From The Author Of “Internet Dating Mastery…”
The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online A Step-By-Step System For Emailing, Meeting, And Dating Women From The Internet…
Christophe 1 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
Introduction Hello!! I just want to take a minute and thank you for downloading this free guide “The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online.” My name is Christophe, and I’ve been dating women from Online Dating Sites on and off for over ten years now. I won’t lie… it was a STRUGGLE at first. It took me a long time to learn how to meet women effectively and efficiently from the Internet. But, I can honestly say that now it’s become as easy as taking a shower in the morning. I just needed to learn the skills to do it RIGHT. I wrote this guide to give you a brief overview of the system I use to land dates with some of the most BEAUTIFUL women on the Internet. I’ll tell you how I use subject lines to get attention. I’ll give you some examples of profile headlines I use, as well as how I ask for a girl’s phone number. These are just some of the many things you’ll learn and they are taken right out of my main e-book; “Internet Dating Mastery.” So, hurry up and get reading and I’ll tell you a little bit more about my e-book and website a little later.
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Table Of Contents From The Author Of “Internet Dating Mastery…”... 1 A Step-By-Step System For Emailing, Meeting, And Dating Women From The Internet…....................... 1 Christophe ............................................................. 1 Introduction .......................................................... 2 Hello!! ............................................................... 2 Chapter 1: The Mindset For Success...................... 5 Do YOU Have Your Act Together?...................... 5 Chapter 2: How To Find Your Type Online ............. 8 Opposites Attract!............................................. 8 Chapter 3: Creating An Internet Dating Profile ... 11 Keep It Short And Mysterious. ........................ 11 Chapter 4: Posting Your Photos Online ............... 15 Keep Your Shirt On! ........................................ 15 Chapter 5: How To Respond To A Woman’s Online Dating Profile....................................................... 19 It’s All In The Subject Line.............................. 19 Chapter 6: A Sneaky Email Subject Line .............. 22 You MUST Stand Out! ...................................... 22 Chapter 7: Another Sneaky Email Subject Line ... 26 Oh No!! ........................................................... 26 Chapter 8: How To Get A Girl’s Number .............. 29 3 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
When Is The Right Time?? .............................. 29 Chapter 9: What To Do When She ”Rejects” You 32 Don’t be ANGRY Guy! ...................................... 32 Chapter 10: The Perfect Time To Meet For A Date 34 Get Her In Person As Soon As Possible! .......... 34 Summary: ............................................................ 36
4 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
Chapter 1: The Mindset For Success Do YOU Have Your Act Together? So, you browsed around on a very popular online dating site and checked out all those stunningly attractive women and you just can’t wait to fire off witty emails to get there attention. Right? Or, you’ve written up what you think is an AWESOME profile and its time to submit it online and wait for a flood of responses. Hold on! Don’t you dare sign up to ANY Internet dating sites or write any profiles because you have something very important to do first. What is it you ask? Well, you HAVE to get your head on straight! Let me ask you some questions… Did you just get out of a very serious relationship that ended badly? Are you freshly divorced or separated? Are you out to replace your ex as SOON as possible to fill a certain void in your life? If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then do me and every woman out there a favor… and just wait! 5 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
That’s right, just wait and take the time to get your life together and your issues resolved! The reason is if you go out and start dating online and don’t have your life together, then you’re setting yourself up for failure. Do you think a beautiful, attractive, high quality woman wants to deal with a guy who still has issues and can’t let go of an ex? Of course not! And the whole reason for getting into Internet dating is to attract a high quality woman for YOU, right? Now, if you go online and spew your venom and insecurities all over the place, whom do you think you are going to attract? Yep, another woman with the SAME issues. Why is this? Because like attracts like when it comes to maturity and character. Take a moment and think back to all the women you’ve dated over the years. Got it? Good! Now, which ones were total pains in the butt? I’m talking “SCREAM in your face every time you look at another woman” kind of pain in the butt? Hm, if you’re like me, there were a lot of them. OK, now try and think back to what state of mind YOU were in at the time. Were things going well for you? Was your self-esteem intact? Did you really feel good about yourself? Maybe not, huh? During the last ten years I’ve met a lot of women online and one thing I’ve found is that when I don’t have my life together, I seem to attract the most super ultra 6 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
high drama queens imaginable! And the relationship never lasts… And I wasted a lot of time. I don’t want you to waste your time. I want you to find a HIGH QUALITY woman who will be right for YOU. So, before you go online and start corresponding with anyone, take a LONG look in the mirror and ask yourself; am I ready? Do I have it together? Once you do the work to get these issues resolved, I GUARANTEE that you will have better results meeting high quality women online. And that’s what it’s all about! Right?
