APRIL 2015
Last month, CPCers were invited to ask their deepest questions about Christianity, the Bible, and Jesus. Why? Because asking questions refines, stretches, and challenges us to look a little deeper at the things that matter most. Come hear pastors' thoughts on your questions during CPC's "Ask Anything" sermon series April 11/12 – May 23/24.
APRIL 2015
Why It’s Good to
Ask God Questions
he Church has not historically been on friendly terms with questions—or with those who ask them, for that matter. We seem to be more attracted to certainty, even though its perfect prayers and stale sermons fail to stir up much of anything in us at all. We end up treating our faith as if it were a recipe, handed down from generation to generation, to be followed precisely without any improvisation or improvement. And when we end up with a kitchen full of smoke and the lingering odor of frustration, we give up. What if we could ask those questions before we gave up? What if we could wonder out loud what might be missing from the recipe and what might make it better, without losing its essence? What if we could make a big mess in the kitchen, but make a little sense in our lives? In one of the most iconic stories in all of the Bible, an exiled prince named Moses turned aside to see a strange sight: a bush that was burning in the desert, but was not burning up. So he lingered by that burning bush, as the smell of smoke and wonder filled the air around him. “What is this?” he asked no one in particular. It was God who answered him, and by the time the smoke cleared, God had commanded Moses to go back to Egypt, to emancipate God’s people from slavery.
Not so fast. Moses had some questions first.
We keep expecting God to be a noun, but God keeps right on being a verb.
“If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is His name?’ What shall I say to them?”
I believe our faith is nourished when we ask good questions and when we reject unhelpful clichés like “God is in control,” and “God’s ways are not our ways.” Those responses, though perhaps well-meaning, are unhelpful conversation stoppers.
I love this. Moses is essentially asking, “Um, before I go back to Egypt and to my certain death, it would be helpful if I knew who You were. Who are You?”
Who hasn’t wrestled with this question: Who is God and what is God like? Before Moses set off on his journey, God took the time to engage with Moses and all of his questions. Who hasn’t wrestled with this question: Who is God and what is God like? Before Moses set off on his journey, God took the time to engage with Moses and all of his questions. Most translations record God’s response as, “I am who I am,” to which most of us glumly nod, even though we haven’t the foggiest idea what that means or what it should mean. A better translation of God’s response is: “I will be what I will be.” God is essentially answering Moses by saying, “You will spend your whole life figuring out who I am, but you’re off to a good start. Are you ready to go?”
Across the Old Testament as well as the New Testament, we see that people are defined as faithful not because of their certainty, but by how they courageously go to God with their questions and fears. They rant and rail, they argue and waver, but they find an audience with a God who seems to delight in their questions. Someone once wrote, “Answers before questions do great damage to the soul.” Let’s put a moratorium on answers before questions, and let’s see if we can make something delicious out of that good old recipe. Let’s see where our questions take us. Go to God with your questions. Get messy in the kitchen. Don’t give up.
Steve Wiens, former Director of Student Ministries at CPC, serves as Senior Pastor at Genesis Covenant Church. He blogs at stevewiens.com. CPC LIFE | APRIL 2015
grew up in a Presbyterian church in North Dakota but drifted away from my faith during college. I moved to Uptown in my 20s. I was going to work, having a good time, meeting people. Life was good. Life had been good. But then I thought, Is this it? There has to be something more out of life. So I started to volunteer to give back a little bit. By then I was getting curious about faith and belief, asking myself fundamental questions: It seems people start out life with a moral baseline, but where does that come from? Doesn’t something or someone have to create it? I soon stumbled across CPC. I liked the sermons and started participating in Urban Homeworks, which I had been doing on my own anyway. In the fall of 2013, I went through the New Members’ class and was paired with Rich Phenow [Pastor of Congregational Care & Lay Empowerment]. We talked through some of my questions about Christianity, and he recommended a number of helpful books. I’ve most recently been thinking about Christ as the only way to heaven. I have some non-Christian friends. If I hadn’t grown up in a Christian home, would I be a Christian? Ultimately I’ve come to understand I don’t make the
2015 | CPC LIFE
decision of who ends up in heaven; God does. I choose to believe in Christ and demonstrate His love and life by the way I live. That’s all I can do. But I have a lot of other questions, too. The Bible says the world was created in seven days. How literal is this? What is a day from God’s perspective? And in the Old Testament there is a lot of violence. How do I come to terms with God’s wrath? I’m wrestling with all this right now, but I also realize my questions can’t really be answered definitively. That’s faith.
