December 2012 CPC Life

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December 2012

Generosity is not only about money. There is more than one currency. Let your generosity be pervasive in life.

From left to right: Sterling Bain, Selah Bain, Adelaide Harris

Christmas Eve Worship starts on Sunday morning, December 23.

One More Voice


heir voices are iconic. We not only know the words, but when we hear them, we can tell you the speaker. “Luke, come to the dark side of the force, or die” (Darth Vader). “I have a dream” (Martin Luther King, Jr.). “Ask not what your country can do for you” (John F. Kennedy). “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto” (Dorothy). “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” (Ronald Reagan). “Mommy, I’m scared” (every kid in the world).

This Christmas, you’ll be best to hear yet one more voice. He still speaks, to any who will hear. God also wants us to know the sound of His voice, so that when we hear it, we feel beloved. God wants us, amidst all the competing, clashing sounds of this holiday season, to be able to pick out His voice and run toward it . . . . So, this Advent, we want to lower the volume in the room to hear the voices that talk about the One Voice of Life and Love at the birth of our Savior King. You’ve heard some voices so often you’ve romanticized away their power and uniqueness. Other voices sound discordant, a reminder of why Light had to come into the darkness. This Christmas, you’ll be best to hear yet one more voice: “In the beginning was the Word . . . and the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.” This voice still speaks, to any who will hear.

Christmas Eve Worship all generations services Identical services for the whole family.

December 23, 9:30 & 11:00AM

December 24, 3:00 & 4:30PM

Traditional Services

December 24, 6:00PM (with Communion)

December 24, 9:00PM (with Choir)


December 24, 11:00PM (with Communion)

More information and childcare options on page 7.

By John Crosby, Senior Pastor

Friday, December 14-Sunday, December 16 from 6:00-8:30PM See the first Christmas brought to life! Stable, characters, cows, sheep, and a camel on the north lawn of CPC.

Straw Poll on Joining ECO Read the new FAQs and Information Packet about ECO available at the Welcome Center or at

December 1/2 Elders and pastors will make a short presentation about ECO in each worship service.

December 8/9 After each worship service, members will vote in a straw poll on whether or not to follow the Session’s recommendation to join ECO. (The straw poll is not an official vote to leave, but it will influence whether CPC formally pursues a separation process with the Presbytery.) ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians is a new Presbyterian denomination committed to serving churches and developing leaders so as to make disciples for Jesus Christ. The CPC Session believes that joining ECO can better position CPC for the future than remaining in the PC(USA) amidst its declining size, growing bureaucracy, and shifting theology. ECO aligns with the mission and structure of CPC, enabling us to keep doing ministry as we have so that the ethos of CPC does not change.

Key Things About ECO: ECO communicates the gospel with clarity and conviction. There is a commitment to Jesus-centered, grace-filled theology rooted in Scripture. ECO entrusts property ownership to the local church. The structure of ECO is nimble and flat, designed to nurture the local church. Leadership training is emphasized, particularly for leaders under 45. Pastors and churches are connected in missional networks and covenant relationships. ECO is passionate about starting new churches to share the gospel with the next generation.

CPC Life is a monthly publication of Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC). Complimentary copies available monthly at CPC or at Mail Subscriptions: Suggested annual donation of $20. Please write Editor, CPC Life, Christ Presbyterian Church, 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435.

Email Subscriptions: To receive a link to the monthly online version, contact We welcome your letters and comments! Please email

Director of Communications: Sharon Sampson Editor: Jennifer Boardman Art Direction & Design: Jeremy Emmerich Editorial Assistant: Claire Sweem ©

Mixed Sources

Product group from well-managed forests, controlled sources and recycled wood or fiber

© Christ Presbyterian Church 2012.





Each year, CPC sends its Christmas offering out of our walls and into the city. The 2012 Christmas Offering will support Banyan Community in the purchase and development of a new, permanent home in the Phillips neighborhood of South Minneapolis.

In the Phillips neighborhood — where Abbott Northwestern Hospital is located — 98% of kids are on free school lunches, and there’s an 18% unemployment rate and a 49% high school graduation rate. But Banyan kids are living a different storyline. 100% of Banyan youth graduate from high school and are often the first in their families to attend college. Through tutoring,


t was three years ago, during a challenging season in my life, when I was asked to serve on the Board for one of CPC’s local mission partners, Banyan Community. I knew little detail about Banyan and its mission to serve the youth and families of the Phillips neighborhood of South Minneapolis, but the timing was right to get my eyes off my own busy world and serve others. I haven’t looked back since. As I’ve built relationships with a diverse group of urban youth, and seen the holistic ways Banyan is transforming a challenging neighborhood in the name of Christ, I am passionate about the work of Banyan. And you, as a CPC member whose church has supported Banyan since 2007, are a big part of their success story.





