Host: Turkish National Committee (TUCID)
29 September - 1 October 2013, Mardin, Turkey
T U C I D ●
SCOPE Growing food security concerns due to demographic pressure, combined with increased competition for water and climate variability have once again brought forward the importance of irrigation to grow more food. The plight of the poorest of farmers, the small-holders is likely to be worsened under water-scarcity and climatic variability endangering their food security. The increasing pressure on natural resources, particularly land and water, stemming from complex water-food-energy linkages also means that increase in food production cannot be achieved through mono-disciplinary approaches. Expansion of irrigation therefore has become more critical in all its forms and interactions, requiring inputs from all stakeholders and actors working within the irrigation and agriculture sector, particularly with the small-holder farmers. Modernization of irrigation services, through upgrading existing infrastructure and improving irrigation management, is a challenging technical and institutional task. New solutions are needed, based on new management options and widely available technologies. One of the most significant changes in institutional arrangements in recent years has been the participatory irrigation management movement through formation of water user associations. Agriculture Water Management (AWM) encompasses a range of options from rainfed farming to full irrigation. The approaches of various actors involved in AWM are changing, at a satisfactory pace in some areas but slowly in others. Globally, there have been changes in knowledge, attitudes and policies regarding AWM and the environment. In order to address these issues and fulfilling ICID’s mission and objectives of contributing to food security, ICID is bringing together representatives of all stakeholders involved in irrigation of all types and at all scales under the umbrella of World Irrigation Forum (WIF). It will include policy makers, experts, research institutions, nongovernmental organizations, private sector companies and farmers, among others. The WIF is being organised in cooperation with the host Turkish National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (TUCID) and in partnership with FAO, IWMI, GWP, ADB and IFPRI.
The 64th International Executive Council meeting and its Pre-Council Meetings of Workbodies will follow WIF from 1 – 5 October 2012.
OBJECTIVES With the mission to stimulate and promote the irrigation, drainage and flood management, the objectives of the WIF are: • Support multi- disciplinary discussions towards the solution to water management in agriculture in the 21st century; • Exchange latest irrigation and drainage policies, innovations and technologies; • Develop liaison/ collaboration among various national / international institutions/ organizations/ private sector working for irrigated agriculture; • Explore and formulate concrete inter-disciplinary proposals; and • Advocate political commitments.
VENUE The Inaugural World Irrigation Forum will be held from 29 September to 1 October 2013 in the city of Mardin, in the heart of one of the oldest settled areas in upper Mesopotamia often considered an open air museum due to its historical architecture, most of which uses the beige colored limestone rock which has been mined for centuries in quarries around the area.
Mardin as the venue provides opportunity to see irrigation systems acting as facilitators in GAP (South Eastern Anatolian Project), a multi-sectoral and integrated regional development project based on the concept of sustainable development with its basic aim to eliminate regional development disparities by raising people's income level and living standards.
Forum Theme: Irrigation and drainage in a changing world: Challenges and opportunities for global food security The First World Irrigation Forum will focus on the following sub-themes: Sub-theme 1: Policy, Science and Society Interactions 1.1 Policy requirements for better governance 1.2 Innovations, extension and improved irrigation and drainage services 1.3 Greater interaction among water users, agents, governmental organizations. Sub-theme 2: Challenges and Developments in Financing Irrigation and Drainage Sector 2.1 Roles of water users, governmental organizations, and private sector in the development of irrigation and drainage 2.2 Financing mechanisms for investments in new technology, construction, rehabilitation and modernization of irrigation infrastructure 2.3 Partnership of various stakeholders in financing the irrigation and drainage sector
Sub-theme 3: Integrated Water Management Approaches for Sustainable Food Production 3.1 Water-Land-Food- Energy nexus 3.2 Challenges of sharing water between sectors (domestic, industry agriculture, and environment) in consideration with increasing population and climate change 3.3 Irrigation and drainage for environmental sustainability
International Workshops (A) Workshop on Water Wisdom and Sustainability (B) Workshop on Developing Management Strategies for Coping with Drought and Water Scarcity (C) Workshop on Management of Water, Crops and Soils under Climate Change Technical papers sharing experiences on the above subthemes/ workshops are invited as per follows: (i)
submission of abstracts (max. 300 words): 15 January 2013 (ii) notification of acceptance: 28 February 2013 (iii) submission of paper: 30 April 2013 (iv) notification to author if his/her paper is a poster presentation: 30 June 2013 For online paper submission register at: Forum Secretariat: Turkish National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (TUCID); Devlet Mahallesi Inönü Bulvari No. 16, 06100 Çankaya /ANKARA-TURKEY, Tel: +90-312-425-2059, Fax: +90-312-425-4614, E-mail:, Website:,
INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE (ICID) International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) is a scientific, technical and voluntary not-for-profit international nongovernmental organization (NGO) with headquarters in New Delhi, India. The Commission is dedicated to enhancing the worldwide supply of food and fibre for all people by improving water and land management and the productivity of irrigated and drained lands through appropriate management of water, environment and application of irrigation, drainage and flood management techniques. Central Office: 48 Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021, India Tel: +91-11-26115679, +91-11-26116837, Fax: +91-11-26115962; E-mail:, Website: WIF Coordinator: Dr. Vijay K. Labhsetwar, Director, ICID