April CPC Life

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FAITH STORY DAVE STUESSI came to faith as a new dad.




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Why We Rejoice in the Resurrection this Easter. PAGE 5







Inspiring all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally.




A Journey into New Territories


efore I forget, if you want to read stories and see pictures of what we’re doing and what we’re learning during this sabbatical, check out Laura’s new blog at www.laurac-payingattention.blogspot.com. It’s great! One of my mentors gave me great advice as I prepared for our first sabbatical 12 years ago: “Don’t think a vacation or sabbatical can restore what you lose from an unbalanced life; these are times to add new perspectives rather than get back your life.” He called me to live and minister in a rhythm that made vacations and sabbaticals a journey into new territory, rather than a restoration of what had been depleted. Pastor and author Mark Batterson uses this equation: change of pace + change of place = change of perspective. I think I understand these things better this time around — and as you see from the picture, we’re definitely going into new territory! There are roughly three movements to this sabbatical, which you might find helpful to think about in your own breaks from routine, whether vacation or not. Our first stage has been Refreshment: relaxing, sleeping, reading, playing, and decompressing from the pace of life and Minnesota winters. The second stage will be Learning and Grow-

CPC Life is a monthly publication of Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC). Complimentary copies available monthly at CPC or at www.cpconline.org/cpclife. Mail Subscriptions: Suggested donation of $20. Please write Editor, CPC Life, Christ Presbyterian Church, 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435.

ing: spending three-plus weeks traveling to places I’ve never been. As a bonus, our daughters will be able to join us for a week, making the time even more special. We’ll visit the grandeur of the Alps and the silence of the snow; then we’re on to the sights and sounds of the medieval church in Rome and Florence. Mark Batterson’s book Primal begins with a descent 40-50 feet below the streets of Rome to the first church in the catacombs — and highlights the need for us to go back to the roots of our faith. I want to take the same journey, body and soul, this Lent. After we return to Minnesota to celebrate the Risen Christ at Easter with you, we end with a third season: Service. We’ll attend a church conference about helping adults grow in the faith with other CPC staff, then back-to-back board meetings abroad, climaxing with a CPC GO! Trip to Zambia. The goal of these movements (Refreshment, Learning/Growing, and Service) is to bring us back to CPC as better leaders, with renewed passion, inspired by what we’ve seen and done, and sensing afresh the work of the Spirit in and through us. Lord willing, when we see you next, we’ll shout together, “He is Risen, He is Risen indeed!”



Contemporary (same as Sunday morning)



Sunrise Service

8:00 & 9:10AM Traditional

10:30 & 11:40AM Contemporary


The Table at CPC

John Crosby serves as Senior Pastor

Email Subscriptions: To recieve a link to the monthly online version, contact communications@cpconline.org. We welcome your letters and comments! Please email communications@cpconline.org. © Christ Presbyterian Church 2011.

Director of Communications: Sharon Sampson Editor: Jennifer Boardman Art Direction & Design: Jeremy Emmerich ©

Mixed Sources

Product group from well-managed forests, controlled sources and recycled wood or fiber www.fsc.org



Child Sponsorship When you sponsor one child, you help a community. Be part of CPC’s commitment to Moyo, Zambia by



Easter Weekend Since Easter falls later in the year and doesn’t coincide with Spring Break, we anticipate larger crowds. If you are a regular CPC attendee, consider attending one of the earlier or later services on Easter Sunday to accommodate increased visitor traffic and parking. Help us keep CPC welcoming to all as we worship the Risen Christ together!


FOLLOW JESUS sponsoring a child through World Vision. Sponsorship packets are available this month after worship or at www. worldvision.org/moyosponsorship.


CPC Job Openings CPC is currently hiring for four positions: Musical Arts Associate, Technical Arts Associate, and two yearlong Mission Internships. The application deadline for the Mission Internships is April 30. Learn more at www.cpconline.org/employment.



Easter Flowers On Easter, we adorn the Sanctuary with flowers representing new life in the Resurrected Christ. Would you like to give towards the purchase of these plants as a memorial or tribute to someone? Names will be listed in the Easter bulletin. Complete a form located at the Info Desk or CPC office; return by April 11 with a $20 donation.


Philippians Series After Easter, we continue with the second half of our worship series on Paul’s letter to the Philippians. This wonderful book points us to the character of Jesus, highlighting both His humility and power. We will examine how our vertical relationship with Christ impacts our horizontal relationships with others.

Celebrate with us how CPC’s generations are following Jesus, loving others, and living missionally.

Denominational Issues As conversations continue on a national level about the future of our denomination, we encourage you to join us in learning and praying about the issues at hand. Visit www.cpconline.org/pcusa for updates and resources. We will also offer dedicated times for teaching and discussion in the coming months.

CPCers marked the beginning of Lent at three Ash Wednesday services on March 9. Celebrate the Risen Christ at six Easter services on April 24!

LOVE OTHERS 206 volunteers served in Adult Ministries this school year. 160 students and adults served in Kids’ Ministries this school year.

L I V E M I S S I O N A L LY In one week, our community packed over one million meals for Feed My Starving Children. Nearly 30% of volunteers for Feed My Starving Children were not CPCers.


70th Street Construction From April to November, the City of Edina will do construction along W. 70th Street, stretching from Highway 100 to France Avenue. Projects include new turn signals, turn lanes, and bike paths, as well as a shifting of CPC’s parking lot entrance. During construction, sections of 70th will be closed; the area adjacent to CPC will likely be closed starting in July.

6901 Normandale Road Edina, MN 55435 952.920.8515 www.cpconline.org



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Cross the

Holy Week at CPC The cross is where Christ’s earthly life ended and our new life begins. During Holy Week, we will reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice for us and rejoice in His Resurrection. Join us for prayer, worship, and spiritual growth as we prepare our hearts to meet the Risen Christ on Easter Sunday. HOLY WEDNESDAY CHAPEL SERVICE Wednesday, April 20 at 12:00PM A special Holy Week version of our Mid-Month Chapel Service, featuring hymns, Communion, Prayers for the People, and a meditation by Debbie Manning. Complimentary lunch follows in the Fireside Room. No childcare available.

EASTER WATCHNIGHT SERVICE Saturday, April 23 at 11:00PM Experiential worship based on the ancient Easter vigil service with candles, processional, Scripture lessons, music, the Sacrament of Holy Communion, and the Renewal of Baptismal Vows. A great way to start Easter day! No childcare available.

MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP Thursday, April 21 at 7:00PM A favorite of many, this traditional 90-minute service remembers the Last Supper and the Crucifixion, including Scripture lessons, artwork, lighting, special music by the Chancel Choir, a meditation by James Madsen, and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Childcare for 6 weeks through 5 year-olds.

EASTER SATURDAY CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP Saturday, April 23 at 5:15PM In a Saturday evening version of Easter morning worship, the Contemporary Team will lead in a celebration of the Resurrection, with a meditation by John Crosby. Childcare for 6 weeks through 2 year-olds. Programming for 3 year-olds through pre-K.

GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP Friday, April 22 at 5:00 & 8:00PM 5:00PM – (Family-Friendly) Our theme for this 45-minute service is “For Love’s Sake.” All ages will worship and examine Jesus’ last days through the lens of God’s love. We will explore Jesus’ sacrifice through music, multi-media presentations, drama, and reflection. Childcare for 6 weeks through 2 year-olds. 8:00PM – A worship service to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice led by The Table team. No childcare available. 24-HOUR EASTER PRAYER VIGIL IN THE CHAPEL Saturday, April 23 at 6:00AM until Sunday, April 24 at 6:00AM This 24-hour silent vigil symbolizes the time of waiting following the Crucifixion. Sign up for a 30-minute slot to pray expectantly for yourself, others, and the church. The Chapel will be open from 6:00AM on Saturday until 6:00AM on Sunday. Prayer guides provided. No childcare available.


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EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP Sunday, April 24 6:00AM – Sunrise Service As the sun rises, we celebrate the Resurrection with singing, Orthodox traditions, Communion, and a meditation by Rich Phenow. Dress casually to walk outside! No childcare available. 8:00 & 9:10AM – Traditional Celebration Services* Traditional services of celebrating the Resurrection with music by the choir, organ, and brass ensemble, and a meditation by John Crosby. 10:30 & 11:40AM – Contemporary Celebration Services* The Contemporary Worship Team will lead in a celebration of the Resurrection with a meditation by John Crosby. 6:00PM – The Table at CPC* A celebration of the Resurrection led by The Table team, with a meditation by Brad Jackson. *Childcare for 6 weeks through 2 year-olds. Programming for 3 year-olds through pre-K.


by Deb Kielsmeier, Membership/Outreach


ometimes it seems we focus more on Jesus’ death than His resurrection. We talk about how Jesus’ great love for us compelled Him to sacrifice His perfect life for our sinful lives. This is a beautiful truth, but it’s not the end of the story. Throughout the busy year, and not just at Easter, we should celebrate what happened after Christ’s death on the cross: the fact that He is risen indeed! In fact, the Resurrection was the central truth of the early apostles’ preaching. It should be central to what you and I believe and say about Jesus today, too. So why does the Resurrection matter? What would life be like if Jesus had not been raised? The cross would have been a brutal end to Jesus’ life and His death would have been in vain. The powers of oppression and evil would have triumphed once again. Jesus’ claims that He would rise again would have been a lie. His bones would be buried in the earth along with those of Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed, and Lenin. The disciples would have been disillusioned and disheartened and most likely would have scattered. And we would have no assurance of life after death and no

proof that Jesus was any more than a teacher and healer. But Jesus did not stay in the tomb. His bones are not on this earth. The disciples were astonished as they saw and touched and talked and ate with the Risen Jesus. Hundreds of others witnessed the Risen Lord, as well. The

Jesus is still alive, teaching, healing, calling, leading, and bringing life out of death. fact that He rose ignited His followers because it proved that everything Jesus said and claimed was true. Even death could not hold Him! Unlike all other religious founders, Jesus is divine. His disciples gave their lives to proclaim this truth, suffering martyrs’ deaths; certainly they were convinced. What difference does the Resurrection mean for us today? It means that love finally does win. Death does not have the last say. The powers of oppression and evil will not triumph in the end. And we can be assured that there is life in Christ beyond the grave.

Jesus is alive. Still. He is now reigning at the right hand of His Father. He promises to return again. But in the meantime, we can still meet Him. He has sent the Holy Spirit so that we might have a deeply personal relationship with Him even today. Jesus is still alive, teaching, healing, calling, leading, and bringing life out of death. Throughout the centuries, millions of people have met Jesus Christ and their lives have never been the same. This Easter, let us lift high the cross, while celebrating that “God raised Jesus from the dead . . . because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him” (Acts 2:24).

“ For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures . . . And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.” - 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, 17 CPC LIFE


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by Kari Dubord, Kids’ Ministries

The 2011 Easter Offering will support the building of the first high school in Moyo, Zambia and the expansion of HIV ministries in George, Zambia. To give, make your check out to CPC and write “Easter Offering” in the memo.

Our partner in urban George, Jubilee Centre, trains churches to meet the physical and spiritual needs of their neighbors. One of the greatest challenges facing George is HIV, as most in the community are either infected or affected by the disease, and the stigma


aster is a celebration of the world’s greatest love story. 1 John 3:16 reminds us what true love is: that Jesus laid down His life for us. The same verse challenges us to respond: “therefore, we ought to lay down our life for others.” This Easter, we celebrate a transformative first year in our two partnerships in Zambia, a country where God’s love is changing lives — and you at CPC are part of the story! Through this year’s Easter offering, you can help the story continue of growing hope in Zambia. In rural Moyo, where we partner with World Vision, hope is literally rising from the ground up. The foundation for the area’s first high school has been laid (above left), forming the building blocks for a changed future in a community where 90% live in poverty. Education in Moyo currently stops at 9th grade, but the new Ndondi High School will ensure that the next generation of Moyo students is more educated than the last. The CPC Easter offering will enable construction on the school to continue as soon as the rainy season ends.


