Number Your Days
he second decade of the second millennia of our lives . . . sounds portentous, doesn’t it? Certainly more significant than “Happy New Year 2011” — but either way, the future beckons! I have a friend, the pastor of a large national church, who received as a gag gift a clock that counts down backwards to retirement. He set it for the day he turns 65, and each time we are on a conference call, someone is sure to ask him, “So what’s your number?” It’s less than 500 days now. The Psalmist says, “Teach us to number our days, that we might gain a heart of wisdom.” What does your clock look like? Are we pressing into the future or marking time; are we counting our days or making them count? I believe each day is a gift from the Creator of Time, offered for us to learn what Jesus meant when He said, “I have come that you might have life in all its abun-
dance.” Will that abundance be your experience this year, or are you already running out the clock? This New Year, we’re determined to help you number your days with wisdom, and not with a retirement clock. Numbering our days begins as we take stock of where we are, and more importantly, where are we going? We’re mailing out over 400 of the Spiritual Inventories we received from many of you last January; we’ll begin 2011 with a look back, to gain a clearer picture of what lies ahead. After we get our bearings, we’ll explore together who you’re becoming, and do you like that person? “Teach us to number our days” means that it’s never too late to grow or change. This whole month is about embracing God’s grace that enables us to take next steps. The Apostle Paul has been our companion and guide this school year, and certainly shows how lives can be changed. Week by week, we’ll look for the hope in fresh beginnings.
John Ortberg has written a wonderful new book, The Me I Want to Be, sharing our belief that we can change, be transformed into that person we dream of and long to become. Each of us is created differently, not mass-produced, and the joyful challenge is to discover not only how we’re wired by God, but what inhibits us. Join us for the journey! I’m thrilled that John Ortberg will be joining us at the end of the month, on Saturday, January 29, so be sure and save the date. In this new year, believe that your life means more to God than a clock ticking backwards and learn to number your days.
John Crosby serves as Senior Pastor
Cover photo from left to right: Kate Johnson, Office Volunteer Judy Romine, Edynamoes and Lydia Circle
CPC Life is a monthly publication of Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC). Complimentary copies available monthly at CPC or at www.cpconline.org/cpclife. Mail Subscriptions: Suggested donation of $20. Please write Editor, CPC Life, Christ Presbyterian Church, 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435.
Ashley Green, Kids’ Ministries Staff and Table Small Group
Gary Tygesson, Elder
Chuck Bolton, Men’s Breakfast and Sunday Communities
Katie Peterson, New Members
Jon Keller, The Table
Email Subscriptions: To recieve a link to the monthly online version, contact communications@cpconline.org.
Director of Communications: Sharon Sampson
We welcome your letters and comments! Please email communications@cpconline.org. © Christ Presbyterian Church 2010-2011.
Editor: Jennifer Boardman Art Direction & Design: Jeremy Emmerich ©
Mixed Sources
Product group from well-managed forests, controlled sources and recycled wood or fiber www.fsc.org
Fresh Starts: There are more than 30 classes and groups starting fresh in January. Whether you’re still exploring Christianity, new to CPC, or looking for serious Bible study, check out pages 7-10 for the many options. Make 2011 the year you take a next step at CPC. If you don’t know where to begin, try the new five-week Next Step groups.
Crosby Sabbatical: Beginning February 1, Senior Pastor John Crosby will be on sabbatical, his first in 11 years and only his second in 21 years at CPC. John and Laura will spend several months traveling, as well as join a CPC GO! Trip in May. John will briefly return to CPC for Easter before returning full-time June 1. Learn more about his sabbatical in the February issue of CPC Life.
GO! Trip Expo: One trip could change your life. GO! Trips are a chance to see, love, and serve with mission partners around
Message Gear: Throughout the winter and spring, our sermon passages come from Paul’s
epistles. Want to deepen your understanding of these texts and get a sneak peak of the sermon? Subscribe to Message Gear at messagegear@cpconline.org to receive a weekly email.
CPC Online: CPC’s Facebook page is often the fastest way to learn of church highlights and updates. Go to www.facebook. com/cpconline and “like” us. We also have a new group on LinkedIn to foster professional networking and business connections. Search for “CPC Edina Networking Group” at www.linkedin.com.
Celebrate with us how CPC’s generations are following Jesus, loving others, and living missionally. FOLLOW JESUS So far, 500 CPCers have pledged to give faithfully in 2011. Approximately eight children and youth come to Tapestry, CPC’s special needs program.
the world. Come to the GO! Trip Expo after services on January 22/23 and open your eyes to the possibilities. More information on page 5.
Coat Drive: Do you have some gently used coats you could spare? The CPC Singles Community is organizing a coat drive to benefit the Trinity Mission of St. Paul. A collection box will be in the Great Room from January 1-31.
>> Giving to CPC Will you make 2011 a year of intentional generosity? Your gifts to CPC support our core programs and mission. Visit www.cpconline.org/give or contact the Finance Office to set up automatic withdrawal.
60 high schoolers spending December 27-31 serving at Mission Chicago. 973 CPCers involved in small groups.
L I V E M I S S I O N A L LY CPC 4th and 5th graders exchanged letters with kids at HEAL Africa in the Congo. 337 families and seniors received gifts through Adopt-A-Family.
6901 Normandale Road Edina, MN 55435 952.920.8515 www.cpconline.org
You Are Here.
>> What’s your next step? by James Madsen, Adult Ministries
Wherever you are, I have some news for you. God loves you. He longs to pour out His love and grace on your life. There is more. He doesn’t want you to stay where you are. You are here, right now. But He longs for you to move, to grow, and to experience the adventure He has planned for you. Paul writes in Philippians that God is faithful to complete the good work He has begun in us. God is the One who changes us. But we do have a say in that transformation process. Some may think they can opt out of this thing we call spiritual formation. In The Me I Want to Be, John Ortberg writes, “People sometimes speak as if spiritual formation is an optional activity that some religious people may pursue and others bypass. They think it is reserved
for monks, mystics, and missionaries. But that’s not true. Everyone has a spirit. Everyone’s inner life is being formed — for better or worse.”
