Thoughts that Matter by John Crosby, Senior Pastor
he joke around the Communications department is that I cannot remember their mantra, fumbling around with phrases like, “What we say counts,” or “The way we say things is important.” Their actual mantra is better and pithier: “Words matter.” Indeed they do, so we need to find the right words. In the same way, “Thoughts matter” — and what we believe about God is a powerful example. As a child, Alexandre Dumas, the great 19th century novelist (The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, The Man with the Iron Mask), was found by his mother, charging up the stairs of their mansion with a gun over his shoulder after he learned his father was dead. “Alexandre, what are you doing?!” she exclaimed. “I’m going to the bedroom to kill the God who killed Father,” he answered. A response more honest than most and just as confused . . . and a reminder to me that our ideas about God really DO MATTER. Who do you say that God is? Tim Keller writes that the difference between Christianity and other religions is simple. The others all fill their writings with a list of behaviors and beliefs, saying, “Do this in order to be saved.” In contrast, from the beginning, Christianity has been about discovering the person of Jesus Christ, finding a relationship with God based on what He has already done for broken humanity. When Jesus says to His followers,
CPC Life is a monthly publication of Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC). Complimentary copies available monthly at CPC or at Mail Subscriptions: Suggested annual donation of $20. Please write Editor, CPC Life, Christ Presbyterian Church, 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435.
“Who do you say that I am?” He’s asking which view of God we hold onto. Do we need to accomplish and believe “enough” to be saved, or find a Savior to love and follow through life? Our answer makes all the difference, for us and those around us. H. Richard Niebuhr said, “Liberal Christianity is largely a human construct; it is what happens to a revealed religion after human beings finish redecorating it to modern tastes.” He summarized the liberal gospel: “So a God without wrath brought men without sin into a
“Do we need to accomplish and believe ‘enough’ to be saved, or find a Savior to love and follow through life? Our answer makes all the difference.” kingdom without judgment through the work of a Christ without a Cross.” It equates to belief without challenge, truth without consequences. The harder parts of the Gospels are a sign of their genuineness, because they are not what we would have made up if we were inventing a religion to satisfy our desires. I hope I’ve whetted your appetite for this month’s sermon series, AM: John“ICrosby Jesus in His Own Words.”serves It matters, as it really does, how you answer quesSeniorthe Pastor tion of who Jesus is. Blessings on your autumn!
Email Subscriptions: To receive a link to the monthly online version, contact We welcome your letters and comments! Please email © Christ Presbyterian Church 2012.
Director of Communications: Sharon Sampson Editor: Jennifer Boardman Art Direction & Design: Jeremy Emmerich Editorial Assistant: Claire Sweem ©
Mixed Sources
Product group from well-managed forests, controlled sources and recycled wood or fiber
Caller ID
“You can’t have a calling without a Caller,” writes author and social critic Os Guinness. So, who does God call
Parental Guidance Necessary
The Wednesday night Parental Guidance (PG) class returns for its second year as we continue to find ways to make our
us to be? Dialogue and share stories about God’s unique call for each of us at a special off-site event and dinner on October 13. Learn more on page 9.
“The Invitational God” Video
Watch our recent video on the power of invitation at CPCer Lynn Giovannelli gives great kids’ faith “stick.” Kick off this four-week series with Bruce Locklear, Edina High School Principal, on October 24. Learn more on page 7.
follow Jesus:
love others:
Event Audio
If you missed hearing Archbishop Elias Chacour on September 23, watch it at or download audio at Audio from our “Christianity & Culture” Wednesday series is also available online.
CPCers wrote 167 life verses on the LIFE letters throughout the summer.
advice for those hesitant to invite others on the Christian journey: “To invite doesn’t mean to convince; it just means to invite!” Watch the video for Lynn and other great voices.
CPCers are attending the Lay Care Ministry Training class to
learn how to better encourage, support, and serve the hurting in our community.
live missionally:
children currently sponsored in Moyo, Zambia through CPC’s partnership with World Vision.
Inspiring all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally.
C u rrent Worsh ip Se rie s
Our questions. Jesus’ answers. What happens when despair is pervasive? Who pierces this darkness? Jesus said, “I AM the Light of the World” (John 8:12).
by Dan Anderson, Congregational Care
t was an ordinary day for a shepherd named Moses. He was tending ordinary sheep in an ordinary wilderness pasture, when, suddenly, everything became extraordinary. A bush was on fire yet not burning up! A voice called out from this flaming shrub — the voice of God! “Moses, I have a job for you,” the voice said. “Here is what you are to do . . . .” Moses listened to the instructions and then asked what he should say if someone asked who sent him. God replied, “If they ask, say, ‘I AM has sent me.’” (Exodus 3). Centuries later, when people asked Jesus about His identity, He replied with these words: “Before Abraham was born, I AM!” (John 8:58). Still today, we find ourselves asking, “Who is this Jesus?” Jesus also answers our question with two compelling words: I AM. There are many ways to know people. One approach is to watch their actions. How do they behave? How do they relate to others? How do they respond in challenging circumstances? Another way to learn about people is to listen
to what others say. What have others observed? What are the encounters and experiences of other people? What have they come to believe is true? A third way to find out about people is to listen to their own declarations about themselves. Do they speak with confidence and authority? Are their words trustworthy and reliable? Can their assertions be validated?
