2016 Recital
Information and Order Forms
Dancer’s Gallery is proud to present our 20th Annual Dance Recital on Saturday, June 18, 2016 at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts. This information kit contains everything you need to know about your child’s big day! Also included within this kit are order forms for memorobilia such as Program Ads, T-Shirts, Flowers and much more. This information kit is posted on our website (www.dancersgallery.com). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us or stop by the studio.
Dancer’s Gallery 12323 SW 55th St #1010 Cooper City, FL 33330 Phone: 954-437-9910 Email: info@dancersgallery.com Website: www.dancersgallery.com
2016 Recital – IMPORTANT DATES April 23 (Saturday)
Recital Tickets on Sale (on-line ONLY) at 9:00 am – www.dancersgallery.com
Apr 30 (Saturday)
Recital Packages due
May 2
Stage Mom Sign-Up begins
May 20 – 22
Recital Pictures
May 16 – 21
Dress Rehearsal Week at Dancer’s Gallery studio
May 27 (Friday)
Teacher Planning Day Camp
May 30 (Monday)
Memorial Day (Studio Closed)
June 3 (Friday)
Make-Up Picture Day
June 10 (Friday)
Teacher Planning Day Camp
June 10 (Friday)
Camp Christie (Mandatory for all CAST Members)
June 11 (Saturday)
Stage Mom Meeting @ 3:30 pm
June 12 (Sunday)
Mandatory Dress Rehearsal at Coral Springs Center for the Arts
June 18 (Saturday)
Recital at Coral Springs Center for the Arts (12:00 Noon and 5:00 pm)
June 10 – August 19
Summer Camp (Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.)
June 20 – August 20
Summer Classes
June 27 – August 5
Hip-Hop Intensive (6 weeks) (Mon & Wed, 4:00-5:30 Juniors, 5:30-7:00 Seniors)
July 11 – August 5
Intensive Program (4 weeks) (Mon – Thurs, 10-4 Juniors, 10-4 Seniors)
August 8 – 12
Choreography Week
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2016 Recital Program Information Dancer’s Gallery 20th Annual Dance Recital Saturday, June 18, 2016 Coral Springs Center for the Arts
TICKETS Recital Tickets go on sale Saturday, April 23, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. Tickets will be sold online at dancersgallery.com - NOT at Dancer’s Gallery and are distributed on a first come, first serve basis. Each ticket will cost $15-$35 (plus tax) based on seat location There is NO LIMIT OR MINIMUM of tickets you must purchase. To purchase tickets: 1. Visit www.dancersgallery.com and click on the “Purchase Recital Tickets” link 2. Select the desired performance time, then select your seats 3. Pay for tickets on-line 4. Pick up tickets at studio after 5 days of purchase Tickets will be released when all balances are paid in full
May 20, 21 and 22 (Picture Weekend). Individual photos will be taken at your appointed time. In case you miss your scheduled Picture Day, make-up picture day is Friday June 3.
For the saftey of the dancers, NO flash photography will be permitted. Anyone seen video taping or using flash photography will be asked to leave. For your convenience, the recital DVD is available for purchase.
Makeup is necessary to avoid a washed-out look under the bright stage lights. Please use the following directions as a guide. (For more information, please refer to ‘Makeup Application Instructions’ page) 1. Use RED All-Day Lip Color Lipstick 2. Use Base and Powder to match skin tone. 3. Eye Shadow (Neutral Shades) - use base color over lid, then darker in crease. 4. Eyeliner (Black) - use on upper and lower eyelid. Should extend past outer corner of lid and lines should NOT connect together. For safety purposes, ABSOLUTELY NO JEWELRY is permitted. This includes earrings of any kind, bracelets, watches, rings, necklaces, etc.
Dress Rehearsal (Sunday, June 12 – Coral Springs Center for the Arts) will be closed to the public. For the safety of our dancers, NO PARENTS or GUESTS will be permitted in the auditorium during the rehearsal.
Tickets will be given only to those who have their Dancer’s Gallery balances paid in full!
2016 Recital Program Instructions
k k
k SNACKS Please be sure to pack a CLEAN healthy snack and drink for your little
dancers. They do get hungry! No chocolate, potato chips or other messy snacks please. FOR A SPEEDY DISMISSAL, PLEASE USE DISPOSABLE BAGS.
