February CPC Life

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FAITH STORY GARY TYGESSON on coming to Christ in his 40s




LIVE F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2 | W W W. C P C O N L I N E . O R G

but sometimes I live like He doesn’t exist.

Am I a Christian atheist? PAGE 4

Inspiring all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally.



One Sunday Morning

o where in the church do YOU sit? When Laura asks me, “Was so and so in church today?” I close my eyes and think of where they sit in the Sanctuary . . . because CPCers almost always sit in the same section (and frankly, you get a little cranky if someone’s taken “your spot!”). I thought of that on a recent Sunday because I wasn’t in my usual spot up front. Rich preached and did a great job, as I sat in the pews with a new view. I saw you sitting in your same spots: 96-year-old Doris brought by her young friend, 70+-year-old Tran; the frazzled young couple sliding in, late as always; the single guy in the back behind the pillar for the fourth week in a row, trying to look like he’s not lonely; the grumpy guy who chews on me about missions even though he hasn’t given coffee money in years; the little one so intently coloring in the “Young Worshiper” puzzle she got from the usher. Then the music started, and we rose to sing, or at least to mouth the lyrics. As we sang I thought of the Psalms, usually divided into Praise and Lament. Amidst all of our joyous singing, we need to leave more time and space for moments of silent lament (because sitting among us are also stories of job loss, infertility, a season of depression, a broken heart). Every pastor should have to sit in the pews more, watching high schoolers texting, old guys sleeping, visitors right next to 50-year members. Sometimes, maybe often, you just sit there, don’t you, doing your duty? Coming to church is part ritual, part relational, but also hopeful. We are taught the new,

CPC Life is a monthly publication of Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC). Complimentary copies available monthly at CPC or at www.cpconline.org/cpclife. Mail Subscriptions: Suggested annual donation of $20. Please write Editor, CPC Life, Christ Presbyterian Church, 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435.

reminded of the old, and sometimes encouraged that we’re not alone. That’s the hopeful part. That’s the “maybe God can speak to me” part. From where I sat, I saw a young woman and a teenager God prompted last year to care for hurting students, and now they do it every week (SLAY-Care, Student Lay Care). There was the mom going through a tough divorce, and I wondered/prayed about what she was feeling. I saw a guy whose faith grew sitting there, enough to reach out to an estranged brother “just one more time,” and it finally worked. And though I couldn’t see him from where I was sitting because he’s always up in the balcony, organ-side, the old retired guy was right where he heard God tell him he wasn’t through yet, a journey that led him to start an orphanage in Africa.

Christmas Eve Worship Services Saturday, December 24

I love this church, our church, where service and humor, love and grace, bring Light, Life, and Hope into a pressure-cooker world. Amidst singing, praying, and reading the Scriptures, watching and sometimes just showing up, somehow the living God plants a seed. From where I sat on Sunday, I couldn’t quite tell if God was speaking to that young guy, or if he was just here to see the cute girl in front of him! One step at a time. . . .

John Crosby serves as Senior Pastor

Email Subscriptions: To receive a link to the monthly online version, contact communications@cpconline.org. We welcome your letters and comments! Please email communications@cpconline.org. © Christ Presbyterian Church 2012.

Director of Communications: Sharon Sampson Editor: Jennifer Boardman Art Direction & Design: Jeremy Emmerich Editorial Assistant: Claire Sweem ©

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Stories Issue The January issue of CPC Life was a special “Stories Issue” featuring nine testimonies of transformation and hope. It was our most popular issue to date. Though the month is over, the issue


Sharing Our Faith Do you want sharing Christ to become a lifestyle? “The Christian Atheist” series will address challenges of talking about God in our cultural context. The Outreach Team has organized an Engaging Evangelism Workshop on Saturday, February 25 to better learn to engage our faith in a way that is inviting. Learn more on page 8.


Summer Camps It may feel cold outside, but plans for kids’ and student summer camps are well underway! Camp dates and

descriptions are listed on pages 9-10 or on CPC’s website. Registration opens March 15.


CPC Men & Women We invite women to a special day retreat on February 11 as Dee Brestin speaks on understanding God’s great love. A number of small groups for men are also starting this winter. Learn more on page 8.


Sing to the Lord! On February 25, the choirs from seven Edina churches will join together for

a Festival Service at CPC. Dr. Anton Armstrong, director of the St. Olaf College Choir, will conduct. See page 7.

Celebrate with us how CPC’s generations are following Jesus, loving others, and living missionally. FOLLOW JESUS Sunday Communities have grown by one-third since the fall.

remains available on our website or in the CPC office. We thank God for the ongoing stories of changed lives in the CPC community.


Deacon Nominations CPC’s Deacon Board seeks to be the hands and feet of Jesus by providing hospitality and meeting the needs of those in our community. To nominate a new deacon who seeks to love Jesus by serving others, submit your recommendation in the boxes in the CPC Office or Great Room Information Desk by Monday, February 27.


Elder Nominations Elders are chosen by the congregation to help lead, govern, and encourage the members and staff of CPC. The Session is forming a Nominating Committee to present to the congregation nominees for the position of elder. To nominate a CPC member, email his or her name to Gary Tygesson (tygesson.gary@dorsey. com) or Becky Danielson (faithfirstparent@aol.com) by Friday, March 16.


Denominational Update We emailed members regarding a recent Star Tribune article that mentioned CPC and John Crosby. Our email offers clarity and more information on movements in the PC(USA), and we invite you to join in learning and discerning the issues at hand. Find that email and more at www.cpconline.org/pcusa.

57 9th graders joined with leaders on a retreat about holy sexuality.

LOVE OTHERS Abundantly Satisfied, a new care group for people with weight/food issues, is being formed. Over 25 CPC staff members served at the January Edynamoes’ luncheon, and one of the guests was a 100-year-old gentleman!

L I V E M I S S I O N A L LY 240 coats were donated for the annual Coat Drive sponsored by CPC Singles. After January’s Expo, 43 people immediately registered to see, love, and serve God’s people on GO! Trips in 2012.

