Iam so honored and delighted to pastor in this community, and I’m excited to see the things God will do during the holiday season this year. My hope is that this isn’t a stretch of time where we put our faith on pause to get swept up in the festivities, busyness, and emotions of the season; rather, that we would be intentional about letting the Gospel move us through this season so that we appreciate the importance of Jesus’ birth and the power His presence on earth brings.
I don’t know much about my family tree. Surely some of the Scandinavians among us can trace their family lineage back through many generations to other continents, but that has never been the case for me. As a child, attending multiple (and seemingly end less!) gatherings with family on both sides, I was always curious about the generations beyond my great-grandparents. Our family trees tell us where we are in the story, and they can help us understand who we are.
This is true for Jesus, as well. Two of the Gospel stories include genealogies that place Jesus in the larger story of God’s work through His people in the world. Luke and Matthew don’t include these genealogies for entertainment value, but because there’s something really important about the location of Jesus in the story. Jesus’ fam ily tree helps us understand who He is and what He came to do. Jesus Himself says He came to bring to fruition the thing God has always been doing in the history of the world (Matthew 5:17).
Over the Lenten season (four weeks plus Christmas Eve), we’re going to look at five unique people in Jesus’ family tree: the five women who are specifically named. In a culture that typically only listed the men in genealogies, it seems a odd that these five women, with somewhat untraditional stories, find their way into the writing of Jesus’ lineage. And yet there they are, without explanation! These women and their stories teach us something amazing about the grace of God—about who’s included, who’s loved, and how far God will go to redeem His people. When we encounter their stories, we encounter the scandal of grace that breaks into the world on Christmas day. Join us as we seek to pay attention to the beauty of Christmas through these five unique stories!
PETEY CROWDER servesas SENIOR PASTORIn the gospel of Matthew, five women are named in Jesus’ family tree. But at first glance, it seems like it would have been better to leave them out of the story altogether. They were women with questionable backgrounds, often unwanted . . . forced into unfortunate circumstances.
Why would Matthew choose to remember these women in the lineage of the Savior? As we look at these women and study their stories, we see that they highlight the good news of Christmas in a way few other stories can. Author and pastor Corey Widmer says, “God saw them and came to them in the midst of their story. And through them, the Son of God comes to us in the midst of ours.”
The inclusion of Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba—along with Mary, the mother of Jesus—is a demonstration of the depths of God’s love for this sinful world and a beautiful foretaste of God’s willingness to go the distance to redeem our broken humanity. Through these women we see how impossible it is for us to untangle our way from sin and brokenness. But, as Gabriel will say to Mary, “Nothing is impossible for God.”
We invite you to experience their unique stories, and through them, to see yourself as an outsider who has been graciously included in God’s family through Jesus.
Read her story in Genesis 38
Tamar’s story is a difficult one: a story of a woman unfairly mistreated. Because the men in her family fail to do their familial duty, Tamar is driven to do something unexpected and unconventional. While at first glance her actions seem extreme and sinful, we see that ultimately her father-in-law, Judah, gives this humbled response: “She is more righteous than I.”
OUR TAKEAWAY: In Tamar’s story we are reminded how conventional power structures often fail to take care of marginalized people. We see this echoed in how a jealous King Herod would force Joseph and his family to Egypt, or how the Sanhedrin would convict the Messiah as a common criminal.
ADVENT PRAYER: God, help us to recognize inequality today and be advocates for justice.
Read her story in Joshua 2
Rahab had three strikes against her: She was a foreigner, a woman, and a prostitute. In other words, she was the epitome of the social outcast. She is not someone who we would expect to defy a king, save Israelite spies, and play a part in God’s people taking the Promised Land. But this is exactly what happens. Rahab is the first occupant of the foreign lands to show loyalty to Israel and Israel’s God, Yahweh, and is welcomed in as a new member of the community.
OUR TAKEAWAY: Rahab’s story highlights a theme throughout the Old Testament: Israel’s chosenness is for the blessing of the whole world. Outsiders are constantly brought into the covenant family. Just like Rahab risks to welcome the spies, Israel is called to risk to welcome others
because ultimately, God risks to welcome us.
