R e c l a i m i n g Tr u e
M e a n i n g
t h e o f
J o y
recently had a spirited conversation—filled with ideas— about how best to communicate our upcoming sermon series. One comment that resonated with me was the need to find language that speaks to the different audiences that come through the four doors of CPC worship. Then someone said, “I think a lot of people view the word rejoice as churchy and outdated, and we ought to think of something else.” Right there, they went from preaching to meddling . . . meddling with MY ideas!
tification and Repentance . . . and Rejoicing. Otherwise we forget that we are teaching the dialect of a new country, the Kingdom of Heaven!
CPC Life is a monthly publication of Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC).
Email Subscriptions: To receive a link to the monthly online version, contact communications@cpconline.org.
Director of Communications: Sarah Long
We welcome your letters and comments! Please email communications@cpconline.org.
Art Direction & Design: Jeremy Emmerich
Part of my commitment to joy is how it changes lives. C. S. Lewis wrote, “Joy is the serious business of Heaven,” where music and laughter are the languages of the realm. Once a committed atheist, Lewis found that the tiny tastes of joy we all experience—but that never last—make us realize something is missing from our time on earth, and ultimately point us toward something more. Lewis gradually saw joy as blissObviously I wasn’t convinced by the reful glimpses God sends to an estranged sistance, since we’ve titled our Advent world to awaken sweet desire in human series REJOICE hearts, calling people to Himself. Lewis’s to follow our RE “Part of my spiritual autobiograthemes of the fall commitment to joy phy is titled Surprised (REVIVE for new is how it changes by Joy, and I resonate life in Christ, RElives.” with his journey to GROUP for our need for commufind joy that lasts. nity, REGENERATE for our passion for And we haven’t even gotten to the joy generosity). Sticking with REJOICE, I of Advent yet, the great Good News that hope, is more than an act of pride. Wilthere will be peace on Earth! The angel liam Willimon, a bishop in the United says, “I bring you tidings of great JOY,” Methodist Church and one of the counand I want to explore that together this try’s great preachers, says that we need Christmas season, to refresh its meanto both resist fossilizing our faith for ing in our lives, on good days and hard new generations as well as prevent ones. Only then can we proclaim, “Joy it from becoming a trendy consumer to the World!” product. One of the tasks of the Church, he said, is to teach those who come through our doors about “the language John Crosby serves of faith,” even when culture forgets. Instead of abandoning “old words,” we as Senior Pastor. must reaffirm Christianity’s rich theological terms—Salvation and Sin, Sanc-
Complimentary copies available monthly at CPC or at cpconline.org/cpclife. Mail Subscriptions: Suggested annual donation of $20. Please write Editor, CPC Life, Christ Presbyterian Church, 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435.
© Christ Presbyterian Church 2013.
Editor: Jennifer Boardman
Editorial Assistant: Maggie Keller
n a mid-1800s business trip to Paris, the French poet Placide Cappeau wrote a Christmas poem at the request of a local parish priest. When he arrived in Paris, he took his poem to a well-known composer, Adolphe Adam, who set it to music. And thus “O Holy Night” was born, one of the most beloved Christmas carols of all time.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining, till He appeared and the soul felt its worth. Then, like now, we live in a fallen world, where sin and error seem to reign supreme. Not only are we victims of tangible destruction—witnessed recently by hurricanes in the Philippines and tornadoes blanketing the Midwest—but we bear the burdens of a more personal nature: fractured relationships, physical needs, loneliness . . . or simply the need to find an element of peace in a fast-paced world.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn! In this season, when emotions are intense and stress can be high, what will ground you when the weariness of the world seems insurmountable? What do you value most when the turmoil rages? What will bring rejoicing when all joy seems to be gone? I have a plaque in my office that says: Joy is not the absence of suffering, but the presence of God. That’s what I want—God with me! When the walls seem to be falling down around me, I want God to hold me close to the promise found in Isaiah 12:
“Surely it is God who saves me. I will trust in Him and not be afraid, for the Lord is my stronghold and my sure defense, and He will be my Savior.”
Heather Hood serves as Minister of Music and Worship.
