April 2012 CPC Life

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Life Together. Christian community: what does it really look like? In this issue of CPC Life, we visit with seven groups of people who bike, clean the church, and study the Bible together. But with these fun times of connection come something deeper: a support system centered in the love of Christ. As you read these stories of community, we hope that you, too, will be inspired to reach out to others to see what kind of friendships God might create in your life this year.

John Crosby, seated in middle, with his small group; Mike Moore standing directly behind Crosby


ll the believers were together and repeatedly operated on for a brain tumor had everything in common. They that changed his life, health, and faith. sold property and possessions to give to The “shallow group” walked with Mike anyone who had need. Every day they every step of the way, from hospitals continued to meet together in the temple to meetings, from walks around the courts. They broke bread in their homes neighborhood to special gatherings of and ate together with glad and sincere friends, from prayer to study, from tears hearts” (Acts 2:44-46). But it doesn’t to laughter. Toward the end of Mike’s always look like that! One of my first life, he was a deacon and wanted to serve communities at CPC communion one more “One of my first was a men’s small group time, even though he that still meets on could barely stand. My communities at CPC Thursdays at 7:00AM. was a men’s small group most powerful worship For years we met to do memory in 22 years at that still meets on Bible study, pray, share, was seeing him Thursdays at 7:00AM.” CPC and eat. These guys did with another deacon much better at the eating and sharing, so from our group, who had his big arm I jokingly called us “the shallow group;” wrapped around Mike, holding the plate we stayed at the shallow end of the pool, with him and holding the cup in the other spiritually and in each other’s lives. So I hand, while Mike mumbled, “The Body went on to start another group, and then of Christ” almost inaudibly . . . and it another, while they kept meeting and WAS the Body of Christ, no longer in the eating and laughing. But then one of “shallow end of the pool.” them, Mike, got deathly ill, and was - J o h n c r o s b y , Senior Pastor

Special thanks to former CPC staff member Dana Widman for photography in this issue // www.danawidmanphotography.com

CPC Life is a monthly publication of Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC). Complimentary copies available monthly at CPC or at www.cpconline.org/cpclife. Mail Subscriptions: Suggested annual donation of $20. Please write Editor, CPC Life, Christ Presbyterian Church, 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435.

Email Subscriptions: To receive a link to the monthly online version, contact communications@cpconline.org. We welcome your letters and comments! Please email communications@cpconline.org. © Christ Presbyterian Church 2012.

Director of Communications: Sharon Sampson Editor: Jennifer Boardman Art Direction & Design: Jeremy Emmerich Editorial Assistant: Claire Sweem ©

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Young Couples Grounding Their Marriages in Christ

e have six couples in our group, with seven children under the age of four. We don’t include our kids in our meeting times because we want to focus first on our foundation in Christ. Our next book is on marriage, which has been a focus from the beginning. We want to prioritize our marriages, because often when couples have children, marriage is put on the back burner. And that’s not good for families.


We’ve studied books by Tim Keller and John Ortberg. In the summer, our group also has social gatherings, like heading to the State Fair and bowling. They’ve become our date nights. We wanted to periodically step away from our book studies and just have fun together. This is really a great community for us, because we grow together spiritually as well as have a good time. - Bekah Polzin

Pictured, left to right: Erik & Bekah Polzin, Chris & Sarah Uwimana, Chad Stewart, Lucas & Jessie Ovans, Stacey Stewart

John Crosby talks a lot about making a crowd into a community. For years, we loved coming to church and hearing the messages, but this small group has made CPC feel more like a community. It goes to John’s point that you need to take the responsibility for the next step to get plugged in. Although I’ve gone to church my entire life, I’d never really had conversations with people about faith and what it means to me. This group has helped me get more comfortable not only talking about my faith but enjoying the process.

My husband and I previously met with men’s or women’s groups, but it felt right to build relationships with other Christian couples as we started out our married life together.

It can be scary or intimidating for a man to join a small group, but after the first few meetings, we all started getting more comfortable. I thought, “Okay, these people aren’t so weird!” We go to each other’s houses and meet their kids and become a part of each other’s lives. When you have faith in common, it’s a gift. - Chris Uwimana

- JessIe Ovans

- Chad Stewart CPC LIFE


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From the Coffee Shop to the Bike Trails


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“Everyone is welcome. You can peel off after five miles or go as far as you want. If you’re not a biker, then just come for coffee. Contact any of us and we’d love to have you join.” Pictured, left to right: Mike LaHaye, Mike Hotz, Patrick Riedel, Ole Olson, Doug Clark Pictured on opposite page with coffee cup: Steve Mader


n Saturday mornings, we meet at Starbucks, usually at 7:30AM, and share coffee for 30 minutes or so. Then we bike. I do this for the camaraderie and fellowship, as well as for the scenery. It’s great doing things with other believers who have a similar passion for adventure, the outdoors, fellowship, and supporting each other. The group has definitely made me feel more connected to CPC. We share a lot of fun and laughs together. - O l e O l s o n We bike at a pace that allows great conversation. The biking is great and we love it, but we’re also able just to spend time getting to know each other and talk about our weeks. This is a good group, and I love that it’s not so fast paced we can’t spend time connecting. - P a t r i c k R i e d e l The thing I like most about this group is that it’s very welcoming, and you can drop in or drop out based on your schedule. Sometimes I need a breather on Saturdays — and sometimes I realize how much it helps to connect, exercise, and experience the day alongside others. - D o u g C l a r k