DISMISSAL POLICY (Please review the Dismissal Form included in this kit)
k For your child’s safety the following dismissal policy will be enforced. NO EXCEPTIONS! REHEARSAL: Students will be dismissed by their STAGE MOM after their last dance routine. Meet your child by the Green Room drop-off area. Students will be dismissed after they have rehearsed their dance(s). Check the line-up and/or website for more information.
RECITAL: Students will be dismissed by their STAGE MOM immediately after the finale. For speedy dismissal we ask that all students in combo and elementary classes bring only 1 bag for snacks that will not be returned. Students will be dismissed at speedy checkout lane and will not return to dressing rooms after the finale. Stagemoms cannot bring dance bags to stage area.
k We are not responsible for any lost items. SAFETY
k For your child’s safety, the Coral Springs Center for the Arts will have a team of Security officers. Performers and stage Moms ONLY will be allowed in the Green Rooms and backstage areas. IN ADDITION, the theatre will be performing random baggage checks upon entry into the auditorium.
k Don’t forget to register for Summer Dance Camp at Dancer’s Gallery!
This summer we will have 5 2-week fun-filled sessions with many activities such as Dance, Arts & Crafts, Performances and more! Summer Camp begins June 10 After the recital, continue your dance education with: Summer Dance Classes
Summer Intensive Program
For more information please call or stop by the studio ... DON’T MISS OUT!
2016 Recital Program Dismissal Form DISMISSAL POLICY
For your child’s safety a strict dismissal policy will be enforced.
NO EXCEPTIONS! Dressing Room Location: _________________________________ Row: _________________________________
Please fill out the form below to notify Dancer’s Gallery of the person that will pick up your child from the rehearsal and recital. We will only release your child to the person listed below. Only one person may wait in the dismissal line to pick up your child to prevent over-crowding. All other parties must wait in the common area, outside of the dismissal line. For speedy dismissal we ask that all students in combo and elementary classes (who are only performing in one number) bring only 1 bag for snacks that will not be returned. Students will be dismissed at speedy checkout lane and will not return to dressing rooms after the finale. Stagemoms cannot bring dance bags to stage area. Parent’s Name: _______________________________ Student’s name: _______________________________ Telephone: _______________________________________ Show Times:
12:00 noon
5:00 pm
to pick up my child from the rehearsal
at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts on Sunday, June 12 2016.
to pick up my child from the recital
at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts on Saturday, June 18, 2016.
If there is a change in person picking up your child at the rehearsal or recital, please fill out a new rehearsal/recital dismissal authorization form.
Parent Signature:
Print Name:
Date: __________________________________________
SAVE MONEY! Puchase a recital package below and save money (vs. purchasing each item individually) PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR ORDER BY MONDAY MAY 23
Parent’s Name _____________________________ Student’s Name__________________ Telephone Number ______________________ Show Time(s) ____ 12:00 noon
2016 Recital Program Packages
____ 5:00 pm
PAYMENT DATE _________________ AMOUNT/METHOD _______________________________
t DIAMOND package Full Page COLOR Recital Program ad with Photo (Please fill out and return the separate Recital Ad Order Form) 1/2 Dozen Recital Roses 2016 Recital Cake 2016 Oscar Award $230.00 + tax (SAVE $20.00)
t EMERALD package Full Page Black and White Recital Program ad with Photo (Please fill out and return the separate Recital Ad Order Form) 1/2 Dozen Recital Roses 2016 Recital Cake 2016 Oscar Award $185.00 + tax (SAVE $15.00)
t RUBY package
1/2 Page Black and White Recital Program ad with Photo (Please fill out and return the separate Recital Ad Order Form) 1/2 Dozen Recital Roses 2016 Recital Cake 2016 Oscar Award $135.00 + tax (SAVE $15.00)
t SAPPHIRE package
1/4 Page Black and White Recital Program ad with Photo (Please fill out and return the separate Recital Ad Order Form) 1/2 Dozen Recital Roses 2016 Recital Cake 2016 Oscar Award $115.00 + tax (SAVE $10.00)
IMPORTANT! After you select a package from the list above, you must complete and return the individual forms (included in this recital information kit)
2016 Recital Program Ad Submission
Submit your Recital Ad on-line