This Christmas, let that gift of God—the baby in a manger who gave His life to save you—be the One who brings you a thrill of hope and allows your weary soul to rejoice!
ne facet of generosity is sacrificing something of great value to another at great personal cost to oneself. Jesus embodied this when He came to earth to live among us and later when He died a sinner’s death so that we might have lasting life. He is the Light and Savior of the world and the ultimate demonstration of self-sacrificing love. For over 18 years Christ Presbyterian has responded to Jesus’ gracious generosity by designating our entire Christmas Offering to urban and local ministries outside our walls. We have lifted the cause of the hopeless by giving away more than $1.3 million and donating thousands of hours of service. Through this generosity we have participated in revitalizing neighborhoods, families, and individuals in life-changing and hope-producing ways. But where did we get this vision for our Christmas Offering? In 1995 a modern-day Jeremiah named Art Erickson, founder of Urban Ventures (UV), inspired John Crosby
and members of the Missions Committee by his vision for Minneapolis. Like Jeremiah told the people of old, Art told us to: “Seek the peace of the city . . . and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its peace you will find your peace. . . . For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope.” - Jeremiah 29:7, 11
Walking with someone year after year is the difference between Biblical justice & charity. And so we did. In 1995 we dedicated our entire Christmas Offering to UV to pursue this kind of peace. But we didn’t just send our dollars—we also sent our people. And oh, the things they did! They cleaned out Angie’s Sauna, the headquarters of the pornographic empire centered in the Phillips neighborhood. They turned an old potato chip factory into a Center for Fathers, an employment office called Good
Workers, and a Learning Lab for kids. And we were all transformed by UV’s Kingdom vision for the city. For this year’s Christmas Offering, we return to our roots to support the expansion of CityKid Enterprises (CKE), a ministry of UV. CKE is a social entrepreneurial business model that provides job training and skills development for UV program participants, creating an income stream to support the rest of UV’s holistic ministry to families.
In just the past two years, UV has placed 325 people into living-wage, sustainable jobs that have returned over $7 million to the neighborhood in wages. UV’s expansion of CKE will continue to foster hope as city kids are involved in growing and harvesting fresh produce to bring back to their neighborhood and schools.
To give, mark your check “Christmas Offering.” All offerings given on Christmas Eve go directly to Urban Ventures.
generations will call me blessed. For the Mighty One is holy, and He has done great things for me. He shows mercy from generation to generation to all who fear Him. His mighty arm has done tremendous things! He has scattered the proud and haughty ones. He has brought down princes from their thrones and exalted the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away with empty hands. He has helped His servant Israel and remembered to be merciful. . . .” (New Living Translation) Mary had unshakable faith in the character of God, not fear in her circumstances (which were clearly baffling and troubling). But she couldn’t have that unshakable faith in God unless she knew Him—His character and His faithfulness on the million ordinary days an angel hadn’t shown up. I am struck by the “Mary choice” I have every day. I can start with my feelings and project them onto God. (Circumstances are good, so God must be good. Circumstances are bad, so God must be bad.) A bottom-up approach.
love Christmas. Maybe too much. I might have been a Christmas elf in another life. I’m one of those obnoxious people who starts playing Christmas music the day after Halloween (admit it, there are others reading this who are with me). But as much as I dive in with jolly holly gusto, there are many who dread this season. It’s one of loneliness, loss, and painful memories . . . all enhanced in contrast to the blare of forced cheer at the mall or even at church. Here’s what I know about joy: None of it—the manufactured holiday happy nor the absence of it—is the real thing. If anyone went into the Christmas season with reason to feel lonely and worried, it was Mary. And if anyone experienced true joy, it was also Mary. With
a sense of wonder, I read her response in Luke 1:46-55 to the turn-my-worldupside-down news she had received—as a teenager, pregnant with no money: “. . . my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”
“Here’s what I know about joy: None of it— the manufactured holiday happy nor the absence of it—is the real thing.” Not, “my spirit rejoices that I’m an unwed teenager and pregnant (who could be stoned if my fiancé chooses).” Nope. She marvels at God: “For He took notice of His lowly servant girl, and from now on all
Or I can start with the belief that the Bible is reliable and God is who He says He is—a good God who is sovereign and loves me. I interpret my circumstances in light of God’s character. A top-down approach. This is where Mary was. She started with God. And this is where she found joy. I imagine Jesus saying, “Come to Me all who are weary with Christmas, and give me your lists, your loneliness, your loss, your expectations. Know me and know joy.” What if this is God’s invitation to us? To find joy by paying attention to the ways He’s already here? Emmanuel. God with us. Faithful yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Laura Crosby blogs weekly at awakemysoulblog.com.
