Brand Book Communication Guidelines
LOGOS The Council’s Logo Format Placement Incorrect Usage
DESIGN EXAMPLES Outdoor PowerPoint Slides E-mail Templates
TYPEFACES Primary Typefaces Complimentary Typefaces COLOUR Print Colour Palette PHOTOGRAPHY Colour Photography Black and White Photography
WEB Branding Bar Web Colour Palette Typefaces Recommendations EDITORIAL GUIDELINES 3RD PARTIES CONCLUSION
Dear Colleagues, The following brand book was created to help bring consistency to the way we all communicate about The Malta Council for Science and Technology. Today, with the advent of the internet, globalization and the “open economy” branding is not just for consumer brands; branding is how you are seen and the way you want to be seen. Branding is the your ticket. Your ticket to the world and The Malta Council for Science and Technology has a ticket to give. The first companies which, during the industrial era, realised that one day brands will be valued have become today’s POWER BRANDS. These are company’s who’s brand has become an equity, companies which brand name alone is as valuable as the products/services they offer. Many in those days looked down on these companies and must have snubbed their efforts. The latter are now history, though not mentioned in any history book. The former are Cadbury, Coca Cola, Johnson & Johnson........The first companies which invested in the brand, exposure and all the efforts a healthy brand requires. However, the archaic steps in this long process was that of realising the need for a brand and its creation. Today, if you see a red box with a horizontal wave, you think COKE, a purple plastic bag with white writing you think Cadbury, simply because these brands have invested heavily in their branding and have always monitored the way it was reproduced. This is what we intend to create with this document. We want to give you guidelines created for us by professionals in the field. Guidelines which will give The Council equity as well as your job. We thank you in advance for your kind cooperation. Best regards,
David Micallef St John Marketing and Public Relations Executive
A logo is the face and signature of the brand. It connects the brand to all forms of communication. The more consistent a logo looks and is used - the more likely it will be remembered and make an impact. Each communication needs to be able to stand alone as a proper representation of the brand, but also gain strength as a cohesive and integrated collection of materials. These guidelines provide direction for how The Malta Council for Science and Technology should be used to help unify materials and continue to build the brand. “The Magnifying Lens� This is the logo for use in all branding materials or communications from or about The Council. Examples include letterhead, business cards, print ads, Council collateral, fund application forms, television slots, videos, Web sites and more. Guidelines for how to use this version have been established to maintain consistency and are detailed in the following pages. To avoid misuse of the logo, it will only be distributed in tiff, jpeg or eps format. No edit-able formats of the logo will be allowed to be given to 3rd parties unless it is necessary.
The logo is made up of various elements most important of which are the colours. The primary colours are black and cyan and the use of the two colours in both fore and background is extremely important for uniformity’s sake. The logo is available in 3 formats for very important reasons and the use varies according to back ground colours and circumstances. The primary logo, which should be given most exposure is the two colour version. It is important that in corporate communications; those dictated or prepared by the Council, should have a white background so that the primary logo is used. The white logo (reversed out) is meant to be reproduced against a very dark background. When we need to place the logo against a background of a grade higher than a 50% shade, we must use this logo. If or when the background is lower than 50% shade or lighter than (say) cyan, we use the black colour (montone). It is also very important to use the logo ONLY in its original format; i.e. In its 45° format. It is not allowed to use the logo in any other format but that. On the left you will find some useful guides to help you with our logo’s use.
