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Prologue At first I was going to do my research paper on the existence of clones, that’s when I said let me investigate something a bit more realistic to our time and decade. I thought about investigating on whether or not language is innate within us but not even linguist have solve that matter. That’s when I said let me learn more about dreaming effect upon us due to the fact that I am going to have plenty of time to discover new thing that may interest me. And ever since I was a young adolescent dreams have always interest me because it’s like we are almost in another place. The topic I chose is important because dreams reflect purpose, value to our life. If it weren’t for dreams many of us would never realize that unconsciously these come directly from our everyday experiences in the world. As an important point these dreams are represented to us thought images or stories that recreate the lived scenes we were in while awake. When we dream our mind is trying to let go of certain feelings that worry us. That’s why it is so important to know how often we are require to dream to liberate daily based matters that unnecessarily occupies a portion of our mind with no significance. Some people biblically claim that dreams are works of “God” seen when Jacob had a dream about ladder from earth to heaven. Opposite to this some individuals consider dreams act given to us by the “Devil” to force us to do the unwanted. Since the Old Testament dreams have been a major concern to the population in general. I’ll explain; if we dream with issue related to religion, it is said that God has given us some wisdom of his own. But if the Devil plays his part chances are he is trying to trick us into doing wrong when we awake.

Sigmund Freud has been one of the best philosophers to support the different theories within dreaming. With his particular way to anticipate that our personality is based on our dreaming habits reflects that he is conscious that the mind relies on particular identities to perform. Freud believed that our “Ego”, carries out a large number of who we are as individuals. Although not completely stated as said, I’ am sure that most of our self-esteem as well come from our dreams. In my analyses it was important for investigator on dream effect study our naturally occurring instinct to enter the REM stage for preparedness of dreaming. Without this test that was performed on many groups of individuals, chances were that we would have never had enough information to count with to interpret that dreams come from some prior relaxing effect. This stage is most needed for dreams to occur in the first place. The body has to be tranquil in all its ways before a dream could develop. Throughout my genres one basic theme that would appear on occasion is associated with the term of dream effect within us. Even thought I ‘am telling a story or writing a recipe I still intend to demonstrate the purpose dreaming has upon us. In other words if I am singing a bed time song it does not mean it’s not related to dream effects within our lives.

Introduction Many of us for unknown reasons find ourselves dreaming things that seem to have no particular meaning. Even though we can’t completely comprehend our dreams they appear to have some important justification of happening. The following is a brief analysis on the effects dreams have upon us. Based on different theories that people have purposed about what dreams are. It is establish that dreams play a significant role in everyday life. As a possible definition a dream is a collection of visual vivid pictures, noises and emotional events in the brain of an individual while asleep. One important point about a dream is that it must consist of a time limit of no more than 45 minutes and no less than five minutes. Within the past it is said that dreams have been speculations of things that might happen. That’s why I have been able to demonstrate throughout the following that dreams do in fact do occur randomly within our mind for different purposes. In terms of our dream experiences we could rely on the theory that the body needs to have sudden changes for us to dream. For example the rising of our blood pressure, rapid beatings of the heart and adrenaline changes indicate that one is about to enter a specific stage that prepares the body for dreaming. This stage is called the REM stage. In this stage the eyes are moving rapidly back and forth. Although not completely asleep the body gradually enters a state where all the muscles are relaxed. Based on the importance of dreaming a person could enter the REM stage no more than 5 times per night. And if you don’t dream within those opportunities of going into such stage chances are that you won’t dream at all.