Developing Youth, Strengthening Families, and Creating Community. mentorship, and Christ-centered teaching for kids from kindergarten through Grade 12, Banyan youth are empowered and equipped for success. But the “secret sauce” of Banyan is that the focus is not just on kids. As the mission statement says, “Banyan Community is rooted in the Phillips neighborhood to transform lives by developing youth, strengthening families, and creating community.” Banyan recognizes

long-term transformation comes from investing in kids as well as the families and community they exist in. Banyan comes beside adults with job training, resource support, block clubs, and more. It is a holistic model that gives youth hope and tangible skills to succeed, keeps families out of crisis, and builds community among all neighbors. Banyan is now at a strategic crossroads. Today Banyan serves 75 families and more than 120 kids — and the building is in rough shape and out of room. More than 100 kids are on the waiting list. Banyan now has a divine opportunity to move just four blocks away into a permanent facility. This new building is designed with the needs of the community in mind, with spaces for learning, recreation, and practical tasks like laundry and cooking. This building will enable Banyan to double the number of kids it serves — and multiply the lives that might be transformed. CPC’s Christmas Offering will support the development of this new permanent home for Banyan. The word used most often to describe people’s experience with Banyan is “family.” I pray the CPC family will rally around the Banyan family this Christmas with generous gifts toward Banyan’s mission of neighborhood roots and transformed lives. by Barb Olson, CPC Member Since 1985

To give, mark your check “Christmas Offering.”


omeone wisely advised me that one part of preparing for a baby’s arrival is to make a special space in your home for your child, a “place set apart.” So to that end, our baby’s nursery is done — well, almost. My husband still has trim to paint and needs to put together our “new” hand-me-down crib. I have to hang pictures and stock the drawers with the smallest diapers you’ve ever seen. But we are getting there . . . between full-time work, rugby games, a do-it-yourself landscaping overhaul, and much-needed third trimester naps. As Christmas nears, I’ve been thinking about Mary’s place in this season. She, too, was waiting for the birth of a Child. Though her pregnancy was not even biologically possible without the Holy Spirit’s intervention, her belly grew rounder with each passing week. Before ultrasounds and baby name websites, she was informed of His gender and name. Without a comfy bed, she bravely gave birth in a cave. And that was just the beginning! The Scriptures also tell us about angels visiting poor shepherds,

rich magi trekking across sands to see the Child, and an intimidated and cowardly king slaughtering innocents. Mary had a whole lot more to contend with than just preparing a bright nursery for her baby! Throughout all of this drama and confusion, we hear Mary’s reaction after the angels’ pronouncement of Jesus as Messiah: “Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart” (Luke 2:19). Instead of busily preparing

Mary quietly took time to set aside a place in her heart for Jesus, recognizing that He was more than her Son: He was her Savior. a nursery or baking Christmas cookies, Mary quietly took time to set aside a place in her heart for Jesus, recognizing that He was more than her Son: He was her Savior. Indeed, “He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). In our day and culture, Christmas seems less a time for reflection than for lastminute shopping. Celebrating the birth

of Jesus often gets lost in the mix. But as followers of Jesus, should this be our way? Similarly to how I plow through the Christmas season with my lists and tasks, I have found myself better prepared for my baby’s arrival as I clean and buy than I am for the gift of my child’s life. Isn’t this how we do Christmas, too? Yes, the guests are coming up the driveway with their hands full of gifts, but isn’t our True Gift already standing at the door? So, this Christmas, I pray that we follow Mary’s example of setting apart a place in our hearts as we ponder what Christ’s birth really means for His followers: forgiveness of sins, true peace, and eternal life. Even in the chaos, joy, and fear of the first Christmas, Mary held the knowledge of Jesus “dear, deep within herself” (The Message). For it is through her Son that our true gifts are received, humbly and with awe. by Jennifer Boardman, Communications As of press time, Jennifer and her husband, Zach, were in the hospital awaiting the birth of their first child.





A PARENT’S PERSPECTIVE thinks we are raising an uncaring generation needs W hoever to be present on CPC’s Mission Chicago trip. This annual

trip during Winter Break takes 70 high schoolers (and 20 chaperones like myself) to serve at homeless shelters and other inner-city agencies in Chicago. Last year, the trip filled up in three days and then had a waiting list. To witness these kids’ attitudes and hearts grow during the five-day mission project proves these kids sincerely understand the importance of serving others and sharing Christ’s love. This trip is about serving. Each evening a sheet is posted on a wall with opportunities to serve at homeless shelters, play with disabled children, talk with and help the elderly, prepare school lunches for kids, and more. We spend the day spread throughout the city at these worksites. We come back together for dinner and laughter at a Chicago restaurant and then join in an evening mission. The night ends with worship, devotionals, and student-sharing time — where the stories are heart-warming and humbling. The highlight of my trip came on the last day. Fifteen of us signed up to volunteer with a mobile mission truck that drives around downtown and stops to serve a hot meal and minister to those on the street. We made five Gatorade-sized tubs of chicken chili and headed out the door to join the truck. We fed hundreds of people our chili, bread, and fruit. The kids were so excited that we stayed out to give away the rest of the chili, returning back to our hostel around midnight. It was inspiring to see these kids rally and push on, all in the name of sharing a hot, home-cooked meal with those hungry in body and spirit. I don’t know who is more affected by these interactions — the giver or the reciever. I am still blown away that these teenagers take a week of their vacation to serve and love others. Every one of these students wanted to be there, work hard, serve, and make a difference in people’s lives. I am so grateful to the CPC High School Ministries staff for organizing this trip for our students to show them the huge impact serving and caring has on a community. I feel like I was able to spend five days with some of the coolest high school kids around. As a dad, that was an amazing gift, especially getting to share the experience with my son! By Ross Robinson, CPC’s Head Usher