As God said to Moses, and Jesus said to His followers, Jesus still says to us: “I AM.” This fall at CPC, we consider what Jesus has to say about Himself. As God said to Moses, and Jesus said to His followers, Jesus still says to us: “I AM.” This month our sermons and Sunday Community teachings will focus on the seven “I AM” sayings of Jesus from the Gospel of John. We encourage you to be present in worship and participate with an interactive Sunday Community as together and individually we discover more about Jesus, the Great I AM.
Wednesdays, October 3-November 28 from 6:00-7:30PM in a nearby home Go deeper into the October worship series in an eight-week small group. Discuss I AM: Discovering Who Jesus Is and also learn tips on how to effectively study the Bible. Register:
Where does one turn for soul satisfaction? How does it feel to be content? Jesus said, “I AM the Bread of Life” (John 6:35).
How does it feel to be an outsider? How does it feel to belong? Jesus said, “I AM the Gate, the Good Shepherd” (John 10:9-11).
Who answers the question, “Is that all there is?” Jesus said, “I AM the Resurrection and the Life” (John 11:25).
What is life like when we are stagnant? What is life like when we are vibrant and growing? Jesus said, “I AM the Vine” (John 15:1).
What does it mean to flounder, to be directionless? What happens when life becomes purposeful? Jesus said, “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6).
Loving My Child Through Mental Health Challenges
e all have our crosses to bear” were the words of my spiritual mentor when I told him about a child of mine who was struggling with mental illness. Surely there’s more to it than that, I thought. Being a pragmatist and feeling pretty strong in my faith, I was stubborn about two things in response to these words:
Unlike a condition that’s accompanied by an obvious physical disability, people who suffer from depression, anxiety, et cetera, look like everyone else. Most of us expect them to act normally because they look “normal.” For many years, that was my response. Frankly, it has been the response of many of my family members, teachers, and friends as well.
1. There must be something I can do to fix it.
Right at the time when my wife and I had reached an emotional low with this challenge, we got word that a new support group was forming at CPC that would help lift up parents who are experiencing the same battle. That
2. Why would God burden me with something so difficult when I’ve been so obedient to Him — well, fairly obedient? As these words have echoed many times in my head over the last few years, I’ve learned to lean on God’s strength and understanding in all things, to know that He will be glorified through all things, and, of course, to trust Him in all things. Most parents would put having healthy children at the top of the list of things they are grateful for. It was a sad day for my wife and me when we learned one of our children was suffering from more than one mental illness. Illnesses of this kind (depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, ADHD) are in some ways more challenging to accept because the physical manifestation is absent. “Invisible” is how many professionals in the mental health field describe these ailments. “Erratic,” “asocial,” “disturbing,” and “offensive” are a few of the common descriptors used to illustrate the behavior of a person suffering from a mental illness.
The folks involved in GHC have given us a safe place to share our victories and defeats, our praises and sorrows, and our wisdom and ignorance. group, known as Grace & Hope For Our Children (or GHC), has been active for more than a year. It has done exactly what the name suggests — not just bring grace and hope for our children, but grace and hope for us as parents. One defining factor of our emotional low was realizing the number of friendships we had lost because of common misunderstandings, lack of knowledge, or fear centered around our child. We felt like outcasts. With very few to turn to, the folks involved in GHC have
given us a safe place to share our victories and defeats, our praises and sorrows, and our wisdom and ignorance. Something important we’ve learned in the last year is that mental illness doesn’t go away, short of a miracle. It can change, and it can be managed more effectively, but it doesn’t go away. The sharing of our experiences (clinical, emotional, and spiritual) has been a form of God coming alongside us, putting His arm on our shoulder, and asking us to trust Him to reveal His glory. In particular, the members of this group have encouraged me to accept my son the same way God loves him. My hope is that other parents, either inside or outside CPC, will hear about this group and have the courage to attend. Unfortunately, for many of us carrying this cross, it does take courage to open up and talk about it. The support of GHC has given me clarity of how God wants me to live through this, to grow in my love for Him, and to share what He has taught me. Being joyful in all things and putting on the love of Christ, particularly when that cross feels heavy, are at the top of the list.
The author remains anonymous to respect his child’s privacy.
Meets 3rd Thursday monthly from 7:00-8:30PM in the Fireside Room Grace & Hope is a support group for parents who want to love their children through emotional/mental health issues. Learn about the topic of each meeting at
In the October 2011 CPC Life, Melissa Clark, then a high school junior, shared about her CPC trip to Zambia and how it prompted her to start a new feeding program for the orphans she met. Now, one year later, Melissa shares what’s happened with FEED ZAMBIA, the feeding program she and other CPC high school students started for orphaned children with HIV/AIDS. returned to Zambia this July with a team of 17 from CPC. The second-to-last day of our trip was the day I had been waiting for — the day we would finally visit the Feeding Program. As I ran off our bus, I looked ahead of me, and immediately my whole body was overwhelmed with a sense of excitement, peace, and joy. I looked around and saw a whole year’s worth of hard work and support before me. There were so many things that had changed since we visited this same location last year. The one thing I noticed right away that was different was the look on kids’
faces. Their expressions were no longer of despair and sadness but a new look that I later realized was hope. Mandy Jester [CPC Student Ministries staff] and I rushed immediately to the kitchen to help prepare the food kids would eat that afternoon. Then we had the opportunity to serve the children and sit with them while they ate. It was a powerful reminder that the program wasn’t all about raising money but about bringing that look of hope to each child’s face. When we visited one of the other programs the following day, I wasn’t surprised to see the same hope in their smiles. I was so excited to bring this news back to the community at CPC and thank everyone for their support. Last year, our 2011 team, including Maddi Bigos and Mandy Jester, set a goal of raising $32,000 by the start of this school year. We finished the summer only a couple thousand dollars short of that goal. Both the Kids’ and Student Ministry programs collected offerings for FEED ZAMBIA, and so many CPCers have worn our FEED ZAMBIA
bracelets. Your support has helped the program expand food service to more kids, increase the number of times per week they get fed, and add support for things like the creation of a borehole [for getting water]. As we start another year of fundraising, perhaps our most important goal is that we want this feeding program to become 100% self-sustainable. Our CPC fundraising provided each program with their own chickens, corn, and a new store to provide revenue. God is working through this program in huge ways. He has brought the kindest servants, provided for the program countless times, and, most importantly, brought hope to each and every one of His children. We could not be more excited to team with you and God to start a brand new year of fundraising to help more kids in Zambia. To learn more about FEED ZAMBIA, contact Melissa Clark at mel_clark@ To donate, make checks out to CPC and mark “FEED ZAMBIA” in the memo line.