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CPC Ministry Programming December 2013
At CPC, we seek to inspire all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. Please look through the various programs for kids, students, and adults—and join us! For fuller descriptions and more information on any of these programs, please visit cpconline.org.
Tuesday, December 3 at 7:00PM in the Sanctuary Begin Advent with a time to remember loved ones and experience renewed hope. Join us to honor those you have lost and set our hearts on the coming Messiah. Dessert follows in the Great Room. Contact: Mary Allen at x243; marya@cpconline.org.
Saturday, December 7 from 7:309:00PM in the Fellowship Hall Start with dinner out as a couple, then enjoy dessert and a special program. Cost: $8/couple. Register: cpconline. org/register. Contact: Mary Allen at x243; marya@cpconline.org.
Due in the office by Monday, December 9 To donate toward CPC’s beautiful poinsettias and greens in memory or honor of someone, fill out a form located in the CPC office, Great Room, or at cpconline.org. Cost: $15/plant.
Wednesday, December 18 at 12:00PM A traditional service with a short message by Rich Phenow, hymns, Communion, and prayers. Lunch follows.
Friday, December 20-Sunday, December 22 from 6:00-8:30PM on north lawn A live nativity scene—with a stable, characters, and animals—will be displayed on the north lawn (next to the playground, facing the frontage road). This is a dynamic opportunity
for all ages to reflect on the birth of Emmanuel, God with us. Experience the nativity scene either by car or foot; hot chocolate served. Contact: Sharon Punt at 952.949.2459; sharonp913@ gmail.com.
Tuesday, December 24 2:00, 3:30, & 5:00PM – Family Services 7:00PM – Traditional Communion Service 9:00PM – Traditional Lessons & Carols Service (with the choir) 11:00PM – The Table at CPC
Sundays at 9:30AM and 10:45AM Sunday Communities offer a place to belong and grow with people in a similar life stage. This fall, we study God’s interactions with His people in the Old Testament. Visit cpconline.org/ SC. Contact: Dan Anderson at x298; danderson@cpconline.org. MIXED TAPES (20s & 30s) Meets at 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-W S.A.L.T. (mostly 40s & 50s) Meets at 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-E A.C.T.S. (mostly 50s & 60s) Meets at 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-C MORE (mostly retired folks) Meets at 10:45AM in Room 107 CREDO (intergenerational) Meets at 10:45AM in Room 108
Mondays from 9:30-11:30AM in Room 107 A discussion-oriented Bible study on the Acts of the Apostles for men and women. Join anytime. Childcare avail-
able ($50/semester). Contact: James Madsen at x308; jamesm@cpconline.org.
Wednesdays from 11:00AM-12:00PM in Room 203 Rick Byron leads this lively discussion on Mark. We meet Wednesdays except Edynamoes days. Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226; debbied@cpconline.org.
Sundays at 9:30AM in Room 109 Connect with newly married (or soonto-be!) couples for food, laughter, study, and discussion, plus socials and service. Currently, we have CPC couples speaking to us on marriage and life. Like our Facebook page. Contact: Jessica Schelitzche at jessica.schelitzche@target.com.
Saturday, December 7 from 9:0011:00AM in the Fellowship Hall Join us for a celebration of Christmas with guest speaker Bev Coniaris, the teaching leader of the women’s Bible Study Fellowship at CPC. Come and discover authentic Christmas celebration, and celebrate the Lord Jesus Christ, our Emmanuel. Enjoy special music by Laura Mulliken and Jean Sundlof and a faith story by Deb Carlson. Cost: $12. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Deb Carlson at x316; debc@cpconline.org.
Large Group Wednesday, December 11 from 9:3011:30AM in the Fireside Room Betsy Lee presents “Do You Hear What I Hear? Listening for the Sounds of
Christmas.” Join us for our Christmas Brunch to slow down and find quiet moments to celebrate the true meaning of the season. Cost: $25/year; $25 for childcare. CDs in Pathway for $3. Register: cpconline.org/momsmorning. Contact: Megan Bireley at meganbireley@gmail.com. Small Groups Daytime groups meet 1st, 3rd, & 5th Wednesdays from 9:30-11:30AM; Evening groups meet 1st Tuesdays or 2nd Thursdays from 6:45-8:45PM Small groups connect moms through Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and Christ-centered support. Contact: Stacia Fetters at stacia.fetters@gmail.com.