6901 Normandale Road Edina, MN 55435 952.920.8515 www.cpconline.org






Am I a Christian atheist? Thoughts on living a life sold out for God.

Today by Mike Hotz, Missions Jesus Christ

My Life

My Life except my 401K, body, sex, comfort, time, social status, relationships, control, pleasure, ego, language, integrity at work, ambitions, marriage, expectations, thoughts, web browsing

Joe Christian

by Lee Hanssen, Student Ministries


n December 31, 2004, I remember saying to the Lord, “My answer is yes. What’s the question?” I was a Christian, but that was the first time I remember a significant moment of surrender. It was like I made a check out to the Lord with my life in the memo and my name signed on the line. I joined staff with Campus Crusade for Christ and began my own crusade: to live sold out for Christ until the day He called me home. I spent the next four years traveling around the world spreading the Good News of the Gospel. But like so many times before and since, my energy ran out long before my intentions were realized. My purest moments were undermined by selfinterest. Over time I had slowly been erasing my name, letter by letter, that I had once signed on that check line. My unreserved “yes” turned into a circumstantial “yes,” based more on car payments, job security, and 401Ks than on God’s promises over my life.

Isn’t it funny how as Christians we can so often live our lives with little or no thought about God? Do we say we believe in God but live like He’s not in control? Our decision-making processes look more like those of men and women of the world than men and women





of the Word. Our plans revolve more around our desires than God’s work to make us whole. While we may have moments of great faith, they are often coupled with long seasons of apathy. Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” (Matthew 13:44). Once we recognize the value of what Jesus has to offer over what this world offers, the decision seems clear. Jesus’ kingdom

Isn’t it funny how as Christians we can so often live our lives with little or no thought about God? brings joy; the world leaves us dissatisfied. The kingdom of heaven brings peace; our earthly desires bring angst. When we are fully surrendered, we are in pursuit of becoming fully alive in God; when we cling to possessions and plans, we are enslaved to sin. Making choices based on God’s Word instead of our feelings brings us one step closer to experiencing the kingdom in a tangible way. But how do we really live a surrendered life? It isn’t just about avoiding sin or reading your Bible more. Genuine heart

change and the work of the Holy Spirit alone give us the desire to give all we have to Christ. A good place to begin is having the courage to acknowledge our own hypocrisy: “What parts of my life remain untouched?” or “What areas of my life am I clinging to for security?” Surrendering to God isn’t a one-time decision; living fully surrendered plays out moment-by-moment. And in struggling together to walk that decision out, we will find the joy we are all looking for. new sermon series

To hear and share with others sermons from this series, visit www.cpconline.org/messages. To read more about this topic, pick up Craig Groeschel’s book, The Christian Atheist, in Pathway.


by Paul Tshihamba, Missions


PC’s mission statement is broken into three distinct movements: follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. These are three ways of describing Jesus’ invitation into discipleship and spiritual formation. When Jesus began His earthly ministry, He extended an invitation to Peter and the other disciples to “Come, follow Me, and I will make you a fisher of people” (Mark 1:17). Those of us in missions circles tend to focus primarily on the classic missions verses, such as Matthew 28:19 (“Go and make disciples of all nations”). While this is a key emphasis of the gospel, it should be seen within the greater context of Jesus’ message. At the end of the gospel account of the resurrection, Jesus again appeared to Peter with the same invitation to “Come follow me” (John 21:19, 21). It was the invitation to come, follow, and be formed.


At CPC, we view our GO! Trips as discipleship opportunities, where the fullness of our mission statement is expressed. We see GO! Trips not so much as bringing Jesus to the places we go, but as an invitation to come and see the ways God is already at work transforming lives and impacting the world with the gospel of the kingdom of God.

In 2012, CPC is offering ten short-term trips for you to discover what God is up to beyond the four walls of CPC. In 2012, CPC is offering ten short-term trips for you to discover what God is up to beyond the four walls of CPC. We are going to the streets of Jackson, Mississippi to learn about the powerful impact of a Christian witness against the backdrop of a community still af-

Who: Family-friendly (5 and older) Dates: April 1-5

Wherever you go, one thing is certain: no one returns from a GO! Trip unchanged. All return with a better understanding that to be Christ’s disciple involves, at least in part, coming and seeing. So this year, GO! somewhere new as you come alongside Jesus to see His work in this country and beyond!



Who: Family-friendly (5 and older) Dates: June 24-29

Who: Intergenerational (high school and older) Dates: July 20-31

Who: Adults Dates: October 12-24





Who: Family-friendly (10 and older) Dates: June 16-23

Who: High School Students Dates: June 28-July 10

Who: Family-friendly (5 and older) Dates: August 1-4

Who: Adults Dates: October 23November 2


Who: Adults (CPC-trained Who: Adults (Medical, Lay Care Ministers) IT, and other professionals) Dates: March 17-29 Dates: May 10-22


fected by the legacy of racial tensions. We’ll go to an Indian reservation in South Dakota, where generational poverty continues to provide opportunities for partnership and active engagement. We’ll be on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, where God’s people are actively committed to respond to God’s invitation to “come and follow.” Some of you will use your Lay Care training to listen to stories of pain and redemption in the slums of Lusaka, Zambia, while others will utilize a medical or technical background in the Congo to encourage our partners there.







by Melanie McCoy, Co-Moderator of the Deacons


hen I received a call from the Deacon Moderator telling me I had been nominated to serve on the Deacon Board, my first reaction was, “Who nominated me? Wow, God has answered my prayer!” CPC had been my church home for more than 25 years, but other than attending services, an occasional Bible study, and sporadically helping with Edynamoes or a funeral reception, I didn’t know many people and definitely didn’t understand the depth of opportunities to serve. Now, three years later, God has refined my love for my church and His people through the privilege of serving as a deacon. Here’s how I see the deacon role at CPC:

Follow Jesus Individually, deacons are diverse in age, gender, and Christian maturity, but as a group, we all have the desire to be obedient followers of Christ as His disciples and His servants. Love Others The activities that we do as deacons reflect what we value as a church. Whether we’re serving coffee and communion,

serving food at Loaves and Fishes, painting a house, driving a bus, housing the homeless, baking cookies for funerals, collecting food at Thanksgiving and gifts at Christmas, stocking the Calvary Kidstuff store, calling our congregation, or hosting a church picnic, we are presenting Christ to this church and to our community.

