November 2011 CPC Life

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FAITH STORY JIM DEANOVIC Living gratefully after surviving a heart attack.




LIVE N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1 | W W W. C P C O N L I N E . O R G







Inspiring all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally.


Generosity, Joy, and the Big Mac


ur family was in Mexico with Constructores Para Cristo, building cementblock houses that were far beyond what the locals already had. We worked with the family who was going to live there, putting up walls and metal roofs. We watched them move into rooms more rustic than our garage. After we turned over the house keys, our tradition was to bring food into the new house or take them out for a modest meal. Like many, our hosts asked if they could go out for a meal . . . and wondered if we could go to McDonald’s, “where the rich people eat.” Driving across the border to Eagle Pass, Texas, was a journey from one world to another, where fast-food restaurants are at the top of the food chain (literally). The kids played on the playground and we ordered lots of food. At the end of the meal, Laura was bussing the table and reached over for the mostly-eaten burger one of the boys had in a bag. He said, “No gracias, para mi abuela.” Laura, whose Spanish is a constant source of entertainment for children on several continents, smiled and reached again for the bag. But the boy said, “No, por favor, mi abuela!” She asked me to get the boy to throw it in the trash himself. But when I talked to the little guy, it became clear that he was saving half his Big Mac for his grandmother who was guarding the new house. Not wanting to ask for extra, the little boy was going to sneak the food back. Now horrified, Laura took it to the next level: “John, you buy three more Big Macs for him, his grandmother, and anyone else at the house! And fries! And shakes!” We sent home a

CPC Life is a monthly publication of Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC). Complimentary copies available monthly at CPC or at Mail Subscriptions: Suggested annual donation of $20. Please write Editor, CPC Life, Christ Presbyterian Church, 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435.

big bag of America’s best export, greasy burgers, leaving yet another Mexican family with smiling stories to tell about the crazy gringos. Years later, I am still floored by the simple, sacrificial generosity of that little boy. His joy would be made complete by sharing some of his special meal with one he loved. I think of a generous friend of mine, a man of means who once said, “I don’t think I’ve ever given something that changed my life, costing us a vacation or pinching my retirement.” A great guy whose resources have been used by God . . . but not in the league of a 10-year old who shares his Big Mac. He must have been shown the power of generosity, maybe by a grandmother who sacrificed going out for a special meal at McDonald’s. Joy fills the halls of heaven again, as the angels watch all those acts of generosity. It’s in the spirit of a widow who gave her last bit of change, with no one to notice but the King of Heaven from the steps of the Temple . . . . Giving is about a lot more than budgets, or pledges, or tax deductions. Bless you this month of Thanksgiving. I pray that at some point the same spirit that motivated that little boy will creep into your heart, giving you the gift of crazy, sacrificial generosity. The angels want more to cheer about!

John Crosby serves as Senior Pastor

Email Subscriptions: To receive a link to the monthly online version, contact We welcome your letters and comments! Please email © Christ Presbyterian Church 2011.

Director of Communications: Sharon Sampson Editor: Jennifer Boardman Art Direction & Design: Jeremy Emmerich ©

Mixed Sources

Product group from well-managed forests, controlled sources and recycled wood or fiber




Honoring Loved Ones this Advent Remember those you have lost at the annual Candlelight Memorial Service


Annual Meeting and Denominational Updates Keep up-to-date with CPC’s financial status and denominational news at three meetings this month. The Annual Meeting is held November 6 to hear CPC’s financial report. On November 2 and 30, hear from John Crosby and special guests about theology and issues in the PC(USA). Learn more on page 7.


Men’s Breakfast Love football? Join other CPCers at the Men’s Breakfast on November 12 to hear from former Viking and current

sideline analyst Greg Coleman about faith, the sports world, and his time as an NFL player. CPCer Tim Gallagher will also share his faith story. Sign up at


Families Moving Forward During Thanksgiving week, reach out to homeless families staying at CPC with God’s love. Sign up to help prepare meals, play with children, fellowship with adults, and be an overnight host. Learn more on page 9.

Celebrate with us how CPC’s generations are following Jesus, loving others, and living missionally. FOLLOW JESUS 86 2nd graders and 125 preschoolers received Bibles last month.

on Tuesday, December 6. This is the 25th anniversary of CPC collectively honoring our loved ones as we prepare for Christ’s birth. Learn more on page 9.


Congratulations to Two of CPC’s Mission Partners Two CPC mission partners were recently recognized for their important work. Curt Rhodes, founder of Questscope in the Middle East, was awarded the Social Entrepreneur of the Year from the Schwab Foundation. Lyn Lusi, co-founder of HEAL Africa in Congo, is a finalist for the 2011 Opus Prize, given to people solving today’s social problems. We are proud to partner with these two organizations!

Wednesday night Christian parent series continues after a robust beginning.

LOVE OTHERS A new care group for people dealing with divorce is underway. There are 167 1st5th graders who worship together in Children’s Choirs on Wednesday nights.

L I V E M I S S I O N A L LY An HSM House Group made Halloween bags filled with candy and devotionals for CPCers in a local retirement home. The second Spotlight on Congo: HEAL Africa takes place this month.

