Harmonizing Water and Energy: The Water-‐Energy Nexus Jerry Sehlke and Michael E. Campana American Water Resources Associa<on Seventh Inter-‐American Dialogue on Water Management
Medellín, Colombia 13-‐19 November 2011
Gerald.Sehlke@inl.gov aquadoc@oregonstate.edu Presenta<on online at: hPp://bit.ly/sWnXj6
Water and Energy are … Interdependent Water for Energy and Energy for Water Energy and power production require water:! • Thermoelectric cooling • Hydropower • Energy minerals extraction/mining • Fuel Production (fossil fuels, H2, biofuels) • Emission control "
Water production, processing, distribution, and end-use require energy: • Pumping • Conveyance and Transport • Treatment • Use conditioning • Surface water & Groundwater
Water Â
Major water supply types/sources • Fresh water
• Saline water – – – –
– Precipita<on – Surface water – Groundwater
• Brackish water – – – –
Estuaries Terminal Lakes Surface water Groundwater
Oceans Inland seas Terminal lakes Groundwater
• Alterna<ve water – – – – –
Desaliniza<on Wastewater Mining water Produced water Greywater
Water Availability Hydrologic Inputs/Outputs Basin Precipitation
Surface Water Inflow
Physical Constraints
Ground Water Inflow
Ground Water Outflow Basin ET Water Transfers Water in Basin
Quatity Spatial Distribution Temporal Distribution
Surface Water Outflow
Virtual Water Exports
ET Losses from Basin Agriculture
Water Use
Diffuse Sources Domestic
Rain Water Harvesting
Physicial Constraints Available Fresh Water
Public Acceptance
Surface Water Diversion
Socioeconomic Constraints
Consumptive Use
Return Flows
Ground Water Pumping
Industrial Political Will Instream Flows Treaties
Legal Constraints
Navigation Ecosystem Services
Compacts Federal Law
Socioeconomic Constraints
Tribal Rights
Sea Water Pumping
State Law Water Rights
Environmental Constraints
G. Sehlke 10/2011
River runoff throughout the 20th century
Water withdrawal and consumpIon
Trends in global water use by sector
Freshwater use -‐ country profiles
U.S. water withdrawals & consumpIon
[USGS, 2004]
U.S. Freshwater Consumption, 100 Bgal/day Livestock 3.3%
Irrigation 80.6%
Industrial 3.3%
Domestic 7.1%
Mining 1.2%
Commercial 1.2%
Thermoelectric 3.3%
[USDOE, 2006]
Energy Â
Major energy types/sources • Electricity
– Coal – Crude and alterna<ve (shale oil and tar sands) oils – Natural gas – Nuclear power – Geothermal power – Hydropower – Biofuels – Wind power – Solar power
• Transporta<on fuels – Oil – Natural gas – Biofuels
• Hea<ng fuels – Oil – Natural gas – Biofuels
• Energy feedstocks – – – –
Oil Coal liquids Natural gas Biofuels
Example of energy life cycles Explora<on
• Coal • Uranium • Oil Shale • Tar Sand • Crude Oil • Gas • Geothermal
-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ Assess
Access/ Develop Mining • Surface • Subsurface Drilling -‐-‐-‐ Dam Rivers Build
Extract/ Capture/ Generate Hauling • Coal
Pumping • Oil • Gas
• Hydro • Geothermal • Wind
• Hydro • Solar • Wind • Wind Farms Fuel Cells • Solar • Solar Farms • Hydrogen • Biomass • Biofuel Plants Socioeconomic & Environmental Impacts/Issues Land Disturbances Fish &Wildlife Impacts Waste Disposal/Pollutant Discharge Energy Return on Energy Investment Water return on Water Investment Economic Benefits (ROI)/Impacts
Trucking • Coal • U2 ore • Shale • Sands
• Coal • U2 ore • Oil Shale • Oil Sands
Pipelines • Oil • Gas • Steam
Process/ Refine Clean/ sort/size • Coal
• U ore • Tar oil • Shale oil
Refine • Oil • Gas
Pipelines Trucking Railroads -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ Transmission lines
Transporta<on Electricity Hea<ng/Cooling Manufacturing Feedstock • Petrochemicals • Fer<lizer
Global electricity generaIon • Primary sources of electricity globally (IEA 2011):
– Approximately 70% is generated from fossil fuels (2007) – Coal (42%) – Natural gas (21%) – Nuclear (14%) – Hydropower (16%) – Oil (6%) – Non-‐hydro renewables, e.g., solar, wind, biofuels (2%)
• Note: electricity accounts for 40% of global energy-‐ related CO2 emissions which are an<cipated to grow by 58% globally by 2030, hence the focus on developing non/low carbon alterna<ves.
