One of the things I’ve said many times—on Sundays and beyond—is that God’s truth in Scripture has far more ability to stick with you and trans form your life than anything clever I can say on any topic. As a pastor, I believe that deep at the very core of my being. I believe it the way the prophet Jeremiah believed that God’s Word “burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones!" (Jeremiah 20:9)
Here at CPC we want to proclaim the hope found in the Gospel, in the Good News of what Jesus has done for us. That’s why I’m incredibly excited that this fall, for 7 weeks, we’re going to be sitting in one chapter of the Bible together. Romans chapter 8, called by many as “the greatest chapter in the Bible,” is a kaleidoscope of God’s promises toward humanity. It contains the soaring heights and the very personal depths of the beauty of the Gospel, the unique Christian story that the God who made us loves us enough to sacrifice Himself for our good.
A few weeks ago, I said we were going to be a Gospel church, that this Good News story would be the thing that defines us and energizes us for the present and the future. In light of that, there is no greater way for us to spend almost two months this fall than digging into Romans 8. I hope you’ll join us, invite some friends and neighbors, and explore the depths of God’s great love.
a Gospel church:
This fall our pastors outlined four ways that we can live out that daily mission by being: a SpiRIt church: responsive to the Spirit, who reminds us of our identity in Jesus
based in the truth of what God has done for us and dependent on Him a CaRIng church: vulnerably sharing our lives with one another
a Sending church:
tangibly demonstrating God’s great big love to our neighbors
How can you stay rooted to these four elements? Consider implementing these questions into your life—in your quiet time, to your mirror or fridge, or on your phone.
• Where did I depend on Christ today, and where did I live apart from Him?
• Where did I sense God’s loving presence alongside me today?
• Where did I let people into my life today, and where did I show up for others?
• How was I a neighbor throughout my day?
May the beauty of the Gospel and God’s never-ending love sustain you each day.
The beauty of the Gospel is that the Good News of what Jesus has done for us—that He has rescued us, is renewing us, and promises us abundant life—is Good News for us every day.
Want to explore the rich truths of the Gospel found in Romans 8? Join a morning study!
Paired to align with our fall sermon series on Romans 8, our studies start with a short teaching time led by a staff member before breaking into table groups for discussion and prayer.
For Men: Tuesdays
For Women: Thursdays
Romans 8 study guides are also available for personal or small group use. Grab a copy in the Great Room, North Entrance, or find it online at
in the resource section.
Timmy Carr
My first introduction to Alpha was when my cousin Will sent a text invit ing me to participate. It was in the midst of the pandemic, and I saw it as an opportunity to keep a weekly relationship with him going. He didn’t say much about it; I actually googled what Alpha was to see what was involved. I liked how they presented things so casually, that we’d be exploring basic questions that are pretty universal and the basis of a lot of people’s faith. Even though I practiced some of these things, I wasn’t really taking the time to think about them.
Alpha makes it really comfortable and simple to engage. You have the chance to get to know a small group of people, then watch a short video together that takes a big-picture view of something related to faith, like Do we know that God exists? Or What’s the meaning of life? My favorite part of Alpha is what happens right after the video—that raw response from people. The small groups you are placed in act as an open forum: everyone has differ ent journeys and are in different places, and everyone is welcome to share their insights. People will point out different things they like, what resonated with them. Some will bring in their personal lives or talk about how they might want to apply it. THIS is the most interesting part to me: the opportunity to discuss and reflect together in a back-and-forth way. It gives you an opportunity to consider What does this mean to me? I feel like I learned something from every single person in the group.
I don’t know that I’ve ever had an experience like Alpha—so peer driven, so conver sational. I’d encourage anyone to definitely try it out! It’s a very casual setting, so even if you go one or two times and decide it’s not for you—you can always come back. You’re often paired with people in a similar stage of life, so it’s a great chance to connect with people going through similar things. It’s been an incredibly fun and unique opportunity to talk about God. I’ve loved it!
don’t know that I’ve ever had an experience like Alpha—so peer driven, so conversational. I’d encourage anyone to definitely try it out!
Explore the big questions of life with Alpha.
Looking for a place to ask real, honest, and raw questions about life and faith? At Alpha, you’ll dive into relevant topics like: What is my purpose? Is there a God? Who is Jesus?
