Process Book

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Hol by Ch ri st ina


Defining Process Verb: Perform a series of mechanical or chemical operations on (something) in order to change or preserve it

CONTENTS 1 Objet d’Art A description of the artifact of study and what it means

2 Drawing Studies Define, Explore, Play and Experiment with methods of drawing

3 Pattern Studies Define, Explore, Play and Experiment with methods of patterns

4 Form Studies Define, Explore, Play and Experiment with methods of two and three dimensional forms


Objet d’Art


hen I first picked my object and held it in my hand I felt its cold, heavy form and knew it served a purpose at some point in its life. Later when looking at it more closely, I noticed it was smooth at the top and rough through the ridges. It was metal in color and becomes darker through the ridges. It is small yet sturdy. It is hexagon in shape on one side and circular on the other. I discovered it wasn’t just a simple screw; it was a reducing pipe fitting. I wondered how could something so simple be so important in an industrial setting.




Drawing Studies


he most creative and visual work happens in the early stages of discovery. When we are free from the restrictions of concept and meaning. This project explores our ability to experiment, play, discover and expand our understanding of form. You are only limited by the limitations you impose on yourself. During this phase of process study, we learned to use various materials to discover the form of our object. I began to use simple graphite, markers, paint, and pastels. In my drawing studies, I began to explore possibilities through line, gesture, macro/micro viewpoints, shadows, simplification, and elaboration.




Pattern Studies


ollage is frequently used as a verb, referring to the process of arranging and overlapping various parts to create a more powerful effect than these elements have as separate units. I used collage to display my object as a pattern. I realized that you could easily use household items such as aluminum and tissue paper. I also used simple tools such as paint and charcoal. By using my object as a stamp I began to see interesting patterns to form. I recognized different parts of my object could create interesting patterns as well. The most important lesson out of this process for me personally was the use of rhythm, direction and texture. I utilized these visual possibilities to discover what makes a unique and effective pattern.






Form Studies


he final stage of the process is to experiment with our object as a two dimensional and three dimensional form. This stage really had me thinking critically because I needed to explore my environment and see what was similar to my object without being too obvious. Of course, I thought of the most basic items such as an aluminum soup can and a spring. These two items closely resemble the ridges in my object. To push it further, I decided to create a three dimensional form to represent the intricate ridges in my object. I thought of cardboard mainly because its view becomes different when you cut into it thus creating complex details. I decided to proceed with this idea to create my three dimensional form.




also created this form which consisted of a spring and paper material to emulate the hexagon shape of my object. This proved to be not as successful as my first attempt at form but it made for an interesting photography collage.


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