We also encourage each other to be mission-minded. Some of us have traveled to Haiti, or the Gulf Coast, or Mexico together to serve. That’s the fun part — mixing fun and camaraderie with mission and adventure. - M i k e L a H a y We talk about everything from motorcycles to bicycles to life events. Sometimes we go a little deeper with things happening in our lives. We deepen our relationship with Christ through supporting and encouraging each other. There are a lot of laughs, too. Sometime the guys fill out forms for motorcycle magazines with my wife’s name on it. - S t e v e M a d e r I think the best part about this group is that it’s not church driven, but relationship driven. God has brought these guys together. It’s very cool for me to join in, not as a CPC pastor, but as a fellow community member. And I love seeing how these guys serve others. We call Ole the Good Samaritan because he fixes flat tires for people we pass. - Mike Hotz



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Eight Years of Studying the Bible Together

Pictured, left to right: Beth Benedict and Debbie Nelson

“People need to be connected to others. Being accountable and being in touch with others is important for personal and spiritual growth.” I

grew up as a Presbyterian, but my family didn’t always go to church. It just wasn’t a big factor in our lives. But when I moved to Minnesota about 11 years ago for a job, I decided to get connected with a church. CPC has really been a home away from home for me.


wanted to become a mentor because, though I had been involved in small groups, Sunday school, and women’s groups, I was ready for a different avenue to reach out and give back. One-on-one appealed to me because I’m more of an introvert.


After hearing about CPC’s Spiritual Mentorship program eight years ago, I decided to sign up. I was matched with Debbie Nelson, and we’ve been meeting weekly ever since. Though Debbie started mentoring me, it now just seems like two friends getting together to have a Bible study.

After my kids were grown and out of the home, I found that I needed to expand my life a little! I definitely never thought that I would be meeting with Beth for eight years. I love that it has evolved, and now we really hold each other accountable. You have someone there with you in your faith walk to ask, “What are the kinds of things I should be doing as a Christian?”

I’ve found that meeting one-on-one has helped me learn more about faith than just sitting down and reading the Bible by myself. Since we started our in-depth studies, I have a much better grasp of the Bible, and my relationship with Christ has really grown.

The thing I have learned about my own walk with God is that you can always be deepened and enriched. I think people should always grow. Who wants to be stuck in a rut? You can never know it all; always learn, deepen, and grow.

Debbie has six grown kids, and I’m single with no children, so when you see it at face value, you might ask, “Do these two people really fit together?” But I think our unique experiences have encouraged us to find common ground in faith.

People need to be connected to others, so whether it’s one-on-one, a small group, or a large group setting, get involved. Being accountable and being in touch with others is important for personal and spiritual growth.

- Beth Benedict

- Debbie Nelson


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A Family Makes Room for One More w

hen we were in the process of buying this house, we would walk by and pray we might use it to honor God. We wanted to open our home to others and specifically prayed somebody could use our extra room downstairs. Literally two weeks after we moved in, Paul Tshihamba [Missions Pastor] made an announcement at church, saying, “Is there anybody who would be willing to open their home to a missions intern for the year?” We looked at each other and knew God meant that for us. We contacted Paul that day, even before we knew who the intern would be. That was a step of faith! But we met Lexi Soldo a few weeks later and knew it’d be a good fit. The best part of the story for us was putting a desire before God, praying about it, and seeing

Him respond right away. Lexi has been a blessing. This whole experience has strengthened our faith and our family. A home is a very private thing and, in Western culture, sometimes negatively so. It’s been good for us to stir things up and get out of our comfort zone. We feel community with Lexi. Inviting her to share life with us has brought joy we wouldn’t have known living privately amongst ourselves. We also want to model to our kids that our home and all we have is more than just ours. When we restrict our belongings just to our family, we limit God’s blessings and harm our own faith. Hopefully our kids are learning the importance of sharing what we have — both our belongings and our lives ­­­— with others. -Mike & Megan Tamte

Pictured above, left to right: Lexi Soldo, Mike Tamte, Megan Tamte, Allison (15) and Ryan (12) Tamte

My first instinct isn’t to give away the things I work hard for, so watching the Tamtes in action has been a huge thing for me. My perception of what generosity looks like has grown because of them. I wouldn’t have learned that living alone. - L e x i S o l d o CPC LIFE


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Filling Up on Pancakes and Prayer Before School A lot of the time Lee will come in with some devotionals for us. If we are having trouble with the kids we lead, Lee gives us advice. We like to listen to what he says. Because of this group I’ve become more disciplined to pray before I touch my food. - Andrew Allen, 17

Friday mornings are a time to be supportive of each other and help each other live out our faith. - Joe Wood, 17


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Bottom row, left to right: Lou Nanne, Joe Wood, Conor Kline, Joel Deutsch Back row, left to right: Andrew Allen, Lee Hanssen, Jack McNeill, Spencer Olson, Sean Satterthwaite, Alex Van Gorp

very other Friday at 7:00AM, these high school guys and I meet at Original Pancake House. They’re all juniors, attend three different high schools, and each leads a group of 8-10 middle school boys at CPC on Wednesday nights. Working in Student Ministries, I can’t build relationships with all 300 middle schoolers who come to CPC, so I’m intentional about empowering the high schoolers who do lead them. I


Every Friday is different. We always pray and have conversations about what’s going on in our lives. I open up the Bible and we chat about a passage or I share a devotional. Sometimes I bring a Christian book I’m reading and offer quotes for us to discuss. The guys come with ideas, too.

