CPC Life Stories Issue 8

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A P R I L / M AY 2 0 1 9


od’s people have always been storytellers. From the beginning of the Bible story, generations passed down their stories of God’s faithfulness in the good and the bad of life. Before there were even written accounts of the Old Testament Scriptures, hundreds of years passed with God’s people primarily learning through their ancestors’ stories about who God is, what God has done, and what God desires. There’s a passage in the Old Testament, in Deuteronomy 6, that Jesus refers to as the Greatest Commandment. Right alongside that commandment, the one to love God with all your life, it commands the people to regularly share stories with their families and neighbors about what God has done and what He desires. It seems that from the beginning of God’s relationship with His people, He never desired them to simply memorize a list of rules but hoped they would learn about who they were and what life was really about through stories of life transformation and faithfulness.

It seems that from the beginning of God’s relationship with His people, He never desired them to simply memorize a list of rules but hoped they would learn about who they were and what life was really about through stories of life transformation and faithfulness. At CPC, we believe the same thing is true for us today. We will not learn why Jesus matters to our lives primarily through lists of rules or doctrinal statements, but through stories of how Jesus matters in the lives of ordinary people like you and me. In the coming weeks, we will be looking at the foundational truths of Christianity in our weekend worship services using some historic words that have given definition to the Christian faith. While these formulations of Biblical truth are essential guides in our relationship with God, we recognize they need to be welded to current stories about how God is active and near. This is what we believe God was doing with His Old Testament people, encouraging them to see their daily lives through the power of God to provide and guide. We want you to know that while God has spoken in the past, He is also active today in powerful ways. We are committed to telling stories, big and small. We hope that these stories will encourage you. And we hope that you will see that God works through imperfect people with imperfect life situations. In reminding ourselves what Jesus has done, and is doing, it emboldens us to trust that He will continue to do the same into the future. After all, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).


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grew up in Iowa, in a family where we went to church every Sunday. You could only miss if you were sick! My mom was the organist, and my dad taught Sunday school. They read Bible stories to us at Sunday dinner. Yet I didn’t have one of those moments where I could definitively say, “This is when I became a Christian.” I really struggled with that, because the pastor often questioned, “When did you know that you truly accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior?” And I didn’t have a moment. That actually made me doubt; it made me question if I had “done it right.” I struggled with that for years, even into college, despite going to a Christian college where I had required chapel and Bible classes. What I came to discover, however, is that it’s not a one-time thing. It’s a journey. I understand more about what it means for Christ to have died on the cross and risen again now and differently than I did five years ago, than I did ten years ago. And I understand who Jesus is differently now than when I was five. Not that my knowledge of Jesus at age five was any better or worse; it’s just different. My life in the last year has been crazy. My husband, Ben, and I had struggled with infertility, but a year ago I was finally pregnant and had gotten through the first trimester and the early tests. I’d moved into what I thought would be the “easy” phase of pregnancy, but at 25 weeks, I started having some issues. And when I was 27 weeks, I tested positive that I’d ruptured my membranes, and I suddenly went from being a doctor practicing on the East Bank of the University of Minnesota to being a patient on the West Bank. I was terrified.

As I think back on where God has been in this, the perfect answer would be, “I knew that things were okay and I trusted Him completely.” But that’s just not reality. I was upset, I questioned why this was happening. I made it almost another two weeks before our daughter, Elizabeth Grace, was born at 29 weeks and 2 days. She was 2 pounds, 8.9 ounces and 14 ¾ inches long. I almost didn’t want to use the name Elizabeth for her; it’s a family name and I’d always loved that name. And the truth was, I didn’t want to have to bury an Elizabeth. Pastor Melissa Schaser baptized her the day she was born. I don’t remember much of anything other than that I cried throughout it. Elizabeth was in the hospital for 65 days. It was rough—not being able to go home with her, fearing for her health, the tiring routine. That first Mother’s Day, when I wasn’t supposed to be a mom yet. The endless wait until she was able to eat on her own. But she’s beaten the odds and hasn’t had any complications. As I think back on where God has been in this, the perfect answer would be, “I knew that things were okay and I trusted Him completely.” But that’s just not reality. I was upset, I questioned why this was happening. Why had God finally allowed us to get pregnant, and then seemed to be taking her away? My first reaction should be to go to God with my concerns, but my first reaction often is What am I going to do? It’s so self-reliant. Through this whole journey, I don’t know how much I personally prayed, but we were lifted up in prayer by SO many people. As I was being wheeled out of one hospital on my way to the U, Margo Arens (CPCer) just happened to be there, and she prayed with me before the paramedics took me. Our parents’ congregations were praying, this congregation was praying—there were people across the country who were praying for us. When I couldn’t pray, others prayed for us, and for that we are eternally grateful. While I still don't and may never understand why we have gone through this journey, I can look back and see God’s hand in every moment.






grew up in Canada in a household where my dad is East Indian and Hindu and my mom is a Christian. I was baptized when I was an infant, but we never went to church. I met my wife, Kristina, when we were both living and working in Shanghai. Kristina was raised Lutheran and her faith was very important to her. When we started dating, she asked me if I went to church, and I told her no. I knew that it was a big deal to her, so I told her that I was open to attending church and learning more about God.

