Christ It Up Fall 2014
Darnica Gordon
Things You May Not Know About Breast Cancer
Life after Homosexuality
Kimberly Fairley
“Perfectly Imperfect”
On The Cover
In Every Issue
...The Rest
5| Team Ex-Lesbian A woman’s story of finding God and giving up her life as a lesbian.
*Vessel's Note *Prayer for Salvation *Couples In Christ *Coffee with Sister Doris *Bookworm *Words of the Lord
5| Are You Living in Fear? A quick remnder that God did not give us the spirit of fear.
8| Cover Story A look in the life of author Kimberly Fairley through her book, “Perfectly Imperfect”. 10| Breast Cancer Awareness 10 things to know about breast cancer.
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13| Hello Proper Girl Meet Nina Jackson
Courtesy of Standback Media
I remember a while ago, maybe the beginning of the year, I had a slight scare when I felt a knot in my left breast. I immediately made an appointment. My doctor felt what I felt and sent me to see a specialist. A nervous wreck, I spoke to my Father, “If this is your Will Lord, I accept it. Even though I’m nervous, I will trust you.” The nurse came in, examined me, left, and then returned with the news that I was fine. She didn’t know why my tissue was hard but she knew it wasn’t cancer. “Thank you Father.” Now to the women whose news didn’t go that way, I lift you up. May you continue to fight this thing head on! By His stripes we are healed! No matter what it is, keep God first and your eyes on Him. This is the most important thing for us to do.
Give your life to Christ
Vessel’s If you have read past issues of this magazine or if this is your first time, I am glad to introduce, The Sinner’s Prayer. Romans 10:9-11 (NIV) 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 11 As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” To give your life to Christ, recite this aloud: Dear God, I come to you today as a sinner asking for forgivness. I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that you are Lord. I believe that you died on the cross and rose on the third day with all power in your hand. And today I accept you as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus name, Amen!
To everyone else. Let’s continue to support these women in their journey. Rather it’s donations, walking, or just being there for them. To God be the Glory! Mz. CIU 1323 Superior Ave Pittsburgh, Pa 15212 412~354~9423
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My name is Shantae Richardson I was born in the Bronx New York grew up in Asheville NC. This is my story on how I overcame homosexuality. I prayed every night for years "God, please make these feelings go away!!" I started finding myself very attached to my friends (girls) sometimes even having intimate feelings for them. It wasn't always a sexual attraction as much as an emotional one until I became an adult. But Satan will mask it anyway he feels necessary to get you to fall into his trap. My relationships would only last week’s sometimes months but the lifestyle was like a revolving door I had gotten so deep into the Lesbian lifestyle that even homosexual sin was not satisfying anymore. I began experimenting and became addicted to masturbation & pornography. Still, deep inside I felt so empty and all alone and to fill the emptiness I would put so much of my emotions into my relationships that I would find myself becoming
depressed sometimes even suicidal when my relationships wouldn't work out My relationships were always rocky and I got burned time and time again I felt no one could ever comprehend me and who I was on the inside. Then God spoke to me one day and said, “The reason why your relationships always fail, Shantae is because you are trying to fill a void only I can fill, surrender to me and I promise I will give you the desires of your heart It wasn't an overnight process but I gave my heart to him and he has embraced me in his arms. It’s been a daily process to overcome the struggles I've had with my sexuality and identity. But I have learned who I am in Christ. I've learned that deliverance is a Process. I used to pray to God every day to take it away. I would cry myself to sleep. Now I know God loves me no matter where I am in the process I was made Righteous through his son Jesus Christ and that through Christ I am a new creation. Now I can finally fulfill the Purpose and Destiny God has for me. Through my struggles, defeats and victories I feel that my testimony can be an encouragement to many men & women. I started a ministry called #TeamExLesbian Movement. Where we will promote Deliverance from Homosexuality & Sexual sin. We desire to proclaim the truth with compassion. Telling those who desire the will of God in their lives, that all can be transformed through faith in Him. Just as God has transformed me.
Contact Info : Twitter : @teamexlesbian - Personal @exlesbianmov - Ministry - website
Are You Living in Fear? By: Staci Bose
I am not talking about fear of the boogie man or Michael Myers; not the Freddy Krueger fear. I am talking about fear of success.
shalt be above and not beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them.
A lot of Christians struggle with the idea of being successful. It is like the idea of being successful is taboo. We expect the world to be successful and we contribute to their success; buying high priced labels like Michael Kors, Jordan’s, Coach, Beats. Now do not get me wrong. I am all for living the best life. But why do we not think that we deserve to be successful?
So if God has called us the head, the lender, how can we get there without success? We cannot. Now I know that there are people who will say, well God will just bless me. And while that is true that God blesses who He chooses to bless, we also know faith without works is dead. So stop sitting back waiting for "it" to drop in your lap. Work your faith. Resurrect your dreams. Achieve your goals. Let go of fear. And whatever success comes with it, learn to accept it. You deserve it!!