y first time going on Mission Chicago, I was really hesitant to give up my Winter Break. I had no idea what to expect and really only knew a few of the people going. I knew after my first night at the Red Cross soup van and Chicago Food Depository that the trip had been a good decision. I enjoyed the overall experience of giving back to others as well as interacting with people and hearing their stories. The genuine internal passion that I experienced made missing time at home worth it. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I went back for a second time last year. By Grant Robinson, Senior at Edina High School DECEMBER 2012



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CPC Ministry Programming December 2012

At CPC, we seek to inspire all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. Please look through the various programs for kids, students, and adults — and join us! For fuller descriptions and more information on any of these programs, please visit

general student ministries family service

Wednesday, November 28 at 7:30PM at CPC Students, families, and all of CPC are invited to kick off the advent season with a special service led by the Student Ministries team.


Tuesday, December 4 at 7:00PM in the Sanctuary Begin Advent with a time to remember loved ones and experience renewed hope. Join us to honor those you have lost and set our hearts on the coming Messiah. Dessert follows in the Great Room. Contact: Debbie Manning at x275;


December 8/9 after all services CPC members will vote in a straw poll on whether to stay with the PC(USA) or follow the Session’s recommendation to join ECO, A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians, a new Presbyterian denomination. This straw poll is not an official vote to leave, but it will influence whether we formally pursue a separation process with the PC(USA). See page 3 for next steps.


Due in the CPC office by Monday, December 10 To donate toward CPC’s beautiful poinsettias and greens in memory or in honor of someone, please fill out a form located in the CPC office, Great Room, or at Cost: $15/plant.


Friday, December 14-Sunday, December 16 from 6:00-8:30PM on north lawn A live nativity scene — with a stable, characters, sheep, cows, and a camel — will be displayed on the north lawn (next to the playground, facing the frontage road). This is a dynamic opportunity for all ages to reflect on the birth of Emmanuel, God with us. Experience the nativity scene either by car or foot; hot chocolate served. High schoolers and adults can volunteer to be a part of the nativity by signing up in the Great Room after worship or contacting Laurie Berry at 952.807.8537 or


No Wednesday Programs on December 26 and January 2. CPC offices closed on December 25, 31, and January 1.


Saturday, December 22 5:15PM – The Voices of Christmas in Song with meditation by John Crosby. Childcare for Nursery-2 years. Sunday, December 23 9:30 & 11:00AM – All Generations Christmas Eve Services (identical to December 24 at 3:00 & 4:30PM). Childcare for Nursery-2 years. No Table service at 6:00PM. Monday, December 24 3:00 & 4:30PM – All Generations Christmas Eve Services (identical to December 23 at 9:30 & 11:00AM). Childcare for Nursery-2 years. 6:00PM – Traditional Communion Service. Childcare for Nursery-2 years. 9:00PM – Traditional Worship with Choir & Organ. No childcare available. 11:00PM – The Table No childcare available.


Wednesdays, November 28, December 5 & 12 from 6:00-7:30PM in Room 204 Joyce Denham leads us through some of the Bible’s most startling, breath-taking poems and prophetic visions describing Christ’s arrival. No registration necessary. Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226;


Saturday, December 1 at 7:30PM in the Fellowship Hall Date Nights are a time to strengthen the foundation of love and appreciation for your spouse and add vitality to your relationship. Start with dinner out as a couple, then enjoy dessert and special speakers at CPC. Hosted by Rich and Jody Phenow. For couples of all ages. Childcare not available. Cost: $8/couple. Register: Contact: Mary Allen at x243;


Monday, December 10 at 1:00PM in the Parlor Join us to discuss And the Shofar Blew by Francine Rivers. Contact: Carol Krebs at x224;


Sundays at 9:30AM in Room 109 (no program December 23 & 30) Catalyst is a CPC ministry for young married or soon-to-be married couples. Join us Sunday mornings for conversation, laughter, and Bible study with a focus on preparation for Christ’s birth. Learn more at Contact: Laura Crosby at CPC LIFE




