that and they say, "Oh you've taken 55. 如果他們當初試著研究這 what he said out of context." But I challenge you to read the whole


context of that sermon. It is actually consistent with the Mormon


doctrine. Why not? If you and your wife can be god on a planet 56. Elohim 這個字在這裡不是 someplace and start the whole thing off. Then it makes perfect sense that Adam a man somewhere on another planet within the universe, he was a faithful Mormon, then he ascended into the

指上帝 57. 它說的是被指定代替上帝 做審判的人

godhood, and brought one of his wives Eve to the earth to be the god 58. 我認為聖經使用這個字的 of earth.


54. Now this whole doctrine is taken from one little statement by


Jesus, ―You are gods" or more precisely ―You are judges‖ 55. If they tried researching that verse, they would have discovered that it does not refer to becoming gods

59. 那麼,我為什麼要找摩門教 徒的麻煩呢? 60. 我只是想給你們看,錯誤的

56. The word ―Elohim‖ here does not refer to God 57. It refers to men who were appointed to judge on God‘s behalf 58. I believe the term is used so judges will realize the great responsibility they have

教導有多麼的危險 61. 成為神的這個慾望,是人類 所面臨一切問題的禍源 62. 當撒旦要引誘夏娃吃禁果

59. Now, why am I picking on Mormons?


60. I just want to show how dangerous false teachings can be


61. The desire to be gods is the thing that caused all the problems that the human race is currently experiencing 62. When Satan wanted Eve to eat the fruit, what did he say to tempt her?

63. (V. 5) 創世記 3:5—你們吃 那果子的時候,你們的眼睛 就開了;你們會像神一樣‖ 64. 撒旦以成為神的慾望來引

63. (V. 5) Genesis 3:5—in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God 64. Satan tempted Eve with the desire to be a god



65. Not only was the fall of humans caused 65. 希望自己像神的慾望不只是人類墮落的主因,也是天 by the desire to be like gods, it is what caused the angels to fall 66. We read of Satan's fall in Isaiah 14

使墮落的原因 66. 從以賽亞書第十四章我們可以看到撒旦的墮落 67. (V. 6) 以賽亞書 14:12 明亮之星、清晨之子啊!你怎

67. (V. 6) Isaiah 14:12-14 "How you have


fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of

上?13 你心裡曾說:‗我要升到天上,我要高舉我的寶

the dawn!... 13 "But you said in your


heart, …14 I will make myself like the

極處。14 我要升到雲的高處,我要使自己像那至高者

Most High


68. I will make myself like the Most High

68. 我要使自己像那至高者一般

69. Satan wanted to be like God

69. 撒旦想要跟上帝一樣

70. This desire continues to be common in the world 70. 這樣的渴求在今天的世界仍然相當常見 today

71. 作為基督徒,就是作為上帝的僕人,而上

71. As Christians, we are God‘s servants and God is God

帝是上帝 72. 起碼,應該是這樣才對

72. At least, that‘s how it‘s supposed to be

73. 但是今天很多基督徒把上帝當作自己的僕

73. But many Christians today make God the servant


and put themselves in the position that is 74. 在美國,有位受人敬重的牧師曾在他的書 447

rightfully God‘s


74. A famous minister in America wrote in a book, ―I prayed to God for a long time for a bike‖

台腳踏車‖ 75. 我知道神一定會給我,因為祂曾經應許

75. I knew God would give it to me, because he


promised that he would give me whatever I asked

76. 我不斷禱告,等候我的腳踏車,但卻一直

76. I prayed and waited for my bike, but I didn‘t get it


77. I became disappointed and angry with God

77. 因此,我感到失望,也對上帝生氣

78. I said to him, ―Where is my bike? I asked for a

78. 我對祂說:―我的腳踏車呢?我跟你要了一



79. God replied, ―You didn‘t tell me what color bike you 79. 上帝回答說:―你沒有跟我說你要什麼顏色 wanted‖


80. I think that this is a very sad story

80. 我認為這則故事非常可悲

81. First of all, what kind of God would he be if he

81. 首先,如果神不知道他要的是什麼顏色的單

didn‘t know what color bike I wanted?


