January 2017

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Chronic Relief

How One Woman Grew Her Career as an

Educator, Speaker

and Now Published Author

MARA GORDON Founder of Aunt Zelda’s is Teaching Doctors about



Two San Francisco Visionaries

Auntie Dolores and Brownie Mary Bring Healing Remedies 08



CHRISTINA DEGIOVANNI | emily hobelmann Women Grow Leadership Summit Denver, colorado

PHOTOGRAPHY NAOMI ATkINSON | JESSICA BARFIELD | Timeca Briggs | Devils Lettuce PH | Erica Edwards BILLY ELLYSON | EMILY HOBELMANN JEFF THE 420 CHEF | Pam Long | NIkO LOVE NORA MOUNCE | Beth schlanker @wesleythecreator






Wo m e n i n We e d Ta ke t h e L e a d

D e a r Rea der , Thank you for picking up the January issue of the Emerald Magazine, and welcome to a fantastic New Year! This month we’re spotlighting women, the driving force behind the growing cannabis industry. Women hold more powerful and executive positions within the cannabis industry than in any other on earth. Women are behind the majority of newly budding businesses, and have tremendous influence on local, regional and international spending power. If a woman has her mind set on something - get on board or get out of the way. This January we’ve highlighted women far and wide. Boston native, Ellen Merkham now finds herself, and her bees, pollinating the West Coast with her infused honey creations. Mariellen Jurkovich is the Executive Director of the Humboldt Patient Resource Center, which made Leafly’s list of top ten dispensaries in Northern California.

While there are simply too many amazing women to feature in 68 pages, we aim to shine a light on those still working to combat the laws of illegal cannabis in their home states. Nishi Whiteley of Austin, Texas witnessed firsthand how cannabis helped her mother through cancer treatment. Now she has shared her knowledge in the recently published book, “Chronic Relief.” Join us in February as we highlight cannabis beauty products from across the nation. Hemp, CBD and even THC products can have a lasting effect on your skin, hair and overall health. From all of us here at the Emerald, we wish you a prosperous and joyous New Year!

C heer s ,

Christina DeGiovanni Publisher




08. Two San Francisco Visionaries Brownie Mary and Auntie Dolores Bring the Anti-Pain

13. Humboldt Patient Resource Center Creating Balance with Cutting Edge Cannabis


30. Mothers Genetics

A Passion for Seeds Takes Root

54. Humboldt Medicine Honey Bee Buzzed

Emerald Gift Guide Page 33

Building Connections and Empowerment Through Cannabis

A Guide to Cannabis for the Terminally and Chronically Ill

22. Green Leaf Warrior

One Woman’s Mission to Tip the Scales of Injustice

24. Pot Fiction

Forever Flowers Gets Fresh with the Cannabis Community


26. Mara Gordon on Teaching Doctors About Cannabis

How Aunt Zelda’s is Bridging the Gap Between Cannabis and the Medical Establishment. 6 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com


Emerald entréeS

19. Chronic Relief

40. Pot Talk with Emily Hobelmann Sunnabis

42. Fighting For Women

How Cannabis Helped one California Attorney Fulfill her Potential, and is Leading to her Next Great Adventure

45. Women in Cannabis

The Industry’s Driving Force

51. Flowers on Flowers Cannabis is Classy

59. Seriously Green Smoothie 60. Girls’ Night Out

CanNutella Share Bread

63. Jeff’s 420 Irish Cream

Dr. Uma Dhanablan ToTal healThcare Thc

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Dr. reggie gaUDino Dooma wenDschUh PhD, vP sTeeP hill labs, inc.

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coUrTney beTTy

co-FoUnDer anD ceo oF ceo whooPi anD maya ceo, Timeless herbal care Province owner & FoUnDer oF om eDibles

Better than Bailey’s

65. Extra Green Chimichurri Baked Salmon The Salmon dish that’s Stylish

66. VINUM, ET AL Speaking of Wine...

KrisTi Knoblich

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FoUnDer, ToKyo smoKe

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Josh crossney

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Dr. michele ross PresiDenT, imPacT neTworK

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Julianna Carella has had two passions since she was very young, health freedom and owning her own business. These have united beautifully as Auntie Dolores, home of delicious, health-oriented medical cannabis foods. To Julianna, health freedom means “the right to choose how we heal our bodies and our minds,” according to the company’s website. For those of us who include cannabis in that healing, Auntie Dolores is a great source of edible, healthy medicine. It’s not just the cannabis in the foods that’s healthy. Every ingredient is carefully chosen to contribute to that health profile: superfoods, whole foods, alternative sweeteners, organics. Coconut sugar (with its lower glycemic profile), brown rice flour, fresh as well as dried spices;

are innovating with a process that removes all but .03 percent of the THC from a local Harlequin/ ACDC cross. According to Julianna, due to changes in federal law under President Obama, their CBD products can be mailed across state lines because the THC content is so low. You can become a member of Auntie Dolores and order their CBD products online without a prescription. Julianna spoke of her cannabis businesses as being continual “experiments, to see how far we can go” in these changing legal climates. She advises anyone wanting to run a cannabis business to have a “Plan A, B, C, and D!” Things keep changing rapidly. And don’t forget all those regulation gaps and disagreements between political entities.

Two San Francisco Visionaries Auntie Dolores and Brownie Mary Bring Healing Remedies

Auntie Dolores foods meet the needs of different consumers with diet-restrictions including vegan, gluten-free, low glycemic and paleo. The name Auntie Dolores is a kind of pun, not a person. San Francisco’s Dolores Park was the inspiration. Dolores means pains in Spanish, so Auntie Dolores means anti-pains, though the company seeks to do more than just defy pain. From the website, “We seek to improve the quality of life for health conscious cannabis consumers by providing broad access to safe alternatives and to educate the public about the therapeutic value of cannabis.” Since 2008, Auntie Dolores has been creating organic, gourmet, THC-infused edibles. Julianna said that at that time there were fewer than a dozen medibles makers, and few of those made savory foods. At Auntie Dolores, you’ll find gourmet sweets such as Cocoa Sparkle Cookies and various Bites of Chocolate Chip Cookies, Chocolate Brownies, and Toffee Brownies. The emphasis at Auntie Dolores is on savory selections. You’ll find savory and (a little) sweet goodies – Glazed Pecans (super in salads) and Caramel Corn, as well as a nice assortment of savory edibles like Cheese Biscuits, Chili Lime Peanuts and their number one seller, Savory Pretzels. The pretzels, chocolate brownies, and assorted truffles are also available in CBD-infused instead of THC-infused blends. They use whole plant CBD extracts from Colorado-grown hemp and

She said, “People who want more guidance from authorities on running their businesses shouldn’t start cannabis businesses.” It’s not just about changes in cannabis law. There’s the crazy world of labeling too. San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley have different rules about labeling. Auntie Dolores actually got in trouble with SF authorities for putting full disclosure labels on their products. It seems that it claimed too much legitimacy for their products as foods. To Juliana though, health freedom is the point. People deserve to know everything. That means potency, contaminants, AND nutritional labeling. You’ll find links to nutrition facts and to lab results in the description for each Auntie Dolores goodie. Impressive! The struggle over accurate labeling is a story in itself. As this writer reported in the September 2015 issue of the Emerald Magazine, the ingredients in medical cannabis foods remain unregulated. All eyes have been on that scary cannabis, not the eggs, dairy products or other ingredients otherwise highly regulated by the state. An odd situation that still exists. It’s important to emphasize that, like so many other cannabis entrepreneurs we’ve profiled, Julianna has run her business with greater attention to health, disclosure to consumers and integrity than she has been required to, filling the huge regulatory gaps out of good-hearted honesty.

9 | Emerald | January 2017

In 2013, Julianna was called on by her customers to fill another health gap. She received questions from customers about giving her wonderfully effective medical treats to their pets. So, she looked into it. She found that THC is very bad for dogs. Seems they’re more complex, sense-oriented brains cannot cope with the effects. Though information is lacking for other species, it would be prudent to assume a similar problem in other animals. No veterinary research has been done yet, leaving vets with no sound evidence to pass on to clients. However CBD is another matter. Science now claims that some animals have endocannabinoid systems, brain and other organ receptor sites that accept cannabis molecules and can benefit from CBD. Of known animal groups, only insects lack endocannabinoid systems. In 2013, Julianna started another branch of her business, Treatibles CBD infused chews, under the banner, “bring harmony to your household.” At Treatibles.com you’ll find two sizes of chews good for dogs and cats made with the same attention to quality as their people foods, lots of information in the FAQ section and inspiring blog entries. Julianna serves on the California Cannabis Industry Association’s board as they help to shape laws and regulations. She is soon to step down to focus more fully on building Auntie Dolores into a national and international brand. She mentioned it’s been quite a challenge to balance that political role with running her business. All of us benefit from the deep sense of civic responsibility of people like Julianna and of the next person profiled here.

10 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com

Brownie Mary, Mary Jane Rathbun, was the original medical cannabis pioneer. Born in Chicago, Mary Jane worked most of her life as a waitress. Strongly progressive in her views, she took part in labor organizing for miners in Wisconsin and for women’s abortion advocacy in Minneapolis, Minnesota before moving to San Francisco during World War II. In that city, she began to supplement her income by selling cannabis brownies, hence her nickname, Brownie Mary. Her only child, Peggy, was killed at 19 by a drunk driver. In that same year, 1974, she met Dennis Peron and began her career as “the Florence Nightingale of the medical marijuana movement,” as SF District Attorney Terence Hallinan later called her. That brilliant, courageous career really got underway thanks to the legal system. Busted for the first time in 1981, Brownie Mary was sentenced to probation and 500 hours of community service. She began working for the Shanti Project, an HIV/ AIDS support group where she noticed the positive effects of cannabis in countering the physical wasting from loss of appetite. Mary got busy in the kitchen, this time to benefit others. Locals began donating cooking grade cannabis to her efforts.

In 1982, the same police officer arrested her again, but the charges were dropped. Seems it was a public relations nightmare to prosecute such a grandmotherly figure. And Mary, who was known to swear like a sailor, played that sweet, Granny role to the hilt in public! In 1984, Mary began volunteering in the AIDS ward of San Francisco General Hospital. About that same time, Dennis Peron was talking to ACTUP, the HIV/AIDS activist group, about the benefits of cannabis. The group was skeptical until they began hearing stories of the great relief Brownie Mary’s clients experienced. Information spread by word-of-mouth and came to the attention of

city politicos. In 1991, San Francisco passed the nation’s first medical cannabis legislation, with 79 percent of the voters in favor, recommending cannabis to the state and to the California Medical Association, asking that they make cannabis available for patients and to protect doctors who prescribe it. The following year was particularly busy for Brownie Mary. She endured her third arrest (at age 70) in Sonoma County. Her acquittal successfully rested on the medical necessity defense; that she was compassionately breaking the law to relieve the suffering of others, not for her own profit. She then testified before the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, which subsequently passed a resolution declaring prosecution of marijuana possession the lowest priority for law enforcement. They also named August 25 as “Brownie Mary Day” in the city. Mary went on that year to protest federal cannabis prohibition in Washington, D.C. and helped Dennis Peron found the first medical cannabis dispensary in the U.S., the San Francisco Buyers Club. In 1996, Mary campaigned actively for the passage of Prop. 215, The Compassionate Use Act. In 1997, she was a Grand Marshall, along with Dennis Peron, of the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade. In 1999, Mary died and on April 17, several hundred people gathered for a candlelight vigil in her honor. That’s where DA Hallinan made his his-

toric remark about her being like Florence Nightingale, the nurse-hero of the Crimean War. Now, you can join one of a handful of Brownie Mary Democratic Clubs springing up in California. The idea is to focus on continuing to open political discussion and to legitimize cannabis as a social good. The clubs are modeled on earlier gay rights political clubs that were effective in shifting public discourse. You can join a Brownie Mary Democratic Club in Riverside, Palm Springs, Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Bernardino and the East Bay. At the website BrownieMaryClub.NationBuilder.com, you’ll find information on starting your own cannabis political club and a downloadable brochure. Now that’s a fine legacy for the very politically active Brownie Mary.