Large Group Thursday, December 12 from 9:1511:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Heather Flies, Junior High Pastor at Wooddale Church and author of two books on teen relationships, tackles the issue of sibling rivalry with passion, humor, and practical advice. Cost: $5/ session. Contact: Ann Satterthwaite at annsatterthwaite@comcast.net. Small Groups Daytime groups meet 2nd & 4th Thursdays from 9:30-11:00AM; evening group meets 1st & 3rd Mondays from 7:00-8:30PM Small groups provide in-depth support, study, and discussion of Christian teen parenting books. Evening group alternates between the book study and watching a video of the monthly Large Group speaker. Contact: Cheryl LaMone at 612.275.3436; cheryllam@ juno.com.
Saturday, December 14 from 10:00AM2:00PM in the Fellowship Hall; meets 2nd Saturdays Our mission is to make warm garments and blankets for local agencies that serve the needy. We have yarn, fabric, and knitters to get you started. Contact: Sally Stoutenburgh at 952.927.6915.
Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30PM in Room 107 Carolyn Beatty leads this committed group of mature women studying the foundational book of Mark. This group generates lively discussion and cares for one another. Contact: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983; jdthromine@yahoo.com.
Circles combine fellowship, learning, and service in a small group setting. They consist primarily of women over 50; new members always welcome. Martha Circle Wednesday, December 18 at 10:00AM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Wednesdays This month we celebrate Christmas together. Contact: Pat Haberkorn at 952.941.4188. Lydia Circle Saturday, December 21 at 9:30AM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Saturdays Laura Crosby shares a Christmas message. Those who are able please bring a treat to share. Contact: Ellen Hastings at 952.896.0066. Ruth Circle Meets every Wednesday at 9:30AM On the first and third Wednesdays, we meet in a home for food, fellowship, devotions, and prayers. On the other Wednesdays, we serve at CPC and beyond. Contact: Barb Bucha at 952.470.4414. Esther Circle No December meeting
small groups Unless otherwise noted, please register at cpconline.org/register. MIXED ADULT GROUPS
Tuesday, December 3 at 7:00PM off-site; meets 1st Tuesday monthly This new group welcomes all in their 20s and early 30s—single or married—to build a community that shares life and grows together through Bible study. Contact: Lindsey Small at lindsey.small@target.com. MEN’S GROUPS
Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00PM in Room 201 All are welcome in this new men’s group that will start when we have sufficient interest; please register first.
Thursdays from 7:00-8:00AM in Room 108 Deepen your faith as we study Gospel Love in this group led by James Madsen. Contact: James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x308; jamesm@ cpconline.org.
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Thursdays from 7:00-8:00AM in Room 201 This group, led by Matt Faulkner, studies Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis. COUPLES
Two new groups launching in December: 30s-40s meet Thursday, December 12 at 7:00PM; meets 2nd Thursdays 40s-50s meet Monday, December 9 at 7:00PM; meets 2nd Mondays Being in a couples’ group is a great way to strengthen your marriage and grow together. Our groups are based on age ranges and life stages and generally meet one evening a month in homes.
Wednesday, December 4 at 11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Join us for our Advent luncheon followed by the musical program “Holiday Heralds” from 12 members of the Minnesota Chorale. Cost: $5. Register by December 2: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983. Please bring donations/ toys for VEAP, Jerry’s cash receipts, Campbell’s labels, and can tabs.
NESTERS (Active Retired Folks) Saturday, December 14 at 5:15PM in the Sanctuary Enjoy a candlelight chorale concert followed by hors d’oeuvres and a lovely Christmas dinner. Cost: $15/person. Register/pay by December 11: Mary Allen x243; marya@cpconline.org.
A ministry for those desiring support and friendship following a spouse’s death. • Tuesday, December 3 at 4:00PM (meet at CPC): Enjoy a potluck followed by CPC’s Candlelight Memorial Service. • Saturday, December 7 (depart from CPC at 1:15PM): Attend Advent Vespers at Central Lutheran, followed by an early dinner. Suggested donation: $15. • Saturday, December 21 at 9:00AM: Monthly breakfast meeting with conCPC LIFE
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versation about Christmas traditions. Cost: $10. Register: Mary Allen at x243; marya@ cpconline.org.
pick up their Christmas wish list, and receive instructions for packaging gifts. Please do not wrap gifts, but include wrapping supplies. Contact: Scott and Tammy Anderson at scott.anderson816@gmail.com.