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No programs December 23 & 30 Sunday Communities offer a place to belong and a place to grow with people in a similar stage of life. In December, our Communities will explore an Advent theme, “What Do We Call Him?” based on Isaiah 9:5-7. Learn more by picking up a brochure or visit Contact: Dan Anderson at x298; danderson@ MIXED TAPES (20s-30s couples) Meets 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-West S.A.L.T. (40s-50s) Meets 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-East A.C.T.S. (50s-60s) Meets 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-Ctr. MORE (mostly retired) Meets 10:45AM in Room 107 CREDO (intergenerational) Meets 10:45AM in Room 108


CPC Singles is no longer meeting as a Sunday Community. If you have been a regular Sunday attendee, S.A.L.T. (40s & 50s) and A.C.T.S. (50s & 60s) would be delighted to welcome you into their communities. CPC Singles’ third Thursday social gatherings have also drawn to a close.

Men Saturday, December 15 from 7:009:00AM in the Fellowship Hall A time for fellowship, breakfast, and to hear from Dave Stark, former CPC pastor. Dave will speak on following God’s guidance in a world filled with forces beyond the control of any one person, organization, or even one nation. Tim Clark, CEO of Urban Ventures, will also share his faith story. Cost: $10 in advance; $12 at the door. Register:


Thursdays from 7:00-8:00AM in Room 201 Deepen your faith in this men’s group open to new members. Contact: James Madsen at x308;


Saturday, December 8 from 9:0011:00AM in the Multi-Purpose Room DECEMBER 2012

Join us for a festive, fun morning and a message from Jonna Fantz, as she reveals the Christmas story with a little twist. Come rediscover the Child who changed everything forever, from the perspective of the Gospel of John. Michele Dunbar will share her faith story. Cost: $10. Register: cpconline. org/register. Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226;


Saturday, December 8 from 10:00AM2:00PM in Room 10; meets 2nd Saturday monthly Our mission is to make warm garments and blankets for local agencies that serve the needy. We have yarn, fabric, and knitters to get you started. Contact: Sally Stoutenburgh at 952.927.6915.


Large Group Wednesday, December 12 from 9:3011:30AM in the Fellowship Hall; meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays monthly (no meeting December 26) Join other moms for our Christmas Brunch. Kyle Jackson speaks on “The Excruciating Glory of Waiting.” Register: Contact: Tanja Pofahl at tanja.pofahl@gmail. com. CDs available in Pathway for $3.







Large Group Thursday, December 13 from 9:1511:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Heather Flies, Junior High Pastor at Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie, speaks on “The Best Christmas Gifts to Give Your Teens.” Heather returns to share her knowledge from the trenches of youth ministry, where she has worked since 1992. Cost: $5. Register at event. Contact: Ann Satterthwaite at 952.393.1388; annsatterthwaite@ Small Groups Contact: Cheryl LaMone at for information on daytime or evening groups.


Circles combine fellowship, learning, and service in a small group setting. They consist primarily of women over 50; new members always welcome. Lydia Circle Saturday December 15 at 10:00AM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Saturday monthly



Deb Kielsmeier shares a Christmas message. If able, please bring a treat to share. Contact: Ellen Hastings at 952.896.0066. Esther Circle No meeting in December Martha Circle Wednesday, December 19 at 9:30AM Martha Circle will visit St Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church. Meet in the Great Room for a bus ride. Make a reservation with your caller or contact Pat Haberkorn at 952.941.4188 if you have questions. Ruth Circle Meets every Wednesday at 9:30AM (no meeting December 26) On the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, we meet in a home for food, fellowship, devotions, and prayers. On the other Wednesdays, we serve at Feed My Starving Children and at CPC, including cooking and serving lunch for Edynamoes and doing office projects. Contact: Karen Seeger at 952.925.3783.

50+ NESTERS (Active Retired Age) Saturday, December 1 at 6:30PM in the Fireside Room Our Christmas celebration features Coda, a fabulous instrumental combo. Cost: $20/person for dinner and entertainment. Friends are welcome. Register in the Great Room on Sunday, November 25 or with Mary Allen at x243 or EDYNAMOES

Wednesday, December 5 at 11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Please join us for a festive chili luncheon and a program featuring CPC’s Minister of Worship and Music, Dr. Heather Hood, as she leads a Christmas sing-a-long! Heather will also display her international nativity collection. Cost: $5. Register: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983 by December 3. Please bring donations/toys for VEAP, Jerry’s receipts (cash purchases), Campbell’s Soup labels, and can tabs.


Tuesday, December 4 in Room 203



& Tuesday, December 18 from 6:308:00PM in the Prayer Room by the Sanctuary; meets every other Tuesday This is a support group for women dealing with depression or bipolar disease. Contact: Katie Klevesahl at 612.644.4810.


