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Five important entrepreneurial competencies from the EICAA Framework
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Everyone has its role in the company, and we have all the skills needed in-house to make a digital product from planning through UI/UX work to implementation and maintenance/ support, but we have to work as a team in order to achieve success
Entrepreneurial Thinking
As we work for start-ups and small companies, we have to have a way of business thinking in order to deliver the digital product they need on the market
It is very important to communicate well and often inside the team and also with our clients
In the world of IT everything can change in 6 months, so you have to train yourself constantly, and be up-to-date with everything that goes around in your stack of technologies
Making a digital product can take from 2 months to 2 years. You have to organise yourself and the projects in order to find the optimal amount of work that creates the best possible outcome