God longs for you to move, to grow, and to experience the adventure He has planned for you. As we start the New Year, we want to help you take the next step in your transformation journey. Our worship series will focus on the fresh starts and next steps that are core to the gospel message. On Saturday, January 29, we have invited John Ortberg to come speak to us about spiritual growth as moving toward God’s best version of ourselves. This Next Step Day featuring John Ortberg is a don’t-miss event for all of CPC no matter where “here” is for you right now. The following week, we will launch five-week Next Step Groups that will study the DVD version of Ortberg’s The Me I Want to Be and share in discussion and fellowship. God’s plan is not just for us to be saved by grace — it is for us to live by grace. Come take your next step on this journey and experience transformation by God’s grace into the YOU you can be. You are HERE. Let’s take the next step together.
>>>>>>>>>> >> Next Step Day Saturday, January 29 from 9:00AM-2:30PM
featuring John Ortberg
>> Next Step Groups
Start the week of January 30
Week Groups
(meeting at various times; see page 7 for details)
Register for Next Step Day and Next Step Groups at www.cpconline.org/register.
ver had that experience reading a map that tells you “You Are Here” — but you have no idea where “here” is? Perhaps you feel like that in your life right now. Where is “here” exactly? Maybe you’re not where you thought life would lead you: there are places in your life with brokenness, discontentment, or frustration, and this isn’t the life you signed up for. Or maybe for some of you, life has surpassed your expectations: you are here and the last thing you want to do is move from this place.
God’s People by Paul Tshihamba, Missions
2011 CPC GO! Trips
March 5-14 | Beni, Congo with Christian Bilingual University of Congo
July 23-29 | Jackson, MS with Perkins Foundation (Intergenerational Trip)
March 26-April 1 | Bayou La Batre, AL with Yahweh Ministries (Intergenerational Trip)
Early August | Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota
May 23-June 5 | Moyo, Zambia with World Vision June 19-25 | Piedras Negras, Mexico with Constructores Para Cristo (Intergenerational Trip) July 6-17 | Lusaka, Zambia with Jubilee Centre (Student Ministries Trip)
n Luke 10, a teacher of the law tries to stump Jesus by asking, “Who is my neighbor?” Thoughtful Christians have wrestled with this question ever since, and we at CPC find ourselves among them, seeking ways to answer and live out the implications. One of the distinctive aspects of our church is a dedication to missional engagement, be it local or global. CPC wants to be purposeful about offering opportunities for people of all ages to see, love, and serve our neighbors, both here and around the world. In 2011, CPC is offering ten opportunities for you to discover what God is doing beyond the four walls of this church. Whether on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, on an Indian reservation in South Dakota, or on the streets
of Jackson, Mississippi, God’s people are actively engaged in redemptive community work and we have a chance to be part of the unfolding story. Some of you might use your medical or technical background in the Congo or choose to visit our sister communities in Zambia. Or maybe you’ll have your worldview challenged as you sip bottomless cups of tea and Turkish coffee with Arab Christian and Muslim friends in the Middle East. Things happen when CPCers travel on a GO! Trip: they interact with different cultures; they see the life-changing power of God in new, unexpected ways; they sense God working through them and our ministry partners as their own faith is reignited. But most importantly, they return home transformed, closer to Jesus, and more convinced than ever that He is the Good News the world desperately needs.
August 18-28 | Lusaka, Zambia with Jubilee Centre September 22-October 2 | Middle East Trip with Questscope October 22-November 2 | Goma, Congo with HEAL Africa
Our prayer this year is that many CPCers will participate in a GO! Trip, even those with families, demanding jobs, and daily agendas who can’t possibly imagine taking on another thing.
People return home more convinced than ever that He is the Good News the world needs. During the weekend of January 22/23, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the possibilities. After all services, our “GO! Trip Expo” is a chance to hear stories, see pictures, and learn the ways to go see, love, and serve. Will you spend at least 30 minutes praying about your own possible involvement? Maybe God wants to do some of the same things in your life that He has done in the lives of many other CPCers who have experienced these trips. We would love to send you out this year. CPC LIFE
by Debbie Manning, Lay Care
aybe your next step is that you need to heal. Whether struggling with job loss, depression, broken relationships, illness, or death, the question is often — “why?” We may not be able to give a satisfactory answer for why, but we can answer the question of how: “How do we walk through trials?” We survive grief and loss by being surrounded, loved, and lifted up by others. God did not intend for us to go it alone; the “how” is that we seek out support and care. In 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, Paul writes, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received for God.” God created and calls the body of Christ (that’s us) to care for one another. This call is the foundation of CPC’s Lay Care Ministry and, within that, our Care Groups. Care Groups are for people sharing a similar life experience, who meet regularly for support, care, and God’s healing. They are doing life together. As a facilitator in the Women and Depression Support Group, I have witnessed transformed and saved lives. The first meetings consist of individuals feeling deep sadness and isolation, often
sensing God has forgotten them. But as meetings go on, relationships are built and lives are shared. Inevitably the “aha” moment comes: the realization that we are not alone, filling each member with a deep sense of God’s love. Seeing hope in people that were once hopeless is a powerful experience. I will never forget the story of a woman who several years ago was part of this group. Late one Friday night she was contemplating suicide, but instead of following through, she called a member of the Care Group who was able to reach out to her and get her help. She knew she wasn’t alone on this journey, which is exactly what Care Groups are for.
People come to Care Groups hurting, weary, and often hopeless — but leave knowing that they are not alone. Over the years we have had Care Groups for people experiencing infertility, job transition, divorce, cancer, grief, and loss. We have had groups for people with family members who have memory loss, mental illness, and autism. One thing that all of these Care Groups share is that people come to the group hurting, weary, and often hopeless — but leave the group knowing that they are not alone. That is the hope we find in the loving God we follow. And this same God calls us, in turn, to love others!
