Christopher Link Bowling Green Ky Role Of Vice President Of Public Relations
Gas Exploration Company Christopher Link works for Panex - a successful oil and gas exploration c ompany that's employees have over 100 years of combined experience i n the industry. Christopher enjoys le ading the teams in the right direction and watching the company grow as a result.
Veteran Of The Oil Industry A 20-year veteran of the oil industr y, Christopher Link of Bowling Gre en KY has committed his career to help grow the Panex company.He knows that as long as people need light to see and gas to travel and m ove, accessible and affordable oil a nd gas will be an in-demand servic e.
Talented Oil Painter Christopher Link is a talented oil pai nter who loves to display his work in his own home and gift it to family an d friends.Best known as the Vice Pre sident of Public Relations at Panex, Christopher Link of Bowling Green, KY, is a man who is no stranger to h ard work.
Childhood Dream Of Painting Christopher Link of Bowling Green KY is a graduate of Western Kentuc ky University and also attended Sav annah College of Art and Design to pursue his childhood dream of paint ing.
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