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unfathomable – i.e., God and His ways. We are living in times when everything is understood in terms of matter or the physical world. Everything around us is measured by time and space. But God in his mercy, constantly takes pains to show Himself to man in the context of time and space. When Moses was tending his flock, God interrupted his duty through the burning bush experience (Ex.3). Here too, God chose to reveal Himself within the frame work of time and space. It must have been mid-day or so, and the place was a hilly terrain. Further, the burning bush was a spectacular sight for Moses, though on fire, yet not consumed. There on that holy ground, when Moses unsaddled his shoes, he had an encounter with God.



you ever wondered how saintly men of whom we read in the Scriptures understood God‟s intervention in their lives? In a sense, God interrupted them amidst their daily chores! If God wills, He reserves the right to intrude into our private lives. Modern men live private, isolated lives. They do not appreciate to be disturbed by others. Such men and women live by programme schedules. Most of whose life is ruled by sets of rules, We have a lesson here. Those of us target or agenda by their employers. raised up in the good evangelical tradition may be unconsciously ENCOUNTER WITH GOD NOT conducting our lives in a way that AN END: shuts God out soon after our daily morning devotional time gets over. God has provided man the faculty of Then on, it is our own business to the mind- with which he reasons, think or act according to our thinks or acts. By the same logic or impulses. We sometimes behave far reason, man tries to fathom the too worse than the unbelievers or 1

those who do not know Christ. This often could happen soon after our so- called “devotional time.” God is, as we do so habitually, shut out of our lives. Again, it is not always a good idea to entertain such ungodly practice when God drew closer to us or being emotionally or spiritually elated with a certain experience we have had with God. We must note such experiences are just beginnings of an end. For Moses, it began in Mount Horeb. Later on it led him to a much closer relationship with God face-to-face for forty days on Mount Sinai. ENCOUNTER TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Without much controversy, we can safely say that God picks out His people for the Kingdom‟s business. The Old Testament covenant originated with God toward man. Beginning with Abraham, until David, God kept up His covenantal promise. In a sense, God handpicked people to perform all that He ordained them to do - judges, kings, prophets and so on. Unlike us, they never worshipped God and ended up serving their own interests. The Old Testament people understood very 2

well the concept of „theocracy‟meaning God is ruler. The word “God‟s Kingdom” occurs in the Old Testament books and more so in the psalms. “We are your people” – meant subjects and God being the King and ruler of all the earth. This thought naturally flows throughout the Scripture that His subjects not only pay their tributes to the King, but do His bidding to the furtherance of the Kingdom. What proceeded in the life of Moses for the next forty years was the experience of walking with God and carrying out his purposes. Rudolf Otto, a German theologian and philosopher coined the word “Mysterium Tremendum”meaning “awe inspiring” to explain “the Idea of the Holy (God)” with Whom a mortal man could experience a transcending spiritual experience. While this being Biblically true, it does not just stop here. If that were so, Christ or John the Baptist would have come and gone as mere mystics. The awareness of God being holy, make your shoes throw away at that instance and kneel down becoming fearful to look at the sight of the holy for the second time! (Ex.3:6).

Every Christian must realize and recognize that each of our own spiritual experiences comes with a tag of duty. In the Bible, we often find Commission follows one‟s vision of God. We shall do well if we know such depths of divine directives. For Moses, the focus shifted from Mount Horeb to Mount Sinai in due course of time. In the contemporary parlance, we might allude to something of what begins as a luncheon meeting, paves the way for long time business partnership. Moses would have never imagined that the burning bush encounter resulted in his daily interaction with God. This experience is alien to us. Most of us would be too happy and satisfied with little or superficial spiritual experiences and might even magnify them. But Moses with all his daily experiences asked God: “Lord, show me your glory (Ex.33:18).” Moses longed for a deeper experience with God. RENDERING SERVICE BASED ON RELATIONSHIP: The God of the Bible calls us to Himself first. It is very sad when churches or mission boards without much


thought or preparation recruit young men and women for the purpose of carrying out the “work of God” urgently! We employ men and women who know not the directives of God. Those who are ignorant of “the idea of the Holy” go on to become representatives of a Holy God with whom they neither interacted nor did God interrupt them. Whoever begins with a holy awe with God must discover an inspiring, joyful experience as time goes by. What after all, is Christian experience other than this? Is not this the fore-most of all commandments? “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength (Matt.22:38).” If you are a careful observer, you will know if this is present in your pews and pulpit. This may be either present or absent because of one‟s love and commitment to Christ or the lack of it. In the same way, all of our services rendered to God will have an underlying commitment of our love to Christ.