Per capita energy consumpIon (2003)
Growth in world energy demand • Interna<onal Energy Outlook 2011 (USEIA 2011) projec<ons for world energy markets through 2035.
– Energy consump<on will grow by 53 percent between 2008 and 2035 – China and India account for half of the projected increase – Renewable energy will be the fastest growing source of primary energy source (10% in 2008 to 15% in 2035; 2.8% growth/year) – Fossil fuels will remain the dominant source of energy (78% in 2035) – Petroleum and other liquids fuel use will increase by 26.9 Mbbls/day, but the growth in conven<onal crude oil produc<on is less than half this amount (11.5 Mbbls/day) – Natural gas produc<on plant liquids increase by 5.1 million barrels per day, World produc<on of unconven<onal resources (including biofuels, oil sands, extra-‐heavy oil, coal-‐to-‐liquids, and gas-‐to-‐liquids), which totaled 3.9 million barrels per day in 2008, increases to 13.1 million barrels per day in 2035 (Figure 2).
Energy demand is driven by popula<on growth and economic expansion (USEIA IEO 2011)
PopulaIon of the world and its regions 1950–2050 (in millions)
Impacts Â
Energy development impacts on the environment Popula<on growth and economic expansion Increase per capita demand
Energy Conservation/Efficiency Growth +
Electricity Transporta<on Hea<ng Manufacturing Feedstock's +
Energy Demand
Energy Cost -
Energy Supply + Energy Infrastructure
Environmental Repair
Energy Development
Water use for explora<on, energy access, development, extrac<on, capture, transporta<on, processing, distribu<on, and use
Infrastructure Retired +
Waste Products Environmental Degradataion
Ecosystem Services Loses Land Disturbance/Change Climate Change Toxic Air/Water/Soil Pollu<on Hydrologic Modifica<on
Air Solid Waste Waste Water Discharge
Water demand/impacts of transportaIon fuels
One opIon is to develop hydropower in undeveloped parts of the world
We have significantly fragmented & regulated flows in our rivers
Great care must be taken to reduce and miIgate potenIal impacts of future development
Water & energy Millennium Development Goals • Water and energy sustainability and improved management can contribute to mee<ng the UN MDGs: – Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger – Goal 2: Achieve universal primary educa<on – Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women – Goals 4-‐6: Reduce child mortality; improve maternal health; and combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases – Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability – Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development
Water-‐energy por^olio – balancing compeIng needs Supply Economics
Short term
Na<onal Social Economic Environmental Goals
Long term
Environment Demand
Developing SoluIons
PFA 2.3 Harmonize Water and Energy • In order to move water-‐energy planning and management towards long-‐term, integrated management, two ini<al sets of priori<es and preliminary targets were iden<fied to “Harmonize Water and Energy” in the Americas (PFA 2.3):
– By 2012, develop a Water-‐Energy Nexus collabora<on Network for the Americas that will coordinate the development of sub-‐regional policies, guidelines and best-‐ prac<ces that promote the interdependency between water and energy. – By 2015, carry out an inventory of significant water and energy technologies, management systems, and prac<ces and develop a roadmap for addressing infrastructure gaps and sustainability concerns.