Wednesdays from 5:00-5:45 followed by dinner at Calvary Baptist (2608 Blaisdell Ave. S., Minneapolis 55408) Be part of a new ministry to help Minneapolis kids in K-5 with homework (including reading and math), and serve them a meal followed by spiritual programming. A great small group activity! Contact: Sarah Sutliff at 952.303.4606; sasutliff@comcast.net.
Thursday, December 12 from 6:308:00PM in the Fireside Room; meets 2nd Thursdays A series for care partners and those with Alzheimer’s and related dementias. Debbie Richman from the Alzheimer’s Association of Minnesota-North Dakota speaks on “Living with Alzheimer’s: Middle Stage.” Contact: Mary Allen at x243; marya@cpconline.org. Friday, December 13 from 10:00AM12:00PM in the Parlor; no Thursday meeting this month We knit or crochet shawls with the hope of being vessels for God’s presence and comfort. Everyone welcome; coaching and materials provided. Contact: Pat Johnson at 952.270.1434.
Sunday, December 15 from 9:3010:30AM in Room 203; meets 3rd Sunday monthly Are you spiritually underweight and physically overweight? We seek to depend on God and support one another with weight issues that keep us from God’s abundant life. No weigh-ins; lots of grace and support! Contact: Sandy Radeke at 952.452.1205; sandy_radeke@earthlink.net.
Tuesday, December 17 from 7:008:30PM in the Fireside Room Does your child experience emotional or mental health issues? Join other parents as we care for one another on our journeys. Contact: Doug Brown at 612.839.9992; dbrown@dcbrowninc.com.
Gift collection: December 7/8 Adopt-A-Family is a Deacon ministry that provides Christmas gifts for families who otherwise can’t afford them. Visit the table in the Great Room to select a senior citizen or family,
Wednesdays, December 4 & 11 (no programming December 18 & 25) Wednesday programs for K-5th graders are a place to learn about God and live out faith through music, friendship, reading the Bible, and connection to leaders. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Sara Lightbody at x203; saral@cpconline.org.
Friday, December 6 from 6:00-8:00PM Enjoy crafts, Christmas caroling, family games, hayride, a service project, and dinner. Crafts: $10/family. Dinner: $5/ adult, $2.50/child, $15/family max. Register by December 2: cpconline. org/register. Contact: Jill Campbell at x216; jillc@cpconline.org.
CALLING ALL SHEPHERDS, ANGELS, & KINGS Mandatory Rehearsal: Saturday, December 21 at 10:00AM OR Monday, December 23 at 5:30PM Worship Services: Tuesday, December 24 at 2:00, 3:30, & 5:00PM CPC Kids’ Ministries presents a retelling of the Christmas Story at the Family Services. We need children between 5 and 11 years old to participate in one of the three services as shepherds, angels, and kings. Parts will be assigned once we have final numbers. Contact: Jill Campbell at x216; jillc@ cpconline.org. Please indicate which of the three services your child will
attend. Kids need to bring their own costumes (except kings).
HOLIDAY PROGRAMMING December 14: Children’s Choir (grades 2-5) in Saturday worship. Regular programming. December 15: Children’s Choir (grades 2-5) in morning worship. Regular programming for both services. December 18: Special Advent Service (see page 11) December 24: Family Services at 2:00, 3:30, and 5:00PM. Traditional Service at 7:00PM. Childcare available for Nursery–2 years. Children 3 years old and older may join their families in worship. For the 9:00 and 11:00PM Traditional and Table Services, no childcare. December 25: No Wednesday programs December 28/29: Regular programs January 1: No Wednesday programs January 4/5: Regular programs January 8: Wednesday programs resume
K-5th Grade Choirs - Wednesdays from 6:00-6:45PM; 3rd-5th Grade Club Wednesdays from 6:45-7:30PM January would be a great time to get your kids involved in our Wednesday Choir/Club programs for elementaryage students, allowing them the opportunity to learn about God and live out faith in worship and relationships. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Sara Lightbody at x203; saral@ cpconline.org.
students TAPESTRY
Tuesdays, December 3 & 17 at 6:30PM at CPC A ministry for kids and students with special needs. The Christmas Play is held on December 17! Contact: Van Chounlamountry x306; vanc@cpconline.org.
Sunday, December 15 at 10:45AM in the Chapel; Sundays monthly Mosaic is a worship service for kids and students with special needs and their families. Noises, sounds, and movements are welcome!
