Blenheim House Cultural Facility
3 - Restoring the Cultural Landscape
Restoring the cultural landscape
Ngunyul The Big Arc
The Big Arc – Ngunyul is a powerful gesture of indigenous landscape which both disrupts the Colonial agrarian landscape of Fernhill and symbolically restores the primacy of Country and the cultural landscape experience of First Peoples.
City of Newcastle (CN) unveiled its concept design for the larger, reimagined and amenities upgrade at the much-loved
Taking the overall form of a Lyrebird, Ngunyul or feather, the Big Arc is a 1000 metre long arc of indigenous garden planting extending from the hilltop of Fernhill House to the shores of the Northern Dam. At the interface between land and water, a Meeting Place for cultural activities will be located within the Mulgu Black Swan Garden – with both aquatic and terrestrial planting.
The Big Arc – Ngunyul is powerful gesture of indigenous landscape which both disrupts the Colonial agrarian landscape of Fernhill and symbolically restores the primacy of Country and the cultural landscape experience of First Peoples.
Taking the overall form of a Lyrebird, Ngunyul or feather, the Big Arc is 1000 metre long arc of indigenous garden planting extending from the hilltop of Fernhill House to the shores of the Northern Dam. At the interface between land and water, Meeting Place for cultural activities will be located within the Mulgu Black Swan Garden – with both aquatic and terrestrial planting.
The Big Arc will be curated by the Darug people to create a diverse and artful pattern of plantings, offering a variety of experiences, ecologies and traditional cultural land management practices. It will provide opportunities for the sharing of knowledge and the celebration of Country.
The Big Arc will be curated by the Darug people to create a diverse and artful pattern of plantings, offering a variety of experiences, ecologies and traditional
NEW PARK Transform the remaining grounds of Blenheim House fronting Blenheim Street into a new public pocket park Park to be used both for regular passive recreation and as setting for special cultural events CONVERSION OF HOUSE Ground Floor Downstairs rooms, which will be universally accessible, to be used for public exhibition and performance spaces First Floor Upstairs rooms will be used as private artist’s studios NEW PARK BLENHEIM HOUSE 1915 ADDITION STONE OUTHOUSE NO. 15 BLENHEIM STREET New Disabled Parking Space CONVERSION OF STONE OUTHOUSE This will be made universally accessible and be converted to provide a universally accessible artist’s studio, public toilets and storage
BLENHEIM HOUSE CULTURAL FACILITY Structural Engineer Hydraulic Engineer L06.1 PLANTING PLAN OF North SPECIES COMMON NAME POT SIZEMATURE SIZE SPACING QUANTITY TOTAL PLANT SCHEDULE PLANTING BED P1PLANTING BED P1, and SCALE: 1:50 A1; 1:100 @ A3 Pandorea jasminoides Carpet’ 'Winter Rouge' PLANT SCHEDULE PLANTING BED NEW PAVING 91x Libertia paniculata ‘LPP01’ MIX BETWEEN EXISTING PALMS: Syzygium 'Straight Narrow™' Pilly Right' P3 10x Pandorea jasminoides 21x Scaevola albida ‘White Carpet’ 83x Liriope muscari 'Silver Lawn' Philotheca myoporoides 'Winter Rouge' Alternanthera Little Ruby™ 63.00 56.00 BLENHEIM HOUSE CULTURAL FACILITYL05.1 LANDSCAPE SECTION 63.00 BLENHEIM HOUSE CULTURAL FACILITY - SCALE: 1:50 A1; 1:100 LANDSCAPE SECTION FALLS BLENHEIM HOUSE CULTURAL FACILITY2 1 62.00 BLENHEIM HOUSE CULTURAL FACILITYL05.2 LANDSCAPE SECTION 1 DRAFT AMENDED MASTERPLAN Page Bong Bong Common Masterplan Stage 2&3 Works Date: 04.04.2022 Issue: Draft amended Masterplan for discussion N LEGEND Entries Main Vehicle Entry Minor Vehicle Entry Main Pedestrian Entry Minor Pedestrian Entry Paths Existing Concrete Shared Path Existing Access Track- Model Airfield Existing Earth Path New Paths Structures Historical Sites Obelisk Relocation New Carparking Areas Key vistas Timber Post Rail Fences Existing Model Airfield Fence New River Links Amenities location options Landscape Open Grass Areas Riparian Zones New Tree Planting L2 L1 L3 Existing Path iW n g e a r b e e R r New Roadside Circuit Path Access Road & Carpark New Access Path to ‘Briars Country Lodge’ Amenities