Thursday, December 13 from 6:307:30PM in the Fireside Room; meets 2nd Thursday monthly Designed for people with dementia and their care partners, this free series is a partnership between CPC and the Alzheimer’s Association’s MinnesotaNorth Dakota Chapter. December’s talk is “Myths and Realities.” Contact: Mary Allen at x243;


Friday, December 14 from 10:00AM12:00PM in the Parlor; Thursday, December 27 from 7:00-9:00PM in Room 107; meets 2nd Friday and usually the 4th Thursday We knit or crochet shawls with the hope of being vessels for God’s presence and comfort. Everyone welcome; coaching and materials provided. Contact: Pat Johnson at 952.947.0734.


Thursday, December 20 from 7:008:30PM in the Fireside Room; meets 3rd Thursday monthly Does your child experience emotional or mental health issues? You are not alone. Join other parents as we care for one another on our journeys. Contact: Doug Brown at 612.839.9992;


Adopt: November 24/25 & December 1/2 in the Great Room. Return Gifts: Sunday, December 9 by 12:00PM. Adopt-A-Family is a deacon ministry that provides Christmas gifts for families who otherwise can’t afford them. Visit the table in the Great Room to select a senior citizen or family, pick up their Christmas wish list, and receive instructions for packaging gifts. Contact: Patty Doyle at 612.396.4974;


Monday, December 10 at the


Minneapolis Convention Center Volunteer with Project Homeless Connect, a one-stop-shop of comprehensive support services for people experiencing homelessness. Training is necessary before the event. Contact: Leslie Boie at x274;


Sunday, December 30-Sunday, January 6 Give time to homeless families. We are in need of 100 volunteers for set up and take down, meal preparation and serving, and overnight hospitality. Register: Contact: David Carroll at 612.802.8487;


Throughout December CPC Mission Partner VEAP — Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People serving Bloomington, Richfield, Edina, and South Minneapolis — is in need of 500 volunteers ages 12 and above this season. Contact: VEAP Volunteer Department at 952.955.8323. Register:


Mandatory Rehearsal: Thursday, December 20 from 5:30-6:30PM or Saturday, December 22 from 10:0011:00AM Performances: Sunday, December 23 at 9:30 & 11:00AM and Monday, December 24 at 3:00 & 4:30PM CPC Kids’ Ministries presents a retelling of the Christmas Story at the All Generations Services. We need children between 5 and 11 years old to participate in one of the four services as lambs, shepherds, angels, and kings. Parts will be assigned once we have final numbers. Contact: Anne McCracken at x216; Please indicate which of the four services your child will attend. Kids need to bring their own costumes (except kings).

HOLIDAY PROGRAMMING December 15: Children’s Choir in worship service. Regular programming. December 16: Children’s Choir in 11:00AM worship. Regular

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programming for both services. December 19: No Choir. Club from 6:00-7:30PM. December 22: 5:15PM - The Voices of Christmas in Song. Childcare for Nursery-2 years. Children 3 years old and older may join their families in worship. December 23: 9:30 & 11:00AM- All Generations Service. Childcare for Nursery-2 years. Children 3 years old and older may join their families in worship. No Table service. December 24: 3:00, 4:30 & 6:00PM – All Generations & Traditional Service. Childcare available for Nursery-2 years. Children 3 years old and older may join their families in worship. 9:00 & 11:00PM – Traditional and Table Service. No childcare available. December 26: No Wednesday night programs December 29/30: Regular weekend programming January 2: No Wednesday night programs January 5/6: Regular weekend programs January 9: Wednesday night programs resume


Wednesdays, December 5, 12, & 19 K-5th Grade Choirs: 6:00-6:45PM (no choir December 19) 3rd-5th Grade Club: 6:45-7:30PM (December 19 from 6:00-7:45PM) An opportunity for kids in K-5th grades to learn about God and live out faith through worship, friendships, and connection to CPC’s student leaders and adults. Register: Contact: Sara Lightbody at x203;


Elevate (6th-7th grade): contact Van Chounlamountry at x306; Commitment Class (8th grade): contact Carrie Gleeson at x258;


Wednesday, December 19 from 6:007:30PM Join us for a fun night of rollerskating. Cost: $8. Register: register. CPC LIFE








December 5 & 12 from 6:15-7:30PM (no programs on December 19 & 26) A night of fun, large-group learning, and small-group discussion for 6th-8th graders. If your student has not yet registered, visit

high school December 5, 12, & 19 from 8:009:15PM (no programs December 26) If your student would like to plug into a core group, please contact Brooke Toftoy at x286; or Matt Moberg at x260;


Thursday, December 27-Monday, December 31 High schoolers travel to inner-city Chicago to serve, love, and hear the stories of God’s people in need. Cost: $325. Register: Contact: Brooke Toftoy at x286;


Student Ministries’ staff writes all HSM curricula. Find it at Check out what your students are talking about on Wednesday nights to connect with them and help them grow.