82. But even worse, that minister is making God a 82. 更糟糕的是,那個牧師把神當作神燈中的精 genie in a lamp

83. He is making himself God and making God his servant

83. 說穿了,他就是把自己當作神,把神當作自 己的僕人

84. I believe many mainstream churches are walking 84. 很多主流教會裡確實存在這種教導,而這種 a very thin line


85. They want God to be Santa Claus, a vending 85. 他們希望上帝就是他們的聖誕老公公,是販 machine, their servant



86. They want him to be anything but God

86. 上帝可以是任何事物,只要祂不做上帝就好

87. Because that would mean obeying him and that 87. 因為如果祂真是上帝的話,這就意味著我們要 goes against human nature


88. So the desire to make ourselves gods continues 88. 因此,成為神的這個想望在今天的世界依然 in the world even today


89. New Age religions, which are very popular today, 89. 今天廣受歡迎的新世紀宗教,也是為人想要 are another example of the desire to be gods 90. There are many


versions, but the basic 90. 新世紀宗教的觀點雖然版本眾多,但是其基

worldview of New Age religions is pantheism 91. The simplest definition of pantheism is that ―god is everything and everything is god‖

本觀點則是泛神論 91. 泛神論最簡單的定義是―神是所有的事物,所 有的事物都是神‖

92. Because we are a part of everything, we, too, are gods

92. 因為我們是種種東西的一部分,因此,我們也 是神

93. This is why a well known teacher once said, 93. 這就是之所以曾經有位廣為人知的印度宗教 "Kneel to your own self. Honor and worship your


own being. God dwells within you as You!"



94. So we are gods, but we just don‘t know or we‘ve 94. 依照他的說法,我們就是神,只是我們不 forgotten that we are gods


95. We can discover that we are gods and then we can 95. 我們可以發現自己是神,然後借用宇宙中 access the power that unifies all things in the universe to get the stuff we want

統一萬物的力量得到我們要的東西 96. 這 種 宗教 的 目的 也是 為了 得 到某 些東

96. These are also religions to get stuff, but this time, the universe is Santa Claus

西,而這會兒,宇宙則扮演起聖誕老公公 的角色。

97. There are many versions of New Age religions and 97. 新世紀宗教有很多種,而且新世紀宗教徒 New Agers have no problem accepting other New


Age beliefs


98. This is because each person is their own god and 98. 這是因為每一個人都是神,而且每一個人 each creates their own reality


99. The only religion that New Agers don‘t like is 99. 新世紀信徒唯一不喜歡的宗教就是一神 monotheism

100. They don‘t like the idea that God is a person, that 100. 神是一個在我們以及我們世界以外的存 he is outside of our world and ourselves


101. Why do New Agers not like monotheism?

101. 為什麼新世紀信徒不喜歡一神信仰呢?

102. Partly because they want to be gods and they find 102. 部分原因是因為他們想要成為神,一旦 it annoying when people tell them that they aren‘t




103. New Age religions can be very comforting, but 103. 新世紀宗教可能使人心得到安慰,但是 they have problems rationally answering many of life‘s most important questions

卻不擅於以邏輯回答人生最重要的問題 104. 比如,如果凡事都是神,為什麼邪惡會

104. For example, if all is God, why is there evil?


105. Christianity, on the other hand, does a much 105. 反之,基督教則可以很清楚的解釋邪惡 better job of explaining the obvious reality of evil in our world

明顯存在的事實 106. 上帝創造宇宙,但是受造物被賦予自由

106. God created the universe, but the creatures in the universe are free to rebel

意志,可以選擇遠離神 107. 新世紀信徒視自己為神,也不承認人心

107. New Agers view themselves as god and deny the obvious reality of evil in the human heart

存有邪惡這個顯而易見的事實 108. 因此,他們則完全扭曲了耶穌的教導和

108. It is not surprising that they completely distort the teachings and significance of Jesus Christ. 109. For them, he is an example of how to live like a god

他的重要性,不過這並不令人意外 109. 對他們而言,祂只是一個榜樣,教我們 如何過著如同神一般的生活

110. But he is not the God of the universe that came 110. 而非宇宙的上帝,並不是為了把我們從 down to save us from our desire to be gods


111.The New Agers admit that Jesus is God, but then go on to say, ―So am I and so are you‖

上 111.新世紀信徒承認耶穌是神,但是也會緊接


112. What is most shocking is that many mainstream


Christian churches are starting to view Jesus in the 112. 最令人震驚的是,很多主流基督教派別 same way