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Humboldt Patient Resource Center Creating Balance with Cutting Edge Cannabis WRITTEN BY


When Mariellen Jurkovich hopped in a Volkswagen van and headed up the California coast, she couldn’t have imagined what lay ahead. She was moving to a vastly different place than her previous home in San Diego. At the time, Humboldt County was a bastion for alternative living. Many who were active in the counterculture movement of the 1960s were coming to places like Humboldt to live off grid, escape mainstream America, and get back to a simpler way of life. The steep and rugged terrain with heavily wooded redwood forests offered a perfect place to disappear. It allowed those who came, to live their life the way they wished. This unique blend of isolation and freedom also gave rise to private forms of entrepreneurialism; most notably, the rise of the Emerald Triangle’s cannabis industry. Mariellen, a woman’s libber and advocate of equal rights, wasn’t involved in the cannabis industry during this time. Raising children, she opted for more conventional work. Mariellen began to establish a reputation as a successful businesswoman; She worked in banking and real estate, and became involved in her children’s education as a school board member. She entered fields traditionally dominated by men, and battled antiquated gender norms while gaining respect in the community. In the late 90s, after the groundbreaking passage of Proposition 215 which legalized medical Marijuana in California, Mariellen was asked to manage the Humboldt Patient Resource Center (HPRC). Founded in 1999 in Arcata, California, the HPRC was little more than a vision at the time. When the three original founders (all men) whittled down to one, the collective needed help. The HPRC needed a strong business-savvy leader, one who’d show that medical marijuana could be a legitimate part of the community. In 2004, Mariellen became director of the HPRC. At first she knew nothing about cannabis. She had never even seen a cannabis plant. Even as a businesswoman, there was a learning curve; Not just on the business side, but as she put it, “the fact that working in the cannabis industry doesn’t align with other businesses in terms of having trouble with banking and not being viewed as a real business,” she added, “the early years were exceptionally difficult for cannabis businesses.” Twelve years later, it’s been a tough road for Mariellen and the HPRC, but all in all she feels it’s been an amazing journey. The HPRC is now a model business – marijuana or otherwise. The collective was awarded business of the year (2015) by the city of Arcata, and continues to please local officials and patients alike. For Mariellen, it’s all about the patients. Specifically, Mariellen is most concerned with patient wellness. She is proud of the collective’s meticulous testing and emphasis on education. She models the HPRC in the same way as your local food cooperative. As she stated, “it’s like when you go to [a] co-op, you know things are going to be organic and clean, and the people that work there will know a lot about their products.” 13 | Emerald | January 2017

Her employees go through a number of certification programs, she explains, “[they] are very knowledgeable about cannabis... they can take products and fit them into the needs of individual patients.” She’s come to admire the versatility of cannabis. Many different products can be created for many different applications. Patients with a wide range of needs can find cannabis products that work for them. This is why it’s paramount for her to continuously educate her staff. When asked about testing, Mariellen was keen to point out the collective’s cutting-edge techniques. Not only does the HPRC test all their products for THC, CBD, pesticides, and mold, they’re also beginning to analyze the terpene profiles of their flowers and concentrates. The terpenes in different strains of cannabis have an “entourage effect”. Various terpenes interact with individuals in different ways. Some terpenes correspond with a cerebral effect while others elicit a restful response. It’s this testing, in combination with the education of her employee’s, that sets the HPRC apart. Embattled, highly regarded, and always evolving, the HPRC is at the forefront of California’s newly regulated cannabis industry and has no plans of slowing down. Mariellen is planning to open a larger cultivation area in order to select strains that exude desirable CBD and terpene profiles not grown by other providers. Additionally, she needs more space so patients can speak with employees in private while obtaining their medicinal cannabis. She envisions multiple, identical rooms, much like a clinic, where patients can speak privately with employees. Beyond cannabis, Mariellen has always dreamed of opening a wellness center. “A wellness center encompasses all of your health” as she put it. Cannabis is an exceptional plant, but only one piece of a healthy lifestyle. This is why it’s important for her to open a center where cannabis can be integrated with other herbs and therapeutic practices such as acupuncture, massage, yoga, and diet. In Mariellen’s vision, her wellness center would take the holistic approach that the HPRC takes towards cannabis and apply it to one’s life in general. The wellness center would work with people to substitute toxic ways of coping with ailments, and replace those with holistic health management solutions. For women specifically, Mariellen wants to make a space available where a multitude of professionals from various health and wellness backgrounds can provide information. She feels that women are traditionally given health information from one source – their doctor. She wants to make information about alternative options more available. With that said, Mariellen is not against traditional forms of medicine. The wellness center would empower members with educational tools so they can create their own program and achieve their personal goals. Yoga at lunch, workshops, tearoom lectures and various educational tools would make this possible. Currently she is looking at various locations in Eureka, California where she feels there is a need. When asked specifically about her thoughts on women in the cannabis industry, Mariellen told me the cannabis industry has been historically male dominated.

(Above) Humboldt Harvest’s product line (Top Left) HPRC’s Women Cultivating Community logo (Page 15, Top Right) High Street Tea (Page 15, Lower Left) Women Cultivating Community group

14 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com

Only recently has she begun to see a change; Now, more women are bringing in cannabis flowers and products, even distributing for larger collectives. She explained that women bring a different mindset to cannabis and it’s important to make available a balance of products provided by both men and women. As a women’s libber, Mariellen has always been a champion of women’s issues. She has always worked in male dominated fields, so when she picked up a recent issue of the Emerald Magazine featuring cannabis products created by Whoopi Goldberg and Maya Elisabeth, a light bulb went off. She got excited about products specifically marketed toward women.

and oils that have not typically been seen in the basic products offered over the past several years. Women make up half the population, so supplying products geared toward women is mandatory. Mariellen is even thinking local. During her research she was pleased to find an array of cannabis products made specifically for women, however she became concerned about the lack of locally produced goods. Most of the products came from urban areas south of the Emerald Triangle. She brought this information to a newly formed, and local women’s cannabis think tank. The group, called Women Cultivating Community, is addressing the issue. They have come up with a business plan and are beginning to create a line of products. The idea is that the Emerald Triangle, as an epicenter of cannabis cultivation, should have a local option in the unfilled market for cannabis products geared toward women.

In addition to product creation, marketing, and branding, Mariellen noticed there was a lack of supply of many of the products she obtained. She was told the women who made the products did not have adequate space to produce their goods. To address this problem, Mariellen decided to create a space where cannabis products can be produced, stored, and distributed; a one-stop shop. She is eyeing the cannabis innovation zone in Arcata for this endeavor. Always forward thinking and hard at work, Mariellen has confronted outdated norms her entire career. Whether gender norms or stigma surrounding cannabis, her undaunted focus on community has shown through. As California and the Emerald Triangle’s cannabis industry moves into the light, there is no one more qualified to lead the way. However she would not think of herself as an embattled leader, she’d simply tell you that talented people deserve a chance. P hoto by B i l l y E l l yson

Mariellen is truly a significant figure. An advocate, businesswoman, and mother to all; her goals are remarkably altruistic – far from the egocentric norms that have dominated the industry over the past decade. If you’d like to check out the products Mariellen has selected to be a part of her newly formed Women’s Division, head down to the HPRC in Arcata, California. A well-qualified and knowledgeable staff will greet you… and if you’re lucky, you might be able to meet Mariellen yourself.

For more information, visit HPRCarcata.com

After reading the article, she researched all the brands she could find that were being marketed explicitly to women. She went out and got samples of all the products she could get her hands on. She then began to test each product using HPRC’s stringent standards. Meanwhile she started to educate and train her staff on women’s issues and the applications of the new products she found. She hired Naomi Atkinson to run her newly created women’s division – a division now offering the women’s products that met HPRC’s standards. She confided, “Although all cannabis would probably help with women’s conditions... it is not being marketed in ways that are accessible to women.” New products add attractive botanicals 15 | Emerald | January 2017

Angelica Tellez is on a mission to connect the power of cannabis with people. She is the founder of Backcross Public Relations, a firm that works exclusively with clients in the cannabis industry. Though she is now an active force in many facets of the industry, it took her awhile to come out of the “green closet,” she explained. “That first time that I smoked, I had the most liberating experience of my life! I laughed so much that I could not breathe.” The burger and ice cream she ate that night were the best meals she ever tasted. “I truly enjoyed it so much that the next day, I wondered how cannabis could be a bad thing to do.” Like many, she feared being candid about cannabis because of what her family might think. Tellez grew up in Chihuahua, Mexico and attended college in El Paso, Texas. As a child, her father instilled in her the idea “drugs could ruin your life,” she added, “my dad told me that [cannabis] was bad; he also told me a boy was going to break my heart. That happened, so it was the most logical thing to believe what [he] said about cannabis.” After attending the University of Texas, El Paso (UTEP) for three years, Tellez moved to LA. Six days before she left, her best friend asked her to try cannabis for the first time. Upon moving to California, Tellez explains, how cannabis came to play a role in her life. She used it at night to combat anxiety and stress. “It helped me to restore my thoughts and to sleep better. After some time using it, I became open of my use of cannabis but just [around] a specific range of people in my life, which [included] my closest friends and people that use it as well.” Years passed and cannabis became increasingly important to her, however, Tellez said, “I could not wrap my mind around how my family back in Mexico was going to react to my use of cannabis. I was raised Catholic and my dad had a very negative perception of it.” So, Tellez continued to keep her cannabis use private. In 2013, Tellez’s best friend was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. He was given two months to live. “[…] That day in November after telling the doctor that he was not going to do chemo, he said to me ‘cannabis is going to save me, baby’, and I said ‘yes, it will!’” “It was cannabis who gave him four more months to live, and I was a witness of that,” she added, “Cannabis gave my best friend a decent quality of life for four months, how great is that?” “We have found the way to keep our best friends for a longer time, to hug them and have fun with them,” Tellez said, “You would think I was spreading the message and telling people all about it, right?” Admittedly, she continued to keep her cannabis use under wraps. 16 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com

Then, her life took a new path. “I met fabulous people in the cannabis business that were creating a whole new world for the industry,” she said, “That’s how I realized I wasn’t alone here and there was a huge community that can support me on this new adventure in my life.” Tellez recognized a responsibility to help others understand “the real power of cannabis and help them keep their best friends for longer.” It was then that she founded her Public Relations agency -- Backcross PR -- in January 2016 to specifically serve the cannabis industry and “spread the right message to the world about our amazing plant.” Backcross PR collaborates with brands, businesses and people to break through misconceptions in order to promote the real message of cannabis, not just the “let’s get high” messages already given, she explained. “I believe we, the industry, have some work to do improving the message that goes around in the media, especially social media, so we can touch more people with a higher intention, literally.” In addition to her PR firm, Tellez works with The IndustRE, a cannabis business advisory company. She utilizes her eight years of experience in the field of real estate to exclusively provide the cannabis industry with real estate and investment ventures. “Our mission as a company is to collaborate with the industry in all possible ways and real estate is one of the most powerful businesses (if not the most) in the world,” she said, “Having the opportunity to merge, or [what I call] ‘backcross,’ two powerful industries together such as real estate and cannabis is a dream come true.” The cannabis industry has given Tellez the opportunity to be part of a culture that’s strongly connected with female power. However, she said, “Is it all rainbows and flowers? No it’s



EMPOWERMENT Through Cannabis M E L I S SA H U T S E L L

not. We are still in a time where the pay range is not equal and women’s bodies are still being used to promote services with sexual subliminal messages. You can experience it constantly in this industry.” However, she added, “This is the one industry I have worked in so far where women kind of call the shots. A lot of women in the industry understand this, want to embrace our power, are not afraid and are committed to changing the world.”

According to Marijuana Business Daily, women account for 36 percent of executives in the legal cannabis market. In other industries, women make up only 22 percent of senior management levels. Tellez explains that approximately 50-60 percent of her co-workers (or those she collaborates with), are women. However, she said, only around 30 percent of her clients are female. Though, she remains positive that this number will continue to increase. In fact, as both “Newsweek” and “The Atlantic” report, women are moving into the industry so fast, it has the potential to become one of the first female-led billion dollar industries. “I love the connection that we, women, have with cannabis,” she added, “It is very touching to see women freeing themselves from society or perceptions and [instead] embracing each other’s power.” “I strongly believe that our impact in the industry is not just huge, but necessary for this industry to maintain its natural core and soul,” Tellez said, “We all know cannabis is a female plant and who will be better to represent it than females?” For more information, visit Backcross PR on

Twitter @BackcrossPR, Instagram @bx_pr_ or BackcrossPR.com

Established in 2011 Southern Humboldt’s Original Cannabis Dispensary 78 Bear Canyon Road, Garberville, 95542 HUMBOLDT CA

(Behind Renner’s Gas Station)

707-923-2175 Tues-Sat 10-4 pm wonderlandnursery.com wonderlandnursery Wonderland Nursery 17 | Emerald | January 2017


How one women witnessed the life saving benefits of medical cannabis, and grew her career as an educator, speaker and author who now shares the knowledge in her newly published book.

A Guide to Cannabis for the Terminally and Chronically Ill


“Nishi Whiteley has provided a great service in delivering a clear and refreshing voice and orientation to the subject of cannabis, born of necessity, and answering the critical questions: If I or my loved one suffer from an illness that “conventional medicine” has failed to treat adequately, might cannabis help, and if so, how would I go about using it properly?” -Dr. Ethan Russo, Neurologist, Botanist and Cannabis Expert

It was a warm spring day in Austin, Texas three years ago when I was meeting up with Nishi Whitely and Chad Gouge. I sought them out as I began my journey of research on this plant and was thrilled to find her in my own backyard. She’s a lovely, tall, blond farm girl with a slow southern drawl and Chad is the strong, silent type. It would be a day that would spark the educator in me. I’m a huge geek when it comes to researching cannabis and hemp. From its history, to therapy to its many industrial uses, it’s fascinating. With so many sources of great information out there, it’s a breath of fresh air to have so much compelling research in one place. That’s exactly what we have with the recent release of “Chronic Relief.” Nishi Whitely is a business development and marketing consultant turned cannabis educator, speaker and author. She witnessed, first-hand, the therapy cannabis provided her mother during her last days with lung cancer. She was inspired to write this reference book as a way to help others begin their journey of healing their loved ones. The story of cannabis begins with its history. There’s a great timeline in the book. Did you know that the earliest recording of cannabis dates back to 2700 BCE? “Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing” (a Chinese book on medicinal plants) notes cannabis as a hallucinogen, appetite stimulant, tonic and an

anti-senility agent. If you are new to this plant, this book does a fantastic job of summarizing the critical dates and facts. Most important, is the science behind the constituents of the plant. “Cannabis is the single most versatile herbal remedy, and the most useful plant on Earth. No other single plant contains as wide a range of medically active herbal constituents,” said Dr. Ethan Russo. The book dives into a heady dissertation about the makeup of cannabis, and is a great primer for anyone wanting a deeper understanding of its components. I’m reading and experimenting these days with terpenes. I believe the manipulation of terpenes is the future of natural medicine. Terpenes are defined as a large and diverse class of organic compounds, produced by a variety of plants. They are what provide the flavors of cannabis. The book points out the importance of the cannabinoid and terpene profile of the plant as a launching point for those interested in its medicinal benefits. Nishi stated, “It’s the terpenes that will allow people to truly experience the medicine.” Consider citrus, known as the terpene limonene, in cannabis. It’s known for its uplifting effects and “research on depressed patients shows that the smell of citrus reduces symptoms of depression,” Dr. Russo stated in 2011, adding “Limonene has produced apoptosis (cell death) in breast cancer cells in randomized clinical trials, and research indicated that diets rich in limonene help prevent cancer of the colon, breast, liver, pancreas, and lungs.” 19 | Emerald | January 2017

(Top Left) Whiteley’s book, Chronic Relief

[Chronic Relief’s] goal is to

(Middle) Nishi Whiteley with her mother during her battle with cancer

help provide science-based information about the

(Lower Left) Cannabis Sativa

therapeutic benefits of

(Lower Right) A combination of cannabis flower, salve and liquid extract

cannabis, and ongoing advances in cannabis science, while at the same time bringing science and reason to the forefront of our national conversation about cannabis. “

