Christine Johnson Landscape Architecture Portfolio
Perspective A designer is only as good as their experiences. I believe that travel is essential to any ďŹ eld, especially the ďŹ eld of landscape architecture. Traveling opens new avenues for creative problem solving and design, so my goal in life is to travel and learn about other cultures as much as possible. I have already met some amazing people from Tajikistan, Iran, India, South Korea, Japan, China, and many others; the stories they share with me are powerful and irreplaceable insights into the human condition and I feel like more of a well-rounded person because of them. I hope my future as a landscape architect takes me to far off lands and allows me to glean a better understanding of the world.
Designer Profile Skills
Education Not Proficient
Highly Proficient
Ball State University
I l lust rator InDesign
BLA ‘16 candidate Minor in Asian Studies
AutoCAD SketchUp
Countries Visited
Singing Photo graphy
Web Design
Graphic Design
Languages C l a s s e s Ta k e n French (2 years in high school) E l e m e n t a r y w r i t i n g /s p e a k i n g
S e l f -Ta u g h t / L e a r n i n g Japanese Basic reading/writing
Korean Simple sp oken phrase s
Chinese Simple sp oken phrase s (learne d whi le abroad)
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
U n d e r g ra d u a t e Wo r k 8 12
Personal Projects
St . B e n e d i c t ’s M e d i t at i o n G a rd e n
Things Come Apart 3 4 Photo graphy Exp eriment
Community Plavnning and Design
B S U C A P T- S h i r t s 3 8 T- s h i r t D e s i g n
USS Indianpolis Memorial Planting Design
The Duck Pond Chapel 1 6 Planting Design 20
Tr a v e l J o u r n a l 4 0 Sketches
CAP Ramp Challenge Engineering 2
B u i l t Wo r k The Downtown Muncie Hub 26 Muncie, IN
Attention! This is a list of symbols I will be using to signify which pro grams were used on each project.
Adobe Photoshop
Adob e I l lust rator
Adobe InDesign
Autodesk AutoCAD
Google SketchUp
Reworked Project
Undergraduate Wo r k
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture 2 0 1 1- 2 0 1 4
S t . B e n e d i c t’ s Meditation Garden A relaxing garden space that was designed using native Indiana plants and an Asian-inspired dry river that ties the whole site t o g e t h e r. T h e g o a l w a s to provide outdoor garden and activity space for the nearby r e t r e a t c e n t e r.
Project Snapshot LA 302 Community Planning and Design l 2014
Plaza Space Pavilion
Council Ring
Meditation Space
Left: Perspective looking west towards the plaza space that is planted with an October Glory Red Maple.
Above: Right: Conceptual Final rendered site sketching and plant plan. placement d iagrams, along with the first rendering of this project.
40 N
Ye l l o w w o o d
Right: Section B-B1 showing the council ring and looking towards the parking lot.
Silver Linden
Below: S e c i to n A-A 1 showing the parking lot, council ring, and pathways, looking towards the pavilion.
Fo u nt a i n Grass
Mealycup Sage
Moss Phlox
Korean Spice Viburnum
Open Lawn
Council Ring
Open Lawn
October Glory Red Maple
Shasta Daisy
Blue Star Amsonia
Maidengrass Mountain Gold Alyssum
Parking Lot
Wal k
Open Lawn
Council Ring
Wal k
Ve getate d Berm
Wal k
Brick benches provide contemplative places to sit
Brick walls inscribed with sayings of St. Benedict offer the dual purpose of an art piece and an intropsective experience.
Simple plantings with a cool color palette enhance a state of relaxation.
Above: Perspective showing the meditation space to the south of the site.
USS Indianapolis Wa r M e m o r i a l * Te a m P r o j e c t * Memorial for the USS Indianpolis that went down during WWII. Located in downtown Indianapolis, in front of the American Legion Headquarters, this design was meant to represent the vast number of people who died on the ship.
Project Snapshot LA 302 Planting Design 2014
Left: Night rendering of the northern part of the memorial wall that will light up at night and provide a community gathering place.
American Legion Headquarters
Right: Rendered site plans, showing daytime and nighttime conditions of the site.
Memorial Wall It will have the story of the USS Indianapolis engrave d on it . Glowing Lights They will softly glow at night, depicting the individual lives lost on the ship.
Last Coordinates Bronze inlays will depict the last place the ship was seen before it went down.
Left: Va r i o u s n o t e s a b o u t what a memorial is and what the layout of the design should be. Our team explored different planting material suggestions as well as lighting designs. The whole idea w a s t o “c o n n e c t ” the user to the experience of the s h i p’s s i n k i n g , so using sensory materials like glowing lights and engrave d glass that reflected back the “sea of l ights ” were a way to acheive this.
Ta l l G r a s s P r a i r i e
Seating Area
Wal kway
Curb e d Grass Areas
Above: S e c t i o n A-A 1 s h o w i n g the pathway benches a n d e a s t- w e s t w a l k w a y. A A1
The Duck Pond Chapel This project was designed to inspire the feeling of an Indiana native woodland, as well as provide seasonal interest. The focal point of the design was a chapel that was to be used for special events and the like.
Project Snapshot LA 302 Planting Design 2014
Left: Perspective looking towards pond.
Right: Final rendered site plan showing the different planting choices.
Left: Design process w o r k f l o w, f ro m l e f t to right and top to bottom, starting with inventory and ending with the design concept. Right: Sections of the duck p ond facing east and north, r e s p e c t i v e l y.
