used to call them “my shallow guys.” For years our Thursday Men’s Small Group Bible Study would meet, have a breakfast bite, and talk about life. We read the Bible, too, but never really so deeply that it changed our lives. Good guys, but after a while I wanted to start another group and go “deeper.” But they kept meeting after I left the group . . . and something changed. Fewer breakfasts, more Bible, more sharing. Then one of them got really sick, and the group moved to the deep end of the pool. They prayed with Mike, but they also took him to doctor appointments. They had more meals, but they also pushed him around the block when he couldn’t walk any more. The last time Mike wanted to serve Communion he could barely stand, and one of the guys put his arm around him, holding him and the elements in the holiest Communion I’ve ever seen. When the end (of this chapter)
of Mike’s life came, the guys were all around the hospital bed the night before, none of us the same.
CPC Life is a monthly publication of Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC).
Email Subscriptions: To receive a link to the monthly online version, contact communications@cpconline.org.
Complimentary copies available monthly at CPC or at cpconline.org/cpclife. Mail Subscriptions: Suggested annual donation of $20. Please write Editor, CPC Life, Christ Presbyterian Church, 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435.
So when I read the story of the men lowering their friend through the roof
Now is the time to ask if you are in the “shallow end” or in a group that’s changing lives? to Jesus — the story of the paralytic in Luke 5 — I think of the “shallow group” guys and thank God for them. Most CPCers keep starting new groups every couple years, of all kinds. Most
We welcome your letters and comments! Please email communications@cpconline.org. © Christ Presbyterian Church 2013.
of the groups are short-term, because we never know if the chemistry’s right, if the time will work, or if we’re ready to let our guard down. Most groups enrich lives with laughter and shared fun, new insights and friends. But is that enough? Now is the time to ask if you are in the “shallow end” or in a group that’s changing lives. Are you still on the shore, waiting to get your feet wet but afraid it might mess up your life? It might (mess you up), you know, if people got to know the “real you.” But it’s good and right to move toward the “deep end of the pool” of Life with fellow travelers!
John Crosby serves as Senior Pastor. He has started five men’s groups at CPC. He and his wife, Laura, have been in a covenant group with three couples for 23 years.
Director of Communications: Sharon Sampson Editor: Jennifer Boardman Art Direction & Design: Jeremy Emmerich Editorial Assistants: Maggie Keller, Claire Sweem
The Why? of Community
We are all traveling somewhere.
In life, where we start is not where we end up. Physically, emotionally, vocationally, spiritually.
When we are babies, we need to be in relationship to survive.
When we are grown, we need to be in relationship to thrive.
God designed us to travel life together. W e k n ow t h i s i s t ru e :
God is a relational God.
He yearns for communion with His people.
Humans are created to be relational.
We come alive when we feel seen and known.
Nothing, then, is more powerful than when people meet with people to follow God together.
Some good news: Our culture has never been more connected. Technology keeps people at our fingertips, access to information immediate. We check photos, feeds, stats. We “like” and “retweet” and “follow.”
But we need to ask: Are we truly c o n n e c t e d ? When was the last time someone pushed you to think a different way? When was the last time you invited someone to? When was the last time you sat with someone as they shared or cried or dreamt out loud? When was the last time you let someone sit with you?
Or is comfort getting in our way? We live in a culture that elevates convenience. We want things fast, easy, and cheap. But Jesus invites us into relationships that take time, effort, and sacrifice. How do we move from passivity to intentionality? CPC LIFE
The difference is Jesus. He chose His 12. Who are yours?
Jesus taught us what real community looks like. Jesus’ 12 were intentional.
Do we go beyond self, comfort, and chemistry to serve a greater purpose?
Jesus’ 12 intentionally studied God’s Word together. Do we learn together and challenge one another?
Jesus’ 12 intentionally prayed and cared for one another.
Do we pray each others’ prayers and carry each others’ burdens?
Jesus’ 12 intentionally served and encouraged each other. Do we serve one another and beyond?
You can’t always choose your path. There are bumps along the way. There are also joys.
You experience loss. You get a promotion. Your child struggles. You decide to go back to school. You get divorced. Your doctor shares a tough diagnosis. You run a marathon. You lose your mother to cancer. You find out you’re having twins. You have tough questions. You are growing a big faith.
So choose your companions first.
A Call to
Already in a group? Take inventory.
Three components set apart a social group from a courageous small group where growth and life change happen. Take inventory of your group twice a year and be intentional to keep these things present.
1. study
Make the Word of God a centerpiece in your group’s time together. Look at Scripture in a way that shapes your lives. Need book ideas or studies? Contact James Madsen, Pastor of Adult Ministries, at jamesm@cpconline.org.
2. Care & Pray
Invest in others’ lives and invite them into yours. Pray and rally around each other in need. Be vulnerable with your questions, fears, and struggles. Need resources or extra support? Contact the Congregational Care team at laycare@cpconline.org.
Offer your time and talents in service of one another and those outside your comfort zone. Volunteer. Sponsor a child. Mow someone’s lawn. Bring a meal. Need service ideas? Contact Mike Hotz, Pastor of Local Missional Engagement, at mikeh@cpconline.org.
not in a group? Join one.