God has refined my love for my church and His people through the privilege of serving as a deacon. Live Missionally Formally, our role is to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We help CPC fulfill its mission of being a community that invites people into a transforming relationship with Christ. We meet the practical needs of those we serve — both in the church and in the community.

When we serve people out of compassion, grace, love, kindness, and justice, we are giving worship to God, making His glory and His character visible. I’ve often heard it said that we are the only Bible that some people ever read. When I answered the call to serve with the deacons, I had no idea the ways in which God would transform me. He has refined my character, developed my leadership skills, and has broken my heart with the things that break His. Additionally, the friendships that I’ve made as I’ve washed dishes, shared a meal, or had a conversation have forever changed my perception of the power of community as I walk into the Great Room on Sunday mornings. So what about you? Would you like to participate in God’s mission at CPC and in our community? Would you like to be transformed by your participation? I challenge you to spend some time thinking about your relationship with Jesus. TeWinkel Look in the Al rearview mirror of your life: glance back at where you’ve been, but then look forward to where you’re heading. Are you ready to take a step of faith and say “Yes!” to serving Him?

>> Nominate a deacon by submitting your recommendation in the boxes in the CPC Office or Great Room Information Desk by Monday, February 27.





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CPC Ministry Programming February 2012

At CPC, we seek to inspire all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. Please look through the various programs for kids, students, and adults --- and join us! For fuller descriptions and more information on any of these programs, please visit www.cpconline.org.

general WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNERS Dinner served in the Great Room from 4:45-6:00PM every Wednesday there is programming. Salad Bar-$4; Dinner & Salad Bar-$8; Dinner without Salad Bar-$7; Kids’ Meal-$4; Family Max-$25 February 1 - Taco bar, ice cream February 8 - Pizza, Caesar salad February 15 - Spaghetti, chocolate cake February 22 - Ash Wednesday Break February 29 - Sloppy Joes, cookies MID-MONTH CHAPEL SERVICE Wednesday, February 15 at 12:00PM A traditional service with a short message by Laura Shaffer, hymns, communion, and prayers. Lunch follows. ASH WEDNESDAY Wednesday, February 22; no Wednesday night programming Join us as we begin the season of Lent with services remembering what God has done for us and committing ourselves to faithful living. The Sacrament of Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes will be offered at all services. Meditation by Deb Kielsmeier at 12:00 and 6:00PM; Lee Hanssen at 7:30PM. 12:00PM: Traditional Service in the Chapel (no childcare available) 6:00PM: Traditional Service in the Sanctuary (childcare for 6 weeks through 2 years old in Room 112) 7:30PM: Contemporary Service in Sanctuary (led by Student Ministries) (no childcare available)

EDINA CHURCH CHOIR FESTIVAL Saturday, February 25 at 2:00PM at CPC Join us for a special Festival Service, featuring the choirs from seven Edina churches and brass ensemble, under the direction of Dr. Anton Armstrong (director of the St. Olaf College Choir). Open to the public; a free-will offering will be taken.

adults SUNDAY COMMUNITIES Sunday Communities offer a place to belong and grow with people in a similar stage of life. A new community, Credo, meets at 10:45AM. Through April 1, we’ll take an in-depth look at The Apostles’ Creed. Join us as we unpack this ancient Christian creed. 9:30AM: S.A.L.T. (30s & 40s) A.C.T.S. (50s & 60s) MIXED TAPES (20s & 30s couples) CPC Singles (40s & 50s) - 2nd, 4th weeks 10:45AM: MORE (all ages) CREDO (NEW! all ages) Visit www.cpconline.org/SC. CPC SINGLES (40s & 50s) Sundays, February 12 and 26 from 9:3010:45AM in the Parlor; meets 2nd and 4th Sundays and 3rd Thursday We are studying The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns; study guides in Pathway. This month we’ll meet socially on Thursday, February 16 from 5:007:00PM at Poor Richards in Bloomington. The 2nd Annual Ice Fishing outing on February 25 may be postponed

due to thin ice; email Scott Buzby at buzbullet@yahoo.com for details. Many thanks for helping with the successful Coat Drive! Contact: cpcsingles@gmail. com; find “CPC Singles” on Facebook.

TIM KELLER’S the PRODIGAL GOD Wednesdays, February 1-March 14 from 6:00-7:30PM in the Parlor (no class February 22) Join us for a six-week study on the parable of the prodigal son using Tim Keller’s video series. Contact: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226; debbied@cpconline.org. PARENTAL GUIDANCE NECESSARY: REAL KIDS, REAL WORLD Wednesdays, February 8 &15 from 6:007:30PM in the Fireside Room This series focuses on how to raise kids with faith that sticks. Topic is “Raising Fiscally Savvy Kids” led by Kari Norman. Contact: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226; debbied@cpconline.org. AMAZING GRACE BOOK CLUB Monday, February 13 at 1:00PM in the Parlor; meets 2nd Monday monthly On February 13, we’ll discuss Gregory Boyle’s Tattoos on the Heart, the true story of a priest walking with gang members in L.A. On March 12, we’ll discuss City of Tranquil Light by Bo Caldwell. We would love to have you join us! Contact: Carol Krebs at 952.920.8515 x224; carolk@cpconline.org. CPC BOOK CLUB Thursday, February 16 at 7:00PM in the CPC LIFE







Parlor; meets 3rd Thursday monthly On February 16, we’ll discuss Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See. On March 15, we’ll discuss Growing Up Amish by Ira Wagner. Contact: Nancy Reutiman at 952.920.1837.

