APHIAplus support for RMNCH/FP Services –NYAMIRA COUNTY
County RMNCH/FP Profile Indicator Women of Reproductive Age Maternal Mortality Rate HIV Prevalence No. of BEmONC facilities Total Fertility Rate Skilled birth attendance 4+ ANC Visits Contraceptive Prevalence Rate
Geographical location of supported Health Facilities
Status 145086 385/100,000 live births 6.4% 11 3.5% 74.1% 50% 64%
Deliveries in health facilities Fully Immunized Children
74% 87%
Data source: KDHS
2014 & DHIS
Supported EmONC Health Facilities by Sub-county Sub-County Manga
Borabu Nyamira South Nyamira North Masaba North Total
0 1 0 1 2
1 1 2 3 11
Supported RMNCH/FP Health Facilities by Sub-county
RMNCH/FP Interventions Capacity Building
Training of HCPs– FP, FANC, PNC, EmONC, IPC, IMCI, FP Commodity Management, UBT, CaCx screening, RMC, Chlorhexidine
Training of CHVs– FP, iCCM
Support for CMEs, OJT, CPD
Delivery sets, fetoscopes, thermometers, handwashing equipment, ORT equipment
Repair of EPI equipment Improvement of selected delivery rooms– repairs, painting, curtains
Consumables for CaCx screening and RH camps
Number of Health Facilities
Nyamira North
Masaba North
Best Practices/lessons learnt
Equipment, Supplies and Facilities
Sub County
Mapping and referral of pregnant women is key in ensuring early ANC attendance hence a boost to 4th ANC attendance Defaulter identification and tracing in MCH clinic improves 4th ANC & Immunization attendance The use of UBT as an intervention to manage PPH. Chlorohexidine use for prevention of cord infections and its uptake in the facilities.
Quality Improvement
Supportive supervision by CHMT, S/CHMT and focal persons
Provision of job aids, guidelines, reporting tools
Use of data for decision making at all levels
Supporting MPDSR committees
Integrated community outreaches
Referrals by CHVs for services
Active defaulter tracing by CHVs for ANC and immunization services
-UBT roll out Commodity management training for health workers from Manga sub-county, Nyamira
Enhance use of SOPs for standardized client/patient management Advocate with County Government to provide MVA kits which impede EmONC sites scale up. Provide adequate training to HCWs on use of Vacuum extractors. Advocate with County Government for more health financing for improved service provision. Inculcate a culture of BEmONC readiness in all sites. Encourage use of technology in RMNCH/FP/Nutrition programming.