6901 Normandale Road Edina, MN 55435 952.920.8515







“I’m thankful to God for my family, friends, and my life. I’m thankful for gifts from God, like how God gave Wayne Gretzky the gift of playing hockey. I’m also grateful for my brothers, school, food, and air conditioning. I’m thankful for clean water to drink and take a shower with. I’m thankful for church, hockey, my teachers, and my cousins. Also, I’m thankful that I have enough money to play sports and buy clothing.” - Matthew Blum, 5th grade



“I had cancer surgery a year ago. I am so thankful for my doctor, my husband’s care, and God who brought me through it safely. As the leader of Martha Circle, I am also grateful for this church. We are a little group of ladies — just 10 to 12 of us at every meeting — but CPC staff are always willing to sit down and chat. Martha Circle demonstrates our gratefulness to God by giving back to Cornerstone, Bunia Children’s Hope Center, and the VEAP food shelf.” - Pat Haberkorn


“In a year of uncertainty, Janet and I are thankful to reconnect with the CPC community after a time away. Friendships have brought stability and joy to our lives. God has also used CPC to rekindle our passion for local missions. We recently attended a Christian Community Development Association conference with CPC staff and returned with ideas about how to engage in local urban ministry. We are so grateful to call CPC our home.” - Steve Mader





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“My mom was placed in hospice over a year ago. I prayed she would pass quickly because of her suffering. She is now out of hospice, living a ‘new normal,’ and treasuring her time. I’m so glad God answered my prayer His way! My father has been in severe pain for almost a year, but God has blessed him: he’s able to keep his eyes on Jesus rather than on circumstances. As a Bible study leader, I see God touching lives in miraculous ways. Witnessing such true transformation removes any doubt that God exists.” - Melissa Bergen






“It is an interesting dichotomy to count my blessings since my job was eliminated in January. I still have health, shelter, clothing, food, a wonderful wife and mother of our five children, a cadre of friends with whom to network, and faith. Thank you, Jesus! I try to bless others by sending notes of thanks, telling my mother that she is my hero, cheering on my children, buying items our neighborhood kids are selling, helping family, friends, and neighbors, and saying yes when offered help from others.” - Michael Schroeder


by Michelle Kranendonk & Pamela Strommen, Elders


ommitment is the act of giving in trust. Making a commitment is more than a decision; it is also action. When we join CPC, we make certain commitments to trust in Jesus and support His Church. But an obligation to CPC itself is not ultimately what matters — it’s a passion for partnering in what God is doing here. Prayer, service, and financial support are all ways we can do that.

We invite you to be a part of a mission that transforms lives. As we ask you to make a commitment to CPC in 2012, it is much more than asking for your financial contribution. We invite you to be a part of a mission that transforms lives. We are excited about the things CPC does — giving Bibles to 2nd graders, praying with the grieving, equipping parents to raise kids who love God, connecting seniors who feel isolated, mentoring teens who feel lost, sending people on GO! Trips all over the world, and celebrating the transforming work of Jesus in individual lives. CPC is bursting at the seams on Wednesday nights, and community groups use our building seven days a week. It is thrilling to see the mission of CPC alive in so many ways across so many generations. Your gifts to CPC allow us all to participate in God’s mission.

This month you will receive a commitment card in the mail for your 2012 gift to CPC. Our prayer is that you would trust God to empower you with a desire to give generously: “Be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God” (2 Cor. 9:11). God calls us to bless others, and when we reach beyond ourselves, transformation takes place. We ask you to prayerfully consider what significant, annual gift you can make to CPC as a grateful response to God’s work in your life and in your church. CPC is committed to being generous — to support our own congregation and reach into the local and global communities with love. All are invited

to share in the work of expanding God’s Kingdom. We encourage you to share in this commitment to generosity. As you consider what this looks like in your life, think of how God has impacted, stretched, nurtured, or loved you through CPC staff and ministries. This is a church where grief is supported, growth is celebrated, and learning is encouraged. We are a community rich in God’s grace. How can we commit generously back to Him? We only grow in our faith when we act in faith. When we share our gifts, we witness God at work in our lives. Every gift makes a difference in God’s Kingdom, in the life of CPC, and in your faith journey.

Where the Ministry Fund Goes: Kids’ Ministry 14%

Missions 23%

Student Ministry 15% Congregational Care 12%

Adult Ministry 14%

Worship 22%

How to make your 2012 commitment: Return completed commitment cards on November 19/20 or to the church office.

Contact David Peterson, Finance Manager, at 952.920.8515 x206.

Visit www.cpconline/give.






by Jim Doudiet


his month we mark All Saints’ Weekend to honor the family and friends in our community who have passed away in the past year. Our tradition is to watch a slideshow of loved ones who have gone to be with Jesus, giving thanks for their legacies. But remembrance should be a daily value — and the CPC Memorial Prayer Garden is one way we live that out at CPC. Just south of the Sanctuary, we offer this sacred resting place. It is a physical reminder that the faith and memories of those who went before us are important to commemorate and instill into the next generation. When the new Sanctuary was completed in 2000, some of us who participated in its planning met at the urging of a few widowed members of CPC. They requested that we study whether the remaining space on the south side of the property could be developed to house a columbarium (where urns are permanently placed). We learned that such a space would be unique in the Twin Cities, as most churches no longer have the space to provide for the remains of their members. This section of CPC’s grounds seemed perfect for such a use, and by so doing, we remained faithful to building community and celebrating longtime congregants. In addition to





the columbarium, we decided to add a Memorial Wall where families can engrave the names of loved ones interred elsewhere. The Memorial Garden is more than a Committee I’ve served on: it’s a personal commitment. My wife, Jan, and I have reserved space in the columbarium for the inevitable days of our passing. It’s meaningful to us that it is on the grounds of the church that has played such a vital role in our faith, marriage, and family life. On the Memorial Wall, we have also added the names of Jan’s and my parents who are buried in Virginia and California. Our children and grandchildren will have a place to come to remember our family as it was. If you haven’t visited this sacred place, we invite you to do so. Take a moment to look at the names engraved on the Memorial Wall and those on the columbarium and give thanks for their stories. Sit on a bench, say a prayer, and look at the fall beauty. I think you will be pleased that CPC has invested in such a beautiful and hallowed place of remembrance for those who have loved our church and our Lord. To learn more about the Memorial Prayer Garden, contact the church office at 952.920.8515 or pick up a brochure in the Great Room.

