Avis brand manual 11 18

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11 The basic building blocks

‘Brand personality’ - Tone of voice The Avis personality is a combination of tangible products and services along with our intangible traits such as values (see page 9) and our heritage (We Try Harder). It makes us unique in a competitive marketplace whilst creating an emotional link with our customers by bringing our brand values to life. In everything we do, our In-touch, Passionate and Straightforward values should be evident. Our brand personality is expressed through our tone of voice. This is how we (operations, sales, marketing etc) talk to customers at any touch point in their journey. Everything within those interactions e.g. the messages, the logos, colours, etc should reflect the Avis tone of voice. Below is a guide to help you review your communications against the Avis tone of voice. Translations of the Avis tone of voice can be found on the Avis Asset Bank or on the disc supplied with these guidelines.

Is it Avis? If it’s the first idea out of the box then it’s probably not original enough. If it feels clichéd how will it make Avis appear different? If it’s obvious then it might patronise. If it’s too clever we may lose people. If it seems familiar then we have to give it a twist. If it feels contrived it’s wrong. If it looks like we thought about it that’s good. If a customer has to think a little bit that’s good too. If it’s witty, or raises a smile in the process that’s a plus. If we set out to make them laugh that’s a joke, and Avis is not a joke. If it looks tacky then how can it say quality? And most importantly, if it feels lazy then how will anyone think We Try Harder?

In Touch contemporary relevant sophisticated engaging smart empathetic supportive stylish up-to-date clever innovative intelligent trendsetting pioneering Passionate confident witty challenging unpredictable fresh unexpected surprising different quality original bold enthusiastic effort optimistic creative lateral individual Straightforward simple conversational honest informal approachable fair transparent open trust easy solid reliable genuine hard-working loyal human

Avis Brand Guidelines 05.08

12 The basic building blocks

Avis colours The use of the right colours in all communications helps ensure a consistent and strong Avis image – the importance of which cannot be overstated.

Avis primary palette Every leaflet, every banner and every advertisement should contain identical shades of Avis colours. Avis red is our primary corporate colour. It reflects our logo and speaks about our brand. The bright colour was chosen to enhance visibility and to give our communications extra prominence. Always use Avis red in spot colour and only revert to 4 colour process (CMYK) at the last resort. Burgundy should only be used for station interiors and Avis Preferred signage. It should not be used in general communications.

Black C0/M0/Y0/K100

Our other colours are Avis dark grey and Avis light grey. These are not to be used for the Avis logos themselves – just secondary elements associated with the logo. Avis premium silver may be used only on premium communications including Avis Preferred, Presidents Club and Avis Prestige. For web colours please see the on-line guidelines section within this manual.

White C0/M0/Y0/K0

Avis red Pantone 485 C0/M100/Y91/K0

Avis dark grey Pantone 423 C0/M0/Y0/K47 (47% Black)

Avis light grey Pantone 427 C0/M0/Y0/K15 (15% Black)

Avis premium silver Pantone 877

Colours are shown for reference only and should not be used for visual colour matching. For print, refer to Pantone Matching System swatches.

Avis Brand Guidelines 05.08

13 The basic building blocks

Introducing the Avis Logos A company’s logo is its most important visual asset. As such, it is crucial that the Avis logos – which are drawn in a custom-built typeface – always appear in the same way. They should never be retyped in a different font or be stretched or squeezed to fit a space. There are two versions of the Avis logo; the Avis basic logo and the Avis button logo. The following explains the differences between them.

When to use the Avis button logo

When to use the Avis basic logo

This logo should always be your first choice when producing communications. Use the Avis button logo and curve on all standard customer communications such as rental station leaflets, posters, POS, internal communications, as well as press and magazine advertisements and where the ethos of ‘We Try Harder’ is of particular importance.

The Avis basic logo should be used on any items where the Avis button and curve cannot be used. For example, due to the size or shape of a communication or when working with a third party. i.e. Small advert or a partner communication.

The Avis button logo

The Avis basic logo

To support our ethos of ‘We Try Harder’ the Avis button logo has been developed.

The Avis basic logo is the cornerstone of our brand and as such should never be recreated. Colour options can be found on page 14.

The button logo should never be used without the red curve (see page 15) unless authorised by Avis Europe marketing. Please ensure it is the correct European version and not the previous or US version (see page 16).

The Avis button logo should never appear smaller than 15mm in width. If you require a logo less than 15mm please revert to the quarter curve or the Avis basic logo.

For examples of incorrect usage of this logo see page 16.

The Avis basic logo should never appear smaller than 12mm in width.

Minimum size 12mm Minimum size 15mm

Mono version

Mono version

Avis Brand Guidelines 05.08

14 The basic building blocks

The Avis basic logo The Avis basic logo is the basis of the entire Avis brand and it is therefore important to follow these rules when applying the logo. The following is a simple guide to using the Avis basic logo and also how to write the word Avis within headlines or bodycopy. For details on how to apply the logo to partnership communications please refer to page 16 of off-line communications.

Exclusion zone

Colour options

The area surrounding the logo must be free from other graphic imagery, typography, page trim, folds or any other visual elements that may hinder communication.

Wherever possible, the Avis logo should be shown in Avis red on a plain white background. However, this isn’t totally inflexible – it may also be shown as white reversed out of Avis red, mono or out of Avis premium silver on Avis premium communications.

Please note that this does differ from the signage guidelines.

The words ‘Avis’ and ‘We Try Harder’ in headlines and copy

‘A’ height ½ ‘A’ ½ ‘A’

The word Avis in lower case headlines.

Colour versions

Mono versions

The word AVIS in lower case headlines. The word Avis in body copy

When writing the word Avis in copy ensure you follow the examples shown.