Unless otherwise noted, please contact Deb Carlson at 952.920.8515 x316 or debc@cpconline.org.
Read and discuss together Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus: How the Jewish Words of Jesus Can Change Your Life by Lois Tverberg, who will join us for one of the fall sessions. Books available for purchase in Pathway. Register: Jane Pooler at jane.plr55@ gmail.com.
Starting in October; meets one Tuesday evening monthly This new group welcomes all in their 20s and early 30s — single or married — to build a community that shares life and grows together through Bible study.
Tuesdays, October 15-December 17 from 6:30-8:00PM in Room 200 This small group for men and women is led by Rob and Sally Lund and uses the Gospel Identity study, focusing on the blessings we’ve been given through our new identity in Jesus and how that impacts everyday life. This is the first study in the Gospel Transformation series.
Wednesdays beginning October 23 from 6:00-7:30PM in a nearby home This group for men and women, led by Rita van Rijn, uses the Gospel Growth study, focusing on our transformation by the power of the Gospel. This is the second study in the Gospel Transformation series; completion of Gospel Identity is recommended, but not necessary.
Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00PM in Room 201 Become part of this men’s group starting in October. All are welcome; please register first.
Wednesdays, October 23-December 11 from 6:15-7:30PM in Room 204 Six weeks of topical small groups for Dads, Parents of Pre-Schoolers/ Early Elementary, Parents of Upper Elementary/Middle School, and Discipline for Kids. Register: cpconline. org/register.
Thursdays from 7:00-8:00AM in Room 108 Deepen your faith in this men’s group led by James Madsen as we study Gospel Love. New members welcome. Contact: James Madsen at 952.920.8515 x308 or jamesm@ cpconline.org.
Thursdays from 7:00-8:00AM in Room 201 This men’s group, led by Matt Faulkner, is studying Mere Christianity. New members welcome.
1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 1:30-3:00PM in the Parlor As you approach retirement age, do you still want to grow in your faith? This is the group for you. We are a vital, dedicated group of older women who want to follow Jesus even more closely. Join us as we grow in relationship with Jesus and each other by studying Scripture and caring for each other in various ways. Contact: Sandy Thoermer at 763.559.2960.
Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30PM in Room 107 Carolyn Beatty leads this committed group of mature women studying the very foundational book of Mark. This group generates lively discussion and cares for one another. Contact: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983 or jdthromine@yahoo.com.
Every other Friday from 6:30-7:30AM at Starbucks (on W. 50th St. in Edina) This group of women of various ages and stages studies Scripture or does book studies together. Contact: Beth Schneider at 952.237.0243; bethaschn@hotmail.com.
Meets 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays, 9:30AM-11:15AM In Paul’s letter to Titus, he encourages older women to mentor younger women as wives, mothers, friends, and spiritual sisters. Join us for a great combination of serious study with mentoring and fellowship.
Ongoing start dates New small groups organized by age and life stage will launch as couples register.
start a group.
Let us help. Contact James Madsen at jamesm@cpconline.org.
2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 6:45-8:45PM in Room 10 Learn more about Jesus’ Jewish context and what it means for your faith. CPC LIFE
By Lee Hanssen
n the fall of 2005, I boarded a cruise ship for a study abroad program called Semester At Sea. I spent my fall semester literally on a cruise ship seeing the world. I would love to tell you I worked really hard in class to obtain good grades, but that would be a lie. (I’m a pastor; I am not allowed to lie.) Most afternoons at sea were spent lying by the pool, planning my next grand adventure. As I laid by the pool, I’d often remember how my pastor used to describe his hope for the Church: “This isn’t a cruise ship; this is a battleship.” He wasn’t talking about being at war so much as emphasizing Christ’s desire that none of us simply float through this journey. We are called to find a place to serve and help the Church be what Christ intended: more like Him. It reminds me of the Apostle Paul’s desire for us to “grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ.” Paul goes on to say this is only possible if “the whole body, held together by every joint with which it is equipped, is working properly . . . ” (Ephesians 4:15-16 ESV). Well, I did get a D in Anatomy (seriously), but I’m pretty sure the joints Paul is referring to are you and me. And I’m pretty sure we aren’t functioning properly if we are simply cruising through our faith journey, blissfully unaware, enjoying a comfortable ride as someone else brings us to our next port of call.
I came to CPC three years ago to a building I didn’t know, filled with people I didn’t know. Now, for the first time in 30 years, I have what I would call a “home.” That didn’t just happen. One of the first things I did upon my arrival was join a small group. I’ll admit the first meeting was awkward. We were all so different and carried our own set of strange quirks. Over time we studied Scripture, prayed, laughed, cried, and served together. It took
So grab your stations and find your place. Because like my old pastor said, “This isn’t a cruise ship; this is a battleship.” intentionality, sacrifice, time, and effort, but it was worth every minute. This random group of strangers took residence in my heart and became part of my community. God used them in my life to make me more like Christ, and He used me in theirs. That is a beautiful thing. Being part of a church isn’t about making more friends; it’s about
becoming more like Christ, and we can’t do that alone. How tragic if we were to live out this life surrounded by people just like us. You see, the reality is I can’t do this Christian life without you, and you can’t do it without me. It’s not really about “you” or “me” anyhow; it’s about “us.” It’s about learning how we can function together to grow up in every way into Christ. It’s about finding a group of people that wants to walk with Jesus together to make a difference in this world. It’s about doing life together. It’s about being intentional to let a building of strangers become your community. I loved my time on the cruise ship, but I don’t want to live my life that way. And I don’t want you to either. So grab your stations and find your place. Because like my old pastor said, “This isn’t a cruise ship; this is a battleship.” All aboard.
