6. Next steps for different actors This section recommends processes that
For many countries needing to accelerate IWRM
different actors can undertake to advance IWRM
implementation, the main task is to consider
implementation. Fundamentally, many of these
what is needed, which actions will be the most
activities depend on the ability to communicate
effective, what is already being undertaken or
and demonstrate the value of implementing
planned, and what other prioritized activities
IWRM for achieving broader development
or similar need to take place, as well as how
objectives to a range of stakeholders, and
to make things happen. Country responses to
thus ensure the necessary political, social
the 6.5.1 individual survey questions may be a
and financial support to accelerate IWRM
helpful input to these considerations.
implementation. Coordination – across sectors and investments at all levels – underpins most
A natural next step for many may be to develop
a plan, or similar. Experience has shown that plans become more operational when things
Actors may be able to leverage political support
like activities, key responsibilities, timelines and
from various global and regional frameworks
sources of funding/potential funding are clearly
aimed at coordinating efforts to support
defined. Periodic monitoring and adjustments
countries to achieve SDG 6. At the global level,
also help to ensure their longer-term value (Box
these include the International Decade for Action
on “Water for Sustainable Development” (2018– 2028),57 and the SDG 6 Global Acceleration
A useful source of inspiration is the SDG 6
Framework,58 which was endorsed by 161
IWRM Support Programme, coordinated by the
countries in the 2021 Joint Statement for the UN
Global Water Partnership (GWP) together with
High-Level Meeting on Water.59
UNEP, UNEP-DHI and the International Capacity Development Network for Sustainable Water
6.1. For countries and states
Management (Cap-Net).60 The programme is designed to support countries to accelerate progress towards the achievement of water-
Through reporting on indicator 6.5.1 and other
related SDGs and other development goals, in
national processes, countries generally know
line with national priorities.
what their main water challenges are.
56 Recommendations on the various IWRM aspects can be found under “Key Messages” at the start of chapters 3, 4 and 5, and in particular under “success factors” at the start of each section in chapter 5. 57 See https://www.un.org/en/events/waterdecade. 58 See www.unwater.org/sdg6-action-space/. 59 See https://finlandabroad.fi/web/un/current-affairs/-/asset_publisher/TMs3SoX45i0K/content/ joint-statement-for-the-un-high-level-meeting-on-water-march-18th-2021/384951. 60 See www.gwp.org/en/sdg6support/.