LocationOption 2 Briars Country Lodge New River Link New River Link Potential Active Recreation Hub New River Link Picnic Area Improved Pedestrian/ Cycle Access to Bridge Aero Club Gathering & Orientation Space Potential Southern Carpark (50 spaces) Southern Precinct Northern 1:5000 010 25 50 100 250m New River Link New Circuit Path M o s V a e o a d u t o r R o a d H e a d m M o s s V a e B y p s task: crush leaves native trees New circuit path with gathering spaces and sensory play areas forming continuous journey play and discovery Boardwalk sections over wetlands Potential new amenities building with connecting path and car parking (1x disabled plus spaces) New tree planting for shade 1:2000 Proposed Circuit Path Sensory & Discovery Possible River Walk Extension Moss Vale Road Cecil Hoskins Reserve car park CECIL HOSKINS RESERVE WINGECARRIBEERIVER Wetland Carpark 1:2000 EASTERN PRECINCT PLAY & CIRCUIT PATH CONCEPT OPTION Amenities Option Sensory Play Area Sensory Play Areas Gathering space Gathering space Bong Bong Common Masterplan Stage 2&3 Works - water - windtask: tell each other - picture frame task: find things with three different colours Feel touch reflexology path find different Issue: Draft amended Masterplan Potential new amenities building with connecting path and car parking (1x disabled plus 5 spaces) Moss Vale Road WINGECARRIBEERIVER Carpark Smell taste bush tucker Wetland Gathering space Key Notes: New circuit path with gathering spaces and sensory play areas forming continuous journey of play and discovery Boardwalk sections over wetlands Potential new amenities building with connecting path and car parking (1x disabled plus spaces) New tree planting for shade NORTHERN PRECINCT NEW RIVER LINKS CONCEPT CONSTRUCTION OPTIONS TYPICAL SECTIONS Section Option Elevated boardwalk & raised riverside viewing & recreational platform Section Option On-grade path with culverts on-grade riverside seating and recreational platform Wingecarribee EASTERN PRECINCT -PLAY & CIRCUIT PATH CONCEPT NORTHERN PRECINCT RIVERLINKS CONCEPT
P 18
cultural land management practices. It will provide opportunities for the sharing of knowledge and the celebration of Country. 3 - Restoring the Cultural Landscape Ngunyul - The Big Arc Date: 23.06.2022 Fernhill Estate Landscape Master Plan 2026 20 The Rock Lookout Blue Mountains National Park 10 Landscape moves SCALE 1:12500 A3 0.25 1km Fernhill Estate Landscape Master Plan 2026 P 20 LANDSCAPE MASTER PLAN 3 3 10 2 The Rock Lookout Mulgoa Village Blue Mountains National Park Cox Cottage Church Littlefields 4 7 5 C e eld Cre Legend Estate drives Main Pedestrian/Cycle circulation Walking tracks Potential walking tracks Fernhill Estate Existing walking tracks (outside Fernhill Estate) Car park Toilets Main vehicle entry Main pedestrian entry Secondary pedestrian entry Woodland conservation Biobanking boundary Recreational bushland Recreational paddocks Rural landscape 11 10 1 10 10 Landscape moves Rural Parkland Drive Northern Drive Mulgoa Road Fernhill Drive Hayshed & Orchard - Northern Dam Native Farmgate Ngunyul The Big Arc Fernhill House Gardens 10 Dams and Ponds 11 Littlefields Arrival Precinct MULGOA ROAD FAIRLIGHT ROAD MAYFAIR ROAD STTHOMAS ROAD The Big Arc – Ngunyul is powerful gesture of indigenous landscape which both disrupts the Colonial agrarian landscape of Fernhill and symbolically restores the primacy of Country and the cultural landscape experience of First Peoples. Taking the overall form of a Lyrebird, Ngunyul or feather, the Big Arc is a 1000 metre long arc of indigenous garden planting extending from the hilltop of Fernhill House to the shores of the Northern Dam. At the interface between land and water, Meeting Place for cultural activities will be located within the Mulgu Black Swan Garden with both aquatic and terrestrial planting. The Big Arc will be curated by the Darug people to create diverse and artful pattern of plantings, offering variety of experiences, ecologies and The 1840s agrarian setting of open grassed slopes will be restored to the east and south of Fernhill House. Gardens and elements from the Sorensen era will be conserved and