Lee Hanssen serves as CPC’s Director of Student Ministries, which places every single student in a small group with a mentor. Lee, who married Hallie in May 2013, is pursuing his M.Div at Bethel Seminary.
I was baptized at CPC during a Sunday service. The night before, the whole men’s group came over to our house. We read the story of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus. There’s a verse where God says, “This is my Son, in whom I am very pleased.” As I was baptized, it was very moving to think about God looking at me in the same way and being pleased with me.
Coming to Small Group, Coming to Faith By Mike Bingham
or the first 40 years of my life, I was not a person of faith. Something changed in me after I sold a business I had started. It was a very successful sale, which was satisfying. But I remember sitting in my office, looking out over the western suburbs, thinking, “Is this all there is?” Things were great in my life: I had a happy marriage, two healthy daughters, professional success. But as I sat looking out my office window, for the first time in my life, I had the desire to talk with God. I said to Him, “What do you have for me? What direction now?” I went home and told my wife about my prayer. She was connected to CPC and trying to raise our daughters with faith. She said, “If you’re serious about seeking, you need someone to help you.” A friend recommended we call John Crosby. So I did. John listened to my questions and gave me two books: C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity and Lee Strobel’s The Case for Christ. He said they’d be good places to start. Then John said, “Would you like to come to my men’s small group?” The next Tuesday morning at 7:00AM, I came. I was still a seeker, not a believer, and the seven other men welcomed me. They seemed like normal guys like me, and it was interesting to see their willingness to talk about things most men consider private or threatening. They were studying the book of James at the time.
I returned to the group each week. As I read the Bible, the words were so compelling; they reached out and touched my heart. I also worked through the books John Crosby gave me. The approach C.S. Lewis takes in Mere Christianity was very appealing. I remember getting to the same place Lewis did, where it took more intellectual energy not to believe in God than it took to believe. That was a real flip. When you’re an atheist, you think
I’ve learned that being a faithful Christian is not about me; it’s about me in relation to others. people who believe in God are straining to fit their foot into a size 2 shoe. That was me — until I found I could no longer explain the universe without a Creator. Once I satisfied the intellectual questions, I made that leap of faith to put my trust in Christ. About six months after I started going to the men’s group, I was on a walk with my wife when I said to her, “I believe.”
It’s been eight years, and I’m still in the men’s group every Tuesday. Scripture is almost always a focus of our hour together. If it wasn’t — if we were just a bunch of guys getting together to talk before work — it would get pretty stale. We’d end up talking about business, politics, or sports — things you can talk about with anybody. Focusing on Scripture allows us to support one another, and be supported, in a deeper way. When I need prayer or to talk about something, it’s very comforting to know they’re there. The willingness to be vulnerable is also important. I don’t think a group really gels until it can rally around somebody or something. It can be hard for men to share; we think being vulnerable will be humiliating. The only way to get past it is to do it. As soon as someone opens up, the others follow. A lot of people try to push down their brokenness, but Christianity has allowed me to say, “I’m imperfect, and that’s okay.” I realize how broken I am. Everyone fails at something, usually every day. When I screw up, I seek the wisdom of the Scriptures and say to God, “I’m back, I want to do better, will You help me?” Jesus came so we don’t have to measure up on our own. That’s the Gospel. That’s grace. Without it, we’d all be miserable failures without hope. I’ve learned that being a faithful Christian is not about me; it’s about me in relation to others. I’m an introvert, so being in groups is not natural for me. But I know without my group I’d be missing something huge in my life. It’s how I came to faith and how I’m learning to live out my faith. I wish the same for everybody.
Mike Bingham works at Presbyterian Homes & Services. He and his wife, Paige, have two daughters, Greer and Blair.
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CPC Ministry Programming October 2013
At CPC, we seek to inspire all generations to follow Jesus, love others, and live missionally. Please look through the various programs for kids, students, and adults — and join us! For fuller descriptions and more information on any of these programs, please visit cpconline.org.
Saturday, October 12 from 8:00-9:30PM in the Sanctuary Rich Larson, CPC’s Primary Contemporary Worship Leader, and his friends share music from a variety of genres, including hymns, worship songs, classical sacred material, secular standards, and just plain fun music! Free and open to the public. Sponsored by the CPC Christian Fine Arts Committee.
Sunday, October 13 at 12:00PM in the Sanctuary The Session has called the Annual Meeting of the Congregation to hear a financial report on CPC’s activities for the fiscal year ending May 31.
