APHIAplus support for RMNCH/FP Services –SIAYA COUNTY Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Indicator
Geographical location of supported Health Facilities
Women of Reproductive Age 215,483 Maternal Mortality rate
691/100,000 live births
Total Fertility Rate
Skilled birth attendance
4+ ANC Visits
Outcomes Trends in the 4th ANC visits
Contraceptive Prevalence Rate 51% Fully Immunized Children
Data source: KDHS 2014 & DHIS 2015
Supported RMNCH/FP Health Facilities by Sub-county Sub County
Number of Health Facilities
Gem Rarienda
33 24
Alego Usonga
Ugenya Ugunja
13 15
Trends in skilled deliveries
RMNCH/FP Interventions Capacity Building
Training of HCPs– FP, FANC, PNC, EmONC, IPC, IMCI, FP Commodity Management, UBT, CaCx screening, RMC, Chlorhexidine
Training of CHVs– FP, iCCM
Support for CMEs, OJT, CPD
Selection of mentors from best performing staff as a motivation
Use of diaries improved the immunization defaulter tracing
Equipment, Supplies and Facilities
Delivery sets, fetoscopes, thermometers, handwashing equipment, ORT equipment Repair of EPI equipment Improvement of selected delivery rooms– repairs, painting, curtains Consumables for CaCx screening and RH camps
Best practices/lessons learnt
CYP trends
Use of RH integrated camps increased uptake of RH services especially FP and Immunization Working with the CHVs improved uptake and retention of ANC mothers and Immunization services Regular mapping of pregnant women improved uptake of both first and 4th ANC visits Formation of FP and RMNCH TWGs . Mapping and referral of pregnant women is key in ensuring early ANC attendance hence a boost to 4th ANC attendance Defaulter identification and tracing in MCH clinic improves 4 ANC & Immunization attendance
Quality Improvement
Supportive supervision by CHMT, S/CHMT and focal persons Provision of job aids, guidelines, reporting tools
Next steps/ opportunities
Use of data for decision making at all levels
Supporting MPDSR committees
Integrated community outreaches
Referrals by CHVs for services
Active defaulter tracing by CHVs for ANC and immunization services
UBT roll out Early childhood development interventions at community level Bedside screens in Maternity Ward provided by APHIAplus for patient privacy in at Siaya County Referral Hospital
Strengthen Postpartum FP Introduction of cryotherapy services in high volume facilities Strengthen the referral system through developing a referral directory Strengthen the existing and initiate QIT in all the facilities