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CPC Ministry Programming October 2012
At CPC, we seek to inspire all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. Please look through the various programs for kids, students, and adults — and join us! For fuller descriptions and more information on any of these programs, please visit
Prayer Gathering Sunday, October 7 & Thursday, November 1 at 7:00PM in the Chapel Come together for worship and prayer as we ask and listen corporately for God’s leading for CPC. Led by the Prayer & Healing Team and CPC elders. Prayer Walk Take a Prayer Walk around CPC to seek God for the future of our church and denomination. A prayer guide is available at the Welcome Center.
Survey Results & Presentation October 6/7 after services John Mitchell, Executive Pastor, will lead a short presentation on the results of the survey 1,300 of you took this summer. Hard copies of the survey results will also be available. CPC House Gatherings Ten meetings between October 11-28 Attend a house gathering this month to discuss our denomination and to hear the Session’s recommendations for next steps. Gatherings will be October 11, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25 from 7:008:30PM and October 14, 21, 28 from 12:30-2:00PM in area homes. Register at or in the Great Room.
Wednesday, October 17 at 12:00PM A traditional service with a short message by John Crosby, hymns, Communion, and prayers. Lunch follows.
Wednesdays, October 17 & 31
Sunday, October 21 at 12:00PM in the Sanctuary The Session has called the Annual Meeting of the Congregation to hear a financial report on CPC’s activities for the fiscal year ending May 31.
Wednesdays, October 3 (Sanctuary) & 10 (Room 204) from 6:00-7:30PM John Crosby leads two more panel discussions on contemporary issues in the Church, culture, and politics. Hear different perspectives on the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict and the upcoming election. How do we discuss and disagree graciously? Learn more at October 3: Peace in the Middle East: Israeli Voices (featuring Uri Zaki) October 10: Hot Topics in the 2012 Election (featuring CPC staff)
Wednesdays, October 3-November 28 from 6:00-7:30PM in a nearby home Go deeper into the October worship series in an eight-week small group. Discuss I AM: Discovering Who Jesus Is and learn tips on how to effectively study the Bible. Register: cpconline. org/register. Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226;
DATE NIGHT with the phenows
Saturday, October 6 from 7:30-9:00PM in the Fellowship Hall Date Nights are a new marriage enrichment ministry for couples of all
ages. Start with dinner out as a couple, then enjoy dessert, speakers Rich and Jody Phenow, and a discussion. Cost: $8/couple. Register: register. Contact: Mary Allen at x243;
Saturday, October 6 & Thursday, October 18 Catalyst is CPC’s ministry for young couples without kids. Join us October 6 to serve with Urban Homeworks and on October 18 for a potluck at Jimmy and Erika Bennett’s house (5332 Interlachen Blvd, Edina). Learn more at Contact: Laura Crosby at
Wednesdays, October 24-November 14 from 6:00-7:30PM in Room 204 We begin year two of our parenting series with Edina High School Principal, Bruce Locklear, discussing how our kids can have a great school year without selling out their faith. In following weeks, Becky Danielson, Licensed Parent Educator, inspires us with Scripture and practical tips, and Student Ministries staff shares how our kids at church can get the most from this school year. Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226;
Wednesdays, October 24-November 14 from 6:00-7:30PM in the Parlor The grand story of Creation in Genesis 1-2 is only the beginning. The Bible comprises multiple creation stories, and each is an extension of the original. Taught by Joyce Denham. Contact: CPC LIFE
Debbie Ducar at x226; debbied@
Tuesdays through November 27 from 6:30-8:30PM in the Fireside Room Are you trying to make “cents” of your finances? Offering practical, biblical resources for financial management. You will more than reap the cost of the class as you learn how to better manage money! Cost: $100/household. Register: Contact: Dan Anderson at x298;
Two new groups are forming for couples in their 20s-30s and 40s-50s. Groups meet one evening a month in homes. We also need leaders and will train you! Contact: James Madsen at x308;
Sunday Communities offer a place to belong and a place to grow with people in a similar stage of life. This fall, we’re studying Jesus’ “I AM” statements. Learn more by picking up a brochure or visit SC. Contact: Dan Anderson at x298; MIXED TAPES (20s-30s couples) Meets at 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-West S.A.L.T. (40s-50s) Meets at 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-East A.C.T.S. (50s-60s) Meets at 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-Ctr. CPC Singles (mostly 40s & 50s) Meets at 9:30AM in Balcony Room 201 MORE (mostly retired) Meets at 10:45AM in Room 107 CREDO (intergenerational) Meets at 10:45AM in Room 108
Thursday, October 18 at 7:00PM in Room 202; meets 3rd Thursday monthly On October 18, we discuss Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. On November 15, we discuss Room by Emma Donoghue. Contact: Nancy Reutiman at 952.920.1837.