Mea Wednesday program break
Wednesday, October 16 Kids’ Ministries: no programming Middle School: no small groups; Ruckus event (see page 15) High School: no House Groups Parental Guidance: no class
Wednesday, October 16 at 12:00PM A traditional service with a short message by John Crosby, hymns, Communion, and prayers. Lunch follows.
Sundays at 9:30AM in Room 109 Connect with newly married (or soonto-be!) couples for food, laughter, study
and discussion, plus socials and service. This fall, we study The Power of a Whisper by Bill Hybels. Like our Facebook page. Contact: Jessica Schelitzche at jessica.schelitzche@target.com.
Sundays at 9:30AM and 10:45AM Sunday Communities offer a place to belong and grow with people in a similar life stage. This fall, we study God’s interactions with His people in the Old Testament. Visit cpconline.org/ SC. Contact: Dan Anderson at x298; danderson@cpconline.org. MIXED TAPES (20s & 30s) Meets at 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-West S.A.L.T. (mostly 40s & 50s) Meets at 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-East A.C.T.S. (mostly 50s & 60s) Meets at 9:30AM in Fellowship Hall-Ctr. MORE (mostly retired folks) Meets at 10:45AM in Room 107 CREDO (intergenerational) Meets at 10:45AM in Room 108
Wednesdays, October 2-December 11 from 6:15-7:30PM in Room 204 PG seeks to equip parents through the challenges and joys of raising Christian kids in a secular world. Our fall series, “How to Navigate . . .” continues with: October 2: The Chaos of Culture October 9: The Strong Pull of Social Media October 16: MEA break Starting October 23, we divide into small groups; see page 9 for listing. Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226; debbied@cpconline.org.
Saturday, October 12 from 7:15-9:30PM This popular marriage enrichment ministry is led by Rich and Jody Phenow.
Come for dessert, then attend the concert by Rich Larson & Friends (see listing to left). Cost: $8/couple. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Mary Allen at x243; marya@cpconline.org.
Thursday, October 17 at 7:00PM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Thursdays We discuss In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson. Contact: Nancy Reutiman at 952.920.1837.
Wednesdays, October 23-December 11 from 6:00-7:30PM in a nearby home Learn about the origin, inspiration, preservation, and authority of God’s Word — why it matters and why we can trust it. CPC’s four Essentials classes are beneficial for everyone but especially for those newer to faith or Bible study. Each of the four classes is offered approximately once a year; you do not need to take them in order. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: James Madsen x308; jamesm@cpconline.org.
Mondays from 9:30-11:30AM in Room 107 A discussion-oriented Bible study on the Acts of the Apostles for men and women. Join anytime. Childcare available ($50/semester). Contact: James Madsen at x308; jamesm@cpconline.org.
Wednesdays from 11:00AM-12:00PM in Room 203 Rick Byron leads this lively discussion on Mark. We meet Wednesdays except Edynamoes days. Contact: Debbie Ducar at x226; debbied@cpconline.org.
small groups A call to REGROUP! See page 9 for a listing of new groups and existing small groups open to new members.
Saturday, October 5 from 7:00-9:00AM in the Fellowship Hall Men are invited for food, fellowship, and to hear from comedian Bill Arnold of Triple Espresso fame. Steve Hartwig, CPC member, shares his faith story. Cost: $10 in advance, $12 at the door. Advance registration closes at 12:00PM on Thursday, October 3. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Deb Carlson at x316; debc@cpconline.org.
Mondays through November 25 from 9:30-11:45AM in the Fireside Room Our fall Bible study is Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy by Beth Moore. This study on living with integrity in a self-absorbed society features a large group DVD lecture by Beth Moore, small group discussion, and fellowship. Childcare available ($50/semester). Cost: $25. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Ann Schofield at womenintheword@cpconline.org.
Saturday, October 12 from 10:00AM2:00PM in Room 10; meets 2nd Saturdays Our mission is to make warm garments and blankets for local agencies that serve the needy. We have yarn, fabric, and knitters to get you started. Contact: Sally Stoutenburgh at 952.927.6915.
Large Group Wednesdays, October 9 and 23 from 9:30-11:30AM in the Fireside Room; meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays Join other moms for fellowship, prayer, and inspirational speakers. On October 9, Bev Coniaris speaks on “Sarah, An Ancient Woman with a Modern Message.” October 23 is Fall Fellowship Day; Joani Essenburg from Banyan
Community shares her testimony. Cost: $45/year; $60 for childcare. CDs in Pathway for $3. Register: cpconline. org/momsmorning. Contact: Megan Bireley at meganbireley@gmail.com. Daytime Small Groups 1st, 3rd, 5th Wednesdays from 9:3011:30AM Small groups connect moms following Christ through Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and Christ-centered support. Childcare: $60/year. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Stacia Fetters at stacia.fetters@gmail.com. Evening Small Groups 1st Tuesdays or 2nd Thursdays from 6:45-8:45PM Want to join a Mom’s Morning small group, but can’t attend Wednesday mornings? Evening small groups are open. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Stacia Fetters at stacia.fetters@gmail.com.