There are many who have entered Christian service just to “mechanically maintain” either a Church structure, a system, a diocese or an institution. There is every possibility that Christ may evaluate those who have carried out their duties without any relationship with Christ. The divine directives are outlined in Matthew.7:23. I heard a pastor in the U.S saying that hundreds of pastors are quitting their ministry, some have even denied their faith and few committed suicide due to the illeffects of the pandemic. People give up when their faith is tested with fire. Chapter eleven of Hebrews challenges us with the list of the heroes of faith. They were clear about their calling and commitment – which was of greater worth and value. If we are called to different vocations – say, a legal expert, a scientist, a doctor or a business man, what are divine directives given to you in such places? Dr. Paul Brand, a missionary doctor who revolutionized re-constructive surgery for leprosy patients in Karigiri, near Vellore (CMC), knew 4

how well his scalpel would be used of God in his efforts to rehabilitate the lepers. A close relative of mine who had retired as a revenue official told me how he during his tenure as a trainee magistrate heard the plea of a desperate woman and helped herself extricate from a case on legitimate legal grounds. Our Lord pronounced: “God has sent me to proclaim release to the captives.” (Luke 4:18). A preacher may not be able to do this. A legal expert is empowered to handle this. A friend of mine, who is a senior advocate in the High Court in Chennai, does commendable work among prisons in Tamil Nadu and elsewhere through his NGO called Prisoners Reform Intervention Support (PRISM). I knew of a school Head Master who served Christ after his working hours, traversing through the mountains and valleys- teaching and conducting Bible studies to different groups of people. A highly placed corporate head of a foreign bank gets involved on a weekly basis - caring and supporting children with Cancer along with her aged parents. More people have responded to God‟s call, bearing fruit for the Kingdom. Many

Christians sadly ended up with their first encounter with Christ, which may have occurred forty or more years ago. Remember: One cannot tarry on Mount Horeb. Nay, such a person must scale great heights of Mount Sinai to have business with God! I know, some of you are advanced in old age, still passionate about God and His Kingdom. It may be your mind is active but not the body. One could get frustrated lying in the bed or sitting at home thinking how useless life has turned out to be.

In which case, just keep talking like Paul: “I have kept up my faith, I have finished my race…” If you have lived and served God, glorify Him daily through your intimate communion. The Anglican Catechism says: “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” What is the divine directive to you – now? How well are you going to respond? Rev. Joshua Dhanabalan.

A man who closely walks with God is naturally devoid of earthly company of men who know not the ways of God. This makes the man of God lonely in the sense of the world. His life will be marked by outward solitary. He may not speedily express the anguish of his heart to those who are flamboyant and are caught up in the merry making of this world. How far can such a man bear the brunt of being isolated from the common social intercourse? A man who was found and known by God, such as Moses, may have suffered not just physical burn out, but would have drained out all of his resources spiritually. There could have been depletion in the psychological and emotional sense too. Such a man is found to fall completely to the utter mercy of God, whereby He is carried virtually by God Himself on His wings. No other creature can come to his rescue except God Himself with His reassuring words: "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest (Ex.33:14). -J.D 5


Without this, religion is but shallow, a reflection of reality, a cheap copy ENCOUNTER WITH GOD of an original once enjoyed by someone else of whom we have heard. It cannot but be a major tragedy in the life of any man to live in a church from childhood to old age and know nothing more real than some synthetic god compounded of theology and logic, And the angel of the Lord appeared but having no eyes to see, no ears to unto him in a flame of fire out of hear, and no heart to love… the midst of a bush; and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with We who experience God in this day fire, and the bush was not may rejoice that we have in Him all that Abraham or David or Paul Consumed. (Exodus 3:2) could have; indeed the very angels Is it not true that for most of us who before the throne can have no more call ourselves Christians there is no than we, for they can have no more real experience? We have substituted theological ideas for an than God and can want nothing arresting encounter; we are full of apart from Him. And all that He is religious notions, but our great and all that He has done is for us weakness is that for our hearts there and for all who share the common is no one there. Whatever else it salvation. (On The Almighty God: embraces, true Christian experience Excerpts from A.W.Tozer‟s must always include a genuine writings). encounter with God. "The average Christian religion is characterized by cordiality, humour, affability, zeal and high animal spirits; but hardly anywhere do we find gatherings marked by the overshadowing presence of God. We manage to get along on correct doctrine, fast tunes, pleasing personalities and religious amusements. The art of true worship, somehow, has been lost" A.W.TOZER



another gospel with another spirit. How well are you able to divide and distinguish between truth and falsehood?