Some studies have detected that in human beings it is a necessity to dream to maintain a healthy life style. Another important point related to dreams needed to satisfy our well being capacities is to be able to recall what you dreamt. People who have managed to do so have been able to help other discover what the other person dreams mean and so on. The method dream tellers have used to try to recall a dream as fast as possible is to think of the last event that happed in your thoughts before you woke up. This will help you rapidly figure out where you left off. It is said that some of the dreams people have are based on spiritual causes related to certain forces. Since many years back in the past dreams have created larger issue still not solved. In the early 1900’s it was claim that dreams come directly from a non rational part of the psyche in terms of religious experiences lived by a person. (Davis, T.L). In addition it is said that dreams are composed of forces outside of the dreaming area. In other word they are trigged by other events. Some people justify the terminology that dreams are given to us by “God”, to justify the idea that dream are spiritual episodes, filled with a clues to provide knowledge of things related to religion. (William James). Some people believe the act of dreaming is sometimes caused by forces of nature, meaning outer entities that have a massage of wisdom for us if we know how to interpret a dream well enough. If we think of dreams in religious manner and in non conscious way what we believe to be true in a dream occurs in the non rational part of the mind. (Davis, T.L). In other words we are not fully conscious of how realistic or false dreams are. If a dream is to be analyzed in terms of spiritual beliefs of happening, it is said that the dream would relate to events not within the dreaming area of everyday life but rather things that we have never seen.

I’ll explain, if we to compare people who already have religious wisdom to those who don’t have such intelligence, it is said that though dreams if analyzed correctly we could gain more information in terms to the significance of the dream. (Davis, T.L.). Many other studies have been able to anticipate that in a person is feeling stressed out because of a lost of a love one, it is claim that one should get help both with therapy and treatment to alleviate the pain caused by the death of a person. (Hill, C.E.). To help eliminate and change the relationship these hurt patients have between their therapists it is needed for these to communicate their ideas and feelings to such extent that the doctor could identify the true problem. For those people who don’t get help immediately and choose to weep over the death of a particular person chances are that he would not recover as rapid and would continue dreaming with the person who has died. (Hill, C.E.). Thought this we could state that events that happen to us while we are awake tend to develop into dreams if we don’t get help in terms of the issue. Based on a dream theorist of the name of Sigmund Freud he purposes that dreams tend to determine our personalities and who we are in general. His theories about dreams are meant to liberate certain urges and anxieties that trouble us and affect or personality. He believes that our identity, meaning who we are determines what kind of dreams suits each particular person. Based on our personalities it is arrange in three areas, such as our “Id”, meaning this part tries to obtain the things that we most desire such as pleasure and urges. As a second area of division to or personality Freud claims that our “Ego”, determine to express the conscious, rational, moral and self- awareness aspects of our mind. And third Freud states that with our “Super Ego” within us is meant to filter unconsciously what we don’t want to remember not consciously. That’s why in recalling our dreams we experience obstacles trying to remember.

Studies have also tried to defend the theory that we must dream in order to expose all that unnecessary information we do not need within the day. It’s almost like a cycle were we absorb information to liberate it afterwards. In some studies it has been seen that people who don’t dream find themselves cranky and unpleasant throughout the rest of the day. (Jung, CJ Memories, Dreams, Reflections (Fontana Press 1995). Some people consider dreams to be quite meaningful while other thinks of dreams non symbolic to their lives. Jung claims that dreams are remembered due to our ability in our conscious level to trackback of thing, even though these dreams are formed in our unconscious mind. Like mentioned above, it is also claim that in order to dream successfully we must enter a stage called the REM stage, where our bodies prepare themselves to experience dreaming. In this stage changes occur to tranquilized both the mind and the body. Here the muscles of the body are relaxed, even though or blood flow is still flowing rather rapidly. In this stage it’s just a matter of relaxing the eye sight and stabilizing the body to dream. (Joseph Mars).

“Annotated Bibliography” Davis, T.L., et al., Spiritual and Non spiritual approaches to Dream Work; Effect on Clients Well - Being. Journal of Counseling and Development v 83 no 4 (fall 2005) p.492 – 503 Wilson web. This journal is about how some people deeply believe that dreams are due to spiritual forces that stimulate the mind. Based on religious experiences individuals encounter in everyday life the part that is not rational in our minds carry out these beliefs unconsciously. It is said that these dreams are due to forces that are outside of the dreaming environment. In other words, religious concerns have opened the minds of people to see differently when compared to those who have little religious knowledge. People who dream religious matters for some reasons experience better life styles than those who don’t.