Sunday, December 9 after the service Join us at Tavern on France for our December Hangout. It’s a great way to get to know some new people. Fries are on us!


Wednesday, January 2-Friday, January 4 at Grand View Lodge Spend winter break with college students from CPC and St. Pats. Register: Cost: $65 before December 16, $80 after December 16. Contact: Cory Gregory at x276;


Mondays from 6:00-8:00PM (no program December 24 & 31) Young Life North Minneapolis has a huge turnout of high school students DECEMBER 2012




every Monday. Volunteers needed to purchase, prepare, and serve a meal that is often the only hot meal students have each week. Contact: Chelsie Frank at x227;



Register: Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226; Women in the Word Mondays, January 7-February 25 from 9:30-11:45AM in the Fireside Room Our winter study is When Godly People Do Ungodly Things by Beth Moore. We’ll examine why devoted followers of Jesus Christ can fall into the traps of Satan. Study includes large group DVD lecture by Beth Moore, small group discussion, and fellowship. Cost: $30. Register: Contact: Ann Schofield at Evening Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays, beginning January 8 from 6:45-8:45PM in Room 108; meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month This study will feature David: Seeking a Heart Like His by Beth Moore. Explore how David’s life proves that God will never give up on you. This study includes DVD lecture, small group discussion, prayer, and fellowship. Contact: Jane Pooler at 952.829.9260; Life Keys Wednesdays, January 23, 30, & February 6 from 6:00-7:30PM in Room 204 Join co-authors Jane Kise and Jennifer Harmening as they help you discover and examine your spiritual gifts, values, natural gifts, and personality. Purchase the workbook in Pathway. Grow Class Wednesdays, January 9-March 20 from 6:00-7:30PM in a nearby home A safe and conversational small group where you are encouraged to ask questions about faith, the Bible, and Christianity. Journey with others in dialogue, discussion, and shared experience. This group will use the Starting Point curricula. Cost: $20 suggested donation for materials. Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226;

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Parental Guidance Necessary Wednesdays, January 9 & 16 from 6:007:30PM in Room 204 January 9, Megan Stone, The Stone Foundations of Learning, speaks on “The New Year: New Me: At School.” January 16, Paul Bernebei speaks on “New Year: New Me: At Home.” Financial Peace University Tuesdays, January 22-March 19 from 6:30-8:30PM in the Fireside Room This newly revised nine-session program offers practical, biblical resources for financial management. You’ll more than reap the cost of the class as you learn to better manage money. Cost: $100/household. Register: cpconline. org/register. Contact: Dan Anderson at x298;


Thursdays from 7:30-9:00PM A new group for women in their 20s and 30s will begin meeting in January. Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226;


Sunday, January 6 at 6:00PM The Table welcomes Andrew Marin, author of Love Is an Orientation, to speak about equipping the Christian community to bridge the gap between the LGBT and religious communities.


Thursday, January 10 at 7:00PM All parents and congregation members are invited to hear research and thoughts from a leading expert on how we can help our kids grow into an authentic faith that sticks. Contact: Susan Harris at x305;


January 12/13 after worship services Speak with CPC members who have participated in GO! Trips in the U.S. and around the world. We have family, high school, vision, and specialty trips.

Author Scot McKnight speaks

January 19/20 during worship services Theologian Scot McKnight speaks at all four services (via video at The Table).


Luncheon on Wednesday, February 20 in the Scottsdale, AZ area Contact: Evie Teegen at 218.232.4192.

“I just returned from my second CPC GO! Trip to Moyo, Zambia — and saw amazing progress since my first visit in May 2010! Thanks to our partnership with World Vision, malaria has now fallen from the leading cause of disease-related deaths to fourth on the list. When we delivered new bed linens to the Moyo Clinic, it was an absolute treat to see beds once full of dying patients now bring new life! World Vision is also installing water access in Moyo and teaching residents practical ways to keep water clean so disease doesn’t spread. Oh the difference a dish rack can make! It was exciting to see firsthand how World Vision child sponsorship brings sustainable change to a community.” -Elizabeth Mansfield

The Table Serves at Young Life North

Collecting Thanksgiving Harvest Bags

Children’s Choirs Sing About Generosity

2nd Grade Bibles





Andrew Maran





In Our

Family Congratulations to:

Jessica Ann Krebs and Douglas Arthur Boie, who were married October 13. The Rev. Richard Phenow officiated. Erica Ann Robinson and Matthew Richard Forsman, who were married October 13. The Rev. Brad Jackson officiated. Susan Barbara King and A. Herbert “Skip” Nelson, who were married October 19. The Rev. Dr. John Crosby officiated. Leslie and Justin Turner on the birth of their daughter, Reese Marie, on October 23. Big brother is Ben. Lindsay Anne Jacka and Brett Scott Dornfeld, who were married October 27. The Rev. Dan Anderson officiated. Anne Catherine Tyson and James David Swendsen, who were married November 10. The Rev. Paul Tshihamba officiated. Jon and Maggie Keller on the birth of their son, Jonathan McCrary Keller, Jr. (“Jack”), on November 13.


