[Christopher D Freudenberg worlds of learning, experience & imagination]

Page 1 ŠC.D.Freudenberg scripts, audio, video, images, artwork by C D Freudenberg is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License This page currently in process of reconstruction (last changed Wed 1st August 2012). Others of my webpages linked from this page can change more frequently than this front page). Click on text or images for links to more webpages, sites in process of construction & updated from time to time

Freudenberg has participated in communities of activity of one sort & another and used the creative art process to facilitate personal well-being. His research on process & imagination continues as does his making of art, shown at past Craft Potters Associates' & London Potters' shows, the Raw Arts Festival in 2005 London & galleries in Berlin & Paris, music (listening & playing) & other arts feeding the soul. After Quaker School, completing x4 science "A" levels [Botany, Zoology & Chemistry plus Physics later (1962-4)], deferring from taking up medical school place offered to him, he began social anthropology study (included fieldwork) at the School of African & Asian Studies (also did a social psychology course & 'T' group), University of Sussex (BA (1965-8), this followed by postgraduate study (MA in social anthropology at University of Sussex awarded 1970, thesis published later online), various work, making of art (pottery & painting), completing Diploma in Art Therapy (University of Sheffield awarded 1994), allowing his Health Professions Council State Regulation to lapse, having broadened his learning of various kinds of human discomforts & comforts, people being multiplex by their nature of being human, ordinary and extraordinary. NEWSLETTER + EXPOSITION + COPYRIGHT + CONTACT + BIOGRAPHY POTS AND SCULPTURES (UNFIRED CLAY WORK & CERAMICS)


HISTORIC AUTOMOBILE: JOWETT JUPITER 572 (1952) 1950s PHOTOS , REBUILT 1977-89 , DRIVEN. Summary of the production history of the Jowett Jupiter Sports Car (manufactured 1950-54,BRADFORD, YORKS, UK )

Click here for links to pages of FREUDENBERG'S OTHER EXPERIENCE & WORK of various kinds & capacities: 'journeys' in arts, music, scripts & photographic. click for links to SOMETHING OF OTHER PEOPLES WORK: books, lives, films, theatre, music etc read, seen or heard. Most of what is on this and other of Chris Freudenberg web pages linked to this is his photography, much of it of work by him and mostly the text is by him, though not entirely. Sources of others' (quoted) work are stated and he hopes sufficiently acknowleged whose work, when not Chris Freudenberg

work. If any photo or text of his is quoted, he asks for acknowledgement. Information found on this & others of his webpages does not constitute professional advice of C.D.Freudenberg. C.D.Freudenberg, BA Social Anthropology, School of African & Asan Studies, University of Sussex (1968), MA Social Anthropology 1970 (40,000 word thesis publihed online), Artist-Craftsman, Diploma in Art Therapy (Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies, Department of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Sheffield 1994). E-mail to cdf at plusiarts dot co dot uk PRINTS OF C D FREUDENBERG WORK MAY BE AVAILABLE [COPIES OF PHOTOGRAPHS, OF PHOTOGRAPGHS OF CLAYWORK, OF PRINTS OF ORIGINAL PAINTINGS] ©C.D.Freudenberg scripts, audio, video, images, artwork by C D Freudenberg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License

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