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Chapter 2: How To Find Your Type Online Opposites Attract! Did you know that you are NOT going to be compatible with most women you meet online? Staggering… but true! There are MILLIONS of women on hundreds of online dating sites but you are only going to really click with a select FEW of them! This is the reality guys face with online dating. Have you ever been on a date with a woman you met online and you just didn’t “feel it?” I know I have. In fact, when I was first starting out with online dating I was getting increasingly frustrated at my inability to meet one of the “good ones.” I would go on date after date with VERY attractive women only to ultimately fail at making a true, lasting connection with most of them. Well, I knew something had to change. Was it me? Was I just not compatible with women at all? No, that couldn’t be the case! After all, I had been in relationships with women before. So why is it so HARD to meet the right woman from the Internet? 8 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
Well, that’s when it hit me like a ton of bricks… Screening!! I’m not screening correctly. In other words, I’m not really seeing a woman for who she is in her profile. If I’m not seeing what she’s really about before meeting her, then obviously, sparks will NOT fly in person. I needed to screen women based on their profiles before I even email them. Then my results will improve! So, I had to take a long look at myself and figure out whom I really want. What are the qualities I most admire in a woman? Was there anyone I dated in the past who I really got along with? What was she like? Well, based on my experiences, I was able to come up with a woman who is JUST my type. She must be attractive with dark features. OK, that’s the physical stuff but there has to be something deeper. She needs to have a certain personality type that’s different from mine. She must be my OPPOSITE! Wow, that’s it!! All the women I’ve ever dated have been my opposite in personality type. Doesn’t really make sense but that’s when things worked out the best. I’m more of a quiet, analytical kind of guy. Well, I’m an engineer so that makes sense. Most of the women I’ve dated who I really liked were more outgoing and spontaneous. I always like a woman with a sense of adventure and creative flair. Well, then that is exactly what I need to be looking for online! Now that I realized it was more about personality than anything else, I knew how to screen women in the correct way. Here I was focusing on trivial things like common interests and hobbies, when those things really just didn’t 9 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
matter. Ever gone on a date with a woman who was JUST LIKE YOU. You thought she was your soul mate because she also loved Sports, Volkswagens and Rock Climbing but it still didn’t work out?? Well, here’s why. She wasn’t your opposite in personality type. Opposites compliment each other and that’s why they get along so well. So, next time you go online looking for HOT babes, you need to put things like hobbies and common interests on the back burner. Unfortunately, most Internet Dating sites use these things to match people, which is totally wrong. Instead, really look at her profile and determine her personality. It’s not as tough as you think. Look at her writing style. Look at her pictures. If you look closely enough you will finally “see” her. Once you become good at screening for your type, you’ll become a true Internet Dating Master in no time!