“My wife, Jean, died in 2004 and is memorialized in the Garden. I go there once or twice a month to sit on a bench, meditate, and think about our memories together. The Garden is also a nice place for our three daughters to visit to honor their mom. The Memorial Prayer Garden is truly a beautiful addition to our church.”

Al TeWinkel

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CPC Ministry Programming November 2011

At CPC, we seek to inspire all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. Please look through the various programs for kids, students, and adults --- and join us! For fuller descriptions and more information on any of these programs, please visit

general WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNERS 4:45-6:00PM in the Great Room every Wednesday there is programming. Salad Bar-$4; Dinner & Salad-$8; Dinner without Salad $7; Kids-$4; Max-$25 November 2: Chili, mac & cheese, cake November 9: Spaghetti, brownies November 16: Chicken strips, tators November 23: No meal DENOMINATIONAL TEACHING TIMEs Revised times: Wednesdays, November 2 & 30 at 6:00PM in the Fireside Room On November 2, John Crosby will focus on core theology. November 30 will feature a panel of area pastors with varying viewpoints on the PC(USA). ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION November 6 at 12:00PM in the Sanctuary The Session has called the Annual Meeting of the Congregation to hear a financial report on CPC’s activities for the fiscal year ending May 31 and to approve current compensation payable to CPC pastors. MID-MONTH CHAPEL SERVICE Wednesday, November 16 at 12:00PM A traditional service with a short message and communion. Lunch follows. CPC HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE, SOUP LUNCH, & COOKIE SALE Saturday, November 19 from 9:00AM4:00PM An opportunity to buy crafts, original

artwork, and cookies as well as a soup lunch to benefit local and international mission efforts. Bring your friends and your Christmas lists! Contact: Linda Cravens at 952.922.5473.

THANKSGIVING BREAK Wednesday, November 23 Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no Wednesday night programs on November 23. The office will be closed November 24 and 25. THANKSGIVING DAY WORSHIP Thursday, November 24 at 9:30AM Celebrate Thanksgiving as a community with a sermon from Debbie Manning and music by choir and brass. A great way to kick off a day of thanks to God!

adults PARENTAL GUIDANCE NECESSARY: REAL KIDS, REAL WORLD Wednesdays, November 9 & 16 from 6:00-7:30PM in the Fireside Room A series to help parents raise kids with faith that “sticks.” On November 9, Kyle Jackson will speak on “Don’t Take Christ Out of Christmas.” On November 16, Dan Anderson will speak on “Celebrate While We Wait.” No registration necessary. Contact: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226; AMAZING GRACE BOOK GROUP Monday, November 14 at 1:00PM; meets 2nd Monday monthly On November 14, we’ll discuss Heaven

is for Real by Todd Burpo. On December 12, we’ll discuss Unbroken by Lauren Hildebrand. We are open to all women and any brave men! Contact: Carol Krebs at 952.920.8515 x224;

CPC BOOK CLUB Thursday, November 17 at 7:00PM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Thursday monthly On November 17, we’ll discuss The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Contact: Nancy Reutiman at 952.920.1837. SUNDAY COMMUNITIES Sunday Communities offer a place to belong and a place to grow with people in a similar stage of life. All groups except CPC Singles are following the “Faith, Hope, Love” sermon series. 9:30AM: S.A.L.T. (30s & 40s) A.C.T.S. (50s & 60s) MIXED TAPES (young couples) CPC Singles (40s & 50s)-2nd, 4th weeks 10:45AM: MORE (all ages) Visit CPC SINGLES (40s & 50s) Sundays, November 13 & 27 from 9:3010:30AM in the Parlor; meets 2nd and 4th Sundays and 3rd Thursday monthly We are studying The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns; study guides in Pathway. Please bring a Bible as well. This month we’ll meet socially on November 17 from 5:00-7:00PM at Bunny’s (5916 Excelsior Boulevard, St. Louis Park 55416). Contact:; find “CPC Singles” on Facebook. CPC LIFE






IN THE WORD Mondays from 9:30-11:30AM in Room 107 In the Word is a discussion-oriented Bible study for men and women. We are studying Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. Register: James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x308; WEDNESDAY MORNING STUDY Wednesdays from 11:00AM-12:00PM; Rick Byron leads this lively discussion of Daniel. We meet every Wednesday except Edynamoes days. Contact: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226;

women MOM’S MORNING LARGE GROUP Wednesday, November 9 from 9:3011:30AM On November 9, Jean Illsley Clarke will speak on “Dealing with the Constant ‘I Want . . .’” Cost: $45 for the year; $50 for childcare. Register: www.cpconline. org/register. Unable to make it to each Mom’s Morning but interested in hearing the speakers? Recordings of all Large Group talks are available in Pathway for $3. NEEDLEWORK GUILD Saturday, November 12 from 10:00AM2:00PM; meets 2nd Saturday monthly Needlework Guild’s mission is to make warm garments and blankets for local agencies that serve the needy. The Cookie Sale is on November 19 and we urge members to bake. We are in charge of sales for this mission fundraising event. Contact: Sally Stoutenburgh at 952.927.6915. MOMS OF TEENS Large Group Thursday, November 17 from 9:3011:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Author Becky Henry will speak on “Eating Disorders: Why Saying ‘Stop’ Is Not Enough.” Cost: $5. Register: www. Contact: Anita LaHaye at Small Groups Two Thursdays a month Moms meet biweekly to help navigate




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kids’ teen years. Contact: Ann Satterthwaite at

