How to select your favorites from your gallery. Now it’s time to select your images for your album. The images you select will be used when building the album. I will be combining what my suggestions were for very strong images with the ones that you have become emotionally attached to. Here is how to select your images and send them to me. Your gallery looks like this.
In the upper left you have your gallery title. To the top right you have menu options and to the bottom of your images you have a way to navigate from page to page. If you were to want to pick which images you can start by using your upper right corner to click the button “Select Photos”
This will put you into select mode.
This is a subtle change. You will see a bar appear.
You will notice that if you hover your mouse over an image you will see it give you the option to select it.
You can use the numbers under your images to travel through your pages of images and it will keep your selections from page to page.
When you have successfully selected an image you will see a check mark in the lower left corner of the image. It will save as you travel from page to page.
When you are done selecting all the images that are your favorite use the “Add to Favorites” button.
You will see a pop up window as soon as you use the button. If you click on the orange “My Selection” you will be taken to the images you have picked.
Your page will change drastically when you are in your favorites selection.
You can now deselect some if you would like to change your mind by using the X that shows when you hover over an image.
When you are sure of your selection, please send them to me. You do this by using the “Send to…” button found in the upper left hand corner of your selection gallery.
Fill out the form and it will send me your selections.
Thank you so much for your selection!!!!
Talk to you soon, ~Christine