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Chapter 3: Creating An Internet Dating Profile Keep It Short And Mysterious. If you've ever tried writing an Internet Dating profile, you know how tough it can be if you've never done it before. There's an abundance of advice out there on how to do it. You've seen it all! Right? - "Don't say. Convey." - "Speak from your heart. Be yourself!" - "Don't list facts." - "Show emotion and use descriptive language in your profile." Well, some of the above is good advice and some of it... not so much. It's gotten so complicated that some guys just give up and look for sample profiles on the Internet to steal. Yet, when they look at these "great" works of art, it's hard to tell what's really going on. So they end up copying it word for word and posting it on several dating sites without knowing if it's really good or not, hoping for the best. So, what happens next?? Nothing! Nada! 11 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
Or they get minimal responses from women who are not quite their type. The success they thought was around the corner‌ never comes. Well, why is that? It's because they weren't showing the world who THEY REALLY ARE. They were putting on false self. It's like actors and actresses in the movies. They're playing a part in a movie and often times this character is completely different from who they are in real life. "But how can she tell who I really am from reading my profile"? Good question! The answer is that women have a way of figuring out if you're being genuine or if you're just trying to be who you think she wants you to be. I've seen this happen over and over again!! Guys write up profiles that depict some cool character in a movie, rather than just BEING THEMSELVES. Ok, so how do you get started? Well, first you need a good headline. Something eyecatching and mysterious. I like to use the power of ambiguity in my headlines. Maybe I'll say something like, "Hey, you'd better stop that right now!" Now, when a woman sees that headline she's going to open it right away! Count on it! Women love a good mystery and you know she'll be dying to know what I mean by that. Now you have to start off your profile by explaining what "that" is in your headline. Say something like, "That's right. Stop window-shopping! You're about to slip into a coma looking at all these boring profiles. Wake 12 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
up! You're about to see the light!" You see how that works? It's always fun to tease her about looking at other guys' profiles. That gets her attention right away. Now, doing this, we started off our profile with some humor. Always good!! Next you need to show your confidence. You do that by using assertive language and showing her just how strong you are and demonstrating that in your writing. This is what they mean by conveying not saying. Convey that you are a confident person! Finally we end the profile with some more humor. Maybe say something like: "So stop reading and start writing. Believe me, you want nothing to do with the guy below me. He still lives in his Parent's basement!" So, to recap, we wrote an eye-catching headline using the power of ambiguity. Then we started our write up by using some humor. Next, we conveyed our confidence by using assertive language and finally we finished off with more humor. THAT, my friend is the Secret Formula! Think about it. What are the two things that women find most attractive in a man? Ask any woman and she'll tell you it's his confidence and his personality or sense of humor. So THESE are the two things that must really shine in your profile. Remember, women aren't like men. All we want to see are some sexy pictures and then we'll look at her personality. Well, women want to see a sexy personality first!! 13 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
So, go sign up to your favorite online dating site and use these tips right away. Once you do, your Internet Dating success will soar through the roof! Count on it!!
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Chapter 4: Posting Your Photos Online Keep Your Shirt On! So, what are the BEST photos to use in your Internet Dating Profile? Well, first lets talk about the importance of having good photos and why it’s important. Imagine there is a very attractive but lonely woman sitting at her computer and she goes online to search for dating profiles in her area. Bam!! The search results magically appear on her screen. Now, what is the first thing she sees when she looks at a guy’s profile? Right. His picture! See, when she’s looking through her search results, a picture is what’s going to get her attention, at least initially. That’s why it’s VERY important to have a good “Main” picture. Once she sees your pictures, THEN she’ll go on to read your headline and the rest of your profile. You must make a GREAT first impression. Now, there’s all kinds of advice out there concerning Internet Dating photos and which ones to use. Well, simply put, there’s a right way to approach profile photos and a wrong way. And you want to do it RIGHT the first time! Now, first let’s go back to what women find most attractive about a guy. Without a doubt, it’s his 15 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
confidence attitude and his sense of humor or personality. Well, we can’t really convey any of those things in our pictures that’s why we use our headlines and the body of our profile to convey our confidence and awesome personality. OK, so what else do women find attractive? A man who has STRONG passions, a GREAT lifestyle and is on his mission in life! Bingo!! THAT, we can show in our pictures! So, when you first start building your online dating profile, you need to keep this in mind. Ask yourself, “How can I show myself really living it up in my photos?” Well, the answer is you need to include photos of yourself enjoying your passions. If you love snowboarding, include some pictures of yourself on the slopes with some friends. If you enjoy sailing, include some pictures of you out on a boat smiling under the sun. See where I’m going with this? Women find men with passions and hobbies VERY attractive and this is why you want to show these things in your pictures. So, throw in five pictures in your profile. Two of them clearly showing your face, and the other three showing you out enjoying your passions. Why only five? Because you really don’t need any more than that. If you want to include more, that’s fine but really five is enough. In addition to demonstrating that you have passions and a great life, you also want to show that you know 16 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
how to take care of yourself and have good fashion sense. This is why you include two pictures of your face and make sure one of them is your main picture. Remember, women are different from men. All most men want to see is a HOT, SEXY woman who is fit and attractive. So, as long as we see that in her pictures, we’re good. But women want to see a man with a healthy lifestyle, passions and lots of friends. Do you ever wonder why women always have LOTS of pictures of them out enjoying their passions? You’ll see traveling pictures, hobby pictures, group photo shots at parties and weddings, etc. That’s because women find these things very important and they make the mistake of thinking men find this attractive in them. Well, that’s actually not the case. Men are more visual and want to see a pretty face and sexy body first and a fun lifestyle second. Women want to see a fun lifestyle and a guy with passions and plenty of friends first and a cute face and sexy body second. Make sense? Good! Now, a few more things about pictures. It’s best to have a friend or family member take pictures of you and then have a female friend judge them. Make sure she is being honest. That’s the best way to get good pictures of yourself! Don’t post them on “rate me” sites. You won’t get an accurate judgment there. Should you have a professional photographer take pictures of you? No, I don’t recommend that. I’ve asked several women about that over the years and the consensus is that it makes you seem like you’re trying too hard. 17 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
Remember, you want to be yourself in your pictures. If you wear a suit and tie all the time, then show that in your pictures. If you mostly wear jeans and a T-shirt, then show that. This should be obvious, but don’t ever include nude pictures of yourself or pics of you with your shirt off flexing in the bathroom mirror. That’s downright cheesy!! And take those pictures with a good camera, not your cell phone! OK, so that is the formula you’ll want to follow regarding Online Dating Photos. So, go out and post five good pictures and see what happens. I guarantee that you’ll be surprised.