113. Someone once said that the three important 113. 有人曾說,世上有三個最重要的事實 truths in the world

114. 第一,神是存在的

114. One, there is a God

115. 第二,我們不是祂

115. Two, we are not him

116. 第三,有一個世界,這個世界的存在是

116. Three, there is a world and it operates by God's rules, not ours

按照上帝的法則運行,而非按照我們心中 所想的觀念運行

117. These fundamental truths are the beginning of

117. 這些是很基本的事實,認清這些事實是

wisdom and are what so many people today


desperately need to hear

需要知道的觀念 You Shall Be Gods—extra verses

Acts 17:11—Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. 使徒行傳 17:11—這裡的人(即比里亞的人),比帖撒羅尼迦人開明,熱切接受主的道,天 天考查聖經,要知道所聽的是否與聖經相符。 2 Tim. 2:15—Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 提摩太後書 2:15—你應當竭力在 神面前作一個蒙稱許、無愧的工人,正確地講解真 理的道。 1 Cor 4:6—―Now, brothers, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, ―Do not go beyond what is written.‖ Then you will not take pride in one man over against another.‖ 哥林多前書 4:6—弟兄們,我為你們的緣故,拿了這些事來比擬自己和亞波羅,讓你們 在我們身上學到的,不會超過聖經所記的,免得你們中間有人自高自大,看重這個輕視 那個。 2 Tim 4:2-4—preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and 451

will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. 提摩太後書 4:2-4—務要傳道;無論時機是否適合,都要常作準備;要以多方的忍耐和 教訓責備人、警戒人、勸勉人。 3 因為時候快要到了,人必容不下純正的道理,反而耳 朵發癢,隨著自己的私慾,增添許多教師, 4 而且轉離不聽真理,反倒趨向無稽之談。 2 Cor 1:24—Paul said, ―We do not seek to have authority over you, but are helpers of your joy,‘ 哥林多後書 1:24—我們並不是要轄制你們的信仰,而是要作你們的同工,使你們喜樂, 因為你們在信仰上已經站穩了。 Titus 1:9—holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict. 提多書 1:9—堅守那合乎教義、可靠的真道,好使他能夠用純正的道理勸勉人,並且能 夠折服反對的人。 Matt. 22:29—Jesus answered, ―You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.‖ 馬太福音 22:29—耶穌回答他們:―你們錯了,因為你們不明白聖經,也不曉得 神的 能力。 Heb 13:9—Do not be carried away by varied and strange teachings 希伯來書 13:9—你們不要被各樣怪異的教訓勾引去了。


Your Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet and a Light Unto My Path 你的話是我腳前的燈,是我路上的光 1.

Let‘s read our first verse today

1. 我們看今天第一段經文


(V. 1) Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a 2. (V. 1) 詩 119:105 你的話是我腳前 light to my path



You have to remember when this was written, people 3. 你要記得,寫這段經文的那個年代, understood what it was to live in darkness.



They didn‘t have street lights or other kinds of electric 4. 他們沒有路燈或其他的電燈 light


5. 他們非常了解在黑夜中,伸手不見五

They knew what it was like to have darkness so dark that you can‘t see your fingers in front of your face


指的感覺 6. 如今,大部分的人根本不知道真正的

Today, most people have no idea what real darkness is like

黑暗是怎麼一回事 7. 想像一個沒有月光的夜晚,你走在一


Imagine you‘re walking down a path on a moonless night


It‘s dark and you have your lamp in front of you and the 8. 天色非常暗,你手上拿著油燈,而周 darkness surrounds you like a black wall


條路上 圍的黑暗如一道黑牆

Your lamp only gives enough light to light your next step 9. 油燈所發的光只能照亮你的下一步

10. And as you take your step, you take the lamp 10. 你每走一步,手上的油燈也會照亮你要走的 with you and it lights the next step after that


11. This is a wonderful metaphor. Our faith is from 11. 這是個非常奇妙的比喻。我們的信心是一步 step to step to step


12. Each time you respond to the light, it gives you new light for your next step

12. 你每次回應神所賜給你的光,那道新的光也 會照亮你的下一步

13. This image reminds me of 2 Peter 1:19

13. 這個比喻讓我想到彼得後書 1:19 453

14. (V. 2) 2 Peter 1:19 So we have the prophetic

14. (V. 2) 彼後 1:19 我們並有先知更確的預

word made more sure, to which you do well to pay


attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place,


until the day dawns and the morning star arises


in your hearts.

15. 也就是說,我們在暗處裡面拿著這盞油燈。

15. So we carry the lamp with us in a dark place, like our world today

今天這個世界就是一個暗處 16. 要拿到什麼時候呢?上面寫什麼?