Current Care Groups: • Women and Depression (starts anew in January) • Struggling with Anxiety (starts anew in January) • Grief Recovery • Families with CrossCultural Adoption • Families dealing with Aging Parents/Memory Loss • Christ in Career
Starting Soon: • Adult Women Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse • Men Digging Deeper (men’s issues)
As Needed: • Infertility • Eating Disorders • Anger Management • Chronic Illness • Cancer Support • Divorce Support for Children • Families of those with Mental Health Issues Contact the Lay Care Office at 952.920.8515 x275 or laycare@cpconline.org .
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CPC Ministry Programming January 2011
At CPC, we seek to inspire all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. Please look through the various programs for kids, students, and adults --- and join us! For fuller descriptions and more information on any of these programs, please visit www.cpconline.org.
general CPC OFFICE/BUILDING CLOSURES Due to the New Year and Martin Luther King, Jr. holidays, the CPC office will be closed December 25, 27, 30, 31, and January 17; no programs held. WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNERS Dinner served in the Great Room from 4:45-6:00PM every Wednesday there is programming. Salad Bar-$4; Dinner & Salad Bar-$8; Dinner without Salad Bar-$7; Kids’ Meal-$4; Family Max-$25 December 29 – No dinner January 5 – Sloppy joes, chips, cake January 12 – Pizza, salad, ice cream January 19 – Enchiladas, cookies January 26 – Taco bar, corn, ice cream MID-MONTH CHAPEL SERVICE Wednesday, January 19 at 12:00PM A traditional service with a short message, hymns, Communion, and prayers. Lunch immediately follows. NEXT STEP DAY FEATURING JOHN ORTBERG Saturday, January 29 from 9:00AM2:30PM in the Sanctuary John Ortberg, pastor and best-selling author, will speak about spiritual growth as moving toward God’s best version of ourselves. This is an exciting opportunity to discern next steps in faith. Space is limited; this event is for the CPC community. Cost: $20; lunch included. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Laura Crosby at 952.920.8515 x290; laurac@cpconline.org.
adults For women’s, men’s, & 50+ adult ministries, please see those sections.
NEXT STEP GROUPS Starting week of January 30 on Sundays at 9:30 & 11:00AM, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00AM & 7:00PM, and Wednesdays at 9:30AM Join a five-week group based on John Ortberg’s DVD, The Me I Want to Be. This is a great next step in your journey of spiritual transformation into God’s best version of yourself. Register: www. cpconline.org/register. Cost: $6 for discussion guide. Contact: James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x290; jamesm@ cpconline.org. SUNDAY COMMUNITIES Sunday Communities offer a place to belong and a place to grow with people in a similar stage of life. January is a great time to visit as we begin a new series based on John Ortberg’s book, The Me I Want to Be. 9:30AM: S.A.L.T. (30s & 40s); A.C.T.S. (50s & 60s); MIXED TAPES (20s & 30s couples) 10:45AM: MORE (all ages); CPC SINGLES (40s & 50s) Visit www.cpcponline.org/SC. Contact: Dan Anderson at 952.920.8515 x298; danderson@cpconline.org.
WEDNESDAY MORNING STUDY Wednesdays from 11:00AM-12:00PM in Room 203 Study the Book of Ephesians with
Rick Byron and others who desire lively discussion and teaching. We meet every Wednesday except Edynamoes days. Contact: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226; debbied@ cpconline.org.
BETH MOORE STUDY: TO LIVE IS CHRIST (THE LIFE OF PAUL) Wednesdays, January 5-March 23 from 6:00-7:30PM in the Parlor Join us to follow Paul’s life, a great backdrop to our yearlong worship series. Geared to women; men welcome. Register: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226; debbied@cpconline.org. GRACE IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Wednesdays, January 5-26 from 6:007:30PM in the Fireside Room Back by popular demand, Bethel Seminary Professor Peter Vogt will teach about grace in the Old Testament. Registration not required. Contact: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226; debbied@cpconline.org. NEW MEMBERS’ CLASS Sundays, January 9-February 27 Do you like what you see and hear at CPC? In our New Members’ class, you meet the pastors, get to know others, and learn what we believe. There is no obligation to join after the class, but we hope you do. Register: Beth Montgomery at 952.920.8515 x214; beth@ cpconline.org. IN THE WORD New study begins Monday, January 10 from 9:30-11:30AM in Room 108; no meeting January 17 In the Word is for men and women. CPC LIFE
Join us on January 10 for the beginning of a study on the book of Hebrews. Contact: James Madsen at 952.920.8515; jamesm@cpconline.org.
DISCOVERING JESUS Wednesdays, January 19-February 23 from 6:00-7:30PM at a home near CPC A six-week entry-level study based on John’s Gospel. You will learn how to study the Bible and walk with Jesus. Janice Velgersdyk will teach. Register: Beth Montgomery at 952.920.8515 x214; beth@cpconline.org. STARTING POINT Wednesdays, January 19-March 30 from 6:00-7:30PM at a home near CPC Starting Point is a ten-week conversational small group environment where you can explore faith, ask questions, and experience community. Ideal for people new to faith. Cost: $20. Register: www. cpconline.org/register. Contact: Deb Kielsmeier at 952.920.8515 x263 or debk@cpconline.org. FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY Thursdays, January 20-April 14 from 6:30-8:30PM Practical, biblically-based resources for personal financial management. Share in DVD lessons from Dave Ramsey and group discussions. Cost: $100. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Dan Anderson at 952.920.8515 x298; danderson@cpconline.org. CPC BOOK CLUB Thursday, January 20 at 7:00PM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Thursday monthly New members welcome to discuss mostly fiction books and other picks. On January 20, we will discuss Look Again by Lisa Scottoline. On February 17, we will discuss Piano Teacher by Janice Lee. Contact: Nancy Reutiman at 952.920.1837. NEW SMALL GROUP FOR COUPLES IN THEIR 30s & 40s Monthly on Tuesday evenings starting January 25 A new couples’ small group will meet one Tuesday evening a month. Contact: James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x308; jamesm@cpconline.org.