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Chapter 5: How To Respond To A Woman’s Online Dating Profile It’s All In The Subject Line. So, you see an amazingly HOT woman on She has great photos and a personality to boot. She has a good sense of humor and a dynamic personality. You can tell she’d be a great addition to your already fulfilling life. She also lives reasonably close to you!! You just HAVE to respond to her! But what do you say? As you can imagine, she’s probably getting 50 to 60 emails a day from every guy within a 500-mile radius. She opens her inbox to see a barrage of boring emails with subject lines that all look the same. “Hey baby! You’re so fine!” “Hey, nice guy here. I think you’re cute!” “Oh my GOD! You’re so beautiful! Please respond to this email!” “Baby, I want to make you my love muffin!” And the emails get worse and worse. This is the reality of a beautiful woman on an Internet Dating Site. And this is GREAT news! Why? Because, you are going to be the real MAN that stands out and gets her attention. You’ve already seen her 19 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
profile and now you MUST find a way to get her eyes on YOU. How do you do that? It’s simple. Have a GREAT subject line in your email. If you don’t have a great subject line then your email will NEVER get read. Simple as that. That’s why we HAVE to put good subject lines in our response. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF RESPONDING TO ONLINE DATING PROFILES! Now, I like to use subject lines that are ambiguous. Ones that leave her wondering, “What is he talking about?” Women love a good mystery and nothing is more mysterious then a subject line that has her wondering why you wrote it. I might write something like: “Oh my GOD! What are you doing?” It doesn’t get more mysterious then that! When she sees an email like this in her inbox, you’d better bet that she’s going to open it. Now, you need to be sure and explain it in your email to her. If you don’t, she’ll feel tricked and move on to someone else. There are many different ways to go with this. I might start off my email like this: “I mean, here you are sitting there with 50 emails in your inbox and it took you this long to get to mine? I just 20 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
might forgive you if you’re up for a challenge. Anyway….” Then, just continue your email. See how easy that was? The most important thing is to get her attention right off the bat. Once you do that, you’re in!! So, write down a list of ten creative, eye-catching, and ambiguous subject lines similar to the example above. Then come up with ways to start off an email using each subject line. Once you have your arsenal, you’re ready to respond to all the hot women in your area.
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Chapter 6: A Sneaky Email Subject Line You MUST Stand Out! Let me ask you a few questions… When you first open up your email inbox, do you know instantly which emails to delete? If so, how do you know it’s an email that belongs in the trash? Well, if you’re like me, as soon as you go to your inbox you check each e-mail’s subject line, that is if you don’t recognize who it’s from right off the bat. The subject line will tell you right away whether or not to read it or trash it. If I see anything having to do with Viagra, Cialis, Nigeria, Awards, Gift Cards or Adult sites, then I delete it right away. So, this means that when you send out emails, the subject line is SUPER important and it must be able to get a woman’s attention in some way if she’s going to open it. This is especially true since attractive women on Internet dating sites get tons of emails from guys every day. These women are just looking for a reason to delete your email and if that happens, it’s GAME OVER before it starts! I was just reading a report online that dealt with email subject lines and which ones worked the best. Well, as it turns out, there is one particularly simple and 22 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
straightforward subject line that is outperforming all the rest by huge margins. Before I reveal what it is, think about all the emails that you open right away. What is a subject line that draws you in and makes you think, “I have to see what this is about!” Would it be something like: “Look here, more free stuff!” or NOW!”