I think it’s human nature to be a little bit skeptical, to have big questions while still being able to say, “Jesus is my Lord and Savior.” Over the years, I have had friendly discussions about Christianity with my agnostic and atheist friends. I’ve quickly realized that having conversations with non-believers is challenging—if you don’t know where you stand, they will just knock your ideas out. Thinking through my questions, reading good books, and talking with other believers have been helpful. In conversations with friends, I’ve been able to put words and reason behind my beliefs. They’re not
always going to respond, “Yep, you sold me on that.” But they respect that I have thought through what I believe. I think it’s human nature to be a little bit skeptical, to have big questions while still being able to say, “Jesus is my Lord and Savior.” Asking tough questions has definitely helped my faith grow. I don’t think I’ll ever not have questions. They might be different questions than I’m thinking about right now, but I’ll always have them. For someone who’s contemplating faith, it’s okay to have doubts—just don’t let them stop you from taking the first step. Be open to the idea of coming in, of finding Christ. I think if someone doesn’t have questions about the biggest issues of life, they aren’t digging deeply into what life has to offer.
Have Questions? Some Book Recommendations: Mere Christianity – C. S. Lewis Letters From a Skeptic – Gregory Boyd The Case for Christ – Lee Strobel God, I Don’t Get It – Richard Davis The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism – Timothy Keller The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief – Francis Collins
of the
Books, music, quotes, apps, art, videos, websites, people, places, & things that get us to think about God in new & exciting ways.
We had better share our bewilderments. By hiding them from each other we should not hide them from ourselves.
C. S. Lewis,
Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer
SCRIPTURE “We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing Him directly just as He knows us!”
- 1 Corinthians 13:12
“I am not smart enough to argue with those that cling to disbelief. Centuries of philosophers have made better arguments than I could, and I am comfortable with just pointing in their direction if an acquaintance insists, ‘If there is a God, then why [insert atrocity]?’ For me, belief didn’t come after I had the answer to that question. Belief came when I stopped needing the answer.”
Ana Marie Cox, journalist
WEBSITE Can I Ask That?
Jim Candy, Brad M. Griffin, Kara Powell christianitytoday.com/ biblestudies/bible-answers/ Do you have questions about faith? Christianity Today has collected common spiritual questions theologians and Christian thinkers have answered with clarity and insight. Bible study materials are also suggested to dig deeper into a topic.
Teenagers have questions about faith. The worst thing to do when they ask them? Stay silent! Dive into eight of the toughest questions about Christianity in this Sticky Faith curriculum book.
DENOMINATIONAL UPDATE Over the course of nearly 60 years, CPC has built a legacy of Jesus-centered ministry, lay-led service, and compassionate outreach. To continue to do this well into the next generation, CPC has spent nearly five years assessing our membership in the Presbyterian Church (USA), believing a better fit is a new Presbyterian denomination, ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. As we near the end of this journey, we want to update the congregation on where we have been and where we currently stand:
• In 2012, after more than two years of discernment by CPC members, Session, and staff leadership—including a straw poll in which 86% of members were in favor of moving to ECO—the Session requested that the local Presbytery allow CPC to leave the PC(USA) and join ECO. • This request initiated the Gracious Separation Process (GSP) in January 2013. After two years of discernment through the GSP, the Administrative Commission (AC) recommended CPC be allowed to leave the PC(USA) and move to ECO. • This past December and January, CPC’s denominational negotiating team met with the AC, reaching a proposed settlement that CPC would pay $2.13 million to the Presbytery to move to ECO (no encumbrances on CPC’s property, building, and financial assets).
•O n February 21 CPC’s Session voted unanimously to approve the settlement terms, and on March 12 the Presbytery approved them, as well. •T he next step is a worship service meeting on Sunday, May 3 at 10:00AM. All CPC members are encouraged to attend as we vote on Session’s recommendation that CPC join ECO (no Saturday night or other Sunday morning services that weekend). See ad on opposite page. • If the congregation’s vote follows Session’s recommendation, the Presbytery votes upon the finalized settlement on May 12. CPC will be allowed to move to ECO within 60 days.
TO LEARN MORE: • Attend a Town Hall Forum on Sunday, April 26 at 10:30AM in the Chapel. • Listen to John Crosby’s 2015 update at cpconline.org/pcusa. • Read “A Vision for CPC’s Future” at the Welcome Center or cpconline.org/pcusa.