Alpha is a space for honest conversations. Alpha is for everyone.
Iheard about Alpha during a CPC service. They talked about it as a place to ask questions, which was interesting to me, because I wasn’t questioning my faith or questioning God. I wasn’t thinking of walking away. So was this something I could go to?
For me, it was an opportunity to create a foundation, to go back to the basics and gain a big-picture view of what God is about, who Jesus is, what is means to pray—all sorts of things. Alpha truly is for anybody; it doesn’t matter where you are in your faith journey, whether you’re wrestling with it or you’ve had it for a long time and just have some questions . . . or just want to know what you don’t know.
Right from the get-go, there’s someone there to greet and welcome you. People are so kind and welcoming and have a smile. I’d only been going to CPC a couple of weeks, so it was a great way for me to meet people. As an added bonus, they always pro vided a good meal!
Alpha creates a space to explore deep and rel evant questions—and a safe environment to ask about whatever you’re struggling with. It’s a place to wrangle with what you are hearing and how that contradicts or aligns with what you’ve been believing all your life. You have the opportunity to ask, What’s right? What do I want to hold on to?
It’s hard to be a disciple of Christ if you’re unsure of yourself, if you’re questioning what Christianity is about or simply don’t know how to put words around what your faith is and what it means. Alpha has made me more comfortable and confi dent in how I speak about my faith. Hard stuff happens in life. We can be stressed or lost or disillusioned, but Alpha is a place where you can learn about a constant love that can give you peace and comfort.
Alpha creates a space to explore deep and relevant questions—and a safe environment to ask about whatever you’re struggling with.
Kathy Matthews
South Texas with Border Perspectives • March 19-24, 2023
Led by the team at Border Perspectives, we’ll have an immersive, educational experience to intentionally place us in the lives of immigrant leaders serving families at the US-Mexico border. Together we’ll learn about the complexity of immigration at the border and contribute to broader service opportunities that support local ministry partners. Open to ages 14 and up (under 18 needs a parent/guardian).
I’m so impressed with the work of Border Perspectives and can’t wait to take a team down to Texas to witness the realities of displaced people. We’ll have the chance to better understand the humanitarian crisis at the border, and there will be engaging service opportunities as well as learning moments. As we consider what it means to love our neighbor at the border, we will see how the church can walk alongside those displaced and in need.
-Van Chounlamountry, Associate Director of Missions
Israel with Nazareth Evangelical College • June 2023
Join us where Jesus walked and is still walking today! We’ll pilgrimage together through the land of the Bible and learn about the modern-day peacemaking efforts of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Part Holy Land tour, part partnership visit, this trip will be an awesome way to connect the past and the present with where God is leading us to witness to peace into the future.
I’msoexcitedtovisittheNECteaminperson!Ofcourse,touringtheHolyLandwillbeundeni ablyamazing,butI’mparticularlylookingforwardtodoingthatwithbrothersandsistersinChrist whoareseekingtowitnesstothepeaceofHiskingdomtoday.OurNECfriendshaveinvitedus to come and see “where Jesus walked and is still walking.”TheuniqueworkofNECasanArabicspeakingseminaryintheMiddleEastmeanstheirreachextendsfarbeyondjustIsrael!
-Emily Hamilton, Pastor of Missions
Colombia with Opportunity International • early August 2023 Bienvenidos a Cartagena, Colombia, as we visit our partner, Opportunity International and see first-hand how they help families living in extreme poverty build sustainable liveli hoods! Together we’ll visit CPC-supported projects, encourage community members and leaders who participate in OI’s programs, build relationships with OI staff, and learn about God’s heart for “shalom” for all people. In return, we’ll also be encouraged, challenged, and inspired to live out the call of Jesus to love and serve others well. Open to ages 15 and up (under 18 needs a parent/guardian).
Traveling to Colombia with Opportunity International is something I’m really looking forward to. I was in Colombia with family (my sister-in-law is from Boyaca) years ago and fell in love with the people there and the land. Now to be able go with my church, see first-hand the impact of projects that CPC is directly supporting, and meet the people there will be truly awesome. I pray to be inspired by what God is doing in Colombia and led to further live out Jesus’ love with others.