The real spiritual exercise is to dig deep into the study of God‟s Word and spend quality time praying and interceding. Such spiritual exercise will lead to spiritual contentment. There are many Christians who have some kind of unsatiable hunger spiritually. It is quite natural that when God breathed His spirit into man, he had become partaker of God‟s nature- inspite of fall. Man‟s spiritual quest and longing is intended by God so he could commune with Him. Unfortunately, what we see today is not that kind of healthy hunger. It is a kind of unhealthy spiritual binge which feeds on every junk that appear to be spiritual. Are you the one watching the Television channels endlessly, excusing them to be Christian programmes? All Christian programmes are not healthy in the real sense. There are preachers who preach another Jesus, 7

When we experience this we might be able to say like David: “…like a child quieted at its mother’s breast, like a child that is quieted is my soul” (Ps131:2). He further says: “My soul is feasted as with marrow and fat Ps. 63:5).” This is true spiritual contentment. One need not appear with an open Bible or to be found reading a spiritual book always. Reflection and rejoicing, musing and meditating on the goodness of God can be a healthy spiritual exercise than engaging always in „doing‟ something. The state of being still with God is a spiritual discipline every believer should achieve in to order to put the soul to rest and quietness. -J.D


if we paid more attention to God‟s divine directives.


Along with a knowledge of His directives, we need the good sense to DO what He directs us to do. Many of God‟s directives hold great promise of divine blessing to encourage us to obey them. A typical example is the threefold It is common experience today to directive you will find in Proverbs meet people who are uncertain about 3: 3-6: many things. Many are uncertain as “Trust in the Lord with all thine to who and what they should heart; and lean not unto thine own believe, uncertain as to what they understanding. In all thy ways should do, uncertain about the acknowledge him and he shall future- some are even uncertain direct thy paths.” about Jesus Christ and about the Bible. It is not exaggeration to say As we notice the above verse, we that uncertainty has become a shall find there are two directives characteristic of our times. One of that are positive and one negative. the significant things about the inspired Scriptures is the many The first directive is positive: “Trust divine directives they contain to in the Lord with all your heart.” help us in our times of uncertainty. This is clear and definite. It directs A divine directive is something God us to put our trust in God completely and unequivocally. The second tells us to do. directive is negative: “Lean not If we pay attention to what He says, unto thine own understanding.” and do what He tells us to do, we Whatever we do, we are told not to can be absolutely certain that are put our own judgment and our own doing the right thing. There would wisdom ahead of the wisdom of be a lot less uncertainty in our lives God. 8

The third directive is another positive: “In all thy ways acknowledge him.” Not just in some of our ways, but to acknowledge Him as the Sovereign Lord of our lives. If we obey these three directives, we will have his promise that He will direct our paths. Can we think of anything more wonderful than to have the promise of the Almighty God guiding us through all the problems and pitfalls and vicissitudes of life? What more could anyone ask? Our feelings of uncertainty will dissipate if we know He is charting our course and directing our paths. Long ago, when God established the descendants of Abraham as His chosen people, He called Moses up on Mount Sinai and gave to him Ten Directives to deliver to the children of Israel. If Israel had obeyed those divine directives, she would not have lost her national greatness and been scattered throughout the earth. If mankind had obeyed them, the world today would be a different place, Man‟s failure to obey God‟s directives is a proof that he is alienated from God by sin, by rebellion and disobedience and by 9

reason of that sin is spiritually dead. It was to end that alienation that God‟s Son, Jesus Christ came to this earth to redeem mankind and enable them go be spiritually reborn. To that end, He took all the sin of all mankind into His own sinless body and died a substitute sin-bearer on the Cross in the place of guilty men, that they might be forgiven and freed from sin‟s penalty and power. Having paid in full the price of man‟s redemption, Christ was resurrected from the dead, and He is alive today, offering divine forgiveness and eternal life to all who will believe and receive Him as their Saviour. Many are still uncertain to claim God‟s promise: “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt.11:28). True Christianity is not a matter of creeds, or striving to lead a good life, or joining a church or turning over new leaves. True Christianity is a personal relationship with the divine, living person of Jesus Christ. We establish that living relationship by acknowledging our sinfulness in the sight of God and our need and desire for God‟s forgiveness. We obtain that forgiveness by repenting