• Contact the denominational negotiating team: Becky Danielson (faithfirstparent@aol.com); Kari Norman (kari.thorsen.norman@gmail.com); John Mitchell (jmitchell@cpconline.org); Gary Tygesson (tygesson.gary@dorsey.com).
• Worship as one church body (no other Saturday or Sunday morning service this weekend)
• Vote on the terms of CPC’s dismissal from the PC(USA) to ECO • Look toward the future as we celebrate God’s work at CPC!
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CPC Ministry Programming April 2015
At CPC, we seek to inspire all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. Please look through the various programs for kids, students, and adults—and join us! For fuller descriptions and more information on any of these programs, please visit cpconline.org.
Wednesday, April 15 at 12:00PM A traditional service with a short message by Debbie Manning, hymns, Communion, and prayers. Lunch follows.
Sunday, April 26 at 10:30AM in the Chapel Get updated on CPC’s proposed denominational move from the PC(USA) to ECO.
Wednesday, April 29 at 7:00PM in Anderson Hall We encourage CPCers who enjoy planting and caring for the many beautiful flowers we provide each summer to come to the spring CPC Garden Group meeting. To learn more about our summer plans, contact Norma Jean Barr at 952.831.2642 or njb614@comcast.net.
Sunday, May 3 at 4:00PM at Augustana Lutheran Church (1400 Robert St. W., St. Paul, MN) The CPC Chancel Choir joins the Colonial Church choirs, Chorus Polaris, and the Mississippi Valley Orchestra to present Poulenc’s “Gloria,” conducted by Henry Charles Smith and featuring soprano Cathy Larsen. Admission is free. Visit mississippivalleyorchestra.com.
Tuesdays, April 7-May 12 from 6:308:00PM in Room 108 Grace is a spontaneous gift from God, unexpected and undeserved. Learn what
2015 | CPC LIFE
difference it makes not only in eternity but in your everyday life. Led by Rob and Sally Lund. Register: cpconline.org/ register. Contact: Deb Carlson at x316; debc@cpconline.org.
Saturday, April 11 from 8:30AM-12:30PM in the Fellowship Hall What will be your legacy? How will you be remembered? Legacy is measured in how you utilized your time, energy, faith, wisdom, skills, connections, and resources to make a difference for God’s Kingdom. Tim Gibson, Executive Director of Building Legacies International, facilitates. Register: cpconline.org/register.
Thursday, April 16 at 7:00PM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Thursdays We discuss The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henriquez. Contact: Nancy Reutiman at 952.920.1837.
Sundays at 9:30AM & 10:45AM Sunday Communities offer a place to belong and a place to grow with people in a similar life stage. Contact: Dan Anderson at x298; danderson@cpconline.org. MIXED TAPES (20s & 30s) - “A Man of Grace and Grit: Gleanings from the Apostle Paul” with Randy Andersen (9:30AM) S.A.L.T. (40s & 50s) - “People Who Changed the World: God’s New Family in the Book of Acts” with Dan Anderson (9:30AM) A.C.T.S. (First-Wave Baby Boomers) “Pursuit” (see page 10 for more information) with the Missions Team (9:30AM) MORE (Active Retired) - “Transforming Initiatives in the Sermon on the Mount” with Steve Carlson (10:45AM) CREDO (Intergenerational) - “Christian Calling” with Jon Keller (10:45AM)
Friday, May 1 from 6:30-9:15PM & Saturday, May 2 from 8:30AM-4:00PM Have you found, as Frederick Buechner described it, “the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet”? LifeKeys is designed to help you look for energizing volunteer opportunities, career direction, or midlife or retirement realignment. Taught by Rev. David Stark, former CPC pastor. Cost: $50 (includes refreshments, lunch, book, and workbook). Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226; debbied@cpconline.org.
Mondays from 9:30-11:30AM in Room 107 An intergenerational discussion-oriented study for men and women. Beginning April 13, we discuss Titus. Childcare available. Contact: James Madsen at x308; jamesm@ cpconline.org.
SMALL GROUPS Being in relationship is essential to your spiritual transformation. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Deb Carlson at x316; debc@cpconline.org.
Wednesdays from 6:15-7:30PM in the Parlor Led by Allen Pofahl and Tom Wagner, this group focuses on growing in our roles as dads of young children through early high schoolers.
Thursdays from 7:00-8:00AM in Room 108 James Madsen leads in studying The Gospel-Centered Life at Work.