-Karen Rulifson, Associate Director of Missions
and interested?
fill out a form
the QR code
an invitation to church feel hard?
extending an invitation
have younger kids but still a fan of this holiday?
for friends, small groups,
trunk, fill it with candy,
be ready
with no strings attached!
Treat is a great invitational tool—an easy on-ramp
hosting a trunk!
seniors—just pop
Your Giving Matters
Make an Impact Today
You can make a difference and empower CPC’s mission to see the Gospel transform lives with a qualified charitable distribution (QCD).
Individuals 70 ½ and above can donate up to $100,000 from an IRA directly to a non-profit without triggering any federal incomes taxes. A QCD distribution allows you to reduce taxable income, achieve your giving goals, and satisfy your required minimum distribution.
Your gift will have an impact on the investment we are making in our ministries—drawing people to experiences that point to the Good News of Jesus’ love for us . . . and extending this mission beyond the walls as we reach people in our neighborhoods, our city, and our world.
For more information, email giving@cpcedina.org or call Mara Amiot, Executive Director, at 952.920.8515 x213.
What made you decide to work with students?
I’ve known since I was a student myself that I wanted to work with students; I think it’s because I moved so much growing up—I have a heart for helping kids feel like they belong. Even as a middle schooler, when people would ask me what my dream job was, I would say “youth direc tor.” Even though I grew up in a Christian home, in middle school was when my family’s faith really started to become my own.
Why is it essential for students to be a part of the church?
I don’t think Christians of any age were ever meant to do our walk with Jesus alone. I think we are all meant to sur round ourselves with those that can lead us and those we can lead ourselves. I look at creation and see a God that loves diversity and how it all beautifully works together, and I think the church as a whole is just another image of that: a space where we complement one another the most. In all my years of leading high schoolers, if I have learned anything, it’s how much they can teach us if we allow them. So often we think that they need to come here so we can teach them, but they actually have great ideas and great perspective to offer. I love how willing they are to ask ques tions, for the way they champion social justice, and for their unique global perspective.
HOMETOWN: Laurel, Mississippi (though I moved 8 times while growing up!)
: Husband, Ryan (who often drums on Sunday mornings)
FAVORITE MOVIE: as a child, Neverending Story; as an Midnight in Paris
GUILTY PLEASURE: baking something chocolate (inspired by The Great British Baking Show)
PERFECT DAY: wake up without an alarm, have breakfast and coffee with a blanket on my deck with a devotional. Then go on a hike with Ryan and Mary (their dog), then dinner out. End the evening with an episode Rick Steves' Europe Through the Back Door
FAVORITE HYMN: “I Surrender All”
FAVORITE WORSHIP SONG: always changing but currently “Goodness of God” by Jen Johnson
What have you been learning about Jesus recently?
A wise mentor in my life once said that Jesus’ life was never feverish. Having recently read The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, I am relearning that if the Son of Man needed healthy rhythms and boundaries, then I do, too. I think I am also realizing that if email were a thing 2,000 years ago, Jesus probably wouldn’t have had it on His phone!
What are your interests outside of work?
I am a professional singer! My husband and I have a duo called Cherry Dirt, performing a lot of classic country, and I also sing with the Minnesota Opera. My other passion is European travel, specifically Italy and France. I’ve started leading small group trips to Italy in my time off. I love showing other people Italy and curating people’s dream trips to Italy.
How can CPC be praying for the Student Team?
I came to CPC knowing some of the team well and meeting some of the team for the first time on day one! You can be praying for our friendships and for strong working relation ships with one another as I transition into this role.
CPC ELDER class of 2026
My faith has always played a central role in my life and I was blessed to grow up in a family that loves Jesus. After returning to the Twin Cities after college I was invited to Upper Room at CPC and found a home here by simply saying “yes” to the opportunities that have come my way. My wife and I served with The Table while it was at CPC and are now involved in various ministries including Kids, Mom’s Morning, and Lay Care. I am humbled and excited about the opportunity to say “yes” yet again to serving as an Elder and pray that God will continue to transform lives here and around the globe through this community.