Wednesdays from 11:00AM-12:00PM in Room 203 Rick Byron leads this study on Mark. We meet every Wednesday except Edynamoes days. Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226;
Thursdays from 7:00-8:00AM in Room 201 Deepen your faith in this currently formed men’s group. Contact: James Madsen at x308;
Starts Thursday, October 11 from 7:30-9:00PM in Room 109; meets every Thursday A new small group for women in their 20s and 30s is forming. Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226;
Saturday, October 13 from 10:00AM2:00PM in Room 10; meets 2nd Saturday monthly Our mission is to make warm garments and blankets for local agencies that serve the needy. We have yarn, fabric, and knitters to get you started. Please also come Saturday, October 20 at 10:00AM to set up the Great Room for our annual display. Contact: Sally Stoutenburgh at 952.927.6915.
Starts Tuesday, October 30 from 6:308:30PM in Room 108; meets every other Tuesday Learn how to draw prayer circles around your dreams, family, and God’s promises. Study The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson, which includes a DVD lecture and discussion (book available in Pathway). Register and contact: Jane Pooler at 952.829.9260;
Large Group Wednesdays, October 10 & 24 from 9:3011:30AM in the Fireside Room; meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays monthly On October 10, Lisa Jamieson speaks on “When Crisis Collides with Love.” On October 24, Nancy Hellander Pung speaks on “The Book of Ruth.” Cost: $45/year; $60/child for childcare. Register: Contact: Tanja Pofahl at tanja.pofahl@gmail. com. CDs available in Pathway for $3.
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There is room in our newly created monthly evening small group. Perfect for working moms; childcare not available. Contact: Tonya Beck at
Large Group Thursday, October 25 from 9:1511:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Dawn Fleming Ramaker speaks on “Gaining Power and Losing Control: Parenting Your Teen Fearlessly.” Learn about positive parenting, discipline, setting boundaries, and communication, while incorporating God into the details. Cost: $5/session; $35/ year. Register: or at event. Contact: Ann Satterthwaite at 952.393.1388; annsatterthwaite@ Small Groups Daytime groups meet twice monthly from 9:30-11:00AM; evening group meets from 7:00-8:30PM Contact: Cheryl LaMone at
Circles combine fellowship, learning, and service in a small group setting. They consist primarily of women over 50; new members always welcome. Lydia Circle Saturday, October 20 at 9:30AM in the Parlor We will talk about our travel stories. Visitors welcome. Contact: Ellen Hastings at 952.896.0066. Esther Circle Saturday, October 20 at 10:00AM at the home of Penny Smith (6566 France Avenue South #603, Edina 55435); meets 3rd Saturday monthly Join us for fellowship and a discussion of Charles Colson and Rick Warren’s Wide Angle. Contact: Penny Smith at 952.920.3440. Martha Circle Wednesday, October 17 at 10:00AM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Wednesday monthly Dawn Allan, Director of BRAVA!, is our guest. Contact: Pat Haberkorn at 952.941.4188. Ruth Circle Meets every Wednesday at 9:30AM On the first and third Wednesdays of the month, we meet in a home
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for food, fellowship, devotions, and prayers. On the other Wednesdays, we serve at Feed My Starving Children and at CPC, including cooking and serving lunch for Edynamoes and doing office projects. Contact: Barb Bucha at 952.470.4414.
Mondays through November 19 from 9:30-11:45AM in the Fireside Room Our fall Bible study is David: Seeking a Heart Like His by Beth Moore. This newly updated study of David, a man after God’s own heart, features a large group DVD lecture by Beth Moore, small group discussion, and fellowship. Cost: $30. Register: cpconline. org/register. Contact: Ann Schofield at
Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 1:30-3:00PM in the Parlor As you approach retirement age, do you still want to grow in your faith? We are a vital and dedicated group of older women who want to continue to follow Jesus even more closely. This year we are studying James. Contact: Sandy Thoermer at 763.559.2960.
Tuesdays through May from 1:002:30PM in Room 107 Carolyn Beatty leads an in-depth Bible study on Mark. This group generates lively discussions and cares for one another. Contact: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983.
50+ NESTERS (Active Retired-Age) Sunday, October 7 at 12:00PM in the Fireside Room Our “Growing Wiser” luncheon features Jean Greener from Presbyterian Homes discussing housing options for retirement years. Cost: $10. Register: Mary Allen x243; EDYNAMOES
Wednesday, October 31 at 11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Please join us for a hotdish and salad luncheon followed by a program by Rich and Jody Phenow who will share the adventures of their recent mission trip with high school students to Zambia. Cost: $5. Register: Judy Romine at
952.929.4983 by October 29. Please bring Jerry’s receipts (cash purchases), Campbell’s Soup labels, and can tabs.
Tuesday, October 2 and 16 from 6:308:00PM in Room 203; meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays monthly A support group for women dealing with depression or bipolar disease. Contact: Debbie Manning at x275;
Wednesdays, October 3-November 14 from 6:15-7:15PM (no care group on October 31); first three meetings in the Parlor, the last three at a home near CPC Feeling overwhelmed with anxiety? Discuss relevant topics, learn ways to cope with our anxious thoughts, and be supportive of one another. Contact: Karin Miller at 952.915.9072.