Thursdays from 7:00-8:00AM in Room 201
Led by Matt Faulkner, this group discusses Galatians.
60S & UP
Sundays at 6:30PM; meets twice monthly Join this group as we dig into God’s Word together.
Thursday-Saturday, May 14-16 at Clearwater Forest in Brainerd Join CPC men at the 17th annual work retreat at Clearwater Forest in Brainerd. We’ll get the camp ready for summer with a variety of indoor and outdoor building and maintenance-related work. The camp provides meals and housing and a beautiful surrounding. Register: Ted Youel at 612.743.8928; clearwaterretreat@gmail.com.
Large Group Wednesdays, April 8 & 22 in the Fireside Room from 9:30-11:30AM; usually meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays April 8: Becky Patton on “Parenting Children as Sexual Beings” April 22: Addie Zierman on “Creating a Meaningful Church Community” Register: Tara Wagner at taramwagner@ gmail.com.
Saturday, April 11 from 10:00AM2:00PM in the Fellowship Hall; meets 2nd Saturdays Our mission is to make warm garments and blankets for local agencies that serve the needy. We have yarn, fabric, and knitters to get you started. Contact: Sally Stoutenburgh at 952.927.6915.
Large Group Thursday, April 16 from 9:15-11:30AM in Anderson Hall “Teach Your Children to Love Their Bodies.” Lee Wolfe Blum, Health Educator and author of Table in the
Darkness, shares insight and hope into the difficult issues of teen anxiety, depression, self-harm, and eating disorders. Cost: $5. Contact: Colette Prohofsky at 952.920.8714; coprohof@gmail.com. Blum’s books available at Pathway. Small Groups Thursdays twice monthly from 9:3011:00AM in Rooms 200, 201, & 202 Receive in-depth support and discussion, and study a Christian teen parenting book. Contact: Colette Prohofsky at 952.920.8714; coprohof@gmail.com.
Circles combine fellowship, learning, and service in a small group setting. They consist primarily of women over 60; new members always welcome. Esther Circle Saturday, April 11 at 9:30AM in Room 108; meets 2nd Saturdays Join us for fellowship and a study on Elijah. Contact: Norma Jean Barr at 952.831.2642. Martha Circle Wednesday, April 15 at 10:00AM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Wednesdays Becky Danielson, CPC Elder, is our guest. Contact: Pat Haberkorn at 952.941.4188. Lydia Circle Saturday, April 18 at 9:30AM in the Parlor Dee McIntosh, Associate Pastor of Missional Community Engagement, is our guest. Visitors are welcome. Contact: Ellen Hastings at 952.896.0066. Ruth Circle Meets every Wednesday at 9:30AM On the first and third Wednesdays, we meet in a home for food, fellowship, devotions, and prayers. On the other Wednesdays, we serve. Contact: Barb Bucha at 952.470.4414.
Saturday, April 11; leave CPC at 1:00PM Enjoy the Sinfonia concert at the Basilica. We leave CPC at 1:00PM via CPC vans for a 2:00PM concert. Optional meal follows at the Olive Garden. No charge for the concert. Register: Deb Carlson at x316; debc@cpconline.org.
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Wednesday, April 29 at 11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Bring a friend and join the Edynamoes for lunch and a program entitled “Spring Repertoire” performed by BRAVA!, a premier women’s choral ensemble. Cost: $5. Register: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983 by April 27. Please bring Jerry’s cash receipts, Campbell’s soup labels, and can tabs.
Thursday, April 9 from 6:30-8:00PM in the Fireside Room; this is the last meeting in the 2014-15 series A series for care partners and those with Alzheimer’s and related dementias. Mary Frances Price, an attorney at the law firm of Long, Reher & Hansen, P.A., speaks on “What You Need to Know About Legal and Financial Planning.” No registration needed. Contact: Mary Allen at x243; marya@cpconline.org.
Friday, April 10 & Saturday, April 25 from 10:00AM-12:00PM in the Parlor Our mission is to prayerfully knit or crochet shawls with the hope of being vessels for God’s presence and comfort. No knitting experience needed; all are welcome. Coaching and materials can be provided. Contact: Pat Johnson at 952.947.0734.
Tuesday, April 14 from 6:00-8:30PM in the Parlor; meets 2nd Tuesdays Grief Recovery is for those who have lost a loved one. We experience God’s hope and healing through fellowship, prayer, and sharing a meal. This month Mara Teske, grief and wellness counselor, speaks. No reservation needed. Contact: Debbie Manning at x275; debbiem@cpconline.org.