Large Group Thursday, October 24 from 9:1511:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Katie Solem speaks on “Parenting Your Teen with Love and Logic.” Learn how to set boundaries, model behavior, and when to stand firm in the face of consequences. Cost: $5/session; $35/ year. Register: cpconline.org/register or at event. Contact: Ann Satterthwaite at annsatterthwaite@comcast.net. Small Groups Daytime groups meet 2nd & 4th Thursdays from 9:30-11:00AM; evening group meets 1st & 3rd Mondays from 7:008:30PM Small groups provide in-depth support, study, and discussion of Christian teen parenting books. Evening group alternates between the book study and watching a video of the monthly Large Group speaker. Contact: Cheryl LaMone at 612.275.3436; cheryllam@juno.com.
Circles combine fellowship, learning, and service in a small group setting. They consist primarily of women over 50; new members always welcome. Martha Circle Wednesday, October 16 at 10:00AM in the Parlor; meets 3rd Wednesdays New friends welcome! Contact: Pat Haberkorn at 952.941.4188. Lydia Circle Saturday, October 19 at 9:30AM in
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Room 204; meets 3rd Saturdays We hear from Carrie Gleeson, Director of Commitment Class. Contact: Ellen Hastings at 952.896.0066. Esther Circle Saturday, October 19 at 10:00AM at the home of Char Bonniwell (18107 Woolman Drive, Minnetonka 55345); meets 3rd Saturdays Esther Circle studies spiritual gifts this year. Contact: Char at 952.474.1330. Ruth Circle Meets every Wednesday at 9:30AM On the first and third Wednesdays, we meet in a home for food, fellowship, devotions, and prayers. On the other Wednesdays, we serve at Feed My Starving Children and at CPC, including cooking and serving lunch for Edynamoes and doing office projects. Contact: Barb Bucha at 952.470.4414.
50+ NESTERS (Active Retired Folks) Sunday, October 20 at 12:15PM in the Fireside Room Join us for a “Growing Wiser as We Grow Older” luncheon. Guest speaker, Jonathan Freed of Edina Community Education, speaks on “Social Media: A Brave New World.” Cost: $10. Register by October 16: Mary Allen at x243; marya@cpconline.org. EDYNAMOES
Wednesday, October 30 at 11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall Following our luncheon, Marthe Herbert presents “Animal Ambassadors,” a wacky, wonderful show with live exotic animals! Cost: $5. RSVP by October 28: Judy Romine at 952.929.4983. Please bring Jerry’s cash receipts, Campbell’s labels, and can tabs.
Mondays through November 25 from 7:00-8:30PM in the Fireside Room Become a trained Lay Minister to support and provide tangible acts of service to those who are hurting. Areas include Grief Recovery, One-on-One Support, Hospital Ministry, Prayer & Healing, and Senior Visitation. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Debbie Manning at x275; debbiem@cpconline.org.
Tuesday, October 8 from 6:00-8:30PM in the Parlor; meets 2nd Tuesdays Grief Recovery is for those who have lost a loved one. We experience God’s hope and healing through fellowship, prayer, and a meal. Dan Anderson speaks this month. Contact: Debbie Manning at x275; debbiem@cpconline.org.
Thursday, October 10 from 6:30-8:00PM in the Fireside Room; meets 2nd Thursdays A series for care partners and those with Alzheimer’s and related dementias. Debbie Richman of the Alzheimer’s Association of Minnesota-North Dakota speaks on “Living with Alzheimer’s: Early Stage.” Contact: Mary Allen at x243; marya@cpconline.org.
Friday, October 11 from 10:00AM12:00PM in the Parlor and Thursday, October 24 from 7:00-8:45PM in Room 107; meets 2nd Fridays and 4th Thursdays We knit or crochet shawls with the hope of being vessels for God’s presence and comfort. Everyone welcome; coaching and materials provided. Contact: Pat Johnson at 952.947.0734.
Saturday, October 19; depart North Entrance at 9:00AM; meets 3rd Saturdays A ministry for those dealing with practical issues following the death of a spouse. Join us for an “Apples and Autumn Colors” outing along the Mississippi River. No cost; meals at your own expense. Register by October 16: Mary Allen at x243; marya@cpconline.org.
Tuesday, October 22 from 7:00-8:30PM in the Parlor; meets 4th Tuesdays Does your child experience emotional or mental health issues? You are not alone. Join other parents as we care for one another on our journeys. Guest speaker, Dr. Abraham Verjovsky, talks about TMS therapy, treating depression without medication, and teenage chemical dependency. Contact: Doug Brown at 612.839.9992; dbrown@ dcbrowninc.com.
Meets monthly; contact for times
Are weight issues keeping you from experiencing abundant life? Do you look to food for emotional needs or struggle to lose weight? No weigh-ins; lots of grace and support! Contact: Sandy Radeke at 952.452.1205; sandy_radeke@earthlink.net.
Saturday, October 5 from 9:30AM-1:00PM Serving Saturday is an all-church service opportunity for all ages and abilities as we love God and others in tangible ways. Meet at CPC, then spread to various sites in the neighborhood and city. Register in the Great Room or at cpconline.org/register. Service ideas? Contact Mike Hotz at x210; mikeh@ cpconline.org.
