Mumias model health center

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MUMIAS MODEL HEALTH CENTRE Background Mumias Model Health Centre is a government facility situated along Mumias - Musanda road in Mumias west Sub-County. The facility has a catchment population of 22,641 of whom 815 are under 1 year while 3,962 are under 5 years. The facility is expected to offer services to 5,977 women of reproductive age and in 2016 is expected to deliver 815 children.


Community Units/Community Engagement The facility is supported by 2 CHUs and 20 CHVs. The CHVs are responsible for client retention, documentation of referrals, adherence and psychosocial support, community/facility linkages, contact tracing, conducting health promotion activities, and Positive Health Dignity and prevention activities in all the entry points that they are attached to. CHVs Brief on follow up: 

Follow up of children for immunization

Mapping of ANC Mothers.

Follow up of mothers for skilled delivery and referrals for ANC visits

Community based promotion of FP for facility linkages, contact tracing, conducting health promotion, preventive and curative activities.

Community case management with diagnosis and treatment of malaria.

Outreaches-CHVs mobilization

Challenges     

Achievements 

Introduction of ‘Oparanya Care’ Project has led to improved number of skilled deliveries

Community to Facility referrals is successful through CHVs

Capacity building to staffs through training, OJT and mentorship

Human resource support through APHIAplus

Support from APHIA plus e.g. IPC materials, furniture, IEC, equipment.

Inadequate working space especially in CCC and OPD Knowledge gap on reporting tools. Inadequate supplies especially non-pharms Lack of funds e.g. free maternity funds. Frequent power blackouts and lack of standby source of power

Graph on Family planning, 4th ANC, skilled deliveries, Fully immunized children Month



Skilled deliveries


January Feb March April May June July August Sept

244 217 236 213 263 239 243 226 217

43 46 44 55 50 58 86 57 46

77 45 62 78 90 84 83 64 85

67 91 81 72 67 111 100 72 97

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