Hill, C.E., et.al. Structure Brief Therapy with a Focus on Dreams Loss for Clients with Troubling Dreams and Recent Loss. Journal of Counseling Psychology v.47 no.1 (January 2000) p.90 – 101. Wilson web. In this journal a test was done on a number of people who believed they needed help to forget the recent loss of a love one. It was said that before the therapy the affected people could not communicate their ideas adequately with their therapist. On the contrary, the people that did not get help after the death of their love one constantly continued to have dreams with the people who had died.

Jung, CJ Memories, Dreams, Reflections (Fontana Press 1995) Based on this article it is said that people to erase the unnecessary information one does not use throughout the day. In varies experiments it was stated that people who don’t dream, find themselves unhappy and everything around them annoys them. According to this journal some people believe that dreams have no absolute meaning while others consider them to be rather symbolic and enriching to our lives. Jung tries to justify the notion that the dreams we have are process because of our innate ability to remember experiences lived in our conscious mind while awake. http://www.dreamoods.com/dreaminformation/dreamtheory/freud.htm (April 16, 2009) According to Sigmund Freud dreams are analyzed as issues based on our personality. If we were to consider the different properties he proposes he claims that unconsciously we dream to “liberate certain urges, emotions and impulses” that belittle our identities. Within his theory he

argues that the unconscious mind is divided into three parts to form what is called our “personality”. That is an Id, Ego and the Super Ego.

http//EzineArticule.com/expert Joseph Mars (April 22, 2009) This article explains how we need to enter the dream stage called the “REM” stage to monitor our heart rate and our blood flow to dream properly. Studies have proven that if this does not occur before dreaming they would wake up irritated and disgusted each time these wake up. In other words if one does not dream our well – being would remain unpleasant. In this stage rapid movement of the eyes occur, even thought all your muscles in your body are trying to relax.

Bed Time Story “The girl who thought she had everything” Once upon a time there was a little girl name Carlota who hadn’t had a dream for quite some time. One day she had such an agitated, stressful day that she decided to go to bed early and try to forget her tormenting day. It was like everything she would do turned out to be incorrect. Carlota was an outgoing type of person. She didn’t really like to stay home. Let’s just say she was the kind of adventure, who loved to discover new things. Each day, Carlota’s mission in life was to learn new things. She once noticed a stay pup who could practically speak to her due to the fact that the dog made certain persuading gestures when he wanted something. For instance; if he wanted to be held he would literally stretch out his two front legs and hope on the back ones till she picked him up. Late that night Carlota that’s a nice hot bath, and goes to sleep. Little did she know that her sleeping time was also going to be disturbed? I had been almost a month that Carlota had not had a nightmare. She turns and toss on her twin sizes bed but she couldn’t get hardly any sleep. Carlota while asleep she felt she was ice cold on her bed. Even thought she was asleep in her mind she was even scared to move. Sweat was dripping all over her back and the tiers that ran from her cheeks didn’t help. Poor Carlota she must be terrified because remember she is the type of girl that is into new things. It was obvious that the dream meant new information. But for her to wake up crying signified that something bazaar was happening. When she woke up she didn’t remember a thing that had happen in her dream. She tried to remember but it was no use. All that she could feel that was happening was literally being in another planet. In her dream Carlota later remember and told many people that she saw planet earth from way afar. The scary thing about her dream was that she was held captive, and she was

like tied up to this chair in space. For some reason she had a level right next to her, and she rapidly notice that her finger was stuck to a little red button on it. Sad to say that each time Carlota would move the button would activate and exploded specific places located in our planet. She felt guilty for all the harm she had caused due to her slight movements. It was like so irresistible for her not to move, that just the fact that she could move mad her move an inch or two. She not only would see most of the planet light up in fire but then she manages to see her own city burn to death. The fact that there was nothing she could do and it was all her fault killed her inside. That’s when she couldn’t handle it any longer and woke herself up. Not even Carlota’s dream could make her day any better in fact it only made her life feel worst. But what she did learn from her dream that earth could simply be destroyed with a press of a button and that worried her the most. The next day she went about her life as usual and avoided to even think about the topic, till she looked up in the sky and between the white clouds saw something…