Minette and Dave Hendricks on the passing of Minette’s father, Howard Longfellow, on October 12. Pat and Jerry Ciardelli on the passing of Pat’s mother, Lillian V. Mund, on October 13. Mark and Kim Welty on the passing of Mark’s mother, Lois Mae Welty, on October 14. Joan and Bill Borchers on the passing of Joan’s mother, Helen Erickson, on October 26. Marlene and John Ellis and Sue Ellis on the passing of Marlene and John’s sonin-law and Sue’s brother-in-law, Tim Cummings, on October 27. The family of Hildur N. Shelton on her passing on November 5.

Jack Low on the passing of his wife, Jane Low, on November 6.

follow Jesus:

IN THE HOSPITAL 10/19-11/12

Bill Cohoe – United St. Paul Nancy Etzkorn – Fairview Southdale Dennis LaVoi – Methodist Craig Norton – Abbott Northwestern Shirley Alvord – Abbott Northwestern Deb Castle – Abbott Northwestern Denise Harlos – Abbott Northwestern Becky Young – Abbott Northwestern Henry John Thomas – Children’s St. Paul Lee Kerr – Fairview Southdale Judy Fetterly – Abbott Northwestern


Kate Metcalfe joins the Missions team as Congo Liaison.


Gil Anderson joins the Facilities team.

FINANCIAL UPDATE JUNE 1 – October 31, 2012

Ministry Offering Budget: $1,689,429 Actual Offering: $1,488,303.02 Variance: ($201,125.98) Mission Partner of October (GO! Trip Scholarships): $5,095.19 YTD Mission of the Month Total: $34,259.12 Expenses are under budget year-to-date. CPCers respond generously to special asks and seasonal offerings. In November, we packed a record 1,125 bags of groceries and donated almost $25,000 for Thanksgiving Harvest meals. Last Christmas, your offerings at all Christmas services generated more than $100,000 for six local ministry partners serving kids and their families. This year, the Christmas offering will bless the Banyan Community. As we enter Advent, giving to CPC’s Ministry Fund is $200,000 below budget and $100,000 below where we were 12 months ago. Please give generously in the weeks ahead as we give thanks for our Savior who came humbly as a babe. To make a year-end gift on December 31 when CPC offices are closed, please deposit checks in the mail slot at the north entrance. - John Mitchell, Executive Pastor

second graders

received Bibles on November 3 & 4.

love others:



were donated for Thanksgiving Harvest to provide Thanksgiving dinner for families in need.

live missionally:


CPCers went on a GO! Trip in 2012 to see, love, and serve God’s people in the U.S. and around the world. Inspiring all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally.





of the


Books, music, quotes, apps, art, videos, websites, people, places, and things that get us to think about God in new and exciting ways.

But the angel said to the shepherds, Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.


- Luke 2:10-11

For Your Christmas Gifts, John Crosby Recommends…

The Blue Parakeet by Scot McKnight

Who Is This Man? by John Ortberg

Love Is an Orientation by Andrew Marin

This Christmas album from Hillsong, the international church and music ministry, features new arrangements to classic Christmas hymns, as well as brand new songs to keep our minds and hearts focused on the true reason for the season.

What are CPCers’ favorite Christmas traditions? (Poll conducted via CPC Facebook page)


Baking/eating Christmas goodies



Shopping/giving gifts

Decorating the tree


Going to church


Watching Christmas movies 14




If you’re a fan of movies (and there are always good films out at Christmastime!), find thoughtful analyses from both a Christian and artistic perspective.


Lee Hanssen Lee serves as Director of Student Ministries and Assistant Pastor of The Table. He’s been on staff since August 2010.

Q Tell us about your recent shift from Director of Commitment Class to Director of Student Ministries.

When I interviewed for the Commitment Class position, I said I’d like it to be a two-year stint. I was excited about the challenge, but I didn’t see it as my long-term career. In the past two years, I’ve been fortunate to have opportunities to preach, shepherd others, and write, which have helped me figure out what I ultimately want to do. My new role is to shepherd and develop staff and to teach. I don’t want the pressing needs of our jobs to outweigh our spiritual growth, so Student Ministries now has two meetings a week: one for spiritual development and one for business. I also feel honored to preach every three weeks at The Table and six times a year at all services. In my youth, I just liked being on stage. But as I grow, I feel this is how I best serve my community. I love what God teaches me as I prepare. It holds me accountable to stand in front of 200 or 1,000 people and preach what I both believe and live.

Q What’s your spiritual background?