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Moyo: Year One • Over 600 new child sponsorships • 1,000 insecticide-treated nets • 24 new and 11 rehabilitated boreholes for clean water • 6 successful surgeries for disabled children

George: Year One • 1,500 people have heard the message of salvation • 560 people living with AIDS are recieving care • 94 church leaders being trained • 16 new boreholes give 40,000 people access to clean water

is great. Jubilee Centre is equipping churches to enter boldly into the crisis: they care for the dying, provide food supplements, offer support groups, and educate teenagers on staying pure. Our Easter offering will support the expansion of these vital HIV ministries,

which, for many, are the difference between life and death. A CPC team saw the need in George firsthand when they visited the oneroom home of John (above right) and Eunice, both HIV-positive, and their eight kids. The couple had previously been too sick to work and unable to feed their family. Antiretroviral drugs won’t work without proper nutrition, so the family languished and their health worsened. But through a Jubilee Centre food supplement program at their church, John and Eunice received necessary nutrition, care, medicine, and spiritual support, and their health drastically improved. When the CPC team visited, John was looking for work as a plumber and active in the local church, and Eunice was serving as a trained caregiver to another local man with HIV. It is powerful to think of Eunice serving another HIV patient just as she had been served, loving another as she had been loved. This is the essence of what it looks like to lay down our lives for others as Jesus did for us. If you or I were the only person on Earth, Jesus would have gone to the cross all the same, and He loves the people of Moyo and George just as deeply. This Easter and all year long, please hold these communities in prayer. And give generously to the Easter offering, so the stories of transformation continue as we grow in love and hope together.

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CPC Ministry Programming April 2011

At CPC, we seek to inspire all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. Please look through the various programs for kids, students, and adults --- and join us! For fuller descriptions and more information on any of these programs, please visit www.cpconline.org.

general WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNERS Dinner served in the Great Room from 4:45-6:00PM every Wednesday there is programming. Salad Bar-$4; Dinner & Salad Bar-$8; Dinner without Salad Bar-$7; Kids’ Meal-$4; Family Max-$25 April 6: Spaghetti, bread, cookies April 13: Chicken enchiladas, brownies April 20: Burgers, fries, ice cream April 20 is the last dinner until the fall. HOLY WEEK EVENTS See page 4 for a detailed listing of services and events stretching from Wednesday to Sunday of Holy Week. Join us for prayer, reflection, and worship as we seek to “Lift High the Cross.” The cross is where Christ’s earthly life ended and our new life begins. Come reflect on Christ’s sacrifice and rejoice in His Resurrection.

adults SPIRITUAL MENTORSHIP A one-on-one mentoring relationship is a great way to grow deeper in your walk with God. Following an initial five-session study, you and your mentor will customize a relationship that works best for you. Contact: James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x308; jamesm@cpconline.org. NEW COUPLES’ SMALL GROUPS Two new small groups are starting: one for couples over 50 and one for couples in their 20s-30s. Groups will meet once

or twice a month; time TBD. Contact: James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x308; jamesm@cpconline.org.

SUNDAY COMMUNITIES Sunday Communities offer a place to belong and a place to grow with people in a similar stage of life. 9:30AM: S.A.L.T. (30s & 40s) A.C.T.S. (50s & 60s) MIXED TAPES (20s & 30s couples) 10:45AM: MORE (all ages) CPC SINGLES (40s & 50s) – 2nd and 4th Sunday each month Visit www.cpconline.org/SC. Contact: Dan Anderson at 952.920.8515 x298; danderson@cpconline.org. IN THE WORD Mondays from 9:30-11:30AM in Room 108 In the Word is for men and women. We are currently studying Hebrews. Contact: James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x308; jamesm@cpconline.org. WEDNESDAY MORNING STUDY Wednesdays from 11:00AM-12:00PM in Room 203 A lively discussion of Ephesians led by Rick Byron. We meet every Wednesday except Edynamoes’ days. Contact: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226; debbied@cpconline.org. JOURNEY TO THE CROSS Wednesdays through April 13 from 6:007:30PM in the Fireside Room This Lent, we are looking at events from the last week of Jesus’ life with teachers Deb Kielsmeier, Rich Phenow, and

Laura Mulliken. A great way to prepare your heart for Easter. Contact: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226; debbied@cpconline.org.

LEGACY OF FAITH FOR PARENTS Wednesdays, April 6 & 13 from 6:007:30PM in the Parlor What’s the legacy of faith you will leave for your children? We will discuss ways to teach children about God, investigate tools, and delve into Scripture regarding parenting. Conveniently held at the same time as Wednesday night classes for kids and students. Led by Becky Danielson, licensed Parent and Family Educator. Register: Becky Danielson at faithfirstparent@aol.com. CPC BOOK CLUB Thursday, April 14 at 7:00PM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Thursday monthly On April 14, we’ll discuss Russian Concubine by Furnivall. On May 19, we’ll discuss First Mothers: The Women Who Shaped the Presidents by Angelo. Contact: Nancy Reutiman at 952.920.1837. GARDEN GROUP: A SPRING AWAKENING Meeting: Tuesday, April 19 at 7:00PM in the Fireside Room Planting: Saturday, May 21 at 9:00AM (rain date: Saturday, May 28) After a long, white winter, we look forward to green and the promise of spring. We are making plans for another exciting year of “beauty in bloom” on the church grounds. Our Garden Group invites you to join us as we plan and plant our different gardens. We CPC LIFE


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would be thrilled to have you work beside us; we look forward to hearing from you! Contact: Norma Jean Barr at 952.831.2642; njb614@comcast.net.

women TUESDAY WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30PM in Room 107 Carolyn Beatty continues to lead this committed group of women in the foundational Book of Romans. Contact: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983. MOM’S MORNING Large Group Wednesdays, April 13 and 27 from 9:3011:30AM On April 13, Jonna Fantz from Crossroads Church speaks on “The Fall of God” about humanity’s fall into sin and the amazing “fall” God took to save us. On April 27, Kyle Jackson, Congregational Care Associate, speaks on “Things Your Husband Wished You Knew” about how to get the best out of your spouse. Contact: Cara Tregembo at 952.925.4331; ctregembo@yahoo.com. Small Groups 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays of the month from 9:15-11:15AM This is a safe environment for Bible study, prayer, and support centered in Christ. Contact: Deb Carlson at deb_ carlson@writeme.com. WOMEN’S HALF-DAY RETREAT Saturday, April 16 from 9:00AM12:30PM at the Arboretum Jonna Fantz, Engage Pastor at Crossroads Church in Woodbury, will lead a half-day retreat on “The Tears of Jesus” at the beautiful Arboretum. Come for a time of reflection and thoughtprovoking dialogue. Cost: $10. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226; debbied@cpconline.org. MOMS OF TEENS Large Group Thursday, April 21 from 9:15-11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Jody Phenow, Associate Pastor of Congregational Care and Senior Visitation,


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speaks on “Raising Christian Teens.” Cost: $5. Contact: Anita LaHaye at mlahaye@aol.com. Small Groups Two Thursdays a month Moms meet bi-weekly with other moms navigating their kids’ teen years. Contact: Linda Murdock at 952.927.5491; lindamurdock1@comcast.net.