We eventually married and returned to the States in 2012. We have a son, Bodhi, and we knew we wanted to raise our son in the faith. So, we church shopped for a while trying to find the right fit for our family. Kristina ended up joining Mom’s Morning here at CPC and connected with that ministry. She said, “I love it there, it’s so welcoming. We should just go and check out a service.”

The first time we visited, we heard John Crosby speak. And I thought, Who is this guy? It was like he was in my head. At the time, I didn’t know what I believed about faith. I didn’t understand Christianity or really anything to do with the church. I was coming just to support Kristina. But when he spoke I felt like he connected God to what was going on in my life, and it made sense to me. So, we kept coming back and never looked anywhere else. Kristina suggested we join a Sunday small group. And my response was, “I don’t know about this. They’re gonna make me talk, and I don’t know enough to be able to share.” The first time we attended, people were talking about all these things that I didn’t understand. I left there saying, “Kristina, it makes me uncomfortable. I don’t want to join a small group.” She asked why, and my response was that they just knew so much about God and Christianity, and I couldn’t even pronounce the names of any people in the Bible. It was really overwhelming. But Kristina encouraged me to come back, and after a few times, I realized that everyone is going through their own stuff, and the point of it was the community, the support system. Same thing with prayers. I didn’t feel like I knew how to pray. What do you mean? How do I pray? But now I’m understanding that it’s not about asking for things, it’s about building a relationship with God. That’s it. It’s a relationship.

I’m understanding that it’s not about asking for things, it’s about building a relationship with God. That’s it. It’s a relationship. Not growing up in the faith, it seemed that it was us and them [the church]. You’re not welcome in this church if you don’t believe this, this, and this. But here at CPC, it felt more welcoming. More open. It doesn’t matter where you came from, it doesn’t matter who you are or what you look like. If you want to learn, this is the church for you. I think the most important thing I’m discovering is that Jesus loved everybody who wasn’t like Him. That’s pretty profound, especially today, with how much divide there is in our country and the world. I can also see God working in my life. I see Him in my marriage, family, and the community we are building here. I am attending a Friday morning men’s Bible study and am learning so much more about God. I recently read Letters From a Skeptic for our study, and it really triggered my mind to explore my questions and seek God’s truth. I’m seeing God uniquely direct things—placing them in front of me and then seeing how I will respond. I have learned that I don’t need to have all the answers. Everyone is on their own journey to finding and growing their faith.







I’ve come to realize that no matter who you are, where you are, how much time you have or not, you can do something to help people see that there’s something a little different in your life. And that’s Jesus.




just love this church, where I have opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I believe we’re all on a journey together, and that as you pray, worship, and join with others in Christian community, you can see God at work. My husband, John, and I both grew up in Edina and returned here in 1992, though we didn’t have a church. But someone we really respected told us that the Holy Spirit was alive and well at CPC. We came in not knowing anything about the Presbyterian church, but we never looked elsewhere. I have led Bible Study Fellowship and Community Bible Study discussion groups in the past. And I’ve been teaching a summer Bible study now for ten years, though when I think about it, the first Bible study that I ever facilitated was in my dorm room! I want to help people know Jesus through the Bible, but I never saw myself as someone who was an “evangelist”—that sort of word makes me nervous. I’ve come to realize that no matter who you are, where you are, how much time you have or not, you can do something to help people see that there’s something a little different in your life. And that’s Jesus. Nobody got argued into heaven. But hopefully His love can shine through me.

In 2016 I retired from forty years of teaching, and I wondered, “Now what?” I knew CPC had a prayer shawl ministry, a way to give a gift of warmth and God’s comfort to others. My mother had taught me to knit when I was a girl, so I decided to go. Little did I know at the time, but because of the season of life my parents were in, I would be spending a lot of time at doctor appointments and the hospital. And what would I bring with me? My knitting. And people can’t resist asking what I am making. What an open door to talk with people! Once this young man, looking far different from this grandma with his body art and piercings, was watching me and eventually asked what I was making. I told him, and he said, “Oh, I believe in Jesus. I do. But my life . . . ” And this whole story came out of him. Who would ever think, when I was in such a horrible time with the care of my mother, with the stress, anxiety, and trauma—that God would bring this young man to me so that I could share with him about God’s love? God continues to surprise me, and as I’ve gotten older and studied more and more in the Bible, I understand more about the character of God and the constant, loving care and companionship of Jesus in my life. He is at the core of everything I am and everything I do. I can’t wait to see what He places in my path next! CPC LIFE











’ve been coming to CPC since I was a year and a half. I got saved upstairs on the third floor by my second grade Sunday school teacher. I can remember sitting at the table. She gave us an invitation to accept Jesus as our Savior, and I said it once—and because I wanted to make sure that Jesus was really in my heart, I said it again. And then Rich Phenow corrupted me when he was my youth pastor. He taught me personal grooming habits and stuff like that! I think that Sunday school teachers and youth pastors are the salt of the gospel, because it’s such a pivotal time to learn about Jesus and have faith in Him. God’s been moving on my heart, impressing upon me to pray, “Help me to love your church.” For me, I love to pray and I love to be in the Word and I love theology. But I can also tend to be the Dead Sea—there’s no outlet. It’s focused on self. It’s all good stuff, but I’ve been good at NOT doing things to some extent. So one day I’m praying, “Lord, fill me with love for your church,” and then the next I’m signing up to work with Commitment Class [9th grade program]! I remember reaching out to Carrie Gleeson [Director of Student Ministries] and saying, “Carrie, oh no. I feel like God wants me to be a zookeeper.” My instinct was to run from that, because it’s, you know, commitment. But the fruit of our faith is doing things out of our love for God. That’s why I signed up to help with Commitment Class.