revitalised including the northern pergola and secret garden. Planting beds around the house will be enhanced with flowering and perennial plants. New landscape trees will embellish the setting. The 1840’s Carriage Loop will be restored, and form the northern end of the Carriage Loop to Bridges Conservation Walk along the original access route to the 1840’s stone bridges. Fernhill House Gardens 3 - Restoring the Cultural Landscape Ngunyul The Big Arc Date: 23.06.2022 Fernhill Estate Landscape Master Plan 2026 37 NGUNYUL THE BIG ARC VISUALISATION EASTERN PRECINCT PLAY CIRCUIT PATH CONCEPT Potential Bong Bong Common Masterplan Stage 2&3 Proposed Circuit Path Sensory Discovery Possible River Walk Road Reserve car park CECIL HOSKINS RESERVE WINGECARRIBEERIVER Carpark 50 100m EASTERN PRECINCT PLAY CIRCUIT PATH CONCEPT Option Sensory Play Area Sensory Play Areas Potential Gathering space Bong Bong Common Masterplan Stage 2&3 New circuit continuous Boardwalk Potential New tree Proposed Circuit Path Sensory & Discovery Possible River Walk Extension Moss Vale Road Reserve car park CECIL HOSKINS RESERVE WINGECARRIBEERIVER Carpark 100m EASTERN PRECINCT PLAY & CIRCUIT PATH CONCEPT OPTION 2 Option Sensory Play Area Sensory Play Areas Listen bird calls insects - water - wind - musical playtask: tell each other secret See - picture frame - shadow and light colours task: find things with of least three different colours Smell taste bush tucker task: crush leaves native trees Feel touchreflexology path statues poles find different textures Potential Sensory Play Area Ideas Gathering space Gathering space Page 11 Bong Bong Common Masterplan Stage 2&3 Works Issue: Draft amended Masterplan for discussion Potential new amenities building with connecting path and car parking (1x disabled plus spaces) New tree planting for shade To Cecil Reserve CECIL HOSKINS RESERVE WINGECARRIBEERIVER 1:2000 10 20 50 100m EASTERN PRECINCT Proposed Circuit Path Sensory Discovery Possible River Walk Extension Cecil Hoskins Reserve car park CECIL HOSKINS RESERVE WINGECARRIBEERIVER Wetland 1:2000 EASTERN PRECINCT PLAY & CIRCUIT PATH Sensory Play Areas Potential Gathering space Bong Bong Common Masterplan Stage Key Short Wingecarribee River Page Detailed Concept Plan 18 Gregson Park Playspace & Amenities Upgrade Phillips Marler acknowledge work land Awabakal people our respects elders, past, present, and emerging, wherever our projects take us. New concrete circulation loop path Decomposed granite area Playmulch area Rubber softfall Informal and formal seating New bin station Page Visualisation View from Steel Street Gregson Park Playspace & Amenities Upgrade Date: 14 Nov 2022 Phillips Marler acknowledge that we work on the land Awabakal people and pay our respects elders, past, present, and emerging, wherever our projects take 15/01/2023, 18:55 New playspace planned for Gregson Park | Newcastle HOME NEWS An exciting new vision for Hamilton’s Gregson Park has been unveiled. Photo: Peter Stoop New playspace planned for Gregson Park ROD THOMPSON NOVEMBER 23, 2022 Hamilton’s most historic park is set to undergo a million-dollar makeover, with inclusive playground a key feature of the proposal.
November. City of Newcastle councillor Carol Duncan, Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes and councillor Jenny Barrie with the Gregson Park playspace concept designs. 15/01/2023, 18:55 New playspace planned for Gregson Park Newcastle Weekly HOME NEWS An exciting new vision for Hamilton’s Gregson Park has been unveiled. Photo: Peter Stoop New playspace planned for Gregson Park ROD THOMPSON NOVEMBER 23, 2022 Hamilton’s most historic park is set to undergo a million-dollar makeover, with an inclusive playground a key feature of the proposal.
of Newcastle
City of Newcastle councillor Carol Duncan, Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes and councillor Jenny Barrie with the Gregson Park playspace concept designs. FOLIOCD P1 OF 5
Gregson Park on
(CN) unveiled its concept design for the larger, reimagined play area and amenities upgrade at the much-loved Gregson Park on Wednesday 23 November.
Boundary alignment New retaining wall 600mm max.
