Advantages Of Audit Consultancy - Christophe Mirgaux

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Advantages Of Auditing Consultancy

Introduction ď‚— Auditing is a systematic examination of the books and

records of the business or other origination in order to verify and to report upon the facts regarding the financial operations and the result thereof.

Types Of Audit        

There are various types of audit such as: Compliance Audits Financial Audits Operational Audit Construction Audit Information Technology Audit Investigation Advisory and Consulting Engagement

Compliance Audits ď‚— The compliance audit function focuses on compliance

risks and the related mitigation plans. The function stays abreast, and promotes awareness, of current and emerging laws and regulations impacting higher education.

Financial Audits ď‚— The financial audit function develops audit programs to

assess, evaluate, and make recommendations to management regarding accounting and financial reporting of transactions and activities.

Operational Audit ď‚— The operational audit function assesses risks and

evaluates internal controls for operations of departments, units, and areas. The main objective is include determining whether operations are functioning efficiently, effectively, in alignment with the University mission, and in accordance with management's intent.

Construction Audit ď‚— Construction

auditing blends critical financial, operational and compliance approaches to develop audit programs that assess, evaluate and make recommendations to those managing Brown's construction projects.

Information Technology Audit ď‚— The information technology audit function develops

audit programs to assess, evaluate, and make recommendations to management regarding the adequacy of internal controls and security inherent in the University's information systems, and the effectiveness of the associated risk management.

Advisory and Consulting Engagement ď‚— Advisory and consulting engagements include review of

existing business processes and strategies, as well as implementations. It also includes evaluation and advice on policies, procedures, process enhancements, and any management requests for reviews of areas considered mutually critical.

Advantages Of Audit Consultancy       

Sample can be collected quickly and easily Maximized the profit and productivity Risk management Detection of errors and frauds Better reputation Protect interest Protect security

Who I Am.. ď‚— Christophe Mirgaux is

a founder of LEXCEL Consulting who will provide the help in auditing and online legal services, currently who lives in Belgium.

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