Program Final 092619

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Francis Marion Hotel Charleston, SC



AGENDA AT-A-GLANCE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH 1:00 - 4:00 PM Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:

Pre-Conference Concurrent Sessions Customer Service Training for Clinics Small Rural Hospital Meeting Human Trafficking Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Training

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1ST 7:45 - 9:00 AM 8:00 - 9:00 AM 8:00 - 8:45 AM

Continental Breakfast and Networking with Exhibitors (Colonial Ballroom) Registration Rural Health Roundtables (Carolina Ballroom)

9:30 - 10:30 AM 10:30 - 11:30 AM 11:30 - 12:00 PM 12:00 - 1:30 PM

General Session 1: Conference Welcome General Session 2: National Rural Health Association Update Break South Carolina Rural Health Awards Luncheon

1:30 - 2:30 PM Concurrent Session 1: Concurrent Session 2: Concurrent Session 3:

Concurrent Sessions 1-3 Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care Community Paramedicine, Where We Are Now The Why, When and How of Engaging Legislators for Community Initiatives

2:30 - 2:45 PM 2:45 - 3:45 PM Concurrent Session 4: Concurrent Session 5: Concurrent Session 6:

Break Concurrent Sessions 4-6 Hiring the Right Clinician Candidate Influences of Health Systems in Rural SC Telehealth Presenter Training

3:45 - 4:00 PM 4:00 - 5:00 PM Concurrent Session 7: Concurrent Session 8: Concurrent Session 9: 5:30 - 6:30 PM

Break Concurrent Sessions 7-9 The Value of Integrating Pharmacists Into Primary Care Solutions for Rural Obstetrics Developing Local Food Policy Councils Vendor Reception

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2ND 7:45 - 9:00 AM 8:00 - 9:00 AM 8:00 - 8:45 AM

Continental Breakfast and Networking with Exhibitors (Colonial Ballroom) Registration Rural Health Roundtables (Carolina Ballroom)

9:00 - 10:00 AM 10:00 - 11:00 AM

General Session #3: Addressing the Opioid Crisis in Rural SC General Session #4: SC Legislative Panel

11:00 - 11:30 AM Break 11:30 - 12:30 PM Concurrent Sessions 10-12 Concurrent Session 10: Increasing Vaccination Rates in Rural SC Concurrent Session 11: Is Your Emergency Department Pediatric Ready? Concurrent Session 12: Cultivating the Community: Planting Seeds of Hope 12:30 - 2:30 PM Lunch / General Session #5 DHHS Update 2:30 PM Adjourn

S o u t h C a ro l i n a ’s 2 3 rd A n n u a l R u r a l H e a l t h C o n f e re n c e

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 1:00 - 4:00 PM Pre-Conference Concurrent Sessions

Pre-Conference Session 1: Customer Service Training (Laurens) The Cindy B. Moore Memorial Pre-Conference Workshop Debbie Childress, MBA- President, Childress, Garrett and Associates Customer service training is key to any organization’s success. Understanding how to engage your customers and ways to improve communication will assist in higher patient satisfaction scores. This session will share best practices for front office staff and tips for effective customer service. Pre-Conference Session 2: Small Rural Hospital Revenue Cycle Training (Gold Ballroom) John Behn, MPA- President, Stroudwater Revenue Cycle Solutions This session will provide guidance for incorporating Quality and Customer Service into the Revenue Cycle Process. Participants will learn the current and proposed CMS pricing transparency requirements and strategies for maximizing accountability and ownership within the revenue cycle. Pre-Conference Session 3: Human Trafficking (Calhoun) Sheila Roemeling- Executive Director, Fresh Start Healing Heart Join us to learn more about the growing problem of human trafficking in South Carolina. Learn the signs and indicators of human trafficking and the role healthcare providers and communities can play in helping to address this issue. This presentation will use a scenario-based activity to help participants gain insight into the reality of being trafficked. Pre-Conference Session 4: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Training (Pinckney) Aditi Srivastav, PhD- Research and Community Impact Manager, Children’s Trust of South Carolina Michael Shirley- Community Education Manager, Children’s Trust of South Carolina Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is the term used to describe all types of abuse, neglect, and other potentially traumatic experiences that occur to people under the age of 18. ACEs have been linked to risky health behaviors, chronic health conditions, low life potential, and early death. As the number of ACEs increases, so does the risk for these outcomes. Join this preconference session to learn what our state is doing to address ACEs and how it can influence your work.

2019 ART COMPETITION WINNER Congratulations to this year’s first place winner of our annual rural art competitionD.S. Owens! Mr. Owens took this photo , titled “Here Comes The Sun,“ at SC’s Santee State Park.

DID YOU KNOW? Our Conference is Breastfeeding Friendly! A private room (Middleton) is reserved for nursing moms. Please stop by the registration desk to arrange a time to use our private, secure space.

Be sure to use our conference hashtag on social media! #scorhcharleston2019 Our handle: @scruralhealth

S o u t h C a ro l i n a ’s 2 3 rd A n n u a l R u r a l H e a l t h C o n f e re n c e


Artwork: Third place prize winner of our Rural Art Competition. “Lowcountry Marsh“ By Jordan Thompson

7:45 - 9:00 AM Continental Breakfast and Networking with Exhibitors (Colonial Ballroom) 8:00 - 9:00 AM Registration 8:00 - 8:45 AM Rural Health Roundtables (Carolina Ballroom) Join us for these interactive sessions where you can share and learn from others. Facilitators will be available at each table to encourage group input on each of these important topics. This is our second year doing this and we can’t wait to see you! Table 1: Redefining the Health Care Workforce to Improve Care Delivery in Rural SC Facilitator: Brie Hunt, M.Ed- Program Manager, SC Institute of Medicine and Public Health Health care delivery is changing to embrace pay-for-performance, value-based systems of care and quality improvement. To succeed in this new health care climate, we must redefine and optimize the roles of health workers in our state. This presentation will include discussion of the recommendations set forth by the SC IMPH Workforce for Health Taskforce. Table 2: Live Healthy SC and Rural Partnerships Facilitators: Barbara Grice, MS- Director of Community Engagement, SC DHEC Monty Robertson, MHA- Manager, Alliance for a Healthier SC Learn about Live Healthy SC’s data collection methods, top five priority areas, and website resources. Also hear about ways this information aligns with the SC Rural Health Action Plan and your work in rural communities. Table 3: Advancing Strategies to Improve Rural Oral Health Facilitators: Joni Nelson, PhD- Deputy Director, Division of Population Oral Health, Medical University of South Carolina Mary Kenyon Jones, M.Ed- Education and Outreach Specialist, Division of Oral Health, SC DHEC Hear the latest information around oral health including advocacy, policy recommendations, reimbursement, and workforce models. Identify potential strategies to advance oral health outcomes.

S o u t h C a ro l i n a ’s 2 3 rd A n n u a l R u r a l H e a l t h C o n f e re n c e

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 9:00 - 10:30 AM General Session 1: Conference Welcome (Carolina Ballroom) Graham Adams, PhD- CEO, SC Office of Rural Health Whitney Kimball Coe, MA- Director of National Programs, Center for Rural Strategies

Welcome to the 23rd Annual South Carolina Rural Health Conference! Our Keynote speaker, Whitney Kimball Coe, will discuss efforts across the country aimed at bolstering rural communities and the overall factors influencing quality of life in rural.

10:30 - 11:30AM General Session 2: National Rural Health Association Update (Carolina Ballroom)

Maggie Elehwany, JD- Vice President of Government Affairs and Policy, National Rural Health Association As challenges in rural patient care delivery continue due to social health determinates, workforce shortages and the rural hospital closure crisis, Maggie Elehwany will detail current federal legislative efforts on Capitol Hill. Ms. Elehwany will also outline the changes in federal regulations that could profoundly impact your organization.