ADVENT PRAYER: God, may we hear the good news of your love for us and believe, as Rahab did, and extend to all we encounter a bold welcome to the family of God.
Ruth’s story and the characters within it deeply reflect hesed, God’s covenant faithfulness. Though Ruth is the ultimate outsider—poor, foreign, a widow—she demonstrates radical commitment to her mother-in-law, Naomi, in ways that supersede the demands of Israel’s law.
FUN FACT: the fields in which Ruth gleaned grain were the same fields that the shepherds heard the good news of Jesus’ birth!
OUR TAKEAWAY: Ruth’s demonstration of faithful love represents what Jesus ultimately teaches in the Sermon on the Mount: to not just fulfill the letter, but the heart, of the law. (“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.’” )
ADVENT PRAYER: God, we thank you for your enduring faithfulness to us and the promise of redemption through your son, Jesus.
Read her story in 2 Samuel 11:1-17, 26-27
Deception, manipulation, murder, and rape all surround the story of Bathsheba, and she is nearly a silent figure in the Bible. The fact that she is included in Jesus’ genealogy reveals to us the pervasiveness of
sin and its consequences—and how Jesus is the only hope for Israel . . . and for us today.
OUR TAKEAWAY: The story of Bathsheba and David reveals how Jesus is the better king—one who does not exploit power but serves.
ADVENT PRAYER: Jesus, we are thankful that you are the hope of all the earth, one who humbly cares for us and shepherds us.
Read her story in Matthew 1:12-17 and Luke 1:26-38
The uniqueness of Mary’s virginity reveals how truly nothing is impossible for God. Though pregnant and unmarried, facing societal scorn, Mary humbly becomes an instrument for God to ultimately bring salvation and therestoration of our brokenness. God unexpectedly fulfills the prophecies in a way that seems inconceivable by human standards: the ordinary birth of a baby to a teenage girl in lowly conditions.
OUR TAKEAWAY: The gift of Christmas is Emmanuel, God with us—Jesus coming down to earth to rescue us. Our future hope has nothing to do with any accomplishments of our own . . . it rests completely on His promise. God’s work, not ours.
ADVENT PRAYER: Lord, help us to remember that all things are possible through you. We rejoice in the gift of Jesus, our Savior!
Together we will spend time honoring the loved ones we have lost over the years and setting our hearts on the coming Messiah. A dessert reception will follow the service. You can also view this service online: cpcedina.org/events
Join us as we celebrate the Gift of Christmas: Jesus! Together we will share time preparing our hearts for this season through encouragement for our souls and merriment with others!
5:45-6:15PM: Advent Prayer & Worship in the Sanctuary • A quiet space to reflect through guided prayer as we enter the advent season.
6:30-8:00PM: Gift of Christmas Celebration in Westview • Enjoy appetizers, conversation, an encouraging talk from Emily Hamilton, caroling, and a gift-wrapping demonstration by Becky Danielson! Each participant will receive a present to wrap as an activity around the table.
Pathway will be open before and after the event for your holiday shopping.
This is a free event, but registrations are required to help us plan appropriately • cpcedina.org/events
Kids’ Christmas • 6:00PM
Everyone is welcome at our Kids’ Christmas service! Kids can play a part if they’d like (fun animal and angel props will be provided) or simply enjoy the service from their seats.
Traditional Service • 5:00PM *
Contemporary Service • 8:00PM
Contemporary Service • 3:00PM*
Contemporary Service • 5:00PM*
Traditional Service • 8:00PM
Contemporary Service • 10:00PM
*Childcare is offered at this service for birth-3 years. Please register your child so we can plan: cpcedina.org/christmas
All services can be viewed online at cpcedina.org/christmas.
There will be no worship services on Sunday, December 25.
This year’s offering will support two local partners:
Arrive is a resettlement agency that works alongside local churches to welcome refugees and immigrants to Minnesota. Our offering will be used for: security deposits • refurbishing homes • supplementing rent costs • moving truck rental
International Association for Refugees’
IAFR helps people survive and recover from forced displacement. Jonathan House is a set of two homes that offer safe, stable housing for asylum-seeking refugees. Our offering will be used for: monthly support for 9 current residents • expansion to a third site to double their capacity
This Christmas, every dollar of our Christmas Offering will support those in our local community who have fled violence and persecution, providing safe, secure housing as a stepping stone to a better future.