ENGAGING EVANGELISM WORKSHOP Saturday, February 25 from 9:00AM3:00PM Evangelism should be a lifestyle. A follower of Jesus both shares faith and serves others. This interactive workshop will ignite, inspire, and equip participants to better live out our CPC Mission Statement. Led by Ray Jones, Coordinator for Evangelism for the Presbyterian Church USA. No charge; limited space. Register: www.cpconline. org/register. LENTEN SMALL GROUPS Starting the week of February 26 through the week of March 25: Tuesdays from 7:00-8:15PM, Thursdays from 12:001:00PM, or Thursdays from 7:008:15PM Practice spiritual disciplines in community while studying passages that prepare us for Easter. This five-week small group uses spiritual disciplines taught in the “Spiritual Disciplines” sermon series. Register: www.cpconline. org/register. Contact: James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x308; jamesm@cpconline.org. MEMBERSHIP CLASSES Sundays, February 26-April 29 Do you like what you see at CPC? In our Membership Class, meet pastors and others, and learn what we believe. There is no obligation to join after the class, but we hope you do. Register: Beth Montgomery at 952.920.8515 x214; beth@cpconline.org. WEDNESDAY MORNING STUDY Wednesdays from 11:00AM-12:00PM; meets weekly Rick Byron leads this lively discussion of Daniel. We meet every Wednesday except Edynamoes days. Contact: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226; debbied@cpconline.org.





men MEN’S SMALL GROUPS Tuesdays at 6:45AM (Eden Prairie); Tuesdays at 7:00AM (Plymouth); Wednesdays at 12:00PM (CPC); Thursdays at 7:00AM (CPC); Thursdays at 7:00PM (CPC) A men’s small group is a great place to connect with other men, share life together, and grow in your relationship with God. Listed above are the new groups that are starting. Contact: James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x308; jamesm@cpconline.org.

women MOM’S MORNING LARGE GROUP Wednesdays, February 8 and 22 from 9:30-11:30AM; meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays monthly On February 8, Kristen Taraszewski will speak on “Contentment: Where Does It Come From, How Can I Find It?” On February 22, Jim and Lynne Jackson will speak on “Discipline Think Tank.” Cost: $20 for the year; $25 for childcare. Contact: Tonya Beck at tonyabeck1@comcast.net. Have you missed a Mom’s Morning talk? Recordings are available in Pathway for $3. WOMEN’S RETREAT: “FALLING IN LOVE WITH JESUS” Saturday, February 11 from 9:00AM3:00PM in the Fireside Room; registration at 8:30AM Internationally-known author and speaker Dee Brestin will speak on the theme of “Falling in Love with Jesus.” She’ll remind us that Christianity is a relationship more than a religion, as we comprehend the depth of God’s love for us. Enjoy a catered lunch and some alone time. Cost: $40, with $15 going to the work of International Justice Mission, a favorite ministry of Dee’s and CPC’s. Register: www.cpconline. org/register. Contact: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226; debbied@cpconline.org. NEEDLEWORK GUILD Saturday, February 11 from 10:00AM-

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2:00PM in the Fellowship Hall; meets 2nd Saturday monthly Needlework Guild’s mission is to make warm garments and blankets for local agencies that serve the needy. We have yarn, fabric, and knowledgeable knitters to get you started. Contact: Sally Stoutenburgh at 952.927.6915.

MOMS OF TEENS Large Group Thursday, February 16 from 9:3011:30AM in the Fellowship Hall; meets monthly Dr. Andrew Root, Associate Professor of Youth and Family Ministry at Luther, will speak on “The Melting of Identity.” Cost: $5/session. Contact: Anita LaHaye at mlahaye@comcast.net. Small Groups Two Thursdays a month Moms meet biweekly to help navigate kids’ teen years. Contact: Ann Satterthwaite at annsatterthwaite@comcast.net. TUESDAY WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30PM; meets weekly in Room 107 Join Carolyn Beatty as she leads an in-depth Bible Study on Romans. This group generates lively discussion and cares for one another. Contact: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983. CIRCLES Circles combine fellowship, learning, and service in a small group setting. They consist primarily of women over 50; new members welcome any time. Martha Circle Wednesday, February 15 at 10:00AM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Wednesday monthly Martha loves visitors and warmly welcomes new and old friends. Contact: Pat Haberkorn at 952.941.4188. Lydia Circle Saturday, February 18 at 9:30AM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Saturday monthly Ashley Barlow from The Table will speak. Please bring a treat to share. Virginia Vining and June Ekers hosting. Contact: Ellen Hastings at 952.896.0066. Esther Circle Saturday, February 18 starting at 10:00AM; meets 3rd Saturday monthly

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Join us at the home of Susan Arko (15735 Henna Court, Apple Valley 55124) for fellowship and Bible study. Contact: Susan Arko at 952.432.1042. Ruth Circle Meets every Wednesday at 9:30AM On the first and third Wednesday of the month, we meet in a home for food, fellowship, devotions, and prayers. On the other Wednesdays, we serve at Feed My Starving Children and at CPC, including cooking and serving lunch for Edynamoes and office projects. Contact: Barb Bucha at 952.470.4414.