Sunday, October 13 from 6:00-8:00PM at St. Edward’s Church (9401 Nesbitt Ave. S., Bloomington 55437) Learn more about the recipient of CPC’s 2012 Christmas Offering, Banyan Community, which transforms lives by developing youth, strengthening families, and creating community in the Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis. Speakers include Banyan youth; there is no cost. RSVP: Lori Nissen at 612.865.6527; lori@banyancommunity.org.
RUN Training in progress. Race: Saturday, October 26 in St. Paul Are you a runner with a mission? Join Laura Crosby and Team World Vision for the half-marathon as they raise money for clean water in Moyo. Join the team or donate: teamworldvision. org/goto/cpc131. SPONSOR Around weekend services in October Sponsor a child from Moyo through World Vision. Stop at our table in the Great Room. Contact: Leslie Boie x274; leslieb@cpconline.org. CORRESPOND Send a personal note to your sponsored child for hand delivery by the trip team in November. Envelopes are limited to size 10x12; a list of suggested items posted on the orange collection box in the Great Room and on cpconline.org/ serve. Contribution: $5/envelope.
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Beginning mid-October In this new tutoring ministry at Calvary, K-5th graders get help with homework (tutoring in reading and math), a healthy evening meal, and Bible-based programming. Their parents are also involved. Volunteer as a tutor or as a meal coordinator — a great activity for a small group! Contact: Dan Kerrigan at 612.872.7855; dan@calvarychurchmpls.org.
Wednesdays, October 2, 9, 23, & 30 (no programs October 16) Wednesday programs for K-5th graders are a place to learn about God and live out faith through music, friendship, reading the Bible, and connection to leaders. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Sara Lightbody at x203; saral@cpconline.org.
Saturday, October 5 from 4:00-5:00PM in Room 204 In this workshop designed for elementary-aged kids and their parents, we discuss why Communion is special. Led by Kari Dubord and a CPC pastor. A light supper is served ($3/adult; $2/ child, max $10/family). Register: Jill Campbell at x216; jillc@cpconline.org.
Saturday 5:15PM, Sunday 9:30AM, 11:00AM, & 6:00PM services During weekend services, we minister to children (6 weeks through 6th grade) and families by engaging kids in their relationship with Jesus. Register: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Jill Campbell at x216; jillc@cpconline.org.
Student Ministries staff writes all Wednesday night curricula. Visit cpconline.org/students.
Wednesday, October 30 from 6:008:00PM; meet in the Sanctuary Kids’ and Student Ministries team together for a night of service. Work on projects by grade level at CPC or in the
9 5 2 .9 2 0 .8 5 1 5 | cp conl ine .org
community. Parent volunteers needed! Contact: Student Ministries at x305.
Wednesdays, October 2, 9, & 23 from 6:15-7:30PM (Ruckus October 16; Service Learning October 30) A night of large-group learning and small-group discussion for 6th-8th graders. If your student isn’t registered, visit cpconline.org/register. Contact for Elevate (6th-7th grades): Van Chounlamountry at x306; vanc@cpconline. org. Contact for CC (8th grade): Carrie Gleeson at x258; carrieg@cpconline.org.
Wednesday, October 16 from 5:508:00PM; buses leave from CPC Ruckus is our fun-filled monthly outing. This month, we head to Sky Zone for a night of bouncing on super fun trampolines. Cost: $8. Contact: Van Chounlamountry at x306; vanc@cpconline.org.
Wednesdays, October 2, 9, & 23 from 8:00-9:15PM (no House Groups October 16 & 30) If your student would like to plug into a core group, contact Trevor Tinsley at x304; trevort@cpconline.org.
The table
10:45AM in the MPR Join us for a morning of crafts, cookie decorating, face painting, and air jumping. Sign up in your child’s classroom. Contact: Martha North at x280; marthan@cpconline.org.
Bag Collection: November 16/17 Provide groceries to needy families for Thanksgiving dinner. Volunteers needed to distribute bags to agencies. Volunteer: cpconline.org/register. Contact: Kurt Hansen at 612.867.1814; kurt.hansen@baml.com.
COOKIE fundraiser SALE
Drop-off: Friday, November 22 from 12:00-5:00PM at CPC Bake and donate cookies to be sold at the Holiday Boutique to benefit mission efforts. Contact: Linda Cravens at 952.922.5473.a
Saturday, November 23 from 9:00AM4:00PM An opportunity to buy crafts and artwork, plus cookies and lunch, to benefit missions and arts programming. Contact: Linda Cravens at 952.922.5473.
Thursday, November 28 at 9:30AM Begin your Thanksgiving Day celebrations with us as a worshiping community, offering our thanks to God.
Sunday, October 27 at 6:00PM Pastor Greg Boyd of Woodland Hills Church speaks on “The Primacy of Jesus” and facilitates Theology on Tap after the service (see below).
Sunday, October 27 from 7:30-9:00PM at Poor Richard’s (8301 Normandale Blvd., Bloomington 55437) The launch of a new Table ministry to foster conversations about the intersection of faith and issues that impact our lives. Greg Boyd leads.
