graphic standard
graphic standard
table of contents
3 5
mission statement logo usage 6
logo ratio
color palette
logo variation
incorrect logo usage
business sytem 14
business card
final business system
marketing applications 20
advertising: outdoor
advertising: print
mission statement
Delizioso aims to provide an option for gourmet dining in grocery stores nationwide; those who don’t have time to cook or don’t have access to local stores with artisan goods can still enjoy the taste of homemade pasta sauce. With Delizioso, you can still get the taste of homemade pasta sauce from the store. Our company provides several different flavors of gourmet pasta sauce in convenient, eco-friendly packaging that is tasty and perfect for smaller portions.
logo usage
Delizioso’s logo was designed around a script typeface, in order to give the feeling of a more high-end, gourmet product. The bits of pasta create an interaction between the illustration and the text, and the extension of the fork past the circle produces a dynamic between the foreground and background. The solid circle of color helps to give a crisp, modern f=eel to the logo, and can also be exchanged with other colors, to match different flavors.
logo ratio
The logo can be scaled to any size, given that the following proportions are maintained. Since the logo is contained within a circle, the length and width should be equal whenever it is resized. The logo should be sized down to no smaller than 1x1 inch, to maintain legibility.
color palette
The deep, red color that acts as the primary color for Delizioso’s logo was chosen to imitate the color of traditional marinara sauce. Since the packaging is unique, it is important to maintain this aspect of familiarity for customers. The two shades of grey help to create dimension on the illustration of the fork, while the light yellow was chosen to mimic the color of pasta. The green and tan colors will replace the red on packaging for the Mushroom Basil and Alfredo flavors, respectively. The red, green, and tan colors are rich tones that help give the product a sense of sophistication.
CMYK: 30, 90, 94, 33 RGB: 133, 43, 32 # 842C1F
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 20 RGB: 209, 211, 212 # D1D2D4
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 40 RGB: 167, 169, 162 # A7A9AB
CMYK: 4, 8, 61, 0 RGB: 246, 224, 128 # F6E080
CMYK: 65, 49, 93, 45 RGB: 68, 76, 37 # 444C25
CMYK: 27, 57, 88, 10 RGB: 174, 114, 56 # AE7238
The main typeface for Delizioso is Willona, with a couple adjustments made to the strokes in the “d” and the l” in order to increase legibility. Delizioso’s business system uses Gill Sans Regular for body copy, and Bodoni Std in Bold Italic for headings. Since the repeated appearance of Willona -- in addition to the logo -- could become overwhelming, Bodoni Standard helps maintain the traditional, yet crisp feeling of Delizioso’s logo. Gill Sans matches well with Bodoni, and creates a contrast and balance between itself and Willona and Bodoni.
Willona ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Gill Sans ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Regular) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Bodoni Std ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Book Italic) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
logo variations
The following are appropriate variations of the logo. The tan and green colors indicate the Alfredo and Mushroom Basil flavors, respectively. Black and white is also an option, in case color is not feasible. While the logos look best against white, it is also possible to place it against a background of the same color as the circle, as demonstrated on the back of the company’s envelope.
incorrect logo usage
improper adjustment of the fork
improper adjustment of the circle size
use of color not in the color palette
removal of the fork
improper adjustment of the font size
improper adjustment of circle location
business system
business card
The business card is the standard 3.5 x 2 inches. It features a fork illustration on the front, with the employee’s name in Bodoni Standard Bold Italic, and their position in capitalized Gill Sans below it. The information below includes e-mail, phone number, and the address for Delizioso’s headquarters. The back features Delizioso’s logo, centered, and the website below it.
3.5 in
.54 in
john doe 2 in
CREATIVE DIRECTOR 888.432.9483 345 Montgomery St San Francisco, CA 94018
.36 in
1.25 in
The envelope is the standard 9.5 x 4.125 inches. Using the fork illustration as a repeating element, it appears again under the return address in the upper left corner, with the pasta extending out to the center. The back of the envelope features Delizioso’s label in the center on the flap, which has the primary red color to introduce color. The red also continues on the inside of the envelope when you open it.
.32 in
.37 in 2.05 in
4.125 in
4.23 in 9.5 in
The letterhead is on standard 8.5 x 11 inch paper. In order to maintain a corporate and professional feeling, it simply has the Delizioso logo on top and the contact information at the bottom.
8.5 in 1.45 in .47 in 2.47 in
1.5 in
Date Name Address City Dear,
11 in
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce blandit augue sit amet massa faucibus finibus. Sed rhoncus sapien sit amet velit eleifend, nec consequat ante finibus. Maecenas ut mollis dui, ut fermentum turpis. Donec id ultrices eros, blandit egestas tellus. Morbi id pretium nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla ut imperdiet nisi. Sed nec tincidunt lacus, quis aliquet mauris. Sed molestie nec lectus id fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Donec massa nisi, accumsan ac neque vitae, finibus tempus felis. Nunc eget mauris mi. Aenean ut leo et mi tristique mattis. Pellentesque dignissim faucibus varius. Sed justo sem, commodo id mauris vel, ornare auctor libero.Vestibulum mollis metus arcu, et porttitor metus egestas sit amet. Vestibulum consequat tortor in lectus pharetra, ut viverra metus dapibus. Ut in vehicula urna. Proin finibus dolor nisi, eget commodo nibh consectetur sit amet. Nulla magna elit, hendrerit dignissim condimentum ullamcorper, rutrum quis orci. Nunc turpis ex, congue eu posuere in, mattis id diam. Sincerely, Name
345 Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA
1.25 in
final business system
john doe CREATIVE DIRECTOR 888.432.9483
345 Montgomery St San Francisco, CA 94018
marketing applications
The Delizioso website will include information about the company, its goals and sustainability. It will also have nutritional information available and recipes for the consumer to try.
Our products are transported to retailers by truck that features Delizioso’s logo.
advertising: outside
Outside advertisements bring brand awareness. The large scale of the logo and short tagline help audiences to recognize and remember Delizioso. The billboards are simple enough to read when passing through high-traffic areas, and posters at bus stops allow people time to browse the website on their phones while waiting.
advertising: print
Print advertising caters to a more targeted audience. By advertising in those who regularly read and flip through food magazines, Delizioso can spread brand awareness to customers who might enjoy cooking, but might not always have time to create pasta sauce from scratch. Print advertising uses appealing photography to showcase the product, which helps to maintain the artisan feel of Delizioso and remind the audience that it is gourmet.
Merchandise is available in several forms on the website. All products are made from recycled material -- such as organic cotton for the t-shirts -- to promote Delizioso as a sustainable and environmentally-conscious brand. The merchandise includes the brand in different varieties, and maintains a minimalist and fresh aesthetic.
Delizioso 415.094.0114 345 Montgomery St San Francisco, CA 94018