There are over 1,255 active compounds in cannabis as of October 2016, that includes 144 cannabinoids and counting. For fun, I asked Nishi what her favorite cannabinoid was. Her answer: THC! Why? It’s required to change disease progression. But with that said, she doesn’t want to diminish the benefits of the other 143 cannabinoids. That begged the question for me, what’s the best way to identify the cannabinoid/terpene profile of your medicine? Consider, in the future, the ability to have an app that can scan your plant at the dispensary and give you a reading on the specific profile that you can match up to the condition you are treating! That’s exciting, when you consider the flexibility and accessibility you’ll have to base your purchasing decision on. There’s a perception that cannabis users are only interested in getting “stoned to the bone.” This is a social stigma based on fear. Starting with a small dose is what Dustin Sulak, DO recommends. Plant material can be highly concentrated, especially in edibles, and its effect may take several hours to wear off, so begin small and slowly. When available, purchase products that contain your ideal cannabinoid and terpene levels so you can find your ideal medicine and stick to that. Don’t be shocked when you don’t feel anything right away. Your endocannabinoid system is getting primed and is already going to work, balancing your body. You don’t need to feel “stoned” to feel the benefits. Keep taking your product as

prescribed and stay in touch with your physician on how you’re feeling. So much importance is placed on clinical research and rightfully so. We need the scientific and medical community to provide more. There are great strides being made in the world and below are just a few examples: Czech Republic – Pavel Kubu from the International Cannabis and Cannabinoid Institute Uruguay – Members of Americans for Safe Access (ASA), KOPAC and Dioscorides Global Holdings (DGH) and the Minister of Health for the Czech Republic, Svatopluk Němeček established a new research cen-

ter, the International Cannabis and Cannabinoid Institute (ICCI) Israel - Saul Kaye and the team at iCan United States– Australian philanthropist Barry Lambert and wife Joy donated $4.1 million to Thomas Jefferson University for hemp and cannabinoid research. Nishi’s call to action at the conclusion of her book is to take personal action. Talk to your family and friends. Get educated and share your story with your state government officials. It could save a life. To learn more about Nishi Whiteley’s book Chronic Relief, visit MyChronicRelief.com

21 | Emerald | January 2017

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22 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com

(above) photograph by DevilsLettucePH

Jamie uses her charismatic charm to bring a powerful presence to the table for cannabis consumers across the country. She hosts a Facebook group called the MJ Business Innovations Support Group, in which she conducts and promotes educational webinars tailored to the cannabis industry. Fresh Coast Marketing and Canna Media Works provide online marketing options as well as consulting opportunities for aspiring business owners. Jamie applies her love for social media and marketing to helping her clients succeed. As Chairwomen of West Michigan Women Grow, Jamie provides mentorship, education, and encouragement to other women who are looking for support with their endeavors in the cannabis industry. To inspire, encourage and motivate is not just a title or another job for Jamie, it’s a way of life. It’s a passion that she carries with her daily. When it comes to positive cannabis reform and education, Jamie Goswick is a true green leaf warrior, who helps people everywhere learn and understand the truth about this very misunderstood plant. If you’re considering the path to becoming a ganjapreneur in Michigan yourself, then you may want to contact Jamie. She has all the services you need to get off to a successful start in this beautiful green industry.

Education is the key to a greener tomorrow. A healthier happier planet is within our grasp. Individuals such as Jamie are imperative to the successful momentum the cannabis movement is seeing. Women are, and have always been, the backbone of our country. Influencing shopping trends and financial decisions. They kept our country going through times of war by running our farms and factories. Women will once again be the determining factor in cannabis legalization and positive reform across the country. As this writer likes to say “A single seed can tip the scales of injustice towards the favor of the people,” Jamie is a living example of that seed, supporting the many women of cannabis and listening and learning to teach others with open ears and compassion. Together we all can bring about the positive and necessary changes needed in cannabis reform to make life a bit better everywhere.

To learn more about Jamie’s endeavors, visit GreenFlowerMedia.com, CannaMediaWorks.com and/or FreshCoastMarketing.com. Connect with her on Twitter at @JamieGoswick.

One Woman’s Mission to Tip the Scales of Injustice

Jamie Goswick is a normal person like you and I. Perhaps I should say she is a NORML person like you and I. Jamie is on a mission to help break the negative stigmas and stereotypes associated with cannabis through activism and education. She’s a ganjapreneur and cannabis business owner who's helping to make a positive difference throughout the cannabis industry not only in Michigan, but worldwide. Her actions serve as inspiration and encouragement for others looking to enter into this bold industry, or for those who are simply looking for someone to stand up and be their voice. Jamie lives in Grand Haven, Michigan, but her presence is felt across the U.S. She is currently the chairwoman for West Michigan Women Grow as well as the owner of Canna Media Works and Fresh Coast Marketing. Jamie is no newcomer to media or the cannabis community. Jamie received her B.S. in Mass Communications, Broadcast Journalism from West Texas A&M University in

2004. After a successful career in broadcast journalism writing the script for a morning show, Jamie realized she loved online media. With a love of media and a dedication to succeed at all she sets out to accomplish, it wasn’t long before Jamie had her sights set on working in marketing for one of the Vail Resorts in Colorado. When she got the interview for her dream job as a marketing manager for Keystone Resorts, she realized that she had topped out in the ski industry as she would have to take a $15k per year pay cut to have her dream job. This obviously wasn’t going to cut it. While living in Summit County, Colorado Jamie saw another side of cannabis and it changed her life. The negative stigmas and stereotypes that have been associated with cannabis for years were being exposed for the misinformation that they were and Jamie embraced the cannabis lifestyle with an open mind.

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Medical Cannabis Testing Services We at Sequoia Labs know you need results that matter to you. We don’t combine numbers to acheive a higher total, we offer factual numbers based on our wet lab analytics and proven standards to let you know exactly what you want to know about your medical cannabis products.

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Original graphic for Forever Flowers by Helia Jamali

ground, but I stumbled into this secret world and eight months later I was still trimming. There was a paradigm shift of everything I thought I knew. I was working full-time with the plant during harvest season, and traveling in the off season. Eventually I started writing again. The effect of working with cannabis on my life has been profound. I still work with the plant in some way or another.

Pot Fiction Forever Flowers Gets Fresh with the Cannabis Community WRITTEN BY

Forever Flowers is a film project created and directed by Erin Granat, a Nor Cal transplant living in Los Angeles. The movie portrays pot and the public in a realistic light, a standalone from the token stoner comedies or hard hitting crime dramas. Blending elements of Virtual Reality (VR) and old-school storytelling, Forever Flowers offers a look into family, community, and dealing with legal weed, with the tag line, “When a wild west is tamed, what happens to the outlaws?”


and I was really bummed about it. Not sure what to do next, I signed up for a screenwriting class at the UCLA Extension program… and fell in love with screenwriting. Writing scripts was like writing candy. Emerald: How did you transition from writing to making movies? EG: I had the opportunity to intern at Rolling Stone magazine, and started writing about music

Between a packed schedule of production and VR edits, Granat made time to sit down and talk about the project, her process, and what it’s like to be surrounded by the cinematic diva, Mary Jane, in true plant form.

24 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com

Emerald: What brought you to movie-making in LA? Erin Granat: When I was 24, I wrote a novel which picked up some attention and a manager, who brought me down to L.A. from Northern California. The book deal ended up falling through, (above) Actors Mitch Eakins and Soloman Watts, Director Erin Granat and co-director Beth Brissenden.

and travel, a dream job really. To feed the screenwriter in me, I made productions with friends: Short films, scenes, playing with characters. [I] eventually started submitting to festivals. Some shorts made it into the festivals, and I optioned my first feature in the process. Unfortunately, that deal fell apart too. This was in 2012. I was not sure what to do next. After pouring so much time, creative energy, and resources into these projects, then watching them get picked up then dropped, I needed to regroup. Emerald: Where did that take you? EG:Well, I heard about trimmers. A friend of a friend had connections to a trim circle in the area, so I went. And, I felt like I had won a golden ticket. This was my ticket into a secret community, a world I did not even know I was looking for. [I] started working with the plant all day and I was barely even a [cannabis] smoker. I was in my mid twenties and was not coming from a stoney back-

Emerald: You left L.A. for cannabis and your life changed. After finding that golden ticket, why go back to L.A. and make movies? EG: I’m the type of person that when I start something, I have to see it through to completion. I’d started knocking on the entertainment industry’s door, and I couldn’t walk away now. In 2013-2014, I wrote and starred in a pilot, which was pure fun, a creative high, and reminded me why I was trying to do this in the first place. My friends and I filmed all of it in my Koreatown apartment on a $1,400 budget. We submitted [it] to the festival circuit, and it was picked up by a production company! But once again, the project fell through. That is the nature of show business, as I have come to know very well. I kept writing, always writing: features, shorts, scenes, etc. Even when I had other jobs, I kept writing. Then I started kickin’ around the idea of writing about cannabis, my experiences as a trimmer and working with growers and dispensaries. Since so much of the culture is [underground], I spent months checking in with leaders and mentors in the cannabis community. I told them about my idea and asked, “If I wrote an accurate portrayal of the lifestyle, would that be OK?” Emerald: How did they respond? EG: The response I’ve been getting thus far is so encouraging, I think our community is eager to see our culture represented in an authentic way, and Forever Flowers will do that. The world as we know it is shifting. I want to capture this as a moment in time, to represent the community’s extensive knowledge about the plant, as well as the risks to personal free-

dom and safety people have sacrificed for years for something that’s now -- wave magic wand -- legal. Emerald: How is the Hollywood industry responding? EG: There is a lot of interest because pot is happening right now. Usually the “notes” go like this: they liked the idea, but needed to see it more amped up, more gun violence, more turf wars, basically more like “Breaking Bad” for weed. This clashed with my concept. Forever Flowers depicts the life and beautiful culture of cannabis. In 2016, Forever Flowers was a finalist in the Austin Screenplay Competition. People liked this project without me changing the concept. On a very long train ride to Arizona, I considered this new vote of confidence and my past experience with projects falling through. I had an epiphany; I’ll make the movie myself. Emerald: Why did you want to make a film about cannabis? EG: I started researching CBD medicine, [CBD is cannabidiol - a non-psychoactive element found in marijuana]. More people are successfully using CBD to treat things like sports injuries and epilepsy. That is the heart of this project, to show the medical aspects of marijuana. Cannabis culture is about more than just freedom of the people; it’s also about the power of the plant. Emerald: What has the research process been like? EG: I come from a journalism background, so research has been heavy on this project. There’s also so much information to get straight: the science behind the medicine, the history of legislation and cannabis [itself]. Emerald: How did the VR aspect get involved? EG: When I first experienced a friend’s VR setup about a year ago, I was blown away. There’s just no experience like it. I immediately saw the potential for entertainment and for isolation. I knew I wanted to incorporate the technology into my next project, [so] the first step was figuring out how to incorporate VR footage into a 2D narrative. I’m collaborating with Special Place Productions, [...] they’ve had their VR rig at all the Forever Flowers shoots thus far. So as we’re filming in the traditional way, we’re also capturing most scenes in virtual reality, to be stitched together and dropped into the film. Emerald: Lastly, what was it like to be on set with pot plants everywhere? EG: It was the best smelling set of all time. And it was like she was a character. Ganat welcomes anyone who is interested in jumping on board the collaborative project to contact get@ watchforeverflowers.com for more information. 25 | Emerald | January 2017

Mara Gordon: Teaching Doctors about Cannabis How Aunt Zelda’s is Bridging the Gap Between Cannabis and the Medical Establishment

In a world increasingly focused on cannabis as a profit commodity, one company — and one woman — stand apart. In 2011, after having successfully treated herself and her husband using cannabis oil, Mara Gordon decided that not enough was being done to educate doctors and medical professionals regarding the efficacy of cannabis. In response, Gordon, along with partner Stewart Smith, founded Aunt Zelda’s, a small company in Sonoma County, California that frames itself as “a pioneering, datadriven developer of cannabis-based plant medicines.”

(above) Product photo by Timeca Briggs | (right) Photo by Beth Schlanker

The crux of this cannabis company’s approach is accurate titration (dosing) and the production of pure organic medicine using only the cleanest, safest processes. Gordon’s company also develops therapeutic protocols used by physicians and medical specialists around the world. She and her staff work closely with doctors and practitioners to gauge the real-world efficacy of various treatment protocols based on her company’s cannabis oil. Aunt Zelda’s medical protocols involve only sublingual consumption of its proprietary cannabis oil, not smoking, vaping, or ingestion of edibles.

26 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com

Emerald: No. They’re taking enormous doses recreationally. MG: That to me is just completely [...] unnecessary. The average person’s endocannabinoid system does not require 200 milligrams of cannabinoids to have a response. If they do, they need to go through a reset, because that’s just absurd.

Emerald Magazine: Why did you start Aunt Zelda’s in 2011? Mara Gordon: We started Aunt Zelda’s as a response to the fact that there was no available accurately dosed, lab-tested cannabis medicines available at the time. And it wasn’t because we saw a market niche that we were going to fill to make a lot of money… we saw a patient need that had to be filled. There were really sick people who were getting very bad directions and inferior products. We thought, this is ridiculous, let’s just do this ourselves. That was the mind set with which we approached starting the company. The days of the rice crispy treat in a dirty baggy are behind us. It was supposed to be five to 20 doses, whatever a ‘dose’ meant… that was the level of professionalism in this industry when we first became aware that there was medical cannabis out there, because we were patients, both my husband and I. I had been on many pharmaceuticals and was in very severe. Cannabis has replaced all of my pain medicines. My husband, who had a broken back that required surgery, did not want to have surgery and then be addicted to opioids the rest of his life. He had over 20 years of sobriety and he wasn’t going to risk it. So we started researching cannabis as a viable option.

The company employs ethanol extraction and also produces an infused olive oil topical. According to Gordon, sublingual administration produces the highest bioavailability of all consumption methods.


28 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com

Gordon recently gave the Emerald Magazine an exclusive interview, explaining her passion for the medical efficacy of the cannabinoids and terpenes in cannabis and her effort to educate medical professionals.