COOKIE SALE AT HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE Cookies due Friday, November 18 between 12:00-7:00PM During the Holiday Boutique, Women’s Ministries sells cookies to benefit missions. If you’d like to bake, bring cookies to CPC on Friday, November 18 (one dozen/plate, in Ziploc bag, labeled). Please list nuts and other ingredients. Contact: Kim Sanders at 612.554.2979; TUESDAY WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30PM; meets weekly in Room 107 Join Carolyn Beatty as she leads an in-depth Bible Study on Romans. This group generates lively discussion and cares for one another. Contact: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983. WOMEN’S CHRISTMAS BRUNCH Saturday, December 3 from 9:0011:00AM Enjoy a talk by Jeanette Schmidt: “Simple Christmas: Taking a Good Look at Your December To-Do List.” Register: Contact: Debbie Ducar at 952.920.8515 x226; CIRCLES Circles combine fellowship, learning, and service in a small group setting. They consist primarily of women over 50; new members welcome any time. Martha Circle Wednesday, November 16 at 10:00AM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Wednesday monthly We will collect toys for the Santa Shop at Cornerstone. Contact: Pat Haberkorn at 952.941.4188. Lydia Circle Saturday, November 19 at 9:30AM in Room 204; meets 3rd Saturday monthly We will have lunch at 11:00AM in the Great Room during the Holiday Boutique. Contact: Ellen Hastings at 952.896.0066. Esther Circle Saturday, November 19 starting at 10:00AM; meets 3rd Saturday monthly Join us at the home of Carol Koster

(7100 Metro Boulevard #126, Edina 55439) for fellowship and Bible study. Contact: Carol Koster at 952.835.6649. Ruth Circle Meets every Wednesday at 9:30AM On first and third Wednesdays, we meet in a home for food, devotions, and prayers. On the other Wednesdays, we serve at Feed My Starving Children or at CPC, including office projects and providing lunch for Edynamoes. Contact: Barb Bucha at 952.470.4414.

MEN MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, November 12 from 7:009:00AM in the Fellowship Hall A time for fellowship, breakfast, and to hear from Greg Coleman, former Vikings punter and current sideline analyst for the Vikings. CPCer Tim Gallagher will give his faith story. Cost: $10 if you pre-register; $12 at the door. Register: NEW MEN’S SMALL GROUP Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00AM Contact: James Madsen at 952.920. 8515 x308;

50+ NESTERS (active retired-age) Luncheon Sunday, November 6 at 12:30PM in the Fireside Room Enjoy a luncheon with Chris Farrell of Public Radio’s “Marketplace” and author of The New Frugality. This event is geared toward active retired folks and first-wave Baby Boomers as a part of the Nesters’ “Growing Wiser About Growing Older” series. Cost: $10. Register: Christmas Celebration Saturday, December 10 at 6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall Enjoy music from “A Classic Christmas Celebration” with Eric Allen and brass. Cost: $15. Register: Mary Allen at 952.920.8515 x298; EDYNAMOES (70+) Wednesday, December 7 at 11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall

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Dick Kimmel and Jerilyn Kjellberg will present “A Country Christmas” with bluegrass music and old time songs. Cost: $5. Register: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983 by December 5. Please bring donations/toys for VEAP, Jerry’s receipts (if paid in cash), Campbell’s Soup labels, and can tabs.

care DIVORCE SUPPORT CARE GROUP Tuesdays through January 24 from 6:308:00PM in Room 201 A Care Group for those experiencing separation and divorce. We are a place to find help, discover hope, and experience healing. Contact: Debbie Manning at 952.920.8515 x275; debbiem@ GRIEF RECOVERY Tuesday, November 8 at 6:00PM in the Fireside Room; meets 2nd Tuesday monthly Grief Recovery is for those who have lost a loved one. We experience God’s hope and healing through fellowship, prayer, and sharing a meal. Contact: Debbie Manning at 952.920.8515 x275; ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP & EDUCATIONAL SERIES Thursday, November 10 in the Fireside Room; meets 2nd Thursday monthly Support Group: 5:30-7:00PM Series: 7:00-8:30PM A series for care partners and those with an early Alzheimer’s diagnosis. November’s talk is “Communicating with Your Partner: The Art of Hearing and Being Heard.” Prior to each talk, a support group meets for spouses and adult children caring for loved ones. Register: Mary Allen at 952.920.8515 x243; GRACE & HOPE FOR OUR CHILDREN Tuesday, November 15 from 7:008:30PM; meets 3rd Tuesday monthly A support group for parents of kids with emotional/mental health issues. We seek to be a caring community as we share our journeys. Contact: Doug Brown at 612.839.9992; dbrown@


CANDLELIGHT MEMORIAL SERVICE Tuesday, December 6 at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary Begin the season of advent with a time to remember loved ones and experience renewed hope. Join us to honor those you have lost and set our hearts on the coming Messiah. Dessert follows in the Great Room. Contact: Debbie Manning at 952.920.8515 x275; debbiem@

missions URBAN HOMEWORKS WORK BLITZ Friday & Saturday, November 4 & 5; 8:30AM-12:30PM or 12:30-4:30PM On Urban Homeworks workdays, we help build a home for a family in need. Participants must be age 16 and up. Tools are available onsite or you may bring your own. Closed-toe shoes, work gloves, and water bottle suggested. Register: Contact: Mike Miller at 612.418.5541; EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY SERVICES INFORMATIONAL MEETING Sunday, November 6 in the Parlor immediately following both morning services Join us to learn more about ECS’s work to end poverty through holistic, one-on-one support of individuals and families. Contact: Kathy Nielsen at 952. 920.8515 x311; THANKSGIVING HARVEST Pick up empty bags: November 5/6 Deliver filled bags: November 12/13 Our 20th year! Help provide 1,000 bags of groceries to needy families. Bags and shopping lists distributed November 5/6 after worship; return November 12/13. Volunteers also needed to distribute bags to agencies. Cash donations go to five local organizations. Volunteer: Contact: Dean Hoppe at 952.926.5818; SPOTLIGHT ON CONGO: HEAL AFRICA Friday, November 11 from 6:00-8:30PM in the Fireside Room Join us for an evening with HEAL Africa’s founders, Jo and Lyn Lusi, as



well as US director, Judy Anderson. Featured on CNN and recognized worldwide as a model of indigenous-led ministry, HEAL Africa has been a key CPC partner for nearly six years. Enjoy appetizers, a presentation, and Q&A. Contact: Lexi Soldo at 952.920.8515 x227;