 Wednesday, February 22 The annual gathering will be held at the Winfield Community Clubhouse in Scottsdale. Invitations were sent to CPCers with Arizona addresses on file. Cost: $18/person (send check payable to Joan Nickells at 8688 East San Rafael Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85258). Contact: Stan and Joan Nickells at 612.708.9476; stanleybn@aol.com. NAPLES SNOWBIRD GATHERING Friday, February 24 from 6:00-8:00PM You are invited to join John and Laura Crosby for fellowship and an update on CPC at Bill and Sally Hall’s home (6978 Greentree Drive, Naples, FL 34108). Heavy hors d’oeuvres will be served. Cost: $15/person (check payable to Sally Hall sent to their address). RSVP to the Halls at 239.597.1935. EDYNAMOES Wednesday, February 29 at 11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Dr. Heather Hood (now on staff for 26 years!) will lead a hymn sing-along for a special Leap Year celebration of faith in song. Cost: $5. Register: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983 by February 27. Please bring Jerry’s receipts (if paid in cash), Campbell’s Soup labels, and can tabs. COUPLES’ SMALL GROUPS A new group is forming for couples over 50. We’ll meet one evening a month for fellowship and Bible study. Contact:


James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x308; jamesm@cpconline.org.

care ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP & EDUCATIONAL SERIES Thursday, February 9 in the Fireside Room; meets 2nd Thursday monthly Support Group: 5:30-7:00PM Series: 7:00-8:30PM A series for care partners and those with an early Alzheimer’s diagnosis. February’s talk is a discussion with care partners on “Preparing for the Future: Legal and Financial Issues.” Prior to each talk, a support group meets for spouses and adult children caring for loved ones. Register: Mary Allen at 952.920.8515 x243; marya@cpconline.org. GRACE & HOPE FOR OUR CHILDREN Tuesday, February 21 from 7:00-8:30PM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Tuesday monthly A support group for parents of kids with emotional and/or mental health issues. We seek to be a caring community as we share our journeys. Contact: Doug Brown at 612.839.9992; dbrown@dcbrowninc.com. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Tuesday, February 28 from 7:00-8:30PM in the Parlor; meets 4th Tuesday monthly Join a new care ministry to knit or crochet prayer shawls. The shawls are made with the hope of being vessels for God’s presence and comfort. You do not need knitting experience, nor is this group age/gender specific. Materials provided. Contact: Pat Johnson at 952.947.0734. ABUNDANTLY SATISFIED: WEIGHT CARE GROUP Meets monthly; contact Sandy Radeke for details Are weight issues keeping you from experiencing the abundant life? Do you look to food to satisfy emotional needs? A new group around weight/food issues is being formed. We will study the book Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desires With God, Not Food. Contact: Sandy Radeke at 952.452.1205; sandy_radeke@earthlink.net.



MISSIONS FEBRUARY MISSION PARTNER OF THE MONTH: Opportunity International Improve lives by helping fund a fullservice bank for the poor in the Congo through Opportunity International. Write “Opportunity International” in your check’s memo line. Representatives of Opportunity International will also be in the Great Room on Sundays throughout February to answer your questions.

kids WINTER FAM JAM FOR PRESCHOOLERS AND THEIR FAMILIES! Saturday, February 11 from 9:0010:45AM in the Multi-Purpose Room Bring your family, bring your smile! Please join us for a fun-filled morning of crafts, cookie decorating, facepainting, and an air jumper. Sign up in your child’s classroom or RSVP to Anne McCracken at 952.920.8515 x216 or anne@cpconline.org with number of kids attending. 2012 SUMMER CAMP DATES Registration opens March 15 at 9:00AM VBS - June 12-14 OR June 19-21 (3-year-olds by June 1, 2012 through those entering kindergarten) Summer Surge - June 14-15 overnight (those entering 4th & 5th grades) Family Frenzy - June 20, July 18, & August 15 (3-year-olds by June 1, 2012 through those entering 5th grade) Summer Blast - June 25-28 (those entering K-5th grades) The (Big Huge Ginormous Outrageous Super Fun) Camp - July 9-12 (those entering 1st-3rd grades) Camp-In - July 24-26 (those entering 4th & 5th grades)

students ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE Wednesday, February 22 from 7:308:45PM in the Sanctuary CPC LIFE







Students and families are invited to worship and celebrate the start of Lent together. Lee Hanssen will speak. There are no regularly scheduled programs.

STUDENT CURRICULUM ONLINE Student Ministries staff writes all the curriculum. Visit www.cpconline.org/ students to see what your student is learning. Contact: Brooke Toftoy at 952.920.8515 x286; brooket@cpconline.org.

MIDDLE SCHOOL ELEVATE AND COMMITMENT CLASS Wednesdays, February 1, 8, 15, & 29 from 6:00-7:30PM A night of fun, large group learning, and small group discussion for 6th-8th graders. If your student has not yet registered, please do so at www.cpconline. org/register. Contact for 6th-7th grade Elevate: Mandy Jester at 952.920.8515 x232; mandyj@cpconline.org. Contact for 8th grade Commitment Class: Lee Hanssen at 952.920.8515 x267; leeh@ cpconline.org. AVALANCHE SKI/SNOWBOARD RETREAT Saturday, February 18 at 8:00AM to Monday, February 20 at 11:30AM New this year: Avalanche is a familyfriendly trip! Middle schoolers, come by yourself or bring your parents for an unforgettable weekend! We’re heading to Spirit Mountain in Duluth for skiing, snowboarding, and fun. Cost: $175. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Mandy Jester at 952.920.8515 x232; mandyj@cpconline.org. Parent contact: Lee Hanssen at 952.920.8515 x267; leeh@cpconline.org.

HOUSE GROUPS Wednesdays, February 1, 8, 15, & 29 from 8:00-9:30PM If your student would like to plug into a core group, please contact Brooke Toftoy at 952.920.8515 x286 or brooket@cpconline.org.


