Studi DECEMBER 2018
studio magazine
limited edition 342
be one large question mark in the best possible way. it’s as if from start to end, the studio will have been a series of trials and errors, and even if it all turned out to be one big error that would be okay—because it was a type of investigation in its own right. after working with them, I’ve definitely adopted some of this fearlessness and learned to use it as a tool.
Kevin Chao is a new york-based graphic designer. he currently works at karlssonwilker inc. and is a partner of the design collective for good measure
Studio : what originally made you want to become a graphic designer? Kevin Chao: like many other designers I started studying graphic design without fully understanding what it entails. I can thank my high school death metal band for my beginning. in order to have the right to play, we were forced to sell a certain number of tickets. in order to successfully solicit random teens outside of hot topic, I was forced to create band logos, posters, and merchandise, re-design the tickets, and learn some HTML for our myspace page. this was the only way. when it was well-received I decided it wouldn’t be a bad job if the whole band thing didn’t work out…
my journey has been great but admittedly a little niche. I knew from the start I would enjoy the fast pace and intimate working environment of small studios and have stuck to my gut. the largest place I worked at was maybe around 12 people. but honestly even in small numbers, the close quarters taught me so much about working in a tight-knit snug-fit team. Studio : who or what has been the biggest single influence on your way of thinking? Kevin Chao : as of recently I’d have to say karlssonwilker has been my biggest influence. unlike many other studios, I feel that they had an overarching longterm goal of finding answers for themselves through their work, from the get-go. if I could summarize it with an image it would
KC : when I was in school my professor presented me with the concept of a desire path (shout out to duncan hamilton). it’s a path created from foot or bicycle traffic that ignores the manmade path that has been ‘designed’ and intended for traffic. they develop over time as shortcuts that move a body from point a to b in the most efficient way. you can even judge popularity by the width of the path. it’s something that has stuck with me, and something I still think about. they are brilliant in so many ways. not only do the paths exemplify naturally occurring data and solutions, but they’re evidence that no matter how much we want to design something that can manipulate behavior in some fashion, there is always a correct answer. it proves that design can be vulnerable and transparent, which puts a lot more responsibility on us to do things correctly and intelligently. Studio: what’s the best piece of advice you have heard and repeat to others? KC: ‘the reason why this is good is because it’s not trying hard to be something.’ – jan wilker ‘read the news.’ – mom Studio: what’s your personal motto? KC: spread yourself thick.
Left : Health Rock Poster 2015
interview with graphic designer kevin chao
Studio : what are you currently fascinated by and how is it feeding into your work?
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Idea Overload: Can it Keep You from Growing?
More options does not always mean a better outcome. Sometimes too many options can be paralyzing.
It’s just so hard to focus. One of the great problems with creative and intelligent minds is they have more ideas than thwey know what to do with. In other words, it’s not that they lack opportunities to use their creativity and intellect. It’s that they are almost too creative and intelligent for their own good.
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The image that comes to mind is standing in the toothpaste aisle at the grocery store, 300 different kinds of toothpaste staring you in the face.
The same is true for creativity. I can certainly attest to this. I have no shortage of creative ideas. In fact, sometimes I find myself late at night buying domain names or designing websites for projects that will never actually exist. Where there aren’t good boundaries, there isn’t creative “flow” and where there isn’t creative flow, there isn’t progress.
There are two major things creative people can do if they find themselves under the weight of too many creative ideas; when you’re staying How do you choose which one is up too late wondering which best for you? “toothpaste” to buy, so to speak, when, the truth is, Which elements of toothpaste are they all work pretty much the the very most important to you? same. What do you hope your toothpaste will offer you? What is your The first one is: keep an ideas price point for toothpaste? And folder. This is a practice I started a long time ago and it’s where all of my would-be ideas go when I don’t have time to pursue them in the moment. a website design down and drop.
So whats up with Minimalism. With Google and other major search engines now focusing more on the user’s experience, webmasters are scrambling to make sure their sites are easier to navigate, quicker to load, and generally speaking, ‘cleaner’ to look at.
The solution, by reduction and simplification, is a process that’s been around for decades. It’s existed in all facets of design, from interior decorating to fashion, fine arts and photography – Minimalism.
Minimalism is a way of thinking, a process, which strips the subject down to its bare bones.
Removing all these superfluous elements leaves the ‘core’ essentials, free from distraction. It’s more than a trend or fashion, it’s is one of the most significant design movements of the 20th and early 21st century.
In saying that minimalism isn’t a trend, it does seem to have regained a bit of popularity. You have to be careful in considering what is actually ‘minimal’ and what is simply a basic white space form.
Web design in particular has suffered some misconceptions, with ‘minimal’ themes soaring in popularity online. Having no content and limiting your colour palette to black and white, is not minimal design. There is a lot more to minimalism than black content and white space. This minimalist design strategy is arguably one of the reasons Apple outshines it’s rivals. When you move from one product to the next, you are already familiar with the new device and feel comfortable using it.
EST. 1993