I have been attending CPC since 1999. My daughter and I felt God’s presence as we walked into CPC and never left. We both became members shortly thereafter, and my daughter and her husband raised their family here. It has been great to watch my grandchildren attend all the programming the Kids and Student Teams offer. I have attended and co-lead Women in the Word, served on the funeral committee, and been on the Prayer Team. When my husband passed away a year ago, I was asking God for direction and then I got the call to be an Elder. I am humbled and honored to serve CPC in this new role.
My wife, Dawn, and I have attended CPC since 2008. We have both loved the worship, fellowship, and friendship we have experienced along the way! Both our daughters were married at CPC, so we have warm history with this church. The highlight for us contin ues to be our small group families, who we do life with every month, and I also served on the Transition Pastor Search Team. It is a pleasure to serve as an El der with a heart for seeing the hope of Jesus growing in our community.
It’s hard to believe I have been a member at CPC for 30 years now! As soon as my husband, Eric, and I walked through the doors of CPC we knew it was home, but little did I know my personal journey with Christ was just beginning. I have had the opportunity to serve in Mom’s Morning, participate in a mission trip to Uganda, and serve as a deacon, all expressions of my growing faith and dependence on Jesus. It is a humble honor to serve as an elder where I know God will work through me to serve the church and glorify Him.
DEACON class of 2024
Chelsea and Eric Eul welcomed daughters Harriet Grace Eul, on September 10, 2020, and Juniper Faye Eul on July 20, 2022.
Rachel and Michael Flavin welcomed a daughter, Brooke Lynae Flavin, on September 11, 2020.
Annika Cederblad and Dave VanderMolen welcomed a son, Parker James VanderMolen, on August 30, 2021.
Stacy and Luke Anderson welcomed a son, Leo Bennett Anderson, on November 24, 2021.
Emily and Matt Dorrance welcomed a daughter, Sloane Elizabeth Dorrance, on January 26, 2022.
Kerry and Tim Heigl welcomed a daughter, Madelyn Rose Heigl, on February 18, 2022.
Emily and David King welcomed a son, Peter David King, on April 6, 2022.
Claire and Chris Sweem welcomed a daughter, Madelyn Collins Sweem, on April 22, 2022. Claire is on staff at CPC in the Communications department.
Abigail Williams and Nathan House welcomed a son, Xavier Eddie Jerome House, on May 11, 2022.
AnnaLisa and Justin Buol welcomed a daughter, Gabriella Marlene Mary Buol, on June 9, 2022.
Emily and Jackson Denn welcomed a son, Cassian Jerome Denn, on June 24, 2022.
Laura and Tim Hannemann welcomed a daughter, Esther Marjorie Hannemann, on July 1, 2022.
Sophie and Daniel Stevens welcomed a daughter, Alexandra Edee Stevens, on August 1, 2022.
Laura and Brennan Wand welcomed a daughter, Collyns Jean Wand, on August 9, 2022.
Hannah and Nicholas Kranowski welcomed a son, Griffin Paul Kranowski, on September 7, 2022.
Margo Arens Tony Arens Marie Berghult David Berghult![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/221017174429-408d7e284a42a5523e09e3001a9633b8/v1/c4e64aa0c2cc5502a3a29a140bab5140.jpeg)
Jessica and Patrick Christ welcomed a son, Hayven James Christ, on September 12, 2022. Patrick is on staff on the facilities team at CPC.
Caroline LaBate and Tate Hanson were married on Saturday, August 20, 2022. Petey Crowder officiated.
Danielle Wegner and Isaac Wheeler were married on Saturday, August 20, 2022. James Madsen officiated. Both Danielle and Isaac serve on staff at CPC.
Lauren Noyes and Robert Terwilliger were married on Friday, September 16, 2022. Cory Gregory officiated.
Taryn Glynn and Connor Wand were married on Saturday, October 8, 2022. Cory Gregory officiated.
Richard Bloomberg passed away on February 16, 2022 at the age of 92.
Joan Olivier passed away on March 30, 2022 at the age of 91.
Ross Andrusko passed away on June 22, 2022 at the age of 81. He is survived by his son Marcus (Abby) and grandchildren Selah, Havi, Sage, and Elsie Andrusko.
Lois “Lo” C. Christopherson passed away on June 22, 2022 at the age of 82. She is survived by daughter Rhondi (Mike) and grandchildren Gretchen and Kiki Miller.