Who do they belong to? These images that come to my mind at night, Confuse me because I can’t imagine who has given me such sight I lay in my bed minutes before the roster has cried And yet I feel lost in terms to who has lied. If my dreams are given to me from him I constantly ask myself why such sin. This battle is one that would continue But it’s up to me to follow who has no issue. I wake up scared to death, without a clue To who could be the silly fool that has made me see? What I had no knowledge of But true it is that it comes from love. It is obvious that with him we see, But with the other we only dream. Dream of things that can’t appear or gain the wisdom That can’t ever clear. So again I claim what is to fear If he provides us with lessons that show his tears. CAC

“Recipe to Make Dreams not Feel like Nightmares” Ingredients: ¼ of bright light ½ spoon of prayers 1/8 of sleeping pills 3 ounces happy memories 4/5 of tissue 2 soft pillows 7/8 of positive thoughts 2 ounces of non vivid imagination

Procedure Begin stirring ¼ of bright into the room where you plan on sleeping. Broil ½ spoon of good night prayers. Repeat several times if needed. Simmer 2 soft pillows between your legs till they don’t touch. Pour 7/8 of positive thoughts into your mind. Don’t forget to mix in the 3 ounces of happy memories after you have poured you thoughts. Than bake for 5 to 45 minutes the non vivid imagination you went to sleep with and garnish with 4/5 of tissue paper it leaks. Let cool down for 2 minutes and serve with 2/8 of sleeping pills.

April 16th 2009.

Personal Diary What did I do wrong?

As I write this my legs shake in an uncontrollable manner. Why did I do it? What crime have I caused! But I’ am almost certain that you would have reacted the same way or maybe worst. I didn’t know what to do with him. He was always in the way I fed him I bathed him I loved him for nothing I could dare to say. But did he feel the same way? He never gave me anything in return for all my hard labor. I just couldn’t take it any more I became frustrated with the fact that he was of no use. To solve my tiny problem I took charge of it myself. One night when we were both in bed sleeping I took the pillow that I laid my head on and I suffocated him to death. All I could see was his fine blond hair flying all over the place. Now I confess that I have done wrong. I killed an innocent life to protect my own. How selfish of me but there was no other way to solve my misfortune. Now I find myself reminiscing night after night on what I had done. It was almost like it was not even me. I am so alone here in this wooden house thinking he would come up to me and beg for food but he won’t ever show up like he used to when he was hungry. I have killed my only company even though that was all he did. Poor little guy! I guess it was not a lucky day for him. I can’t stop thinking about the first day we met he was so shy he barely looked at me. It’s not like I did not give him the confidence to do so, it was just he was so timid. How could I forget his little face know, that blond hair those blue green eyes. How stupid of my part to

perform such a crime! I deserve to stay alone for the rest of my life with no company what so ever. Poor Freddy! He was my love, buddy and most of all a friend, loyal to me at all times and how I have paid him back. I miss him being always in my way. If I moved here he would follow me, if I moved their there he was at my feet seeking for attention. But now I lay down in bed and guess who I see in all of my dreams my pet dog the little guy I killed for no particular reason. It’s in his nature to want to sleep all day. What could I expect of him, this dog kept me company and protected me? It’s been six days since I took his life away and night after night I dream with him waking me up every morning. In my dreams it’s almost like he is not even dead. But now I look forward to dreaming to see Freddy’s little tail wiggling at me for food.