of our sins, our rebellion and disobedience, by coming to Jesus Christ as a guilty sinner seeking forgiveness and asking Him to come into our hearts and lives as personal Saviour and Lord. If this has not been done before by us, here is a divine directive to come to Him now. Our lives can be transformed and through the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit who indwells all who receive Christ as their Saviour. Once you claim Him as your Saviour, He expects you to tell others of Him and his salvation. Christ commissioned His disciples before He left this earth was a twofold directive:

afield. Again, there is more to becoming a true Christian than merely saying you believe in Christ. Genuine Christianity brings about a transformation of life, as the Scriptures say, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new.”

Now, it may not be always possible for you to go as an ambassador for Christ to the faraway places of this earth, but you can go to your own circle of acquaintances in the community where you live and work. There are always ways in which you can help others go further

Is our professed acceptance of Christ reflected in how we live and in what we say or do? If not, or if we have any doubts, we need to set them right and resolve with Christ immediately. The Lord bless you!

Christians must be taught that the evidence of this transformation is so vital as they live as Christ asked them to live and do what He asked them to do. The great need among Christians all across the globe is that men and women who are not only hearers of the Word of God and 1) “Go ye into all the world, believers of the Word of God but and preach the gospel to every who are doers of the Word of God. creature”, and There is no use if we say that the 2) “Go ye therefore, and teach Bible is the Word of God unless we all nations, baptizing them in the do what it tells us to do, and live as name of the Father, and of the Son it tells us to live. Christ said to the and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching people of His day, “Let your light so them to observe all things shine before men that they may see whatsoever I have commanded your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” you.”




***Every month, on Second Saturday, between 9.30 & 1 pm, we set apart time for prayer – Friends and partners who are interested are welcome. *** We are praying and taking earnest efforts to find committed young men who are desirous of serving the Lord- to be available for short courses on discipleship, evangelism and other foundation courses. Readers may kindly refer potential/committed candidates. ***Our need for a couple with deep commitment to reach out non Christian community in and around Ambattur is in our prayers. Kindly pray for this. *** Partners who were involved in this ministry are welcome to visit our centre and extend guidance and encouragement to us from time to time. *** Since COVID- 19, our ministry of Tele- counseling /spiritual guidance and prayer has increased. We thank God for this. *** If adequate number of participants are available, we intend to conduct a Bible-Study in English. *** Music being vital for our worship, we are available to help those interested in the ministry of praise and worship through music. *** Due to immobility/COVID -19 restrictions or other factors, elders in Chennai who have not been able to participate in regular worship can avail our ministry services of prayer and fellowship in their homes (through early, appointment)until they are free to resume worship in their own local churches. *** With the decline in COVID 19 cases, we shall begin conducting training programmes outside of Chennai from March 2021. We have always concentrated Northern India sector over the years. Please pray these efforts may materialize and bring good results. 11


heart-aches, pain and suffering, for which no one is responsible. This is how James in his epistle explains it: “Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted with evil and he himself tempts no one; but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. (James 1:14).”


What does this mean? It means that as followers of Christ, we get our orientation or perspective right, well in keeping with what our Lord demands. There is a change which must take place in the life of every Christian from low-lying searching or seeking to that of higher perspective – a gaze that is lifted upwards. The changed perspective is heavenward, not earthly. Paul reminded the Colossaians: “If you have been raised with Christ, seek those things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (Col.3:2). Man by nature is caught up by the vagaries of what this world brings, and yields voluntarily to its demands. Thereafter, he is swept away into the whirlpool of worries, 12




Christians engaging in endless pursuit of materialism are the miserable ones who have wandered away from their faith. “There is great gain in godliness and contentment; for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world, but if we have food and clothing, with these we shall be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is root of all evils; it is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced their hearts with many pangs” (1 Tim.6:6-10). The

enslavement to materialism can bring about such horror and pain far worse than any cruel tyrant might inflict on his subjects. It grips one‟s soul and quenches the spirit. Not many Christians have openly denied Christ. The point is they cannot testify for Christ. They are under the bondage and sin of materialism. Their joy in the Lord is long forgotten. The simplicity of life that was once enjoyed by these men and women with the abundance of God‟s love, grace and true fellowship is now gone. They have amassed wealth with emptiness all around one‟s home. The indwelling presence of God had been lost. Many do say their prayers daily in their homes. Some are key personalities in the local churches. They systematically offer their tithes and offerings. But for sure, Christ is not there either in their homes or through their Church life. Jesus verily stated: “One cannot serve two masters.”