men MEN’S SMALL GROUPS Small groups are a great way to build spiritual muscle and connect with other CPC men. We have openings in men’s groups on Thursdays at 7:00AM and Saturdays at 8:00AM. Contact: James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x308; jamesm@cpconline.org.
women TUESDAY WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30PM in Room 107 Carolyn Beatty continues to lead this committed group of women in the foundational Book of Romans. Contact: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983. WOMEN IN THE WORD Mondays, January 10-May 2 from 9:3011:45AM; no meeting January 17 We will start with Faithful, Abundant, True by Beth Moore, Kay Arthur, and Priscilla Shirer. These dynamic teachers challenge us to strengthen our faithfulness in difficult days through God’s power; some homework included. Then we dive into The Inheritance by Beth Moore, a topical study of inheritance throughout Scripture; no homework. Cost: $20 by January 3; later registration $25. Register: www.cpconline.org/ register. Contact: Jane Pooler at jane.womenintheword@gmail.com. MOM’S MORNING Large Group Wednesdays, January 12 and January 26 from 9:30-11:30AM On January 12, Cheryl Eliason speaks on “Apples of Gold: The Fruit of the Tongue” on talking appropriately to our kids. On January 26, former CPC pastor Kevin Sharpe speaks about “Discovering Differences” on how to parent to different strengths and personalities. Contact: Cara Tregembo at 952.925.4331; ctregembo@yahoo.com. Small Groups 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays of the month from 9:15-11:15AM This is a safe environment for Bible
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study, prayer, and support centered in Christ. Contact: Deb Carlson at deb_carlson@writeme.com.
MOMS OF TEENS Large Group Thursday, January 20 from 9:1511:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Marti Erickson, a developmental psychologist, will talk about being “good enough moms.” Cost: $5. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Anita LaHaye at mlahaye@aol.com. Small Groups Two Thursdays a month Moms meet bi-weekly to strengthen the bonds between moms navigating their kids’ teen years. Contact: Linda Murdock at 952.927.5491; lindamurdock1@comcast.net. CIRCLES Circles consist primarily of women over 50 and welcome new members at any time. They combine fellowship, learning, and service in a small group setting. Needlework Guild Saturday, January 8 from 10:00AM2:00PM in the Fellowship Hall; meets 2nd Saturday monthly Come to our January meeting to see who we are and what we do. We have yarn and fabric as well as knowledgeable knitters who can get you started. Needlework Guild’s mission is to make warm winter garments and blankets for local agencies that serve the needy. Contact: Sally Stoutenburgh at 952.927.6915. Lydia Circle Saturday, January 15 at 9:30AM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Saturday monthly Courtney Poja from Cornerstone Advocacy will be our guest. Contact: Ellen Hastings at 952.896.0066. Esther Circle Saturday, January 15 at 10:00AM; meets 3rd Saturday monthly Join us at the home of Annette Horton (6309 St. Johns Avenue, Edina, MN 55424) for fellowship and a discussion of Rick Warren’s God’s Answers to Difficult Questions. Contact: Annette Horton at 952.920.3617. Martha Circle Wednesday, January 19 at 10:00AM in
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the Parlor; meets 3rd Wednesday monthly We will discuss Chapter 4 in Joshua: A Journey of Faith. Martha Circle loves visitors and new members. Contact: Pat Haberkorn at 952.941.4188. Ruth Circle Wednesdays at 9:30AM Ruth Circle is an active group of women. On the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays we meet in a member’s home; on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays we do service projects. Contact: Cherie Miller at 651.484.6480.
50+ NESTERS (Active Retired Age) Bunko and Pie Saturday, January 22 at 6:30PM in the Fireside Room Bunko is an easy-to-learn table game; pie is an easy-to-down treat! No cost, but can you bring a pie? Contact: Lorilee Peterson at 952.920.8515 x243; lorileep@cpconline.org. EDYNAMOES (70+) Wednesday, January 26 starting at 11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Where is there more interesting weather than here in Minnesota?! We always have a surprise in store. Meteorologist Dan Luna of the National Weather Service will speak on “Climate Trends: What’s Happening.” We’ll hear about blizzards, wind chills, tornadoes, and more. And souper news! Chef Rich Phenow will prepare his annual feast of soups. What could be better on a winter day? Register: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983 by Sunday, January 23. P.S. Thank you for your Christmas gifts, which were delivered to VEAP.
CARE ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE CLASS Thursday, January 13 from 7:00-8:00PM in the Fireside Room; meets monthly through May This monthly educational series is designed for those who have received an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, their care partners, and professionals. January’s talk is
“Partnering With Your Doctor.” Register: Lorilee Peterson at 952.920.8515 x243; lorileep@cpconline.org.
kids Kids’ weekend programs for 6 weeks old-5th grade available during all worship services. Wednesday night Kids’ Club and Choir are for 1st-5th grades. Register: www.cpconline. org/register. Contact: Anne McCracken at 952.920.8515 x216; anne@cpconline.org.