I’m humbled because Jesus is always pursuing me. I am a wretched person without Jesus. I know that more every day. . . . And He keeps coming after me.

I’m learning that kids are kids and that they hunger for Jesus. There are so many more distractions today, more overload, less peace—the kids are feeling this. And the antidote, the answer is Jesus. I like hard questions from kids because it forces me to think, and I’m okay with not answering right away, to say that I’m not sure. As I go through this year, I just want to be obedient and do the best I can and show up. I’m humbled because Jesus is always pursuing me. I am a wretched person without Jesus. I know that more every day. I know the condition of my heart. I know I am running from Him, that I am stiff-necked, I am a wandering sheep, I am rebellious, I disobey Him. And He keeps coming after me. And that is humbling. It is a mystery of faith. It’s a mystery of love. It’s a mystery that I can’t measure. But it is profound.






his past summer I was obsessed with church. I went to Rockslide [summer camp for middle schoolers], I did the service camp, I did every camp I could sign up for here, and I volunteered in the nursery. I don’t like sleep-away camps, so I wasn’t excited to go to Rockslide. But it was the best experience of my entire life. I’ve never experienced anything better. For five days straight we played games and learned about God. It was so focused on your personal relationship with God. They weren’t telling us, “ This is how you have to be,” but “ This is who Jesus is, and it’s your choice to have a relationship with Him.” Every morning we’d have time alone with God, and then at night we would have a big group lesson and then small groups. When I was in fourth grade, I got the small group leader I still have today: Jessi Wilkening. She's impacted my faith so much! At camp our small group had such in-depth questions—it was so exciting for me to explore and hear other people share. We asked a lot about why bad things happen. Why does God allow things that are painful, that make people feel pain? What does God want for us? How do we know He is always there? How do we trust Him? A lot of these questions for me connect back to my older brother, Grant. When I was five years old and Grant was seven, he passed away from a very rare brain cancer. And through all my questions about that, I’ve come to realize that there’s a much bigger picture than just me. Where my brother is today is better than any place on earth. I realized I need to give my life over to Jesus because He will guide me in all I need. Everything roots back to Jesus. If everything else feels against me, I know that He is with me. I know that Jesus will always love me, no matter how much I mess up. I want to spread His love and talk to people about Him. I’m a great talker! At the end of the day, I just want to talk to Him, spread His love, and be with people who love Him. If students my age—or anyone!—wants to truly know what God does and what He’s like, you have to trust Him. If you have a question, go ask someone! I’m always asking questions. How do you take charge of your faith? I think just hand your heart and your trust to Jesus, and try to start somewhere.



Samantha Steensland is an 8th grader at Benilde-St. Margaret's




I know that Jesus will always love me, no matter how much I mess up. I want to spread His love and talk to people about Him. I’m a great talker!



Invited TO BE

Peacemakers RAMADAN FEAST May 7 • 7:15PM • South Metro Muslim Center Join with other CPCers as our Muslim neighbors invite us to break the Ramadan fast with them. This is a great opportunity to receive and practice hospitality and get to know our neighbors of a different faith. Following a presentation on Islam and the breaking of the fast, participants will have the opportunity to observe Muslim prayer and share in the evening Iftar meal and conversation. Adults only, please.

Sign up: cpconline.org/events

THE PEACEMAKER’S PLAYBOOK: a post-Ramadan Feast debrief and workshop May 14 • 7:00-8:30PM • CPC Since 2009, our mission partner Telos has been on the frontlines advocating for peace in the Middle East across faiths and ethnicities. Learn some of their best insights about the attitudes and habits of peacemakers. Join us as we share together about our experience at the Ramadan dinner while also growing in our capacity to build relationships across boundaries and be peacemakers right where we are. This event is open to all CPCers and will be valuable even if you do not attend the Ramadan Feast on May 7. No registration required!


Tuesday, May 7 • 7:15PM • South Metro Islamic Center, 15400 S. Robert Trail, Rosemount, 55068 CPC will once again participate in the Ramadan Feast hosted by the Muslim American Society. This is a free event and a great cross-cultural experience to observe Muslim prayer and share the Iftar meal and conversation. Sign up: cpconline.org/events


Thursday, May 9 • 7:00-8:45PM • CPC Join us for this interactive workshop to gain biblical wisdom and fresh insights on balancing financial blessings for our kids with charitable giving in the second half of life. This workshop will be led by Jay Bennett and Jeff Carver from the National Christian Foundation. Sign up: cpconline.org/events


Tuesday, May 14 • 7:00-8:30PM • CPC We will debrief the Ramadan experience and learn from one of the leading pro-peace organizations engaged in the Middle East. Even if you weren’t able to attend the Ramadan feast on May 7, you’re invited to come learn about what it looks like to build relationships with those who are different than us. No registration necessary!