New kerb ramp Relocated track head sign
Lower car park (16 car spaces) Picnic area
New retaining wall 1m max. New coloured concrete ramp to building, refer to Detail plan B New elevated viewing & seating terrace FRP (Fibre Reinforced Plastic) deck with steel frame
Relocated track head sign Legend: Materials & Furniture New bitumen New brick paved path New decomposed granite New seat New relocated sign New picnic table setting New long custom timber seats New FRP deck Existing heritage structures to be upgraded 0 2.5 10 25m
New Amenities Building Conservation Hut New walkway & sandstone steps to track head (12x risers approx.) +897.15 SECTION 2 Relocated and widened car park exit +901.170 1:20 slope +Ex 899.800 SECTION1 SECTION 5 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 SECTION6 Existing bus parking NPWS parking Legend: Planting Existing tree Existing tree removed New tree New turf New ground cover & low shrub planting Re-juvinating planting to existing vegetation areas 898.00 899.00 900.00 901.00 902.00 903.00 CONSERVATION HUT L04.2 FINISHES AND LEVELS PLAN OF T45 WS FLETCHER STREET PARKING RW5 RW3A (TYPE (TYPE EXISTING LINE 895.00 897.00 896.00 895.00 894.00 CONSERVATION HUT L04.1 FINISHES AND LEVELS PLAN OF T28 (TYPE (TYPERW1 1:60 RW2A 1:27 FALL L05.1-L05.2L05.3-L05.4L05.5-L05.3-L05.1-CONSERVATION HUT L05.3 SECTIONS OF - SCALE: 1:50 1:100 - SCALE: 1:50 1:100SECTION 8- LONG SECTION UPPER CARPARK RETAINING WALL RW3A SCALE: 1:50 1:100 L05.8-CONSERVATION HUT L05.0 CONSERVATION HUT L04.3 FINISHES AND LEVELS PLAN OF FINISHES AND LEVELS PLAN OF FLETCHER STREET PARKING EXISTINGROAD RW7(TYPE RW8 VIEWINGPLATFORM FOLIOCD P2 OF 5
New banquet table setting (disabled accessible) New table setting on new concrete slab
Conservation Hut - Concept Plan 2.5 10 25m IANPP Wentworth Falls / Conservation Hut, Blue Mountains National Park Issue: 15h July 2020 4
Raised car park level on north/western edge Widened footpath
-Revised Concept: Reconfigured Parking 90 degrees • 37 car spaces including 1 disabled parking space (Increase of 11 spaces 26 existing) • 2 Additional Mini-Bus Bays • Access to Parallel Coach Bays unchanged (Can accommodate approx. 4 Mini-Buses) • Vehicular circulation to be retained • NPWS car space maintained
Upper car park (21 car spaces)
Scale 1:400 A3 Hut Plan
-New entry sign New footpath extension and kerb, existing bollards removed
Naremburn Town Centre Upgrade 50% Detailed Design Phillips Marler acknowledge that work on land the Cammeraygal people and respects all elders, past, present, and emerging, wherever our Design Rationale Remove exis�ng retaining walls and raise lease area levels crea�ng a con�nuous A clear defini�on between cafe lease area and general public space is achieved via The new small scale trellis pergola structure with planter boxes and sea�ng The re-purposed space from the adjacent parking and is reconfigured with range New tree planting adds shade to the gathering spaces around the covered walk Ligh�ng to the new trees or integrated into the covered walk way adds to the A B A E D Existing brick paved footpath Existing brick paved footpath QUIAMONG STREET New ‘high table/ leaning bench’ New attached kerb ramp Existing tree CAFE FRONTAGES New 500mm wide seating wall Relocated existing tree Timber seating deck New long backed seat New bin enclosures 1:20 approx. New Motorcycle Parking Space New Kerb Ramp angled toward existing Extent of existing building awnings over path Approximate position of existing overhead poverlines 1:40 Steps Design Rationale • Remove exis�ng retaining walls and raise lease area levels crea�ng con�nuous open area (1:40 approx.) to facilitate easy movement between cafe lease areas and new general public space. • A clear defini�on between cafe lease area and general public space achieved via change in materials or a paving trim and the subtle row of posts of new covered walkway along the eastern edge. • The new small scale trellis pergola structure with planter boxes and sea�ng offers shade to the newly created public space. The screen wall structure offers opportunity for decora�ve and crea�ve elements as well as providing loca�on for the community board. • The re-purposed space from the adjacent parking and is reconfigured with range of sea�ng elements and plan�ng areas, crea�ng generous informal sea�ng and gathering areas with more in�mate res�ng spots. • New tree planting adds shade to the gathering spaces around the covered walk way. • Ligh�ng to the new trees or integrated into the covered walk way adds to the A B C D A D Existing brick paved footpath WILLOUGHBYROAD New Accessible Parking Space Shared Zone compliant with AS 2890.6 Narrowed entry to Quiamong St Carpark Existing brick paved footpath Adjusted planting bed and kerb QUIAMONG STREET Public space increase (excludes garden beds) 30.2m approx. EXISTING LESSEE’S OUTDOOR SEATING AREAS D A New ‘high table/ leaning bench’ New decorative low shrub groundcover planting New screen wall with covered walkway & relocated community board New attached kerb ramp Existing CAFE FRONTAGES Raised planter New 500mm wide seating wall New decorative low