Minnesota is home to many communities of forcibly displaced people. In our cultural immersions, we’ll take a deeper dive to learn about the culture, stories, and history of our neighbors.
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 • 5:30-7:30PM •$10
For this experience we will visit Urban Village, a non-profit in St. Paul, where we will get to learn about their work, chat with members of the Karen community, and share a meal provided by the community.
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13 • 4:00-5:00PM • $7 AGES 12 AND UP
Learn about the Hmong people on our visit to the Hmong Cultural Center in St. Paul, where we will explore the exhibit with a tour guide. A Hmong and Laotian dinner will follow; attenders are encouraged to join!
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 • 10:00-11:00AM • $10 AGES 12 AND UP
Together we’ll explore the Somali Museum of Minnesota in Minneapolis with a tour guide to enhance our understanding. Afterwards, those who are interested will enjoy an Eastern African lunch at a local restaurant.
Take a deeper dive into a culture that has called this area home with a tour of the Hocokata Ti Dakota museum.
Learn more and sign up: cpcedina.org/events
In early November Pastor Emily Hamilton and a small group from CPC joined other churches in our denomination for a visit with our mission partner, Pars Theological Centre. Pars exists to train leaders for the Iranian church—both in country and in the diaspora. The need for training is huge because Iran hosts one of the fastestgrowing churches in the world. Our ECO team witnessed so many stories of faith fulness to Jesus through immense suffering and persecution. A few highlights for our team included:
• Pars’ focus on women leaders: Over 50% of house churches in Iran are led by women! The Pars team is dedicated to equipping both men and women for servant leadership in the church.
• The emphasis on believing in a God that is living, loving, and sacrificially serves His people in Jesus Christ. One of the Persian songs we sang said, “Your throne is a cross; you are not a king who kills the souls of his people, but you are a king who dies to save the souls of your people.”
• The impact of counseling: Pars has started a counseling center that is serving so many students and leaders in the Iranian church, enabling them to lead from healing and restoration.
CPCers and ECO team with Pars staff in Istanbul.
“It’s hard to choose a favorite part, because what is there not to love about Christmas? But I really love the chaos of having the whole family together. Whether we are decorating Christmas cookies, playing board games, or just sitting around watching movies, I love that Christmas brings families together to enjoy already set traditions or to start new ones. Having some family that live far away from us has really made me cherish these ordinary moments together.”
-Jess Marcantonio“I like making the candy houses [gingerbread houses] because I like eating the candy and it’s fun!”
-Emilia Marcantonio, age 4
“I love unwrapping presents at Christmastime because I like seeing the designs on the wrapping paper.”
-Anna Sybesma, 12th grader
“Presents! And spending time with Grandma and Grandpa.”
-William Sweem, age 5
“I love the magic of Christmas! You turn on your favorite Christmas music, put up your tree, string some twinkle lights, and suddenly the world feels full of hope and joy. Even snow feels magical at Christmas!”
“My favorite part of Christmas is the feeling of excitement. Some people are excited for Santa to come, some people are excited to give gifts or go to parties or travel or eat their favorite dessert. The whole season feels like a beautiful time exempt from any “business as usual” feeling that’s present the rest of the year.”
-Brian Lenz“I really try to take advantage of the four weeks that Advent gives to prepare— heart, soul, strength, and mind—to celebrate Jesus’ birth, the highlight of which for me is the Christmas Eve candlelight service. And I love a good Christmas party!”
-Jon Good“My favorite thing to do at Christmas to go through neighborhoods and look at all the lights. We pick a night when it’s snowing just a little bit, and while we drive around we listen to Pentatonix Christmas songs and drink hot chocolate. It’s truly magical!”
-Marisa Rockford“My favorite part of Christmas is the food, because it’s always delicious.”
-Harrison McKinley, 8th grade
“I love the joyful spirit all around me and how Christmas brings out the best in everyone. And I love all my family getting together and having fun. I really didn’t have that growing up, so it means so much more to me now.”