CIRCLES Circles consist primarily of women over 50 and welcome new members at any time. They combine fellowship, learning, and service in a small group setting. Esther Circle Saturday, April 9 at 10:00AM; usually meets 3rd Saturday monthly Join us at the home of Cenith Carlson (9001 Minnehaha Circle North, St. Louis Park, MN 55426) for fellowship and a discussion of Rick Warren’s God’s Answers to Difficult Questions. Contact: Cenith Carlson at 952.945.5222. Needlework Guild Saturday, April 9 from 10:00AM2:00PM in the Fellowship Hall; meets 2nd Saturday monthly Needlework Guild’s mission is to make warm garments and blankets for local agencies that serve the needy. We have yarn and fabric and knowledgeable knitters to get you started. Contact: Sally Stoutenburgh at 952.927.6915. Lydia Circle Saturday, April 16 at 9:30AM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Saturday monthly Roberta Scherf, founder of MeMoves (sensory processing therapy), will be our guest. Contact: Ellen Hastings at 952.896.0066. Martha Circle Wednesday, April 20 at 10:00AM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Wednesday monthly Laura Shaffer from the Congregational Care team will be our guest. It will be good to become better acquainted with Laura as she tells us about our circle namesake, Martha. We love visitors and new members. Contact: Pat Haberkorn at 952.941.4188. Ruth Circle Wednesdays at 9:30AM Ruth Circle is an active group of women. On the 1st and 3rd Wednes-

days we meet in a member’s home; on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays we do service projects. Contact: Cherie Miller at 651.484.6480.

50+ EDYNAMOES (70+) Wednesday, April 27 starting at 11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall No bunnies, no chicks — what we have here are Easter llamas! Did you ever see one? Nancy Frank of Ridgeland, WI has owned and loved these unique animals for over 25 years. She and Minnesota llama owner Vince Deschene will be here to introduce two of his delightful llamas in person. This will be a first, for sure! Register: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983 by Sunday, April 24. NESTERS (Active Retired Age) Sunday, May 1; depart CPC at 12:45PM We will see the “The Buddy Holly Story” at History Theater. Cost: $24. Wednesday, May 25; depart at 11:00AM Time to cheer on the Twins! Cost: $18. Register: Clare Anderson at 952. 920.8515 x212; clarea@cpconline.org.

care DIVORCECARE FOR WOMEN Mondays through May 2 from 6:007:30PM Join other women who are experiencing the grief of divorce and find help, discover hope, and experience healing. Contact: Grete Kirkeng at 612.280.0482; gkirkeng@hotmail.com. ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE CLASS Thursday, April 14 from 7:00-8:00PM in the Fireside Room This series is designed for those with an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, their care partners, and professionals. April’s talk is “The Latest in Dementia Research.” Contact: Clare Anderson at 952.920.8515 x212; clarea@cpconline.org. ANXIETY CARE GROUP Wednesdays, April 6 & 13 from 6:157:15PM at a nearby home This group is a safe place for people to talk about anxiety and how it affects

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their lives. We will work on anxiety management, while better understanding anxiety and panic disorders. Contact: Karin Miller at 952.915.9072; themillers9@comcast.net.

kids Kids’ weekend programs for 6 weeks old-5th grade available during all worship services. Register: www. cpconline.org/kids. Contact: Anne McCracken at 952.920.8515 x216; anne@cpconline.org.

SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION Registration for Kids’ Summer Camps is now open at www.cpconline.org/ register. Find details at www.cpconline. org/kids_camps. FAMILY COMMUNION WORKSHOP Saturday, April 16 at 3:30PM in the Fireside Room The Communion Workshop is for elementary-aged children and their parents. We’ll talk about why Communion is special and when it is time to begin taking it. A light supper will be served ($3 per adult; $2 per child; maximum of $10 per family). Register: Anne McCracken at 952.920.8515 x216; anne@ cpconline.org. EASTER SUNDAY HELPERS NEEDED Sunday, April 24 at 9:10, 10:30, & 11:40AM We are looking for volunteers for our Nursery, Toddler, and Preschool rooms during the 9:10, 10:30, and 11:40AM Easter services. You too can hear the wonderful news of Jesus rising from the dead, just as He said He would! Contact: Martha North at 952.920.8515 x280; marthan@cpconline.org.

missions DINNER AT C.O.O.L. YOUTH CENTER Monday, April 25 from 5:00-7:00PM at Calvary Church (2608 Blaisdell Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55408) Serve a meal to kids attending the C.O.O.L. Youth Center after-school program at Calvary Church. The meal will be purchased and served by the

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CPC team. Register: Sarah Sutliff at 952.212.1243; sasutliff@comcast.net.

MOVIES THAT MATTER Thursday, April 28 at 6:30PM Join us for a monthly film and discussion event where we’ll dialogue about how to look at cultural issues through a missional lens. Our April film is “Blood Diamond.” This event is not geared towards families; there is no dinner. Contact: Erin Marth at 952.920.8515 x311; erinm@cpconline.org. MOROCCAN TEA AND BICYCLES Sunday, May 1 at 12:15PM Are you interested in the Muslim world? What about bicycling? Come for Moroccan mint tea and meet our global partners, Kirk and Sarah. Learn about their fascinating culture and their vision for a new community development project: a bicycle shop/club. They are also available to speak to small groups. Contact: Leslie Boie at 952.920.8515 x274; leslieb@cpconline.org. UPCOMING GO! TRIPS June 18-25: Piedras Negras, Mexico (for families) July 6-17: Lusaka, Zambia (for students) July 23-29: Jackson, Mississippi (for families) Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Leslie Boie at 952.920.8515 x274; leslieb@cpconline.org

students Student Ministries is for 6th-12th graders on Wednesday nights. Elevate (6th-7th graders) meets Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30PM in the MPR. Commitment Class (8th graders) meets Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30PM in Room 204. HSM (9th-12th graders) meets Wednesdays from 8:00-9:30PM in area homes. Contact: Heidi Haines at 952.920.8515 x305; heidih@ cpconline.org.

SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION Registration for Student Summer Camps is now open at www.cpconline. org/register. Find details at www.cpconline.org/student_camps.



middle SCHOOL RUCKUS: GUT BALL! Friday, April 8 from 6:00-9:00PM; depart CPC at 6:00PM What do you get when you eat at fast food joints and then play a crazy game of dodge ball? GUT BALL! All 6th through 8th graders are invited to attend this progressive fast food dinner followed by dodge ball. Cost: $10. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Mandy Jester at 952.920.8515 x232; mandyj@cpconline.org. COMMITMENT CLASS RETREAT Friday, April 15 at 5:00PM until Sunday, April 17 at 12:30PM One of the most transformative experiences of the year, the Spring Retreat is a mandatory element of Commitment Class. Students, leaders, and staff go to Camp Friendship in Annandale for a retreat that concludes our Walk to the Cross series and prepares 8th graders for their upcoming commitment. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Mandy Jester at 952.920.8515 x232; mandyj@cpconline.org. COMMITMENT CLASS CELEBRATION Tuesday, April 26 from 6:00-7:30PM Students and parents are invited to celebrate the end of Commitment Class with a dessert reception. Parents of girls meet in the Sanctuary; parents of boys meet in the MPR. Semi-formal attire is requested. Contact: Mandy Jester at 952.920.8515 x232; mandyj@cpconline.org. COMMITMENT CLASS ELDER VISITS Wednesday, April 27 from 6:00-7:30PM During regularly scheduled program time, 8th graders will meet with CPC Elders. The evening ends in a Session meeting where students will be voted in as members of the church. Contact: Mandy Jester at 952.920.8515 x232; mandyj@cpconline.org. COMMITMENT CLASS WEEKEND Saturday and Sunday, April 30-May 1 Students are assigned a service in which they will be recognized. Students should arrive 25 minutes prior to their service. Contact: Mandy Jester at 952.920.8515 x232; mandyj@cpconline.org. CPC LIFE


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high SCHOOL CORE GROUP BONDING NIGHT Wednesday, April 6 from 8:00-9:30PM Each Core Group will plan an activity outside of its Host Home. Core Group leaders will communicate with their students and staff concerning plans. HOUSE GROUPS Wednesday, April 13, 20, & 27 from 8:00-9:30PM at various Host Homes Please note that April 27 is our last House Group of the semester. HSM END-OF-YEAR CELEBRATION Sunday, May 1 from 6:00-7:15PM at The Table Our last HSM Experience of the year will be in partnership with The Table. All students and families are welcome as we celebrate our year together. HSM SENIOR BBQ RECEPTION Sunday, May 1 from 5:00-5:45PM This is a time to recognize and celebrate our senior class as they conclude time with HSM. Our tradition is to put together a photo slideshow that we will show at The Table service, and then give a copy to each family. To submit a senior photo, please send it to Brooke Toftoy at brooket@cpconline.org by April 17.

the table TABLE HANG-OUT: VEGAS FRIDAY AT THE VEGAS LOUNGE Friday, April 15 at 8:00PM at the Vegas Lounge (965 Central Ave. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413) Backstreet Boys, Journey, and Celine Dion your night away! Prove your karaoke skills (or lack thereof ) with some Table folks at the eternally classic Vegas Lounge. Tater tots included. Contact: Ashley Barlow at 952.920.8515 x223; ashleyb@cpconline.org. COMMON GROUNDS GROUPS Want to hang out with other Table friends while doing something you love? Common Grounds groups meet monthly through May. Contact: Ashley Barlow at 952.920.8515 x223; ashleyb@cpconline.org.


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Sports Group Saturday, April 2 to watch March Madness games; location and time TBD. Art Appreciation Group Saturday, April 2 at 1:00PM at the Walker Art Museum to see The Spectacular of Vernacular exhibit. Food and convo afterwards. Outdoors Group Saturday, April 16 from 1:00-2:00PM to rock climb indoors; location TBD. Yummy Earthy Potluck Group Tuesday, April 26 at 7:00PM; location TBD.

CLOTHES FOR A CAUSE FOR LENT Bring donations to CPC through April 17 Our Lenten clothing drive is for Dress for Success and Ready for Success. Encourage small groups, family, friends, and co-workers to donate new or gently used professional clothing to support the economic independence of disadvantaged men and women. Contact: Ashley Barlow at 952.920.8515 x223; ashleyb@cpconline.org. special may events STARTING POINT Wednesdays, May 4-June 29 from 6:308:00PM Do you have questions but don’t know where to start? Starting Point is a conversational environment that’s ideal for people new to faith. Explore the Bible, ask questions, and experience community. Cost: $20. Register: www. cpconline.org/register. Contact: Janet Blake at 952.920.8515 x279; janetb@ cpconline.org. FAITH: DEPENDING ON GOD Wednesdays, May 4-June 29 from 6:157:45PM If you ever struggle with uncertainties about faith, you’ll find good company in the Bible. This new entry-level study will look at faithful people in both the Old and New Testaments. No prior Bible study experience necessary. Janice Velgersdyk will teach. Cost: $7. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Janet Blake at 952.920.8515 x279; janetb@cpconline.org.

12TH ANNUAL CLEARWATER FOREST MEN’S RETREAT Friday-Saturday, May 6-7; CPC van leaves Friday at 11:00AM Join 20+ CPC men for a retreat and work trip at the Presbyterian Clearwater Forest. We’ll share in spiritual renewal, relaxation, fellowship, and hands-on projects to ready the camp for summer. Guest speakers are Minnesota House Rep. Keith Downey and CPC Associate Pastor Mike Hotz, presenting on faith and politics. Cost: $40 donation to the camp, which includes food, lodging, and building supplies. Register: Ted Youel at clearwaterretreat@gmail.com DISCOVERING JESUS Wednesdays, May 11-June 15 from 6:157:45PM A six-week entry-level study based on John’s Gospel. Learn how to study the Bible and walk with Jesus. Pat Johnson will teach. Cost: $7. Register: www. cpconline.org/register. Contact: Janet Blake at 952.920.8515 x279; janetb@ cpconline.org. COLLEGE CITY MISSION Friday, May 20-Thursday, May 26 College-aged students are invited to inner city Denver, Colorado to reconnect, while serving local organizations and scoping out the sites. This will be an awesome opportunity to deepen faith and examine how to be an active part of the Kingdom. Cost: $425. Contact: Ashley Barlow at 952.920.8515 x223; ashleyb@cpconline.org. MEN’S BREAKFAST FEATURING DIKEMBE MUTOMBO Saturday, May 21 from 7:00-9:00AM A time for fellowship, breakfast, and to hear from special speaker, Dikembe Mutombo, retired professional basketball player. Mutombo is an eight-time NBA all-star and four-time NBA Defensive Player of the year. He will discuss his work with Opportunity International in the Congo. Cost: $10 if you pre-register; $12 at the door. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x308; jamesm@cpconline.org.