SCHEDULE THIS MONTH December 29 - No Wednesday Night Programs January 1/2 - Regular Weekend Kids’ Programs resume January 5 - Wednesday Night Programs resume FAMILY FEST MINISTRIES: WINTER FAMILY CAMP January 14-17 or February 18-21 Join Family Fest, CPC’s friend in ministry, at Winter Weekend, a faith-filled, multigenerational getaway at Grand View Lodge in northern Minnesota. Enjoy speakers, music, skits, dog sledding, winter sports, a water park, plus wonderful accommodations and food. Register: www.familyfestministries.org. Contact: Pete Larson at 952.881.0939; info@familyfestministries.org. FAMILY FRENZY Saturday, January 22 from 10:00AM12:00PM at Arneson Acres (near CPC) Family Frenzy is a time for elementary kids and their families to hang out with other CPC families. We will sled at Arneson Acres and have a Snow Creature Contest. Hot cocoa and cider provided; bring your own sled. Contact: Ashley Green at 952.920.8515 x317; ashleyg@cpconline.org. COMING SOON: CPC KIDS’ AND WORSHIP MINI-CAMP! Wednesdays, March 16 & 23, April 6 & 13 from 6:00-7:30PM Our regular Wednesday Night Choir and Kids’ Program ends March 2. If your child is in K-5th grade, we hope they join our new four-week mini-
camp, choosing from art, drama, African drumming, photography, and more. Register: www.cpconline.org/ register starting January 24. Contact: Sarah Norton at 952.920.8515 x208; sarahn@cpconline.org.
Serve COAT DRIVE Coat Collection from January 1-31 After the holidays, our focus on those less fortunate tends to wane, but the need for protection from the elements increases. Please bring your gently used coats and winter outerwear to the collection box in the Great Room. All donations go to Trinity Mission of St. Paul. The greatest need is for XXL men’s coats and children’s snow pants. This is sponsored by CPC Singles, a group for people in their 40s and 50s. Contact: Elizabeth Mansfield at 651.208.7979; cpcsingles@gmail.com.
MISSIONS HUMAN TRAFFICKING: AN UPDATE WITH MAREN HEIBERG Sunday, January 9 at 12:15PM in the Parlor CPC member Maren Heiberg is working in Darjeeling, India, in the prevention of human trafficking. Did you know that Minneapolis is a significant trafficking hub in the United States? Maren and her colleague will share about their work, followed by a Q&A. Contact: Leslie Boie at 952.920.8515 x274; leslieb@cpconline.org. OUR DOORSTEP: A FILM & DISCUSSION SERIES ON IMMIGRATION Thursdays from January 27-February 24 in Room 107; dinner at 6:00PM; film and discussion from 6:30-8:30PM This five-week series features dinner, films, and discussion about how to follow Jesus as we respond to immigration. The Twin Cities are home to large populations of Somali, Latino, and Hmong immigrants — how should God’s people welcome these “strangers?” On January 27, we’ll view “Christians at the Border” CPC LIFE
on immigration, the Church, and the Bible by Dr. M. Daniel Carroll R. Future films include “The Visitor” and “God Grew Tired of Us.” Contact: Erin Marth at 952.920.8515 x311; erinm@ cpconline.org.
BENI, CONGO GO! TRIP March 5-14 Join Mission Pastor Paul Tshihamba to serve alongside CPC’s newest partner in Congo. The team will help with a multimedia project to promote Christian Bilingual University and learn about Congo Initiative’s vision to raise up strong and courageous leaders in this troubled but beautiful African nation. Trip Cost: $995 (plus airfare). Register: Leslie Boie at 952.920.8515 x274; leslieb@cpconline.org.
MUSIC “KING OF INSTRUMENTS” CONCERT Friday, January 28 at 7:30PM in the Sanctuary The Two Rivers Chorale, an acclaimed local chorus, will present a concert at CPC with organ and brass. Leonard Danek, a former organist at CPC who helped select the tracker organ that sits in our Sanctuary, is the guest artist. The program will feature music for chorus and organ, including J.S. Bach, Gabrieli, and Rutter’s “Gloria.” Free of charge (donations accepted for Two Rivers Chorale). Sponsored by the CPC Christian Fine Arts Committee.
Students MIDDLE SCHOOL ELEVATE Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30PM in the Multi-Purpose Room Students in 6th and 7th grades are invited to come for a night of fun, friends, and faith. In addition to games and a faith talk, students participate in a small group with high school student leaders. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Mandy Jester at 952.920.8515 x232; mandyj@cpconline.org.
COMMITMENT CLASS Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30PM in Room 204 Students in 8th grade are invited to join Commitment Class for big group learning and small group conversation. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Lee Hanssen at 952.920.8515 x267; leeh@cpconline.org. FAMILY CONNECTIONS Wednesday, January 19 from 6:007:30PM in the Sanctuary Family members are encouraged to attend our regularly scheduled Elevate and Commitment Class programs to get a taste of what their students experience on Wednesdays. Contact: Mandy Jester at 952.920.8515 x232; mandyj@ cpconline.org. FRIDAY NIGHT RUCKUS Friday, January 21 from 6:00-7:30PM at Buck Hill Monthly Ruckus events are a great way for 6th-8th graders to have fun with each other and leaders. Our January event is Super Snow Tubing. Cost: $12 for tube rental and slope access; transportation not provided. 40-student limit. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: Mandy Jester at 952.920.8515 x232; mandyj@cpconline.org.
HIGH SCHOOL HSM EXPERIENCE: ROLLER GARDEN Wednesday, January 5 from 8:009:30PM at the Roller Garden Our first HSM get-together after Christmas break will be our annual skating party. It’s a costume party, so come dressed up! Meet at Roller Garden (5622 W. Lake Street, St. Louis Park, 55416). Cost: $4, which includes skate rental. RSVP via Facebook invite. Contact: David Stewart at 952.920.8515 x260; davids@cpconline.org. HOUSE GROUPS RESUME Wednesday, January 12 from 8:009:30PM at various Host Homes JUNIOR HOUSE GROUP TRANSITION Beginning on Wednesday, January 12, juniors will meet at their House Groups from last year. The three Houses are the
w w w. c p c o n l i n e . o r g
Mullikens’, the Nissen-Bettingas’, and the Nichols’. Contact: Brooke Toftoy at 952.920.8515 x286; brooket@cpconline.org.