Saturday, November 2 from 9:00-
Jody Phenow giving a Children’s Sermon
Kick-Off Ministry Fair Student Ministries IMPACT service dinner
Student Ministries IMPACT service dinner
Student Ministries IMPACT service dinner CPC Kids’ Family Fun Night
Rich Phenow teaching us about the blind man Jesus healed
In Our
Congratulations to:
Natalie Marie Jones and Paul Steven Yahnke, who were married August 3. The Rev. Brian Doten officiated. Molly Gail Brown and Cameron James Porter, who were married September 1. The Rev. Dr. John Crosby officiated. Kristin Sundet and Casey Pavek, who were married September 6. The Rev. Rich Phenow co-officiated. Monica Sullivan and Max Hintz, who were married September 14. The Rev. Rich Phenow co-officiated.
Marcia Olsonoski and family on the passing of her father, Harold “Hal” Williams, on September 12. Katie and Mike McElroy and their children, Ali, Shannon, and Sarah, on the passing of Katie’s mother, Joanne Willson, on September 15. Todd and Laura Mulliken and their children, Allyssa, Ashley, and Sara, on the passing of Todd’s mother, Nancy Mulliken, on September 17.
Lauren Scofield and Brandon Blixrud, who were married September 20. The Rev. Rich Phenow officiated.
Karen Brown, and Audrey and Brian Simmons and their children, Ben and Emma, on the passing of husband, father, and grandfather, Dennis Brown, on September 18. Dennis is also survived by daughter Janice Valgoi, who lives with her husband and two kids in Vermont. Read Dennis’s honest reflections on faith and dying in the Summer 2012 issue of CPC Life, available at cpconline.org/cpclife.
Allyssa Joy Mulliken and Andrew Thomas Pierre Wheeler, who were married September 20. Pastor Brad Jackson officiated.
Monica Veronica Solomon and Christopher John Spiegler, who were married Saturday, September 14. The Rev. Dr. John Crosby officiated.
Jim Fetterly - Abbot Northwestern Sue Anderson - Abbot Northwestern Rita Wray - Abbot Northwestern Chace Johnson - Mayo
The friends of Dorothy Smith, who passed away on August 22. The family of Delores Vezner, who passed away on August 30. Suzie Swenson and family on the passing of her mother, Jeann Knowland, on September 2. Carol, Blake, and Joshua Hanson on the passing of husband, father, and grandfather, James “Jim” Hanson, on September 3. Rich and Jody Phenow and family on the passing of Rich’s mother, Maurita Phenow, on September 8. Martha Feind and family on the passing of Martha’s mother, Jeanne Hewitt (Ulrich), on September 8. Howard and Melanie McCoy on the passing of Howard’s mother, Hallie McCoy, on September 8.
STAFF TRANSITIONS: Student Ministries Susan Harris left her position as Ministry Assistant for Student Ministries. Kids’ Ministries Eryn Meyer joins as Childcare Associate.
FINANCIAL UPDATE JUNE 1, 2012 – AUGUST 31, 2013 Ministry Offering Budget: $872,718.83 Actual Offering: $833,161.06 Variance: ($39,557.77) Mission Partner of March $10,056.13 YTD Mission of the Month Total: $24,077.35
Expenses are under budget year-to-date. CPC LIFE
of the
Books, music, quotes, apps, art, videos, websites, people, places, and things that get us to think about God in new and exciting ways.
– Prayer from the Church of England
The Contemporary Worship Team is introducing a few new songs during worship. Check them out on iTunes or YouTube. 18
- R o ma n s 1 2 : 2
“ No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” – John Donne
A Prayer for Peace in Syria Spirit of wisdom and grace, the power of truth and judgment; we pray for all who are working for peace in the tangled conflict of Syria today. For international leaders holding a thread of control, for the politicians holding a thread of power, for the religious leaders holding a thread of authority, for the fighters holding a thread of influence, and the citizens clinging to a thread of hope. Bring unity through the untangled order of justice. Bring reconciliation through truthful dialogue. Bring new life through patient diplomacy, determined mediation and courageous peace-making. We pray in the name of Christ, our source of inspiration and confidence. Amen.
“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Tough Questions, Direct Answers By Dale Hanson Bourke Bourke’s book provides extremely valuable data, vocabulary, perspective, and insight about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She lists questions many are asking, and then addresses them in a way that informs but does not overwhelm. And she does so with a commitment to a pro-Israeli, pro-Palestinian, pro-Peace paradigm. (The book is available in Pathway.)
– David A. Schwandt, CPC Member
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:34-35
“Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)” - Chris Tomlin “Lord, I Need You” - Passion “God I Look to You” - Bethel Music
Steph Spencer
Matt Moberg
Q Tell us about co-leading The Table with Matt.
Q Tell us about co-leading The Table with Steph.
Steph Spencer has served on The Table team since September 2012. She became Co-Director in May 2013.
Co-leading is similar to parents having to get on the same page before they talk to their kids: You have to refine your message. Matt and I trust each other and see each other’s gifting. I’m the process person. I love being in deep conversations about “What is the Church?” and then asking how we can actually reflect that in our ideals. Matt is a really smart, deep thinker, and he constantly reminds our team that we’re about Christ and not just programs. We balance each other out.