Water-‐energy nexus collabora<on network for the Americas • The Americas Region is a very large and diverse region, physically, culturally, and ins<tu<onally,. The primary challenge is how to reach out to this very large, diverse and dispersed community? • It has been determined that the best way to accomplish this objec<ve is through a mix of face-‐to-‐face mee<ngs and virtual communica<ons, via the Internet. The goal of this target is to reach out to every country in the Americas to engage individuals and organiza<ons to collaborate on water and energy issues. • This effort includes water and energy related government representa<ves, professional associa<ons, non-‐government organiza<ons, the private sector, academicians, water and energy users, and other members of civil society.
Water-‐energy nexus collabora<on network for the Americas (cont’d) • The intent of this target area is to develop a long-‐term water-‐energy community, that while focused on suppor<ng and par<cipa<ng in the World Water Forum, collabora<ons and coopera<on will be useful enough to the par<cipants that they will desire to con<nue on the dialogs and collabora<ons long into the future. • In order to communicate on the Internet: – A forum page was developed to allow individuals and groups to communicate directly with each other and to specific communi<es of interest (e.g., sub-‐ regional /local groups or topical discussions). To get an invita<on to join, send an email to: wen.webmaster@gmail.com or join by going to h`p://
awrawaterforum.ning.com/?xgi=0yLd0or4amE5s – A wiki site (h`p://wwf.awramedia.org/) was developed to allow individuals to upload contacts and links and documents, and to jointly develop documents on topics of mutual interest
• These tools were launched in November 2011 with invita<ons to joint sent out to ~300 individuals and organiza<ons throughout the Americas Region.
Inventorying significant water-‐energy technologies, management systems & prac<ces • This effort will build off efforts and processes developed under target 1. • The goal of this target is to conduct an assessment of all significant energy produc<on technologies that can be brought to bear to generate sufficient energy to capture, treat and distribute the quan<<es of water necessary to meet sub-‐regional water-‐related MDGs. • It addi<on, it will develop guidelines and analy<cal tools to help planners and decision makers to plan and implement the best mix of energy technologies to meet those goals in each sub-‐region.
Inventorying significant water-‐energy technologies, management systems & prac<ces • Brazil has conducted an ini<al na<onal assessment and developed a vision document which addressed its needs, constraints and goals for future water-‐energy development • The US has developed a na<onal assessment of water-‐ energy needs and constraints, and numerous other countries have produced na<onal water and/or energy assessments and developed similar documents • The results of these efforts provide excellent case studies that will both help the countries that developed them, and they will inform and help refine the future focus and ac<vi<es associated with this task
Examples of naIonal water-‐energy policies & assessments
OpImizing the water-‐energy mix • The goal of this task is to holis<cally assess and understand the available energy and water supplies, e.g.:
– Endogenous (local) versus exogenous (imported) resources – Source types and reliability – Source quan<ty, quality, spa<al and temporal characteris<cs
• To understand intersectoral and environmental demands • To integrate energy and water resources to help understand the best, loca<on-‐specific mix of water and energy supplies in order to ensure water, energy and economic security , and environmental sustainability
The U.S. Energy-‐Water Nexus • In 2005, the U.S. Congress directed the Department of Energy to assess and report on the interdependency of energy and water, focusing on the threat to na<onal energy produc<on resul<ng from limited water supplies • In addi<on, Congress requested the development of a na<onal roadmap to assess the effec<veness of exis<ng programs within the Department of Energy and other Federal agencies in addressing energy and water-‐related issues, and assist the DOE in defining the direc<on of research, development, demonstra<on and commercializa<on (RDD&C) efforts on energy-‐water issues. • In 2006, the Department of Energy delivered “Energy Demands • on Water Resources: Report to Congress on the Interdependency of Energy and Water” • The “Energy-‐Water Challenges: Stakeholder Input on Emerging Needs” was developed, but final approval is s<ll pending
Major naIonal needs and issues idenIfied in U.S. energy-‐water nexus regional workshops Better resources planning and management • • •