Thursday, April 16 from 6:00-8:00PM in the Fireside Room; meets 3rd Thursday of the month Life Together is a new community for single parents and their children. We meet to share a family meal, then the adults break off to hear a speaker on CPC LIFE | APRIL 2015
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topics that encourage single parents. This month Tonja Engen shares insights on preparing easy, healthy meals. Childcare and programming for infants through 12 years. Register: cpconline. org/register. Contact: Sarah Norton at x208; sarahn@cpconline.org.
contact Mary Allen at x243; marya@cpconline.org.
Trip dates subject to change; cpconline.org/register Nicaragua (with Habitat for Humanity): June 13-21 Nicaragua (Opportunity International): June 21-26 Duluth, MN (Youthworks): July 30-August 2 Lusaka, Zambia (with Jubilee Centre and the Global Leadership Summit): November 3-14 Israel/Palestine (with Telos): December 12-19 Beni, Congo (with Congo Initiative and the Christian Bilingual University of Congo): January 2016
Saturday, April 18 from 9:00-11:00AM in Anderson Hall; meets 3rd Saturday of the month Beginning Again is CPC’s support, resource, and friendship group for those dealing with the practical issues that follow the death of a spouse. Join us for breakfast and fellowship. Our conversational topic is “Resurrection Hope Following Loss.” Cost: $10 (pay at the door). Register: Deb Carlson x316; debc@cpconline.org.
Sundays, April 19 & May 3 from 9:30-10:30AM in Room 203; meets 1st & 3rd Sundays We support each other with weight issues that keep us from experiencing the abundant life God wants for us. No weigh-ins; lots of grace and support! Contact: Sandy Radeke at 952.452.1205; sandy_radeke@earthlink.net.
Tuesday, April 21 from 7:00-8:30PM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Tuesdays Does your child experience emotional or mental health issues? You are not alone. Join other parents, friends, and caregivers as we care for one another on our journeys. Taryn Jensen, Community Relations Manager and Therapist for Mental Health Services, will lead a discussion on Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Contact: Doug Brown at 612.839.9992; dbrown@dcbrowninc.com.
Thursday, April 30 from 6:00-8:30PM in the Fellowship Hall Celebrate God’s goodness, be blessed with the fellowship of others who serve in Lay Care Ministries, hear stories from the field, and enjoy a delicious meal prepared by Chef Rich Phenow. All volunteers in Lay Care ministry areas are welcome! RSVP: cpconline.org/register or
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Tuesday, April 7 at 2:00PM at Northrup Auditorium in Minneapolis Bryan Stevenson, founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative and one of the most acclaimed and respected lawyers in the nation, is a leader in the movement against mass incarceration in the US. This lecture is free and open to the public.
Sundays, April 12-May 17 at 9:30AM in the Fellowship Hall-Center Join this Sunday Community in learning about Pursuit, a class that seeks to address the question of missional calling through the four-fold thematic lens of discipleship, compassion, justice, and reconciliation. Curriculum developed and taught by Missions staff.
Saturday, April 25 from 9:30AM1:30PM Take your missional engagement to the next level! Join us for part 3 of the Plunge experience—don’t worry if you missed previous Plunge dates. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Dee McIntosh at x214; doneilam@cpconline.org.
August 1; optional training starts April 6 In Africa they say, “Water is life.” CPC is sponsoring a team to raise money for clean water in Moyo, Zambia. Sponsor a CPC runner or run yourself! Contact: Jennifer King at 952.334.4497; jenniferannking@gmail.com.
Saturday, May 16 from 8:30AM-3:00PM Work alongside other CPCers aged 16 and over to rehab a home in North Minneapolis. Register: cpconline.org/register.
Saturday 5:15PM; Sunday 9:30AM, 11:00AM, & 5:00PM services During weekend services, we minister to children through 6th grade and families by engaging kids in their relationship with Jesus. Register: cpconline.org/ register. Contact: Tammy Mitchell at x216; tammym@cpconline.org. Summer programming begins May 23/24. Watch for more details!
Registration now open at cpconline.org/register VBS: June 9-11 OR June 16-18 (must be 3 by June 1, 2015 through entering kindergarten) | $35 The Edge: June 9-11 (5th-8th grades) | $80 Big Fun Kix: June 22-25 (entering 1st4th grades) | $55 half, $100/full day Surge: July 13-16 (entering 5th & 6th grades) | $150
Visit cpconline.org/studentcamps to learn more and register.