Wednesday, May 15 • 12:00PM • Chapel A traditional service with a short message by Pastor Rich Phenow, hymns, Communion, and prayers. Lunch follows in the Westview Room.


Thursday, May 16 • 6:30-8:30PM •Westwood Community Church-Bush Lake, 6301 Cecilia Circle, Minneapolis, MN 55439 Gather together to engage in the hard work of prayer for the end of modern-day slavery. You’ll join with IJM staff and local volunteers who are committed to bringing this global movement to our city, and hear vivid stories of urgency and hope about the work IJM is doing around the world. Sign up: cpconline.org/events


Holy Yoga offers connection to Jesus and restoration for the body through Scripture, meditation, and movement. For class times and locations: cpconline.org/interest-groups



Summer Launch Family Picnic: June 9 • 12:00PM Meet Us at Edina Pool: June 26 • 1:00PM Meet Us at Countryside Park: July 2 • 11:30AM-1:00PM VBS Family Picnic: July 18 • 5:30-7:30PM

FAM JAM: SPRING INTO ACTION–Open to all families

Saturday, May 4 • 3:00-5:00PM • Westview Spring into action with an intentional missional focus. Join other families for missional activities and fun—including an inflatable obstacle course and food! We will be grilling hotdogs on the patio beginning at 5:00PM. Come for fun and community! Sign up for this free event: cpconline.org/events

WEEKEND PROGRAMS More details at

Sundays: Nursery (Infants & Toddlers): Loving childcare provided. Sprouts (2-year-olds): Play and learn about the Bible with weekly lessons. JAM (3-5-year-olds): Have fun and learn through Bible lessons, prayer, art, and worship. Elementary Programming (K-5th): 9:30 AM Sunday School Hour: Kids go deep into God’s Word in a fun and interactive way. 11:00AM Kids’ Church: Kids worship all together as a community and then divide into grade groups for weekly Bible lesson activities. No elementary programming Commitment Class Sunday (April 28). No preschool or elementary programming Memorial Day weekend (May 26). Childcare will be provided for 6 weeks-3 years in our toddler and infant rooms. Starting June 2, the summer theme for kids programming (preschool-5th grade) will be “Diving into the Deep End.” Dive in with us directly after the Children’s Sermon. Kids attending programming must check-in at the Family Check-In area. All kids are welcome to pick up a worship/activity bag.


Wednesdays • 5:00-7:30PM • Final Club of 2018/2019 program year is April 24 Dinner (5:00-6:15PM): Enjoy dinner with your family and fellowship with other CPCers at our weekly dinner. Food options will change weekly. Club for 2nd-5th graders (6:25-7:30PM): A dynamic mix of fun, learning, and prayer, Club encourages kids to grow in Christ and in friendships. All students in Grades 2-5 start in the Westview Room for a time of fun, worship, and teaching. Then they split into smaller groups by age for community building activities and to understand how God’s Word applies to their lives. Sign up: cpconline.org/kids



Hope Shores: June 16-21 • Overnight Camp • kids entering grades 3-5 VBS: July 15-18 • 9:00AM-12:00PM • kids age 3-entering grade 5 Summer Blitz: July 31 • 5:00-10:00PM • kids entering grades 3-5 More details and sign up: cpconline.org/kids




Saturday 5:15PM service: Loving childcare provided (6 weeks-3 years)




All 6th-12th graders must register in order to participate in Student Ministries programs and small groups. Sign up: cpconline.org/students



Camp registration is open for all summer camps and service trips. Camp 6:8: June 11-13 • students entering grades 6-8 Rockslide: June 24-28 • students entering grades 6-8 Quest: July 8-12 • students entering grade 9 Mission St. Louis: June 23-28 • students entering grades 9-12 Summit: July 31-August 5 • students entering grades 10-12 Sign up: cpconline.org/students


Wednesday, April 24 • 6:25-7:30PM End of the year party! Join us for a fun celebration on the last day of our program year. brooksw@cpconline.org



Tuesday, April 30 • 6:30-7:30PM • Anderson Hall CPC’s ministry for kids and students with special needs explores who God is and how we can have a relationship with Him through Bible study, service projects, games, guest speakers, and story/drama. vanc@cpconline.org


Sunday, May 19 • 10:45AM • Westview Mosaic celebrates that we are all children of God, and all are invited to worship God in our own way. This service is led mostly by students with special needs. Noises, sounds, and movements are welcome—they are all pleasing to God! Brunch is provided following worship for a time of fellowship and food. vanc@cpconline.org

Wednesday, April 24 • 6:25-7:30PM End of the year party! Join us for a fun celebration on the last day of our program year. vanc@cpconline.org





Wednesday, May 1 • 6:30PM • CPC All 9th-12th graders and their parents are invited to celebrate the end of the year in Student Ministries. There will be a special time in the service to recognize the seniors.