Wednesday, December 18 at 6:00PM in the Sanctuary Students, families, and the community are invited to celebrate Advent with a service run by Student Ministries. There is no regular programming this Wednesday to allow everyone in your family to attend. Contact: Erin Hettinger at x305; erinh@cpconline.org.
Student Ministries staff writes all Wednesday night curricula. Visit cpconline.org/students.
Wednesdays, December 4 and 11 from 6:15-7:30PM (Student Advent Service December 18) A night of large-group learning and small-group discussion for 6th-8th graders. If your student isn’t registered, visit cpconline.org/register. Elevate contact (6th-7th grades): Van Chounlamountry at x306; vanc@cpconline.org. CC contact (8th grade): Carrie Gleeson at x258; carrieg@cpconline.org.
Friday, December 20 from 6:00-8:30PM at Roller Garden (5622 W. Lake St., St. Louis Park 55416) Ruckus is our fun-filled monthly outing for Elevate and Commitment Class students. Roller skate with us; meet at Roller Garden. Cost: $10 (includes skating, hot dog, and drink). Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Van Chounlamountry at x306; vanc@ cpconline.org.
high school
Wednesdays, December 4 & 11 from 8:00-9:15PM (Student Advent Service December 18) If your student would like to plug into a core group, contact Trevor Tinsley at x304 or trevort@cpconline.org.
Friday-Tuesday, December 27-31 in Chicago Students in grades 9-12 are invited to a service-learning trip to Chicago. Serve, love, and hear stories of God’s people in need. Register: cpconline. org/register. Contact: Trevor Tinsley at x304; trevort@cpconline.org.
Thursdays, December 5, 12, & 19 at 7:00PM at CPC A short-term small group opportunity to go deeper with the Advent Table sermon series. Contact: Steph Spencer at x223; stephanies@cpconline.org.
Sunday, December 15 at 7:00PM in the Fireside Room Living in the Tension is a safe space intended to build bridges between the Church and the LGBT community. We will watch part of the documentary For the Bible Tells Me So followed by discussion. Contact: Debbie Manning at x275; debbiem@cpconline.org.
Sunday, December 22 right after worship Join us in the Great Room to decorate cookies and get to know some new people at The Table.
special january events FAMILIES MOVING FORWARD
Sunday, December 29-Sunday, January 5 Give time to homeless families at CPC. We need volunteers for set up and take down, meal preparation and serving, hosting, and laundry services. Volunteer or donate: cpconline.org/ register. Contact: Liza Schwab at 651.485.7575; lcschwab@comcast.net.
Thursday, January 16; meets 3rd Thursday of the month through May CPC’s Middle East Task Force sponsors discussions of the many facets of reconciliation, particularly concerning Israel and Palestine. Join us to expand understanding of these challenging and emotionally-charged issues that have no easy answers. Contact: Debbie Ducar x226; debbied@cpconline.org.
January 17-20 & February 14-17 Join Family Fest, CPC’s friend in ministry, at Winter Weekend, a multi-generational getaway at Grand View Lodge. Enjoy speakers, winter sports, bonfires,
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plus great accommodations and food. Visit: familyfestministries.org. Contact: Pete Larson at 952.881.0939; mail@ familyfestministries.org.
Beginning Sunday, February 23 CPC is a place to learn, serve, and build relationships. Meet pastors and learn what it means to be part of the Body of Christ. There is no obligation to join after the class, but we hope you do! Registration before the first class required. Register: Beth Montgomery at x214; bethm@cpconline.org.
WINTER ADULT CLASSES Women in the Word Beginning Monday, January 6 from 9:30-11:45AM in the Fireside Room Our winter study includes Beth Moore’s Sacred Secrets followed by Priscilla Shirer’s study on Gideon. The format includes a large group DVD lecture, small group discussion, and fellowship. Cost: $15/study; $25/ both studies. Childcare available ($50/ semester). Register: cpconline.org/ register. Contact: Ann Schofield at womenintheword@cpconline.org. Essentials 101: Overview of God’s Story Beginning Wednesday, January 8 from 6:00-7:30PM in a nearby home Get the big picture of God’s story from Genesis to Revelation, and learn how you fit into His amazing plan. Dave and Laura Scherf lead this nine-week class. Parental Guidance Necessary Wednesdays in January from 6:15PM7:30PM in Room 204 CPC is committed to providing the best possible tools to help parents with the challenges and joys of raising Christian kids in a secular world. Enjoy a fourweek speaker series that will encourage and equip you as a parent. Tuesday Evening Women’s Small Group Study Tuesdays, January 14-March 25 from 6:45-8:45PM in Room 10; meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Discover God’s beauty, love, and heart in Beth Moore’s The Law of Love: Lessons from the Pages of Deuteronomy. Study guides available at first session. Cost: $20. Register: Jane Pooler at jane.plr55@gmail.com.