The opportunity to spend time with a mentor like Lee has made me a better leader for the kids I lead. Lee has gone through a lot of what we’ve gone through and he relates to issues we face. Some people think it’s weird I get up so early for breakfast with a 28-year-old guy and kids from different schools. But then I tell them why this is so important to me as part of my faith.

I would say I facilitate the group rather than lead it, because every guy offers his own unique piece of the conversation and brings leadership in different ways. We have fun together, but the conversations get serious, too. It’s taken time, but our group has come to a place where everyone feels safe to share about their lives and talk about significant things. We’ve been meeting for almost two years now. I have seen these guys grow so much. Their walks with the Lord are richer, deeper, and more real. The depth of fellowship and trust has grown immensely. I really believe the Lord is using this group to build each other up in Christ.

It’s good to talk about God outside of church. We also talk about current events and relate them to our faith. - Joel Deutsch, 17

- L e e H a n s s e n , Student Ministries

Lee is a real mentor to all of us. He’s living out God’s Word in his life. He sets an example for us of what it means to follow God and live by what Jesus says. Lee lives far away and drives 45 minutes to get here by 7:00AM to meet us. It’s inspiring to see how much he cares. - Alex Van Gorp, 17

- Sean Satterthwaite, 16 CPC LIFE


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The Retired Men Who Help CPC Shine


’ve been in the A.R.M.S. group (“Active Retired Men Serving”) for about 12 years. The group rose out of a need to keep CPC looking cared for and welcoming to anybody who wanders in. The Facilities staff does wonderful work, but the weekly vacuuming, window washing, dusting, and repair was sometimes difficult to manage. Frank Uvodich, CPC’s Director of Building and Grounds, asked a group of retirees if we could come to CPC on Thursday mornings to help with the maintenance of the building. We have 12 or so dedicated guys who join us every Thursday for three or four hours. We even have a licensed electrician in Tom Brierley, whose work has been very, very helpful. I’m not licensed to do anything, but I don’t think I’ve missed more than a couple meetings in all the years that I’ve been a member of A.R.M.S. Frank Uvodich comes up with our To Do list every week, and I send out a reminder email. We work for a few hours — cleaning and vacuuming the Sanctuary, doing painting or repair, cleaning the carpets of gum, wax, and dirt, scrubbing the kitchens, and more. One guy polishes the brass every week; I spent a long time varnishing the pews. At 10:00AM we have a coffee break together. Sometimes we have speakers, but mostly we just talk about events, sports, politics. We josh each other and talk about our families, friends, and histories. We just love the fellowship. We are a community of guys who have worked together, who like each other, and who have the time to serve because we’re retired. From Frank’s point of view, we’re providing a very valuable service to CPC. I don’t think any group has ever come into the Great Room or Sanctuary without finding it in tiptop condition. We feel committed to CPC, which has been an important part of molding our minds and hearts for Christ. We hope any retired man interested in helping out stops by on Thursday mornings. We’d love to have new members. God has been very good to my wife and me, and CPC is our family. We try to give back and live by the Book. We are sinners, but we’re still studying, learning, serving, grateful to be alive and kicking! I’m sure the guys in A.R.M.S. all feel the same way. In our hearts, we know that God will have the last word. In the Book of Ecclesiastes, what did Solomon say he learned from life? To fear God and keep His commandments. - HERB TELSHAW

Herb Telshaw, age 87


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I volunteer with a.r.m.s. because of the fellowship. It’s fun, and it’s good to give back to the church. - dave carver

I come back every week because I love to serve, and working with the guys is a lot of fun. I retired last April so I’ve been doing it for almost a year. I’ve heard about this group for years and have thought, boy, I want to do that when I retire, because I know they have a lot of fun. - BOB MELANDER

I help out because I like being with the guys. It’s therapeutic, and it’s the place to be when you’re my age. - ken hotz

What keeps me coming back every week is the opportunity to give back to our church. It’s always fun. There is some good camaraderie around here, good people, and we do good things for the church. - TOM BRIERLEY CPC LIFE


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Becoming Better Moms Together

God has called us to fellowship with one another, and this group has meant a lot to me. I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year, and I can’t tell you how much it means to have people praying for you. It’s become a different level of friendship. - V i c t o r i a J e n n i n g s

started this Moms of Teens small group in 2004 with just two others. Since then, probably 35 women have been in the group at different times. Moms in our stage of life are in transition a lot as they go back to work or their kids grow out of their teens. My four kids were between 7 and 12 when I started, so not teens yet. But that was perfect because you want tools for raising teens before you need them!


This group is like having partners in warfare, other moms to be in the trenches with who face similar things. We’re honest about things we’re dealing with and have covered hard topics over the years. It’s different than talking to parents of our kids’ friends, because that might create gossip about our kids if we are too frank. The confidentiality of this group is key. In all these years, I’m not aware of a single slip. We meet twice a month to study a book and pray. The books have covered all sorts of topics — how to say no to our kids, brain development, peer pressure,


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affluence, media. We also share things that may not pertain to being a parent but still affect our parenting, like grief or caring for aging parents. I have a prayer journal where I’ve taken notes of our prayer requests each week. Looking back on the entries, it’s amazing to see the creative ways God answers many of them. It’s made me realize how involved in the details God really is.