The word AVIS in body copy

As a rule, do not make ‘Avis’ upper case unless the whole line is in upper case also.

The line ‘We Try Harder’ in headlines.

When ‘We Try Harder’ appears in copy ensure each word begins with a capital letter unless you are only using part of the phrase.

The line ‘We try harder’ in body copy

Avis premium communications

The line ‘We Try Harder’ in body copy Avis really does try harder Avis really does Try Harder

You do not need to add speech marks. Avis Brand Guidelines 05.08

15 The basic building blocks

The Avis button logo The Avis button logo is based on the Avis basic logo but with the added benefit of delivering our company ethos of ‘We Try Harder’. This should be used as the core logo along with the base curve. If the format does not allow the use of the curve, revert to the Avis basic logo. For details on how to apply the logo to partnership communications please refer to page 19 of off-line communications. Please see page 8 of off-line communications for details on scaling the logo.

Exclusion zone Volut iure te do commy num irit volestrud eugiam quisl tatue magna.

The area surrounding the logo must be free from other graphic imagery, typography, page trim, folds or any other visual elements that may hinder communication.

Examples of work with the Avis button logo and curve.

½ ‘A’

‘A’ height

Volut iure te do commy num irit volestrud eugiam quisl tatue magna. Reet praestin et lorperat. Ut el inissequat. Vullamcorero del ut velit, sim dolore esequam commodo con volor amet alismodolore velenim ver sum iusto el ip et, veliquat. Wis aut in ulput alit wissi.

Reet praestin et lorperat. Ut el inissequat. Vullamcorero del ut velit, sim dolore esequam commodo con volor amet alismodolore velenim ver sum iusto el ip et, veliquat. Wis aut in ulput alit wissi.

Example supporting line or sign off goes here

Example supporting line or sign off goes here


Mono version

The Avis button logo and curve The Avis button logo should, where possible, be used with the Avis curve. Refer to page 8 of off-line communications for details on how to use this curve.


½ ‘A’

French logo When producing communications for France, a translation of ‘We Try Harder’ should be included. This should sit centralised under the button and in-line with the S of Avis. The minimum sizes set out on page 13 should apply to the button. There is no minimum or maximum sizes for the translation but always ensure that this is legible.


*Décidés à faire mille fois plus

Avis Brand Guidelines 07.08

16 The basic building blocks

Incorrect use of logos Avoiding the misrepresentation of the Avis logo is actually very simple if a few basic rules are followed. A few examples of poor practice are provided below. These rules apply to all colour variations of the logos, including mono. The area surrounding the logo must be free from other graphic imagery, typography, page trim, folds or any other visual elements that may hinder communication.

The Avis basic logo

Don’t use non Avis colours

The Avis button logo

Don’t tint

Don’t use outlines

Don’t use non Avis colours

Don’t tint

Don’t use outlines

We Try Harder Don’t obscure

Don’t use previous or US version

Don’t distort

Don’t obscure

Don’t use previous or US version

Don’t distort

Don’t place on images

Don’t recreate

Don’t interfere or use wordplay

Don’t place on images

Don’t recreate

Don’t interfere or use wordplay

Avis Brand Guidelines 05.08

17 The basic building blocks

Recommended application of branding The checklist below is a quick and useful guide to the general recommendations for use of the Avis base curve and logo. See relevant guideline sections for more details.

General (e.g stationery, uniform, fleet)

• Avis base curve and button logo to be used if appropriate.


• Avis base curve and button logo to be applied in the first instance.

• Basic logo in Avis red and whiteout to be used if curve and button logo not appropriate.

• This should be applied along the bottom of the communication using the appropriate template. • The basic logo should only be used when space is at a minimum or on bespoke communications such as advertorials.


• For websites and microsites the Avis basic logo should be applied. • New mini curve developed for on-line advertising. • For advertising banners the logo should appear on the frames when it becomes apparent what the company communication is for. • The Avis basic logo can be used on smaller sized advertising banners when logo falls below 200 pixel width. • For skyscraper advertising banners the basic logo may appear in the top curve if the size allows (whiteout in red curve).

Merchandise (see off-line section)

• Only the Avis basic logo is to be used unless Avis Europe Marketing agree the curve is appropriate.


• Only basic logo to be used.

• Use in Avis red or whiteout.

• Use in Avis red or whiteout. • Avis premium silver may be used for sub-brands such as Avis Preferred or Avis Prestige.

TV/DVD (see off-line section)

• It is recommended that a standard end frame is applied with the Avis logo. • Tactical TV advertisements may require the logo to be shown at all times in a base strip. • In-station DVDs do not require the logo to be shown throughout or intermittently.

Avis Brand Guidelines 07.08

18 The basic building blocks

Typeface The Avis corporate font is Helvetica Neue. Its simple, legible, straightforward nature helps communicate our brand values – as does the italicised form used for headlines, which is suggestive of motion and a company that always operates at speed. This should be used in all our communications, both external and internal, as it will aid uniformity and that all-important recognition.

For consistency, the weights given opposite should be used for all headlines, supporting copy and body copy. Please refer to the templates section for suggested font sizes.

To buy the Helvetica font visit www.linotype.com

Headlines and sub-headlines Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed Oblique 77

NB. If absolutely necessary a secondary font could be used for internal pc work. Please use Arial Narrow for headers and Arial for body copy. e.g. PowerPoint presentation or letter.

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890&£.,;:!?()* Body copy & legal copy Helvetica Neue Roman 55

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890&£€.,;:!?()* Substitute copy USE ONLY when Helvetica Neue or Helvetica are unavailable (for internal PC work only) Arial

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890&£€.,;:!?()*

Avis Brand Guidelines 07.08

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