INSTRUCTIONS Each year, our beautiful Recital Programs are distributed to all attendees at no charge. Preserve the memory of this exciting day by placing a full color or black & white ad inside the program. Ads are a great way to promote your business, or tell your child how proud you are. Each Recital Program is professionally designed and printed on high-quality paper that will last a lifetime. Hurry! – Ad space is limited. Please be sure to purchase an ad at the studio, and then follow the instructions below to submit your ad content on-line. If you need help submitting your ad on-line, our friendly front-office staff members will be more than happy to help! To place an ad in our 2016 Recital Program: 1. Determine which size / type of ad you wish to purchase. 2. Complete the “Program Ad Order Form” (on the next page), and bring it to Dancer’s Gallery along with your payment. 3. From your computer, go to http://www.recitalads.com 4. If this is your first time using this website, please click the ‘New User’ link, and follow the instructions to create a new (free) account. If you already have an account on this website, simply log in using your email address and password. 5. Once you have logged on to the site, create a new ad by entering the text that should appear in the ad, and upload any photos that should appear in the ad. If you have a printed photo or artwork and you do not have the ability to scan each piece, please drop it off at the studio and we will be happy to scan it and return it to you as quickly as possible. You do not need to submit all components of your ad at one time. We recommend you log into the site and create an ad as soon as possible, since space is limited. You may include special notes in your ad submission, such as “Use Recital Photo (Ballet) PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT AD CONTENT BY EMAIL. LOG INTO THIS WEBSITE (www.recitalads.com) EACH TIME YOU WANT TO SUBMIT AD CONTENT.
PREMIUM ADS (INSIDE FRONT COVER, INSIDE BACK COVER, CENTER SPREAD) - FULL COLOR Premium Positions Available! The inside covers and center spread are available for high-visibility ads! Inside Cover AD rate:
5.5” x 8.5”
Inside Cover AD rate:
5.5” x 8.5”
Center-fold, (2-Page Spread)
11” x 8.5”
5.5” x 8.5”
Full Page, Black and White Ad:
5.5” x 8.5”
Half-Page, Black & White Ad:
5.5” x 4.25”
Quarter-Page, Black & White Ad:
2.75” x 4.25”
$ 85
PLEASE RESERVE YOUR AD SPACE BY MAY 9, 2016 (by logging in and placing all (or part) of an ad) SUBMIT COMPLETE AD MATERIALS BY MAY 23, 2016 PLEASE NOTE: There are a limited number of pages in the recital program. PLEASE RESERVE YOUR AD SPACE AND SUBMIT ALL MATERIALS AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE!
k Program Ad Order Form
2016 Recital Program
INSTRUCTIONS 1. Place a check mark next to the size / type of ad you wish to purchase. (In the list below) 2. Complete this form, and bring it to Dancer’s Gallery along with your payment. 3. After submitting your payment, follow the instructions on the previous page (“Ad Submission Information“) to submit your ad. If you have a printed photo or artwork and you do not have the ability to scan each piece, please drop it off at the studio and we will be happy to scan it and return it to you as quickly as possible. Note: You do not need to submit all components of your ad at one time. We recommend you log into the site and create an ad as soon as possible, since space is limited. You may include special notes in your ad submission, such as “Use Recital Photo (Ballet) PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT AD CONTENT BY EMAIL. LOG INTO THIS WEBSITE (www.recitalads.com) EACH TIME YOU WANT TO SUBMIT AD CONTENT. Once you have submitted all content, the ad will be created and it will not be possible to change or upload additonal content.
Parent’s Name: ______________________________________________________________ Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ___________________ Show Time: ____ 12:00 noon ____ 5:00 pm PREMIUM ADS (INSIDE FRONT COVER, INSIDE BACK COVER, CENTER SPREAD) - FULL COLOR Premium Positions Available! The inside covers and center spread are available for high-visibility ads! Inside Cover AD rate:
5.5” x 8.5”
Inside Cover AD rate:
5.5” x 8.5”
Center-fold, (2-Page Spread)
11” x 8.5”
5.5” x 8.5”
Full Page, Black and White Ad:
5.5” x 8.5”
Half-Page, Black & White Ad:
5.5” x 4.25”
Quarter-Page, Black & White Ad:
2.75” x 4.25”
$ 85
PLEASE RESERVE YOUR AD SPACE BY MAY 9, 2016 (by logging in and placing all (or part) of an ad) SUBMIT COMPLETE AD MATERIALS BY MAY 23, 2016 PLEASE NOTE: There are a limited number of pages in the recital program. PLEASE RESERVE YOUR AD SPACE AND SUBMIT ALL MATERIALS AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE!