Tuesday, April 23 • 6:30-8:00PM • Worship Service Friends and family are invited to join us for a service of celebration for students, parents, and small group leaders to reflect on the year and celebrate all that God has done. A dessert reception will follow and we will also take our Commitment Class photo (semi-formal attire requested). Wednesday, April 24 • 6:25-7:30PM • Elder Visits (mandatory) The CPC Board of Elders visits CC on the last Wednesday of the year to hear what students learned and why they want to be a part of our church. This night is mandatory for any student wanting to become a member of CPC on Commitment Class weekend. Saturday-Sunday, April 27 & 28 • Commitment Class Weekend Please join us for our weekend celebration of our Commitment Class students. No students will be confirmed in the Saturday 5:15PM service, but some students will be assigned to lead service elements. Service assignments are listed at cpconline.org/events.


Wednesday, April 24 • 7:45-9:00 PM • CPC A great night full of fun and an authentic space for kids to just be themselves. We start the night in Westview for large group learning followed by small group time to process what you just heard. If you have questions or want to register your student, reach out to ericaf@cpconline.org


Sundays • 9:30 or 10:45AM More than just “Sunday school,” Sunday Communities foster a sense of belonging and growth with people of similar interests or life stages.

•E 3: millenial couples (9:30AM - Room 201 & 202) •C ATALYST: couples with young children (9:30AM - Room 201 & 202) •M IXED TAPES: primarily 30s (9:30AM - Room 205) •S .A.L.T.: 40s & 50s (9:30AM - Fellowship Hall East) •A .C.T.S.: late 50s & up (9:20AM - Fellowship Hall Center) •M ORE: active retired (10:45AM - Fireside Room) •C REDO: intergenerational (10:45AM - Room 10) Learn more: cpconline.org/sunday-communities


CPC offers a variety of small groups to help you connect with others and to deepen your relationship with Jesus. For more details and to sign up, visit cpconline.org/groups. • 30s Couples: Once a month • after 11:00AM Sunday worship service • CPC • 20s & 30s: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays • 7:00-8:30PM • CPC • Soul Keepers (50s & up): Every other Wednesday • 7:00-8:30PM • St. Louis Park • Couples with Kids: First Thursdays • 7:00-8:30PM • Member homes • Christ in Career: 1st and 3rd Saturdays • 8:30-10:00AM • CPC • 40s-50s Couples: Alternate Sunday and Thursdays twice a month • 7:15–8:45PM • Member homes


Thursday, May 16 • 7:00PM • Room 204 We discuss The Sound and The Fury by William Faulkner. sjschrader@aol.com CPC LIFE





CPCONLINE.ORG • 952.920.8515


Tuesdays, June 4-July 30 (off July 2) • 6:15-7:30PM • CPC Join us for this summer class taught by Dr. Nick Schaser. Cost: $10. Sign up: cpconline.org/classes


Wednesdays, June 12-July 31 (off July 3) • 6:30-8:00PM • Anderson Hall Join us for this study of Colossians and grow in your faith as you learn that Jesus is enough and become increasingly dependent on Him for all of life. Led by Janice Velgersdyk. Cost: $7. Sign up: cpconline.org/classes


CPC offers a variety of small groups to help you connect with others and to deepen your relationship with Jesus. For more details and to sign up, visit cpconline.org/groups. • Tuesday Morning Group: Tuesdays • 6:45-7:45AM • CPC • The Dads’ Group: Wednesdays • 6:30-7:30PM • CPC • Thursday Morning Groups: Thursdays • 7:00-8:00AM • CPC • Friday Guys’ Group: Fridays • 6:10-7:00AM • Calvary Church in Edina


Mondays, June 3-August 19 • 7:00-8:30PM • CPC Join this summer Bible study for men of all ages who are hungry to better understand God’s truth and to know Him more intimately. This is a great opportunity to connect with other men as together you discuss the Gospel of Luke using a study written by John MacArthur. Bring a friend! Cost: $10. Sign up: cpconline.org/classes

WOMEN MOM’S MORNING (for moms of young children)

LARGE GROUP Wednesdays, April 24 & May 8 • 9:30-11:30AM • Westview Join us for a marriage panel on April 24. This is your chance to ask a group of couples in varying stages of marriage your most pressing questions on child rearing, marriage, family, even sex. Plus, hear how they prayed for, taught, and kept their children rooted in faith at any age and how they keep their marriages strong. Invite your husbands! On May 8, we’ll have our spring brunch, with 2003 US Women’s Open champion, Hilary Lunke, sharing the story of her unlikely win on the golf course, the great spiritual lessons she learned, and how God is using those lessons now to shape her daily walk as a stay-at-home mom and BSF teaching leader. New moms welcome for $5/program. Limited childcare at $5/child; contact Caitlin Reuter to check on availability (320.212.0510). Sign up: cpconline.org/moms-morning

MOMS IN THE MIDDLE (for moms of tweens and teens)

LARGE GROUP Thursday, May 2 • 9:45-11:30AM • Anderson Hall Join us as we close out the year with a Spring Celebration! Cost: $5 at the door. For more details: cpconline.org/moms-in-the-middle