11:30 - 12:00 PM Exhibitor Break (Colonial Ballroom) 12:00 - 1:30 PM 2019 South Carolina Rural Health Awards Luncheon (Carolina Ballroom) Join us for lunch and help us honor the people and programs that are making a difference in rural areas and hear more about the great work they are doing. Award winners receive a hand-crafted award specially made for this year’s event by a local artisan. Senator Thomas Alexander (SC District 1) will assist in the presentation of the awards.

S o u t h C a ro l i n a ’s 2 3 rd A n n u a l R u r a l H e a l t h C o n f e re n c e

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 1:30 - 2:30 PM Concurrent Sessions 1-3

Concurrent 1: Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care (Gold Ballroom) Joel Hornberger, MHS- Chief Strategy Officer, Cherokee Health Systems Integrating behavioral health services into the primary care setting provides greater continuity of care for patients and enhances collaboration within the health care system. Understand how to embed a behavioral health resource in your clinic and/or how to collaborate with others providing this service. Concurrent 2: Community Paramedicine (Pinckney) Sarah Craig, MHA- Director of Health System Innovation, SC Office of Rural Health Robert Wronski, MBA,NREMT-P- Bureau Chief, SC DHEC Department of EMS and Trauma Steve Demby, BSOM, CP-C, NREMT-P- Community Paramedic, McLeod Health Clarendon EMS is an essential service in every county in South Carolina. Over the past six years, the Community Paramedic (CP) model has continued to grow and expand. Please join us as we discuss the CP model (where we’ve been and where we’re going). Topics will include: Community Paramedicine, Mobile Integrated Healthcare Providers, EMS Pre-and Post-Hospital Care, EMS Home Visits, Treat-No-Transport, and Alternative Destination. Concurrent 3: The Why, When and How of Engaging Legislators (Calhoun) Lisa Sweatman- Government Affairs Advisor, Adams and Reese, LLC Kenny Bingham- Government Affairs Advisor, Adams and Reese, LLC Senator Thomas Alexander- SC District 1 The General Assembly has an enormous impact on our health care delivery system, both in terms of policies and resources. Learn from seasoned advocates and a former legislator, tips for informing and engaging policy makers in support of your work.

2:30 - 2:45 PM Exhibitor Break (Colonial Ballroom) 2:45 - 3:45 PM Concurrent Sessions 4-6 Concurrent 4: Hiring the Right Clinician Candidate (Calhoun) Jessica Seel, MPH- Workforce Program Manager, SC Office of Rural Health Rhonda Jackson- Owner, Reality Check Screening It’s a new age of recruitment! Do you know the resources that are available to you in our state? Do your job descriptions do a good job of selling your organization to an interested candidate? This session will have you ready to move forward with hiring the right candidate. Concurrent 5: Influences of Health Systems in Rural SC (Gold Ballroom) Carlos Milanes, MBA- Chief Executive Officer, Edgefield County Healthcare Justin Benfield, MBA- Chief Operations Executive, Southern Region, Prisma Health Matthew Severance, MBS, MHA, FACHE- Chief of Affiliations & Network Development, Medical University of South Carolina As South Carolina sees unprecedented health system integration and alignment, rural communities are increasingly being served by larger urban health systems. Learn how some rural facilities are navigating the transition into larger health systems. Concurrent 6: Telehealth Presenter Training (Pinckney) Matt Hiatt- IT Director, Palmetto Care Connections Jennifer Bailey, M.Ed- Director, Office for Telehealth Education, South Carolina AHEC Attendees will learn the proper etiquette for presenting a patient through Telehealth. Topics will include lighting, camera setup and proper use of the equipment used to present, along with how to make your patient comfortable with using Telehealth. Additionally, the speakers will cover various diagnoses that are a good fit for Telehealth.