In high school, I knew faith was real, but I cared more about myself and the world. When I got to college, a girl invited me to Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru). I slowly started to let God pursue me, and I pursued Him back. My faith really changed at 21. I’d been out drinking with my fraternity pledges, and the next morning, I was surprised to see the back window of my car shattered. So there I was, driving to the Cru Fall Retreat, alone, hung over, with a mysteriously shattered window. When I got to the retreat, I realized how tired I was of doing life my own way. When I returned from the retreat, I stood up in my fraternity, told the guys I was done drinking, and started a Bible study. I continued to live in my fraternity and stay involved in Greek life, but because I had the Spirit of God in me, my old life wasn’t tempting.

Q What is one way your life changed after coming to Christ?

When I get on an airplane or sit in a coffee shop, I pray that the person next to me wants to talk about Jesus. I struggle when people say only “relational evangelism” works. All evangelism is relational. It’s a cop out, the same way that people say, “Evangelism isn’t a spiritual gift of mine.” We do an injustice in the world when we assume that we’ll offend people or that people don’t want to talk about faith. They do.

Q You are a professional barrel racer. How did you get involved?

I always say that horses are either in your blood or they’re not. After begging my parents, I got my first horse at 12. It started off as a casual thing, but last year I went on the professional circuit and competed with futurity horses all over the country. There’s nothing quite like running a 1,200-pound animal down an alleyway at 40 miles per hour.


Hometown: Edina College: University of North Dakota with a degree in Social Science

Book you’ve recently read: Love Is an Orientation by Andrew Marin Book of the Bible you love most: Hebrews, because it continually brings me back to the supremacy of Christ

Guilty Pleasure: The TV show “Revenge” Hobbies: Riding, exercise (swimming, running, biking), boating, having coffee with friends






Worship Times this Month Saturdays at 5:15PM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 9:30AM | Traditional Worship Sundays at 11:00AM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 6:00PM | The Table (for the Next Generation) November 28 at 7:30PM | Student Ministries Family Advent Service December 4 at 7:00PM | Candlelight Memorial Service December 19 at 12:00PM | Mid-Month Chapel Service December 22 at 5:15PM | The Voices of Christmas in Song Service December 23 | All Generations Christmas Eve Worship at 9:30 & 11:00AM December 24 | Christmas Eve Worship at 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 9:00, & 11:00PM

This Month in Worship


This Advent season, we listen to the story of God coming to earth from the vantage points of six historical figures — an Old Testament prophet (Isaiah), the Child’s mother (Mary), an angry king (Herod), the Savior Himself (Jesus), and two devout elderly Jews (Anna and Simeon). Each had a different perspective on the two questions, “Who is this Child?” and “How does His coming impact my life?” As we hear their voices on the Christmas story, how do they inform our own experience of the birth of Emmanuel, God with us?

December 1/2 | The Voices of Christmas: ISAIAH | John Crosby speaking December 8/9 | The Voices of Christmas: MARY | Debbie Manning speaking December 15/16 | The Voices of Christmas: HEROD | John Crosby speaking December 22, 23, 24 | The Voices of Christmas: JESUS | John Crosby speaking Saturday and Monday evening; Rich Phenow speaking Sunday morning and Monday afternoon; Brad Jackson speaking at The Table December 29/30 | The Voices of Christmas: ANNA & SIMEON | Deb Kielsmeier speaking

The Table is doing a separate Advent series, “Why Christmas?” Visit to learn more.

DECEMBER At A Glance (see pages 7-10 for details) SUN



Sunday Communities (S.C.) Adopt-A-Family Selection Catalyst


2 Sunday Communities (S.C.) Adopt-A-Family Selection Catalyst

Young Life Meals The Table

9 S.C. Adopt-A-Family Delivery Catalyst Straw Poll Table Hangout

Amazing 10 Grace Book Club Advent Decorations Due Young Life Meals The Table Project Homeless Connect

16 S.C. Catalyst Live Nativity




17 Young Life Meals The Table


Circle Maker Study Tuesday Women’s Study


Tuesday Women’s Study Women’s Depression Group Candlelight Memorial Service


Circle Maker Study Tuesday Women’s Study


Ruth Circle Mom’s Morning Wednesday Programs Lo! He Comes!

Tuesday Women’s Study Women’s Depression Group

19 Ruth Circle Wednesday Programs

30 Family Advent Celebration


Ruth Circle Edynamoes Wednesday Programs Lo! He Comes!




Mom’s Morning Ruth Circle Lo! He Comes! Student Ministries Family Advent Service





1 Adopt-A-Family Nesters Date Night


8 Women’s Christmas Brunch Needlework Guild Lydia Circle Straw Poll

Men’s Small Group


Men’s Small Group Moms of Teens Alzheimer’s Series

20 Men’s Small Group Grace & Hope Christmas Service Rehearsal


15 Men’s Breakfast Lydia Circle Live Nativity

Prayer Shawl Ministry Live Nativity


22 Christmas Service Rehearsal

Christ Presbyterian Church | 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435 | 952.920.8515 | | | @CPCEdina

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