FRESHMEN OVERNIGHT: SEXY? Friday, January 21 from 7:00PM to Saturday, January 22 at 12:00PM at CPC Our annual freshmen overnight is Sexy? We talk about issues of identity, temptation, body image, and sex. We bring in a speaker and break into boys and girlsonly small groups. Cost: $25. Register: www.cpconline.org/register. Contact: David Stewart at 952.920.8515 x260; davids@cpconline.org.
the table
(Next Generation)
TABLE HANG-OUT: PINSTRIPES Sunday, January 16 at 7:30PM at Pinstripes (3849 Gallagher Drive in Edina: off of France Avenue near Five Guys) Come hang out with us at the new Pinstripes to engage in bowling, bocce, and good food. What better way to cap off a night at The Table? Contact: Ashley Barlow at 952.920.8515 x223; ashleyb@cpconline.org. COMMON GROUND GROUPS Want to hang out with other Table friends while doing something you love? The Table is launching new affinity groups, including outdoor adventures, sports, cooking, and the arts. Groups will meet once a month. Register: in the Great Room after worship or contact Ashley Barlow at 952.920.8515 x223; ashleyb@cpconline.org. JABBOK COOL YOUTH Jabbok COOL Youth Center at Calvary Baptist needs tutors for Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Commit a few hours one night a week for up to three months to tutor a student from Whittier. Jabbok also is looking for groups of five to six who can purchase, prepare, and serve meals from 5:00-7:00PM on Mondays and Tuesdays. Contact: Ashley Barlow at 952.920.8515 x223; ashleyb@cpconline.org.
if you need any help.’ Some really good conversations have come from that. I have a bunch of verses written down in the back of my Bible. That way if someone asks for help, I’m ready with a verse. I just want to bring comfort to people. I feel like God blessed me with so much that it’s my job to help others.
because people ‘‘talkedI firstaboutcamehowtofunCPCWednesday
nights were. I liked the food and games and whatnot, but in 8th grade Commitment Class, my faith became much deeper. We did a series at Easter about Jesus’ walk to the cross. That’s when I understood what Jesus gave up for us. Accepting Jesus into my life is pretty much what made me who I am today. Because of my last name and what my family has, people assume I’m cocky. I try to show them otherwise. I pray God will help me inspire people with words and actions. Each day I ask God to help me do something special to encourage others. I feel like God has given me an ability to sense other people’s feelings. I can put myself in their shoes and sense if they need something. So I try to help people however I can. One day I was eating lunch with all the sports kids and I saw this girl with a disability sitting alone. I got up and joined her. I saw guys staring at me and girls snickering at me, but I honestly didn’t care. The girl’s face lit up. She told me she always ate alone. I actually had to help her eat, because she was shaking and kept dropping her
When I come to CPC on Sunday mornings, I’m normally alone. Then I come again for The Table on Sunday nights with friends. Whenever I hear something at church that inspires me, I write it down in my phone or in the back of my Bible. John Crosby recently talked about buying McDonald’s gift cards to give to the homeless, so that day I went and bought gift cards for the homeless, too. At The Table, I heard about this website called 365 Devotions, where they email you a devotion every day. I signed up and
“ I just want to bring comfort to people. I feel like God blessed me with so much that it’s my to job help others.” now I text the ones I really like to my friends. Sometimes I go crazy and send it to everyone in my address book. It’s a good thing I have unlimited text messages on my cell phone plan. Sometimes I share Bible verses or prayers on Facebook. Some kids make jokes about it, but some ask me serious questions about what I write. At night I look through what other people write on Facebook, and if anyone says something like ‘Why me?’ or something discouraging, I write to them. I’ll say, ‘Hey, I hope this isn’t creepy, but I saw your post and I’m just wondering
I have some friends who are not close to Christ or are having a rough time. I know coming to CPC is what kickstarted my relationship with Christ so I like to invite people to join me here. I’ll invite them to services, or Wednesday nights, and I’ve brought friends with me to the CPC Chapel, too. They liked it — it’s a cool atmosphere in there. Sometimes I ask my mom if I can go to CPC and do my homework. She asks why I can’t do it at home, but I just like the staff and friendly faces at CPC. They lift my spirits. And I know if other high schoolers see me here they may want to come and try it out. I guess I’m trying to set an example. There’s always something fun you can do at church. Someone once asked me, ‘Why are you a Christian?’ I said that God is a never-ending comfort and He is always present. My favorite verses are at the end of Isaiah 40 about how God carries us on wings of eagles. When we have a relationship with God, anything is possible. As I look into the future, I pray I will be able to spread Christ’s Word the best I can.
In My Own Words: Louie Nanne
meatball. So I cut up her meatball for her. It was a great experience. I sat with her the next day, too.
I read one devotion that talked about prayer as a time to give God our full attention because He’s always giving us His. It said our mind tends to wander during prayer, so now I pray each night with a candle. As the candle flickers on and off, it helps keep my attention on what I’m saying. I have a prayer book where I write down requests or things I’ve noticed. I like to come to the CPC Chapel and pray, too.
Louie is a sophomore at Edina High School. He plays forward on the EHS hockey team, the reigning State Champions, following in the footsteps of his grandfather, a former professional hockey star and coach. CPC LIFE
World vision weekend On October 30/31, hundreds of CPCers chose to sponsor a child in Moyo, Zambia through World Vision. Learn more at www.cpconline.org/growinghope.
Braving the Blizzard Despite the historic snowstorm on December 11, life went on at CPC! More than 120 men brave the elements to attend the Men’s Breakfast.
go! to congo CPC sent a team of doctors and nurses to Goma, Congo in November to work alongside the medical staff of HEAL Africa.
Christmas JOY From clothes to toys to grocery gift cards, presents provided through Adopt-AFamily are a lifeline for local families.
Silent Night, Holy Night At December’s Candlelight Memorial Service, hundreds gather to grieve and heal while remembering loved ones they had lost.