Maybe those worked a long time ago, but NOT ANYMORE. Well, what if you opened up your email inbox and saw a subject line that simply read: “Bad News…”? Whoa! That’s right. You would want to open it right away! “What do you mean “bad news”? Oh no! I better see what’s wrong!” You see, that is the subject line that was found to open emails more quickly then any others. When you think about it, it makes sense. If you were to open your email inbox and see a subject line that read, “Bad News…”, you would immediately think it was from a friend or family member telling you some distressing news. And you would HAVE to open it right away. So, how can we take this bit of news and apply it to Internet Dating? Particularly, sending emails to very attractive women? Well, after I got my brain going, I came up with a few good ways to apply this concept when sending out 23 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
emails. So, I go online and find a profile of a woman who is very attractive and I decide I want to contact her. I write in my subject line: “Bad News…” Now, I don’t just leave it like that then write something totally unrelated to the subject line. That would be lame and she would delete my email right away. So I might start it off like this: “It’s come to my attention that you’re about to reply to the guy above me in your inbox. Did you know that he’s known for proposing to women on the first date? Yes, well good thing I’m here to stop you from making a HUGE mistake! Anyway…” Then, just go on with your email. See, first I catch her attention with my subject line then I turn it into something humorous at the beginning of my email. I got her attention, then put a smile on her face. This kind of response is GOLD and works for me every time! So, give it a try. Come up with a few subject lines similar to “Bad News…” Here are a few off the top of my head: “Distressing news…” “I’m afraid I have some bad news…” “This is unfortunate…” Then, craft an email similar to the example I used above. Start off explaining the subject line by making it into something humorous. In fact just use this template: “It’s come to my attention that you’re about to reply 24 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
to the guy above me in your inbox. Did you know that he’s known for (insert typical mistake guys on dating sites make)? Yes, well good thing I’m here to stop you from making a HUGE mistake! Anyway…” And there you go Remember, getting those emails opened is crucial to your Internet Dating success. Once you have that down, you’ll be an Internet Dating Master in no time!
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Chapter 7: Another Sneaky Email Subject Line Oh No!! So, you already know that getting an attractive woman to open your email is the crucial first step to Online Dating Success. Hot women get bombarded with anywhere from 50 to 100 emails a day from desperate men trying to get their attention. You also already know that your subject line is very important when it comes to getting her to open and read your email. Typical subject lines like, “Hey baby” aren’t going to cut it. Now, I recently read a post on a travel tips site and suddenly I came up with another awesome way to get a woman to open your emails. The subject of the post was, “Oh No!” That’s it! It simply read, “Oh No!” You know what I did when I saw that post title? Yep, I went to that post and READ IT FIRST! Why did I do that? Because I had to see what the person meant by “Oh No.” Did something happen to them? Do they have some sort of terrible news I haven’t heard yet? Did their hotel reservations get cancelled? My god, what happened? I HAD to know! 26 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
Well, I think you can see where I’m going with this. Gentlemen, we have another sneaky new subject line for our arsenal. So, how can we apply this to our Internet Dating emails? Let’s brainstorm. Oh no! You’re about to make a huge mistake! Oh no! Why are you wasting so much time with these guys? Oh no! All these boring emails from guys just looking for a one-night stand! What’s the deal! On no! The guy above me is married and looking for an online fling. So, we have many different directions we can go with this subject line. Let’s try this: Subject: Oh No! Email: Here we have a beautiful Sunday morning and you’re stuck wading through an ocean of boring emails from guys who JUST AREN’T YOUR TYPE! I mean, I know a guy with a profile headline that reads; “single cool dude for big booty girl” really gets your juices flowing but why not take a break? Your day is about to get a whole lot better. Anyway… There you go! Just a rough draft but I guarantee it will get the job done! You take the subject line, “Oh No” and then you address it in the first part of your email making it clever and humorous. I like to bust on other guys on dating sites, especially ones that have horrible profile headlines like the one above. Then just continue on with your email. 27 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
In the example above, you’ll want to send it to her on a Sunday morning and of course you can tweak it to fit your situation any way you want. In fact, here’s another great tip. Go on a free online dating site and search through the “men seeking women” profiles. Find a profile with a REALLY lame headline and refer to it in your email to a woman on that site. Chances are she’s seen it and she’ll laugh her ass off when she reads your email. Go for it! Give it a try and I guarantee your emails WILL get opened quickly!