Tuesday, October 9 at 6:00PM in the Parlor; meets 2nd Tuesday monthly Grief Recovery is for those who have lost a loved one. We experience God’s hope and healing through fellowship, prayer, and sharing a meal. Contact: Debbie Manning at x275; debbiem@
Thursday, October 11 from 6:307:30PM in the Fireside Room; meets 2nd Thursday monthly Designed for people with dementia and their care partners, this free series is a partnership between CPC and the Alzheimer’s Association’s MinnesotaNorth Dakota Chapter. The October talk is “Communication and Behavior – Practical Tips.” Contact: Mary Allen at x243;
Friday, October 12 from 10:00AM12:00PM in Room 108; Thursday, October 25 from 7:00-9:00PM in Room 107; meets 2nd Friday and 4th Thursday We knit or crochet shawls with the hope of being vessels for God’s presence and comfort. Everyone welcome; coaching and materials provided. Contact: Pat Johnson at 952.947.0734.
Thursday, October 18 from 7:008:30PM in the Fireside Room; meets 3rd Thursday monthly Does your child experience emotional or mental health issues? You are not alone. Join other parents as we care for one another on our journeys. Contact: Doug Brown at 612.839.9992;
Mondays through November 26 from 7:00-8:30PM in the Fireside Room Become a trained Lay Minister to encourage, support, and provide tangible acts of service to those who are hurting. Areas include Grief Recovery, One-on-One Support, Hospital Ministry, Prayer & Healing, and Senior Visitation. Register: Debbie Manning at x275; debbiem@
Saturday, October 6 from 8:30AM3:00PM Work alongside other CPCers aged 16 and over to rehab homes in North Minneapolis. Work includes demo, garbage removal, painting, and yard work. Enjoy a group lunch at a nearby restaurant to get to know each other better. Register: Contact: Kim Glenna at 612.927.0641;
Sundays, October 7, 14, & 21 in the Great Room Visit the sponsorship table after worship to learn more about sponsoring children in Moyo, Zambia.
Saturday, October 13 from 4:309:30PM at Urban Ventures in the Colin Powell Center (2924 4th Avenue South, Minneapolis 55408) When we follow Jesus, God asks us to take next steps in discovering who and what He is calling us to be. Be part of a new CPC lay-led movement to dialogue and share stories about discovering fulfillment in God’s unique call on your life. Register: cpconline. org/register. Contact: Chelsie Frank at x227; CPC LIFE
CPC GO! Trips
Short-term trips to see, love, and serve God’s people. Register: register. Contact: Leslie Boie: x274; Beni, Congo with Congo Initiative January 18-28, 2013 Chelsie Frank, Missions Intern who represented CPC in Congo for four years, leads this adult-only trip. Learn about the bold vision to raise courageous leaders in this beautiful but troubled country. Meet students at Christian Bilingual University of Congo. Lusaka, Zambia with Jubilee Centre March or April 2013 Pastor Rich Phenow leads this adultonly trip to see the joy of our partners in Zambia. Experience how the churches in Zambia live out the gospel of compassion and love. Care for others in a different cultural context, learn from victims of violence, and walk alongside pastors, lay leaders, and youth who serve in the name of Christ.
Saturday, October 6 from 3:30-5:00PM in Room 204 The Communion Workshop is for elementary-aged children and their parents, led by Kari Dubord and a CPC pastor. We’ll talk about why Communion is special and when to begin taking it. A light supper will be served ($3/adult; $2/child, max $10/family). Register: Anne McCracken at x216;
Wednesdays, October 3, 10, & 24 from 6:15-7:30PM A night of fun, large group learning, and small group discussion for 6th-8th graders. If your student has not yet registered, please do so at cpconline. org/register. Contact for Elevate (6th7th grades): Van Chounlamountry at x306; Contact for CC (8th grade): Carrie Gleeson at x258;
Wednesday, October 17 from 6:00-
8:00PM; buses leave from CPC Ruckus is our fun-filled monthly outing. This month, we head to Sky Zone for a night of bouncing on super fun trampolines. There are only 75 spots, so sign up fast. Register: cpconline. org/register. Contact: Van Chounlamountry at x306;
Saturday & Sunday, October 27-28 in Willow River, MN The Fall Retreat is a meaningful and mandatory part of the Commitment Class experience. We head back to Camp Heartland for a weekend of growing closer to each other as we draw closer to God. Register: Contact: Carrie Gleeson at x258; carrieg@
Student Ministries staff writes all Wednesday night curricula. Visit to see what your student is learning.
Wednesdays, October 3, 10, & 24 from 8:00-9:15PM If your student would like to plug into a core group, contact Brooke Toftoy at x286;
Wednesday, October 3 from 8:009:15PM in the Fireside Room; subsequent Wednesdays in homes Freshmen meet in the Fireside Room for one more house group. Subsequent Wednesdays, freshmen meet in homes. Contact: Matt Moberg at x260;
Student Ministries staff writes all HSM curricula. Find it at Check out what your students are talking about to help them grow.
the table TABLE HANG-OUT
Sunday, October 14 at 7:00PM at CPC Hot cider! S’mores! Hot chocolate! Join us for our second annual Table bonfire right after the service.