FREEDOM FROM FEAR BUS TOUR: NORTH MINNEAPOLIS Saturday, November 12; bus departs CPC at 9:00AM (register by November 9) During the 1960s civil rights movement, people rode buses to raise the issue of freedom. While these journeys were difficult, there was hope things could change. This remains true today. Join us to experience what is happening in the city and what CPCers are doing to bring hope through Jesus. Register: Contact: Kathy Nielsen at 952.920.8515 x311; FAMILIES MOVING FORWARD Thanksgiving Week: Sunday, November 20 to Sunday, November 27 Give time to homeless families. CPC provides sleeping accommodations, meals, evening activities, and fellowship for up to five families. Contact: David Carroll at 612.802.8487; ADOPT A FAMILY Adopt: November 26/27 & December 3/4 Deliver: December 10/11 Adopt A Family is a Deacon ministry that provides Christmas gifts for families who otherwise can’t afford them. Select a family November 26/27 or December 3/4; return gifts December 10/11. Contact: Karen Hartwig at 612.501.1419; CPC GO! TRIP TO BENI, CONGO January 22-February 2 An opportunity to see, love, and serve at The Christian Bilingual University of Congo. We will help the English Department with development, outreach, and teaching. Educators, language learners, and young adults welcome. Register: Contact: Lexi Soldo at 952.920.8515 x227; CPC LIFE







music FELLOWSHIP THROUGH MUSIC Interested in playing or singing worship music with others in a small group setting? Contact: Denise Harlos at

kids FAM/JAM EVENT FOR PRESCHOOLERS AND FAMILIES Saturday, November 12 from 9:0010:45AM in the Multi-Purpose Room Preschoolers and their families are invited for a fun morning, including air jumping, cookie decorating, face painting, and more! No cost. Sign up in your child’s classroom. Contact: Martha North at 952.920.8515 x280; FAMILY ADVENT CELEBRATION Sunday, November 20 from 3:305:45PM Enjoy crafts, hayrides, Christmas caroling, family games, a service project, and dinner. Crafts: $15/family. Dinner: $3/ adult, $2/child, $10/family max. Preview the crafts in the Great Room on Sundays, November 6 and 13. Register: Contact: Anne McCracken at 952.920.8515 x216;

students MIDDLE SCHOOL WEDNESDAY NIGHTS November 2, 9, 16, & 30 from 6:007:30PM A night of fun, large group learning, and small group discussion for 6th-8th graders! If your student has not yet registered, please do so at www.cpconline. org/students. RUCKUS: CHUCK E. CHEESE CHALLENGE Friday, November 18 from 6:00-8:00PM Take on the great Chuck E. Cheese Challenge, where students will accomplish a variety of crazy tasks using teamwork, tokens, and creativity.





Meet at Chuck E. Cheese in Edina at 6:00PM to check in. Register: www. Contact: Mandy Jester at 952.920.8515 x232; mandyj@

HIGH SCHOOL HOUSE GROUPS Wednesdays, November 9, 16, & 30 from 8:00-9:30PM at area homes Contact: Brooke Toftoy at 952.920.8515 x286; HSM AT URBAN JERUSALEM Wednesday, November 2 from 8:009:45PM; leave from CPC at 7:45PM Come check out a hip-hop worship service with HSM for worship, dancing, and a moving message. Contact: Brooke Toftoy at 952.920.8515 x286; FRESHMAN PARENT OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, November 9 from 8:008:30PM at the Freshman House Groups Parents, if you have ever wondered what your kids are doing Wednesday nights at House Groups, this is your opportunity to experience it! Meet the adult leaders who give their time each week to mentor your kids. Contact: Paige Backenstose at 952.920.8515 x305; paigeb@ HSM CURRICULUM ONLINE HSM staff writes all high school curriculum. Visit to see what your student is learning. Contact: Brooke Toftoy at 952.920.8515 x286;

the table THANKSGIVING HARVEST Pick up empty bags: November 6 Deliver filled bags: November 13 Provide women and children from St. Anne’s Place (emergency shelter) with a Thanksgiving meal. Volunteers are also needed to deliver the food. Contact: Ashley Barlow at 952.920.8515 x223; TABLE HANG-OUT Sunday, November 20 at 7:00PM

Join other Table folks post-service at Tavern on France (6740 France Avenue South Edina, MN 55435) to eat, drink, hang out, and enjoy community.

