Welcome to Irish Hampers Christmas Catalogue 2022

As one of Ireland’s largest hamper companies, we are delighted to present our 2022 range of exquisite Christmas Hampers.
Our hampers make the perfect gift as they cater for all types of recipients and their different tastes. Whether providing gifts to your employees in recognition of a job well done or to your most favoured customers or business associates as a thank you at Christmas, we have something for every budget.
Choose from our wide range of luxury hampers, packed with the best Irish chocolates and treats, fine wines from around the world, Irish whiskey, liqueurs and more.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any special requests like incorporating bespoke items and we will do our best to provide whatever you need to create the perfect Chrimstmas hamper.

To place an order simply contact us using details below.
Regards and best wishes from The Irish Hampers Team.

Il Padrino Rosso Sicily 75cl
Il Padrino Blanco Sicily 75cl
Bailey’s Chocolate Twist 120g
Seymours Dark Chocolate & Raspberry Bites 150g

Lily O’Brien’s Handmade Chocolate 93g
Butler’s Honeycomb Crisp Chocolate 170g
Lily O’Brien’s Salted Carmel Tree Box 108g
Victoria Indulgence Biscuit Selection 300g
Butler’s Marc De Champagne Pink Box 130g
3” Pillar Candle
Il Padrino Rosso Sicily 75cl x 2
Il Padrino Blanco Sicily 75cl x 2
Seery’s Whiskey Cake 500g
Lily O’Brien’s Handmade Chocolate 93g
Bailey’s Chocolate Twist 120g

Victoria Indulgence Biscuit Selection 300g

Butler’s Marc De Champagne Pink Box 130g
Carlton Christmas Slices (5)
Butler’s Dark Mint Chocolate Truffles Fondants 170g
Lily O’Brien’s Salted Carmel Tree Box 108g

Jameson Irish Whiskey 70cl
Il Padrino Rosso Sicily 75cl x 2
Il Padrino Blanco Sicily 75cl x 2
Butler’s Marc De Champagne Powder Puff 200g
Luxury Christmas Crackers (6)

Seery’s Whiskey Cake 500g
Marian’s Irish Whiskey Marmalade 227g
Bailey’s Chocolate Twist 120g
Butler’s Honeycomb Crisp Chocolates 170g
Lily O’Brien’s Handmade Chocolate 93g
Fox’s Chocolate Biscuit Tin 365g
Seymours Shortbread Bites 150g
Grandma Wilds Mince Pies 150g (4)
3” Pillar Candle
Lily O’Brien’s Salted Carmel Tree Box 108g
Victoria Indulgence Biscuit Selection 550g
Jameson Irish Whiskey 70cl

Botter Veneto Merlot Italy 75cl x 2

Botters Veneto Chardonnay Italy 75cl x 2
Baileys Irish Cream 70cl
Butler’s Marc De Champagne Powder Puff 200g
Victoria Indulgence Biscuit Selection 550g
Seery’s Whiskey Cake 500g
Luxury Christmas Crackers (6)

Marian’s Irish Whiskey Marmalade 227g
Carlton Christmas Cake Slices (5)
Butler’s Gun Powder Gin Truffles 125g
Bailey’s Chocolate Twist 120g
4” Pillar Candle
Seymours Cheese Sables Original 100g
Butlers Milk Chocolate Collection 240g
Lily O’Brien’s Handmade Chocolate 93g
Fox’s Chocolate Biscuit Tin 365g
Grandma Wilds Mince Pies (6)
Lily O’Brien’s Salted Carmel Tree Box 108g
Grandma Wilds Cranberry Biscuits 150g

Casa Silva Cabernet Sauvignon Chile 75cl x 2
Casa Silva Sauvignon Blanc Chile 75cl x 2
Jameson Irish Whiskey 70cl
Smirnoff Vodka 70cl
Baileys Irish Cream 70cl
Seymours Dark Choc & Raspberry Bites 150g
Seymours Cheese Sables Original 100g
Butler’s Milk Chocolate Collection 240g
Lily O’Brien’s Crispy Chocolate Heart 170g
Butler’s Marc De Champagne Powder Puff 200g
Grandma Wilds Chocolate Chip Cookies 200g
Victoria Indulgence Biscuit Selection 550g
Lily O’ Brien’s Salted Carmel Tree Box 108g
Butler’s Mixed Berry Chocolate 170g
Marian’s Irish Whiskey Marmalade 227g
Bailey’s Chocolate Twist 120g
Luxury Christmas Crackers (6)