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Mondays from 6:00-8:00PM Young Life Minneapolis North has a huge turnout of high schoolers every Monday. Groups needed to purchase, prepare, and serve food. Meal cards available. Contact: Chelsie Frank at x227;
Saturday, November 10 from 9:0010:45AM in the Multi-Purpose Room Join us for a morning of crafts, cookie decorating, face painting, and air jumping. Sign up in your child’s classroom. Contact: Martha North at x280;
Bag Collection: November 10/11 Provide groceries to needy families for Thanksgiving dinner. Volunteers needed to distribute bags to agencies. Volunteer: Contact: Jeff Conrad at 952.893.1748;
Starts November 17/18 Adopt-A-Family provides Christmas gifts for families who otherwise can’t afford them. Contact: Patty Doyle at
Saturday, November 17 from 9:00AM4:00PM An opportunity to buy crafts and artwork, plus cookies and lunch to benefit mission efforts and arts programming. Contact: Linda Cravens at 952.922.5473.
Thursday, November 22 at 9:30AM Begin your Thanksgiving Day celebrations with us as a worshiping community, offering our thanks to God.
Faith Story:
Bruce Locklear Edina High School Principal
grew up in the Deep South in pretty intense poverty. My father was Native American and my mother was white, and it wasn’t a fun thing to be of mixed blood in those days. I witnessed a lot of anger and hatred. My first exposure to church came through a woman I called Aunt Bernice. I was 12, and my family was unchurched. But Aunt Bernice picked me up every Sunday morning and took me to Sunday School. I had to memorize Bible verses — and it was work! Around the age of 13, I turned my life over to Christ. Still, I was a troubled kid and a naughty student. Again, God brought someone into my life to transform my future. A teacher named Doris Johnson looked at me one day and said, “You can either choose to do something with your life or you can stay in McColl, South Carolina, and be a nobody.” When I asked her what she meant, she said, “You need to go to college.” I told her my dad was a 6th grade dropout and my mom struggled to finish high school; I didn’t know anything about college. She helped me fill out an application to Florence Darlington Community College, and she even gave me money for the application. She changed my life. Every time I graduated from college, got another degree, earned my doctorate, and went into education, I wrote her a letter and said, “Ms. Johnson, thank you. You made a difference.”
I came to Edina High School six years ago from Delano. That first year, I was invited to speak at CPC for a group called Moms of Teens. I was blown away by the environment. To see these mothers come together and pray their teens through school and life touched my heart. CPC later invited me to talk to a men’s group, and again everyone was so welcoming. My wife and I were still attending a church in Delano. But two-and-a-half years ago, we made CPC home.
“I know who I am: I am a child of God. I know God loves me and I love God.” Sometimes it’s hard to have a public job like I do. You can go to church and still be seen as “the principal.” But at CPC, I’ve been welcomed as just Bruce or Doc Loc. I like that my life overlaps as a CPC member and as principal. I enjoy seeing kids or parents at church, and if I have a need from school on my heart, I have people to take it to. This place is so Spirit-filled, prayerful, and engaged. I try to model care and thoughtfulness, as well as hard work and dedication. I am often seen in the hallways and
lunchroom talking with students and asking them about their day. It sends a message that I care about them as an individual and not just someone who attends the high school. I’m very aware of the line between being a principal in a secular school and sharing my faith at school, and I don’t cross that line. At the same time, Christ’s love is such a big part of my life, hopefully it shines through. When I see kids from difficult backgrounds or kids who get in a lot of trouble, I’m able to say, “Been there, done that.” I’m empathetic. Some kids don’t know how to get around the roadblocks in their lives. The best thing I can do is sit down with them and help them discover hope. Hope is a very precious commodity and we can lose it so quickly. But hope can lead to aspiration and then to success — and all of a sudden, failure is removed from the equation. My favorite verse is Isaiah 40:31. The verse epitomizes challenges — but, even more, it epitomizes where we gain our strength. Our strength is from the Lord! With His strength, we’re able to mount on wings of eagles. I’ve faced a lot of challenges in my lifetime. I have lost both of my parents and my only brother. But on this journey, I’ve learned faith, learned prayer, and I’ve learned hope. Each morning, my best prayer room is my car. I have a 30-minute commute, and I pray my way here. I pray for my day, the interactions I’ll have with people, and that I’ll be able to say and do the right things. I ask God to be with my wife and my girls, and for safety and guidance for our students. I pray for hope and constant direction for me — because I need all the help I can get! People trust me to serve their kids; I don’t take that lightly. There have been some tough things we’ve had to navigate as a school and district. It’s in the trials that we need something to cling to. Faith isn’t really faith until it’s all you have left to hang onto. Those are the moments you turn inward and ask yourself: what’s my core, what am I centered on? I know who I am: I am a child of God. I know God loves me and I love God. And really nothing else matters. CPC LIFE
In Our
Congratulations to:
Jon and Bianca Chance on the birth of their daughter, Eisley Bianca, on July 12. Kit and Ashley Leary on the birth of their son, Grayson Michael, on July 22. Grandparents are Steve and Holly Stapel. Katelyn Kruse and Stephen James McMahan, who were married August 31 in the Sanctuary. The Rev. Brad Jackson officiated. Dana Ruth Tomasko and Anthony Paul Reimer, who were married September 9 at The Woods Chapel in Orono. The Rev. Dr. John Crosby officiated. Robyn Vanessa Kemp and William Bruce Kutney, Jr., who were married August 18 at the Mill City Museum. The Rev. Brad Jackson officiated. Katheryn Marie Ulmer and Patrick Allen Alexander, who were married August 18 in the Chapel. The Rev. Paul Tshihamba officiated. Hilary Thompson and Nicholas Evans, who were married August 18 at Villa Bellezza in Pepin, WI. The Revs. Rich and Jody Phenow officiated. Robert A. Lundberg, on his ordination with Presbyterian Homes and Services and the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area. You are invited to his ordination service and reception on Saturday, October 6 at 1:00PM at CPC.