“Dreams vs. Nightmares” Some people believe that dreams have no meaning. Dreams in many occasions signify something else. For instance if you had a dream with some religious event chances are that a message is being sent with the dream. Dreams only intend to represent how we feel and felt as we live. These also at times reflect the moods we are in. Basically dreams liberate certain urges and desires that occupy the mind and worry us. Although defined as vivid images, that express emotions and feelings, dreams don’t intend to cause any harm. These also work as guidelines to what is expected to come. At times we could even grasp a glimpse of the future, if we are lucky enough and our mind is capable of doing so. At times some people strongly wish that their dreams come true due to all the pleasures and happy vibes these achieve from specific dreams. That is, individuals only want the good stuff in dreams actually happening in real life. For example: fame, money and passion, etc. The truth of the matter is that dreams could happen or could not is just a matter of how lucky you are. In other words dreams mainly focus in certain needs that trigger the brain into finding what is needed to tranquilize both the mind and the body. In addition you could have a dream that is not a nightmare but still be a bad dream. Nightmares are different in many ways to what dreams are but not so distinctive to what bad dreams represent. A person may have a dream and want it to come true without thinking it twice. Now if an individual has a bad dream, it is most logical that he or she would prefer for this dream never to happen. For this notion some people have adopted the standard quote give by the expression that “if you want your dream to come true you cannot say it to anyone” But remember that’s only superstition.

If we were to define the term of what is a nightmare and why we have them? The answer to this question would be that a nightmare is a dream where a collection of vivid pictures unconsciously disturb a person due to the petrifying environment these are put in. Some nightmares can even cause the death of a person in their sleep, especially if these are of elder age. In some cases people loss memory and fall into commas. It’s just a matter of how we respond to such stimulus unconsciously occurring. At times if we fall asleep with evil thoughts in our minds this also helps have nasty dreams. It’s not because it’s our turn to get scared is just because you didn’t clear your mind before going to sleep. To avoid having nightmares at night it is deeply recommended for one to think in positive thoughts that brighten the soul. Don’t stress your mind to do so just simply let your body take its nature cause and relax yourself spiritually.

Epilogue Based on the information I managed to collect on the issue of Dream Effect, I could say that it’s an interesting topic to analyze and come up with conclusions to support the theories already exposed. At first I thought that dreams were part of our vivid imagination operating but while studying the topic on Dreams in deeper measures I realized that dreams can be more than fantasies in our minds. Know I consider dreams to be more significant in terms of meaning and what they represent. As a result, personally I could say that I have gain lots of information I did not know even existed. I learned that one must enter the REM stage to dream correctly and wake up content in the morning. I had not even a clue that some people consider dreaming rather spiritual. Now I know why so many people may know about religion, because these are capable to see it in their dreams at night. I also learned that in order to forget at least a bit the death of a love one and most of all not dream with the person, therapist are needed to alleviate the pain due to the event. The multi – genre medium was indeed more efficient for me because if I had to turn in a traditional lengthy essay chances were that I was going to become unmotivated with the idea and most of the information I would have gathered was not going to fit within my essay. With the multi – genre medium even though I did not fit all of the information I collected in my introduction, I was able to show it throughout my five genres. I’ am not saying that I don’t like the essay method as well; the thing is that their other ways to demonstrate information, in better entertaining ways. In addition to prove that essays are not least importance than any other genre I have chosen to included one in my research analyzes within the multi – genres I have preferred.

First of all, from my multi – genre research I expect people to get a brief idea of what dreams signify in terms to all the theories proposed by different studies. Second readers should compare each theories proposed if it applies to any specific event in their lives and see if it satisfies the standers. I definitely expect for my reader to consider the following and look into this topic for themselves to answer any further questions not clear due to the context stated. In my multi – genre project I have accomplish a number of things as my investigation got more profound. For instance; I have fully convince myself that dreams do happen a particular reason. That we just don’t go to sleep and wake up moody for the fun of it! Based on my research paper it was said that our different personalities reflect the kinds of dreams we are destine to have. That explains why people are the way they are. All due to what these are dreaming. The reason I have consider to choose these five genres is because like I said before the Essay, still remains traditional for me to lay out information that is extent. Meaning I could get write about the topic without having to decorate the words I chose. I chose to create a Short Story because it gives a vibe that people would soon be dreaming and deeply falling in the REM stage as they read it. The Diary is meant to reflect the dream of something that happened and had a double meaning. My dream Recipe intends to gather all the products on needs to forget a loss one who has died. Final I created the lullaby to ease both your mind and muscles to prepare you for dreaming.

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