S o u t h C a ro l i n a ’s 2 3 rd A n n u a l R u r a l H e a l t h C o n f e re n c e

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 3:45 - 4:00 PM Exhibitor Break 4:00 - 5:00 PM Concurrent Sessions 7-9 Concurrent 7: The Value Of Integrating Pharmacists Into Primary Care (Gold Ballroom) Gene Reeder, RPh, PhD- Director of Outcomes Research, USC College of Pharmacy Pharmacists can be an excellent addition to the clinical team and assist with high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol management, in addition to medication reconciliation. Come learn how to integrate this important service into your clinical offerings. Concurrent 8: Solutions for Rural Obstetrics (Pinckney) Thomas Key, MD, OBGYN- High Risk Pregnancy Specialist, the Regional Medical Center Virginia Berry White, MSW- Director of Family Solutions, SC Office of Rural Health In a state where 27% of the population is rural, there remains the challenge of lack of access to services for Prenatal High-Risk women. Family Solutions/SCORH and the Regional Medical Center- Obstetrics Group have combined efforts to address maternal and infant health using a multidisciplinary approach that includes Maternal Fetal Medicine Physicians, Obstetricians, Masters’ Level Social Workers and Community Health Workers. Come learn about this exciting new model. Concurrent 9: Developing Local Food Policy Councils (Calhoun) Carrie Draper, MSW- Research Associate, Arnold School of Public Health/USC Ashley Page, MSW- SNAP-ED Program Coordinator, Arnold School of Public Health/USC Zach Hernstadt, MS- Local Food Policy Coordinator, Arnold School of Public Health/USC Erin Dreyer, MPH- SNAP-ED Research Associate, Arnold School of Public Health/USC Food Policy Councils are collaborations between local citizens, community partners and government agencies focused on creating healthier and sustainable food resources. Join this session to find out how your community can address barriers to equitable food access.

5:30 - 6:30 PM Vendor Reception (Colonial Ballroom) Join us for a quick reception in the vendor hall before you head out for dinner on your own in downtown Charleston. Catch up with your colleagues while enjoying a little downtime. There will be prize drawings, including a one night stay at the Francis Marion Hotel, so don’t miss out!

S o u t h C a ro l i n a ’s 2 3 rd A n n u a l R u r a l H e a l t h C o n f e re n c e

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 7:45 - 9:00 AM Continental Breakfast and Networking with Exhibitors (Colonial Ballroom) 8:00 - 9:00 AM Registration 8:00 - 8:45 AM Rural Health Roundtables (Carolina Ballroom) Join us for these interactive sessions where you can share and learn from others. Facilitators will be available at each table to encourage group input on each of these important topics. Table 1: Libraries Alleviating Rural Challenges Facilitator: Lindsey Kilgo, MSW- Director of Network Development, SC Office of Rural Health In rural areas, libraries can play a significant role in helping to alleviate obstacles to health. Through a collaborative partnership, SCORH is assisting rural communities with integration of community based social work services within the library setting. Embedding social work services in a freely accessible public space can be a promising practice and has been shown to be widely successful in improving health and social service outcomes. Table 2: Rural Health Care Growth Strategies Through Physician Residency Facilitators: Don Pauley, MBA- Associate Principal, ECG Management Jessica Seel, MPH- Workforce Program Manager, SC Office of Rural Health Our facilitators will discuss the variety of beneficial outcomes when rural areas have competitive physician residency programs. The high demand for quality primary care physicians is a concern, but these innovative strategies can be effective in recruiting and retaining the best candidate for rural communities. Table 3: Communities Building Broadband Connectivity Facilitators: Kate Pratt- VP of Operations, SC Association for Community Economic Development (SCACED) Rebecca Martin- Rural Resource Coordinator, SCACED Jim Stritzinger, MHIT- CEO, Revolution D, Inc. What building blocks are missing to get our rural residents connected for health, professional, and educational opportunities? Join this roundtable to learn about a new initiative being launched to assist rural communities to gain access to broadband.