-Noel Christ
“I have always loved giving my kids a “cozy gift” to open on Christmas Eve. One year I made them all tie blankets. Now that they are grown we aren’t always all together, but they still receive a cozy gift from me!”
-Michelle Durrett“Getting presents and spending time with my family.”
-Nolan Kilber, 2nd grade
“One of my favorite things about Christmas is the lights. I am so grateful in the dark of winter that there are twinkling lights up all around town, in the neighborhoods, and in my house. It is a constant reminder of hope in the darkness.”
-Brooks Wilkening“Every year I look forward to our family tradition of attending a candlelight Christmas Eve worship service, followed by a casual meal together.”
-Karen Beadie“I love being reminded of the rich theology found in Christmas carols—the amazingness of the incarnation and God’s great love for us.”
DucarJon Good, our new Pastor of Care, was walking his dog the morning after Veterans Day when he came across an envelope in the CPC Memorial Prayer Garden. When he opened it up, he found artwork and notes of thankfulness for our veterans, written by students from King of Grace Lutheran School. The packet was placed there by the grandson of Al TeWinkel, who is interred in our Memorial Garden. Jon was able to share this at our Lay Care Saturday event on November 12, and to recognize the veterans at the event who have served our country.
Below is some artwork and one of the “pledge to our veterans” included in the packet. We are so grateful for the sacrificial service of our brave veterans! May God bless you.
I am very proud to be an American because of the freedoms I have: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to vote and much more. Another thing I am proud of is the things that veterans have done and will do for me and the citizens of America. I can walk around safely and not have to worry about saying or doing the wrong thing. I think it is so cool for someone to go fight in a different country where they are a stranger among other to keep me, my family, and friends free. To go and sacrifice their lives in battle for me and others.
My pledge to you is that I will try to be kind to all people in America and the world. To not steal from them, kill them, or any other evil or harmful thing. I will not destroy what you have done. I will try to give food to the hungry and meet the needs of the poor and homeless. I will try to keep those around me safe whenever I have the opportunity. I will try to do my best to do the right thing no matter what. I will try to tell other people about the things you have done if they don’t know. I will try to make sure that future generations remember you and what you have done. I will try to respect other veterans and do my part to keep America free.
This is my pledge that I will try to keep as long as I live and what I hope many others will do. I hope you liked it. You know that I have a deep respect for the veterans of foreigh [sic] wars and all of the people of America.
We all wish we had more control. The problem is, the more we seek it, the more it betrays us. In place of predictability, it gives us anxiety. In place of unity, it divides.
God has not given us control. He’s given us something better
Author Sharon Hodde Miller will be our guest speaker in services on Sunday, January 15!
7 weeks of encouragement and enrichment for couples, covering topics such as communication, conflict resolution, family dynamics, and much more. Last year we had couples married 4 months to 44 years!
“Thiscourseissohelpfulbecauseitoffersthoughtfulandpracticalguidanceforhow toloveyourspousewell.Ithonorsourcomplexityasbeingscreatedintheimageof Godandisrefreshinglyfreeofplatitudes,stereotypes,andsweepinggeneralizations.”
-MEGHANN KANTKE, PAST PARTICIPANTLearn more and sign up: cpcedina.org/events
Explore the big questions of life with Alpha.
Looking for a place to ask real, honest, and raw questions about life and faith? At Alpha, you’ll dive into relevant topics like: What is my purpose? Is there a God? Who is Jesus?
Our next session begins mid-January.
Learn more at cpcedina.org/alpha
HOMETOWN: born outside of New York City, then lived in Pittsburgh, then moved to Edina when I was 15.
: wife, Peggy (married 35 years) and daughters Shannon and Kelly. Our dog is Bob.
FAVORITE SNACK: chips and guacamole
FAVORITE COUNTRY YOU’VE VISITED: my typical answer is "the last one," which was Italy, but really, it’s the continent of Africa, where I've visited 17 countries
RECENT READS: Our Greatest Gift: A Meditation on Dying and Caring by Henri Nouwen, Lingering Fever: a World War II Nurse’s Memoir by LaVonne Telshaw Camp (Herb Telshaw's sister), and Tattoos on the Heart: the Power of Boundless Compassion by Gregory Boyle
FAVORITE CHRISTMAS CAROL : “O Holy Night”—and “Away in a Manger” because I used to sing it to my kids every night at bedtime during the Christmas season
Tell us about your background and return to CPC.