ONE-TIME SERVICE CHANGE Sunday, February 5 at 3:00PM Due to the Super Bowl, worship on Sunday, February 5 will be at 3:00PM. Enjoy the rest of the day watching the game (or avoiding it!). SMALL GROUP GATHERING Sunday, February 12 at 4:45PM in the Fellowship Hall Small Group Gatherings are a space to grow as a small group community. Get to know others in Table small groups while sharing ideas, supporting one another, and chatting about the current series. Contact: Ashley Barlow at 952.920.8515 x223; ashleyb@cpconline.org. MINNESOTA POTLUCK Sunday, February 19 after the service Cold. Church. Casserole. A Triple-C recipe for a good old-fashioned potluck! Bring your best side, main, or dessert dish to share. Prizes for the best dish and ugliest sweater. Sign-ups begin early February. MINNEAPOLIS YOUNG LIFE NORTH: SERVING MEALS Mondays from 6:00-8:00PM, beginning February 27 The Table community is committed to help Minneapolis Young Life by serving meals to teens who attend the weekly Monday night program. We want to fill as many Monday slots from February 27 to May 14 as possible. Contact: Ashley Barlow at 952.920.8515 x223; ashleyb@cpconline.org.

upcoming events



the table



SERVING: PASSION TO ACTION Thursdays, March 1-April 19 from 6:308:00PM in the Multi-Purpose Room Join this six-week study to explore how to move from passion to action by discovering powerful principles and tools for serving. We will learn that it’s not only important that we serve, but it’s also important how we serve.

Contact: Mike Hotz at 952.920.8515 x201; mikeh@cpconline.org.

More than Serving: The Missional Life Saturday, March 10 from 9:00AM2:00PM in Room 204 Sometimes life gets unbalanced. God has designed you in wonderful ways to be a blessing to others. Yet too often our heart’s desire to respond to this call runs into barriers that prevent us from responding fully. Join us for a mini-retreat to explore how to discover God’s desire for your life and how to begin living into His desire. At the retreat, members of CPC will share how they have moved from simply serving to serving out of God’s gifting in a lasting way. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Leslie Boie at 952.920.8515 x274; leslieb@cpconline.org. URBAN HOMEWORKS WORK DAY Saturday, March 17 from 8:30AM12:00PM and/or 12:00PM-4:00PM Gather friends and family (16 and up) to rehab houses through construction, clean up, painting, yard-work, and maintenance. Register: in the Great Room and at www.cpconline.org/register. TEAM WORLD VISION HALF-MARATHON Training begins in April Support our runners or join other CPCers as we build our half-marathon team to raise funds for our Moyo, Zambia partnership. Contact: Lexi Soldo at 952.920.8515 x274; lexis@cpconline. org. WEDNESDAY NIGHT MINI-CAMP Wednesdays, April 11, 18, 25, & May 2 from 6:00-7:30PM; registration opens March 1 Mini-Camp is for K-5th graders. Kids choose their own electives including art, Bible study, missions, and more. Contact: Sarah Norton at 952.920.8515 x208; sarahn@cpconline.org. Cost: a small fee will apply. Register: www.cpconline.org/register beginning March 1.



faith story: Gary Tygesson “I had to let go of a lot in order to take up the cross and follow Him.”


y wife, Jane, and I started coming to CPC for our kids’ sake. We never guessed this church would come to be so powerful for us, too. I grew up in a dysfunctional family and lost both parents to cancer. I had always felt a certain emptiness in my life. As I struggled to fill that void, I tried to find significance through achievement in many ways, including school and the practice of law. But I was truly a lost sheep, nibbling away at all the wrong things. In CPC’s Membership Class I heard about a class called “Bible 101.” At that point, I had barely opened the Bible, but “101” sounded accessible. I took that class, and several more after that. It was in a study of Ephesians where I came to really understand God’s great love for each of us. One night after class, I said: “Yes, this is it. I want to have Christ in my heart and be sealed with His love. I want to be God’s adopted child.” To finally recognize God’s love for me — and accept it — was a turning point. This coincided with one of the busiest periods of my life. I was in charge of our worldwide corporate group, which meant 200 lawyers in 17 offices. I worked all the time. But I felt prompted

to join Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). I was blown away to find 500 men studying the Bible on Monday nights instead of watching football! For the next seven years, I attended BSF weekly, and God really protected those nights. I learned so much about the character of God and the power of applying God’s Word to everyday life. Four years ago, I was laid out with a bad back and an ear problem that resulted in vertigo. It was difficult to walk, drive, or do most anything. I believe God used the situation to force me to make changes I wouldn’t otherwise have made. It was time to cease striving and rest in the Lord. What kind of a testimony did I have by being rushed and overworked all the time? I wasn’t going to attract people to Christ by being a busy, crabby Christian. Since then I have been trying to do less of the world’s work and more of the Kingdom’s work. God doesn’t want me to have my head down in papers all the time; He wants me to have my head up so I can see the world He created and engage with the people He puts in my life. I’ve come to realize God put me in a workplace where I can try to bring light and reflect His love. Now my files are becoming less of “Client X, Y, Z,” and more about projects where I hope

God can use me. As I have created more margin in my life, new and exciting ministry opportunities have seeped in. I didn’t aspire to be a CPC elder. I figured it would be like seeing how the sausage is made, and then you don’t want to eat sausage anymore. I took the position as a step of faith. Then John Crosby asked me and two former elders to provide leadership in denominational issues. Really? Talk about making sausage! But I have a heart for this church. The brand on the door isn’t ultimately what matters. I’m committed to being part of a God-honoring process around this issue and being a church that is all about Jesus, grace, and living that out missionally. When you come to Christ in your 40s, your hands are full. I had to let go of a lot in order to take up the cross and follow Him. And as I have let go of things I used to hold tightly to, God never fails to fill my hands with something new. I used to live my life in terms of months and years. But God has brought me to the point of focusing on just today. Each day, Jane and I start with prayer together and remind ourselves that “This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it!” CPC LIFE






1 The Rev. Roger Anderson, CPC’s founding pastor, prays with Maggie and Katy Crosby. 2 CPC elders attend a Fellowship of Presbyterians event in Orlando to learn about movements in the denomination. 3 Bill & Norma Jean Barr named Seniors of the Year by Edynamoes. 4 CPCers learn about 2012 GO! Trips at the GO! Trip Expo. 5 A worship experience on “living missionally” as people sent into the world by Jesus.











In Our

Family Congratulations: Wendy Bouten and Todd Kreuscher were married December 29 in the Chapel. The Rev. Dr. John Crosby officiated. Sara Cannady and Scott Seaburg were married December 30 in the Chapel. The Rev. Rich Phenow officiated. Rhonda Harter and Vincent Hastings were married January 1 in the Chapel. The Rev. Rich Phenow officiated.