Emerald: So the Aunt Zelda’s journey began as a personal experience? MG: It was a very personal experience. The funny part of it is that I didn’t know anybody in California who had any cannabis, so I didn’t know where I could get it. After obtaining a 215 recommendation here, I went up to Oregon and got a license there and bought two ounces of XXX Chemdawg. I came back to California and made my first infused oil with it. I put that oil into the carrot cake recipe passed down to me from my Aunt Zelda, thus the name of the company, and started dosing. From the first time that we tried cannabis, [....] I began taking notes. I started weighing every piece and noting how long it took to take effect. I documented the effects and after effects. Emerald: How did you transition from self-medicating with your husband to helping others get clean cannabis-derived medicine in accurate doses?

Emerald: You’ve been lecturing internationally on a regular basis. What are you trying to achieve? MG: To enlighten the medical community and legislators around the world that cannabis can be accurately and consistently dosed. Because the biggest obstacle to the acceptance of cannabis as a medicine, in my opinion, is the popular perception that it cannot be dosed, that it can’t be consistent or accurate. But this is just not true. It takes work. But it can be done. Emerald: What is your opinion of extractions of particular cannabinoids and terpenes versus ‘whole plant’ medicine? MG: It’s complex, but I believe that whole plant is far more effective. My goal is to take the fear and uncertainty out of it, so that we can get more generalized acceptance of cannabis as medicine.

MG: When doing research, I located a patient who had a double lung and heart transplant. I was able to work with her. We weighed every piece and measured it and she was giving us very good feedback. We thought, there’s gotta be a way to accurately and consistently dose this and I’m gonna figure it out. Emerald: In an industry and a culture dominated by recreational use, what is a dose? Some young people in Humboldt County dab 25 or 30 times a day. They eat edibles, in a single sitting, that contain between 250 milligrams and 500 milligrams of THC. MG: And they don’t have cancer? They don’t have some serious disease?

Emerald: It’s about a lot more than a single molecule called THC. MG: Absolutely. Or CBD. Or CBG. Or CBC. Or THCv. It’s the whole thing. It is the entourage effect. In fact, we’ve done some pre-clinical studies using our medicine and comparing whole plant medicine to single molecule...what’s called ‘isolate.’ Whole plant has shown to be far more effective. Emerald: Is there a message you’d like to leave readers? MG: Cannabis is not a panacea. It’s science. It’s a beautiful, amazing plant and I’m so grateful that we have it, but I don’t pray to the cannabis plant any more than I pray to my thyroid medicine. It’s all chemistry. To learn more about Aunt Zelda’s, visit AzCannaOil.com


29 | Emerald | January 2017

Mothers Genetics is an all-female run company that aspires to breed, preserve and sell rare cannabis seeds. The company celebrates the spirit and style of the founder’s mother, Angela Girling, a glamorous and rebellious dancer who made waves in the sixties throughout Europe. “At a time when wives were just starting to get out of the kitchen, my mom danced out,” said Mothers Genetics founder Contessa Bliss (who preferred not to use her real name). Contessa’s mother remained creative and resilient throughout very lean times, foraging and growing her own food, and making her own stylish clothing. “Britain was very prudish in the ‘60s and ‘70s and my mother was not afraid of her body,” Contessa remarked, describing risqué photo shoots her mother modeled for in very public places, like Cambridge’s historic Market Square. Angela also broke with ‘60s social norms when as a young, single mother to infant Contessa, she fell in love with a Black musician from Chicago stationed at a U.S. Air force base. They married and he officially adopted Contessa, so she had the unique experience of growing up white with a Black father and a biracial younger brother. Contessa’s father played for many years with Pink Floyd saxophone player Dick Parry in the Cambridge music scene that was exploding in the ‘70s. He also brought with him dance moves that were popular in the Chicago African American scene in the ‘60s, which Angela picked up on and integrated with her ballet training. The result was a unique and captivating style that led her to become one of the only solo modern dancers at the time to tour throughout Europe. Contessa says she began her lifelong practice of collecting seeds when she was just five-years-old, growing vegetables with her parents to supplement their diet. “Breeding seeds is the most fundamental and radical step to self determination,” Contessa stated. She continues to collect and breed carrots and other vegetable seeds, but her passion is for cannabis seed breeding. “I see them as magic beans. When you breed cannabis, you can create the whole picture and craft it step by step,” Contessa explained. “Our brand will not always have the highest THC, but the terpenes will be complex helping to create a well-rounded mind and body high.” Contessa says that of the 25 years that she’s been involved in cannabis in Northern Mendocino County, California, the most rewarding part was when she was able to provide dramatic relief for her mother Angela as she battled, and ultimately succumbed to, ovarian cancer. Angela came to California to visit her daughter and smoked a joint of high-grade outdoor organic cannabis — the first time she’d used cannabis since the ‘70s. “I couldn’t believe the difference, it was shocking,” Contessa said of her mother’s elevated comfort and strength after smoking the joint. Angela continued smoking cannabis for the remainder of their visit. When Angela returned to the UK, her daughter made sure she had a steady supply of high-grade edibles. Angela told her daughter that if she survived her cancer, that she would fight for medical cannabis in the UK. She lived over two years longer than her doctors predicted, and died at the young age of 55. Contessa decided that her mother could still help fight for medical cannabis posthumously, and founded Mothers Genetics in her honor.

Mothers Genetics A Passion for Seeds Takes Root

What sparked Contessa’s commitment to professional seed breeding was another family member who had a deep love for cannabis, family, and music — her biracial cousin, Jamal. He was a new father, a talented cannabis grower, and a vital part of a celebrated Mendocino hip-hop band, the High Grade All-Stars. On January 24, 2012, Jamal was shot in the back and killed by a neighbor he barely knew, who was known to have spoken racial slurs about Jamal on several occasions. The murderer was convicted and sentenced to 50 years to life. Award-winning seed breeder Mean Gene of Aficionado Seeds was in the High Grade All-Stars with Jamal, and they collaborated on cannabis seed breeding as well. Following the tragedy, Mean Gene gifted Contessa with a collection of seeds that included many that Jamal had worked with. Contessa has dedicated herself to preserving the genetics that Jamal loved, and to building on them “as he would have done,” she said. From that seed collection, Cherry Orange Kush is her favorite. She stabilized it and has used it to breed new varietals such as Indigo Orange Kush and Sour Orange Kush. The effect of her Sour Orange Kush was described from a group tasting as uplifting, reducing tension and anxiety, super soft and zen, creating a body glow, mood enhancing, motivational, inspirational, and creative. Small companies like Mothers Genetics are going to face many challenges to survive the myriad new regulations that still haven’t defined the terms of licensing for seed breeding. Lobbyists and interest groups in Sacramento are currently working on the oversight, according to Hezekiah Allen of California Growers’ Association (CGA). Allen said he expects a bill to be passed and signed into law this year to establish a new license specific for seed breeders. Locally, a draft Mendocino County cannabis ordinance is still under public review at the time of this writing. Contessa says that as they wait to see what regulators come up with, she’s enjoying the process of developing their brand and sees its potential to help raise awareness of environmental and social justice issues. “We’re officially an apparel company at the moment,” she said, “But I’m taking the challenge up of coming out of the shadows and being part of a positive, creative, environmentally friendly, gangster-free cannabis industry...Not only is cannabis possibly going to be under attack in the new [presidential] administration, but also people of color. The racism is here already, and only if we stand together on all these issues will we be able to protect the rights of the environment, of people of color, and ultimately of cannabis and the freedom to use it.” Following my time with Contessa, I puffed on a joint and reflected on the fact that what makes the growing legal cannabis market so different from other industries is that the majority of people in it actually use cannabis to help them on their path. There is a growing recognition of the ability of cannabis to help us reconsider old ways of thinking, open up new neural pathways, and actually become better people. Thank goodness for cannabis and conscious cannabis growers and breeders for helping us collectively wrap our heads around how to overcome obstacles and create a kinder, gentler world. For more information, visit Mothersgenetics.com

(Above Photo) Contessa’s father and mother (center) at Cambridge’s Grantchester Meadows.

(Large Photo) Mothers Genetics’ Sour Orange Kush male plant. Photo by Erica Edwards.

31 | Emerald | January 2017

The Women’s Gift Guide The cannabis industry is not just a boys’ club. The numbers of women in weed have grown substantially, and so has the incredible list of products on the market specifically made for women. A lot of the products you will see in this month’s gift guide are also made by women who understand the needs and desires of us ladies. Take a peek and discover menstruation pain relief products, cannabis fashion, decor, and some fabulous accessories!

















OMEDIBLE NIGHT TIME This formula is a balanced combination of healing herbs specifically geared toward night time needs. Tinctures are designed to be light and deliciously alcohol free. Lavender, Chamomile, and Indica Hybrid flowers make this medicine perfect for nausea and sleep.

MAGNATROPHE TRANSDERMAL CRAMP RELIEF This one-of-a-kind product utilizes CBD to help relieve pain from menstruation. Apply this topical by rolling it on painful areas. The special chemical compound helps break down skin just enough for the medicine to penetrate much deeper. 30ml contains 80mg CBD.

OMEDIBLE ROSE GERANIUM BODY OIL This proprietary blend of beneficial carrier oils plays a huge part in the magic of this product. It contains Argon Oil, which is extremely nourishing for the hair and skin and may even be added to your bath. Rose Geranium is ideal for women in times of stress and transition.

WHOOPI & MAYA AMBER MOON BATH SOAK Amber Moon, the signature fragrance in the Whoopi & Maya line, is warm, woodsy, and inviting. The complex layering of therapeutic grade essential oils in combination with epsom salt, encourage feelings of joy, circulation, relaxation, and pain relief.

PERIGLOW GREEN SACHETS This traditional Swiss compress promotes the healing of all things feminine. These versatile sachets can be used to heal vaginal tears, reduce inflammation, restore hormonal imbalances, treat outbreaks, and aid in perineal healing.

PAPA BERKLEY RELEAF™ PATCH A logical extension of P&B’s commitment to pain relief via the power of transdermal cannabis delivery. The slow-release formula offers 12 hours of consistent relief, activated with more than 30mg of cannabinoids per patch in a variety of THC:CBD ratios.

FORIA RELIEF SUPPOSITORIES FORIA Relief has carefully crafted a delivery system intended to maximize muscle relaxation and pain relief without inducing a psychotropic high. A single serving contains 60mg of THC and 10mg of CBD.

HPRC, Arcata, California $33.33

HPRC, Arcata, California $11.11


Buddha Company, LA, California $16-20

HPRC, Arcata, California $45 for 4

HPRC, Arcata, California $27.78

34 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com

HPRC, Arcata, California $45.00


Prices Vary




HUMBOLDT HARVEST PMS & CRAMPS TINCTURE This tincture is proven to relieve menstrual cramps and PMS. The female-centric tincture incorporates organic steam distilled terpenes to enhance the “entourage effect” of organically grown, CO2 extracted cannabinoids.

MOXIE MEDS RELIEF FORMULA This tincture can be seen as an option for more acute pain – either at the start or height of your cycle - while experiencing menopausal symptoms, or for PMS relief. The ratio provides the strongest level of pain relief for women in acute need.

HONEY BEE BUZZED RELAX BATH SOAK You will love the way this floral blend of lavender, geranium, rose and clary sage essential oils will calm and relax. These world class essential oils are blended with 10mg THC and 28mg CBD to create a truly healing experience.

HPRC, Arcata, California $70.00

HPRC, Arcata, California $13.89

HPRC, Arcata, California $46.30

35 | Emerald | January 2017

1 1



3 4



5 1



HUMBOLDT ROSE EXODOUS EARRINGS These Humboldt-made earrings combine class and cannabis perfectly. Made from Swarovski and sterling silver, these will last through all of your cannabis adventures. The pair comes in several colors for customization, allowing you to find the perfect pair to bring out the color in your eyes.

Looking for a sophisticated yet elegant piece to show off your love for Mary Jane? These handmade body chains are available in 14k yellow, rose, or white gold. Encrusted with diamonds, and available on thick or thin chains, this piece will make her feel like a cannabis queen. Jacquieaiche.com $ 2,075.00





SATIVA ATHLETIC CROP TOP These simple tops say it all. The sativa hand-lettered typographic design decorates the super-soft tri-blend athletic crop top. Tops are 100% designed and made in LA, offering a superior all-around fit with a slightly heathered appearance.

CURIOUS PRINTS LEGGINGS Go from yoga to dinner with these cannabis leggings! This distinctive, custom pattern is designed by Curious Prints using vintage scientific illustrations. They are printed and sewn by hand in Canada, sweatshop free.

CANNAVORE CLOTHING WEED & STRIPES HOODIE Now you can stay blazing warm and blazed at the same time with these weed and stripes hoodies from Cannavore Clothing. A soft and comfy fabric decorated with a simple yet bold design is topped off with a hood to stay on the DL.

KNITTY KITTY PLANT LEAF SET You are going to love how this looks and feels! This cozy, cozy, sweater knit panty set is made from the softest yarns that are easy to care for and wearable year round. It is designed to wear as underwear, lounge-wear, sleepwear, or dancewear.

AMY-ARTS-YOU CANNABIS TANK TOP Wear the magical and medicinal properties of cannabis! Hand painted botanical watercolor of cannabis is sublimated on ridiculously soft Bella Poly-Cotton blend tanks. Made with love by botanical artist, Amy Glasser.

AptbCollective.com $40

CuriousPrints.com $48

CannabisDestiny.com $45

KnittyKitty.com Prices Vary

AmyArtsYou.Etsy.com $30

36 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com



MARIJUANA NECKLACE Show your love for toking with this simple and elegant cannabis necklace. Real stems and seeds are showcased in large round, oval, or diamond shaped resin pendants. Pendants are approximately 1.5� in size, with a matte finish on resin, the pendants look different in different lighting. Etsy.com/OzmaAutonomy $20

HumboldtRose.com $21

NNMF JU L Y 20 1 7


THC MOLECULE NECKLACE This bold, yet delicate necklace is bound to catch the eye of fellow cannabis lovers. THC, the common active ingredient in marijuana, offers feelings of relaxation and calm, and wearing this necklace will provide the same feelings – but in this case, you can enjoy them at work!