The Bible says in Deuteronomy 28:12-13, I will make you the lender to many nations and not the borrower. And the Lord shall make thee the head and not the tail; and thou
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Couples in Christ Meet James and kellie hudson James and I met 9 years ago when I was 18 years old. I was already a teenage mom to my first son, Joshua, and James had just got divorce about a year or so prior to us becoming a couple. He also had two children from that marriage. One year after we had started dating we had our first daughter together, Ava Grace. We had broken up and seemed to go our separate ways but God had other plans. James was becoming really passionate about becoming saved and getting into God but I thought I was too young and wanted to still have "fun" as a young adult. James would tell me all the time that he felt God had put us together for a reason. Then God revealed to me that James was the man I was supposed to spend my life with. He was the only man I had ever loved even though sometimes I tried to break up what God had put together. We have always believed that Ava Grace was sent to keep our relationship together because without her we probably would have not had reconnected and created this beautiful life and marriage we have today. On September 18th, 2009 we got married! James had taken in my son Joshua like he was his own, which was such a blessing, because not many men would step up to do so. On July 2nd, 2010 we had our second daughter Nevaeh and then 11 months, yes!, 11 months after that on June 3rd, 2011 we had our son Caleb. The next couple years of our marriage became very challenging. Caleb had gotten very sick and was in and out of the hospital the first year of his life. We had almost lost him at 6 months old and he ended up on life support over his first Christmas. It was the most difficult time of our lives and anybody who has been through having to grief over a sick child will tell you about how much strain it has on a marriage. Two different people grieving in their own way. James ended having to leave his job so we could have someone home to take care of Caleb. We started to have a lot of finical issues with medical bills and being an only one income household. We had both started to lose ourselves and our marriage in the stress of everything going on. We ended up separating for a year. For that year we both started to lean on God for answers within ourselves and for our marriage and family and thankfully we came back together as husband and wife and as a family for our children. "Therefore what God has joined together, let man
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not separate" Mark 10:9 NIV. Now after 5 years of marriage we are stronger then we have ever been. God has truly blessed us over these past years. Marriage is not easy but when you give all your problems and worries to God he will make a way better then you could ever imagine. "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" Peter 5:7 NIV. Throughout our difference in religion (him being raised Baptist and Me catholic), race, age, upbringing, personality and backgrounds we have created, with God’s grace and glory, a beautiful marriage. Believe me when I say this; if we can make it so can you. "He who finds a wife finds a good thing; and obtains favor from the lord" Proverbs 18:22 NIV. "And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him" Genesis 2:18 KJV. One thing that me and James have learned through our marriage is that neither one of us is prefect. That it takes a strong relationship with God to love and accept those imperfections and that when we accept each other despite all those imperfection we learn to love each other more and more. God should always be the center of your marriage in order to make it work. James has since then worked hard to graduate ministry school to become a Pastor and I have started to be very involved in children’s ministry at our church. Our family has become a strong unit and we both have a strong relationship with God.
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Things You May Not Know About Breast Cancer According to information on
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women aged 15 to 39
About 1,000 women under the age of 40 are expected to die each year from breast cancer
Nearly 80% of young women diagnosed with breast cancer find their breast abnormality themselves.
The treatments for breast cancer can lead to early onset menopause accompanied by the unpleasant symptoms and fertility problems usually seen in older women
Because fewer young women get cancer, they are often derrepresented in or even left out of research on breast cancer.
Young women who have breast cancer tend to have more aggressive types that are harder to treat.
Breast cancer in young women will often hit when expecting or caring for a young child, with almost 30% of cancers diagnosed within several years of childbirth. Treatment for breast cancer can have a longlasting impact on a woman’s ability to have children in the future.
About 250,000 women in the US who are breast cancer survivors were diagnosed before 40
Body image issues can arise for younger women who may see physical changes as a result of treatment. This can lead to intimacy issues for many women, both married and single.
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By: Darnica Gordon
I have known Kim for quite a few years now, but would have never known the things she endured had it not been for me reading her book. I love that we were able to catch her laughing and smiling because it truly shows how God can turn something that was meant to harm us, into something for His Glory!!
Christ It Up: How does it feel to be a published author?
It was never discussed with her. So she felt a sense of heaviness due to not being able to protect me from those things.
Kimberly Fairley: : It doesn’t really feel like a reality quite yet. I go to work and do so many things without people realizing I’m CIU: Did she happen to apologize for anything that happened, an author. I’m kind of in between feelings right now. or was she more shocked or taken aback? CIU: What made you put this book together?