We are gathering interest in a new group for young women who desire Christian community and digging into the Bible together. Visit cpconline.org/groups/women






Saturday, May 11 & June 8 • 10:00AM-2:00PM • Fellowship Hall Our mission is to make warm garments and blankets for local agencies that serve those in need. We have yarn, fabric, and knitters to get you started. Edie Kosa at 952.920.1753


Every other Tuesday, June 11-August 20 • 10:00-11:30AM • Room 202 Women of all ages are welcome to join us for deep discussions of David Benner’s Soulful Spirituality: Becoming Fully Alive and Deeply Human, a book about healthy, life-enhancing spirituality. Cost: $17. Carolyn Beatty at 612.729.3143. Register with


Tuesdays, June 18-July 30 (off July 2) • 9:30-11:00AM • Fellowship Hall Join us for The Daniel Prayer: a study by Anne Graham Lotz, who follows the pattern of the original prayer in Daniel 9. A prayer birthed under heartache, grief, and desperation, it was a plea for heaven to move and change a nation. This timely six-session study includes weekly video teaching, Bible study readings, and discussion as we prepare to pray as Daniel did. Led by Dawn Allan. Cost: $8. Sign up: cpconline.org/classes


60+) Circles combine fellowship, learning, and service in a small group setting. Guests and new members always welcome! LYDIA & MARTHA CIRCLES Wednesday, May 15 • 10:00AM • Hilltop Restaurant in Edina Enjoy a special time of brunch together followed by the mid-month Chapel Service with Rich Phenow. Judy Romine 952.929.4983; Pat Haberkorn at 952.941.4188 RUTH CIRCLE Meets every Wednesday • 9:30AM On the first and third Wednesdays, we meet in a home for food, fellowship, devotions, and prayers. On the other Wednesdays, we serve at Feed My Starving Children and at CPC. Barb Bucha at 952.470.4414


May 30 • 9:00AM• Great Room Horizons is an inviting community of active retirement-age singles and couples, experiencing and sharing the good we see all around us! Join us for a backstage tour of the Guthrie’s signature main stages, their world-class scene and costume shops, and more. Tour is 75 minutes long; there are elevators and walkers are welcome. Cost: $12 per person (tour & transportation). Group lunch follows; pay for your own lunch. Sign up: Great Room on Sunday mornings or cpconline.org/events


Wednesday, April 24 • 11:30 AM • Fellowship Hall Melonie Shipman, traveling naturalist will present her program called “Otterly Wonderful Otters.” We will learn about how otters are playful, furry, amusing and how they uniquely adapted to their watery home. Sign up by Sunday, April 21: Cleo Wedge at 952.922.2769 Wednesday, May 22 • 11:30 AM • Fellowship Hall Rene Lunch, from the Federated Garden Clubs of MN, Inc., will be giving her presentation, “Leap into Spring.” Rene will lead us on a fun exploration of the toads and frogs found in Minnesota. Sign up by Sunday, May 19: Cleo Wedge at 952.922.2769 Cost: $5. Please bring Jerry’s cash receipts and pop can tabs.

CPCONLINE.ORG • 952.920.8515


This group is for parents and family members of someone who is LGBTQ. Discuss together how to best love and support our loved one and each rgarton1@msn.com other.


May 26-June 2 CPC will welcome our guests experiencing homelessness in May. Temporary shelter is critical while families work with FMF to secure stable housing, preferably within 60 days of enrolling in the program. There are many opportunities for you to serve our guests during this challenging time in their lives: provide a meal, bring some encouragement and cheer to the children, stay overnight, do laundry and more. Sign up: cpconline.org /events



Tuesday, May 14 • 6:00-8:30PM • Fireside Room • meets 2nd Tuesdays Grief Recovery is for those who have lost a loved one. We experience God’s hope and healing through fellowship and prayer, and sharing a meal. Rich Phenow will speak. No reservation needed. debbiem@cpconline.org


Tuesday, May 21 • 7:00-8:30PM • Room 306 • meets 3rd Tuesdays Does your child experience emotional or mental health issues? You are not alone. Join other parents, friends, and caregivers as we care for one another on our journeys. Meetings include support, fellowship, and occasional guest speakers. dbrown@dcbrowninc.com


Saturday, April 27 (Fireside Room), Friday, May 10 & Saturday, May 18 (Anderson Hall) • 10:00AM to 12:00PM • Usually Meets 2nd Friday and 4th Saturday of the month but varies at holidays
 This ministry seeks to share God’s love, comfort, and peace through the knitting and gifting of shawls. Prayers for the recipient are knit into each shawl. Newcomers are welcome and tutoring is provided. Janice Velgersdyk at 612.986.5902


(Short Term Assistance Reaching Seniors) is a ministry designed to support seniors at home during their recovery from an accident, illness, or fall. Services include transportation to doctor/physical therapy appointments, grocery shopping, light housekeeping, and more! Judy Brink at 952.920.4364



Fridays, May 17 & June 21 • Third Friday of the month, year-round; Meal Prep: 2:00-4:00PM, Serve: 5:00-7:00PM • Creekside Community Center Individuals, small groups, and families with children are welcome! Meal Prep is best for volunteers ages 16 and older while serving is best for volunteers ages 7 and older. Sign up: cpconline.org/events