Patsy R. Miller passed away on June 28, 2022 at the age of 91.
Patricia “Pat” Nasby passed away on July 3, 2022 at the age of 91. She is survived by her son Tim (Kristi) and grandchildren Jack, Cole, and Charlie Nasby.
Phyllis A. Rickmeyer passed away on July 7, 2022 at the age of 89. She is survived by her daughter Rhonda (Nick) Marchuk and grand child Alex Marchuk.
Joan N. Nickells passed away on July 17, 2022 at the age of 88.
Alvin “Al” TeWinkel passed away on July 20, 2022 at the age of 93.
Carol Van Hoever passed away on July 23, 2022 at the age of 79. She is survived by her son Dean (Beth) and grandchildren Ben and Caroline Van Hoever.
Elinor Paulson passed away on July 24, 2022 at the age of 95. She is survived by her son Grant (Deb) Paulson and sister Joan Jensen.
Anita Johnson passed away on July 29, 2022 at the age of 79. She is survived by her son Eric (Molly) and grandchildren Emily and Ethan Johnson.
Lorne Bettenga passed away on August 19, 2022 at the age of 91. He is survived by his son Tim (Lori) and grandchildren Lauren Bettenga and Jessica Campbell.
Annette Anderson passed away on August 22, 2022 at the age of 86.
Wesley “Wes” Nielsen passed away on August 22, 2022 at the age of 89.
Lindy A. Lund passed away on August 26, 2022 at the age of 70. Lindy served on the CPC staff.
Mary Lou Johnson passed away on August 27, 2022 at the age of 85. She is survived by her daughter Jacque (Paul) Dvorak and grandchildren Justin (Jinelle) Fryklund, Kali (Dustin) Anderson, and Erik (Caitlin) Fryklund.
Bernice Paulson passed away on September 8, 2022 at the age of 97. She is survived by her daughter Sue (Roy) Earl and grandchildren Rachel and Rebecca Earl.
Thomas Clark passed away on September 9, 2022 at the age of 85. He is survived by Tim (Tara) and grandchildren Natalie (Sam) Weyrauch, Melissa (Alex) Hintz, Brennan Clark, and great-grandchild Ella Hintz.
Natalie Hogan passed away on September 13, 2022 at the age of 35. She is survived by her sister Alisa (Ross) Boonsta and nieces Chloe and Norah Boonstra.
Chelsea Zellner joins Music as Kids’ Choir Director.
Staci Cihlar joins Student Ministries as Director of Student Ministries. Carter Slaton joins Facilities as Custodian.
Shelby Swanson joins Student Ministries as Student Ministries Intern.
Zach Richards joins Kids’ Ministries as Kids’ Ministries Intern.
Patrick Christ, Facilities Manager, celebrates 10 years.
Petey Crowder, Senior Pastor, celebrates 5 years.
Deb Carlson, Groups Program Associate, celebrates 10 years.
Carrie Gleeson, Pastor of Engagement, celebrates 10 years.
CPC fiscal year started on June 1, 2022 and will end on May 31, 2023. June 1 through September 30, 2022:
• Giving = $1,061,482
• Budgeted Giving = $1,222,150
As of September 30, we were behind on giving revenue fiscal yearto-date by $160,668.
If you’d like more information about our giving or our budget, please reach out to Mara Amiot, maraa@cpcedina.org.
Worship With Us!
9:00AM • Traditional Worship
11:00AM • Contemporary Worship Community@10
The 10:00AM hour is a shared time when our community can connect on Sundays. Hang out in the Commons, where you can grab a coffee and meet someone new or connect with friends, or check out one— or a few—of our Sunday Communities that meet throughout the church.
Learn more at cpcedina.org/adults or find a listing of Sunday Communities at Next Steps in the Great Room.
Mosaic Worship
Our Mosaic worship services serves the special needs community and their families, providing an inclusive faith community for all. Please join us for a fun-filled worship hour with participatory music, Scripture readings, and a short message!
Upcoming dates: October 16 & 30, November 13 & 27, and December 11
10:00AM • Westview Room Thanksgiving Worship
Thursday, November 24 • 10:00AM
Celebrate Thanksgiving with a time of worship as a faith community! Featuring special music, a short message, and a time of corporate praise and thanksgiving.