Grandma Wilds Mince Pies (6)
Fox’s Chocolate Biscuit Tin 365g
Carlton Christmas Cake Slices (5)
Butler’s Dessert Menu 130g
Seery’s Whiskey Cake 500g
4” Pillar Candle
Butler’s Milk Chocolate Collection 240g
Lily O’Brien’s Chocolate Collection 300g

Butler’s Marc De Champagne Powder Puff 200g
Butler’s Signature Balliton Box 400g
Baileys Chocolate Twists 120g
Lily O’Brien’s Handmade Chocolates 93g
Butler’s Tapered Truffle & Carmel Pouch
Lily O’Brien’s Crispy Heart Box 168g
Butler Gunpowder Gin Truffles 125g
Seymours Dark Chocolate & Raspberry Bites 150g
Marian’s Irish Whiskey Marmalade 227g
Butler’s Tapered Truffle & Caramel 100g
Butler’s Marc De Champagne Menu 130g
Lily O’ Brien’s Handmade Chocolates 93g
Butler’s Irish Atlantic Sea Salt Caramels 125g
Butler’s Mixed Berry Chocolate Pouch 170g
Lily O’ Brien’s Salted Carmel Tree Box 108g
Carlton Christmas Cake Slices (5)

Butler’s Vanilla Fudge 125g 1
Foxes Chocolate Biscuit Tin 365g
Victoria Indulgent Biscuit 300g
Grandma Wilds Mince Pies (6)
3” Pillar Candle

Il Padrino Wine, Sicily 75cl
Bailey’s Chocolate Twist 120g
Grandma Wilds Mince Pies (6)
Seery’s Whiskey Cake 500g

3” Pillar Candle
Victoria Indulgence Biscuit Selection 300g
Butler’s Atlantic Sea Salt Chocolate Caramels 125g
Grandma Wilds Cranberry Biscuits 150g

Butler’s Honeycomb Crunch Pouch 120g
Lily O’Brien’s Handmade Chocolate 93g

Botter Veneto Merlot, Italy 75cl
Botter Veneto Chardonnay, Italy 75cl
Bailey’s Chocolate Twist 120g
Grandma Wilds Mince Pies (6)
Victoria Indulgence Biscuit Selection 300g

Lilys Handmade Chocolate 93g
Butler’s Irish Whiskey Milk & Dark Chocolate Truffles 125g
Butler’s Vanilla Fudge Bag 125g

Jameson Irish Whiskey 70cl
Bailey’s Irish Cream Liqueur 70cl

Botter Veneto Merlot, Italy 75cl
Botter Veneto Chardonnay, Italy 75cl
Butler’s Dark Mint Chocolate Truffles & Fondant 170g
Butler’s Marc De Champagne Powder Puff 200g
Lily O’ Brien’s Handmade Chocolate 93g
Bailey’s Chocolate Twist 120g
Fox’s Chocolate Biscuit Tin 365g x 2
Lily O’Brien’s Crispy Hearts 168g
Grandma Wilds Mince Pies (6)
4” Pillar Candle
Jameson Irish Whiskey 70cl

Bailey’s Irish Cream Liqueur 70cl
Il Padrino Rosso, Sicily 75cl x 2
Il Padrino Blanco, Sicily 75cl x 2
Butler’s Marc De Champagne Powder Puff 200g
Butlers Gun Powder Gin Truffles 170g
Butler’s Mixed Berry Chocolate 170g

Grandma Wilds Chocolate Chip Cookies 200g
Fox’s Chocolate Biscuit Tin 365g
Fox’s Chocolate Biscuit Tin 365g
Lily O’ Brien’s Handmade Chocolates 93g
Bailey’s Chocolate Twist 120g
Marian’s Irish Whiskey Marmalade 227g
Carlton Christmas Cake Slices (5)

Grandma Wilds Mince Pies (4)
Seery’s Whiskey Cake 500g
4” Pillar Candle