are valued over people, friendships, family and the very life itself. JESUS‟ PERSPECTIVE: “Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? (Matt.6:25)”. This is how our Master sets our priorities. We all live in a secular, godless, material world. People all around us, conditioned by secular philosophies tend to influence the society. As part of a society, Christians are not exceptions. They too are carried away by the dictum of the world. Unless they are strongly rooted in God, they are bound to be swept away by the torrent of material world.

Our Lord knew man by nature is ridden by deep anxiety about his life. He called them “Men of little faith.” If we like it or not, the fact remains, that it all boils down to food, clothing and shelter. Our Lord does not down play the necessity of having the basic needs of man. But he teaches us to look at those needs We have got into the idolatry of with a different perspective. venerating our gadgets and DIRECTIVE – LOOK UPWARD: technological equipments. These Our Lord‟s prayer is a pattern for are our gods that lead our life in this paradigm shift concerning all our world. The young folks of today needs, values and priorities on earth. know quite well about this. Things 13

When he taught his disciples to pray, he began with the “Father in heaven.” That is the best way to begin. Do not hold consultations, conferences, debates or deliberations. Do not hold closed door urgent board meetings. Things might not change with all of these. The human predicament and problem is one of which that is brought about by its own folly of operating or trying to solve problems independent of God is not permitted to work in and through our lives. Even in a Church council meeting, we treat Christ with little dignity with our opening prayer invoking his blessing and guidance. There on, we promptly shut him out and go on with our own business. It is no wonder, what those great men and women who knew God intimately and felt his powerful presence in their daily lives is no longer sensed in our times.

Afterwards, we bring in our daily needs, daily forgiveness, daily deliverance from evil. We shall do well if we follow this spiritual format.

A word of caution: We live in perilous times of global pandemic with economic melt-down, social upheaval, political instability, resurgence of nationalistic spirits, spiritual vacuum with no purpose and certainty of future. Many nations are caught up with the influx of immigrants and refugees who have no place to go. Many are killed during their illegal voyage. Children, women and the aged are abused during this ordeal. The value of human life is far reduced to something that is less than a beast. At times, one‟s faith is shattered. Man begins to question the love of God when in utmost agony. Studying how vulnerable people are, there arise groups or Jesus taught the prayer in such a clusters of preachers everywhere way that the first four things had to who come as instant god-men, do with God. trying to solve the problem that people are in. They twist and turn Our Father in Heaven their words from the Scripture and Holy Be your Name preach using the name of Jesus. But Your Kingdom Come the gospel they preach is another Your will be done…. gospel, another Jesus and their spirit 14

too is of another kind. People all over the globe fall a prey to these miracle-workers who promise to solve people‟s problems through their gifts and anointing given by God. Like an opening batsman, they begin well with their words of clever persuasion to following Christ or to trust in Him for the alleviation of their poverty and so on. Following this pattern, Churches thrive everywhere. Christ is the Liberator – is how the Latin Americans saw Jesus Christ, more from a political viewpoint. Our Lord said, “My Kingdom is not of this world.” In a time when people all around the world are devoid of their own homes and country, refugees and homeless people scramble for food, clothing, water and shelter. Man being a spirit-being also looks for divine comfort and consolation. It is when the nonsense gospel tends to make sense to the weary minds. Therefore, the preachers hold captives of those men and women who are gullible, indoctrinate them with health, wealth and prosperity kind of gospel. We must note that the gospel they preach is directly 15

connected to that of human physical need. It has nothing to do with eternity, discipleship to following Christ on the earth, obedience to His Word, suffering within the will of God etc., Perhaps, for this reason we read in the gospels that “large crowds followed Jesus.” He asked them once: “Do you follow me because you ate and were satisfied?” When he began to teach them about the conditions of following him, people began to leave him (John 6:60). Our Lord taught the values of the Kingdom. He told the crowds to seek God first, so the earthly needs could be met. By coming to him, one must lose so as to gain was his radical teaching. Even today, this sort of teaching does not draw crowds. People think their immediate needs must be met through sensational popular religious belief. More and more Tele-evangelists show up nowadays trying to sway people with claims of their extraordinary spiritual powers to perform miracles, healing and instantly invoking God‟s blessing to those who attend their special meetings with their offerings! Mind

you, this kind of gospel has gone Therefore, we need to be on guard global! and not to be carried away by visible signs or wonders these preachers If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, perform in the name of Jesus. be reminded of the fact that in the last days many will use (abuse) the Be reminded of divine directives: name of Christ, and even perform miracles. It is possible that these To always look Upward, To Seek men are empowered by a different God‟s Kingdom and To submit all spirit to perform signs and even heal our earthly needs before God‟s throne of grace. - J.D. some people.

EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA The onset of social media has exposed oneself to all sorts- the good, the bad and the ugly. You name them - right and wrong. Decent, indecent, religious, irreligious. truth, error, conviction or opinion, productive or destructive - all packed and available under one roof. We all have „freedom‟ and „time‟ to meddle with any of them. Any one can say anything That is all about freedom! Both the worthless and worthy have their due place here There is none to restrict, warn or oppose anybody‟s thoughts All can write - for one need not be a writer. Each has a voice of a critic. Everyone pens if one knows how to nght or not. The issue of „nghtness‟ does not arise! That‟s the way our world has come to be - without no absolutes Everything is relative - better or worse than the other. Those who shy away from a small group of friends or relatives - those who hardly utter few sensible words when questions are asked are the ones who speak up here. In that sense. we are better actors behind the screen. - Cont. on Page 21



Living our Christian life merely at the periphery level is not suffice. It is natural that we tend to get satisfied with our own spiritual life. At times, it reflects not more than a similar sentiment of that Pharisee who prayed: “Lord, I fast twice a week, offer my tithes and am better than the other.” It is pertinent that we verify and evaluate how we manage our daily lives – our business dealings, our buying or selling, living amidst neighbours (who mostly do not share divine values,)our witness in the market place as Christians etc., What are divine values as inscribed in the scriptures?

Lord to serve and to survive all ordeals of a hostile world to the message of the Cross. Essentially, Christians are bruised and beaten, punished and persecuted down through the centuries. It is no different now. It will be far worse as days and years go by. God has called us not as monks or ascetics to be cut off from normal course of life. Exceptionally, John the Baptist, who lived and martyred even before our Lord was crucified was an ascetic. But our Lord was a natural man spiritually and spiritually natural in every aspect. He ate, drank and slept like every other man. He felt pain and sorrow. He shed tears. He was lonely and despised. Yet he was both man and God Incarnate. He never pretended to possess extra-terrestrial powers as the Son of Man. He walked the dusty roads. He moved along with sinners and tax-collectors. Yet he claimed: “Who among you will accuse me of sin?”

Like our master, we are called to IN THE WORLD – NOT OF live as “sheep among wolves” in this world which is crooked and THE WORLD: perverted. As long as God keeps us The Church is the only living in this world, we are called to be organism left behind by the risen faithful in whatever vocation he had 17

placed us. We need to diligently One, he might become too “otherwork and do our best in whatever worldly” with no response nor skills and talents he had bestowed sensitivity to the suffering world on us. around him. Many Christians have thus become too secluded with their A classic example we find in the exclusive fellowships that begin and Old Testament is the character of end within four walls. They cannot Daniel, who in an alien country make sense to what our Lord meant: vowed not to defile himself even “You are the salt of the earth; and with their food. Such was the light of the world.” The other group quality of his commitment to the of Christians are those who get too God whom he was committed to. preoccupied with the earthly Are there young men and women of concerns. Their only concern is to that caliber and commitment found live, eat and be clothed, besides the today in top-notch companies? unquenchable desire to accumulate CONFORMITY CONTRADICTS material wealth. These are the ones who conform to the pattern of the DIVINE VALUES: world by their life-style. For such “Do not conform to the pattern of Christians, religion is just a crutch to this world (Rom.12:2)” Paul makes help them through in terms of it clear that for a Christian his life is providing psychological comfort marked by consecration, dying daily and satisfaction. They do not walk – which means consciously in his in the Spirit. Such Christians are mind and spirit to be identified with earthly and carnal that they do not the death of Jesus Christ. Thereby, know the ways of the Lord. he says “No” to the world around him. By setting apart and living a God warns people of that kind – life of unsurrendered values without most of whom are in key positions compromise to the world‟s pressure, in many Churches and trying a Christian leads a victorious life in determine serious issues of running a corrupt society. There is always a the Church. danger of a Christian becoming KINGDOM VALUES: Our Lord either one of the two extremes. had much to say about God‟s 18

Kingdom. At the very beginning of his ministry, he proclaimed: “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near.” This makes clear that change of life-style, and going to the Father through Jesus Christ are essential for anyone to enter the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God works on different principles contrary to that of any earthly kingdom. God‟s Kingdom has different values and priorities.