Sunday, April 26 at 12:30PM in the Sanctuary Mosaic is a worship service for kids and students with special needs and their families. Noises, sounds, and movements are welcome! Followed by a light lunch. Contact: Kari Dubord x261; karid@ cpconline.org.
Tuesday, April 28 from 6:30-7:30PM in the Fellowship Hall A ministry for kids and students with special needs. We explore who God is and how we can have a relationship with Him through Bible study, service projects, games, guest speakers, and story/drama. Contact: Kari Dubord at x261; karid@cpconline.org.
Wednesday, April 22 from 6:15-7:30PM Students and their families are invited to join us for a night of worship, a message, and celebration for the class of 2015! This worship service, designed by the Student Ministries Team, will take place instead of regular programming for middle school and high school students.
Wednesdays, April 8 & 29 (Ruckus on April 15, Spring Jam on April 22) A night of fun, large-group learning, and small-group discussion for 6th-8th graders. Contact for 6th-7th grade Elevate: Van Chounlamountry at x306; vanc@cpconline.org. Contact for 8th grade Engage: Lexi Soldo at x279; lexis@cpconline.org.
Wednesday, April 15 from 6:008:00PM; meet at Brunswick Zone in Eden Prairie Cost: $15 (laser tag, bowling, pizza, and pop are included). Register: cpconline.org/register.
Wednesdays, April 8, 15, & 29 (Spring Jam on April 22) All house groups meet in area homes. Contact Brooke Toftoy at brooket@ cpconline.org with questions.
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July 30-August 2 in Duluth, MN Learn, work, worship, play, explore, and serve as a family! Designed for kids in 3rd through 8th grades, but all ages welcome. Cost: $129/ family member (children 3 and under are free). Includes room and board and service activities; transportation not included. Contact: Tammy Mitchell at x216; tammym@cpconline.org.
SUMMER STUDY PREVIEW Register: cpconline.org/register Contact: Deb Carlson at x316; debc@ cpconline.org
Mondays, June 1-August 31 from 7:30-9:00PM in the Fireside Room Looking for a men’s Bible study? Never been in a Bible study before, but always wanted to try? Maybe you’re a Bible study veteran and you’re looking to stay engaged during the summer. Gather with a group of men from area churches for fellowship, to study the book of Daniel, and to be encouraged to grow in your faith.
Tuesdays, June 9-August 11 from 6:30-8:00PM in the Fireside Room It is easy to be happy when things go well. But what would it be like to have a sense of joy that continued even in times of trouble? In his brief letter to the Philippians, the Apostle Paul teaches us how to live joyfully in every situation. Led by Janice Velgersdyk.
Thursdays, June 18-August 13 from 10:00-11:30AM in the Parlor This study provides a personal look into the lives of some of the Bible’s most faithful women. Learn how God shaped these women of the Bible and what He wants to do with you. This study for women is led by Dawn Allan.
June 4-7 Join our summer college trip to serve in the windy city. Register: cpconline.org/ register. Cost: $275. CPC LIFE | APRIL 2015
Middle schoolers serve at the Union Gospel Mission during their Avalanche getaway in Duluth.
The CPC Missions team participated in the Sankofa Journey, touring historic sites of the Civil Rights Movement with others from around the country.
The Women Who Inspire leadership team and special guests celebrate another great event.
The Table team stops for a group photo on their GO!Trip to Israel and Palestine.
Young CPCers prepare seeds for planting during A Hope for Hunger.