FINDING FINANCIAL PEACE Jessica Nash and Jesse Schelitzche celebrate after completing Financial Peace University in December. A new session of the money management series begins on January 20 at CPC.
In Our
Family SYMPATHY TO: Harris Laing and family on the passing of Harris’ wife, Beverley, November 16. A service was held November 29 at the Bradshaw Funeral Home in Minneapolis. Kyle Jackson officiated. The friends and family of Fritz Conrad, a longtime member of CPC, who passed November 29. A service was held December 16 in the Chapel. The Rev. Dr. Dan Anderson officiated.
women’s christmas brunch Fifty women also made it through the snowstorm on December 11 to hear from actress Norah Long at the Women’s Christmas Brunch.
feeding the hungry Trinity Jackson makes sandwiches at Calvary Baptist Church. CPCers serve at Calvary’s Drop-In Meal Program for homeless men and women on the 4th Sunday of every month.
Family Christmas Celebration The Wilkening family bundles up to go on a hayride at the Family Christmas Celebration on December 15. Families also made crafts, caroled, and learned about the first Christmas.
CONGRATULATIONS Aaron and Rachel Williams welcomed daughter Sophia Rose on November 11. Sophia continues her growth at Children’s Hospital. IN THE HOSPITAL 11/16-12/16 Glo Westerdahl – Methodist Rachel Williams – Methodist Joe Shaffer – Abbott Rick Lidstone – Fairview Sally Dimond – Fairview FINANCIAL UPDATE JUNE 1 – NOVEMBER 30, 2010: Ministry Offering Budget: $1,851,111.00 Actual Offering Budget: $1,921,937.69 Variance: $70,826.69 November Mission Partner of the Month - Thanksgiving Harvest and Barnabas Fund: $37,232.67 YTD Mission of the Month Total: $56,594.67 Expenses are well managed and under budget year-to-date. Copies of our annual audited financial statements are available in either hard copy (in the kiosks) or electronic form (www.cpconline.org/financialreport). To give to CPC, visit www.cpconline. org/give or contact David Peterson, Finance Manager, at 952.920.8515 x206 or davidp@cpconline.org. CPC LIFE
What We’re praying by Gayle DeHaan and Barb Harmon, College of Elders for CPC
for our community
for the world
Pray that all of us at CPC will begin 2011 with an honest and fresh assessment of our spiritual health in order to lead to deeper connections with God.
Pray that God will provide us ways to step out in faith and share Christ with friends, neighbors, and acquaintances this new year.
Pray for strong participation and support of the 2011 GO! Trips so that those who go will impact God’s Kingdom far and wide.
What We’re learning
transformation Transformation at its core is about the people we are becoming. There is no such thing as a static life. If we are breathing, we are being influenced by a multitude of sources, which affects change in our lives. But the Christian
by Brad Jackson, The Table at CPC goal of transformation is to become more like Jesus. It’s not just about knowing more theology or joining more small groups. Our goal is to become more like the One who gives us — people who are made in the image of God — an understanding of how
God in flesh looks, acts, and talks. The Apostle Paul described to the Galatians that he was in birth pains until Christ was formed in them. As we start a new year, let us pray — by the power of the Holy Spirit — for continual transformation into Christ-likeness.
What We’re Reading visit pathway books to find these recommendations The me i want to be
by John Ortberg In a new year, many of us make resolutions to improve an area of our life. But whether it’s January or July, most of us long to become God’s best version of ourself, which leads to more Christlikeness. In John Ortberg’s book The Me I Want to Be, he writes, “The most important task of your life is not what you do, but who you become.” Ortberg asserts that God is a hand-crafter not a mass-producer. He helps assess your spiritual health by measuring where you are now and where God intends you to be in your mind, relationships, time, and experiences. He then gives exercises to help you transform into God’s unique version of you. Laura Crosby, Formational Initiatives This book will be used as a resource in Sunday Communities starting January 9 and we will use the DVD version in Next Step Groups starting January 30.
in the company of others
by Jan Karon Jan Karon fans, we are not in Mitford anymore! In Karon’s most complex novel so far, Father Tim and Cynthia journey to Ireland for a long-awaited vacation. Though longing to see the Ireland of his Kavanaugh ancestors, the trip does not turn out as Father Tim had planned. Cynthia injures her ankle and mysterious events occur at the inn where they are staying. Drawn into ageold family feuds and crimes, Father Tim and Cynthia are enlisted to help sort out hurt feelings that have festered for generations. Father Tim’s pastoral skills are needed as long-hidden truths are revealed. Finally, with confession there is restoration of faith. Will family bonds be renewed? With this book, Jan Karon may find a new audience among those who appreciate a good mystery! A great gift idea for a sister, mom, or friend. Carol Krebs, Pathway Books
The Myth of certainty
by Daniel Taylor When people used to ask me difficult doctrinal questions, I would send them to someone who seemed to operate within a system that resolved most concerns of theology. On the other hand, I struggled with (and to some extent still do) the notion that there are solid answers for all questions of faith. I believed the opposite of faith was doubt. But now I think the antithesis of faith may be certainty. Years ago I found Daniel Taylor’s book, The Myth of Certainty, a helpful resource for Christians. Taylor addresses “reflective Christians,” believers who stand both within Christian subculture and the secular world, struggling to answer the tough questions of faith. I would encourage anyone who would like to explore the “gray” areas of Christianity to check out this book at Pathway. Dan Anderson, Adult Ministries
[ Staff Spotlight ]
Sarah Norton
Q What did you do before you pursued vocational ministry?
My undergraduate degree is in Communications and Marketing and I later got an MBA. I was in the business world of advertising and marketing for shopping centers for 12 years. But when Alex was almost 2 and I was working full-time as the Marketing Director of a shopping center, I was pretty miserable because I wanted to be home with my boys.