The reason why many Christians suffer from defeat of all sorts is because they serve two masters. God wants us to be blessed abundantly. But there are shortcircuits that obstruct blessings from God. The main obstacle being our lives lived in total contrast to that of the values of the Kingdom. The word “Kingdom” was frequently used by our Lord in the gospels. The same word had been used by Paul in his epistles. He says God‟s Kingdom is not about food or drink. The Kingdom of God is also not about big talk! It is about righteousness, and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost (Rom.14:16).

Those of us who have been used to the former way of life in this world struggle to continue with the new way of life. In the process, we tend to adapt the ways of the world and the values of the Kingdom. God Where do we find ourselves in demands our undivided allegiance possessing divine values? -J.D and commitment to Him. Jesus was love personified. But when it came to the value of the Kingdom or concerning truth and justice, he never made any compromise. Jesus did not resort himself to spiritual diplomacy. This is what many of us in our ministries do. We do not want to hurt anyone. We try to maintain cordial relationship with men who offend Christ by their conduct. Speaking out or voicing our concern is not regarded as a sign of maturity. Quiet diplomacy and mutual coexistence at the cost of the gospel has come here to stay. This is the social and moral climate of the day. Are we friends of the world? If so, are we enemies of the Cross? - J.D 19

Contd.. from Page – 16

This is the power of social media. No one really knows, if the social media has mastered us or we have it under our control. Relieved. de-stressed. comforted.. is how many might feel by what we possess in our hand by way of the digital media, We have legitimate reasons to defend our cause for “being” as part of social media such as FB. But can they be our saviours in an age where technology replaces human care, affection, personal love, or providing attention? Well, one might argue that social media comes to the rescue of many such needs If so, we must be a generation who has attained fulfuillment of all sorts. But then, on the other side of life, there are challenges that thwarts the very security one derives from social media - for there is still longing, loneliness, frustration, suicidal tendency and lack of purpose of one‟s life. Dependency on any substitute other than what is designed for human beings to live through inter-dependence and inward freedom has taken hold of many to the point of ensalvement or addiction of some kind. And for that matter - food, drink, human companionship and friendship are all good as long as they are kept to their limits A life with moderation with balance to enjoyment and pleasure with its pros and cons must be judged or weighted with its moral implication. A life with purpose is one that consists of joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure, gain or loss. We always look for sunshine and reject shadow. Well, we would know some flowers bloom in the shadows too. -J.D 20

CHRISTIAN THOUGHT SERIES is a bi-monthly magazine which is part of the ministry called Disciples For Christ. Since 1990, this ministry is engaged in developing and training of young people into Christian leadership, Discipleship and Church-Planting. We emphasize godliness, sincere commitment to the call of God and a life of witness through effective sharing of the gospel. More so, we insist that this must be done through an exemplary life-style as Christians. We respond from time to time to the urgent needs we come across in the society such as disaster, natural calamities, poverty, need for education etc. This is purely a faith ministry and we are led by God for over two decades without a definite budget drawn or regular funds received from sources. We mentor young believers through sessions of counseling, Bible study and prayer. We have been able to penetrate through different states and provided short study programmes for rural pastors, evangelists and missionaries. Our burden is to pray and work towards the spiritual renewal of the churches all across the country. Kindly pray and be willing to be a part of this movement. Training seminars, spiritual renewal conventions in churches are being worked out with prior planning with churches, institutions or small groups. Please contact for further enquiry and details. Rev. Joshua Dhanabalan – 93807 09875 / 99624 34697

CONTACT: DISCIPLES FOR CHRIST, C/O REV. Joshua Dhanabalan No.3, 3rd Cross street, Kanthakottam Nagar, Kallikuppam, Ambattur, Chennai 600 053. Email: joshbalu@yahoo.com Mobile: 9380709875/9962434697 Contributions may be Sent to : DISCIPLES FOR CHRIST HDFC BANK A/c No.: 50200007377501, IFSC Code - HDFC0000124, Kellys Branch, Chennai - 10. 21

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