Trip Dates: June 24-29 • Columbia When you go on an Opportunity Insight Trip, you are much more than a tourist. You are an explorer, a student of the world. Take advantage of this opportunity to step away from your daily life to address the needs of the world, deepen your faith in Jesus, and strengthen relationships with your community of faith. Join us and witness firsthand how OI is enabling marginalized people in Colombia to engage in the local economy, overcome extreme poverty, and build stronger communities. Expect to return home inspired, encouraged, and forever changed. Sign up: cpconline.org/serve-far


Our May Mission of the Month is Whittier Wildflowers Preschool, located in Calvary Church in Minneapolis. Their mission is to provide children and families from all backgrounds an innovative, affordable early childhood education in a fun, faith-based community where love and learning grow. Mark your check memo Mission of the Month or give online: cpconline.org/give


Join in helping kids know Jesus and the Gospel, feeling safe, known and loved, and growing in God’s Word and prayer. And have fun doing it! We have various ways to volunteer, from weekly to monthly opportunities and working directly with children or behind-the-scenes. Let us know if you are interested: karenr@cpconline.org

A.R.M.S. (Active Retired Men Serving) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!

Thursdays • 8:00AM-12:00PM • donuts and coffee at 10:00AM This dedicated group works on various projects to keep the building in prime condition! We welcome both men and women of all ages and skill levels. noelc@cpconline.org CPC LIFE




EASTER 2019 FLOWERS Our beautiful Easter flowers were donated in loving honor and memory by the following: Barb and Tran Alfrey: In memory of Doris and Bob Lee

The Fuller Family: In memory of Bud Fuller

Anne and Nicholas Nass: In memory of Elamarie Makovsky

Debi Anderson: In memory of Sandy Anderson

Tom, Paula, Nancy, and Susan Gulliford: In memory of parents, Bill and Julie Gulliford

Ruth Nelson: In memory of Duane (Bill) Nelson

Mary Bailey: In memory of my parents, Herb and Lois Denker Karen Beadie: In loving memory of David M. Beadie Mary Jo Brown: In memory of husband, Tom, and siblings, Lora, John, and Kelly Caleigh and Libby Claar: In honor of our mom, Sue Claar Doris Davison: In memory of Todd Davison

Robert and Patricia Haberkorn: In memory of Ruth and Lowry Nelson, Lucile and Robert Haberkorn Shelley Haiker: In memory of my mother and father, Vivian and Ted Gagner Heather Hood: In memory of parents, Sam and Bee Hood Debbie Janey: In memory of Byron Meyer

Jim and Deb Deanovic: In memory of our parents

Linda and Mike Kennedy: In memory of our brothers, William Kennedy and Robert Larson

Jim and Jan Doudiet: In memory of parents, grandparents, and greatgrandparents Helen and Ted Doudiet, and Millie and Roger Stevenson

Fred Kraft: In memory of Donna Cole Kraft, Matthew and Angeline Cole, and Louis and Anna Kraft

Debbie Ducar, Jennifer Scott, Christopher Ducar, and Sandy Kerrigan: In loving memory of Mike Ducar

Brad and Michelle Kranendonk: In memory of Donna Kranendonk

Nancy Olsen: In memory of Charles and Marian Shellenberger; Franklynn and Cecelia Sanders Ole, Kit, Bethany, and Christopher Olson: In memory of our very missed son and little brother, Samuel (Sammy) James Olson Rich Phenow: In loving memory of my parents and siblings Lisa Pratt: In memory of Robert M. Pratt The Sjolander Family: In memory of Donn and Bev Sjolander Betsy Shober: In memory of Bob and Honey Shober and Bob Jr. Scott and Karen Slater: In memory of our parents, Paul and Eleanor Gerster and C. Paul Slater

Tim and Carmelle Eickhoff: In memory of our beloved niece and angel, Heather Kastner

Margaret Longlet: In memory of Donald Longlet

Robert (Chip) Stoutenburgh, Ole, Kit, Christopher, and Bethany Olson: In memory of beloved parents and grandparents, Joe and Sally Stoutenburgh

John and Marlene Ellis: In honor of our family

The Morris Family: In memory of Alice Morris

Jeanne Toia: In memory of Frank and Catherine Amato

Joyce Ervin and Jody Phenow: In loving memory of Bob and Brad Ervin

The Morris Family: In memory of Lenore Clouit

Janice and John Velgersdyk: In memory of parents Gordy and Ellie Stasney





Fred Little: In memory of Willard Little

Are You Trying to Balance Financial Blessings for Your Kids with Charitable Giving? Tuesday, May 9 • 7:00-8:45PM • Westview Room Join us for an interactive workshop where we’ll explore case studies, answer classic and complex financial planning questions, and provide opportunity to share collective wisdom. With: Jay Bennett President and Founder National Christian Foundation Twin Cities

Jeff Carver Senior Vice President National Christian Foundation Twin Cities

Questions? Contact Michelle Kranendonk at michellek@cpconline.org.

