Consultant, Trainer & Coach: Gregory Neocleous BSc Marketing, MBA – Human Resources management and Finance As an influential thinker and speaker, Gregory leads the way in providing solutions for individuals wanting to make radical improvements in their career advancement, emotional well-being, build strong relationships, improve their finances, and create business and organizational "turnaround". He devoted his life to the study of human potential, attitudes and behavior patterns associated with the creation of maximizing success in both personal and business life. He provides high quality development tools, empowering continuous improvement and affecting the lives of people worldwide. As a business consultant Gregory forms strategic partnerships with his client’s organizations and he studies how the evolution of company strategy, business growth, and corporate culture impact profitability. Gregory demonstrates best practices and methodologies to align the organization around a common and meaningful vision, strategy, and objectives. He adds significant revenue to his client's bottom line by sharing his tactics to accelerate performance to the corporate staff, while bringing employees to the next level of personal, career and professional achievement. As a coach he uses his techniques to advice politicians, business executives and individuals to accelerate change and succeed. He helps individuals understand the opportunity before them, what they need to do to move forward, and how to execute and measure actual results achieving their goals and dreams. As a motivational speaker, he is one of the most powerful transformational and gifted seminar leader in building relationships, leadership development, dynamic communication and management effectiveness. He turns his audiences into stakeholders by motivating them to embrace new opportunities and overcome existing limitations. He has trained and inspired tens of thousands of people, professionals and leaders, in 15 countries from over 45 different nationalities being empowered to improve their lives through his well-known seminar series “Program yourself for phenomenal success” and
“Maximize organizational
performance through people”. Gregory is able to speak authoritatively on the global trends in personal, career and organizational change while leaving even the most specialized audiences with relevant, useful and empowering feeling. He tailors his presentations at various levels necessary to connect with each audience. He is a frequent speaker at business forums and he has given presentations and speeches on more than a dozen topics. He has developed an extensive portfolio of topics that cover business leadership and transformation, new consumerism and the evolution of the business and personal ownership lifestyle in culture and society. Some of his programs are known as: “design your vision & create the life you always wanted”, “accomplish your goals through creativity”, “make the right career decisions”, “modelling your future”, “get an employment offer in 30 minutes”, “follow the career that suits you”, “achieve a career advancement”, “aligning your life mission with your career mission for a fulfilling life”, “building the value of trust ”, “handle personality styles and maximize your results”, “build the profile of an inspiring leader”, “speeding up your success at work”, “solve problems and make the right decisions”, “become the manager everybody likes to work with”, “multiply staff results through coaching”, “establishing strong and mutually meaningful relationships”, “saving your marriage”, “applying influential & persuasion techniques”, “creating refuse-to-lose proposals”, “applying the magic moments with the client and maximize profitability”, “become a network marketing champion”, “become a sales guru”, “how to get over 1,000 leads in 3 months”, “generate a six figure income in 18 months”, “market yourself successfully”, “impose how others see
you”, “change the public opinion”, “build your own global enterprise”, “building an entrepreneurial advantage”, “turning financial crisis into opportunities”, “assessing your effectiveness in your life roles”, “maximize your potential by transforming your self-consciousness”, “making people part of your goals”, “turning frustration into a positive mental attitude”, “mastering a higher level business plan”, “manage the key performance measures for business effectiveness”, “building on your strengths”, “maximizing your salary potential”, “building an advanced career plan”, “become a champion coach for your family members”, “increase & sustain your customers”, “overcome resistance”, “the science of relationships”, “introduce the methods of creative thinking in your organization”, and “make it to the top through innovative ideas in your field”. Gregory was selected as a Trainer and Consultant of medium to large size companies in European Union, Easter Europe, USA, Asia, South Africa and Middle East. His clients include Banking & Financial institutions, Cooperative Institutions, Shipping firms, Municipalities, Pharmaceutical industries, Medical industries, Hospitals, Chain retail stores, Wholesale distributors, Manufacturing companies, Construction companies, Government Ministries, Airlines, Shipping companies, Tourism organizations,
Telecommunication companies, Insurance companies, On- Line services companies, Universities, Law Firms, Auditor Advisory and Consulting firms. Gregory is the CEO & founder of Epimorfosis Consulting ltd, specializing on corporate training, on- line psychometric tests and individual assessments on “career counselling” and “employee performance”. Gregory is leading a substantial network of highly trained career counsellors transforming individuals, families and organizations using thoroughly tested strategies and interventions. Gregory is also an “Investors in People” Advisor and certified trainer by the Human Resources Development Authority of Cyprus and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus.