Better Together
ne of our strongest desires is to have a “place” where we are valued and safe, and many of us long for our church home to fill those voids. Each of us, each of you, are so different, in age, gender, personality, needs, status . . . and yet God seems to have put us together, saying, “By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). Do you feel like you belong here? We live in a world obsessed with youth, and older folks feel left behind. We gather, and those who are single (30%+) often feel overlooked. The Church feels so touchy-feely; it’s great for women but what about men? It’s a confusing time to be a woman, with
so many different expectations pulling in different directions. How do we all “fit in” at church? We say from the front that people are of infinite value
“Each of us, each of you, are so different, in age, gender, personality, needs, status . . . and yet God seems to have put us together, saying, ‘The world will know you are My followers if you love one another.’ Do you feel like you belong here?”
Complimentary copies available monthly at CPC or at Mail Subscriptions: Suggested annual donation of $20. Please write Editor, CPC Life, Christ Presbyterian Church, 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435.
We’ll look at six different demographics week by week in worship services, to lift up the uniqueness that strengthens our unity. And we’ve shared a few voices from people among us in this issue (pages 4-5). We want to be a community made stronger by the sum of its parts. Together we will follow God who assures us that we all belong.
to the God who makes us all — but where do you go to find your tribe?
John Crosby serves as Senior Pastor.
For six weeks we will explore that longing together and see if we can get beyond the friendly faces in the
“I’ve always tried to make a home for myself . . . but every time I checked the register of displaced persons, I was still on it. I didn’t know how to belong. Longing? Yes. Belonging? No.” – Jeanette Winterson, Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?
CPC Life is a monthly publication of Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC).
Sanctuary to a community where each of us is valued, where all can find a place to connect.
“I looked forward to making friends at school . . . but I couldn’t find my way into their world. They seemed to have a secret code I couldn’t decipher.” – Gloria Whelan, Listening for Lions Belonging
Email Subscriptions: To receive a link to the monthly online version, contact We welcome your letters and comments! Please email © Christ Presbyterian Church 2013.
Director of Communications: Sharon Sampson Editor: Jennifer Boardman Art Direction & Design: Jeremy Emmerich Editorial Assistants: Maggie Keller, Claire Sweem ©
Mixed Sources
Product group from well-managed forests, controlled sources and recycled wood or fiber
Summer Interns
This summer, CPC welcomes 14 college students serving as Kids’ and Student Ministries interns. Two of the students — one from Oregon and the other from Nebraska — have never stepped foot into CPC but applied based on the strong word of mouth from previous interns!
Living in the Tension
Would you like to help build bridges between the Church and LGBT community, regardless of how you view the integration of faith and sexuality? Living in the Tension meets Sunday, May 19 at 7:15PM for dialogue, community, and understanding. Learn more on page 11.
The Table Time Change
With summer come longer days and sunnier evenings! Starting Sunday, May 26 throughout the summer, The Table moves from 6:00 to 7:00PM. We’ll see you there!
Opportunity International
May’s Mission Partner is Opportunity International (OI), a Christ-centered organization that provides female entrepreneurs in developing countries with microfinance loans. Want to see the work of OI in person? Join the GO! Trip to Nicaragua this June, which is designed for families. Learn more on page 10.
Celebrate Brad Jackson
Join us to celebrate Brad Jackson’s leadership at The Table, and send him off well to his new position in Mankato. There will be a BBQ on Sunday, May 12 at 7:00PM after The Table, including inflatables for kids and a few surprises!
Special Outdoor Worship on June 16!
follow Jesus:
8th grade Commitment Class students are confirmed this month as they dedicate their lives to follow Jesus.
love others:
CPCers loved God and others at April’s kick-off of Serving Saturday, CPC’s new all-church service event!
live missionally:
has been raised so far for this year’s Easter Offering to enable our mission partners to continue doing God’s work in Zambia.
Inspiring all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. CPC LIFE
MAY 2013
We asked six CPCers to meditate on their place in the Body of Christ as we kick off our new sermon series, “Valuable: Why We Need Each Other.” How can we become a community made stronger by our parts, seeing the same value in one another that God sees?
Greta Long
Joan Bentz
I love being able to share my talents throughout the church — singing with my sisters is always lots of fun. As a kid, I think singing lets us tell the story of Jesus in a different way. In the Bible it says that unless you’re like children, you can’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I think that means everyone should try to be, in some way, like a kid. Children, especially very young ones, may not know a ton about the Bible and may not know a ton of Scripture, but in their minds, there is no doubt that there is only one God and He came to save them. I think everyone can learn from that.
Ashley Mulliken RECENT GRADS ARE VALUABLE As a 20-something, it’s important to me to be part of a multi-generational community. I’m grateful for my peers, and I love helping lead younger kids, but I’m also eager for older mentors to invest in me. The first few years out of college are a time of such uncertainty, and I need the wisdom of those who have gone before me. I think older adults are sometimes shy about reaching out to 20-somethings, but I would just say, “We need you!” I think one of the gifts of my generation, for better or worse, is our passion for loving people where they’re at. Our commitment to compassion is a gift we can offer the Church. I want to do that well — to not sacrfice God’s Word or Truth but to hold it in tandem with grace. I’m grateful for a church of all generations trying to learn how to do this together.
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VALUABLE Walking into CPC for the first time as a single adult, I was happy it was a large church, so it wasn’t obvious I was new. It gave me time to wonder how I would fit in. Over the years, it’s sometimes been a challenge that many CPC activities are designed for people with spouses or children. And it’s not always easy to sit alone in church. It’s nice when families invite me to sit with them or to join them for an activity. But single or not, what we get out of church depends on what we put into it. I know I have to stay involved. As a single person, one of the key things I can offer is service. I was blessed when God led me to the annual Mexico mission trip. For 14 years, this intergenerational trip allowed me to build many friendships while serving the Lord. I also bake cookies for memorial services, do laundry for the homeless families who stay here through Families Moving Forward, and more. It’s a joy to serve! Many years ago, I attended Focus, the CPC singles’ group at that time. I still remember how Julie Amen introduced herself and welcomed me. I’m sure she doesn’t remember, but I sure remember her. Years later, I was telling a friend how nice it made me feel that Julie approached me like that. My friend proceeded to tell me I was her “Julie” because of how I had personally welcomed her. It goes to show how powerful it is for all of us to be acknowledged and welcomed.
Steph Spencer WOMEN ARE VALUABLE To be honest, I love being a woman, but I also struggle with gender being my primary identifier. Anytime I feel put in a box, I have a burning desire to break free. One place this struggle has played out is as a female leader. I have often felt viewed as a woman who is a leader instead of a leader who is a woman. I long to be evaluated as an individual, not a member of a group. At the same time, I am glad God created me as a woman. I want to embrace the ways He can shine through the parts of me that stem from that identity, like in the vulnerability I feel God has given me. When I cry, I don’t see it as weakness but as a depth of feeling that adds richness to my life and equips me with greater sensitivity to others. And I know God has used my roles as a wife and mother to deepen my understanding of love. My grasp of acceptance, grace, and trust has widened ten-fold through these relationships. I could go on about how God has helped me appreciate beauty, value friendships, and more — and though these aren’t exclusively a reflection of womanhood, I know they’re closely tied up in the kind of woman God created me to be. I am grateful for how God has made me.
w h et h er we are male or f emale , y oung or old , single or married , a y oung grad or ret ired , t h ere are no minor characters in god ’ s family.
Jay Carroll MEN ARE VALUABLE As a kid, I was obsessed with sports. I enjoyed team sports the most, and those experiences have helped me immensely in both my business career and my spiritual walk. In 1 Corinthians 12:12, Paul says, “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” If a team (or body) is going to flourish, all members must understand their respective roles, take pride in their contributions, and give great effort in the interest of their team. Prima donnas, though talented, can actually hurt team chemistry and negatively impact results. The selfless players, who quietly show up and perform their roles to the fullest, are the most valuable to the success of any team. Men can struggle with the team concept because we either want to take charge or we’re looking for max visibility in the community. In the Body of Christ, we are all meant to be servants, not stars. We are called to use our gifts to advance the Kingdom and serve others — whether we’re a preacher or a bathroom cleaner. Our team record will be undefeated if we can approach our calling with the proper attitude.
Larry Carlson SENIORS ARE VALUABLE As seniors, we have much more control over our time. Our formal education is long past completed, the kids are up and out, the zenith of our career is past. We now have a deeper opportunity to integrate our Christian education and training with our life experience for the direct benefit of others — and CPC provides abundant opportunities. Our freedom from 9-to-5 responsibilities of the past gives us all sorts of flexibility. A group of senior men gathers each Thursday morning to work with the custodial staff to clean and repair the church. A group of women spends countless hours knitting, sewing, and crocheting items to benefit those in need. Lay ministers visit the hospitalized, homebound, and those in crisis. Others of us facilitate small groups, Sunday Communities, and prepare the monthly luncheons for Edynamoes and the Mid-Month Chapel service. The list of opportunities to be Christ’s hands and feet is long. And we have time and skills to offer. We may not have the agility or stamina of our younger years, but we have experience and understanding that come with age. In a variety of ways, our senior years can be the richest, most productive time in our lives to love others and live missionally!
MAY 2013
Six Months into
How are we doing?
This past November we introduced The Gen 3 Project: Generating Generosity Across the Generations to help us address this question as a community: What could we become if the value of biblical generosity was woven into the fabric of CPC, if it became part of our DNA? In his sermon on November 10/11, 2012, John Crosby shared these words: “We have talked about how this community inspires all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. Underlying this mission are some core values: the authority of Scripture, the power of grace, the idea that we are all on a journey, and that we care for one another along the way. I would like to overtly add another value, with hopes that it works its way into our DNA over the years to come. I would like our congregation to be known as — and truly feel like we are becoming — a generous community. Instead of a church being known for this or that political view, or this or that theological view, or for a particular youth group, student ministry, or missions department, I hope this community might become known as people who are extravagantly generous. Generosity, real generosity, is always initiated by love. God loved. God gave. God brought life. And He invites us to do the same.”
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Six months later, it feels like a good time to ask, “How are we doing at weaving generosity into CPC’s fabric?” Here are some glimpses: Just before Thanksgiving, we asked our ministry leaders to identify the many volunteers at CPC who are the hands and feet of Christ. We ended up sending over 1,000 “Grateful for You” cards. It was awesome to see how many of us are involved in serving others. As we kicked off The Gen 3 Project, a group of lay leaders developed a new teaching series on generosity and piloted it with Sunday Communities. Nearly 100 folks have learned and shared ideas of how God calls us to be generous. A group of lay leaders gifted in hospitality, creativity, and organization brought forth CPC’s first Live Nativity outdoors to recreate the wonders of Emmanuel, “God with us.” For three nights, hundreds came to rejoice and enjoy this gift. In February, CPC again partnered with Feed My Starving Children to hold a mobile packing event. There were 1,454 volunteers who packed 520,996 meals, bringing CPC to a total of 7,000,000 meals packed in the past seven years. We introduced our first Serving Saturday, where 300 of us rolled up our sleeves to love and serve our neighbors.
As a church our contributions for special asks continue to grow. This fiscal year, the Christmas and Easter Offerings, child sponsorships, FMSC packing, Thanksgiving Harvest, and Adopt-A-Family donations represent over $1,000,000 in giving from the CPC community. This comes on top of our missions funding of $625,000 through the ministry budget. It is inspiring that 28% of our giving as a community goes to CPC-sponsored missional opportunities and partnerships. It is exciting to see how generosity is working its way into our lives and community. We do, however, continue to be challenged when it comes to receiving yearly financial commitments to the ministry of our church. (We had 30 fewer families return Commitment Cards this year than last year.) The Gen 3 Project to Generate Generosity Across the Generations is something we will emphasize, teach, and challenge ourselves with as a community for years to come. While we take time to celebrate the ways we have loved God and others with our time, talents, and treasure, let’s continue to find ways to weave the value of generosity into the fabric of our church.
John Mitchell serves as Executive Pastor. He was a member for18 years before joining the staff in January 2012.
MAY 2013
A CPCer Reflects on the Boston Marathon
Isaac Vogel
n April 15, I ran the Boston Marathon for the first time. Just being there felt like an achievement. Boston is definitely a marathon for marathoners. You don’t run to set a personal record so much as for the privilege of being part of this rich tradition. As I lined up with the 25,000 other runners, I knew we all felt the same way: just happy to be there. At the starting line, we observed 26 seconds of silence in honor of the victims of the Newtown shooting; 26 people had died and the marathon is 26 miles. And then at the finish line, this other horrific act of violence — the bombings — happened. What tragic bookends for a race. I see the pictures my wife took of me during the race and how big I’m smiling in all of them. I almost feel bad about that now. I finished the race about an hour before the bombs went off. My wife and I were on a train to Providence, Rhode Island, when we heard the news. Usually I stick around the finish line to cheer on other runners, but we had to leave right away to catch a flight out of Providence. Had we flown out of Boston it’s likely we would have been there when the explosions happened. After running a marathon, the temptation is to make it all about yourself, to say, “Look what I accomplished!” So I’m drawn to the fact that the people who died in the explosions were all
MAY 2013
spectators — the very people not there for themselves. Being a spectator is a thankless deal. They rush from mile marker to mile marker to see their loved one pass by for five seconds. Even leading up to a race, spouses and family members put up with months of someone else’s training schedule. They give every bit as much as the actual runners. The fact that spectators were the ones most injured is a sobering reminder to all marathoners not to make a race all about us.
“I think that’s one of the big secrets of life: to realize daily how dependent we are on Him.” It’s the same with life. We all get so wrapped up in our own lives and getting our way. The gold standard of faith is dependence on God. Particularly in this geographical area, we have so many resources to rely on that distract us from our need for God. We put security in things that ultimately don’t matter, like our careers, financial wellbeing, or gaining approval from people. A couple months ago Pastor Crosby
gave a sermon about how maybe we shouldn’t care about being “safe” all the time. It’s in the midst of trouble that we can be most transformed. I thought that was powerful. No one is saying we should actively seek out adversity — but we do have a choice of how to respond when it comes. If we embrace it, it can be an opportunity to draw nearer to God and learn how to rely exclusively on Him for our needs. I think that’s one of the big secrets of life: to realize daily how dependent we are on Him. We’ve all heard the phrase, “It’s a marathon, not a sprint” as it pertains to life. There’s no better description for faith, too. Faith is a journey. We can’t even grasp the magnitude of what the ultimate destination will be like: eternal life in Heaven with God. What a finish line! Along the way, we do need community and the support of others. But in the end, it comes down to our own individual relationships with God. When our head hits the pillow at night, we’re alone with God, and that’s when the real discussion happens. God knows every single setback I’ve had and will have. Over my life I’ll probably have a dozen crises of faith — and that’s a modest estimate. It’s hard to live out the radical faith that the Bible clearly calls us to. I get hung up because I don’t think I live radically enough; I still take comfort in material possessions and financial resources more than I should. But God knows our hearts. We each have a choice of how we’re going to cultivate our relationship with Him in the face of adversity and scarcity, as well as in the face of joy and abundance. And that’s where we have to be ready. It’s how we respond to God that defines us. If there is one message I want to impart to my children as they grow up, it’s that God created them for something very specific and unique. He has big plans for each of us. That’s a powerful truth to impart to a kid and maybe even more powerful to hold on to as an adult. We are all going to fail our spouses, friends, and parents. We will each experience tragedy and loss. The only thing that never fails is the assurance that God is with us. And as long as He has us on this earth, He has something beautiful and unique in store for each of us.
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CPC Ministry Programming May 2013
At CPC, we seek to inspire all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. Please look through the various programs for kids, students, and adults — and join us! For fuller descriptions and more information on any of these programs, please visit
Sunday, May 12 at the 9:30 & 11:00AM worship services The Northwestern College Choir joins the CPC Chancel Choir under the direction of Heather Hood for a special performance on Mother’s Day.
Sunday, May 12 at 12:00PM in the Sanctuary The Session has called a Special Meeting of the Congregation immediately following the 11:00AM worship service for the purpose of electing elders and deacons.
Wednesday, May 15 at 12:00PM A traditional service with a short message by Debbie Manning, hymns, Communion, and prayers. Lunch follows.
Sundays, May 5 & 19 at 9:30AM in Room 109 A ministry for young married couples to share Bible study and discussion. We won’t meet weekly over the summer, but special summer events include a Twins Game, potluck at Lake Calhoun, and service opportunities. Visit Contact: Jessica Schelitzche at
Tuesdays, May 7 and June 4 from 6:308:00PM in the Parlor Learn techniques for internalizing Bible
stories and Scripture. Open to all who would like to learn to tell biblical stories; no experience necessary. Contact: Deb Kielsmeier at x263;
Wednesdays, May 8-August 14 from 6:30-8:00PM in the Fireside Room Using the Meeting Jesus study, learn more about who Jesus is while also learning to navigate the Bible. This 13-session study led by Janice Velgersdyk will open your eyes anew — or for the first time — to Jesus Christ. Register: Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226; debbied@
Thursday, May 16 at 7:00PM in the Parlor Discuss Loving Frank by Nancy Horan. Contact: Nancy Reutiman at 952.920.1837.
Saturday, May 18 at 9:00AM The Garden Group plants and nourishes the many gardens and urns on our church grounds. You are invited to be a part of this wonderful group of men and women who volunteer their love and time in providing such beauty for everyone to enjoy! Contact: Norma Jean Barr at 952.831.2642;
Sundays through May 19 Sunday Communities offer a place to belong and grow with people in a similar stage of life. Our current teaching series is “Fixing the Eyes: Watching and Learning from Jesus.”
MIXED TAPES (20s-30s couples) Meets at 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-West S.A.L.T. (40s-50s) Meets at 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-East A.C.T.S. (50s-60s) Meets at 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-Ctr. MORE (mostly retired) Meets at 10:45AM in Room 107 CREDO (intergenerational) Meets at 10:45AM in Room 108
CPC Business Networking Group (CPC BNG)
Tuesday, May 21 from 6:00-7:30PM at CPC CPC BNG provides an environment that fosters the growth of business connections among CPC members and friends as we follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. Join us to hear from special May speaker, Diana Pierce, co-anchor for KARE 11. Contact: Chuck Bolton at 612.229;1020;
This group meets one Thursday night a month and welcomes new members. Contact: James Madsen at x308;
Mondays, May 6 & 20 from 7:00-8:30PM in Room 203; meets 1st & 3rd Mondays A new group for women in their 20s and 30s studying David: Seeking a Heart Like His by Beth Moore. Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226;
Wednesday, May 8 from 9:30-11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall At our Spring Brunch and last Large CPC LIFE
MAY 2013
Group of the year, hear Peter and Heather Larson speak on “God’s Commandment for Moms.” Contact: Tanja Pofahl at CDs in Pathway for $3.
Saturday, May 11 from 10:00AM2:00PM in the Fellowship Hall; meets 2nd Saturdays Our mission is to make warm garments and blankets for local agencies that serve the needy. We have yarn, fabric, and knitters to get you started. Contact: Sally Stoutenburgh at 952.927.6915.
Circles combine fellowship, learning, and service in a small group setting. They consist primarily of women over 50; new members always welcome. Martha Circle Wednesday, May 15 at 10:00AM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Wednesdays Dawn Allan, director of the BRAVA! women’s chorus, is our guest. All are welcome. Contact: Pat Haberkorn at 952.941.4188. Lydia Circle Saturday, May 18 at 9:30AM at Sofitel Hotel (5601 West 78th Street, Bloomington 55439); meets 3rd Saturdays Meet at the Colette Bar & Bistro inside the Sofitel Hotel. Visitors welcome. Contact: Ellen Hastings at 952.896.0066. Ruth Circle Meets every Wednesday at 9:30AM On 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, we meet in a home for food, fellowship, devotions, and prayers. On the other Wednesdays, we serve at FMSC and at CPC, including cooking and serving lunch for Edynamoes and doing office projects. Contact: Karen Seeger at 952.925.3783.
Wednesday, May 29 at 11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Join us for a luncheon and entertainment by accordionists Jack and Gen Carlson with the program “Vintage Music: Unforgettable Hits of the 1930s and 1940s.” Sing along with us! Cost: $5. Register: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983 by May 27. Please bring Jerry’s cash receipts, Campbell’s labels, and can tabs.
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Friday, May 10 from 10:00AM12:00PM in the Parlor; Thursday, May 23 from 7:00-9:00PM in Room 107; meets 2nd Fridays and 4th Thursdays We knit and crochet shawls with the hope of being vessels for God’s presence and comfort. Everyone welcome; coaching and materials provided. Contact: Pat Johnson at 952.947.0734.
Tuesday, May 14 at 6:00PM in the Parlor; meets 2nd Tuesdays Grief Recovery is for those who have lost a loved one. We experience God’s hope and healing through fellowship, prayer, and sharing a meal. Special speaker is Lynn Widmoyer. Contact: Debbie Manning at x275; debbiem@
Thursdays, May 16 & 30 at 10:00AM in the Sanctuary Prayer Room; meets every other Thursday Support for women dealing with depression or bipolar disease. Contact: Katie Klevesahl at 612.644.4810.
Thursday, May 16 from 7:00-8:30PM in the Fireside Room Does your child face emotional or mental health issues? You are not alone. Join other parents as we care for one another on our journeys. Contact: Doug Brown at 612.839.9992;
Saturday, May 18 from 9:00-11:00AM in the Fireside Room This emerging ministry is a support and resource group for those dealing with practical issues following the death of a spouse. Join us for breakfast and a presentation about the challenges of cooking for one. Cost: $10. Register: Mary Allen at x243; marya@
Tuesday, May 21 from 7:00-8:30PM in the Chapel Former CPC Lay Care staffer Betsy
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Anderson facilitates the continuation of a candid discussion on the joys and challenges of the call to pray. Why do we pray in Jesus’ name? When we say, “I’ll pray for you,” to whom are we committing? Hosted by the Prayer & Healing Team. Contact: Mary Allen at x243;
Meets monthly; contact for times Are weight issues keeping you from experiencing the abundant life? Do you look to food for emotional needs or struggle to lose weight? All are welcome to a group around weight/ food issues. Contact: Sandy Radeke at 952.452.1205; sandy_radeke@
Friday, May 17 at 7:00PM in the Sanctuary Join us for a screening of “The Evidence of Hope,” a documentary by CPCer and filmmaker Chad Amour that follows three people fighting injustice, discovering their calling, and revealing hope. Contact:
Short-term trips to see, love, and serve God’s people. For details, visit Contact: Leslie Boie at x274; Nicaragua: June 23-28 (10 and older); register by May 6 Learn about poverty alleviation, entrepreneurship, faith, and stewardship through fun, age-appropriate servicelearning projects with our partner Opportunity International. Pine Ridge, SD: July 31-August 3 (5 and older); register by June 30 Learn about the rich culture and history of the Oglala Sioux Tribe while serving the community of Pine Ridge.
Give mothers around the world a working chance to create a brighter future for their children through Opportunity International (OI). Support female entrepreneurs for years into the
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future; loans are continually recycled once they are repaid. Learn more about OI by joining our trip to Nicaragua this June (see above). To give, mark “OI” in your check memo line.
Sunday, May 19 from 10:30-11:00AM in the Chapel A special service for kids with special needs and their families to worship together! Contact: Kari Dubord at x261;
Register: Contact: Jill Campbell at x216; jillc@ VBS: June 11-13 OR June 18-20 (3 years old by June 1, 2013, through entering kindergarten). Cost: $35. Our littlest campers discover what it means to be “Chosen by God!” Summer Surge: June 24-27 (entering 4th & 5th grades). Cost: $150. High-energy, all-day fun for older elementary kids. Summer Blast: July 9-11 (entering K-5th grades). Cost: $40. A morning camp to choose your own adventure! The Big Fun Kix Camp: July 22-25 (entering 1st-3rd grades). Cost: $55/ half day, $100/full day. Outrageously fun morning games that can turn into afternoon outings!
Starting Memorial Day Weekend: Saturdays and Sundays, May 25/26-August 31/September 1; Saturdays at 5:15PM and Sundays at 9:30 & 11:00AM We’re looking forward to an incredible faith-filled summer in Kids’ Ministries! Programming for 6-week-olds through 6th grade. Contact: Jill Campbell at x216; Nursery (6 weeks through 2 years old) Join us before worship in Rooms 112 & 113. Preschool Summer JAM (3 years old by September 1, 2013) Join us after the Children’s Sermon on Saturdays in Room 112 and on Sundays in Room 204. Summer R.O.C.K. (entering K-6th grades) Join us after the Children’s Sermon on Saturdays and Sundays in the MPR.
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The Table (6 weeks through 6th grade) We meet at 7:00PM during The Table service. 6 weeks through 2 years old in Room 112; 3 years old through pre-K in Room 109; entering K-6th grade in the MPR.
students 2013 SUMMER CAMPS
Register: Contact: Susan Harris at x305; susanh@ MIDDLE SCHOOL Rockslide: June 24-28 (entering 6th & 7th grades). Cost: $350. Quest: July 8-12 (entering 8th grade). Cost: $475. Camp 6:8: July 23-25 (entering 6th8th grades). Cost: $80. HIGH SCHOOL Frontier: June 22-29 (entering 9th grade). Cost: $625. 612 Experience: July 8-12 (entering 9th-12th grades). Cost: $150. Summit: July 20-26 (entering 10th12th grades). Cost: $695. Grad Getaway: July 13-15 (graduated seniors). Cost: $60.
Student Ministries staff writes all Wednesday night curricula. Visit to see what your student is learning.
Sunday, May 5 at 7:00PM in the Fireside Room John Crosby hosts a discussion about the future of leadership at The Table. He is seeking input from The Table community about priorities and considerations as we move forward.
Sunday, May 12 at 7:00PM Celebrate Brad Jackson and his family and thank them for the ways they have blessed this community. Plenty of activities for the kids! Come hungry!
Living in the Tension is a safe space intended to build bridges between the Church and the LGBT community. However you view the integration of faith and sexuality, join us for dialogue, community, and understanding. Contact: Matt Moberg at mattm@
Beginning Sunday, May 26 The Table worship service shifts to 7:00PM for the duration of the summer.
upcoming events 1 PETER BIBLE STUDY
Wednesdays, June 12-July 31 from 9:30-11:30AM in Room 116 A discussion-oriented Bible class studying 1 Peter. Contact: James Madsen at x308;
Thursdays, June 13-August 22 from 9:00-11:30AM in the Chapel Dawn Allan leads this study on gaining a practical, strategic awareness of the entire Bible. It provides new insights and greater understanding into the complexity and reliability of God’s Word. Books available at Pathway. Register: Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226; debbied@
Sunday, June 16 | Outdoor Worship at 11:00AM in the North Parking Lot; Picnic at 12:00PM Kick off summer together as a whole CPC community! Join us for an outdoor all-church worship service followed by a picnic, games, and music. There will be no other CPC worship services on June 15/16 to enable our whole church body to worship together in unity and share food and fun together. Special things will be planned just for dads in honor of Father’s Day! Join us to celebrate CPC’s “all generations” and summer at CPC. Picnic cost: $5/person, max of $20/ family.
Sunday, May 19 from 7:15-8:30PM in the Fireside Room; meets 2nd Sundays CPC LIFE
MAY 2013
In Our
Congratulations to:
Tim Franz and Tolu Oyelowo on the birth of their son, Isaiah Jejelola Franz, on December 16. Brett Thomas Gearou and Kelly Anne Thomas, who were married April 12. The Rev. Brad Jackson officiated.
Rick and Bonnie Kuhlmann on the passing of Rick’s mother, J. Charlotta Kuhlmann, on March 25. Tim Srdar on the passing of his wife, Diane Srdar, on April 11. Gaylen, Maggie, and Spencer Knack on the passing of Gaylen’s mother, Esther Knack, on April 13. Dean, Beth, Ben, and Caroline Van Hoever on the passing of Dean’s father, Arnold Van Hoever, on April 18. Dave, Sally, and Alli Euson on the passing of Dave’s brother, Greg Euson, on April 18. Paul and Josh Dvorak on the passing of Paul’s wife and Josh’s mom, Diana Dvorak, on April 20.
IN THE HOSPITAL 3/19-4/25 Audrey Fermanich - St. Paul Children’s Marian Tjaden - Fairview Southdale George Beasley - North Memorial Fred Scaife - Osborn (Scottsdale, AZ) Kathe Nolan - Fairview Southdale Bill Vermilyea - Methodist Gene Takach - Methodist Warren Lightbody - Regions Elizabeth Mansfield - Abbott Northwestern Libby Pastor - Fairview Southdale
Michelle Terwilliger left her position as Ministry Assistant - Accounts Payable. Bonnie Barker joins as Ministry Assistant - Accounts Payable. Jill Campbell joins Kids’ Ministries as Ministry Assistant. Effective May 12, Brad Jackson leaves his position as Pastor for The Table to be Senior Pastor at Crossview Covenant Church in Mankato.
FINANCIAL UPDATE JUNE 1, 2012 – MARCH 31, 2013 Ministry Offering Budget: $4,299,805 Actual Offering: $4,222,610.15 Variance: ($77,194.85) Mission Partner of March (Zambia): $94,487.47 YTD Mission of the Month Total: $440,174.09
Expenses are under budget year-to-date.
May 31 marks the end of CPC’s fiscal year. CPC historically relies on strong giving during May in order to end the year without a deficit. Our community has been very generous in response to our seasonal and special offerings this fiscal year, for which we are grateful. Contributions to the Ministry Fund through April, however, are approximately $125,000 below budget. We would ask all in our community to help close that gap as we Generate Generosity Across the Generations. Thank you. - The Gen 3 Project Team
300 CPCers loved God and others at the first Serving Saturday!
MAY 2013
of the
Books, music, quotes, apps, art, videos, websites, people, places, and things that get us to think about God in new and exciting ways.
“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” - R o ma n s 1 2 : 2 Steve Wiens, former CPC Director of Student Ministries and now Associate Senior Pastor at Church of the Open Door, has a new blog entitled “The Actual Pastor: Living My Life as Is, Instead of as If.” Steve shares honest thoughts on life and faith, and some of his reflections on parenting and infertility have received national attention.
“The Bible” on History Channel Did you see History Channel’s “The Bible” ten-part miniseries? One in four Americans did! If you missed this popular TV event, check out the DVD collection or listings for re-runs. “From Genesis to Revelation, these unforgettable stories unfold through live action and cutting-edge computer-generated imagery, offering new insight into famous scenes and iconic characters.” –History Channel
The ultimate Bible site includes 45 different English translations of the Scriptures, the ability to search verses, numerous reading plans, and audio of God’s Word.
Christian community centered in Christ: “And God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be head over everything for the Church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way.” – Ephesians 1:22-23
“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” – 1 corinthians 12:27
MAY 2013
A website telling personal, provocative, and challenging stories from the Christian perspective: “It’s easy to tell someone your opinion. It’s hard work telling them your story.”
Carrie Gleeson
Carrie started attending CPC as a kindergartener, became a CPC member during 8th grade Commitment Class, and now serves as the Director of Commitment Class.
Carrie as an 8th grader in CPC’s Commitment Class.
Carrie leading this year’s Commitment Class Spring Retreat.
Q Tell us about coming to CPC programs as a kid.
I accepted Christ when I was in 8th grade Commitment Class, and I was one of CPC’s student leaders all through high school. Now it makes me empathize with my leaders, because I understand what it’s like to have one foot in culture at public school while also trying to figure out how to live a life of faith.
Q When did you know you wanted to go into professional ministry?
I originally majored in broadcasting, but between my freshman and sophomore years, I was a summer intern in CPC Kids’ Ministries and loved it. When I returned to college, I was really wrestling with my future and felt God nudging me to surrender it to Him. I didn’t want to, but I continually got messages about not being so set on the plans I had made for myself. That same year, I started volunteering for Youth for Christ in a high school and fell in love with it. They offered me a full-time job in my senior year, all while I had been applying at consulting and marketing firms. But Youth for Christ just kept calling. Finally, I thought, “Maybe I should take this seriously.” I ended up working there for nine years.
Q What led you back to CPC?
A year ago, I felt God nudging me to step off Youth for Christ staff. I said, “God, can I have another job lined up first?” But I felt I needed to be obedient and quit. I looked for jobs in Nebraska and Denver and said I’d only go back to Minneapolis if I could work at CPC. I thought it’d be a really cool life circle to work at the church that poured into me for so long, pointing me to Jesus. So one morning, I was getting ready to work on resumes and randomly looked on the CPC website. The Commitment Class listing was there. I read through the description and said, “I think I’m qualified.” I interviewed on a Monday, received the offer on Wednesday, and accepted on Friday.
Q What have you learned in this last year of transition?
God’s taught me how to have a calm confidence in Him. I’m 30 now, but if this had happened when I was 22, I would have freaked out and been really dramatic. There are still a lot of unknowns, but God has literally put His hand over me to make me calm.
Q Do you have words of encouragement to parents of teens?
Don’t underestimate how God can work in kids’ lives. We think they need to be further along developmentally to understand spiritual truths. They don’t. They’ll learn and with God’s help they will mature. The foundation you are providing them — and trust you have in us — allows that process to take place. It doesn’t matter whether it is Edina, Eden Prairie, Long Lake, or Ely — young people are under a great deal of pressure to perform today. So rather than adding to that pressure, nurture them and support them in discovering their faith. Church shouldn’t be about pressure. God certainly is not about pressure. It is about developing a relationship with the living God.
Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska and Hopkins, Minnesota equally
Book Recommendation: One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp Little-Known Fact: Ability to recite the entire script of “Sleepless in Seattle”
Bucket List: Eat a Big Mac and travel to Australia, Sweden, and Ireland Hobby: News junkie CPC C LP I FCE L I F| E O C|T O B MEARY 2 0 1 2 3
Worship Times this Month Saturdays at 5:15PM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 9:30AM | Traditional Worship Sundays at 11:00AM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 6:00PM | The Table (for the Next Generation) *Please note that starting Sunday, May 26, The Table service will shift to 7:00PM for the duration of the summer.
Wednesday, May 15 at 12:00PM | Mid-Month Chapel
This Month in Worship May 11/12 | Valuable: Women (Galatians 3:26-29) | Debbie Manning speaking; Brad Jackson at The Table May 18/19 | Valuable: Singles (1 Corinthians 7:1-9) | John Crosby speaking at all services May 25/26 | Valuable: Senior Adults (Psalm 90) | Rich Phenow speaking at all services June 1/2 | Valuable: Kids (Mark 10:13-16) | Dan Anderson speaking; Steph Spencer at The Table June 8/9 | Valuable: Young Graduates (Joel 2:28-32) | John Crosby speaking; Matt Moberg at The Table June 16 | All-Church Worship Service | Valuable: Men (Matthew 21:28) | John Crosby speaking *Please note that there are no other worship services on June 15/16. The service is at 11:00AM outside at CPC.
Valuable: Why We Need Each Other
Male or female, young or old, single or young graduate, there are no minor characters in God’s family. Each of us belongs to the greater Body of Christ — where individual uniqueness and unity in faith converge. Jesus was an includer: He saw the great value in each person. He calls us to do likewise as we learn how each stage of life has truth to impart as well as wisdom to acquire, resulting in a community made stronger by its parts.
may At A Glance (see pages 9-11 for details) SUN
Sunday Communities (S.C.) Catalyst Next Steps at The Table
S.C. 12 Catalyst Congregational Meeting Northwestern College Choir Table Hangout
New Time Change at The Table - 7:00PM
CPC Book Club Women’s Depression Group Grace & Hope
11 Needlework Guild
17 “Evidence of Hope” Screening
Garden Group Planting Day Lydia Circle Beginning Again
Prayer Shawl Ministry
29 Edynamoes GROW Class
22 Ruth Circle GROW Class
Prayer Shawl Ministry
15 Martha & Ruth Circles Mid-Month Chapel GROW Class
21 Called to Pray
8 Mom’s Morning Ruth Circle GROW Class
14 Grief Recovery
Young Women’s Small Group
Biblical Storytellers’ Group
6 Young Women’s Small Group
S.C. Catalyst Tapestry Living in the Tension
Women’s Depression Group
Christ Presbyterian Church | 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435 | 952.920.8515 | | | @CPCEdina