JABBOK COOL YOUTH CENTER: TUTOR AND SERVE MEALS We need tutors for students in Whittier for Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Jabbok is also looking for groups of five to six who can purchase, prepare, and serve meals from 5:00-7:00PM on Monday and Tuesdays. Contact: Ashley Barlow at 952.920.8515 x223; CPC GO! TRIP TO BENI, CONGO January 22-February 2, 2012; register by November 15 Please turn to page 9 for full details.

holiday worship CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP Saturday, December 24 11:00AM – Family Service 1:00 & 3:00PM – Family Services 6:00PM – Traditional Service (with Communion) 9:00PM – Traditional Service (with choir) 11:00PM – Table Service (for the Next Generation) CHRISTMAS DAY WORSHIP Sunday, December 25 at 11:00AM (No Table service) NEW YEAR’S DAY WORSHIP Sunday, January 1 at 11:00AM & 6:00PM (The Table)


have a great life and a great wife who has stuck with you. But Deb isn’t going to bring you home. So you better start looking over here, focusing on Me.’ That was really the message God had for me. There is no person and no thing in this world — no matter how great — that is enough. We need a relationship with God.

blades and up my arm. They gave me Nitro pills, but it didn’t help. I told them to take me to Abbott Hospital. They loaded me into the ambulance, and I felt better right away in the airconditioning. But when Deb got into the front of the ambulance, I lost sight of her. The EMT kept saying, ‘Stay with me.’ But everything around me was chaotic, and I don’t like claustrophobic situations to begin with. Without Deb in sight, I couldn’t hold it together anymore. I heard God say to me, ‘This is your moment; say what you need to say.’ I prayed for my family, my kids, and my soul. I felt no more stress, just peace. And then boom — I was out.

Jim Deanovic ‘‘

Last spring, I started a new health regimen. I had a bad knee from basketball (trying to keep up with John Crosby), sleep apnea, atrial fibrillation, and I was on many medications. So I got a trainer and started doing Pilates. About seven weeks in, I felt like a million bucks. But one Monday during the workout, I felt dizzy. That had happened before, but I wasn’t too worried. A few years prior, a Nuclear Stress Test at Mayo told me I had a 97% chance of never having a heart ailment in my life. It was one of those sweltering hot mornings. I sat in the lobby of the gym drinking water, but didn’t feel better. The gym staff called my wife, Deb, to come. They asked me a bunch of questions, and I answered them fine. But when I started getting discombobulated, the owner said, ‘I’m calling 911.’ The fire department was four blocks away, so they were there in a matter of minutes, giving me oxygen. Then Deb arrived. People were swarming around me, and I kept my eyes fixed on her. I don’t think I’d be here today if Deb hadn’t been there for me to focus on. I started to feel pain in my shoulder

I flatlined. On the way to the hospital, they shocked me five times and twice more in the ER. I had 100% blockage in my left anterior descending widowmaker artery. Deb says that when she

I joke now that we’ve got to get on the right radio station: God’s station. We need to listen and obey what He says — and if we don’t, we’re going to wander a little bit. I think of those young guys and all the different stations they can listen to. We need to tune into what God is saying, turn up the volume, rip off the knob. When I started cardiac rehab, I set out to do everything possible to get better. To go above and beyond what they asked of me. We have the same kind of choice in our relationship with God. We can do it every once in awhile, or we can do it diligently, with some fun and vigor.

“ That was really the

message God had for me after my heart attack. There is no person and no thing in this world — no matter how great — that is enough.” watched them shock me, my body heaving, her first instinct was to run away and not deal with it. But she knew there was only one thing she could do — to pray. She and so many at CPC covered me in prayer that day. When I woke up later in the hospital, I remember people cheering. The doctors said, ‘We just don’t see guys like you. Most people die: 100% blockage, shocked seven times — you should have died.’ All I cared about was seeing my family and thanking God for giving me a second chance.

Living gratefully is trying to make the most of what God has given me. To help others. To not hold back on saying things to my kids that encourage them in a godly life. To focus on the impact I can make for God in this world each day. It’s not easy; it’s tempting to fall back into old patterns. But I’m so grateful for a second chance. For the friends who have supported us. That I was here to see both my kids get engaged to wonderful people. And that I’ll get to walk my daughter down the aisle and whisper something special in her ear.

Two months later, I went up to Rainy Lake. I wanted to think, to reconcile everything that had happened. Out in the middle of the lake, I felt God say, ‘You

P.S. A special thanks to John Crosby for nurturing and nudging me toward a godly life. I do like playing with you more than against you on the courts.


In My Own Words:

A week before my heart attack, I had been out with some young guys to talk about some challenges they were facing. I remember coming home and praying, ‘C’mon God, reveal yourself to these guys a little bit. They need to see you . . . . And, if you’re showing yourself to them, why don’t you give me a little peek-aboo, too, because I haven’t seen you as much lately.’ Now I know I hadn’t been looking for Him.







richard Davis book signing


experience hope: threeday meal challenge

preschool bibles

2nd graDe bibles

table retreat

12 10

SU N OM V EMMEBRE 2 R 0 21 01 1 1|




In Our

Family SYMPATHY TO: Kathy Hammond on the passing of her mother, Margaret Hazel McMahon Parr, on September 5. A memorial service was held October 14 in the Chapel. The Rev. Dan Anderson officiated. Ward and Jacque Jensen on the passing of Ward’s father, Warren D. Jensen, on September 27. A memorial service was held September 30 at First Lutheran Church in Albert Lea. Mary Jo Brown on the passing of her husband, Tom Brown, on September 27. A memorial service was held October 1 in the Sanctuary. The Rev. Rich Phenow officiated. Nancy and Gary Nichols on the passing of Nancy’s father, Bernard Wehrenberg, on October 3. A memorial service was held October 8 in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Luanne and Steve Wallace on the passing of Luanne’s mother, Viola Walker, on October 7. A memorial service was held October 13 at First Memorial Funeral Home in Edina. Family and friends on the passing of Patricia Brengman on October 7. Pat and her husband, Rick, founded CPC mission partner Trinity Mission Foodshelf 29 years ago. A memorial service was held at Hill Episcopal Church in St. Paul on October 14. Bec Pelz on the passing of her mother, Pauline Carlson, on October 14. A memorial service was held October 19 in the Sanctuary. Tony Freeburg officiated. Bec serves as a CPC wedding coordinator.

Congratulations: Christopher and Melissa Boles welcomed son Grayson Powell on September 25. Big sister is Genevieve.

James Madsen has been named Pastor of Adult Ministries.