Flowers EASTER 2015
Our beautiful Easter f lowers were donated in loving honor and memory by the following: Dottie and Roger Anderson: In honor of our parents Mary Jo Brown: In memory of Tom Brown, and sister, Lora Colvard Dorothy Buteyn, children, and grandchildren: In memory of Don Buteyn Dorothy Cameron: In memory of Helen and Leo Hauser Karen and Don Ciske: In memory of our loving parents John and Luann Cosgrove: In memory of James, Corrine, Laurie, and Michael Cosgrove Joe, Sarah, and Emily DeWit: In memory of loved wife, mother, grandmother, and friend, Sue DeWit The Doudiet Family: In memory of Roger and Millie Stevenson, and Ted and Helen Doudiet John and Marlene Ellis and family: In memory of our family The Peter H. Franz Family: In memory of parents and grandparents Jacque Fryklund and Family: In memory of dad and grandpa, Gordy Johnson Jane Fuller: In honor of Bud Fuller The Lee and Kim Glenna Family: In memory of Howard Bohanon, and Adele Bohanon Patricia and Robert Haberkorn: In memory of Ruth and Lowry Nelson, and Lucile and Robert Haberkorn Gene Haman: In memory of Jeanne and Gregg Tim Hanson: In memory of Cheryl Hanson
Bob and Mary Melander: In memory of our parents, and sister-in-law, Patty Maas Gladys Mitchell: In memory of J. Gordon Mitchell Dirk, Laura, Kari, and Sonja Nelson: In memory of our dads and grandpas, Ed Mezner and Gunard Nelson Ruth Nelson: In memory of Duane Nelson Gary and Nancy Nichols: In memory of Bernard and Jane Wehrenberg The Nygren Family—Dave, Kim, Brady, and Aidan: In memory of Gordon Nygren Dave “Ole”, Kit, Bethany, and Christopher Olson: In memory of beloved son and little brother, Samuel “Sammy” James Olson Susan, Pat, Kristi, Phil, and Andrea: In memory of Chace Johnson Mark and Margie Sborov: In honor of our family Bob and Ann Schofield: In memory of Vera and Larry Stewart, and Milton Schofield; in honor of Virginia Schofield Chris Sjolander: In memory of grandmother, Beverly Sjolander Kathy and Greg Stattine: In memory of Signey and Helmer Stattine, and Robert Kennedy; in honor of Loraine Kennedy Jeff and Pat Stewart: In memory of our parents, Vera and Larry Stewart, and Bob and Peg Means
Ellen Hastings: In memory of Del Hastings
Sally and Chip Stoutenburgh: In memory of husband and father Joe Stoutenburgh
Heather Hood: In memory of my parents, Sam and Bee Hood
Herb and Audrey Telshaw: In memory of loved ones
Richard C. Johnson: In memory of son, Craig Fred and Donna Kraft: In memory of Mathew and Angeline Cole, and Louis and Anna Kraft
Tom, Michelle, Natalie, Sophie, Jennifer, John, Bobby, and Amy Terwilliger: In memory of Mary Leak and Patrick Denais
John Leak: In memory of Mary Leak
Marilyn Tyckoson: In memory of Gil Tyckoson
The Trent Mahr Family: In memory of four beautiful souls, Kaitlin Mahr, Lisa Baldwin, Randy Baldwin, and Paula Neiburg
The Younger, Britt, Nightengale, and McFarland Families: In memory of Robert D. Younger
Brenda Moskal: In memory of Desmond and Viola Lien, and Phillip Navarro
Anonymous: God bless and abundant thanks to the entire CPC staff and volunteers!
Alicia Marie Brynildson and Daniel Mark Antal II, who were married on March 14. The Rev. Jason Gudim officiated.
Rob McKay on the passing of his mother, Mary Backstrom, on February 8. Jim Chapple on the passing of his father, Harry Chapple, Jr., on February 9. Jackie Goodlund on the passing of her father, Hank Ford, on February 12. Melissa Bergen on the passing of her father, Ray Muchow, on March 4. Harry Ervin on the passing of his wife, Nancy Ervin, on March 12. Bill Borchers on the passing of his father, Bob Borchers, on March 18.
John Horton Ann Birt Marilyn Pertl Kevin Dubord Al Koster
14 A P R I L
2015 | CPC LIFE
Donna Kraft Mary Alice Craig Pixie Pixler Kim Haglund-Zachman
Adam Bufis leaves his job as Technical Director. Tanja Pofahl leaves her position as Assistant Manager of Pathway. Jennifer Karlen becomes Assistant Manager of Pathway. Brooke Toftoy leaves her position as Co-Director of High School Ministries and Director of College Ministry. Brooke was invited to CPC in 6th grade and later was confirmed. She was an intern and ultimately joined Student Ministries staff for ten years. She feels so blessed to have been a witness to the ways Jesus transforms lives and weaves them into the family of God here at CPC. Since becoming a mom in 2013, Brooke has felt an openness to something new and is leaving CPC at the end of April to work for Holy Yoga as the Director of Community Development.
FINANCIAL UPDATE JUNE 1, 2014-FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Ministry Offering Budget: $3,848,570.79 Actual Offering: $3,680,294.26 Variance: ($168,276.53) February Mission Focus: $11,570.91 YTD Mission Focus Total: $287,211.44 Expenses are under budget year-to-date.