In My Own Words: Dave Stuessi never said a prayer until ten ‘‘yearsI had ago. My wife, Lucia, and I were

at the hospital one night. It was three in the morning, she was 30 weeks pregnant, and it looked like our son was about to be born. It was too early. She had already had two miscarriages. A doctor told us an ambulance was waiting to take us to Children’s Hospital and gave Lucia all these shots to make the baby develop rapidly. It was just too much. I didn’t know how to pray, but I had heard about the ‘A.C.T.S.’ prayer, where each letter stands for something. All I could remember is that the ‘T’ stands for ‘thanks.’ But what did I have to be thankful for in that terrible moment? I thought, ‘I wouldn’t be praying if I were thankful!’ I started thinking, ‘Well, I guess I’m thankful for the nurses; they’ve been okay . . . and the doctors, too . . . .’ And all of a sudden, it was like a snowball effect as I realized all these things I was thankful for: doctors, nurses, hospitals, our family, jobs, house. I was in the midst of the hardest night I had ever experienced, and I realized I was actually thankful for thousands of things. I never even got to the point of asking God to do anything. But I felt this overwhelming peace.

The first thing I did was go to a CPC Men’s Breakfast. I sat at a table of guys who looked my age, and they invited me to join their small group of young dads. I didn’t want to join a group, but it turned out to be a great place to ask questions. Until that point, I might not have been able to tell you the difference between the Old and New Testaments. I started reading books like Letters to a Skeptic and The Case for Christ and probably 30 others. I focused on the Gospels and Paul’s Epistles. I had a burning desire to learn. CPC became a place to answer questions and ask new ones.

“ I knew I had felt an overwhelming peace that night, and I wanted to explore where it came from.” At Easter, I think it’s important to think about what Jesus went through on our behalf and not gloss over it. He spent time alone on the mountain, voluntarily came back and was judged, beaten, and killed. He died for our sins and rose again. It can be tempting to think church is just about being a good person or volunteering. We have to be specific that Jesus died on the cross and rose again for our sins. That’s the foundation of our faith. I recently found my prayer journal from Easter 2004. I had initially planned to avoid Easter services that year, figuring it would be a zoo at church and it’d be better to free up childcare, parking, and pew space. I had also spent Lent studying about Jesus’ death to the point of sadness. But as I prayed about all these factors, I realized I was too focused on my own convenience, and my reasons

weren’t good enough to miss the most important occasion of the year. I’m so glad I came to church. John Crosby’s sermon that morning made Jesus intimately personal to me, describing how Jesus spoke to the disciples for the first time on Easter. Jesus said to them: ‘Touch Me. Don’t be afraid. Follow me. Tell the world about me.’ Just like my experience in the hospital during my first prayer, that Easter sermon removed a roadblock in my faith. I realized that following Jesus is not about me, or what I want or my mood on any given day. It is a constant that Jesus wants me to reach out to Him, to not be afraid, to follow Him. It’s a simple call that I had over-complicated (and still do). It’s important for me to be active outside the church, too — in Little League or on the Board of my fraternity. I want to be in places where others might say, ‘There’s a guy who’s involved in his faith. Maybe I can ask him a question.’ Originally I wanted others to dive deeply into the Bible and become as committed as I was. But that’s not necessarily realistic. Everyone’s next step looks different. But if people have a question, I think if they ask someone or go to the Bible to find an answer, they’ll be glad they did. Lucia and I now have three kids. Having a family is more difficult than I would have thought, and the stress on your marriage is greater than I expected. Every night I pray over my kids’ heads that I would love them the way God loves them. I pray God will help me be the father, husband, and man He wants me to be. It’s hard to do this during the noise of the day, but it’s very, very powerful to pray over your kids when they’re asleep. Sometimes my 10 year-old will catch me; he’ll pretend to be sleeping and then open his eyes and smile at me as I pray. It’s pretty priceless. Lately, I’ve been thinking about Matthew 14:22-33, where Peter walks on water. Peter is walking fine until he takes his focus off Jesus and tries to walk on His own — and then He falls. I’m always doing the same thing. I want to remember not to rely on myself, but on God. That’s what I’m learning now.


My son was born healthy two months later. I’m hesitant to make it sound too easy: my first-ever prayer and it works, one for one. But the prayer in the hospital was just the beginning. I knew I had felt an overwhelming peace that night, and I wanted to explore where it came from. That was the spark for me to get involved at CPC. If I had felt something, what was it about?



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cpc snowbirds Nearly 25 CPC “snowbirds” gathered at a home in Naples, Florida, for food and fellowship in late February. John and Laura Crosby, who were in Naples on sabbatical, joined them.

mount cpc How long will it take to melt? Affectionately titled “Mount CPC,” the huge pile of snow in the corner of the parking lot reminds us of our snowy winter — but it may be nearly summer before it’s all gone!

feed my starving children From March 6-12, more than 4,000 volunteers of all generations packed one million meals in the CPC gym. Those meals will help feed starving children in Haiti, Nicaragua, and El Salvador. Thank you for loving others and living missionally with us!

Kids’ musical The CPC Children’s Choirs led us in worship on March 5/6 with their hockey-themed musical inspired by Paul’s letter to the Philippians.