16. Until when? What does it say?

17. 直等到黎明到來,晨星在你們心裡出現的時

17. ―Until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts‖

候 18. 你會需要那盞油燈,你會用那盞油燈

18. You‘ll need that lamp and you‘ll use that lamp 19. We need that lamp in this world as God conforms us to the image of his son

19. 我們在這個世界上的時候,都需要這盞燈, 因為天父要讓我們效法祂兒子的形象 20. 但是總有一天,黎明會出現,晨星會在我們

20. But someday, the day will dawn and the morning star will arise in your hearts

的心裡升起 21. (V. 3) 林前 13:10-12 等那完全的來到,這有

21. (V. 3) 1 Corinthians 13:10-12 but when the

限的必歸於無有了。林前 13:11 我作孩子的

perfect comes, the partial will be done away.



When I was a child, I used to speak like a child,

子;既成了人,就把孩子的事丟棄了。12 我

think like a child, reason like a child; when I


became a man, I did away with childish things.

糊不清‖原文作―如同猜謎‖) ,到那時,就要面


For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face

to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.

對面了。我如今所知道的有限,到那時就全 知道,如同主知道我一樣。 22. 總有一天,我們會跟祂面對面,到那時就會

22. Someday, we will see him face to face and we will know him as we are known by him

知道祂,如同主知道我們一樣 23. 到時候,我們不再需要透過信心看祂,而是

23. We‘ll no longer see by faith, but by sight



24. Verses like this show how important the word of God is for us

24. 這樣的經文讓我們了解神的話語對我們有 多麼的重要

25. On the night before he died for us, Jesus

25. 在祂為了我們受死的前一天晚上,耶穌特

emphasized to the disciples the importance of


having the word in us

26. (V. 4) John 15:7 If you abide in Me, and My words 26. (V. 4) 約 15:7 你們若常在我裡面,我的 abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be


done for you


27. So the idea is to let his word abide in you, let it 27. 因此,如果祂的話語在你心裡面,它就會 become a part of you


28. We need to draw our life from it like living water

28. 我們需要把它當作活水,從中吸取生命

29. In Christ‘s prayer, he asks the Father to sanctify the 29. 在禱告中,耶穌祈求天父讓使徒成 apostles

30. (V. 5) John 17:17 Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is 30. (V. 5) 約 17:17 求你用真理使他 truth.


31. So the word of God sanctifies us and conforms us to the image of God‘s son

31. 因此,神的道讓我們成聖,也會讓 我們效法祂兒子的模樣

32. Romans 12:2 looks at the word of God from a different 32. 羅馬書 12:2 從另外一個角度來切 angle


33. (V. 6) Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, 33. (V. 6) 羅 12:2 不要效法這個世 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that


you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good

察驗何為 神的善良、純全、可喜

and acceptable and perfect


34. So we are not to be conformed to this world, but be 34. 因此我們不要效法這個世界,只要 transformed by the renewing of your mind

心意更新而變化 455

35. How are we to be transformed? By the renewing of our 35. 我們要怎麼變化呢?要透過心意 mind


36. What will renew your mind? It won‘t be the newspaper. It won‘t be television. It won‘t be movies

36. 什麼東西會更新你的心意?不是 報紙或電視,也不會是電影

37. The only thing that‘s going to renew your mind is the 37. 唯一會更新你心意的,是神的話語 word of God

38. Everything else will try to conform you to the world

38. 其他的事物都會讓你效法這個世界

39. We live in the world, but our minds need to be renewed 39. 我們活在這個世界上,但是我們需要 daily by God‘s word

每天透過神的話語來更新我們的心 456

40. Let‘s look at another verse that encourages us to see the word of God for what it is

意 40. 我們來看另一段經文,,它鼓勵我們

41. (V. 7) 1 Thessalonians 2:13 For this reason we also


constantly thank God that when you received the word 41. (V. 7) 帖前 2:13 為此,我們也不住 of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as

地感謝 神,因你們聽見我們所傳 神

the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of


God, which also performs its work in you who believe.