“The whole group was a support network to me in practical and emotional ways. They were the hands of Christ to me.” In 2006, I had a disastrous year: I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my house flooded, I had emergency surgery for a hernia, and then another surgery because the first one wasn’t done right. There were new moms in our group that year and I remember worrying what they thought of me; I was their leader and everything was falling apart around me! But

Pictured, left to right: Marsella Swanson, Kate Boyer, Ginny Anderson, Victoria Jennings, Ann Satterthwaite, Kathleen Hokemeir-Seim, Colette Prohofsky, Becky Shedd

the whole group was a support network to me in practical and emotional ways. They were the hands of Christ to me. Our focus is not on trying to fix our kids but being better mothers. How do we lead our kids in ways that are honoring to God? How do we help them develop a personal faith? How do we share our beliefs with them, particularly when Christian beliefs vary from general culture? We share ideas for how to teach teens to care for their bodies by not drinking or having premarital sex. And we talk about how to help them learn grace and to accept others. All of us in the group are grateful to be in this together. Attending church is not just about hearing a lecture; it’s about the relationships. There are two other Moms of Teens small groups, and we’d love to start one in the evening. If someone would step forward to help facilitate that, we’ll provide ideas and support. You don’t need a lot to start a group. Three of us met for a year and it was wonderful — and then God grew it bit by bit. - A n n S a t t e r TH w a i t e

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CPC Ministry Programming April 2012

At CPC, we seek to inspire all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. Please look through the various programs for kids, students, and adults --- and join us! For fuller descriptions and more information on any of these programs, please visit www.cpconline.org.

general MID-MONTH CHAPEL SERVICE Wednesday, April 18 at 12:00PM A traditional service with a short message by Mike Hotz, hymns, communion, and prayers. Lunch follows.


Meets at 9:30AM in Room 201. Contact: cpcsingles@gmail.com. MORE (mostly retired) Meets at 10:45AM in the Fireside Room. Contact: carlsonmj@gmail.com. CREDO (open to all ages) Meets at 10:45AM in Room 108. Contact: cpcscredo@gmail.com. Visit www.cpconline.org/SC.

SUNDAY COMMUNITIES: AUTHENTIC LIVING Sundays, April 15-May 20 Sunday Communities will unpack 1 John, a letter in which John addresses young believers who were leaving the Church to align with “more spiritual and less restrictive” communities. He calls them, and us, back to the basics of Authentic Faith. This new series presents a great opportunity to explore one of our six vibrant Sunday Communities. Come connect and grow with us!

SUNDAY COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT: CPC SINGLES Attention CPC Singles (40s & 50s)! CPC Singles is starting a new schedule: we will now meet every week beginning April 15. We are switching to an instructor-led Bible study format for the remainder of the spring. Please join us for “Authentic Living: The Message of 1 John.” And join us for our monthly social on Thursday, April 19 from 5:007:00PM at Bunny’s (5916 Excelsior Boulevard, St. Louis Park, 55416). We look forward to meeting you!

SUNDAY COMMUNITIES Sunday Communities offer a place to belong and grow with people in a similar stage of life. Join us as we begin a new series on 1 John. S.A.L.T. (30s-50s) Meets at 9:30AM in Room 107. Contact: theswopes@comcast.net. A.C.T.S. (50s & 60s) Meets at 9:30AM in MPR West. Contact: rachelschwandt@comcast.net. MIXED TAPES (20s & 30s couples) Meets at 9:30AM in Room 306. Contact: aaron731@gmail.com. CPC Singles (40s & 50s)

GARDEN GROUP Meeting: Tuesday, April 17 at 7:00PM in the Fireside Room Planting Day: Saturday, May 19 at 9:00AM (please bring your own gardening tools) After a long winter, we look forward to green and the promise of spring. We are making plans for another exciting year of “beauty in bloom” in the eight different gardens and various urns on church grounds. Our Garden Group invites you to join us as we plan and plant our different gardens. We are looking for ten additional gardeners;

we would be thrilled to have you work beside us! Contact: Norma Jean Barr at 952.831.2642; njb614@comcast.net.

CPC BOOK CLUB Thursday, April 19 at 7:00PM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Thursday monthly On April 19, we’ll discuss The Glass Blower of Murano by Marina Fiorato. On May 17, we’ll discuss The Glass Room by Simon Mawer. Contact: Nancy Reutiman at 952.920.1837. WEDNESDAY MORNING STUDY Wednesdays from 11:00AM-12:00PM; meets weekly Rick Byron leads this lively discussion of Daniel. We meet every Wednesday except Edynamoes days. Contact: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226; debbied@cpconline.org.

MEN MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, April 28 from 7:00-9:00AM in the Fellowship Hall A time when men gather for fellowship, breakfast, and to hear from special speaker Pastor John Crosby. Cost: $10 if you pre-register; $12 at the door. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. MEN’S SMALL GROUPS Thursdays at 7:00AM at CPC An existing men’s small group welcomes new men to join them in Bible Study. Contact: James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x308; jamesm@cpconline.org. CPC LIFE