Catherine Gilroy and Jace Senske were married October 7 in the Sanctuary. Pastor Mike Hotz officiated.

Alissa Bemis joins Administration as Scheduling Coordinator.

Katharine Haugen and Jonathan Olson were married October 7 at Summit Manor in St. Paul. The Rev. Rich Phenow officiated.

John Schmanski has been named Director of Operations.

Maggie Knack joins Adult Ministries part-time as Ministry Assistant. Jeff Schliep left his position as Custodian after nine years.

Cassandra Janiszewski and Jeremy Olson were married October 8 in the Sanctuary. The Rev. Dr. John Crosby officiated. Maggie Thomas and Jonathan Keller were married October 14 in the Sanctuary. Pastors Brad Jackson and Kyle Jackson officiated. Nicole Anderson and Zachary Thompson were married October 15 in the Sanctuary. The Rev. Vernon Hill officiated. Carolyn Euson and Michael Frawley were married October 15 at Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church. The Rev. Rich Phenow officiated.

IN THE HOSPITAL 8/18-9/19 Dick Duff - Fairview Southdale George Lund - Methodist Barbara Jondahl - Methodist Muriel Baker - Fairview Southdale STAFF TRANSITIONS: Dan Anderson transitioned to Pastor of Congregational Care after serving as interim Pastor of Adult Ministries.

The staff prayed for Jeff with thanksgiving.

FINANCIAL UPDATE JUNE 1 – SEPTEMBER 31, 2011 Ministry Offering Budget: $1,221,527.59 Actual Offering: $1,247,094.87 Variance: $25,567.28 September Mission Partner of the Month (Daystar Scholarships): $4,383.47 YTD Mission of the Month Total: $13,225.89 Expenses are on budget year-to-date. To make your 2012 Commitment to CPC, visit or contact David Peterson, Finance Manager, at 952.920.8515 x206 or davidp@


N| O V M EM AR BC EH R 2011



november DEVOTIONAL by James Madsen, Adult Ministries

Where do you put your hope?

When you think about the future, what do you hope for? A bigger house? That the kids will grow up into thriving adults? That the stock market won’t eat up your retirement fund? It is normal to have the mindset, “If only this would happen, then life would be better.” Our hope is often built upon our circumstances. Unfortunately, our circumstances often turn into stormy messes that lead us down a path towards discouragement and despair. When our hope is built on circumstances, we live in anxiety that we are one bad phone call away from hopelessness and despair.

Our culture often views hope as wishful thinking: something we want to happen but probably won’t. But in the Bible, hope is sure when we believe in the God who is faithful to His promises. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” We can be confident in His promises. Faith isn’t blind: it is built upon the biblical stories of God doing what He has promised to do and in our stories when we have seen God work in our brokenness. We can have confidence that God is telling His story through our lives. And as faith looks back at God’s faithfulness, hope looks forward to the fulfillment of the promises of God. Paul says, “And hope does not disappoint us.” Why? Because our hope is not based on our circumstances but on the saving work of Jesus Christ. Our future is secure because of what Christ has done for us. Paul tells us nothing can separate us from the love of God for those who put their trust in Christ . . . not circumstances, not our mistakes, not a bad medical report. I’m reminded of the classic hymn that reminds us, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” Our hope is sure when it is built on our rock, Jesus Christ.

What We’re Reading the art of dying

the great divorce

one thousand gifts

By Rob Moll Though dying is a part of living, our culture feels uncomfortable talking about death. Rob Moll reminds Christians that we do not need to fear death. We should not only accept its inevitability, but we also can learn how to “die well.” Moll teaches us what a “good death” is and how to spiritually prepare our hearts and minds for it. Throughout the book, Moll provides interviews with those who encounter death everyday — doctors, spiritual caregivers, and hospice workers — as they share their perspectives and give guidance. This book is a wonderful read for those who are grieving, caring for the dying, or fearing death themselves.

by C.S. Lewis Did you love reading The Chronicles of Narnia as a child? Then great news! C.S. Lewis wrote fiction for adults as well. In The Great Divorce, a bus full of people from a gray, non-descript town visits the foothills of heaven, where the landscape and people are more shiny, solid, and beautiful than anything imaginable. Heaven’s joys await them, but despite encouragement, most cling to creative excuses for saying no to God’s very best. This is a fantasy that will both capture your imagination and make you think deeply about heaven and the choices you make on earth. Check out his other allegorical books as well.

by Ann Voskamp Ann Voskamp is a woman who keeps a daily gratitude list and inspires us to do the same. She pursues a deeper relationship with God as she lives in appreciation of His blessings. Some gifts are obvious (softly falling leaves) and others are very difficult (an illness or accident), all drawing us to the Father as we receive them. The book has its challenges: it is wordy and the syntax can be difficult. It is to be read slowly and contemplated upon. Along with the book is her visually stunning and thoughtfully written blog (www. And then begin your own list . . . .

- Claire Sweem, Communications

- Deb Kielsmeier, Membership

- Carol Krebs, Pathway Books






Staff Spotlight:

David Peterson

Q How did you come to CPC?

I have worked at CPC for 12 years now. Previously I worked as an accountant for a market research company, but I wanted to get out of the for-profit world because it was really stressful. A person whom I worked with was going to CPC and knew there was a job opening.