IN THE HOSPITAL 12/14-1/25 Ruth Englund - Fairview Southdale Anne Metcalfe - Fairview Southdale Char Bonniwell - Abbott Northwestern Evelyn Gans - Fairview Southdale Lee Pertl - Abbott Northwestern Cindy Johnson - Fairview University Ruth Christ - Methodist Ruth Woodyard - Fairview Southdale Annie Lumbar Bendson - Abbott Northwestern Simon Kabi - Fairview Riverside Jim Carlson - Fairview Southdale Sue DeWit - Methodist Lois Loomis - Fairview Acute Rehab

SYMPATHY TO: Barbara Fennell and Kathy, Kip, and Emily Colwell on the passing of Barbara’s husband and Kathy’s father, Frank Fennell, on December 27. A memorial service was held January 4 in the Chapel. The Rev. Rich Phenow officiated. Family and friends on the passing of Helen “Sunny” Burr on January 6 in Superior, WI. A memorial service was held January 28 in the Chapel. The Rev. Jody Phenow officiated. Ted and Kathy Burger and Bud and Jan Burger on the passing of Ted and Bud’s mother, Evelyn Burger, on January 8. Jean Funk on the passing of his wife, Rae Funk, on January 10. A memorial service will be held April 21 in the Sanctuary. The Rev. Jody Phenow will officiate.

STAFF TRANSITIONS: Rich Larson joins Worship and Music as Primary Contemporary Worship Leader. Matt Moberg joins Student Ministries as Co-Director of HSM.

FINANCIAL UPDATE June 1 – december 31, 2011 Ministry Offering Budget: $3,076,777.10 Actual Offering: $2,989,515.37 Variance: ($87,261.73) December Mission Partner of the Month (Hope Begins with a Child): $154,650 YTD Mission of the Month Total: $216,476 Expenses are on budget year-to-date.

Sandy and Brad Phillips on the passing of Sandy’s sister, Dr. Carolyn Romshe, on January 18 in Carmel, Indiana. Margaret Brandenburg on the passing of her husband, Glenn Brandenburg, on January 19. A memorial service was held January 26 in the Sanctuary. The Revs. Rich and Jody Phenow officiated. Nancy and Bob Erickson on the passing of Nancy’s father. A memorial service was held January 28 in Alleman, Iowa.

If you have not yet made a 2012 financial pledge to CPC, please visit www.cpconline.org/give or contact David Peterson, Finance Manager, at 952.920.8515 x206 or davidp@cpconline.org. Thank you for investing in God’s work at CPC.


F| E BM RA URA CRH Y 2012 1



february DEVOTIONAL by James Madsen, Adult Ministries


s believers in suburbia, we tend to allow God into our lives only on our own terms. We want the American dream: successful job, wonderful family, fun hobbies, white picket fence. Then, where there is room, we add Jesus to the mix. We like the idea of a Jesus who died for us, blesses us, protects us, and tucks us in at night. We want Jesus to be our Savior, but we flinch at the idea of Jesus being our Lord . . . being in control of our time, our talents, and our money. As we mature in our relationship with God, we find that living the abundant life in Christ means surrendering ourselves to the will of our Father. When we surrender to God, it means resting in the truth that He is good, faithful, and will never leave or forsake us. So if we surrender to the will of our Father in Heaven, we are choosing to let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts; we let God make the call. We can let the Lord do that because we have confidence in who He is and who He is for us. “I will settle things with You, Lord, once and for all concerning my rights and responsibilities. To accept Jesus as my Savior means I resign all rights and responsibilities. To accept Jesus as my Savior means I resign all rights to justify my sin before You; Jesus does that for me. But to accept Jesus as my Lord means I resign all rights to myself — time, my talents, my future, my all.” - W. Glyn Evans

What We’re Reading Circle Maker

by Mark Batterson An area some Christians struggle to trust God with is prayer. Batterson, using Joshua’s march around Jericho, writes about “praying circles around your biggest dreams and greatest fears.” He is not writing about a “name it and claim it” theology but challenges us with these words: “Nothing honors God more than a big dream that is way beyond our ability to accomplish. Why? Because there is no way we can take credit for it . . . it keeps us on our knees in raw dependence on God. . . . [It] isn’t just a mechanism whereby we accomplish great things for God; it’s a mechanism whereby God accomplishes great things in us.” I’m excited Mark Batterson will speak at CPC in April.

by Tim Keller This is such a life-changing book that not only should every believer read it, we should read it every few years. Keller opens up the Scriptures to show us how the human heart takes good things — career, love, material possessions, success, even family — and turns them into false gods. If we look to some created thing to give us the meaning, hope, and happiness that only God Himself can give, it will eventually fail to deliver and break our hearts. When we put God first, we get the best God has to offer. We also get the most fulfillment out of our relationships and career. This is a great study for both individual and small group use.

by Richard Foster This is an absolutely fabulous book for all Christians to read. To faithfully follow Jesus we need certain disciplines to grow in our faith. Two things hit me from this book. The first chapter alone is worth the price of the book as Foster explains how disciplines are meant to breathe life and grace instead of becoming law that leads into legalism. The other thing about this book that I love is the breakup of the disciplines into the Inward, Outward, and Corporate. I think it helps us discover the disciplines that make us more faithful followers of Jesus. CPC will reference this book in a new sermon series on Spiritual Disciplines starting February 25.

- Laura Crosby

- James Madsen, Adult Ministries

- Brad Jackson, The Table at CPC





counterfeit gods

Celebration of Discipline


Volunteer Spotlight:

Sharon Heiberg

Q How long have you been attending CPC? We came the second week that John Crosby was here, more than 20 years ago. We had been looking for a church where our daughter could get involved in Kids’ and Student Ministries. We love CPC’s emphasis on the authority of Scripture, as well as how we are encouraged to share Jesus with others. There is also an atmosphere of acceptance at CPC.