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Chapter 8: How To Get A Girl’s Number When Is The Right Time?? If I were to ask you why you’re dating online, what would be your answer? I’m guessing it would be…to meet women! To meet women as QUICKLY as possible! You aren’t signed up to an online dating site paying $30 a month to meet pen pals. Right? Now, there are certain steps that MUST be followed when meeting women online. First, you have to write up a great profile that really shows your confidence and sense of humor. Then, you have to start responding to other profiles using eyecatching subject lines that get attention. Next, you start up email correspondence to build trust and rapport and then finally you go for her phone number. Now, when is the “right” time to ask for her number? Well, the answer is simple…when the time is right. You see, when you’ve been involved with internet dating as long as I have, you start to get a feel for the right time to ask for a woman’s phone number. Let me explain this… Each step in email correspondence has a purpose. The purpose of the first email is to get her attention and 29 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
let her know you are a desirable guy. After all, if you can’t get her attention in the first place then you won’t be able to get anything going at all. The purpose of the second, third and possibly fourth email is to build trust and rapport with a woman. You have to earn her trust! This is very important if you want to, not only get her phone number, but also actually meet her in person. If you try and go for the phone number too soon, you’ll be shot down quickly. Now, why is that? Simple, she doesn’t trust you. You’re coming across as “just another guy” trying to get her number too fast without really getting to know her. Now, is it possible to get her phone number in one or two emails? Of course it is. I’ll bet you know a guy who has done that. I know I have. But, think back to what happened when this guy tried to meet her in person. Didn’t go so smoothly, did it? In fact, I’m willing to bet that he had a VERY hard time trying to set up a meet with her, and if and when he did, she most likely flaked on him. Hmm, why did this happen? Because she didn’t trust him! He skipped some of the steps. This is why you must EARN her trust and start to build a story together. So, how many emails does it take to do this? Well, it depends. Every woman is different. Some women will be more open and get comfortable with you right away. Others are more reserved and really like to exchange a lot of emails before giving away their phone number. Unfortunately, these kinds of women aren’t going to 30 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
get the chance to meet you because you’re a busy guy and you don’t have time to be writing back and forth all day. I’m happy to say that MOST women WILL give you their phone number in two to five emails if you effectively earn their trust. Now, what’s the best way to earn a woman’s trust? Easy, just be yourself and have a real conversation with her. Don’t try to be “cool” and use pickup tactics. A quality woman will see through that every time. Talk to her as you would a friend but MAKE SURE you convey your confidence and let your sense of humor shine! If you do that, you’ll know when to ask for her number. It should ALWAYS be after three to five emails. No more, no less. Following this procedure will get you what I call a quality phone number. A quality phone number is a number from a woman who not only trusts you but is INTO you and anxious to meet you. She won’t play games when trying to set up a meet and most importantly, she WON’T flake on you! So, next time you email a woman, keep this in mind. First get her attention in your initial email. Then spend two to four emails getting to know her and building her trust. Once you have a quality phone number, you’ll know that she’s just dying to meet you and getting a woman in person is the main reason why we’re dating online.