Thanksgiving Harvest: 1,420 bags collected!
Service Learning Night with Kids and Students Seniors in high school chat with CPC seniors.
Fifth-graders pray for Operation Christmas Child box recipients.
Thanksgiving Harvest
Commitment Class Retreat
2nd Grade Bibles
A third grader writes notes for Operation Christmas Child.
In Our
Family Congratulations to:
Jon and Brooke Toftoy on the birth of their son, Thor Russell, on November 1. Brooke serves as CPC’s Co-Director of High School Ministries. Chris and Claire Sweem on the birth of their daughter, Isabelle McCarthy, on November 4. Claire serves as CPC’s Communications Ministry Assistant and Scheduling Coordinator. Peder and Sage Gustafson on the birth of their daughter, Hope Ethel, on November 7. Big brother and sister are Spenser and Meg.
Amanda Lerfald and Trevor Tinsley, who were married November 9. Pastor Dan Munson officiated. Trevor serves as CPC’s Co-Director of High School Ministries.
The family and friends of Margaret Ittner Callahan, who passed away on October 30. The family and friends of Peggy Lynn (Asselstine) Nestor, who passed away on October 31 in Arizona.
IN THE HOSPITAL 10/22-11/19
George Beasley - Fairview University Annie Schmidt - Mayo Peter Deanovic - Mayo Mark Thang - Fairview Southdale Lindsay Gilligan - Fairview Southdale
Warren Reader - Fairview Southdale Barb Sorum - Fairview Southdale Sage Gustafson - Abbott Northwestern Joan Boettcher - Fairview Southdale Ruth Tate - Fairview Southdale Jim Fetterly - Abbott Northwestern
FINANCIAL UPDATE June 1, 2013-October 31, 2013 Ministry Offering Budget: $1,627,632.97 Actual Offering: $1,544,991.71 Variance: ($82,641.26) Mission Partner of October (GO! Trip Scholarships): $6,351.31 YTD Mission of the Month Total: $36,923.58 Expenses are under budget year-todate.
of the
mind “
Books, music, quotes, apps, art, videos, websites, people, places, and things that get us to think about God in new and exciting ways.
What are CPCers’ favorite Christmas hymns? (Poll conducted via CPC’s Facebook page)
The season of Advent is the time of waiting before Christ’s birth as well as the preparation for Christ’s second coming. Two 20th century Christian greats—C. S. Lewis and Dietrich Bonhoeffer—offer their Advent reflections in two small books available at Pathway:
What Child Is This?
Silent Night
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
14% O Come, All Ye Faithful
A World Awaits: Daily Reflections for Advent by C. S. Lewis
God Is in the Manger: Reflections on Advent and Christmas by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“ I believe that divine
Joy to The World
love, incarnate and indwelling in the world, summons the world always toward wholeness, which ultimately is reconciliation and atonement with God.” - Wendell Berry, author
O Holy Night
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” - Philippians 4:4
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A Christian journal of religion & culture 14
David Hammond David has served as the Director of Creative Worship since September 2013.
Q What led you to CPC?
We realized that the church I previously worked at was awesome, but it just wasn’t going to be a long-term fit for our family. We chose to leave but trusted God to figure out where we would end up, and CPC became the clear next step for us. The multigenerational DNA of CPC is very strong. It also says a lot that the staff is high quality, which reflects the health of the culture. And I like the fact that I’m in a position that didn’t exist before—that’s exciting.
Q What does the role of Director of Creative Worship entail?
The weekend services are the big, huge front door for CPC, but previously there wasn’t one position focused on the planning process for the entire weekend. So in this role, I work with other ministries, worship staff, and pastors to plan and coordinate the weekend services. I help make sure that creative ideas become reality and that good intentions get carried out.
Q What do you like to do outside of work?
Having a sense of routine and order in life is really important for me. Although I don’t have a lot of margin with young kids, I need to both get my heart rate up and have introverted reflection time. So I’ll run or bike to work to satisfy those needs. I inevitably just feel more balanced. I also need free time to make stuff. At CPC I create videos and worship experiences on a schedule, so if I have a free Saturday to build something or install something around the house, I enjoy that a lot.