CAP Ramp Challenge * Tw o P e r s o n P r o j e c t * This was a semester long project that was continually worked on by me and one other person. We de signe d a new ramp and staircase, then engineered it and made construction details.
Project Snapshot LA 312 Engineering 2 2014
Gs Au
Left: Final SketchUp rendering of the reworked stair and ADA acce si ble ramp design, done my me. Right: Final layout plan showing the proposed materials. Base plan constructed by both my partner and I. Below: Sketches that my partner and I did before constructing the final design, as well as screenshots of the SketcUp rendering, showing the rai l detail, the new shaded sitting area, and the various materials to be used as paving.
Left: Fu l l wa l l d et a i l , done my me. Right: Brickwork and ramp wall detail, along with the rai l ing detail, done by me..
B u i l t Wo r k
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture 2014
The Downtown Muncie Hub * Te a m P r o j e c t * *Ongoing Project* The owner of this site approached us, wanting to create a vi brant community space that would also house a memorial for his nephew and a small community garden plot.
Project Snapshot Client: Hans Heintzelman Role: Project Manager Timeline: 2013-14
Left: Photo of the finished site, taken by me during a hosted event on the space. Right: Tw o c o n c e p t renderings of the site and the final aerial view of the site. Concept ideas generate d by me and one other teammate, renderings done by me. Photo graph f r o m t h e Fa c e b o o k page.
Left: Stages of the design process, from start to finish.
1 4 7 28
2 5 8
3 6 9
Right: Before and After photos of the site conditions. Before photo f r o m t h e Fa c e b o o k p a g e , A f t e r photo taken by me.
1 2 3 4 5
Te a m m e e t i n g s w i t h t h e client. Mural paintings go up on the wal l for temp orary de coration. Donated planters are filled with donated dirt. Sand is tamped down in preparation for pavers.
Pavers are being laid by generous volunteers.
6 7 8 9
Softscape is installed, along with finishing touches. The site is finally completed and ready to use. Outdoor events are starting to be held at the space. Ongoing construction of the facade re storation.
After 29
Left: Final AutoCAD dimensions, handed t o t h e c o n t r a c t o r. Completed by me and two other team members. Right: Shed dimensioning and AutoCAD plans. De signe d and drawn by me. Right Bottom: Build schedule put together by me for volunteers and posted on the Fa c e b o o k p a g e . Fa r R i g h t : Poster I put togther for the opening day of the Hub.
30 N
The Muncie Hub Build Schedule May 5Ͳ9 Start Time Tools Needed
Volunteers Needed
Monday 12:00 PM Auger Shovels
Tuesday 12:00 PMͲ5 pm Tamper Post Hole Digger Power Washer Brick Pavers from Hans Limestone Pavers Line Level String Cement Mix (1) Tamping the Ground (2Ͳ4) Laying Pavers (2) Powerwashing Limestone (2) Separating and Moving Limestone (2) Making Cement Bench Base (1) Cleaning Out/Finishing Bench Digging
Wednesday 12:00 PMͲ5 pm Tamper (Maybe) Power Washer (Maybe) Brooms
Thursday 12:00 PMͲ5 pm Truck Wheelbarrow(s) Shovels
Friday 12:00 PMͲ3 pm Car
(2) Sweeping the Joints (2Ͳ4) Finishing the Pavers
(3) Getting Dirt from Patty's (1) Supervising and Helping with Odds and Ends
(2) Possibly Looking at Plant Choices in Nurseries
*Note: Depending on how much gets done on Tuesday, the Wednesday schedule may just be a continuation of Tuesday's schedule
P e r s o n a l Wo r k
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture 2014
Things Come Apart This was a side project I created because of my interest in electronics and p h o t o g ra p h y. I w a n t e d to show the beauty of how intricately and carefully each of these devices is put together; each part is needed to create a cohesive and functioning whole.
B S U C A P T- S h i r t Designs The Student Association of the American Society of Landscape Architects requested that I design n e w t- s h i r t l o g o s fo r the department, so these are the two designs that I and another team member came up with.
Left: Photo of the LA undergrads sp orting t h e i r n e w g e a r. Right: Three different shirt designs (baseball tee, t- s h i r t , a n d s u p e r comfortable crewneck sweatshirt).
Tr a v e l Journals These are a collection of my various sketches whi le t ravel ing, walking, or just ob serving the natural world. I use my journals as a way of recording my experiences for later and also for understanding the world around me.
Christine Johnson 2 0 0 4 W. P e t t y Muncie, IN 47304 cjohnson1341@ 248.417.5133
Design Experience 2013-Present Downtown Muncie "Hub" Proje ct /Summer Proje ct Manager/Pro duce d site de sign prop o sals and plant choice considerations/ Graphic rendering/
Fe b . 2 0 1 4 GM Plant Design Charette /Provide d de sign input for a large scale masterplan and pro gram elements/ Co-le d a team of five and assigne d tasks to each memb er/ Graphic rendering/
N o v. 2 0 1 3 St. Benedict's Meditation Garden /Met with clients and assesed needs and wants/ Conducted preliminary and final desgin presentations/ Plan rendering/
Oct. 2013 Fa l l C r e e k M a s t e r P l a n /Pro duce d large scale masterplan and pro gram elements with a team/ Identifie d watershe d flow and risk factors/ Graphic rendering/
Fa l l C r e e k M a s t e r P l a n Oct. 2013
St . B e n e d i c t ’s M e d i t at i o n Garden N o v. 2 0 1 3
GM Plant Design Charette Fe b . 2 0 1 4
Downtown Muncie “Hub” Project Oct. 2013-Present