Logo placement on light background colour visuals
Logo placement on light background monochrome visuals
80% Logo placement on dark background colour visuals
100% Logo placement on same colour visual
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
The Elements
The logo is made up of 4 elements. The are the circular feature, the font, the angle and the colour. The continuous and proper use of these elements will help creating awareness of the identity. The circular feature, which may also the called the artistic element will feature predominantly on our livery. Eventually, this mark will represent the logo on its own. The font, HELVETICA, is one of the largest and most flexible font family created to date. The windows equivalent is Arial which from now on will be set as the default font for all communications both internally and with 3rd parties. The 45° angle will be the main feature on advertising livery, and print/web design. This can be used in formats such as squares, text and pictures as shown in the examples. Cyan, which is one of the primary colours used in the 4-colour process is a very easy, straight foreword and modern colour. The use is extensive and easy to use. Gradients should be avoided as it is considered a dated concept in design, however shades of cyan is highly suggested. Black, greys and white are the main colours suggested, however any colour DARKER than cyan can also be used. As explained previously, the corporate colours are cyan and black and variations of the two are acceptable and may be used with the previously explained formats and placements. The use of the other printing colour (C M Y K) magenta and yellow could also be used to compliment the logo when the logo is reproduced in either monochrome or reversed out. This applies to any other colour of choice. However, the generic colours should be cyan and black predominantly on white. The use of white as a background is vital as it highlights the logo’s qualities in terms of angle and the circular element.
The placement, where to put all the elements, also plays an integral part of the branding process as it helps portraying the identity in a uniform manner.
Villa Bighi
National Funding Unit
<<Name>> <<Surname>> <<Role>> Mob: +356 <<Mobile>> <<Email>> Malta Council for Science & Technology Villa Bighi, Kalkara KKR 1320 – Malta Tel: +356 <<Switchboard>> Fax: +356 <<Fax>>
Science Popularisation Unit Policy & Strategy Unit National FP Funding Unit
t en m ku ca tifi zat tifi jen jen i ) jen y. x ,x pl.~ st. . x a fic . nti ce y w nti ~a cie ien larl cie ( f. s sc ho ) s . zi) sc ci n.m en a ntifi st l. xj , in xje nti . (p ally pl. xje n.f fic a, ), a nti fik ~i nz scie xjenti a. pl. f. . ( . ( f~ a.m n.m
xje adv.
The logo: The complete logo with title & circle element should be placed as follows: • Print: on print matter (stationary, advertising, newsletters etc..) the logo should be placed on the top right corner. The writing/typing margin should start at the corner generated by the end of the circle element (see left). • Signage/outdoor: This depends on the orientation and size of the sign. In the case horizontal signs; the logo should be placed on the left. Whereas in the case of vertical format (which is the ideal for our logo) logo should be placed across the top spread from side to side. The circles: The complete logo with title & circle element should be placed as follows: • Print: on print matter (stationary, advertising, newsletters etc..) the circles should be placed opposite the logo (NEVER DIRECTLY UNDERNEATH). • Signage/outdoor: This depends on the orientation and size of the sign. In the case horizontal signs; the logo should be placed on the left. Whereas in the case of vertical format (which is the ideal for our logo) logo should be placed across the top spread from side to side.
David Micallef St John BA Hons. Political Science (Milano)
Marketing & Public Relations Executive
Villa Bighi, Bighi, Kalkara KKR 1320, Malta e-mail: tel: +356 2360 2131 fax: +356 2166 0341 mob: +356 9986 1007
As we are committed to reaching the objectives set out for us, we have given the raising of the Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s profile much importance. The new year will bring a new identity through re-branding and a revamped, more interactive website. Efforts to increase the press coverage received by the Malta Council for Science and Technology and its success stories is already underway.
One of the primary reasons behind the re-branding process was that of empowering the organisation and detach it from MCAST. The board decided to remove MCST from the logo and to use the full organisation name. This is meant to re-enforce and to remind what the organisation is about. For this reason the only time we will be using MCST are in the case of the e-mail addresses, website and maybe when answering the phone. It is important that in future communications, literature and presentations MCST has to avoided.
jenza n.f. (pl. xjenzi) science. xjentificament adv. scientifically, in a scholarly way. xjentifiku a.m. ( f.xjentifika, pl.xjentifici ) scientific, xjenzat n.m. ( f~a. pl.~i ), xjentist n.m. ( f.~a. pl.~i ) scientist.