Etsy.com/ArohaSilhouettes $50

37 | Emerald | January 2017

H A RV E S T H E A D Q UA RT E R S & G L A S S G A L L E R Y born in humboldt



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Celebrate all of life’s little helpers with these perky vice canisters. Each canister is designed and sculpted in a Soho studio in New York City, then crafted from white porcelain and glazed with rich hues. Choose from orange or black.

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THROW PILLOW Soft, pretty, and pot friendly! These pillows are made through sublimation, allowing for a beautifully bright print to appear. It is a great addition to your home decor and for smoking a bowl and lounging around on the couch after a long day’s work. Etsy.com/Agedpixel $32.99

39 | Emerald | January 2017

The Emerald Review:


Emily Hobelmann

Durban Poison

...citrusy and tropical. ... irresistibly It doesn’t have that heavy pungent diesel, but thereand is that powerful underlying fuel. aroma.

Sunnabis killed it at the 2016 Emerald Cup, an outdoor, organic, medical cannabis competition, taking ninth place in the Flowers category with their Mango OG and 18th place with their XJ-13. There were more than 650 entries in the category this year, by having both of their entries place in the Top 20 is a huge deal! Wendy Kornberg and her partner Doug Cook are the proprietors of Sunnabis, or, in her words,

"The whole nine yards." Sunnabis is a Southern Humboldt-based company offering sun-grown medicine via their collective, Humboldt's Full Sun Farms. Kornberg recounts hearing her name called during the awards ceremony at the Cup; "It was awesome... They said our name and [...] I started crying. It was hysterical... by far the most excited 18th place winner ever." Now take that reaction

and double it for when Kornberg heard her name called for ninth place too. Team Sunnabis was stoked. "It was a great year," she says, "We had amazing stuff." Kornberg, a Southern Humboldt County, California native, is a second generation cannabis farmer who grew up hiding her association with weed -- literally. When she was a kid, her parents told her, “Okay, if you see a helicopter, you go find the

The Emerald Review is a new outgoing personality. It’s super OG overlord og monthly showcase for locally- in appearance and smell, a clear sourced, high quality medicinal contrast to the muted earthy look of The Overlord OG is all business. cannabis. This edition features the Durban. It’s knockout -- a full-figured indica She went from growing up in this hidden cul- a too, biggest tree you can and sit underneath it and stay with bright orange hairs and a smattering flowers from Loompa Farms, a group In spite of its modest appearance, super model with a fresh, rich and in true ture to being a winner at an event like the Emerald still, because they follow movement.” of trichomes. The nugs are way dense, of Helicopters boutique still growers located missions out the Cup, Durban an and irresistibly spicyOG-style, smell --and diesel fuel withme a hint "where I’mhas screaming yelling and jumpfly on anti-cannabis smoking it made happy -- like Highway 299, near the but Humboldtand powerful of ginger and chortling, citrus, silly a sharp and kind of ing up and down and getting aroma. my pictureIt taken... around Southern Humboldt, it's a differentpungent a chuckling, and relaxed Trinity county line.Kornberg and her partnersmells hashy and sappy, of and and it’s on the internet andwith it’s onhints Facebook ball game in 2017. I really enjoyed it.with peppery zestyhappy. shot of grapefruit

eucalyptus pine. overtones, like fresh bay leaves. it’s onlemon, Instagram. [...] it’s reallyand different." Cook aren't hiding -- they are compliant cannabishoney, Congratsatonug Kornberg and Cook such public, farmers with aFarms 158 acre-farm South ForkSqueezing Loompa is anon the Emerald to release itsfor aroma The aroma brings onXJ-13 a calm, open respectable recognition for their top notch strains, of the Eel River. They share their sungrown canTriangle brand established by a is akin to catching a whiff of a freshly sensation. Mangolemon-lime OG and XJ-13.soda. And thanks for the bomb nabis with the world because group cannabis farming community-oriented of isopened The smell The manicure is flawless; the samples! Check 'em out: pretty much legal, even though, on some levels, farmers. A couple of the Loompa is soothing yet captivating, heady chunky, pyramid-shaped nugs it's really folks arenot. volunteer firefighters. yet grounding. “It’s like being bitch- sparkle like precious gemstones. It's another paradox of our times, but at least Mango OG One is a California Cannabis slapped by a tree climber with sappy And the nugs are nice and snappy. today, there is a way for farmers to openly share Voice Humboldt board member. hands,” one friend says. The Durban The color is a washed out, faded what they do, "to meet other people and put their Loompa Farms the'Yes, recent face behind it and sponsored to be able to say, this whatsmell made another friend nostalgic lime green, a pale sage-silver green, Humboldt Homebrew like the piercing eyes of the Yeti as I do,'” as Kornberg said to me.Festival, a for wood shop. fundraiser for local on chapter of The nugs marble-size and well- seen through a snow storm in the When asked for our her thoughts being a woman Engineers Without Borders. in the cannabis industry at this time, And Kornbergformed. The trim job is nice, not too Trinity Alps. The cannabis is dense, said, "It’s really interesting, Loompa Farms worksbecause with when theI gotight. Its darker shade inspires the not that hairy and totally awash with into a room full of men, and if my partner Weed 4 Warriors Project, a groupDouglyric, “purple mountain majesties,” trichomes. is with me, Ifor totally get talked advocating veterans to over. haveThey thelookalthough the nugs aren’t purple. It has a rich musky flavor with at him,” she added, “There’s this inherent XJ-13 is a Sativa dominant strain, Jack freedom to use medicinal marijuanasex-They are more of an army or olive hints ofThe horse manure, mustard and ism that is prevalent in this industry, and from the Herer crossed with G-13. It tests out at 22.46 as an alternative to psychiatric drugs. green, very matte. And when you berries. The aftertaste is rich and most surprising people. People that you’re like, I percent THC and was grown full-term from seed. Together, the members of the break a nug apart there is a glittery chocolatey. The effect is an instant know you’re not sexist. I know you’re not, but yet "It grows these huge, massive colas that are just Loompa Farms collective have on forest of trichomes on the inside. and powerful high. little quips come out, little things where I’m like, phenomenal,"body Kornberg saysI ofsmoked the XJ-13 plant. the of actually 150 years I’d prefer astrain bit that with "It a took friend. After a ofcouple hits they 'Ohorder wow, you are.'" of cannabis It’s dense a decent amount training because Mangoand OG pliable. is an Indica-dominant farming a shemore snap. she announced: “I start feelflopping my feet "And notexperience. all men are likeThey that, ofoffer course," grow so big they’ll to the in side if you smells as fruity as its namesake implies. It tests variety of "But concentrates of theTHC, Durban is a near continues. somehow it’sand reallyflowers, just become The don’t heels... tie them up or cageathem." out atflavor 20.46 percent and Kornberg grew the my high I have heightened and are active on She social media, balancefrom of clone bitter, sweet and prothisthey male dominant thing." sees the tide turn-perfect The smell of body, the dried curedway.” XJ-13 flowplant full-term with the genetics awareness of my in and a sexy ing, however.engaging "More and more women are [stand-spice er is of Overlord sweet, sugary grapefruit in vided Redwood "It’s a smaller plant," Yes, effectively in the modern -- itbyjust has aRoots. slight astringent the is sexy andgrounded it’s ing up and saying], 'Look we actually do this earthy funk. That citrus carries over in the flavor, she says, that doesn’t seem like an OG. "When medicinal cannabis market. Loompa edge. The taste was of lime basil, super intoxicating -- my friend and extremelyactively well. This isexperiment a nurturing plant. This isof you wrapped in an even sweeter quality. The high and smell it, it’s reallygin citrusy tropical. IItwere farmers with a much-needed andandtonic incapable of voicing coherent what we’re all about.'" vibe is elegant -functional and elevating doesn’t have that heavy diesel, but there is that genetics and they use modern with lime. It’s a pleasantly textured thoughts after smoking a mere cannaShe says connecting with other women growerscomposite bis. One of the Emerald Cup judges said the XJunderlyingoffuel." It's a pine really pretty plant to grow, technology to ensure that their citrus, and earthy third13 ofgave a joint, and we’re not rookie and women in the industry at the Emerald Cup him "a Kundalini rush.” You want that. with huge OG nugs that got "massive." breeding programs produce desired botanicals. The cannabis oil came cannabis users, either. We’d gather was an amazing experience. "We all support each It's got a more muted green color with dark brown Heck yeah. And the fruitiness is real. The Mango results. Their full-sun outdoor Yeti through the joint and coated the it, hairs, a beautiful with our dialogue, and other. The walls are breaking down, and we’re outdoor flower that will open OG has such a strong, piercing fruit smell to momentum OG seed strainon took 11th in theIt’s 2014 of OG-fuel my mouth, which soundsthatthen themind. Overlord would knock us able to connect a different level. not thisinside your and its roots give it a complexity is Emerald Cup -- that is a desired gnarly, but this in ofa the light and off course, much amusement. hidden thing anymore." hard to miss. Thewas surface bud is complex You can to findour out more about this organization result.

Durban Poison

40 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com

sexy and it’s super intoxicating

Overlord og

Loompa Farms provided me with Durban Poison, a classic sativa that was light-depped from clone, and Overlord -- the hydroponic version of Loompa’s Underdog, their prime OG Kush strain. The Durban has a famous name and an unassuming appearance -- it’s like a warm, soft brunette with a killer intellect. The Overlord is more like a flashy platinum blonde with an

pleasant way. I shared a joint of the Durban with a friend and we both felt higher than normal -- the Durban is potent. Our conversation was quick and lively. The high was cerebral and nostalgiainducing. We gabbed and swapped old stories. It was an excitement and eagerness to talk that thankfully didn’t carry over into bedtime. Loompa’s Durban Poison is an uplifting lemon-lime-pine blast to the past, an earthy sativa with a pleasantly exotic aroma and a functional smoke, a real treat for any connoisseur.

at sunnabis.com on Instagram I found the online strong Overlordand high @humboldtsfullsunfarms. to be uplifting, not couch-locking. It’s a good dance party, stretch session, feel-that-body kind of high that brings on a good night’s sleep. “It’s really good weed,” my friend said. I agree. I think it’s fine cannabis -- pretty much perfect, if you are down with a robust hydro OG.

Big thanks to the folks at Loompa Farms. You can find them online at www.loompafarms.com. On Instagram and Twitter: @ LoompaFarms.

41 | Emerald | January 2017

news for early 2017! We are announcing in the next month the launch of our mediation and arbitration services for California. There is a panel of judges and retired attorneys who are committed to helping resolve disputes outside of the court system for the cannabis industry statewide. Mediation services are needed in the cannabis industry right now - and from people who know the industry and the legal system.

“Our community cannot get complacent. It’s really important. There’s no winning. We might win a battle but that just means we get to wake up the next day to fight again. The new fight is to protect the small businesses. Small guys created this industry in the first place. To the small businesses, don’t give up! Find someone who can be your voice in the halls and in the rooms that you can’t get into or don’t feel you can reach. We need more activists now that MMRSA and Proposition 64 has passed. The fight is just beginning.” -- Kyndra Miller, cannabis attorney and activist


How cannabis helped one California attorney fulfill her potential, and is leading to her next great adventure: Medical school Captivating minds in the courtroom and when marching in the streets, Kyndra Miller has been a quiet, fiery force behind the cannabis industry, blazing trails in the courtroom and activating women and others along the way. She is in part responsible for NORML Women’s Alliance independence from NORML, and she’s shared with us a big announcement from the Women’s Alliance coming out later this month (more on that below). Her successful law firm, Cannabusiness Law represents brands and businesses to protect assets, write contracts and defend them in court, and she works with Tony Serra at Pier 5 Law Office. Kyndra has a warm demeanor and playful sense of humor in her off-hours, but litigating in the courtroom is where she truly shines. To learn more about this cannabis attorney and activist, we sat down to chat about what drives her work: 42 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com

Emerald Magazine: What makes you passionate about the cannabis industry? Kyndra Miller: Cannabis and I have had a long-time relationship. I was introduced to cannabis as a teenager, and I’ve never looked back! (Laughs) I grew up on the peninsula in Northern California and it was part of the fabric of my youth, part of my coming of age. Cannabis really helped me with physical ailments but also spiritual stability. I realized I could succeed with this source despite what the propaganda said. The reason why I’m passionate about cannabis is because from menstruation to menopause, cannabis has been my best friend. It helped me survive undergraduate school with honors. I passed the California State Bar the first time. As an adult middle-aged woman of 44, it has helped me with menopause. When my doctor told me that I went through early menopause - I thought to myself “Was I so

stoned that I went through menopause without realizing it?!” Cannabis allows me to fulfill my professional creative dreams, and now it’s motivated me to go to medical school. I’m going to spend the next 3 years getting clients through the initial phase of legalization, and then I will go to medical school to study women’s health and the endocannabinoid system. I’ve heard the uterus is covered in CB1 receptors and there is a lot of potential there. Emerald: You petitioned for the NORML Women’s Alliance to be independent -- what is the alliance’s big upcoming news? KM: I did petition the board of directors to allow the Women’s Alliance to become a separate 501(c)3 nonprofit several years ago. I am grateful to the NORML Board of Directors for all of their support throughout the years! Good

Emerald: How have the NORML Women’s Alliance’s goals changed from when it started to now? KM: In 2007-2008, after I opened up Cannabusiness Law, I needed an organization I could align with, and so that I could be marching with the people as necessary. I was introduced to this organization called NORML Women’s Alliance, which was a part of NORML. I am a feminist and I believe in women’s rights, and I’m not afraid to say it. There was an amazing article about women in cannabis around that time called “Stiletto Stoners,” and there were pictures of beautiful women in the magazine article. I felt that I could be a part of this group and bring some diversity as well. I contacted Sabrina Fendrick at the NORML office in D.C. and congratulated her on the article. I told Sabrina that there was just one thing missing - my black face! Luckily, she laughed. We bonded and she invited me to join the alliance. I was later elected on to the NORML Board of Directors and I’ve been on the board for the last several years. It’s my goal to activate all women! Women make the best activists because they love to talk. I was totally embraced by NORML. To distinguish the alliance from Women Grow, they’re a great organization to help women connect and network. I’m so proud of what they’ve been able to accomplish. NORML Women’s Alliance is more like NORML: we are primarily a consumer protection organization, helping people at the local level fight. My dream is to one day have funds to take cases for women in need. The mission is still the same, but it’s not growing as fast as I had hoped.