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In Our


SYMPATHY TO: Hildur Shelton on the passing of her husband, Fred Shelton, on February 3. A memorial service was held on February 19 at 7500 York in Edina. The Rev. Jody Phenow officiated. Rozanne and Steve Andersen on the passing of Rozanne’s mother, Rose Teresi, on February 19. A memorial service was held on February 23 in the Chapel. The Rev. Rich Phenow officiated. Dave and Kit Olson on the passing of Dave’s father, Howard Olson, on February 22. A memorial service was held on March 3 at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Bloomington. Annette Anderson on the passing of her husband, Duane Anderson, on March 12. A memorial service was held on March 18 at Washburn-McReavy Chapel in Edina. Pastor Kyle Jackson officiated. Brett and Mandy Peterson on the passing of their son, Chase Michael, on March 13. A memorial service was held on March 18 in the Sanctuary. Rev. Mike Hotz and Sarah Norton officiated.

celebrating chase On March 18, CPC was filled with red balloons and hockey jerseys to celebrate the life of 2 year-old Chase Peterson. Chase was a beloved part of Kids’ Ministries.

we scream for ice cream The Kids’ Ministries team threw an ice cream social March 20 to honor the 160 student and adult volunteers who serve in the Nursery through 5th grade classrooms.

Cynthia Heelan and family on the passing of Cynthia’s husband, Richard Fadell, on March 16. A memorial service was held on March 22 in the Sanctuary. The Rev. Dr. Dan Anderson officiated. Kim Cummings on the passing of his wife, Dorothy, on March 24. A memorial service was held on March 29 in the Chapel. The Revs. Rich and Jody Phenow officiated.

congratulations: Adam Kimpton and Stephanie Beach on the adoption of son, Samuel Bekele Kimpton, on March 15. Samuel was born July 17, 2009. Grandparents are Joe and Diane Beach. staff transitions: Sara Kietzmann (Associate Director Early Childhood), Lorilee Peterson (Multi-Ministry Administrative Assistant), and Laura Shaffer (Lay Care Associate), transitioned from their positions at CPC in late March. We thank them for their faithful and dedicated service. IN THE HOSPITAL 2/16-3/25 Betty Peterson - Unity Doris Lee - Methodist Cindy Johnson - U of M Fairview Talla Skogmo - Fairview Southdale

Rick Lidstone - Fairview Southdale Dave Carver - Abbott Jim Harmon - Fairview Southdale Darcy Myers - Fairview Southdale

FINANCIAL UPDATE JUNE 1 – FEBRUARY 28, 2011 Ministry Offering Budget: $3,753,324.00 Actual Offering: $3,720,351.90 Variance: ($32,972.10) February/March Mission Partner + Feed My Starving Children: $155,000 YTD Mission of the Month Total: $234,883.87 Expenses are under budget year-to-date. To give to CPC, visit www.cpconline.org/ give or contact David Peterson, Finance Manager, at 952.920.8515 x206 or davidp@ cpconline.org. C CP PC C L LI FI FE E

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What We’re praying by Gayle DeHaan and Barb Harmon, College of Elders for CPC

for our community

for the world

Pray for Pastor John Crosby and his wife, Laura, as they continue the second half of their sabbatical. Pray that God will keep them safe in their travels, and continue to bless them as they refresh, learn, and serve throughout the world.

Pray that we would prepare for Easter by repenting, centering our lives on God, and keeping our priorities in line with His. May this holy season prompt us to say “yes” to the Lord who created us and sacrificed His life for us.

Pray that God would continue to bring godly leadership and spiritual revival to Zambia, and that our partnerships with World Vision and Jubilee Centre continue to encourage and grow hope in the communities of George and Moyo.

What We’re learning


Perhaps Christology began the day Jesus asked Peter, “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” A proper understanding of Jesus is foundational

by James Madsen, Adult Ministries to all our theology and relationship with God; a biblical conception of Jesus Christ is crucial to our salvation. Christology helps us to understand the significance of the deity of Christ, that He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins.

What We’re Reading

Christology teaches us that Jesus had to be man so that He could die — and had to be God so that His death would pay for our sins. We live out our Christology (who we say Jesus is) everyday in how we live our lives. Do our actions, attitudes, decisions, and relationships reflect Jesus as our Lord and Savior?

visit pathway books to find these recommendations crazy love

by Francis Chan Francis Chan is passionate about calling Christians to live differently. It is common for Christians to go to church and to say that they believe in God, but Chan argues that we’re missing out unless we offer God a relentless crazy love and wholeheartedly surrender to His purposes. Chan prompts us to consider whether we’re truly in love with Jesus Christ, or if words like “halfhearted,” “lukewarm,” and “partially committed” fit better. This book offers practical ways to throw away the life of lukewarm Christianity and experience God’s great love in deeper ways. If you struggle with feeling distant from God or understanding His great love for us, check out this book! Jeremy Emmerich, Communications


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Amon’s Adventure: A family story for easter

by Arnold Ytreeide This intriguing family story is set in Jerusalem during the time leading up to Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection. Ytreeide is a dramatic storyteller and masterfully ends each chapter with a cliffhanger that will have you on the edge of your seat. Amon’s Adventure has several levels of meaning and each chapter also offers discussion questions. Read it throughout Lent as a family devotion, or you might read several chapters a day starting on Palm Sunday and leading up to Easter. This is a great way for families to get a taste of what life was like during Jesus’ time here on earth and, most importantly, to prepare our hearts for Easter. Michelle Durrett, Pathway Books

The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath

by Mark Buchanan In a time when we whine about stress and preach about the need for balance, this great book goes a step further. Buchanan writes with a fresh voice, not only about the theology of work and rest, but about what the Sabbath is meant to be: time set apart “to empty yourself and fill yourself.” He writes, “In a culture where busyness is a fetish and stillness is laziness, rest is sloth. But without rest, we miss the rest of God: The rest He invites us to enter more fully so that we might know Him more deeply.” I underlined most of this book, copied down quotes, and have blogged about my attempts to apply it (www. laurac-payingattention.blogspot.com). Laura Crosby


Staff Spotlight:

Q How did you end up at CPC?

James Madsen

I was looking for a new church and started attending CPC in 2001. My best friend from high school and college attends here, and I knew about John Crosby because he worked at a church in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, where I had volunteered in college. I started working at CPC in January 2008; I had previously been an associate pastor at another church. I oversee small groups, men’s ministries, mentoring, and I teach classes and lead three small groups. The highlight of my week is leading the small groups because I get to watch people interact with God and learn about Him. Sometimes I learn stuff, too.