shrub & groundcover planting Relocated existing tree Timber seating deck New long backed seat Screen wall extension New bin enclosures 1:20 approx. New trees New Motorcycle Parking Space New Kerb Ramp angled toward existing Interpretive Signage Extent of existing building awnings over path Approximate position of existing overhead poverlines 1:40 1:30to1:40 Steps Page Date: 27.03.2023 View across enhanced community space 872.00 871.00 870.00 869.00 867.00 866.00 865.00 864.00 IANPP WENTWORTH FALLS PICNIC AREA L04.1 FINISHES AND LEVELS PLAN OF FINISHES LEVELS PLAN OF T10 T36 KO K&G DD PARKING ONLY) (Increase of 25 Spaces) Wentworth Falls Concept Plan Existing Retaining Walls (Shrubs & Groundcovers) 0 2.5 5 10 25m Proposed Coffee cart location IANPP Wentworth Falls Conservation Hut, Blue Mountains National Park Issue: 15h July 2020 Scale 1: 400 A3 Parking • 80 Car spaces of (55 Spaces existing) • 3 Mini-Bus Parking Bays at Picnic Area • 1 Bay for NPWS Vehicles behind Amenities Building • 2 Bays for 14.5m CoachesLegend Existing Concrete Paths New Concrete Paths Existing Deco Paths New Deco Paths Existing Picnic Settings New Picnic Settings New Retaining Walls Existing Steps New Steps New/Regen Planting Existing Trees New Line Marking Upper Carpark 42 Spaces (2x Disabled) Lower Carpark 38 Spaces Mini-bus parallel parking 3 Spaces Coach Parking 2 Spaces (14.5m) New Bike Racks New Step Ramp to existing Terrace NPWS Parking Car Space New ‘Banquet’ Length Picnic Table Settings New Disabled Access Picnic Settings with 1:20 Grade Concrete Access Path Existing Amenities Building Existing Picnic Setting relocated for Disabled Access Existing Vegetated Embankment 10 New linemarked crossing & signage Restore/rebuild existing Iron stone retaining wall New speed hump New Speed Hump New speed hump & Stop sign ahead sign New ‘Stop’ sign New footpath & bollards Existing shelter and BBQ removed Existing Tree removed Modify existing pit and drainage channel Existing Water tank IANPP / 15h SECTION 1 SECTION 3 SECTION 2 1: 400 867.00 867.00 865.00 864.00 IANPP WENTWORTH L04.2 FINISHES LEVELS PLAN OF FINISHES AND LEVELS PLAN OF T16 1:12.5 RT-KO RT-KO 873.00 874.00 875.00 876.00 877.00 878.00 878.00 879.00 878.00 877.00 875.00 874.00 873.00 872.00 IANPP WENTWORTH FALLS PICNIC AREA LOCATION PLAN FINISHES LEVELS PLAN OF T33 UPPER PARKING BURREL 1:10MAX BUILDING L04.3 867.00 872.00 873.00 870.00 869.00 868.00 867.00 866.00 865.00 864.00 866.00 865.00 864.00 863.00 867.00 Scale: 1:100@ 1:200 L04.4 FINISHES LEVELS PLAN OF FINISHES AND LEVELS PLAN OF SIR BURREL DRIVE RW LOWER PARKING L07.4
-L06.0 L06.1 L06.01 L06.2 L06.0 L06.1 L06.01 L06.2 L07.4
Page 36 YAS SOUTH Landscape Concept Design Report Translating the Narrative - The Wave The ‘Wave’ With the Yas South community located on the peninsula of Yas Island, the sea and its associated elements can be applied to the Yas South narrative to help create links with the wider environment. The ‘wave’ one element that creates many forms that can be interpreted into the public realm. Linear movement corridors lend themselves to the forms of sets of waves as seen from above and the the arcing form of wave breaking provides mechanism for creating spaces within parks and other open spaces. Vertical elements including landforms and furniture can also utilise the patterns created by waves. The Wave N NTS Key Plan Precedent Images Hardscape Material Softscape Material Proposed Palette Pre-cast Concrete (Timber Finish) Pebble Beach Plumeria obtusa Washingtonia filifera Coccoloba grandiflora rassula argentea Pre-cast Concrete Pathways Key Principles of the Urban Water Front Area include: Large Feature Area for events and display Includes feature street furniture, planting, lighting, water features and ublic Feature Viewing Platform Area for Day Night-time Use such as the Multi-use Open Lawn Floating Restaurant Cafe Kiosks Splash Pad Play Area 12 Urban Water Front Al Rumaila Island This urban waterfront key destination park the Rumaiha island and the whole development. TH echaracter lush landscape. features varied spaces for passive and active recreation including shaded urban play and splash pad area kids, vast open spaces of boardwalk and multi-purpose lawn areas, upper and lower promenade and unrestricted views the water. includes step ramp access, feature shade structures, F&B spillover spaces and floating restaurant. Locally Occurring Species Low Irrigation Med-Low Irrigation Med Irrigation High Irrigation Coastal Suitability RAHA BEACH WEST Detailed Master Plan Report Landscape Master Plan The landscape layer of Al Raha Beach forms unique, modern and contemporary design for the public realm and plays an important role creating sense of place and identity for the Development. KEY Access Phase One Raha Amphitheatre Central Stage Family Park Pontoons Primary Road Secondary Road Tertiary Road Feature Intersection Nodes Floating Restaurant Sikkas Meyadeen Designated Cycle Route Gateway Signage Multi-use Open Lawn Area 10 10 11 12 12 12 23 27 Figure D5.4: Illustrative Master Plan 100 Al RAHA BEACH WEST Detailed Master Plan Report Figure D2.12: Town Centre