Emerald: What are your other big projects? KM: Currently in the Eastern District federal court, I have a pending lawsuit against Siskiyou County, Sheriff Jon Lopey and other county officials -- I’m very proud of this case because it is a blend of civil rights with voting rights and unlawful search and seizure. Essentially, the sheriff was targeting Asians and unlawfully abating their cannabis plants. Even worse, earlier this year he went around to the homes of several Asian families a week before the primary and told them that they could not vote. I am also in the collective of attorneys with Tony Serra at Pier 5 Attorneys. Working with him, I sit at the foot of the master. I am so blessed to know him and to be able to learn from him. He took a vow of poverty in the ‘60s and he takes a lot of pro bono cases. He agreed to represent the master tenant of the Oakland fire and I am working with him on that case. I’m proud to be so closely associated with someone who remembers the duty of an attorney, to protect the community. Emerald: Do you enjoy being in the courtroom? KM: It’s my favorite place to be. It’s my stage. I was a childhood actress and then I decided I didn’t want to act. Now I write my script, and it’s done in the form of a lawsuit. I perform the part and my audience is the judge or the jury. I love the battle. I love to go in the ring. I love to fight. I am a civil litigation attorney and a corporate attorney. Most of the attorneys in this space have been criminal defense attorneys because that’s where the war was being waged, but now it’s business and corporate law. This is a very exciting time for me! I get to focus 100% on my professional life. No distractions of husband and children. It’s why I love it -- I created it. For more information on NORML Women’s Alliance, visit NormlWomensAlliance.org

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Dani Burkhart Founder and Consultant of Emerald Heritage Farms, Treasurer for Humboldt County Chamber of Commerce Forward by | Biographies by

Women have become a driving force in the cannabis industry. As the market continues to expand, so do opportunities for females to break stigma and build equality. Gone are the days of a marginalized, male-dominated cannabis industry, thanks to the women -the pioneers, the advocates, the business owners and the scientists -- like these.

Occupation: As founder and consultant at Emerald Heritage Farms, Dani is focused on helping local cannabis farms comply and transition into legalization. She is an advocate of the Emerald Triangle’s local cannabis industry, and works toward redefining stigmas surrounding cannabis cultivation. She also works with the Humboldt County Cannabis Chamber of Commerce, “building bridges in the community between the conventional business community and the developing legal cannabis industry,” as she put it. Former Assistant Executive Director of California Cannabis Voice Humboldt, Dani coordinated meet-the-industry tours for the Board of Equalization Chair, Fiona Ma, Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, and other distinguished figures from California legislature and regulatory agencies. Her Story: When it comes to cannabis, there are a plethora of reasons Dani is passionate about the plant. From the intoxicating smells, colors, tastes, and effects of cannabis to the diversity of individual lives touched by the plant, for Dani, cannabis is about community and the experiences we all share. In her words, “I’ve had so many beautiful and unique experiences being around the industry for the last decade, [...] I wouldn’t trade it for anything. This community and all of its citizens mean the world to me. It’s a labor of love,” she adds, “Every important and life changing experience I’ve had in the past decade was somehow affiliated with cannabis. We’re in a rare time in history and the opportunities available are changing lives everyday - medically, professionally and on an interpersonal, human level.” For More Info, visit EmeraldHeritageFarms.com

Allison Edrington

Emily Hobelmann

Editorial Director of Eris & Edrington Writing Company, Cannabis Editor at The Clever Root, Co-Founder and President of the Humboldt County Cannabis Chamber of Commerce

Cannabis Writing Services, SKUNK Magazine’s Top 100 Women in Weed

Occupation: As Editorial Director of Eris & Edrington Writing Company, Allison works with business clients to create the content they need for web or print. She also contributes to a number of publications including The Emerald and The Highway. Allison was a founding member of the Cannabis Chamber of Commerce, which offers education and services to local cannabis start-ups. She is also part of a group of women called the Humboldt Think Tank working toward community-focused solutions as the cannabis industry moves toward legitimacy. Her Story (in her own words): “We are at an unprecedented time in history to make great change in how cannabis is received and perceived. Years of advocacy and education paired with an invigorating new generation of advocates are beginning to undo years of Prohibition-era propaganda at an ever-quickening rate. Small farmers and entrepreneurs have an opportunity to thrive, and it's important to me that they preserve that in this brand new industry as it comes out of the shadows. I'm excited to be a part of that movement with the skills that I have. I help facilitate conversations and move things forward in my community, and I get to use my communication skills to help cannabis brands build their new images. On a personal level, cannabis is a part of my everyday experience, both for helping me manage severe pain and anxiety, and for the pleasure of a better perspective.” For More Info, visit Humboldt County Chamber of Commerce

website at HumboldtCannabisChamber.com or her website at AllisonEdrington.com

Occupation: Emily Hobelmann M.S. specializes in copy writing, ghostwriting, brand development, photography, and technical writing. She contributes cannabis related content to a number of media outlets. In her words, “I’ve been writing about cannabis for almost 10 years now -- the plant and the culture around it are a great muse. And the industry itself is so rapidly evolving -- who isn’t fascinated by people reclaiming their right to commune with the herb?” Check out her monthly column Pot Talk with Emily Hobelmann (on pg.40) where she regularly reviews select strains from various farms. Her Story (in her own words): “Cannabis is an impressive herb with well documented medicinal and practical uses. I grew up being told how bad it is, only to discover authority figures were all about feeding me prohibitionist lies -- probably because being anti-cannabis is so ingrained in our society. I know better now, having experienced the herb’s healing powers and having spent time participating in many facets of modern cultivation and distribution. There is good and bad to be found with cannabis, like with any other power plant. But it can be a powerful healer and ally and I’m glad to see it becoming more mainstream in that respect.” For More Info, find her on Instagram @emily_hobelmann or reach her by e-mail at EaHobelmann@gmail.com. 45 | Emerald | January 2017

Anndrea Hermann

Hollie Hall

Joy Beckerman

Gretchen Kiskanu

Sales & Business Development Officer, Hemp Production Services (HPS), Principal of The Ridge International Cannabis Consulting Agency, Internationally Renowned Hemp Expert, Activist, and Businesswoman

Watershed Resource Specialist, Hollie Hall and Associates

Principal of Hemp Ace International Professional Industrial Hemp Educator, Advisor, Legal Support, and Public Speaker

Owner of Kiskanu Humboldt, Herbal Medicine Specialist

Occupation: With over 15 years experience in the international hemp market, Anndrea dons many hats. She has experience in almost every facet of hemp production, including fiber and seed agronomy, field trials and sampling, quality control and testing, research, sales, marketing, product development, certifications, and licensing. Anndrea sits on the board of a number of hemp related businesses and organizations. She also teaches an industrial hemp course at Oregon State University. Anndrea has irons in so many fires that it’s not possible to list them all here. In 2011, she was selected as Champion of the New Rural Economy in Manitoba, Canada. She’s promoted and advocated for cannabis for over 20 years and continues to do so. Her Story: Anndrea graduated from Missouri Southern State University in 2002 with a B.GS is Hemp Ecolonomics. She acquired an internship with Parkland Industruial Hemp Growers in 2001 and was selected as a Manitoba Provincial Nominee under the Unique Skilled Worker Program (Hemp Technicians) in 2003. In 2008 she competed a Masters of Science in Hemp Fibre Agronomy at University of Manitoba. She became a Canadian/American dual citizen in 2012. She’s authored articles, edited and co-authored books, chapters and industry reviews. Not only is hemp a career for Anndrea, it is also a lifestyle. Her daily life is intertwined with the cannabis plant. She eats hemp, wears hemp, builds with hemp, speaks about hemp; she’s simply all things hemp. For More Info, visit HempProductionServices.com

46 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com

Occupation: After obtaining her PhD from the University of Florida and writing her dissertation on protecting watersheds, Hollie moved back to Humboldt County with the objective of applying the principles of Adaptive Resource Management in the advancement of sustainable watershed resource use through the integration of science and social values. Although she works with all land owners, she regularly works with cannabis farms to improve watershed management, and helping growers to gain compliance. Hollie is very active in the cannabis community. She’s authored numerous articles and presented at many educational events. Currently she works as a consultant at her own firm, Hollie Hall and Associates. Her Story: Hollie grew up in Humboldt County surrounded by the culture of cannabis. Yet, during her time around cannabis, she grew to appreciate more than just the plant. She grew up appreciating all plants, mountains, and rivers: all of Mother Nature, people included. For Hollie, environmental wellbeing and social security are two pillars of sustainability. She has a desire to understand the macro relations between biologic systems and humans. During a trip to Jamaica she noticed how cannabis shaped culture and social divides. She also noticed that cannabis shaped human relations with nature. Building upon this lesson, Hollie spent the next 15 years researching soil, plants, water, and animals. All her experience and research has culminated in an expertise in watershed systems, specifically how cannabis cultivation affects those systems. She feels the burgeoning cannabis industry is a perfect opportunity to create an industry defined by sustainability and adaptive watershed management. For More Info, visit HollieHallAndAssociates.com

Occupation: As the founder of Hemp Ace International, Joy provides comprehensive professional hemp education, paralegal, consulting, networking, and presentation services to both domestic and foreign firms. She offers renowned online training through a network of accomplished hemp agrologists, breeders, processors, manufacturers, and experts. Joy also wholesales hemp products including: raw and processed fiber, bulk food, building material, textiles, apparel, paper, body care, etc. She also instructs Hempcrete courses for Hemp Technologies. Joy received the Hemp Industries Association’s “2014 National Hemp Activist of the Year” award and Seattle Hempfest’s “2016 Regional Cannabis Activist of the Year” award. Her Story: At a Grateful Dead show in 1990, Joy was handed a flyer on hemp. Little did she know, this flyer would change her life. Joy didn’t realize that cannabis, hemp specifically, could help our planet. Hemp is a renewable resource and carbon scrub. Joy had just discovered what a revitalized hemp industry could mean to the world. It was at this point that Joy began her research on cannabis, hemp, and its prohibition. She has been a hemp advocate ever since – highly decorated, I might add. From starting her first hemp store in Woodstock in 1994, to her appointment to Vermont’s Hemp Council after passage of the inaugural hemp bill in 1996, Joy is at the forefront of hemp advocacy. Per Joy’s insistence, as a cannabis industry and community, we all need to “push back on the August 12, 2016 Joint Statement of Principles that the USDA, DEA, and FDA all put forth regarding section 7606… because they are attempting to redefine hemp and limit [the Farm Bill’s] intent.” For More Info, visit HempAce.com

Occupation: Through her small family business, Kiskanu Humboldt, Gretchen offers herbal therapy consulting in conjunction with a newly created a line of products. Her service “determines if cannabis is right for [clients], and develops personalized treatment programs that fit their health needs and lifestyle.” Currently she has three products: a trauma rub, a suppository, and a lubricant. Gretchen also creates custom products for clients including non-cannabis options. She’s attended a number of cannabis/herbal medicine classes and certificate programs. Gretchen also works with Women Cultivating Community, a women’s cannabis think tank turned business development group. Her Story: Gretchen has a passion for the plant’s medicinal capabilities and has committed herself to studying cannabis as medicine. From her passion with cannabis, she has expanded her knowledge and dedicates time to researching the therapeutic properties of all plants. She is excited to share her knowledge of cannabis and all plants in general. When asked specifically about the cannabis industry, she feels the industry is quickly evolving and changing, and in the current climate, she has fashioned Kiskanu Humboldt as a high-end, local and organic company. She hopes that her company can become more involved in the community in the future by pushing the boundaries, to discover the possibilities of cannabis in the years to come. For more info, visit Kiskanu.com

47 | Emerald | January 2017

Esther Lavidaloca

Sarah Schuette and Joanna Berg

Daniela Rodriguez and Belen Riveros

Wendy Baker

Owner of Humboldt Harvest

Associate Professional Soil Scientists Co-Owners Dirty Business Soil (DBS)

Founders of Cannabicas Latinas Cannabis Advocates

Founder of Space Gem Candy Cannabis Candy Maker

Occupation: Esther uses CO2 extraction techniques to create high CBD products from Humboldt sun-grown cannabis. They reintroduce plant based, steam distilled, solventless terpenes back into the tincture for optimal taste and effect. Esther has created a variety of tinctures to aid with ailments such as pain, inflammation, stress, anxiety, menstrual cramps, insomnia and degenerative autoimmune disease. Wellness, one of Esther’s tinctures, placed first at the Emerald Cup for nonpsychoactive CBD tincture. Humboldt Harvest also offers vegan snacks that support an anti-inflammatory diet. Their snacks are completely organic and natural with no preservatives or artificial colors. In addition to managing the growth of her small business, Esther works with Women Cultivating Community and she dreams she can one day facilitate cultivation or manufacturing jobs for women in need. Her Story: Esther moved to Northern California and immediately found herself working in plant medicine, cultivating plants and living an alternative lifestyle. After her first child was born, Esther developed an autoimmune disease, curtailing her adventurous attitude toward life. An avid surfer and athlete, her quality of life was greatly diminished due to her new condition. Working with cannabis, specifically CBD, Esther was able to heal her body opening new doors and passions. She became aware of people living in pain throughout society and wanted to help. With this in mind, Esther has worked with cannabis to create her line of tinctures. She wants people to live a quality life, with less pain, and she will always be working toward that goal. For more information, visit HumboldtHarvestMedicinals.com

Occupation: Sarah and Joanna started DBS laboratory in 2012. They saw a growing need for farmers to cut costs and reuse soil, DBS began offering testing along with custom nutrient management plans to amend and reuse soil. Four years later, DBS have earned a reputation in the industry. A few of their clients have placed in well-known cannabis cups across California. DBS’s soil analysis has now become integral for cannabis farmers. When Humboldt County passed the new cannabis cultivation ordinance, it became mandatory for new farmers to test soil in order to comply with new regulations. Due to this new mandate, Joanna and Sarah have begun soil mapping through site suitability assessments. They are respected by government agencies and look forward to working with any agency to help farmers gain compliance. They are excited about expanding as educators to build bridges between regulatory agencies, environmental advocates, and farmers alike. Their Story: Sarah and Joanna had been involved in the cannabis industry long before they began DBS. Their desire to start a soil analysis lab came from their passion for cannabis and the environment. For DBS, a lack of information and resources are the source of the environmental inequities within the industry. After seeing farmers throw away soil year after year, they realized that someone needed to educate farmers. Sarah and Joanna’s primary goal is to help farmers take advantage of their resources and to change the negative stigma surrounding cannabis farmers. It’s DBS’s view that cannabis farmers don’t have the resources that other farmers do, so it’s their intent to fill the gap. In their words, “Getting information out there is just as important to us as the science. We have a passion to share our knowledge.”