Q So is that what led you to vocational ministry?
Sarah Norton has served as CPC’s Director of Kids’ Ministries since September 2006. Hometown: Prairie Village, Kansas Family: Husband, Craig; sons, Andrew (18) and Alex (14) Book You’ve Recently Read: The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch Favorite Food: BBQ chicken pizza Hobbies: Watching sons in sports
[ Volunteer Spotlight ]
Kit Leary
Our church in Kansas City advertised for a Christian Education Director for 12 hours a week. I was thinking, “What do I know?” But some wiser people said, “With your background in event planning and management, your skills can be transferred to leading a ministry.” Early into my job there, I went to my first Children’s Ministry Conference at Willow Creek, where I came to find that ministry was a true calling. Now I’m pursuing an M.A. in Transformational Leadership at Bethel Seminary.
Q What is unique about CPC Kids’ Ministries?
We try to build partnerships with parents. Kids are at CPC one or two hours a week, but kids are with their parents basically 24/7. We can have the best ministry and the best storytellers, but the parents are the ones who model on a day-to-day basis what it means to be Christ-followers. It’s important that the kids see their parents reading their Bible, praying with them, or treating others with kindness. We can’t do it all on our own and parents can’t do it all on their own.
Q What is your favorite part of your job?
I love that my job is so varied; two days are hardly ever the same. I also really appreciate that I get to lead this really strong, dynamic Kids’ Ministry team. One of my passions is the development of volunteers, staff, and student leaders. I’m blessed to be able to help them develop the skills that God gave them and then watch them shine in ministry as they bear God’s fruit.
Q Where did you learn about Financial Peace University? My wife and I received Dave Ramsey’s book, The Total Money Makeover, as a wedding gift. I read it, was hooked, and got out of debt that same year. That’s when I decided to see if CPC was interested in hosting Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University (FPU) series. Three other couples and I worked with Dan Anderson to start FPU last fall.
Q What is your role in FPU?
I am an FPU facilitator, which means I lead CPC’s classes and discussion. I am also a Certified Financial Planner with Dave Ramsey; I volunteer to counsel people and help them develop budgets, see areas where they can reduce, and talk about goals and dreams. We meet once a month for three to six months because it takes that long to get the program rolling and to start changing behaviors.
Q Why do you serve in this way? Kit Leary serves as a Financial Peace University facilitator and Certified Financial Planner. Hometown: Olathe, Kansas Book You’ve Recently Read: Linchpin by Seth Godin Favorite Food: Chicken fingers Hobbies: Playing basketball, going to the lake, fishing
I volunteer because personal finances are a hobby for me. It’s all in God’s plan that I feel a calling to this. I believe that everyone has the opportunity to take care of and get in control of his or her finances. People can then be better managers of God’s resources and become givers, just like Christ was.
Q What’s your advice to someone just getting started?
The foundation is to create and live by a budget. My favorite FPU lesson is “Working Within Your Strengths,” which is about motivating people to work hard and make financial sacrifices so that they can follow their dreams. The next session of Financial Peace runs Thursdays, January 20-April 14 from 6:30-8:30PM. There is a class limit of 24. To sign up, visit www.cpconline.org/register.
Renewed: Taking Inventory
Worship Times this Month Saturdays at 5:15PM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 9:30AM | Traditional Worship Sundays at 11:00AM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 6:00PM | The Table (for the Next Generation) January 19 at 12:00PM | Mid-Month Chapel Service
This Month in Worship
The power of the gospel message is that we can start over at any time. Renewal comes from embracing God’s grace. God loves us where we are but He never leaves us stagnant. As we begin a new year, we’ll focus on the transforming power of grace in our lives as we take inventory of where we are and how we might grow spiritually.
Transformed: What’s Your Next Step?
January 1/2 | Renewed: Embracing Grace (1 Corinthians 15:10) | John Crosby speaking | Brad Jackson at The Table January 8/9 | Renewed: Examining Myself (2 Corinthians 13:5-9) | John Crosby speaking | Ashley Barlow at The Table January 15/16 | Transformed: My Identity (Colossians 1:28) | Brad Jackson speaking at all services January 22/23 | Transformed: My (God’s) Masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10) | John Crosby speaking at all services
God created each of us uniquely — and He isn’t done with us yet. This seven-week series will use John Ortberg’s The Me I Want to Be as a guide for assessing how God wants to transform our mind, relationships, time, and experiences to become God’s best version of ourselves. God is the One who transforms us, but our next steps impact how we grow.
january At A Glance (see pages 7-10 for details) SUN
4 Romans Study
9 Sunday Communities (S.C.) New Members’ Class starts Maren Heiberg Update 16 S.C. New Members’ Table Hang-Out
S.C. New Members’
Romans Study
Women in the Word In the Word
CPC Office Closed MLK Jr. Celebration at Calvary Baptist Church
24 Women in the Word In the Word
18 Romans Study
25 Romans Study Couples’ Group starts
Needlework Guild
Eph.Study, Ruth Cir. Wed. Dinner & Programs resume HSM Experience
Wed. Dinner 12 & Programs Mom’s Morning Eph. Study, Ruth Cir. HSM House Groups resume Mid-Month 19 Chapel Eph. Study, Ruth Wed. Dinner & Programs Family Connections Mom’s Morning Eph. Study, Ruth Cir. Edynamoes Wed. Dinner & Programs
13 Alzheimer’s Class
20 Moms of Teens CPC Book Club Financial Peace University (FPU) starts
14 Family Fest (through 1/17)
FPU Our Doorstep Film Series starts
Lydia Circle, Esther Circle
Ruckus HSM Sexy? Retreat (through 1/22)
22 Nesters Family Frenzy
28 King of Instruments Concert
29 Next Step Day featuring John Ortberg
Christ Presbyterian Church | 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435 | 952.920.8515 | www.cpconline.org | www.facebook.com/cpconline