Perspective looking north D2.1.3. Rendered Perspectives series aerial and eye level perspectives, illustrated in Figures D2.12 to D2.27 have been developed show indicative streetscape and public realm intent. Canal Community Town Centre 44 Al RAHA BEACH WEST Detailed Master Plan Report - The beach and its water’s edge SHAMS Landscape Concept Design Report Concept Design The concept of sand, sea and sun was carried over to Cracknell’s concept design–in its landscape furniture; as well paving, footpath and planting design. At the same time, addressing design issues pointed the various site analysis and its design process that integrated the PRDM. The main open spaces shall provide shaded areas for resting and gathering, planting band gravel beds, park furniture and hardscape shade elements. In summary, the concept design for the various typologies are as follows: Gardens -For north gardens, a series of switch back walks was created to transport pedestrians down to the canal from the street via an accessible route. Lush planting, overlooks and paving will help define the character. For south gardens- public open space was also created for active play. also directly connects pedestrians from canal level and bridge to mid levels by stairs and ramps. Piazza -For north piazza, shaded walks from adjacent street were developed to open up to large flexible lawn space. Spacious paved areas connects the Meera development to the park for continiuos pedestrain flow. shaded play area promotes more fun and games for kids. -For south piazza, pedestrian movement through lush gardens contrasted by small open plazas. Iconic features such the geometric palm grates and paving gives the area feature spatial identity and playful energy. Midlevels- Angular geometry within the space creates a movement through terraces, shaded walks and public art. A large cafe at canal level acts as the anchor and entry into the corridor. Community Parks- an urban corridor is created with both lawn and hardscape for community events and gatherings. A large central lawn to the parks enables pedestrians to utilize flexible space for sports, events and leisure. Pocket parks- opportunities for plays and impromptu gathering are created through playful design of shade, spaces, footpaths and sculptural seating. movement. Sikkas -For sikkas with provisions for EVA, textures, paving patterns and colors are skillfully combined for an enjoyable walk in the narrow flexible space. Trees and park amenities are added for those sikkas without provisions for EVAs. 3 7 4 Concept Design Figure 26: Linear Parks and Sikkas Concept Design Key Plan LEGEND: North Gardens South Gardens North Piazza South Piazza Midlevels Community Parks Pocket Parks Sikkas 1-6 Concept Development Seating areas/ Gathering spaces Shaded kids play area Feature paving 10 C5.1.2 Public Realm Plan Landscape Masterplan 10 13 14 Office Cultural/Art Hub VT into plaza Supermarket Central Plaza Hotel Drop-Off Plaza Drop-Off Taxi waiting area 10. Coach waiting area 11. South Drop-Off 13. Office Drop-Off 14. Commercial Spine 13 14 21 21 21 25 26 27 101 D5 PUBLIC REALM RAHA BEACH WEST Detailed Master Plan Report Aerial view Community Park Community Park Figure D2.24: Community Park Perspective 56 Al RAHA BEACH WEST Detailed Master Plan Report Canal Community The Esplanade Figure D2.18: Esplanade perspective looking east 50 RAHA BEACH WEST Detailed Master Plan Report Community Park Figure D2.24: Community Park Perspective 56 Detailed Master Plan Report 56 YaS ZONE IB PLOT 1 april 2017 Compliance with Public Realm Design Manual (PRDM) During the design development of the Public Realm for the Concept Master Plan stage, we have reviewed the PRDM ensure the strategies presented herein do not conflict with municipal design standards and guidelines and reflect internationally accepted best practices for public realm design. The public realm Design Manual states that 20% of the developable areas shall be designated open space (parks and streetscapes). The Yas Zone plot development total area 17.2 with 4.4ha (25%) designated for open space such as plazas, waterfront and ROW. addition to this space, residents of the development will have access to private podiums, alleyways and forecourts which creates significant amount open space being offered to the residents. 10 11 14 16 12 15 17 18 19 20 13 Residential Garden LEGEND Community Centre alleyways Eastern Buffer Zone Play Ground Kayak Slipway Waterfront Promenade Secondary access Road Pocket Park Retail Hub Primary access Road Floating Pontoon Residential Buildings Parking Plots Leisure Route Main Plot One ccess Point Water Taxi Pontoon Small Floating Pontoon Feature Roundabout Multi Use Sports Court 9.4 landscaPe masterPlan 3 11 12 17 20 13 YAS ZONE IB PLOT CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT 6.3 landscaPe desIgn 6.3.1 The design intent create high quality environment with exceptionally designed spaces that complement the standards and values Aldar. Based upon the initial Client brief, the Master Plan for the site needs respond to number high level objectives, these include the following: Deliver clear urban structure with the distinctive character and form. Create sense of place. Buildings to be flexible and adaptable. Maximise public open space corridors and private residences with park or canal views. Ensure high level access the waterfront. Develop legible, safe and pedestrian friendly access routes through the site. Deliver sense community exclusivity with corresponding levels of resident privacy. the heart of the development concept the notion of Connection both terms of physical and emotional The plot connects people to their physical environment, setting the foundation for the inhabitants to take ownership of their surroundings and create setting that in-turn will lead to thriving community, supported by the established vision of the wider Yas Island identity. The foundation of every decision through the design process has always related back the individual user experience and as such tailored to the Aldar unique requirements. The images shown here explore natural elements that create patterns, sequences and rhythms that can be used to inform the design process. The land shape and land formation the water’s edge, the expression the wave, the patterns the sand and the ripples in the sea as created by man while interacting with these natural elements are all the forms that tie and connect the community together. Design Inspiration - The beach and its water’s edge YAS ZONE IB PLOT 2 CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT LaNDSCaPE 307 VIEW 5: POOL VIEW FROM BALCONY Concept Development Informal sports/ events field Shade structure Cycle racks 9 SHAMS Landscape Concept Design Report Concept Development Figure Pocket Park Concept Design Seating areas/ Gathering spaces SHAMS Landscape Concept Design Report Figure 33: Pocket Park Concept Design Concept Development Seating areas/ Gathering spaces Shaded kids play area Landscape buffer Emergency vehicle access (EVA) 10 6 Concept Development Informal sports/ events field Shade structure Cycle racks 8 SHAMS Landscape Concept Design Report Concept Development Figure 27: North Garden Concept Design Shaded kids play area Feature planting Landscape buffer Emergency vehicle access (EVA) 10 8 8 Shade Structure Shade structures have been located where possible within the linear parks combining both natural shade with architectural shade structures. Feature structures that have been designed Shams integrated with seat Landscape Features & Site Furniture SHAMS Landscape Concept Design Report Concept Development Seating areas/ Gathering spaces 9 SHAMS Landscape Concept Design Report Figure 33: Pocket Park Concept Design Concept Development Seating areas/ Gathering spaces Shaded kids play area Feature paving Emergency vehicle access (EVA) YAS SOUTH Landscape Concept Design Report Thermal Comfort Strategy Walkway June 21st, 1pm Extract from LS-R1 SURFACE AREA, Public Realm Segment Streetscape Segment Street Crossing (excluded from shade calculations) N NTS Shade Structure Locations SOUTH Landscape Concept Design Report Thermal Comfort Strategy Walkway June 21st, 1pm Extract from LS-R1 SURFACE AREA, 1285 Shaded Area: 192m² Segment PR9 Community Park Area: 105m² Segment Streetscape Segment PR6 Waterfront Park Coverage: Public Realm Segment Streetscape Segment Street Crossing (excluded from shade calculations) N NTS S2 FOLIOCD P3 OF 5 Public Realm Summary Plant History Walk C5.1.1 The ‘heart’ of the site specific educational and cultural trail. learning zone showcasing the tree and plant species that were grown within the Manhal Palace nursery. Signage designed to support the cultural trail and association with the nusery will provide information the cultural significance of these plants and how they were used and what they were used over the centuries. 1. Phoenix dactylifera 2. cacia tortilis 3. erva javanica 4. Salvadora persica 5. Tecomella undulata 6. Ziziphus spina-christi Future links the wider cultural heritage trail 1 2 6 6 1 4 4 Page April 2016 UPC Concept Design Report MASHTAL DEVELOPMENT Public Realm Summary Design Inspiration - Site History & Culture C5.1.1 Phoenix dactylifera The Phoenix dactylifera (Date Palm) provides the national people the UAE with crafting material that can be applied many different projects. Weaving mats and bags building boats and fences to name few. Acacia tortilis This tree has been used extensively the creation many items such decorations, weapons and tools. less commonly used building materials but can still be used for properties. Aerva javanica This plant used the woolly flowers and seed heads that provides. has traditionally been used stuff pillows, cushions and camel saddles. has medicinal properties and used kohl for the application outlining around the eye to reduce sun glare and keep Public Realm Perspectives & Sections Central Plaza - Sections C5.1.3 Public Realm Summary Design Inspiration - Site History & Culture C5.1.1 Phoenix dactylifera The Phoenix dactylifera (Date Palm) provides the national people the UAE with crafting material that can be applied many different The date palm not just provider fruit. Acacia tortilis This tree has been used extensively the creation many items such decorations, this purpose. properties. Aerva javanica This plant used the woolly flowers and seed heads that provides. has traditionally been used stuff pillows, cushions and around the eye to reduce sun glare and keep eye moist. Public Realm Perspectives & Sections Central Plaza - Sections C5.1.3 Page 22 YAS SOUTH Landscape Concept Design Report