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women MOM’S MORNING LARGE GROUP Wednesdays, April 11 & 25 from 9:3011:30AM; meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays Join other moms for fellowship, food, and inspirational speakers. On April 11, Todd and Laura Mulliken will speak on “Marriage Keys.” On April 25, Mentor Moms will speak about “On the Home Front.” Contact: Tonya Beck at tonyabeck1@comcast.net. Recordings are available in Pathway for $3. NEEDLEWORK GUILD Saturday, April 14 from 10:00AM2:00PM in Room 108; meets 2nd Saturday Please note this month’s meeting will be held in Room 108. Needlework Guild’s mission is to make warm garments and blankets for local agencies that serve the needy. Contact: Sally Stoutenburgh at 952.927.6915. MOMS OF TEENS Large Group Thursday, April 19 from 9:30-11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall; meets monthly Jeanette Schmidt, a 15-year veteran leader and speaker for women’s groups, will speak on “Worn-Out Women in Transition.” How do we let God’s Word help us navigate the changes that come when the nest starts to empty? Contact: Anita LaHaye at mlahaye@comcast.net. Small Groups Two Thursdays a month Moms meet biweekly to help navigate kids’ teen years. Contact: Ann Satterthwaite at annsatterthwaite@comcast.net. 60s AND STILL GROWING 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 1:303:00PM in the Parlor As you approach retirement age, do you still want to grow in your faith? Then this is the group for you! We are a vital group of older women who want to continue to follow Jesus even more closely. We encourage new folks to join at any time. Contact: Sandy Thoermer at 763.559.2960. TUESDAY WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30PM; meets


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weekly in Room 107 Join Carolyn Beatty as she leads an in-depth Bible Study on Romans. This group generates lively discussion and cares for one another. Contact: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983.

CIRCLES Circles combine fellowship, learning, and service in a small group setting. They consist primarily of women over 50; new members welcome any time. Martha Circle Wednesday, April 18 at 10:00AM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Wednesday monthly We look forward to being together on a spring morning; we warmly welcome new friends. Contact: Pat Haberkorn at 952.941.4188. Lydia Circle Saturday, April 21 at 9:30AM in Room 204 Jon Good from Habitat for Humanity International will be our guest. Contact: Ellen Hastings at 952.896.0066. Esther Circle Saturday, April 21 starting at 10:00AM; meets 3rd Saturday monthly Join us at the home of Cenith Carlson (9001 Minnehaha Circle North, St. Louis Park, 55426) for fellowship and Bible study. Contact: Cenith Carlson at 952.945.5222. Ruth Circle Meets every Wednesday at 9:30AM On the first and third Wednesdays of the month, we meet in a home for food, fellowship, devotions, and prayers. On the other Wednesdays, we serve at Feed My Starving Children and at CPC, including cooking and serving lunch for Edynamoes and office projects. Contact: Barb Bucha at 952.470.4414.

50+ COUPLES’ SMALL GROUPS Beginning Thursday, April 19 from 7:008:30PM in people’s homes; meets 3rd Thursday of the month A new group is forming for couples over 50. We’ll meet one evening a month for fellowship and Bible study. Contact: James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x308; jamesm@cpconline.org.

EDYNAMOES Wednesday, April 25 at 11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Please join us for a delicious luncheon (prepared by Linda Cravens and her team) and a program given by the “Great Adventure Gospel Band.” This family musical group, which includes parents and their six children, will brighten your day with their smiles, gospel music, and message of Jesus Christ. Cost: $5. Register: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983 by April 23. Please bring Jerry’s receipts (cash purchases), Campbell’s Soup labels, and can tabs. NESTERS Health and Wellness Expo Saturday, April 28 from 9:00AM1:00PM at St. Patrick’s Church (6820 St. Patrick’s Lane, Edina). Cost: $10 (for optional lunch/lecture). Register: at 952.848.3952 by April 20 Growing Wiser as We Grow Older: “Police Liaison - Matters of Security” Sunday, May 6 at 12:30PM in the Fireside Room. Cost: $10 (includes lunch). Register: Mary Allen at marya@cpconline.org; 952.920.8515 x243.

care ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP & EDUCATIONAL SERIES Thursday, April 12 in the Fireside Room; meets 2nd Thursday monthly Support Group: 5:30-7:00PM Series: 7:00-8:30PM A series for care partners and those with an early Alzheimer’s diagnosis. April’s talk is “Dementia Resources and Programs.” Prior to each talk, a support group meets for spouses and adult children caring for loved ones. Register: Mary Allen at 952.920.8515 x243; marya@cpconline.org. GRACE & HOPE FOR OUR CHILDREN Tuesday, April 17 from 7:00-8:30PM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Tuesday Monthly A support group for parents of kids with emotional and/or mental health issues. We seek to be a caring community as we share our journeys. Contact: Doug Brown at 612.839.9992; dbrown@dcbrowninc.com.

w w w. c p c o n l i n e . o r g

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Tuesday, April 24 from 7:00-8:30PM in the Parlor; meets 4th Tuesday monthly The Prayer Shawl Ministry’s goal is to knit or crochet prayer shawls made with the hope of being vessels for God’s presence and comfort. You do not need knitting experience, nor is this group age/gender specific. Materials provided. Contact: Pat Johnson at 952.947.0734 or Sandi Shumate at 952.920.7048. LAY CARE CELEBRATION DINNER Thursday, April 26 from 6:00-9:00PM in the Fellowship Hall This is the time we gather to celebrate God’s goodness! We will enjoy fellowship with others who serve in Lay Care Ministries, hear stories from the field, and enjoy a meal prepared by the Reverend Chef Rich! Invitations were mailed in April. RSVP: Mary Allen at 952.920.8515 x243; marya@cpconline.org. ABUNDANTLY SATISFIED: WEIGHT CARE GROUP Meets monthly; contact Sandy Radeke for details Are weight issues keeping you from experiencing the abundant life? Do you look to food to satisfy emotional needs or struggle to lose weight? A new group around weight/food issues is being formed. Contact: Sandy Radeke at 952.452.1205; sandy_radeke@ earthlink.net.

missions SPOTLIGHT ON THE CONGO Friday, April 20 from 6:00-8:00PM in the Fireside Room Dr. Tim Geoffrion, President of Faith, Hope, and Love Global Ministries (FHLGM), will address the need for Christian leadership development in war-torn Eastern Congo. In May, for the first time, FHLGM will offer Spirit-Led Leader training exclusively for female leaders. Appetizers will be served! Register: www.cpconline.org/register. FAMILY-FRIENDLY SUMMER GO! TRIPS (ages 5 & up) Come and learn more about two upcoming CPC GO! Trips:

APRIL 2012

- Jackson, MS with the Perkins Foundation (June 24-29) Information meeting Sunday, April 22 at 12:15PM in the Parlor - Pine Ridge, SD with the Oglala Sioux Tribe (August 1-4) Information meeting Sunday, April 29 at 12:15PM in the Parlor Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Kathy Nielsen at 952.920.8515 x311; kathyn@cpconline.org.

SERVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AT CORNELIA ELEMENTARY 30% of the students at Cornelia Elementary (down the street from CPC) qualify for free/reduced lunch, and a number of students are struggling to maintain academic standards. There is an immediate need for seven mentors to walk alongside these students. Contact: Mike Hotz at 952.920.8515 x210; mikeh@cpconline.org. 2012-13 MISSION INTERN CPC Missions is seeking candidates for the Missional Engagement Internship beginning in August. Applicants must be college graduates, with preference given to those interested in a seminary education or future ministry. Contact: Paul Tshihamba at 952.920.8515 x217; pault@cpconline.org. SPRING INTO SERVICE Sprint is a great time to try something new. Visit the CPC Missions website at www.cpconline.org/serve to see opportunities for you and your family to engage, or for students to fulfill their service requirements.

kids 2012 SUMMER CAMP DATES Register at www.cpconline.org/kids_ camps. VBS - June 12-14 OR June 19-21 (3-year-olds by June 1, 2012 through those entering kindergarten) Summer Surge - June 14-15 overnight (those entering 4th & 5th grades) Summer Blast - June 25-28 (those entering K-5th grades) The (Big Huge Ginormous



Outrageous Super Fun) Camp - July 9-12 (those entering 1st-3rd grades) Camp-In - July 24-26 (those entering 4th & 5th grades) Family Frenzy - June 20, July 18, & August 15 (3-year-olds by June 1, 2012)

students 2012 SUMMER CAMPS Register at www.cpconline.org/student_ camps. Middle School Rockslide – June 18-22; $375 (students entering 6th & 7th grades) Quest – July 9-13; $475 (students entering 8th grade) Camp 6:8 – July 24-26; $80 (students entering 6th-8th grades) High School 612 Experience – June 14-16; $80 (students entering 9th-12th grades) Grad Getaway – June 14-16; $60 (graduating seniors) Summit 1 – July 8-14; $625 (students entering 9th-10th grades) Summit 2 – July 21-27; $695 (students entering 11th-12th grades)

STUDENT CURRICULA ONLINE Student Ministries staff writes all curricula. Visit www.cpconline.org/students to see what your child is learning.

MIDDLE SCHOOL ELEVATE AND COMMITMENT CLASS Wednesdays, April 11, 18, & 25 from 6:00-7:30PM Large and small group learning for 6th8th graders. Elevate (6th-7th grades): Mandy Jester at 952.920.8515 x232; mandyj@cpconline.org. Commitment Class (8th grade): Lee Hanssen at 952.920.8515 x267; leeh@cpconline.org. COMMITMENT CLASS END-OF-YEAR EVENTS Spring Retreat: April 13-15 at Castaway Club in Detroit Lakes, MN Prayer and Celebration Service: Tuesday, May 1 Elder Visits: Wednesday, May 2 Commitment Class Weekend: May 5/6 during CPC worship services CPC LIFE


APRIL 2012



Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Lee Hanssen at 952.920.8515 x267; leeh@cpconline.org.

RUCKUS: FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN Friday, April 20 from 5:30-7:30PM; buses leave from CPC Students will be heading to Feed My Starving Children to help pack meals. This fun event is a perfect way for students to give back. Register: www. cpconline.org/register. Contact: Mandy Jester at 952.920.8515 x232; mandyj@ cpconline.org.

HIGH SCHOOL HOUSE GROUPS Wednesdays, April 11, 18, & 25 from 8:00-9:30PM; House Groups Parties on Wednesday, May 2 If your high school student would like to plug into a core group, please contact Brooke Toftoy at 952.920.8515 x286 or brooket@cpconline.org. PANCAKE BREAKFAST Sunday, April 29 from 10:00AM1:00PM in the Fellowship Hall Join us for a pancake breakfast held by student participants of the 2012 HSM Zambia GO! Trip! You can purchase tickets in advance at Pathway or at the door for $5 (cash and check only). All proceeds go toward trip scholarships. Contact: Lexi Soldo at 952.920.8515 x227; lexis@cpconline.org. HSM END-OF-YEAR EVENTS Senior Send-Off Sunday, May 13 from 5:00-6:00PM in the Fellowship Hall Senior students, parents, and leaders are invited to dinner at CPC before the Table/HSM Service to share a meal, receive a blessing from Pastor John Crosby, and be celebrated. HSM End-of-Year Celebration at Table Service Sunday, May 13 from 6:00-7:15PM in the Sanctuary Join us for our last large group of the year where we will worship, hear from some students, send off our seniors, and listen to a powerful message!