KF: All of that. She was taken aback and very apologetic for the things that happened. I feel like she had, in a sense, placed a little KF: With the different Christian hip hop music I listen to guilt on herself for not being able to protect me as a mother. there’s such a big emphasis on people being real in their music concerning everyday life issues that are going on. I think that CIU: Wow…. So what is one of the best responses you’ve one of the things that inspired me was Christians being real with received about the book? what goes on inside the church. The reality is none of us are perfect and no church is perfect. There are issues that happen KF: . It’s cool for people to have a clearer understanding of and I just wanted to bring awareness to some of those issues that who I am today and why I’ve done the things I’ve done. To see people really struggle with. So that people aren’t looking at us as where that has all brought me and being able to appreciate all if we perfect and have never gone thru anything. That we’ve had the struggles I went through. For others to understand that due our won share of issues as well. to the things I’ve gone through, I’m not a terrible person... all the time (laughs), I’m pretty resilient, respectful, and I seek to CIU: How do you feel now that your book is out? inspire other people. So I guess people being very happy by the way I turned out despite all that I’ve been through. KF: A little fearful. There was a lot of fear of people’s opinions after reading the book and others not truly understanding the CIU: In your book you heart’s desire is to have a husband. Are things I had gone through. So I’ve just been struggling with a you dating anyone? lot of fear. KF: No, I’m still single. I’ve really come to a decent place of CIU: Has any of your family read your book? being content. I really desire in my singleness to be the woman God’s called me to be. My best so I can be in position to receive KF: Yes, my mom. His best. CIU: And what was her response?
CIU: Where do you see yourself going from here?
KF: My mom was very…I guess heavy, because some of the KF: There are two more books I’d love to write. One is concerning things she read she hadn’t known I’d gone through. Things such a life surrendered to purity. The other I really want to write is my as when I tried to commit suicide-she hadn’t known about that. process of being a mother and where that has taken me, because
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the thing is, parenting is hard. Whether there’s one parent or two. As a single woman it has been hard trying to raise a man in today’s culture. I believe God has been showing me a lot about myself and how I reflect things onto my son. WE want our men to be different things, but when we try to build them up we also break them down by the way we carry ourselves and how we portray things. So I really want to do a parenting book for single moms. I’m just waiting for the right time. I don’t want to do it prematurely. And that was the thing with this first book. Even though I’m not 110% healed and have everything together, I do believe I was in a better place to have put it out.
Because we never know who’s waiting on us to share our story. I had fear in doing this very interview but I know it is necessary. Not all of our stories are the same. I quote in my book Romans 8:28 (NIV), “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Good in the Greek means Agathos which means, beneficial in its effect. And all the things I went through that I shared in my book didn’t look good, sound good, or feel good but it has brought me to who I am today; with the endurance, the character, the integrity that I have. I’m not perfect, I still fall short, and still deal with issues but I’m continuing to seek out God and continuing to have a desire to be less of me and more CIU: You’ve been on mission trips, can you tell us about them? of Him. I encourage them to talk to someone about that fear so they are able to deal with it and share their story. How is God to KF: My first mission trip was when I first joined the church be glorified if we don’t share what He’s done? I’m currently a member at. The first was 3 years ago. I went to Louisiana. It was my birthday and right after Hurricane Isaac. CIU: Amen! So before I let you go, where can people contact We helped out a church that had been affected by the hurricane you if need be? And tell us the story behind “Brokenbeauty116”. and I loved it. The hands on work...that’s the type of stuff I love. I absolutely loved it! The second trip was in 2013 and I went to the Los Angeles Dream Center. This year, which had to have been the most life changing trip ever, was to Honduras this past June. At that time it was really hard for me because I had just lost my job and I really didn’t want go. I wanted to take care of things at home, but then I realized that there was nothing I could do in that weeks’ time that would change my situation. I decided to go. One thing that affected me the most was we had built a house for this woman who was pregnant with her first child and had been living on a dirt road. I remember looking at her face. Weeks before going I was asking God what it looked like to trust Him. When we presented the house to the woman, which was nothing more than four walls; practically a box. The look on her face was of hope fulfilled. To her it was a palace and to us it was a mere box. God showed me then that I just have to wait on Him. We may not know the why, when, where, or how, but to wait on Him with confident expectation. CIU: Amazing! So, in regards to the book, will there be a book signing?
KF: All of my social medias are under Brokenbeauty116. I love Reach Records, the whole unashamed 116 Clique. That’s where the 116 comes from. I considered my brokenness to be so ugly and disgusting that no one would ever want to get to know me. Not even Jesus. But once I got released from that I was able to see that my brokenness was so beautiful. I’ve always said in life no one wants to take advice from someone who hasn’t gone CIU: Great! Well do you have any last words or advice to anyone through anything. I now realize the things that have broken me who maybe battling with something such as fear? Because a lot are the things that make me beautiful! of times we go through things and once it’s over we bury it or put it away. KF: There will be a book signing! And even though I struggled with it because of not wanting the attention-I don’t like attentionbut I put out a book which brings attention. Plus, I believe God wants to speak through me. So...the signing will be around the anniversary of the publish date next year.