Occupation: Partners and fellow cannabis activists, Daniela and Belen, began Cannabicas Latinas in Chile, an advocacy group dedicated to providing low-income female cannabis users a voice. The groups aim is to create content “from women for women.” They feel there’s a lack of cannabis content written by Spanish-speaking women and seek to fill the void. They hope to create a space where female writers across Latin America can write about cannabis issues. At the moment, they are building strong bonds and allies in the cannabis community. Besides cannabis, Belen is an anthropologist and Daniela works as a translator. They use what they have learned in their respective fields and apply those skills to their cannabis advocacy. They are in the process of building CannabicasLatinas.com, a site that will make their goal possible. Their Story: Chile has a strong cannabis culture along with a history of hemp production. For Daniela and Belen, cannabis has always been a large part of their lives. When they noticed a lack of cannabis content for women, by women, they decided to dedicate themselves to writing. They realized that the image of woman, when it comes to cannabis marketing has been sexualized and “reproduces damaging stereotypes.” When they searched “Mujeres y Cannabis” (Women in Cannabis) they only saw scantily clad women instead of professionals, entrepreneurs, and advocates. It was this realization that led them to start Cannabicas Latinas – gathering women from their network to talk and share what they have in common, creating an alternative image for women in cannabis across Latin America. For More Info, visit CannabicasLatinas.com

Occupation: Wendy at Space Gem Candy produces handmade, single-batch candies with de-carbed ice water hash. De-carbing refers to the heating of the hash to render the THC psychoactive. Once de-carbed, they mix the psychoactive THC into one of their proprietary candy recipes which create confections such as gummies, hard candies, nerd (like) ropes, lollipops, juice, etc. They’ve also begun to make a new line of organic candies without processed sugars, artificial colors or flavors. Wendy uses pectin, a plant based material, as opposed to artificial gelatin. Space Gem Candy is currently going through the permitting process to become a recreational cannabis manufacturer in California. Wendy envisions her company as a small batch producer of high-end cannabis candy, sold in select cannabis clubs in Northern California. Already, her clients drive over five hours for her sweets. Her Story: Wendy began using cannabis as an alternative to pharmaceuticals. She always preferred edibles to smoking, but she quickly became bored of the typical edibles that were the norm of the time. Realizing that she was not alone in her brownie boredom, Wendy began the process of creating a different type of cannabis edible. She noticed edibles made in other cannabis friendly regions of the U.S. were vastly superior to the edibles made in Humboldt County. She set out to make something that could match the best edibles across the nation, and she did. She figured out a way to make high quality cannabis candy. Follow them on Instagram @space_gem_candy

For more info, visit DBSanalytics.com

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Flowers on Flowers Cannabis is Classy



Flowers on Flowers is a San Diego based company taking floral arrangements to new highs. Leslie Monroy, creator, founder and CEO, describes Flowers on Flowers as “It’s a collective creative florist group. I love showing off other people’s designs and abilities.” Proceeds go to two charities currently, and Monroy is hunting for a third. The concept grew organically. Monroy said the idea for a bud bouquet business came to her while getting high between floral classes. Originally, she dubbed it 420 Bouquets, but Monroy found that a lot of people, especially after a joint or two, had a hard time spelling the word bouquet. So, after much research and name play, Flowers on Flowers emerged. The collective connects businesses and products for special events including weddings, as well as personal gift giving. Their best seller is the “I’m Sorry” arrangement. That’s an apology worth considering, if only for the cannabis. Monroy said her favorite part of the job is the smell, “It’s a whole new world of scents. I love how grow rooms smell anyway. And a grow room with other flowers like roses make it that much better.” Flowers on Flowers’ mission statement is that, “all plants are created equal and therefore deserve a chance to shine together.” Alex Bickham of Flora and Fauna Design is the lead designer working with Monroy to provide unique, dank and delicate displays of flower power. All flowers, including the ganja, are sourced from local farmers. There is a variety of arrangement styles to choose from like anniversaries, basics, and birthdays. Custom orders are welcome, and special holiday arrangements and gift baskets rotate with the seasons. Delivery services extend to the Southern California area, from San Diego through Los Angeles, and items arrive within 24 - 48 hours of order. Flowers on Flowers is powered

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HONEYDEW – $1,950,000

±388 Acres bordering King Range with Squaw Creek running though it! This amazing, remote, wilderness retreat boasts standing timber, beautiful meadows, springs, developed flats, year round access, developed flats, and breathtaking views. Great agricultural opportunities!

Charlie Tripodi Realtor /Owner ®




±40 Remote acres in Trinity County featuring views, multiple structures, well, gently sloping ground, and agricultural improvements.

ORLEANS – $1,650,000

±320 Acre historical location overlooking the Orleans Valley featuring open meadows, amazing views, timber, spring, a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom ranch house, and guest cabin.

BLUE LAKE – $895,000

±40 Acres outside the fog line featuring southern exposure, large pond, timber, views, and building sites.

Katherine Fergus

Realtor® #01956733


BAYSIDE – $299,000

±20 Acres featuring bay views, Redwood and Eucalyptus trees, building site, and open grasslands.

MIRANDA – $1,400,000

±70 Acres on Dyerville Loop Road featuring an unpermitted 1/1 cabin with a large garage, generators, several flats, well, 2 climate controlled greenhouses, storage sheds and more!

Dane Grytness

Realtor® #01992918



±480 Majestic acres located between the town of Ferndale and the Pacific Ocean! This undeveloped parcel is waiting to make your recreation, homestead, agricultural, or conservation dreams come true! Property features amazing ocean views, springs, open meadows, flats, timber, easy access, Fleener Creek running through it, and so much more.

BRIDGEVILLE – $600,000

±40 Acres featuring southern exposure, privacy, creeks, and a rustic home.

INDIAN ISLAND – $170,000

Be one of the elite residents of this unique Gunther Island property with a one bedroom cabin.

RUTH – $299,000

±38 Acres featuring terraced flats, pond, and well developed roads.

BLUE LAKE – $192,000

±.2 Acres featuring community water, 100 amp PG&E, mixed use zoning, and 1000 sq. ft. industrial building.

BRIDGEVILLE - $412,000

±20 Secluded acres featuring a clean, cute cabin, pond, spring, fir timber, views and open woodland meadows.

ONO – $98,000

±40 Acres in Shasta County featuring seasonal pond, beautiful views, and fencing.



±70 Pristine acres in Blocksburg! This parcel features a mixture of beautiful rolling meadows and oak forestlands, end of the road privacy, year round creek, well, views, and agricultural improvements.


±7.2 Acres perched above the Trinity River! Parcel features multiple cabins, easy access, developed garden sites, and views.

REDuCED RUTH – $499,000

±75 Acres featuring a wood frame cabin, sheds, 2 ponds, year round spring, seasonal creek, south-facing open grasslands, and agricultural improvements.

PLATINA – $129,000

±40 Acres near the Trinity-Shasta boarder. This remote parcel is surrounded by mostly uSFS and features flats, oak woodlands, and springs.

ARCATA – $1,200,000

±7.6 Residentially zoned acres within Arcata City Limits! Great subdivision and development potential!

SHOWERS PASS – $425,000

±80 Remote acres featuring privacy, year round spring, natural pond, 2 cabins, and 3 developed flats, and mixed timber..

Endless possibilities await you on this ±4 acre property in beautiful Ferndale. Parcel is host to a beautiful 5 bedroom 2.5 bathroom custom 3596 sqft cedar home, detached 2 bedroom 1.5 bathroom secondary unit, and huge shop. Built with family and quality in mind, the main house features a 1600 sqft wrap around deck, massive 700 sqft kitchen, laundry suite, 10’ ceilings, large downstairs living room, and upstairs family room. The secondary unit sits atop its own 1 car garage and 800 sqft shop. All 3 units are situated on the pristinely landscaped front of the property. Back of the property has 3 fully fenced, organic certified, acres ideal for grazing. Tons of water!

by a staff of six people who do everything from creating arrangements to personally delivering the finished masterpieces. With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, Flowers on Flowers offers these luxurious, infused products as well: chocolates by Medibons, bath bombs by Amore, and bath salts by Ganja Chica. Throw pillows with the images displayed here are a new item coming out for the lovers’ holiday, for classy couch sessions. Other weed-themed, look-alike items like bud earrings, keychains, hat pins, and buds on buds earbuds can be added to any order. If you’re looking for a way to combine your love of cannabis and the love of your life, have Flowers on Flowers do your wedding. With table toppers, bridal bouquets, hair adornments, and bud boutonnieres, all your loved ones can get to your level, high on Cloud Nine. The cannabis is all indoor grown and comes mostly from Southern California farms, except the OG Kush from Mendocino County. Arrangements contain ⅛, ¼, ½ ounces or more of beautiful and precisely trimmed buds carefully placed on stems for easy removal. At least three strains, one Sativa, one Indica, and one Hybrid, are available at all times. Right now, the selection includes Girl Scout Cookies, Silver Haze, and OG Kush. Monroy said they try to always have OG Kush on hand. Coincidentally, when asked what her personal favorite strain is, she answered “OG Kush. It’s always on my roster, it’s a high-winner.” Here’s another reason to feel good about giving this ganja gift: proceeds from every order go to charity. Since their beginning in the summer of 2016, Flowers on Flowers have contributed to the American Society for Deaf Children. They expanded their charitable giving to include sponsoring the City of Angels, a children’s orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico. In December 2016, Weed for Warriors were the recipients of Flowers on Flowers’ proceeds from a special event at San Diego’s Veterans Museum in Balboa Park. Now, Monroy is looking for a third charity to support, specifically a program dedicated to keeping music programs in underprivileged schools. The cause of her generous nature? “It was just the way I was raised. I can’t not give,” Monroy said, shattering the lazy stoner stereotype. Currently, one must have a California 215 to order and receive the arrangements, but as the legalization of cannabis under Prop 64 takes effect, Flowers on Flowers will adjust and embrace the changes so that more flowers are available to more people. Monroy was skeptical about Prop 64 and the impact it might have on her business, but she says legalization may allow more opportunities like event work, so, she’s keeping an open mind. If you’re keeping it classy, check out the aromatic ganja gifts by Flowers on Flowers. To order an arrangement, learn more, or get involved with the collective, visit: Flowersonflowers.com or on INSTAGRAM: @flowersonflowers420

53 | Emerald | January 2017

Humboldt Medicine Honey

Boston native, Ellen Markham, split her time between Portland, Oregon and Humboldt County in Northern California, before calling Humboldt home. “Humboldt is where I feel the most at home,” she said from her home overlooking the ocean in Northern Humboldt. “I want to grow my business here.” Like many medicine makers using cannabis today, Markham said she began making products for herself. “I initially treated my own arthritis pain from old injuries and autoimmune disease with cannabis products made at home,” she shared. “Most of my professional career has been in the natural products industry as an educator and sales manager.” Markham said she has always had a passion for plant-based medicines and natural approaches to good health, working first in the mainstream topical industry for companies such as ProGest, Frontier/Aura Cacia and Spectrum Organics. “My years of working for manufacturers of topical hormone creams provided me with the knowledge base to create my own cannabis infused products,” she explained. “The burgeoning cannabis industry is similar to the early days of the natural products industry, in so many ways.” 54 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com



Both industries are filled with propaganda, and consumers are confused as to what works and what doesn’t. This writer’s own mother used white distilled vinegar to clean windows until the industrial revolution added synthetics to the mix. To cite history, when the Clean Air and Water Acts were implemented in the U.S. in 1973 and 1974, respectively, manufacturers were forced to change their formulations with much hesitation. For example, the popular window spray, Windex, created a more green mix, safer for

... industries are filled with

On e o f th e ma n y re a s o n s I ’ m co mmitte d to u sin g clea n , o r g a n i c in g re d ie n ts – with n o pe s t i c i d e s – is fo r th e sa ke o f th e b e e s .

“ (top left) Ellen Markham pictured at the 2016 Emerald Cup


and consumers are confused as to what works and what doesn’t.