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Chapter 9: What To Do When She ”Rejects” You Don’t be ANGRY Guy! So, you've sent an email to a woman you REALLY dig. It was one of your BEST emails, one that will surely catch her attention. You wait a few days for her response and... Nothing! You wait a few more days and still no response. So, you send her your standard, "No Response" email. She's sure to respond to that one. Once again, you wait for her response. Then a few days later, FINALLY, there's her email in your inbox! She responded! You read her message, which says: "Hi, so sorry about not getting back to you. Things have been really hectic around here. Unfortunately, I don't think we’re a good match." Take care, (name) Ah, there it is... The "take care" message that so many women send. I would swear they all belong to some underground women's group that came up with this "take care" message as their standard response. Kind of like a woman's standard fake number she hands out at bars and clubs. If you've been involved in online dating for any length of time, I'm sure you've seen this response. 32 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
So, how do you respond? Well, here's what you DON'T do. You definitely want to AVOID getting all mad and sending her an angry response. Here's one that women get all the time: "You know, I don't know how you can reject someone you haven't even met in person. You don't even know me. We could have been a great match. Next time, why don't you give a guy a chance.." There it is. Angry response from angry guy! What does the above message say about angry guy? It says, "I'm angry, rejected, and I'm putting too much importance on what you think of me. I don't have a whole lot going on in my life so I was hoping you would like me. I feel so bad about you rejecting me that I'm going to try and get you back by shaming you." See, how silly that is? No woman on an Internet Dating Site should have that kind of power over you. It doesn't do any good to get angry and try and "get her back." That's a waste of time and energy. Instead, send her something like this: "Hey, no problem! I've got thick skin. Anyway, good luck out there. You're going to need it." Says all the right things about you and it's rather ambiguous with the "you're going to need it" comment at the end. She'll be dying to know what you mean by that... it might even get her coming back to you. Try it and let me know what happens. 33 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
Chapter 10: The Perfect Time To Meet For A Date Get Her In Person As Soon As Possible! OK, so you've finally done it... You wrote up an awesome Online Dating profile, sent emails to all the attractive women you can find and you finally found a woman you REALLY Dig! Now, it's time to make the move... It's time to meet her in person! Now, I'm assuming you did all the right things when emailing her. You built plenty of rapport and got her VERY excited to meet you. This is very important when meeting women online. If you made the mistake of "half-assing" the whole thing, you'll find yourself with a woman who doesn't have any desire to meet you. And the inevitable game of phone tag begins... And you never meet her in person. Now, let's assume it's going to happen. During your phone conversation you DID remember to set up a meet... Right? That's why you are dating online! To meet women live and in person. You don't want to get caught in a frustrating game of "trying to nail her down." If that's what is happening, then chances are, you did something wrong in your emails and she doesn't REALLY want to meet you. 34 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
So, to make sure that doesn't happen, you HAVE to nail down a time and place for that first date at the END of the FIRST phone call. Read that again to make sure it sinks in! DO NOT get stuck doing phone tag. That sucks! So, when is a good time to meet her? Is there a perfect time and day? Yes, there is. And that time soon as possible! Do you understand what I'm saying? You want to get her off emails and phone calls and IN PERSON as quickly as you can so you can start having face-to-face conversations. You don't want to waste time and neither does she. What I'm saying is, you need to set up a meet within a few days of that first phone call. I don't care if it's on a weekend or not. You may have heard some guys tell you to avoid weekends to give the impression that you are busy and have a life. This is BAD ADVICE! I know from experience because I used to play those games. And what happened? I ended up screwing myself. If you try to delay things for any reason, you'll KILL all the momentum you built up in emails and phone calls. It's SUPER important to keep it going. That's why you want to meet up as quickly as possible. You're a man and you take the lead on things. You call the shots and you get things moving! 35 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
This is how you want to do it. Trust me! So, next time you meet a woman off the Internet, take it offline as SOON as possible!
Summary: Well, there you have it… the basics of how to meet Beautiful Women Online. We went over how to craft profiles, emails, as well as tips on when to ask for a woman’s number. If you liked what you saw in this free guide and you really want to MASTER Online Dating, then I highly recommend you check out my e-book, “Internet Dating Mastery.”
36 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
It lays out a more comprehensive step-by-step guide to meeting women online and also builds on the ideas outlined in “The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online.” Buy the book today and you’ll discover: •
How to use your confidence and personality to create emails that drive women CRAZY with intrigue.
My own personal first email template that gets women to respond to me every time.
An absolutely AWESOME trick to get women writing you if they don’t respond to your first email.
The SECRET clues in a woman’s profile that will tell you if she’s looking for a casual relationship!
One simple phrase to add to the bottom of your outgoing emails which makes a woman TWICE as likely to respond.
What to do if a woman gets sexual in her emails. (This has happened to me countless times. You MUST know how to handle it.)
The absolute BEST things to mention about a woman's profile when emailing her.
The Template email I use to get a woman's phone number.
37 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe
All that and much more!! To get your hands on my book, “Internet Dating Mastery” just go here: You can download it and be reading it in MINUTES! And check this out… If you want to STEAL one of my TOP SECRET Internet Dating Profiles and use it to meet ALL the women you can handle, just go here: Once again, thank you for reading and I hope to talk to you soon!!
Christophe Email: Internet Dating Tips For Men
38 The Secret To Meeting Beautiful Women Online, By Christophe