Elizabeth “Eli” Mansfield Eli has served as Director of Missional Engagement since October 2013.
Q What prompted you to take your first GO!Trip?
I came out of the Sanctuary one day and ran across the GO!Trip table in the Great Room. I looked at the trips offered and said to myself, Sure, I’ll go to Zambia! I came back from that first mission trip feeling very full but also broken and confused about what I should do next with my life. This started my journey of asking God and others where I was being led ministry-wise and even career-wise.
Q What did God teach you during this time of discernment?
God started showing me how tightly I was trying to control everything. I had started a consulting business in 2008—terrible timing, economically speaking—so that was challenging. Then cancer happened. I found a lump during a 2012 mission trip, and I was diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after my return. At first I was like, This isn’t in my plan! But it just forced me to rely on God more. I had a double mastectomy, and just this past August I completed the last of my surgeries and therapies. Shortly before the cancer was found, I had reconnected with Brian [my now-husband]. When my cancer was diagnosed I wanted him to date other people and not be burdened by my diagnosis. But he wouldn’t go away! God has taught me a lot about control and timing these last few years.
Q So how did your GO!Trip experience and spiritual growth lead you to a job in Missions?
When I noticed that fifty percent of my time was being donated to missions efforts anyway, I thought it might be good to make it part of my career! In time Paul Tshihamba [Pastor of Missions] asked if I would join the CPC Missions team part-time. I thought, Can I really see myself working at a church? I enthusiastically answered, Yes!
God has given me a motivation to change the world for Him. As Director of Missional Engagement, I’m responsible for equipping people to understand the principles of asset-based community development. So when CPCers serve, we do so in an affirming and dignifying way. I’m also charged to provide ways for people to engage—primarily through GO!Trips and local missions—and being intentional before, during, and after each experience.
Q Apart from your ministry work, what else excites you in life?
I’m an adventurer at heart; I love to travel. Riding a Harley, going to Sturgis, traveling to Zambia. Since I was single for so many years, I’ve never hesitated to just dive into experiences, and now my husband joins me in my adventures (although no longer on a Harley!). Brian even went to Zambia, which was so wonderful to share together. I’m also really excited about this church. Since a friend invited me to CPC back in 2002, I’m in turn an inviter. Why wouldn’t I be? I think CPC is the cat’s meow!
Hometown: St. Paul, MN Family: Brian Fudenberg (married since September); two stepchildren, Annie (19) and Scottie (17) Favorite Movie: Any period piece or historical film
Guilty Pleasures: A glass of wine (white or red!) Fun fact: I owned and rode a Harley motorcycle for eleven years (I sometimes even rode to CPC on my Harley!)
THIS SPRING Saturdays at 5:15PM Sundays at 9:30AM Sundays at 11:00AM Sundays at 5:00PM Wednesday, April 15 at 12:00PM Sunday, April 26 at 12:30PM
Contemporary Worship Traditional Worship Contemporary Worship The Table at CPC Mid-Month Chapel Service Mosaic Worship
(for students with special needs and their families)
April 11/12 | Is the Bible Relevant Today? | John Crosby speaking April 18/19 | Is God Really Good? | Carrie Gleeson speaking April 25/26 | Is There More than One Way to God? | Dave Stark speaking May 3 | I’m Spiritual. Why Do I Need the Church? | John Crosby speaking May 9/10 | Does Prayer Even Work? | John Crosby speaking May 16/17 | How Do I Live as a Christian Among Other Faiths? | Debbie Manning speaking May 23/24 | Why Does God Allow Pain and Evil? | John Crosby speaking
CPC Life is a monthly publication of Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC). Complimentary copies available monthly at CPC or at cpconline.org/cpclife. Mail Subscriptions: Suggested annual donation of $20. Please write Editor, CPC Life, Christ Presbyterian Church, 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435.
Email Subscriptions: To receive a link to the monthly online version, contact communications@cpconline.org.
Director of Communications: Sarah Long
We welcome your letters and comments! Please email communications@cpconline.org.
Art Direction & Design: Matt Schubbe
© Christ Presbyterian Church 2015
Editor: Jennifer Boardman
Editorial Assistants: Maggie Keller, Claire Sweem
Christ Presbyterian Church | 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435 | 952.920.8515 | cpconline.org | facebook.com/cpconline | @CPCEdina