PART 5 of Eliminating the Sacred/Secular Divide: Pedagogy of the Unoppressed

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Pedagogy of the Unoppressed PART 5


PART FIVE, “Honey, We Shrunk The Kingdom,” is a small-group study focus for Christ-followers in churches, schools, businesses, civil service organizations, and families who want to understand more fully what it means to be “salt and light” in the world, beyond the four walls of the local church. Spend as much or as little time as needed to complete this exercise, whether it’s a 1-quarter Sunday School class, a 10-week home-group emphasis, a weekend “binge” approach—or whatever. Start with the 44-minute video, “Honey, We Shrunk The Kingdom,” focus on the discussion questions provided, and view additional short videos (provided), interspersed among the discussion questions. Please give everyone in the group time to speak. PART FIVE is part of a larger, four-part, series, but it may stand on its own. The other parts of the full “Eliminating the Sacred/Secular Divide” course are:

PART ONE (“The Lost Purpose for Living”) click here PART TWO (chapters 1-6) click here PART THREE (chapters 7-14) click here PART FOUR (chapters 15-24) click here Onward and upward,

ABLAZE PUBLICATIONS 4325 S 343rd St. Auburn, WA 98001 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2023 by Christian Overman Copies of any materials contained in this text (or linked within this text) may be freely made as long as such copies are not sold to others.


Eliminating the

Sacred/Secular Divide PART FIVE “Honey, We Shrunk The Kingdom!”


Dr. Christian Overman


A Starting Point or An Ending Point The video linked below, Honey, We Shrunk The Kingdom, is a “wrap up” or a “grand review” for those who have completed PART FOUR of the “Eliminating The Sacred/Secular Divide” course, while at the same time it provides an introduction for those who may want to start PART ONE of the course (see links on page 2). But it may also be done totally independently of the full course, as it stands on its own. This video was prepared for a U.S. home-schooling conference, therefore the audience is mostly U.S. educators and parents, but the concepts presented in this video are just as applicable to any and all human endeavors [be it plumbing, preaching or politics], in any nation. It is intended for a wide audience. The quality of the video below may be sharpened by clicking the “gear” [settings] icon in the lower RH area of the screen, and then selecting the highest number of the “Quality” options. If you click on the video link and a “Video Unavailable” message appears, click the “Watch on You Tube” option underlined in the message. Watch the video, Honey, We Shrunk The Kingdom Below are discussion questions to draw from (feel free to create your own): 1. What was the single most significant idea or concept from this video that you want to stick with you? 2. Was there something in this video you could especially relate to? Why? 3. Was there anything in this video that you had never heard before, or put together in your mind before? Explain. 4. Has the “Sacred/Secular Divide” been a reality in your own thinking? If so, to what degree? How has it manifested itself? 5. Imagine if all followers of Christ had no “SSD” in their thinking at all. What would the world look like? Be specific. 6. Have you been downplaying the eternal significance of your temporal job? If so, in what specific ways? 7. Did this video elevate your understanding of your everyday work? If so, how so?


8. What does your job have in common with Adam and Eve’s gardening? 9. Did your educational background increase the sacred-secular divide in your life, or decrease it? Your church background? Your family background? Explain. 10. If you are a teacher or a parent, how could you help your students/children comprehend the divine nature of their work, as addressed in this video? 11. What happens if we are “too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good?” and what happens when we are “too earthly minded to be of any heavenly good?” 12. Paul the Apostle said the bodies of believers are the “temple of the Holy Spirit” (I Cor. 6:19), while Plato said our bodies are the “prison house of the soul.” How can each of these contrasting statements color one’s understand of work in general (and your work in particular)? 13. A Biblical uniview is a view of God, creation, humanity, moral order and purpose that aligns with what the Bible teaches about these things. What does the Bible teach about these things? Print out this document for each member of your group: Do you think these 101 summary statements are helpful? Could you add some? 14. Shorter videos to view and to discuss between the above questions: “Not Far Away” [5-min] Paul Stevens on The Gospel of The Kingdom [3 min] Interview of Os Guinness, author of The Call [22 min] Jack van Hartesvelt on Negotiations [7.5 min] Don Flow, CEO of Flow Automotive [4 min] Gary Starkweather, Inventor of the Laser Printer [5 min] George Washington Carver [4.5 min] The City by the River Uzh [6 min] How Does Context Affect Meaning? [5.5 min] continued on the next page…

6 Contextualization in the Classroom [10 min] Formula for the Downfall of the United States [5.5 min] Why is America So Divided? [3.5 min] The Lost Purpose for Learning [4 min] A Deadly Virus of the Mind [5.5 min] Critical Race and Gender Theory: What’s It All About? [48 minutes] Eliminating the Gap Part I: [53 minutes]; Eliminating the Gap Part II: [60 minutes] Are You a Christo-Supremist? [6 min] We Have Been Duped [5 min] What is Christian Nationalism? [5.5 min] Alec Rowlands, Pastor of Westgate Chapel [5 min] Your group may want to read the companion text, Assumptions That Affect Our Lives, and discuss this book together. For the introduction to the Preface and Chapter 1, presented by the author, Dr. Christian Overman, click here:

To purchase the Assumptions That Affect Our Lives e-book (as well as read reviews and sample the text) click here: +affect+our+lives&qid=1687906989&sprefix=assumptions+that+%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-3

For a hard copy of the Assumptions book, click here: A book study created by RenewaNation based upon the Assumptions book is available for up to 2 CEUs for subscribing member schools. These CEUs are recognized by both ACTS and ACSI. See for more information.

The video “Honey, We Shrunk The Kingdom” was presented by Dr. Christian Overman at a conference put on by the Biblical Classical Community [], on July 7, 2023.

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