APRIL 2012




APRIL 2012

the table TABLE HANG-OUT Sunday, April 15 after the Table service at Tavern on France Join other Table folks post-service at Tavern on France to eat and enjoy some good old-fashioned community. SMALL GROUP GATHERING Sunday, April 22 from 4:45-5:50PM in the Fireside Room. Small Group Gatherings are a space to grow as a small group community. Get to know others while sharing ideas, supporting one another, and chatting about the current series. Light dinner and childcare provided. Contact: Ashley Barlow at 952.920.8515 x223; ashleyb@cpconline.org. VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION Sunday, April 29 after the service If you have been a part of our Table volunteer teams (Set-Up, Prayer, Hospitality, Kids, Steering, Tech, etc.), we want to celebrate YOU! Join us after the service to let us thank you for all you do to make Sundays happen well.

MAY events PRAYER: AN ADVENTURE WITH GOD Wednesdays, May 9-August 15 from 7:00-8:15PM at CPC (no class July 4) A LifeGuide Bible study to learn WHY we pray, using biblical examples such as Mary, Abraham, Moses, and Daniel to gain new insights in prayer. No previous Bible experience necessary. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226; debbied@cpconline.org. DENOMINATIONAL TOWN HALLS Wednesday, May 9 from 7:00-8:30PM in the Sanctuary & Sunday, May 20 from 12:00-1:30PM in the Sanctuary CPC elders and pastors will lead a discussion on the goals, challenges, and possible next steps in our denominational relationship. Your feedback and questions are welcome as we discern together how best to position CPC for a strong future. In advance, please read the information packet mailed to all

member homes in April or available at www.cpconline.org/pcusa.

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, May 13 at 10:30AM in the Sanctuary The Session has called a Special Meeting of the Congregation for Sunday, May 13 in the Sanctuary immediately following the 9:30AM worship service. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the election of elders and deacons. MOTHER’S DAY WITH FAURÉ! Sunday, May 13 at 4:00PM at Colonial Church (6200 Colonial Way, Edina) The CPC and Colonial Church choirs will join forces with orchestral accompaniment to present the Fauré Requiem as a special tribute to mothers and grandmothers who are both with us and gone from this earth. For tickets, visit www.colonialchamberseries.org/tickets. 13TH ANNUAL CLEARWATER FOREST MEN’S RETREAT Friday-Saturday, May 18-19; CPC van leaves Friday at 11:00AM Join CPC men for the 13th annual work retreat to the Presbyterian Clearwater Forest in Deerwood, MN. Lodging has also been reserved for Thursday, May 17 for those who would like to bike, hike, fish, and golf. Suggested donation: $30. Contact: Ted Youel at t_youel@yahoo.com. A.C.T.S./WAVE WALKERS EVENTS This summer, the A.C.T.S./Wave Walkers community has many fun events planned. For event details, visit www. cpconline.org/wavewalkers. HEALTHY AGING PROGRAM: BETTER CHOICES, BETTER HEALTH Thursdays, May 31-July 12 from 10:00AM-12:00PM in Room 20 Do aches, pains, or fatigue limit your activities and socialization? Are you taking medications? If you answered yes to either of these questions and are 60 or older, join us for this six-week program developed by researches at Stanford to increase confidence and skills in managing self-care. Facilitated by CPC member Kim Kritzer, RN, BSN. Register: Mary Allen at 952.920.8515 x243; marya@cpconline.org.


In Our

Family SYMPATHY TO: Jackie and Colby Lund, Hilary Lund, and Connor and Nora Lund on the passing of Jackie’s mother and Hilary and Connor’s grandmother, Alice McKeegan, on February 23. A memorial service was held February 28 at Aldrich Presbyterian in Minneapolis. Jill Peacock on the passing of William McGowan on February 28. A memorial service was held March 3 in the Sanctuary. The Rev. Dr. Dan Anderson officiated. Greg and Robbie Fast and Charlie Fast, Tref Strandberg, and Eric Strandberg on the passing of Greg’s mother and Charlie, Tref, and Eric’s grandmother, Betty Fast, on March 8. A memorial service was held March 12 at Bethlehem Baptist. Valerie, Christopher, and Victoria Wheeler on the passing of Valerie’s husband and Christopher and Victoria’s father, Jeffrey Wheeler, on March 17. A memorial service was held March 22 in the Sanctuary. The Rev. Dr. Dan Anderson officiated. David Ophaug on the passing of his wife, Kathryn Ophaug, on March 28. A memorial service was held April 2 in the Sanctuary. The Rev. Dr. Dan Anderson officiated. Gene Haman and Hugh, Ella, Andrew, and Alisa Haman on the passing of Gene’s wife and Hugh’s mom, Jeanne Haman, on March 28. A memorial service was held April 4 in the Sanctuary. The Revs. Rich and Jody Phenow officiated. Family and friends on the passing of Kymberlee Johnson on March 29. A memorial service was held April 3 in the Sanctuary. Upper Room pastors officiated.


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STAFF TRANSITIONS: Alissa Bemis left her position as Scheduling Coordinator. Claire Sweem transitions to the position of Scheduling Coordinator (part-time) in addition to her existing role as Ministry Assistant in Communications.

HOSPITALIZATIONS: 2/26-3/21 David Michael - Abbott Northwestern Lois Loomis - Fairview Southdale Emily Prin - Fairview University Cindy Johnson - Fairview University Louella Tom - Fairview Southdale Jim Carlson - Fairview Southdale Barb Sorum - Fairview Southdale Martha North - Fairview Southdale

FINANCIAL UPDATE JUNE 1, 2011 – FEBRUARY 29, 2012 Ministry Offering Budget: $3,821,397.40 Actual Offering: $3,709,125.85 Variance: ($112,271.55) February Mission Partner of the Month (Opportunity International): $15,083 YTD Mission of the Month Total: $236,576.78 Expenses are on budget year-to-date. To make your 2012 Commitment to CPC, visit www.cpconline.org/give or contact David Peterson, Finance Manager, at 952.920.8515 x206; davidp@cpconline.org.