2016 Recital T-Shirt Order Form Please return this form along with payment
Pre-Order your T-Shirt now! Quality Recital T-Shirts will feature this year’s recital theme in full color! RECITAL T-SHIRT Deadline for orders is Monday, May 23. Child and Adult sizes are available. Please indicate T-Shirt size(s) and quantities below:
8 8 8
Parent’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: __________________ Show Time: ____ 12:00 noon ____ 5:00 pm
PAYMENT DATE: _________________ AMOUNT: _______________________ No Refunds.
2016 Recital and 2016 Picture Day
Hair & Make-Up Order Form Please return this form along with payment A Professional Stylist will creatively transform your dancer into an exquisite stage performer using the latest techniques used in show business... A ribbon here, a pin there, some glitter and voila! - Perfection! Look your best on Picture Day! For your convenience, Dancer’s Gallery will have a make-up artist available for picture day. PLEASE NOTE: THIS SERVICE IS FOR YOUR SCHEDULED PICTURE DAY (May 20, 21 & 22, June 3).
Look your best for the big show! Make-up and hair services will be completed at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts on recital day. Services will be by appointment only and will be scheduled before the required arrival time at the theater. PLEASE NOTE: THIS SERVICE IS FOR RECITAL DAY (June 18).
Hurry! Deadline for sign up is Friday, May 13. All appointments are scheduled in advance. Please call today to schedule your appointment!
Parent’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: __________________ Show Time: ____ 12:00 noon ____ 5:00 pm
PAYMENT DATE: _________________ AMOUNT: _______________________
2016 Recital DVD Order Form
Please return this form along with payment
x t
Deadline for orders is Monday, May 23.
Parent’s Name: ______________________________________________________________ Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ___________________ Show Time: ____ 12:00 noon ____ 5:00 pm
PAYMENT DATE: _________________
AMOUNT: _______________________
METHOD: _______________________ No Refunds.
8 t x t
2016 Recital Roses Order Form
Please return this form along with payment
Roses can be picked up in the lobby at the performance.
Parent’s Name: ______________________________________________________________ Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ___________________ Show Time: ____ 12:00 noon ____ 5:00 pm
PAYMENT DATE: _________________
AMOUNT: _______________________
METHOD: _______________________ No Refunds.
2016 Recital Video Ad
Please return this form along with payment
v v v
Your photo/ad will appear on the big screen before the show! Each ad is guaranteed to appear at least 3 times. Deadline for orders is Monday, May 23.
Parent’s Name: ______________________________________________________________ Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ___________________ Show Time: ____ 12:00 noon ____ 5:00 pm
PAYMENT DATE: _________________
AMOUNT: _______________________
METHOD: _______________________ No Refunds.
v v
2016 Recital Cake Order Form
Please return this form along with payment
x t
Deadline for orders is Monday, May 23.
Parent’s Name: ______________________________________________________________ Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ___________________ Show Time: ____ 12:00 noon ____ 5:00 pm
PAYMENT DATE: _________________
AMOUNT: _______________________
METHOD: _______________________ No Refunds.
8 t x t
2016 Recital Makeup Application
Makeup is necessary to avoid a washed-out look under the bright stage lights. LIPSTICK: Use RED All-Day Lip Color Lipstick BASE AND POWDER: Use to match skin tone. Milani Eye Shadow – Almondine (or similar) EYELINER: Black. Use on upper and lower eyelid. Should extend past outer corner of lid and lines should NOT connect together. EYE SHADOW: Neutral Shades. Use base color over lid, then darker in crease. Use lighter color #1 (upper left-hand corner) all over eyelid (from brow bone to lash line) Apply color #2 from the crease of the eyelid to the lash line. Starting from the outer corner of the eye, apply color #3 all over the crease.
m For a dazzling look, apply Milani Glitter Glamour Duo #2 Day & Night (or similar). Use the liquid liner glitter side and apply it over your lower eye lid. Remember to wear fake eye lashes for an impacting stage look!
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m x
Question? Comments? We’d love to hear from you! info@eps-photo.com 954.881.1787 www.eps-photo.com
8 Recital Location:
Coral Springs Center for the Arts 2855 Coral Springs Drive Coral Springs, FL 33065