乃以為是 神的道。這道實在是 神

42. So we can see that the Bible is the word of God, not the word of man

的,並且運行在你們信主的人心中。 42. 因此我們看到,聖經是神的道,不是

43. (V. 8) Colossians 3:1-2 Therefore if you have been raised


up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where 43. (V. 8) 西 3:1-2 所以你們若真與基 Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your


mind on the things above, not on the things that are on

裡有基督坐在神的右邊。2 你們要思



44. There‘s only one way to set your mind on the things

44. 思念上面的事只有一個方法:學習和

above is to study, treasure the word of God, and make it


part of us

45. (V. 9) 2 Timothy 2:15 says Be diligent to present 45. (V. 9) 提後 2:15 你當竭力在 神面 yourself approved to God as a workman who does not


need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of



46. 如何做一個在神面前無愧的工人

46. How can we avoid being ashamed before God? 47. By accurately handling the word of truth


47. 答案是按著正意分解真理的道

48. (V. 10) 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is inspired by 48. (V. 10) 提後 3:16 聖經都是 神所默示 God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;


的(註:或作―凡 神所默示的聖經‖) ,

so that the


man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good

都是有益的,17 叫屬 神的人得以完



49. So all scripture is inspired by God and it is profitable 49. 所以說,聖經都是 神所默示的,於教 for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training


in righteousness


50. But what is the end purpose?

50. 但是它最終的目的是什麼?

51. ―so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped 51. ―叫屬 神的人得以完全,預備行各樣的 for every good work‖


52. The word of God has a practical value and we can apply 52. 神的道很實用,我們可以把它應用在生 it to our lives


53. It‘s practical and powerful. It equips you for every 53. 它不單單很實際、很有力,它能裝備我 good work


54. (V. 11) Hebrews 4:12-13 For the word of God is living 54. (V. 11) 來 4:12 神的道是活潑的,是 and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and


piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of


both joints and marrow, and able to judge the

連心中的思念和主意都能辨明。13 並


thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is no

且 被造 的沒 有一 樣在 他面 前不 顯然

creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open


and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to



55. 也就是說,神的道能剖開我們並顯露隱

55. So we can see that the word of God lays us open and reveals the hidden

藏的事 56. (V. 12) 雅 1:21-25 所以,你們要脫去

56. (V. 12) James 1:21-25 Therefore, putting aside all


filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in


humility receive the word implanted, which is able to

的道。22 只是你們要行道,不要單單

save your souls.


But prove yourselves doers of the

聽道,自己欺哄自己。23 因為聽道而

word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.



For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer,

的面目,24 看見,走後,隨即忘了他

he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a

的相貌如何。25 惟有詳細察看那全



for once he has looked at himself and gone


away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of


person he was.


But one who looks intently at the


perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not 57. 所以我們需要脫去一切不好的,而且謙 having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does. 458

卑地領受神的道 58. 因此你必須脫去前者,才能夠領受後者

57. So we need to get rid of the bad and receive the word 59. 你擺脫了一種生命,才會得到另一種生 humbly

58. You‘ve got to get rid of one to receive the other

60. 雅各在第 21 節說,道能救你靈魂

59. You rid your life of one to fill your life with the other

61. 但是,他在 22 節進一步說,我們必須

60. He says in verse 21 that the word can save your soul


61. But then he goes on to say in verse 22 that we need to


be doers of the word and not merely hearers who delude themselves

62. Then he says 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and 62. 接著,他說 23 因為聽道而不行道 not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror;


for once he has looked at himself and gone

away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was

的,就像人對著鏡子看自己本來的 面目,24 看見,走後,隨即忘了他 的相貌如何。 63. 在鏡子中看到不對勁的東西,卻又

63. What‘s the good of looking in a mirror, seeing something wrong and not correcting it?

不加以矯正,那有什麼用呢? 64. 我們照真正的鏡子的時候,當然不

64. We would never do that when you look in a real mirror


65. If you look in a mirror and see something dirty on your 65. 照 鏡子時, 如果看 到臉上有 髒東 face, we would never leave it there; you do something


about it



66. The mirror reveals problems, but we must respond 66. 鏡子會顯露問題,但是我們需要有所回應 and do something about them


67. In verse 25, James says, But one who looks intently 67. 雅各在第 25 節說 25 惟有詳細察看那全 at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by


it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an


effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he



68. 看神的話語益處非常多

68. There is so much good about reading the word 69. It blesses, it empowers, it waters and nurtures, it

69. 它能賜給我們祝福和力量,它能澆灌我 們、滋養我們,它讓我們理解神的想法,

gives you God‘s perspective, it sanctifies


70. The word gives us all of these things and more

70. 而且神的道不止如此

71. I really encourage you to be consistent in reading 71. 我鼓勵各位每天讀經,每天研究,讓這成 the scriptures, studying them, making it a part of your day

為你日常生活的一部份 72. 即使每天只看一點點也沒關係,因為它是

72. Even if it is a small part, because it is spiritual food 73. It needs to be part of your spiritual life

屬靈的糧食 73. 它必須成為你屬靈生活的一部分


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