Q What are some of the highlights and challenges of your job?

James serves as the Director of Community Development in Adult Ministries. He will be ordained in the Evangelical Church Alliance later this month. Hometown: Golden Valley, MN Family: Wife, Anna; son, Connor (10); and a son on the way Favorite Scripture: Phil. 3:8-9 Hobbies: Fishing, crossword puzzles, and the MN Twins

It’s really my dream job to be able to help people grow in their relationships with God as well as to spend time myself learning more about Jesus. My greatest joy is helping others experience the love, grace, and power of Jesus Christ. And I love upfront teaching, but I like small groups, too. I also enjoy mentoring, but it’s harder to find people who want to be mentored and who have the discipline for it. One thing that is frustrating is figuring out how to get people involved in the opportunities we have at CPC. Often once people experience a class, small group, or community, they love it and stay. But it can be difficult for them to try. We currently have about 1,000 people in small groups, which is about a third of the active congregation. We, of course, wish everyone would or could partake.

Q How does teaching impact your own spiritual growth?

I like to teach about real issues and struggles, which makes me challenge my own attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. It gets me into the Word and allows God to speak to me. I feel the most transformed when I am teaching. It’s sort of like the film “Chariots of Fire” when Eric Liddell says that when he runs, he feels God’s pleasure. I feel the same way when I teach God’s Word: I feel that I’m doing the thing that God made me to do.

Member Spotlights: People in the Pews Frank & Suzie Pleticha Frank and Suzie Pleticha see every email they send as an opportunity to share their faith and invite people to CPC. Beneath their names they include this

automatic signature: “Inspired to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. Learn more at www.cpconline.org/new_ to_cpc.” Frank says, “Including CPC in our email signature has the potential to motivate hundreds of people to visit CPC’s website. If more people did this, CPC members could reach a large audience of souls who are hungry for what Christ is providing here: the opportunity to worship with authentic Christians, to impact our world through service, and to grow closer to the Lord. It just doesn’t get any better than that!”

Lucie Mikkelson For 85 year-old Lucie Mikkelson, coming to worship every Sunday is an act of faith. While her son is able to drive her to CPC on his way to work, Lucie arrives not knowing how she will return home. “I say, ‘Here I am Lord. You got me here, so you’re going to get me home.’ And I have gotten a ride every Sunday.” Lucie believes that it is important to obey the Fourth Commandment to honor the Sabbath and keep it holy, so she makes it a priority to come to church: “I am going to worship the King — the King of the universe!” she says. And it is this same King who provides people every Sunday to drive this faithful woman home. If you would like to volunteer your help in driving Lucie, she is usually sitting by Pathway Books after the 9:30AM service!

Cole Weinstein Last spring, then 7 year-old Cole Weinstein wanted to send a thank you note to Heather Hood, who directed him in 1st Grade Choir. Cole made a handmade card where he used his thumbprints to depict the choir. Heather was so impressed, she asked if she could sell reproductions of the card at the CPC Holiday Boutique to benefit missional music efforts in Ukraine. Cole happily agreed, so Heather also asked him to make a Nativity card. The day of the Boutique, Cole attended so patrons could “meet the artist.” Both cards have continued to sell at Pathway, and Cole’s art has raised over $1,000. This money will now help help fund a Christian music camp in Ukraine, where children will be introduced to the gospel through music education and activities. CPC LIFE


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Worship Times this Month


Saturdays at 5:15PM | Contemporary Worship

Philippians 1

Sundays at 9:30AM | Traditional Worship

Empowered by the Gospel

Paul’s letter to the Philippians highlights how following Jesus involves struggle and glory, chains and freedom. During Lent, we’ll focus on the first chapter of Philippians, which teaches that the road of discipleship is hard, but we’re not on the journey alone. Prepare your hearts for Easter by looking at what it means to find life in Christ through the power of the gospel.

Sundays at 11:00AM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 6:00PM | The Table (for the Next Generation) Holy Week | See page 4 for worship times and descriptions

This Month in Worship April 2/3 | Philippians 1 : To Live Is Christ (Philippians 1:20-26) | Deb Kielsmeier speaking | Ashley Barlow at The Table

Lift High the Cross

April 9/10 | Philippians 1: Striving Together (Philippians 1:27-30) | Brad Jackson speaking

Holy Week at CPC

April 16/17 | Palm Sunday | Rich Phenow speaking on Luke 19:28-44 | Brad Jackson at The Table

The cross is where Christ’s earthly life ended and our new life begins. During Holy Week, we will reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice for us and rejoice in His Resurrection. Join us for prayer, worship, and spiritual growth as we prepare our hearts to meet the Risen Christ on Easter Sunday.

April 23/24 | Easter Sunday | John Crosby speaking on 1 Corinthians 15 | Brad Jackson at The Table

april At A Glance (see pages 7-10 for details) SUN


3 Sunday Communities (S.C.)




In the Word DivorceCare for Women

Romans Study

11 In the Word DivorceCare for Women



24 Easter Sunday Worship

12 Romans Study

18 In the Word DivorceCare for Women





In the Word DivorceCare for Women Dinner at C.O.O.L. Youth Center

19 Romans Study Garden Group


Romans Study Commitment Class Celebration Table Potluck Group



Eph.Study, Ruth Circle 6 Wed. Dinner & Programs Anxiety Care Group HSM Core Group Bonding Night Eph.Study, 13 Ruth Circle Mom’s Morning Wed. Dinner & Programs Anxiety Care Group Eph.Study, 20 Ruth Circle Martha Circle Holy Wednesday Chapel Service Wed. Dinner & Programs



CPC Book Club

Ruckus Gut Ball

14 Alzheimer’s Class

15 Commitment Class Retreat (through 4/17) Table Hang-Out

21 Moms of Teens Maundy Thursday Worship


Eph.Study, Ruth Circle Mom’s Morning Edynamoes Commitment Class Elder Visits


28 Movies that Matter

9 Needlework Guild Esther Circle


Lydia Circle Women’s Half-Day Retreat Family Communion Workshop Table Outdoors Group


24-Hour Easter 23 Prayer Vigil Easter Saturday Worship Easter Watchnight Service



Good Friday Worship

Commitment Class Weekend (through 5/1)

Christ Presbyterian Church | 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435 | 952.920.8515 | www.cpconline.org | www.facebook.com/cpconline

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