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9:00 - 10:00 AM General Session 3: Addressing the Opioid Crisis in Rural SC (Carolina Ballroom) John Emmel, MD- Medical Director, DAODAS/Charleston Center

This discussion will help us to better understand opioid use disorder/substance use disorder as a chronic illness and how to engage individuals through a chronic care lens, as well as how to reduce the stigma that surrounds this issue.

10:00 - 11:00 AM General Session 4: SC Legislative Panel (Carolina Ballroom) Senator Kevin Johnson- SC District 36 Senator Ronnie Cromer- SC District 18 Representative Russell Ott- SC District 93 Representative Jay West- SC District 7

Join us for this interactive bipartisan panel with leading House and Senate members to discuss strategies for improving quality of life in rural South Carolina.

11:00 - 11:30 AM Exhibitor Break (Colonial Ballroom) 11:30 - 12:30 PM Concurrent Sessions 10-12 Concurrent 10: Increasing Vaccination Rates in Rural South Carolina (Calhoun) Teresa Foo, MD, MPH, MBA- Medical Consultant, SC DHEC Division of Immunization Sayward Harrison, PhD- Director of Research, USC Arnold School of Public Health DHEC is working hard to increase vaccination rates in South Carolina. What barriers do you face in your organization that prevent you from offering vaccines directly to your patients? Hints, tips and resources will be provided in this session. Concurrent 11: Is Your Emergency Department Pediatric Ready? (Pinckney) Karen Moore, NREMT- EMS for Children Program Coordinator, SC DHEC Amanda Felder, RN, MSN- Pediatric Trauma Program Manager, Prisma Health Children’s Hospital Midlands Douglas Holtzman, MD- Medical Director, Pediatric ED Trident Health, Summerville Medical Center In this session, you will learn how emergency departments are training to meet the needs of their smallest patients and the importance of having pediatric specific equipment and medication on hand. Concurrent 12: Cultivating the Community: Planting Seeds of Hope (Gold Ballroom) Regina Nesmith-Dimery, MS- Health Educator, SC DHEC- Pee Dee Region Alexis Pipkins, MS, EdS- Executive Director, Lee County First Steps QuinTasha Knox- Policy Systems and Environmental Coordinator, SC DHEC Div of Public Health Nutrition Practice and SNAP-ED Program Highlighting successes in your community encourages others to want to be a part of your next adventure. Lee County is doing innovative work within their community by planting seeds of hope in their community garden. Join this session to learn more.

S o u t h C a ro l i n a ’s 2 3 rd A n n u a l R u r a l H e a l t h C o n f e re n c e

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 12:30 - 2:30 PM- Closing Luncheon: DHHS Updates- State and Federal (Carolina Ballroom) Bryan Amick, PharmD, MS, MBA- Deputy Director, SC Department of Health and Human Services The Honorable Eric Hargan, JD- Deputy Secretary, US Department of Health and Human Services As the conference comes to an end, this session will highlight efforts at both the state and federal levels addressing need in our rural communities. Dr. Amick will discuss the work that SC Department of Health and Human Services is doing in rural areas of our state and some future plans of the agency. Deputy Secretary Hargan will provide an update on how the US Department of Health and Human Services is working to improve access to care and health outcomes throughout rural America.

2:30 PM Cash Prize Giveaway/Adjourn Thank you for joining us for South Carolina’s 23rd Annual Rural Health Conference! Stay tuned to to view presentation slides.

This three day program provides up to 12 clock hours (1.20 CEUs) by Lowcountry AHEC and meets SC AHEC Continuing Education Best Practice Standards.

Thank you to all who participated in this year’s Rural South Carolina Artwork Competition! This painting is titled “Palm City“ and was created by Kendall Rote, second place prize winnner of the competition.

S o u t h C a ro l i n a ’s 2 3 rd A n n u a l R u r a l H e a l t h C o n f e re n c e




2 3 rd A n n u a l R u r a l H e a l t h C o n f e re n c e S p o n s o r s

Conference CEUs Co-Sponsored with Lowcountry AHEC.

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