I initially came to CPC in 1998—from another Christ Presbyterian Church in Madison, Wisconsin—to serve as the mission pastor. I inherited a thriving missions scene and it was both wonderful and overwhelming for me and our young family! In 2004 I was called by World Vision to help replicate the partnership they had with CPC with churches around the nation. I spent six years with World Vision before joining Habitat for Humanity International as the Director of Global Faith Engagement. After a staff reduction at Habitat, I began working with International Justice Mission in 2016 until they moved my position to Chicago.
After Jody Phenow’s retirement in early 2022, I was offered an interim position on the Care team, and when Pastor Melissa switched to a different ministry area, I was asked if I would con sider the role of Director of Care. I hesitated initially, uncertain what the expectations for this position would be. But after some time and prayer, I’m excited to step into this new position and the opportunities it offers me at this stage of life. I especially love that it’s an extension of my involvement in this local com munity, where I am the Edina Fire Chaplain and also run the scoreboard at many of the Edina High School varsity sports.
When I was in seminary, in addition to getting my Master of Divinity degree, I applied and was accepted into the Mar
riage and Family Therapy program at Fuller Seminary. But after I left CPC in 2004, that part of my training kind of went dormant. You don’t use those muscles as much when you are working for global humanitarian organizations and traveling around the world. It excites me to get back into my first love of pastoral care. When I became a pastor, it wasn’t because I wanted to preach or teach a lot, though I can and have done that. What I think I love most is just being with people during life events. There is nothing like being in a hospital room, whether it’s because of a new baby or a terminal illness, and realize that everyone in there is a family member except for me. It is a such a privilege to be invited into that space.
What excites you about CPC in this new season and stage for you?
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be one of the pastors at CPC again! I am blessed to inherit and lead this amazing care ministry, and I am excited to reconnect with folks, some of whom I haven’t seen in twenty years, at least on a regular basis. And I am thrilled to join a staff that is so gifted, talented, energetic, innovative, creative, and passionate.
Andrea and Adam Miller welcomed twin sons, Owen Thomas Miller and William James Miller, on August 30, 2022.
Kathleen and Benjamin Riley welcomed a son, Silas Riley, on November 4, 2022.
Sarah Nolan and Jason Holicky were married on Saturday, October 15. Melissa Schaser officiated.
Virginia Vining passed away on October 5 at the age of 96.
Irene Kuznecoff passed away on October 18 at the age of 84. She is survived by her son Greg (Ping Zhan) Kuznecoff.
Peter Franz passed away on October 23 at the age of 88. He is survived by his wife Marion, sons Tim (Tolu) and Tom, daughters Laura and Lynn (Joseph), and four grandchildren.
Joyce Velgersdyk passed away on October 27 at the age of 92. She is survived by her son John (Janice) Velgersdyk and grandchildren Steve (Kelsey) Velgersdyk and Christy (Jon) Ressler and great-grandchildren Tucker, Carter, Makayla, and Gavin Velgersdyk.
Andrew (Andy) Rosenthal passed away on October 30 at the age of 61. He is survived by his wife Cathy White and children Daniel and Anna Rosenthal.
Frank Pleticha passed away on November 2 at the age of 68. He is survived by his wife Suzie Pleticha.
Richard Larson passed away on November 4 at the age of 85. He is survived by his daughter Janet (Steve) Mader.
Jon Good transitioned to Pastor of Care.
Karen Rulifson, Associate Director of Missions & Associate Director of Early Childhood, celebrates 5 years.
CPC fiscal year started on June 1, 2022 and will end on May 31, 2023. June 1 through October 31, 2022:
• Giving = $1,403,187
• Budgeted Giving = $1,633,490
As of October 31, we were behind on giving revenue fiscal year-to-date by $230,303.
If you’d like more information about our giving or our budget, please reach out to Mara Amiot, maraa@cpcedina.org.