>> New Series CPC’s new worship series is “You & Me: Building Healthy Relationships.” We’ll look at six biblical tools that help strengthen relationships: forgiveness, prayer, boundaries, submission,


tional Forums Join the discussion about CPC’s relationship with the denomination at two forums in May led by elders and pastors. This month, members will receive a packet in the mail, or you can find them at www. cpconline.org/pcusa. Learn more on page 16.


Growing Hope in Zambia The April Mission Partner of the Month is CPC’s Growing Hope intitiatives in Zambia. Support HIV care in the community of George and building of the first high school in Moyo.

712 Spiritual Inventories were turned in by members and will be mailed back in one year to see how we’ve continued growing spiritually. The Lenten Guides went like hotcakes! CPCers picked up 700 devotionals in March.


A new marriage enrichment ministry will launch June 1, with couples renewing their vows.

>> Sunday Communities Find a place to connect on Sunday mornings with food, conversation, and new friends. Six Sunday Communities

>> Garden Group Spring is here — and as April showers bring May flowers, they also bring out gardeners! The CPC Garden Group is looking for ten new folks to lend their green thumbs to the eight gardens and various flower urns around CPC’s grounds. Learn more at the info meeting this month or on page 13.


Elementary kids and their families packed 45 Easter baskets and 363 sandwiches for Ronald McDonald House.

communication, and encouragement. Check out Message Gear, CPC’s tool for individual or small group study, to dig deeper into each sermon. Subscribe by email to messagegear@cpconline.org.

meet for all ages at 9:30 & 10:45AM. A new series, “1 John: Authentic Living” begins April 15. Learn more on page 13.

Celebrate with us how CPC’s generations are following Jesus, loving others, and living missionally.

L IV E M I S S ION AL LY 54 people attended The Missional Life retreat in March to learn how to serve out of their gifts.

Mark “Zambia” on your check memo line. Learn more in our new video at www.cpconline.org/videos. Child sponsorships in Moyo are also available this month after worship.

High School Ministries’ launched IMPACT, a new way for students to serve.


Mission Intern Do you or someone you know have a passion for serving both the local and global communities? CPC Missions is now accepting applicants for the Missional Engagement Intern for the 2012-13 year beginning in August. Visit www.cpconline.org/employment.

6901 Normandale Road Edina, MN 55435 952.920.8515 www.cpconline.org



APRIL 2012


Worship Times this Month Saturdays at 5:15PM Sundays at 9:30AM | Sundays at 11:00AM Sundays at 6:00PM | April 18 at 12:00PM

| Contemporary Worship Traditional Worship | Contemporary Worship The Table (for the Next Generation) | Mid-Month Chapel Service

You & Me: Building Healthy Relationships April 14/15 | Forgiveness (Colossians 3:12-15) | John Crosby speaking; Brad Jackson at The Table

April 21/22 | Prayer | Mark Batterson (author of The Circle Maker) speaking; Ashley Barlow at The Table April 28/29 | Boundaries (Matthew 5:37) | John Crosby speaking; Brad Jackson & Todd Mulliken at The Table May 5/6 | Submission (Book of Ruth) | Lee Hanssen speaking; Brad Jackson at The Table May 12/13 | Communication (Ephesians 4:25-32) | Brad speaking on Saturday night and The Table; Rich Phenow speaking on Sunday morning May 19/20 | Encouragement (2 Corinthians 13:11) | John Crosby speaking; Ashley Barlow at The Table

current series :

You & Me: Building Healthy Relationships

The Bible offers a blueprint for healthy relationships, but are we using the right tools? This series will offer biblical truths and practical solutions to help us build stronger relationships. We examine six values — forgiveness, prayer, boundaries, submission, communication, and encouragement — that bring health to our relationships and help us to rely on Christ as our cornerstone. Whether our relationships are already strong or in need of repair, all relationships are works in progress; these biblical values can help strengthen the foundations.

APRIL At A Glance (see pages 13-16 for details) SUN




Easter Worship




17 Romans Study Garden Group Grace & Hope for our Children


Sunday Communities Mark Batterson speaking Table Small Group Gathering

Sunday Communities Zambia Pancake Breakfast Table Volunteer Appreciation

10 Romans Study

Sunday Communities Table Hang-Out




24 Romans Study Prayer Shawl Ministry


1 Romans Study



11 Ruth Circle Daniel Study Mom’s Morning Wed. Programs

18 Ruth & Martha Circles Daniel Study 60s & Still Growing Mid-Month Chapel Wed. Programs

12 Alzheimer’s Group

19 Moms of Teens CPC Book Club CPC Singles Social

25 Ruth Circle Edynamoes Mom’s Morning Wed. Programs




13 Commitment Class Spring Retreat (through 4/15)

14 Needlework Guild

20 Ruckus Spotlight on the Congo

21 Esther Circle Lydia Circle Mark Batterson speaking


Lay Care Celebration Dinner

28 Men’s Breakfast Nesters Health Expo




Ruth Circle Wed. Programs 60s & Still Growing

Christ Presbyterian Church | 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435 | 952.920.8515 | www.cpconline.org | www.facebook.com/cpconline

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