Ann Schoening Stark, Drew Schoening, and Paul Schoening on the passing of their mother, Mary Schoening, on April 24 in Illinois. A burial service was held July 30 in Le Sueur. The Rev. Rich Phenow officiated. Judy, Bill Jr., Bob, and Susan Rieckhoff, and Nora Kittendorf on the passing
of Judy’s husband, Bill Jr., Bob, and Susan’s father, and Nora’s son-in-law, William “Bill” Rieckhoff, on August 1. A memorial service was held August 8 in the Sanctuary. Debbie Manning officiated. Peggy Trainis and Ron Trainis on the passing of Peggy’s husband and Ron’s father, John Trainis, on August 28. A service was held August 31 at Dawn Valley Chapel. The Rev. Dr. John Crosby officiated. The family of Cynthia Clare Johnson who passed away on September 4. A memorial was held September 10 in the Chapel. The Rev. Dan Anderson officiated. JoAnn and Jeffrey Hawthorne on the passing of JoAnn’s sister, Betty Jane La Fleur Lentz, on September 8. A memorial service was held September 14 in Wisconsin. John and Sharon Dulin on the passing of John’s mother, Janet Dulin, on September 6. A memorial service was held September 18 in the Chapel. The Rev. Rich Phenow officiated. Barb Harmon and family on the death of her sister-in-law, Kristin Cote, on September 19. Kristin’s daughter, Kate, attends CPC Elevate. A memorial service was held September 25 at The Church of St. Patrick in Edina.
Shelly Adams-Jones - Methodist Lily Dobesh - Crosstown Surgery Center Denise Harlos - Abbott NW Gavin Johnson - Minneapolis Children’s Tim Hanson - Abbott NW Diane Couling - Methodist Barbara McConnell - Methodist Cal Colvin - Abbott NW Dawn Allan - Abbott NW Annabelle Wallace - Abbott NW Jeannie Androsoff - Abbott NW
Carrie Gleeson joins Student Ministries as Director of Commitment Class (8th grade). Tanja Pofahl joins the Pathway team as Pathway Associate. Steph Spencer joins The Table at CPC as Director of Community. Jodi Bjerke joins the Kids’ Table as Preschool Associate. Jillian Maloney joins the Kids’ Table as Elementary Associate. Erin Deakyne joins Kids’ Ministries as Program Year Intern.
Ministry Offering Budget: $932,375 Actual Offering: $810,603.80 Variance: ($121,771.20) Mission Partner of August: $12,287.30 YTD Mission of the Month Total: $20,283.62 Expenses are under budget year-to-date. Summers in Minnesota are a true gift! We relax, spend time away on vacation or at the cabin, and a few of us (just a few of us) may not be at church as often as we are during all those months ending in “ber”! We are a generous congregation when we are around — so now that we are back in action, we look forward to a month or two when we help CPC catch up to the contribution levels we need for thriving and inviting programming at CPC. A special thanks to the families who have blessed us by purchasing 1,000 copies of Blood Brothers — what a gift and a great way to get all of us reading, learning, and connecting together. - John Mitchell, Executive Pastor
Years of Serving God & CPC!
At a September staff meeting, we prayed for Rich and Jody Phenow as they marked their 25th anniversary at CPC. We also celebrate these staff members who have served for 20 or more years: (L-R) Jane Nienaber (24 years, Worship & Music), John Crosby (23 years, Senior Pastor), Beth Montgomery (27 years, Membership), Rich Phenow (25 years, Congregational Care), Jody Phenow (25 years, Congregational Care), Heather Hood (27 years, Worship & Music), Debbie Ducar (20 years in June, Adult Ministries), Frank Uvodich (20 years in November, Facilities).
Archbishop Elias Chacour, three-time nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize, speaks about reconciliation in the Middle East.
Fun at the Family Fall Festival!
of the
Books, music, quotes, apps, art, videos, websites, people, places, and things that get us to think about God in new and exciting ways.
her meneutics
(n.) the Christianity Today blog for women. The her meneutics blog provides news and analysis from the perspective of evangelical women. It covers news stories and books related to international justice, evangelism, pregnancy and sexual ethics, marriage and singleness, parenting, pop culture, health and body image, and raising girls in the church and parachurch.
by Elizabeth Hunnicutt
You Version – The Bible App
“Undone” features acoustic versions of new and old songs that center around grief, sorrow, hope, and joy. I have personally thanked her for beautifully putting to music the words my heart needs to be reminded of and wants to sing.
This free app contains the entire Bible (in multiple versions) as well as reading plans, notes, and daily Scripture lessons.
- Sara Lightbody, Worship & Music
Twitter offers a modern way to hear from Christian classics.
@HenriNouwen @CSLewisDaily
Find it at iTunes,, and Pathway. Verse most cited by CPCers during our summer Life Verses worship series:
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11 CPCer Fred Scaife wrote a D i e tri cbook h called Eyes of Hope: Caring for Orphans and Widows in Africa. After getting involved in CPC Missions, he became a founder of Bunia Children’s Hope Center in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Pick up a copy of Fred’s book in Pathway to read how God has worked among “the least of these” in Bunia.