Integrated regional energy and water resource planning and decision support tools Infrastructure , regulatory and policy changes for improved energy/water efficiency Improved water supply and demand characterization, monitoring, and modeling
Improved water- and energy-use efficiency • • •
Improved water efficiency in thermoelectric power generation Improved biofuels/biomass water-use efficiency Reduced water intensity for emerging energy resources
Development of alternative water resources and supplies • •
Oil and gas “produced water” treatment for use Energy efficiency and assessment of impaired water treatment and use
Summary of U.S. research and development programs for integrated resources management – Accelerate water resources forecas<ng and management – Evaluate impacts of climate variability and improve hydrological forecas<ng – Improve common decision support tools – Develop system analysis approaches for: Co-‐loca<on of energy and water facili<es, improved na<onal transmission capabili<es to support renewables, distributed genera<on of biofuels
Summary of U.S. research programs for electric power sector
Hybrid Wet-‐Dry Cooling System
– Improve dry and hybrid cooling system performance – Improve ecological performance of intake structures for hydropower and once-‐through cooling – Improve materials and cooling approaches compa<ble with use of degraded water – Electric grid infrastructure upgrades to improve low water use renewable technology integra<on
Harmonizing Water and Energy in Brazil • Brazil conducted an na<onwide assessment of available water and energy resources and water and energy needs as part of the preparatory process for the 6th World Water Forum • The results (“Harmonizing Water and Energy: Time for Solu<ons”) provides a valuable case study rela<ve to holis<cally assessing na<onal/ sub-‐regional (e.g., Amazon Basin) availability and needs, assessing challenges and opportuni<es, and developing a holis<c approach to future water-‐energy development
Expansion planning of electric power in Brazil: key messages and recommenda<ons •
The existence of a consistent ins<tu<onal framework is a prerequisite for building a sustainable energy mix. Brazil has a rich and robust framework which, however, should be improved. This is especially true when seeking the harmoniza<on of policies related to public water and energy issues, which oven produce results not aligned, conflic<ng and even antagonis<c. Brazil has a compara<ve advantage and at the same <me, a strong compe<<ve advantage in an energy system based on renewable energy -‐ most notably the water. It also has a compe<<ve advantage in the regime of complementarily between the seasonal wind and hydro power sources. The country should take advantage of these benefits and consolidate a sustainable energy matrix with intelligent management of water resources: that is predominantly water, supplemented by wind power and biomass.
Expansion planning of electric power in Brazil: key messages and recommenda<ons (cont’d) •
Energy expansion planning should con<nue and increase the use of tools at broader and larger scale: most notably, Integrated Environmental Assessment (IAA), the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Ecological-‐Economic Zoning (EEZ), as a way to ensure real energy sustainability and promote regional sustainable development. Hydroelectric development will focus in the Amazon over the next 20 years since the hydroelectric poten<al of other regions have almost all been developed. This a necessity. In addi<on, there is a recogni<on of the richness and complexity of the region. These two considera<ons should permeate the whole process of planning, development, implementa<on and opera<on of hydroelectric projects in the Amazon region and result in new ways to avoid, minimize and compensate for impacts and create and maximize benefits.
Expansion planning of electric power in Brazil: key messages and recommenda<ons (cont’d) •
There is a growing trend of deploying run-‐of-‐river power plants using bulb turbines. Although these plants have the advantage of op<mizing the u<liza<on of natural flows without the impacts of large reservoirs, their characteris<cs imply a submission to seasonal hydrologic condi<ons, and consequently, a greater vulnerability of the system. One of the biggest challenges facing Brazil and the world today is therefore to reconcile the need for increased storage capacity of the water necessary to ensure the supply of electricity, to allow the guarantee of universal access to water. Not using the hydroelectric poten<al of Brazil by banning projects with reservoirs may waste an important na<onal resource and reduce the ability to adapt to climate change and the expansion of other energy sources.