KF: I know this is easier said than done but get a grip on the fear.
10|CIU Fall Issue
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Coffee with Sister Doris Dear Sister Doris, I want to be saved, but I don’t want to stop having fun. I like to get drunk, go to the club, I have a boyfriend I have been dating for 2 years (we live together) and we have sex, and I smoke weed. I go to church, but I don’t know if I can get saved because I don’t want to stop living my lifestyle, but I don’t want to go to hell either. I thought about getting married so that we don’t sin with sex, but what about everything else? What should I do? Signed, Wannabe Christian
Ms. Wannabe,
I am so glad that you came to talk. Let me run into the kitchen and grab your tea … here you are dear. Does it taste ok? Great! First let me say that life is all about decisions. You say you want to live a life full of sin and not go to hell. That’s not an option. At the same time, you desire to have Jesus as your Lord and Savior, but you don’t want to come to Him as you are. You want to come to Him with no sin. Sweetie, if we could be perfect without Him, there would be no need for salvation This is the beginning of salvation .. Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts Hebrew 3:7 Right now you want a relationship with the Lord but, you are hardening your heart because you want to sin. I am so glad that you are aware of where you are. I am so glad that you are so honest with yourself and with the Lord so that He can deal with your heart. Then you acknowledge Jesus and give your life to Him If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 NIV Now once you get saved you have to pray that God renew your mind. The things of the Bible may seem ridiculous, boring, or unrealistic, but when you obtain the mind of Christ and understand why He requires holiness, it feels like a love relationship not a list of do's and don'ts For, "Who can know the LORD's thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?" But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16 I would also suggest that when you wake up in the morning you invite the Holy Spirit into your day ask the Holy Spirit to begin to teach you the ways of the Lord. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send
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in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26 Do you want to give your life to the Lord today? Ok, great! Let's say this prayer together: Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Your Name, Amen. Praise God. The angels in heaven are rejoicing. Now remember you do not have to do this alone. Continue going to church and get involved. And when you mess up, immediately ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins and don't do that thing again.. Now the real fun begins; the fun without regrets; the fun you can remember clearly the next day; the fun with no hangover. Find friends that can have fun with you without sin. I hope that our chat helped. Until next time, Sister Doris will be praying for you.
Hello Proper Girl!
My name is Nina Jackson, at the core I’m just a girl that loves Jesus, my husband, family and everyone else too! During the day, I work in wealth management at a top investment firm but I’m a girl with many interests: travel, music, history, politics and finance are just a few passions but nothing compares to helping others and ministering the Good News! I was raised in the church, baptized at 15 but it wasn’t until I was in my early twenties that I began the journey of really living for Jesus. Prior to coming to Christ, I was so broken, confused and hurt. Burdened by rejection and unforgiveness I found myself looking for wholeness in relationships but I was consistently disappointed. As a result, I grew cold and defensive. It wasn’t until I yielded to the voice of the Lord that all of that began to change. Now, it didn’t happen overnight but as I began to study His Word, and learn of The Gospel, I seriously became overwhelmed by His grace and love!! Gosh, I still remember being so overwhelmed by His Presence that I hunched over the steering wheel and cried out. Later that afternoon, I would find myself in my parents basement on my face in a worshipful surrender. My life would never be the same.His love changed me and continues to change me from the inside out. If I could offer a piece of advice, it would be to always reflect on the Gospel of Jesus. I’m a believer that everything you need can be found at the cross. The Gospel teaches us love, humility, forgiveness, grace, faith, service, perseverance, ministry, reconciliation, peace, temperance and it brings us to repentance. I am convinced that there is nothing so beautiful as the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Nina J. ProperGirl Inc
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Book Worm Left For Dead
By: Ebony Canion This was one of the best books I’ve read in a while (and I read a lot of books). Being that it is a true story makes it that much more intriguing. Ebony takes you on a journey from her childhood to adulthoood. Through this you get to share in her relationships and trials. Then you see her building her relationship with Christ. Be sure to order this book from Seriously....awesome story!!
Words of the Lord By: Darnica Gordon 1 Peter 2:24 NIV He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed. For a little while, after I got saved, I would say this when praying for healing in someone but I didn’t quite understand the meaning. I always heard it said, “by whose stripes ye were healed.” (KJV) I can’t recall exactly what happened that caused my light to be clicked on, but it was like all of a sudden I understood. By Jesus being beat and tortured, we are healed. By him being nailed to that cross, we are healed! Thank you Jesus for taking on such an amazing task for us. I am forever grateful of your love!
15|CIU Fall Issue
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