Q What does your job entail? I generate monthly financial reports (including payroll and audit reports), count the weekend offering, work with the Finance Committee in monthly meetings — just general accounting functions. I like creating spreadsheets so that people know where CPC stands financially. I also like all the people I work with, from staff to volunteers to leaders. I’m behind the scenes a lot, but I get to work closely with CPCers on the Finance Committee. And we have a lot of great volunteers. David Peterson has served as CPC’s Finance Manager for 12 years. Hometown: Minneapolis Family: wife, Barbara; sons, Daniel (18) and Christopher (15) Favorite Bible verse: Psalm 27:1 Hobbies: Playing piano, camping, gardening, biking

Member Spotlight:

Christy Caboth

Q Now is the time of year when CPCers are asked to make a financial commitment to our church. Why do you think stewardship is important? My mother-in-law always told the story about not having a lot of money while raising four young children. But as their family read about giving in the Bible, they thought, “Well, we don’t have a lot of money, but let’s give it a shot.” They starting tithing their money each month and, after a year, they realized that they had money left over. In my own situation, the first check I write when I get paid goes to my church. I find that if I don’t make it my first priority, it won’t happen. It seems like we always have enough to meet our needs. I just feel like that’s the way to do it. We’ve been practicing this for the last five years, and we feel blessed. The first fruits go to the Lord. Q How did you get involved in Urban Neighbors? This past summer, I was getting restless. I felt that God was telling me to go somewhere else or try something different. About this time I was in a Missions’ meeting and Table staff asked, “How can we create meaningful relationships in Whittier?” And I said, “Well, I live in Whittier and it’s so easy! You just talk to your neighbors. What you really need is a house for CPC.” Little did I know that one already existed next to Calvary Baptist! A while later, someone on The Table staff asked if I would consider moving into the Urban Neighbors apartment. It just seemed like the right fit.

Q What is it like being an Urban Neighbor?

Christy serves as an Urban Neighbor (a ministry of Urban Homeworks) in South Minneapolis’s Whittier Neighborhood and as a CPC Core Group Leader for 9th grade girls. Hometown: Estherville, IA Favorite books of the Bible: Romans and Esther Book you are reading: Crazy Love by Francis Chan Hobbies: Coffee with friends, cooking with friends, being social

I’ve only been in the apartment for a month, so my two roommates and I are still figuring things out. But I do know that I am passionate about Calvary’s ministry to the homeless. Also, there are a lot of opportunities to minister to the neighbors in our four-plex, all of whom are low-income families. We are continually asking God how we can serve them; we don’t just want to pass them by in the halls.

Q Can you tell us a little about your faith story? At a church camp in junior high, I first realized I could have a personal relationship with Jesus. But as I grew older, I slowly drifted away. In college, I was surrounded by so many smart, opinionated people; I became a sponge soaking up their opinions. But I felt like a lost soul, not knowing what was true. In my junior year, an acquaintance invited me to a Bible study, which led me back to a relationship with Jesus. When people ask me about God today, I admit that I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that when I didn’t have God, I was lost. The minute I asked Him to come back into my life, things started to make sense, and I didn’t feel alone anymore. To learn more about supporting Christy with Urban Neighbors’ programming fees, visit





Worship Times this Month Saturdays at 5:15PM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 9:30AM | Traditional Worship Sundays at 11:00AM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 6:00PM | The Table (for the Next Generation) November 16 at 12:00PM | Mid-Month Chapel Service November 24 at 9:30AM | Thanksgiving Worship

This Month in Worship November 5/6 | A Legacy of Hope (Hebrews 11:1; 12:1-3) | John Crosby speaking; Brad Jackson at The Table November 12/13 | Giving Hope (1 Timothy 6:17-19) | Rich Phenow speaking; Ashley Barlow at The Table November 19/20 | Abounding in Hope (Romans 15:14) | John Crosby speaking; Brad Jackson at The Table November 24 | Thanksgiving | Debbie Manning speaking November 26/27 | New series: “Love that Shows Up”


Hope that Endures

Hope is a gift that God offers believers, which we are meant to share with others. When the Apostle Paul writes that the markings of a transformed life are faith, hope, and love, hope is the connector. In the midst of human suffering, the Holy Spirit brings hope when we need more than wishful thinking or endurance. In this six-week series, we will explore how Jesus offers a hope that endures in this life and into the next, shaping who we are today and how we share His love with others.

NOVEMBEr At A Glance (see pages 7-10 for details) SUN


30 Sunday Communities (S.C.)

S.C. 6 Town Hall ECS Meeting Nesters Banyan Dinner Thanksgiving Harvest Pick-up

31 In the Word

7 In the Word

13 S.C. CPC Singles Thanksgiving Harvest Drop-off

20 S.C. Families Moving Forward (FMF) Family Advent Table Hang-Out

14 In the Word Amazing Grace Book Club

21 In the Word FMF




Men’s Study Romans Study Next Step Group Divorce Care

Men’s Study Romans Study Next Step Group Divorce Care Grief Recovery

Mom’s 9 Morning Daniel Study, Ruth Parental Guidance, Jonah, Growing in Christ Wed. Dinner & Programs

Men’s Study 15 Romans Study Next Step Group Divorce Care Grace and Hope

Daniel Study, Ruth, Martha 16 Mid-Month Chapel Parental Guidance, Jonah, Growing in Christ Wed. Dinner & Programs

Men’s Study 22 Romans Study Next Step Group Divorce Care FMF

Mom’s Morning Ruth Circle Jonah FMF




Daniel Study Ruth Circle 2 Jonah, Growing in Christ Wed. Dinner & Programs Denominational Teaching Time




Urban Homeworks Workday

Urban Homeworks Workday Thanksgiving Harvest Pick-up


Men’s Breakfast 12 Bus Tour Needlework Guild Fam Jam Thanksgiving Harvest Drop-off

10 Spotlight on Congo

Alzheimer’s Group

17 Moms of Teens CPC Book Club



Holiday Boutique Lydia Circle Esther Circle

Cookies due for Holiday Boutique Ruckus

24 Thanksgiving Day Worship FMF




25 FMF

Adopt A Family FMF

Christ Presbyterian Church | 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435 | 952.920.8515 | |

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