IJM Twin Cities Prayer Gathering May 16 • 6:30-8:30PM Westwood Community Church, Bush Lake Campus in Bloomington

Join with others across the Twin Cities to learn, worship, and engage in the hard work of prayer to end modern day slavery. International Justice Mission is a Christian anti-slavery organization working across sectors of government, social services, and the church to end modern day slavery in our lifetime. Just as legal work, aftercare, and church mobilization are important in this work, IJM believes prayer is one of the most important ways that we join with God’s work of liberating the captive.

Sign up at cpconline.org/events

Welcome Pastor Ron Hawkins, our new Transition Pastor! We are delighted to welcome Rev. Dr. Ron Hawkins as our Transition Pastor at CPC. Ron comes to us from Windwood Presbyterian Church (ECO) in Houston, Texas, where he served as Executive Pastor. In his twenty-eight years of full-time ministry, Ron has served as a church planter, associate pastor, and senior pastor in churches located in Indiana, Illinois, Alabama, and Arizona. Ron and his wife, Linette, met while attending Indiana University. They have five children and eight grandchildren. The Search Committee unanimously recommended Pastor Ron for the position of Transition Pastor from a number of qualified candidates. Ron has a deep love for Jesus, a prayerful, daily reliance on God, and a set of experiences that points to a strong but humble leader. He has acted as head of staff, overseeing many direct and indirect reports, moderated Session meetings, and demonstrated a collaborative and relational leadership style. Ron is also an ECO-ordained pastor and has completed the ECO Transition Pastor training. Ron will officially join our staff on April 23. Meet and Greets with the congregation are planned for May 4 and 5, and Ron will preach at all services that weekend..

Senior Pastor Search Team We want to give a huge thank you to all the people who made nominations for our Senior Pastor Search Team. We received more than 150 nominations! The Personnel Committee of Session thoroughly and prayerfully reviewed the nominations for the Senior Pastor Search Team and recommended a diverse group consisting of active CPC members who have a committed relationship with Jesus Christ, are engaged at CPC, are dedicated to prayer, and who model humility and integrity. The eleven individuals on the team were put forth by Session and approved at a Congregational Meeting on April 7. Our hope is that this group of individuals represent the community of CPC in all its beautiful diversity—a blend of ages, worship styles, life stages, and involvement in the life of this church. This team was also selected on the basis of their communication, listening, and decisionmaking skills. But at the core is each individual’s desire to serve CPC, follow Jesus, and seek God’s will as we search for our new senior pastor.






Tom and Jordan Haag welcomed a daughter, Caroline Palmer, on February 11. Scott and Brenna Hoeg welcomed a daughter, Emma Paige, on March 13. Sean and Esther Connor welcomed a son, Bennett Joshua, on March 25. David and Jordyn Farris welcomed a son, Thomas David, on April 5.


William “Bill” Rickmeyer passed away on February 4 at the age of 88. He is survived by daughter Rhonda (Nick) Marchuk. Walter “Nick” Denman passed away on February 25 at the age of 60. He is survived by his mother, Dorothy. Larry Nickander passed away on February 26. He is survived by his wife, Vivette, daughter Kim, and son Kent. Mike Ducar passed away on March 8 at the age of 81. He is survived by wife, CPC staff member, Debbie, children Jennifer (James) Scott, Christopher, Sandy (Scott) Kerrigan, and grandchildren Henry, Austin, Bailey, and Sara. Sara “Jane” Anderson passed away on March 22 at the age of 87. She is survived by her son David (Marilyn) Todd and daughter Cynthia Jane (Stephen) Grittman. Mark Risinger passed away on March 29 at the age of 62. He is survived by his wife, Mary, and sons Matthew (Alexis), Kyle (Brittany), and Joseph (Christine).


Jake Kirchner will be leaving his position as Connections Pastor at the end of May.


Missions YTD Total Missions Giving*: $307,918

*Given through special offering, above and beyond missions’ dollars we budget for partners. Ministry Fund Revenue/Expense Update February 2019 YTD Revenue Actual: $3,654,014 February 2019 YTD Revenue Budget: $3,686,880 March 2019 YTD Revenue Actual: $4,029,218 March 2019 YTD Revenue Budget: $4,049,001 YTD (2/28/2019) We are behind on giving revenue by $19,783. We are under on expenses by $277,081. CPC fiscal year 2019 ends on May 31, 2019.

Global Leadership Summit 2019 In this period of transition, Christ Presbyterian Church will not be hosting the GLS in 2019. Our staff will have the opportunity to attend at other sites, and we encourage our congregation to do the same. You can find other local options at globalleadership.org.

Shirley Farrell passed away on April 7 at the age of 79. She is survived by her daughter Colleen (Steve Sundquist) Wallentine and granddaughter Taylor (Phil) Kramer.

RECENTLY HOSPITALIZED Nikki Abramson Dave Appelhof Joelle Bass Gary Burke

Joyce Edmondson Bob Haberkorn Spencer Knack Marie Nelson

William (Bill) Peter Kim Thompson Nila Varner






Together we’ll explore five pivotal questions that point to the essence of our faith:


Christ Presbyterian Church | 952.920.8515 | cpconline.org | facebook.com/cpconline | @CPCEdina | #cpcedina

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