Q What excites you in life?
I love to recognize how God is at work in the simple things. That’s part of why I like to blog, too. My blog’s tagline is “engaging with God in everyday life,” and I’m currently moving through the Psalms to dig into this concept deeper. What I love about the Psalms is they give you permission to come to God from wherever you are. You can come angry, you can come weary, and you can come with questions. But just come. I also get excited about meeting people for coffee. I love conversations when we share stories. If I feel like I’ve had a really good conversation with somebody, it usually feeds me for quite a while.
Matt Moberg served as Co-Director of CPC High School Ministries until becoming Co-Director of The Table in May 2013.
I get excited and reckless. I’m very ADHD and could go a thousand different ways. Steph reins it all in and creates a system. I tend to be more of an idea person, and Steph is the one who makes sense of it all. She’s definitely the brains of the operation. I’m excited about this new season at The Table. We have a team that believes in the transforming power of art in services. And we have a community that loves each other and God. We can put all these programs into place, but it doesn’t really matter if people don’t want to invest in each other.
Q What excites you in life?
I’m a musician, and I love the different crowds and places my music takes me. I get to see faith and culture intersect in exciting ways. I recently played at Aster Café, and afterward I sat at the bar with a guy, sharing stories back and forth. Asking bigger questions with a complete stranger makes me feel connected — it’s exciting stuff. I come from a big family: three brothers and a baby sister. We’re all really loud, and we love being around each other. These people are a big deal to me. As I get older, I realize how amazing a close family actually is.
Hometown: West Bend, WI Family: Husband, Kirk (married 13 years); sons, Cameron (7), Alex (3) Guilty pleasures: Playing Bejeweled Blitz on phone Hobbies: Blogging (everydayawe.com), hanging out with her kids, cooking Favorite vacation spot: St. Lucia Fun fact: She and Kirk got engaged in Paris at the turn of the millennium
Hometown: Arden Hills, MN Family: Wife, Lauren (married two years); son, Wyatt (5 months) Guilty pleasures: Two Fantasy Football teams Hobbies: Reading (history and biographies), writing and playing music, hanging out with family and friends Fun fact: His music is played in Starbucks, on MTV, and on other TV shows (CDs available in Pathway) CCPPCC LLI IFFEE
OCTOBER 2012 3
15 19
Worship Times this Month Saturdays at 5:15PM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 9:30AM | Traditional Worship Sundays at 11:00AM | Contemporary Worship Sundays at 6:00PM | The Table at CPC Wednesday, October 16 at 12:00PM | Mid-Month Chapel
This Month in Worship October 5/6 | REGROUP: Friendly Troublemakers (Mark 2:1-2) | John Crosby speaking October 12/13 | REGROUP: David’s Mighty Men (1 Chronicles 11) | John Crosby speaking October 19/20 | REGROUP: Jesus’ Community (Mark 2:13-17) | Steph Spencer speaking
REGROUP: The Power of Community
October 26/27 | REGROUP: Unsafe Churches (Acts 17:6) John Crosby speaking
The Table (Sundays at 6:00PM) is doing a special October series called MORE on their vision and values .
As followers of Jesus, we need intentional community in order to flourish and thrive. But it has to go beyond mere social exchange for God to move and change us. REGROUP is an effort to reignite life-changing community at CPC as we study Scripture together, pray and care for one another, and make service a priority. With these three commitments at the center, our focus becomes less about gaining new friends, and more about walking with Christ together.
OCTOBER At A Glance (see pages 12-15 for details) SUN
29 Sunday Communities (S.C.) Catalyst
7 In the Word Women in the Word Lay Care Training
S.C. Catalyst
13 S.C. Annual Congregational Meeting Catalyst Banyan Dinner 20 S.C. Catalyst Nesters
30 In the Word Women in the Word Lay Care Training
14 In the Word Women in the Word Lay Care Training
21 In the Word Women in the Word Lay Care Training
1 Tuesday Afternoon Women’s Study Financial Peace University (FPU)
8 Tuesday Afternoon Women’s Study Grief Recovery FPU
15 Tuesday Afternoon Women’s Study FPU
22 Tuesday Afternoon Women’s Study FPU Grace & Hope
Ruth Circle 2 Rick Byron Study 60s & Growing PG Wednesday Night Programming
Ruth Circle 9 Rick Byron Study Mom’s Morning PG Wednesday Night Programming
5 Men’s Breakfast Serving Saturday Family Communion Workshop
Alzheimer’s Series
Needlework Guild Rich Larson & Friends Concert Date Night
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Ruth & Martha 16 17 Rick Byron Study CPC Book Club 60s & Growing Mid-Month Chapel Ruckus No Wednesday Programming (MEA)
Ruth Circle 23 Mom’s Morning Rick Byron Study Essentials 401 PG Wednesday Night Programming
24 Moms of Teens
19 Beginning Again Lydia Circle
World Vision Half-Marathon
Christ Presbyterian Church | 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435 | 952.920.8515 | cpconline.org | facebook.com/cpconline | @CPCEdina