(top right) A bee mingling with a cannabis flower

(lower right) Medicated Deep Body Massage Lotion Bar

the environment, but the cleaning products companies had already done a great job marketing synthetic solutions to the point that the average consumer didn’t believe natural formulations would work. Today it’s a different story, and cannabis patients and their medicine makers have ironically opened the door, once again, for natural remedies to be accepted. Committed to using healthy, natural and organic ingredients whenever possible, Markham said she has always thought of cannabis as medicine, despite the rhetoric of the past. “I’ve been interested in higher CBD strains of cannabis for some time now,” she said. “Currently, I serve on the board of the Lost Coast Botanicals Cooperative, a Southern Humboldt [group], dedicated to providing high quality, organically grown CBD plants and medicine.” The name of her company, Honey Bee Buzzed, isn’t about getting high, as the slang would suggest, as Markham is actually a beekeeper. “I became a member of the Humboldt County Beekeepers Association five years ago, after moving my bees from Portland to Humboldt – in the back seat of my little sedan, I might add,” she laughed. “One of the many reasons I’m committed to using clean, organic ingredients – with no pesticides – is for the sake of the bees. They are responsible for pollinating such a huge percentage of the food we eat and their populations are dwindling.” Increasing awareness of the plight of the honey bees and other pollinators is important to Markham. “Raw honey’s anti-viral and anti-microbial properties are just some of the health benefits,” she added. “I use raw honey and beeswax in my products – the raw beeswax still has bits of propolis and pollen in it, and is highly beneficial – without the cannabis added. Add cannabis and you have a truly medicinal product.” Currently her Honey Bee Buzzed honey/cannabis infused product line includes: infused honey, a eucalyptus and lavender infused bath salt soak, orange mint and grapefruit lip balms, a massage bar molded with a lovely bee comb design, and pain salve and tinctures. Other products in the making include low-dose CBD edibles – with honey added, of course. California is still historic as being the first legal state for cannabis as medicine, since 1996. Markham’s products can be found in medical dispensaries throughout the state. If you are lucky enough to visit Humboldt County, visit The Heart of Humboldt or the Humboldt Patient Resource Center (HPRC) in Arcata for her products. With California now empowered with its own medical regulations in place via the Medical Marijuana Regulation & Safety Act (MMRSA), and the State now legal for recreational weed - thanks to sole funder Sean Parker (Napster) and his Proposition 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA) - Markham believes it’s a game changer. “I share many of the concerns that others have about big business coming in and taking over the market, but right now I’m focusing on becoming compliant and getting the proper permits to operate under MMRSA,” she informed. “Humboldt is not only known for great cannabis, it’s also known for promoting healthy, handcrafted, boutique products from the garden. There will always be a place for small, niche manufacturers.” Markham said she feels fortunate to be involved with a group of female cannabis professionals in Humboldt, planning for the future together. “We are in the process of planning a community kitchen,” she explained. “It will be a space for women-owned businesses in Humboldt County, so that we can build a sustainable future in the cannabis-infused product marketplace.” With women historically practicing apothecary, the future looks like a healthy shade of green for Humboldt medicine makers – and the people they help. For more information on Honey Bee Buzzed products, visit HoneyBeeBuzzed.com or GetSava.com for orders in California only.

Established in 1998 3 Acre Conversions Water Rights Registrations CDFW Stream Diversion Permits Water Board Waste Discharge Permits for Marijuana Cultivation

Chris Carroll (707) 499-1222 55 | Emerald | January 2017

Happy New Year From All of Us at ENF!

Emerald Entreés

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From the past into the future we lead the way toward a healthy lifestyle and a sustainable local economy. We and our employees are very involved in our local communities. Here Is A List Of Just Some Of The Local Groups We Have Donated To During The Past Year: Eureka Symphony - Senior Resource Center - Humboldt Bee Keepers Humboldt Trails Project - Jefferson Community Park Project - Food for People Humboldt County Animal Shelter - Toys 4 Tots - Eel River Recovery Project Ferndale Booster Club - Redwood Art Association - Mateel Community Center Salmon Creek School - Sequoia Park Zoo - Sequoia Park Eureka Parks & Recreation - Friends of the Dunes - Smith River Alliance Redwood Teen Challenge - Redcrest Volunteer Fire Department Bridgeville Community Center - Mid Klamath Watershed - Redwood Montessori Smith River Alliance - Loleta Elementary School - Grant Elementary School Eureka Police Department - Maple Creek School - McKinleyville Little League Center for Spiritual Healing - Department of Parks and Recreation Redwood Region Audubon Society - Mad River Montessori School - Aids Lifecycle Eureka High School Blood Drive - Redwood Coast Montessori School Steelhead Days - McKinleyville Safe & Sober - Clark Museum - City of Eureka

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Learn to Cook with the Best Cannabis Chefs in the West

e, t a l a p r o you t e t a l p e e From th o cannabis cuisin di ve int er have befor e nev u o y e k i l

Seriously Green Smoothie When the consuming hubbub of the holidays finally tapers, it’s back to the grindstone of life. After a month of soaking up too many libations, holiday cookies and family drama, too often we start the New Year feeling slothful and drained. For a fast fix for your mind-body-spirit health, integrate this super green smoothie into your weekly routine. Packed with fiber, immune-boosting vitamins, essential proteins and medicinal cannabis, this smoothie is my go-to morning Rx. If making the smoothie for breakfast, try using high CBD buds or kief to make your canna-coconut oil.The mellow cannabinoids will help you stay grounded and focused throughout the day.

Ingredients: 2 cups fresh spinach (tightly packed) 1 banana (overripe frozen ones are perfect!) 1 tablespoon almond butter 1 tablespoon protein powder (I recommend Vega’s Protein & Greens Vanilla) 1 teaspoon canna-coconut oil 1 cup water or almond milk Blend all ingredients in blender. Drink. Feel your inner strength getting stronger. Kick ass and take names.

59 | Emerald | January 2017


Girls’ Night When I was recently invited to be the surprise guest at a friend’s “girl’s night in,” I was both excited and intrigued. I felt equally privileged to be invited to something so sacred and was eager to see what really goes on behind the scenes when the gals get together (I mean what guy wouldn’t be!). Boy, was I surprised…pleasantly surprised! Of course, I can’t tell you everything about that night because I was sworn to secrecy, never to tell another soul all of the “insider stuff” I was privy to, but I can tell you that I was invited for one reason… and one reason only. To teach this group of high powered women how to cook with cannabis. We started the night with my simple 420 Irish Cream to get the night started then finished the fun with my CanNutella Share Bread. Needless to say, we had a great time and after a long night of life lessons about friendship, dating and those things that only girls talk about amongst themselves, I can only share with you two things… these recipes! By the end of the night, I had several new very special friends and A LOT of very interesting food for thought!

SERVES: 8 Approximate Dosage:

Based on infusing 3.5gms dried/decarbed cannabis into 1 stick of butter (starting cannabis weight before dry/decarb was 7gms) 10%: 5.3mg - 15%: 8mg - 20%: 10.6mg


2 cups bread flour (sifted) 1/3 cup raw cane sugar 1 package (2 ¼ teaspoons) Active Dry Yeast ½ teaspoon Salt 2 eggs yolks 2 Tablespoons Jeff’s Light Tasting Cannabutter (melted) ¾ cup warm milk 1 ½ cups Nutella

In a large bowl, use a fork to mix together bread flour, sugar, salt and yeast. Add in egg yolks, warm milk and melted cannabutter. Use a wooden spoon to combine all the ingredients until you form a shaggy dough. Pour dough onto a floured surface and knead for approximately 5-7 minutes until the dough is smooth and silky looking. Form dough into a smooth ball and place in a large, lightly greased bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and place in a warm area to rise for 2 hours or until the dough doubles in size.


Once the dough has risen, pour out onto a lightly floured surface and divide it into 4 equal pieces. On a lightly floured surface, use a rolling pin and roll 1 piece of dough into a 12x12 square. Transfer the dough square onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet Form a circle in the center of the dough square by lightly pressing a 10-inch dinner plate onto the dough. This is your guide for spreading the Nutella. Place the Nutella in the microwave for 15-20 seconds to warm it up so it’s easily spreadable. You can continue to microwave for 10 second intervals until it’s smooth and spreads easily. Using a spatula, spread a thin layer of Nutella within the circle you formed in the dough. Repeat with 2 more sections of the dough. Roll out the last section of dough and place on top of the other 3. Do not spread Nutella on the top layer. Place the 10-inch plate over the layered dough and using a very sharp knife, cut off the dough around the plate to create a layered circle.


Use a small cup (the mouth should be no more than 2 inches wide) and place upside down onto the center of the layered dough circle. This is the center of the star. Using a very sharp knife, section the dough by cutting a straight line through the layers of dough from the edge of the cup past the edge of the circle. Pretend the dough is a clock and cut through at the 12, 3, 6 and 9 positions to create 4 equal sections. Again, using a sharp knife, slice these sections in half from the edge of the glass past the edge of the circle. Repeat this process one more time. You should have 16 equal sections of dough, all attached at the edge of the glass. Using your fingers, lift 2 sections of dough. Twist each section outwards 2 times and then pinch together at the edge to form the arms of the star. Repeat until you have 8 equal sections and voilà! You have created your star. Cover star with a damp towel and leave in a warm place for 20 minutes to rise. Preheat oven to 340º F. Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown! Let cool for 30 minutes and share! ☺

Get more amazing recipes from

60 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com

Jeff the 420 Chef at JeffThe420Chef.com

Jeff’s 420-Irish Cream Better than Bailey’s…non-alcoholic. Infused with THC! A totally unique experience! Number of servings: 6 - 4oz. servings | 4.5 mg THC per serving Approximate THC per Serving* | Milligrams per serving based on Kiva’s Terra Espresso beans 5mg THC content.

Ingredients • 1 ½ cups Jameson Irish whiskey (we are going to boil out the alcohol content) • 5 Ice cubes • 6 KIVA Terra Espresso beans (5mg each) • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract • 1 shot of espresso or 1 teaspoon instant coffee • 1 cup of Half and Half • ½ cup Sweetened condensed milk • 1 tablespoon Hershey’s chocolate syrup

Steps 1. Bring Irish whiskey to a boil over a medium/low flame for 5 minutes to begin to boil off the alcohol content. 2. To finish, (this is fun but be very careful!), using a long neck lighter, ignite the whisky in the the pot. A light blue flame will burn on top of the alcohol for about 5-7 minutes until all the alcohol has evaporated. Set aside to cool. 3. In a blender add ice cubes, vanilla, espresso, heavy cream, sweetened condensed milk, Jameson and Kiva Terra Espresso beans. 4. Blend until smooth and creamy. 5. Strain through a fine strainer or cheesecloth and enjoy!



Extra Green

Chimichurri Baked Salmon Showcasing one of Humboldt County’s historic regional staples, this salmon dish is a stylish way to integrate the herbaceous flavors of cannabis. Chimichurri, which roughly translates to “a mixture of several things in no particular order,” is a modern staple in Argentina and Uruguay. House recipes vary throughout villages, countries and Latin-American inspired restaurants with varying degrees of saltiness and heat. Take creative liberties with your own recipe! Chimichurri is most commonly served on grilled meat, but here, a classic chimichurri complements the green flavor of canna-olive oil and Pacific salmon. Modestly spoon your chimichurri onto wild-caught salmon and enjoy every delicious and medicinal element to this healthy and relaxing weeknight dinner.

吀栀愀琀✀猀 䠀甀洀戀漀氀搀琀⸀⸀⸀ ⸀⸀⸀䠀漀洀攀 漀昀 洀漀爀攀  攀渀琀爀攀瀀爀攀渀攀甀爀猀Ⰰ 瀀攀爀  挀愀瀀椀琀愀Ⰰ 琀栀攀渀 愀渀礀  瀀氀愀挀攀 椀渀 䌀愀氀椀昀漀爀渀椀愀⸀


½ cup chopped flat leaf parsley ½ cup chopped cilantro 2 tablespoons cannabis olive oil* 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil ¼ cup white wine vinegar ½ teaspoon dried red pepper flakes ½ teaspoon sea salt Fresh ground black pepper 2 (6-8 ounce) wild caught salmon fillets


Preheat the oven to 350°F. Prepare chimichurri. In a bowl, stir together the chopped parsley, cilantro, olive oil, vinegar, pepper flakes and pepper. Place the salmon in a lightly oiled oven-safe dish or baking sheet. Spoon about a quarter of the chimichurri over the salmon fillets. Bake until just cooked through, about 20 minutes (depending on thickness of fillet and personal preference). For a safe medium, lightly pierce a fillet with a boning knife and carefully pull back flesh to reveal interior. When done, the pink color should just be losing its translucent quality. If desired, divide the remaining chimichurri over the salmon or reserve in a Mason jar for an easy tapenade. Serve salmon and bon appetit!

圀椀氀搀戀攀爀爀椀攀猀  䴀愀爀欀攀琀瀀氀愀挀攀 椀猀 瀀爀漀甀搀 琀漀  漀昀昀攀爀 栀甀渀搀爀攀搀猀 漀昀  䠀甀洀戀漀氀搀琀 䴀愀搀攀  瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀猀⸀

* If you don’t have a homemade batch of canna-olive oil in the cupboard, look for Om Edibles Medicinal Olive Oil at your local dispensary. In addition to the convenience, you can depend on a lab tested 15mg dose of THC per teaspoon.

65 | Emerald | January 2017




he vernacular of wine is like any other profession or hobby that has its own language. If you’ve ever sat in on an environmental engineering meeting or tagged along to band rehearsal, the acronyms and clipped technical terms can leave you feeling a bit isolated in the room. Below are some common terms that are used in the wine industry. They run the gamut from winemaking words to hospitality references to grape varieties. There’s no particular theme, just words and phrases you might overhear the next time you step into a tasting room or take a vineyard tour. Château versus Domaine: In the French language, Château literally means castle, but the broader use indicates any kind of country house that produces wine. It can be a grand castle or simply a production building. Domaine, on the other hand, refers to a territory or empire. Toast. Coffee. Caramel. Vanilla. Nutty: When you peruse tasting notes that include these sorts of flavor descriptors, it characterizes a wine that has been barrel aged and/or fermented in new, toasted oak. A new oak barrel freshly seared from the assembly line will impart pronounced said flavors on a wine. Consider the caramel and vanilla notes the next time you settle in with an oak-treated Chardonnay. Whale: A whale is a customer who buys an obscene amount of wine from a particular winery. A whale is someone who drops a good eight to 10 large on multiple cases of wine. (If the winery doesn’t pay for the shipping, there’s something wrong with the winery.) 66 | TheEmeraldMagazine.com

Pinot Noir and Pinotage: These two wine-grape varieties make for two very different tasting experiences. Pinotage is South Africa’s signature red, and is a cross between Pinot Noir and Cinsault (Sin-sew). The Cinsault grape is heat tolerant, hence the fortitude to grow in this particularly warm wine region. Typical Pinot Noir notes are red fruits like cherry and strawberry, with hints of chocolate, maybe a bit of smoke, and have a silky mouth feel. Pinotage, on the other hand, exhibits strong smoky and meaty tones along with some bramble and baked black fruit. If you’ve never experienced a Pinotage, buy a good one imported from South Africa and pair it with some slow-smoked ribs. Pam Long is a wine educator, consultant and writer. Consider a career in the Wine and Beverage industry and earn your Wine Studies Certificate through HSU’s eLearning & Extended Education. Email Pam: thewinedummy@gmail.com.




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