As explained earlier in this document, the font chosen for the new identity is Helvetica, however, the right usage of the font is not enough. The Helvetica font is extremely large and versatile and different versions of the font could be used to highlight words or phrases within a singular sentence or line. Example to the left.
When one is referring to the organisation, the FULL title should be used. When the organisationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name is repeated within the same paragraph or sentence, one should use the word COUNCIL. An example can be seen on the left. Corporate colours must also be reflected on how text is rendered. Headings, titles etc, should always be in either Black or Cyan.
Justification must always be to the left or right, NEVER, centred. The font functions must also be respected; the use of bold and italics should differ according to relevance and/ or importance. The sequence should be as follows: BOLD: Title Semibold: Sub title Normal Text: body Italics: notes/clarifications
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Communication for The Malta Council for Science & Technology is split between 3 platforms and target audience. There is a corporate level, which is that of communicating what the organisation is about and its duties. The funding mechanisms, which is aimed at expanding its reach to those niches which would be interested in the Council’s funding mechanisms and finally the Science Popularisation unit which is that responsible of exposing the council & its subject to the next generations. Intrinsically, even though the communication platforms may seem distinct and specific, having one common subject makes the council’s communication very linear; meaning 1 common goal: that of communicating Science. In a nutshell, what the above sentence means is that even though one may argue that we should have different “languages” to communicate to the different niches, studies show that those organisations which chose to be specific in their communications failed and messages today are written and portrayed as simple as possible to attract the mass. It is therefore the medium and NOT the message that differentiate the target audience. It is also important, at this stage, to expose the new brand, and therefore, uniformity is extremely important. Therefore, we should be able to device a unique message and format which may be adjusted BUT NOT changed to the relevant audience.
Is the government body responsible for research policy, promoting scientific research, management of the local research funding programme and is the national contact point organisation for the EU Research Framework Programme (FP). Ex pr ha pr odu led od ct air uc of is tio c ric n ellu h Th of la in th e h en r r c er es arb he is p ott gy pir o em at oin est ,w a nd iss ene t, th par hic tion iox ion rgy e t o id h fl f is dur e, fro . Th am th sto ing a w m e b e e fl re d ho lu is a am in the ast AT t s e c bo e e P oo olo ut is t p r 1 jus ar is ,40 t a tic du 0 b les e t 째C ove . o c . H th he ow e m ev ver ilu er y m no du ine te ll sc th blu en at e ce pa pa , w rt rt hil of to o e t th ne he e fl s vis am ide ible e is of t ye ve he llo ry fla w sm me co all , a lor a t t is nd he du re ba e t lea se o r se . A ad s li t iat ttle ive
The Malta Council for Science & Technology
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we focus on the scientific side of it
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every photo has a story to tell...........
As mentioned previously, The Malta Council for Science & Technology should somehow strike a balance in its communication methods so as to be able to communicate to as many segments of the public as possible.
We are therefore working on visuals which will more or less work on the concepts drawn on the left.
The idea is to use elements of our logo, use them as magnifying glass and highlighting the scientific aspect of the specified area.
every photo has a story to tell...........
This concept could be as informative as intriguing and it could also be extended to be as technical as one chooses to be.
we focus on the scientific side of it
The Malta Council for Science & Technology
Is the government body responsible for research policy, promoting scientific research, management of the local research funding programme and is the national contact point organisation for the EU Research Framework Programme (FP).
Project financed by The Malta Council for Science & Technology through the National Research & Innovation Programme (year)
When projects & research study is funded by The Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mechanism, it is imperative that it is duly communicated. The contracts signed beforehand should state that any communications regarding the subject must include a mention of this and the corporate identity should also be reflected. We have therefore devised guidelines which we can circulate to researchers and partners attached to the above mentioned contracts. These guidelines are also available for download from our website as soft copies. As previously explained, our emphasis should always be based on white backgrounds, however we will also provide options for different circumstances.
Project financed by the Malta Council for Science & Technology through the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) (year)