B onho e ff e r
Watch video testimonies of well-known people in the sports, entertainment, and business industries as they describe how they have chosen to put God and others before themselves.
Book: Still
by Lauren F. Winner
Brad Jackson
Brad serves as the Pastor of The Table at CPC. He’s been on staff since 2006.
Q What was your upbringing like?
I was raised in a great home, on the fundamentalist Baptist side of Christianity, and we were fortunate to attend really great churches. We wanted to be in church, to be in youth group. It was just good. I grew up in the “moment of conversion” sect of Christianity, so I think I got saved about 873 times! But I did have early faith. It wasn’t until my mid-20s, however, when I was introduced to the likes of N.T. Wright [Anglican Bishop and scholar] that my faith was not born out of fear but out of an understanding of what it really means to follow Christ.
Q When did you receive the calling to become a pastor?
I felt the calling since I was a kid. I would preach John 3:16 over and over to my family, and they would walk the aisle to accept Jesus every time. In college and seminary, I felt my calling consistently affirmed. I went to seminary in Philly, started a church, and married a Minnesotan. No one tells you that when you marry a Minnesotan, she’ll want to return home someday! When I first started at CPC, I was Outreach Pastor and oversaw men’s ministries. Along with my passion for preaching, I love relational mentoring with guys. I mentor a few younger pastors around the U.S. as well as some Table guys.
Q Why do you think mentoring is important?
Everyone needs someone pouring into them from a generation or two above, and they need to be pouring into someone from a generation or two below. I think that to only “take in” is an act of selfishness. The first mentor I had was a seminary professor, and out of that grew a desire to have people pouring into my life. I have a mentor in Philly, and one of my best friends in town is a pastor. My friend and I don’t say we’re mentoring one another, but we have a more intentional friendship than if your Average Joes got together. We talk about Scripture, pray together, and talk about our families and ministry.
Q What about ministry is most life-giving to you?
I’m most passionate about preaching through and from a book of the Bible to a local community over the course of time. At my church in Philly, we worked our way through Genesis for a few years. This is one of the reasons my daughter Genesis has her name. I don’t think I necessarily have the gift of evangelism, but I have the heart of an evangelist. Nothing gives me more energy than someone finding Christ for the first time — or even again. Since a lot of people in Minnesota grew up in the Church, they are often the ones reconnecting with Him. They start to understand that following Jesus is a pretty big deal.
Family: Wife, Stacy; daughters, Genesis (9) and Trinity (7) Book you’ve recently read: The Pastor by Eugene Peterson
Hobbies: Playing golf, spending family time in the yard with neighbors and friends Pet: Yorkie named after John Elway CPC LIFE
Worship Times this Month Saturdays at 5:15PM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 9:30AM | Traditional Worship Sundays at 11:00AM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 6:00PM | The Table (for the Next Generation) Wednesday, October 17 at 12:00PM | Mid-Month Chapel
This Month in Worship October 6/7 | I AM the Bread of Life (John 6:35, 48, 51) | John Crosby speaking at all services October 13/14 | I AM the Gate & Good Shepherd (John 10:7, 9, 11, 14) | John Crosby speaking; Lee Hanssen at The Table October 20/21 | I AM the Resurrection & Life (John 11:25) | Brad Jackson speaking at all services October 27/28 | I AM the Vine (John 15:1, 5) | John Crosby speaking; Brad Jackson at The Table November 3/4 | I AM the Way, Truth, & Life (John 14:6) | John Crosby speaking; Matt Moberg at The Table
I AM: Jesus in His Own Words
As Christians, what we believe begins with in Whom we believe. Who Christ is, what He claimed about Himself, and what He demonstrated to us through His life and death, make up the foundations of our faith. This series examines Jesus’ seven “I AM” statements from the Book of John, unpacking the revolutionary promises, assurance, and salvation that Christ gives to all who profess His name.
october At A Glance (see pages 7-10 for details) SUN
1 Women in the Word Lay Care Training
7 Sunday Communities (S.C.) Nesters Prayer Gathering
14 S.C. House Gathering Table Hang-Out
21 S.C. House Gathering Congregational Meeting
Ruth Circle 3 Wednesday Study 60s & Still Growing Christianity & Culture Wednesday Programs
Ruth Circle 10 Wednesday Study Mom’s Morning Christianity & Culture Wednesday Programs
Tuesday Women’s Study Financial Peace University (FPU) Women’s Depression Group
Women in the Word Lay Care Training
Tuesday Women’s Study FPU Grief Recovery
16 Tuesday Women’s Study FPU Women’s Depression Group House Gathering
Women in the Word Lay Care Training
22 Women in the Word Lay Care Training House Gathering
23 Tuesday Women’s Study FPU
Alzheimer’s Series House Gathering
Ruth & Martha 17 Wednesday Study Mid-Month Chapel 60s & Still Growing Ruckus MEA - No Programs House Gathering
CPC Book Club Catalyst Grace & Hope House Gathering
Ruth Circle 24 Wednesday Study Mom’s Morning Parental Guidance Wednesday Programs House Gathering
Moms of Teens Prayer Shawl Ministry House Gathering
Urban Homeworks Family Communion Workshop Date Night
13 Needlework Guild Caller ID
Prayer Shawl Ministry
20 Lydia Circle Esther Circle
27 Commitment Class Fall Retreat (through 10/28)
Christ Presbyterian Church | 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435 | 952.920.8515 | |