1.11.0 DMP2 Masterplan
An AECOM Philippine and Beijing office project collaboration for one of client Vanke’s residential development, involves the design of open spaces, community amenity areas and streetsapes in Guangzhou, China (Qingyuan). Nestled in hills adjoining a lake, this project is a new development by Vanke, China’s largest real estate developer. It features retail, hotel, and residential spaces, including high-end villas. Built image Built image An AECOM Philippine and Beijing office project collaboration for one of Vanke’s high-end and flagship residential development, involves the design of open spaces, community amenity areas and streetsapes. Project is located in Chongqing, Sichuan, China. Built image The Mangrove Sanya Haitang Bay An AECOM Philippine and Beijing office project collaboration for The Mangrove Resort hotel development. It involves the landscape masterplan and detailed design of the resort’s grounds and pool amenities areas including the design of water features, streetscape, open spacess and play areas. Project is located in Sanya, Hainan, China. Built images An AECOM green project with Philippine client, Arthaland; a landscape design of the terrace pool area, foregrounds, plaza open space areas, and play areas for Arya. Arya residences is the first condominium complex in the Philippines to achieve dual;l green building certification, US Green Building Council’s LEED Gold Certification and the Philippine Green Building Council’s national benchmark for BERDE (Building for Ecologically Responsive Design Excellence). Built images KEY PLAN KEY PLAN KEY PLAN KEY PLAN 26 21 sq. km waterfront city planned to be the largest development the country, sitting next The Pearl contain marinas, residential areas, commercial districts, golf courses, entertainment district, malls, mosques, schools and medical centres Lusail Development Master Plan Project in collaboration with Parsons Halcrow Client: Qatari Diar Foundation Hyder Consulting project North Doha, Qatar // 27 crescent park south in collaboration with Parsons & Halcrow Client: Qatari Diar Foundation Hyder Consulting project North Doha, Qatar // Lusail Development Master Plan Project planting and sustainable shade structures Lu.sail Streetscape Project in collaboration with Halcrow & Parsons Hyder Consulting Client: Qatari Foundation Qatar // 25 prototype sustainable shade structures Lusail Access Road Project collaboration with Halcrow COWI ME Hyder Consulting Project Client: Qatari Foundation Qatar // Use of indigenous low-maintenance trees more sustainable than using palms in the landscape Planting design for streets and carpark Qatar Education City in collaboration with Hyder Bahrain+ Atkins Qatar Foundation Qatar Petroleum project // Use of local shrubbery is sustainable Hardscape Materials Palette Matrix FOLIOCD P4 OF 5
perspective drawing municipal grounds Mabini Strategic Master Plan Mabini, Batangas, Philippines 16 shot of site before design bird’s eye perspective design aims to promote pedestrian use of civic open spaces Shanghai Wai Tan Yuan urban redevelopment Shanghai International District China 09 bird’s eye perspective proposed recreational grounds Tseng Kwan’ O China 11 bird’s eye perspective design aims to develop brownfield into varied habitat one for local and migrating wildlife at outer city center Jordan Valley landfill China 10 perspective drawing of municipal grounds Mabini Strategic Master Plan Mabini, atangas, Philippines 15 shot of site before design perspective drawing Mabini Strategic Development Plan Anilao Proper Mabini, Batangas 18 perspective drawing Mabini Strategic Development Plan Anilao Proper Mabini, atangas 19 Eton Project; gateway, landscape and pool design for amenity areas of hig-end residential development Manila. Project location: 68 Roces, Quezon City, Philippines Built images Eton Project; landscape+ pool design for amenity area of hig-rise condominium residential development. Project location: Eton Residences, Makati, Philippines Built images Eton Project; landscape+ pool design for amenity area of a hig-rise condominium residential development in Manila. Project location: Eton Towers, Makati, Philippines Built images Eton Project; landscape+ pool design for amenity area of hig-rise condominium residential development in Manila. Project location: Manila, Philippines Built images Eton Project; landscape+ pool design for amenity area of hig-rise condominium residential development in Manila. Project location: Manila, Philippines Built images Eton Project; South Lake Village landscape development; amenity design and construction for high-end residential development south of Manila. Project location: Sta. Rosa, Laguna, Philippines Built images FOLIOCD P5 OF 5