Sharing of water and power: key messages and recommenda<ons • Coopera<on in the field of water sharing and energy is possible, but to implement a lot of risks and threats of all kinds (poli<cal, economic, social, cultural and technical) need to be worked out. One challenge is iden<fying the appropriate actors to promote advances in this area and encourage them to ac<on; • Sharing of water, mostly in the form of hydroelectric power, is of great importance to South America for its implementa<on condi<on is to establish a stable, durable and reliable supply among the partners
Sustainability of hydroelectric projects: key messages and recommenda<ons • The existence of an ins<tu<onal and legal framework that promotes the sustainability of hydropower is key. Brazil has this framework, a consolidated environmental licensing process advanced and extremely demanding, however, the process can be enhanced by giving greater emphasis to social aspects of the process from the beginning; • Hydroelectric plants must provide integrated solu<ons contribute to the sustainable development of the region where they live. Should implement ac<ons that generate power economically viable, socially just and environmentally sound. That is, an enterprise should determine how the protagonist, but according to their size and in accordance with the community, a role in promo<ng regional development. It will be essen<al to consider the influence of an enterprise, or joint ventures, has on the environment where it operates and its role in promo<ng the development of this environment. Integrated Environmental Assessment is an ideal tool to guide the formula<on of these new integrated solu<ons.
Construc<on of power sector: dialogue with society, key messages and recommenda<ons • It is essen<al to have an interna<onal consensus on what cons<tutes sustainable hydroelectricity. This consensus may have posi<ve impact on interna<onal policy and serve as a reference for the development or improvement of the ins<tu<onal framework of countries. Interna<onal ini<a<ves in development, it is suggested to focus discussions on the issue in the Protocol for the Evalua<on of the IHA Hydropower Sustainability, being the newest tool and process is s<ll ongoing. • The understanding, par<cipa<on and agreement of organized society today are the main factors for the realiza<on of an ini<a<ve that could lead to change in the paPern or rou<ne life of a community, as is the case of a hydroelectric plant. This strategy of rapprochement with the company may allow a reduc<on of faults already observed in other dialogue processes, minimizing the risk of conflict, wear social, environmental and economic, and avoiding the crea<on of myths from the lack of informa<on.
Construc<on of power sector: dialogue with society… (con<nued) – In Brazil there is a significant ins<tu<onal framework applicable to the hydropower sector including a requirement that the dialogue with society. This framework is expressed in the Cons<tu<on and Na<onal Policies, Laws, Rules and Regula<ons that govern the maPer, however, sees room for improvement and expansion of the dialogue at all stages of development of hydropower projects (planning, design, implementa<on and opera<on) – In the planning stage, broadening the dialogue should be inserted in the process of broadening the focus of vision of planning for a regional scale. This regional level should focus on building a regional vision for the future, which also include hydropower projects in the region. The construc<on of this vision must be broad and par<cipatory-‐oriented methods and criteria; The beginning of the dialogue and communica<on with the community should be given as soon as possible;
Construc<on of power sector: dialogue with society… (cont’d) – In the design stage of the licensing process should increase dialogue with the community in rela<on to the current situa<on, also with support from methods and criteria developed for this, as a way to establish clear and an<cipate poten<al impacts and environmental benefits and of social enterprises. This dialogue should take place as an extension of the dialogue ini<ated at the stage of planning; – In the stage of construc<on, dialogue with the local community inevitably occurs. It is important that, again, this dialogue was established as an extension of the dialogic process already established and supported by methods and criteria developed from the experience of entrepreneurs;
Construc<on of power sector: dialogue with society… (cont’d) – In the stage of opera<on in its ini<al period of transi<on from deployment scenario, care and mechanisms established in the previous phases must be maintained un<l all issues related to that phase have been treated. Then, the enterprise should determine how the protagonist but according to their size and in accordance with the community, a role in promo<ng sustainable development. Innova<ve social mechanisms are fundamental to the establishment of dialogue with the community at this stage.
Conclusions • The water-‐energy related efforts and ac<vi<es associated with these tasks will con<nue to grow and mature. We will learn from each other through regional communica<ons and collabora<on. • These efforts and ac<vi<es are not designed for or intended to be for the few or for the short-‐term, they are intended to be robust, sustainable and to grow long into the future
By developing a be`er understanding of water and energy resources and the nexus between them, and by building soluIons now, we can reduce potenIal conflicts in the future
Thank You for Your Time and A1en2on! Gerald.Sehlke@inl.gov aquadoc@oregonstate.edu Presenta<on online at: hPp://bit.ly/sWnXj6