Q What areas have you volunteered in over the years?

Sharon Heiberg volunteers as a receptionist in the CPC office. Hometown: Minneapolis Family: Husband, Bob; children, Eric, Mark, and Maren Favorite book of the Bible: Psalms Books you’re currently reading: Unbroken and A Daughter’s Walk Hobbies: Needlepoint, knitting, quilting, reading, and baking

Staff Spotlight:

Jeremy Emmerich

Because we have been here so long, I’ve been able to serve in many different areas. I was a deacon and co-moderator, an elder, and I’ve been on two Pastoral Nominating Committees. My husband and I have led small groups and have been active in Loaves and Fishes. Currently, I volunteer at the front desk in the CPC office one afternoon a week. I get to be a live commercial for CPC, because people call or come in to ask questions about different ministries. Today, for example, a couple came in looking for a church for their son, and I gave them information about The Table. If I can just give a little of Jesus’ love to people when they come in, that’s a good thing. Volunteering stretches you and makes you rely on God to help you accomplish what He’s asking you to do. There is a certain joy in serving that you can’t get anywhere else. [Editor’s Note: Sharon is beloved by the staff for the homemade treats she brings each week!]

Q Your daughter, Maren, is living and serving in India. Can you tell us about that from your perspective? Maren has been working in Darjeeling, India for five years in community development and education about human trafficking and safe migration. She went on a lot of mission trips at CPC, and we learned early on that though God had gifted us with her, we were not to hold on to her. He had other plans for Maren. One person said to me, “You are a saint to let her go.” And I thought, “If she’s following what God wants her to do, then it’s not up to me to keep her here.” We just trust God and pray for her. Q How did you get started in graphic design?

I studied both pre-optometry and art at the University of North Dakota, and I ultimately chose to pursue art as my career. After my undergrad, I went to the Minneapolis College of Art and Design where I received a post-baccalaureate certificate in graphic design. I’ve always enjoyed art, and I like the tools that are used to create digital design. Before I started working at CPC, I was a freelance graphic designer. It’s funny because, when I saw the CPC graphic design position on a job posting, I thought it was only a 15-hour contract job. In actuality, it was a 15-hour a week job! It grew into a full-time position, and I’ve been here a total of three years now.

Q What is your role at CPC? Jeremy Emmerich serves as Graphic Designer in the Communications department. Hometown: Dickinson, ND Book you’re currently reading: Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson Hobbies: Hunting, fishing, camping, and sports Claim to Fame: 1st place winner in CPC’s 2011 Staff Chili Cook-Off

I try to find creative ways to bring messaging continuity between the many ministry areas of CPC and make a big church feel small. I create content for the website, email marketing, print materials, worship graphics, promotional materials for church-wide events, photography, and CPC Life. It’s been especially fun to start up CPC Life, and I hope people enjoy it. I really enjoy the fact that I’m doing something I believe in. I like working with CPC’s staff and pastors to try to bring the gospel to people in creative ways. I am blessed to work with a great team that makes what I do possible. It is a good feeling to help show what God is doing in people’s lives by sharing stories from our community.

Q What have you experienced in your faith walk?

I grew up in the church, and God has been a part of my life from a young age. But I don’t think that I truly grasped the power of the gospel and the freedom it offers until I was in my 20s. In recent years, I have tangibly felt the Holy Spirit working in my life. God is good! CPC LIFE




Worship Times this Month Saturdays at 5:15PM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 9:30AM | Traditional Worship Sundays at 11:00AM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 6:00PM | The Table February 15 at 12:00PM | Mid-Month Chapel Service February 22 at 12:00, 6:00, & 7:30PM | Ash Wednesday Services

This Month in Worship February 4/5 | I Believe in God, but I Don’t Want to Talk About It (Luke 9:25-26) | John Crosby speaking; Brad Jackson at The Table February 11/12 | I Believe in God, but I Trust in Money (Matthew 6:1-22) | John Crosby speaking; Brad Jackson at The Table February 18/19 | I Believe in God, but It’s My Body (1 Corinthians 6:9-20) | Brad Jackson speaking at all services February 25/26 | Spiritual Disciplines: Solitude (Luke 5:15-17) John Crosby speaking; Ashley Barlow at The Table


The Christian Atheist

Do we say we believe in God, but act as if He doesn’t exist? Sometimes it’s a matter of control, where we don’t want to let God’s standards change our choices. Or maybe we struggle with trust, unsure that God will provide for our needs. This four-week series will help us consider areas of our lives where we still live as if everything is up to us alone. S tarting F ebruary 25/26:

Spiritual Disciplines

FEBRUARY At A Glance (see pages 7-10 for details) SUN







Sunday Communities (S.C.)

12 S.C. CPC Singles Table Small Group Gathering


13 Amazing Grace Book Club


S.C. Table Potluck

26 S.C. CPC Singles Membership Class


21 Grace & Hope for Our Children

27 Table Serving at Young Life

28 Prayer Shawl Ministry Lenten Small Group



Mom’s 8 Morning Ruth Circle Daniel Study Tim Keller Study Wed. Dinner & Programs Martha Circle 15 Ruth Circle Daniel Study Mid-Month Chapel Tim Keller Study Wed. Dinner & Programs Mom’s 22 Morning Ruth Circle Daniel Study AZ Snowbird Gathering Ash Wednesday Services




11 Fam Jam Women’s Retreat Needlework Guild

Alzheimer’s Group

16 Moms of Teens CPC Book Club


17 Family Fest (through 2/20)

18 Esther Circle Lydia Circle Avalanche (through 2/20)

24 Naples Snowbird Gathering

25 Edina Church Choir Festival Engaging Evangelism Workshop

29 Ruth Circle Edynamoes Tim Keller Study Wed. Dinner & Programs

Christ Presbyterian Church | 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435 | 952.920.8515 | www.cpconline.org | www.facebook.com/cpconline

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