Annual Report

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choice That regard, the report under the Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Act 1991 by Comcare has been helpful.The department is committed

to developing and training its staff and allocates funding to each staff member for learning and development. We also provide corporate, department-wide information and training opportunities. This year we provided an online occupational health and safety programme, records management training, cultural diversity development programmes and a series of executive seminars for senior managers of the department to share their knowledge and experience with staff. We are also developing a number of training programmes to ensure our staff are aware of current issues and trends in public sector performance including an in-house executive leadership programme .

“In every outthrust headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is the story of the earth.� Rachel Carson

The department was active in establishing the new Asia–Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate. The Australian Government hosted in January 2006, in Sydney, the inaugural ministerial meeting of the partnership. These collaborative efforts will help to develop and deploy cleaner and more efficient technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Australia is on track to meet its Kyoto target of limiting greenhouse gas emissions to 108 per cent of 1990 emissions by 2008–2012. The latest emissions trends show that Australia’s emissions have increased by only 2.3 per cent between 1990 and 2004 despite strong growth in gross domestic product (GDP) and energy consumption. Over this period, Australia has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions intensity (or emissions per dollar of GDP) by 35 per cent and also reduced its emissions per capita by more than 11 per cent. A reduction in land clearing has been an integral factor in emissions abatement.




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