Q What Christmas traditions have you and your family created together?
Most of our Christmas traditions revolve around the church schedule. We are usually exhausted Christmas morning because we were involved in a full day of Christmas Eve services. So we have a lazy, groggy morning and a big southern breakfast once everyone is up. Leading up to Christmas, we have started an Advent wreath tradition with our kids. Each day we add a candle to the wreath, make something warm to drink, and read a story from the Bible. The kids love to add the candles, and they sing “Joy to the World” with a lot of enthusiasm and not a lot of accuracy. It’s a special time.
FAST FACTS ABOUT DAVID Hometown: Virginia Beach, VA Family: wife, Heather (married 9 years); children, Zora (5), Daisy (3), Dashiell (1)
Most recently read book: My Name Is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok Guilty pleasure: Obsessively researching a purchase and then not buying it
Hobbies: Running, biking, surfing, snowboarding, doing anything behind a boat, music Fun Facts: Has a quirky sense of humor that doesn’t come out very often and a M.Div. from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary CPC LIFE
Worship Times this Month
Saturdays at 5:15PM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 9:30AM | Traditional Worship Sundays at 11:00AM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 6:00PM | The Table at CPC December 3 at 7:00PM | Candlelight Memorial Service December 18 at 12:00PM | Mid-Month Chapel Service December 24 | Christmas Eve Services 2:00, 3:30 & 5:00PM – Family Services 7:00PM – Traditional Communion Service 9:00PM – Traditional Lessons & Carols Service (with the choir) 11:00PM – The Table at CPC
This Month in Worship
December 7/8 | REJOICE: Joy in Calling (Luke 1:26-56) John & Laura Crosby speaking; Matt Moberg at The Table December 14/15 | REJOICE: Joy in Discovery (Luke 2:8-20) John Crosby speaking; Steph Spencer at The Table December 21/22 | REJOICE: Joy in Seeing (Luke 2:25-40) Rich Phenow speaking; Matt Moberg at The Table December 24 | REJOICE: Joy in the Gift (Matthew 2:1-12) John Crosby speaking at all services
Advent is when Christians look back 2,000 years to Jesus’ Incarnation—the moment when the Son of God was born of a woman, come to save the world. But Advent is also when we look ahead with anticipation and great joy for Jesus’ return. In between the celebration and the expectation, we travel through the Christmas story to experience the joy in waiting, calling, discovering, and seeing from those who lived through—and rejoiced in—Christ’s birth.
DECEMBER At A Glance (see pages 8-11 for details) SUN
1 Sunday Communities (S.C.) Catalyst
2 In the Word
8 Adopt-A-Family Collection S.C. Catalyst S.C. 15 Catalyst Abundantly Satisfied Mosaic Worship Service Living in the Tension
22 Live Nativity Table Christmas Cookie Hangout
9 In the Word Couples’ Group Advent Decorations Due
Tuesday 3 Women’s Study Men’s Group Millennial Group Beginning Again Tapestry Candlelight Memorial Service
10 Tuesday Women’s Study Men’s Group
17 Tuesday Women’s Study Grace & Hope Men’s Group Tapestry
23 Christmas Story Rehearsal
24 Christmas Eve Worship
Ruth Circle Edynamoes Calvary Tutoring Kids’ & Student Programming
Mom’s Morning Ruth Circle Rick Byron Study Calvary Tutoring Kids’ & Student Programming
Ruth Circle 18 Martha Circle Rick Byron Study Mid-Month Chapel Calvary Tutoring Student Ministries Advent Service
25 Merry Christmas! (CPC closed)
Men’s Groups Table Advent Small Groups
Adopt-A-Family 7 Collection Women’s Christmas Brunch Beginning Again Date Night
Family Advent Celebration
Men’s Groups Moms of Teens Alzheimer’s Group Couples’ Group Table Advent Small Groups
19 Men’s Groups Table Advent Small Groups
Needlework Guild Nesters
Prayer Shawl Ministry
20 Lydia Circle Live Nativity Christmas Story Rehearsal
Ruckus Live Nativity
27 Mission Chicago
28 Mission Chicago
Christ Presbyterian Church | 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435 | 952.920.8515 | cpconline.org | facebook.com/cpconline | @CPCEdina